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WASHINGTON. Congress Closing Up the Business of the Session. PASSAGE OP TOE INTERNAL REVENUE BILL. Successful Fight in the House Againsi the Fisheries Appropriation. BUNDRY CIVIL BILL IN THE SENATE. Refusal to Fay the Expenses of the Louisiana Commission. THE POTTER COMMITTEE. Management of the New York Custom Ilouse To Be Investigate. FROM OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT. Wasiukoto.v, June 17, 1878. COXGBBEg APPBOACHING THE END?AH EXCIT ING TIME IN THE HOUSE OVKIt THE FISHERY aWAID APPBOl'FUATION. Ia the belief that to-night's session would be (be Jest nigbt session of the i1011 so tbero was a Jurgo at tendance of (be members and of 1U0 public. After (be disposal of tbo Internal Revenue bill tno Speaker recognized Mr. Crapo, al Massachusetts, to m.ko the motion to go to llis Speaker's table und tatce up the Fishery Award bill. Alter the bill bad been read a dozen members addressed tbe Speaker, demanding to be recognized. General But ler loudly objected to tbo consideration of tbe bill uu lesa be could bo beard, and when tbe motion was made to pat tbe bill on Its passage be took position in front of tbe Speaker's desk and Insisted upon being rllowed to denounce tbe bill as infamous aud unjust. Tbe repnbltean members shouted "Order! order!" and on tbe democratic side tbe contusion was Increased by crlee of "Regular order." General Butler raised his voice above tbo din, which was now Increased by tbe loud raps Of tbe Speaker's gavel, l'he Speaker again recognized Mr. Crapo, who renewed tbe motion to pat tbe bill oa its passage. Folate of order were mode tbat tbe bill most be considered In tbe Committee of tbe Whole, and tbe Speaker an nouDced that be would reserve bis decision on the poioi of Order and the objections raised by Messrs. Cox, or New York, and Thompson, ol Pennsylvania. The wildest exoitement followed, nearly all tbo members standing in their places and crying "urder" aud "Regular order." General But ler said he wanted to be heard only live minutes, but tbo Speaker refused to reoognlze him and Anally ordered him to take bis seat. '1 he Sergeant-at-Armn was Instruoied to aid the Speaker In quieting Mr. Butler, and that officer proceeded to expostulate with the Massachusetts member, who smiled aud laced the Buuse, tbe members on both shies signalising lbs victory of the General by loud clapping of bauds. Order being restored the roll was oalled on suspending tbe ruler, which failed to get the necessary two tblrds, 156 voting In the uffirraative and 87 In tbe negative. Mr. Crapo then endeavored to get tn a mo tion to take up tbo bill In Committee of tbo Whole for Ave minute speeches, but tbe Chair recognized Mr. Ellis, of Louisiana, on tbo motion to take up a con tested election case, which was beaten on a yea and nay vote. At midnight the House was sit!! in ses sion, with a prospect ol un nil night session. The Northwestern members uro anxious to ge to the speaker's table to pass the hill to extend the tlmo for the completion ol tbo Northern Pacific Railroad, which has already pasted the Senate. THE ARMY APPROPRIATION BILL? El SOME OP ITS PRINCIPAL PKATUKK8. The following Is a synopsis ol tbe Items and pro Visions ol the Array Appropriation bill as Anally pussed by both bouses of Congress:? Section l.?Expenses of General Sherman's bead quarters, $2,500. Expenses ol recruiting, $75,000; fixes tbe total number ol enlisted men, toclmitng tcouis and hospital Stewards, but additional to 450 signal service men. Expenses ol Adjutant Omoral at lieadquurtors ol militury department, $3,000. Apparatus and equipments for 6lgnal service, $10,600. l'ay of the army, mileage and miscellaneous ex penses, $11,580,287 18. Subsistence Department, $2,315,000 (lens $300,000 hiretofbte appropriated). Quariermuitter's Department? fuel, lorago, Ac? $8,350,000; incidental expense*. $1,000,0:0; purchase ol horses, $200,000; transportation, $4,200,1X81; hire Of building*, excluding quarters lor officers, $880,000, ol which $60,000 is to be used lor builaiiic storehouses and offices at Omaha; hospital*, $75,000; Clothing and equipage, $000,000; cemeteries, $159,000, aud con tingent expenses, $40,000. Medical Department, $210,000; Medical History of the War, $30,298 73 Engineer Depot at Wlllett's Point, $6,000. Ordnaoce service, $100,000; small urms ammu nition, $76,000; preserving and cleaning ihe ord nance stores, $25,000; repairing ordnance stores, $26,000; purchase aud inauutaoture ot stores, $115,000; iniantry, cavalry and artillery equipments, $75,000; manulacture ol arms at armories, $16,000; trial grounds at Sandy Hook, $12,500; converting ten-Inch smooth bore guns Into rilb-s, $50,000. For buiidiug a new military post north or eaat of the lllack Hills, $100,000. Fur * new post near where Milk Hirer orossee the northern line ol Molilalia, $100,001). .Section Z?All registers nerealter shall publish tbo llnoul rank ol every liau officer, kopnrutoly lur differ ent corps, aud record ol previous servioe, whether in the regular or volunteer ranks or as a volunteer officer. Hectiun 3.?All appointments hares iter as second lieutenant sbali bn tilled by graduates, II there ure any tiunssigned (tbe Military Academy bill lorbids assign ment except to actual vaeunoies); II any vacancies ?till remain, n on coin missioned officers, who bave been recommended uuU passud ibe required elimina tion, shall be appointed; but II any vacancies still re. main, alter then* classes are exhausted, civilians atuy bo appointed. Section 4, providestbat non commissioned officer*, who bare served two years ana bavo received tho recommendations ol the company and regimental com mander, shall be examined by a board ol Ovo officer*, aonvened oacu year by tbe department commander, ?ball be examlued, and, it passed by the board, tits Bamcs shall be torwarded to tbe seoretary of \Var, June 1, each year. Sectiou 6 aboliabos lanndrosses, to take effect on expiration of tbo enlistments ol tboir husbands, If , Slurried. Section 0 requires all headquarters, except that of General Sbermau, to lio established at points where are gorernmeat buildings, except the .secretary ol War aball direct otherwise by ao order in writing. Section 7 provides that the lime any officer has serven as an ennaiad man, regular or volunteer shall be allowed in oouipiinng longevity payor lor retire ment. It alao fixes the rolired list at 400 iuslend ol ma sections cuts off commutation for luol to officers, but provides mat they may he tarnished oak wood at $3 cash per cord for actual use, or oibrr luol at its equivalent In oak wood. Forage In kind may he issued tor horses kept and nwueii by officers on duty with troops In the Held or at posts wost of the Mississippi Kiver, fixes tbe allowance ol horses lor t.eneral Sherman at Ovo, aud General .Sheridan lour, Instead ?f casu allowances ol $60 each per month as be lore, end reduces tbe allowance lor major generals Iroin five to three, and ol brigadiers iroin lour io three undtr (lie above provision. All other officers ere al lowed lbs same ns beloro. ?Section W axes the commutation ol quarters lor Gen* erul Sherman at $136 per mouth instead of $300 as balore, and ol General Sheridan at $70 instead ol f 108; end lor all otner officers where ihere aro no public quarters, at $lu per room instead $18 aa colore section 10 prnvmea that the wnoio question ol army relortnand reorganisation ninth he remrrod to njolut committee of three senators and IIva HepresaiitmIves, to