Newspaper Page Text
city r4al kntat*. run ralr. " C^nlrml. ~~ ARMORTMKNT CHOICE 11 WE LLINQH?MODERATE pncea ova production : Mod for description. DUUUIN IKOM8MAN. architects. ttS Kast diet. Cash oppkk w*ntki^-kok iivfoot planished or uufnrniahed House. 30 West dial sL E\cban?raa ton aide red. Tub hi/ropkan uonokesb. ~ .--PLClAL CABLE DKSPATCHBH EVERY NIGHT IN TUB fcVEXIMU I ELBGRAM. KnitTldr. For hale?valuable tkn-rent property in Cherry St., and also aalnable Stable Property in ft?th at., ?ear 5tl> ar. Apply to W. H. H fc KY, Herald olbae. Lois for stlk.-buiLdkh" ATTKNXION-04 fast front, by 100 lees deep, nartb aide 58th at., between 1 at and I'd are.; cellars due out; buildioir atone on the around, tewer lu, street pared, Ac. Apply to JAM En VoUOVKKN,owner, 303 Kaat dial at. Went Bide. A FIVE STORY DOCMl.K HRlOE HOUSE, PAYING 13 per cent, 3?tU at., at aaerlBce. ?I ULEKT PECK. 368 We at 84th at. FSOK OK LB A8B?TW K.NT Y-O N K LOTS OP Ground, Irentlnc on 1 lib sr., 10th aad 31at eta. Apply to II Kh KING A CO.. 3.11 Broadway, eoruar Murray at. "Lots, WKsflirH nr.. between uth an d ioph era.: no rock; no uaoucy If improved. oWNKR, 4)0 Teat 17th. BROOKLYN PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO RENT. i" Vi k tN w^t >5^^TnrrY~Lo7~roffs ack oTTTa"? \J Finely located and fenced. Addreaa K1NU, vox 131 tTer*ld office. I) f?71/1 ?P?lt 8a"lK-A TWi> 8TOKTASD1AHlie .OUU.uaent frame llouee: all improvement!: all aa? eeeauirnit paid; $1.11X1 caab : alao lottr Lot*. ~BOO each, *700 caab near two .train ronda: alio a two alory and haaanient brick ; improvements; uiuat be eeea to be appro* elated Apply II. uitKBN. 183 Letrla ar., Brooklyn. WESTCHESTER COIKTY PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO RENT. A QRh AT BAKU AIN.-H ANOSOM R FARM. 80>> acre., near Star Snip. Weetebrater county ; orchard; SO acres well cnlilrated and wasered; mutt sell r I. OLIVER OAKTEK, 39 Naaeau at., roptn 11. CTOTTAOh TO RBNT CHEAT N F.A R TR iTniTTvT ./depot. finest condition ; (as, water. Pholograpns, par tlralara, at 3S Beekman at. tTTcrnisTiT.b corragk to let-iin vonkbrs, J L aerrn rooms; hnautllni location; ten mlnuiea from depot; *311 per month. Address K . Yonkera. a t a 1 ACUI. WKsTUIIKftl'EK K SlDfcNOIl. N K A K 0_/eltj, fur sale or rent. HlTCUb'PT,|2 Now Cham be ra at. PROPERTY OCT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT. J" J Eft lit ABLE MILL pKO PElfiYTFbS" SALE. A large four story brick Mill, unliable either lor crlet, Irttu ..r mineral grinding, centrally iiicHted mi Canal at., Pnil?d"lpiila: lot 155 lr<>nl by 130 leet duep; the mill con* taina aHO-linrse power engine and boilers, with two drying Bonra, ft run ol *imi -a, 4 large ehaaera, bolting and other apparatus uaed in mineral grinding. Far price nud lurther particulars apply to IIENKY 8. PA KMAL'IK, 3.1.1 South Sib at., Philadelphia. b {.It OA NT PC IIS loll Ku COiTAOhS AT OCEAN tldeach: low rcata. WM. C- HENDKICKoON k CO.. It East 14ib at. AOK SAi.E-- 1,000 ACRES UK UOOD FARM \ND liar lea Land. on I.?u: Island. ctieap and on oniy term*. Apply to A. J. BLKKCKKK k SON, 181) Broadway Nc* York. jToKBALE AT A SAOMiriOK?OOOO FARM OK 80 r seres, n ar ?lofriatown, N. J.: 1 tiilding-, stock and crops; price, f3,(XX). Apply to Off.StK, 54 Lalayetto place. lj'OK .-ALK Oil TO RhNT-PKOSPKOT LAWS VILLA; J; 15 minutes'drive from crntre el' . Itjr of .New Haven, Onnn.; alx acre* <>l high, well ahaded around, hoe views ami plenty of fruit: hoitae and outbuildings large and sub stantial ; built lot owner; alt modern improremouia and convenience*. Per price (which la vervlow) slid particu lars *ppiy to C. l>. I'KEDRU. Kb, 770 Broadway. (N ,;aNT) OPPORTUNITY"?J2 1CbX>7 MTOCKKl), Xevery thing perfect; M mlnatea nut; ureal baraaln. Call 30 Meet nouatou at M* Olt KISTOtV S. N. J. ? HANDBuMr. lthsll?a.hCK : 1? loonia: nil luiDr.veraeuts; atabiea, grounds, (bade, cardan : ureal aacrlttce; terms easy; owner. J. O. UoNUlUT, 149 Broadway. TA ?IPO 110, CO.NN.? liKKAT SACRIFICE, 11 AND. ? ??me Residence and Parol |35 acre*) ; l.n vreliarda; land lata.Ill v cultivated. 'rail traced and watered ;spleudid vlewa; only tU'..nKi, cost A'tZ.IK*). I. OL.iYKR CAKTKK, 31) Nassau st? room 11. a' to LKT-A NICK COTTAGE . T PAH ROCKaWAY, 'M .7 it uien' wnla from ral road italic, on Jamaica Bay; 100 rarda from unlet naihluu, fleaiug, Ac.: suitable Inr 6riant* family or boarders. Particulars at 143 Uiuh at, rvoklya. TTTrENT KOft TUB BUMBBR-AT KLIZaBKfll, N. J, from July 1. a Una House, of ten rnoma, completely furnished, Including crockery and linen: rent moderate. Apply to POOLER. Central National Bank, 3.U Broadway. tlTOuDLA.N 0.-1,300 aCKkT ?U I'EltlOK Wool), Tl Cape Bay county, N. J. Apply to buz 3.B15 Post ol lieu, Philadelphia ltKAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. "a c'lHslck WhrtrciIEdthR COONtY" FARM. UN-' .A eneu inhered, nearly 40 acres, vtlth eropa, buildings; Superior order: hear iroiu city ; la minutea trom river; tl alienee for pruductlTa city Property clear. OWNER. box iftli iTaraid olHue. Tick TITacL FARM H> IRADK FOR A HUMNESg or Bid prenarty. Address KKL'I I, llaruld oface. Tjl XOII ANUK?-EVEN FRENCH PLATs! WELL XUrented and lightly encumbered, for Lute or vlhor From oily, u -KLflNEh. 50 Komi at. LMNIi H A K4>W A i:fc a.NI) HOC8KI' f Honda Mere to I'Xrhnnge for Property net too heavily monger ed. DUNN A OATHaN, lit) Broadway. Prlaci p.lis only. TT<J K TTt (I It K, KL at UK TE NEB EST PKuPk'iTY, r Betidence, IB acres and Kannlug .-lock. In New Jersey; inert dletaace unt; close ueput. Adoreaa PA KM EX CUANOK, Iferald ulUce. lx>.< male."kxuiianub or'tT'letT-beatnikpl J? cutis try Kesidence. at Keckville Centre, Long Island, ens lieur fr. iu city; alto Btialneaa to exchange lor ainali Farm or other Property. OWNr.K, 23R W#?t 3itU aC Lut-.-lutb in Harlem, n. v, to tkadk for rood country t'roperiy. Address COOObli ALL, ller aid eflleo f A.NTF.D-TWf) HO 118 IN IN BROOKLYN (BRICK or browa atone) for unencumbered Lots and money, A 8. JoHNNh*. 338 Jay M. \I/TnTED-PRIVaTK HoUnK, WENT MD, Put ON u escstuhersd ilalllmore Property and casli; also small Farm tor rash BKNNER A ZhcLRR. 315 Bowery. ?REAL ESTATE H ANTED. Bi ii.pkk w \.NI 5 i.oih. Vka Y'lllK. H lOOkLTN" with liberal builder's loan, for tenements. Ad treat HI ILDKK, station r, li; A NTE L? Fw K .N tTwuiti THAN fd.OOU, A HBaLL TV bnt boautffnl Cottage, convenient lor aumntar and winter tesiden'a. near Ibie city. Addtete KUKE1UNEK, bex 13H Herald oltirs. U' ANTtU-A GOOD MKOIC1M 8IZKITTlOL'SK l'P It towu for cash, and ala unencuinhereil lot* In llndaoa roiiaty, S. J, desirably located. Address K. O, 44 Bar Clay at. IX) LET KOH. BtMMEBS iiEVNkrl HI ILDlNO. J ) ceru?r of i uiion and Kimm lift. hwveral eft). Ml III ibis builsltn. in let at iitstl; reduced rams The ulimes will be aliased lusult tenants. 1 ha 1 alldi. K Is heated by steam, aud each office baa ffasliatmd aad water la Ik Two elevators manias- Me extras. Apply to JOIIN U KNKIIIT, at the building. B~~.DiCONNhCTr.D.-TO LET, MO. 4 KLuiim'ii'^ 'near Division, a good slsad "tars lour Bedrooms, front ?enseal lai|nire ol batcher, next dour, or UK.NJaMIX ALHko, Kl VS est .HO b si, Lurr ru iTkt wuii ok without ht aX row er; all modern improvrments :K3 hast 3frth si. STKADT hrKAM PllWhK, IN AMCNDaNUK, WITM well UxhlOd lleorns, la OeMfS nod K.m ate. G. T. H inL, 1.17 Kim at. rilllh UHiTilN AL Ml AKEKPr A RK INN, OUWIla O# 1 Broadway and 13th at., to rest. W Kaat lillk st. TO LKT?r' '.1-TOItV. MX?I, rui'it NTUUtlV; boiler and engine JO b?r?e power). en prem ises, 4AA Wast hist si. O LKT-TMK M Klt r lA?rf IN TDK H KM I LOOA iion on H roadway; (Itisd up far the tale aad manuiae tare al pattern bannots and trtturard hais; the upper lofts are nerupl'd ss a bonnet frame factory. Ilia lower Door .a a jabs inir millinery bona*; can he rented very low, with ?ll a-eessary fixtures Ad' r-ss I.OfT, llerai offire IIW KUiING IklK MKIt TO BET. p- ni atiwetT " ~i"v~"rr'r INCRNIdHKI) IIOI'h'K NKAIf 5TII AT.! RENT IN f board ; would Heard ewupie. 111 wave. Ml West I'JItll st* C" ' HEAT II t Itu AI ? h is Klii.NlSHKD AND UT fluraisned llnuaea; desirable I..callous J?Rh-> D. KAV. Mad!sea >?.. eoraer 37th. mo LKT"wir.l^TOimK^ lIiil'-IK 183 K I.ST i Chtb st.; rent low. jAdhS b TAYIuoK, IJp 1'iae st. I'ltiuriitatis'st. *jsj WENT 45T)I ST., NhAK .'