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THE COURTS. Judicial Protection Orer the Es tates of Lunatics. PROCEEDINGS IN BANKRUPTCY. Trial of Mary Brown for the Murder of Frederick Wiegand. The Commea Pleia, General Term, net yesterday, end alter delivering a batch of decision* In easoe ar gued during the laat term of the court, adjourned without dato. The most important el the deolstons rendered by the Court was that in tho matter or J. B. Gate*, a luuauc, which came before the Court mainly ou tbe quoation as to the authority ol the Court to require the committee of alunetlc to maka compensation out ot his estate to eounsel retalnod by tue lunatic to defoud htm against ths attempts to adjudge him msuue. la this case tbe Court be low ordered *>uch allowance to the extent ol Judge Koblnaon, wbo writes the opin ion of the Court on the appeal, says that the ease iu respect to costs, although a special proceeding, Is not one controlled by tho code or the act ol 1864 al lowing oosu in special prooeedinga and on appeals at the rate allowed lor similar services In civil actions, as these provisions hnve relations solely to the award lug ol costs Inter partis, hot such ullowance is to bo made. It at all, according to the services necessarily rendered to the estate ot the lunatic, while tbe person proceeded against in such s proceeding Is not to be deprived ol tbe means of protecting his legal rights. The property be possesses lor the support of nimaeli and family should not be nnuroessarlly wasted in useless litiga tion; but to warrant counsel in opposing It should appear mat there w >s reasonable ground lor believ ing that the party proceeded .iguiuai was not a lunatic, and whether, It such (act was in doubt, the Court would have bave directed and sanctioned such oppo sition. 1 ho ibttory mat an alleged luualie muy em ploy a solicitor to resist the commission and after ward lor traversing It, and mat ttis estate is liable lor costs, unless ttiero lie unnecessary or irlvolous litiga tion, uocords with the current decisions of our courts. Wbue thus afhrmiug the power or iho Court in this respect, the uilowaoce made otnnol on the evidence bo regarded otherwise Uiau excessive. The case is not an ordinary one arising out of mere employment ol an attorney, whose compensation is to be upon tbe quantum meruit lor nil he does, discreetly or otnerwise, at the dictation or wun the upprobatiou ol his sheuL The claim ta one that can only be allowed in such a ess-? as the present upon its being estab lished by competent prool '-uiat there waa reasonable ground* lor uwlieving that the party proceeded against wus noi a lunatic," and that only such sorvices were rendered as wave within n wise exercise or Judgment auu tree from imputation that any efforts were wasted ou frivolous or useless litigation resulting irom caprice or indisoietiou ou the part ot eitner attorney. It Is ysriicularly tbo province of courts, as guardians of the estato ot a lunatic, to protect it lrom any con liscatiou lor expenses incurred with its sanction, be yond wbat ihe credence presented lully wurrauls uud justifies even to .he extreme letter ol the law. They tire not the aiitiouura ol bonoty to any oue, and uny tiponse exacted ae charge lor proceedings taken against inlands or lunatics must bs the sub ject ol rigid scrutiny before their property or estate can be condemned or cooilscaled In luvituui, or appropriated to tho payment ol vaguo and uncer tain claims created without the sunotion ol' tbe Court. Alter thus dwconrsiug upon ine power and duty ol tho Court lu tne premises Judge Itobmson goes ou 10 Kay ilisl uo- suub proel is presented us would jusiliv uny such allowance us S6U0 lor ths services of couusel in ibis o.ise in opposing the Commission 01 Lunacy, nud no tntaks tne sains nuuecesssrily expensive. He tnorsloro reverses the order, wiinout prejudice, bow ever, to a tuoliou lor a reicrenco to uacortuin what would ba a proper suiu to be paid lu accordance with the principle mid uowu in nis decision. Chief Justice ldsly in s oriot opinion oonenrs with Judge Bobinson. COMPOSITIONS IN BANKRUPrCY. An important decision baa just bean rendered by tbe Uenorul Turin of the Court of Common Pleas tn tbe ease ol Biunnurg, Hill & Co., against Jacob Stern, tue opiuiou being written by Judgu Van Hoesen and concurred in by Judge J. P. Daly, in wbtcb tbe Court lioida that a composition efleeted wub creditors m L.ukrupicy wail bar debts, even 11 lrauduleutly con tracted. ibo plain tula recovered an ordinary judg ment by uo ault against me deiendant, but tbe plain tills bad also obtained an order lor tbo arrest ol the deiendant ou the ground tUal tbe goods sued lor in ttiu complaint bad been Irauduientiy obtained. Alter judgment was entered William Strauss, tbo de i. hdaut's oouueel, uiade a motion at tbe nariue Court, Cuaiuoera, lor a stay ol exccalioa, yulilugout as the ground ol lUe application tbe cogt jioaiuou iu bankruptcy wto>ob tbe Uuiendant bad mesn wuiiu cUoeteu. Tbe applloation being denied tbe de iendant appealed to tbu Uencral terra of tbe Marlue Court, where tbe oruer waa reversed, and toe Court grunted tbe stay ol proueediuge aaited lor by the de luuuuok Tbe platnufl, appearing uy Messrs. Hart nod Bamberger, appealing Irom tuis ueciaiou, went to tne Common i'ieua, General Term, where tue judg ment Oi too barmu Court, General lurm, has been i dlMued wlib eoatn, and tbu deteudaai'a motion lor a stay grauiou. Tne importance ui tbis decisiou is well understood by lawyers, as tbe Supreme Court el tbu Department, tue recent case, determined tbe poiut at Issue jus. ibo otnor way. J udge Van Hoeseu, in Ins (?pinion, reiers to decisions In bankruptcy made by oudge Lowell and Juoge Blatculoru, sua luilowa toeir n;guinuui iu drawing tao distinctions between a com position ana a dSscuarge. He holds that Ibe mere fuel that a bankrupt has been roiused a discbargo is Hot an absolute bar to e composition; mat a disc barge relieves tbe bankrupt Irom uia debts whether iheru are or ure not assets lor distribution ami mat uuder tbe eotapoaitlou money ta paid in satislacuon 01 tbe uebt?tue debts discharged, paid and satis bed wttn tbe assent ol tne creditor. In roierrins to tbe act ol Congress wntcb crestod tbe coiupostUou law, Judge Van uoeseu says:?"I"ne act ol Congress relating to co tn posit lou Is modelled elter suction 120, chapter 71, ol 42 .n J 23 Victoria, wuicb Is cited us toe Beukrupt eel ol 1IMW. Congress did not See III, however, to adopt aeetion &&, cuapier 02, 32 aud 33 Victoria?the ltuprlaoueu Debtors act?lor that kecllou provides tbat a uebtcr wno makes any com position sball reinulo liable lor tbe unpaid balance of bis debt winch may have been Irauduleatly contracted uuiesa every creditor sliall aaseut to tue composition; tuai accepting a Uividead sball not be considered ns ku asaent to tue composition. It la only by virtue of tl.e Imprisoned Deotore aet tuat u dubtor iu Kuglaud wno has made a composition la liable to arrest, auu aa in ibis couuiry mere is no aucb set mere is no way ol ueieaUug or modifying tbe effeot of tbe language ol tbe act of 1874." KILLED BY A WOMAN'S KICK. A woman name Mary Brown, residing at No. 22 Cherry street, waa arraigned in tbe Court ol Ueneral daemon* by Aesietaot District Attorney Herringyeaters day, cbargod wub manslaughter. On March 21 tbe woman, accompanied by bar son, a boy five years ol ?ge, enterod tbe lager beer saloon ol Frederick Wi saud, at No. 122 Beater street, and aeked lor alms. Wtgaud upbraided bar lor leading ibe llle ol a mendicant, upon wmch sno became angry aud Used some offensive epithets. On leaving lb# Saloon sbe slammed tbe door la e violent Uiauuer. As Wigsnd went to sliet It thu woman turned upon him and kicked biui In the abuomeu, irom ibe effects ol wbicli ne died Iu e lew days. In r-ply to her counsel, Mr. tarn