tie designated by the Vice President ana Speaker, with power to send lor peraons mm papers, employ a clerk and stenographer end sil during the rect-aH. If requested ihe secretary oi War may detail one or more officers to act as secretaries. bectiou 11 specifies the line ol Inquiry by tbe Joint committee provided by section 111. To examine as to lininber and pay ol officers aud men, proportion of tbe several arms, rank, pay una italics ol me staff corps, end il reduction in numbers or pay t>y consolidation or otherwise can be dono consistently with iho internals Of l do serf lea. Section 13 directs tbe Joint committee to report to Congress by January 1, 1670, aud to sit when and where they may select. Section 13 directs promotion to cease in eeob grade, in stall or line, Irom Hie pnssngo ol Iho oci, and no lurtber promotion or sppoluiinoiit snail bo made lo fill any vacancy which may occur nntii tbejolni com mittee nas maue its report, and Congros* has t-ken ac tion thereon | provided, that litis limitation shall net apply to the line or ibo army below iho rank of cap tain. Section 14 provides lor another joint committee ot tbroc Senators aud li ve Kepro>eolulivO'i to examine the whole queatlou ot the ??xpodioocy ol transurring the Indian lluro.iu tolbe War Department, and they tiro also directed to report January 1, 1878. Section la forbids the u-e ol the army ass posse comitiituiub or otherwise in executing laws, except as expressly authorized by the constitution or act of Con gress. Any willui violutiuii ol this shall be a misde muauor, nod is provided lor by n fine ol $1,000 or not exceeding two years' imprisonment, or bo ill. Section 10 repeals all acta inconsistent wtb the bill. GENERAL WASHINGTON DESPATCHES. Washington, June 17, 1878. THE POTTER INVESTIGATION?CBOB-J-FXAMINA TION OF D. CONtiUtST CLARK?SENATOR XI'LLOOO ItKADT TO TESTIFY. The session of the l'otter committee to-day was de voiod to u rigid crost-examiQution ot H. Conquest Clark, the privalo secretary of ex-lioveruor Kellogg, who bad charge of the signing ot the ccrllticatos to which Lcvlsoe, the elector, tostnled bis name bad been longed, iho witness testified that bo dtd not know who signed Leviseo's name; that whon the signatures ot all the electors were ntiucbod he sealed the nepeis up uud mado iho proper disposition ot them. The witness know that Leviseo was out of town, aud, therefore, did not sond lor him, but mado no inquiry when be fouud his nemo to the papers which he (the wltneas) had in charge. On Saturday Chairman Potter sett tho following note to Sonator Kellogg bin?You ere requested to attend boforo the com mutes ot the Miiu-o ol Hepresenintives tor tbe Investi gation of tne electoral lraude, .kc., Ato., at such nour tie may suit your convenience, lor Iho purpose of giv ing lostimony Willi respect ol matters iu heartug Co lore said committee. Senator Kellogg replied as follows:? feiu?1 have just received your note requesting me to attend before your commlitoe at such hour as may suit my oonventence lor the purnoso of giving testi mony, uud In reply would say thai 1 would endeavor to attend immediately, but there arc matters pending In the Senate to-day rogardlug winch 1 feel much in terest. On -Monday, after Iho morning hour, 1 will endeavor to makesutft urraugotuont as will ouaoie mo to comply wlin your r^uest. On tbe receipt of Sotmtor Kellogg's note Mr. Potter verbally returned bis thaints by messenger for the letter's promptness, and said ho would inloriu him at wbat time bis presence would bo required. Til* NEW YORK CURT Oil HOUSE ? PROPOSITION TO EXAMINE INTO ITS MANAGEMENT AND AD MINISTRATION. The Committee on Ways and Mean* to-day author lzad Represent a; Iwe Wood to submit to tho Ronee a rcBOlultou authorising the appointment ot a suo-com millee to bold meetings iu the city ot New York dar ing tho recoss ot Congress. The resolution provides that a sub-committee ot the Committee on Ways and Means shall meet In the city ot New York on the flrtt Monday In September next, lor the purpoeo of examining into tho management and the aatmniairaiton of tho Custom llouso in mat city, and to prooure information relating to the collection ot the revenues and other kindred questions. In the oveat ot tho adoption of tho resolution by the House the committee will consist of the following members ol tho committee, namalyMessrs. Wood, ot Now York, Cnstrman; Garfield, ot Ohio; Tucker, of Vir ginia; Banks, ot Massachusetts; Phelps, ot Connecti cut, and Harris, ot Georgia. BKSt'MPTION or SPECIE PAYMENTS? BECBF TAUY SUKBMAN ON THE SENATE SUBSTITUTE FOB THE HOUSE BILE. A conversation between a member ot the Honee and the Secretary ot the Treasury to-day, on the aubjeot ol the Senate substitute for the bill repealing the Re sumption act, bavlng been repeated to W. A. Phillips, ol Kansas, the latter gentleman, who is a member ot the Committee on Ranking and Currency, with a view of obtaining In substantial form the views of the Sec retary, addressed him the lollowing telegram.? Holuk or RxraKiwsxTJkTivss,> Wasuijhjton, Juue 17, 1878. ) Hoc. Jobs Shsexax, Saoretsry ot ihe Treasury:? Several msuibera desire to kuow whether, it the House agreed to toe Senate substitute lor the bill re pealing the Resumption not, there u danger ol logal tender* taken lor lour per cent bonds being lockol up, or whether they will be paid out only lor current expenses, una whether say surplus there may be w:ll be used is retiring she hoods bearing higher rate of interest. Raapeoifufly, W, a. PHILLIPS. The Secretary replied:? My Intention and expectation Is to apply all the pro ceeds ot lour per com bond'1, whether sold for United States notes or eoio, to the redemption ot Qvo-tweoty six per cent bonds. 1 hope the House may make the power to rocoive United States notes tor custom duties discretionary instead ol compulsory. To this Mr. Phillips replied;? Your answer does not cover tho question whether you will keep in circulation the legal tenders receiv able lor customs or whotber they will be hoarded so as to prod noo oonlraotioo. Tho Secretary answered this by saying:? 1 certainly would obey the law In letter end spirit, and would aock to keep la circulation ail Uoited .States notsa thai could ho maintained ut oar with coin notes received for cuitoms dunes and could bo used In tbe purchase of colu or bullion. PAYMENT OF THE FISHERIES AWARD. In consequence ot tbe (ullure to obtain a two-thirds voto In the House lor the motion to pass a bill under a suspension of tbo rules to pay tbo fisheries award ol tho Halifax Commission, the Senate will insert an amendment to effect that purpose in the Sundry Civil Appropriation bllL This amsnduiont can bo now con curred In by a simple majority ol tbo House. THE FISHERIES COllRRHl ONDKNCK?A I.ETTEU FROM M. DKLtOSSE. Tbs additional corrospoudeuco laid before tbe Senate to-night In regard lo Ibe selection et M. Muo rtco Deitovse >a oooof the Commissioners under Ibe Treaty of Washington on tbe fisheries question de velop! nothing new of especial interest except a letter addressed to Secretory Kmrte by M. Deltoaee ou tue 23d ult. In which he calls atlenilon to tbo fact that it was at tbe express requost ot tbe two parties interested?tbe government or Great Britain and that of tho United States?ibat be accepted tbe efllco of tbird Commissioner, wblcb they bad both tendered blm and for wblcb tbe Austrian Ml ulster In London designated blm afterward, at their request, In order thai the ap polntmeot might bo made in entire