Newspaper Page Text
THE SEASON II PARIS Private Meeting at La Marclie. FETE OF THE ARISTOCRACY. Splendid Meeting of Four-in-Hands at the Palace of Industry. THE SCENES ON THE CHAMPS ELTSEES. The Straight Road to St. Cloud. PARIS AS SEI N FKOM THE HEIGHTS. Polo Pony Races, Steeplechasing and Handicaps. Paris, June 2, 1878. Baxrm, 1 xr Jul* 1878. A 2 Heurkh, Ukunion Parti Cl'LIKKK (PRIVATK MKKTINC) DASH LIE PARC UK LA MaK Chk. Organises mui le patronage de ilueiaurs membrrs Oct priuoipaux cercles de Purls Les gentlemen et les offi cials en uctiTitr on service so rout oculi uiimts A mooter, LS I'OMITR UK MX. t de le IInye-.luusselin, Pointe Klurlan de Kergorley, A. do Bos, Loinniissnir.-s. MM. le marquis c.e .Uornsy, le vicomte C. de Tredero. Ic com to (J. de J uigur, le comte Hailei-Claparede. Bartons , E. II aiuguerlot, A. de Ligatures, le viconire A. de Luuris loa, K. O'Connor, le riuomto de Canity. E. Quiclet, le comte II. 1'elainarro. lo vicomte II. de Brigode. Sir W. Call, Jumet (i. Bennett, (J. Brluquani. Maurice Well. MM. le cutnte L. de Tureune, E. do la Charme, J. L. de P. Martin. P. Hoy, M. rsuchel.?M. L Chevalier, .Secretaire. POULK UK HACKS (COITRSB PLATE). Un objet d'art, a|oute a uno ponle de .">0 fr. chaqne, mottle forfait, pour tous clievaux servant bund Jiilr cornuie clievaux de ebasee, d'arrues oude promenade, on Prance on eu Beivi que.ou etatit tuis it reclatner pour \(X> ' fr. Le orolt de rPcla uier i? gaguaiil uo pourra s'exercer qu'aprea la course. S'll y a lien, I'excisdanl do la reclamation sera cartage outre lee proprirtaire* dee cbevaux oourant. le proprielaire dn ga gnant exeopte. Sprout excise, les clievaux avant etc en gages en course publiqne (*) en I*?**. Le second doubters eon entree. Polde continue, 74>g kll.. Lee chevaux de pur ?sag preudront ?"> kit. de surcharge. instance, 1 ,?<*) metres environ. Au second, nn tableau effort par M. le baron J. Pinot. MM. Ilrnmn nit. Mr W. Call 1. Lambtoulan.... Violet et jauue. Vicomte de Canity..2. liavotto. Orange. De-chesaes 8. Trnlsla Moir et Jaime. A. Balsual 4. Le Matoa Bleu et neir. On. Pratt 5. Zepblr Blanc et violet. Comte K. d'fcvery ..0. Ditsidenee Bleu etjaune. P. Kov 7. Butor Bleu clair et cerlee. J. G. Bennett 8. Black Knight.. Blanc et cerise. forfeitMiiroquin, Jointure et Corinna, non quailflbes. MUX DU CBKCLK UK LA UUK gOTALB (COUkSK UK TO LO POMES). Un objet d'art, ajoute a une ponle de 23 fr. cbaque. pour tone cbevaux dout la talile u'excano pas 1 m. 40. et ser vant bond>ie de polo ponies eu Prance. Tout autre pony eera egalrment ad mis. msis a rcclamer poor 1.230 fir., s'll sagne. i'oids libre. Distance. tMO metres environ. I'd* bete sur In flu du percours. Les cavaliers devront se prosenser an kleeqne da Dsssge pour y laire mesarer la talile des cbevaux. MM bnuMnb. Vicomte L. de Jause. 1. Darling Bleu et rouge. Vicomte L.dc Jesse. 2. Tlcheburue..,.Bien ct rouge. Ephrutel 3. Mtdge Blanc et vert fencb. A. Du Bos..... 4. Plying Dutch man Kongo. A. Dn Bos..... 3. Black Eagle...Kouge. De Villamil 0. Polo Senior.... VI err <n et rouge. Sir M. Hoertb 7. Small Hose et nolr. Hidgway 8 Philippine Blanc et rose. Due de Peltre A. mine Violet. J. <>. Bennett 10. Silly Blanc et eerie*. J. U. Bennett 11. Silver... Blanc et cerise. J. (J. Bennett 12. Billy Blanc et cerise, Brolerasn 13. Tat Blanc. De Cuadra..., 14. Noirean Jauue. (1. Brlnqnant ..13. Daisy Lilas. 11. itegncnf Le Veins 18. Meuehe Rose. POITUt DK CUnVAUX DK OIIAHNK ISTREPLB OIIAIK). La objet d'art, ajoute a uno poule do IOO fr. cheque, for rait 25 I', pour cbevaux servant habitual lament bond .fide da cbevaux de etiasa*. d'armes uu ue protueuade. en Prance ou en Belglque, on ctant nils a rcclamer pour 5.U00 fr. s'U y When. I'exePdant oe la reclamation sera partace autre les prnprietairrs dee clievaux c nrant, le prepnctalre du gagnaut except!*. Sennit exclu*, lee ebevanx isyunt ete engages en course publiqne in) en 1878. Le second don biera eon entice ; le troisicma sauvera ea miee, a'li y a plua oe cinq partente. Polds, 73 kit., et Htl kll. pour los chc. vaux de pnr sang. Dietanee. 2,300 metres environ. (ii. 1'.) Au eavalier dn gagnant. nu tableau effort par M. Cb. Bom bled. M M. lirtward ?. Sir W. Call 1. Lembtooian....Violet et Jauue. Vicomte de Canity..X Marmiton II....Orange. Cb. Pratt.. 3. Jaguar Blanc et violet. Kphruaal 4. any Blanc et vert roncfe. P. Boy 3. Rutor Bleu clair ?t corlt*. J. O. Bennett A. Black Knight ..Biane et cerise. Jointure, non qualities. PRIX urs IIABas (COURSE PLATK, wxltku HANDICAP). I'n o' lei d'art (pour le cavalier du gagnaut) * et nne bourse de iOO louis pour cbevaux rntiers, bonrres et ju nirnts de 3 oui et sii-daaaaa. dn tome nspcce et de tout psye. Le gagnant a rcclamer poor 10,000 Ir. Le droit d? rcclamer ne pourra e'exercer qu'aprea Is euuree. s'll y a Ben. I'exerdaiil dn I.t reclamation snra pnrtagc autre lee proprietetrvs dee clievaux com ant. In pmprtetalr* du ga gnnnt excepts. Entree, 130 ir.; lortail, 23 fr. I.e second douhlera son entree Handicap public le 28 Mai dans la o< irne. Distance. 2,too metres environ. iTeuue de course). *1 n tableau offcrt par At. Jobu Lewis Brown MM. Bleae 1. M. de Kll Kit. any 83 C. orange, t. blene. Biane..... 2. Pquateur.. .ret C. orange, t. i.leuo. Blanc 3 Pitt-carl ,..711 C. orange, t. bleue. b. Duilhou 4. Tory ,.,77)t C. i?une, m. et t. bieuea Comte a. Branlcki 3. l'aradoxe...70 C. blanche rayon ee rise. m. ct t. cerlee. Cb. Pratt 6. La Mode....76 C. blanche, t. ecus saise. Boron C. de Kete cbendort ? 7. Lahire.,....7B C. noire, m. blooea, t. romre. B. Gnilbou 8. Torreutlue. .73 C. Jamie, m. et. t. blcn-s. 11. ilawes.,,...... 0. Amour..... .73 C. terte, ccb. blan che, t. rouge. H. Coward., lo.PcbedeLlly.73 C. noire, m. et t. blanches. bl!encieuao.70 G. blancbe rayee ce rise, ui. et t. eeriee. H. Coward 12. Le Sphinx. .G8J< C. mure, ne. et t. blanches. Baron J. Pinot....13. Belle - Pa tlte 87 C. mnrren. t. rouge. Camilla Biane .. 14. Uoographie.OB^ U. vnrte, t. bleue. ILbert lleuiieeay. 15. lionrana... .8. \'t C. bleee, t. blanche. Baron C. de Kete cheudorl 16. Iloelna, ex Uorgogne.03 C. noire, m. blene*. t. ruuge. A 4 benree 13 mmntea MILITAHT (COirgag PLATE). Un objet d'urt puar rbeiaux u'armce Inscrite eur ies eontr/i es, inontce par dca odiclcr- de I'ariuee franqatea en acllvlte d? service. Svruut excise ire cbevaux de uur sang rt lea cbevaux sysut nrie parL a uue course publiqne autre qu nun conns inllilaire Polde commuo. 73 all Uu gagnaut d'uue course lullltalre, plat<- uu a obstacles, por lUrcharg.