Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD WHOLE NO. 15,276. ? NEW FORK. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1878.?TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS DIRECTORY TOR ADVERTISER! HERALD BRANCH OFFICE. 1.265 BBQAgWAY? open day and night for reception op ADVERTISEMENTS ANI? SALBS OF 1'aPBKS. AMUSEMENTS?1>t PA?d-ittt und 6th cola ASTROLOGY -12th l'AUH-Olb coL BILLIARDS?1 Itii Pauk? 6th coL HOARDERS WANTED 1st I*AO*-4th cul. SoakD and lodging WANTSD-Ut Pack?4th col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?Dth Pauk. BUSINESS NOTICES?7th 1'ACK?6th cut, CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALK-2D I'ag*?1st ool. CLERKS and SALESMEN?12th Pack?5th owl. CLOTHING -2d Page-6th col. COACHMEN AND U ARDENEB8?12TH PACK?5th and Halt cols. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?2d PiGK-StU col. COUNTRY BOARD?lit Pao*?5th col. DANCING ACAOEMLBS-IItii pAOK-6th col. DENTISTRY?13th Pauk-6iU col. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET, FURNISHED AMD UN. FURNISltED?2o Pauk? 1>i col. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS-2? Pauk?4th col. KU HOl'K?7tu. Pao??Olh cuL EXCURSIONS?do Paob?5tU and6th cola FINANCIAL?9th Pauk. Fl NE ARTS?I 1th Pauu?6th coL FOR SALE?12th Pauk?6th o?l. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET?2D Pauk lit anil 2d cols. FURNITURE-2d P auk-GHi col. HELP WANTED?FEMALES?19? PA0*-5th coL HELP WAN'i'BD?MALES?12th pAuie?6th col. HOUSES, Carriages, AC.-lsr Pack-SU, ad and4th coll. HOTELS?1st Pack?4th and 5th cola HOUSES. ROOMS, AC.. WANTKD-2D Pau*-2d col. LdsT AM) FOUND?IsT Pauk?1st col. MACHINERY-12TH Paok 6th col. Marble mantels-uth PAoa-OtheoL MEDICAL?12th Pack-6th col, MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKl NO?1st Pack-6 th col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?IOta Paok? 6lh col. MISCELLANEOUS?2d PAUK-Oth col. MUSICAL?11th 1'aok?Hth col.*, NEW PUBLICATIONS-7tH PaOR?6th col. PERSONAL?1ST 1'aOK?1st col. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AC.?Uth l'AUK-6th col. POST OFFICE NOTICE?11 Tit Pack 6th col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WA.NTeD-FEM ALE8 12th I'AUK?5tli col. PROPER!Y our OK THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT-2D Pauk?1st col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2D PAOB-lst CoL REAL ESTATE WANTED?2d Pauk-Is) col. RELIGIOUS NOTICES?1st Pace?1st col. SALE* AT AUCTION-2d Paub-24. SU aud 4th cola SITUATIONS Wanted?FEMALES? 12TH P auk?1st, 2d, :<d, 4th t.nd 5th cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES-12th Pack?5th eoL SPECIAL. NO I ICES?1st Pauk?1st aud 2d cola Bl'OUAGE?12th Pagk?6th col. SUMMER RESORTS?1st Pagk?,7th col. THE LECTURE SEASON?lrr Paok?6th ooL THE TRADE.-?12th Pagk uth col. THE TURF 1st l'AU?-2d col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PUKPOSK3-2d Pagk?1st col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?2d l*ASK-5th col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2ii Pagk?2d.col. WaNTi-.D To PUR.:HASE?-11th Pagk Oth eol. WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac.?Uth Pack?Oth col WESTCH EsTE.R COU.V1Y PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET-2d Pauk 1st col. YACHTS, s I K AM BOA IS. AC.?10th Pack?6th col. 1) D I'KRSOSAL. A you no oknt'leman ok" means di-sire's to J\ mine tUu acquaintance of a young lady living In V'orlt viius, with u vie* tu mutual improvouaout. Address A. B., .1 . ' iornl'l office. OMX.ilO C -SEND ADDRESS. ALL WELL. CHAT. "I A LKTTKK RECEIVED. IE* YOU LOVE ME TKLB J./?graph at once where u lottur will reach you. Imuil write to you. ? L. T. H. K. B.-WE ARE IS THE DARK. SEND PAR. ticulure. IX. appears leniently dLpoead; wnto.^ ^ IK THE I1ACKMAN THAT BROUUUT 1 11 KEE UEN lluiitcn to 140 hast 22d at., on the eveulng of May St. be tween tlii) hours ot W and 10 P. M.. will please rail at the Above number they will be liandnuuel v rewarded. Mre. JULIA A. cHaPWIOK. TO UNO LADY, WITn ELDERLY LADY, ON ' DEUO. ration Dav. at morning, io sixth avenue car, stopping at Vesev at. and Broadway. Pleaae bring umbrella, which 1 loaned to you ou that day. to 34 ParK Row', room 33. 11ELIGIOUS SUT1CES. " IjyKV.W il KNRY"MrplELo"W1 r7L'ADDftT?ss"~f ns XV Union Missionary meeting at the Seventh Praabytrelaa Church Wednesday evening at 8. E Tory body welcome. No colleatlon. LOST AMI POUND. ]DOUN?-<SN "MADISON Af^A SMALL PURSE, OOf? 1? taming money. The owner, by proving property, will lecelve It at '.'S3 Madiaon av. LOST?LOO Is'El". MONOORAM "J. H. H." OUT IN euyx. If touud. return to L2NBKOR, Jeweller, 1J4U1 Broadway; rewac i. T Os?T?ON KKIDaY, JUNE 14. A SCoTOII TERRIER Xjliltcb ; bair cut atmrt ou body. Tlio liudar will ba liber. eLy rewarded by returning it to Mre. LECUCUitRh, next door to Mr. Vignau's, on l'ercil a v., Oreenvllle, N. J., or te Mr. Pluiuereau, 383 Btli av.. New York. OST?oNTUKsDaY MORNING, AT OU NKaR THE Erie ferry, 23d at., a Pocketbook. containing. with a eiuall aum of money, aouie Morrlaanla boat tickets and pauera of iui uaa to any one but the owner. By returning the peuers to the office ot WM. UAULDWELL, Sunday .Mercury office. 138 Kulton at., the tinder will be welcome to tbe money and receive the thniika of the owner. Lo->t-a bracelet."enamelFd AND KNI.RaVKD. The finder will he eultahl ? rt-warued by returning it to A. PINOVEK ,t CO.. 77 and 70 Kulton et.. New Yor?. OsT-O.N JUNE 17. ABOUI I I A. M . ON BROAD way, near Hlevcaer si., a I'ockatbook containing money and card, with audresa of Mine J. Turner, 1.2H7 Broadway. Tho Under will ho suitably rewarded on leaving eaino with WOKTHINUTON A SMITH, d36and 6.38 Hroadwav (1ST ON SATURDAY LaSI'7 ON Ki.A.N KLlN AV. care or Houston at. terry, u Packngo, containing ecarf pin. Ac. Reward lor lta recovery puld at 1154 Lafayette av.. Brooklyn. KPF.CIAL KUTlCBii. 11. "o. LKTSGINEIl having returned to New York would be pleated to ?ee bit ol<l pair ma and a* wan/ new ouee at bla newly-luted roomt, .7 Uulvurilty place, cor ner lltb at., up ataira. I.adiut wiahine a tir?t claaa band made shoe can bnve it by leaving an orunr at LET INi> it it's. Price* to auit the timet. TTBNTION?TWENTY YK.tKS' PKlitiSIAN IIOSPI tal experience; apecialtiea. iliaoaeeaut uion and unrvoui ay atom : cunaultntioii tree. i>r. JACOBY, Hit Bleeckor at, " a "-SURE CURE POK bUNii DISEASES. HOCK ,/X.aud ltye, (1 per large bottle ; 94 per gallon. N. VAN Br.II.. NH Chamber* at. ATTENTION, PATIENTS!?CONSULTUK. P HOT IN-, troiu I'arla, 34 liund it.. The moat intricate diaeaaoe, ?kin dlaordera aud uurvoua debility radically cured. LL SPECIAL COMPLAIN TS CERT ill, 8AKK AND permanently cured, to eituer aex. Dr. COX, 202 Kaat Itlih at a LL RHEUMATISM POHITIVELY UUKED-ANY Aatage of dlaenae. EUROPEAN RHEUMATISM 8UCI ETV, 2u7 Weat :<41It at. I'ure gu rantced. A DVK111 -* iiNTS HKOKIVKD VM MORN ISO xVainl evening ncwapapera at ilarlein. Advertising ofllce. No. 2,20 > 3d av.. one douraouth of 12.5th at., at aatue ratee aa at main oltirea. A" LL DISEASES oP MhN~ WHATEVER THE cauio, recent or loug naauiua. tpo Hilly and paruaa ?ontly cured by Ora. L V hit A JlUNDLK, 47 We at 13th it , near tith av. ALL splli.'! AL COMPI.AlNTb7.MLDI0AL OK 8UK gtcal. eately, aucceealully treated _ Or HKADKuKP. 138 Kaat 12th at. LL DISEASES III.OnD, ?~KIN -AND NKKVyUrt DK billty; no lea until cured ; ox tree. Dr. KKKMA.V. 20?(lraod at. A AN ESS\Y, SUPlLYINU MEANS POK KKSEUllNG cure of nerv-.n- rtalnllir. mailed free. W. WaLKIN, box 2.">i*l i'oet ofllce, New York. EST KYE WIUsKE\r IN TIIK WORLD. KOUJt ye era old, 94 per gallon. 91 per large bottle N VAN HKIL. nm t hambera at. TJUaNDIKS. wines, OMR AND W IIISKIKS? IIK8T Jjqualitiu* at lowaat price* good* delivered; Kuglieh KreakfaatTna,80 aaita li. van hkil. ss chamber* at. BKOIOHIONS 1N VIiJOK ATI Nil H V III' I* CUKES alnmacli, liver, kidney illaeatea. wenkiie*?. Ac.; alio roatoroa uiauhood; 25 centa; advice 'ree. BO Weat 4th at. DInKASKs OK MEN A SI'KOIALrY. IIKNKY A. liAMKLs. M. 1).. 