oonlormity with tbe provisions of tbo Washington treaty. M. Del losso also states that the objections to his appoint ment, which wcro raised by tho government of tbs United Stales several years ago, bad never been re vealed to blm, and wore, In ract, absolutely unknown to blm previously to tbelr publication, about two months ago, as part of tho ofllolsl cor res pond cues then nont 10 tbs United States Senate. THE DlflTBXCT COMMIBSIoftfcBS?APPOINTMKNTS BT THE rnESIDKJCT. Captain Pbslps, nominated by tbo President as ono of tbo Ulvtl Commiaaionsra snoer tho bill recently passed providing u permanent government for the District of Columbia, Is one of the three Commission era under tho prssont government, which tormluaios on the 30tb ol J une. Mr. Joslah Dunt, said lo be a relative ol General Grant, another of tbo Commiaaionsra nominated to day, is a resident of Georgetown aud but little known In Wssbiogton. More than a doxon aoiivo aspirants lor these offices aro thus disappointed. The A"r<nintf Star says tbelr appointment rnst with opposition In the Cabinet, Secretaries Sherman, Mc Crary and Thompson opposing them. These offlolaU held that it would be proper to appoint men tbat wero moro representative of District inlereS'S and busi ness. Tho englneor officer of tbe army to esrvo as ths other Commissioner under tho new law haw not yet been designated. H not being a nomination rtquiring confirmation by Ibo Senate, It has boon decldod lo pottpono the detailing of such an officer until after Ibo adjournment of Congress. Tho cbolco It considered among those best Informed to have narrowed down to Colonels O. M. i'oe and H. U. Wright. It is thought that one of tnoss will l>? de signated, with the chances In lavor of Colonel I'oe. FKOCEBDIHGB OF CON GUESS. GEN ATX. Washington, J tino 17, 1ST8. Mr. Cos km sot, (rep) of N. Y., called np lbs House bill to orgnnuie ths liro saving service. The bill was read a third ttmo and passed n* It cams from tbe llonsa ol Hepresentatlves, and now gosa to the President lor his signature. Mr. Cahskon, (rep.) of l's., submitted tho follow ing:? Hssolved, Thst the Committee on RdtiaMlon and labor he In-trtn-tod to Inquire Into tne industrial condition ol tho country, th* e.tiont, nature uttd ctiiaci ot tue ot IniMitn'Ki, imd mo Otilwrced ldicne*i ot Intinr, unci trim! rt'inodtot, It ?!??, cm* t>? provided by tiAtfnn*i IrpMetinn. And nUo Into tin* oxpedUuicy of providing a permanent _ A p?rr puruou li ono ot thA ojKocoilve oepomntnts otto# nornrn ment tor the purpose et gathering and publishing tbe statistic* ol tlie iininmsl industries. and that the committee report by bill or or etha. ?* i*u. A|rMil to. HKAD 1I0XSYS. Mr. Kkk.mas, (tleiu.) ot N. V., called op tbe motloa olio red by Mr. Coasting uu Saturday lurt to rtcon sidor the vote by which ibo bill to localize the eclloc tiou ol certain bead monoys was puesu-1, aod said it was important to have thla matter rattled. Mr., of New York, (aid at toint time bo would be glad to in >ko a statement concerning tbta hill. At present bo did not wish to discuss its mortis; bo would bo aatlslied ibat tho vote by wbich It was pns-.od bo reconsidered by unaulmotts eouscnt aod that ibo bill be allowed to lie over uultl llio next sesatou. Tbe bill sought by legislation to determine litigation ponding in court*, it parsed nanny, und within leu miuuiea alter tla pasaago ho hud telegrams Iruiu New York re inoustrullug against it. He protested against a bill being run tnrough both bouaes oi Congress ua tins had been. H bad never beou considered by the Judi ciary Comuiittee, to which It was rnirrrod at u regular meeting, hut the consent 01 a msjorlty of llio commit tee to report it was obtained irom them on the floor ol the Senate. lie did not fool called upon to express uuy opinion in regard to ibo bill, but legislation thus summarily consummated should bo avoided. Every step ol this bill bud been tukan, not under tbo rules ot tho Senate but in splto ot. tbem. He bad been torn the bill wus 10 determiuo the ownership ot (lO,0<Kl.OOO. Mr. Hickman, (detn ) ol Onto, said he g tvo his as sent to reporting tho bill to tho Senate without con sidering the constitutional question involved. He gave his assent that this very question might cemo before the courts, us it could not without llio passage ol IbiB act. Was it coustli utlouul lor Congress to ramy tho assessment ol this tax ? I ho courts could not get at it without the passage of this act, and (here was equity in tbo psssugo ol the law. A grosser attempt at Iruud ibuu that on tbo part ot the sleuiuship companies to recover this tux ho never heard ol. This tax bud been levied and expended tor humane purposes by tne municipalities collecting it. Tuo steamship comp'inios weru tho inero hands Uirougb which lue moony was collected Irom the otnigrants, who would novor got a cent ol it should It oe returned, as luousunds ol thorn weio dead itbd huudrcda ol thousands of them were scat tered all over lllc great Republic. For the steamship companies to recoror ibis money would simply be lor thorn to plunder Boston, Now York, l'uiluuoipbiu, Baltimore, und ovcry port Id tbe country which levied tbo tax. TIIK SUNDRY CIVIL BILL. Pending discission Mr. Wisdom, (rojv j ol Minn., re ported tUo Sundry Civil Appropriation bill, and tbo m>duio immediately prucoctieu wit It the consideration of tbat bill, under the Dvo minute rule for debate ou various sinondiuenlo. Mr. Win com iu explanation of tlie bill said tbo total omounl appropriated by it us it passed the House of Keproseutatives with $10,847,276; the amount added by tne Senate Committee ou Appropriations was 14 ,019,246 22, making a total appropriated by lbs bit! us It now stood of $20,800,020 32. I'be total amount appropriated by tbe Sundry Civil bill for 1878 was $17,122,760. 1 no estimate* lor tbo present fiscal year wnro i24,937,180. Hie Sonnto committee baa auded $1,709,000 tor public builoings, $701,000 for otber public works and $1,673,904 lor varidUs ucllolencies, $1,000,000 ol wblcu was required lor ibe Post OiUoo Department, lie sent to me Clerk's desk una bad read a letter from tbo Postmaster General recom mending the appropriation. Tboro wus another dell* cieucv ol $276,000 lor United States Courts; one of $22,000 lor contingent expenses of tne Houso and scnaie; another item appropriated $137,800 to in demnity tbe States lor enrolling unit muttering troops, during llio late war, and another ap propriated $160,000 tor deficiency in tne Indian service. For the public buildings at Huston, Pntladclpbla, Cincinnati, St. Louis and Chicago, the cnnimiuoe nad added $100,000 lor eaoa city to Uio $300,000 for euab city appropriated iu the House bill The committee bud also recommended uu appropriation ol $276,000 lo purchase tbe Freenmeu'a Hank uoilding in tne city ot Washington; $460,000 lor tbe north wing of the new War, Nuvy and Suit' Do pai l men l building, believing it to be octter to com plete th?l building than to psy rent tor otber build ings. Tbe governinont was paying now $127,000 for rent ol buildings Iu Washington. Ot otber amend ments added by tne commune were tbe following:? Ono hundred and fitly thousand dollars to commence the oohsiructlon ot a dry dock ut League Island Navy Yard. One hundred and fifty thousand dollars for continu ing iho construction of, the dry dock at Mare Island Navy Yard, California. One hundred sua iwcniy-slx thousand dollars for lighthouse* and $76,000 lor tbo Keck Island AraenaL AIIMNDMKNTS AOKKKD TO. Various amendments reported by tno Committee.on Appropriations were then agreed to. Tbo Committee on Appropriations reported tbe fol lowing amendment, whiob was agreed to without dis ouseiou:? That hereafter all advertisements, notices, prnpoealt for contracts and sll terms ol advertising required by law tor the several departments ut the gorernweat may be paid lor at a price not to exceed the comiuercisl rules charged to private Iodtrlauals, wita tne usual discount, sttcb rates to bo ascertained Irmu sworn statements to bo furnished by the proprietors or publishers ol the newspapers proposing ?o to adrnrtlse. Provided thai the need of tbe several deportments may secure-lower terms at special rates whenever the publlo In terest requires it. tmk tronsuii engwtm. Tbo Committee ou Appropriations reported the foL lowtug amendment:? For expenses and compensation of the commission ap pointed by the Preside a t to go to Lonisiaon, $U.tJO(i, or so much thereof as mar be necessary. Mr. 