*; de piueieure courses, 5 kll. L'S clievaux ayant courn s.ns nrriyer premier on second recevrnu* 2 kit. Distance l.tHJu metres eavlron. MM Bra?mrd*. Olleris. s.llemenent au 7e drdaqna. ...I. Bdwige -.Vert louce. Vicomte de Plorres. car, au 7e dragons 2 Drnteile Jauue et range. iiariLK ns.s "rouM ix-iiAnois." A leur errivoe u d> l? pare lea lour-iu-banda d-vront solera la route indlquee par lee guluana bleue et orange. Lea entree vultures, la llgn* designee per de* guidons verts at roses . MM. MM I. K. De La ilaye Joneeelin. U. Mine, la Ducbesao de 5. O Brltiquant. BsulTremont. 2. Louis Boyenvel. 1U Comte de Wignscourt. 4. Comte de Bethnne-Sully, II. ,icuiiitn de Carearadec. 6. iicao d* Maalde. 12. Prlace J. Troiibatster. k Epuruetl. 13. Marqma Poac<- da l^ou. 7. Kicliard iiennesey. 14. Vicoiuie ue ituillk. 8. Blanc. 13. tl Coward. 16. f.'orat- de Laideeerke. The (Tent of Parla Jlfo in a social mm daring the pan week ban been the "Kuuuton Particaliftre a la llaraba," the official programme of wbtcb I bare nat given. Tbe weather baa not been pleasant for Ibe pant law daya, and it was feared that lbs dap as looted lor tbia private meeting would ho aa severe and ungrateful as that which attended other Important tvonta In the reoent baay nlstorjr of Prance, Ilka tbo apenlnc of tbe Kxpotitloo and of the Salon. Ainori tan friends who know what Mug aad Juno art at bona are aitturbed by tne cold, clammy l'aria ipring. I'm yesterday was n memorable dny for He beauty?for lis glorious go.don be.iuiy?and to-day, aa If to ampbanUo ita splendor and show tba good for tune that heiell the reunion at l?a Matcbe, wa have the ralu and the cold again. It Ihe openinu of tha Kx position was the IHio of ihep-opio and ol tbe Itepub lie, In a Isaser aenaa tha private reunion at L.a Marcha son id be called tba fbte ol tha aristocracy, or ol a* much aristocracy aa is laft In daar, troubled old prance. The hour for the departure from the Palace ol Industry, on tbe Champa Kiyidea, was, aa you will too, one precisely, and the wisdom of thla caution onn well be endersiood when you remember that it is a long ride from (be palace to the mealing ground, not so long as from tha Central Park to .feroina I'ark, hot long considering that it tntial be done in un afternoon, and thai Iboae who do It must ba back la tltno lor dinner, lor the opera, lor the theatre, lor the private salons tbat are open every evening in all their apiendor. 1 am not u?ing lalaome praise, but Quoting a pbraae from the leading Paris Journal of this morning wbaa I say, "Tbla Itte had the tree per fume of tlegaeoe," aad oertalnly nothing eonld bo ?or# brilliant iban tha scene oa tbe Avenue d'Antu and under tba chestnuts In tha gardens el Ihe Palneo of lednairy at an# o'oiom yesterday when tha four m-naoda aaoambled lor tbalr drive to Ln llarobe. ma rotm-is-HARm. Aa fon will ate la tbo list, thorn wort sixteen drags . formally entered, beaides others that Jo load im re onion later. You oaa farm an idaa of the apaalal quality of tbe meeting from tba namaa of aama or in oaa who vara on tba drag*. Tba brat waa that of M. da la Haya JousaeJIn. Hta companfona wara La Comlaand tna Countess da Vielloasiel, tba Yiacouol and Visoonuteas Grainont a'istar, Una da la Haya Jousselto, Prince da Sagao, Count da Brtaaac, da Maraacot and Viscount da Barigay. Tba second drag waa tbat of M do Kuilld. His companions wara tba Barou and tba Baroness da Lauglade, tba Marquis do Bloc, iha Count as Costs, tbe Viscount Ksud da Kullld, Count Hand da Bseuuioni, Keoe Prlncetaau and M. lo lUriveL Tba third drag was that of M. Richard Hennasay, aud bo was ao. oompauiod bv Mme. do la Croix, Countsss du Viyiar, Marquis its Lmfla. Baron de Naxon, Mr. barloris. Count Bstarbsxy, Count du Vivier and Mr. H. Muriel. Tlis fourth drag was tbat afM. do Wignaeourt, and bis companions wars tba Count and Countess de Juignd, tba Marchioness da Moutbossier, tba Count da Cars man, tba Count da Tathouet and Mr. da Buis aereu Mr. Blschoflsbeim droys tba filth drag, and was aceom pauied by Mrs. Post, SI me. BiscboOsbeim, Mma. Mubr Mr. Post and Mr. Muur. On tba sixth drag?wbiob was tbat of M. da Kergarion?ware Mine, da Kergarion, Mme. da Bartlar, Mma. da Quimout, Mma do Quolen, Mile. Bicbof, M. J. as Kergarion, M. da Quelan, M. ihem tniobtau and M. aa Lmquiun. Tbe ssvoutb drug waa driven by M. Kdward Blanc, who was secompanied by Prioce da Robun and the l'riuce and Princess Radzi will. Tna Count do Bdiuune-butly lollowsd, aud among those with blm ware observed the Countess da Bdthuue-Sully, tlie Burou aud Buronoes da ilerls sam, tba Buroo and Bnrouoss do Lagrange, Mile. Amelot do Cbaillou, Count Loon de Boulblilier, M. do Tuscber la Pugorio and tba Couut da Runsl. Aiuoug the other drags, some ol wnicli were present and otbera came into the liue on the way to tbo grouuds, were those ol M. Brimjuunt, M. de Mauldo, M. JSp burssi, Viscount do Curadoc, Count de Bnri, Count de LeidciiKtke, Marquii ae Pouco do Leon and tbe Bncbcss da Bauflremont. GATUKHINU I'.NUBll THK CI1BSTNUT THKKS. These names would give you but a iaiui idou of tbe splendor una gayety ol ibo sceue. Whatever Paris does sbe does much betior than tbo rest ol tba world, oven in tna matter of norses and eoaones, which era supposed lo bo tbe peculiar proviuce ol Kngland. A meet in Hyde Park and a ride to Alexandra Palace, wbicb la tbe lavorito drive of tba Kuglisb coaoning clubs, is imposing, because it takes you tbrougu tbo power and wealth ol London. Rat If you see the might and majesty of London, you see bore tbe mag nificence ol Paris. The driva in Loudon, onoe you lose tbo avenues and lawns of tba parks, is through dingy, narrow streets, and banks o( foggy clouds aud stiowers of misty rata. There Is scarcely an object to look at a second time, unless It may be the lions In Trafalgar square and tbe vast, dingy dome ot tik Paul. But tbe drive Irom tbe gardens of tbe Palace ol Industry to La Marcbe must rank witb tbe moat beautiful In tbe world. Tbe as sembly took place under tbe ebestnut trees, and at oae o'clock tbe streets adjacent to tbe Avenue d'Aatin were Jammed witb carriages and sightseers. A squad of mounted gendarmes preserved order. Although their services were only necessary to keep frisads from getting into friends' way and makiag Irretrievable contusion. The greetings and meetings were many and cordial, and your correspondent bad ample epportuatiy to admire tne groups of beauil luily dressed ladles, tbe faultless turnouts, the finely formed impatient steeds pawing tne ground and prancing and eager lor the signal. Although tbe hour was written down at one, tbat hour passed and still new drags oame hurrying Into fine. At ten minutes pust one the born was blown, and X. de la Haye Jousseim grasped tbe reins ol bis horses' turned their beads into tbe Avenue d'Antin, and was away. In a moment tbe whole mass was in motion behind blm, amid tbe waving of handker chiefs, tbe tooting ol borne aud tbe cbeere of tbe crowd. Bo well wee discipline preserved tbat there was not