Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD WHOLE NO. 15,281. NEW YORK, MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1878.-WITH SUPPLEMENT. PRICE THREE CENTS DlKECTOliY FOR ADVKRTISKRS. BBBALD BRANCH OFFICE. 1,205 BROADWAY? OB UN DaV and NIGHT FOR KKC.PTION OF ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES OF PAPERS. AMUSEMENTS-lsr PAOX-Sth andUlh colt. ASTRO LOG l' -7th Bark?tilh col. BILLIARDS?2i> Pag*?3d eol. BOARDER-- WANTI'D ?1st Paub?dtheoL Board AND LODGING WANTBD-lrt Pagb?4th coL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES-9th Pals. BUSINESS NOTICES?5tu PAdn-flth col. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR HALB-Ut 1'a OB-3d ooL CLERKS AND SALESMEN?7th PAGK-4th col. CLOTUINU?7tu Pars?(Jib col. COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?7m Pagk?4th eol. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?2n Pacis?lit and 2d cola. COUNTRY HOARD?1st Pads 4th col. DANCING ACADEMIES?1?T Page?5th col. DENTISTRY?2d Pacr-Hd col. DRY' GOODS? 1st Pagb ??th ool. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?20 Pace?lit ooL EUROPE?">th Pack?Oth col. EXCURSIONS?2d PAGK-2d and 3d cola. fin aNcial?9th pack. FOR SALE?7*i< Paub?6th col. _ FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET 1 st 1'aok?4th roL FUBNITUKE-Tth Faui?Olb col. HKLP WANTED?FEMALES-7tb Pagk?4th ooL HELP WANTED?MALLS?7tu PauK-5tb col. HORSES, CARRIAGES, AO.?I AT P AUK?2d und 3d eol*. HOTELS?1st Pagk?4th cot. Houses, rooms, au? wanted?1st Pack?4th col. INSTRUCTION?1st PA0K-5lb col. LOST AND FOUND?1st Pack?let col. MACHINERY?7th PAGK-Olh col. MARHLK MANTELS?2d pAGK-3d col. MEDICAL?7th Paok?6tb col. MILLINERY AND DRESSMaKING-Ist Pagb?5th col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?lOTH l'AGB 6m eol. NEW PUBLICATI0NS-5tu PAOK-?th eol. PERSONAL?1st Paok? 1st caL PIANOFORTES. ORGANS. AC.-1?T PACB-5th col. PROPERTY Ol/T OF THE CITY FOR SALfc OB TO RENT?1st Pagk ? 3d cob HEAL ESTATE TO xXCli ANGE-Ist Pagk?3d cot. real Estate wanted?1st pagb-:w coi. SALES AT AUCTION?7tk Pagk?nth aad Bth coll. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?7th Pac*-1H, 2d. 3d and 4th cola _ _ _ SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?7rn PACB-4tb col. SPECIAL NOTICES?1st Pagk -let and 2d cols. STORAGE? 1st Paok?5th ooL SUMMER RESORT.- - 1st Palm?4th und 5th cola THE TRADES?'7th Pale-5th col. TI1E TURF?1?t Pagk?2d col. TO LEI' FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES? 1st PAQB-3d and 4th roll TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?2u FA0B-2d eol. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET?1st Pagk?4th col. WANTED TO P< RCHASK?2D P4CK-3d col. WATCHES, JEWELRY. AC.-7ra I'ar.K-Olh eol. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS. AC.?Iuth Palk?llth coL PER SO Ih AL. Es?"will bkTleased~To"sre "aSTBRioTJa"*of Tuesday last to-morrow evening with Captain B . BROOKLYN. BRNKY HENDERSON. COLORED. WILL PLEAS < address DARBY MORTON, care W. B. Rruoo. Roanoke lion. Charlotte county, Ve. M RS. ALICE S.. WIDOW OF W. W. S . AND DAUOH tor of the late G I., of Great Harrington, Mass.. insy jear of something of the utmost importance to her If she will send her address Immediately ly to J. K. BURTON, Herald office. MAKJOLAINK-TUBSDaY MORNING. 10 O'CLOCK; same place. 