Newspaper Page Text
M AND COM The Stock Market Fairly Ac tive and. Weak. GOLD STEADY AT 100 3-4. Government Bonds Weak, States Dull and Railroads Irregular. MONEY ON CALL EASY AT 2 A I PER CENT. Wall Snin, 1 If onlay, June IT?OP. M. I Te tbe critical stockjobbing eye it wae erldent tbat the market on Saturday evening bad been ieit on end like Columbus' egg and In a condition oi suob ticxlisb poiae between feebleness and strength that small eflort would be necessary to topple it over to the bull side or tbe bear side, ss tbe interest ot speculators mistat dic tate. It was elear at lbs opening tbis morning tbat tbe bears were to have tbe benefit oi tbe disturbed equilibrium. Lake Shore was employed to lead tbe way to lower prices and Wabash proved a nse/ul wbipper-iu through its earnest struggles to sink down to tbe level of its real value, lo tb'ls way ths Van derbllt property receded to M>% and Wabash to 12J?, setting at tbe same time an example ot woakness wbion impressed tbe wbole market. At tbe point ot 00, large orders appeared lo buy Lake Shore, ap parently lor a purpose not remotely connected with the filling of oertaln -'puts," wblcb a notorious pur veyor of this sort of property is known to have placed upon tbe market nt considerably blgber figures. It is reported tbat tbe shares thus purobassd will be salely boused in Mr. Sage's offlco within tbe next three days Michigan Central, which Is notorious for its pyrotcohdtcel qualities of going off llko a flash when unsupported, or of hoisting tbe bears as with s petard it hen sharply bid for, took tbe fbrmer course to-day and ieil off some two per cent in tbe most lively manner. There was not salt enough even in Mr. Van derbilt's prognostications of its future value to save tl, and it fell a victim to tho same depressing influ ences which are working against Lake Shore aod tbe other trunk roads. There was more quiet In tbe granger quarters, speculation remaining dull, though tbis did not binder a deciiae of a point or so in quota tions. Tbe bulk ot the day's business was confined to Lake Shore, with tbe interest In the rest of tbe mar ket reduced to a minimum and at no time being affected by other than purely speoulatlve motives. orxsisa pricks. The opening prions of stocks at tba Board to-day wora aa follow*:?Maw York Central, 108)4; Brie, 18\; Lake Shore, 01)4; Wabash, 13; Northwostero, 33; do. prrtarred, 76; Koek Island, 118)4; Milwaukee and St. Paul, 61; do. preferred, 78),'; Delaware, Lack awanna and Western, 67; New Jersey Central, 31; Delaware and Hudson Canal, 56)4; Morris and Essex, 83)4; Michigan Central, #8%; Illinois Central, 86)4; Union Pacific, 00)41 Chicago, Bnrltngton and Qulncy, 106)4; Ohio and Mississippi, 8)4; Western Union, 86)4; Pacific Mail, 18)4. CLOSING QUOTATIONS. The closing quotations at three P. M. were:? bid. Asked. bid. Askel. At A Pee Tel.... 2314 2?K Lake 8bore 5?V 59* CbleANW 511, 61)4 Midlines Cent. 07), 07), Cble A N W pref. 74)2 7?X Morris A Eases. 83 HUH Cole. R I A Pae-HW 118)2 Mil A St Paul .. 60)4 5H& Chic. BAU 108 100)Z MU A St Paul pf 78 78) C.O AICT 4)4 4W N V Central ...107 107' C, C.CAI ...? 28 3HW N J Central 30)4 80 Clere A Pitts . 7?V 70)2 N J >outbern... IV 1 Chic A Alton... 78)J 78)2 Ohio A Mi.. ... RV h* Chic A Alton pf. 108 I'jft Pacific Mall ... 18), 18)2 Canton ... 1?)4 18 Pitts A Ft W... 06 Del.LAW ?7S 57)4 tiuiceallver 15 15V Del A Hud Caa. 55)2 55% (juickallrer prof 34 35)4 Adams l a 102)4 lo t St L A I M...... 0)4 7 American E*... 48 48* 8t L, K U A .V . 44, 4* l 8 Express.... 48V 40 At L, K C A N pf 30* 21 V Walls-large Ex O.'C 04 T-4edo W A W. J2), 12,'J Brie 16V 16V Union Pacific... 6HI, 80), Uerlem ? 147 Weat Union Tel. 85V ai* Kansas Pacific. 7 TV HtOmCST AND LOWEST. The following were the highest and lowsst pries a of atoeka 10-day :? Highest. Lowest. Chicago and Northwest 62 61 Chicago and Northwest preferred.... 76),' 74)4 Chicago, Rock Island and Pasific.... 118)4 11744 Chicago, Burlington and Qutney 100)4 100 Clevei'd, Cel., Cm. and Indianapolis. 20 20Jd Cleveland and Pittabnrg 80)4 70*4 Chicago and Alton..'. 79', 73)4 Delaware, Lackawanna und Western. 57)4 67)4 Delaware and Hudson Canal 56;, 66 Erie 16)4 16)4 Hannibal and Bi. Joseph 12)4 12)4 Luke Shore 61)4 69\ Michigan Central.. 09 67 Morris aod Essex. 83)4 83 Milwaukee and Su Paul 61)4 60 Mllwaukae and 81. Paul preferred.... 78)4 78 New York Central 108)4 107)4 New Jersey Central 31 30)4 Ohio and Mississippi 8)4 8)4 Pacific Mall im .4 13 s, Toledo, Wabash and Western 13', 12)4 Western Union Telegraph 80 86)4 THK MORBT kABKirr. Tba Bene/ market workod easily to-day, oall loans being made at 2 a 8 per cent, with the closing rat* at 2)4 a 8 per eeat. The following were the rales of eg. change on New York at tbo nodermectioned cities to day:?Savannah, buying par, selling ), premium; Charleston, easier, offering* light, 3-10 a 1-6 premium ; New Orleans, eommereial 1-16, bank )4 ; St. Louia, 1-10 premium; Chicago, 60 premium, and Boston, par n 12)40. premium. Foreign exchange was quiet at 4.84 V a 4.84)4 for bankers' long and 4 80)4 a 4.80)4 'or de mand sterling. vsa sold mahkkt. Gold Mid u 100\ tboughout the day. The borrow* . log raioo woro 1, )4, 1#, 2 and 3 par cout. TUa Imporia of apocla lor iho paat week were $437,729, principally silver. ?OLD CLBAWNOS AT THE NATIONAL BARK OF THE IITATE OF NEW TORE. Gold belancce $1,314,827 Currener balances 1,828,072 Gold ciearlage 14,929,000 CLXAHINO HONE STATEMENT. Correory exchanges. $73,938,409 Carrtooy balances 3, lft?,038 Gold exchanges lt,822,6?S7 Gold beiaaoe* 1,301,379 OOTKRXMBNT BO NOB. Government bends woro e abed# weaker to-day, bat ilwed more steady, at ibe lollowlag quotations:? Hid. Alked. United ttutoe currency sixes 1'20)< 121 Vaued Stale*aiaee, 18SI, registered., low** loo<4 United dtatee sixes, 1881, ooupoo 100)4 10014 Untied Mates sixes, 1806, new, reg.... 101 19174 Catted mates sixes, 1886, 00 a poo 10474 104 3d Ueited ttiaies stxas, 1867. registered... 104'4 lob), Unites Stale* sixes, 1867, cuapon .... I0774 ion'4 United mates sixes, 1808, reg stereo.. lort?4 lo7 Uaited Slates sixes, 1808, coupon 110)4 HUM United States tan-forties, registered.. lo7>4 107)4 United States tea-fertlea, ooapoo 107)4 107)4 United Mutes area, 1881, registered... loft?, ion United Stales tires, 1881, coupon IW>M loft 74 United ?isles 4)4's, 1891, registered.. Mb' I0314 United 81 atee 4)4'e, 1*91, coupon 103)4 10314 United States loors, 1907, registered.. 100)4 loo>4 United aisiea lours, 1907, coupon..... lot >4 loiv Control PMido gold bonds 108 108 )4 TUE tOKKlUX MAEEIT. Tbo London adrioes reported consols at Ibe opening at MM a 9&M. end at tbo eloao at 9&M a 95b, lor money and 96)4 lor (be account. United States nonde at* a toady and unchanged, except lor 1807'a, wbion declined % per sent. Knn 00m mot. adeanood to 17, tod preferred to 33, but tbo former afterward reacted to 13M- Illinois Central roan to 87M sad closed at 87. New Jersey Oentrui sad Pennsylvania Central ad vanced one percent to 31M and 31), reipeetiTsly. Rending rose to 17M- Tbe Bank ol Koglaad gained 416,000 bullion lo-dny ou bsienoe. Three mouths' bills In the epen market ere discounted et 2 per esut. At Perm rentes rose to 113f. 17c. and reacted to 1121. 90c. and exchange on London wse quoted at 261. 12o. The closing quotations in London were ee follows:?Consols for money, 96M a 96)4; consols lor account, 95)4i new 4)4 par cent boods, 106)4; #?? twenty bonds ol 1867, 100M; ina-lorty bonds, l(4? 