ajar or a pause in toe send off. Tbo mass seemed to disentangle itself Into a long consecuiivo ol moving teams, and as it tnroed tbe corner or tbe Avcnne of the Cliampe Elysdes and aped toward the Arch ot Triumph the sidewalks and baleomes were crowded with spectators, who waved recognition and adieu. a ram or tub abistookacy. Of course a meeting ot tbla kind would not oreate tbat same kind or enthusiasm which you would see in London or Bow York?net the eoibustesm which any especial republican ffiie woo Id excite In Paris. You see, thai aitbougb ibis is a republic, and we be* iieve in liberty, fraternity sod equality, nod all kiuds of tbtngm-tbere la war between classes, and tbla war Is alwsys active. So when Pans and France bave a lete in honor of tbe Exposittoe, and illuminate eve noes and gardens, and darken the air with multitu dinous flags, it is, alter nil, tbe republican quarters, Belleville aod Moot martrc, that sbow real enthusi asm. The Faubourg St. Germain closes lis windows and makes tbe day one ol penance and tor row. They have no conceru with any re publican I5te. Franco Is only tbelr France wlien tbev can govern it, and anything that France doea under any patronago but tbeir own they Irown npon. So wben they have their tflte, when tbey come out, aa yesterday, In all tbelr giory, aa the Figaro expresses it, "Un orw }>arfum <VeUgance,'' Jacques In bis blouse gases on witb a sneer, bis bands in bis pookets, and looking over toward tbe Place Concorde, wuere tbe fountains are playing and tbe trees are bending unaer tne wealth of greenery, thinks, perbeps, bow bit ancestors were wont, not many years ago, 10 assemble there and apptaud Mother Guillotine aa she sbore off the heads ol ao many of tbe aoceetore of tbe brlllaot company now streaming along the aveone, under the lead of X. de le Haye Joussaito. In tbat company are many ot tbe prondest and noblest names ol France, names that Motbrr Guillotine relished 10 ber day ol vengeance end lorror. Therefore you see no such enthusiasm over a l6to of tbla nature as In Mew York, where lbs poorest takes as muob pride in tbo enjoyments of the rleb as in nte own, and where tbe rich men feels tbat be I has not bad the full measure of bis enjoyment anises tbe poor bave bed tbeir part wnh him. The shadow ot tbo gullloltue seems 10 bavo m.ide an abyss In France wbicb time has not b.-on able to fill up. But oar bine blooded friends to-day are among tbelr own peoplo sad In tbeir owu quarter, and from every win dow there are signals ol oompllment and courtesy and Jatques himself baa an eye lor a goon borso, and If bis heart in Jail of bnired toward tbe noblemeo and leaders of blgb degree, who trundle pest In all tbeir pride and glory, his evea glisten an pair alter pair et Imperial steeds go sweeping siong tbe avenue, run mob to tub sots db no tr loo * a. 1 said a moment slnoe that the road to La Msrche wan one of tbe moat beautiful in tbe world, and nature never added more to Its beauty then to-day. We sweep aleng the Avrnue of the Champ I Elrsdes, and moderate our pice Juet a little as wo go up tbe bill (award tbo Arch ol Triumph. Tbe roof ot tbo aroh is lined wltu spectators wbo bsvo climbed to eeo Parle In sunshine and to review u* Irom tbeir giddy emlnenoe as wt pass along. Yon wonld scarcely suppose, aa yon give a passing glauce to the monuments sad Inscriptions on tbe ercb, that uot long sinoe tbey wero ao scarred ?ml torn with shot that tbey were aimoet a mm. Bat Francs, with tender fingers, has orated every sign of ruin end the arch is as perfect aa wben It came from the h?nds of tbe builder. Now we peas Into the Avenue ol tbe Bols de Boulogne. This was ones known as llio Avenue of the Kmpresr, and one marvels that even a Jeaions republic altoo'd hevo tnken away the name of the lair Kuyditle from so fine a promenade. If it w?a undemocratic lo bavo oue avenue uamod after the Empress why te there onn named alltr the Emperor, not to epenk of the neigh. boring atresia which bear tbu nam** ol Queen Hor* tense ana tha King ol Hornet I am afraid our rapablieana are nut logical In tbair icon oclaam, although perhaps It m not lor New York to complain, remembering bow we turned King etreet Into Liborty street and polled down a rural stelae In Howling flreen. Well, the Avenue ol the Emperor, or of the Hole do iloulogue, or whatever we cbooea to rail It, is radiant lo-dujr in Haaprlug beauty? the palohea of greenery that border He sides, the en closed muoaione, tbe trees under which borsainea ride, tbe mounds and beds el flowere. It le not long beiore we beve passed the fortifications, going through tbe rates where the Custom House men stand and search for Unliable commodities Bat oar Custom House friends, who 1 tappets never rtsliy fled soys thing and only made a sbow ol rninntagiug carriage aaats and looking eurtoutly at greaioeata and bandiat cm a moral example, and irom a conscientious leeling jhat the/ must do something to earn their salaries. in T?ry polite, u4 dinI; touch tbelr bit* u we go bussing through toe getee and tote tbo ihidj moid ol tbe Bole. TBK IIUI THROUGH TBI BOIL Whoever designed tbo Bote do Boalogno know tbo value ot s straight lino, end onr road now Ib over a road which can boat bo described by tbo mnthomoiieal pbraao, "o straigbt lino" You look be/ore you tbrongb an endless avenue or trees and tbo road looos itself in tbo distance. Nothing breaks or interrupts tbs view. It is simply u straight line, embowered ander green trees tbat twine and band oror It oatil It looks almost like oos of those tunnelled roads tbat you sea in tbe Alps and tbs Nararre mountains. It was over ibis road tbat Napoleon was wont to post wban be went to bis fuvorlto palace ol St. Cloud. It was over this road Ibat monarch* wbo lived long be fore Napoleon were wont to make tbelr progress to Versailles, and lam alratd, sine* wo havo ventured Into this dominion, that it was ovar this road that tbe mad Parisians tramped tbat long and dreadlul mgbt wnen tbey went to bring home tbeir vagrant Kmg and Queen, wbo were having loo good a time in Versailles while tbelr loyal subjects were suffering in Paris. I take it tbat noae in tbie guy party are dis turbed by such memoriee as wo go on laughing, chatting and gossiping, now and then bending to avoid tbe branches?drinking tbe perfume tbat cornea from tbo dowered foliage?following tbe eodloas carolling ol tbe birds right along tbia straight lino, which seams to bare no end, but wbicb becomes more and mora apparent will end with tbo bridge ol Snresnes. tub lines or tub last war. Before wo come to Suresnes we eee St. Cloud, far off cn tbo bill, as It were, the sunshine reflected upon shrinking ages by lis wblte-illed stone rools. Wo see tbe quaint old mill ol Iiongobainpa, aud the race course