144 Lextagtoa IV., near 2t'th at. Ofllce ho lira Ironi S to N nod I) to 7. J\1VORCKS SPEEDILY OBTAIN!'.D?TERMS SUPER Jlatively reaaunable ; CONSULTATIONS true. IKED llli k .1. h 1 Ml, Lawyer, 0 >t- Mark'* plaee, adjoining Cooper Inatltute. 1 til. ItlCOKD'S ESSENCE OP LIKE RESTORES J'Diaoliimil to tbo di-Mli t at-d In lour woeka: lallure lin pooalole; 93 per ceao. nolo agent, l?r. JAIIJU 1.8, 7 L'aU veralty placu, New terfc. DiVoKl'K CASKS ATTENUKD TO PROMPTLY, without publicity: con an it him. IHaAU il. HofCK. oxnerienreil lawyar. 911 Broad > ay. H-OKPIC1AL KENTUCKY STATE ORaVVINOH. . KX.-rrocar-BXTitA CL??* no. 3s7 junk IS. 1H7S. 2, 12. II. 42, 64, 50, 23, 21. 34. SO. "It. 72, 52. KKNTUCKV 1'LAN.H NO. 38H-JUN* IS, 1S7S. ?it. 111. 4H, IS, 4-1, 59. 9, 2H, 41, 4, 52, 5, 74. 29. MMMons A DICKINSON, bMawk gaUHIIIA RTATK VXTIIA 1'l.lli NO. 4'?7 JUNg IS, IS7H. IS. Ill, 44, 59, 8. 27. 40, IM, 411. IKi. 2U. 41, 32. liXORUIA NTAlk CLASS NO 4(IM? JUNK |H, 1S7H. 65. 29, 49. 7S. 25. 3H 41, 33, 4. 39. 27. 71. 117, 73. h. 0. KilDY A CO., Manager*, lnlorniutlon gtvan regarding the above drnwlnga. Apply In CLU TEA CO., Bnukera, 2'*) Hroailwey, rear ofllce. H?litiVAL HAVANA DRAWS JUNE 2H , Cepilai I'riae, fdOn.iaKMn Sii nl li monty. ticket-, Sill, S.O, flu. 95, 92. 91. Single NnmiiUr Kentucky ilrnwa.1 une 29. I'apliai Pri*e, 914,ikki. Ticket*, 91. Loulalaue Single Number drawl July 9. Ticket-. 92 and 91. CI.U IK A CO., Banker., 2H9 Broadway. Hi \ iRa LOTTI NT. Next drawing June 29, IH7S. SJI prima, amounting to 910.000 neaoa. Highest prlae, JOUJKJQ peana; amnlleat, 6tm Aa the premium of gol.l la cuuting down lu Cuba theae prim a are worth more every day. ecliamo lor next lineal year ran be had by aildreaaing M. A M A It TIN E/, A UO.. Banker*, 19 Wall at., ba(em*iit. (iold a-.d Havana B?nk Bill* bought and (old. Drain on Barena laaued. Ri NTUUKV DAILY; TIOKKTs, 91 TO 92 50; KEN in ky State, Jnne 211, ticket*. 91; lioyal Havana, J una dh tlcketa.94" to 91 ; open lid 9 o'ciock. BULLA D * Oil .901 Brand way, a*ar90*h. |~i?Uls|ANA STA'IK Li If T ItY COM I'AN Y.-CllAB | it, red hy the State. It never aealcior tio-lputiea. Heventli tlraml ISairlbnllen ai New Orleana. July 9. 1,957 priiea, annniiillii* to 9119,400: capital prl(ca, 930,000. 919,000, 95 Oik hike.; U*' tickoia. two t92> dollar*; halve-, one If 11 dollar. Annly to M A. DAUPHIN, I'nat ofllce box Bvr.', New Orleaur. La., or U. U PLUM, 319 Broadway, New York. SPECIAL NOT1CKS. f-otlRTTNA UK A Wei JULY 0 ? TICKETS. #2; Xjlmlvax, $1. Kentucky draws J una 29 Tickets. $1. Daily tickets #1 to $2 5(J. Our private parlors, S38 Broad way, uuod irum 7 A. to. until 9 t*. to. B NA1UAN. 181 and 838 Broadway. jy^ETKOPOLlTAN 28 ANN ST.. DO A1.L KINDS OF PRINTING FOR ALL KINDS OP BUSINESS, SUMNER EXCURSIONS AND STEAMBOAT WORK, pamphlet TIME TABLES. FINE WOOD ENGRAVING AND COLORED PRINTING, hOSTEKs PROGRAMMES AND TICKETS. LAW CASKS. ? EXPRESS COMPANIES, STEAMBOAT, STEAMSHIP LINES AND RAIL ROAD WO UK. first class Work and low PRICES FOR CA.SU. GIVE US A TRIAL. METROPOLITAN JOB PRINTING OFFICE, 28 ANN ST. TV/f AKBLE MANTELS AND .MONUMENTS .CHEAPER ivXihaii avar. A. KLaBRR. 184 East IStb at., near 3a av. 1 .To'Ttant cases, madloal or turgleal; impairment of any orgauic function, baradltary or conatitutional taint; aiaaaaa* or mou and tba narvoua system a specialty. 11ENRY A. DANIELS, M. D.. 144 Lexington ar., near 20tb it. flouri, 8 to J and 8 to 7. OYAL HAVANA DRAWS JUNE 28. 1878; $810,000 distributed; capital price. $200,000; highest ratea paid tor prima aud Havana Bank bill*. Now scheme aout on application. Addreaa all orders to ttia autbortcod agents, C. V1ADERO A CO., B iuk*rs, . No. 1 New at.. Now York. (Lata with M. A. Martlne* A Co)., ROYAL HAVANA LOlTKKY-NEXT drawing J a no 28; $810,000 dlitributod: Capital Price, $200,000: prixa* oaaliad: orders filled: tnfurinatigu furnishd; uigueat ratea paid lor Spanish Bank BHIa. Government*. At. TAYLOR a CO , Rankers, 11 Wall at.. New York. Royal Havana draws junk 2& Capital price, #200.000 Spanish money. Tic-eta. $10. #20, #10. #0, #2, $1 SINGLE NUMBER KENTUCKY DRAWS JUNE 29. Capital prico, #I4.00O. Tickata. #1. I.OUISIANA slN'.Lc. N UMBER draw* July 9. Ticket*. $2 aud? l.JAOK^ON A C '., Kankera. 82 Nassau it., N. Y. ^DISEASES OF MEN ARISING FROM IMPURITY ?01 tne blood, akin, taint auu nervous proatraliou a ape, eiaitv. JOSEPH Jacques M. D , 7 University place. Office boura Irotn S till 3 add 0 to 8. LnTTSTno CAMP MKKTINti.?TRUSTEES WISH KK aponclble p-raona to rnrniab hoarding, ice cream, aoda water, confectionery. Addreaa JOEL SAMtolS, 50 Waat Otli at., N w Yore. WO PROMISSORY NOTES, ONE DATED MAY 15, 1S78. at two months, tor #221 47, the other May 22, 1S7S. at two Hiuutha, lor (321 47, drawn by the subscribers, to order ot Phelps, Dodge A Co., Naw York, bavin* been lost or mtaeamod In the mails, all persons are lierebv cau tioned agraluat negotiating the same, as they will not be paid at maturity. J. HALL ROllRMAN A -SON. 808 Cherry at.. Philadelphia. HE RUROP E \ N CONGRESS. SPECIAL CABLE DESPATCHES EVERY NIGHT IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM. UsKIVALLED in quality and price. Champagne Wines of MOET A OH AN DON, established 1743. Reuanld, Francois A Co., Sole Agents for United State*. TTITaL CUPULES CURE NERVOUS DrBlLITY. V weakness: male or iemaie. Circular sent free. IRVING A BLAKE,box 148, Brooklyn, N. Y. T (lift7 OOSl -KENTUCKY nTATE, JUNE 29. CAI'I iJpO I .c7.4U.tal Price, $14,000. tickets. $1. Lucky offices 1,2*27 Broadway. New York: 1S3 Montague St.; Brooklyn. B. H. PORTER A CO , Northern Agents. <fl?*> >J7/1 ?KoYAL SaXON LOTTERY. ?5>gJs i i&O.O I A. Dneal Hrunswlek Lottery. Drawitigs In Uerraany every month. Royal Havana Lottery. June 28. New scheme now rnady. Ticket*. $40; quarter*. $10; eighths.$5; Kentucky State Lottery. June 29. Whole tickets, $1. Price* cashed and full tnloriuation of the above sent free. J. 1)1)11 A CO.. Bankers. 42 Nassau St.. oor Liberty N. V. T1IK Tllllir. AucTioiTxiifD' prkNca ~p6o?s K>lo on the fltulinrn rtrti uil t< uta ?( Hiutrni; also on the boat race between Uanlun aud Morris at Pittsburg." UaCKETT A CO., 50 nudson at., Iloboken. ? BOOKS OPEN AT f,^~BKoTl>W'A Y 0* ?Pittsburg rsoej, combination*. Ac. THoS. B. JOHNSON. B OOKS OPEN ON THE LONG BUANCIi AND PITTS burs rate* alia ttia Boston trots, at IB Weat 28th at. W. LOVI-.LU BOOK OPEN TO-DhY ON PITTSBURG AT BKOW.vK'J, 1,170 Broadway. Book* open on Branch Hauill capa. JOHN HACKKTl A CO. LONG BKANoII RACES, COMMENCING SAIUKUAy! J use 2B, 1878. Hooka open on the principal stake*. Pro .rununua can be bad. 13 West 28tb at., buaeaieul.l CKlDUK A CO. KOSPECT PARK PAIR OKOUNOS, GRAVESHMD. Kiaita county, N. Y.?Friday, Juno 21, 1878. 3 1*. Si., Sraud trot of the aeaauu; grand Sweepstakes and purae, free for all horaea that never beat 2:20; $500 eatrance, 95UO added by the proprietor*, all to go to the winning horse. Same day, por*e of 9100. lor all double trains; 900 to firat, 930 to aecoud. 910 to third : outriea to close i.y telegraph on or bolore Wednesday. Jun* 10, at 12 o'clock >1., nod to l.e uirectod to the uuderalgned. care George A. Powers, SIM) Pulton at., Brooklyn. N 1. AT WOOD A CO. P" ITTttBU KG RACKS.*"?POOLS SOLI* AT 08 HUDSON at.. Iloboken. KELLY A BLISS. PITTSBURG RACK*.?BOOK OP..N AT 15 WEST 28th at. Kl'.LLY A BLISS ITTSBUKG KAC-.S, WRDNBnD ? Y~ ThUiimiAY, Prl'iuv and Saturday.?Auction and Pieoch pools every day at Tatleraall's, Otto Cetiag*, Iloboken. rpkoxs atbeacgn pakk. Tuesday. w bunks J. day, Thuraday and Friday. Auction Poola aold every day at TATTKKHALL'S, Otto Cottage. Ilobokeu. fT 1ATTK US ALL'S* BRANCH UFF1C k'aT* HANDY SPUN X CKK'S, corU"r ol Broaderuy aud Pulton at., baaeiuoul. ? Combination and straight book a on all eyania Orders re ceived lor lluiiokau Preueb poola. UUUSKk, CAUKlAUBb, OCtlON NOTICE. A UCT10.V NOtlOjf. At public auetiou TO-MORKOW (Til U K.