Newspaper Page Text
??Mare, to recommend reservation of the power to ??new ibe locsout on the ehortoat notice. ?fASisn politics. The Spanish Cabinet made tbo election oi Vice Prest lent of the Cor toe n question ol continence and re ceived 210 votes against 73. The Cublnel'a position la ?bugasenred until the autumn session Tbo Cortes wiil adjourn in tbo second week in July, when tbo Court will go to the seaside. A Cuban loan oi $-,500,000 was voted on Friday, which ia guaranteed by Spam, and by lh? pledge of tbo Colonial customs. A bill tor tho suppression of bull lights was rejected In tbo Cortes without a division. I'Rolum.K KSD or THS CAVFRS WAR. The Cadres have broken up and abandoned tho I'lrto bush. One Cadre chief lias been captured. The troubles in tbe Transkei territory havo been so lar settled that a portion of tho troops will bo sent to NaUl as a protection against trouble with tho Zulus. FAILS 1) FOR HALF A MILLION. The Sheffield Daily Telegraph announces tbo failure ?f James Thompson & Son. corn miller*, of Wake fleld. Their liabilities are $450,000. TIIK WOUNDBD BMI'KKOR. An official bulletin Issued at Bvrlin yesterday an Bounces that tbo condition of Emperor Wtlllain Is ?atisfaciory. THK ROMAN KLSOTIOMS. The city elections in Rome aro over. The Catholics have oloctod two out or twolve Municipal Councillors. Tbe throe Provincial Councillors chosen are liberals. TRADB IN INDIA. A despatch from Calcutta yesterday says tbe trade in India continues much depressed. There are eighty vessels In port, aggregating 10,788 tons unfreigbtcd. L'NFLKASANT WKATURR. The weather yesterday was cold and unscttlod. There were heavy rainfalls In various localities dur ing Saturday and Sunday. MOKE MORMON KMIGRAKT8. * Two hundred and twonty two Mormons sailed from Liverpool on Saturdav, bound for Salt Lake City, THK WYOMING. Tho United States steamer Wyoming has arrived at Southampton. THE LITERARY CONGRESS. GREAT SPEECHES BE VICTOR HUGO, TOUROAN JKFF, JULES SIMON AND OTHERS?BANQUET LAST EVENING. [by cable to the bxbald.] Paris, June 17,1S78. The first public session of the Litorary Congress was held in the Theatre Chatclgt to-day. The the atre was crowded lrom the stalls to the galleries. All the delegates, including many of the most dis tinguished literary men in Europe were present Many ladies were in the boxes and gallery. HUGO IN THE CHAIR. Victor Hugo presided, supported on the right by the famous Russian author Tourgauieif, ou the lelt by the well known Italian author and deputy Signor Mauro Macchl. Hugo delivered a magnifi cent speech, followed by $auro Maccni, ToargaLUeir, Blanchard Jcrrold and a German delegate. JULES SIMON. Much kind leeling was shown-lor the German by the audience notwithstanding the fact that his speech was Intolerably tedious. Jules Simon closed the proceedings with a brilliant speech wblcli was rapturously applauded. The sitting lor tho day then ended. THE BANQUET. The delegates reassembled at the Continental Hotel this evening and sat down to a grand ban quet. The toasts aud speeches lasted uutil the hour of sending Hits message. It was a thoroughly en joyable dlnuer. TIIE CUSTER MASSACRE. MA JOB BENO AS Kb AN HAUL? INVESTIGATION 07 THE CHABOBS AGAINST HIM. I BE 7ELEGBVFH to tub herald.] Washington, Juno 17, 1878. Major Bono boo written tbo following letter asking no oarly Investigation o( tbo charges preferred against him lu the rcsoiuilon ol Delegate Corlott, of Wyoming Territory Kijhitt House, Washington, June 17, 1873. Hon. 1L If. Banning, M. C., Cbuiruiau Committee on Military AQairs:? Sm?HavtOK read in tbo New York San of tbo 13th lost, that your committee bad decided to report luvor ably to tbo House a resolution directing an investiga tion into tbe Custer marsucre, and tbat a resolu tion lor a nib commute to ait In roccsj and tend lor pvraotis uud papers would be presented, whlon action was bated upon a letter addreseou to Hon. W. W. Corbetl, delegate irotu Wyoming, by oue Frederick Wblttakor. 1 beg leave to lulorm you tbat 1 buve couie to Woablugtou to czpreas jairsonally to your cuniiuillee my earnest desire ibat tbe contemplated investigation be ordered as roon as praclicuUle. Duriug tbo last two years 1 have beeu compelled to sudor the circula tion of various malignant reports concerning tula aflair aud myself oinanutinx, it is |ircsumeu, Irom tbo same irresponsible source. This bomg tbe ilrst time I but their author, perhaps emboldened by my slleuce, bus ventured to give tbew duQaito shape, 1 rospcct luily demand that 1 tnuy have tuts opportunity to vindicate my cbaractor and record, which have beeu thus wickodly assailed. 1 am, Sto., M. A. UK NO, Major seventh Cavalry. THE INDIAN WAR. OENEBAit Howard's movements?a squaw BEUVING TUB WHITES. san Fkasct.hco, Juno 17, 1373. A despatch Worn SU*er City says General Howard reached Camp Lyons yesterday. Colonel Whipple's company of over one hundred mounted men are mov ing to eflect a Juuctlou with Coiouei Bernard's com mand, which left Sheep lluiicbo yesterday lu tbo di rection ol Stein's Mouuuiu. lbe Junction will be or Iccied this ovcoiDg or to-morrow muratug. General O.Howard left Vamp Lyons tbls morning for tbe Alalhour. It bis inteuUun to proceod up ttio Malheur with Stewart's tbroo cotnpuules ol cavslry and bo prepared to bead oil tbo hostile-. An effort will be made to capture the savugea. Ibero are, how ever, nearly seven hundred Indians on the war puUi, It.eluding Bannockr, Ncs l'orcds, Sbeshonce and Fiute*. KSCAl'S or Tltg WHITES. During Sarah Wluuvmucca's rccoui trip to the hoa ttie camp alio gained admission to the camp by patting war paint on bar lauo and union a rati bUukoi. Sha brought Important Imiormation ooncorniog tha move monta and atrcngth of tho boatiloa. The aavagoa had eapturod throe mou?one of thorn a letter oarrlor, and were going to kill thorn on Fnduy last. The 1'iute Chief Natch** detcrminod to eavo thoir Uvea. Ho was with the ebtele In council, nod made an excuse to loavo lor n lew minutea in the ploa of Illness. lie had loor liorsea ready, and with the wbito priaonors, ly previous arrangement, succeeded la rnaitiug bis escape. LOVAL IMOIA.Hd. Kagle of Light demanded ol Winoamuecanod Lagan that they ahuuld Joiu the hostile*, hut thoy steadily refused, claiming that they had made a treaty with the wtmoa aud could uot take up urine them now. They wanted the Kan noons to go back to Fort Uall, where they belougod. Kagle Kye is also with (be notiilos. Camp Lyon Is to be msdo s baac of auppliou for tha eeotro and left wing aitaoklug forces. Chief Winnemuooa started lor ilernard's command