31 St. Caprlee. Do not disappoint. "QUNDAY TOUBISTS''?WILL THE LADY RETURN Oing to New York Irom Brooklyn, about 9 o'clock, nun day evening, kindly grant the gentleman who spoke to her aa she alighted from a Bleecker afreet car on interview f Address, with particulars. 11. R. M.. Herald office. LOST AM* FOUiYD. Found?a PakkotT~tTi s"<5 wnkr "ca"n~kScover Ly proving property and paying expenses. Address C'.box 1.013 Post office. 10 BY?A PLAIN GOLD WEDDING KING, BN Jgraved "Not. 211, 1871," inside. The hndar will be llb erniiy rewarded by leasing it at 104 Duane si. T. RURDE1T, "I OST?SUNDAY, JUNE 23, BUNCH OF KEYS, BB AJtween Glsnham Hotel and Fulton ferry. Return to hotel end receive reward. SPECIAL. NOTICES. ATTENTION.?TWENl Y YEARS' I'Kb.--Hi AN IIOSPI Atsl experience: specialties. diseases of men and nervens system: cunsnltatioii Iree. Dr. JACoBY, ltil Bleecker st. 4A. "?SURE CURE FOR l.UNG DISEASES, ROCK and Rye, $1 per large bottle; $4 per gallon. N. VAN Br. IL. 88 Chambers st. ATTENTION'.-VITAL CAPSULES CURE NKltVOUS Debility, Weakness. Difficult Breathing. Restore Man hood. Circulars free. IRVING A BLAKE, box 140. Brooklyn. N. Y. All special complaints certain, safe and ^ permanently cared, to oltber sex. Dr. COX, 2D2 East A LL COMPLAINTS SKI I.FULLY TREATED ; ROOMS. 2 VBoard, Ac. Dr. and Mnsa. SELDEN. 141 WestStlth st. Call ar write. LL SPECIAL COMPLAINTS, MEDICAL OR SUR. Lgical, safely, snecesslnUy treated; exsmlnntiou free. Dr. lIKADFoitD. 132 i.oat Igtli st. A -NO FEE UNTIL CUBED.?SPECIAL DISEASES ?blood, skin and premature debility; examination Into till 9 P. M. Dr. FREEMAN, 200 Grand at. Anna k. park. m. d., medical electrician, cures disease by slaetricity; Psrslysis. sclmtlcs, Ac , specialties. No shock. 207 hast 13th st. All diseases of men. whatever the cause, reeont or long sisutlng. speedily and perma nently cored by Drs. DYE ?< A GKINDLE. 47 West 13th at . near 6th a v. B EST RYE WHISKEY IN THE WORLD. FOUR 'years old, $4 per gallon. ?1 per Dirge bottle N. VAN BBIL. 88 Chambers st. B HOUGHTON'S INVIGORATING SYRUP CUKnS stomach, llrur, kidney diseases, weakness, Ac. : also restores manhood; 23oents. Advice free. OH West 4th st. TAlaKAMEs OK MEN A SPECIALTY. JL-lllENKY A. DANIELS. M. D? 144 Lexington atu, near (bth st. Office hnors Irom S to 3 aad 0 to 7. TAR. KICOKD'S KS.nF.N0E OF LIFE RESTORES X 'manhood to the debllHatoi In lour week*; failure im possible ; S3 par rase. Sole agent. Dr. JACQUES, 7 Uni versity place. New York. IYtVOKCKS SPEEDILY OB f AIN ED-TERMS SUPER. .Siaiivsly reasonable ; CONSULTATIONS free. FKEIJ. KICK L KING, Lawyer, 0 Sslnt Mark's place, adjoining Cooper Institute. Divorce casks attended to promptly. without publicity; rensnlt hint. ISAAC G. HOYCh. exoerisneed lawyer, 3111 Broadway. European rheumatic sooikiy, 207 west 34th, Incorporated nndor act Fobraary 17. 1848.?All Rheumatism positively cured. CN KbATEMr enterprise OUT-FORTUNE MADE Trssy: fortune mado 'inick : fortune tor $1. Intormatloa given by B. A. PORTER A CO.. 1.227 Broadway. H OFFICIAL KENTUCKY STATE DRAWINGS. ? gKNTCrKT?NXTKA CLAMS SO. 39.?UUSI 22. 1H7B. 4. 3. 38, 31. 38. IB. 13 9, 28, 43 42. 34. kkntvcxt- class *0. 396- jpnk 22, 1M7H 22, 12. 28. 65, .Kj, 52. 47, 34. 4ta. 2.1. 17. 30. 19, 77. SIMMONH A DICKINSON. Ma Managers. GSOndIA STArX -KKTXA CLASS NO. 415 JCXK22. 1878. 