14; Ores of 1881, 107M i ?rla oummon shares, 16)4; Krl* preferred shares, 33; New Jersey Central, 81M: Illinois Control, 87. mn bohos. State bonds at tba Board wars aMady, with sales ol Loutoiana sevens, ooasott, North Carouse alxea now and South Carolina ataoa aoa-landsbla. UAiluoao nonos. In railroad beads thorn wan n decline of 6 per sent in Alton end Terrs HanM income end 2 per nant In dm eeeoud preferred. The other obaogta Jersey Central Urate oonsole, \ In New York Central Urate coupon, % la Rock Inland alxea ol 10X7 and >4 la St. l*nol sinking toaoe, C., C. nod I. C. frets and Si. Paul (L and M. division). Titers was a decline ol X par cent la Wabash firsts (St. Louis division ax ma tured coupon), % la South Pacific Railroad firsts, yt In Lake Shore registered firsts and >4 la Hannibal and 8k Joseph eights convertibles. run.aoei.faia stocks. The closing prioes of Philadelphia stacks were i? hid. Ask'd. CIijr sixes, new 113)4 113 United Railroads of New Jersey 123 >4 123)4 Pennsylvania Railroad 29M 2'.< Reading Kailroud 16)4 16)4 Lehigh Valley Railroad... 37?4 3S Caiawissa pratorred 34 34)4 Philadelphia and Uric Railroad 7 1\ Schuylkill Navigation prelerred...... 0 7 Noritieru Ceutral Railroad 14 14)4 LotiLh Navigation 10)4 Pittsburg, Titutville and BuQalo.... 5 &?? Hesionville Kailw ,y..... 7)4 734 Central Transportation 38 38>4 MIXING SHARKS. The following were lbs opening prices of mining stocks at San Pranctsco to-day:?Tip Top, 1)4; Navajo, >4, Gould A Curry, 6)4; Savage. 11; Chellar Potoal, 26; Opbir, 47; Hale k Noroross, T; Crown Point, 5; Yellow Jacket, 8; Uoicber, 4; Virginia Con solidated, 13; California, 10)4; Overman, 13)4; Ray mond und Ely, 3)4; Uest k Belcher, 13)4; Union Con solidated, 5; Alpha, 13; Sierra Nevada, 4; Mexican, 12)4; Eureka Consolidated, 00; Juatloe, 3)4; Utah, 8*. Theoloslog prices in San Francisco were:? Alpha 11)4 Hale A Noroross 7)4 Alts 8 Julia Cousolidatsd... 7)1 Beionsr ?X Justice 3)4 Best A Bsleher 1814 Leopard. 13-32 Bulliou 3)4 Mexican 12)1 Caledonia 1)4 Ophtr 47V California, ex-d 18 Ovarman 13 Choilsr 26 K lymood & Ely 3)4 Cons. Virginia. 13)4 lavage 10)4 Crown Point 5 Sierra Nevada....... 4 Eureka Consolidated. 69)4 Stiver Hill 1.V4 Exchequer 3 >4 Union Consolidated.. 5* Gould A Curry 6)4 Yellow Jacket. 8 Grand Prise. 3)4 MKMOSAR0A. The total antes of stocks at the Board to-day aggre gated 143.300 shares. A despatch from Philadelphia states that a quarterly dividend ol 2)4 por cent was declared on the stock of the United Companies of New Jersey, and will be paid on July 10. Books oloss on the 30th Inst., and re open July 1. Tho receipts and shipments of wheat and corn at Chicago and Mllwuukea to-day wero as follows;? Chicago?Receipts of wheat, 26,181 busbtls; ship, meats, 9,470 do.; reoaipts of corn, 173,040 bnshels; shipments, 167,732 do. Milwaukee?Receipts of wheat, 41,600 bnshels; tbipmeuts, 106,600 do.; receipts ot corn, 2,400 bnahels; shipments, 700 do. Toe gross earnings of the Denver and Rle Grands Railway for the first week, June 1 to 7 Inclusive, Wero $18,606 62. NEW 1'OUK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES. Mokdat, Judo IT, 1878. BBFORK CALL?10 A. M. $3000 H A 8t J 8*,o.. 93ft 41(0 aha Lake Shore.... 60 * 1000 do 0 03+; 3300 do 60* 1000 do ?8 03* 10O do *3 6(??, 5000 Bur, O R * Mat 6*ft 100 Union I'u-lfie . .b3 t?ft 1000 N V Elevated lit HOft 100 N Y 0 A Hud...* d 108ft 35 ?n? Tradesmen*!)* Ilo 30O da 108'. 100 Pacific Mall *3 18ft 7KO Northwestern 53 800 do 18ft 300 do.... 51% 200 Wottern Union.. 80 100 do 51ft 500 do 80 300 da 51ft 100 do 85* 100 da 31*2 1100 do 83ft 2m Northwestern pt.. 75 500 do 85;-, 100 ao b3 75 200 Michigan Central. 08% 3oO da >3 71* 2 *) do 60 200 da 74* 5'"0 do 68>4 100 do a 75* 1W< do 68+4 100 do (3 75 luO da 68 200 Boek Itlaod 118* 100 Brio Hallway 10* 100 do.. 118 V 8 ?1 do IriS 100 do 118 44O0 uo 16*. 3uO 8t Paul 51 1350 do 16* loo do 51ft 2> do 16* 4O0 51 bOO do o3 16+; 100 do 5<i* 200 do 16+; 300 do 50* 1100 do 16 * 100 do 50* 100 do. bid 16+2 40O do 50>? 6'JO do ?3 16* 100 Bt Peal pf o 78* 400 do 16+a 100 N J Oai.tral 31 loo Lake shorn HI ft loO da .........o3 31 200 do 61* 400 Wnbaah 13 6()0 do *3 HiV 3ou do 300 do 61* 500 do 300 do His inxi 00 700 do 61+4 300 da 1600 da 61 100 do 400 do a3 80* ooo Dal. cack A Weat. 1800 du 60ft 100 do 100 do b30 01 10O Morn* A Essex ... 200 da b8 81 2U0 Hannibal A 811.. 10:15 A. $50000 US 8*. *81, r. be 100 $10000 08 3*. 1O-40 r. 107* 1H000 US 8.* '81. 0..b3 108 1000 08 5*. 10.40, o. 107* 65000 do oc 100 50000 0 8 3*, 1881, 0 . 11+5* 73000 OS 5-20*. o. >67. 107ft 10000 08 5* '81, r.. ba lojft 11:15 A. 51. $13000 08 6*. '81, r.bB 108ft S10000'08 3*.J81, 0.63 103 V 26000 Of. 8*. 1841. c 100 S+KW US 3*. "81 ,r |?i5ft 61ft 30+*> OS5 20*. c,'G5,n 104ft 3700O do be 03 105 +4 20000 US 5*. 1881, 0 . 106ft 50000 U8 4ft*. a, 18H1 103ft FlllST BOAKL?10:30 A. M. SlOuOO Lou 7*. can.... 74ft 200 sb? Mich Central.c 68 1HUU0 do..... 74ft 2300 Erie Railway l>c 16ft 20+JO N C 6*. 11. A 4 O 0 2500 do 16ft looo S 0 o*. nun f.... 2ft 300 Claaa A Pino, $... 80 300 Bur. 0 K A S lit 68ft loo do o3 Heft 5000 6 J Geut lot oou 84 50 do HOft 25(100 do 7'?ft 5(JO do be 8?l OOOO Mil * si 1* e 8 f 101ft 100 O, C, 0 A I ba 26 10U0 do lolft 2m Cblc A 5 +V bo 51* 2H0O Win A St P 1st.. tMift 100 do 51,ft 3UU0 Morris A Its 1st. 118 2U> do 51ft 3000 (J. C.OII let.. 108ft 2(>0 do 51ft 4000 Ch * NW c e k b 08ft 200 do "" 3000 Cedar FIX Tat 1)1 4m do b3 2O0O L s con, ran. 2d 10o oO do ... 61, ouoo >Y Osn lat in. e 121ft 100 do b3 51ft ldOoO Canada Mo 1st, U 7'ft lUO do, 5i+, 1.7IJU0 do 76ft lUO do b3 51ft UUOO Uulon Pac lat m 107ft (XXI do.. >3 51* 200O sonlb Pacific l.t 85ft 1500 da 51ft 2000 Cut. U t I (' 1st. 36ft 200 Cblc A NW pf 75 5000 1'KofM.Ut.bc b3 HJ4* 100 (lo 74* 500 Pitta, Pt+VAOSd 108 20 do 75ft lOUO-AH A T U 2d, pf 62 30 00 76 2000 00 81 22 Central or 8 :??ft 2000 do 8(1 100 Chic A 111 be 117ft 2001 Alton A T M. in. 45ft 2004t\ abash be lift 50(10 do 43 JOO do 13 II MM) Tot A W 1st. 10 11H (ft 300 do 13ft 5000 TAW lKtLO.xme Tift 3"0 da 13 5UU0 do ... 73 lnOChta. M A at Mi* I3OU0 t:.KtAr6*.'17.C lUHft 601) do Soft SOU) M A Bt P. 1AM d 10+ift IImo du 5("ft lOUl Nash A Liee 1st. 101 300 d< 3d* ',000 Erie 3d m l'(7ft tfJO do .'>0* luaba Adama Ha ... 103 000 do be 60ft 100 Canton Co. 16ft 3m uo 3(>ft 3(>U (julckrllver prof. .. 35ft 100 da b3 50ft 10 renn.jrUanU Coal 154 DUO Chle, M M P pl..bc 78* 5 Ontario Sllrar Mln 36 25 do.. opg 76 ft 100 Gei A Hud 00 66ft 4(X> Dal, L A W.. .be *3 57ft 300 Wait Union 8 .ft 400 00 >3 57ft 11U0 do H5ft 5(10 do 57ft HOU Paottta 18ft 700 da 57ft 1U0 do 18ft 7' O da 57ft 2uO da 18V 200 da 57ft 21*1 do 18ft +M0 do 37 ft 673 du 18* led Morris A 4400 do 6*'ft IOO do 154 1400 do 6'V 10 PUU. Pt W A O, a 96 300 do ?3 6(1* 1UO li A 81 s3 12ft 600 do 6" ft 16+X) Ohio A ?3 Ha 1200 d* 8u* 25 da 8ft 2500 do 6"ft 300 do 8ft 100 Mich 68* BKtUttK CALL?12:80 P. M. $3000 Pat Col, 3-63 *,r 84 3(>0 aba llllaola Coa.aA 86 3IIOOO La 7*. con 74ft 20 do 83ft 800" do "4ft 100 Pittsburg a3 76ft 5000 Mo.kA f. c.aa.b3 43 1'K) Northwestern. 51ft 4UI0 Bur.C K A MUt. 66 200 do 51* 1WKJ IIAB4 Ju, 8*.e.. 03ft 2'iO do 51ft 4,a*l E H, ri-g. 2'i 1<JO ..OO da 31* lOuO U I" lat wort.... I"7? 3m do 51ft 5000 Can I'a LandUt. M3ft I'0 Northwest's prrf. 75ft l(*i aba Hal A llud.... 56ft Im da 75* JOO M V C A 11 mi 1Kb* 1UO do *3 7.7 100 do KJHft 2IH) do 74ft 2HO do 1'8 2(J0 on..., 7tft 1 (I da lo7ft 2(KIC, C. C A Ind'pa.. 28 100 Waatern Union .?3 87ft IOO Con ol N J b.'l 31 loo da k.ft HW Chi A Alton 78ft IHJO Enn Hallway 16 .'XKJStPaul ftwft 700 do ...... 15ft 3iD do ?8 50ft lUO do 16 1+8W d# .7(1* 2txj MlehUan Con. ... 68 900 do 50* 11,0 do ?3 67ft 20O 00 50* 13U du 67 ft 7(?) do 6(1* ll?? da 67ft IOO do 5 ft 260 Laka Sburo ... .0.1 8? , l'?J St Paul pr.l 7h a 1MJO do (?'* 2O0 do 78ft 1.723 do 60* UUChl, 8 AOnlncy.. Hal 28(0 dn O'* I'"1 Vt I J* 1700 do ??> 2i*( ao 12V 80U do 5.1ft 200 do 12ft 1100 do 80 8U( Dal. l.iick AW >1 87ft 1O50 do 60ft ?."?( do aS 57ft 2UO do b8 6uft do 57ft ll<4> do......... ,?3 (to AUO do b8 57ft 130O do (Vi 1M? do 37ft 41VH1 do n (ft 400 Oblo A Mlaa 8ft 8>J do 60ft P. M. $3UOO V 1 5-90, e. *67. I07X *50000 U S 4*. r, M.. 1<?X 1:90 P. M. Tioooo D ????. 1,1*1. loo tnnuno b h <w, ?, ?i i<?\ cn?> U It 5-90, MW1H. 10?1V .Vol do 1< 3UAJ0 U lO.fc 3'WO U A 4'*, ?mall e. 101)4 M , P. M. No ??144. SRCOND BOAIllML P. M. till (>o dur.CR AN lit Ml 3400 lb* L ? A .? So... ?0)d 4I1UO Chi A 3 W, eon. 1 111 lOn ClivoAPItli x' 70', luuo Mil-tntl* 7 A lo.e 109 hhi do 7VU ???? MiiA-lt" H'i, l.t I3.? 