at noou yesterday, to bring In some ol bis people. There are lears that he may have been capiurod. PC Ki ll BH tiKPkkUATlosu KSPOBTBD. The Indiana are reported 10 bo burning buildings at Stein's Mountain aud committing other depreds'ioua. A large number ol 1'laiea are held as prlaouora on no Oiuui ol their relueal to Jotn the hostile?. It !? reported that Leo Wionemueoa has boon killod. Three columns will be moving on the hoeitloa' posi tion si Stem's Mountain to-morrow?namely, from Sheep ftnoehe, Camp Harney and Malheur. The eettiera at Wbite.Horse are hourly expecting an attack. Indians mado s raid 10-aay on iiitrtit lliver, near kxprcss runchc, capturing u large number 01 bore o?. POSIT low OP TR8 TROOPS. A Bolaa City deapaton says:?"Major San ford's aomtnaud, consisting of the throe companies of cavalry wincli aro now in tbo vicinity of King Hill, will ouiue to tbia place, where they win Join the company of cavalry commanded by Captain Bi nder, when the wliolo force will move toward tne crossing of tho Malheur, under General 0rover. The troops Irurr. Caliiornia, now at Uuek Valley, wuo lelt tho railroad at Klko under command of Colonel Adams, are ordered to Sheep Hanche, and Will form the lelt Wlug of the army. Ucnoral Crook's lorcee aro on the way front Fort Hall to Dig Uamsa Fralrle, and aro rxpeeted 10 take eare ol that part of tho field, tnough the Indian* nr* gathering in the neighborhood ol Molos' Mountain. Central Howard's movement would 1Ddl aate that they have commenced to inovo norm, and ere aa hkoiy to be iouud la the Malheur Muuntaioa aa elsewhere. A Day of Inaction and Social Consultation. THE BULGARIAN BUGBEAR. Greece Anxiously Seeking Admission. DINING WITH BISMARCK. Trying to Save What Is Left of Tui'key. [BY cable to the bebald.] Beblin, June 17, 1878. The session of the Congress to-day began at two o'clock, and, contrary to all expecta tion, passed off without any important inci dent or the serious discussion of any im portant point. It is pretty certain now that ail the principal points will be arranged at the private conferences between the repre sentatives of the Powers having a more direct interest in the Eastern question, and that the Congress will then givo formal ef fect to the decisions thus arrived at. NO IMPORTANT STATEMENTS. The time of tho Congress to-day was chiefly passed in general conversation on the various aspects of tho questions at issue and the interests of tho various States. No Plenipotentiary present made any ofhcial statement, and no formal proposition was submitted. In fact it was almost entirely a decalogue between certain members of tho Congress. Neither Lord Beaconsfield nor the Turkish representatives said a single word. Prino o Gortschakoff was present. ADMISSION or THE SMALL POWERS. The session was opened by the reading of the minutes of the session held last Thursday, after which Prince Bismarck mentioned the applications of the hith erto vassal States?Roamania, Servia and Montenegro, and of tho Kingdom of Greeoo?to be admitted to seats in the Con gress. No delegate present made any for mal motion to deal with*the question, but all present said something in a desultory way, as people speak of a thing condemned beforehand. OBEECE TO HAVE A HEARING. Greece being the first mentioned was al most the only one of the claimants spoken of, and the conversation stopped there. Although nothing was definitely decided tho general understanding was that the Greek agents shall obtain a hearing before the Congress, but nothing more. After this conversation the Congress adjourned at 4:20 P. M. to Wednesday next. THE BU1Q&BIAH BCOBEAU. The Bulgarian question was barely touched upon at this formal session, al though it forms the subject of many earnest private conferences, for tho reason that tho Russian and Austrian representatives wish to discuss it still further in private before it is formally taken up by tho Congress. DINNEBS FOB ABB. To-day the Plenipotentiaries dined with Prince Bismarck at the Radziwill Palace. Porty-two covers were laid and the affuir passed off very handsomely. After the din ner u reception was given at the English Embassy, which will bo repeated every Monday as long as the Congress is in ses sion. Tho Austrian Embassy will give similar receptions every Wodnosduy. Yes terday (Sunday) M. Karolyi, oue of tho Austrian representatives, gavo a dinner, but only tho French and Italian delegates were invited. SCHMI3ES. SOT FACTS. After the liuigarlau question will bo likely to come the Montenegrin and Servian questions, I'rlncc liianiurrk, It Is salil, having submitted a piau lor taking up the respective chapters of tho Treaty of 8an Stefkno in the onlcr of their im portance and of the amount o 1 opposition they are likely to meet. THK DANUKKS A1IKAD. The questions which threaten tlio success ol tho Congress arc believed to be the cession of.AutlvuM to Montenegro, the position of ltouiuelia liurclatlon to Turkey, and ol the administrative and govern mental organisation ol Koumclta. Austria and Italy may oppose the cossiou or Antlvarl; Russia alone, or perhaps Russia and (icrinany, will uphold it. But tiiiK question may be compromised, or Russia may yield. Kngiand, Franco, Austria, Tur key and perhaps Italy will uphold the anti Ruasiau arrange men band organization of ltouiuelia. WILL RUSSIA Y1KI.D / On thcseguestlons, It is thought, Kngiand and Austria cannot yield. Russia can and intuit yield; her trlcmls allege that she will not, but suchusscr tlons are probubly Intended to mislead and inilu ence the iorcea which aro contenting Russia's claims. The tact in the war party was banished irom the cupital when General Ignatieff went to Klcff?at least tills Is the belle! ol well qualified ob servers of Russian public opinion, liessarabia will be yielded to the personal wishes ol the Caar and Koumanla will aodept the Dobrudja In exchange. inpkmn/tt. Territorial ooncesslons In Armenia will not at least meet opposition Irom Kngiund. The question of war Indemnity will be settled by tne appoint ment ol a commission to collect the Turkish reve nues and (my over a certain proportion to Russia annually, or to capitullze such prnjiortlon bjr a for eign loan and puy the Russian claim In bulk. WHAT WILL TIIK TURKS SAY T One notable mature In all these speculations is that they omit to tuko any account of possible op position (Toni the Turks themselves. This onus* siou is only Justifiable on the assumption that ail ttio modllJcaAiotis ol the Treaty or Man Htelano Wilton the Powers will domand are to be in ravor of Turkey, which Is not by any means