14, 37, 25, 67, Oh, 10. 34, 18, JR. 57, 21. 48. OKORGIA frTATE ?CLASS NO. 410? JCNB 22, 1878 42, 18. 06. 37. 01, 27. 58. 11, 1. 02. 46. 47. 65, 35. K. I). EDDY A CO.. Msnsgsrs. Information garsn regardlag the above drawings Apply toCLUTB A CO., Bankers. 2t?l iir?ad *ajp. 'ear office. H?KOYaL HAVANA DKAWs JUNE 28. 4d",.W in Spanish maney to be distributed. Capital rnse. 82UU.UOOI prise of .850,00111 IO pruss of $5,000 es.-h 1 prise Of 25,600 I 115 prises of I,(PS) each 2 prises of rlO.OiO eurh |68n prises of 50Htsch 1 lekets. *40, *JU. $10. $5. $2. $1. J. CLUT1'. A CO., Rankers, 2IS) Broadway. H -KENTUCKY SINGLE NUMBER . Dtstnbstlon June 29. 1 prise Bl5.000 | 2 prises of .$2,500 aaoh 1 prise 2 prlssa <>t 5,f ?xi each 1 prise 5,(XXII 10 prises of 500 eaah 1.M prises, distributing $67,925. Tickets, $1. ('LUTE A CO.. Hankers, 2011 Broadway. II ?LOUSIaNA SINGLE NUMBER Draws JULY 9. i Capital prise. B3U.UCG. Whole ticsets, 42 . halves, 91. CLUTK A CO.. Hanktra, 20O Broadway. Havana lottery. Next drswlag June 2ft, 1874. 821 prises, amounting t? 8l(>.tKJO oesos Highest prise. JOO.OJO pesos; emallest. fit si. As tbs premium of gold I* coming down in Caba these pi ilea sre worth more erery day. fclisroe for next fiscal year can be hod by addressing M. A. MAfUTKKX A CO.. Bankers, 10 Wall st.. basement. Gold and Havana Book Bills bought and sold. Drafts on Barans issued. Havana lottery.*-dealers will be sup plied at Cost by giving asranty for the amount of their orders Adarsas box IU2 Herald office. 1 ouisiana htatr lottery company -chak XJtsred by the Stele It nevrr scales or postpones. Seventh graad distribution st New Orleans, JulvP: 1.887 arises, a i onatlag to $lio.4tX>; rapltsl prises. $:pi tssi. Ilil.fwyi, $5,000. Ac.; lOUFX* tickets, two ($21 dollars; r_. ? ?- - = ? "YUPIIIN. Post halves, one ($1) dollar. Apply to M. A. DAI office box 6H2, New Orleans, La., or H. U PLUM. 319 Broadway, Nsw York. M KTRUrUblTAA FRINIINO OKKIOB. 28 AfTs~ ST.. DO ALL-KINDS or PRINTING FOR ALL KINDS OK BUSINESS, BUMMER EXCURSIONS AMI STEAMBOAT WORK, PVMPIILKT tl.UL TAB Lh.H. FINE WOOD K NG11AVINQ AMI COLORED PKINTlNO, posters. rROORAMMKH AND TICKET* LAW CARER EXPRESS COMPANIES, STEAMBOAT. STEAMSHIP LINER AND RAIL ROAD WORK FIRST CL>ss WORK AND LOW PRICKS FOR CASH. OIVK US A TRIAL METROPOLITAN JOB PRINTING OFFICE, 2S aNN NT. ilAjUIUI Man illa and MuNtjilKIfi* UHCAFeI lTllhan ar?r A. KLaBKH. ISA Earn l??h at.. MM Bd MSB." LBCOMPTK aRD ASeleTARTiT?MLECTRiT: a?d magnetic iroaimnnt carat corpnltncy and debility ?I tba uncn. l7S0tb ar. M SPECIAL. NOTICES. i(S.^Tni>CSN6j?B*KK# "i'Sfb ' ASSISTANf; unite plifileiu. 15 East 16th ?t. Ol'EN TILL, 9 O'CLOCK.-K^N eta, $1 to 92 .VI. Kentucky 9ts iNTUCKY DaILY: TICK. , - ItL draw? J uns 39; Tlek cts, #1. Louisiana Ornw? July 0; Whole Ticketn, $2: Half, $1. llnraiin drawn June 28: Tickers, *46 lo 91. Bl Ll.AlU) A CO . 907 Broadway, near 30th nt. UQ."~ Important cases, medical or lurgical; Impairment of any organic function, hereditary or constitutional taint; diseases of men and tho nervous eyatem a apooialty. HENRY A, DANIELB, M. O.. 144 Lexington a*., near 39th at. Hours, 8 to 3 and 6 to 7. ROYAL HAY ANA DRAW8 JUNK 38. 