.111 AT.-POtTR 8TOKT; trs/Immediate perversion ; . pen dully. Kl IIMnIII.I) UlHiif A * 1> A r A KT .11 KNl'i IO LKT. "a wf&bw I.aBT living ai.onk. oi,*i:im*Tino a J\ whoir h.iiN?, will rant one or two nlcly furnished It ems to qui. i pat tie . n cation pond, ns if Grand Central Dap el. Addrees W I DOW, Haruld L'ptowe Krtecli sfhi e. AI'KIVAi K FAMILY WtluLHENT TUN HE KOoMrt, lor.lrhd. for ttnnsakeeplai 143 Kent 3Btb st. A"~ PltlVATK KaMILY a ILL l.KI HKVI.IttL HAM?. sotnelv lurni-Jte.i i onms. singly or sn salts; terms ran ntoderaie. Apply al 14 Irvinu place. T rtsooit lir^riTiir koTi.iiirand an alcwvr /tilt rootu ; private fatal.y. I. HI West >Ud st. Honrd ll I sired "a NICE KiioNT ALOOV I*. KotiM ON iicoil uttBiar. wltb private tamlly, IH Perry st., 8M per week A~ LAHDKNICELY |Hu~R Mm H K l> KUON, Willi ALL eonvsitlenoes, on second floor; eeod and convenient lo patlnn ; terms reasonable. 24H T.nst luili st. AHliIIK OK THREE PAftLOKli. ItMiKTII KK ~t?R snoerste, elegant ly lurnlslisd priests bouses 144) East 87tli St.. between Lexington and 3d avs. rool front meat lor two eontlemaa. T 11 amino* kly puitKifiiibi) iti.ox and iiaiX J\ Hndroom ; terms lew le desirable parties; private fam ily 181 Best 13th at. A PRIVATE EaEILY WILL LET NICELY KLR nlthsd Kn .ins. large aad smell, near Broadway. lOi East I2tb at.; references. V -83 TO 85; cnolCK OP RUOMls PUKNI.nIIBD; J\ abnu-ekeeping or gsaGemsX ; plsesai.t location. 834 Weal 9 HI tjlTTu I NT-)' I KsTANM "it EDO > i ? P LOO Hi TO LET? AJKurnl.hrd, In a privat* f .mil/, for light housekeeping ; al. Im. rovements. I .11 ell the w?e?. 2?ti Both si DbitiAkiiiT KCKNIellhl. KKi >N T PAKLOrt AND JDj dsSrnem, with plana, at hall price for summer, with Seem. H.oeglRI I'ost office F ICR Ml * tffc U K KOVT ' K(7iTm S, MaLl III). I UN At) )"*n.nq, together or s-psrstsly; summer prices. 14 IdNIHt st user Tlmyg fNUKNIeHI D ROOMA. WITIfOI T HOARD* PORITkN. P tlemen .inly i tholes eccommedetleus sad rerr central. M W act AHh st rvRraHBDBOona and apaathekts TO L.KT. PLAT-SI* kOOM>T WoTWrSolffH. T Inquire 214 Wen 43d ??. Rib* ?ecoo4 hell let*. LlL'nMSIIKU ROOMS III Kt.Vl\ WITHOUT HOARD. " to goutleinen only; loeatloa good ; torme low. 4 W?i 28th el HANDSOMELY FURNISH. D ROOM TO KBNT; PRL veto bain; nn other lodcera. 42 East IBlh at. HA N I I SO M E L ryi'KMHH K l> I.AR'.K, OOOL KI' I T bechelora' Apartmetita; both; entire floor. 23 Writ 2t>tli at. Term* wvilaraie. HANDSOMELY KU Kb ISM BD FLAT?hNTlRK iTrt part; low rent: teat reiereocea. A. DaILEY. ????th a*. PLt. ASA NT AND IKY KUR'nISIIRD liboH* TO let, to iailiaa or gentlemen. with or without Board, at 1641 Wrtl Houalon ?t. _ SvTraL NICELY* KUII.MKUr.D KOI IMS. WITH all conveniences; i-ultable lor light hautokcaping. l.'itf Wrat 24tli at. u?~ABfcKDKhN, HHIMDWaT. CORNER 2IaT ST.. haa a few choice Kooma to raut low tor the aumiuer or for year, furiiltned. ' TO LKT-AN KhTfl"*XT aLCIOVK ROOM; ALL 1M |irm omenta; private taiolly ; luruiahed: vritiiout hoard; elegant hoove; or would let the whole floor ; poaaeaaluu. 36n Weat 82d at rpo LET-NhAK illtiMOi'E'S UtKDBN, FUHNIsHKI) X Kooma. ainglr or en suite; ail couveuleucea; terma low. Adflreee lift! Kaat 2Wlh at. WO LiAKOK, CO vi IOKTaBLK. HANDsOMKLY Si it. niahed liooma, hot, cold watar, $3 and $U per weak. Call all wee*. 260 Weat 64th at. hTOKY. SKltR'r hEOONU BACK tN'L) riALL oom, with or without Board. 72 Weat 12th st. ? ??l> On i $3 1.AKU KlNi'.I.Y FUKN'lnflED RoOM; LOCA illon quiet and central. 23 Irving plkce. ??.*_> ?ik Wi EK-COMKORIABLY KI K.MSII D ?Tar Ov'ronnertlax Kooma. licht housekeeping; alao elmlar itoooi. $1 So 386 Weat 3tHh. 5 rRosFAcr pi.At:k (i-.asT aistl uoMk~o<?w" forta; aooleat location; will let at any prioo for the sunt mer; reference. 1 n EAST 28TM ST.. II. IWEEn 61 II AM) .AI.aDI.Si N I Arava.?Handsomely luralahed Rooma; broaklaat If do- ' aired. * i"o_WASHINGTON PLAOK. NEAR it RoaDWaY. II 'liaudvoinoly furnished K otaa. hneae flr-t claa* | flue location; term* reason-ble . rt ?aoMae.a guaranteed. st sr., atf~wk'T"~n7ckly m;kniniikii room s to lat, without heard; . ae lor 42. P vKLOH AND BI.D terma moderate. 21 07 wbst nni si ? front p.rlor and O I room, handsomely farnlahod; alao hatl Room; IQ WhST 27TII ST.-HaNDSO.KHLY FURNISHED tORoobj os aveond and third floors; booae Drat claea; an miner prices. TilQ WftVr 3UTII ST.-FI.IST Fi.AT. 5 KOoM.S, Al.L L' 'Ol'urniahed except parlor and bedroom ; Furniture lor aale. No aecond hand men need apply. ?J/\Q 'btITST.. FOUR DOORS KANT OF 3D AT.? O"'ONewly luruiahed Kooma In private family at reason* able terma V VNKVIUUIIIIED UOOJJ1S AND APART* ME NTS TO laKT. ?*rAliria?Ws'"M^W'a5fJr^i^fe'-'L6(^Tr).C. J\play ground, gardea, aummor heuaa ; moderate; oriel windows; now; refined. A~ N~UFPBR 1PART ^F'TnUCB: HOUSE 233 EAST lioth at., to a quiat familv only ; rent 1116. APLAT TO A SMALL FAMILY; JUST PAINTED; rooms an light; aiea neighborhood. Apply 824 Weat 34th at. ELEGANT PLATS?RkDL'Oi'D SKM?; nn.Lnuiu houMi and location!, newly painted, rreseoed; every improvement; Janltere. OWN Bit 133 It net 31th tt. T~0 LET-LOWER PART OK 376 BAST BROADWAY. e-tasfetiuc el Parlors. Beeement nod larva Kootn on attic, with ail Improvement# and in thoromrh order; rent pa11 per month ; alto Third Floor to let at moderate rent. Apply on promises. ?TkaT SECOND FLOOR IN OHAND NT. | T . one other lamlly only; rent $18 per month. Apply 321 Bioecker it. 3 ROOMS-FIRST FLOOR, BATH, HOT AND COLD water, to let; two or three persons. 315 Weal 2let st. IKJUS KM, UlKliUS, <v.. WANTED. ' In thli City and BrookJ yn. A FAMILY OF ADULTS DESIRE A FLOOR OF ahent Hva room*; terms moderate. Address J. B., bos 117 Herald allies. ' GENTLEMAN WANTS FOR TIIK SUMMER. WITH out board, a larva, cool, corner Room, with exclusive betb, on second Boor, In a first class hense end neirlibort hoed, naar ?be Union League Club. Adrlrree, tiring lull particulars ol location, price, description of premises, Ac., or no attention will bo paid, IJOME CoMFORT, box 2.816 Font office. "I GBNTLKMAN WANTS A FULLY FURNISHED .rvhness. between 17th and 84th street*. 6th and Maai.on avenues; rent most be medernte. Audrssa CASH, box 133 Herald Uptown office. UKNTLB >1 AN aND WIFE. ADVANCED IN VRARR, no children, would lake charge ol furnished house; beet reference. Address WKB, llarald office. WASTED-BY OKNTLKMA.V AND WIFE, WITH references. a First Flat, or Second Floor of private dwelling lor the aumm.-r months, west of 3th ev.. not on the f)th; rent mutt be moderate. Address P. C., box 2,4u7 Poet office. . Its the Country. IITANTF.D-IN NF.W JERSEY, FOR THlt HDM.MKR, TV s fnrnlshed Cnttave for sinall, enretnl family; v elnliy of Snmralt or Mnntclalr nreferred; net ever $Bu per month. Addrses MKKOIIA NT. Herald office. BOAHDKRk WANTED. l" ? Fli?f ANIJ SECOND^L6ohs,"FRIVaTo BATiT. A.rooms: with private table or wlthont board, lieenis li.r SmllemeD: bresXIsst served II desired; references. 36 est HOsh at. "1 ?PARLOR FLOOR; ALSO OTHER ROOMS. HAND I .somelr Ittrnis ed with Board; ?a\v terms to desirable parties; private tabl- If desired. 100 West 43th. ? HANDHOMB ROOMS. SUPERIOR BOARD, FoR .families or vautlemsn ; $6 to $13 weekly. 44 West loth et.. near 3th or. COMFORTABLY and newly KU BNINHKD .Rooms, singly or en eaite, with good Board. 216 Weal 88th at. ?1 A DAY FOR (FENTLKMBN IF PERMANENT, ip lisrlnt the summer. 12 East 42d at. WK8I 3WTH ST.?D ERIK A BLR BOOMS TO LET, with Board, permsaeelly or transiently; reference. 4~~JU ST., 26~RA8T. NEAR LAFAYETTR PLACE Rooms, with Hoard ; 810 to $12 for two. AND~85 FOR ONE. 81o FOR TWO ROOMS AND Board, oppotlts Park. IH6 Watt 2Uth at. $4 TO f 12 rfcR WEE K. - -La RoE rooms, with <|)Usnoerior Hoard. 42 West 26th at., near Madison square. 7"west i(mi srl.nandsomrly furnishTd Roenie, with Beard; also single Rooms; table board; terms modarsta. UWKKT twril ST.. NEAR WINDSOR HOThL ? Desirable s e nd floor Suit, end other Rooms, with Hoard. wrfsT i7Tii st,?Handsomely furnibhrd Rooms, with Board; price lew for tanner months; rnlortnra U WENT"IBTH ST., NK < R 3TII AY ?TO LET, < IN8 lance furnished front Room, tor one or two gentleman, with or wlicoal Board; reieranoat required 14 tii sr., is.! west?handsomely furmshbd Rooms, with first elate Board t references I C KAvr 4-21' HT.