4<i>? Chi In V bo 51)* 3M4I OilAb 7'?, 11X17 IU3 UK) do ?3 ?|k 1UUIO Koui A n*r lot.o 115 3>K1 do <i|il It Ml Uk Uoek bdo . I'J?S l"U do 51 w .vjoo n v i;oo ut, e iat>4 100 do 5i?* OOIIO Con I'm c bdo. . I'W? loo do *3 51 :?ioo hiio 3d bo iiwji 3< io do ? ) mw 3O0U 00 l'?4 loo do ?|C KXJOO Krio 5th. Of h3 100)4 I'M Ofcl A N W 74'* lOUUChl A Nil lot.... Ill 100 do.74)1 4uoO l/'nlna Poe lit... IOH nm do.... 0 7414 auooc. c.c a 1 lot . lot* ;**? do 74H &000 -ootk l'?e in ... M5 looo. C.OAI 37?* ?*x> C.?: A I 0 lit. . :? 100 do tin 5000 Tol A W lit, so, 100 100 do bo 37'** |VW lot A Wob Jd .. IW AO do i7ij auuoOiWoit3<i.*3o?. loo do a7tJ '77. con 7# 100 CM I HI bo I17.C 3000 Phc nf Mo l*t... 104 100 do 11.2 6 ilia fourth .hot Bk 100 300Cbl, M A Mt Hi', 90 WfHo-Niroo 03 3O0 do 5o'i 1W) Ool Aiu (?oo*i_bo MM 5Mi 4? .U 9pf( 10O (julckalver pf S5 200 do 50W 3U0 Ontario S MmbebS 3iiW ftflO do SO loo Urti Uuiou 85 )J 400 do.. . SOW 3UOErle bo b3 1H!, 2'*J <Jo bo? f*' d? ??S ion cm.M Astj'pfbcba 7fj; ? loo do i?w aoo do 7*w 30o Utah 67K 10 .V J Control.'.' %1 J."?.' J? iOuWubaelt be 17? JiKJ do ?????? ,.o. 07 200 do i aoi'li 8 * M rio...bc *3 0.IW 5ouDol, L 4 w'.".be* b8 57K do 6 0j aoo do 57W .1? 2? aoo do :,7j$ J'1? do ?BW loocbl, linr 4 Viulncy 100 ',**? do 0014 loo do ....... .be 106K 0800 00 BO 10O Clil 4 Altou be 7H)\ 2:30 TO 3 P. M. 7.%V 700 ibo Northwestern. 31K 20UO do 7.',?, 3i*j do bli? 5000 \ Y hlevatedlel .81 (KXI do opt li**i Union l*?e lot... 108W 400 do.... " b3 fti'w 4000 St L 4 I II lot.. 1UIW 100 00 . "" 51 H*nht Del 4 ilnu. ?;i 5oiJ 210 ao ??? -g 5lJ, JBB do oa so 2(*) .Northwestern nf 75 100 Ontario 811 Min.b3 3U1J 100 do 74?r 400 Wootorn Union.... 85W luuC.O.Cll 2?>J ? do .motiotott 86^0 til! An ?>7 300 Micb Control.. 07s? loo do *>!iW 1011 NY 0 4 Hudson.b8 Ion 80.1 St PiulSOW 100 do ?3 107W 400 do sn'o "?"way.10 ion St Paul pf."".\".e3 78 J.1'** d.? J? aonOol, L 4 Wootorn. 57.% . ! do law 31*1 do ?3 57 W 22! f k,bOK* 7S4lj BOB do' 571? 22! . ?r* 1110 CJCH O b3 4)? SS" do..... Bo SUiWnbnuh. 12% 2200 do saw Kill do 05 I'f do 5??| 200 do ...V... 12% ?*? do S3 59% 31*) do 12)? ol! v 1 r?" W 200 Mori in 4 Essex.... 83 uooVonblo^,.::" 200 0bla A M'" NEW YOl!R MINING STOCK EXCHANGE. Monday, June 17, 187$. FIRST BOARD?11 A. M. 300?h?Ber* b?0 .07 Caledonia. 1.40 bid. 2V as.ed ?? do boo .00 C.ilnorni. ?.id, 21 asked !(2!o :-b?o o? Cal4llecUr.l68bid, ? asked '!*> 2? bo b30 .00 Con Vo ....?aid. 14% Hsked f!22! 2? be b3u .(Id Crown P't.4>, bid. 5W asked 5(22^ ?" Uahloiieau. .14 bid, 15 Hiked 100 rial 1 pi '* 57 bid, -Hiked 1 JO Oold Placer 50 Exchequer b tiid. ? asked } 2! do 50 Goaid 4 0"y.5% bid, ? asked -.V. 00 ll4Xorerot? bid, 8 asked ?.? J?"? 7'4 bid. Unseed }!?! do . b3 .50 Justice 3% bid, 4% Hiked i]** , Bo bd .50 Kenluok... .2 bid. ? mtrd 5U0 Laerosse .00 .29 Kiuft Mt.1% bid, 1.80Hiked ! J J? do ,2? Leopard 4n bid, l*j asked liK) Mooie odO 2.95 Lucerne 2 . bid, 2liHoned I 1 ].'?{ do iidn 3.10 Moripooa. 1 bid. ? aiked inoPiomoo b3 4. Msxiann.. 1 i >4 old, 14 Hnked | t Bo blO 4.05 Nnrtli lleilo. .3 bid. 9i. HOked ?- 7 ? V 4 C0I...IW bid, 3 otkod ?BO i In kill *e?3 4X Ontario .. 3C.W bid ? Hiked Am Hog....16 old, 18,. ud h?y'd41i.-3.80 bid, 4>, it?ked ^'fb? 11 bid, 13 Hiked Overman 12bid, o.Ked Atlantlo....? bid. 7W aekod soatou (10 b|j, 2 H.ked S".'',."n *.?' b'B. ;> Hiked S11 vh.'o oji bio, 12 imked Melcher......3W bid. 5 eikod Memphis.... lt? bid, 2<> u.ked lleii4H..U >4 bid. 14W Hiked t'uion Cou.4,W bid, 5W Hiked i- Asuior., ?bid 2 naked | SKCOND BOARD?1 P. Jl. 15? ilia Am con 7>i Oiiledonla..lW bid 2W u.ked 1(22! Slhinn* 'bm! V? P*"|,r"?Hl?>4 old. 20g Hiked 1(*)0 OHblonoEH.. .b30 .15 Imperial .. ..55 bid, ? Hiked ir!nn r ? ? ?-2 -15 C"? v*.. 12ji bid, 14)^ Hiked 1000 La?rMee....bc b3 .30 Crown P't . 4>i bid, - a.ked B? bdO .31 EurokH..5ttW nid. 03? asked ?JBB do IhIO .31 Uould 4 CV.\5ji bid, ? Hiked h/2! 2? b:ly ,3t ?"'d l'lHeer.49bid,.5o.iitud **J do ?i3i> .30 Hnkill.... 414 bid, 5 Hiked do bJ .31 J uatica. 3>4bld, - Hiked i^B do ..o .:K) Lucerne. . ?bid, .26 asked rrr do b5 .31 .MnrlpoiHDr(..l bid,?Hiked ?}*{ do blO .31 Mexican. ..I l)4bld. ? Hiked 00 HdB -BO MenipliU.. .in old. .25 iikea inorinmoi e 3.95 Nor Hello . .8* bid. BW Hiked ?{*}? do 3.90 NY 4 Col. 1.30 bid. l.?5 aiked 11*1 Moose 3. Overman.... 12 bid, ? asked }^J! do........ bOO 3.10 K?j k d. 3W bid. ? Hiked ?J** do b?J 8.10 KavAK?....10 bid. 1114 Hiked }BB do '.30 8.06 Seaton 50 bid. 1. Hiked ??BB do ao bOO 3.10 bisrra Nov..3W bid, ? asked A'Pba II bla, ? asked iTtb'n Ster.. ? old. 1W oskod Bullion. .4.HO i,id, 5J4 asked Yel Jacket . 7>4 bid. ? aekod Beit Be'l.. li^tId, itil M U"?? "a- 5? "k?d THIRD BOARD?!i:30 P. M. 100she Ber 4 .00 5?) sbs Laeroiio .30 'BOB do bOO .1.10 1500 do DC a 30 ,^BB_ d? ao .05 500 do. be b in .31 JOOn OahlonecH .. .bo .15 500 do *30 .30 IBB , do HC s3 .14 100 Plarnai .'illO ailtS 100 Gold Placer 50 100 do 020 4.06 COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON : SPOT EASIER ; FUTURES globed QUIET?FLOUR 8TEADT?WHEAT FI RSI Kit - CORN FIRM?OATS FIBMXB?WHISKEY NOMI NAL?PORK UNCHANGED?LARD UNCHANGED? PETROLEUM QUIET OILS QUIET?SPIRITS TURPENTINE ACTITS ?BCSIN QUIET?COFFEE QUIET?SUGAR QUIET. Hon DAT, J odd 17?6 P. M. Bu?loe?i was lair in moatcummoditlea, and Inaome cassa the markets were more aetlve and firmer. Tula was particularly nottoeablo In grain, wbten was In good demand nnd decidedly firmer. Corn was firm. Oali firmer. Whiskey nominal. Pork and lard with oat decided change. Cotton on (he spot was sastsr; future* cloeed quiet. Groceries were quiet. Boeln wee qui't, but spirit* turpentine was more active. Oils and petroleum were quiet. Raooino.?We quote:?2 lbs weight, 'J??o. a lOe.; 2% lbs. weight, 10>?c. Corrcu.?The market for Rio was fairly aetlve. We cote sales oi 4,096 bags, ex Woodlaud, and "J.000 bags ex La Place, and at Baltimore !?40 bags, ex Wlnnlrred. all oa private term*. The stoek of Kio and Santos coffee bore to-night Is 84,939 bags. Mild eoff-e waa quiet. We quote Ordinary cargoes. 13e. a i;it?c.; lair do.. IS/qe.; good do.. ; prime do., 18c. a lOlqc.; extreme range for lota, 13,v4<j. a ISo.; Kuatos, fair to good, 14J?e. a 16%e., goli, S? days: Java, government bag*. 2()e. a 21%e. , do,, grass matt, 20c. a 22l?c.; Singapore, 17e. a lH%o-; Ceylon, 15c. a I Ho.; Maraceibo. 13e. a 17c.; Laguayra. He. aide.; Jamaica, 13o aide.: st. Domlugo. l.'Vc.: Portu I.loo. 14c a ld|?r.; Costa Klca, 14c. a 17c.; Mexican. 15c. e 18%c. : Macaaear. 17c. a lse.; Angostura, 15c. a lOVc ; j-avsutlla. 13c. a l7c.; Caracoa. 13c. a He t'oTTON on the spot was quirt and closing with an easier ; toue. Fatures opened a shade lower nnd elated quiet at about tbe opening Uimires. To-day'* prices compared with Saturday's were as lollows;? Saturday, J?f 15. Fosdiy.Jwo 17, June 11.33a ? June ll.4?all..V) July 11.57 a 11.68 Jely 11.55 a 11 .60 August 11.03 a ? August 11.01 a ? September.... 11.40 a ? September ... 11.37 a 11.38 October. 11.3d a 11.31 October Il.l8all.llt November.... 11.08 a ? November 11.07 a ? December.... ll.i>7nll.08 Deceinoer..... Il.UII a ? January 11.12 a ? January 11.11 a 11.12 February 11.17 all. 18 February. 11.18a 11.ID March 11.28 nil.3D March. 11.27 a 11.28 April...../.... 11.38a 11.SB April 11.30 a 11.37 Mav II .48 a 11.4D May .... ll.4tlnll.47 ?Current prices ot apot eetton itbe lollowing quotation* are based on American standard of rlassiflcation. nurt m cotton In store, munlng In quality not mere than half a grade above or below the grade quoted) i Vpit tads. Alain una. -V. Or Irons. Texan. tirdinary .. 9% ti% D?? DV Strict ordinary 1<> 10 low Jt? Good ordinary....... 10K 1U'? |ci% 10% Strict good ordinary. 10/4 In,.' II II Low middling 11'* 11'a IIV IIU 5-10 II II 7-10 11 7 10 Middling 1I)? IIS II*. IIS Oood middling 1115-16 1115-10 12 1-10 12 1-10 Strict goo?i middling 12'a 121* 12'.' 