-DAY), JUNB 20, AT TUB .-.TABLE 128 KAnT 10XJ1 ST., AT 11 O'CLOCK. Seven handaeme, teat and bitru bred Family Koad. Traek and Saddle lloraea. coaalatiug ot a team ol Pamlly or Loud iloraaa tbat can trot in 2:40; bay Mare. Western Gin; cun trot In 2 ;2U; cbeatuut gelding Uuplcx : cau trot !u 2 :gft; team of bay taddlo or driving Mare*; have neon used ex clusively by la.ue?; are iR-rlecl uu.ier Muddle; can trot In 3 uiluulea: one roan Pout; bus bean used cy a bey; also ail tlie clap-ant Carriage*. Phaetons. Wagon*, sleigba, liar, uric. Ac. The above llorse* are all warranted. A. ? ?TtlK AHOVK StOCK WILL HP, OS EXHIBI TION TO DAY PROM 2 P M. UNTIL 5 O'CLOCK AND OW NER W ILL HE IN ATTKNDkNCK TO GIVE EVERY ONE A TRIAL BkPOKE TIME oP SALE. A -ELEGANT NEW ENULlsil GENTLEMAN'S RID ?Idg Saddle aud llriole; also handsome, Urat class lop Koad >\ agon, lino IIaraeaa at a bargain. Manhattan Club Stable, 12 i ait 18th at. A?KKl'Alll Dr.KAKT.MKNT. . HKKWsTKK A I O., of Brooms at. Carriages lor lull and winter use iiroalng repairs may uow ba placed lu i?r hauda. aud if repainted or rarulehod will ba iMitad without chargo until autumn. ^ Broadway. 47th to 4Hth at. J BLACK MAKI^ 10 HAND"; ALSO TWO CiltAK Horaea and auiaU Kouy. IJa South 5th nr. A KINK DARK. HAT MAKB. IB HANDS; Uoull trma.fller; kind and gentle for a laoy t? drltra ; atyllah ; alaotop Huggy nod U.rnoao; tuuat ba aula at ouoa. Can ba aacn at 55 Downing ??. a KOWBKKUL TKUOK OK OAMT IIOI.'SK. IB J\handa. warrautod to haul thraa toiw, ftKX IiiguiroSDJ Huda jn at , atore. ~YUUNO, HTTLImU BAT OOOTK UoT.KK. IB hauua; alao two good Work Marat, cbaap. XM sprlug A A?THE BUST FAMILY TURNOUT IN TDK CITV, ?only $3UD; bay Mara. I5>. Iianda, H rears old; all aouad aud kind; elegant Tup Kbaeluu and Harness, Lap Homo. Hl.tokrts and A hip; a oat two waaka alnea over $?KAI. UWNKlt, IHitf West Mat s? AB ? #47 > WILL HUT IIOKSK, WAUON AND HAIL ?neat, coat #1,1100 on? month ana; alao ooa stylish Kerk Kbaeluu, made by Olivers; una light Extension Top Kline ton, seats four. Kola and Shaft., by Wood; fine leather top Wagon, tine I'out 1'naaton . single and Dounla llarnuaa. 114 A aat I 7 t h at., naar Bth ?T. KD.NV KHAKIUM,"$BD; DKI'OT eH HLHINhUB Waguu. $75. Carriage lactory, 145 West gNlh at. A. .with nna llarneaa. Hlanaat, Lap Koba and W hip ; baud. some Top I'ony I'baaton cheap. Apply to aoaohnian, sta ble, I Waat loth at .iiaarfnh av. A" UKNTLkTm AN'H TDKNUUT?SOKHEL MAKE, 15.1 high, all aoiuid and nlud, drivel. by lady, trota lu 5:5)1; Harness, Wagon. by Hrawatar. TKUKsUKLL'h atnbla, t*U Waat HI lb at. uXniisijmit. stylish bat huksk. 7 y. abh Ao .old, aound and kind; a great bargain. Working at lard at n ?, till suillvan at. t >Ai'III KICK -ID ItUSINKSS ami ilKLIVKKT jYW.igona, all alaoa, $3u to $la5; now. aaouud band lor Express, t.roesr, Uotchar, Hakar, Milk, IK-put. 2X1 Sptiug at. ATIIkKK IIDHSKs CIIK.W; Mil IHLCh. i.X tproaa, grocer, farm Inn, Ac.; KM. $05. i?r>. 110 Chris topher at. Milt StLK-Tliltf .KINK FaFr UK HLACK allurara. 15.11 high, Irom Maine; Me.sengor and Main brltoi stuck; B yaara old; good trarellora and perlcctly gentle ; alnglo or duablo. Inquire at Now Kugtaud Stables, Broad war an I l Kb ,t "ratai will Ttuy unk up tun mkst hoad .Horses In llto dlr ; can trot to tup wagnu bettor than U:5H; warranted sound end kind: together with Itla liar nraa aud Too Wagon. almost now. aud uy Wiwd. I4U Wrat III.tat. Alao a vary lino Saddle end Hornets lloraa. BKBWATER (IK HKUilBK ST.. KAllK PlIAR .ton. tine order coal Bl.iMkl; prioe $2<a)? aid* bar top Wagon, $1HA 5 West 13th at UUUli'cHANUB.? A VhHV HaNDsUMK BADHLB Mare, thoroughly trained; and alio two othoro. tiHTer eat alaea, that oaa bo drlroa by u lady. Ta bo oooa at 9 Wool 19lb au A. HOUSES, C.VRHMGKS. T BARKER ,t SO N'T" .city auction mart and n. t. tattf.usalls, CORNER OF Broadway ?nd TOth tl. ??? CHARLES W. BARKER, Auctioneer. REGULAR sales every Wednesday and Saturdmy. TWENTY-FOUR hour* allowed lur trial. CATADOGUK OF SA IE THIS DAY. AT II ()' LOi'K. THOROUGHBREDS. OAK LEAF, bay mars, loaled lHtiB by Oakland, dam Leisure. by Had Kvu; In tuul lu Harry Kassell. SI.VTEK TO Mil.NEK, chestnut Ally, 3 years old, by iio|i. Leamington, dam by Lexlugtau, iu (oal to Harry Basselt. IIKOWN COI.T, 3 years old, by Harry Saasatt, dam Oak Bud, by Asteroid. BROWN FILLY, 2 years old, by Harry Baasett, dam Avoodale, by iutp. Leamington. BAY FILlY ,3 years old, by tlarry Baaaott, dam Flour Aoce, by Imp, Leautiuglon. CHESTNUT FILLY, yearliug, by Harry Baaaott, dam Nary Ruckle*, by inim Leamington. CHESTNUT FILLY, yuariing, by Uarry Baaaott, dam Bca Bird, by Blackbird. aVoNDALE, browu mare, 6years old, by Imp. Leam ington. dam sural: H.: lu loal to Harry Bassott. DOM PEDRO, ebeatnut colt. 3years old, by Narragan aott, dam Mlnnio Yliuor, by Lexington; very fast. REFORMER, bay guiding, A years old, by Lutbor, dam Anule Laurie : Une saduior aud Jumper. ABOVE ARE all souud. Ti.OTTERS, Roadsters, Carriage Uorses, Ponies, Ao. FAsT BLACK Trotting Gel dug, 15 high, 8 year* old ; Kot-by Etbau Allen; a Irea, baudy driver; cau trot lu 3:50; lluu pole liursu; warranted kind. FAMILY t.STABLI IIMENT, comprising a One pair of bay Geldings, I5tj high. B and 7 years old; stylish drivers aud great roadster* ; warrauieu sound and kind; inagnifi eeet B-*e it satin lined Coupe Kockaway. superb order; silver mourned Double Harness, by YVood Uibsua; sold ou account of owner's departure lor Europe. DaDY'S OUTFIT, comprising one ol the fastest and eatast yuuaic buy M ates ever driven by ? ludr ; lfi'g high, d years old ; bus trotted In 3:15 to a obael u drivuu by a child; warranted sound aud kind; alto superb Basket Wsgun. by George H. CI >te; liaruess, Ac. THE FasT and handsome bay trotting Msre Belle ft., 15Jl high, 7 years eld, got by Champion ; a free, easy driver; has .t lecord of 3:3B); ; n great pule mare; warranted sound and kind. HIGH Bf ED CHESTNUT trotting Msre, 15>; blsb, 6 years old; an anv eud every duy sure 2:40 trotter, either eluglo or to tbe pole; very baudsomo and stylish; wurrautod souud auu kind. 1)1..SIR tBLE BAY family Msre. 15% high. 8 years old; sale lor any oue to drive; cau trot iu 3:50; warranted sound aud kind. THE vi UNDOUS SPEEDY brown trotting Mare, 15% high. 7 years old: an agreeable driver: can trotln3:4(). single or double, and speed close to a 3oil) gait; warranted sound and kind. PROMISING DARK bay Filly. 15% nigh. 5 years old, got by a son ol Oeueral Kuox; thoroughly well broken ; can trot iu 3:5U; warranted sound aud kind. CROSSMATCHED pair ot calico and blaok l'onias, 13 blub. S years old; prompt drivers; both Une under saddle; warrauied ktud; also no top C spring Basket Phjutou.pole and situ Its; Dole Harness, Ac. PAIR HaY Carriage Horses. 10 high, 0 and lOyears old; Quo orlvers: warranted kind; also Park Phuotou, top Wagon : two sets Double ilaraess. Ac. eLEUaN'T ROaN Carriage Horse, 15J^ high, H years olo; extra action and appearance; warranted sound and kind. FORTY OTHER llotsei Tor all purposes. FULL DESCRIPTION at ssle. SaLKS NEVER postponed on account of weather. NO I ICE. ? Will be oxuioited ou tue driving track, at 10:45 A. M ,'Mr. C. W. Barker's uiaguificeut black (IB blah, 4 years old) stallion coil BLACK sTak by nlack wood, darn Mo'iesty by Aineriean Star; private record of 3:iK> and repeat at 3 years old; believed to be the UKANDRsT appearing hoise of tbe age; services placed at the EXTRAORDINARY low sum ot 315; limited to a lew mares only. UOTION SALE. AUCTION SALE" Cil AS. C. DUPF A CO., AUCTION Eli IIS, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION THIS DAY (WEDNESDAY). JUNE l?. AT 11 O'CLOCK. THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF THE PRIVATE STABLE 317 EAST 34TI1 ST.. NEAR 3D Alf., including the lest and handsome blown Trottiug Gelding Mystic. 