una E. Price, me ac cused stated tbat she went tutu tne sainou to sell pen cils, when she was groealy luaulted by two ol Wi gai.d's customers, ooe ol whom puaued he.. She uiade e k<es at tne who pushed b?r, but missing tue person lor whom li.e kick was ibu ikIcU her loot ?truck tbe deceaeod. Tue jury, eiier a briei absence, louud tue prisoner guilty ol meualuugbter in me Jjunn degree. Mr. Prise made en eerusat appeal Iu bur bebail. slating ibat sue wee a widow sud itad Qve children. Judge autberiend sent her to tbe Peulten Uary lor one year. SUM MA It Y OV LAW CA?E& lu Mi? ami fur divorce brought by llalliaa 0. Col* *g?iD?t bis wile, Cera Ixiaise Col*, otherwise known ?s Cor* Pearl Uueted Col*, lb* laais ol winch bar* b' co published, ? reference was ordered yesterday by Judge Oouobu* to Mr. A. K. ilainui*r*ly. Judii* Van Hoeeen, la ib* Court of Common 1'lau, y**i*rd*y sr*al*d ? Judgment in favor of tbo plaintiff in tb* salt brought lor divorce, ou Ui* gvouud of adul tery, by tieiene Flacber against brr hssbaad, Kug?n* > metier. A similar Judgment was also graotod by tb* Bmuk Jadg* is tb* *uii lor divorce brought by Johanna tti hunger hgiiin*i Jobu Bcbauser. Tu* arsond trial ol David Marsb, a p*dl*r, seventy two y*ara ol age, ?oarg*d with rooeiriog largo quantl. lien 01 spool cotton and noodloa stolen Iroui H. B. Clalliii At Ou., was r?auin*<l yrsierdey In Ifeo Court ol t>*n*ral -*s?uu* b?ior* Jadg* ttlldersleevo aud will b* eoniiaueu to-day. H ioa y. Li owa, in a petition presented to Jadg* fcdugwiok iu tb* superior court y*st*rday, stale* that Jb* >a lb* lather ol I'aal Loewr, an inlant *l*ren years Old} that on ib* Mtu ol May last, at Na 107 Alien ? troel, Frederick Dimmer violently aa*aolt*u Paul w ith a piece ol ban wood. HiOtcusg aorious injuries I'pou tui* a I at* ol tact* Judge Van Mee?uO granted bis petiiIon to be maJ* guardian ad litem for Paul to bring a suit againat Dumber lor damage*. In the oaae of President Foobay and Bepertnteuclent b'eweii, 01 tbe Broadway and oeveiuu Avenue ltall toed, charged witn violating tb* kieouou law ib baring, as alleged, atiomptou to Itigueuc* tb* voice si eome ol tbair employs* at tb* ia*t eloclion, e?V? ?rai witness** w*r* boior* lb* urand Jury yesterday. Mo far sodellnM* action ba* boon taken in la* matter. I be corneal over tb* Will *1 Louisa a. Bsurroer was opub*ei be lore tb* surrogate josh-May. Bra Maria Lipfb with wbom deceased resided for ssm* montba previous to her death, was esassloed and testified tbat Mr* stumer draok a groat Seat betwwea the dates f Sapteanber, 1876. ?Dd Mar, 18TT, Tha examination of Ibis wui^s. a quaint ul?l Lirrioau woman, occupied llio aiieruoou and tbe case was ad)ourocd. u """? was triad in tha Courl ol Uenerai ?ees.ous yesterday lor larceny iroui ttoa person, in having au the 26th ot |M| Mar Molen a watch and ebaln froiu James Lyneb. Tlie laaiimooy oltb. complainant waa r.ry Mnnatng, Ind a?tba whiob was oonduciau by Mr. A. H. admitted baring baen oa a picnic an tba Bigbt bia watau waa a to lea. and elated that the t??k P'oparty while tba wltaaaa was in a recumbent paatura in a wagon in Meat Twenty infh b,,w*an tbrea and lour u'clock In the moruiug. Tba Jury alter briai deliberation ran ch urged V ct n<H *aUt* ??d Kelly waa die In the suit ol William K. Krockway against I'eter Holbrook, a policeman, aud in which an appiicallou was made lor hie lurtnur examination as to bis prop ?' Vt 'oalacis of whlob have already beau published in the Hkualu, Juuge Vau Hoesou yesterday ren dered a uociaion, in wbicb na suya ibat Hoibrouk has already beau lully examined auu be deems it ueviuea to compel bim to obtain loaye ol absence lor luriner atieudahce before ibo referee. Judge Van Hoesen yr*0H?r.0U :-"1( iU# *iabaa to examma Mr. Holbrook or otber witnesses he may proeeed in tha ragolur way to do so. I will not, however orJer tbo payment of Holbrook'* salary to the planum it the case Is apropor ouo ibe Police Commissioners will ao force tbe paymeut to pluiunO of the claim." Ibe case ol Kuwitrd Uoderblii agaiuet tbo city oame baior. Judge Van Hoesen ,n the c",Yof Comma! 1 lous y osier any on a demurrer to tbe complaint The complaint states that on tba loth of October, 1872 iba burrocuie, being authorised by law so to do, appointed .1 Uudorblll atenograpber to tbe ?ur W.V ,tolm. al ? salary ol $3,000 per uuuurn that tba latter entered uiou tbe duties ot bia oflioe J!'*?* dlw!h,kr?*d "?? ; that tbeouy ? 10 bim a balanee lur each year irom 1872 to 1878 inclusive aggregating $1,739 03, ,.nd ibia suit is brought by tbe pisioufT, #j? bis assignee, to recover the sum mentioned, the Comptroller, upou demand, buying reluaed to p?y tbe some. The compluiut was demurred to on the ground that It did not state I acta sultlcieul to constitute a cause ol action. Judge Van Hocoeu reserved bis decision. 1 litre was tried yesterday, before Judge Barren, holding supremo Court. Circuit, a suit brou hi by berman Uhl, receiver ol tbe Carman Uptowu Haviugs Bang, sea lust Christian Sob warn, at ous time prea " deut of the bank, to racover $9,000, a call loan i0 Isadora Pulk. It wss charged that Schwarix, who while presideut of the bank was also pre*ideui and treuauror ol tbe brnpire Laundry Company, "uve nla checks, dated abroad, to pay the loan, wh;cu were not puid, the transacuou growing out ot the sale by ino laundry company to Mr. Pulk ol some unimproved lots, corner ol Tulrd aveuue aud Fillv-lourtU streeL on wmch lots were two second morigage?. The lurv iouud a verdict lor $l(M)onlor the phTiutiu. u*Jury GOUlif CALiE.aDAJiS?THIS JJAY Scrasug Count?CHAMNSNS-Held by Judge Potter Now 9. 39. 48, 48. 63. 68. 08, 80, 116, 117, 124 1M l i7 138, 139. 162, 154. 168, 18u, 182, 171, 172 173 175 ' ' July 3o"*878??CKT?<*ltl"',,AL ' ***??Aulourned until Sl'I'KSMK COUNT?-PKCIAI, Tl,RN-Held ? J d Domicile. ?Luw end Isci?No*. 461, 646. 607' 471 5? 87, 2o0, 26, 386, 388, 136, 131, 667 602 683 584 nm' 670, 674, 70 489, 470,' 602, 608,' 321\ lit ?g ^ ' 624, 626, 243. 382, 678, 216, 380, 673. ' 1 8ltf* suntkjik Count?Circuit?Par 11?Held by Judge Van Brum.?Nos. 3242, Ool 802, 2723, 2724 3133 3239 2847, 829, 1309. 134, 3423, 1031, 1719 483k 2177 3540 1T0SK. 18K. 440>a, 1021. 3388.' Par', 2-hViu!?'jtgi Van Vorat?Hob. 1339, 1494. 3342, 1305, 1379 2493 fUa- 1880, 2660, 1420, 1604. 1119, 1031. 1694 k;' 1093, 797, 2812, 1330, 1469, 1602, 1500, 822. 1683 307*' Fart 3?Held by Juuge BurrelU? No*. 1627 k ' 1 ,4? 3479, 1174, 1202. 37, 229. 1482. 1203 1540 14ft i^ai' 2966. 3180, 1539, 1443, 810. 403, 1529 k 1619 ' ^ SurcKioN COUUT?CtsibAu. lsan.?Adjourned until tbe lourtli Monduy ol Juue. surgKioK Count?.social Tkkm?Hold by Judge Sedgwick.?Ho day calendur. auuge SurawoK Count- I rial IxRM-Part l_Held by Judge -anlord. ?Nos. 1276. 97, 696, 746 318 763 i?ii fj*' 1|4' 14at263, B00! 44e. 836 Peri 2? Held by Cbiel Justice Curne?Noa. 848,836. 826 768 31t ham 1006, 167, 134, 1264. 773, 1264, wT8uf'819 Pun ^ llcld by Judge Ireediuau Nor. 876 lo-'2 984 9-u 930. 931| 932, 9:13, 1006, 1026, 894, 913 ogi ouj' una' 897, 898. 899, 909, 901, 995, 1013, 070, 996, 495 496 ^COMUON PbKAg Unxunal 1'snm.?Aujourned Sine term,n,0* f>LK4B~E<lclTY T*k*?Adjourned lor tbe Congo* pLKAB?CuA*ugK8?Held by Judge Vun Hoeseu.?Noa. 6, 11 und IX ' -u?ge vun Con son I'tKAt? I rjal Tnku?Pertl?Adjourned lor Ibe term. 1 art 2?Hem by Juuge J Y L)'tlv -Mae 389. 2764, 1478, 1463. 982^. 1209 2899 2670 2129"sn" 1416, 1489, 1491, 2881, 1479 416 61o '2879' 136a' It-'' 1681.1940.1438,'483. 829, Iil6, 26^. ' U 24^ ' 688* 108. I67d, o44, 318, 661, 662, 1898 653 1106 1104* ll-'l 2710, 1372. 22, 619, 620.' 148,' 394, ' 3^, ' l^T 1426, 368, 644. 2601, 2917, 1963 ' ' ' Maw.nii Count?Tkjal 1 gan-Part 1-neld by Chief I 4449' H74 aS ?7^^12' 4Uh4' 2014' 4auu. aaao, 44 4, 6i2o, 2743, 2i2l, 2230, 4417. 3756 1396. ?! utJtjo Slior dun.?Nos. 4060,3833 4l-'0 Uio' 4a?B; 4"87' 386^3^0 44i0, 44i)- J,n .i?Held by Juouc tiiijijott ?