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BEFORE THE TARGETS. Opening Day of the Great German Shooting Festival. AN ARMY OF MARKSMEN. The Procession and the Crowds and Scenes in SehueUen Park. Ttaa opening of tbe second annual ?hooting festival tooK place at Sebuetsen Park yesterday under lair auaptco*. Tbe day began with a procession, wtiieb termed oa tbe eaet side and started Iroin Eighth street. A tear minutes be lore eleven o'olock tbe pro cesslon reaobed tbe City Hall Park. Tbe pluaa was about ball filled with spectators attracted by tbe tnuaio aad (be desire to see tbetr German fellow ctllseus ou In holiday eostumo with banuors and regalia. Mayor Ely oame from tbe Executive Chamber and stood In brunt ol the City Hnll lor tbe purpose ol re viewing the procession as It filed past. He was ?ocumpenled oy President Hoborts, Aldermen Ben nett, Lewis, Morris end Jacobus. A brisk sbower of rain oame ou Just at this moment, compelling tbe Mayor to hoist bis umbrella Tboso not provided wtih the necessary covering were compelled to run lor a bolter to the corridors of tbe City Hall, while others escaped to the neighboring hotels aod public places In tbe vieinlty. In passing through tue Patk, according to orders, tbe marshals aod bands kept in Ironi of their ra.peotlve divisions and sainted wnile pawing tne Mayer and Aldermen. Tbe review lasted bat a lew minutes, and was uevold of all formality other than that of a marching salate to tbe city ??mala The park looked mod luvuibg, the Rowers, shrubs sud plants sparkling with the moisture of Irequsnt showers. All was beauty and Iragranoe, and nothing but the bright sunsbtn# was wanting to uiuke It ono ol Nature's loveliest aceuas. That waul oi suusbluo wus toll all da/ long and tua attenaanco showed ihat it in luonood the holiday seekers 10 a eoueiderable uxtouu There ware during the day 16,000 people present, but that was ouly about half as maoy as the managers might have with reason expeoisd. There were many uniforms of different corps end organizations to be seen scattered tnrongh me grounds Fully twenty bande ot muaio were there, sod some ol them very excellent ones. The organisations marched and oouu termarebad continually, aud the throngs ot speuta. tors uavar rested lou; iu oue piaee. Dauciug was begun oariy in the alternoon at the grund pavilion and hnndrnda ol conplea spent the alternoon most eujoyabiy. The ehootlug was ol coarse the principal attraction ot the day to many, but owing to the very exclusive and proper reguiatious thrown around it lew wero sale, outside oi the ahootern, to Interest themselves As last as the Individual scores were made they were pasted upon a Dugo bulletin and ?near altar ' hear would ring out Irom the crowd as Soma favortia vileoordeu aa making a large percent age of bail's eyii. TH* IIFLIXU AKK1VS Notwithstanding the oecaalonal shower* the elreeta oi tlobokau were alive with people when the proces sion oi tbo schuoissn aaaeoiations ranched there. Al most every house waa gay with colored dream ers, and porcbea and wincows were crowded with smiling iacee. All along the streets lending to tbe park hundreds ot people were congregated and cheered euihuaiaatlcaily aa the prouessiou passed with colors flyiug and hands play log. At tb* loot of Union Hill the procession was halted, and, breakiug ruuks, was oarrted up iu oorse cars and large wagoux At the top ol the hill tbe pro cession relormed and marobed through the town ol Union to the park amid the plaudits ol' bundraos of the tuwnspeopla Tne column entered the gates ol the park about twelve o'olock, end waa saluted with twouty gone trom a aectloo ol Battery B, ot tbe Naiinnnl Guard. Tb* column thou paused iu review before George Asry, president of the Inter state Association, at lb* castle, alter which each sec tion end association, bonded by us band, paraded to tbeir headquarters. At one o'clock auom tour thousand ut tne pracesaiooists assembled at tbe grund pavilion, whore ibe ceremony ot iraus lernng the grand dag of tbe iutersiate Association Irom the President oi the contest ol 1870 to tuo pro*, eut presiding officer, Captain Georgo Aery, took place, Ex-Preeideni Miller, of PMIadelphiu, Iu presuming the Hag, maao bo tne compllmsutsry ullusloua Ui the Mew York, New Jersey and Brooklyn association?. Ti.e Frciidenl turned toe banner over to the color bearer, Charles PtrooMtft, ot the New York Sohuotsen Corps. The ceretoouias ot presentation ot the colors complete, tb* aeverul associations passoti to their quarters sud noon quit the ranks and ucatlored about tho grounds, rux pkixs nousk. Tbt prino boss* is a ooauuiui octagon glass and wood pavilion Iu which wore to be vocu all ipe prizes to bo awarded. It wus surrounded all duy by a surg ing mass of peoplo, pushing and pulling escu, all anxious to gets glimpse oi what ought lo-uiorrow be the property ol their lather, brother, basbaud or sweetheart, and a Jolly crowd it was. Tbe day, aa lar as tho games and the sports wor* soocerued, was a complete suecoas, aud the merry cuporiuga ol to* donkey, tb# pole climbing cud sack racing were enjoyed by tbousauda ot ladies, gentlemen end cbllureu. i'ho programme lor to-day Is a varied ooe, an J coosiderabie snma of mousy will he givou to prizes tor Jumping, pnttiog the heavy weights, loot racing and walking. Tba losture ot to day will be a banquet givon at the grand pavilion to the city author.tie* ol Jersey City aud Mew fork, at which, it I* expected, there will be about seven bcodred covers. Uovoroor Mc. Clcliau, Judge Olldereieeve, Judge Oitienhoter, Oswald Ottendoffer aud others, it is expected, will ba present and muke apvechea. Alter tne oauquel ibore will he an exhibition ot ttrowork* given on the plaza. THK SnOOTISO. The ehootlug begau precisoiy at two o'clock and tba arrangements were very complete, there oelng thirty-six targon>, which war* watched irom ibe be ginning to tbo end ol the ehootlug uy huodreds ol people who cheered enthusiastically each successive bull's eyo. Two hundred yurus oppoUio tho large .a were the marksmen, each to ma separate box, shot off Irom bis follow*. From the begiuuiog there w*a a continual raining of uiu-k?iry, nt times drowned by the heavier boom of lbs nlgunl gnu as it ssiaUd the differeat lore.en eoeietles marcning to tuelr qaar tari. The ?ut.oasaiui msranmen were conducted to Ui# pavilion, with uiueie, sud araid the granteet euibusl asm were presented with ibotr prizes The Ural hull's nye wua m*dW hv President Aery in but first shot at tbe "AeaocUiiou target," Ut* pr.ze lor whiou waa $4 tn goid. Jonn 0. Beutschler, Irom i'huadelpoiu, mad* tbe first bull's eye en the "Bull's aye target" and re ?etved e trade dollar as bM prise. William Hayes, of Newark, received the first, sod Louie Ureter, of tbe Helveua Kifle Club, the second goblet. ma ruizKa. The following reociveo prise* ol eoiid sllvar goblets and cups:?J. L Ureycr, ol HelveU*. M Y.; Hayes, of Newark; William Yarrow, Zutt.on Rifle ( tub; J. A. Bauer, California Rifle Club; W. U. L. Soeoig, California itlfle Cinb; A. G. Hellwig, Helvetia Uifle Club: William Rnreaplort. Caiiforuia K.fle Club; N. Crueluh, N?w York S-hueiicu Corps; Albert Meyer, Helvetia Klfle Club; George Sebalk, Newark Scnuetzeu Association; Georgencbilliug, BeP tirnore; M. Gran, Chicago; 8. Gas ten, SI. Louie; A. Jengwer, Jersey Belieoitnn Corps, Uroeavillo; Ed. Buegger, Nortbwesiero Kifle CI oh. Tbe following recetvod eiiver medals of honor:?U. Weidemaun, Helvetia K.flo C.uo; J. T. Morns, Balii mere; Kb. Klein, Now York: V. Kramer, Baltimore; F. W. Fliedner, Helvetia Rifle Club; Hitter, Brooklyn, E. D.; John Brtoaerhop, New York; K. Landoit, Hoooken; Clan* Paulsen, urookiyu; Archy Pan), Helvetia R.flo Club; Usury, iirooaivi.; H. Berginann, Boboken; lbeo. Klleeralb. /.outer Rifle Club; B. Kublmunu, Naw York City SebucisvnCoi pa; Churl** Buruey, Brooklyn, K. D.: J. T. Tabicr, Hop vetta Rifle Clab; 0. Budelmane, Brooklyn; l.copold llauuuorp. Brooklyn; M. B. hngel, Zetller Kifle Club; li.Oalil. do.: Henry Kuchel, Brooklyn; Charts* /.leg ter, do.; A. J. Ulitman, Jersey City. Yargei ol Honor.?William Hays*, Newark, 00 rm L U. lieatke, Zettler Rifle Clab, 411 riuga; H. Oebi, tattler Kifle Club, 46 rings. Hlieh Target.?U U. Deaisa, H. Oehl and Wililam P. MeLennd, eacb a bull's #y*i 1'uhllc Prws Target*?William Parrow, Zmler Rifle Cinb, 71 rings; 11. Miller. Zettler It Qo Club, 04 rings; William Hayes, Newark Behuetssu Association, 04 nags; H. I.. Koeisg, Oaa Francisco, 08 rings, and H. UebL Zettler Rifls Club, 03 rings. M*a Target.? Hayes, Newark Shooting As sociation, 8U poii.ti, Wllllain Parrow, New Yo.k Zuiticr Rifle Club. Til |K?nle; H. Oehe, New York. T6 points; U. la Koeuig, Sau Fraoaiscn, 78 points; T. M. McLean, Newark, 04 points. Crvednioor Target.?Peter Meyer, Uelv-ihi Rifle Club, 22 points: R. Z.ber, Helvetia Hltlo Club, 21 pniut*; Burner Planer, Zettler Kifle Club, 20 points Premiums wero given in the lvilowiug order:? WiiHam Hayes, P. V. Haiugin, W. Farhtr, N. Lewis, H. Rergtnau, W. Hahu, P. Landoit, P. Pahlnr, A. <> Dittoiaf, M. Herrmann. BCilAEFEii AND UEXlON'B MATCH. Achaafar, lb* bllliardlai, arrived in tble city on Sun lay laat irom Chicago, aad will go into regular pruo ttee Immediately. Ilia baadqnartera will be at Uar niar'a. Mo. i.lttt* Broadway, where, under tbe coaching ? I I be aid French cbaiupion, be <aa h. vr cany train tag. 1'be data at bin II ret match with Sex too la dxod lor Jaly II. TBEDEBJCK J. ENGELHARDTS BEN EFIT. Tbapwblte taatimanlai to Mr. Frederick J. Bagal gartt wlU take plaaa tbia evening, at nootb'e T baa ire, and paeaaiaaa to be a aery lataraating rxnl lutlon at athletic amuaetnent. Among tboatliae tiena will be fralaaanr Father Hi appal'* ideal piaa tiquea, tbe Runtaa faauaai el arm*, a U race Horn a a wroatliag mateh, feata ot strength, aport and buai neea aa the plains, ateraar aport* aad iadtaa elub ?wingUR SILVER LAKE REGATTA. PLA18TKD THE WINNIE OP TUB PitOPi-SslONAL BINOLB SCULLS. I BY TBLIOMAPH TO THE HERALD. "J SlLVge Lam, Pitrvtos, kui., June 17, 1878. Notwithstanding the beuvy storm wbicb prevailed ?11 over Eastern Massachusetts ibis forenoon s large crowd ol Ibe lovers ol aquatto sport a oauo down from Uostou to wltnaas lbs aecooa regalia ol ibe aaa aou under ibe mauagemont of lbs Eastern Rowing Association. Tbe races on tbe programme ware live In number, Ibe entries being as loilowa: riser kacs. Sliver cupaud senile, lor juulor scullers, two miles, Euirlea?Frank Turner, Boston ; Jeffrey Eager. Snuw mut Rowing Club} Charm* E Curtis, Lowell; Edward C. Jouce, City Point Bowing Aseouiation: Jobn Mar row. Cbarlaatown; D. Uraen, West End Boat Club. saooMD saoa. Herald Cup, for amateur six-oareu crows; tbrea miles. Dauhtlbss Cskw, of New York.?Dyer Pearl, bow; Wtlnuin S. Ktdabook, No. 2; C. E. Knapp, No. 8; W. (1. Demurest, No. 4; 11. W. Walter, No. 6; David Uoucb, stroke; John Kyle, Jr., cuxswuiu. Substi tutes? H. W. l'eckwejl, Irvmg a. Lyoo. Boat?Paper gig, built by Waters, I roy. N. Y. I.akkma.m Cbkw, Uostou. ?J. Ketvey, stroKe; K. Finn, 2; J. Bums, 8; E Kulley. 4; M. Uiggins, 6; J. Barry, bow. Total weight, 778 lbs.; avoraga weight, 1291? lbs Builder or boat, Fearou, Youkers, N. Y. Weight ol boat, 175 lbs, Excki.biok Boat Ckkw, Jamaica Plain. ? William Cook, stroke; Junes Cowau, 5; James Currv, 4; Robert Foster, 3; Harry Jlavo, 2; Ooorgu 11. Beuub, bow. Average weight, 14a pouuds. Bout built of Spanish cedar by Thomas Foaron, of Yonkera. N. Y.; weight, 186 pouuds. Nakhaiianhktt Boat Clou, Providence.?A. Curtis Tlngley, bow; , 2; lleury Colwell, 3; Edwurd F. lJallou, 4; Cllutou Hale, 6; Johu S. Wuterinan, stroke. Boat?Spanish oritur; woighl, 176 pounds; butlt by Btuiklo tu 1876; Donogbuo sweeps. i-mawmut Casw, Uostou.?T. J. .Sullivan, stroke; Ed. Hay (leu, 6; J. R. Doyle, 4; W. H. Backinun, 3; J. K. Farrell, 2; C. H McLaughlin, bow and cupiulu. Total wslgbt, 882 pouuds; avorage weight, 147 pouuds. Substitutes?1. H. Houghton and F. E. Holmes. Boat?Spauisb codar shell, built by Blalkle, 62 feet long, numud sbawmub I'rTT Poikt Crkw, Boston.?William T, Kenny, bow; Henry l*. Phillips, 2; Henry M. Nasb, 3; Joint F. brown, 4; John A. Wtlgen.ou, 6; Daniel F. Douo vau, stroke. Substitute?Uugn Kooinsou. Total weight. 923 lbs.; average weight, 163 641 lbs. Boat? Spauisb collar .shell; built by Blalkle, Cumbrtuge, Mass.; 60 loat long. TUIJtl> HACK. For professional lour-ourod shells. Purses, $200 and $10J. Lowell Rowing Club.?K. Lambert (stroke;. J. Lambert, D. 1). Driacoll, U. F. Sullivuu (bow) Union Chew, Portland, Mil.?Names uoi given. Longshore Crew, Portland, ? Mo.?M. O'Brien (bow), Moses O'Brien, Riebard O'Brien, J. A. Con wel. (stroke). Boston Boat Club Goorge Faulkner (bow), George JU. Ho?mer, Fatriok McUabey, PatricK ltoagan (stroke). Mahomet Cbkw.?James Fianoery (stroke), M. J. Maboney (bow). Fourth Rack?For tour-oared working boats, three miles; purse $800. UivaRBins Cbkw No. L?F. 11. Burke (stroke), J. Burke, M. Griffon, M. Crowley (bow). Lsvkkstt Chuw.?J. Koagau (stroke), Joke Arm strong, John Condon, John Buuduerg (bow). Lakbham, No. L? J. N. Henry (atroao), R. J. Kelly, M. F. Ryder, C. Hooper (bow). Lakbham, No. 2.?Johu K. Fltagerald (stroke), John Rosetta, Fetor O'Nell, Feter Mulderu (bow). Lrita Rowma Assocjatio*.?William Buekiey (stroke), James Carroll, John Bulger, Jauiea 'fully (bow). Cuklsba Boat Club ? H. Delano (stroke), 0. De luno, M. Arguy. J. W. Heeuan (bow). Neptune Crhw? J. Hunt (stroke), J. Barry, T. Bboeban, M. Momn (bowl. Atlamtic Boat Club.?Edward J. Butler (stroke), Daniel J. Donovan, Patrick J. Reagan, Jeremiah J. Donovan (bow). Houait Cbkw.?T. McDivitt (atroke), IX McDivitt, F. H. McLaughlin, Abe Houae (bow). Rivbksiub Club Cnaw, No Z?R. W. Welch (bow), R. H. Doyle, J. F. Flanagan, J. J. Corley (atroke). riVTH HACK. Purses, $160, $100, $60; profoaslooal soullers; three milos:?Fred A. Flaiated, New Vork; Frei.oby A. Johnson, Boston; James H. Riley, Saratoga springs, N. Y.; Lawranee Kourka, Lowell; E. L. Wnlisine, Lowell; Joun A. Kennedy, Portland; George H. Bos iner, Bostou; U. J. Maboney, Boston; Michael Lynch, Salem; James J. Kelley, Cbartestown: George Lan?, Charlestown; David Keonedy, Lowell; Jere mian Driacoll, Brookiine. I bougb the morning nad been abowery, at ball-past ene the sky was clear end tne water, although u little rough, was just about rlgnt for tbo aoullers. Manager Flynn promptly announced that the racoa would be rowed en time, and the aeveral oar.moo began io pre pare lor worn. Tae )udgos look their positions en the course, ana by a quarter oi two everything waa TUB &ACIBO. At two o'clock tbo ooutesunie for the silver cup and soulls were called, and Ave responded. Eager and Turner got a length and a half ahead at tha start by dipping tbalr oara belora tlio word "go'* waa given, but they did not hold It long, Broen and Curtis overlapping thorn and hav ing a lively brash lor the turo, the tormer reacbicg tbo stakeboai, one mile away, and coming round ubead. The struggle on lbs return was us exciting as any or the day. CurlU won in 16m. He., being ball a length ahead ot his oompetilor. The race lor the Herald Cap, amateur aix-oared crews, was nsxt called, aud Ave crewa came Into line promptly and got away in good alianc. 