-fKCu.ND tHD KOUBTtl HTORIRH IJin trauatont partial for .runnier, with unexceptionable iNfi lO WBBT 1BTM ST. ? RLBCMnT ROOMR. WITH 1 i7Rn?r'l, for fiimlllci lad -Infta ( table Hoard on nddom modeled at -uinmer prlee. ; h oi." flr.t fl?n. til WERT I2TII bf.^-SkCOSb~aTOHT IKO.NT id LUnonta to let, with Hearn; private bath; other Koorot; reference*. D 81., 333 WKBT.-fcLllU ANT ROOMS. WITH oR without drat elaaa labia; prlrata If detired ; relrmnre.. OC I lilNTON PLAOK, NP.AR BKOADWAT.?FRONT ^l) ienm?. with Baart, |I3 la 914 for two; elwwle, M; transients talon. 23 29 WKMT lorn 8T., NP.AR AT If AV. I'urnlalwd Mtiai' Brat ola*. Board. Liberal terms in portnanont partial. 3.1 WP.sT3.VrH.-AI.OOVK ROOM rAROflNn.PKONT). idalili IWmrd, far two, $10; ?on?r? Room, $14: hall, W. QfT WKST -01 -T HT. ? KLKOANTLV PUhNI.iII ED 0 I Parlor Redroam to lat, with or wllhoat Board ; alaa a ainclr Koniw, la a prlrata lami r; tari?< n.?<lrr?lo. A 1 WB*T 3BTH ST.. THAR P. OOOttn PRO* BR OA IV r I wajr. ? Large and bandenmely lurnlthcd Kooma, with Board . ?4 ?> KA-?T I3TH HT.. WKbT OP HROA0WAT.-LARUB TT'Voni Rirnoa; gentlemen, $4 .">0. $!>, 40; tranalanta aa aniawadaiaa. 1 \ writ TirTi rtnh> t.-Roomr with or T r without Hoard; on auiia and singly { permanent or tranainnt; labia Board. flfTlf ?+., NRaK HKOADWAT. 317 WKB>. t)gant Ro'int '>? drat and second (loirs; $14 for two panaMI superior Mnard: excellent location. "piffii wtvH.Nt K RouMf. wiMi Board, ujk ? uii? or single ; pormaoaot or transient: tahlo Uoeril. 91 mKIRT IHTH hT.. N R A It ? RKIIIIWAV -OOOU alrr Booms, with excellent Board; hnn?a and ar palntmanta Ami elaaa; tnrma mnd-rata; rnlerenrra. u U K*it"jdTH Rf.-PHOAT lino*R~W77f i KIMIIU 1 1 ?'l o gentleman and wife or alorla gentleman ; faw tahao. __________________________ I . , - v ? in AV?DKMIRaBLK BUIIPs AND J ? ? )*in?la Rnoma, with or without Board, al vary mod* arat? nrlres. TClQ^fA?r?OTfr HT. fMHIIN TWO BLOCKl" OP J ajOUemral Parhl ? llwak Parlor wall Inrn *h d, clS lor two, and large alcove Room, front, $12 Inr Iwn. -1.1(1 RA-T ?7TII HT., 141 AR I'AHK-II ANDAOM K J -?"..rand ?torr Konms, with or without Hoard, Bra minnl". from Central l ark ____ 1 Q < WRAf aiHT .ST. -LAROB AND HMALL ROOMlt, J ?J'i wall ht nl.had, with or without Hoard; labia aacol. Hat; ranraaM WKsT J1AT HT.-0h8lKABLK ROOM*, WITH Board, fhr gentleman and wllb aad single goiitla* 144 IKE ADIAON AV.. COHNKK OK 3iO HT.-BLCONO atorr Halt and alnrl. Ro?m. .with Hoard. 111 I w"KB r 34TH" vrT~A PRBnTjUIlaFv LtVINnrv ai i I liar- own bona# will lit lornlahad Kooma. with or without Hoard. ?D)(J WBAI ?BTH HT.-rtRNIAIIKD OK ONrifR. *).li/nl.hnd Kooma, with or without Hoard, at mod.rata prldaa. jiWirKxiNtifoR A V.?RLrU AN TLV PUKMAITkD UUIJltoam. with dMdMaat Board, in Brat dloaa Iwoallty. HOAitU POK UK HTL BtTtS ~ aN i> WtKB IN ?at'li tly family : Raard for lady nnlr, Addroaa Mr. H till HI UK. Hrrald 1' Branch o?ua. AlaDT would likl to rp.nt VkwTTP anii hamlaom.lT itirnlahrd .icova Kmmr, or Parlor and Bad* room, to dvntlomao and wlfa with Hoard lor wifa I'nrtiaa wlahtnx to ha qoiat will addra.a W'lNlioUll. bun l;rj llaral 1 Uptown olttea. A OTRBtTARR WILL PVBUHABK rOUlt ATOi.? J\ Hon.a and hoard vut raut of rnrwitara. Ol Mb Kit, "MM Hroodway. Mom A. F" INPORMATloiI FBBB.-.B?T hoarDIno 11 on.a., anv part of ally. MMDOR'H Hoardlna Bureau, 3B Union ?>inafa w aNTRD-WICNO UHIUl AH ROtRIIKR IN family. $47 .North 3d Ik, Wllllaraabdra A, BOARD A!?I> LODOI1IO WASTED. TTTCsCTiTr.iff LtMas oF <yOTKTTTA5Tt?^rriTini k to lind hntnil Kooin una Hourd with a reticied fMmiiy ???4 to 0? lh- wttiy oui?i?ier; bcitiK a eoii?id<*rttbie plover would likttu ttua iroon piaiio in the hwUM); i^rmunency; refer ?ee?t. Address f? lier?IU Uutowu efhre. WAMTBl)~HOA:<D KOR tt NTLEMAN AND nOM (%lx ye>ir*> oid> In privwio family, where little b<?T c?a here rnotoerly csre; m derate terms 4-aired. Address >?., hex 113 Her hi it ??0k?. _ HUTIClwS. .A Rooms; I odrin - 2JUc. . 40* .. M?o. ; weekly. $2 to $1 M*rrikB'TTtoTBL, 60 kast ioth~t.7?ktv*kn broAdwitr eud I'nlvorslty place ?IIendMome'v fur Bishod Kneios tor Until** sod Keutiomcu At reAtoiiAble rsht. A WIWTR* BOAHD> " A VERT'S," KATON All, WENTCHBSTKR COUNTY, n>ru; Muacoot Mount..iu->, Cramp Ukt; ueaii lllul drives, dulling, plnuo, croquet; chickens, tug*, milk Iroiu farm. AT NEW HKKJIITO.N, HTATKN ISLAND, HANIK ?omely furnished Rooms. with tinaru ; flye mlnulas from landing: rolired and Iteautliul location : exicnsire crountis. Mrs. X. K. COSH. ADIRONDACK:?SCllliOON LAKK. ESSEX COUNTY, N. V : i.tueud con ace i private boarding, Hi m fft per week. Please writ* for partlculara. J. M. I.ELvKO. VERY ELEGANT KOOM~KOK TWO, AT KABEK'S place, fort Richmond, Maten Island. SBUKV FAKE ?-'KUMUUTl iOITAGK" PLEAS ant Rooms, Willi Aral claaa Board. Inquire at drug store 40H Canal at., city. ? BOARD CAN Br. OBTAINED 1> t PR1VA.K FAM ily. where there ere no other hoarders, in Plaiufleld, S. J.; terms reaaonablr : pteetj of ahade. Auareaa box 1.1E6 Post often, flalnflold. Board ? *? co a wall at a dirge FARM; plain, but rnod tare: Hi to $8; rebned people. PaUL sTOCKMAN, Mouttialnville, N. J. OAHD ON THE HUDSON?:IO0?B BEAUTIFULLY situated en river. three miles below Cosaana, witbln a few mlautea of depot. Andreas IHOHhAMln, Fert Mont gomery. orange, N. V, Board in mountains of pknnbylvania Mouse new, newly furnished, large rooms, bleb cell. Intra: built tor boarders; bracing air: beautiful sienery: no mo-quiloes, Insert* er sleepiest nights; Una lake ana brook flailing; One drlros; stahllng anil horses on prem ises ; baa in connection largo farm, supplying everything fresh end abundant;, sbadorl croquet Iswn; has no nine I I t for those quiet and reeruistog; heard. #?> to BB; excellent table. Aeiereooe--P. Ayres, 424 Brooms tt. A. H. AYHbs, Dundaff, Pa Board in dutches* county, thbkk mfi.Ks from htaateburg depot. Hudson Klvei Railroad. Andreas K il. viaKaH >dL, Pleasant Plains, N. V. OAKD AT COi.NWAi.L, ?>. V -A PRIVATE FAMILY can aceummndnta a party of six or aevau Aral class boarders; verms reaeonable. Call or aadrees 170 Broad* wey. room 2, Iroiu 11 to 3 P. M. OAKD MAY" BE OBTAINED AT HAHATOGA Springs, near Congreae Park, ill a first claaa private boase, at $8 per week. Apply at 144 Pbila St., Saratoga. TIO t KDERS WANTED BY K. ~ST U* DR. AT roitT JJ Washington, near Sande Point. L. BLAND. B~"~0.atD F.iK THE SKASON, BERKLEY PLACE, White hall, near Nowport. One prospect; free from the dust ol me road ; house nsw. rooms airy: bathroom, hot and cold wafer: con a. commodate a large family. Addiese WM. 0. B OW N, Pest office box 2f>?. Mnldletewe, R. I. Board at sea cliff, l.T?boating, bat ill no and hailing; moderate prices. Partlenlars et SANDS' Boa..DING Dt RECTO.>Y. 1.151 Broadway. CTATSKILL Ml>UNT*iN Ut I a Kb-L A KOK FARM. J Very comfortable lor ladles nod children. Address Mm. h aTFiRLD, Orlffiu'a Corners, Dataware oo., N. Y. Refer ences, 1 hoe. Miller. (Hli ?r.. corner UJtt ?|. CYOUNTKY BOAi.D-FIVR MILEft FROM CoXSACKIK /on Ibe Hudaou ; pleasant location. p.entv of shade and floe view of the Calskilla; abundance el frcoh veuetablra, cgne, milk, Ac,; daily wall; terma moderate. For refer ence Inquire of Wheeler Powell, on pier font Franklin *t., North itlver. A. Y'AN Hit NB HUGH. Medway. Greene Co.. N. Y. CYOUNTItY BOARD?AT KaRM HOUrift; i KAUTIFI'L /location; term* Irera 08 to #H> per week. Ad(lrei>a fc.VKftc.TT YaN WAG.Mtft.kaat Park, Dutchess couuty. N. Y. CYOUftTKY BOARD WaNTKD?ON SEA 8110 KK /(Long laland preferred),for gentleman, wile,3 children <12 year*, tt, and 1 rear with whneptnc cough) and nurae; meat have good accommoeatioaa and will pay fair priie. Addres* M., nerald office. iffUNTK Y BOARDERS WaNTKD-KOK nUMMi-.ft.AT /Peri kwea, U later oountv, N. Y. Ad area* W. II. Ki.RK. Ciountry board wanted-for boy op 13, /during nmnar. Addreaa, stating low term*, PAItftN T, So Union aqtiare, New York. F1KBT CLASS BOAKD CAN BK OBTAINED AT LIT tie Silver, Central Kali read nf New Jersey ; 70 mlnutea from elty ; 10 mlnutea Irora depot: directly on the water. Apply to WILLIAM OKKbN, 17 Para place. Ifllthl GLASS BOARD-AT ANDERSON MANSION. ' Paasalc, N. J.; farm, enade.frnlta aad vegetable*; buats frea : lertna $6 and $7. LYMOUTH HILL SPRINGS, D?