In tbe distance, where in u lew dura all Paris will be assembled to wltnees the famous contest lor tbe Grand Prize, or tbe review oi the troops by tbe Mirsbal Presideut?botb events put down tor tbe mouth ot Juno. There is oold, misty, meuacing Valerien. As wo roll over tbo bridge we see tbo fishermen ou the Seine trailing tbeir lints and catching nothing, and boatmen pulling Idly along, or resting ou their ours to con template our coming and goiug. And so wo come until wo are impnsonei In tbe narrow streets ol the town of St. Cloud. Wo have no time to go to tne ruined palace, but we see now and then as we pass on somo ruin?rolic of tbe war. St. Cloud seems not to bavo bad energy enough to put aside these gbaatly memories, aod tben we remember tbat tbs town was a kind or outpost lor both armies; tbat the French lima and German lines met bere; tbat this marked the lurtbest surge ol tbe tide ol invaalon, and tbat these lorlorn chiteeux, abandoned to tbs crows with the caonon bolea torn through them, ware destroyed iu tbe many struggles of Frenchman and German for the possession of tbe town, it la a slow business going tbroagb tbe town. Yob see tbo streets are nar row and billy and tbo people are out In force. And It will not do to run over people, nor do we care to tiro our horses, wbo bare al ready bad a long pull In ruahtng up these nerrow, atony streets; and people smile at as from tbo bal conies aa wa trudge leisurely along and reaon the summit and quicken our pace over the smoothest of roads, wbteh signboards call tbo Boulevard of Ver sailles. PARIS AT OCR PRBT. We quicken ear pace?tor the road la smoota and level ana we are a little late, aud here are other vehicles streaming Irona all directions, streaming to ward La Marcbe. By heaven I what a glorious view I For oven now we have passed the walls of a ob&teau marked with cannon, we have come to the brow of a bill, and there before ns, beneath as, under oar very eyes, as though some Ira mortal had suddenly unrolled the scroll, lies magnificent Farts. There are many points irom which Fans oan bo seen?Fhre-ls-Cnaise, tlontmartre, the Arch of Triumph, the towers of Notre Dame?but there Is no view so noble as that from the heights of St. Cloud. You see Farts as a panorama. Yon see it at Its best, lor In the foreground is the Bois da Boulogne, aud Just beyond the richest and best bnilt sections, aud all the monuments stand out in noble prominence, aud yon see Itonimsrtre on the horizon aa a background to tbe picture, and snggeanng, rather than showing, the vast, restless underworld, If one may so call it, that ilea within Frauoe like the lava and lire in Yeauviua. Bat it we were to pause and dwell on this scene, to revel In It, as woll we might, there would bo an and to this narrative. As It is, we koep our way through lanes and sheltered roads, past cbAtaaux and clustering tenements, called villages, post wine shops where workmen sit over tbetr tipple and surest os with wondering and I hope irieudly ?yes; past fields whers men and women are at work, ana who pause nod study as as wo liiuoder along past mounted gendarmes who now rsappesr and point tbe way; past rows of carriages banked ou tbe roadside?showing many friend* are here beioro us?and than turning slowly Into a gate way, and at a gentle pace over a country road, we see belore us a range of beaches eovsred with men and women, wno wave tbelr Lands lu welcome, and we bear the rising strains Irom ono ol M. uflenbach's operas Irnm a band bidden from us by a grove ol trooe. We are at oar goal in tbe Pare de la Marcbe. TUB PARK LA MARCUS. This park is very pretty. It is really s country farm that baa been transformed into a private and vtry exclusive racing park. Tbe track Is plain sodded tart. There is a grand stand wbieli could not do mora than hold a thousand people II crowded. There is an other sund, wuioh Is simply a terrace, where a hun dred gentlemen might stand witn comiorl. There Is a booth whore you can buy cakee sua champagne, a paddocx for the hor.ea aud poutes, a room tor weighing lookers and horsemen, a line ol modest stab es and tiers and there andevery where the softest and greenest turf and masses of trues. I don't know that 1 can give you a more comprehensive descrip tion of the Pare ot La Marcbe. It compares with tbe great racing parka of tbo world? Newmarket, Jo romo and Longcbampo?about as ths i'aro Monocuo compares with the Rot* its Boulogne. It is very small, very bsaniilnl, very comfortable, and I can well aee bow It tally carries oat the ideas ol Its foacd ors, lust it shall bo a quiet and excioelve park, where people who are people can meet with their own irtnnda and associates, and not bo hustled in tbo weighing room or challenged at tne betting table by tbelr own ooncirrgr. or bailer or butcher. In France this means lar more than yon would imagine It tu mean In the United Slates, and la a sporting viow It Is the meaning ol La Marcbe. THK EACSS AMD THS RIDS BOMB. The first race, y?n will observe, is the programme was for a coarse pinto between hack horses. It was run befors the arrive! ot many ol tbe drags, ana was wun by Tralaia easily. Ths second raco was the first Interesting event ol tho day. It was lor a prist given by the Kae Royals Utah lor the beet polo pony on tbo ground. Ihero were nine entrlos la this race? numely ,Darling, Tlcu borne, Midge, Small, Philippine, Ktne, Silly, silver and Daisy. The riders generally wore their colors as lavors on their arms?simple col ored rlbbous lied into rosettes. la some cases tbe silk garments wrrs worn. In the start id# ponies all got away without delay, and eame to tbe winning polo well together. The race would have bom won by Sllrer but lor the bad manner in which be was ridden, and just at the moment when Silver should bars pnesed to the front, Midge ?hot by and was notorious Tbe result was so obrloosly an aecidoul that at once another race was proposed on the pa't ol the friends of Mtlrer, who offered a prise rained at l.hOOf. The day waa so far s?ue that this supplementary race could not be run, mueh to the disappointment of the assemblage. Toe sleeplocbaae was the next affair. Although there were six entries, but two inousts ap pearsd? I.ambtouisn, belonging to Mir William (lull, and Rutor, belougiog to F. Roy. This was a good race si the on lee t, esd both borsos eamo down tbe turf and orer tbe hurdles In One style until about hall war aruusd. Then, in Jumping a fence, llutor's rider wet thrtwu. Tbt ineideut look place in from 01 in* grand stand, and tbtre waa a meeement tf Interest and sym pathy as tbe jockey, In cherry and light blue, wat seen in spin oyer In* horse's head and roll on the lurt. But tbs rMer was on bis loot In a second, and a dozen bonds were prompt to bnlphiai Into his sent, and with nale 'ace and elmohed teeth be kept on bis now lorlorn and bopelesa race. Hit hope now was that the fate whieh tbrew him oyer n fenoe should throw his ileal Into a dltob, and so tbe rsmotsdor ol the rsoe was waiebed, not as a font of horsemaasbtp, bet at a game ol obanoo to see whether the horseman In rioiet and yellow would not fell, and Ibus give nit rital a obance to coma somewhere Imo lino. But rioiet anu yellow bad too sure a seat, and alt that remained to him waa to spin orsrbit fence* in ?