'l'Ua contest waa spirited between the Narregutisetl, dbawmut, City Point and Lakvinau ciewa to the stags boat, bat tne Dauntless, of N?w York, soon showed to the Iront. Alter tho turn the ialior rowed a leis urely stroke, and, usndiog down to work, forged uhead and oama homo with a da?hiug awecp, tbe City Point crew a good second and the Snawmuts third. Time, 1km. 11a; second, Wot. 22s. For the proiesaloual lour oared shells there were four erews in ibuir boats si ths word ''go,*' and they got away very baodtocuely. The Faulkner-Reagan orew pulled a splendid stroxe, ana, alter aomo very fluo work, came in Orsi, tne Mahoney crew aeoood, Lowell third ued tlio UnMoeot Portland lourtb. Time, 18in. 4VW-, tbo Maboney crew pressing them very closely io Mm. 6ta Right crewe contested the prize oOered lor lour oarod working boats, aud alter a sharp corneal to the stakeboai ibe laikeiiuo. No. 1, aud Cnelsea* taiuoi and squared away, the former leodieg. Ttils position they bald to tbe Ontsb, croaatng ths line about a length and a half anoad. In ltfm. Lbr. ; Chelsea second, 20m. 22s., snd tits House crew third, io 20m MfcS. tun bimulb soulls. All tbosu who tu'Uiercd lor tbe siugis eeull profes sional race oatne to to position at tne call exeapt Kltey, of Saratoga; Dricoil, ol Brookllnc, aud Laus, ot Charlestown. Ibe UgUt was hetwaou French and Juhnaoo, whe beat Riloy, and Platated. At the stako Johnroo tnade aa error in trying to torn Kenordi's stakeboai aud tbe latter roweo up utid stopped blm, thus Kiting Platelet get s good lead, wmott be held to the Uoisb, coming in ahead to 21 in. 431fa, Kennedy, of Portland, second In 21m. 60We. fkshhmtatiom or tbr raits cur. Ths Herald cup, valued at $200, and won by the Dsuotlve* ersw, ol New York, in tbo amateur aiX oared race on ttilver l-ako to-day, was presented at the Globe Tbeairo lo-Ulgbt, at tba and ol the second act of the pcrlormaaoe, by Charles H. Pallee, reprsaoutiog the Herald, and was rseeived by Captain David Hoaeb, wno responded oo bobaii ol tbo crew. TiilNITY IMbTItUTE liEGATTA. Tivott, N. Y., Jun- 17,1378. Tbe aecond uoul regatta ol Trinity Military lu stltate at ibis piaoo occurred to day io tbe prose ucu of ? Urge number of Udleo aud gentlemen. Tbo course 10 a utile aod tb roe-quarters in length, ou Uio Uadaon, from ilia rod buoy near Maidou to tbo steamboat dock at livoil. Previous to tbo atari to# AtUotas war# the favurucn Tbo gigs aro oacb forty loot la length aod too and a bull loot a ido, built of rod cedar aod weigb 320 pounds. The crews worn? LaurtaUs. Weight. AtUinlas. Weight A. K. Mills 120 A. U Fredericks 1*28 L. II. Monro IdU C. H. Iinlrytuple lit fc. K. Kumoyu 130 D. Cam 146 W. S. UoOdrioh....... 120 K. S. Kllwaager 1U6 C. U. Montgomery.... 138 K B. Frost 140 8. D. Brewer. oirnkr.. ISO 6. H. Ksrleety or, ot'k 140 Coaawaiu, J. If. Boocber. Uonoilo, J. M. imrit. Tbo oaptaia ol ibo I lUraatae waa 8. II. Hrowwr, aod tbotr color wao rod. Tbo captsia ol the Atlaotaa waa K. It Frosk aod their oolor waa blao. Tboro waa aot much wiod, aod although too weather waa quite warm tbo auu woo under a eloud oearly all tbo time. At 4:68 P. M. tbcy got tbo word In good style. The Ailamas abot to tbo lead at once, though they pullrd u rwMlbg aUaho, Hip I.aurealoo rowing otoadily, but it wao plainly apparoat tbat they lacked rnuacle. A quarter ol a uiile away Ute Lau reatea were polling 43 atrokeo per minute and tbo Atlaotaa 40. A milo away irom tbo our! tbo At lantao wore Or* loogtbo abend of tboir rivals uud wort all.I pulling 43 atrokoa per minute, agalosta Tory etrong tide, aud tboy woo in 10m. 6a. Alter the raoc tbo tricturiwuo crew was presented with an megnut blue oilk Sag, on wbicti waa mtoriliod In anver Icttora "Cbampiou. " I bo lauiea alio pre aantod tbo wtnnert with a handsome wreath THE UNIVEltilTY BACK. [lil TBLKlHAPH TO run nSCALD. 1 Mow Loaoo*. Cues , Jnoo IT, 1871. Captain Thompson and tha Yala Uoivoraity crew ar rived In tbta any at nooa to-day, aud daring tha aiter neon went to tnoir qnarioro, Oale'a Ferry, in tbe steam launch Ariel, winch la placed at tha diepooal of tbe Yale coacb by Mr. U Hi. John, at lb# Shi fllold cm** ol '64. rbe Yaleahella onma np from Mow Haven by a apodal Iretgbt trato TilE COUIilNi.Y Dl.MPbE? KALE. Uanars, N. Y., June 17,137V Conrlnry arrived bare tbia afternoon wltb bin bonk Ilia reus with Dempsey lor |M0 a aid# takes pleas oa tha 19th mok BOXING. i w. a m'oajuxan's bkneitt at centhal pakk OA EDEN?A LAUUK ATTENDANCE. W. C. MoClellau bad a benefit lost nigbt at tha Central Park Garden, and tba place was crowded. A programme bad bees extensively simulated tbat altar suoh woodarial performers aaJohnny Dwyar and Joun Lnfllu, Proleaaor Millar and Stave Taylor and other pu gilistic stars had appeared, W. C. MeClellan and bis old opponent In two fights would wind up In six rounds. Hundreds ol people who had read the details o( the glove fights between these two champions were anxious to see them engage, and they came to the exhibition by the huudrod. Tne men ol great uumss on the programme, such as John J. Dwyer, Prolessor Miller and Sieve Taylor, did not pot in an uppearanoo, but others were substi tuted who gave Just as much satisfaction as those that atayed uway would have done had they been there, and the abseutees were consequently not missed. Ten couple sparred uuriug the waning, and some of them were wouderlully good and reoeivud loud ai plause be fore Messrs. MeCleiiun and Donovan came ou to wlml up tbe exhibition. When thcae pugilists appeared tncy were loudly cheered. They curue ou tho stage in "fightingrig," bare to the waist, Willi drawers, stock ings nod gaiter ahoec. Tne arrangement was mat they suould spar six rounds ot three minutes each, with a minute's time betweeD ouch rouud THS SiT Tu. Kocxd 1?When timo was called tba men aparrad With ureal caution lor sovoral seconds, until Douovau led oil at tho body, where be planted his left hund lightly, '1 hey both missed their left hand bits at tbe body, being out of distance. Hutting closer, McUlel lau put in a body blow with hta left and re ceived In exobauge a rap in tho head. Don ovan then slopped a lell bander in ion.led for tbo frout of bla lace, hut lie rocoivtd Immediately allerwurd a slight one ou tbe body. This set Donovan to work, uud ho landed u bard one ou McCiclhtu's cbin, getiiug u slight return ou tne cheek. Donovan thou p.anted beuVilv on Mac's nose, but before begot away Mao reached ins body with the loft. The meu woro now waxing warm and hud da Itvcred their right and loft ut each other's beads, wbou tho gentleiuun who ac'ed us master ol core tuouiet culled '-11010" and stopped whul would have been a grand rally. Koi'M) ^'. ? MeClellan, alter considerable inaocuu vrlug, let fiy his left, but wss short. Douovuu followed wnh ma :elt, which landed on Mae's lorebead. Then b itn made a few scientific stops, ebon MeClellan planted heavily od Donovan's tece. This put Donovan 011 his meial again and he paid interest with a bouvy lilt ou Mac's noso. (food sparring followed, when tbey both exchanged blows, Mac on tho top 01 Donovan's boad, and Donovan landed a hard one ou the belt. They then had a rally, Mao gutting on Douovan's faco, the latter twice alongside ol McClel lau's head with bis right, wuun the master ol cere monies again oallad lime, and tbo men wout to tbelr corners Round a.?After sparring a law moments tor an apeniug, the men