12V Middling fair 12& 12V 12/, 13', Fair 13S 13>; 13^ 13% ?Stained?Good ordinary. D*?c. ; strict good rdlnary. lOe.; low middling, lose.; middling. USe. Sales or spot cot ton : ? To Day. MM A'reeinp. Tola'. Consumption........?.. 2U* Oil 8?2 Hoecalaiiuu 20 ? 'JO Total* 901 Oil vu ?Uduerei on contract, OUU oatee Maturaay. f or tacars delivery the .ale. war* a. lolioiraSaturday altar 1 I'. M.?J una, 1U0 bales at li.A2c ; July. Tun at at 11 57e., lilt) ll.5*c.; .tugu.t. 1 alio at 11.03c. j .Tp rem bar. i.ioo at I I HJt; October, KM at 1120c., Ilaremlitr, !???? at II 08c.; January. 100 at 11.13a.: May ?> at Il.tHc. Total, 3,000 balaa To day no to 3 I*. Jane, AOu baira at 11.32a. 1UU at 11.33c.: inly. l.AOOat 11.55a.; KM at 11.37a. 300 at 11.30c . 20o at 1I.M4l.200 at 11.300., KM at 11 It*., 200 at 11.30a.. OOO at l|.A7a., 0U<> at 1 l.AHc . 1 JUj at 11.31V'., KM at 1 1.50c. ; KM .1 uly at 11.30c. and 100 Augaat at 11.03a tacelhar. AUctl.t, 3'M at li 50c . loo at 11 OOc . I (KM at 1 LBlc , 300 at 11.02c , KM at II ti le.. l.Oi?' at 11 0*c., 4,000 at 1 l.??c., 1,0ou at 11.04c.. IfJOal ll.H3e . 1,200 at Il.tCla. 100 at II.Hue.. 700 at II Hie. , Heplemter, .iMat 11.37c., -"Mat II.vie., 1,400 at 11 42c., 3O0 at II.41c.. .VII at ll 4Ua, ?M at (1.37a., KM at U.3HC.I Uctonar, 2011 at 11.21c., VI) at II.23c,, SOO at II 2-*.. Hoo at 11,21a. AOd at 11.2<>c., km at 11.108.; Novum ?r, KM at iLlle., at II.Ode.: December, 300 at 11.05c., KM at II.IOc. ; May, 2UO at 11.51a. Intal. 23.7tM balaa. t.redid total. Mi.AUl) bale* Ilia tecalpts at tbe bona aara an loainwe;?liatraaton, 273 balaa: New ouaaoa. 3IM; Mobile, 242. savauuali, .'>24: Charleston, 14, WKmlngten. I; Nnrlotk. 1801 Baltimore. ?>. Nov Verb. 34; Iloaton. DO; I'tilltodelphia, 041. Total. 2,270 balaa. I'lUa day laat week, 2.0H0 balca. Thl. Cay laat yaar. 1.092. Total aiaea September 1, 4,103,0.30 baloa, to Saturday ulgbt. t niton freights Vosed aa follow.:-I o Havra, by ataam. %?., compraaaad; by sail. Ma, To llam hare, by ataam, . eompraaaort. To ataam, lllltc., eoiiipreeeed: by sail, lb*' Liverpool, \d. by I I* inc., bviii(iiow?u , a?/ ataam ; by aa*l, |.'> 04d.. comnre',.ed. Floor add Uraik.?Receipts ? Floor, 12.232 bbl* j wheat, 210,050 buanala; earn mail, Vll baia. and 4<> aa?'ka ; corn 201.22c i bualiala; oau. 65.2.Ml do.; rva, U 024 do.; bar lay, 420 do : barley malt, 17,041 da. Klvar waa In mod arat demand at ataady prlcaa. flie aalaa, Including Mate, Western and (toiithnrii. wet# aboat 13,'<Mbb|?. within the aniiexad range. oya Hoar ruled ataady. wHu aalaa ?l 2>M bbla. t orn meal waa unlet, aalea being only 3Utl bbls bntbala Na. i Milwaukee aold at 8 Jkc. No. 2 state 92 VI a $2 3 >0. 2 mate 92 VI a 92 5c saparflne stale ....... 8 25 a 4 00 Ratra State 4 2."> a 4 .'<0 i holoe Slate 4 Ml a 4 73 Superfine tfestern won n 2ft a 3 73 btira western 4 23 a 4 JM Minnesota 4 Via o oo Hound lump Ohio, .tupping brands .......... 4 .33 a 4 DO Itmind hoop Ohio, trade brands.??.?., 4 73 a A iM Fatal,y 4 7b a 3 75 city mllla 4 80 a 5 40 st Imule. low extra... 4 fto a 5 00 M. leinia. low, straight A m a A 2A hi. Coins. choice doania extra.......... 6 23 a 5 vu St. Ljonle, chaiea family A AO a o 50 Eyeliner 2 75 a 3 3A Southern. .No. 2,...? 3 OO a 3 hii H.iutharu, superfine. 3 no a 3'?> Southern, extra 4 OO a A 09 southern, latnlly...... ...... A (Ma 0 75 Corn inenl, VVrstern 2 IO a 2 V> Corn maul, whits to astern...... 2 2.5 a 3 VI Com taenl, Jersey 2 25 a 2 45 Cum mnnl. Hraurjywltie 2 7.5 a 2 H.3 Com tnsal. puuthaen. 14 OO ? ? -\theet waafalrlt active end aboat le. a l'.c. lower. The ?else wars uonut 23O.O00 bu.hels. at $1 oft a el OH lor No. 2 Chicago . ft (Me 21 117)4 lor No 3 Milwaukee. 91 10 for IMIa " Ma. 1 Minnesota; 81 10 a 91 11 lor No. 2 red; 91 13 for No. I red and amber; 91 07)4 far No. 2 Mllwanbea epeelBc daUrery in July; 9l ?3 a 91 03)4 tor No. 2 spring, lor July, nnd 91 2*94 ,nr estra wnlte, now on eanaL At the flrat sell HO.OOO bnahnl* No. 2 Northwem. lor Aagaat, sold at ?1. Na SMss at the aai onajceil, bat elaeod ne fnl law* | Na. 2 rod wintar, Par 2ana, ft OMb14,9l Idaehad; No. 2 ?prln?, far June. 9> 08 bid. *10* a.ked: da.. July. ? 1 03)4 bid, 91 (dtaekau; Na. 2 Nortbweal. tor June. 91 "H bla, 91 OV asked ; d>,, July. 91 04 bid, 91 OH a.ked; do. iktigesi, 91 bid, 91 04 naked. Cera w*. In demand and higher; 41c. a 43o. far ataaatar, and 44c. a 44 ,c lor >?. 2 mixed. The aalaa at tka flrat eaU wars 18/100 a? Ma, ill miw kaafcili.. ?Sited*price, * W,M ib* bld ??d ?tic. eek rd: do V? V A? d hll)?Z,{u" ?*???*'. 41'ic. hid. 4al4c. bid 44*,c a?ke<i 4a??sk??l ;Juir Mourner, ?i.?i S^rjv; d'ju^^v' 4o':,e; ?7Ue. ^u. lT* V?T*i?c l0N?**a dE* ?? S7c 4 m! 5V'i.r ? / * V' '? # St: ilKMr AMD ? *'?? We" ?-,."Uu busbeia. ?t'!5 lor double and 7!oil a ,17 n V ^ J"r ?lu a s& vrtu^n >&>%*? *'N*val *toata*?*11 "1" ' c"""n'"i Stucy"^. a is? %A< lurp.ntme. merchantable urm7' quo?;?8p|rU? lirrn: Mr hi 1, ml, $1 ji). ,, 1,.,*, foUonre :-noeln **???&??, h^/.rr,; Stork*. Honiu . A.-nore. A/tr*tt. Spirit* 70,4H7 3,358 T*r 8.106 jg Turpentine!')* ?''[*? *** dull, cloalnu z 471,c. Liu, 4h"" u.k?d a7. >,C. Nf 47c. asked; Jniy, September, 48c uld j?c *,?d'ii' bl(l' 40c. naked; ??ked. Liiiseedoilfcdf to>c bld- 47c duote:?Linseed oil 57c uuchauxed. VVe blenched winieraoeriu sil t*i- i "fcrm crude. IWc. a $1: Northern ?2 C^h ,bu natural do., $| ?7, criidu ode. ; n "l"?? oo :^, *?.Uth"D- ,r,c - bleached winter 70c.; natural w.'u^r ea ra uo do*?? W'"Wr 411c. : crude Ush Vu?l 33c 'lo -' W'"" bleached A? the i' Kx baring !,??,, .?i,t .. y Ju"' uolJr "bout 0.'**' bbln clowa at *i bid *1 ?su?!!'nwdr, "l *1 lo.S uud reached wa, $1 l'\, and Ib.^oVe.Tsi JtK K>l,e" l,olnt Crude, lu bulk 7Cr ,1,, i? an .. 1 V Wo quote:? bbla. offered at iTkc 00 n, b " ?\?,u*?-' conned. In neiy brands. N epluua. Be a a t ? rt'a *1**" ,or ordl : at Ballliuore. Jij; '4C'' rei"1,?<,? " ^^e'pbla. tcrurcSr,-^* sro*?v,r*,D'?'"i b?* ?u"?ut K?wU to prime, 17c. H JOc . ?? . poultry? Turkeyt. moiit. prinit* email oo- '* 'J1"1?11 l"'***?. Vor bdee poulwy *-owi. J,?* t"'' '''eked. If.c a Kle. ldc ; du.. >nutb."n ''"? ""U l't'"n,yivunin, rooeterapenb . 7c a He ? tu?.,.d? i ? l?c.! i'onuajrlmulH 12c. a Ida'? do u? Jer?ey, New York and duck*. Jersey ' New YuHc uaH'V? e!>t'i;u- PBr ,l>.. 12c a l ie.; SI Id; du.. VVeatemueroa 1 t v; 1 ? **.!a pe?P?,r-87c. a ?prin?, per lb., diic a S2t ? ua.?? i ^ V ^biiadelphiti I'enuayivauU, per pair 'all i Ai J?'?' ' f * v"rh ??d pair, 00c. a $1 tV'ilrl Al .? *' i ; ',0 - w??tern. per ? ?1; wild .' pur 5?ib o5e a%l ^1' 2" d",eu- !J"?. Derdoxcn.*:; ' V Uul#"- ?"c. a Si 2 i; huali.t, ?niDe. tl^'^r^^S1^'^;.--!47 '?rd. 2.387 ?tie,; bacon, "uiarc.. afd771:lnV"- a-1:i4 a^k 3bble. auu l.;HKj!.a,ea '.rk. b"1X<5": V?0'- 3!i at Llie hoc on (1 <-?n mm !*.1 7 nbout t lie Himo, olobiui; Jutraud AUUUM fcJ Rs 'i.M :7 ,U,"U' fJ, ^ bilJ- #1" "'^ed ; bid, Sill 15 atkei ? uctebsr ii?t i , n . i, September, 81U wo:e ISO bill,, mea. ^ Vi^r 11*kod-a*!es ?1" SO, oa.h ; SO bula do at *io U ?l ?10 ? delivery. 2S0 bble J ulv at kii ua * luture sre.?w..?v, n?r,dai 59?? *7 07k asked; Au .u.t ? }n ^ 2-7 .^'v87 '"d. aeked*' " ^.^Sd 200 do.P<'Ve<<leri|W,at b.Huedw? ^ dk,W#*A ^ d"- % Hatter?Keceipta. 2 132 0^1?.' *?ld ? ?7 80. brui at lale price* We ,,? it miM'l'?t remmned Western. 18c. a aoc ? bt?-2 i, rj~?^reamer/. State and ialrto stood 13c. a ltlc Hr'tin ' l7u- ? '^-l >' ? doe'Uc , ^ rl"? .'"""J," Bn?- ?bc. a 18c.; bble. 1 tie market ruled ateadv tv ileoelpts, H84 New J.raay aud n/ar by m Tanlu, lilc. a I7e ? Western ?!?m , ,?t1"t# "nd ?'entiayl. Inferior. 1.3c. a Idi; r^'"?V " }!&*i d?" iulerior. 14c a Ulio. *? 1jc- 4 lj>eO.; do.. M.t Sc. . ffi,. J.'; w^.T5u"^??~KeC?,,,U? W ,Ure?" "nd 7 bble. The market generally liklox*7V. 'lwSTreOmel"'*eilhkdh holIa?r? euld ou private terms and Vn u. t' ^8 hlids. met ado u.^.r^.VdV au7 ii lbs at 7c. u 7>,? qul,t' ,?1?, wwro "bout 50,000 &??lT?i? w,4" nominal, lentu and irraln L ! ' "e-ree^ particularly petro stroager, wl^ a lairly ^e. lrM? ""r? Llr?rpool, by Mill, )?o<jm i#?ih?iT f7g#n,?ul#*"r? H,U(jo#4i. icrHin. HW(| sSataruMT- J* ? ???u?n, and oork K. rTifu .ud lli' w . m Ti'i'"""T* b*0' *bk; 13.