\ih 4373, 4862, -J637, 3676, 4672. 4218, 3226 k 3474 606, 12>?, 1641, 4634, 3315, 4664, 4670. ' ' ,?* UlMbMAt ngaeioMs.? Part 1?Held by Judge A. Ciidoraleeve. ?Tbe People vs. David Marsh cont.bued ; Same vs. K. J. Jorolomeu. feiouious aa aasanu?and 'hIT.' ua v<u Kul,? Ifloulous n?.J? o battery; .-ame vs. William Uardner hor ia,{' 2*m* **? Uuor8? Baker una Albert hnklcr' burglary; Sume va. Henry Buvia, burglary Sunm *?' ?.org. Baker, burgUry; s.m^ ^ ffijcl Kyan grand larceny ; Same vs. Mary Clara, grand larceuv* I Wl,1lllalD G*rr"J. snibd larecnv; Same rt! Walter L. Horsey, (also preteueea; Samo vs. Hugh Hugun, false pretenoes; Same vs. Louis iSVofu Same yg Kicnard Luby, robbery. J'art 2?Held by ' Judge suiborland?Tno People vs. Arthur Ckidlrey for !***/ i j8"31* T*' J,,mo8 H acginsa and John Cruw! lord .robbery; Same va Jobb Plixgerala, lelonious aod Buioe ya Mary lloran, lelomoua uatiery; Same va Timothy Clemens, Lacerballe^'^fpsi'itf1"' ?"?? Vincent JLacerbuiler, grand larceny; Same va August Vuudor bogen, grand larceoy; Same v?. Philip Uoauer, grand larceny; Same va Tereuoe O'Dopnelly, forgery'; Same tvnsllp Pant larceuy; Same va James mlsdemtan*r.Lr ,n,ma"4 Samu Jobn Rooneg, COURT OF APPEALS. Albasy, N. Y., June IT, 1878. la tbe Court ol Appeals to-day?present, Judge San ford it Cuurcti and associates? the lollovrlng business was irausactad:? Na 84. Albert Kanyoo, 4c., by guardian, reaipon deut, Ye. lh<' New York Contra! and Hudson Uavwr Railroad, apncllunl.?Submitted. No. 273. Tue Huiiaon Kivar bridge Company, appel lant, rs. Jonu A. Patterson and others, respondent*.? Argued by Matmew Halo for appellant, Am tea J. i'arker for reapoudeul. Nix MS. Deulel A. Mowrv, Jr., respondent, vi Simou W. Hoaendale, receiver, &4. appollun x ?Ar gued by Wlliiutu P. Preatlee for appellant, Judieu T. Liu vies for reapoudeul. No. 234. 1 homes Taylor, respondent, ya Aliaander Pbilip, appcllauL?Argued by Payson Morrill Tor ap peliuui, A. Hell Ualoouii.oa, Jr., lor respondent Nix 379, Cordelia A. Lines. respondent, va. Jaiuaa M. Seabory, appellant?Submitted. MOTION CALMS DA H. Motion calendar lor Tuesday, June 18, 1878;? No 318. Rlgga va l'aronli; No. 41b. Hand vs. Tbe Mayor, 4c. ; Na 43tt I'oople ex ret. Saterlee ve. Tbe lluard ol Police; No. la re llatcO; No. 41d>. KlcU ardu Vs. Richards; In re (lusruiao and oilier Hie in surance companies; No. 438. In re Walker las vacate; No. 438 Smith va Kaetibun, lie., sxccutorn; Nu. 42W Suiiui va. Hatnbaii. inapleimed; No. 431. lb re New York I'roieuiant Kplacopal Public School to vucuie; No. 433 KmigrsOi luduairml Savings Bant w. Cold loan, Na 433. In re Uurmuier to vaoate. PAY CALBXhAR. Day calendar lor Tuesday, June 14, 1878:?Mas. 380, 281, 383, '383, 287, 388. 2U2 and 204. AN AjCTOR'S SALARY. Daniel H. Harkina, um actor, baa brought aaault Id tue Court ot Common Plcae agaiost AuguatUt Daly, late proprietor ol the Filth Avenue Theatre., tore cover a lielanoc ol aaiary wbtcb ba olaltna to be due blni. Mr. llnrktna aaya that Hi waa employed by Mr. Daly from 1874 to 1877, and ought to have be* ti paid 831,000, whereas ba was only paid 817,4.1b 34, ibid be now auoa to recover 83,441) <14. Tbe case came xoiore Judge Vau Hoeeen, boidiug ."penal Term ol tba Court ol Common l'io..e, on a raotiou to place tba cailxe on tba snort calendar, Judge Vau Tloeaea yeatarda yarcu dered a decision denying ilia motion. QUESTIONS OF VERACITY. Frank Dortnan and Tboiaaa Walab, tba l' mo man who worn arrested in Vim mnm on ?u4i;t alter a bard light, by Officer Tbwmaa Daly and ton ?> oi bia eollaagnaa, of tba Kigbth product, ware arr ttgaed in tba Jefferson Market Court yoaiorday bol< we J udge Murray. Tboro was proaont a largo crowd o< tutor caiad spectators, Joclnding Captain McDooncdi and Dorinan'a ?w> rai of bia officer*. Dorman'a (boa waa car mounted bv a deep gasb running corona tbe right tampie, and a couple ol ugly brntaoa ma rkod Ct Uicr cheek, while Weisb bora evidence* on I iia aca^P of having roceived hard u*nge. Ulllcer Daly laid lie nod attempted 10 arrvat Dorntun lor drnnfeanooaa and c'lt ordariy conduct, when tba latter turaeu upon bant, and, wub Welsh's aiaiatance, wrauci od tlto oiub Irnoi lna band. Tba crowd than shouted, "Oi vc u tn hi in f and no waa thrown dowu and kicked aooiu tbe about derc, out managed to gut upon ma laet mid duacbargo bia reVolvur to aouimon a?aiataoce. Dcmauut me beginning oi the Iray bad drawn a knsfe upon hun, and it waa tbat wbicb cauaed bim to aarike tba fl.vl blow. Ilriore any further examination waa made Captain McDonnell said be dacirad lo quoatlon the prmou.f about Hie charges lie made relative to being clubnod In bia coll. Upon wuicb Doruiao at onoo broke out with a flit declaration that bo bad been knocked down outetdc hie cell and clubbed about tbe head and Humidors Ha then opened lna cmrt and exposed to view a number ol black and blue strtpea. Tnen tbe Cupta>n and lb# doormen and otber offi cer* teatiDed in at they bad scarcely loot atglu ol tbe pricoiidr aud ma cCptura; tbat tba former nad begun tbe affray end lougnt along tba ? tract aa lar as tbe station bouse door, and tbat Patrolman Daly bad out exceeded lila doty a whii. l'ban aame tbe witueee*a lor ibe defence, and the; at ouce tail to uanyuig everything Ibe officera bad said, rbe nflicarx, bow aver, repealed Ibelr atory without deviation Iroin tbe original variinu, and aa soma uf tba oibor witn??*ea con trad luted tbamaolvaa aovaral limes tbe Court cob oluued there wag probable tan*a to bote Uto two pris oners. THE BANKERS' EXCURSION. MLW YOLK BANEEBb AMD IB LIB RECEPTION AT ATLANTIC CITT?THE BBOAD AND MAR BOW GAUGE FEUD ? THE ATTRACTIONS AND DISCOXFOET8 OF THIS CITT BT THE SEA. Atlantic Citt, J una 17, 18T8. Mow that tho excursion of Maw York bank presi deuis la over sad ibe gentlemen Uuvt returned to tbeir respective piles ol greenbacks It la generally asked, Wbat was tba object of this financial gather, log t The object of the bankers was to "have a good time" and ttiut of tbe railroad companies was as much newspaper glory as possible ana an empbatie ?indication ol the broad gauge principle. As tbe party was speeding on to Allautio City Mr. Merrick, a director of the broad gauge road Iron Philadelphia to AlUntleCty, pointed at tbe track of tbe ileal lino oloae by, and, witb withering acorn, he exclaimed, ?'There's our rival line?it lau't worth a row of beans!" This was tbe drst indica tion of tbe deadly tend prevailing between tbe two roads and wbicb threatens to aasume the despenute proportions ol the meinoruble conflict between the Eataoswiil Gcuetie aud tbe EaWnswill In dependent in tbe "Pickwick Pupers." Ex-Mayor Wick bum, to whom Mr. Merrick's exclamation was ad dressed, looked blank and pernapa a irifle Incredu lous. lie did not appreciate the importance of tbe bitter war waged by tbe two rouds and of tbe f'soi that the wbola town of Atlautlo City (population 3,000) is aflame on tbe subject of the contest between the broad guuuo and the narrow gauge?a contest wbicb, to judge flrom mo Intensity to wbicb popular senti ment uas been worked up, must have dated from too fall of man at tbe very least. "Why," exclaimed Mr. Morriok, contemptuously, ??they only bave got forty pounds ol steel rail to the yard, while we have got sixty," and at tbs latter figure tiki eyes dashed with pride. nilOAP UAl'UK OK NAKKOW OAUOK. Tbe emire excursion purty were thoroughly Imbued with thai superiority of the broad gauge principle be fore tbey reached Atlautlo City. 1'hey mentally shouted, as it wero, "Hurrah lor tho broad gauge I" Tbe feud between the two roids, it appears, arose Irom a quarrel In the management. Home of the direc tors in the old road?the broad guugo?