15 hands, 7 years; not by Bell's Mantbriuo PLot, by Mambriuo Chief, by Mamhriuo Paymaster, oy Mamuriuo; daui uy Cassius M. Clay; Mystie can always beat 3 :B0 on track or road; trotted at Point llreese track 2:31) and ou Nauck tr?ek Iu 3 :27; be Is a perfect roadster and warranted souud mid kind. llay Gelding. S yearly>ld, IB high,got by Flying Cloud. Jr., first dam by Cassius M. Clay, dr., second duiu Thur oughhred; litis Is an elegant combined saddle and harness horse ? wuu three weeks' handling would neat three min utes ; bas a epleudid way ot going; is a porluct family burse aud warranted souud and klud. Buy Gelding, got bv Alleu C. Patclien, by George M. Palcbeu; tirst dam by Irou Ddke (son ot Kysdyk's Humble toaign), second dam by Alexander's Bay cbief (sirs of Rice Graves), by Mambriuo Cblet; a very square i.ud liuuly guiie.i bursa ; cau bust 2:40; is warranted souud uua kind Bay Gelding Harry Youux. 15Ja bauds high; got by Yuuug Columbus (.Smith's), aire ol Harry llnrley, Myrou Perry and many others ol tbe fastest In the country ; first darn by Danisl Laiuburt. sou of Ethau Ailuu, second dam by Snauldiau's Abualiab; a most elegaut and fine appearing horse, gaited like a piece ol machinery and can beat 3 : D ou track mid warrauied eoued aud Kind. Also extension top Park Phaeton (pole aud shafts), lo| Peuy Phaetou, one top Ro d Wagon, bingla aud Double Harness, Blsnksts. Robes. Ac. N. B. A full werrantee given and ample time allowed for trial and examination. SALE POSITIVE, RAIN UK 8H|NB. T PRIVATE SALE. TASHKLL A KEARNEY, AUCTIONEERS, have now on hand at tbeir auiearoums. 110 AND 112 BAST 13TU ST.. NEAR 4tU AV.. THE LARGEST STOCK of new and soeond band Car riages IN THE COUN iEY, consisting oI GLASS AND LEAT II K K FRONT LANDAUS, LAU DAULi TS Coupes, Stanhope Phaetons, Broughams. Vic torias, new and second hand; T Carts, Coupe and opeu Kuokaways, Baroacbes. B-seat Roekaways, lop am no tup liapot Wagons, extension top Phaetons, Park Phaetons, AN KNOHMOUH STOCK OF TOl' AND NO TO I* vide bar and lull spring W agon a. TOP AND NO TOP Pony Phautoi-s. OaNUPV AN1> UHUKi.l-L a tup Phaetnns. Dukuti by the BI'.KWHTKKS. WOOD BliOriiKBS, DUSEN BUItY sad other first class builders. OVfcili l.'?0 hKTS DOUBLE AND SI HOLE HARNESS, Robes, Sliouta. Wl.lua. Ac. A\it* AT VERY LOW PRICES. A -SECOND HAND OAilHiAUBS, 0 Landau, Brougham, No-top I'li?rton, Cahrlolat, o I moat new. l>ap<>t Pnartuu. Baal of above our own build, and all la excellent ordor. UK MVS TP, It A CO-, of llroumn at.. Broadway. IT to tu 4Sth at. SrONIsKINO BABOAl.NH 1 ?NO REASON AliLK eaah oflor refused 1?beautiful light oxtentlou top I'll?. too (aouta four), shifting '.op Wliituay apriuir Road Wagon, lu.l spring Tup Wagon. Top Pony Phaeton, bun Harness; all hoar.y near. Inquire Ilussiuuro atablea, '447 Writ 41?t at. _ FULL CLARENCE, SECOND UaND, Is OFFERED lu exchange lor a guud Pony Pbaoton with lop, If new or uearly so aud In perfect order; must oxeUauge to-day. Annreas b. H , 411 Jey at. ?HEVEN HOitsKS HUIT TtNY~ HUHIXKHS; ? tVagous aud Harness. Kill aud ltil Croaby, uoar Bleecksr at, j^ - second hand CAitiaiAoitsT Light Landau let, high trout arhevle, one and the horse i. Light l.audau, of Wood'a malts, tor country. Victoria, ol Brewster A Co.'a utak-i, lu good ordor. Brsaraler A Co.'a Wagon, Willi rubber cuahluuud uxles. Kockawav tor six peieoua, tor country use. Windsor Wagons, with vortical stool plata axles. J. K. HUfaWSTKlt A CO.. of 2.*?lh at. AOOMPLETB FAMILY TURNOUT CHEAP,?PAIR of bay Horses, aullable lor lady's u-.o, 11 ? haiioa.ti yoara mo. sound aud kind; a llgltl exteuvlwn top I'liaemu, aeata I per tons, with Polo ami Hlialls; tup Pnuy Phaeton, hue iiouole ami Single Harness; also Coupo Harness: all city made, in llrel ciaee order; will sell aeuarate Inquire ? f Mr. <1 . prlvalo sl?b e ha-t J"th at., near ltd as A lilt'. AT HAMUaIM-ONB OB THE HANIMONRhT light Kockaway Carriages In the city; also uneetiilllng ?eat L'vpot Wagon and top pony Pnaoton, single and Double il amass; all in fine order-and oily made. PAL KIT.-. CLUB. 15? Last 2?itli et. UKN1 LE mXn , _LB A VINO ~TOVV S. ttli.l. s LI. complete Turnout at great sacrilice; liay ltor-r, lots bauds, 7 ) oars; Dire roadster; driven by larllea; III-tough y broken t > saddle ; warrant- d. and tears nothing Hreweit-r spring Tup Wagon. Harness, U.b- a, lllaliketa, Ac,; all liltlae uvea; very cheap; also Pony Phaeton; aell separate. No. Ml Bait 41st at A -MUST BK SOLD . NO OFFKIt KhVLsKli; llltMV ?star Top Wagon, tup Puny Pbaoton, Ilamo.s ami iwal It III Uurse; all first class; sell separately. No. 142 West 117th St. A-POK HAlTsTriTuB IIOUSKr, SUIT FAHUI NO, ? grocery or trucking; uiust he so d ; trial given lliqulie 1117 Mercer St., near Mleeckar. BtKOAI.NH.-TOP P'/NY PIIAKTOX, HaRNKHH Robe, S1UU; Open l'baet-io. Ml| gsutlu, suiall llurse Express v< -goii, *2o. Ml 7ili av ClAliKlAUBH, UAU.NEHH, KHKbTM, Lil" DUMfliKS /Blankets, Ac.; extension, half tou and Pony Phartoue lluggles. Depot, Read aud Jump seat Wagons; K.-ckaways Ac. (some second hand by city makers), iroiu S al upward lluruoM. superb variety, from $0 4H; nneels. iM?c. bund loll illustrated catalogue. JOHN MOOKK, 57 Warrin it. CNAltRIA(iKH HOKHK. TOP DEPOT WaOOM. HAK /iisss, Ac.. complete, the property "f a geiitleniaii liavinr no further use for them Apply CAl.YiN W1TI Y? Cirriego Wareroonik, 1M) -mull .Nth ar. * -UAkiiiAuhrt or ai.i. KiNUs.-ror huooiks, .V.Im; fuiir I'liMtMi.lllKJ; light vntanaloii tu|> I'are I'La.niu., $125, mii(1 other atylee. *11 my i.wo mega, ?t ? anulaotnrara, prluoa and warranted. iMtUltK .HIO Ouiinl. [.loll .<ALK-VU IUU.NU IIOKoh- Kill Ml INDIANA, L tollable lur all work: all aouad. l'-!7 .Norfolk li [.NO i SAl.K?VhKY IIAMiHOMK Oil Kh I.NOT III 114 - K P lAHi I role In 2:'>Oj aonnd, kind, nut alrald oflocomo lv?, s llki. 117 Wait LOlh at. L"AoK HAI.K?A GOOD SOL Nil KAMI LV IIOK.H',, A L buy Ma re; em In 2:40; Hrawetar Tup Wagon Mngle ilarnnae, Smldlo and Hriulo, at any doeout ofler In qulru W. CaKK, ?I7 H olt dtl'.h at. O'OK HAI.h?A LADY'S TUU.NOU r, IIOKMK, (I'll a K L toil, lliirnraa, tan Itnlio. Ac., now), will b? tulii very low lor caali. Apply at WaIT'H, AIHIi it., but * con lima.I way nod V'tli av. toil HAI.K?HtAC'K PaoINo MA IIP., l.'? , HI.OCKI build, handenme. eouii.1 end "no nwta;" can par- mil. and rvijeot tailor than 2:JO; prioo 4-IDO. Apply otablo <* " N "~ U Mld'iajli at., Hronklyn. (.NOB HAl.K-A KIN K BLACK lloHKh, let I llliill r * arrant ad In wary roapoet; alio a atyilah I'niijr Pher ton. with removoolr rumolo. Knallan mako. Ini|uira lo h A M, at atabloa 120 W eel btfth at , or at itoro, uOl llruad way. LAO It BALK?BKOWN MaHK. Ii, HANDS HIOH " kind and uantlfl; hat horn driven by a; lop ai I.' Imr Wa, KLLI O T T. I. A \ I-., 1 .1 l,??t 7>7t It vt i"ok ?a Lk- kxriTA HANiMOMk Pair blood hay Coach Horaaa, liltq liaudi, II anil 7 yeara; ala.i a vnr pair Dalit choatnnia, t(l hauda, 0 and 7 yoara b tli palra warranted tound and klutL OKO. D. LI;UN. Knit on, Pa. T.AOU SACK-TWO Holt - K.1 i HUH- ANY It Si I1 neae; cboap; warranted; trial glvati. 107Utu it., naa 4th av. lit siLh-i ItUSlNKi-S AND IIIMll HOKilu nod worker; in I uilnutaa; not afrnldof anything atand without tying. and warrantod In amy way; ai^ liuDt lluainwao H an?n, Muggy, llamoaa, Ao. Inquire Maker. . 133 Spring at. LAOK 1A l.k. ?II A ,N I.HO.M h 1IAY llO.MK. I5I( iiAN'dS J? heavy built; 7 yoaia: ault tarmar, grueor, aauioaa* ~ 1 ran tod aouad, kind. &?K! Washington at. HOKNKS. CAKHlAOBk. cWC. FOU SALE HANDSOME BaY M IKK. 1I Ill-ill. * year* old: kind fur lady to drive; also lop tide bar Wagon and Harness. .r<6 Waal 15lb at. 1^7iTTraLE~IIANI>WOMK. WtU'iBLK POM*-. RAPE r lor lady; afraid no car*; can speed well. Two du>*. liTO Hudson. lalWK dABECIIKAl'?I'll KhK GOOD WORK HoRghS; I price. $3<>, $i>5, $7 J ; auld fur want ol use. .'