(?? be,.. eheeSe Mtiotu^ Sie'iu'^e0 f' ton* luenH&reuicnt tcoodu 2Um ? H 'hmi i?n ? ' ? freiirlit, July thipmrnt ?d. ? ?'?'5of> hii^i !\?nr* l,,ro,,K?? 7 a2<L m. kil ? ^ ^ bule* oottou. throuuh choo*?, 4Un.; 30UtUrce* ?*?ef 4 Snrii July ?hipmeoi, flour4 ^WUtfH lU/ANi bunbelt urmim Sn tt?l ??Unlij, 32> Hd lTJ? w?i ' .a."' ?"" ?*?*??. 1.10 bbU ?vruD iw.. pjo I)bin tu ' tr. H2n tid ? *r r.ivi i.Ki. ii : "JruP S.b"'?' menu. 00 "CmnSL''X** ^ ton* provigioni U-lOc ? 247 Jiiipw, 1*10, Kzrrto*??.?v =^ bVdl,f*:L'j hi, 17* A T' ?C' J* '^C' ??ii. IOO UhdN tobjtcrn ?Ions. M H7. lu aTP. ? ^?.,',0{,l),>c'vM??provi. xrain. Ikl. : 4 00O packaxe?'lard,'and h""*' 4",UlJ<' busbele clovrra-ed 37? 11.1 5 baoon aud 500 batre I'-O mark.;' WU^.ri '^' bU*h"" A'44" s?brtlo,i ^ """ci-r ^'dr; p^"d,ob,,i7r! tuVa?^--.; "nndb"^ ^"m- ! '^"^.-1: loo rnark,.^ Ch.nSre -A. '"?"?"'?nt good.. Ho , Havre, with d.ikki quarter, grain 0.*"?? ?' ' to hence to tJaen, a.iloii quart rs grain 0. *td ^HVa,*" b^K' \z i'""*" 3.IMI qu.rtere grain, on pr"ii. 7.7?. - a^f Co""4"n.t. 61ln,,7''? '''"'^mpbta.Isoadnn^?"men ?J ".mi"rj> o;U00 bbi?. re Dried petruleum ?4<i i 1 ** ."HMtlT"!"' h,*m w s*'eolca, 2,0 XI bbla alcobot""!' 7u w'h^'t?7l' sT'd"" rm'.T Pr'Vt? l'r!n,? "nd IXJWO bueks Haiti? with W.VJ?^ Hi? '""?,"???'?? to ,1,. mond to United KI,Udom,'w.tb tMp?*?Ztii!?' DiUW i'OKK. CATi'LB maukicts. Mostpty, June IT, 1078. noum rot rm rui ?tu. V-' I., sit**p nml am J }'arir?. Aw?. Cwi CaJr'4. LmmtU. /7te/?. Sixtieth street...... 5.302 3? 3.UH7 10.723 ? ruriietli street ? ? ? - 1IJW J trie/ City 0.812 :u 0 11.835 15.148 Totals 11.1174 72 8.SH0 22.500 S1.44U Fresh to ear 5.450 ? l.UMt H.8M7 12,0.81 Hshykx. Trails wan .low on this forenoon; velars ware oft per lb.; arrivals wars he iv) and -|uaitty la funeral coarse and rather laan; eltrems ran..a poor to food. I'rk'ss were 7?. a MlJtc par lo.; weights 5 est. ? P'jcsi. Haiti wtri iftttMl at 55 lbs. a 50 lbs. net; topatrrrs ou tained .'>7 lbs. as I. At 8txtlelh street yards T. C. Kaat inaa sold (or sslf 48 cars nl bornsd cattle, salsa as Inl Iwsr*:?100 eora lad fheroben sis* rs at dH?. par lb walirbl 5>4 est ; 17?i t.otosado a tsars at Ho. par lb., weight 7\ cwt.; til Illinois Starrs at >?Hc a II',c par lb., weight 8 cwt.; 202 Illinois staars at H',e par lb., arsltrbts 7)4 ewt. a 7\ rwt.; 81 Illinois staars at I'He. P?r lb., weishl 8 cat ; Uo Illinois strrrs at l'-'4c. par lb , weight 8'a cist. II. F. Hun bar. sold lor Kimklu ,4 Tliomp. ?on 117 Tex?n staars dirart tram ths I'latus at ft)4e- a ?t?c. per lb., walahts 0 cwt a it's rwi,; 22 lliiaols steers at l"'4r. a 10\e. par ll>., salable 8*, tal a ntgcsrt. liiilis A Hroirn sold lor salvos 13 Main stnais at 8c par lb., weight 5\ cwt.; 87 illliiols sloars? In lined at k14c par lo., weight 8', cwt. ; 41 baad at Hkc a |i-\c. par lb., weights 7 eat n 7)2cwt.; 27 head at ueSe a iTr. p? r lb., weights cwt. ? l?i, cwt Coon A l ltornpaon sold lor salvos l<dl Illinois steers ?17 bnad at Wr. p?r lb ; 32 head at H'gc par lb., with MM. on per bead: 31 head at "He. par lb., wttb fl oa pnr bead on 15 head. 30 head el l"c. per lb , wtih SI oil psr bead, weights 7 ewt. a 7H cwt. a Hjg cwt. t'b ry .* Onry sold for salvos lib Illinois staars at lOc. a 1 ? 'Si* par lb.. wuight 8'? cwt. C. Kslm sold tor Kann A (la 83 Keniuexjr staars - 17 bsad at NHc. p.'r lb.. 17 hoed at ukfe. par lb., with 5* off per Used ; 15 need at Hjlfa. par lb., wttb $1 oil par beadj 14 bead at lOJKn. par lb., eelgbia 7 cwt. a 8t, ewt all cwt.; 31 still lad iMito oxen at 7c oar lb . wet.-hi olg ewt ; .til crass l?d Ohio steers at 7t,c par lb., weight -?'4 rwt ; T.ri iililo stnert hii baad at N'tc. per lb , 88 bead at He. par lb., 1U2 head at t?l%e. par lo., 22 head at "H1" par lb.. with f 1 offpar beat!, waiKlits OH oat. a 6)4 cwt a .'4 ewt. a i,H cwt. II. Klanier told Tor self 17" lliinoia staars 40 head at Ha. par lb., witii tl on par baad on 17 tiaad; 48 hand at V',e. par lb., wltb $1 011 par tiaad on 32 bead; 78 head at use par lb.?weights 7 rwt. a 7H ewt. II. 8. Ko-rntual sold for la ItetliscUild 38 Tsaau staars direct from Iba Plains at 7o por lb., wslglit 5S cwt., scant . 185 Missouri attars- 70 bead at Mr. per lb., Willi ale. off par head on 34 baad; HO head at Ola' par lb., with 41 off par head on 51 head , and $10 on 31 head, weights fl'a cwt. a O'a cwt a 7 cwt. F. Josepn sold for soil ?l Illi nois ateere at 8140. par lb., weight 0% cwt,, aeant 1 oh Illi nois staars at US" par lb, weight "It cwt ; 102 I III usiia si ears at HSa. par In., weights 7 cwt. a 7 rat,, strong, with fK>c. on per band on 12 liawd; 31 Illinois staars at I IK), par lb., weights 7 ewt. a 7H evi a tkewt; 0 Illinois slrara at l"Hs. par lb , weight 8'? est AtJarsry City yards Honey A Mcfharson sold on commis sion 38 still lad bulls and touch oxen, lira weights H83 lbs. a 1.100 lbs par bead, at $3 2" a $3 25 par nwt.; 84 still lad I'olorado steers at 8c. par lb., weight 7 ewl.jtlrong; 151) ? till lad Trxan staars at 0e. a "\v per lb., walxnt 5H cwt.: lor W. ttrognn tft Indiana steers at !?(%' per lb . welgul 7 cwt ; for I'. Htalth 72 Kautursy steers aid^r a HJir. par lb, weight OH ct < a. Hllilspla 3" Illinois staars at BHd. It l"'4c per lb., weights ?H cwt a 7\ est.; lor Has kin A Tbompaon IN Illinois at?*rs at M\e par Ih., wslvbt cwt; 2H illlmds steers at lifgc s I V par lb , weights 0,'4 cwt. a Hlg cwt. :4ft Illinois steers at i(J?. ? IhVr per lb., weights 0)4 cwt a 8 ewt ; lor t.bristle A aponon 5ft Illinois staars at Nkc a Ills, par lb., wwlgbta AH ?>*"? a 0)a cwt ; lor F W. Tub 18 Ulilo staars at "Ha. a I "He. par lb., weights B.'g cwt a 8tg cwt ; far Warner A i o, 48 Ohio stem at UH*- ? P"r lb, weights 7 ewt. a 8 cwt, Vogel A Kcgeastaln sold on commission W lionets staars at "ho. |>ar lb., weigh** 0H cwt. a "H cwt t 37 Illinois steers st Po par lb., weight 8 aWl., Man, j 4ft lIHants steers at t?H< b*r 'I*- WH" $i <*" u*r bead en in nasi, wetgnt "H cwt.; IH Illinois steers at H>gr. par lb., wslghta 7H ewt. a 7H a?t.: I 7 Illinois siaers nt l"c par lb., weight 8 cwt. 1 11/ Mill lad llllaoia staera at Ha par I . with $1 na pnr band on 8" head, weights OU rwt. a i'\ ewt. ; 1ft still Tad IltLnott ateart at per lb-. weights fiW owl. a7'4 owl. D. Walkel (old for Walkel A Allertou Si f-vss steer-. direct Irom the Plains. at 8>fc. per lb., wo!glii61, cwt ; 33 Illinois steers at He. par lb-, weight 0jR cwt. 1 Til Illinois steer* at 9'4c par lb , wairbc 7 ewi.. atrouir: 30 Illinois Mran at 9'-,i par lb., weight* 7 owl. a 7)j cwt. 1 22 Illinois ataara at 0j4c- nerlb.. weights 7 i'wi u 7jj cwt.. with 1 steer that weighed M! cwt.; 3 lilt it< U *t er? at 11 <c. par lb., weight 8 cwt. ? 14 fHliim* steers at lOj^c. par lb.. weight 1'4 cwt. M Lauterbech sold lor VVuisol p Allerton III Illinois steers at Hj^e. par lb., walebt a cwt.; 80 III100U alrem at He par lb., aith pi ou par head 00 18 Uesii. wel|(hts owl- ?li\ cwt. a 7 ew> a 8 ? ai ; 111 Illinois su-ers at H'|0. per lb., with aoe I IT per head, weight 7 cwt.; 11 Illinois ataara at 0>tL'. per lb ?r -ighl 8.V cat., wltb ?'"r ou per liaad ; laiacrat H'?c per lb., last pi. weight nfj (CI. K. Sam noli ?otd for K Morris iPi Colorado Wears at He. a 9l4e lor lo? weight 7'a cwt; If Missouri atoera at H\c. per ith #1 ' '" ?' *" ' P., with $10 ou the lot, weight 6Jq cwt.: IS Miaaouri Ulil 7 owl I 99 I lluuls ..terra atoora at H.'