-got dissatisfied aud started the rival hue more out ol spite ibau lu the bops ol maktug money, aud the cousequouce is that while the traius ol ttio two roads, running along side each other during a good portion of the way, are racing huru and last, lares are lower than ever and neither of the eompanios Is payiug dividenus for tbe present. But ibis exouiug bankers' excursion was to tie marked by disturbing feuds throughout its progress. Aud, arrived in Atlantic Cuy, the question w?ts, Wbsre should tboy stop?at Congress Hull or at the Brighton V Both bouses hau made some preiw.raiions. The Brighton people claimed tuut they would culertaiu the wealthy excursiouists iree ol charge, while the Congress Hail proprietor would only chs/.'ge them $6 u head. It snouid he reiuum hered lb? t this was a "complimentary excursion," lu which Uie excursionists puld lor uvoryuiiiig except mere r? ilrosu transportation. Well, tho Congress Hull pes.pic captured iho excursion iroin lis greater Size us a caravansary and toe Juvor ol the railroad couipa/uy, aud consequently tbcro wan gnaahlug of teeth ut the Brighton. DOiMU TliK HOXSKBKS. Not/ cuuio the third exciting leud. Who was to rc ceivo litem 1 Colonel l'oy loti hud requested tho Mayor and < ;auimou Council 10 do the lumnuurt, but tbo road wouldn't have it. The company hud had a quarrel wile, the cay authorities about uu avouue which they bud apiifourlatod, aud the directors oi tue roud hid loPoiddeD the town dignitaries to come near the ex? jursiouists, aud thus the Mayor oi Allauuo City he a to suppress his elfi-rvesciuy. oratory; the cx.ur an iiiisia Uido't receive the valuable privilege ol ihe **ireeuotn oi AUuiuic City," which the common Coun cil bad voted theui, uiu, instead oi listeuiug to a sueecb ol welcome by u mayor, they had to eon lent theuibolvea with an Atlaulic City doctor as the orator, liut, according to Colouel i'eyiou, even groater evils catue iroui tuis uutoward conflict, tor had uia pro gramme boon carried out, lie suys, the hacks aud yachts would have been tree; there would have been ah lllamllialiou, aud tbo visitors would have been spared luat luhospilable viaitutiou?hotel bills. Uul Mr. Lucas, the ex-presldeut of the road luterlered aud by snatching the luilliounaire excursionists away from the municipal authorities aud appropriating them ex clusively lor the benefit oi toe roud, wreaked hie revenge upon the squashed and blighlod Mayor una Commuu Council. And thus, instead oi riding iree in carrlugcs, those sixty-iuur distin guished New York buukere, wuo did uot care to pay lor their own oouveyaucos, were carted about lu the opeu street curs oi Atlautic City, wuich are drawn by mules. Mr. Lucas, au Kugiiaumuu, by tho way, made a remarkable speech, demoustretiug the tonic edecta oi the AAiaotlo City air iroui the striking laot that he hud thirteen blooming children, and no promised all the New York visitors an equally flourish ing progeny If they would only inhoJe siilticieuiiy the breezes ol that Brighton oi America?Aiisniic City. TUS CO.SKY IShASD Of I'lllLAOKUMII A. Del leaving Uie cxoursiouiats, iho broad aud narrow gauge aud the leud uetweeu the victorious railroad aud the snubbed muuicipility to their isle, a lew words about Atlantic City may be lutoresting In coo u.cliou with this cxcursiuu ol disuuguislied New York bank president* Atiauiic City is situated lu A use com May, on the Jersey coast, about sixty miles southeast Iroui Phila delphia. As it takes the Pblladeiphlun only an hour and a hail to ruu down to Atiuuuc cny, it is to 1'hUadelpiiia what Corn y laland would bo to New York 11. 10 addition to its hotel accommodation!- lor the masses. It bad also about eiabt hundred cottages lor quiet, unosiuotalious bomelil'e. At uue time it was ouly irequeuteu by the rougher element el Philadel phia, aud the visitors came in huge popular excur sions. The ruilruad built some mouster "ex cursion houses,'' with vast dancing balls, Jta, sua this rather "last" feature ol the place is still pre served at Its lower end. At tho upper sou, however, there is qulto a dillorout seaside 11la. There are u number ol hotels ircqueuied by the bettor classes ol Philadelphia aud liatilmore, anu there are al?o hearty eight hundred cottages occupied by genteel i am tlies ol modest means by the season. Qm-o a nice Irume cot luge, with lrom eight to leu rooms, may he bought lor i?'g,uou to $*i,uub. hor fu.ubb quite a naud aoino, well flulshed summer residence may be secured. Atlantio City is a place where hviug is comparatively cheap There la no extravugsaue in dress. There are very lew hops or balls; sua It is, there lore, well sdspleu lor qaiei people ol small pockets. The rluber aud more showy classes ol Phlladolpbia ??society'" generally preler Caps May, wbiob is equally accessible to them; ysl there le one hotel ih Atiuutio City much Irequiuted by lasbiuuuhle lamilics lrom New York aud Philadelphia?usmely, the Bri.hlou? which baa alreudy entertained 8amuel 0. ilubcock, Mrs. Charles A. Dana aud Miaa Dnua, Hubert L. Cuitiug and family, aud mauy other well knowa New Yorkers, Witnui the past month or two. Tho poor hotels nl At Pihnc Cuy hsve very much rciardod us growth, liven now the Congress llall, where tho brokers stopped, has messy, badly cooked loud, hard beds, no gas lu tho rooms slid no bells. The Brighton makes lis own Ssa?a uew lesture very much appreciated by those who uavu beeu compelled to sen by the wrutebud oaudlehgbi in ihe uiber hosteirlvs. sajitakt asp otiikk attkactioxs. Atlantic City difli rs iu ouu impoitao- point lrom other seaside resorts, namely, that it is.ircquoutcd in winter ss wed as in summer. Tho Urightou is opeu all the year round and physicians lrom Puiladelphia send a good many patients allliuled Willi lung diseases and nervous prostraliou to Atlantis city. Kveu lrom Nsw York quite a Dumber ol luvallds have been to Ihe place during March, April and May. The air in Atlau lic City sreius to ha Vo s splendid louic elleok The Atiauuo Cny people claim that tho almuspberu is dryer ihsu lu Cape May er oiuer places aud that It Is more invigorating than at any other seaside resort iu the oouuirv. Perhaps ibesu claims arc extravagant, but it is cert-tin that oven alter one day's stay most oi the New York bankers looked brighter and iresher. Kor tithes helore we corns lu Atlautic Cuy wu cau already tubals lii wouuerlully invigorating brecios. The place, however, ues UtUe to eomiueud It but the see, with Its uunooniiluais el bsthiug, ol sailing, which Is very goon; tUhiug, which is uaiy fair and lis uiorioiis air. iieioi vuiy much snrroeuded by tbu water ol the llilel the laud uaca ol ins town It au arid waste, there are uo line drives, eioept that along the beach, and there is uoae ol ihu dellgutlul larmiug sou any iu the immediate uetghhorli-ed which makes driving out ol Long tirauon er Newport so attr?c-ive. The plan it walk extenuing eu the beech lor a mile ? ad a bail 1a lite great promenade summer eeeumgs, wbeo it ta iilarally buck witb people. lue streets lu Atlantic City are all "avenues. ?' ihose runuiug ibe leugtb ol lb# Iowa ure named alter oceaur. Tuere la a I'acillc avenac, Atiautie avenue, Arilic avenue, Halite uveuuo aud UrUuiai aitbeugu II would puaaia ii?d lb# beat Atlantic City geugrapbur io|>o.nt oni an "Orieotal" ooa.iu. I ua croa# Htreeta are alio called avenuea, aud are named alter tbe various staua Kentucky coute? alter New York, and Micbi gau immediately precede* Arkansas. iue eurl en me Atlantic City beach w eery ligin, aud tbore la uooe ui tbe danger lu bathing mat prevails at Long Branch. rim LiuHTuouaR, One ol tbe great attritions a tbe Abtoeom Ilgbt bouau, ol Wbicli Major Wold ta tbe keeper. It latuelbird lu Uie country la tue beigbl ol tbe atruclurr, and tbe TleW irobi It I# superb. Tbe Major's wiln i# him asaisi aui, receiving the government aalary ol $400 per year. ?be reliuvea tier bdibaud every tbree or lour boura in wutcnlug tbe llgbt, uud olteb