>4 1-alavetlo place. L>QK HALE ClIKAP?A \V AGON, SUITABLE Fuji V any business. Apply at 1113 Spring at. P. UAVIDSOI. HORSES FOR Dr-L.IVB?Y W AUoN?I WISH TO rnntuapaii of Work Horses. with view to purcltaae. it troll Mo ad factory, 334 sprlug at IKON STABLE PlfTlNGb?HKDUCKD P KICKS. ONK tliird olt Mangers, lluy Kacka, Partitions. Drinking Troughs, Ac., of ilia boat No. 1 iron. Catalogue* aunt Iroo. JANKS A KIRTLaNP, S lO 13 lie ode at. -a Large link"of pony phaetons, ? Howell auil Oaooa style*. No Topa. Cauoplaa and Liatiier Topa, lor city or couutry u??. A. 8. FLAN DBAl: A Oo., 373 aud 374 Urootue at. NO OKFEIt REFUSED?IJAN DSOll K TOP PONY Ph-telou, lmprovod aide bar top Buggy aud tiuo liar uea , little used. 30 Woat 10th at. ONE LANDAU, ONK OOUPX. oNK~4~AND ONE 6 .-out Park Phaeton, all nearly now. at >1. CURLKY'R, lull Kaat 13tb at., uuur 4tb av. PONY I'll AKTO Ns.-TIIK- LARGEST A NL? PI NEST uaaortiuent of top 1'nuy I'liaetutm ; aim Doctor's Time tuna in thu city at .M. CUKLEY'S, 1,333 Broadway aud atith at. Q PECIALiTY IN ROCKAWaYS, O for four and alx passengers. Extension Top I'liaetou and Koad Wagon, lor town aud country. A. 8. KLANDUAU A CO., 373 and 374 Biooraeat. N SECOND HaND-LANDaULKT, IN PKKPRCTOKDhil; Depot YVagou, with cut uudor; top Lady's Pliaoton, Ooupo, Clarence. Brett, ainttla sent top Wagon and no top Waioii. very Duo; Windsor Wagvn, eat union tup I'ltaoiou, two ligul curtain Kocaawsys, Coupe Itockaway, by brow star; light alz-aeat Uockawuy ; Sulity. $30. Oka Y, NOAKKS A til).. Broadway and 30th at CAKT. BY WOOD BROS.. $::5<); TtaNIHH'K Pbaetou. by Stivers, $350; dm by Wood Broa.. *45<>; curtain Coach, $330: Clarence, $173; II passenger Platform Wugon, $140; 0-*cal Phaeton, $75 ; Barouche, $75; 4-seut Phaeton, $3o; Corhett Cabriolet. $00; Top Wagon, Ktt'i; do.,$75; d-pa-soi-gor ltock tway, $83 : Skeleton Wag-n, $70; bulky, $40; do., $30; Single -lamest, $10; Double, $15 up. W. II. OKAY, 30 and 33 Wooator at. CP PONY PHA I-.TUN AND HAUNK^ WITH black Bear Kobe. $IH3 ; coal $.">35 laat winter: also lant lly llorae. young sound and kind, 15^1 hands; sold very low. Stable 144 Weat lHlh at. TTl K HANDAOMEST CiyjlPLK I K I'UitNUUi' IN THE oitr will be auld cheap tor cash, Bay llorae l't-uug Kthau Aileu, 15 haude; 7 years; eouud and kind, lie is a perlect pet lor ladle* or chilureu'n use; will aland by a train of care all day; also stylish too Puuy Pliaeti.u and Harness to match. Club stable, 15tl East 30th at., uear 3d ay. TOaKT, WITH ALL IMPROVEMENTS; FULLY warranted; no reasonable offer refused: also second hand Itockaway. lu Due order, lor sale cheap; well adapted for depot use. 143 Eoai 4l?t at. TOP s?UEbTR BOU'iY. CITY MAK. lt; ALtC Ol",.s cetub Harness, cost $05, cheap: both warruuted. CHO CK UY. 37S 7th a* 1 WANTED?A PONY PH vKTON. WITH RUMBLE, IN good order; ono to drive slugla or uouhlu pret-rred Address, with particulars, stating lowoat cash prlhe, box 1,443, New York. ANTKD-A irOOD SECOND II A ED RADDLK sND Bridle. Address, stating prlec, K lY, Herald office. ANTED?sblX'lMH H A N1 >1 iEnTT- Ha 17i7l,i-., riTc Con J bond lady's Side Saddle ; niust be cheap. sINKV. 4U? Bread way. w w WAN ItD-A GOOD UKNTLK KOaD HOBS v. FOR bis keep, fur oue or two inontlis, wltb good care and moderate use; good reference. Address Mr. KKI.LUGU, 37 Park row. ANTE U?A DUNK11Y, GOOD hI14K, SUIT AbTk for children; must he warranted In everv reaneol. Ad dress, uiying a ;#, prtae, Ac. to M.. box 111 Post olbce, lrvlugtoil. ou Hudson, X. Y. antko^uke vf stick op broomk st. riTp sidebar Road YVagon, la good order. C. YV., box 103 Herald office. ANTF.D-A PLATEOKM TRUCK. WITH WIND-, lass la front, cheap lur casb. Inquire 411 East 33,1 at. CAKT IIORSEK KoR SALBCTTea P. IaQUIKK At 4B3 West 1st It it. en ooTTiTwokk horse-. 40 y'ouno mule-, sent ''l/lroui company lu Penusylyauia; must be sold. 333 Wes't 34th st. IIO lUUKili W ANTKII., 2 WF.S Ir' BUTII s?.-DEsfRAB?K BOOMS To'lET, wltb Hoard, parnianeiitly or transiently: retcreiice. 41 LAKOK. COOL ROOMS. WITH BOARD, AT si'iT ? iner psicrs ; brown stone house, modern Improvements. 210 Weat 1 lilt st. *> LARGE CONNECTING rooms, handsomely _furnished to let to .-entleinen, with or without Board; private family. 137 East 4Hin -t. SfA to $'- WEEKLY PoR pflisr CLAhB IpT %J\JBoard and ltooma at 433 West 33d St. (Loudon Wl III are. 12 FTII AY., 3D7.-PI.RA8ANT ROOMS POK OKNTLK ? Jinen. with Hoard , references. ? E.;? ro *13 Pi R WKKK.?LAHtlN ROOKR. Wl V' ^superior Board. 43 West 3lttb St., near Kndleoti equ Q WEST WASHINGTON 1'l.ACE^ A PR1V AIK Orsmlly will rent a tew newly lurnlabed Kootns. with or wltbuut Hoard, to respectable parties; ladles or gentlemen , also a neat ball Room, at $3 per week ; bath and all eon veoleaees. lYT'l n'r., 113 IVI-.SI -NICELY PI RN ISII K D Till l:D ?lory trunt; also llall lloom, witb flrtt ola?? Hoard. 1 J JlAir Ml ST. Nl Alt 6TH IV I TUNIS II KI? l'rtlloonK t) l't, with Hoard, trom $5 to $0 a week. 1r KASr 430 ST. BOARD: A ClIOIChTCP ROOMS. ? )la transient or permanent parties, at reduc. <1 rates. 11m hT? WKKT. 00. PL AS ANT SUIT or KIIONT ^yawlooins, also hall Room, with Board ; ?uiumer prices. 117?ir~T*:p77 ?m.-bksT~isoauiTan!>"dTTi bi.e anb fsnrle rooms; raleruncts. 9oif st., i5U~"wksT.-iTandTome kooma yiir a ?Jlimillea or itantleiuen. witb Board ; terms loaaonabla ; ralerstce*. 111)1 sT.T WEKT, 403 ?H aNOsOM ELY PURNIsllKI) Jjt llboms, en suit- or aiiigly ; - xce'leut table ; terms rea son ah!: ears accessible all parts ol citr. iit l i-Ksr :wirn sr. -\. vit;i', pleasant kiiomsTo l?. wither without Board. 0.1 Trst~351T1""st.T mt:i<ttXV ii.ll.-au;ovk ey_jltoin, with Board for two. $1)1; square lloom, M4; ball, $ *?"/? BAST 3<lTH SL?-I' I IS ON MtlOIfl, PRIVATE s/l)htlirooius. wltb private table, or will - rat Hoard; Kooinilor geutl<-iu?n ; breakfnat II r.ealred ; references. ?>/TVrsT 4-1 I'll ST. ?LAKIIK ROOM ON_SR- OND eJUllor. $31) to first class parties; hatli am cloa-'ts aj Jnlnlu|; table guaranteed. ?J7TS HT:.?w R8T.?LAIttIK ANiT'sMaLL" ROOMS >11 trial, witu tiral class Beard; rafcfMaMk /"WEST Mill STHE T.-KhO\IS WITH OR Tdlboat Board; ou suite and singly; permanent or liansit-t; table Hoard. wipnSFS HT.-Y1RT I I I AS \NT ROOMS. Nth Board, on second II ror; a'so hal K unit T7~K SHT ittil II 'rt I. ? I'LE ISA NT POOL l?)OMM I" t villi Orst elass Table, In a rcDned tauilly; terms modeate :HTH RT. ? VERY DERlKABLE ROOMS TO lit, with or without Board; summer prices. WKsT s.-.m ST-H ANII-OMKI.Y PI'-; N IS II E I' Urge and small Room*, a lib lirst class Hoard. WEST IUTII sT -llo.-MS.' Wi l li HOARD; MOD irate prices: trausleuta taken ; labia Board (11 'piKTII* AVP.Nl K. " R()OMsTwi'fil IH-AIID." EN 9 J |.,ulte or singly; permanent or transient; table H,,ard. IS MAblrtON A v" ? D KS IR 4 IILK ?U I fE s ~ A N l> w ilsinglu Rooms, with or without Hoard, at very mod - erate prices. is) 1 EAMT 46TH aT., CORNER LEXINGTON AV. 1 w^x Pumlsbed Koours, with Hoaril, lu private family; terms modernln 46 r,o 63 67 I"0*7 V*TKIM(I I'l. VCK. -DAV HOAKU. $J I'KR St I work ; p 1*1 ii lain lly. ]?}( | RA r ?7tM .it.. M * i: #1**kK-lfASI>?otlK -w ? /aocorul story Itnoiuv witli nr w4tli?ut hoard, live luiuulrs frum Caiitral I'ark. IO J WI S) Jl>l' ST -I.A <!l VSII HMAI.I. KOIivTT, ? >'rw.-ll lurnisliail. witli or without Hoard i labia sical taut; ralaryncui axylinnaad. 1?J(l WKsT 41ST HT.-F.LFO tSTl.t KI KMsIIKI) O'/lioumi lor r<nntlli>c or itentlainvn t traiislrut or |irr in.inrat; n?ar Ki arrroif I'arx ami tillbart nation ; talila Loaders; low prices. VkhnT SI AT ST.-DKSlilABIrK *t?i*\ w i rli Hoard, for irantlaman and wlfa and sliiyta en,tie 144 mWKHT 45f?l HT.. HKTWKKJf 6T1I AV. AND llr?Mdwnr.-II*n<l#?nu?ly lurniabod Uouini. prlv*t? both; with or with Mil Hoard. ?ToirwTtif mil HT ? H \ \ I?S ? M hi, Y ?" I" It N I II I) m*j?