.c per lb. weight 1 cwt ; HH I luiola atoera utU'aC a li!ic. per lb., weight 7 owl. II. Weetbeiiuer sold lor aali 20 Iliiiiuia ataara at Hf^c. per lb., weight TK cwt ; 0 Illinois ateara at 101(0. per lb., weight H cwt ; lor K. Swope 80 llltnoia steers at He. a 0?ic. par lb., >? night*6W cwt. a 7'* cwt : 20 Illinois steera at D>c per 10.. witn $1 If per bead, weight 01b owl B. W siuelm r told for Leu m m Druthers 28 attll lad Ohio ?teora ut 9'4c per lb., wain 1 H'Jb cwt.; 18 Ohio strera at Hj^c. p r lb., wngnt 7H c? l. K Joseph aold tor aelf 50 still lad Illinois steers at He. per lb., weight 7 cwt. TufTey A .?s.iBk aold lor X. Morris lint llliuuia ataara at He. par lb., witb 5i'1'. ou par bead on 81 bead, weight 03, CWU ; 18 liliuoia ateer? at !l'4c. per lb., weight 0>, i wi. Slogel A Mjuri sold tor X. Morris 8j Texan atari a, direct fr ira ttie Uiajus, at 7',c per lb . weight 0 cwt. ; 17 Colorado aieera at "Itc. PC lb., waiicbt lijj ewt ; 13 Miaaouri ataara at 0>,c per .b.. wei lit 7 eat.; 41 llltnoia alaora at H.\ per In., weight* 6 cwt a 0?4 cwt . 40 llltnoia ateara at 0>4c par lb.. weight tij.i cwt.: lib) Illinois aleora at 9>?c. per to.. weight* 7), cot. a 8 cwt. W. E Dudley aula lor Itankio A Thuinpaoii 84 atill led llltnoia atoera at 9>4o. a HJic. per tl?., wet lit tl*4 cwt.: Hi) llltnoia atoera ut H,'4u. a 9?,c. per lb. wltb $1 00 par bead, wet,ht 7)4 cwt. : tor A. Voget 51 Illinois ateara at t)i,c. per lb., with 50c. 1 If per bend. weight iis4 cwt.: lor Tboaipaou A Geary grass fed Indiana atoera at 7Jac per lb., weight 5ft cwt.; for l?. fust Hi ludiona steers ut H'4C. per lb., with $10 off the lot. weight 6>4 ewt. 8. O'L'onuvll sold for VV aixel A Allarton Hit .Missouri ateara at He. per lb., with 01O on 38 bead and 50c. ou per heed on 10 bead, weights iit4 ewt a 7 cwi.; 29 Missouri steers at 9>ke. per lb.. weight i!?rwl. M. Uoldacbiuidl aold tor Brown A sum 14 atill led Ohm steers at Ti^c. par lb., weight 7 cwt.: for X. .Morris 4H Missouri ateara?7 beat at i?'4c. per lb.; 1H boad at 10.-. per lb.: 14 bead at 10l4e ppr lb.? weights 7 cw;. a 7'4 cwt. a 8*4 cwt.; 10 still fed lili uoia ateera at Ho. per lb., weight 8't cwt.; 29 still fed Illi nola aieera at 0>4c. a Hj^c. per lb., with ode, on per tieiid on 21 bead sold at top rule, weights 0>a cwt. u 7 cwt.; 82 Illinois steers?5 bead at He. per lb., woighl 7 CWi.; 34 beau at ?V- per lb., with 81 off per head, weight! 0 cwt. acanl a 7 cwt.; 18 head al 10c. per lb., weight 0I.1 cwt. a 7>i cwt ; 16 bead at IO.V' tier lb., weight 8l4 cwt. ; tt head at 8^e. per lb., weight 0)4 cwt Newton A tiolniea so.d 48 Ohio steers?17 bead at tt'4c. per lb., weight tt,i4 ewt.; 2h bead at H!ac. por lb., weight 7Hi cwt. ; U bead ai 10c. imr lb.. weight 7tb cwt.; 2 bead at 10'4c. per lb., weight H>4 scan 1. ciikkp aiao 1.AHB8.?Trade alow, with a downward ten dency in tlie raliiea of shoep; lambs uucbauged. Sliecp soidut lie. a 5c. por lb., lambs at ot^c. a li^u. per lb. Hume, Elliott A Go. sold hi Male sheep, weight I"7 lbs. per head, at 3J:jC. per ll>.: 90 Stale sheep, weighl H't lbs. per head, at ?fa'c. per lb.; I2u Ohio sheep, weight U3 lbs. per bead, al 4 V:. per lb. ; 2H2 Ohio sheep, weight till lbs. per head, at 4'ie. per lb.; HHuhio lieeep, weiirnt IIX) lbs per bead, at 4?,c. a4^?e. per lb.. 7H State lambs, weight 51 Ins. per bond, ut 5>fc per lb. ; 101 State lambs,weigi i5s lua. por bead, at He. per lb.; 745 Keutucky lemna. weight 81 lbs. per bead, at lie. per lb. : 1H3 Kentucky lambs, weight 114 lb, nerbead. at 0Wo. a UV4c. per lb.; aold lor weekending Juua 15,1878, 5.148 sheep and lambs atfd 77 atorace por bead. J. Klrby A Go sold 428 Ohio sbeep, weight 86 1 be. per liead. at 4'4c. per lis. ; 55 Unto sheep, weigh: 89 lbs. per bead, at I'iC. per lb. ; 244 Pennsylvania sheep, welgbt88 lb?. per liead, ut 4c. per lb.; 130 Kentucky sbeep, weigbt I'm lbs per bead, at 4.'4e. p r lb.; 70 Mate aueep, wolgbt 55 lbs. per bead, attic, per lb; 244 Kentucky lambs, weight 04 lbs. per liead, at ffaC- Per lb. Davis A llallcubecg sold 28 State lambs, weight 59 lbs. per head, ui U%c. per lb.; BH State >1111 lambs at $2 per bead ; 52 stats lambs, weight 54 lbs. per hand, at 5>|C. per lb. : in ."tale lam welgbt 87 lbs. per heaat tljgc. per lb.; 74 Kentucky lambs, wolelit till lbs. per head, al 5!?c. per lb.; 547 Kentucky lambs, welgbt 82 lhu per hend, at 8c. per lb.; 158 Keutucky lambs, weight 04 lbs. per head, at $5 Hi a $8 25 per cwt.: 45 Stale sheep, weight 70 lbs. per head, at 4c per lb.; 55 Stats sheen, weight 87 Iba. por hoad, at 4>^c. per lb.; '.28 Ohio sheen, weight 88 lbs. per bead, at (3 s5 per cwt.; 31 Ohio sheep, weight 183 lbs per bead, at 4>ac. per lb ; 174 Keutucky sbeep, weight 09 Ins. per bead, at 4c. per lb; aold for week andiug June 15, 1878. 3,782 sbeep and lambs at $3 72 average par bead. Jmid A Buckingham snld 218 Ohio ahaen, weight 20.3HU Iba.. at *8 HO per rwt.; 220 Ohio alieep, weight 20,240 iba.. at 4c. per lb.: 218 Ohio >h ep. weight 20,0ti0 lbs., at 4)aC. per lb.; sold for week ending J una 15, 1878, 3.83U sbeeu and lambs at $4 U8 average por bead. Xewtou A llolmes sold 192 Ohio sheep, wei.-hl 18 11*) lbs., at 3J>?c. per lb.; 27 Ohio sheep, weight 2.100 lbs., at 3J?c. por lb. ; 41 Obio Sbeep, weight 3.U8U lbs. at 4l4e. per 1 ?.: 193 1 iblo sheep. welgbt 19.020 lb* , at llgj. Jier lb. ; HI Kentucky lamb*, weight 5,150 5ko. per b.; 51 Kentucky lamba. weight 3.I3H lbs., at 5^4c. per lb ; 3D Kentucky lambs, weight 1.70O Iba, at 8c. par lb.; 80 Kentucky lambs, weight 4,750 lbs., at 8'to. per lb. Kase A I'ldcook sold 10 Ohio sheep, weight 1,040 Ins., at 3c. per lb.; 15 Ohio sbeep, weight 1.380 lbs., at 3l4c. per lo.; 221 Ohio sbeep, weight lll.Htkl lbs., at $3 90 per cwt. ; Sight 235 Kentucky sheep, weight 21.'2.iO las., at 4a. per lb.; 204 Kentucky sheep, weight 20,9HO lbs., at $4 05 per cwt. j 30 Kentucky sheen, weight 2 850 Hit., at 4jtc. per lb.; 87 Ken tucky sheep, weight 9,32oiba. at --c. per tb. ..27 Kentucky lambs, weight 14,991) lbs., at 5J4e. per lb.; 43.1 Kentucky lambs, welgbt 22,040 lbs., at 0.-. per lb.; 78 Kaiitueky lambs, weight 5.250 lbs., at iliga per lb.; 50 Kentucky lauibs, weight 3,83<)lbs., at OJau. nor lb. Milch Cows ?There were no aaies reported V ksls ami GaLvks.?Traae alow ami values off lo., strong, per lb. Buttermilk fed calves sold at 3l4c. a 4\c. par lb.; ordinary quality calves at 5c. a 5*40. P*r 1"- ? medium qual ity yea's st 0 . a 8Hc. par lb. Hooa.?trade alow ; 80 (Jbln hogs, average Uva weight 185 lbs. par head, aold at 93 90 por cwt DOMESTIC MARKETS. Oaltkkton. J ana 17.1878. Cotton firm: middling, lie.; I?? mliidltiut, 10^; it. od ordinary, ??,a. Nit receipt*. 27.1 batei. i-.x porta tout wito, 435. Bales. 273. Mock, 5.185. Nuw OttLKAXH. June 17. 1875. Cotton quiet; middling;, 11 %c.; low middling. l'>*,jC.; g*od ordinary, lOe. Net receipt*. 300 bale*; gruea, Jill. b? Durt* to * ire at Britain, 942. Sales, 500. Stock. 47.98)1' Mobil*, Juno 17, 1878. Cotton ouiet; middling, 10%e.; low middling, US**; good ordinary, 9%c. Net receipt*. 242 bale*. Kxporta coastwiae, 4. .Salea, 200. Stock, 5,554. natamiAll, Jane 17, 1878. Cotton quiet and oaalnr ; middling. IO I it-1 tie. . lo? mid dling, 10 .> Hie.; good ordinary, 9 3-lOa. Net receipt*. 521 bale*; groan, 54. Kxporta onaetwiea. 1.040. Sale*. 5o. Stock, 2,968. CiiAULiOTOIt June 17, 1878, Cotton Heady; middling. ll%c. ; low middling, IOJKq. a li'?*c ; good ordiuary, 10,'jr.. a 10%r. Net reoeipta, 14 bale*. Kxport* coaatwiaa, 414. Malos, Ml. Stock, 830. WlLMIMUTON, N. 0., June 17, 1878. Spirits of turpentine firm at 28c. Ko*ln firm at $1 17% for atralned. Crude turpentine Heady at $1 fur bard, SI 76 lor yellow dip and $2 lor virgin. 'far steady at Si :t5. Oawnuo. Jaae 17. 1878. Flour unchanged: ?*lea. 1.200bbl*. Wheat ateudy; No. 1 Milwaukee clnb. SI 1214'. red Ohio, SI 11; r-d State, SI IB; white Mete. SI 2d. Cera unchanged ; high mixed I uledo 45c.; Statu. 4-lc. Oats. barley and rye quiet Core in al, f _ii for bolted. $19 fur unbolted; abort*. #13; ahlp staff*. SI4; middling*. $15 Canal freights?W best and oeas, 4%o. ; corn and rye 3%e. barl y. 3%c to New Vura; lumber, #1 H(l to Albany; $2 10 ta New York Receipts? 14.ton huahele wheat. 141,000 leet lumber Shipments - 2,000 bbla flour, 570.000 leet of Iniaber. flrain in store? 185 IIO0 ensliels wheat. I4S i.olJO do. cum. 72,51X1 do. barley. 7H..SX1 do. rye, 7,000 do. neat. Berralo, Jane 17, 1878. Flour quiet; 25c. per bbl. lower ; salea 5811 bbls. at the range; city ground No. 1 spring, $5 25 a #?