givo* bun an ektra bour'e aleep wbeu It la bia turu to uiuant the dome. Ibe signal station, wlticb ta an uuusnaliy coin plot* one, it ulao an object oi internet. Ibe now diversion this aniumor will be tboeKatiug riuk opeueU last week, vvbion will give tbe visitors an opportunity lu ludulge Ui Ibe dellglillul paetiuieol roller sketlog. Now tbat , lie Now York banker# have lelt tbe lowu bus p Vttiupily subsided into ita usual quiet, and tne bolele at v analu pretty empty. I'ue season proper does nut aet sJu lolly beiore tbe lat ol July. TBI BETVKH TBIP TO MBV YORK. TL * rBlurn trip ol the bankers to Now York yester day morntog was aoonmpllabed in Ibraa boure aud a Bail, Uie average speed of tbe special trains wbicli coov. tpod ttiena being nearly fifty iniiea per bour. A sped 4 train el tbe Camden and Atlantic (tarled from Atieoi e* City at ball peel seven and brongbl lb cm io Caiudt at by nine o'clock, and tba fonoaylvaoia Kail. war la a quick ran of aa hoar and flfly-Bra aaIonian to Sew York. Ou lha way naiaaroua elaborate com plimentary resolutions ami speeches warn eycLauged between lha railway olttciule, who bail grunted Iran transportation, and lha bankers, who had accepted it. BAILKOAD TJiOUBLES. appkxhimsionb fob thb ?r. locu. alto* AMP T1KBR HAUTK BOAD. Ton pears ago lha St. Lou la, Alton and Torra Hauta Railroad wan loused on a niuMy-ntue yair lo tbo Indianapolis and 81. Louts Railroad. Tbo condlilona wuro that lha laaaee aboulil pay iblriy par oaol ol lha groaa aaruiuca up 10 $2,0X1,000, bat in no ooa year should the nal rantal be less ihau $450,000 la ordar to guarantee this net rental ol $450,000 three roucli a me red Into a coulruct to ba guarantors. These roada were the Imnauapoiia, Cmciunutl and Lafayette; tbo Plttaburg, Port Wayuo and Cbieago, and the Clare land, Columbus, Cincinnati aud Indianapolis. Hardly had the contract bean contaminated than the Indian' spoils, Cincinnati and Lalayetls withdraw irom It, and during the last nine.v ears every deficiency between the net earnings of tbe road received has bcou wade upbyibe Pittsburg, Fort Wayne end Chicago, and tbe Cleveland, Columbus, Ciuciunati aud ludienupolis railroads; that is lo say, lusiead ol taking oue-lblrd apiece, tney hare been taking oue-Uu!f each, i'ho net earnings have been gradually decreasing lor the Inst three or lour yours, sud by the report ol 1870, tbere was s deliciency to bo wade up ot $241,000, the net earnings to the iiiuniuapolte nod St. Louis Railroad being only $209,000. Last year matters were still worse, aud although no Ogures could ho obtained, it is stuted that the doilcicucy lo be made up lor tbat lime will amount to $300,000. It has been customary to make up tills dellciency by the guarantors giving notes to the St. Louis, Atluu and Torre Haute Ruilroad. 1 hese notes for buck deficiencies were given every three months until tho last two yearn, since which lima they have been given every two months. will ray go souk. Two notes (lor what umouui me officials doclinelo Stale) will fall due on July 3, and ihe makers (the guarantors) bavo given nouooio tbo St. Luuis, Alton una Torre Haute Hatlroua that they will not pay them unices tbo terms ol the contract are modi fied. It is uot exactly aluled ?bat terms these roads woulu be willing to lake, hut it is conjectured by tbo authorities here mat tbey would .<e satisfied to revise the ieaso ou a bisis ol $300,000 annual rental, and drop out the ludi.'inapoi.a, Ciuciuuali aud Lafayette Railroad, Which aia supposed lo have lakcu ouc thlrd ol ihu responsibility. The ellleiuls ol the St. Louis, Alton and Terro liaute suy that unless uu suiicubiu selllement Ouii be wade they propose to test tho m ilter ih tho courts. All parties are thus ur lncodiy, nut no offers of com promise nave yet Uceu put lorwara. SOT SONSY JlNOUUH II this case was biougut Lo u auit, and the courts should decide tuul $300,U00 Is all tue rental tuoso roads are obliged lo oay, mere would hot, it L suid, accordiug to the subjoined tuhlu, he sufficient money in tbo bauds ol the St. Louis, Allou aud 1'erre Haute Road lo pay the intorest ou tue income bonds. The uuuual charges ou ihe 61. Louis, AUou aud Terre Haute Urst mortgage bouds amouut to $154,000 Ou ihe sinking lunJ 25.000 On the second mortgage oo.ids 198,000 On the incomo bouds lib,wo On the equipment bouds 30,000 Total $624,000 Their income has been $450,000 received as reutml Iroiu the tuaiu Hue. Resides tuts they uwu tue Uollo vllle hruuoh, whiou tbey operate iheinselvos, and have also leased Ihe Relleville aud houtheru Illinois. The net receipts ol ihe reads is $130,000. Tuts makes tbe lull receipts $530,000. The tlxed charges being only $524,000, u balsuce exists ol $60,000 in furor ol the roan. Last year tboy hud some construction calls to pay and the actual bululico was $47,000. II tue unuual rental is reduced to $300,000 tbe road, it is claimed, cannot pay inoro ttiau the interest ou tne second mortgage bonds. lu view al the above mots tbe income bonds lell down yesterday to iony-Uve (a heavy decline) and the atooud mortgage bouds declined two per cent. CONSOLING TO HONUIIOLUKKS. It was also rumored ihrougn tne Third National Rank that haniuel J Tildeu aud tbe estate ol Hubert liayurd, lute prcsideut ol ihe hi. Louis, Alton aud Terro Huuiu Railroad, were selling very heavily. William Hay arc Lulling, woo is now presideut, was yesterday consoling the second morigagc bonJbo.ders and aesuriug thorn that While the prtoe ol their bonds may be ullueied in tbe market H tbe rental is re duced to $300,U00, still it will not nurt ibuin, bat the lo.s will lull on the holders ot tbe lucotne and equip ment bonds. RETJEEML.NT OF A PRESIDENT. llr. Audrow H. Culver, President of the Prospect Park and Coney Island Railroad Company, is about to retire Irorn tust poaitioii, and oilers liia ounlroliiug in terest in the road lor vale at uuoiic auction in this city 011 the With iuse Mr. Culver says ihu ho retires purely iroiu personal reasons, his health being broken. THE WEST END HALLWAY. Chancellor Runyon yesterday heard argnmont at his Chambers in Newark In the mutter ot the Injunc tion rueontly obtained by the Long firancn Corpora tion Commissioners against tbo West Knd Railway Company, prohibiting the company Irom carrying their line through Second struct ol that place. Howell 3. J ones and others appeared tor the railroad cmnpauy, anu ux Attorney Uuuorai Vanultu and Mr. Vroaenborg, oi Monmouth couuty, lor tue commissi on ers. The argumoul was not coooiuded and the Chan cellor directed that a lurihor hearing in the case he had on Thursday nest. He also ordered a modllica tion ol the injunction, so thut In the meuiiume the company might go ou and condemn land and acquire title thereto at theirowu porn. ANOTHEit PUBLIC MABKET. WHAT THE CITX MAX DO WITH THE "JOUT UASHLVi ORT PROPERTY"?A HEAVY CLAIM COMPltoMlHED. A petition una been presented to the Board ol Alder mon Irom a number ol property owuere end resldeota ol the Ninth, Fifteenth and Mixtoentb wards request ing thut tbe ground bounded by Oansovoort, Little West'Twelfth, Washington and West street*, known as part ol tna '-Port Oansovoort property," he set apart as a depot for larmers' wagons lor lbs sale ol garden produce by market gardeners. The petition atutee that "tbe market gardeners have at preseut no Oxed or permanent aland and their locations are oou liuually ohsuging, to Uio grout dotriiiiehl ol their busi ness." It la couteoded that this plaoe would prove an eligible site lor such a market, no revenue being derived from tbe property by the oily at preaem, aud that "the narrow, orowdoi streets In tba lower part ol tbe oily will be greatly relieved, ae under the present system ol stationing tnete wagons lo tna viuin'ty ol tbu margots traffic sod travel in mo lower part ol the metropolis are greeny obstructed. " A CITY