/llooius mi'l Floor*, with or without Board, at Vftrjr low prk?M t> i<I wkst avm st.-a widow i.auy will J'tOUl handaomaljr ftiruitbad i.uoiua. with Board, to !a ilna or irntitlotiatu. *)(!*) WhiT- ?D~iiT. -M.KOAMT LOCATION! _ I ) _furnlah?il Roooia. with Board, conrtnloul to tloaut ?Iraratod railroad nation; aitminar uric**. WKBT a:iU HT. ?KKLKKDIl) ltoo*H. KfJ HI'liR and kingly, with nil thn cotiraulcncaa, In parfeet HuNrd in nverjr r*??|?*ct firm cIhb* hih! re ?nurii*oi?\ 2G(J W HT Mia NT.?LAKOS, NNaTLY TOR Oaw'snlthad lionm. #'J .VI. with or without Hoard LA 1 > V~ll~VV1M U A Sill (I, 1.1,1 .i.ANTLt KIK nl?ki-d Itooma. with or without prlrata tabl>. will icl'a III oarlmtt.? lor two. 4u< II until thn aanta I* paid, o? will irlva rorr hantiaotna Kit ml turn tor aocurlty, Addraaa Lo'NK, It at aid U|totratHlN. ____________ BOARD A WD 1AHTUIWO \\ IfTRD, A' ?oufiU u4iliUilA.>, W yTTK'i^'Ti ahi i wiahea to Bnd ona or two ntcaljr lurnl-lp d Koiim, ad lolnluu, with brraklaal tatila. In n atriellr prttnta tamll?; looatlon Imtwaan Hth and j:td at*. Addraaa, with nrlra. K., 101 11 ar mIi! olllcn. AbVKKflHKK WILL MI KM I Nil rot'K TifoTtY llottaa and Ixiard out rent ol furnitura. HU JIM Kit, 'API llroauwav, room H. hOAKK WANTCd'-HY A SINULI! YOl'Nti M it, i l modarata oil. a. Addraaa, with particular*. IIOMK tUMHlRfx. llaral'l oflka. OA it w am r *, u roK hum jTk k~mo7nFii h^Tom"r aoult and all chlldran ; tnital ba batwaan 4th aad V.'td at* t location healthy unil term* raaaonablo. Addraaa, with tail partlaulara, H. I)., lint llara.d liptawa oflL a. A .N ( Hit-MO A III) K .>14 A * IS KA tT I'uHKH loom ha old Addraaa T. K.t I'oat olHoa nnx IKHa HDTHIih. ^ Jfiflf kSoLam1> mjTMk '30 HO VTAtt? ilOO Kootua; Lodflug, due.. doe., 50a, t waakljr, tU to $0. w N BiyrKUb tTFoaaiiii HyTOtTiiu ? haT.TaS ?r.?oi.kXnkk, XJL better frallUMij, litv r cl i-? of i uoata than anv ctieap houm la the . iiy; eheete ch ?Ria<l .ally; tilir. per ntizhl. aT.oNal iiorBL H >W OPEN; all NEW ?eu> __ tiiistc. 3, ~> and 7 t.'nrllandt >t IV. >. HYIlK COLNTUY BUABO. Adirondack?RGlfiuioN lake. ESSEX 00 fix TV. N. J.; l.eland cottage; privtto hoardlo i{. ?l luf.Sjitr week. PI.-Mae write lor particular*. J, M l>KL4|tU. WRENCH LADY WllU HAS A NICK KAHM Wltil uViileuty ul milk, Iron,, Ac., duaice* lo r?ciiv| a four children aa bear dura; teruia very moderate E. REUAKD, tt Bunil at. I T PATOiiutiUE, 1,. "T-RI7 UTxT~ RE*i 11KNCK. Xx overlooking Great South ll,y; beautiful room*. Ircut nud back; apriu^ buda; excellent tabic. Addreaa U. (1. UOSTON. At long buancii?rmsT class~bo ticd"sea View Cottage, Sea View uv., near ilutel Brlcbloo. 4 T SARATOGA. XX WaVEULY HOTEL. NORTH BROADWAY. ,*s r? ?? Co PER WEEK. CIRCULARS. ViBW ?)lt HOTEL, M VP AND TERMS op w. j. Hyatt, aaa Broadway, n.w yoke. AT 7*1 >ETUIIKMTJLR, W~7TfClltST'EW COUNTY? Private laioily will lei two or three handaemely fur utatod P.oouia, with Urat elate Hoard, ut moderate lernta; batlilus near the tiouae. Per pariiculara call at Oil 11eat 48th at. N ELEGANTLY VUUKIrttfBD PKIVAiK HOUSE. Klatbuah, I.. I ; lute aoucioua accommodation^ lor boaidera References at EVERETT BOARD DIREC TORY, AtMt 6th uv. Boar!?7;an tit-. obtained7 . a pkivaTk-ka.h lly, where there are uo other boardcra, in Pialnl'i"! I, ? .1.; terme reasonable; plenty of abode. Adureaa box 1,186 Foat office, 1'luliitield. B~~ HARD MAT 11K OBTAI NED AT SARA TOG A Spring*. near Congress Park, III a llrat da..* private liouae, at $8 per week. Apply at 141 Phila at., Saratoga. OAKD WANTED TOE TWO QhXTi,EMMM IN A .trietly private family In New Brighton, s. ]., wh"ie they can Bnd a pleaaant homo ; ahady ground* around the houae and poaitlnu near lauding Dreferrutl; boarding liouaoa need not apply. Ploaee address K. II., Poat olhco box 1,120. New-York. HARD AT COaNWALL, X'. Y.. IX' A PRIVATE faiultv. K.r p<rtlculara please ca l or addreaa 170 Broadway, rouui (rum 11 in 3 P .11. BOARD CAN IIK 11AD "AT THE ULKN HOUSE. Hoaliug auii batUu-. Kor photourupli am! particular* ctt-l at V\ V|?t ?t., or ud ltobh 'f. isUCKWOOD, Spring V h 116 v, dockland county, N. V. BOaUU?KIKST CLASS: FA.BM UOUSli, "35~M1L S ui? thu iludkou; muuuluinou*, iiour lakoa; Hue hu .i mj; lertiiN reukoUMblv. 14 hm -iBtn ?t. Bojlii>IKS WANTED BY E. 8. UtUS. AT PO.tT WiiMlikiitrtou, asar tS*o*. ? Point. L. liLAND. i 1 CUC.NW ALL - AT A LAtttJL " FA It vl; pUln. but trooil i'arc; *j>d to ; rHtiued |?eo|do. PAUL >TO<' K M A K, Mountuiuvitlu, Nx* w York. 7Van"aocommodatk a "flvv"5\j\kuv.7:7"atT;kl \J?diu reaiilftict* i?n aborov of aShiiiii?co< fc Hay, nunr QuokUi?: plonty of ahudu; Imwa ruuning to th * water; 2d miuuMi' anil to ocenn i luiik, Iruita. : vo^otn iiiex raiaed on prvmUon; natural toroht two iuiuut?*s' wm k Iroui U. uso; l.uat^ at "ami; -till water bathing; '2u miu titea' ride to depot, j houi> from cit> ; tortu> moderate, Andrea* l?. F. StjUlltfila. Ailanticvillo, L 1. CTTuN T?t V 11 u A it U - BLAUtTFuL LOCATION; DK /not ui bouae; teruia*?(i to $U per w?tk. vudres* Mra. ?F ? U N T. KuWLANU, spring Valley, itocklaud county, CIOOJfTRY BOAKD?FIVK MU.ES VRUM OOXSAPKXE ion tbe IIudion ; pleaaiut location, p enlv of atiado and liue view ol the OataKllle; ubuud uicc oi Ireali vouotubloe, e^aa, lullk, Jtr,: daily uiall; tcuua inodorute. Kor retnr onco iauuire of Wbeclcr Powell, ou pi.r foot Krauldiu , North River. A. VaNDENBUROII, Modway, llreeno Co., N. Y. /TOWNTbY liOAi:D W VNTED-BY a C KN'Tl.EM AX, 'jwltu, child and nurae; annar-i tneal, requDlte: piano, dr.v i. aoinery, irrab air, milk of ao omlary conah oration ; ?nuMlUlloe., clillla and iniuaiua o< jectlniiubte. Aodrexa, with lull particular!, HUVi'ERAHH. box HJ Herald office. tlOUNTEY BUAED-AT KaRM UOCdK; hEAUTIKL'L /location; lurin* Iruiu IKS to HID per week Addreaa E VEUl.'fT VaN 11, ?ait l-ara, Dutclicae county. N. Y. ?1(1 UN TRY BOARD WANTED FOR THK rEAs'oN J (t.ouuiuuth or Ocuan county, N. J., orct t rod) [or threo udutta, lour cbitdrcudwo with whooping couuh) end two uuraca ; Itood accoinuiodaltooa and table. Kull particulura U. If Ot NT A I.N, 103 e.aat ttlid at. C7oUNTRY~BOARD"WANTED?I'OU FOUR PRI SONS; Juiuat be about two hour,' travel from Htu city ou a ulcelv aituatrd tariu. with plenty ol trrea anil other cou veuiencea; turiuaiuuat bo loouerato. Addroaa AR.NIIElM, add Howury CToUnTKY board at OYSTER bay, l, I. ?kink ^liouae, ample urouuda and aliadc, bathiutt, boating, ac eoniuiooatiuii for bnraea; tat.le lirat cia.a; teriua ES to SID. Addreaa M. IV., (North) Oyster Bay, L. i, CTdUNI TR Y it 11A KI > -i O N V K N1K N T TO CITY; SALT >waier baihliitt, boutiu ., tl ihlux; leron, to el), ah dreaa Mr*. D., Matiliaaaet. L. 1. luuulre U3 Naaaau at., fourth II <ur, room 4. tlOUMTBY if OA RD PRIYAT7 FAMILY; la Roll /rooiua; uxcellcut table; hiuh xrounua; altady trrea, xrovea, law j ; e.-oqunt; bnthlux, bnaliiiK, ILoiog; boat; piano; I nuioa liuin Aewooiir. lludano i.ivcr; too erat ?. Addreaa but 24. Malteawau, N. I., or KINO, Herald office, for three iluya. liMUSl CLASS HOARD AT ANDERSON MANSION, 1 Passaic, N. J.; farm, shade, fruits aud vegetable*; busts ?4roe ; terms *?< and $7. H> AOULTiT^ON I.V. aT' a.Mm rt7TKH?7it7?LT7.71 Healthy location. pio<sniit ground, and large, alrv room*; still water buthkig; oceau live miles dLlaut. Ad dress Mrs. 11. KtilfiNOH. Sag Harbor, L. I. HV DK I' AU k"~ i is T1 liTlf il I ISO K~ 7yT~"t 11K HT 'L lor place."? I*atties deHriug choice Koouis apply at I in M oiiMju av. 1 oSo BRANCH?OLIVER COTfAOE, ON OOc AM lJav : Apartments, with lirst class Hoard; floesl location en tlio avenue. Particulars at WJOftth av. SI.' M M KIt BOaEDKKS ACCOMODATED WITH liOdll I'.oard and pleasant Room* at a farm boose no tr Wash ington Hollow. Dutchess county; grounds, uiupto shade and country comforts: rate* $"* and per week. Address M. PL LI 2, Washington Hollow. Dutchess county, N Y. it' BOARD At PARM IIOUBK, HILLY ? r country, wiiiun three hours of city, tor two ladies and ? hi id three years; $loper week, washing include a. J. O. A \ -N N, Hi r Ud oMce sr tl.MKU RUNOUT*. A?fAIM*AN ZKK HOl'SK, NYACK On Ml!?ON. ? will open Juue -1, 1M7H. Address V. HA1CK, Nyack, N. Y. MDAKM OALB PA KM A DKLlQRTPCL BUM J Jmrr report; scenery unsurpassed in the statu; tablo excellent; no mosquitoes: pure mountain air ; J uue, Address HUX' 17, North branch. N.J. BitdDb iioi?k. kas. mo .K .i, , i 151 H tifuily situated on the (Lent S.