1878; $810,000 distributed; capital prize. $200,000; liigtiest rutoe paid lor prise* and Haraua Bank bills. New scheme sent on application. Addroea all orders to tho authorized agents, C. Y1ADKKO A CO., Bankers, No. 1 Now at.. New York. (Late with M. A. Martinet A Co). Royal Havana lottkky-nkxt drawing Jniio 38; $811),W?J distributed; Capital l'rlzo, 9300,000; prises cashed: orders UlleU; information furnished: bignest rates paid tor Spanish Bank Itilla, Governments. Ac. TAYJAJK .k CO., Haakera, 11 Wall at.. New York. Royal Havana draws junk 38. Capital priae, 9200.IJI*) Spanish money. Tickets. 910, 930. $111. 95. 93, 91. 8INOLE NUMBER KENTUCKY DRAlV.s JUNE 39. Capital priae, 914.0IK). Tickets. 91. LOUISIANA SINGLE NUMBKK draws July 9. Tickets, 93 and91. JACKsON A Co., Hankers. S3 Nasaaii sc. N. Y. R? DleEASKB OK 51KN ARISING FROM IMPURITY ?of tlto blood, skin, taint anu nervous prostration a spo ctaltv. JOSKI'H JACgCKs M. U.7 University place Office hoars from 8 till 3 and 0 to 8. Will BROADWAY, GENERAL EASTERN AGENTS.? Ot/t/Kentuoky State Lottery draws June 39, 1,899 ?rises. distributing 967.939: eapitsls. 914.000, 98.IXA), 1,000; whole tioketa, 91. Williamsburg ndice. 01 Broad way. WILLIAMSON A CO. <HK7 -old rrliahlk kkntucky. ?!>0 4 . ?/???->. NEXT DRAWING. JUM. 29. ONK DOLLAR BUYS A WilllLK TICKET. 1,896 PRIZES, 967,925 IN CASH OIPTK. ADDKfc.sS ALL ORDERS TO THK Ll'l'KY OKI ICES, 1,337 BROADWAY, N. Y.. OR 181 MONTAGUE ST., BROOKLYN. B. H. PORTER A CO.. NORTHERN AUKNT8. $*> 74>iv '-ll l -royal sazon Lottery. ?g I si').*) I Ti Ducal Briinswiek Lottery. Drawincs in Germany every month. Next drawing July 8. Kovat Havana Lottery, June 38. Tlckete, 940; quarters, 910; eighths, $5: fortieths, 91. Kentucky Htete Lattery. June 39. Whole tickets. 91. Louisiana State, July 9. Tickets. 93: helves. 91. Prix ?* oasbed and lull Information of the above sent t ree J. DUFF A CO.. Hankers. 43 Nassau st.. cur. Liberty. N\ Y THK a i -kLEKtWooH parIc "junk '28.?puusb, i A J. .9100 divided, for horses that huve neTer beaten 3 minutes. Entries cleae Wednesday, 26th, ar.d must be accompanied with the money. Address gates ii. Barnard, Piopiietor. Book open to-day on pittsburg. book also on Long Branoh handicaps, at Browne's, 1,1.0 Broad y. JOHN HaCKKTT A CO. way tlOUBlNATION ON THK LUNG BRANCH iiaNDI Aspsand Monmouth Cop. the Pittsburg running r?ee? and Beaton trots, at 19 Went 38th st. W. l.OVRLL. Hudson county driyino association at Soeauoue, hudoon onnnty, N. J., to uo hold July 4, 18 78, offer tho following purses:?9150 for 2 :.V> class ; 973 to first. 951) second, 925 third; heel Bin f?; 910" lor 3:45 class; $50 to Orst, 930 second, 93-> to third: $50 for ruu nlng race, mils and repeat; ?95 to first; 915 to second. Communications addressed to K. N. KB UK IIA RD, 25 New ark et., Uobokeu,or W. PL DUDLEY. 100 Pnlasado av.. Jersey City Uetints. Kutrte* to nlose July 1,1878. Ten per cent entrance. Pools mid on the track. Prospect park fair grounds. gkavksknd. L. 1?We are authorised to match tho Trotting ll..rso ?Prospero against any trotting horse in the world (tmrrlng Karus i for 93,500 a si do ; If more tnau one accepts It to bo a sweepstake, money and stake all to go to the winner. To be ironed over the above track on batnrdav. June 39, at 3 P. M. Money on deposit and entries received at Geo. A. Power's offiee, 599 Pulton st., Brooklyn, and must be re ceived on or before Tuesday, Jane 25, nt noon ATWUOD A 00. PITTSBURG RACKS,?POOLS bold to-day AT 08 Hndsou st., Heboken. KKI.L?' A BLISS. T ATT H.Rs ALL'S OTTO OOTT.VOK, llobOKKN.? A action and French Poole every day tuie weak on trots at Baaeon and Mystic Parks; racing nt Pittsburg Monaay nod Taesomr. U(UiSK?, CAUK1AUE&. <St. t a trrf fiViF" ~ ?