CLAIM AK1I ITS IMBTOUT. According to records on Die In tbo Finance Depart ment the following is a history 01 u certain claim by tbe city growing out ol a lease gieea for those prem ises:? In HMJtt the city leased the properly lo tbo Bleockor Struct uud Fulton Ferrr Railroad Company (or s term ol dlteeo year a at $6 030 por annum aud taxes. I he coinpsoy lulled iu IN7I, uud weul into the bund* ol a receiver, wbo leaaou the road lo the 1'weniy-tbird Stiecl Railroad Company at u rental of one and a naif per cent ou $900,000 ol nock held by the stockholders or $18,500 a year. At tho lime 01 the failure tho com pany owed me city 175,000 lor rent and laxve, und tbe city alao bad u adit pending lor six years' car liceu, amounting to $17,600. The company ulalined otleeta to the am um ol over $75,000 lor damages sustained lu relaying tracks on Klevoutli avenue, occasioned by tbe city bui.dlug a aower uud lor value ol buildings eractod ou tbo property by tbe company. Aa Oder was recently made by tun Twenty-third tttraoi Ituilrou.l Company to usnoel the lease runmug until lMol, givu up the property and pay $17,600 a* a compromise ol the city's claims against tue ttleesktr street Railroad. Ihe Corporation Counsel advised Comptroller Kelly that tba twenty-third Street Hall road Company was uol liable lor aoy debts of the Bloecker Sir. at Railroad, aud that, in tba event ol a judgment being obtained by tba eily, It oould only be collected Irom the pereeotago paid by tbe Twenty-third .street Kultroad Company under tbe lease to the atookbohtere ol tna Ulcecker street road. A reoeiver would Ural have to be appointed, aud evaa than there ratgbt be practlaal difficulties in the way ol oolieetlag tho Judgment. Comptroller Kelly, tnerelore, ou the 12th met. accepted me offer ntaue by the Twooty-ibird street company as the neat way to aattla a lentous law suit aau gut immediate possession ol the property, Irnm winch s large r-ve nue can be derived to tbe city by apply tug it to market FEKICY FRANCHISES. A strong sffort Is bslng made by tbs Union Ferry Company to npsst tbs deoree recently grsniod by Judge Vsu Vorst sotting aside as noli and sold tbe tan rears' lease. Iron December 3, 1870, by ilia Corauns stoners ol too biuktug Fund to tbs city ol tbs various ferry franchise* under iba control ol tbs lorry com pany. A motion was made yesterday belore Judge Van Vorst, on behalf of lbs lorry company, to have tbo oase reopened on the ol newly (Uncovered evidence. In support of tbe motion an tiflldaVtl wis submitted by Mr. bbarles K. Miller salting lortb that at tbs time of tne graining ol the lease tbe debt ol tbo city amounted to $31,036,704 60, and tbe redemption fund to $17,083,460 ol, aud that in Meroh, When the aoliou em brought, tbe amount ol the city debt was $31,043,604 36, and redampllon luud $38,107,061 30. I ue Whole matter was summed up in tne general allegation that at tbo time el the trial tbo amount ol tbe city debt was about $30.01X1,000 and Iba redemption tuod some $oo.0uo,uoa, It was claiiuud that tbsee lasts were unknown at the time ol the trial and are important wban taken in oonneotion wltb the grounds upen which tbo doolalon ol tbo Court was based. tteorgo ilcknor Curtis claimed, on bobalt ot tbo oily, tbat those faote wore immaterial and tnat tbey novo bceu easily obtained beloro the trial by apeciton ol tbs records in the Comptroller's office. Judge Van Torsi took tbe papers, reserving bis de* ?MMi THE DOGS DOOMED. Opening of the Pound and the Catchers' Season. "LULU VAS HIS NAME." Pathetic Appeal of a German Woman to the Keeper. Tha Dog Pound, at Uta foot of Sixteenth (treat, East River, was Informally opened yesterday morning for the seasoa, and up to the bour of closing, at two In tli* alteruoon, received three unfortunate victims at tbe bauds of two small boys and a man. Tbe two small boys received toirty cents eacb, and started off lor a formidable spree ou peanuts, cranberry pie and Croton; but me man volunteered biadog gratuitously, as It was tblrteou years old, nearly stone blind, good for nothing and lie was glad to be rid of It He hoped it would be effectually drowned and never be a burden to blm any more. "They are three kl yi's and ain't worth shucks," said John Mao Mabon, tho keeper of the pouud. "This oue bore," be continued, pointing to tbe largest, whtob wus block and eadaverous, "is a tramp; the other there," Indi cating a little scrnbby, frightened specimen, "tries to look like a Scotch terrier, and the third is s rcgulur ki-yi that snooks around asti barrels and has no kind of deceuey or sell-respect." I.OOKI.NG VOIt HKK LULU. While tbe keeper was talking au old German woman entered end asked K her dug was found yet "Why, this Is five times you have been here to-day," said the keeper, with a look ot astouUbmcut. ' Yaw," replied the old woman, "end I'll cum vivty tlfo dimes till I Dud iny dog," ' Wnat kind ol an annual was he, madam?" askod a bystander. "Sne vss a nice little do;r, snust so high," measur ing Willi her burnt a height ol ten Inches lrom (he ground, "ills uume vas Lulu nut a locket on bis nock and all white mil a lew red hairs between bis eyes. He weigh two pounds voo ounce and vas made a breaent to me vou year ago sbust nex Moo Yoar's JJay." "It was a ls<ly dog?" "No, she vss s man dog, and Lulu was his name. No mau can come in do house hut Luiu btio him in do leg nut his calf. Ocli f (with a Deary sigh), dul dog Isb wort |60 and I not Hod blm any mere." She gave her name ca Miss Weber, and having been permitted to look at tbe lust arrival since her prev ious visits in the morning she departed with a trou bled oouutenance, bat vowing to come again "viity dimes." waar tub dogs will boom kxow. "Tbe dogs'll soon know this pound is open," re marked MacMahon; "the boys'll let 'em Know. They cau tell when they're beln' fetohed here. You ought to see'em weak*u, just like that (dropping bla arms and logs as If limp as a towal), wheu they got inside this shaniy. They Jest cau toll like humans that aomatbln' bad's agoiu' to happen, and tbey shiver ! like a fellow with tbe chills." A man with a strong German accent and a blgb color In his luea came to inquire about a dog he lost a wook ago. MacMahon was explaining that even If a parson idea tilled end claimed b.s due he would bare to pay $3 poundago beiore be could take bin) away. The German lloie ed end grew indignant. "Vus id du you miuu t" bo cried. "1 pay* license for iny dog und gome mans come and deal* do muzzle ell biiu and brtngu bim bare, and 1 eaye 11 1 eeea my dog I pay* uotblu' lor biin no more." "Kl you bad your dog bere aud don't pay $3 lor-blm be gooa into tbat cage,'' said Mac, pointing sternly to tbe latai black trap lying in tbe anile uwalUng tin prey oi dog fle?b. "Veil, bow dn debll am I to ketcb tbn vallab vot steal* my broborty and lore Ue muzzle oil my dog'* bus*? Dot's ?ot I vaut to Know aud dot's vote do inaddor mlt bebnetder," ezcitodly returned tbo otbor. "Well, look and soe of your purp Is bero and dou't ?blu eo mueb," tartly answered tbo koeper. "No, do dog be don't be nnvwuores bere, because II he va* he'd besr me and I'd bear mm," and tbe die couaolate dog eoekur weut uwav disguutod. TUK KOHLS UAND OF IHKi CATCI1KBS. Fifteen dog oatcbcre were sworu In oeioro tbo Mayor yosterday, aud received tbeir ebieldn ol German sil ver, price |1 30, marked In tbe middle witb a dog's bead and around tbe margin tbe words "l>og Cuicbar," along witb tbo number ot tbe dleiriot to wmcb eaeb is assigned. Tbey only entered ou tneir Unites at iha tune tne puuud was closed, so tbat no respectably uumereus delegation ol dogs eoulj possibly be ex pooled yesterday. the dog oaicbers are appointed by ibo Mayor ou tbe recommendation oi Individual Al dermen, and are supposed to be yoang men tbat "run win da manbeen." ?They are all new men except three tble year," said MeoMaiioo. "Most ol tbe leilowa last your were a ?dog gone' set ol thieves, and stole dogs right aud Isit, muzsicd or not." "Mow did tbey make out?" "Well, 1 paid one of them $400 lor nlnvao weeks' dog cuicbiug. You see it ain't like old times, wboa anybody could bring a dug and got paid lor uim. No body gets paia now but lbs regularly appointed dog catchers, and oucU ol these has bis wngon end goes scourlag around unitl be Oils It up. An uveruge lend is buy dago, wblcb at thirty oeuteaaesd makes $16, and that is a day's work. Tne biggost loads wise Irom up iowu, wnere dogs are uot as well watcbeu as tb?y down town, i ben little boys sloal uogs and de liver tbem at night to tbe calabers lor live or tea cents s piece, and llisn tuny msso a good probt on tbn Job.'