>utii Hay; boating, fish, lug, sea or still bathing; uusurpasscu ; send for circular. II. d ltOliEK>. i'i oprietor ClOLUMBlA MOUtfft, ) OCEAN BEACH, N. J., Opened June 1 1H7N This new and elegant hotel is benutituily situated on high ground, amid picturesque surroundings, within two miles of the c*.iebrated Ocean Orovo Eatiip Meeting Or?. unds. and eight miles below the taieons watering re sort, Long Hrauch; telegraphic comtuunicatlnu; contain* 1JH large, airy, and handsomely furnished oeschambcrs; ibo main feature bciug good beds; gas and water through (nit the building; electrical call bells in every room. J'teuso a id re sr. for terms, Ac., Mrs. H, MOW Hit, < il.Mt.ic, Ocean H nch, N J \faklLL Md. M'\iNN.-OHAN i Hoi,si.. UaTA /kill. N. Y.. I mile* irooi lauding, opens J uue I'd: rates from $10 to f'd') per week, according to location of rooms, her id a ii of roou.- address A. J OltANT, i'aukt.1, N, Y? or J. ColiNKLL, pier I * North River, New York. I^VkKKn hOl/?K N\UATOUA MMtlMjk, N. Y ? ^ pectai rates for tanr-lius ; ti ansiout. .rtii n<<r ilsy. J. II CLaY /T LAN HOI ?. WHITE MOUNT a INK. N H.?TtiK VI'den douse le-opens Jti.te If*. W. AC. M. MILLlKKff, Proprietor*. 0IKN1 POINT Ut/usl OKI M POINT, I.UNO I?l*ud, beautifully situ tied on the extreme end of Long Island, fronting the .Sound and Hay ; boating, hutting and bathing iuisurpassed, .'end for circular. M. H PA IftOMfl 1>ltl S0KrH BAY H ? ? I I . i' i >? K'N N % \ if I Hon. Matou Llanl ?Excellent fuoiliiii s tor fi.lilng, boating, Ac.: t?rm* (maturate. rtt'OTT A H till , Proprietors. mm;: . \.\o wis iKiT kkmikF exchanoh. 7:?? tJifroH .way.?Tree tu the public; coiopleve (Jf?crip|ioii? u( Slimmer itraurls grntuitou?iy pi luted an i luruuhuu cabers, Proi ri.jiof* of sum titer hotels sun boarding hou-es desiring guesis i .euld avail themselves of the facilities ottered by this Exchange, Hall or request circular HAiiiKoUUK A I.AKK op (NO LAkJ Ilk AO II. >. J palmer oi i; is Ono? open or the recvntloti of kuciIi. Address M, L. Palmer. iNiHOti UOTKL. aiuttng the Adirondack", .? chrooti Lak *, Ksiex county, N Y . w*.I open .1 in v I. 1H7H, un.ier new in an ago me ut; Board iroiu $ / to $m? per week OLaLK >. Hi ofihLO. M.tnagrr, rate i'oioni ?ian Hotel. Saratov* ('orin"fly of L'orititieutal IL.tei. I'liilaoelpliia.) W MIUiiVKtll A.tli ilknSvliAKIMU. CI UKl.Al'V. ft.", bKOA llW A V, ?> K I K mi ll ?l .' f* /?.elliuK kA tli* rini?t oaqulolt# Hliap?a lu Koimata, Mud# II.t* unU Kuiiini IHta. r*Karillc?? of oo?t. : : ?J ? ?? ~ i'. ?r ?4C Til JO I-.KCTIKK MCAHOlh. XfhW YOltIC 1.1 A I. M'tdl'i: X* r-pvrlal im-eliair ui l-r puhl lean II* I IW Woat and ?t., mi \Vi'Uuu>ii*t ?vt iiiiiv, at h o'clock. All interacted m ti ? comnlfttc ??pnr*tlnii ol Uimrcli ami State ara invltou to at tuiiil. Admiaalon foil. unuaKUBurs. * ^CrtllAMI.l'.S, rI.K\SANr VaULKV, KVI'.ltV WKDNKH O-lay Hiil Hdordajr alteration ami evening. fur tltnu table ?*? Kkeo'ilon commit. iiraml cilra aotinlila Jul/ 4, tiiot 11 In it . altariinon ?ml <??? nlng. C A It I IK II A HUH II, Managers. CVkKD. HkIVaTK III una I'Ut'i, nun i.\ \ id /l.l>, 1.1 IT lit. AlNill.NU., an H nverlcr punt, f'trcnlarc malle i. .1. J A V W A i >0>, Dtroctef. llllfUtAKUH.?CUAMPION MKXruN Wf IX I"aT I>HM- fur hi. two groat inatcliea wltli Nloaaon iiml Hcliaetcr at tr'l'onnor'a Union aquara mom. ami at lliou Hr.nli.-r-.' room*. IHS tlth av., on alternate altarnonna and evealagt, cmninoin Ing at Dion Hrothi-r*' to ul.lit IWa.iue.ilapi. tki??a i.adv Kuit huiti.h.-yi;a. aim niii Hill?l lia voting, pretty, ain well.ilaneo anil pvntu ituuil figure. h. HKIl11A 11, I tiituil Stat*. Motel, Pulton at.. I to 4. A" UHEAT NUi:tYlk*0?NISH KtTK Itl.NNKll t.M> Ml-sTKItS. Opening of their swimming, Turkiali ami Kuaflan Itatlia. at t'antral I'ara lliiritou, r.'it'. at. ami 7th av. I,a<ll*a, If till *d o'clock : pant lotion, a till 111 o'clock. Swimming natli. Mt.. or I'd ycaeta, $:|; Turkiali and Una ?Ian batlia, 7 ?? . or l'> It. lot. lor fat LaUIKS .Ml II. m i. KM KM or Til I OKaMaTIO and Varlatjr proton-loi wlaliing to voluati-Or lor tlo ban rflt to H. Vanillic Huwra. will pleaaa aen-t tlielr naaioa at ?me* to J t V hft II. MKaIIK, oaro Wall'a Dramatic Agency, In Union a<jtia-o. il' A-trtU-A LOW t.'OMhMAh AM) a imiaKai Ti .it m actor. for hnrlrtiiiia an I v mdavll a . m ill alngand da re AI?o lender; mn?t arrange, play violin ami plana h. UKHI1MK, Laitod Hiatal Dotal. tultou it, 1 to 4k W tVr; Pll SK IKVTX.> tTie VI mruauw ?> as?? IK OWM lU'.SDBR Ui ..Proer>tnr and Manajnb SST 11 IS. ?ST H PKltPOljM ,\MK the dkaxamc .vnuAuriow. J. K'. KM SET ill UU new ver?iou of ' IliTZ. houses cuoavded wrr> delighted audience! TitKI E lloUKS OK UNINTERRUPTED i UN. ALL THE NEW SONGS. SCENES. AO, NIGHTLY KNCUKED . Now York llerald--"Knta" it ?l?aya Iroab. humorone ami ayiupeihetic. HI# eouira never weary, and lib quaint Dutch alorloa wuet tit > atip-tile lor uioro. i.VEuY EVEN (Ml AND SATURDAY MATINEE. \n lTUTS UARDKs.~ _ j\ IMMENSE bUOOKBS OK TIIK UNION StjUARl MATINKK I THEATRE -KNSaTIoN. MATINEE A CELEBRATED C ?8K. TO DAY | PROOUCKU UsDER THE AUSPICE* ON A'AllNKE I Mem*. ?HOoK A and immediate MvllNKK I direction ?f J AS IV. COLLIER. TO-DaY Al l EVENING EKKKokMaVOK a O'CLOCK. I BEGINS AT H O'CLOCK. CTit AND OP ERA HoUsE. ri'ool.E A DONNELLY Leaaaee ami Managers K aoiroil seal* (orcheatra circle and bHcouyR .Vicente. MATI \ EE TO-DAY. BRYANT'S MlNsTKKLS. MATINEE TO-DAY. BltY.A.NI's MINVI'KKLS, M ATI N l-.E TODAY'. II .VAST'S Mi.VSTKKL.% M ATI N KK TODAY. BRYANTS MINSTRELS, Door* open tit Hi Commence hi 'J o'eioc-v". A DLiAkiil'WVL K.MTKIt l*AIS ?l E NT. A MODEL MIDLKV OK MIltTll AND .M i \ sTKKLSY by tiu? lur^ubt muit ba?t or^iiuiiiiiiuii of u*lu*irel*y iu ilw world, under tbe direction of Mr NEIL BRYANT, ineludinir, ninono other popular comedian* IIUOIIEY DOUGHERTY, K::.N SI LINDEN, EIT I l.H MAC. E DDL KoX. DAVE REED, C. vi IIAKI.KY. El LEY BKYANT. D. BaRRoN (i KIKE I.N iind RICE. J. N PIsTOKIO, J. M. NOKKIK, ARTHUR OuOK mO.N V Tart i > BoTt IIE AT KE. It KO AI )\V At. ? I'll B ll.ADY CAVENDISH BUKl.KSyUl-. COMBINATION lu lueir new mid jrlxinal Hurlemiiio Kiiravvriinm. entitled, PUCK OS TIIK WOMEN'S rloTKL replete wllli laugh able Incident!, woudcrful allUHtimia, beautllul mu-lc. iukjj mtUorit actuary. churiiiliiK coat ante* and .oruly women. MONDAY, JUNE LI, REAPPEARANCE OK THE ORB AT VICTORIA 1.0KI US TROUPE OK 111(11 Istl liI.ON DEI. MATINEKS TUESDAY. KRlP.iY All) SaTURUAY. G1 iIaiokk's HARDEN. SHERIDAN bHouK A E. 0. UILMOKK Loeioaa THIS lAVEDNKSUAY) EVENING, commencement cf tbo Urvut A> ? ' Holt 1iCU l.TU K Al. EXHIBITION, T coutlmiiut; Thureduy and Krldajr. AKTKRNOONs ^ and EVENINGS, In conjunction with ITIEOPOKE THOMAS' ORAM) POPULAR CONCEITS. A Tall uro<ra:niBv ol Muaic at oacb Exbibitlon. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING. June 1!) AVeddlui,' March. "Midaumiuer Miihl'a Droaui". Mull Jel*eolin Oveiluie, dl Hallo ...Sullivan llridal Pr< ceetltm. "Lobenirrtu" W uguur Ballet Muaic and Wedding Pruceaaiou, "Kora mor?" Itublnatata Wall/., "Buargi-Miiiii'' Mrauia Overturn, "Rtnuil" AVaifiier "C ruevol lu I'.ib" (new) Jobau S. Svetidann Pit/icato I'.'lka StrAiiva Solo lor Cornet Arbait Mr. 11. SHUEIIRUCK. UuuKurlau Rbapaody. No. L Liaat Polka "Kraucau, I'oetlUiou d'Aiuour" I u, PaUa. "Selinvll, Leiceator hlut" j .Souk, "llow Pair Art Tbou". Weldt Mr. it. SltULllRUCK. 