>VHtt PLAINS, Dutches* county. N. V ? Mrs. 8. K. HkuDlNu'S bouae, lurnl?he? ttrat cla?? Boara Irnm SB to $10 per weak. PA ft K HOUHhi PL U.NF1. LD, N. J ONE DOUR irom city | 10 trains dally; great reduction In price of board. TliOn. a. HaI.DH lft. Proprietor T~~Hk kUKOPt". A N CONGRESS. SPkOlAL OABLU DESPATCHES EVhKV NIGHT IN THE KVKMNU TKI.RORAM. TWO GKNTLRMBs CAN BK ACCOMMODATED WITII ploaaant i.onma aad good Hoard In a private tamlly. oa Javaey City Height*; Una location; eaay of access; beat ref erencea given and required Pleasefeddrees U. 6. D., Ilerald office _ T"~Wll ROOMS ANiHSU \Rl? FOR TWO ADULTS AND two cbldren. nrlce 018; some qniM farm lionaa, con. vcnleut; New Jersey prelerrod. A. DAtLkV. QHHtith nr. WANTBD?B Y AN ELD .KLY LA DY AND BOY'". Hoard on a farm, an the line of New Jeraer Central HaLroad within one hour'* travel of New Y'ork olty; plenty ol fruit, vegetoblea end milk daelrabla; tariaa moderate. Andrrae O.iUNTRV BOARD, box b.Oto New York 1'oat office. (S? f 11 PR ft WKI-.K.? SARATOGA SPRINGS. ColtNKR tJpXUof Spring and Henry ata.; bouae eataollabed eight yeara; good table. Addreae box 371. A." SUJIDIEK IlKWIUTb. GRAND UNION HOTEL, SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y.. TDB LARGI HT AND MOST MAGNIFICENT BUM MER HOTEL IN THE WORLD. WILL OPKN JUNK 13. 1ft78 BOOMS CAN BR SRCUKkD ON APPLICATION AT TUB MBTROPOLITAN HOTbL, NkW YORK. HKNKY CLAIR. MANAGER. ABKAUT1PUL AND OHUp KKSOKT.?PROSPECT 11 nuir. Nyack on the Hnlaon itormrrly tbe Palmer lloaae), nownpen. Tbla aammer reaort. XVI fret above tbe river, ia tbe healtbieol lucatlou within VI niilo* of Now York, aad la aa ncoeaalble aa any, rxcellent table; flue at ble?; good drivee; beating aad fishing. for particulars addraaa T. J. PHKThK. Prnpri-H.r, Nyack, N. Y'r. or eall on Messrs. JAS. LlDOKRWOOD A Co., 7..S Broadway. ARLINGTON MOI'bK, STAMFOftD, LO.NN. NOW open . everything Bret elaae; terms reaaaaabls. Addraaa k. T. WILSON, Proprietor. BMuaKi>?BKUUKN POINT, N. J.. :tu MlHUTi H, in from depot: rfl $7 (H and (in weekly: booting ond taniug; ipltndln tnole. Inquire or Kinggnld ILiu**. CB YaToKILL MOUNTAIN K.-U k At i HOUSh. OtTrt ^kill. N. Y.. I S mllee Irom laudin*. noene June 13; rate* (rem (10 to ?*> per week, according to locntimi of room*. For tin of reoai wHlrtM A. J. UKA.Vf, Cataklil, N.Y? er J. CORNELL. pier 411 North Hirer. New York. E VRRRTl' HoL'hI HaRATOUA HPKINOh, N. Y. BB r clay peel at rate* tor tamlie*; truiielent, (J Mister dor '?/"I RliVK 8PRINU IIOUHh" (CRt)t.kKD I.AKI ). VX lluipnaondeport, S. Y., open* J one 16, under m?*ele ment ot H. F. COLK, lermerlr of M. Murk'* ai.d Pavilion ketele, Htaien lelaud: pure milk, Ireah egge, buttor, raga tablet ond chicken*, tend far circular. 1 AKk'K HKTKkiT. AkOMI I if CATHKILL'.e, AT J Jibe lunetiou of tb* B-aver and haoput Creek*, oo* mil* from the railroad notion-Beautiful mountain teenarjr, ?bene, croquet, owing., Ac, l table abundantly *noplieiL Addreae A. A r. H. l.AKh, Tbe Corner, UIHer county. N. Y. ferine. (7 end $d p*r week. Pron-letor eeen for two dope at Martin A Hear'* .rammer and Winter Retort Ulroo tory, 41 Knot Idtli ?.. Union ?qner*. OlilhNT POINT HoUBK, OKI N1 POINT, LONO I .land, bountifully oltaaleit on the extreme end ot Long I'land, fronting the Hiinml and Hay: boating. Orbing and bathing untorpaoaed. raid for oiroular. M. H. PAKnONR. ROihVILI.K II () I K t., HIIAKON 8PKINUS, N. Y. .erma inaamiabin. Hand lor circular. CLAltKR ? ?it UL Proprietor. oI'MSTrk AND WIn I Bit KKHOKT BXCM ANtlK. 7IW Ulli oai.way.?Free to the public; complete ileecrlptlona of Hurumer Retort* grutnltnaaiy primed an.i liirni.beii calinre, I'rui rn tore aiiinmer liotela end hoarding hnu-r* do.irliig gueai ? a .ontd irlit theinaelTca lit Hie larlilllr* offernu by tin a Exchange. Cull ur reqnoet circular IIA-BIiuCCIt A LA KB. WnttF. BUi.pni'it HPhiNus park Hrnrkt*. t'bnrry Valley," itaego comity, N. Y., now open ; lighted Willi *a; 1,4ml led nb.ivc tide water; leruta muiinralo; circular*. RVaNH A JaNAiN. WAVIKJ* TO PITICHAHB. WttrtKD i hi ap roii CAhII, \ Mi nim fefttt'b lire proof ate in perlert order. Addre**, tinting elee, price and luanar, M. P. BKUWN, 4 Warren *1. WATV1IBI. .i h. \\ !? , AT I J7J Hllii A iiW \ Y. 'ah<IVK ;til> sr.. MOShf far Poraonel Prnptriy: old Uolil, Hnrer bought; ad ranee* made. Ladlea' oltleo *ILLIAM A. (JLOVi-.K. AT f?|M HKu A It ?t AY lit > A it r Nil ill II A T h itT-|">7a monda, Walniiea, Hlir-rwnr* and Per*.mat Pruporty; large l.otna at ep-tlal rnt*t. J. Til OH. LYNCH. A LOT HlLTF.H AMKRIOAN WATCIIFK, THKHK onnca raaaa, (16: aold bt Inatelmenla Joll NpTON, l.'di Bowery. Pair eolltalra iHaniund herring*, two carat*, (tin abdllMy tklM. Diamond-, watchi.h. jkwkluy. hilykkwauk, A*.. bnagnt and aold bacx at a ainall advance. (IRO. 0. ALI.F.N^.ItW Hrumiway. near Jthh at, Ur A NTKD-PAI R 4 TO 1 CARAT BRAZILIAN OLD mine diamond barring*. neifbctty white; itatnprloo; mu.liielow Ad'ireea II 7. II.. Herald office. QII7 H ROA 11 wTV-UiTm Otila,' ~W ATi II KB A<D U'' I Jewtlry bought and enld; loan* n*g*tl*ted on Per ianal Property of erery doteriptlOn. J tMKB P. M ATTIC FWN. 1?;/? 7 BRO \DWAY OVF.R HRRaiTu BRANCH. - a am'J I Ladle*' prlrair office ; Diamond*, Watch**, Jew elry, A*., and Bold. Branch, 1,71)7 Broadwny. LlNDo MR' |R u i.vrisnti. 4 HKt OF f Khl'il I.N I n It I h Mi.TTfLS a I bTThkr i\ 177 dth a*., on# il* -r nnnve J.I I at . or 1'JR Weat IWth *4.: lerm* twinit. XhWBHiH'HH A NKWBKoLHH A I VAN VLMtK'H DKNI AI, ROOM*, -id "III C'" go* aiiniiniatared 14 y*nr* without acuinoni; charge* l?W U~ NHI KFA HI .14IL* HR AU flKCL, Pl-KPUl T'.T titttng Arilflelni Tooth, (?; Dam, (R; wnri*ni?d "New York Dental Boom*," 'JAJ Hth ar. Ktiabllehod IHAI. Dr. Me.AHKR. T>a7nlKI4N EXTRACTION; ALHO A RTlPIClAI. JT 1e*thi term* to ?ult. Kill HTH aVRNCR DKNTaL AdSOCl VfluN. 37V Hilt nr., on* dour bnlow VIHh et. SVROPKAa WTKA.MHH1H*. /ThS"i h a l " T KSSJROTffflTJWIW^ \JT Bit>VKMji N' vv YuKK AKU IIAVKB. ? iBBHiii1 nier ' nr* 42" North direr, foot *1 XMH ??? l.ABKAUO. handler Wrilliiinr. Juno IMA. M. CAAibA, Krangue WruB'idn. J??? IW. i *? ePBKKIKfc. Daur Wednesday, July 3 8 A M. PRICK UK PASBAliE IB UOLU (Including wtae) To Havre: ? 1st caoiu. $100; a?l oa In, (66 , 3d cablu,$3>; Steerage. $26, Including wluo, bendlne and utensils RKiUKW TICKETS aT REDUC D KaTKS. Steamers marked tbui (?) do not carry ateeraso paaaeu (era. LOUIS OB BKBIaN. Agent. 33 IIroadway. Kor flwLkl or pswssge at Philadelphia apply to AL .KZu Sll TWELL, a Chestnut at. amburu vnkiTuTan PACKET COMPANY'S UNE Inr Plymouth, Cherbourg aad Hamburg. PuMMRUANiA .. ..)une an i UKcLr.Bi,Thursday.Joly * al'kVlA, 'I huraday..Juue a7 I ThMAi July 11 Kataa ot passage to I'D mouth, London, Cherbourg, aiu burg aud all p?lnu in huglandt-First cabin, $100, gold; aecend cabin, $61), void; atserage, $30f currstoy. KUNMmKUI A CO., C. B. IdlCIIAnO A nOAS, lieneral scent*. Uetierai Passenger Agents, 111 Broad at.. New York. tt*. Broadway. Nsw Vera. 3 IN MAN LINE? KOYaL M.aIL STB Ad BUB, KOK uUEKNSTOWN A MB LIVERPOOL. t.ITY OK KIOnMONU. .. Msturday, June 22, at 10 A. M. CITY OK Saturday, Juno JO, al II P. M. CITY OK MONTREAL..Thursday, Jul/ 4. at 7:3? A. M. From pl*r H7 North Rl*?r, loot Charlton at. Cabin, $80 and $IUO, , old. Keturu tioketa on larorable terina. Meerage, $28, currency. Drafta at. lowaal raioa. baleens. ataterooma, amokl> g sun bath rooma amidships. John <i. dale, Acaut, 81 and 33 Broadway, Now York. Philadelphia office, 106 south 4ili -t. M K h IOaN LI Nr. KoK U VeRPOO U The only tranaatlaatle Una aaillnir uumr the Aiuarieau flag. 8alllnc every Ibuisdav Irom I'till .delpliia. INDIANA aalla Thursday June 20, 12 unou. Bfct) bTaK 1.1 a h .OK aNTWKHP, carrying tl.e Be. ian and United States in alls, sailing eemi monthly from Philadelphia and Now Yotk sWIIZ. BLANK sails Saturday Juna 22. 12 M. Kor raiea ol passage and ether iuformailou apply to Pi.TKtt W liltsHT A 8oN>, ..moral Ageula. ? ;KJ7 Walnut si., Phlladolpbl*; 62 Brosdway, New VoraJ JOHN .MoDON ALU. Agent, 8 Buttery place, Now Yore, IUTE .-TauTlINK. United States and Roynt Mall Ateatuert Kor Qa. anatown and Liverpool. NOTICE. - Tito steamer* of ibis line take the lane routes roronimended ny Lieutenant Manry, U. s. N.,on both the outward and homoward passages. B A I .TIC Thuredav, June 20, ft A. M. ADRIATIC Ihnrelay, June 27. 