'SrKXCKK, (rep.) ol Ala., said be was astonished and surprised tbat the Committee on Appropriations should recommend nn appropriation ol this sort. The object of tins commission was to turn out the legal government of Louisiana. Mr. WtiiooM, ohalrman of the Committee on Ap propriations, said th? appropriation was recommended by the Presideul ol the United states and also by the .secretary ot tbe Treasury. It was also stated that there were precedents lor siieu an appropriation. The couitniueo had, therefore, ugrecd to report it to tlie senate lar such light ae toe Senator I root Alabama (Mr. Spencer) or any other senator could throw upon It. Mr. Hfhxokr then sent to the Clerk's desk and had read a published statement of the expense ol tbe Lou is.unu Commission. Mr. llKRKvokti, (dem.) of W. Vu., Inquired ot the chairman ot tnu Committee on Appropriations (Mr. Windoiu) it he approved of these Home. Mr. Wixuom replied that lie never saw iho staio meuk. The ooiuiuitlee oould not examine nil the e document* In iho twenty-lour boars It baa lor tbe consideration ol ibis bill. Mr. UsKsroRo inquired If tbe Senator (Mr. Wlndom) Wi s willing to pay ibat uuiouul lor polling Packard out a.hi Nicbolls in. Mr. WixooM replied tbat be would not pay aeonb It wus u very wortuleas job. Did not the Senator (M r. lleroloru)consider that Die results accomplished were ol some value to the democratic party! Mr. liKKKKOttn?.Not Iu tout way. Mr. CoxKUXU, ol New Yorg, inquired It tbe com mittee knew of any law under wniuu tbia so called commission went oat. Mr. Wiximn replied there wore u good many ap proprtuiioos in the bill not exprcsrly authurucd by law. HBMAKKI* OF MR COS HUSO. Mr. damaudsd tbe yens and nays an lha aintndiueui, uud said lie would vote "no. " In Lou isiana a conditional things existed which, secordiug tu the coostitunun and the statutes passed hi pursu ance thereof, auannulled ilia President el the United Mutes to answer one question und that war, whether Packard was or wus not the legal Governor of that Cooiinunwoallh. He (Mr. Conklmg) would not stop now to srgou whether tbe President could avail htm seil ol tourists or visitors to answer tbat question. This commission sent to J.onlsiaaa was tolu to dure g?ri tbo only question wnicti w?s uddresaed to the It Prosidsnt. It was told to proceed u(iou other grounds end In other ways. This so-oellee ewsnmittee wus without warrant al law, and Its doings wvrn in vivlaliou ol law. If anybe?y borrowed Irom u nailouul bank or any other bunk iiiouoy lo embark in this enterprise it w..s not tne business ol the to insert a provision la an appropriation hill tu do that which woatd here after be claimed to legalise It. Me bopeil toe brevity with whicu be bod simiKsu would not lead any one to Imply that be questioned Ibe undonbted right ol the 1'resideul lo dooid* whether troops rhould he em ployed in L?ui*iann or not; but on did say to the Heuuie mat sending the ilva tourists ur visitors iu Latliaiiaa, and allowing them la remain thorn to con suuiniHte that wiiiob tney old, was, in Ins Judgment, not uiiir baulnd the law, but uesion tho law and in VIOIutlvu of the law. KPKM'II or MR. Til I'UMAX. . Mr. Til CRM am, (dnm.)ol Obio, relorred to the con dition ?l allaire iu Louixiana exialiug in the spring of 1877. and Mid It wan admitted ou all aid-m lliat there w <b not a quorum In tn? Puckurd Legislature. In |i?isl ol laot mere wan Out one Governor and one lalnture. Packard and tin Legixiaioru were protected by tl?? najrooaia ol tbn leuaral army. l<a denied that ina President ol tbe I'uitad Stale* aat aa a court ol lent ruaort lu doturuuua oamoaiad elaotion*. Ho did not agree wall tin* idea that when iho people of a State elected a man Governor the oppoaite party could lake an appeal to tne I'rekideut to overturn tbn rightful government ol a State. It waa tbe duty of the I'reMdeiil to und unl What government be van to raoeablae, it being in il.a vacation ol Cougreia ^Mr. koxxi.ixti loi|uired II tba senator was under the iiv e uiinute ruiaf l lio Senator Itom Otlo van |Oin( to iltecm# linn question and 11 the (Ire inlnnie rdiu ouuid be waived lie (Mr. Cockling) waa willing that Hie Solictor abould proceed. Mr. McMillax, (rep.) ol Midd., urgued that tho led arnl tr Kipa iut.k no part lit tbn Louisiana dllllculiy; tiiey onl> prexerveu uie pt-oa. they abstained Mkm taking Hidoa wltu either of lite Olalrnanle, but kept tliR inob which threatened the Stale Homo quiet. Mr. Kerne, (dem.)ei l.n., denied thai mere wan any mob In Now Orlcuiia to tbreatau Ale, Packard or ins Legislature. At no time waa tliero any inientian on mo pari of Governor .Nienoiia to drivu iham out of ilia building which they occupied, and tbey mlunt bare remained there until to-day. MR. KkUUMiO'M IDS All. Mr. KRI.I.OCO (rep.) ol I.e., aaui ho did not propane loiulxia ibia diacu-Hion aa 10 whether there wax a mob or lioi. there waa one point to which be do alrcd to call attention, aud that waa tbat tna Packard L-gMalure wua tne legal Logialatere ol tba -tutu; it met ke was oonatliuliooally required. He (Mr. KoU legg) happened to be Governor at the time. I hi re wn? a legii quorum iu tba Packard I.egit lainra ratog - nixeu by In in. In the i-ower House a mil quorum was admitted to have bean elvcted on tho lace ol the re lurna. In the senate there wan not ? quornrn except by the corliltonien ol the Koinrnlrig Hoard, there Hot an i.filter in toe si ale who eld cut recognise him aa Governor, and lha Legislature wliloli lio iioogntrial was Ilia logai anil constitutional one. Mr. Wisiwm, of Minnesota, raid, as tin* debate was loexienu tlirongb tne alternoon, hewoulu withdraw tin amendment. several sec a tors objected, and Mr. Anioif (in the.. elmlr) ruled Ibat the amendment eon la sot be with drawn except by auaniiuous contain. en. untiXK bamtaxt. Mr. Blaink, (rep.) ol Ma., win ne did not think the Tro-tdent bau any right to genu Uve men to New Or leans to toil oft enough man from, the lawful Legisla ture 10 recoguiza Nicholls a* Governor He (Mr. Blaine) mad* ueo ol u remark in the Sena to, mrce days alter Mr. Hayes was inaugurated, which hud be come historical- to the effect that It the 1'reunionl w?? elocied Packard wua elected, autl there was no one to throw doubt ou Governor Packard 'a title ex cept Mr. llayeH him-eil. Tbcre wua no effort nt all tuitde by tno Commission to get a Legislature to recognize Puckard. How there was a demand that the men who threw iuto chaos the allalrs of Louisiana, the men who were the authors of all Uio mischiel enacted since, should he