# leisurtij a saner, gad mm ltwiaf- 4a as Us di<V leaving Bator far bebtod. All the sams Bator mad# a f#od raca. Horseman will bo (brown, yoa know, ud ibw Jockey mad# the beat of hie miabap, and be bad (be sympathy ot tbe crowd aa ba alowly rode tbroagb them to tbe weighing plaoe. Tb# Walter Handicap for a ladies' prtae was also a good race. In tbia tbere wore elgbt entrlea oat of sixteen, namely, Pifforari, Paroaoxe, Lab I re, Silenoiense, Belle-Petite, Geograpnle. Houradex and Ro sme. I suppose one reason tbat Spblnx did not ran was because General Grant, who bad hoped and expected to be among tbe spectators, foaud blm seW compelled to go to tbe American department In the Exposition and look at some mucblnery Much sympathy was expressed for tbe General, and Spbtnx, wbo would probably bare done sreat tbiuga In the preseneeol bla illustrious nameaake, remained in bla stable. Tbe horses got well away at tne signal and kept together dnring a good part of tbe raee, but tbe French borse ol M. Blanc, Pilferari, finally took bis place In tbe advance, and kept It until tbe end, although not wltbont a struggle. Tbe military raee was called aa soon as possible. A couple of young j gentlemen bad a private pony raee of tbelr own lor a 1 thousand yards or so while tbe officers were preparing; bat one ot ibe pomes bad short legs, and tbe other, alter leaving bis rival at tbe atari, never boiborsd him self but came right in, while No. 2 wabbled alter in a hopeless lasbion. Tbe militery raee was wail con tested and as thera was a large number ol officers ol tbo French army on tbe ground tbey took u deep In terest In It. Our Euglisb friends looked on, many ot tbem In u disdainful wuy, as much as to say tbat no doubt a Frenchman oould stick on a burst's back and go wbarcver tbe borae did, but no one oonld really ride but an Englishman. The raca was even lor ball tbe course, but Danielle, ridden by the Viscount de Pterres, liuullr began to leave tbe aayltgbt between himself uud Edwige. As Edwlgo was well ridden, bow ever, the race was well maintained to tbe eud. Its loriunca scorned to vary with tbe emotions of s stout, excited Englishman wbo stood behind your cor respondent. "Four to one ou Don telle I" be criod In fine Liverpool French. A pause. "Five to one on Dentellol" A pau-e. In a bigber key, "Ten to one on Deutelle!" a pause. Then, in a screaming panic-stricken, hopeless, despstring key, "Twenty to one on Dontelle!" At tbat moment Edwige was seen to draw closer, obeying whip and spur. "Taken lor loulsI" was tbe answer. But Den telle came in and tbo one louis was paid. This closed tbe raee, and closed also one of tbo most interesting days in tbe sporting season. Tbo wbolo programme was carried out, and with prompti tude. You missed tbo noise and movement and clat ter of the general raoa day, but It was aa subduad and quiet and refined as a Sunday meeting la tbe ooantry. On the return borne tbere were no Incidents beyond tbe breaking ot tbe pole iu ono or tbe drags. Tbe ride waa beaulilul, notwithstanding the dust wbteb bovered over as like a clond, until we passed Mures no bridge and came under the grateful shadows ot tbo Bote. From tbat polot homeward?and borne was reached shortly after six?tbe drive was perieot and fitly closed an atternoou ot genome and uninter rupted p eaaure. T HOTTING AT FLEETWOOD PARK. A very Interesting trot came off yesterday at Fleet wood Park, which was witnessed by a Urge number ol gentlemen from the Ninth wird, where the contending bones were ownea. Six heats were trotted before the affair was decided. The following is tho summary:? Fi.bbtwood Park?Trotting.? Monday, June 17, 1878.?Sweepstakes $4'J0, mile beats, best mree in five, harness. Starters. John Murphy's bit g. Charlie (paoer) 4 0 14 11 William Van Vaikeubnrg'a bile. in. Magitle 10 8 14 3 G. B. Brown's r. g. St. George 3 4 2 2 2 2 Robert Smith's b. g. Aliok 2 3 4 3 3 4 TIMS. Quarter. Half. Mite. First heat 8i 1:17 >4 2:40 Second heat 38K 1:18)4 2:40 v Third beat 38% 1:16# 2:37)4 Fourth beut 40ig 1:13)4 2:40 Filth neat 88* 1:17)4 2-30 Sixth heat 40 1:10 2:42 Sams Day.?Match (100, mile heats, beet three in five, In harness. William M. Graves' blnclc gelding Blind Boy received lorlett. Alexander Stranss' sorrel mare liauaan H. paid lorlett. NEW HAVEN RACES. Nsw Havsh, June 17, 1878. At Hamilton Park to-day tbo 8 minute raoe was won by Miller's Hsltie Jefferson, of Hartford, in three straight heats; best time, 2:40)4. Tbo 2:40 raoe was won by Woodcut's Olive, of Mlneela, L. L, In three straight beats; best time, 2:42. The free-lor-aii was woo by Dersey's Fannie Jeffer son. oi Hartford, in throe straight heats; time, 2:30)4, 2:87)4 and 2:84)4. SALE OF COLONEL M'DANIEL'S HORSES. Tba sals of Colonel McDan iel'* thoroughbred horses, announced to come off yesterday, at the New York TattersaH's, corner of Broadway and Tbirty-ainih street, was commenced, but belore the lot were got through with Colonel McOanlel ordered the sale stopped, as the prioee brought for tboeeeold were so lar below the value ol the stock that he oeuld not allow of the sacrifice being oonlinued. Of the twenty-ox lots pat up sixteen only were sold, which were as follows:? BROOD MARKS. Sue Kyoer, b. in. bv Ruigut ol St. George, d -m Glyoera, by Sovereign, id foal to Hurry Hasan, to A. Welob, ol Chestnut Hill, PnlUdelpbta....(310 Osk Leaf, b. m. by Oaklaod, dam Leisure, by Red Kyo; N. T. Hubbtrd 64 Juintna, b. m. by Julias, dam Bet Arlington, by Arlington ; W. Amor 124 Sarao 15., b. in. by I'latiol, nam Adeigisa, by Ulan cue; W Anor 200 Mary Mansfield, cb. in by War Dance, dam Mlo ale Mam-field, to N. f. Hnbb.rd 94 Sieior of tl liner, cn. I. by Le.imiugion, nam O'Donoell's rr.are, by Lexington, C. W. Barker. 100 two ynah Chestnut Colt, by Harry Baesell, dam Orange Girl, L. Valentine 200 Cbestuut Colt, by Harry Uaesett, dum Oaklenf, by Oakland, N. T. liubbaru 84 Brown Colt, by Harry B.i-actl, dam Oak Bud, b A-leroid, Uoneruld Bl lucliard. 