2:30 P. M. BtilTAN NIC...? -aturdav, July 8, 10 A. M. Kroui White Stardoek. plei 32 North River. Rates?saloon, $80 and $103. In gold. Keturu ticket* on reasonable terms, Meerace, $28, currency. Bullions, ataterooma, tmocln.' and bath rooms ore olaced anildshlpt, where the noise and motion are le st, affording a degree uLcomlurt hlthorio unattainable at sea. These steam "ra carry iioitlier cattle, sheep tier pigs. Kor Inspection of plan* and other lulurinatluu apply nt The company's oAre, 37 Broudwny, New Y'ork. ? K. J. CO HTM, Agent. NOtiO.t LINK UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. Nf.W YOIIK. AND OLASiioW. CI KO A ASIA, J une 22, lOA. M I aNCIIOKI '.July 6, 10 A. M UKVOM t. Juno 2B,3 P. M I ETHIOPIA, July 13,3 I'. M Cabin, 405 lo $80 Excursion tickets at rodueod rat*', from pier 20 North River Now Verb. NEW YOKK TO SOUTHAMPTON aNU LONDON, UIOPIA ...Juuo 26,2 1'. Ml C ALIFORM v, July 3,7 A. X From pier 46 North Klver. foot of Charles a'. Cabin $55 and $63. Excursion tickets at reduoed rata*. Second Cabin, $40 Steerage $28. IIBNUKKSON. BROS.. Airenta, 7 Howling Ureon. ORTII OK R M A N LLOY U Steumsbip Line, between New York, Southampton, London, Havre aud Bremen. WE8HR Sat., J one 22 i MAIN Sat., July 6 KECK AK......Bat..Outie 2tl| MOSEL .Shi, July 13 Hiite* of passage from Now York to Seuibamptuu, Lon don, Havre and Bremen. First cabin, $1011, gold; second cabin, $60, gold | steerage. $30, currency. Keturn tickets at roduced rates. Prepaid steerage certificate*. $30, currency. For Ireignt or passage apply to OELB1CM8 & CO., 2 Bowling Green. Allan line op KOVAL MAIL 8TKAMSUIPS, sailing weekly for QUKKNSTOWN, LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL. Krom Quebec, steamship haRMaTI AN. June 22. Prom Baltimore. Mil., oelling at Halifax, N. n. .and 81. John's. N. P., steamship CASPIAN. June 19. f-nortcst ocean passage. Excellent aioommodetion. For particulars apply to UIMiaVK LBVB, A pent, 271 Rroedwny. STATU LINE.?TO GLABGOW, LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN, Belled, Londonderry eud the Parte Exposition, eeiliirc Irera pier 42 North River, loot of linnet st. STATE OK 1.1)1. i.-iANA Thurmdey, June 20 kTaTK OK NEVADA 'Ihureaey, June 27 B'l ATt OP 1'ENNltYLVANlA Thuredey, July 4 Klret cntila, $60 to $75. according to ucn.niiuaoatioaa. Return tlrkete nt reduced riiioe. Socond cabin, $45, steer eae et k west relet. Apply to AUSITN BALDWIN A 00, Agents, 72 Breedwey. STEiRAGE TICKET* AT 45 BROADWAY AND AT THE COMPANY'S Pi KB. KOOT OP CANAL ST., N. Y. GUIOM LINE UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS lor Queenstown end LIverpuoL leaving pier No. SS North River, loot of King it., eeery Tuesday. WYOMING.. June IS. U A.M. I MONTANA July 2, 6 A M. OirY OK NEW YOliK. WISCONSlN.Jnly tt. Noon. Jane 25. 1 P. M. I Onbln passage. $63, $75 end $80. according to location. Smnklnif. betb roome end pieno on eeeh eteeuior. llit#ruiediete.|$40: steerage #26. WILLIAMS A OUION, 29 Broadway. PKCIAL NoTIOK.-THK MAIL ST K.AMSII IP WYOMING loeeee pier 88, North River, foot ?? I King it., for Utieeenowu end Liverpool, oe Toeedey, June 18, el 8 o'clo. k precisely WILLIAMS A GCION, 20 Broadway. ("Yukakd LINK.?h".~ AND N. A. R. M. ?. S. CO. ) NOTICE. With e view to diminish the cbenone of eolllelone the eteemrre of thle line teke e specific coureo for ell mwki of the yeer. On the outwerd passage from Qnoenstown to Nee York or Hoeion, crossing the merldleu of 50' et 43 latitude, or DOthiug to the north of 48. On the homeward passage, crooning the meridian of 50 at 42 latllnde. or uotnlug north of 42. Nr.W YORK, LIVERPOOL AND QUBKNHloWV. BOTHNIA....Wed., Jnaa 191 ?RL'K.-IA Wed.. July S ALGERIA ...Weil, Jane 2111 sCYTIilA Won., July 10 Cabin pneeeee and return ticaeta on favureble te.ina. Steerage tickete to and tram all parts of En rope at very low retee Freight and passage office, No. 4 Bowling Rreoa. Oil*. ltLKS G. KRANCKLYN. Agent. ASSKNUKK8 PKR~STMAMR BOTHNIA EMBaRR from ihe Cnnerd wharf loot of Grand et., Jersey City, at S A. M. on Wednesday, 19t h J una. 1S7S CHAS G. PRANOKLYN. 4 Bowling Groeii. Naw York. f~\ KKAT WBsrEKN KTKAMdillP I.INK. VTNKW YORK TO BRISTOL (RNGLaND) DIRECT. Tnktng gnosis end peesangnre from London. Cardiff, New port. Gloucester end ell ports in Bristol Channel Krom pier IS Rest River, as followsi? DEVON ?-I ARRAGOB June 23 Cabin passage, $50. $6(1, $7n. Prepaid steerage <*rilH eaten, $2tl. lie turn tickete at ravorebla rate*. for trelgh or passage apply to W. D. MORGAN, Agent, 7I> South at. C~V(?ok'B HPKOLfuTPHKHoN tLLYCONDUCTED PAR J tlos. Depertnree as under i? I one 22. per Clrraasla, Supplemental Masical Party (loll). J one 27. per State ol -evade. Annuel Vacation Party le few vacancies). June 29. per Devonie. the Greet Hie ton ? n-loal Party call). July 3 per Russia. Allegheny Coiu mauilery (a lew vacanriee). Julys, per Aueboria, Mary Command err. ol Phil .idelpnle (a low vacanciee). July Hi, per Ethiopia. Y. M. C. A. Geneva Conference. Ao-on I, per City of Chester, special cheap Peris Excursion (vecen Kor particulars addrvee COOK, HON A JKNKINR, 261 Broadway, New York. 'I'ckete for lodependeet travel py ell rontea Pasaenaore hooked by ell lines of steamers. N"~ atIoNaL UMK-KHOM NEW PIER 89 N. R. KOR LONDON (Victoria Dora) I eiiete, WeA.Juiiel9.SAM I ?Kronen. Wed. June 26, 1P.M KOK LIVERPOOL AND QUKKNHTOWN The Queen, Set. Jeuo 32,10 A.M. | Erin,.-at.. June 29.2 P.M. Ceuln. $??i to $7D. currenevi etooreae. $.'6 Drafts, from ?1 upward, hunted at very low rates. Company's offices, HO aril 73 Broadway. t. W. J. HURaT, Manager. Most direct and economical route to Holland, Belgium, the Milne. Kwltserlaad, Ac., Ac., via Rotterdam. Cheapest route to Parle. Steamer ROTT EKDaM, J uno 26. Steamer ftCHOLTKN, Jnlv 6. These beautiful ? steamers, carrying toe I'nlted Htetes mail to the Netborlandt, are great favorites with tha public. Trips regnlar, rate* low, comfhrt and living perfect. Fer freight. For passage, ? POMCH.SDTK A CO., L. W. MORKI8, 27 ouuih William st., NO Broadway. (Morris' karopvaa and American Express ) CHOICE Ol TSIDK ROOM 51 T1IK OIKCAKBIA, re nrxl Saturday, lor sale. WARD, care Cooke Tour ist office, 261 Broadway. COAST W I!? K ITBAJiaiUPtt. pAcfrio Sail stkVkhiiip oomp anviTlXxi Ear CALIFORNIA. JAI'AN, CHINA. CENTRAL knd SOUTH AMERICA, SAN I.Vt IGli I-LANOS. NEW ZEA LAND. AUSTRALIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. WASH. INHTON TKRnlTOKY and OREGON, A*., amlling Irura pier fool of Canal it., N'orlb I'loer ? or BAN FRANCISCO, via tha XBTHMUB Of PAN AMA.? Staamalilp COLON Thurtdav. Job* 30 iconueeting lor Central and Sooth Awe lea). From MAN FltaNOISCO 10 JAPAN und CHINA! Steam-hlp AI.ASK a ^ ...Frldav, July 8 Htrim>liiii riTY ilf'TOKIO .. .. Ilnir?day, Annual 1 from BAN FRANCISCO to SANDWICH ISLANDS, At'ST K A LI A and NEW ZK ALaND Steamship CITY OF NEW YoKK -..Mondar, July B For Delphi or p?ai|o applr at the corap uiy'a nflicea, oa the piar loot Canal at.. North Ittrar UMTKD sTATKS AND KURIL MAll. K TEAMS IIIP LINK lor St. Thoinaa, I'ara, Pernambnco, Jlahla and Rio da Janeiro. The new brat rlaaa Iron ateatnahlp CITY OF HIO DP. JAN K.I i O, H..*SM ton*. ? atitatu ttelr. wilt aall tor tha atiora porta on Saturday Jnlv II. at 9 A. M. Fri'lulit at low rate* taken lor tha above porta. * Freight repaired at all tiinea at Roberta' iloek, Itrnnkivii. iiiMirence low -r than by any other line, .-bloper. dealr Irg insurance can effect aatne nnder oar upon policy. For freight enpeceincnla or paaaape (having elegant ac commodation*) aptly to 11. H. MAI.LOMY A CO.. Aaeata, nfflea pier "JO, F. R QI.D DOMINION aTRAMSUlr COMPANY, aalllad front piar 37 North RJvcr. for fORFOLK.dlY POINT and RlOli No NIL T0KNDAYH, ill. RSlnY.a and HAIUIUMYS, at 3 P M connecting Willi all RA ILItOADs ftr toe SOUTH. SOI Til? Its ! Him WEST; alaa with Meamera for N ? WMEKNK and WASH INMiON. >. C. Steamer* lor U.Wi H, DEL., and RRIIO BoTll HKAC1I and poonaetluic rallroade. MONDAYS and TIIUHSDAts. at :t P. M. Throngn passenger ticket* and tell In ?l lading to all point e at lowaat ratea. In-ur.ince lor Nnriolk, Ac., at ta par cant. Freights recalved dailr at piar 37 orib Hirer. 