certain. Kar atheodort Pacha Is making preparations lor a vig orous representation ot Turkish interests beforo the Congress, but his position is very unploaaaut. ITAI.Y AN1? AKT1VARI. The Italian representatives ut the C'onKresa.bave not jet Indicated any opposition to the cession of Anilvart to Montenegro, but it is expected that Austria s views on this matter will prevail in the Congress. NO PBOCBtMUE YET AIt BANGED - TRYING TO SAVE WHAT IS LEW OP TtJhKEY. [BY CABLE TO THE HERALD.] London, June 18, 1878. A telegram from Berlin denies the slaU-meuts that a programme oi proceedings for each sitting of the Congress has already been dollnltely fixed. It reports that the question or tbo admission of Greeoo to the Congross was doflnltoly brought for ward to-day, but no decision was reuchod. Toe question bas assumed more Importance tban was at Hi si expected. France, England, Austria and perhaps Germany will support the admission Of Greece. Russia and Italy may possibly oppose it, from apprehension that Greeoo under British protec tion might beeome a great Oriental Power and a formi dable rival to tbe Slavs. Confidence In a peaceful re sult, wblch will assuro the legitimate tcflucuce In tbo Bast of tbe Powers principally Interested, is Increas ing. An understanding between Russia aud Austria Is considered oertsiu. SAVING TUX PISCES. Despatches from Berlin to tno Vienna Political Cor rctpoiulence Bay Austria, in accord with England, alms at effecting a stable organization of the remaining Turkish territory. Tbe preliminary discussions on tbs Bulgarian question bnvo encountered aevoral obsta cles, but an ultimate understanding is certain. Tbo Roumanian delegates have decided to remain In Ber lin, as a Minister of one of tbo Great Powers has In formed them tbut tho Bessarabian question is by no means a settled matter. It is said that the collision bstwoen the Turks and Montenegrins will bo dlscussod in the Congress to-morrow. A despatch Irom Cattaro Indicates that tho affair is not expected to lead to lurtner hostilities. TUB DISPUTED POINTS. , Tbe Tim*' correspondent at Berlin telegraphs as fol lows:?"At present England, Russia and Austria are actively engaged In discussion, wbllo Germany, France and Italy?tho two first named bocanso of mutual fear?maintain a airict roservo. Greece will presout bar claim to Bpirus, Rbodes, Samce and Crete," Tbe correspondent, lu explaining tho atlltudo oi England, says she does not and cannot agroo to tho Congress having authority to dispose of territory which Turkey has not agreed to surrender. Tbo cor respondent clings to tbe belief that Russia will have to go far beyond tbe limit of concessions Indicated In publlshod documents. WAS IT A SOCIALIST T1IUKAT ? I.ord Beaconsiteld provious to quilting London re ceived a menacing loiter. Ho sent it to the Berlin police. UKPORTKD TO I LAVE It ESN S TO It IIV. A special despatch to the Daily Newu Irom Berlin statos:?"It soems that yesterday's silting was a somewhat stormy one. Tho English delegates, sup ported by Count Andrussy, deciarod It impossible to oven cousider a proposition lor Russiau occupation of Bulgaria aftor tho 6iguing of the treaty." This news Is exceedingly doubtful, as otbsr tslcgrums indi cate that the discussion was contlood to the question of the admission of Greece. PACK TO PACK. Tne Standard'* Berlin correspondent reports that Lord Bsaconsfiold bad an Interview wtih Prince Gortsebakofl previous to the mooting of tho Congress yesterday. A PRINCE FOR BULGARIA. EFFORTS lO PLACE TUB DUKE OF EDINBURGH OVER THE PRINCIPALITY? INFLUENCE OF THE CZAR'S DAUGHTER. [From the Evening Telegram ol yesterday. ] [special cable despatch to tuk telegram.] London, June 17, 1878. Several leading questions aro at present engross ing the attention of the ITenipotcntlaricH who are busily engaged at Berlin 111 laying plana lor the luturc safety of Kuropc. One of these questions, It hus just been learned, relates to the candida tures for the sovereignity ol North Bulgaria Of course several schemes are already on foot to secure this appointment lor certain lavontes. But It Is too early to say who will assume the responsi bilities ol the position. TUK Dl'KK OK EDINBURGH It Is rumored, however, that the Duke of Edin burgh is anxious to obtain the suid sovereignty; and It is lurther sUtldB that Iler Majesty the Queen of Uugiand, aud also her astute I'rlmc Min ister, the K*rl of Iicacunsfiold, aro doing their utmost to gutu this end. They would like to see the Duke ol Kdluburgh at the head ol the North Bulgarians, lor, alter all, he would be merely re presentative ol England's influence. THE DUC1IEHS' VISIT. It is confidently asserted In diplomatic circles here tbat the visit of the Duchess of Edinburgh to St. Petersburg Is purely lor the purpose of lurther lug these designs. It has been thought,in ul! prob ability, tt.ut sho might induce the Czar to give his approval to the wishes of the (juccti ot England. She will undoubtedly make slreuuous efforts to con vince the Czar that her husband can be especially usciui to him during present diitlcuitics. A PRINCELY MARTYR. But there arc some weighty considerations in volved in this proposed appointment una they wilt go lurtlicr, in all likelihood, than any personal in fluence, to determine the Czar's choice. It Is gen erally believed thut the Duchess will fall In her at tempt and that the whole scheme will fall through, chiefly owing to the (act that the I'us>lan pcoplo would object to such a choice as the Duke ol Edin burgh. It Is no longer a secret that the latter has been posing recently as a martyr to Busslun procllvltio*. THE QUEBEC UIOTS. q>'KB*C, Jane 17, 1878. The luquotton llleatidoiro, ?hot In tbo Into not, was concluded to-night. A verdict was rendered that the dcatn ol Bleandoiro was caused by a bullet wound from a carbine in tiio hands ol a soldier ol B buttery whilu in the lawful dl-churgu of bis duty, and that the ducmed participated in u not. ARMY INTELLIGENCE. NOMINATIONS 111 THE PRESIDENT. Wasuixuton, dune 17, 1878. The President to-day aont tho following nominations to tbo Sunalt:? OKbNANCH IIVi'AUlM K.VT. Captains I.awrouco S. Hub boll and VVIlllsni A. Mario to be majors; First LlouloLunta Jobn K. Gr< en mnl John Piluiuu to bo capiuiiia; Plrat LiouieuMiit Roger Hlrulc, Jr.. ol the Tinricoutli infantry, ami .second l.leuieoxiii Irs MurNuil. ol the Third artillery, to bo first lieuivuunts ul orduauce, AKTI1.AKKY I'HOMOTION. Second Lieutauuut Arthur Murray to be llrat Iteu toneolj Additional secoud Llouionanl Krafiai* P. Blair to b? second liouionant, iiul mIuo .Second Lieu