paid lor it. Ho lor ouu would uot roie lor such an amendment. Kelcrring to the remarks ol Mr. Eustis be said the Governor of Louisiana sat in his chair to Uay on account ol u mob, having been placed there hy a mob. Aucoroing to tho doctrine laid down by the Senator irom Onto (Mr. llturmuii), Abraham Lincoln could not have takeu his seat in 1 S?51 because the whole city of Washington was aguiusi him. Wtnflcfd Scott stood tu Iront ol this Capitol with n battory ol artillery to keep down u democratic mob. Mr. Saiicknt, of California, said at this liotfr and ut ibis stage ol toe session the .Senate could not afford to discuss the ImuiMuuu question. He tbereioro moved to lay the umeodmeiil uu the tablo, but withdrew bis motion ut tbe request of Mr. Lock, ol Kentucky, a mcmoor of the Committee ou Appropriations, who rend a letter frotn-secratury Sherman urgiug tbo ap propriation una citing precedents lor it. Mr. Hkck (dein), of Ky., then argued that tho Presi dent had tiio right to cxhuusl all |K-acenbio ineaiia to settle ibo difllcuiiioti in Louisiana beloro resorting to the military power. Ii tbo Presideul believed it wis best to scad those people there, H he believed the good ol the service required it, it was mean in Con gress to say it would not piy their expenses, when they wont iii good lailb. Mr. Sahgkxt then renowed bis motion to lay tba uineudni' ut ou the table, an I It was agreed to?yeas 32, nays 22 -as tallows:? Vkas?Messrs. Allison, llurtinui. Hoek, lllalue, Booth, Coukiinir, liavis ot lillutds, Dornev, Baton, Kastis, Here lord, ingalln. JolinMuii, Janes ot Klorhla, Kellogg, Me Creery, McMillan, Mct'lier-on, Merrlmon. K-ndulpli. liol lni*. huriront, Mpcucur. foliar, Mitrliell. M ol rill, eg-esby, Patterson, i'luiab. Wliyte, Wiiuiom snU Withers?33. Nass?Ah ssr>. Auiliouy, Arimuruug. liailey. Bayard, Bttrnshlr, Butler. Cliristiancy. Coke, flawes, Cordon, Har ris, 1J111, Hoar, Lamar, ALUunatd. Matthews, Morgan, Paddock, Sua I saury, Saunders, Vourhees aud Wallace -J, .Messrs. Thurniuu ana Groyer announced that they were paired on all political questions with Messrs. Ku tuunds and Chulli-e, unit tins being rogarucd as a political quiMttou they did noi vote. A DhlTIOX AL AM1XDMKMTH AliBKKD TO. Otber umcuameuts ot tbe Comiuttieo on Appropria tions wore agreed to. I be Senate then, on motion of Mr. Mcl'itnunox, went into executive session, and when the doors Were reopeiiou ut hall-past Uve o'clock took a recess until otgnt o'clock P. M. KVK.MMI HKBHIOX. At the evening soesiuu the Senate resumed the con sideration ot the Sundry Civil Appropriations Inn, the pending quesllou heing on the amendment ot Mr. Howe, appropriating $150,000 lor tho touudutuin of the new library building in Judiciary square. Luid on the table. The question then being on the amendment of tbe oommutea, Mr. howo submitted another substitute to porcbuse certain land east of tbe Capitol grounds ua a site lor such library. I.utd on the table?yeas 4l, nays 80. TOK I.KOISI.ATIVK SILL. Ponding discussion Mr. Wixiium, ol Minnesota, (Irom tbe cnulerebco committee ou tbo Legislative, Judicial and Executive Appropriation bill, submitted u report, and said It covered some Ofty-seveu printed pages. Ho hud already stated on two or tbree occasions tbe 'points of agreemeut bctweon the ootniniltees. He was ready to answer any question In regard to la* bill, but tbe matter bad bocu so tolly cxphitued that bo thought everybody understood It. Ho therelore moved the report be adopted without beitig redd. t here being no objection tno report was adopted and the bill passod. Tho consideration or the Sundry Civil Appropriations bill was iheu resumed, snd Mr. ltowa suo.nittud suc cessively amendments to purchase lauu on tho norlb and south of the Capitol grouuda, both of whioh were laid ou tbo tabie, and tbe amendment of the commit tee. as above mentioned, was agreed to. ilr. Wisdom then submitted amendments making tho uecossiry appropriations lor ibu life saving ser vice, In Bccordunce with the bill passed to-day, and tbey were agreed to. Ulhtr amendments ol the Committee on Appropria tions Were agreed to. Mr. Ulaixs submitted an amendment so as to pro vide ihui toe Hot Springs property sbail be leased, Ate., until otherwise ordered. Mr. Thl'sman, or Ohio, suggested that it be so amended as to provide lor tbe lease ot the property tor tbe term ol nvo years or until otherwise provided by law. Tbo amendment was accepted by Mr. Blaloo and agreed to by Hie Senate. At tbo iimu of going to prosa tbo Senate war* con sidering Hie Suudry Civil Appropriotlun bill, with prospects ot an all nigbt session. HOUSE or HKPliXKBMTATtYKB. Wassmotoh, June 17, 1978. Mr. Thoxpsok, (rep.) ot Pa, offered * preamble mid rosoluMoo, reciting the dcprcsMcd condition of 'labor no" industry tltrougboot the country, and providing a select committee ot acvra members (to sit during the recess) to Inquire Into the onuses thereof and the remedies therefor. Adopted. The houee then, at half-past eleven o'clock, re sumed the consideration of the Internal Heveuue bill (Mr. Carlisle, ol Kentucky, in lbs chair as Speaker pro tern.), the pending umondweot being the one ot tered by Mr. Burebard, ot Illinois, Imposing a tax of one-twenty-iourth ol oue per oont per month on the average amount of bank deposits subjeot to draft or oitcck (being a modification of the existing law on the subjeci) Tue amrudmcnt win adopted. Mr. Tccxan, (d*tu ) ol Vs., oUsred un amendment, relieving from taxation such deposits in savings bun ks us are Invested in United Sin tea securities aud all depoaiis to the amount ol $2,000 standing in the name oi auy one depositor. Adopted. Mr. Cox, (rep) ot ubio, moved to strike out tbe sec tion ol the bill rulailng hi bauks and bankers, logetnor witn tbe umeudmsels Just adopted. Agreed io?yens 124, uuvh 117. Mr. Uuhi-iiahd, (rep.) of III. (the next section having been read), said tuot the bill as originally reported wan one relating simply to tbe inannur ol oolleetii.g Hie interne! reveuuo inxos. lie had been intrusive with tbe enarge ol thai bill, but siucc mo provision reducing ibe lax on lobecoo had been incorporated in It lie could iiot give It bis support. He therefore yielded charge ol tns bill to tbe aeutiemae Irum Vir ginia (Mr. Tucker), sod moved to lay tue bill on the table. >lr. It hits, (rep.) of I's.?Do 1 not understand that thin will iiitvrlcru with tbo revenues to the amount of $10,000,001) annually f Mr. iU'KciiAHo?mat isone of tbe chief objections to Alio bill. Mr. 11 i.'kkk, of Virginia, said tbet ho would gludly assume oliurge of Ibe bill which ilie gentleman frotu Illinois yiclued to liim, aud be begged me Irienda ol Iho hill to stand by hun aud push it to a tlnal consider? alloc, lie hoped that the enemies ot the bill would nllow a lair, squaro veto to he taken ut>ou it, and he asked tlx) gentleman irom lll.uois to wituumw tns uioiiou nuiit the oousidoratiou ol tbo bill had boeu Completed. Mr. ItrnPHARii lomsted on bis motion, and It was delraled?yaas 112, nnys 120. Mr. 1'itu.Urs, (rep.) oi (yur., oflertd an amend raont aliol.siuug tee tax upon luclfer irlcltoo niatobce alter ibo 1st oi Juiy, 18711. Adopted?yeas 17s, nays 08, I'liv I iht section ot ibe bill having been read, Mr. Daxximi, (dcm.)ol Ohio, offered as n subsnluio an umeudmcut pioVhiing that the word "gallon" when lined iu regard to lager be> r, ale, Ac., shall bv bald to mean Ilia wine gallon, tbo liquid m-auuro containing 211 cubic inches. Aoopivd. I he cooMidvrsiion ol the bill haviog been completed, Mr. rt'CKKii demanded the previous question un the piseuge oi tbo bill. I he previous question having oean seconded, Mr. Tucker yielded to Mr. kosTan, ol Ohio,who oppeaed the passage ol me bin, lie believed the eeudltmis ol tue reveiiina would out permit wt'.b safety the passage of aey aueti hill. It wan claimed turn the redaction of l?x would lucresse ino revenue, lu soswur to Hint slaMstlc* showed a couxlaotiy Inoreaaing revenue unoei tbe pruseei lax. Cuugrt-na hau In. reu??