0?nera| attlra No. 197 Greenwich at. N. L Mct'RB ADY, President UAYANN All, FLORIDA. ~ til N. RARNF.K, from pier oTic. R Wadnafilar. Jnnn 10 CITY OK SAVANNAH, from piar 41 ?. IL...,Sal.. June id KMIItUR YflNOK, A Kent Saturday ateamar. 4<M Broadway. MURNaY, FERRIS A CO.. Apart Wedoaedar eteamet. south at. C. D. OlYI-iNS, liKoltOE TONUS, Araat A. A U. It K, III.'. U'way. A rent 0. It R . 409 B'way N'km "turn and cuna Iail i a Mil ror Havana Dlit.cT. mm piar 17 Eaat Hirer, at 3 P. M. Magnificent orcninmmlailnn lor paaeengere NIAGARA (new), 2,29.1 tnn?, Cnrtia... Wednesday. Jnne 21 8,8.?? , Saturday. July ? Ticket* leaned alto (or YEIIA CHl'Z and It Kit I' IN.IA INLAN Hs, In connection with French aud English aiaara ehlp line* from Havana j VM S g WARD A CO.. Ill W all at. Nr.. Havana ynd Mexican sail a .-. lin<w ? Steamer* laare pier it North Rirar, at 3 F. M. fon Havana direct and vera cruj, calling at Progreaw. cainpaaehy and rrantara. CITY OF WASHINGTON (Havana only)..Tlinre., Jnaa 20 t.irv OF VhKADHUZ Saturday. Jiiim lit) steamer leave* New driven* Jnaa JO tar Vera Crua *ia Matamorea, Tampleo, Tnapan. making cloaa conneattoB with at?din?f lor Havana, New Yora and above porta. P. ALBXAEDJtK A SONS. SI aud US Broadway. COUTWISB JTKAJ19HIPS. ^ JolrlrXiiii uava'jia ciHtTcr ma'il lis/?? iheae Brut claaa ttearaanips will sail at 3 P. M, from pier 13 North River, lout ..feeder ?U. lor liuvan* airvet. as lo.lowa: ? ? . Satur lay. J una 22 b?NTlA(>0 I)K CUB i ' ... Weunesrtay, iul? 1 Kor freight and D>u>it, having unsurpassed accomm-) dalioiia, apply I* W I LLIA n P. CLYDE A CO., No 6 pawling Groca. McKr.l.l, i K, tUUMi' A C<>., Ag? at* In Havana. XTASHAU, N. p.. HT. J AtlO AND GIKNKUKUOB. AN Cuba.? Sleain.Mp SaN JaCINT". Saturday. Ju y 13. ai 3 1*. M. v'.lililiAV. fERItlS A CO.. B2 South ?l. rntXAa LINE OK GALVK TON BTBaMEKS. 1 TOUCHING AI KEY WKM'. StoaraerCirY OP SAN ANTohl.), Captain PeunloBfou, will aail, Saturday . J nue 22. at 3 1*. M., from pi*i 2D Ka-t Kirac. 'through nllla ul I ? tlinic given to Houston ?nvl all p.. i Olson i In International and Great Northern. Ualvesten, li' Obioa ami llrnBrraun, and oalvailuu, Hnrnabnrg aud San Antuuio rallrn ida. Kor 1 tcltftit, passage and general lulormaiion, apply to lit pRK?nfar 1HU K''IICI 111 ||llWIIHW?iw?( 0. H. MAI.I.OKY ? CO.. Ageuta, Office on pier ill Kesi iti?"r; or, COOK, ?CN. JENK IN 201 Broadway. MOKCAN's. LOUISIANA AND Ti XA- STKAMSHIPS aud Kailroad Company.?The Biaaiuar Morgan l ily will a.II lieu piar 3(1 North River ou Saturday,Jam- id, for New Orleana direct, 11 aliater i In v Texa? freight to Mu'jau'a Louulaua and Texas Railroad ><nd Steamship. Through I bill, of lading signed to all Texan seaports and railroad 1 stations. Brownsville. Mobile and alt diaalaslppi River Bilnta liibiir nica van be effected direct with ilie Allium utual luaurnuce Company, or iiu'.t opeu policy of tho line with lb .I cnuipauv, at lowest ratea. Kor lrei.;ht aud other iotnrin.ition apply to BoURET A MORGAN. Agents. office pier IHi Norm liivef. The eur ii'i. >n congrk-.s. sPsCIAL C.V JU.K DESPATCHES EVERY NIGHT IN THE EVENING ieLKURaM. Atlas mail I.I Nr.. KuK WEST IN 1)1 S AND iiOUTlI AMERICA. Itgular bl-monthly sailings from pier 31 North River as folio. >? Kor KINGSTON, J a., uml HAY II Al'LAS June 0 1 ETNA J unei!7 Kor HAYTI, COLOMBIA, ISTHMUS I'P PANAMA und SOU 1 11 KaCIKIC i'OKiS iria Asplnwall) !? Ai.l'S M.iyaoi AILSa Juno 13 firm clnaa British built Irou steamers. Superior Urst class passenger accomiiiiulaiions. PlM.KORWOUD A CO., Gauoral Agent* No. Wl Will! ct. New Orleans 1>.b..ct-thk ciiomweLl li e slvam-hlp II UDnl) N will leave Saturday, Jiiue 22, el 3 1*. M.. from pier V North River, Insurance effected at one-half per cent on our open policy. Tl-.ruugh bills ol lading given to Mobile and principal pniiita an tbe Mississippi liner. Kor freight or passage ap ply to CLAi.K A SEA d AN. 8(i \V.-at at. INLoltlDA Dt RcCT.?STKAM KKS LEAVE PIKK~~20 Eaat Klvar ev-ry Krldar, at 3 1*. M., for Keruamlina. Kla.. touching at Mriiuawiclt and Port Royal steamer CITY OK aUs'TIN, Captain Cneeter, will aail June 31. Through Irelcht and puaaaao rate* given to all point* in tho South and Southweat bv C. II. MaLLORV A CO., Auonta. office pier 20 Kaet River. or CoOhL. .-TON A JEN KIJ4N, 201 Broadway. Halifax, n. s.. and st. juiin-. n. p.. CROMWELL LINK. Steamahip ALIIaMHKA will leave pl<T 10 North River 3 P. II.. Tuesday,.1 uoe 25. Kor Ireigl.t or parsaao apply to i Ltllh A SEAMAN. 80 Wo.I at ^ IK A M COMMUNICATION BETWEEN NEW YORK. OSa Thomaa. Martinique. Barbadoa, Trinidad and Deio rrara.? The Quebec and Gulf Ports lenu.ship Company will deapatcu the eieatnahip BAHAMA (late General Meade) lot tbe above ports about the id July next, and regularly thereafter. Excellent accommodation lor pas sengera. Kor Irelght and passage apply to A. K. OUTKit BlilHUK A CO., Ageuts. it).Broadway. BRMIIDA, I'ORTO RICO, sr. THOMAS, W. I., La GUAYIIA. PUERTO CAB-ELLO, VfNi Zl ELA. with oounectiona to all parta oi WEST INDIES and SOUTH AMERICA ?Tbe Quebec and Gulf Porte SS Co.'a Due aail aa uadoruotedI-Kor BERMUDA, S.~. CAN 1.MA, June iO. Kor ST. JOHN land PONCE on nomoward voyage only). ST. TUoMAS, LaCUaYKA nnrl PUE KTO C A BE LLO. Ss. HaDJI. June 2ft Kor descriptive pmnpulrts, Irelglit and paeaage apply to A. E. OUTKkRRIDGK A CO.. Agents. 20 Broadway. C. o. DE UAKMENDIA, 3o Broadway; G. LEV... J71 Broadway. TRAVELLKHH' UU1UE. MORN IMG BOAT PoK KEYPORT (EXCEPT * MORNING HO AT KUH KKi ru R T (KACEPT .fx Saturday* and Huudaya).?Steamer NuKWaLK, loot ?I Harrison it., at 10 A. M.; from Keyport at 8 1*. M. Albany boat. f are reduced via PEOPLE'S LINE. $1*. first cla?- Leek. 25 cents. Excursion, $1 .'i0. M'cmI steamers UKE'V or ST. JOHN leave pier 41 North Rtver dally. Including Sundays, at 0 P. M., con necting at Albany with express tralue tor SAil * ToGA, LAKE GEORGE, LAKE OllAMl'LAl.x, the ADIKON. LACKS, MONTKEaL. and all points NORTH and WE.VT. Tickets tor sale at principal hotels aud all ot Wnstcott Kx - " York i * ~ press ofiices in New York and Brooklyn. Brooklyn pas soa kers transferred free l>v "Annex" boats. A~~LBANY AND TROY BY DAY BOATS?0. VIBHAHIl and DANIEL DREW leave Yestrv street blernt8:33 and Twenty-lourth street ptor at 9 A. M., landlntr at Nyack ferry. Wast Point. Newburg. Poughkeepsie. i-lnneUnck, Saugertle*. Catskill and Hndson. To West Point or New burg, returning by down beat, at excursion rates. Trans fer kv Annex b?at leaving Brooklyn at 8 A. M.. connecting at Albany with trains north and west. ALBANY BOATS DIRKUT.?MERCHANTS' EXPRESS Line.?Elegant steamers WALTER BRETT or NEW CHAMPION will leave uaily (Saturdays excoptedl tor Albany, from Oanal sr.. North River, first duck ubovu People's Line, at 6 P. M.. connect' with trains North and West. Kare (deck). 23c.: enbi .r ? 50c. I meals, 60c. Prrigbt taken lower than by other i*>??? ? P. BLACK, nnpcrlntendont Boston.?pake reduced via Fall river line: $8 to Boston; excursion tickets, $5: magnificent steamers HK1HTOL aud PKOVIHENCE leave pier 28 North River dally (Sundays June 23 to September 8), at 3 nlirht* rest , live morning " P. M.; full nlent a rest , live morninx trains trnm Pall lllver to Koeion. Tickets for sale at all principal tick t unices. Brooklyn passengers transferred free by "Annex" boats, leaving loot ef Pultun st at 4:3" P. XI. Boat kor Catskill, stuyvesant and inter meaiato landluga will Ibave pirn 34. Harrison rt, North River, dally. Sunday* excepted, st t! P. M. For norwalk and danbi/ky daily. _ ateamcr ADELPIII leaver Brooklyn (Jewell's Dock), 2 .30 P. M.; pier No 37 East River, 2:45 P. V., and 83d at., 8 P. M.. connecting with Daobury and New Haven railroads. Elude tickets, 83 c-nls. KXCOK4ION TICKETS. 50 CKNTH. UUSON BOATS-PO HUDSON. CoXSACKIK AND J J.via B and A. K It. to Plttsfield, North Adams. Lebanon Springs and Intermediate points Leave daily isuu<|ny* excepted), at 8 P. M., from pier 83 North River. Pranxlin st. H luir kichpikld springs.?take people's link r ?taam#Ts, dally, from pier 41, R rib River, 0 P. M. Tickets sold ana baggage cheeked direct to the Springs Long branch and Philadelphia, via New Jeraey ftomhern Railroad, commencing June 17, 1878, Steamers will leave New York, pier 8 North River (foot Rector st.), connecting at Bandy Heek with trains for Long Branca, 0. 0:30 A. M.. 1. 