'A'alta, "Hydrop ;ten" Gumt'l Overture, "Zauipa" Ileroiil No extra ?hai|(v ? darluic tbe llottlealtural ExIHIdtlun. Leueral uduiit-lou. SO ceuta; Uoxea, adiuitlliik lour, So; Packaito ll' k ln of I'd, U.NtOnToUARE TlfEATKE.- ANfiUAI DETlihfiTip Mr II. 'I Lviueton. tbD ereuiuz. dune 11). I bird ami lourtb acta of Pr iu i'rou (by kind periul?iou of Auttuttla D?.,v. E?q I, lutroduciud tbe lullowluir ladloe ?UJ eentle lueu Mi?.e . Itu/u Oaooruo, doaepblue H iker, I.ulo .L r. ?Ian, Mra. aol. Siuitb and Me?ra. Krank Evana. Sol. Smith, A. Roberta, Tbou. Win (Ton, Ttlioii Duenna nod ) '?J Goul. tbwelto. Mr Jobti Giltio will reclle tins "AV .teriuill," with new ileacriptive muaic, by Mr. risaiuaton. Tbo aloep-waU. Iiik aeeue Irom Mavbetli. Mra. J. 11. Il.ickoit. Mra ImuDa Kldrulyc and Mr. Joint Matthew*. Hrand Conc rt by tba lollowiuu artlataMllea l-.llae GalnuUerti, Katulle Ku? awtil. flrnriella Murkat iu. Meaara. Jumaa G. I'nakea, i/liaa Lamer, E. Ilualeiu and Cliaa. E i'rait. Recitation by Mlta Halite Anderiou. Tbe wonderliil P.innoirraub will aiiit', talk and play a cornet aole ; introduced by Mr n. II. Jobnaoii. I'olicluuiiiK wltli Home Irom tbe AYar. with lli.aca Pearl Eytlheu, Lulu Jordan, MlniHn Gray; Meaara. T. G. Kl|(aa. AV Herbert and 11. S. Dulliold. blade man aiter, AViu. Hen. A. Raker. fpHE UKKAi NEW~YoItK AQUARIUM, i Broadway and Tit I. at. AVomlerfiil pyrfnrinancea of tbo celebrated troupe ol traliiid MuNKEVs. DOoS and UOAi'b Irom tbe Royal Ami iriuin, biiklatid. perlornHmr numoinliiiea and play* like human beluira. Moat novel outurtaliiineui ever vt'V^u in tliia city. l.lvlnir Octopiia, or rlghtmriuad devil U?b. Truploai Uibea. Ami>bllnoua Aulmala. Cbluipanaoo, and RARE MARINE WUNDKIU Admit-loll, SDeeuta; children ball' nricc Coney I aland Aiiu.riuw now opru^witb W C. Coup'a troupe ol Brooch# FA KK THKATliK. Ill K 1,1 Nil A BOS. Iahivv .111.1 ...HtiSllT K ABBEY KVl-.KY KVENINU AND SATCi.DAY M.VII .BIS (by toacinl pcriul.tlou of Mr. Auuutllu Daly), Uyruu'a Ouuio- y, la ibrau w(), oo a l bub i.iiii m y ssa o c u u u ii it n<> o >? y s a OOUUKK II II il O f Y h O O U u RKK IInH ') n yt tirts OOUUKK KHOOY 8 0 O U U K K B BOO Y S a .7 OO UU K R BBB OO } Ml . nnw ill It* lourttl year in Londuo. havlne ham played at tlio VaudarUla Theatre I .met cmtocutive timet, and alas ill tyatl hy ilia LINOaUuS, ill Ilia Theatre Boyal, Melbourne, A iimtralia, with grand auceaet to crowded limine for ei/ut coiisc utivo wackt, and !u Saw Zealand marly 3"0 timet. Note. ? "Ou/ Hova" It low ylrtn lor the Drat tliun In Now York in ita orltiiiiH. tlute. ua Mr. Hymn wlute It. Conclude with 12-LINQ.Y :l> Sli I. TO II K>?I 2. Carna/ei at 111:* -, Santa bouke I a week iu advance. rillllKU NATIONAL 1 SHOOTING FK.sriYAL of tlio 811 AKI'HIIOUl'hKV UNION* ol tlio lulled 8tau-? of North America, UKOKOh At BY, I'ri'aiilant, bold June IBl? M, 1s7h, at Ilia SCI1UKTZKN I'AKk, UNION III t.L, N. J. rrlioa ou Al tar/eta, ainmintlUL- to f'J.i.iaei. and llo wling Bri/ea to ilia an.oout ol #1 -liar will bo dtati ibuia-l. I.vary day ol tlio Kealival pricu biwlni.-. pupal ar outar 10 ii in on la acrobatic a.ol ay in ii italic aali bitiona, dlaaole lua view, lialloou aacan-luna, Itrjwutka, ill.iuiiuatlou, con cert nnd tuintn r ui-slit'a hall. Ill KKACU TilK I* A It K TANK til K N()i; rilKKN ItAlLI'.O . U. via Chambers and Twenty third atroat fairies On SUNDAY. Juus IV, and hi.'NO i Y, Junr 2.1, iaara depot, -lerauv >'lly, Vilft A. M., Iroui I o'clock I'. M tu Ii o'c.ock niiduirlil. -p.olal tratna TO AND KBOM TIlK I'AKK owory JO miuiit- a. OU June 17. IB, 111, 20, 21. 22 and 21, luawo depot, Jaraor (illy, a :.Vi and ID A. M., front 1 o'clock I*. M. tu Id o'clock hil'iui hi. .-p,-cial trains TO AND FROM rUK 1'AKIC eariy 30 minutaa. . 'ilu sts. 90 eanta; KzeiiraWn Tlckott ilnclii line litrry). 2ft cents; can h? ohtainn I at Hi' lorint, In the Bark and at .1. A J. Iliililitig't (i.ria llouaci, corner Weal and Chanw haia tit New York Take hurts cait rrmu Uhrtaloph r ami Barclay afreet larrlct; two cart ovary two minuter. Tlckota >8 earn) t'Su ho lia I at tin- starting place in Mnuok*" and at tha entrance ol tue Bark; hum iscohawkju ltdi at) hoiry, cart troni i-ntten'Mirg every l>alf buur. Admit InU, lift Milts Obltdrsv flaw, ili.Ki.i.'t UVOLi I ill. ?i KI . n II nr., BUTWKkft 2 1 and Ad avt ? t'lislleuice hbuyr In America. Luin Del may, tna Queen ul Sarin t o inlet -.11. It. Arcliei, the v real i al llorula hm none : Ihdieo liiotllart, the only color, d and Dance artleta; Lillle <1 all Die II i a tl Vocal I 11 Mile Ki inclul, Juhii Kallly. liaranlnn and >V alton. Urlm ildi Zet'.uer aud Aoala Taallarl. unrlyaie 1 I'remler Datie-nae. Oraat Vienna Ballet Troupe cuiitirtini; ol .81 ocauiiful yuun/ lano-ra, to/ether with 70 other trtiate. Matltioct lhure Uay anil Saturday all. riioou ; alee -unlay ?indui-jhl. VR10N' m:ihn -mmLI.Ty! UKAND 8UMMER-MUIIT Ki sTIVaL at I?!Or BVKK HKLVKDI lit, TIIU'.sDaY. JL'M. 21. ISis, Comiuanree at ft I*. M. tiraud vocal and Inttrnmental concert unnvr dlrretiun'.I Dr. I.. Dana-ox-b, at dUAI. Ur> cl ettr . oMU aitl.t, Klvitvl, leader, lull military naad, Lolhuld, loader. AllMIS-ION, Bl. Sta/et will connect with I lilth tt .Al av.. from 6 P. M. till Ilia aluae ? f the letiiyal; thj Third and Kl/blb traoM rallruarta will run antra cait . o KUAN.?PlIONOURAfll CONCKKT8. IltVINO II Al.!., oppowlts Aca cuiy of Mutle. Knr the line fit of HT. I'AUI.'S Ki'! si a iB aL OtIUlUJIt. COM*. ITALY. Tbu mutt unhina, acluuilllc and uiu-ioal entartaluuiaal trN e pretouiad to tha ptihlic. MOKUA.N ON Tilt tiitv.M) KOliHt.VKLT OKOAN. M>11 HtLl K i.DLK'8 ? IIAUMI.NO sobKaND mii.iiH BIIOB ttl'ICK'S ILL L'ST K ATI ON ? Of si lUND MO I ION. at appllad tu the plienur raph, HOLOs. ui-Kis. kKi'Ita i Ions wiUstlino, AO., O.N MB KDISON'M IMBUOVKD Ml.slCAI. B IiONOOKAPII. , KVKBY EVKNINU AND WKDNKrfl'AY AND StlUBDvY M.VTtNBM, Admltelun, 26 cants llctarved taatt, ftO cauls ClllhMuKNK VAltH-.VII.LK niKATttK. / U2J ?t and illh av. J. W. MAI)K. Stnl-n M*nnir?r. Alter modi tabor and aai>?n?e illdirector of tba CKKMOKNr VaUDKVILLH TilKAtlirt wilt complcta iba original daelgn ol furnUtiliig .Ntt T?ll city with in alaaanl ami com mo lloue ductal* Theatre and Ierpelctioraun Taiupla ail under Ilia natif roo', and ?.a pi lea or adtuiMlon. Tbla new a?.i c luual auterprieo will luauituraia Ita Mimmer Me aeon SATUIHIAV IVKNIMJ. JUNK 22, IH78. anil ura?om the eery l>??t V A KIKTV I'h IlKUKM tNCK IN Til H. CliUNTKT with a euparb Noee'.ty I'o nuanjr, embracing tue cream ol iho Vafiau Pratinlun, In a remark itln eerlea of WMIK. .\l IN. IIANl.Kr. A.NI> SkKlCIIKH enacted lor tha Oral tlina lu any oounlrjr on (ba uawly m?> ?Iructed PAVILION IIAKDKN i-TAUK. Viva 11 on 11 III II11 ar a y aa I Knjoyment AdmUalnn lu tba Performance. Nolreea, Promenade aad Parlora. KM. Mr I ll'h-The artlttaeneaeed will eaeeiablo for rehaarael Thiiraday. June 20, ai 11 A M. fr IIK KUftol'KtN CONOBKSS nPr.CIAL i.'AKLk iiKSI'ATClIRfl fcV ItV NUtill' IN TDK I.VKMMI TKl.hURAM. BUUKI MlllAV I'A LACK. 27lh ?t . near 61I1 ae Klita aoolabtea nl*tiily I'ua be-l yantllaiail ball rooa la tba 1 lay. Dancing eoiBHeneea ai 0 o'clock. CilAitLa* CUbADH, Maaaiw, T A III KM AM) OKNTLKMliN Of TIIK DRAVATI3 IJl'rufeaalon aro reapectlnlly nolltlail lu attend an ad journed meeting nl Iho Vlmnir i?owar? Honallt Committee, ai ilto Uutm square theatre. on Thuredee, J ana Jli, at 2 I' M. Laillae ?" Ilia eroleaalwli particularly Invited la lta preaent JOIIV W. CAKitiiLi., Acting Cbalrtaau. J on a Oirrm n?i-ratar|r Jin 1 tHI.K.u KVI.IIV IL'KSDt* WW HArUKDAf canine, Oantral I'ara Harden, .'?i)tti ai . Oil av. 1 anal MR piece in iba cily . elegant nmeie. Admtaalun DO eanttt laRlMiNM 1 A K 11 ?*. II A 1 it . M an air era. MAMMotTTiTla? KOAnf AND MOClAHLH. I'I.KaIu ant Vallay. title afternoon and evening. htegaafe uiuele. Per time table aaa akcureton column. CAUllKK M BUaU.Maaaeaaa. S"