* WIIOLSSALS DOO DROWSl.NU. "W hot was tue largest nnuber you evor drowned In n day ?" "?e drowned ona day last yaar T61 dogs Wn druwa tbem twice a week, giviog loriy-elgbt hours lor bla lile to each dog irotn tne time be oumcs in, ex cept when wo gel over crowded, aod then 1 select suob played" out ki-yis sa 1 know ami worth a cent ana tbat nobody will oall lor, aud Just chuck 'cm into lb#cage and Uave uoue with 'am." sasTcn of tuk i-ocxd. tbe pound le at tue extreme iud ol tbn ? treat, nt tbo norm side end wtlbin u lew icet ol tbe rivor. It in a solid Iramo building put up expressly lor tin pres ent use* and opened lor tbe drat time July 3 ol last year. It is about Q!iy loot long aod thirty wide, with peus to accouimodule nearly twu hundred dogs, ranged in lour rows down iha boor, home ol lbe*e peus are Urgor iban the rest una intended lor tbo ac commodation ol any unlortuuale r.uuiue ot suparior blood aud dimensions, snob as a uiueltfl, bull dog or New louudlauu ol cuaracter; out ibe great majority are lor Uiougrels, ki-yis aud cuis ol low degree, lu the can iro ol tbe nisle la a huge Iron c.igs three feet wide end high uud ten loot long, there is u alining door iu the top through wlitca tbe doga doomed to exocutiou by luiuiereiou are thrust in, nod wbeu sixty or seventy are got together in the .t is wbeelud out ou ibe dock, luted by a strong clia.n sitacbeu toe derrick and slung out over the river, loiowbicb it Is at once dumped and allowed to reuiaio uudor tne surlace lor sevea or eight miuuioa, at tba expiration ot wulcb lime every dog iu tne cage lias surely bad nis day. Tbuo tbo maa* ol drowned and dripping bow-wows is bunlcd up und trauslcrrcd to White, the contractor tor tbo city's offal. Tbe koeper bus a spaelou* ulUoo witbio the bunding and adjacent to tuo camuu prison, and bare In tbe season be is Kept busy Iroui elgut in the niuruiug till two iu lbs alterDuou receiving ounaigumente 01 city curs aod acsweriug irum owners of lost oues. Alter ibe pound Is oloeed tbe lumstoa are treated to a maul ol eitbar most or cracker^ given to thorn in tin dlsbe*. neua in oknsbal. Two mini* are g.veo tbeta dm lug their inoarccra tiou, Ju?i enough to kmp tbim iroui eating away tin woodwoih around them. ll abouid be staled that to case a luau wbo Iim a Iicoum for bta dog lo*ea it and tluda U in tbe pound tio can reoover it without being eompanad to Day fa by going beiore Mr. Hardy In iiio Maynr'a office aud making an affidavit tb?t the dog la bla and abow ing tua Uceu.e ntioald a dug t>? r??Uv a good speci men, and tbr keeper proleaaea to be a Judge, be la not summarily hurried away te eieoutioo alter the la pee el lorty-eigbi boors, but la frequently taken tenner care of lor aa long a period aa a week in hopea o( And lug tne owner or ol diapoaing ol blm 10 aome dog lauclar. Aa bikli aa |lu uavo olteoiinica beau glv, n for tikaly lookiug oae?,aud the money la preeeutvd 10 go io tbe olty. Two policauan art ou duty throughout tha uay and ona at night. II la a sorrow inl duty lor tne polioo, who ere ao teauerly aitacbid to dogi, au uiiaeumeut fuliy reciprocated by tbe dogs themselves. It is a common tbiog to obnervs a string of stray and boueelaes doga at tne beam ol a patrolman ua no walk* bis beat in tbe late and louely watcbea el lUa night wub tbeae and Hie twinkling alara for Ul* only company. A dog rkulaing in a doorway will eome iriikly out when lie tatcuo* audit ol tbe iriendly form ol tbo pelieemaa, aua uo old maid ever loved her tabby more tbaa he doei tbeae forlorn four-leggod tr.imps. 1 be rounds man alio baa his dog following, but be won't allow tbe patrolman te bare bit ao. Wnan the lormer terna the corner ol a nlgbi to see that the other la doing his dutv tbera la fraquanily a acena, and tbo doga take ?Idea with wonderlul correctness ol mail act. Bet oo w that tbo uog catchers are abroadacounng the city ulgbt and morulug, and bound 10 bnva tbeir doga or pertab, bow will the poor patrolman leal with tbeir dumb but fbitblnl sompamuna ol tbe dark and draery ulgbte tbreauoed wub destruction T Tbe dog catchers must be wntchcd closely, aud tbe law requirei that they must wear thalr shields con spicuously la iront; otborwlae no dug is ma. Knob license iur a dog la |4 and Ion tenia lor hie badge, and 11 Uie dog be not muiiied be oannot be allowed to rnn tbreugb the aireeia, Major Hart and assistants, of the permit bureau, at tha Olty Hall, were busily angagad yesterday lu isaa lag dog ilceuaaa. At tba olosiug ol tbe offloe 41 neV licenses bad been created and U4 renewal#. Among tbeae are 49 ffpits doga r THE EUGENE BRADY CLUB. Tbcie iu qotte a delegation from tbe Kngeue Brady Club lu eourt jrtueriUy. officer Ueuore mlro. duced tbom m ttagene Brady, Cbrle Piuakett, Judaa Cobon, Joaopb Lively, Jamoa Bennett and Job a O'Brian, lia had bla attention ealiaa to tba rooms of lbs organ nation. al No 12d Waal Forilotb a treat, ho aald, by aoaoda o( boistaroas revelry, mingled wit* ibo abrieka ol a vunu. Tbere ba louud Iba oiub men engaged iu annoying a druokeu woman, while a couple ol female visitors, Kaie Lewis and Km rue caw. rauca by name, were loudly evincing their approbo. tiuu. Tbe officer oallad for aielstauce and arreeled ilia whole party. I o ibo House of tbe Good .Shepherd Judge M urray sent tbe girls, and sueb of tbe Kugens Brady Club as have uot paid a bid has will oouvana al tbe Islam). THE ANNEX DISASTER. Tba Local Board ol 8L#am boat Inspectors has re. oslvad tba atatomenia of Iho pilots of tb* Brooklyn annox boat Juntas A. Stevena and tba John Cooker aonoerntng tba raeanl col ilalou wblch resulted In tba leae ol tho Sto> veur. As Is usual tbe reports are vary ooatra* dlctory. Wnliaui Black, pilot ol tbe Stevens, reports lb..t tbe Coiker ran into und sunk bis boat on Satur. day last, und John Hose, pilot of lbs Cooker, npcrla Ibat tbe Stevens ran tuto bis cralt. Tba reaull ot tba coiiUlon, bo says, wus insignificant, and tbe annex boat proceeded dowu irofn Jewell's dock to Martin's dock, wbsre s second collision occurred with another boat, whicb caused ibe sinking ol tbe Stevens. Black tpoaka ol only one acoident, and tba Inspectors are at a loss to reconcile tba acoouuta. DEATHS. Aikkx.? Od Sabbath morning, Jnua IS, Jamkr Aikex, in iltu 37iu year ol til* uge. Fuuerai Irom the residence of bin parouu, Lie Weal 20ih st., Tuesday, at 12:30 P. M. ? AMACn.? At Part*, oo tbe 18th May, 1878, EsTU.Lt N-. wtl? ol Victor Arnsad aud daughter of tba laM Joseph Boucbuud, ol An* York. rfAKTii ? On Suturday, June 15, Chamlks Bartu, li^ bl* 66ib year. Relative. and Irlauds are Invited to attend tba luuerat, ou I nesday, at two P. M., Irom tbe Duteb Ueiormed Church, Houston street. Brxnbtt. ?On Sunday, June IS, Fraxklyx T. Bm kktt, iii tile 53i year ol bis ?ge. Hul iiv. a mil are ru.peotlullv Invited to at leuu ;lie luuerai, iruin Uis late residence, lrviugton, N. Y., at ball-iiaet two P. M., Tuesday, Juuo 18. Bkknktt.?Ou Munduy, June 17, Ricuauo Seaman Bunnstt, aged 56 years, 10 months aud 28 uuys. Tbe relatives aud frieuda ol tbe luinily are respeou fully invited to ulteud tbe lunerul, irom bis late rest* douce, 128 Uurou at., Greoupolui, UrooKiyn, E. O., tbls day (Tuesday), June 18, at two o'clock P. M. BUK.V8,?Ou Mouaay, June 17, alter a abort lllueoa, Bkiuoet, tbe bsiovea wife ot lnomas Burns, in tbn 30tn yeur ol bcr a?a Tbe relatives aua mends ol tbe family are re*peg? ful'y invited to attend tbo funeral, from ner late r?