3>43. 3. 5:45 P. M. Red Hank -nd Toms River 6, 9 ?10 A. M., 1, 3:46 P. X. Beach Haven, ?t A. M., 1 P. M. Vineland, Kridgeton and Atlantic City. 1 P. M. Philadelphia and Tuckerton, 8 A. M . 1, 3j43 P. H. Sundays fer Long Branclt, B 210 A. M. * WM. s SNKI'KN. General Manager, NEW HAVEN, MEK1UE.N, IIARTKOKlt, al'kl ?U field, White Monntalns anifinteriuedluto putiivs; steam era leave Peck slip K. R., at 3 and It P. M., cenusctlng nt New Haven with special trains Particulars at pfer. o SK HUNDRED AND lyFT* MILES PGR 10 (Jv.NTS. Citieens' line Tror boats.?New palace steamers CITY OP TROY and SARATOGA leave pier 49 North Klvr, foot Lerny st, dally, including Saturday aud Sunday, at 6 r. M. Sure connections with moralnz trains for all points North. East and West Staterooms only fit: berths, 25c.; first ciasa tare, 5<lo. Staterooms and through tickets at uodd's Express, If44 Broadway, Raw York ; 4 Court at , Brooklyn. PARIb. LONDON AND HaMHUKG?single AND EX lUKsION T ICKETS for steamers of IIainkarg-Arnerl esn Packet Company, sailing June 27, July 4 and II. Hpi'Clal lavorable terms Butnmer excursions to all noted rrsortt White Mentttains, Lake George. Lake Champlaln, Lake .Mempnremtsgor, Montreal, (Ju hsc Niagara falls. Xempttreim ... . Sagnsnny River, Alexandria Bay. Gnlf of St. Lawrence. Tourist Tlokel Olflee, 271 Broadway. The mart powkll (park 7:> cents), eok wk*t I'eint. Cornwall. Newbnrg, Poughkeepsie, Kosdeut, Kln:stnn, Coeaens. Milton Row Hamburg ?nd lljoie I'ark, leaves ualiy Irorn Vestry n.. pier 39 Nortlt Itlver. at 3:M P. M. ConnncU with Brooklyn Annex Duals. The urkat rnpffbpfoR link to RORToit. trie Providence olreel A KULIi NlOHru KKNT. ONLY 42 Mil,KB OP RAIL, Tha favorite palace ? team ere M * Ns AOIIUftKTTH and &IIODK KLAKU, from pier 'Ait, North Hirer, nt ft P XL Til K OLu. RELIAHLft BTOMNf.ToN LINK, for ell uelnt* Kait. from pier :i:i North Klvor. loot ?r .ley at. , at ft P. M. nil TO BOSTON, FIR8T CLASS ?bL OU via'Tho Old Rollahto" STOM.NUTON LINK. Elegant rteireor? leave dally (Sunday* excepted) front pier 113 North Hirer, fimt eUi/il.. at ft P. M. AcUlUlOillh " uilANO HooN LIU HT " KXv'0KbUSSToF the Mceklnuhatn Coterie, eo WRDnKsOaY. Jnno 19. 1878. The new anil mammelh ateemer the Oraud Republic hat Wren chartered for the enailnn. Shadow llance and i lieonrke the ? nilre trip. The proprietor. Intrnil to make thli the uiuet grand and elite oauuialon erer given In tlile count }. Tlcketa. 91. Per tale at all tHe principal huiela, alee at the terrral landing* Heat laevn* Jeweir* dock. Brooklyn 7:3^ P. M. HKh *?., North i i?ar n.'Ki P. M. 241 b?t. N rib Hirer R:8u P. M. kitfjL'IKN A II A\ S, Proprietor*. I'll Ah. C It B AOH. Man aire r. A?A. ? HOC RAW t Y RRAutl. DAILY. i x?-runion a nr WHITE'* LINK OP ST I AMRR9. TIlK PALATIAL NIKHK DEC It EXCURSION HTKAMKK COLUMBIA. accompanied hr UKVB.tKLL'H THIRTKRNTM BK.OIMKNT BaNO and COLUMBIA QUARfKTfK, makee excnriloiit eeerr dor to KOCHAMAY BKAOII, (raving 2tlb *t.. North Hirer . 10 A.M. I * it h it., ftmth Itlnr ID II ft A. M. Jewell'* Whorl. II A. M. Returning, Itae e Knikaway at*. 4 I'. M. On and alter TOEOI-RUW cW r ine-dav) ,lono 19, TIIK PIONKKK AM) PAVORirK HIEAMRIl A Ml', IIIC I,'8. having on b'ard /.I HOLER'S Hit \ Ml DP. BAND, will make two etcnrelono KVnKY DAY, Leaving Uttn at*. North Hirer H:'m a. M. and 1:1ft P. M. Hearing tnlh it , North Hirer... N.1 ft A. M. on<l I P. XI. Leaving Jewell'* doc*. Brooklyn H.'JO A, M. and 2 P. Me l.rurlug Horkawor at II A. M. and ft P. M. EXCURSION TIuRRtB (u-oodoii either boat). 80 eente. A?POK CONEY INLAND lllltlicr. e 1 he nnlv tmata landing at CONEY. INLAND. The and favorite lonmrfl, K08KDALK end IDLi WILD, will, on and alter Sunday, Juno Id, moke eacnrtlone dally IO OONKY ISLAND ItKAOU, leaving ai Inline*! ? Pronklln ?t. I Pier Ne. Z Weet *4th ak I Weet I oh el. 9(00 A, M. I II110 A II !??) A. M. | 11 :li> A. M. DMiX. | 12:10 P.M. 2 a*) P. M. 2:|D P. M. 8 ??) P. M. 1:10 P. M !> :Jt) A. M. 9:8) A.M. 11 i.'ii t. M. I II ;8II A. M. 12 :'.!!) P. M. I 12910 P. M. 2tJU P. M. 2::*) P. M. 81.DP. M| 3 : ttj p. M. Pera, 2& eenta Karnralen Ticket*, 40 eenii. A^*TibiHnu man Kb hVnHY Dai (Tat kd > y ?e*r-pi*D.? Steamer ??KTII LOW, with new holler and ? aloon, loavlng llarrieon at., N. It., 0:4>| Nth it., K. It 7:1ft; pier 27 JR. 11.7 .3.1; 22d el., N, It., 7:'*); llHn at., N. II., Bi pi rdft. It., 9:1ft A. M. Dantlemen'i ticket*, 7?e. i la-line*, (Mle> Ale, O. FOSTER, Manager. icxccr fusions. V-RtMoOTTr lion z frarrt A. AM) EVERV OA* IIERKAKTKR, . including Mudaya. UP Til K LOVELY II UDSO.V, .looping at WK-T POINT A.Vl? NKWUVRO. Jarrett * Palairr s supero palace steamer. PLYMuUI'H It' OK. C n?iin Him O. Martin. Thru* 111.or. allowed lor visitlat ?li? 11. S. MILITARY AfllDA.liY h! WEST POlI. -r * pie ssnt Dour r?n be ?P'lit in Inspecting WASHINGTON'S 11EADigUARTKIts ui NKVVBUKU. A M AG.N IKIORNT Md-iCAL KNTKRTAINMKIfT. MARINE HAM), GLEE ULt/ii. XYL')PHO.\H. BEMY, the crest oornet plnynr. UHKKA Ac.. A a. EXCELLENT nEKKOloKY O.V BO.Wili. PARI'.. entire grnud exi urkinti, KIPi Y CENTS. Childrou. TWB iTV-KIV . CENTS. HOAT LHaVKH Hvcrr raornlug tiocludiug -I'NUAYS) from Dior 1 (et th( Battery) Nurtli rttvr, nt 0:1ft o'clock, stid loot u( 2'Jd at., Nnri b itlvor. Hi 0:45 o'ciock. BROOKLYN PAasKaUKKg will lake A A N ', X i.oat al Ku (ou at., 0:05 A. M. No EX TliA CIl AltiiK lor trimeter elilier way. A ~roK KXCUliMO.VR. sT AM KM J. ? HOMGYI.BR .unil 11 rat cln-s Bsrgea. with ll?ynl? u Beach, Ocai denial, Ol nwood ami oilier luvurits grove*. MA hi EN A KA-.K Li.. 1II) noiith *l. Open Snnaaya. o V .A El ISLAM), VIA hOCUSi UltuViS. 'I lie only lino liuiuin .' In the mldillo ol Coney /aland. Came'.. Atlantic Oarnen aod all oral claaa Dotal*. On and alter June 15 the !'ivo>lte steamers ARROW R.M 1TII rniu JOIl.V SYLYj.sTRit will iCave :2 d .1., X. R. I Leroy .t. i Kronmiil ?i I Pier 13, N. R. 8:45 A. M. N:55 A. Al ?:'?'> A. . Mil# A. J*. 11:45 A. >1. | 0: >6 A M I 10:03 A. M, | 10:15 A. M. 11 1.'. A M I 11:5ft A. M I 1 :0ft I'. M , 12:1# P. M. 12:15 P. Al. 12:55 P. d. I :0S P. .11. 1:1ft P. M. 2:15 P. M. I 2:55 1* M. | U " '5 P. M. 3:1ft P. M. U-,f> P. M. | 3:55 P. II. | 4:03 P. M. | 4:1ft P. M. Returning, II). 11 A. M.; I :30, 2 s30. f>:30 0!3O P. M. Tiie irnn nud nutty ateamlioat Ha\ KIDOitwIII laava pi?r I, ). II. is Ij lining Stnton Island terry), 10 A. M., 2 :30 and 3 :.'Mi P. M. Returning. leave Locust Drove HA. M , 1 ami 4 P Al. Pure. :f)o. Kxmniiili tlcaeu, ftoo DaIL? TxbC!i810NH"frr lti YPO '.T. EXCEPT Saturday and Sundii. Steamer .Villi WAI.E, from loo* o Harrison at., al 10 A. M. Steamer MATTKWAN, Sun days, al I) A. V. FMIH EXOUIISlONS-1 HE LA~RGH i'lRST l/LAHli aieamer LDMI BRANCH, wlilch Una bead fMrnlahed with new ooilera and oltierwi.o mnrb Imprnvrd: also atrictly first claaa grovaa and buruea. with no us of all ktadat with many years' experience and improved laellltiei, I can aaaure complete aaiiatActSiu at I.KllUCKI) KaTKS. J. MYERS, corn, r Alorlon and West It a GO AND KhK THE KKaIMTPUL" I'ALtdiYl)EB, '' ItOU.VU TRIP 2ft CENTS. Boats Irom Canal st. lor KORr LKK. PLEASANT VALLEY AND SII.VDY slOK. nn SUNDAYS at H. 10, 11 A.M., 12 M. 1. 2, 3, 4, 0 and 7 P. M.I DAILY lit 10 A. M. and 2, 5* and 7 :1ft P. AL. landing nt 24th .t. and 34in st. id .ilv and .unday) 10 miuA later. M AN II ATI AN BEACH KaILWaY, completed to Drceiipnliit, oppoaiie 23d at., Eaai River. 2iuiiiio#r time lahte, to lake eff-cl -uniluE? jiiiir 10, 1S78, week days and Sunday*. The elegant aleainnr KLIZA 11 < NCdX, commencing a* above, will run during the seaaou fr nn pier l<M>t el 23d St., East lllver direct to Company's depot at Dreeupolnt, mak ing close i niiiioctiont. g-lng and returning, with expresa trains to and Irmn Manhattan Beach. Boat leaves 23d st. pier at 8:4ft. 0:13, 10:45. II :45, A. k? and 12:45, I :30. 2 :4ft, 3:.<5, 4:4 ? ft :ftO, and 6:43 P. >1. Trains leave Maahattan Banoh for New York via Greea rsint. ai7:30, 10 lift. M., and 12:10, 1. 2 :0ft. 3:12. 4rl4. 1|2, B^)7, 7. 8:15 and 9:30 P. M. Ilmefr.m Qreenpolnt, 42 minutes. Trains conuect nt Kaal New York, with Rapid Transit train- on Ailamlo nr., Brooklyn; also with Canar ale and Kocssway Beaoli Railroad. Via Rsv Ridge. The Elegant steamer* llioma* Colyer and I). R. Martin, leave: ? . j-jd at. N. R. Leroy at., hi. R. Pier 8, N. K. 0, 10. 