>?l the spprnprlalioos tbia year at leant $ 10.000.000 beyond what tboy bad been last year. The revenue was tailing, and yet irom that Islling revunun it was pro posed to tike f lA.i/OO.OUU more. No one would be neucnted by the I Dm, lor be would tell tbo inauulacmrors who were In | toe galleries sua who bad lobbied It tnrougn that il , llic lax esre reduced now it would be restored next yeer. Amid a great deal of noise and confusion Mr. Bar i.mi, (dem.) ol (ihio, aisled mat wln n the lax was lower itie itvsnuss wen- laraur than at present. Mr. Atkixa, (dem ) of Tunn. (to Mr Poster)? Ilidn'l yon vols lor toe nine million dollar HiVer and Harbor bill aud lor tbe payment ol tbu $8,000,000 lor llivgal contracts? I bo mil was then ordered ta bo engrossed end reed a nurd iimu. Mi. A n it it, of i'ennsylvanin, called lor tbe reeding ol the engrossed bill Mr., el Ohio, made a dilatory motion, on winch Mia yeas sua nays woro coiled In order to give ilia clerks tune to engross too lull Mr ATkiss, ol leuni'MP'e, snhmutod the report ol tlia t.oulererice i.otumlitee ou ibe hMglvlative, Kxecutlve ana Judicial ApprppriatioD bill. Wllbout any axpianatiuu lliu report was agreed to, and the House at five o'clock look a recess till eight, a democratic raneua living called to meat lu the hail ol the House inuwadlNtaiy, STAKI.SY nATTIIKWs' kkvihai. to tkstivt. At the opeuing ol tbe evening session Mr. llrri.Kit, (Itui ) of Mass., irom the neiei t Committee on tbo Klection, mads a report un the subject ol r-enaior Matthews' roluvnl to obey tne sunpoiua of tnet committee and to give testimony bviofe it. Al lot rrcitlng the steps already tskeu by lbs conunliiee on IDs manor the report noes on io stale tout Mr. Mntthuws had lulled io appear lu answer to the sum iiioiis, end that it may be becau'c his duties as HehO lor aud Uio exigence* ot the public service require bis prMeuoe in his place aa Muotor, uun it soda by resolving tbat the House do send the lollewlsg urns sige io the Mennte in ibal liehsli: ? I'ha Heave nt Iteprsavntatlvsa reueesla the ftsnats to give leave to iu? line. Msnisy Matthews. Avnstvr I ram tie nf Ohio, to >*MaitU heleie a eoinmltt*. nl tuv l.ns?'! hear etiirgeit wlilt Isvuetlsalien ol lit. sleeil'Oi tfsuds In .he .Mates ol ImSlllvg, and Klorols. to Rive sw< >? evl tens ? of la< is eo'ieerolng ids saijiiet matter el .aid In v- .ligation ss m iv he in III- knowledge or posvessiou as lis may he required to. Mr. IIutlku -luted that Ibis Was in tho exact lorm laid down in May's Parliamentary I'ractioo. Mr. Mam ana other rvpobMeoM remarked lifer in.i'ly tbat tuo resolution ?ai as mltJ m It could be, to winch Mr. iit'TLKK responded tbat it would be un lair to .Secretary Sueruiau il Mr. Matthew.- did uol go bo lore tlit) committee. Mr. Basks, (r-pt) ul Mass., expressed the opinion thai, aa iho investigation possib.y tended towuru an itilpeuchrueul, auo a- tills Squalor Would be u judge in sucu a caae, be could uol be required to icsiiiy tu aucb au Inquiry. To ib>- Mr. Ui TLKit replied tbat be bad three judges Iro n tbu Boucu ic-lily tu cubci bsioro Ibein. The resolution waa adopiod. thk roar koutk mil Mr. Camion', ol Illinois, rep..rod tbat theConferenco Cotuuiitleu ou tbo Potl Uoiue bill bad been uuable to agree. A now conrerouee wax ordered, TIIK MKXICAN AWAKU. Mr. WlUtoy, (dem)ol IV. Va., mole tbo conference report on the Mexican Award bill. A rutin ilute ur tteullolt ;> ta ugrced to, requesting the i're-ldout lo in vestigate iho charges ol iraud made hi tbo govern ment ol Mex co in me cuucs of lien). tVeil and tbu Al Abr? Silver Mmin;: Company and to reopen ibe name. I'ho report wax agreed lo. (,'OMTMTKU Itl KOtlOXH Mr. Haumi*, of Virginia, irom the Committee ou Prlvilo.'OK und Kkctiiinr, reported tbat Mea?rr. Hubert eon, of Louiai tu.t, and Klaui, ol l.outiiuna (lb# Billing uiumot'ra lit the en m us ted eiectlou uaaet). are entitled to tuuir routs, and that in t lie Alsb itna cn tested oiec Hon case ol .1 oasrs. Marnlaou und Shelley aduiltuuai testimony may bo laden. The reports wuro ul 1 tigroid to. Mr. Hakims also reported n resolution 10 pay ten contuaiunu uud cuoiestces (1,000 each and two others ?a00 each lu part lor their expenses ol ibe conical Agreed to. WKW If AMl'-IIIKK Kl.kCTIOJr. He moved to tiob-coucur in the Senate amend mums 10 too House bill to pruviuo lor au elecnou lu West Virginia (one of such antnnduicnts being lo allow tno present i."gislnture ol New ilump'hiro to eleuL a l uited siut?? Senator). Mr. UbAix, (rep.l ol X. H., moved to courur. On u utitidibg veto tbe yeas were J11 und tbo uuyu 110. lite Si'kakxk voted In ibo negative, making a tlo vole, and then tno yens and bays were ordered. Tbe vote resulted Ye is, 121; itaya, 102?a strict party vole. So the amendment- weru concurred IU and a committee of couieroiico was ordered. Mr. 1)kax, (drm.) ol Mass, (irom 1I10 Committee ou Kxpeu iituren 111 ilia Stale Oepurtmoni), reported a resolution authorizing lout committee to sit during the vacation, altor tbe l&>n 01 November next, 10 tiu Ian tbe exuuiualtou ol iliocbargoa agalust (iourge F. Seward, Minister to China. Aduptou. Tbu iloti.o again took up tbe Internal Itoveuuc bill (Carli-lo, ol Kentucky, lu tbo chair ua Speaker pro tail). Mr. WniTX, of Pennsylvania, who had called lor the roudmg of tbo engrossed bill, withdrew llial call, not wishing (no said) 10 stand in an obituclo lo buaiueia, although ho uelieved It unwiso Icgmlaliou and wouhi, II be bad a spare earthquake, use 1110 dolcat the measure. Mr. Saylsk, ol Obio, suggested that ibo earthquako would come uexi lull. Tlie bill was tben paired?yeas 13b, nays 108 ' Its principal provision is to reduce tbe tobacco tax to six teen cents n pouud, and 11 is to go Into operation ou the 1st ol September (II the Senate shall pass and tbe President approve 11). TUX PIHIIKKV AWAKII. Mr. Crafo, (rojt.) ol .\Liie*., Irom llie Committee ou forogn AlTutrs, ruuoriod a lull placing 5,500,000 lo gultl coin under the direction ol ilio t'roaidciil with which lo pay to iho government ol Her Britanuio Majesty the umouut awarded by the KUUories Com mlss'ou iHioly asiomoloa ai Halifax In purstuuee ol tnu irenty ol Washington, II. uftor correspoudnnco with the British government ou ilio suojeot ol the conformity of llie award to the requirements ol ttio treaty and to the terms ol llie question submitted to the Commission, mo President snail deem It his duty to tuako the payment without further ooinuiuuicniiou Willi Congress. Kvon before the rending of the Dill was concluded objections am! points 01 order were made i?v Messrs. Hut lor, ol Miicsacbuselts; Cox, ol New York; tprlngoi, ol Iln uois, and others, but wsre overrul -d i>y the Spcakor, who declared tnat the hill was an International one and tnat it waa his duty to promote us pasmge, as bo hatl oeeu applied to hy too Slsio Dopurtroeui ou Iho subject. Jio stated also thnt it waa uut iho donate bill, ss that body had no right to originate appropna. lion bills, but that it waa a House bin, reported uuder his adv .ee. hi ok