countered each olhur 011 the lower part of the lace. Tbey -turned now heat on mischief, and Donovan got his left woll on Mac'* noso una dodged a vicious right-hander. Mac followed his iuau, and tnoy let fly together, Mac getting on Donovan's loretieud and resolving a hurd oua 011 tho nose. Exohangos followed at the hwud uud botb reucbed home, Donovan's much tbo hardest. Thoro was more sparring, when Dono van got bis left In ou Mao's noso and got away. Ho trlod agaiu uud tbls time Mao was with blut, but the third time Donovan got In a bard one aud Mac missed a wicked return intended lor Donovan's head. Tbey then eatne to close quarters, and alter some sharp left aud right hitting. In which Donovan had tuo bust ot it, Lb?y broke away and 'sparred lor ao opeuing again. Muc laudod u light one on Donovan's uce, and lol lowed It up with two otbor blows wblcb aid uoi roach tho object intended. Then Donovan put in one on Mac's uo?e, and the latter being short again Donovan landed bis right heavily on tbe led aide 01 Muo'a brad, when the master of ceremonies ugsin spoiled what would have bosa on exoollont rally, as the meu wore uow evidently bent on mischief. Round 4.?Donuvan missed bis Ural effort, but suc ceeded tbeseoand time by landing ou Mac's noso. The latter missed a roiuro. Douavau was also short; and Men MeClellan slopped a rapid one seni at the bead. Donovan thou taodad on Mao's lacc, aud tbey clinched sod (ought sharply with lelt and right, lu which Douavan'a bttuuK was the most effective, until Iboy broke uway and began sparring again. Donovau planted bis lelt lightly on Muc's nose, but thou missed a swinging hit with his right hand. Tbe meu exchanged com pliments on the side el each other's beads, and wore preparing ovtdeuily lor anothor rully, when tbo Master of Ccrcinouiee again apoiled tnu sport. This time be wus biased by me people, and lie coma forth and tried to explain why be had aetad as he bad done, but did not satisfy tbe spectators. Round u.?Tho msu missed twice, buiug short iu the retch, and tbey stopped very cleverlv a unmber ol floe blows belore a point wss made. Mac was tbeflrit to laud, which na did 00 Donovan's chin; for this bo motived a bard one ou the side 01 his head; and alter he made his return Doouvau put In throe blows witb but left on Mao's Isce as he danced around btm. Mao missed, and then tbe men clinched and had some sharp work at close quarters for a low tuomsuis. They tbou urokc sway ann Mao piautsd a bard one on Donovan's body, gutting a right bander on tbo side ol bis bead. Donavan ?topped two wicked blows and thou such deliveroJ bis rlgbt on tbe side of tbe other's bead, wben "time" ?gain put ? slop to tbe lua. Uouxo 6 ?1 be msu mst and shook bands, and then put themselves in position lor s fine finish. Donavan was tbe Orst to lead, but was stoppsd cleverly, wnen Mac's reiuru landed ou Donsvun's right shcelc. I ho lallsr IbuB sent In u hurd ooe ou Mac's suae, but got a swinging rlgbt bander alongside ot b s bead In return. Tbcn Donavan moved rapidly around and delivered several loD-umadars lu tho (ecu, galling onco in a while a return, and when it wus supposed a good finishing rally woald wind up tbo aflair, --lima" wss again called and tha exhibition was brought to uu end FEIN CE ION ATH i ETICS. GYMNASTICS AND OT1I1 U BXEUCI8ES BT 'J UK STUDKNlii OK IR INC ETON COLLE ?K. The nnoual game* of the Priocelun Athletic Asso ciation took: place at Prlncatoii College, Princeton, N.J., yesterday. Three bioad Jumps beaded iho pro gramme. I bey were by V. S. Hume*, '79; P. Larkin, '70, and J. P. Witblngtou, 'HO. Larkin won, clearing Si ft. 4 lo. Tbe ball-mile run brought M. d. Paton, '78; J-? M. Woodbury, '79. and J. Stewart, *79, to the ecruiob. On tbe Drat lap tbey ran close together, but In tbe last 100 yards Paton ran almost neck and neck with Stewart, who dually beat blm by a lew leet. Tims, '2m. 0 I is. In tbe running blgh leap, which came next, J. P. Witblngtou, '80; A. HuuI, '78, and V. N. Haines, '78, entered. Wltbington cleared 6 lest, god wou tiro mat ob. lu tbe polo vaulting Larkin was Ursl?7 It. 10 In.? end Wuntugiou sucoud?7 it. 8 in. In tbe one mile tuu D. Wtleon wee tbe winner in 6m. 66Jgs. In throwing tbe hemuier (14 lbs.) Larklu w s llrst, clearing 101 it. 4 In., wUiiu C. Dodge uieaied 00 It. 6 in. Tue quarler-inile tun was won by Mr. Stewart; J. P. Lanier, '80. aeoona. 1'iine, 6U '2 8 hoeotid*. The running long jump, coute?ted ny A. C. Hunt, '78; II. Steveonoo, '78. aud J. P. ?Vitliingtoo, resulted in ibe Hue record ul go leet lor Mr. Hunt, and 10 In 0 lo. lor Mr. dtevenaon. rutliug tbe cauuou ball resulted n? follows:?Lar kin, drat, dltlauce 3d It. 8 in.; Dodge, secuod, 32 It. 11', in. In >b* burule race Brown, Withinglou, Dodge and Stevenson alerted Brown enme in urst. Dodge arc end. 1 im?', 18 1 6 second*. In the at Hiding mgli jump Lerkln cleared 4 It. In. aud Haiuee4 It. 4 in. In the 32o yarda dealt II. L. Smock, '70. came In Drat, -levcuaou second. Tune. 2a 4 6 secunda. The gsmt-a rude i aim a graduat< ?' 100 yard daali, in wbicj J. D i111-Id, '78, came in llrat aud J. Wood aecoud. I line, lb 1 6 oocouus. Judges? il U i bouipaou and Boitou Hall. Referee?Mr. (J. Mobile. At tne Close oi the spuria a ball tuatcb between tbe university nine aud graduates present was played. amsasTic sxr.ttciaic*. At eleven A. M. tlie annual ?) lunaatic exhibition was given, tbe Orat leatute oi which was the excreisu uu tbe parallel bare, twenty stud, nu and Proleoaor | (Joldio participating. Indian club swiugiuv by C. S. Williams. '71, followed, aud was a very creditable ex hibition. Next came the exercise on tbe double rings by eleven atudeot* and Pruleasor Uoldio, in wbicu tlie latter performed eoioe aetou sblug testa, in the evolutions on the borisrotai bar ibero were fourteen < oriieaiuiiis, all ol whom did vory well. Tbe "peg bole" followed, and Wltluugton performed the astonishing Isat of onceniftng, by single banded pelie, to tbe vary top. I bo nrxt leatnre a tumbllDg and acrobatic periormanee, in which tbsra were ibirteern participants; Mobile and Larkin, bow ever, excelled Tue closing oveuts wera club juggliug, double trapes# end flying irai>ese, ell ol whieb were gone tbrougb in e very creditable manner. JACK UOULDlNG'b BENEFIT. this veteran irutoor will bava a complimentary benoOl al Wjahinulon Park to-day. Ovor two hun dred and Oliy athletes bava antarud tbair nam on In alie dillureut uveula, which will coinniauce at three o'aloe II EAbT RIVEU BRIDGE TUUblEES. A apeeial meeting of tha Board or Trustees ol tba East River Bridge wea held yesterday at the ollloe of tha Bridge Company in Brooklyn, President Honry C. Murphy In the enair. Tuere were alao present Maaara. l'liomea Hitchook. Comptroller Burrell, J 8. r. Siranaban, W. C. Klugalo}, William Marshall, John I) Ague*, Juno U. Ilavis, Arthur C-ary, Clt irlea H. Haawell and W B. Leonard. Maaara Boor* A itaaeegua raceiven the oontraot lor the luroulilng of 160,000 leal al aprnee plana, to l?e uaed tor ihe areb centrea, may having oflored 10 larntah It al 119 00 per thouaand loeu As Couiptrollor Borrail bad autad that ha woaid not ha abia la pay any mere money nntll the 26tu ol Jeiy. Prasuitut Murphy was authorised ta borrow tha aom at (160,000 whenever ueceaelty uemende.l it Provident Murphy thou moved that tha Board go lata executive ssssion for the purpose ol opeetag the hide lor the iron super aiructureal the bridgs. rho mutton was oarriod. COLLEGE COMMENCEMENTS. LUOWN UNIVERSITY. [D* T1U.I6GBA.PU to thb hzbald.] Puoviosnca, K. I, June IT, UTS. The annual declamation by mombars of tbo sopho more class of Brown University took place this eveutog ut Manning Hull, wblcb was thronged with the ihie of tbo oily. Tbo declama tory coolest waa lor tbo Thomas Carpcotor I'rixea, awarded to tbo beat ruoliors ot Kuglub pro.o or verse. Ponrteen sophomores appeared upou the static uud ai quilted tbouiselvea in a wry aatulua lory luuuoor. I'uu aelootloiis oiubracud u wide range of English literature. Music wan rendered by Brown At Beeves' orchestra. Tbo Judges were:?Professor T. Whiting Ban croft, ot the uuiversity; Hon. \V. & Bur fese, Mr. James Tilliughaai and Bev. H Guabmau. The drat prise, $00. waa awarded to William U. P. 1'aunoe, ol Lynn Mass. The sccoud, $00, to J unit's Austin, Jr., of Woonsocket. The third, $24, to Wallar 8. Haider, of Gun.a, N. it. RUTGEU'S COLLEGE. [BI TliLliOUAPa TO THE HERALD. J Nkw Brgxswick, June 17. 