tenant U. 11. Ullinan to bo lirat IWuicuaul ot tbo Tbirtecutb inlaniry. THIRTY PERSONS POISONED. Nahiivjllk, Tana., June 17, 1878. D. 11. Ballsy, a well kuowu merchant ol this city, hie tauily and aorvunta, Including IB ail twelve pureon*, wero poleotied tbta mommy. The food for Ibo morning inoal waa put out lent Highland loll in ibe k lichen, the dour to which w .m lull unlocaed. It la believed that tomo evil disposed perton came in and pal arsenic in the lood, which wna cooked and eaten. The poison wee in euoh lariio quantity that it aoted aa an emetic, and thus all were saved Irotn death. Sciiastoh, Ta., Juno 17, 1878. At Plitston, ihle morning, eighteen person* ware poisoned by drinking the luiilc ol n oow whom) udder nad beeu bitten by a snake. Two poraotte will proba bly die. . FLOU1C MILLS BURNED. OiTuoir, tfien., June 17, 1878. A Ore at Beboolcrelt, Mich , to day deairoyod thr '?train flourtug mill* ol I'urtol, Karl k Co. I*'**, f3u,bU0: partially inaurod. The lire originated Irom /a healed Journal TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. Four hundred grain shovellers * truck for higher wage* yeaterday at Mufl'alo. John Matbawa wai airuck by a locomotive yeater day on the Wallklll Valley Kaiiroad and klllort. William O'Lare, of Newport, K. 1., waa drowned on Hunday oil Cultybunk by the upsetting ol a skill. lllll Coomb*, a notorious criminal, who esnaped from f.xoter <N. H)Jail in June, 1800, baa beva re captured. The body of William Oreen, of New York, captain of an ice barge, was iound yesterday la the Hudson Jtivar at Uoayniaua. SMIL EXPENDITURES. The Investigation of Secretary Robeson's Administration. REPORT OF THE HOUSE COMMITTEE. Gross Violations of Law in Pur chases and Sales. LEGAL ACTION RECOMMENDED. Irregularities in the I'onslruction and Provi sions and Clothing iUireuus. THE LOSSES TO THE GOVERNMENT. Washington', Juno 17, 1878. Tho IloubO Co mm it loo on Xuval Affairs huvo con cluded their investigation ul the late udmiulstrulion ot tho Nuvy Department, and by tho vote ot tho democratic members thereof huvo adopted tho fol lowing resolutions for tho uction of tho House ot Itcpresentativcs:? Resolved, That the acts and couduol of tho lata .Secretary ol tne Navy, George M. Robeson; of tlio Into cuiele of the bureaus ol Sioum Kngmecriug, Construction aud Repairs uud Provisions ana Cloth ing, lu the sale and disposinou ol public propony. In thoir method 01 making contracts uud lu involvibg tho government m indebtedness over and beyond the appropriations made by Congruas lor tho support of ibo navy, deserve and should receive the suvercst coueuru and cundemnutluu, uud that In addltlou therein sunt parties, us well as ull others utdlng huu abetting therein, should be puulsiied to tho extent of the law. itesolved luituer, that it shall he tho duty ot tho Clerk of the llouso 01 Representatives to deliver certified copies ol the tosumouy taken bolero the Committees on Naval Affairs uud Naval hxpuDdllurcs of tho House to tliu l'residoiil of the United Stilus and the Attorney General, with tho recommendation thul the parties shown ny this testimony to huvo violated tlio law, and especially In rugirdto the uu iuwlui disposition ol pubito proporty and money, may uo tried and punished as prescribed by Jaw, TUB FACTS IN KVIDLNC'K. The committee lu presonllug theso resolutions stale that too cvidonco which tiioy huvo obiuiued is lor the most purt taken Irotu olllciul ro ports and records ol the department, which uro subiniltod to tho House. The lollowing is a coodogsod statement of t.he more important facts in ovideoco Deforo lbs cotnmitioo: ? Pint?The couimllieo Uud thai since the close of Ibe wur el the rebellion over $4uu,ubO,bOU huvo born ex pended lor uud on account ol ttie naval service. They bud that ul mis sum fully $182,000,000 have bee n ex pended during the administration ol Secretary llobo son. It is ulso louud that during his udininl-irntiou the proceeds of the sale ol Irotu $4d.000,00cl to $50,000,b00 of public property, winch should oy law have been turned lulo tho Treasury, huvo bceucx ponded in and tor tho Nuv.v Department. Steotul?The committee iluu that every protective and prohibitive enactment ol law mud* lor the secu rity ol public money ami public property bus been disregarded anil violated. They had that as a result of thuso violations of law excessive prices huvo boon paid Irr piuparty which has been bought without advertisement or competi tion; that v -st amounts of gujiio pioporty have beeu disposed of in secret and Improper ways, uud the pro ceeds applied to nuvul accounts instead ol Oelug turned into the Treasury ; mat gro u quantities ol un necessary supplies nave bron purchased; ihul it bus mo; with the evidence ol irregularity, extruv.ganco and fraud at every step, uud that vu-t sums ol the public money uad amounts ol the public property huvo been wasted, expended, without uuy compensat ing benefits. Tlic committee say:? In tno luce of these millions of dollars of wasted ap propriations, with the nuiunor ot ships uud material disuppouriog from tho service, as shown by this leall tnouy; with the law disregarded at cvory step al most; with thu Treasury of the govcrnuimt Involved lu the payment of uaoiliilos ot trora $3,000,000 to $7,000,000 created by agenle of the government, can we hesitate to pronoaucc their acts illegal uud crim inally wrong, and to cull upon that department ul tno government clothed with the execution ol ihu laws to arraign and hi log these tho condemnation whlcli these laws may visit on them 7 Vour counul'. toe deem ibis to be their duty, and iu doing so call at tention to seollun 0,430, which is as lollowa:? SUCTION :?,4'JII.?Kverjr poranii who steals or ciubcxxles. or knuwlugly applies to his own use, or who unlawludy sells, conveys or disposes ul any ordnsnee, srius, annuuiilliou, clothing. subsistence, stores money or other property ol' the United mutes, turulslieU or to te used lor the military or naval service, shall he puolsliod as prescribed tu the pre ceding ?ect(uu. tiik iiKsroxaiuairy pixkd. And In the lurthor discharge ol iholr duty your couiiulttce say that lor the existing indcoieduess ol the Nary Department uud that lor iho unlawful sale and disposition of largo umouuta 01 vuluuhlo property belonging to the naval service, *ud the un luwlul disposition of largo sums ol tbe public mouey npproprlated to the naval service, t.corgo M. Kuheion, Into Secretary ol tho Navy; W. W. Wood, lute chief ol the Dutuau ol gieani Kogiuooring; lsuiah Hun-corn, laia Chief ot the Uureau ol Construction and Kcpurs; and James