nv sidk nrri.KK and cox. Mr. Hctlkh and Mr. Cox inaue most persistent ef forts to address ilio House in opposition to toe btlt, but wrre met with cells to order Irom both sides of Iho House, enforced alio by tbe apeuker. Mr. sskod even lor live miDaies, wb'cb (Mr. Springer sum) was leas lhau a in mute per million, but objection with made louder nud more determined, and the motion wus made by Mr. trapo to suspend Iho rulta and puss the bill. Mr. Cox, ol N?w York, declared with Indignation and amid u storm ol objections and eel'a to order, llitl this was tbo result ot tbo boasted principle of arbitration. The House, be said, was ready to "duck down" to tbe Queen because msmbsra worn in such a hurry lo get home, and wlisro were they to gel tbe money unlets they borrowed itf HCTLKH PKKAIHTKXT. Mr. Butlkk tcade renewed attempts to get a bear ing, bat motwlin no better suco*h>. Tie laced tbo storm (which wan strongest ou the republican aide of the House), and asserted that It waa otiu ot hta pnvt legei to be board. The Speaker, however, dis Hrotrd from that view, and iclornied him re peatedly and severely that, bo was not fn order end most take bis seat; and then, as Mr. Sutler paid do attention to tba order, Iho Speaker onlled upon Iho Sargsant-ai -Arma to do bis duly. Tbai functionary (without Ins rnaro ot office) stopped up to Mr. Ituuer, who, with arms folded, was aaflanily lacing mo item, a ad tno nfildar aed ins Huprorentstlve had un uppareoty friendly coll..quy, aud kviiu alterwsrd the .Speaker uutiilc-i the Sargeaot* at-Aruis that ha might retire. The Speaker was then putting Iho question on the suspension of the rules worn lie wea interrupted by Mr. Cox. of New York, who calleu peremptorily, "Mr. Speaker I" "Sir," said tbe Speaker. "I have mints a motion lo udjouru," oald Mr. Cox. "1 did not boar It," mild tbe Speaker. Tbe .-rKAKKK ihen put tbe question on the motion to udjourn, and It was voted down?yeas 34. unya 147?arid then tha vote waa taken on suspending the rules and passing Iho bill. Tbe motion was reject*' ? yeas 1-15, nuya Mi?nut tbe necoteary two thirds in tbe sfllrmetiv*. Mr. rhKKHAK, (rep.) of Pa, In voting said that bo was paired ou political questions, but he did not con sider thin a political question, but oae Involving tbe nation's buuor. and be therefore voted aye. Mr. 11 AKaiitorr, ot Illinois, voted aye on the Mine principle. Mr. Kllih, (dem.)of I.e., called up, at a quarter to eleven I'. M.. the South Carollua coutealeu olc-ction ta?o of Klrbardaun ag:nu-l Knn.ey. Mr. Hai.h, ot Maine, raised tbe question of consider ation, and tho Houae decided (103 to 147) hot to con sider tbe qu?MI?u now. Mr. Woou, (deto.)ol N. Y., at e quarter poet eleven P. M , moved to suspend the rules and adopt a reso lution lo proceed to business on the npeakar'a Initio (On which the -Speaker said there were 130 bills), and to dispose of them in their order, no bill objected to to tx- passrd except by s taro-thirds majority. The voto by tellers wui 13V lo 54, aud then ttis yeas and nays were demanded and ordered. Mr Woods resolution was adopted? yeas 154, nays 73?and the House thereupon (at tnld sight) proceeded to lire business ou the speaker'* table. KASSUN AND STOUGIITON. THE MINISTEn TO aUMTBIA BAB MOT THEN AHKKD TO If E TURN TO TUB UNITED NT A TIM. [nr CABLE TO THE HEKtLD.] Lovdob, Jnne IS, 1878. The Tfmrt nnrieretands that nothing li known at tha Untied S'aiea Legation in Vleona ol aur reqoest for the appearanoe ol Minister Kssson belore the Potter Investigation Commltloe In Washington. K. W. Slough too, tbe American Minister to Rnsota, lo the press repudiating all rnmnltelty in Ibe proceedings wblcb lorn the subject of Investigation. THIi LUTHftliAX MINIHTKKIUM. TESTKBDAl'lt PTlOOEKT)lltOB OT Tim OMR HCN 1>HR1> AMD TttlRrT-EIUHT ANNUAL Ml KB ION ? BLRCTION OE OKVlCllUe. [BT TRLKQBAPIt TO THE HEN tf.D. ] Kabton, Ph., June 17. 1878. The one huodrud and thirty n ml annual session ot the Lnllioran Mlnlateri'im was opened in K.aslon tins morning. This miniaierinm In Ihe largest dlatrtrt synod ID tbe Lutheran Lh-irch, comprising all ibe ministers In Pennsylvania, Now Jersey, New York and adjaeant Ptnte?; also Ineiodea tbe city ol Chicago, la power It tettin second body In the Church, tbe Oeneral Cetinell being ibe higher body. It has inning He members the most noted and lenrnrd theological celebrities el the Lutheran Church. The ecasioii IS very largely atieodoiL At the i lection held to-day the Rev. C. \V. Srlialter, II. D., ol tbe Tbrologtoal Nem IDnry ol Pblladelphia, waa re-elected president; hng llsh .Secretary, Km. j. lUlli, of Philadelphia; Tvrar nrer. Uev. J. A. Kunkleuian, ol Philadelphia. The re peft ol tbe Kieconre Ccfnmltte* shows that during the year $2,898 i'5 hue been expended lor ihe aid of student* $6,;iU oa lor tbfl bom. Ill ol home missions. BUNK 1.11 IULIi. Rostov, Mara, Juno 17,187$. The one hundred and third anniversary ot Ibe battle of llunker Mil celebrated bare to-day, aa a g> u eral holiday, huslneaa waa utapeuded nnd tbe public bmllngs were closed. Runker is tit Monument, the pnuiic square* anu a large number of residences in CliarlcMowti were g'lly d corntert. Salute* ware llred woo belle rung at -unrise, noon aud sunset, and band conceits were given morning and evening. The prin cipal m iliary feature was the visit ol luo Second Con neoticut regiment, 588 strong, accompanied by the American baud of Providence. They were received by the Klllh Mesaaehesetts regiment, and with Ibem pursued the streets snd Visited Monitor Hill Mnnu meal in lbs forooion, wnere they were reviewed by (invi rear Riee ami a lull and inner dignitiN. s, mili tary and civic <i.hrr military orgaH'Miion* ami the Army snd Navy Veteran Oorps slsu ptraded. I bis evening ihe i-fll ers oi tht. mmd Conm etient snd Klllh Masstciiuseiis al ended tlio lloston I'm aire by luvllallun. The day pesied id without accident or dlaturheneei, theugh ihuuesmis el strangers were in the city anu tbs streets were thronged during tlie day and evening. The day waa alao observed at Haverhill, Lyon, Win tbrop and etber pineve. US TBOOP.3 XX MEXICO. EXCITEMENT AUOXO THE MtXICANH OTH TH? racasHOH or cou?ni. Mackenzie. [BX TILKOBArn lO THE HERAED.} Sax Axtoxio, Texts, Juua 17, 1878. Great excitement prvuls at l'MMttaa Negras ouiu| to i he tact that the Mrxcuns have just louud out that General Mackenzie is on the Me-i;?u side o( the river . with a large lorcc ol Fulled States soldiers. Colonel Nuncio Iclt l'icdras Negraa last night with about twt b it nil red men to follow up Maclceuzlc. Another part) follows to-day. Horses ure being Impressed, and cit izen* tire volunteering to Join Nuncio without the leaat possible delay. Auuclo Is supposed to btvo moved la the direction of Sursgostn. What he will do If ho moots Mackenzie U an unanswerable question. General Nuranjo Is cxpocled to urrtve at Pledrso Negraa In a lew dtya to assume command ot tbal de partment. vice Goncral Falcon, decoooet The general Imdreerion Is (but tbe revolution Is a failure. Tbe funeral ot Geoeril A. 11. Falcon, ol tbe Mexican army, toolt placo berc this alteration. General Ord nn.l stair, tbe county and city officials una men) citizens were la utter,dauco. A r.umosr of soldier* were prostrated by the Intense heel. CUBA. END OF THE PEACE lESTIVITlEI AND DEPARTDBl OF JOVELLAlt Havana. June 17,1678. On Saturday thore was a gruna civic processloo, In which ull ibo Spanish provinces and tbelr peculiar costumes, aocleut und modern, were represented. A gr.rnd parade ol regular and volunteer troops occurred ou Sunday. Ueuernls Jovellar and Gampue were greeted with continued acclamations. The enthu siasm shows no signs o nhutiug. To day the puulio lestivltlas close with a bull llghi In mo ancient style. UUOIIUV, JOVKI.I.AIt. Genoral'Martiuez-Campos assumed tbe office ol Gov ernor ol the Island at noon to-day. General Jovellsr emuarks to-morrow lor Spain. NEW ENGLAND QUAKERS. KELIGIOUa 1 XtltCIRKb AMI) BUSINESS MELTINGS or THE bUOCESHOBS OF MOOEB WILLIAMS. [BX TSLIOlum lO THE HEUALD.] Nkwi'okt, K. L, Judo 17. 