1878. About four thousand person*, tucludiug most of tbe belles and beaux of tbo loan, galborcd to-oigbt on lha campus lu trout ol Bulger's College, and wit nessed tbo proooaatou and crumutiou aervtces ol tbe aopbomoro class. 'The procession , consisting ol tbe sophomores decked out lu varied and most outland ish costumes, Urst maroned through tbe town beariug torches, and beaded by a single (lute player, wbo made desperate otloria to itniuio tho "Dead March" lu Saul. lu the procession was a ulcr, borne by pull bearers, ou it weie laid out two Ugurcs, one male uud the other lemulo, tlioau represented George Bolnoy and Marie K. Thalhelmer, "Ulney's Phtloaojihy" and "I'baltietuiur's History," day oooa? with which the class wrestled miring the term. Directly iu Iront ol tbe College building u luuerut pyre wua oullt. and ut a abort distance from Ibis pyre was a plat form. Prom the latter a luueral oration wua de livered by tbo orator, U. U. B. Hasbrouok. uibor fuuctiobs were perlormud by tbe high pneat, J. L. Vuntuaier, >nj suti priests, 1'. W. tl sew el laud C. V. Cantiue. Alter the singing ol mock I u tiers I uirgos by tbe sophomore uboir, lue torch waa applied to tbe pyro upon whiuu tbe bier bad lieeu gently laid. L burned till nearly midnight. FINAL HltlltlAHSALS. During the day me classes were busy with llaal re bearauia ot tbelr couimoucomeni exeruiaea, wblcb take placo to morrow nioruing. TUS COXUSNOKXK.VT. To-day the proceediugs will be as folio ws:?Mooting ot tne Hoard ol Trustoeu ut ton A. M.. in the Library; meeting ol tus uiumul lu Kirkpuirick Cbupel at ten A. M.j address beloru the ulutuul at twelve M. by ltev. William K. Duryee, 0. D., of Jersey City; Coilatlou lu tbe armory ol Geological Hull, ut one P. M.; meeting or tu# Decen nial musses, uud el tbo societies tu lUeir bulla at bair pust two 1*. M. Au address betnro tbo societies at bull-past three P II., by Kev. W. G H. Taylor, D. D., ot Newark, lu Kirkpalrick CbuueL Junior exhibition In tbo evcuing at eight o'clock. arrival of visitors. Already there are tu town a largo number of vial tors, friends ol the students, but to-morrow these will be largely increased. POTITRK BTt'OISX. Tbe faculty bavo passed resolutions looking to n btgbcr grace ot study iu tbo future. Student* wbo are not proficient in conditions aud sludlea given them now by the September term will be dropped back one year. PIUNCETON COLLEGE. The Lyndo debate took place at Princeton lust ?veiling, uud wua listened (o by an interested ?ndleuce ot undents end visiters. Tno qtuetlon discussed was, "tluvht eu luiernational Copyright be Secured f" Tbe debate was opened bp Mr. U. W. Kruuiuger, who suia that Ibe topic resolved Itself Into tbe proposition whether a utau is eutltled to tbe wont ol bis brain, lie dunned that tlio re sults of Intellectual labor were property, provided tbut tbey did uot clash with others' property, sad that the policy or law which works against loriolture upply as well to inch products as to those ol other kieus of labor. Mr. W. Hallos. Jr., In the negative, said tbat all tba work of au author could be u priori noihlug more ibau a presentation ol facts uud Ideas already long known, but differently creased. Mr. A. U. Win torsion followed in tbo afllrmettve, holding that on around* ot public uud private beoelll to uotbora, publishers and the people at large, It was advisable to aeoure a copyright. Mr. Preston Barr argued ou tbe negative side of tno proposition and Mr. W. 3. McEacliron In the alDrruu live. The latter offered some objections to tbe public policy ot the negative, holding tbat u copyright enabled ihe best authors to write their beat lor the bo-it readers and that tboy would not have to pander to tbo tastes of the low minded. Ur. T. C. Beattlo closed the urgument on tbe nega tive side, holding that as a careful estimate bad shown the number ol printed pages euob year iu England to be two jirr capita, but lu thia country twenty per cap ita, It was conclusively shown that tno copyright sys tem was uudesirable. Toe judges, Governor MoCleilan, Rev. Btnart Robin sou and Prelesaor John T, UutUoJd, roudured no do cimod lust night, thuy will do so ouriy, howover, and the prises will bo awarded uu Thursday. A groat many distinguished personages ara here already, uud msuy more are txpeoed On Wednes day General Sherman will reach t'rineeion, uud on 'Ihuraday the President and party srrlvr. General Snerman's addruaa will lie publioly delivered. Tbu Glee Club eoucart was postponed until thin evening. , l.aat evening the trustees conferred tbe degree ol Llo. D. upon Governor McClellan. 8 ETON HALL. The year's studies at Hetou Hall College, South Orange. N. J., have just terminated with very credit sine results bulb to ILe leachera and students. Uudar the able management ol the predident, ltov. James 11. Corrigan, 0. I) , aud Its vice president, Rev. John V. trow J. the paat year has hveu one ol the best in yelut ol discipline that the college has experienced. Ihe soininary winch Is oonnccied with tbo luailtutlou la slso In a flourishing condition. List Sunday wua the ocean .ou of the parochial visa of Bishop Corrigun, of Nowurk, who confirmed about Bllv children and preached at tbo high mass. Tbo following youug ec clesiastics, who had been made sub doaoons si Newark ou SaiurJny, were ordained doscons at the college cuapel yoaiord-v morm, g:?llov- Lawrence Carroll, James K. Uevine, Joauun 11. Hill and Jobo J, Uarpuy. To-morrow la oummenceaicut day, when the ?tu deuta will reovive their well earned rewards Thare will he six graduates who leke the dogreo ol A. U , and nine ynuuc men who ruccive tbe degree of A. M t he following s|M>eetiea wilt be delivered"Govern meat end I'viitics," by Jeremiah Sulliveu, of Mtiuji ton Junction, N. J.; "Strength ot Character,'' by McUovaru, ol Overlou, Pa, uud "file Muuas of h.,vpt," by Auguatlnu Kurro I, ol Brooklyn. Tbe maeier's oration will be delivered by Isaac P. Cald well, ol Louisville, Ky., who has thuseu "Munou aud liixou's Cine" tor hie theme. Bishop Corrigun, of Newark, will preside, and the diplomas will be 41*. iribuled by ihe Rev. James H. Corrigau, president of tne college. The oeuul prises slid medals will bo given. I aal night the college student! celebrated their re leu u from the year's toll by the grave und awiul o?re inony ol huruing tbvlr class books iu flic coilo.o cam pa* Ihu sebus were tbvu decently luterrpi with ell uuu formalities Tue total niiinber of graduates, including those of ti.u prrseot year, slnoo ibe incoiporatiou ol the College in 1H01, te IU, an average ol aeveu per year. Ihe following table allows the list ol gradu ates tin* jour aud also