II, Watttnouih, lata Cniul ol tno llureuu ol Provision* and Clothing, are rbielly responsible. There ure other agents ot the government con duct in tho |iuhtic service dveervea to uu iinjiifod into by the F.xocutlve Dejetrimeni. and iney are Chief En gineers Stewart, Fiihi/iu uud Henderson, wnoxn hnsiy exuioination ol muteriab ni the llostou Navy Yurd does notcvinco u very high interest in. or regard lor the public service, and I'ny Director Hun all, us bcru inhclore roier red 10, and also llie conduct ul the lalo Paymaster Ueiicrni Urnaitord. It is cla'lmod and urged that the abuses lor which those parties hio arraigned existed sldi their prede cessore, and ibul precedents should rxteuuaie their conduct or form an excuse tor tneir aciion. It is re plied by your comniitlvu that It la not shown that any ol iholr predecessor* involved their government la liabilities In cxco-s ol appropriation* reaching imm f:i.i*M),000 to 17,1)00,000, and sinco the ucis ul l>7g, nereiuholore reloried to, these uhd hilt tlieso parties have been iu power. It is noc hIiuwii that under any former administration cl tho governinen', nor can it he, that so large an amount of public property has been disposed ol at private tale, uud by buiiorinid exchange, uor nt any time, under sny government claiming the protection of law, such an utlar disre gard ul it* uiiiliurny. LKIIAt. ACTION fUOOKSTBU. Therefore, Hi the opinion 01 your committee, that the law may.lie vindicated ami rea|s ct lor its man daiev main tallied, it Is tne duty ol mo House to tnura its condemnation ul I he illegal practices ol these lor mvr oUlcors ol the Navy Dspartiueiil, and to recoiu mend lu tno Kxvculive Departmeut ol Ihu govern maul ilia arraignnicni and trial ol llie parties nsr?ln named Jcloru tne DaVsl and crlmiluil tribunals ol IbO couiitrv, to the eud that II, upon surn lual, tliey uro loiind guilty Ibcy may he piiniabed; nud accordingly your comrailiee submit, lor ma Invurahle considera tion ol the House, the anovo ro-eluiions. 1%-rt?The committee hnu that contracts to the amouut of ovor $20,000,000 huvo been made by llie heads of three bureaus in ths N?vy Depsrlini nt? via., stanin atigineeruig, c< D'li url.on and provmuna and clothing. under what ureieuuud bureau order* or buraeu m ceptancer, without any regard to tho re I i|Uireinents ul law in t lie m inner el in iklug them. This dors not Include su vqusl or larger amount ol purcnn-cs uisdo uuder what Is kuowu aa Iho open purchase ayaiciu. It uppeara that the re Mill ot those practice* was Hint the govern ment has uuilarmly paid higher rates lor supplies than other buyers; that these pii. os have oiten been enortuuuaty oxccsmvo, and that whi e there has been a great rcduciiou in tno prices ol material* during the paatlew yours there h i* been no reduction hi the oust of naval supplies. I lie evidence shows that ull compete Ion in oldJiug lor supplies wa* ditcourugod and i or is ted by tlin depart UK lit. One ol sevcial inrlance* ul lbs a ml i* givtu w here a conlraclor at regular and legal bidding- pro posed lo inriiisn while oak Umber at loriy relit* a cubic loot, hut was pormlttod by the bead ol ihn liureau ul Construction 10 withdraw hi* blu, and through another favored conlraclor to supply tho same tiniunr to the department at sixty-two cuius a cubic loot. fourth? flie committee find that unnecessary nud undvmauded supplies were purchased at cxeroiiaai prices to the amount ot million* ol dollar*. A grunt amount ol timber ol a cbaracter nml description nut demanded by any pressing or prohunlo future exigency of llie aurvice w*e purchased end ttorod in the unvy 1 yards, where ti is now rolling. I hey find us ihu accumulation of live oak timber that the principal purchase* have been of suali a description snd cuursoior a* lo be rosily of uo value to the govern ment, and upon this point tho c mi inn ion havu tho opinion ol tho boat exports ol ine navy, a vast I quantity nf live oak timber i* accumulated which could never lie used ID tbe construction ol any out very small vessels, and wmnli ronsoquonily the government never should huvo burohasod or punl for ul all. f\flh?The commitleo find Irotn tbe ofllc'al table* am''reports supplied hv tho department tbat vesaola which cost the governuit-ul ul the United Unites over $13,000,000, and whose appraised value nt tho lime ol thoir sale was $2,o00,000, were sold lor about 9i<>b,nUd. They also nud tint vo-sel- mat coil the government In Iho aggrrgute over $12,000,000 were 1 cot up and sold as old innierial, tne pruoeedaot wnlcli a mi a u n led, alter paying lbs tost id diminution, to $440,000. From till* it appears that properly lb ?( coat the government $2?,000,u00 were sold lor lea* than $1.iron,000, wlisn the luverntnubt under *n honest ad ioiiii.iraliua might have realised several luiillona Ih-retrom. ? Aula. ? Iho coiniuiklu* find that tho original oual of Gvo double-lurreted monitor', the amount already ?*? Pen dud upon lUsui and iliu uiuouui ol money re quirrd to complete tbeui, together Willi the original coat o! the old tu-ierqi iu|>i>lie>i to the contracture, will aggregate over $4, Of?, 000 each or orer $.:0.tuo,0O0 fur thu whole. lu the c.i?e of the New Puritan the <.fliolal re ports supplied, tiy Secretary iliumpsou show mat no rcttular and proper cuuiruct was made lor the con struction ol tlio new vetael nor any uecc snry au-pa taken to guard tho public intereaix I he contractor managed everything, and the new veaeet ta pro* bounced by tho uhleel expert* in the navy to he a failure. OFFICIAL CONCLUSION*. Tho following la a summary ot the cone unions of I'htel Engineer leherwood and Nural Ootiaiructor Lenlhal, under date ol J uue 4, la"8, II regard to tncae vessels: ?. ?irrt ? Neither plana npr iptilleatlwi wero drawn lor the eotm: ruction ?t the New Puritan* bar w? re auv to-saure* adapted lu ascertain whether, when luill.sbu would eialt 01 swim. Tho failure or tucces* ol a first class nstiouai lion-el ad war thus put to lire basard ot mar* chance .Second?This vessel *? Iar as constructed, and if finished as contemplated, is a total failure, noi can any ebaiiuu* now practicable ma e her efficient- weaning hy that term, equality with torelgu irou-clnd* at the site and t) pe. Thirtl-No measures were laacn to protect tho govern ment interest, either in the cost of nuildtug the vessel or IB securing effleU-uoy for her when built. Uninvited pro posal* were mid- by the contractor. In the absence of plana, ipvcidcatious, or unv deltltlon ol the kino, quantity or >|oulity of work to i c done, to build an undeaeribed vea sei i?