~~ BY v AH TASRP.Lt, A KEARNEY. AlJCTlONKEttfl. AT THEIR llORME ANIi CARRIAGE AUCTION MART, IV) ana 112 Kant 13th ?l.. near 4in at., on Tuesday, amu junk. At 10 o'clock. VERY STYLISH BROWN COUPE IIOR8E, 16 HANDS high, H start old; la finely galled; can road 10 nillea an boor anil (ravel all day; It thoroughly ?ale anil reliable; Uan fine high-knee action; la nolo only ior want ef use. ana it warranted eeund and kind and trae la all herneea. Set Oonpe IIaineea. nearly new, coat (2U), and COUPK. CLOTH LINED. IN OOOD ORDER. PAIR HLOCKY BUILT BAY CARRlAUR IIORSKR. 16 handi nigh, lOyeart old; exira drlvera; not afraid at ileum cart or anything; have been need to present owner1* carriage tor tear years; are a tnerouebly aalo and reliable art well aa n stylish family tram, and aro warranted kind and trno in ull harness. Set Double Harness and LAN DAT, IN liOOD ORDER ALSO Bay TROTTING OELDINO, 15? haada high, B yeart old ; ean beat 2:5<) to wagon ?ur good day ana track : warranted in every reaped. ENTRIES SHOULD BE MADE ou MONDAY BY 4 P. M. tolnaure n place on the CATALOGUE. A?UHAKLKH W. BAKKKR. AUOTIUN KKU a TO DAY (MONDAY) TO-D.tY. AT ELEVEN o'clock. At MESSRS. a. E'ownes A Co,'s stables, 7STII at. unit Western Poulevuid. SECOND VNPARALLELED aale OF EXTRAORDINARY Matched Pairs. OOUl'E match, saddle and Koad llurtes. TWENTY-FIVE bead or the uett STOCK. Now on view for trial. CATALOGUES ready. Sale peremptory. A?ON ACCOUNT OP I UP. PARTI I.M GOINll ?abroad. 1 oiler (or sole two handroine. atyllah, complete Turnouts?cousistlng of the moat stylish lurue liay Horse In the state. S year, old, Iti handa, aoiind and kind: la quiet and active: any invalid ran drive linn with safety; stamls in the street wlthont tying: also handsome light, low hung Extension Tup Park Phaeton, seats four persona; liue Harness tn match; Lup Kobe, Mai, Whip, Ac.; also one ot the handsomest small Horses In the city, with extra light Top Puny Phaeton, nenrlj new, with Harness, Lap Bone, Whip. Foot Mat. Ao. H. B.?Tills extra fine stock must be sold Immediately at any cash offer. Can be seen at stable 156 Eastth St.. uearld av. Dr. J. P. SAVILLB. I Tltl, West 15th St. AT PUBLIC AUCTION, TO-MORROW (TUESDAY), ?lone 25, at 12 o'clock noon, st the private stable of Win. K. Conitcr, B-q . No. 441 West dstii at., between inh end 10th st*., an uleganl team n! family carriage llorses. 16 bands nign. 7 and H years old ; flna travellers, extra stylish, and warranted sound and bind; also elegant chestnut trot ting gelding Result, l.">}? bands, 7 years old; got by Pll t Teinp.e. dam frill staler to Fearnauaht; Ksanit trotted over Fleetwood track, June IS, 1M7N a full mile in 2 -27*{: '4 In 35,1$ seconds; H In 1:13*4: he Is a great pole horse ; ran trot alibis ueats below 2:M0, aad warranted sooad and kind; also an oiat-ant cxtcosinn top Pnrk Phaeton. Pole andnbafts; top sluebnr Load Wa.on, I set Double liar ness, 1 set light Single Harness. Hlanarls, Kobe*. Whips. Ac. ; also 1 lino miloh Cow. Kto-k can be seen and driven this day nn application to Hon J. E. ( OULTKR, 751 Kith av. Sale positive, to highest bidder, A' ?e?