84 Cnesinut niiy, by Leamtnglan, <lam imp. Lur iine, by Uemmi di Vergy, B. S. Jours 194 Btowu illly, by Harry Haaasit. dam Kite Shlp pru, by John C. Breckinriige, W. St. 186 Brown filly, by Harry Bassett, dam Avondale, by imp. Leamington. (J. Phillipe 195 Bar niiy, by Harry Baaaeti, dam Fleur Aage. by Leam.ogten, o. B turner 186 YKARUXUS. Browil filly, by Harry llasaeit, dam Imp. Wom bat, by West Australian, D. D. Wither- 600 Browu tilly, by Hnrry Uaaeelt, dam Warwick shire, by imp. lA'amingioa, Peter Waideo ]06 Bay Ully, by Harry Uasaett, dam Juliana, bjr J alma, U. Hocnr 66 Mai or barker, by Asteroid, dam .-ebouiaobe, wee roll to Charles W. Heritor tor j:)6 Aud then lbs ?ale stopped, as Colonel McUaniei said ne did not lutcud io give nny mora <>i hie aiook away. RAH i BALL. There wiii a good attendance at tbo Capltolloo Qronndk, Brooklyn, yeatcrdny a ri or noon, to wunoaa tbo Aral game ol ilia aeriea betweeu tbo Wltokna, ol Brooklyn, and tlie friendship*, of Uarletn. Tho Wuokaa were abort tba terriers of tire of tbelr nine, wtiteb wont lar toward equalizing tbo game, Tlie lollowiug hi tho seoro:? ninait Clulx. Int. 'id. M. Vh. it*. 0tt. 7Ik. Sift. M Friendship 021 18 0 10 4?12 Witoaa 0 1113 2 12 0?17 Umpire?Mr. 1'omple, nl tho Uoueord Ciut>. limo ol game?Two hourn and tweuty-gre intniilea. Total base tila? Friendships, 13; Wuokan, 24. Kiral haao by orroia?Frtoooabip, 8; Witokaa, 8. rho nat-iii-ioon game* yesterday reaaltou a* fol lows :?At Itiiflnio, Hnftnlo?4, Hornetla 3; at Boa>on, Uosioua 4, Cincinnati* 2; at Muncho-der, Man chester* 3, l.owvl.a 2; nt Cleveland, llooDester* A, KoroHt City* 1; at Worceator, Springfield# 3, Wor oestera 2. To it of iho Chatham* and Wttokaa play nt Oaplto line, Ktaolute and New York at Unioii Uround, Aator and -Kipper at llobokeo, Cbleago and Milwaukee at Milwaukee, Imiinuupoiu and Providence at I'rovl donee. I'lttaAold and Cricket at Hlngbamton, Tecum aolt aud M?pio Loai at Uuolpn, Manchootor and Wor ceator mi W orceator, .ipringdeid and Jaowoll at Cow ell, and Kaaex and Krie at tlnflalo, GREAT bPURT A V 8EA GIRT. Tbelaraoatronol bluodab uud shad that baa ocottrrod In yearn took place on Sunday on tbo abort at 8 *a Olrl, N. J. Tbo aurf waa alien with tbo fish, and tbo greateat excitement preeallod among tbo gneato of tbo bench Bonea and Monmootb House Tbo Hah wore oaugbt in bnadroda with tbo aqaid lino and aeon by band, people In thotr oiailomeat running Into tbo wator and aotnally catcning tbom witb tbolr banda. The boteia and oottagea were deeortod lor the time living i>/ their i.cnupooia. KVerybudy ? guoatt, vta pl >ye? and aorvaota?lined the tuorv ami frantically eugigod in me exciting aport. Holtgioua aarricoa were in progreaa at tbo Lake House when me aowa cant of tbo arrival of tlie ban, and ta lees man Ifl BuatUM MM ggtoM wan late in agi YACHTING. Annual Regatta of the Atlan tic Yacht Club. CALMS, MODERATE BREEZES AND DRIFTS. The Triton, Dolphin, Imperia and Intrepid the Winners. A REGATTA ON THE HUDSON. Tbe Atlantic Yacht Club, ot Brooklyn. L. I, held their thirteenth annual regatta In Near York B iy yes terday. A float of seventeen vessels took part In tbe contest, and tbe earnestness displayed by the crews makes the event or an inter esting nature. If fresher brecses bad been vnucbafed tbe yachtsmen an eurly and more satisfactory ending would bave resulted and the vto tory in tbe schooner aud tbe larger sloop classes would be credited to tbe boats doing the best sailing ol tbe aay. One bit of work?that Irom tbe Hook te tbe lightsmp?relieved , ibe race irom being a failure and gave the captains ot tnrec or tour boats an opportunity of showing what manner of dex terous craft they commanded. Mr. J. Roger Maxwell's schooner Pesrless outsailed Commodore Tbayer's Triton, ber only antagonist, nearly the entire coarse, but when tbe prize seemod within aer grasp she was becalmed, and the Triton coming up wltn a light air pasted ber, and found the home hue a winner in the darkneea. A more surprising result cau be chronicled in the race of the iurger sloops. The Uodtue and Orloo, boats whose performancee bave always been admirable, and in the ouse of tbe former, an unbeaten orait, were compolled to strike their colors to tne Dolphin by the same kind ot a Uuko as marked tbe Triton's winning. The Undine, unlortunately, lost ber topmast outside of Sandy Hook, ana tbe Orion lost tbe wind within three or four miles of the finish. Tbe Dolpbin has neitber very good Iooks nor speod, and, If eltner of these qualities bod determined tbe race, tbe odds woeld have been one hundred to one In favor of the Orion. The fluking always wout dead against tbe latter. Of tbe aloops that turned a mark at C-eduey channel buoy and then squared away for home tbe new boot Itn peria scored her maiden conquest, and the crew la cooscqnenoc were greatly delighted. Of the real small fry, class E, the Intrepid, 34 ft. 11 in. mean length, pegged a eroduabie first. CODOaS ASD 1MTBIBS. The mors log old noi umiu vary suspicions for a yacht race. 1$ was cloudy and there were no signs of wind. The judges' boat, tbo ooean tog Oyelope and the guests' steamer, the Americas, were st the start ing point off Bay Ridge nt the hour set down la the programme. The yachts with oolnrs apeak, and to try their mettle, were:? SCHOOSKRS?CLASS B. Allowance*. Home. Owner. M. S. Peerless J. Roger Maxwell Allows Triton Com. G. A. Thayer 8 06 oaBin BLOOM?CIAS8 c. Undine...... 11. Bryant Allows Orion Vice Com. W. Oooper 0 60 Sadio H. E. Cole 3 26 Dolphin J. W. Cooper 3 2$ CABIN SLOOPS?CLASS D. Imperla C. T. Pierce Allows Kaiser W. H. Field 2 69 Lizzie L J. O. Johnson 8 60 Gertie T. P. Flake 4 30 Rope K. 0. B wan 7 06 Sheila A. Norton 8 62 CABIN SLOOPS?CLASS B. Nimbus L. H. Biglow Allows Intrepid N. B. Law ton 2 02 Nomad HL H. Roglus .' 6 60 Alms W. Lumoils 11 67 Mub R Areold 14 30 The course lor Classes B and U was Irom Bar Ridge to and around a stakeboat at buoy 8>4, eo Southwest Spit, thence to end around the Ugbtehip, turnihg U from the voslward and sooth ward, thence home, going to the southward and weatward of the beacon on Romer Shoal. For Ciaei D, tbe name oonroe to buoy 8H. tlionce to a stakeboat at Gedney'e Channel buoy, and baok borne. Class K altar rounding tbe buoy 8'4 stikeboat, made the best o( their way to the starting point. DOWN TO THE SWT BCOT. Alter long waiting a light nreeze irom the soutb weet gave the Judges their obanev, and, firing the gnu* at the intervals agreed upoo, tbe racing vessels, with the Orion nt the Iront, crossed tbe line ae follows:? Maine. Peerless Jf. & Name. If. M. S. 11 60 30 Kulaer........ . 12 08 46 12 00 30 3 hell a 00 00 12 00 40 Ueniu 11 15 12 01 10 Nomad . 12 12 00 12 03 00 Hup#. . 12 12 20 12 04 46 Nimbus...... . 