< deuce. No. 154 Olb St., Jersey City, ou Weeuoaduy, at one P. M , irom tbeuce to Calvary Cemetery, Brbxton.?On .^ut|rday, Juuo 15, Kolamd H. Beix tom, iu bis 31 si year. Kolutives and Irisnds are Invited to attend the funeral services at tbo Abyssinian Baptist CUurcu, 16t! Waverley place, at twelve o'clock Tuosdsy, Juuo 18. IJBimiXA? Ou Sunday, June IS, alter a abort Illness, Chaklss, lbs sou ol Jobn und Ellon Brunlng, aged 0 years. Tue luuerai will take plane Tuesday, June 18, nt two o'clock, I rout 201 Division si. courmi.?Ou Monday, 17tb, Johx a Goopme, in tbo SOtb year ol bis age. Tbe relatives aud Irtsnda aro invited to attend tbe luuerai ut bis late residence, Cooper's Hotel, Ridge wood, I. I., on WoducAday, June 10, at two o'clock P. M. Bush wick Railroad (rapid transit) passes tbn door. Chiab.?Suddenly, on Monday, June 17, Stbpuxia L Duha.nuo. wife ol Cbarlos U Crear, aged 23 years, 5 nrjutbs and 16 duya. Kolatives and iriunds are respectfully Invited to at teud tbe luuerai, irom ber late residence, Nu. 459 West 51st st? on Wednesday, June 10, 1878, at ten o'clock A. M. Curtis ?At Ked Bank, N. J., on Juno 17, 1878, Makuabmt ?., wile oi Henry U. Curtis. Kciuiivca and lriends are invited to attend tbn luneral, on Wednesday, Juue 10, at bab-paat two o'clock P. M., Irom Trinity Cburcb, Bed Bank. Down.?June 17, Nanny, toe beloved daughter ol Micuitei and Haunab Down, aged 3 years, 2 montba and 14 days. Tbe reiativos and IrtoncU ol tba family are Invited to atteod tbe luuerai, at tue residence oi ber parents. No. 23 Barrow sl>, on Wednesday, June 19, at two o'clock P. M. Gallagher.?At 'fhrogg's Neck, Westchester, on Moud?y, June 17, Oharlks Gallagher, aged 50years. Tbe relatives and lriends ure luvaed to atleud tbn luuomi, Irom ois resideuce, Tbrogg's Nock, on Wednes day, Juuo 10, at twelvs o'clook. Hskkick ? At Monroe, N. Y., Juue 15, Axsox Hub kick, ol Patereoo, N. J., sonol tbe late Aosou Herrfck, of New York city, and ono of tbe proprietors ot tbe Paieison Guardian. Funeral services on Tuesday. June 18, at balt-paat three P. M. at 282 Broadway, Patcrsou, N. J. Car riages will meet Erie trains leaving New York at 12 M. and 1:45 P. M. at tbe Patereon depot. Iuterment at Greenwood. Jkknixus.?At Morrisontn, N. Y., June 17, 1878, Bamubl H. jRxaixoa, in tbe 70in year ol bis age. Funeral services at tbe First Congregational Cburcb, 165tb aud 166th sts , on Washington a v.. between Wrduoeduy, Juue 19, at two P. M. Juugb ? Mart Judo*. widow ol Darby Judge, at tbe rosidonce ol berduugbter, Mrs. Sarah Mabau, aged 86. native of Boyle, county ol Roscommon, Ireland. Friends ure invited to attend tbo luneral Tuesday, Juue 18, at two o'clook. Belinoot (Nevada) and Bioomiogton (III.) papers please copy. Ksuok?At Greenpeint, Juno IT, Mary Am, wile Edward Kehoc. Kelauvea und lriends aro respeoUnlly invited to at tend ber luneral. Irom her late residence, No. 811 Ecktord et., on Wednesday afternoon. l.arrsuTu.?In this city. June 16, MnncaiA Euza bkth swift, wileol Ezra N. Leff.rta, aged 32. The relatives sod lriends ol ine lamily aro respect fully invited to attend tbe luneral, irom ber late resi dents, 812 Greenwich street, on Tnesday, nt one O'clOCK. I,kwis.?Ox Saturday evening, Juno 15, Charles O. Lewis, son of Waltor O. and Harriot Lnwia, la bla 331 year. Relative* and Irisude ar* Invited to attend the funeral services at tbe Cburcb of tbe Boly Trinity, corner ol Cilutou and Momague sis.. Brooklyn, on Tuesday, 18tb Inst., at tbreo o'oloek P. M. Friends will please ouiii flowers. Veteran Asoooiatiox, Twhtt-tbiko Reqihext, N G. S. N. Y., Bsooelyh, June 17, 1878.?The mem bers or tnis association are requested to attend tbe luneral of our lale ascoctate Charles O. Lewis, at lb* Cburcb ol the Holy Trmuy, corner of Clinton and Moutague sts., Brooklyn, On Tuosday, tbo 18th Inst., nt three o'clock P. M. C. H. STODDARD, President. Lockwoou.? Monday, Juue 17, 1878, Mary Am, wile of Milioo R. Lock wood, tu bar 28tu year. Rsiutivea aud ir onus are invited to attend the fu neral, from ber late residence, 816 South >i St.. Brooklyn, K. D., on Wednesday, lOto met., et twe o'clock. Loxo. ?On Sunday, June 16, 1878, Thomas a. Loxo, tbe beiovsd son ol douu and Jaue Long, in tbe 13th year el bis age. , I be luuoral will tek* pise* irom his lets residence, 1,402 Uruauway, ou Wednesday, tbe 19tb mat., at ball, past one P. M. . Macry?Hkxry J. MA<Mnr, suddenly, nt the Mew York Hospital. Noiioe ol luuerai In to-morrow's paper. Mausavs.?Sunday evening, June 16, Eubabsts, beloved wile ol Henry Magratb, aged 50 yours, lots ol Caledon, county Tyrone, lrelaod. Frienus aud acquaintances are respentfnily Invited to attend the luuerai, irons ber late resldeoce, 424 Otu av., on tbia day (Tuesday), at two o'clook pr? cisoly. Iuterment Calvary Cemutery. Nksmlaue.?Oo Sunday, June 10, Gkorok W., eon of J. H. H. aud Ebiabetb Meaetaga, aged 17 year* and 23 days. Funeral services at tbe Mouse el hie parents, 406 Weal 44ib si., ou Tuesday, at two o'clock. Pkay ?At ber residence, 835 Brtdgo st., Brooklyn, on Monday morning, June 17, at ten mieutee peel twelvo o'clock, Mrs. Ahxa Prat, widow ol tbo late flsrauul Pray, In ibu 74th year ol ber age. k uneral trom Rt. Jamas' Cathedral, Jay eC, Brook lyn, Woduesduy morning, Juno 10, at bull-past led o'clock. Relatives aud lriends are reepeetliMly la. VltCd. Qpmlmt.? On Sunday, Jan* 10, Mr* A**ib QCMH lbt, daugbior ol Patrick Waiters, county dlito, Iro laud. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to it> tend iba loueral, Irom bar lata reeidenee, 411 Paafl at., ou I uceday, at two o'olouk. Sllgo papora plaaaa copy. Rouwill.?In Brooklyn, Sunday morning, Jane 10, 1878, Khanck* Hall Hoowbul, rallot ot John It ud well, ib tbo T7tb yaar of bar uga Kuiativaa and Irtanda ara rea[tactfully In*1 tad la aU land iba luoaral, Irom bar lata rcatdanca, So. 43 Oi lord at., naar Para av., on Wadnaaday next, at twa o'clock P. M. Roma* ?Suddenly, on Saturday, Juno 13, Sanaa A. ttoPLka, aged 20 yeara, 10 uoutba and 22 days. Funarul from Iba raaldanoa of bar raotbar, Mr* Janet Lulumla, ISO Kaat 04 Ut at., on Tuesday, J una It, at ouo o'clock. Roan ? On Monday, Juna 17, after a lingering U3 naae, jAMKa ltoaa, agaJ hi. Relative* and irieDd* nra Invited to altaod tba funeral, from bla lata raaldanoa, 340 2d ay., kliaabatu, N. J., on Thursday, Juna 20, at tbraa P. M. Train* from loot ol Liberty ai. at 1 ;30 P. M, UvuKkc ?Mouday, Juna 17, Kaa* J., wilaol Charles R. Kybark, and youngest daughter of Uaborah and tba late Curila Marrtti, la bar 34th yaar. Kalatiraa and frtaoda, also inauioari of Ark Lodge. No. 28, 1. O. O P.; Ark Lodge, Nu 1, K. P., ara re apaotiuliy Inyitad to atland bar funarai, Wounesday. Juna 19, at hall-past two P. M.. Irom bar lata real, dauoa, 71 Daan at., Brooklyn, rriaada plaaaa omit Sowar*. st*t*k8.?On Sunday, Juno 10, at Halifax Court Houao, V*. LaiutiTon florwAB, youngtat cbtld of Jobii H. uud buniy Hoffman Slovens, agod 3 years, lutornjcnt at Greenwood. BTuruiLtaoN.?On Saturday, Juna U, JMtea Sua. raattua, in tba OOtb yaar ot bia age. Keiativea and frlauda ara mritad to attond tba fu naral, irom bla lata roaidoaaa, I'laintlald, N. J? o? Tuesday, Juna 18, at alay?n u'aiock, A. M. Winnt.?At Kaat Oranga, on Jona IT, 1378, Aa<i SurnaHLAMD, aidaat daughtor el William li. and Catbe> rioa M. Wane, ?nd granddaugbtor oi Mr a. Snaan P. Leggall, in tbo 10th yaar of bar ago. Funarai eeryloea on Wadnaudap, 10tb loot., at Ibreu o'clock P. M., irom CbrkK Cbureb, ooraor 3to ay. ao<3 33th at.