*l WILL HL Y ON i<~<7r~ TIIK HEST ~h oTd ? Horses In the eltv: can trot to tup wagon better than 2;Ali; warranted sound and kind; together with hfa Har ness and ton Wagon, almost new. and by Wand. Ids West 31st st. Also a vary fine Saddle and Harneaa Horse. ?CARRIAGES OF ALL Kl N DM. ? ft >PH C G i.TkS, ?(M5; I'onv Pbsstons. 810"; light extension top Park Phaetons, (125, and other styles, ull my own m lac. at manulacturera' prices nod Warranted. GEL'BE. 366 Canal. AUCTION HALK?B Y J. P. TKAV?ItTAlllJTIIOX RKii, oa Monday. 24th, at 10)4 o'clock, at No. 22 West 2d at.. It) llnraoa. Coaches. Harness, Wagona, Doctor's Wagon, Ac . lor want of aso. A** Isr-Top BR It IV -el 1 It ~IM f ROV BD BUl.U v", ?with kus Harnossaad Whip, oust oMF> six memo* are; handsome t >p Pony Phaeton cheap I'riv.ta stntdc I Wert I5tii St.. one door from 5lh sv. A" young, ohYFnkY built Canadian hokse, ton Conrurd Hoiivory Wagon and Harneaa, separate, 2.IS Spring st. A -A Nl'UBKR OP PROMISING fiTlOil, SOUbD ? Road and Musine-s Horses, at from BltO to (175, at BAKKEH'S. corner Krnadway and 311th at. A? (475 WIl.L II, V IIOttME. WAGON, IIAKNr.MS, ? Hlsnhot and Whip, rnst (1.2V) one manth ago; record 2 2)6; also two magnificent Paik Pliseious. sent four per sona, polo and shafts; one made by Stivers, Hie other iiy Wood, Doublo and single Harness to match; Windsor Pony Phaeton. lino shifting leather lop Wagon cbesp lor cash. 11 I West 27tli st.. noaritili av. MTO.NlS It 1NG ~CAdM B a It o A i NS?B h tUTlFUL, light extension Top Phaeton, with lamps, soats four. (1110; full spring Top Huggy, C.I5; ulogant top Pony I'tiae* ten, with lamps. (lOO; fine Harness, all nearly new. Stables, 247 Wast 41st st A GRNTLKM AN LEAVING Town will HELL, AT great sacrifice. Tori out. complete; handsome bay lloraa, 15<g hands, 7 years; fins roadster; driven hy ladles; stands wltlumi tying; thoroughly broken to saddle; war ranted and fears nutntng; Brewster Improved solium top Wagon, Dunaeotnh Harness, Hlankats, Itoboa, Ac. ; also fall spvlng lop Wagon and Ponr Phaetun; all good as now and very cheap 511 4lat. *>oll separate. A' iTaNDtttiiTh, rkmhh du rh ajT ~ cow roit sale; great milser. No. 3 West 13th st. ?(165. - I!ANDMtIMK TOP HI.'OUV AND llAR ?nasa, with Bear Kobe, pnrchaaed last winter, (Aoo, also top Pony Phaeton and vary handsome lamllr '.lorse, for ladles'nsa; yonng, sonnd sad kind; 15>6 handa 144 West l?th at. ___ A?T auction?Thoroughhkkd jekney and Ayrshlrs Caitla, imported and from Imported, I oesday. June 25. at ID A. M.. Knapp's stables. 6 7tli av. , an,nisi, on exhibition now; enotreet ol Mbr.rt IMlis, Isrni herd. F. C FA It LEV, owaor. ML'Lc.S, ALLmTzKM MOLD LOW. BlnliUP, ?enrner Ocnnd ann Bishop at*.. Jersey City. "I~ ?TEN HtJNINENM ANu DELIVERY WAGONM, all J\?siacs. CWi to (125; new and second W aguns fur ox press, grocer, butcher, baker. milk, depol. 226 .spring st. VERY II ANOmiMF. Bl.tCK VHKMONT MORGAN Pony, H years old; warranted to trot In 2 s5<); warranted s?nnd. kind and gentle, lor nny lady to ride or drlvo; too Puny Phaeton ; also linn Harness. 12 Kaat IHtli at. ABLACK~~M ARK, 111 HAN DM; n U IT FA Ml LV OR business; warranted, (HO: alto small Pony, (30. 15.1 Month 5th av. A? SBVH.N III) R.lKH SUIT ANY BUMlNRaS; WAG sons and Harness. 