those who will lako tbo toas ter'a degree:? saousLoaa or snr. I'wyer, J. T. MrGuvern, K iwaid. IVrrsll, K A. l'leroe, J. K liugnoa, W. O. tSuillvan, Jeremiah. Mxsrsits or aitr Caldwell, J. P. McE addon, J W. Clugoit, II. C. Newton, A. M. Ksgeo, A. M. Rciily, T. If. Korr, J. y. 1 si Ion, M. U Liuiurchu, M. J. HINUIIAMTON COLLEGE. Tbo couiiMDctmioi exeroieet of Biaghamton (M. Y.j Pomelo College will take place Job* 24-'i I I'ho graduating elaaa number* twelve, and there ara Ova young ladiee taking a poet-graduate oouraa K?v. Dr. J. I) Kuliou, ui Brooklyn, preaobe* ttiu annual aarmoo bo.ore to* literary tooiem-a. bebjeet, "fiia Poaslblll tiaa ol American Womanhood " OUAliLlEU LNSTIIUTE. Commencement aaaroiaae at Cliarliar InatUuie, Filly ointh airaoi, near itixib avonuo, will ba bald to morrow evening In tba oollega ehapel lie*. Fred erick Courtney will preatde. Addreaaea anil be made by I'roivaaor Charlier, Chief Juatieo Shot, of the Ma nne Court, and Uo*. Dr. irouutiie Crime. Mr. Hen|? min A. Willie and Dr. Drialer, ol Columbia College, ara alao expected to be preaenc Tba diaiributloa of prtxee and tba awarding ol dt> piomaa lo the graduating olaaa will follow. The exerelaaa will be Interoperaed with muale and aingibg by tbe paptla. At too clone tba gymna aium win ba eoneerteu Into a ballroom, and wune tba young people are enjoying lhamaeleee Fruloaaar and Mri. Cbariler will bold a levee in their I reaoptioa room*. At one A. M. a drum will beat ao a aignai for all tbo guaata to depart aud the collage will be loft to alicuoe and repose. Tbe following ara the nameo ol TBB 0*4neara* ItaileBaoaaeo, W. Mitebing. F. K. Diaa, Abdroa Kuonardt, lieury P. i.auuaurd, C. Luhmaa, Pnillp Harriman, P. 0. Tbaimetaingor, lugaae. 8T. MABY'H SCHOOL. Tbo aDDBbl oommoneameot of Ik Mary'a ?abool, under tbe direction ol tbo diatero ol St. Mary, a rolt giout Order belonging lolbe Anglioan Catbolio Cborota, L look piaoo yesterday muroing. Tbo Bof. L, 8. 01 meted. or Trinity Chapel, conducted tba eserelaen, ? ml awarded tuelimooiole to tba lollowlng grad uates:? Ambrose, Catharine Wolf. Isherwood. Anou L. lisrre, Urn tan. kalon, Adelaide K. Burhuus, Jfsilo H. Morelaud, Jaouiu St. Earguaou, Mary A. sunders, Kmrns M. Huwley, Mary W. -Stauley, Jossphioe. Isherwood. Christina St. Stanley. Harsh E. Tba Right Ui v. Biabop Quiutard, of Touaeaeee, ad dreasad the audtaoca. Tba graduate* than knelt before him and received tba benedioiton. NAVAL ACADEMY. A MIMIC BATILK BEFORE THE BOARD 0 J MilToRS?TWO SLIGHT ACCIDEN'lH. [BT TELEGRAPH TO THE HIUALD. ] ANMAroua, Md., June 17,1878. At a maatlng ol the Hoard of Vial tors at the Naval Academy, thia looming, the Committees ou Grounds, I'ubno Uulldiugs and ibo Saouary Condition of the In atiiaUou presented their reports. a mimc iiama. 'I ho apocial practical examination of tbe cadet mid ahlpinsu took placu to day. Thla was a abaui battle oa the government larm, opposite Annapolis. l'tie nudahipmon, in a Uonlia of nine bargee, witb a battery ol artillery, steamed up the Severn, supported by a ro serve ot lour lauuohoe. Aa tho llotillu ueared IDo Uorae Shoo l'oiui, on ibo Severn, ibo reserve opened Are with artillery to clear tbe brush and protect tbe main body lu laud lug. (letting In line el battle tbe nine bargee pulled stoudlly to shore. Nearing tba beach the buglos sounded lor awiit pulling, the cadets bent to their oars with a will that sent the barges rapidly Inshore. At this moment, lu tbo thicket lining itio beach, could be seeu a row ol white caps of a company oi murines, and instantly the rutilw ol musketry showed tbey were ecueuvoring to rtpai an utlitcK. The uaduis, the tnuin body under Lieutenant John C. Soley, threw out skirmishers, and both sides began it ahurp lire. Allor the two Hues had been thus eu gaged lor a yhort time, on the extreme right of tbo cutlets appeared Lieutenant J. W. Miller with one filece ol artillery and opened lire on tbo murines. Thoir ell Hank then turned, the marines, uudor Lieutenant J. it. T. Voting and Charles U. Gibson, retreated lu a higher position. The cadets continued to auvaucu charging and with cheora. The reserve, under J. B. M. Musun, lauded, and the sharpshooters ol the ca dets, ilntr artillery and the musketry of the marines make lively music The battuiiou ol cadets, gather lug their supsrated torces, make u grand assault, cheering as they made their stuck on the murinos. Ear a moment they made it gallant stand on Rouud Top, uud men, us the Ural company ol cadets ap peared on the hill, tney sought shelter and aalety In the woods and tbo battle Was over. The cadets and marines passed itltorward In review beiore the Board ol Visitors, who had witnessed irom a commanding position the progress el the light. TWO ACGIUKXrtt. Alter the exerclavs the cuueta and marines partook ol rclieslimeuti. During Mis Intorestlog part ot tbo proceedings Private Maine Donaldson, think lug his gun had been discharged, put his hitud over the mux zie and his tool ou the trigger, snd the gun went oil and the wad was blown ihrougn bis band. Tne wound la uot considered daugerous. Cadet Midshipman Hill sustained a sllgnt injury lrum some powder exploding In bis lace. The rain prevented an artillery drill la tbe after noon. 1 HE CAMDEN MURDER. HUNTER IN THE TOILS-THE ACCOM PLICE'S STOUT POLLY CORltOBOBATKD? THE WIDOW'S EVIDENCE?HUN TLB's DENIALS THAT HE WAS IN CAMDEN AND ENDEAVORS TO TBBOW SUSPICION ON DAVIS. Camdkn, Juno 17, 1878. TUn second wsck ol IBs great inurdcr trial opened to day, and, to Judge from tlio appearance ot the court room, the public interest baa iuIcUbIIDu us tbe proaocmor baa progressed, step by alep, In triudmu n cbaiu about Benjamin Uuuter. Ibe ttrat persons called 10-day were Hdear and PlelU'er, tne two workmen ol Armstrong, wbo were put op tbe slaud a tocoud lime merely lor tbo purpose ol deeiariug that tbey aid not see Hauler wailing lor tbelr employer on ib? evening ol Jauuary 23. ue ibey name out ol the o flics. William O. Hugbee, tbe uezt witness, tdeotlfled Urabsm as bavins come to bis sbop, where Hunter bad a desk, to sue tbe prisoner, as toatiUed to by Crabau. William L. Douuell gave an Important bit ot testl mony conoorulng Armstrong's visit to Camden. On Wednesday, tbe day ol tbe killing, Armstrong told witness that be was going over to Caindiut tbet even lug to seo Ford Davis; be bad boen over tbe previous evaoing to see biui, but got no saiisluouou; be bad been told, bowovor, bp a parly that Duvls bud a bank aocount, and ha woe going over ugam that evening with tbe party wbo bad told bim; witbess advised blm not to go over, as there would be no result; Arm strong, bowovor, said be would gu and eeo about it; ull ibis wus brought out aguiuat too exceptions taken by tbe defence. poitn V. DAVIS. Ford W. Davis, the man whom Armstrong was de coyed to Camden to uiuei, end bear wbos* door be was found dyiog, wits the next witness. His icail mony showed tbat tbe muruerod uiao Visited bi.