11. 12 A. M., 0:15, 10:19. 11:19 0:30, lti:30, 11 SO and 1. 2, 3. 4, 9, A. M., 12:15, 1:1ft. A. M., 12do, 1 :?0, 0 aud 7 P. 2:15. 3:10. 4:15, 2:30, 8SO. 4:3n, 0:15, 0:16 aud OSO, 0:80 and . 7:1ft P. M. 7:80 P. M. Trains leave Manhattan Beach via Bar Ridge at 8, 1(1:40, 11:40 A. M.. and 12:40, 1 SO. 2:43, 8:40, 4:40, 6:86. 6:40, 7:40 and 0 P. M. RAPID TRANSIT TO KOCKAWaY BfTIIKOPPO ?iiion iiedmhoat TWILIGHT. The pioneer aleaiuer TWILIGHT haa brought dawn the faro to Kockaway Iroru $1 to only 5o cents. Don't forces that the excursion ticket l>y the aleamer TWILIGHT ia only 50 cents; single ticket, 80cents. The TWILIGHT, Captain OH A liLKS FOSTER, ia tha fastest steamer to Ruckaway. THK WELL KNOWN HTEAMKR TWILIGHT has been altered and refitted in spleudld style lor the speetal comfort ot excursionists, ami will innke trips daily ta ROCKAWAY BEACH. commencing MONDAY, June 10, and two trips Sunday. Mn-ic by a select brass band and orchestra. A strand minnrei entertainment or the well knows WEAVER BROTHERS The steamboat will learn 23d st.. V. R BUS A.M. 10th e?.. N. K 10:00 A. M. Plor 1, N. U. (Balterr) I":15 A. M. Returning, lear-t Rnckaway nt 5 P. M. TO OHAKTEK'kOH EXOtRsIoN.S-STKAME.tft GhN, Seuywick and Fort Lee: Barges Caledenta. Republic tarrest (Jueen auu Anna, plan Excelsior Park. Harltan Beach. Oriental Columbia. loua Island and Cold Soring Cioves. N. S. BKICUS, 384 West ?k, oppoaita Christopher street ferry. EST-POINT OR NKWBUKG. DAILY fKXCKPT r-undayt) ; see day line adrertlsmaent; remain at West Point three hours, Newonrg nearly two hours; due at New Yurs on return at 5:30. POST OF KICK IV OTIC k. P"o8T*oTk ick"noYi o k.~ The Koreiiru Mails lor thb week ending Saturday. Jnna 22. 1878, will close at tule ulUce en I uoedar, at 6 A. U., for Europe, oy steamship Wyoming, ma Queenetowa; on Wednesday, at 8 A,|M.. lor Europe, by steantsbln Bothnia, rla Queeiislown (eorresiH<ntlruea Inr France to ua lor* warded by this steamer must he specially addressed). and at 7 A. M , for France direct, by eteauiablp Labrador, via Havre: on Thursday, at 6 a. M.. fur Europe, by steamship Baltic, via Queeenstowu (eorrnspondenee lor Cermuny and i r nee to be forwarded by this steamer must be specially addressed), end at <2 ?(.. |(,r Euro e by ate unship Pom. luerauta, via P vmonth, C erheurg and llamnnr : on .Satur day, at 7 A. Mm lor Europe by steamship City of Rloh. mund, via Gueenstowu icnrrusp udenco lor Ueruntuy and Scotland to *e forwarded ny tula staaiam iulist be specially addressed;, and at 7 A. M., tur Scotland, dir-ct, by steamship Clrcsseie, via Glasgow. and at 11 :30 a. M. for Knrepe, by steam. ? hip W'ener. via Southampton and Bremen. Th i steamship! Wyoming, Bothnia. Baltic and City of Richmond do not take'mails fur Deumar., Sweden ami Norway. The malls tor ispiowall and snnth Pacific ports leave New York June 2d. The m ills for China ami Japan leave San Fran. ciseoJuly 4. The mallalor Australia. Ac., leave New York J ulv 8, Purr Orrioa. New Yopk. June 16. 187& Tuns. L. JAMES, Postmaster. I'KUPOSALb. PRUFOSihS FOR INDIAN SifprEItIi AtiD Transportation. Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affaire, Washington. Mar 21. 187s.?Sealed prepoeals, indorsed Prvpn?als tor Beel. Bacon. Klour, CleShiag or Traaeparta tlnn. Ae. las the ease may be), and directed to the Com missioner of Indian Affairs, No*. 61 and 63 Woos t?r el.. New York, will be received until 11 A M. of Tuesday, June 18. 1879. for tur iiiahing for the Indian Service about 875,000 poaa l? Bacon. 38.0nO,i<X) pnnude Beef on ti n boor, 100,000 pnniide Beans. 28.OU0 pouada Baking Powder, 2,OUO.miO pounds Corn, 450,000 nounaa Dullns, 7,0d).lXS) pounds riour, ftO.LSXi ponnds Feed, 2(X),()IA) pound* bard Brand, 113.Ou" poa'nds Hominy. 13.88)) pounds Lard, 1,100 barrels mess Pork, 2l.?,OOOj>onude Rico, 7,01*1 p oinds Ten. 5H,(XiO niinnde Tobacco, 200.0(11 pounds halt. 11X1,000 ponnds Snap, B,'**'pounds Soda. 020,000 pounds Sugar, and 1,356,006 pounds Wheat, Also Blankets, woollen and cotton Goods, consisting In part or Ticking. 35.0U) yards; etaadard Calico. 300,01X1 yards; Drilling. 2U.5IXJ yards; Duck, 218.850 yards: ben I ins. 14.880 yards; Gingham. 32,500 yards: Ken tucky Jeans. 48 8-1) yards; Satinet, 0.000 yards; brrwn Sheeting, 250.0(1) yarns; bleached Sheeting, 20.(111 ysrds; Hickory Mbirtlng, 21MXX) yards; Calloc Shirting. 7,3(1) yards: Wlneey, 7JKK) yard*: ClSlhlnr, U ocerles, Notions, Hardware. Medical Supplies aud mle cellaueout Articles, sncii ae Wagons, liar nee*. Plows, Bakes, Sorss. Ac . Ac. Also Transportation lor snch of the Knpplle*. Goods, end articles thus may not be contracted for tu be delivered at the Agencies. B1H8 Ml.'.-T BR MADK^OCT ON UUVXUM^RNT Hrhedntes showing Ibr kind* slid quantities of subsistence aupplles required lor each agency nod the kind* and quan tities, tn eriiii. ol ?ll other good* and articles. together Witt) l.lnr.k proposals and forme lor contract and bond, conditions to bo observed hp kiadara, tins and place ol dell very, tarma ol contract aad pay ment, transportation roams, ?ni mi utbor neeeeaery Ins'.rui'tluiis will b? furnished upon anp'icatton to tha Indian lifllre In Washington. or Noa. fll and HH (ffnoetef at.. New York; to K K. Klngsley, No Hi* Clinton plana, K?? York; Win. H. Isvon. No. 4*1 Broadway Now Yarn and to the Cuinrnlanarie* of Suo-isleho.', United ritaiel Annv, at Chicago. HI, Louie, Hious City, St l'aal, Leave* worth. Omaha aad Cheyenne. n il- will ho opened at the hoar aud day above elated, and bidders are Invited to ba present at tho opening. CKIlTlUl.ll OilKCkts ONLY KiCMVaBIsK UN KOIe LOWING BAN ICS, AO All hide must ha accompanied by rertlfled eheeka upon noma una of in? tnllowlng hank* or government depost lorios lor at laaat Bvo per cant at the amount ol tha pro* noeal, via.: Chomlcal <atiousl, New York; National Broadway, New York; Metropolitan NatlanaJ, New York; Moth National, New Vark; Philadelphia National. Phila delphia; Kirat National. Baltimore. Third National, Cin cinnati; Union National, Chlcoiio; fourth National, SL l.ouia, ?nd Citlann's National, Washington. D. O. t aad tha United Males Assistant treasurers at Philadelphia, Halts more, Chlcago'aad St. Louis. K A. IIAYT. I onnulaaiouut. HTUIIAWK. IfAlGhl.'H WAItkllilUHKS, ATU AY.7"?ht)lf"SS0 J Llo ;i4ili at.?Murago lor Inrulliire, baggage, goods Cud ? .res of arery dcacrlpllna. In a po< ate closed compare* rums*; always arudsaiblo. (HTl. a .'KM W st idi.ii st. lii'l wknt ?dii >r. ? i*.aiti,c, .>tohau1i^ wVitic 1 we khntisea) ? Hrrupulonalv clean; tn-rderile charges; Improved elevator ; uasir a* comndatlana II desired. elry cist* riii.No. AT II a i: III v, I ..74 BIKUIiWAV, 6?fWOTY~Bgf and Aid ale.. Broadway prices paid for raal-sff Clothing, Books. Ac . by ? ailing or addressing II II Alii.Is. 1 H74. -.1. Ml 1/,'N, I ISM Bit /ADWA V ~NTkXlt d?TH at., nlKhasI i a-h prices paid lor east on Clothing. Jew* , Hooka. Aridrese B. M INTf.. A T TlIK NKV* hHT All 1.1 sII MKNT, Ml li tl'H AT.. \ j\ mat demand for i nl slf O.oslrlng, J.walry, Beoka. Ci, Call or addro-s Mr or Mr*. AUK i Ms ? Ath ay T~KUWAItUnrii7LKKM. AHnTU A V~NKaR W*'< verley place, utmost valua paid for cast off Clothing, Doll or adureai, T rieATTO'M, si'l StM aV " NKAIt 4AtTT HT.-M pcr.e>.tiu re than elsewhere will poel'ivcly ho paid lor cset off Clothing. AO re-s Mr. or Mrs. rLxTTO. -M MtKit Toi ?rn avT, oprosim btm hT.? -Ls'llss and contleme i will he astonished at thu high price* polo (4'iehi lor Ca-t-off tilothlng, < srpeta, Lacea. Jewelry, Hooka. Ac Ladles wnited on hy Mrs. Marka ~jT~- "HI AV . N A It 4TII SI, I-Ats I'lTk II 1(1 h* A. st value lor (as I-off clothing, Carpeta. Jewelry r ac r es Mr. ... M. HIMn ' ? -oweuy* I casIIMKhu pays KitoAUw ay paTtTkH log LJeCaai-off Clothing. ??A West Hist at,, between Hroart* way aud Utu av. ACTHOMIUl. v''~r " 3 a'-Kir I M Pi IS J I l< I.N.?GK K ATi*. -> f OlaTSVoYaTF" A.Mrs. Purl I Bit (alls everything; asra a, linnbtr* art lai rottort or art p*y |U) l itis st., near tin ay ; HAti.. JMle . {I ' MKDll'Au, T157Tc? TVXRXto*. wiiiTkliK >'Ti;f?i?i)PK?it6ifol Aklldwrlery. HI A hast 4Ath .t.. naar Id av. W j^'W* LYONS?ItKMoVKII T(r 107 VIKsf HlltTdfT?* Mhh: buhNs," ? 1? lataington av? near Hid at. ajviu* Itaa