> 75; No. 2d., $4 25 a $4 76; amber, $5 7.5 a $H 25; white winter, $H a $H JO; new proeest. #7 a$8 25; Western No. 1 spring, $3 a $550. No. 2 do., #4 25 a $4 75 ; bakere'. #5 25 a *5 75; am ber, $ ? Ml a $H; white wluier. #5 75 a $R 25; new orneest, $7 Ml a $8 25 ; rye. $3 .Ha #3 75. tVlieal hi light milling demand; sales .>mj bushels No. 1 bard liuluth at $1 07; other grade* entirely nominal. Cora dull; sales one ear hign uniud at 43c.; No. 2 quoted at 41c. a 42c. liata quoted-No. 2 Chicago, 2 ?< n .'file.; btata, 31c a 32c. Barley laactlye; ouuied ?Canada, o&e. a 78c.; Waetarn. H3c a 70c. Itya neglected, -late, (kic. a dir.; Western, 58c. a 5Mc. Ilighwluea tlrady; salea in bbls cltr usada at SI let a $1 1/7. Other articles unchanged. Railroad freights?Wheat, 5a.; cum, 4%c.; oats. 3e. to New Vork Canal frelghta?Wheat, 4%c.; corn. 4c., uaia, 3c. to Sow York ; pine lumber, $1 .<6 per M. to Albauy, $2 45 to New York. Receipts by rail ? Fieur, .l.4?sl bhia.; wheat. 30,800 busbela; Corn. 38.000 do.; oals. HI.MSI nil., batlay, 5,M*I do.; rye. 2,800 <lo. Receipts by lake?Flour, 775 ubla.; wiie-l. 207,329 bushel,; ?nru, 409,444 du.; nata, 48,944 do. ; barley. 289 do.; rya, |ii,4ini4i> .skipmeute by rail?r luur, 8 1150 libit ; when, 39.8HII bushels; corn. 152.0UHdn ; osts, 10,5fkid<>. ; usury, 5,8.10 de. ; rye, 3.1IOO do. Hblpmeuta by raael to Hue watsr?Wheal. 8H.7$H bushels, corn, 148,825 da.; Sate. 13.2410 do. Hraln in stare el BuITaIii-Wheal. 48.790 bush el*; curn. 289.iss) do. nat*. li.HUl do ; barley, 14,790 do. | rye, ti,u.>44 du. malt. 191,2941 do. Malt in warehouses? Lstl mated 18(i,U09 bushel*. Tobkno, .inn# P. 1878 Wheat firm: einbef Mleblgan, ?po., $1 94t, , teller June, SI 94; teller Jnly, 98c.. No 2 red wluver, e?wl anil teller June, SI 9.1; seller Jnly. 93%e. . aellar August, l?l %c. ; No. 3 re>i. lk'c.; reju leu W abaali, 72c Corn firm ; high mixed, :|h'4c.; No. 2 *Mot 38%r ; seller Jaly. 3H%c offer-d. No.'J w bite. 40%e. ; rejected. 34b-.; dams<ed. II %c. liata dali; No 2, 25c. Receipts?Wha it. 11.0 <0 bushel*, corn, I4.0KI do.; oals. l.HOO do Hhlpmdute? Wheat, 58*900 bushels; rum, l,iX*l co.; oata. 2,isn du At the el ,*e - Wheat drm aed higher: No. I wulie Michigan, *1 13; extra do , SI 18.; aaibnr Michigan.$1 06; No I red winter, SI 07; No 2 do., seller .Inly, 93c. Corn higher; high mixed, 39c.; No. 2 spot, JH%c , ealler July. 38c. Cincinnati. Jane 17. 1878. Finer dull, wank and lower; lamiir, $i Mia$M. Wli-st dull; red. H5c a SI. Cora qelat ai 3H%?. a 4I?. Rye dull at 55e a 58c Barley In lair demand, prime new lull. 45c. I'urk qnlet at SH Ml. Lard In good demand; current make, Il'4e.; kettle, 7%d a 7\c. Hulk meats act ire and Arm; shoulders, 4%c hid; alicrt rih, #? Jll. cash . $?? 2$, iiurarjuna; sunn clear,aj^e llacnu - llemaod fair and m?rket tlrm , shouldert. S >; near rib. $5 H > a #."> 75; clear aldea. .'<*40 a He. W hiskey ar lira and firm at Si 91 Hut ter quiet und nncbaitgad. (iugar firm and unchanged. Hogs seller ttrm sad higher; common, S3 a $3 25; light, S3 39 a #9 43; packing, $3 .'*3 a S3 30, butchers', $3 55 ? $3 115 ; receipt*. 1.379. thlpmeat*. 093. < Itll'AOO, Jane 17,1878. Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat aciiee. ffrm and biger; No. 2 Chlc-age spring, '?4%c d94%a. cash; 1)1 a 92c., Jnly 83%e.. tngasl; No. 3 do.. H'U Com nctlre, lie and higher; 35%c.. caah; Ml'ac.. Jaly; 37*4c.. At guti; r Jeoted. 3iJ$c Data fairly ac tie* an 1 o sna.ia higher; -'fl%n.,easli . 23%c., Jaly ; 22%r . August: rejected It. Kra easier at 52%c. Barley ataadr uau aachanged. Fork dell and a shade lower; $8 75 a St 8n, cash . #8 77% a St HO, Jul) . #8 92% A $8 1*5. august i.ard dull and a ahAde luwer; $H ill, eash SM 't7%. I ely ; $? 77%. August. Hulk meats a. lire and firm, ihealdera. 41*4 ; anurt rln, 5%c.; .hurt elaar. 5%o Wkia-ny In anod demand and a sbasla higher, at #1 93. Freight?> orn to Buffalo l%e Receipt* Flour. 5,5119 hble.; wheat. 27.000 huahela' turn. 17.3,mm do , nat* 43.4PCI do; rye, 4J)Ul4et4 barley, 7,61*1 dn. rhlpuieuta ?r lour 3,000 bbla.; wheat. 1 l.iavi bnahela . earn, 138,900dn. .oata 21 (X*id<> ; rye. 3114) du.. barley. 9*9 dn. At tlia close wheat atrenc and higher, irj'eC. hid. July. 8?l%e . Aagnst Corn lairlr arlire and a shade hither, ;PI',c. bid. June , :u.\r bld.Jniy Hateariiee and a eliade Higher. 23%c . June and July ; -3'?c . August. I'urk stroa : sad higher, M 97% hid, Jaijr; $9 12% hid, Auguet. I .aed eireag and 5a. higher. PRINT CLOTHS MARKET. Kki.i. Hiram V *?*...lima 17, l*7fk 1 ba prlal el"th market In dull aad litdln, till (junta tiuna art maintained all 1 IH* . <?ah. and out term* tot 114 ?uu<r. elotlia. wit i Nt* *???! ?<" amatl Iota and Kor .'rfixtn huldara a?k M a :i l-Wo.. but offara do nol roach the lower ft*urn CHEESE MARKET. Utku. S. T., .1 una 17. 1878. At tha atarkal bara to-day lit,fell) bate* ol ?baa?a cli an . ad haada. ol which 4.4<?j boaaa wara on cooiiaiaaion. 1 !ia prima aiitainad ha toa loading laelorlaa wara So. a *Ha.; aaaraca prlaa, SJ^a. BRAZILIAN OOFPEB MARKETS. Kio Jaaataui J una 17,1878. Kiahango on I?daw, Colfaa?Hwad 9rata, &,MO a *,BM> rata par tan Mlaa. EUROPE \N MARK&T8. oomxirciau Lrraarooi.. dnna 17-9 T. M. Ontton - Tha aalaa af tba dap iaalada4 T,**) balaa Aa?fk MA. Iiiwi ?mi irnlfat ta-da/'i taawt pataa, ik land*, low miidllay Hum. July and AaruW daNwary. 6 fx 23d . ; do., Au.uil and September delivery. 6 11-TJd. | do., epte-nber and October dohvorjr. 6 i;i 3Sd.; to, aow arup, *hipped November aud December. call, Oiqd. J'roduca-Tallow, .18*. 3-1 a 3Se. da. per cwb Ltueeed nil. ?-'7 n par low. Erie Railway *bur?*. lot*; Pouuaylvanla Contral, SI | Beading Railroad, 17'* Parti edvica* quota bra par cool raolaa 112t 90a. for lb# account, Piau, June 17, 1878. Exchange ou Lnndo*. 257 13c for abort ?lghl. LivnitrooL. June 17?9 P. M. Protriaiooa?Cheeae. 47a per cwt. tor ilia boat grade* at American Clor*r?a<-d, 40?. a 43*. uor cwl. for Auiarlead red. llaunrau, J due 17,1878. Wilcox'* lard cloaad at 38t< mark* par K*> Ibi. Atrwtur, June 17, 1878. Wilcox'* lard clo*ed at 3't florin* par 5u kilo*. Petro leum. 26>*l. lor fine pale American. new yokk ruoKVC* K*cn**ua itxi-oiit. LlvkHrouL. June 17, 1878. - Pork?Kaateru dull at ">3* 1 do. Weatern dull at 42*. Hk<ui.-Cumberland cut dull at 27*.; aiior: rib itaady at 28,.; louk clear atendy at 2tl*. til.; abort clear ateailr h' Jilt. Ham*-Long cut firmer at 42*. .Shoulder* tteady at 24a Heel India nieaa dnll at ?b* ; extra uteaa dull at 82a.; prim* utr*a dull at 78*. I,aril ? Prime Weat ern tteady at 33* Tallow ?Prime city ault at 37a 3d. Turpentine?Spirit* dull at 23# Or Roaiti Common dull at a*, ltd.; fine dull at 10*. Cheeae ? American choice ?temly at 40a. Lard oil dull at 36* Plour?Kxtra State dull at 26*. 6d Wheat?.So. I -print; dull at 3* 7d.; No. 2 -pribir dull at it* Id.; winter null at lOe t orn?Mixed ?oft. old. unit at 35*.; do., new. dull at 22a tid. Cutl.n. ?ecu oil?- ou* iu market. Receipt* oi whuat t-ir tlie weak from Atlantic port*, 48,'HJU quarter*: receipt* of wheat lor the week irom Pac-fic p -rt*. 2.I.OOO do.; receipt* ul lor the week Irotu other aource*. 023 do.; receipt* of corn, 80,000 do. FINANCIAL. Lo.nihik. June 17?3:30 P. M. Krie Railway ?bare?. 18t* The amount of bullion iron* Into the Bauk of l-.ngluuu ou balance to-day i* ?16,0001 Silver 1* quoted at 63>4d. per ounce. FINANCIAL. rrmi Apcblic STOCK EXCHANGE. 44 BROAD ST. AND 70 BROADWAY. NKWr YORK, AND 20u MONTAGUS ST., BROOKLYN, MESSRS. E. W. TODD A CU will buy and aell all active Stock* at New York Htack Kp change price*, in lot* of Irom 3 to 100 mare*, on a margin ol 1 per cent, t'oiumiaaiou*. 