15k and 161 Crosby St., near Hicecker. A-tTTrkk CHEAP IIORNKM FOB NALhi MOUND sand kind, suit any business; (10, (63, (7.V 116 t.'bristoolier ?t. llttM ADD MAM. IS OAl&r PONY 11UILT, sat... rollable. Moon at work 70 Bookman st, A' IV PRRMON W/ANIInG A GENUINE TOP PONT Phaeton, second hnBd, Ulllo used, lot little mousy, may i apply Jtld Watt 42il at, A HOK8KS. CAK11UGES. <Vt. UDY'.S bIt GEN TLKMAl('S TURNOUT A*r A bur;;*lu; bay Hera*. ? yearn, 15>4 bauds, warranted sound ana kind: Uaa ail lady gaits; tup I'uuy I'baatun and llarnaea; alM Dream* at. Broweior tup Wagon ; Mil aepa ratoly those. 142 Vt eat D7lh at. A SOUN 0 IS HANDS 8TOUT BUILT MARE. jILKxprca* Harness. Bridle aud Saddle. $55. Brt New Chamber* at. A -FOR SALE. Til llhK HORSES; SUIT FARMING, ?grocery, ezpreaa or trucking; trial clean; utuat be told at a aacriQce. Inquire 107 Mercer at., near Itleeeker. A FINE BREWSTER (OF BROOME -T.) TOP SIDE bar Wagon. Pule and Shaft*. 5 Weat 18th at. C1ASH?WANTED, NO. 1 TURNOUT COMPLETE, /twi -Mated exteu*iou top Park Phaetun (cut under pre ?erred), Ilurae. ilarneaa. Blanket*. Ac ; meat be ? ood aa new; norae good atrle, prompt arieer, aaund and war ranted ; give (nil uartlcnlara, iowcat price eaab. Addreaa O . box -"Si pi,at ofllce. CARRIAGES.?C ,LYIn WITTYU COMMISSION OAK. rlaee Wareruoma, IM South 5th ee. ; Repairing Shops, .">5 Flatbush ay., Brooklyn. CTALLOWS LONDON WUJP, J fur which wc ar* role agent* in th# United States. Poor horae. tandem, single and pair heme. BKhWSTER A CO. (ul Broome at ). Broadway, 47tli to 4Sth at. ELEGANT CL \ KENOE, BREWSTER, SATIN.... $fi(? CLARENCE, WOOD BROS., EXCELLENT OH DEK 250 CLaRKKCE. BY DUNN. GOOD OKDKK 125 TROTTING WAGON, STIVERS, excellent or der 00 ELEGANT TOP SIDE BAR WAGON, FIRST CLASS 140 PARK WAGON, SQUARE BOX, TWO SEAT, BKKWsTKH .7 200 There hare never been offered In this market such gooda el price* ao low. Other* equally low. All ut private aale. Siakt. At ARCH. JOHNSTON'S IS to 25 13th at., near Univeralty place. A line ol Pony Phacloue and Top Bugglea. lower than at any other tiouae In the world. COME AND shh ! ! TjAOK SALE, VERY CHEAP?COUPE IN OOoD 1? order. Can be teen at Bearding Stabler. Nne. 120 and 122 V\ eat Mtb at., ur addreaa boa H2S Peat office. FOR SALE?A TOP PHAETON; SKATS FOUR, A.\D cbtld'a aeat laalde ; built by Heerdalev ; to jr?od order; will be told cheap. SIMPSON'S itable. 14* Rait 3IHIi at. IjViK SALE-FOLK CHUNKY BUILT HORSES. I4X to IS banda; auit any bualneaa; all warranted. >14 Van dam *t. F jtor sale chf.ap-a good house and truck. Inquire 240 Weal 33d ?t.. in store. F i'OK SALK ?GENTLEMAN'S KOaD HORSE, BAY, 10 baud* high. 0 yeitra old; can trot in 2 :4U; alao tep ? a aiw uwe uiR u ? 'r Jvitie *ee tt , w ?! a VI "e ill aide bar Brewatar Witguu. 150 Ka-t 27th at. F iron sALB-a kink horse, io h*nd.*, hyears old, tit lor all work. Inquire ISO Bleocker at. For sale (obliged to held?brown horse, 10 banda, 7 yeare old: warranted everyway, i or two duya. Teed store, 370 Hndeoo. F rnoit salk-nink young horses, from $rj to " $*0, at 407 West 52d at. IjTOR SALK-rOUR 1'AIK OF RULES; To BE SOLO cheap. Inquire 150 Eaat 24tli at., between 3d and Lex ington a vs. Epoit SALE?AT STABLE NO. 5 EAsT UTU ST. A aet browu I andein Humes. i it black Tandem Ilarneaa, i l t >w., * !?.