-n on tne eVeuiug before bis ueutu, but Uiat be did nut buve any appointment wttn bim on tbe lata! night, and did not sou inui; lie bed never owned e batohvt and bum mer marked W. D.," uud bad not quarrelled witb Armstrong and threatened bis iile. OKAUAM'S WIPE Mrs. Thomas Oraoaiu, a little delicate woman, wile of tbe oouirseed accomplice, was another important wiluesa ihedelence objected to uer competency. but the Court overruled the objections. She testified to Hunter's very Irequeut visits lo her bouse to tluu ber husband ; on Monday, two duys before tbo mur der. aud lUe day before Huuler bad arranged lor tuo crime lo be comtnittud, ton prmouer was at her bouse no lass tban live timet; finally, not having lound bim, be loll u postal earn icquoating "lorn" to meet bun at uinco'clm k. at Sixteenth aud Cherry stroets; alter tbe iuurd< r Hunter's visits stopped suddenly. wiiat a mix ran hkauu tUophro H. Carey, the music typographer, wbo was at work in Annan oug's oflioe the day ol tbe murder, wiu uezt culled lo the aiauu. His slatemouts were of great interest and values? "Whon aid you see Hunter at Armstrong's on Wednesday t" ??Between ten sad eleveu o'clock; I wes at my stand; 1 beard bim coming up tne stairs; 1 turned iiround to ?oo who it was, und I saw mm going tow ard tbe oUlcc; laa iwhim going Into tbe olilce, I don't know wnetber be abut the door or not; 1 saw blm suudiug over Mr. Armstrong." "Did yeu beer what ba said f" "tie said, ?Tbia man baa a bank account; 1 beard II Trobi outside partioa; you go over lo Camden to-night, and 1 will go Willi you.' " ??What urn be do tlnnf" "He came out and went away, stopping to speak lo young Armstrong as he wen out.'' "Did you eso Mr. Armstrong iu Ibe evening!" "Tea, sir; he gave mo a note to take to Mrs. Arm strong, wbicD 1 left at Uia house ub Hevsnieenib struel; 1 left it with a nervanl girl." ??Do von r''collect Iba envelope In wblob the letter was placeuI" "I think it wan e yollow one; It wsi not one ol tbe regular ome; Mr. Armstrong bad run out ol en velopes end bad used une oi bis old oues." "Is that the envelope f" asked Mr. Jenkins, band ing tbe letter and envelope. "1 bat's the letter; I know the handwriting." Tula was tbo letter in which Armstrong declared tbat be would not be home In tea, as be wus going lo Camden with Hunter The deloiics objected, bot Judge Weodbnll overruled, und the lata; teller, winch Wits the Oral clew lo Humor's crime, was admitted as evidence. It Was ss lullow*; ? I will out ba Imuia much balore nluo <?'cluck. Am going over to Oawton ?tr?to with Mr. Hooter on basliiaaa con uvclal Willi tbs Davis luoiti-r. Julia M A. r t >?nk will It'll bo bmno lo auppar. II- ta gum* uowii te Ueudey'a lo tea. J M. A It was written ou a sheet ol net* paper witb the business bending ol the licuse, and was not dated. 1US WIDOW OS TIIS STASIA Mrs Armstrong, tbo widow el tbe murdered man, was then called. .tUo was nbjeoted lo by tbe uolenoe, but their arguments were overruled. "Do you reooliect when you received tbat letter, Mm. Armstrongf" ??Yea, air, ou ibe evening ol the 23d ol Jaousry, at aevon o'clock:! received It irom tbo servant girl, Annie Lyons." "Mow long bave you known Mr. Uuuterf" "Anoat vigbteen jours." ??Did you sew film about tbe time year husband was ess uiiletf 7" "Yes, sir; 1 went tbe mgbl I beard my boabuad bed been assaulted, aud rang rnsuy times, but I cuuld not get In the bouse; the negt morning 1 soul lor him. end 1 said lo Dim, 'Mr. Mumer, isn't mis terrible r Why were you not witb him t II you bed goo# with Li in tbie wuelk not bare happened.'" "Ho autwured, 'I bed no idea ol goiug te Csmdea; I told Mr. Armstrong not to go loses those bed man, tbat tbey would gel Dint Into trouble;' lie asked me II my husband bud rcauguited me, and 1 said, 'No, 1 spuk? to bim soverai times, but he aid tiot bear ni?;' be asked me II 1 heil urer seen Davie or Denmrie, and I told bim I bad even Deniaris." "Wb.d aid be say f" "He said,'Davis te a bold, bad man lie hue mur der written in bis counienanoe.' " I be servant, Anm* Lyons, testified lo receiving the note, as stated by Mrs. Armstrong. Ma aiau denied tbat ebe touched ibe bandages on Mr. Armstrong's bend while be was lying wounded. 11A UK TROPICAL JrliilL The New Vent Aquarium hu jam received from Bermada a Urge number ol tropical fiance and ancai one*, among tha forrnor arc two living devil flab or eight-armed eetopaa; and, aa tber are entirely nn ln|nr*d, there la every proapeet thai three eerioaa marine moaelere will be aept alive during the eatire cummer. There are alee funr-eyed uraba, irieognlar flee and well aalmen, bcekiee a multitude ol euriuci tiee Irom the deep ceaaouedmga od the eoaet 01 Ber muda. With tine eo I lection the Aqu?riam unae are entirely Ailed, and preeent a wonderlal aapeet to the eurtoaa eye el the atudeut. A Limited Divorce Sought by Mrs. Kurst. CRUELTY HER PLEA. Her Husband's Discovery of "MignonV Too Aifectionate Letters. A suit lor limitad divorce was brought la tbaBrook lyn City Court, Pari 3, yesterday, by Mra laabol E. Kurst against Charles H. Kurst. Judge Reynolds presided, end ibc plalulUl'a counsul ware Messrs. W. M. Ivans and Eroest fallows. Messrs. Coupe I and Roe appeared In bebair o( tbe deleudani. Tbs cause ol action was declared to be "cruel and lnbu< tuan treatment on the husband's part." Mra Kurel la about luriy-tlve years or age, comely and inclined to embo/ipoiut, and bas been married to the de leudani siuoe December 10, 1S&A Previous to ibul sbo wus a toucher in Public School Mo. 81, In tbe Seventeenth ward. New York Tbe lady bus leapt a boarding bouse in Washington uvcuue in Brooltlyu (or a number ol years. Her husbaud is live years her senior, and wus lormorly iu very good circumstances; but the death of his ddughtors and bnsinesa disasters preyed upon bis mlud so much that he has bseu subjected to per* so'iul restraint twice since 1872, once In Middletown and auothur tune lb Bloomlngdale Asylum. Alter ha was discharged as cured lee weut to live with his wife and suds, sod, to use his own words, "tried to make himself generally useful." SHADOWS UHTIili O'KB THRIU UOC.Hk. Of lute there has been distrust and suspicion lurk, tng iu his mind, begotten by the discovery ol u num ber ol letters sigued ''Mlgti n," which Kurst declared yesterday bo believed to have beeu written to bin wllo by Mr. George A. Buckingham, wbo was School Trustee in Now York when Mrs Kurst was a teacher and known as Miss Starr. Mr. Buckingham, who was preaeut during the bcariug yesterday, is a Wall street broker and shout sixty years old. In bar testimony the plakuitff charged that In July, 1876, at Clormont avenue, her husband, In a flt of pasalou, oboked her until she Tainted, end that ha agalu assaulted ?ud uliuaed tier Id the lollowlng year. Indeed, she swore that bo had repeatedly threatened to tuke bortiie, going so tar on oae occasion as to point a plaiol ut her. l'iie man, she declared, was unreasonably Jealous of her, and actod toward her in the most violent und uuseomiy utunner very often. Tne death of his eldest d'tugUler lisd made htm insane. TIIS ilKI'K.NUAST's fl.HA. For the defence Kursi's counsel offered la evldanoh a batch ol letters, whion it was claimed were written to the plaintiff by Mr. Buokinguam. The principal difficulty about these letters was that tne dnte was not written on many ol them end some el them bed been torn. One of these documents, written bo fore Mrs. Rum's marriage und iouud by her husband with the rest, la as follows Conduces Hall, A, Ol U j Kkidav N, II | 4 ' How eaa 1 ask forgiveoesa from my clior Miguon, pre cious little pel, tor the cold and laull finding letter 1 wrote her iu day. heart told me wheu I wae dic tating It that I was wrong; ay. It was cruelly wrong to charge upou her the nuiilulfilimeut ut arauiiees. Ah, ?wurt, you are too good, loo Kind, too liidalgent to your dearly loved Miguon for hint ever to complain or murmur. Hut sitll, my lovo, you kuo* luy impassioned nature, iny Impetuosity Iu everything th it appertains to one I love, chotish una worship, as I do you. You, who know every Qbre ul thut nature and lhal love, are ready to forgive mr. You will, I kuow you will aud Heaven Moss you tor it. my lovod, luy angel out. Yet, still, while you thus promptly aud treaty p id.hi all. It does not remove Irom uiy seuaitive heart the etlng that I have oeeu tue eausa of woundiug your preciout lulls twin heart After writing you to day aud mulling your letter flu the He u ale Chamber) 1 procoedea w dies and there found your precious Uitle note of yesterday. <Jh my Migiun, little pel, what a trea.ur ? It wae uow my soul earuestiy drank every Hue with intoxicating Jog. How my whole soul poured out Its life love to time. What a kind and gentle rebuke It was lor the letter I had written this day. 1 would uuvs givou worlds rould I bevs recalled that noto that It might never have met your geuile and kludly vision. 