-r a stipulated round sum ot utoiie, and such p*o posals were at once accepted without inquiry. < oiupetilluu or any provivloB* ttuardlni the interest ol th ? .oniric went The generis! vtateuteiit that the New Purl tan wits to be llae a smaller class of ves - sels was Isr from bolng sufficient to either llidicato the details ot ooustructiou or to measure the quantity of work. Such a statement, in (act. mil. showed that the two classes of vessels Were to no of ma same type, and no c mpct nt pcisuu wouid huvo si,owe I the com mencement ol a national Irun-e ad ot siieU dlmonsious and cist without th# atiuty und prepar itlon of evorv piurt; nor would any olflcor of t h ! t'overnurent, carelui of its interest, nave eoiiiracted lor such n vessel, except alter a public com i etitiou. The manner in which (he New Puritan was built Is a II* ?rrunt exhibition of gross ignorance and culpable careless ness. Ucspeclfully submitted hy jour ubocicut serv IN I.f JOH N I.KN I li A I,. Naval Constructor,If. 8. N. It. K. IhHKItvVOUf). Chief Knglueer. U. S. N. Ill MINL'TION OF STORKS. Tho committee Und that except in tho mnglo Item of livo oak timber tlioro bits boon, owing to tho sysiera I ol burtcr aud exchange conducted by thu department, i an uctuil diminution ol tho quantity of stores on baud during tits itto ndmlnis I truiion if liio departmcut, lit splto of tho ' luimetiBo and excessive quantities ol goods purchased. I Tito committee Qod that vast quantum, ol muchiucry and new metals, and other mat rials, a largo i rupor tlou ot wh'cli could, In lbs opiuiou of exports, have ! been utilized by tho government, were condomnml I and sold to lavored contractors at tho prices ol old I tnateriuls. It appeurs from an otllcial report to tho department hy Cine! Engineer J. H. King that ilurtug the administration ot Secretary KoOnsoii lurty uew boilers were sold out of the eastern navy yards to Messrs. John Koicli and H. 11. li.irdner, sou wore large contractors lor boilers aud machinery With tho depirtmeot, and during tho same period contracted with tho govern incut to supply almost the identical number ot boilers. Mi. King .stales thai the govern ment's loss on thirty ol these new boilers which were gold wis $593,081, the uiuouui roaitzea being only $126,245. Mr. King turllivr says in tils report : ? There has nevor been a qitesliou as to the pioprletv nf selling cnmleiiiiieil materials, stores, .tc , tvnrthless fur use III lliu naval service, and il exchange ot condemned nrli c cj Inr maierials m oiled can be niaile to better advantage than hy sal ?such, fur Instance, as the exchange ol uid tubes or old scrap to he worked into new metals, it would seem host lu do so, there being no law to the rule traiy. Hut the boilers sold wore not uid materials worth less for use ; un tho contrary they were uew, and stored in the nave yards for use lu naval vessel, requiring new boil ers. and lor -ovorul years many nf precisely tho snnio kind were supplied to vessels returning irom cruises with their hoilurs worn out and condemned. It any proof be needed that the thirty new hollers sold were round, in good order, and lu all respects tit lor uso in naval vessels, it can he louiid hy an examluatiua of thu six boilers in thu Colossus, still ou the stocks at the New Vera navy yard. PROVISIONS AND CLOTIH.NO. Kmhth?The committee llnd Irum tho statistics of the ilurc.iu ol .Provisions aud Clothing, supplied by Secretary Thotupsiu, that provisions Which ware known to no merchantable were sold with a view of supplying tbal bureau with money. It is shown that by this bureuu largo quantities of valuable stores were privately and sonjaiimes confidentially sold to a contractor?William Matthews, oi New York. The entire umouut ol sales to htm uuiuuuted to uboul f700,000, lor which he paid thu govern ment in clothing nt high prices?about thirty threo per cent of thu cost of the goods sold to him. Secretary 'ibompaoo has supplied to thu committee a very able and curclul ruport, by bia usststaui pay director, Loo per, under date ol May IS, la regard to the irregu larities iu this department. RKPOIIT OF PAY UIRXCTOK LOOPKR. The following are me ui<m important portions or tuts report:? I hove ro?pcctfully to report as followsTit* official sources of evidence upon the subject allow that during the Joint administrate ti of l'aytn**u-r tJoneral John A. Brad {??rd uud Acting Paymaster lioueral James H. \\ altnotigh, an cliiet o( said Bureau, and subsequently when the horror retired at d the latter wa* appointed to the full position, there were repeated and -varied irregularities in its ao in Iniat ration, a frequent absence of duo regard tor anil conformity to law. Especially wits this the csso with re gard to the bureau's own distinctive purchases anil arrange ments tor supplies, its sale* of public property and dispo sition of the proceeds thereof, barter or exchange of same, it is evident that in nil those matters eithnr the law. guv erniug them were not Known or ili-y were not respected or considered binuing. The system positively required by law, of oj only iovitiug couipetiuon by advertising for proposals for needed articles and making regular legal coiittacU fur the same, seem* to liuvo boon, so far as the bureau's own distinctive purchases and arrangement* were eoncorned, uot merely sometimes, but almost wholly Ignored by Mr WufmoiiKb. Mero bureau orders woro commonly given and without ad vertiaeuiont. without poHsibiiity ol competition, without legal contract, sometime* without need una without sufficient fund* uuder the proper appropriation*. and this wa* done with re -aril to larger as well as .mailer transac tion*. a* the accompanying paper* will show. Th? records of the bureau also show that Chief of Bureau Wtttutough nindo illegal .ate* or barter or exe'iauye of public property to an enormous extent all along during the years of 1*74-75 and pail of l?7lt, and that none of the proved* there-f were, as roquired by law with regard to every thing, except condemned clothing, covered into the treasury by him. bat were, except a trill-, covered iiit-? the bureau in tho shape of other and new supplies. TUI* was don?, not at public auction, without public ad vertisement anil without possibility ol competition ; it was done privately and witu single individuals. All thi* wa* violation of the then existing I iw. home of the Mure- 11 us disposed of were sound ai.d merchantable nnd o? navy '?inspection" when sold by the bureau, sonic simply "old" and stone "eon lcm nod and unfit for Issue." Im mense quantities of stores, abati'l-mod at jiome at ail pdnu. were