12 12 46 12 07 00 Imports 13 30 12 07 46 Msb 15 03 12 06 30 Alma.... Tbe uoe was hall ebb. and In worklog down the Long Island snore the Uhdiuo secured tbe weather berth, witb tho Orion clo-m under her lee quarter, fol lowed by the Madia, Dolpbiu, Triton and Peerieaa, aud the others In a sort ot a sprawlir.g prooe-sion. Clear of the Narrows the Uudine, Orion and llolpntn stood to the westward, when, omening tho lell strength ot the tide, they lorged ahead fast enough to soon place Ibem the Isadora Tbe Triton and Poeriees having the r own little game to piay, stuck closely to each other further to the eastward than was good for cither, and at lb. 08m., whoa the Peeriess draw past tho former she left her so rapidly that It was apparent that Commodore Thayer bad muua a mistake. The Orion and ins Uudlue broke tack, a Utile later and want about their business trying for luck, l'brre was a snilt of wiod to S. 8. K. at lb. 30m , which favored tne Triton, and ooce more she was head reaching on her old antagonist, and bo fore tbe mark uom at the Spit buoy t?, luffed around, she was showing tbe crew ot tbe Poeriees her wage. Tbe Dolpbtu'e position et the buoy wee very fair, although for oeveral minutes belors tho Uudiua's time was 11kan there had bean but a mere gabbling brerse. and tbe race was last becoming a drift. This enabled the slow boots to Und their way among those who bed oerrled off tho sailing bosom 1 bo tune as bo low will gIVu a good idoa ol the yeohts' positions at the mark boat off buoy 8J4:? Nam', H. M. 8. Maine. U. M. S. Undine 2 23 16 Sadie...... .... 2 33 ?>(! irllon. 2 24 46 t-heila 2 37 Oil Orion 2 26 16 Kilsor., 2 43 00 PsorlsssM...... 2 24 20 Hope 2 40 3) Do>pbtn 2 20 15 No mud......... 2 6o 16 L zS'e L... -.. 2 28 16 Gruls 2 50 3d I tn per la 2 30 Id M ill 2 61 3d lutrapid ....... 2 '3d 45 Alms 2 61 80 Nimbus 2 83 00 run uuUTsnir orr sandy hook. The smaller a oops irom ibis squared away 'or home, and those in Glass D riretobrU away lor tne mark boat at Gcduoy Channel buoy, aud tne .-cummers and sloops lor the Lightship. Outside the Hook the breeze freshened, and the Poeriees, soon going to the poet ot booor, lore over the uubbllng sea ae If in low ol a grampus. Tno Or loo did not disappoint her trteuds and, outsailing the Undine, reached Ihe mark as soon aa ?bo did and in a bolter position, aa tb<- Undine Doing too far to tbo eastward win compelled to make au extra la ok to ronod it. All taoked around, tbeir time beiog as under:? Same. II. M. 8. Name. II. M 8. Pe?rien? 3 48 30 Triton 3 5b 00 til ion 3 oil CO D< IpUlU 4 00 On/ Uadinr 3 61 30 rixiflui.xt aftkk dark. staysail* and Jioi..pi*n? were **i i.n ib? return, nua tbe only incideuie of Rote were ibet the Fee rim* in orenacd tier lend on lb* Trtlou wmlo iba wiud bold, end the Undine it Kb Win , |u?l Am. KOn. after round ing tbe ldgbublp, loet iter ioi msat. Tim brrese see mod or iniutncieut utraagth to play enoit trick., and uie eidolon wan expressed that the eticK bad about the breaking strength of a cnrrot. Tina erippleu tne Un dine lor gorxi, and ah* commenced a stern ohaee only to be beaten. It v<i ber Ural nelo i, aud a* alie rt <s won priae* and lionora in tbe porta oi New Vurk, Philadelphia and iJo-tin, tbe dag will b? remembered by ber owner. I ho yacht* went up the Swaeli Channel, and Junl below the Narrowa the loader* were bocalmed, and me i r.ills aaiern holding n breeie walked up among Hiem and driltod home Brat, ilia rnoe sua very quimiy Quixnvd alior dark, aa will be eetii below, the judges laklnB the lime ol toe late arrival* by toe aid ol lan tern*:? HCIIOORCKH?Cl.las B. Actual Corrected Start. Fnith. Time. T>m'. fTamc. H. M S. II. M S. II If S II M S. Peerlos*... 12 t?4 46 8 01 00 7 W 16 7 64 16 Triton 12 02 00 7 60 00 7 64 00 T 48 64 CAMS SLOOP* ? CI.Ana c. Undine.... 12 01 10 S 17 45 8 14 36 8 14 36 Orion 11 All 30 8 00 3<l 8 10 00 8 00 10 On I plii ii ... 12 00 30 8 12 30 8 12 00 8 0* 32 t*a Jio 12 00 4'J 8 23 00 R 22 20 8 18 54 CAM* SLOOP* ? CLASH l>. Iniperl*.... 12 13 30 0 34 in 0 21 20 4 21 20 Gem* 12 U 16 7 37 30 7 '20 15 7 21 46 Hop* 12 12 20 7 20 30 7 08 10 7 01 04 kuiser 12 0* 46 4 61 30 4 42 46 4 30 40 L sAi* 1'... 12 07 00 7 33 40 7 211 40 7 22 60 Shell* 12 Of) 00 4 40 20 0 40 20 0 81 28 OASIS SLOOPS?CLASS K. Ntmbttf.... 12 12 46 6 21 40 6 00 06 6 00 04 Intrepid... 12 07 4b 6 16 06 6 07 20 6 OS 18 Noinad.... 12 12 00 6 40 14 6 34 14 6 27 18 Aim* 12 OS 30 e 03 10 6 64 40 6 42 48 M*8 12 16 00 0 26 80 0 in 30 0 64 00 Tnia uiskea tli* Triton Win the arbminer prixa ny 7m. 21*. ; tho Dolphin tbe eloop prlie, ela** (J, beat 1 log tbe Orion 88*. ; the Imperia tne eloop prua, , elan* D, beating tbe Kalaer 18m. 28#., and tb* "l.iv L inwtM MobmcmI Pride" aa tbe flrm boas boa* tin Iter elan without time allowance; lb* lelrepld lbs Hlisp prise, elara K, beating the Nib boa 3m. Ms ANNUAL BKOATTA OF THE HUDSON BTTEB TACHT CLUB?THB ANNIB GXISSVL, CLABA S., GKOBOE B. DBANE AND OUS8IE THE WIN NEKS. Tbe sixth annual regatta ot the Hudson Hirer Yacht Club oame off yesterday, and. considering the tact I hat there was very little wind stirring, some ol the competing boats rendered a lair account o< tnemselvea. Although there were twenty-one entries only (oar teen started, and of this number ono was ruled out because she crossed the lino oat ol bar draigoated class in sturiing. Tba ruciug yachts wore divided Into four classes as follows:?The flrst, tor all open yachts above twenty-six leet on deck; the eeoend, lor all under iweaty-six feet and over twenty leet on deck; tbo third, lor all uuder tweuiy-three foot and over ninoteeu leot on deck, and tbe fourth, for all under nineteen loot on deck. There wore no restrto ttous as to mo amoaat of sail, bat each boat vaa re quired to bring back all ths weight she started with, Following are the namos ol the competing yachts, their owners and dimousions:? First Class.?Mechanic, John Goodwin, length 2 feel 4 menus; Annie Gvissel, Henry Hold, 37 leot 8j( Indies. bEi'osi) Class.?Clara S., Commodore Stilgor 24 leet inches; Irene, K. K. Wilson, 24 loel. Tuiku Class.? Lydla T., W. U. Ureocen, 22 feat T inches; Annie L., K. V. freeman, 22 leet 10 Inches) George B. Dcaue, C. Bchwank, 21 leot 10)4 inches: O. K , Conrad Kotb, 21 (cet 11 luchrs; Hough ana Tough, O. McCarty, 20 luei 4 inches. Fourth Clash.?tiussie, A. Marshall, 18 teat 4 melius; supine I'., A W. Frsukle, 16 leet 7>? laches; Joe Eugau, M. NickoIus, 17 feel 1 lacb; Fire Bag, J. (Jaruini, 18 loel 2 inches the course for ell lour olasses was crossing an lumgiuury line between the olub house at anvoutistu street uud a sukebuat anchored off that point to and for the Oral three classes arouuu a stakebont aucbored off the steamboat dook at Yonkors, and return, passing between the club houso and the heme stake boat. Tne eonrse lor the lourih class was to a stake boat anchored off Bpuyten Duyvii anil return. The length or tbe former course was about twenty two miles, and that to Bpuyten Duyvii and return about mtoen. The time allowance was two seconds to the loot, deck measurement. At a given eignel iho yaobta in the tlrat