1 had sat down to eat, but I could sot; I felt mure like weeping, both tor lov sua endures?Joy that 1 had received so loving and affeotloaata an emblem ut vour lldelity aud devotion 1 sadness becausa 1 kuow the reception ol my lollor ol to day would, lor the tune beiug, ulve you pain aud anxiety of mind. 1 could net rest., until I had unhurdeued my lulud aud then frankly and politically submitted my appeal to the highest court for relist- Ileal that It is net la vain. Aye, I know that ltls Iroely aud generously ?iveu. And now. love, altliougu I shall ecu y?u before tola reaches you, I nevertheless dosira to pcrmrin a dutr t owe to you, besldot being more aatiafactorv to myself. In auala looking over your aot?, swoot pot, 1 Und it dalad Thursday, and post marked to-day, and liters say, "you went to the oSleo yea. terday," which was WoduerUay, ol course, "and tuuad no letter.' t ou have went bolore uoon, as my letter was thereby one Ii'elock that day. However, you undoubtedly received two letters on Thursday, aud the ttrsl one would ol Itself vkplsiu (he cause ol delay Another one to-day, a fourth one lo-inorrow, and Qlth one mi 'fharsday. Now, toll me. sweet, have 1 not faithtulty and lavlo l.Hvly kopt my promise 1 Unit thiuk ol It, hi* letters In three days! And now It is two o'clock A M. and hero I aiu in my Utile saurtum witn little Mlgnon, pet's tvsvl face, hotwaeu two lights, resting upoa the Inksiaud, 1 may look at her uivmeniarily as 1 am tuns tudltlng these lines to her. Ifnc loving and gentle those iieur, piecloua eyes look iato utiaa. aud with that awvet, bowllchliig smge upon her lips soem to say. "Kiss me, ko. el. Ob, touch me, .wiguuii." And iu response I have slssed thee o'er and o'er agein. while my soul sends up Its aspirations aud buraiog lov# to thee, now Iu sweet elumber tar, lar away. Oh, could 1 hut he with thee now, .-.west angel pet, thou wouldst indeed throw thyself in my aiuis and he at rest till thy whole being would be eoa. turned with the lava of burning love. Tts mid, night, leva-the time when the nightingale bieaihes Us ?w?et song alter day. i he primrose retreats from the sun's burning rev f he violet hlushee antes a i.y the doll. Hut there is nothing so lovely at my own Mlgnon Hell. I thank yoo with all the fervor ol uiy deveteelove for the sentiments ol love and affection so burning aud eloquently expressed In the language of the note belorn me from my precious and adored little pet 1 cauual turn a deal oar to l.vr plaintive calls. I will cmue noma. I will en circle her In those food arm* and proas her la this faithlul breast, while imprinting an bar sweet lips leu thousand kisses burning wiiu love and inciting with tenderness [Two lines lollow nerelaiiy erssodj? which have lorerer uuped our twiu hearts in una united and eternal vow. ? ? ? This it lite burning pap ?don of my eaul. TXT DXgTBOT THIS With heaven'* blessing, sweet pat, I now bid I bee goad nlghl, and I to slumber. WUh endless love ead sw?a* kisses ffom UlUNUM. Another latter ol recast data, refering to "peal memoriae," reads;? |j Wall Kras.iT. Hatubixat. P. M. I Kabroary XI. IW7K J Mt Dxab Hblui-I am sura that you win paroa* ma far the familiar manner of my address!u( you, when I sey to Sou that the fcrce of eircuiutteueae are se suang with ma let I canaut resist thein they urlag baex to ma?bring baas, did I scy t- No. no . II Is eow end arer has been with me, enshrined within the Inmost leoeacee ol my bsart. those p.rasant memories ot the pest, the tiiver lining and lbs only tnnshlue ol tha "twin h. art." Through prosperity or adversity, >n siiashlae or through storm, the happiness ol thoso "past aiomurlet," Shaak heaveu, era still laft ta uie. Unchanged and uneUnnyseblo they will he while Ufa remains. The latter elated thus:? Belles* ma, sir deer Bella, I am ever and llaua yew falthlul and devoted irleuU, U. A. UUOKlMUilAJL Hits. klUBT'a tikXIAL. Mr*. Kurst aaiu in relation to thee* latlara that aba bad nut received any loiters I rum Mr. Uuakiegbaat amca bor marriage, *nd tbat abo ?aa only foerteea yeate old at ibe time ana became acquainted anb tbat gentlemen, two yeare belure ber weudiug. Tbeae lew tart, aba avowed, warn not found la but biddcu or oat* of ins way place by her Uanbaad, for ibey were not kept as eocret or cberialied inemxiiioea of love either regretted or illicit Mr. Kurai bad had acoesa le tbe drawer iu which tbajr wera kept and iroui wbleb be baa lakau lb?m. At una point the Court took a reeeaa and wbea It assembled Mr. Hubert 11. Dunkly tea tilled that be bad been called down stairs, when ho boarded witb tbe plumiilt, by bor ?oii, wuoaaid tbat bielatber was abas iiig bia mother, ou vntorlui the room all wituaaa a.iw or beard waa tha wile charging tbe hasband wltb bar* lag bit tbeir bob, which tbe man darned. oiuna 11aTiau.1T. The eon Oeorg* Uatihed thai hia lather did abaae bla mother frequently, end tbe deiendant seeled tbat he dul so; but iu bla own oebali ha awora tbat bw wile waa (oo inllmalo wltb a niaio trlend named Frotb Ingham, ead ?lso llial abe aeted euametoualy on one oacasiou with Mr. Rri.eai Fellows, uer counsel Me inriher declared that be louad ld.'i lettera la bia wlfa's aatcbcl, itaiong tbem tboee signed Mtguon. Hi# aeea bad been any thing uut dutiful to bla, he added, aad ono 01 tbem, cbarlea. drew a revolver on bim wbea be celled hliu to account lor doing something wrong at ana time. Alter aome fnrtber testimony oa both aide^ tbe Court toon tbe papers and reaarvad decision. EXHIBITION OF FLOWBIUJ. Tba semiannual exhibition of tbe New York HorlW cultural Boelety will com me no# to-morrow aveaibg la Oilmore'a Uardea and contiuna daring Tharadny and Friday aftarnooaa and evenings. A conoert will ba given every afternoon mi i evening during tbe eoa tlunatic* ol tba show by Theodore I Comas' orchestra. *1 he pramiuma ollureu by the aooiaty, wiueb have already been described In tho Hkbalti, are an ssraast of tba exoeilenan ul tba ekbihitioa. Kvery prominent grower in ibis eoeatry and Kurope will be reptw sauted. IlUBiE STEALING. Charlee Randall, about twenty-one years old, the saw Si s grocery keeper at RoekviMe Centre, L L, n Friday afternoon took hie father'* horse, and, gotag la Mr. William Davison's, told tkamaa in charge that Mr. Dsvtaea had given him perinmetaa to tske ata wage a. Tba man. aupt?osing tbat it wiu all right, a I to wad hioa to takn lb* wagon away. Be aid not return that Bight, and inquiry disclosed the feet that be bad not I bona naarth waa made and Randall, vita tba team, w*a traced tn Urooklyn, where it wee found that ba bad tried to dispose ?i the property at aevsral plana*. The horae and wagon were recovered, and two warw rente are "at lor Randall's nrrvtf van Mi Basrrilia , Centra sad the otbat ta Urowbiya,