1878, The Quakers bavo bad very interesting meetings to-day. All tbe representatives woro present except nine. Jobn P. Pennington, ul Indiana, suggested e Visit to tbe womon's meeting, sod tbe men neld a religion* servleo ibis afternoon in tbe women's apart* tneni before tho but-iness session, l'bo religions oondttton of tUe suoiety, us drawn forth by tbe ten queries In tbe "Book ot Discipline and EotsMee" Irotn the various quarterly meetings was fully conndered. Impressive roinarka upon tbe importance oi a true introversion of soul, both before iiud stter tbe meming* ana ol me ucea of a regular una prompt attendance ot ull tbe meetings and ol a closer communion with Qoa were made by Dr.JmnexCarey Ibumns ol Baltimore; Klsanub Beard, ol indiauit; Jobo V. llanseu, of Iowa; Obndtsh Chase, ol itbodo Island, and Kit Jones, el Maine. The morn ing meailns was preceded by a social religious gather ing, in which bolb sexes prayed ana sang as the eptrlt moved tbom, in a most lervid maimer. A CASK OV UKXOMIKATIO.NAI, DISCirUMK. At the slteruoali meeting two toilers were received from iho Western Indians Yearly Sleeting, one Of wbioh wai accepted, wuiie tbe otber provoked no little oontroverey. A number ol the Indiana Prion as wbo had withdrawn from tho Yoarly Meetiug, eeut a loiter tu me. usual lorm. Tnoir epietle bad bseu reoaived by tbe New York Yearly Meeting, but tbe committee to wtiom it had beeu reierred reported adversely upon It, sod a similar course was flntlfy pursued bore. I be clerk was directed to return it and give reasons why it was not accepted. It was voied that to-morrow tbe men end women meet in joint eeuveuuon las set upon important re port* from various eomuiutoos. a cnowosn hsktino. Hundreds were enable to gain admission to tbn public meotlui to uubl, wbeu tbe subject of Blbin schools was discussed by eminent spot Kirs, among tu? namber bolng Mary Wolle, Horn Ed nburgb, deot laad, a loroibiu speaker, wbo baa sreatedno little en* tttusiasra in the meeting*. DEAD in a cellar. The police of the Elfbth precinct were informed ye-terrisy moraing that tbe decomposed body ol a woman waa lying In tbe basement of Me. 41 ttulllree street. An Investigation was at once Instituted, wbes a shocking spectacle was revealed. It appears that Bsrtio Maoosolo, an occupant of lb* premises, had om carina to enter tbe basement yesterday morning, whan bo waa almost overcome with a s.ckonlng odor. Looking about lor tho cause he bobeld n woman lying on tbo ground. Striking a light to take a cloaor In spection he saw that the dead womau was on* putrid mass. Captain McDonnell detailed Norgeani KnlgM to lurtber investigate tbe case, end tue Coroners' office was DOllded. t'ne bouse is inhabited mostly by Italians. It Is known as tbe ABC Opera House, wbare juvenile Teipiionorean artists congregate. Tbe dead woman bad lee a uiaaipatod life. -She was about thirty years ol age, and liv>-d with a negro la .Sullivan street. Ho* eently sue was known io have kept the company ol an Iialtau, wbo gained her good gr.icea oy supplying ber wltb frequent potations of stale beer. Ou last Thursday night deceased woe seen aronud tbe prom* lata where ber body was found, ana sb* ap|>earod to lie intoxicated. The theory Is that she entered ibe basement 10 sleep and eted Irom alcoholism during the n i ah L Detective Murphy, oi the Eighth precinct, over beard a colored man, oue el tbe spectators that assem bled around the basement door alter tbe body waa dis covered. exclaim, "that woman lived wild me, but 1 haven't seen ber In two weeks, since aba look up with I aa Italian. " Trie dsieetive arrested him, and be testi fied as follows when quesUenrj by Coroner kllinger:? "About seven mouth* ago I became acqualuiea with deceased, wbo aalJ nor name wao Dora spur hen; wn lived together till about two mouths ago, wben we moved to No. 17 .Sullivan street, end abe became ac quainted wuo an Itallau and left u'l since then 1 have not seen ber until ible morning." The body wa? removed tu the Morgue, where en au topsy wee held by tllpoiy Corouer iioi-t-rhtnldt, the conclusion ol which was tbet she diod from beert and lung divess*. SUICIDE BY SHOOTING. Jobn Davis, etity-threo jour a ot age, was found /Mlcrfir morning, si No T Broadway, with a pistol id bla band and a bulla! wound in bla head. lbs ! deceased bad baan sulTarlog tram the e fleets ol an old ! wosad Id bia lag, whiob prevented bins from attend j log to outdoor baaluaaa lor soma dsya past. lia slept at tba rear ol iba small ahauty, the froot ol wbieb ha i oocupied aa s aawsolsad. lia bad boaa addicted la : the u?e of Intoxicating liquora, and recently was > drioking to ascaaa Sunday craning ba toM Jobs I O'Connor, wbo keeps a soda water fountain adjoining, ; at No 6 Broadway, that ba (deceased) was leollng m I particularly bad baslib, and re<|ueated UtJonnor to ga ' and briar biui twenty lire aenia worth of whtaasy. ' Whan O'Connor ratarnou wnb toa wntakay deceased sal.t that was nil ha Mwdod tot tlx M|tk but re quanted O'Connor to toll tba patrolman on post to bring an anibuianeo in the morning and tiara ' droeased conrcyed to hespuak At ball past ?oren yanlerday morning O'Connor, wbo carried ' tba boys of Dana's store, unto-aod the door sod pro ; ci-edod to the rear to inquire bow Darts bod passed tun night. Ha louod deeaaaod atratcbad upon the had | with a rarolrer light j grasped in bla band, and hit | tarn and haul eayered wttn blood from a bulla! wound i ID tba lorehead Coroner Croker held an inqtieat in ! the alteruoou, and detntmlneil that deceased bad Oom milted suicide bv sbuotlog. Divls a aa a widower and I his children reside in Brooklyn. He bad boon a fire man on heard s mao ol war daring I ho lata war. Da lorn opening tlio newsstand wbare becommitted ant ctda ha had bran a keeper la tba Lunatic Asylum on Hlaokwall's Island. THE EXACT DIFFEUENCE. Mr, Montgomery Tbroop, Jr., wbo bad audi an un pleasant experience with Mr. Arnott, Iho aelor, on halorday arening last, stales in it his uasailaut did not uso a cowhide, us stated in the I1*r*i.o'c report, bot a "heavy bludgeon at laaat two and a ball Inches lb dlsmeior, air." OlMTUAUY. unit, amu rn\T. Mrs Anno Tray, iba mother of Mrs. Barney Wilt. Intns sipl ol Mm Florence, diod ut bt r place of resi dence, No. 334 Brldga street, DOsf Myrtle arenua, Brooklyn, yesterday morning, id ibe seventy fourth year ol her are, slier a long tlliirsa. Mrs. Williams was with her moiber when she died, lira JTiertaoa, witb bcr husband, ta now in Kuropo KAMrtl. Wl1 It A MR. Samuel Wllbanis died enddenly at Romlool, !*. T., on Sunday, sged eighty mno year*. He w?a formerly a primer and journalist and for nearly fifty years wag actively identified with petition and Ibe leading publio men of ibeHisie. He was an intimate acquaintance ol Ihurlow Wewd, wttn wnnm he worked at the oas? In Albany. and was oonneoteu with the mnangi'mrni ol the Albany Argv? wbon It was founded. H? baa bred aovwrni years in rotrremeut ol Hemtout.