sold as they were, umuuii, lor certain acred upon prices, Soma of them shipped directly to the pur chaser. Tu? bureau aloue arranged, fixing the prlt us of both sold and pu-chascd or exchanged articles. The psy officer* had nothing to do with the matter, nor any hoard, and tho officers in cuargo had s uiply to obey human orders and turn over and receive the article* ac corditigly, and at the price, specified by the bureau. Too bureau during this time thu* di*p<>*<?d <>t NJ worth of stores of uilkitid* (this amount Includes a sale and exchango or barter by Mr. Bradford ol #54,U3} Ul worth of "old" beef fur 25, ? pnld in beef") the pro coeds of whlcii wont not Into the Treasury, as re quired bv law. hut, as stated, into tbe bureau. Necessarily these sales and exchange* involved much loosa uud Irrosooiisible act.on. heavy sacrifices and great confusion An li<d'flultt? quantity of indefinite articles, good, bad and Indifferent, were proffered by tlia bureau, "pa) tpent lo be made |u case; In Improved navy In small stores, new clothing," Ac., ami "soitl<*men; to he made direct with the hurean ami to he considered run fidential." So that article, uncler one appropriation w?*re to he held and paid for sometimes in one way and some | time* iu another, thus most strangely and illegal!? niter mixing ami confounding everything coomcted with the matter. It finally resolved liseif Into au exchange or bur I tor of stores on a large *<ale All this clsarty was la posi tive violation of law, and especially of certs!u of the well ' known articles for the belter government of the navy. The republican members of tho committee hid 1 nothing to do with tho preparation of the report, MAINE 1 EMOCIIATIG CONVENTION. l'ORTLAXD, June 17, 187*. Ttio lii'licnilon* point lo a Inir atlcnJuncp at tho Democratic .State Cuhvcniluu litre lo-niorr"U. Charlca W. Lirr>boe, of K ill, alii prcttltle. lioturfo Walker, ol t'orilauil, la tho uiuai pioiiiliiUDi caiiUutuiu lor liovorn-jr. A THAMP KILLED. Stratford, Ont., June 17, 1S78. 5kvt pariie* sat-poctoU of commltilng a nerief ol robbcrier, wlin violence, fit toilgaiM in litis comity, worn uverQmleJ hy London Uoivctlves to-night. al Harmony. I tny resifle.l nrrpnl ami several ahoia wrrtl t xchanyeJ. lltiu ol the rolibrrs, lt.iili?4 I.ay, was iusi tnliy kiiletl mi I atiuiitcr one urrusieti. MIDNIGHT WE ATI I Ell 11K POIIT. rAKTMK.1T, ) miai. orrictn, J 18 ? 1 A. AL ) Wau Dkpaktm kit, Orrirrt or tut: C'iiikt Hniia \V asiiiii.toi, Juuu Jnilicalioae. For the Sooth Atlantic States. talllny, followed by rising barometer, nearly stationary tempera lore, so'ilhwest to southeast mndr, p irtly cloudy or cloudy weather and ra u arras, followed tn*corihorn portion by cooler Dortiieiil winds, For the Upper Mi?st-?ippi and Lower Missouri Til leys, stationary ami tailing, followed by ruing ba rometer, east lo south winds and warmer, clear or partly cloudy wontlier and possibly occasional ra'or. For Iks Middle AlUnilc States, fating, lollowad by rising barometer, north to oust winds, cooler, cloudy or partly cloudy weatbor and freijnont rains. For New England, generally higher pre aura, weat lo north winds, cooler, partly oluudy wcaibcr and ruin arena. Tbo riTera continue alowly falling at I-earenworth and Keokuk and slowly rising at Cincinnati, Louis ? 11 lo, Cairo and Memphis. Cautionary signals coulinno at Handy Hook, flame gai, Atlantic City, Cap* May, Capo Henry, Kilty Uawk, Cupe Uattoraa and Cape Lookout. THE tnUTDIR YESTERDAY. The following record will sbow the changes In Ilia temperature lor tbo past twuuiy-four hours, in com parison with tbo corresponding d ii>< ol l.ial indicated by tlio ibermomeier at lludnus'a phaiuiany, Hkuai.u Building, No. VIS Broadway:? IM7. 1S7H. 1*77. 1S7H. # A. M 00 (rt 3110 I' M M 79 OA. M tiS M it I' M SI 77 DA. M U .0 0 1' At 74 74 14 M 77 74 IV P. M 74 71 Areraga tamperaturo yesterday <1, a forage ictupcraturo lor corresponding data last year 74,'4 HOTEL ARRIVAL* United Slate* Corouiit-loncr oI Imt'an Affair* E. A. llayt, and Wiin im StlrVary, ol the United State* la ill in Oou.uii?*:ou, aro at ttie Filth A veil a* lJ.sboj O'Reilly, ul Spring!) lil. .\l**.-;.. I* at ttie Everett. Henry S. Sauford, ol Honda, Henry Far nana, of New iiavea, and John Tucker, ol Philadelphia, are at tba Aloeuiurle. Frank Smith, II. P., ol Toronto, and Lieutenant Commander Frederick Pearaou, Uulted State* Navy, arc at the Windsor. Allred (I. Baker, ol Philadelphia, I* ul the ilufltiiau. William M. Wadly, ol Savunirih, ?ud ex Mayor C. W. llo tculunon, 01 Ullco, ure at ibo Now York. Henry 1.. Lamb, of Al bauy, ami Johu J* Mvrrlam, pro?liluul ol tlio Ml. Paul aud Sioux City Kailruad Company, are at Hie Weak m mater. ciemenum Thomas l'urry, United Stale* Navy, i* at tbe Oileoy. MAILS FOK EUROPE The steamship Bothnia, for Queenatown and Liver pool, ami Labrador, for Havre, will nail Iroiu thi* port on Wodueaday. Tbe mull* lor Kuropu will close at the Poit Ollleo at *ix, and for Fruiiue direct at acven o'clock A. M. The Nkw Yuita Haiiald?Edition lor Europo?wlU be roudy at hall-past livo o'clock in Hie morning. Single copies, in wrappora lor mailing, *lx cunt*. 'IHE PKoXUSClAMESTO OF THE PUBLIC 13 th it ilia beat coiuitlexlon be lUllUor i> Ulk.nn ? Nunrtntll Soar. A.?WHY L0N6EK REMAIN FAT f?OBESITY wa. cimatdured by 'lie aucieola an uvidetico of cuarauesa. hven yet the altiu form-of trie lire ihii n'oldeasua are re Uardi-d as lnndela of female beauty t'orpuleuee U una held to in aaillea-e, mid Allk.n's Akti-Fat baa hilly demon nlraioii lljto be euraalr. Tim Ami-I'AT ? hemic illy neutral. Ima in the aionmch all *iucote. saccharine and oienaiuuui eubblam?!??. thus ibo lormaiion of tal. It - umi In-urea a lose ol from Imo to flm pound- pur wees. It la pjie:y voict-table ami perlertly barinieea. Mold by ?'-"irynt* A Al'iJLLINAUIh natural MINERAL WATER, HIGHLY EFFERVESCENT. Approved bv the Acudentio <ie Medaclu* of France, and it* unle In franco authorized by hpucLal order of the French government. Kccommeudcd|by the highest ruedi'jal authorities in New York hi *A ureHt rollel lor Hoasickuoss.'* "A dulitfiittui " ??Far mi ierU?r to Vichy. Soltiar or any other." "Mwt if rat <*t ul and rcfreshim?,*' '\\b?uJutoty tiuro and wholesome; sunerlor to all for daily une ; fro.- from all the objection* ur^ud aguiust Crotoa aud artificially uer.uod water*." "impregnated ouljr with it* own gas." "Useful iui-1 very a^reoablo." "Healthful and well suited tor dysooptla and casit of acute 'lhett-e." t "t!ildly antacid; agrees well with dyspeptics and where there is a -Only dl at ho si*." "By tar lb* most aurreeable, alone or mixed with wine. Useful in catarrhs of *t onach or bladder aud id gout." "Not oulv a luxurv. but a neces-div." '1 o ho had of nil Wine Merchants, (Irocers, Druggists nod Mineral Water Dealers throughout tne United Mates, and wholesale oI FREDERICK 1?K 11AIIY A CO., Solo Aleuts. No*. 