and second classes orossed tbe lino between toe club bouse end the sttke boat, ton mlnutoa having boon allowed tbem lor that purpose, at the expiratiou ot which time tbe boats lu the two remaining olassos followed. The fleet moved off slowly owing to au almost dead calm which prevailed at tbo mooiont. The Irene managod, how ever, to take the lead, with the Clara 8. close bemud her, the Mechanic and Annie GcUsel following next In order. On psasiug Spnyten Duyvii the Gisra S. had the lead, at which point ids tiu.sio, ol the fourth class, turned the sitkeboat some aistanoe abend ot net rivals. At Yonkers the Annie Geissol was the Aral to round the stakeboet at In. 37m. 30s., being closely fal lowed by tbe Clara S., the remainder turning tbe stake boat at intervals varying irom a minute and a halt to foriy-dve minutes later, at which period tbo Annie 1* grounded the mark. On tbo return homeward a Blight nreese sprang ap, wblcb ouauied tbe yaehte to mak* a little better time with a flood tide. The results sra herewith subjoined:? FIRST CLASS. Actual Corrected Start Niniek. Tims. Time. Name. B. M. S. M. M. S. II. M S. II. M S. Annie tie Mel. 11 20 03 4 1 IS 4 41 10 4 80 63 Meobanic..... 11 19 63 Not timed. SSOONO CLASS. Clsrn S 11 19 46 4 6 62 4 47 07 4 47 07 Irene 11 18 40 4 22 45 6 04 06 3 OS 60 TH1BD GLAUS. Lydla T 11 29 00 4 16 46 4 47 46 4 47 13 Annie L 11 29 65 Not timed. Geo. a Doaao 11 28 16 4 13 45 4 45 80 4 43 85 O K 11 88 03 4 52 00 5 18 35 5 18 05 Rougn and Tongb 11 30 10 4 51 30 5 21 20 6 16 20 FOURTH CLASS. Gussie. 11 81 20 3 12 22 8 41 02 3 41 02 .Sophia T 11 34 10 3 22 36 3 49 27 8 46 01 Joe Esgao.... 11 33 29 3 27 17 3 ol 48 3 49 13 Fire Bag 11 80 12 4 14 30 4 44 18 4 11 08 In tbe class tbe Annie tiei-sai was tbe winner, the Clara S. lu tbe second class, the Georgo H. Deans in the third, end the Gusate in the fourth clans. The judges were Henry Andrass, S. Gage, Simon Sharp and William Cheater. THE BROOKLYN YACHT CLUB REGATTA. A special meeting at the members at the Brooklyn Yacbt Club wm bald last eveulng at ibair rooms, corner ol Court and Montagus siraeta, tor tbe purpoau of completing tbe arraugemante for their re gatta to-day. Mr. Henry C. Turner, preeU dent of tbe elub, oooupted tbe cbuir. Tna steamer William Fletebef, baring ea board tbe Judges, will leare Jewell's dock, loot of Fulton street. Brooklyn, at nine A. M., lnstoad of balf-paat ten ea beretefore stated. Commodore Lester Wellsek proposed tbat tbe club take some aetioa toward a oenaelidated cruise ot all tbe yacbt clubs la tbia rloinity. Ibe Commodore's proposition wus re ceived with uppUoee, and be was appointed e com* nilttee ol one to confer with tbe commodores ol tbe ?ar.oea olubx In rvdura to tbe matter. The lollowing is a list of tbe yachts entered lor the raeo to-day schoobbbs. Cornet, B.Y.C William H. Lengley Mystic, B.Y.C V ice Commodore Charles H. Hall Shoom?(riKSi chase.) Kale, B.Y.C Hear Coniinodon Ceo. F. Randolph Annie, B.Y.C ....lotepb Elawortb Undine, KY.C H. Bryart ai.oors?(srcosi) class.) America, B. Y Jobn J. Tread well Scnoiuor, B.Y.C * C. Smith Lee Lixxie L. B.Y.C ?.J. U. Johosoo, II. 0. Wave, B Y.C K. R. Underbill aLiHirs?thiku ci.ass?ops*. S.-R. Fowler, N. H. Y. C S. Coolabaa BuMe S.. B. V C Kdward F. Miller Wilium K. Browu, 0. H. Y. C C F. Brown Annie Geiseel, H. K. Y. 0...... George Geiesel OATAM \RAM. Tarantella, L. L Y. C F. Hnghef I'ne y.icbt Co.umbla, ?Hb<>uab not In tbe race, will go over tbe courts. Her owner, Loeter Wallack, will oe on board. EMPIRB YACHT.CLUB RKGATTA. Tbe ann nil regatta ol toe Empire Yacht Clan wilt be eailed to-lay Irom tbe foot ol 104th street, East River. The entries ere se follows:? Cabin Boats? Chester Arthur, Isabel Beam, V. K's* more, M. Couway, Meivlna, Heme, Julia, Rover, Bores read. Open Boat, First Class?Felly end Josephine. Cpeu Boats, Becond Class Inspeotor, Martbn IL, Mary, Thieile. Opes Heme, Third Cites?J. N. Lasthier, Mary Sib eon, Bopbls Kmma, George B Doan, Marrvl. Open Boats, Fourtn Class?hmrna D., Koslna, Peter O'Brien. Opee Boats, FHtb Class?Cora D., Mary B., Mattlf K., (Jueen Mab, Bream, U J. Orr. Catamarans?t wo Orphans, Minnie, and Bella. YACHTING NCTE. Tbe Kugheb yacbt Oneegb sailed yesterday Ires Newport lor Boston. CKEKDMOOJi. VOIP.IT riBIBO AM) PRACTICE FOB TUB MARXSM Alt'u BADOK BT TBI IMVZICTH AJUI BKVENTT-FIB4T BB IIMKNTH. Tu? marksmen or tba Eleventh and Sevan ty-dr*l regiments, N.O.S.N.Y., allot at Creedmoor yesterday. In the Brat claaa. Colonel Uubekant was IB eommsnd ol tbo detBcbmani, and Major K K. Orvla, 01 iba 8eo? ond brigade nail, superintended the firing. Tba loL towing alleged oases of attempted fraud la proenrtug bigh scores were reported to tbo aiatlatleal officer, and will be ibo subject ol future Investigation la the Cerentj Orel rogimenl Sergeant A. IS. Benaett, ol Company It, la alleged to bare shot tor Privatfi J. 11. Oabora, of tho same company; Private Rbein bardt, of Cotnpaay C, wae reported for baviag aU templed to shoot under the name ol J. H. Muneoo. In tbo eleventh regiment one oaae wae reported, that ol Sergeant F. llennigg, who wee eberged wltb abootiag lor Private 11. Burtler. Other cases are su? peeled in beta regiments. Previous to tho regular practice toe troops war* eisroiesd at the 200 yards reoge la velloy firiug. The target ueod yeeterday wee ol the aaw form ordered by the Departinoni ol Kifle Praetlee. It meaeeree ? laet by 4 leek I ho bull'S'Sye is e black strip pamted aoroea the target aud tea leet la width. The "centre" is a white atrip aoe loot wide above and balow tba boil's-eye. IDs rest ol the largat Is "oilier." Tbo bua's eye oouma 4 potato; the sea ire, 3; the eater, ?A The olBereot squaus scored as follows:? BLRVBRTH HKIIIUKST. ???SMTT PIKxT HKOIUBPT. Number /Tnttg. Sour*. Company B .. la 47 Company d 34 Company 1)..,. 17 6U Company P....11 37 Company U....12 84 CompanyU.... 8 33 Company 1....10 64 Company K.... JO Jig rug marhskak's bapub coaranvioB. The following is the detail of tba regular prsetlest? The Kievsnth regiment seat oat log men, under Captain KIour, wlta Captain Kneniaod aa laapeeter ot rille practice. Only eight members ol this regiment qualified lor ibe badge, Captain KoeeUad making the highest eooroe of 41 point* the Seventy.first regiment had 133 mea on the rangr, under Lieutenant Colons) tlhedd-uk. Captain Hoffmen noted ?? inepeeterai rifia WHtNe, Fmy-tlvt memoer.t ut IBs regltnesl qualified fur the badge. ?? r. grant Steal* made the highest score?42 oat of ma possible 60 points?sad thereby wins the Vase medal .. M msrksmsMBIB. Number /brtnff. Score. CompsQy A... . & 14 Company B... . H 14 Company U.m .10 10 Company IK... . 7 4 Company K..., . 6 10 Company K... 6 23 Company (1..., 11 43 Company 11..,. Company (.... .13 23 . 6 14 Company K... 7 28