1-1*1. * BSASONAMD* HAflA?kokKT ON Lin AMtS Kndowu-ent ln?araiice Poliele* and Mnrtirige*; ?ame bought; luturance ol all kiad* - fleeted with beat compame* at luweat premium*. J. J. iiAHKiCil A CO., 186 liroadway. Box 1.880. A. ?O. H. GILES * CO., STOCK. COTTON A.ND~GRAIN EXCHANGE, Noii. 52 and Ml Hroadwav. MARGINS i PER CENT. AT 0 PER CENT.?MONEY ALWA18 TO LOAN OS moltgage. T. S. ClARKBO.n A Co., 140 Broadway. A" La OV Would LIKE LOAN OK *1<AE Koic which will give highest interest; good security; would lias iuc gentleman to tuke room iu part payment; line lo ctillou. Address Ni NTH 1VAKH, Herald office lk A DVANCK8" O.N PIANOS. PURNIICKE, AC.-I OS AH'oi :J3d it., wait ol Hth IT. (storage olHcel, without bonus. A PRIVATE PAItTV DK-GRKS TO LOAN ON KIRST mortgage Iroui *5,igH) to $10,000 at 0 per cent for three yearn or mora; Brat claet property only. Addreae J. K., box 110 Herald olBue. NOT.i. OP *300 (GOOD) POK SALK.-1NQUIRIS of Mr*. lloLLI NoRK, 25H nth av. .V-TAI'K WILL loan *450.000, SIX PER CENT, "j tire yeare; Brat claie property. Prlne'pale address EXECUTOR, etatiou E. 1" always havtTmoakv to Loan on mdktuagis New Vork city Property ; city Railroad stoeke and Honda bought nod Hold. tl. L. GRANT, 145 Broadway. L~TDV~WisH KB A SMALL LOAN on PU KN > XI'It I'..' Call ou time HANBOVI. 107 Wait Jtith it , near tith ar. E OFFICE OP Tile. NEW VoltK LOAN AND IMPROVE, ?uent Company, 71 Broadway.?New Vork. June \ IsTs.? Aoticn ?The annual eUctiou ol thia compaur lor nine director! ana two Inspectors of election will take place on Tuesday, the l?th day of July, 1H7S, at the office ol the company, lu thla city of New Vork, No. 71 Broadway, room No. 47. PolD open at 12 X. and close at 2 P. M. By order, LEWIS X. BKoWn, secretary. HE-"EUROPEAN CONGKB aS. ? SPECIAL CABLE DKSPATCU EB EVERY NIGHT IN THE EVENINU TELEGRAM. w ELLS, PA BOO A CO.. 65 BROADWAY, buy and sell Mlnlnir Stockt and other Pacific coast Beenrt tiea; eell, exchange Telegraphic Transfers anu Creoite available throughout the Weet and Europe, and forward Irelglil packages and raluables to all parte ol the world. TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE. <J> I C HltA f'./MO. *1.000 TO LOAN ON BONO BrlOiOUUsnd mortgage. O. W. DITCUBTT, 2 New Chambers at dhprc aaii wanted-on cali pok \Ta prop". iPrJu.U'Ml?rly, lor a term of three tears at IU pep cent per annum: aeeurlly Bret claet. Addreae B. 0., box 207 Herald office OOPARTE BR8H1PX. VfOTICE la lll-.KKBV GIVEN THAT THE: FIRM ol? lu l. Kaulraann A Ooldsmlth, heretofore doing bualuesx ut No. 2H John eL, lu the oily of New Vork, Uaa tbia nay been nleeulved by mutual eoueent. 'I be firm of kaufmani* Brothere will max# all eollectlone end eaymnata for one late firm. L. kAUKM ANN A isOl.DSMITH. LOUIS KAUKMANN. SIMON GOLDSMITH. Nxur Tom, June 12. 1*78 THE pi km ok ADLKR iIK'ITHE.KS has this DaV Mr. Lewis A.tier only ie authonaed to sign tlr flrm'* name lu liquidation. LEWIS AI'LKIt. Nkw York, June 17, 1H7B. MOKKIs ADlKR. BPMIBM UPPIIKTI VI l iKV X^LItsiyW wi IV kiktL OAPTI AL DEMIKKS T<> .1 Invest In a paying legitimate .utilises. BENJAMIN, Newark Poat office. II a LP I NT.'. REST IN AN OLD kifliuiflKD business, paying large profits, Ie uttered lo an eueraettq man on easy terms. LLOY n'S. 4 Warren. COMPETKIlT PBBBOR To invest di.uooi lo *5 isai, well aerured. and lake cliarr* of either order op cataloguing department Ie large hook store. .A duress box 4.">4<i New lorn. A~PaRTNKK WITH PROVI *l.i?ki To *l.50n IG 1>L vest in a light manufacturing uusinees. Large profit# on investment Address G M K , llera.d nIHre. VN INTEREST 1N A PLEASANT. haSV tiK l'P.? T* able bueiuees, paying enormoee profits lor *i..first down Mr. II K.N UV , I In bast 2 td si MI DO LE aGEDMA N can ri*D a spli.n ii|7? opportunity lu engage in a professional buainets ax equal partner; terms favorable, p-eflia large; >>ne quail fled to keep accnunis. Ac., preferred LLOYD'S. 4 Warrn" Brass >Ttiinos and ikon "piping ma-iFioI turlng business. -All aeaoclate wanted, wlih *|ll,l!>l( to take place ol partner retlrln.-; house ha-always been ?urcesetUI and possesses beet lacllltlee tor extension Apply uKIggM x C aMLKToN. us Brosdway CNtiNBY ISLAND.?A GENTLEMAN WIT HCA PIT A U J and experleiin.! would negotiate lor an Intarest In a Or-* class Hotel and Restaurant. Addreae HOTEL, box Md Herald Uptown office. C tic Alt. an HA MTOKS AND LUNaTh ROOM COM ^blued Call between II end 2 o'clock. 2R Maiden lane, earner Neeeen. DtOijOlSTS MNHK1BS. ?PARTNER W an7?7?7tO extend the hueinest of en eld end reputable Philadel phia house. an ? xperlen ed party ess ee. nre a hall Inter est en the basis of valuation ef stork. Addrese K., Herald Phlle.le.plna Brauch. IUCHaTTvK iIPPoKTUNITV -ACIIVK BUSINESS Jman may reallae. In proportion to amount invested. *2 5 ?l to *5,IMU; must go abroad with other* . approved references Give ad.truss PRIil, llerald I ptown Branch Man with *-..'? wamkh in hep ah r 3 en t "i* eld batlnees. mcaey secured. *IHO a montn If satisfac tory ; If not, money returned DUDLEY A Co.. U OYhl'KK BAR ABO HOUA POUBTAl.M TO HKM TOR ?m-on. Apply lo Howard ot liituir Columbia, 24lb at.. North Rlrcr. Pt KT ? I". K WaNTED-WITH ?7V>; OPTION Till P Tq I uropa monopoly with large profHe. WIIjMOA, I'll Duatic, up >Olti 1JARTNRH KRQITIRT.D IB TIIO OIIOII GOOD HO 1 u?l; amail aiaoant down; Mine* by arrangement ?sMITH, 17 Cnln at. 1) AKR oil ANC WILI. HUT~II A t,T I NTEKKsl JVtn <???!? pari"' baalnoaa paying MB per neat. U.iMIl, boa 127 Haralu offiea. S MA I.I. IBIRKKsT IB BABCf U'TIIKINO HI,si. ncaa ?B4HO required ; ?alary. Sift par week. Call Tnaa. ?lay aliarnoaa. 2s jlo.d *1 . aornnd Avar. THREE AOTTVB vol BO VKM, WITH> KAi'll. T ?.| of ailTrntara and willing In work hard lor rlrh ra* ? alt*.can Join in* in nn enlerprtao oat*tda ol I'nllad st il.*a 11>at anil laaurn tonunn lar all and lease at aaaa. Addruag KOHTUBK. Ilarald l p-own itrauah. To i*kt - a comriirilT rvftnK!??"h a r a"? iMea'a Hontli Bid* tieae?, Haa*lda leading. Korkaway tn-arh a* the naeeratnaed ladeeltaas ?t*in* hi* whole attention la hi* adjoining reatanrnnl and naming hou*ea, H i- la nit* of the baal alanda on tba ben. U ami a tthnncd aal lom offered. IrF.WIB F IIRLl.A, II,' v B I Ell?A PAKINKK. OKNhHAl. <>K M'MIAI.. It wlih i? enab capital of fIN.iaJU. lo Jala In a wall ealel>> Nahad boot and atana bualnaa* In on* ol the laadltig atllra o( the .Homh ; prnBla pnad and nnainraa aai#; rapilal required lo Inrraaaa tin- bualneatj reinsure* , l?-n aad require!. Addrraa llOOTN ABU BlIORM, baa JIM llrrald oAoa. w antmi-a party with sa.iioi to ?*,<?*> iBook. keener preferred), to (aba an In tar. ? In an natab* llaliad buaiaeae la It)I* c. Ijr . aattalaetory abowlng on an* * "real PAt plteatl n ny a reepanelhle party. Addraaa PAI'Kit TRAllE, boa Its Ilarald nlBee 'ANTKII?A HIHID KUoIBI-.AM BAH. WITH *ft.'?W ar Slll.iXIO. aa aperlal ar artlrn farmer In a pra|l*i<li| manaucinrlng bnainaaa. A dor a a* W? bex I HO llaral a See. \V ARTS0?LADY WITH SBWI, TO St'PC.kVIIk4 TT hwalaraaln llartlord Hrldgaporl. Albany, HoalaatSJR per week gaaranteod. Addraaa D<X'I OK, Herald I'ptnara alias. W~ ABTRD TO rOMHAM-A BAPS PAYING RUab aaaa at beititu prieea, which mnal not aaoaed S&.UOQL Addraaa, atatlag netare of bnainaaa, Aa, W. I*. C., IU?I4 ?libra. WABTBD-A M(>6 BuilBKn* ka*. w itTTiillMH manna. In tnna an nritlee internal In firet clnaa railway ntlan now In nan In thla etty. Addraaa baa 4,014 I'oab Itiranll nfllee VOCNU MA > WITH SJ.CMi HASH To I Akk I'll A KliR J of old etmblDhed aonl yard , good amaty and ancnrltw linn. I'lloTI I ABI.K lleteld t plawn oltlra. Witi ||| I' KoKlT ifi~.a l.if. -i'aiii Ni\u ii am r,(f, .Ul/Uaa aaahUr. graaiaat monay making cablultiua ?u ggttrian <2 Beeadtwag. room .th. linn -AOImTIoRaL bAl'llAI, WaNTi.D NT ^iJ.UUU.i large aarpernUow; gooda aold at iiliaral aralliii a raaaaaalbla paaltw* ..pen t > a party of ba*lnen| ? with aaaMaat..rr rafereaeaa* Addra9 vaal and aaaigy. *Ha anatataa*..r? rnfan M AN UPAO I I KKK, i.aaSdli Haratd lilA *ABTKU"-ill aN l*l'ORTfira_Wnoi.i _ aale buaiaaaa, long a.tnbitahad; beat M >al nrenea* gia n aad raaairrd Adiira*a J. I? Hswtd an a. ^(?n nn Tills A oi Bt CASH. wTTIi F'aL. ?UU.UU,l?ia. will pa rehear hall at whale of on* ol thw lna*l natwla la MXhlj^ bo.nmjli^fornlah. d and AouJ|