41 and 4H Warren St., New York. Every genuine bottle bears the registered YELLOM pictorial laoel of tire Al'oLLlNAiiiS COMPANY (LIMITED), LONDON. A.?SELZEU BKUNNEN NATURAL SPARKLING Minkual Watku. A. STEPS ANi 4 CO.. 40 New ?t., soli imported. A WOMAN'S BEAUIY IS NEVER LOST Stt long as her swoot smile re in a i us ? So long a* gleam iter teeth like frost. And her soft lip tho ruby stain*; And SozonoaT, with rustic power. Bestows on Iter (bis priceless dower. a $3 rk.vnl oii mFxeFT~"~dkrb y, tin (M ACKIMAVS, $1 (10, worlli $:<). 15 New Oliurcu Ik, u( stuns, COOK'S IM iHhu AI,?EX I KaT>UY7~ For exei llriiiv we eb.;l.u<o ml iiiipirtort chatnnnimi AinrriiHU Win. Comii my, ,>t i.uuiv Eur into by I'AKIC A TlLEOltU miJ AC K Kit. Mr; It It AM. A CO. V. V. KUSUION'S NEW REMEDY STOPS AM front Neuralgia, headaches and nervousness. Office, oil Union Mjuare. H W. J0HN7" MAaNUEACWh^cTcOMPANV, 87 MiahJoii lane, are tho sole manufacturer* of genuine Ae B/.vroi Paints, UooriNu. .stkam Pica anp Boilku Covau ixus, Ac. T. M. STEWART'S 8TK All CARPET CLE AMINO Works. UJU 7in sr. aend tot circular. ^ KTKOPL. THE NEW YORK HERALD AT THE PJUNTRMPH,? I ho IImiiIiD l? to b<* found oai y at tho Grande Ma gaslns du Print-tup*, 70 Boulevard Hmuxuuuiiu, Pari*. B" RlSTUL TtTyiiTl^r u >n! >ON rFURL! NO TUN OA Up dons, W. ?'1 his Ur^e first class family hotel, in the not! situation ol London, It itewiy established iu tha Con* iieiuai style and furnished with every possible comtorl and mo iorit Im p rove m out. excellent cuisine aud winea. Proprietor, II. t-.ISKLE, late of Mouriee*'. t" \ LhuPA I'lt.V K t > i; vlLiv-l'ilK III' I. L T\ N l7 Kid? /tings, complete of this ves-el as removed from the Egyptian opoitsk ; price ?>?Mi Apply to \V. H. FoaBICK, Engineer and lrou A. cut, 8H Caution at , L ot ion, K. C. tHiLDBN II Al K.-KO-B \KK'4 AGKI'.OUNK PRO 7duces, by two of three application*, Mi* h**autitul gulden color ?o much admired: it i* nertectly hormlcs*; to be had i-f aU apotiteeari t and i iiicy koods dealers. Bole ageuta, K. 110 V !% N I > K >' A S?>.N, l.on loft. Kit/I an.1 uNC's Uo7r.L, HON li i*T., LONIlON'. ~ " JKstablishad upward of a roulury. This woll known and aristocratic hotioi Is situ.*'el in tho centre of the most fastdoiiahlo part of the West hud. Celebrated for ike cuisine andeoilar of the choicest wines. p .mis exhibition. LI VK P. POOL CUM 1-TON II0CSS HOTEL. Thla miiicnltlront hwlldlair, now the in ??? central hotel la Liverpool. eeataiulug ? >') room*, Iran deomely fttrui.had. wlili every modern luxury and home aaratort; salt* of private room*, lpeeioiiH coffee muni ?r mImo, Willi the htair*' drawing mom adjuiniiia tithe largeet ami ttueil trill* laid and amoking room - in town. i ll ,r c* model ale. WILLIAM RUadhiih. niprtWlft mo MKRCIiANTS AN1) FINANCIAL AUK NTH.?A A. London lion** I* di.po.ed to enteitain propoaai* from llrmarruuirliiir financial lacilltle* AdUroaa Mr. TIlOMAH, Uti*.l reebaBi iluuav. London K. C. K W pii KUOATXOI a* . ^ltANK L?a LIE'S rOrCbAU MONTHLY. JULY NUNIIF.Il SOU READY. Contain* Illustrated articleaon SMUUOLIXO IN Til K l.'M I KD* Adroit* Peril* and I'. naltla* OCINNAItD'll ADV. vrURRS IN I'ATAUOM i. A \ AO AHOND A lilt* * A D. THE IUKIOkT uF ELECTRICITY, try Prot. Charlo* A. Joy. I'h 11. Till-. PHI Hm.noMY UFTIIl. NOSE, by J. Simula, M. D. 1'OI'K. IIONI F ACE VIII. And neaarmu* tim le*. aketchea, auecdotn* and poem*, with au'.l nnd Iroall.utoce On# hundred and thirty pagoa. lull of lllu-tratlnn*. 93 par year, J.? cent* par m.inner For aale by all newadeai* or*. FRANK LKHLIK'S I'UHLISUI.NO IIOUKR, M, 55 1.7 Park placa. Naw York. MAN'S MISSION ON KAIlTII. A TUOKOCuH ttKDI* . al treat! to. Indicating how cogllrnaed <li*al>llltlna may be remit red. The experience ol twenty year*' atudy, .'h aervalioe ami pr ife**tonul practice, aliowinj the avenolee that will luam - leatoied niaubee i, ?treuutheeed vitality and aniind condition* .f iie*ith tnat nave been impaired by everiaXed pewerw A aiatem oit el ohetielea to marriage and ol the ineaix by wlucn they can ti ? removed Hy in *11, g.ic,. currency or pontage ataiep* A l ire** Secretary tie* aeuin Anal ind "cTohce 1 It'l llruadw iy. New Verk. ON TROK AND FAl.SK PI:<>wlit tTI11X.-XKW RDI linn ol the I' lllnt iphy ol Marrl-ivo. A'ldrea* fiKCItK T ?BY, Meeeiina e* Anatomy, till liroadwey, New York. Free. Joe. ftteinpe. 1*11 ti POPULAR HCIKNCK MONTHLY, lor J uly. CONTENTS. I Clvllltatinn end Science. By l'rofene r Bmll De Ho;* Keymond II. Re rat Kxnerlnivateon fur Sltrnal*. Hy Prufeatot John Tvhdili, F R. N. i llln?ir <tuJ.) III. Water hep dv o' Klver* By 0 ewe IT* Ctiehnen. IV. hvciutiiiM <if t eremoatal Oevernmeiii. VI. Form id Addreva. Hy llarhert Npebeer. V. Kdncethin ?? a nelenie. IV. Hy Alexander Bain. LL. D. VI. Kenaida <tndiea. Hy Pri le** t Sanh irn fennoy. (H ln*trate I . VII. The Helenililc "*inny ef Human Teatlmony. III. Bt lie.,rue M Heard. M l> VIII. On the Forinetiun ol Nebula. By William M. Heels, Kef. IX. The tjneai ,in <d Pain In lian Inn. By Koitor K. Tracy, M. II. X. The Radical Fallacy ul Materiallam. Ily K. U. Kcclea, 1 ?'i XI Skoten ol Prnleaaur Du lioi* Keyrtnoud. (With For* trail i XII. Xoliof'a Table: Freteaeer jeerph Henry?Magni* fyluir hound ?'atliollclam and Etarnal Puni.h meet, A. LITERARY NOTICKk: iiray'a Hynoptlehl Flora ol North America '-American Journal of Matba* luetic*. Pine hiiU Applied VwlMt'*TleMrtl Na ture. and oiber K*e..y??Le I ui*'* mi gar lleet la North (iilnn ? a Critic il IIDtnry uf the lloctriueol a Future Idle luke'a liiaanlty in An* riont and tiuitern Idle -Lukin ? Hoy hn.lnecra ? M irlevant'n In'eri u nit *1 Ullage, Ac Pol'll.tlt diht'KLLANY I Foe*il Mammal I rnm the J Mr a talc el the Haw dountalua? I hrvatened Onibrekk ?l Veinvlas?The Organ fl*ho *ua Wnrahlp tm mc III* Mnqul* -How Mmtaeya lli, like nnake* ? Dietolorall.ui of Krick Walla An In. (creating Kxparlment? h tperlmenn with Hip I lectrlc l.lghi ?A?ceni of Mortal Ararat -Prcraw* III,u of Cm. taalou* Dlaeaae?Creooto a* a Timnev I'rtHtWi Ac. NOTES. CONDUCTED IIV K. 1? AND Vf. J. YOIMaWA TLUMs-fj per annum, poatage free, or No cent* per nninber. A I'PLKTiINK' JOI'UN AL and TI! K POFULAR BCfe F, Mr. MON TilLV. tuirether, tor $7 'A > per annum, poet eg# prepaid by the publisher* D. APPLKTON A on., Pahllehor*. JiU and Ml Broadway, Naw lark.