*?. A Tuudein Dog Cart, Saddlea, Hridlra and Stable Toole. Horse, Top business wauon and harness, $100; Horace, $55, $05; Expreea Wegoua cheap. 150 Wcat 10th at. Ikon stable fittings?reduced prices, onii tblrd oil. Mangere, Uay Kacka, l'artltlona. Drinking 'I roughs, Ac., ol the beat No. 1 Iron. Catalogue! eeot ir.e. JANE* A K1KTLAND, S, 10." 2 Keada at. Messrs. a. fownbs a Co., 7STH st. and wksT etn Boulevard, "Old Burnham Hotel stable*," have received inatruetloni to include In their auction aale of Monday , June 24, the following vary dealrable Horae* An English Brougham Horae, hav. esteemed to be the beet typo of brougham horse in tbi* country. A Lady'a Phaeton Mare, brown, 15.1 lianda, with Una figure and action; quite aale for a ladv to drive. ONE HANDsOMK LANDAU, ONE LANLIAULKT AND top Puny Phaoton, at M. CURLKY'R, 1,553 Broadway nnd loth at. Seasonable carriages. Victoria*, Cabriolets. T Carta, extension top Phaeton*, tour passenger open i'liuetona. four passenger Surrey Wa gona, top and open Pony Phaeton*, canopy top Phaetona; aeyeral ntylca, at prices to ault the time*. W M. II. OKAY, 20 and 22 WooatOr at. UMOOND Hand carriages. 2 Curtain Coach ox 5 Coupe Hockeway*. 3 Clarence*. 2 Curtain Knckaware. 1 Ulaaa front Uadu. 4 Half top Phaeton*. 1 Brougham. 2 Stanhope Phaetona. 4 Coupes. 2 Pour Phaetona. A Lemlauleds. 1 Surrey Can. 2 Grand Victoria*. 2 Depot Wagonx 4 Six paaeougor Itookaway*. 3 Extension Top Wagons. 25 Brewster A Ox's standard Read Wagon*. A. S. Kl.ANDHAU A CO.. 372 and 374 Broome at. Second hand carriages, landaUh, coupes. Barouches, four and six seat Park Phaetona, Top Wag ons, una top Pony Phantom, at IBB Mast l?th vt., near 4th FLANDRAU WAHON ?II Dm requisite Dualities FUR SPKKJHNU ?I wall as safe and eaay riding, being fitted with RUBBER CUM! ION Kit A XLEH, assuring acruracy and precision la raanitl ? ml the absence uf those serious objections, tba trembling, vibratory, "wabbling" inotioa and tba "SEKKAO" common to all wUeels with rigid axles, especially tbota made "?tllT' at tha contra, causing a corresponding weakness at tba aims. A. H. KIjANDKAU A CO.. It72 and 1174 Mrootae at. TO l,".T FOR THE KCMMKh?SEVERAL M Kl.l, trained Saddle Horses, far I ad r or gentleman, at M?|?r UKfHN'n Saddle llor?a Stable, 7 haat 03il. Alsa several lor i.U?. WaNTBD-FOR 10 WEEKS, A POKY PUABTON. IT with qaiet Uorsa or Pony, of which tba veiy boat ot care will be taken. Address, with terms, tot osswrrk. KtNU sli II. POOTK, banker. 70 Broadway. AliONS?BUSIKKhS~^UTi irRH*AlilTJ tlllfllikfef. for sale cheap 3411 West 27th at, WILL LI.T rott THE SIMMBR-LaNDAUH AND a pair uTbay Horses, with coachman; all eery neat , tcrn.H very low 1 IB WMtffllfc ?t. e? OlIKAP HORNKH FOR SALE-PROM HO TO *00, fat 410 Wail with at, Mtwt be told ~F.LKUA.ST HKKWlTKH IMPROVED TOP ?side bar Wagon for sale at BARKER A SOX'S, SIM w $110 errner Hroadwar and Silth ?t. (kltlP -Miff Ty,!* PLATFORM HPKINtt WAOON, bpiOt J.snleudia Saddle Horse, top aide bar Buggy, liar near, llnraaa. 207 We?l IfRh it. ?1 A it ?SI P Kll CANOPY TOP PHAETON, BY tplTOafLo. II. Close, lor sala at BARKER A SON S, Corner Broadway and both at. AllC ?BREWSTER IMPROVED MP AT MO TOP Jp.LTTJaHuggy and fine llarneae; alao handaama top P?ny Phaeton and fnll spring top Boggy; eery cheap. Board!ug stable, 30 West loth at. ( il l REAL ACETATE, ri?r; MAftffh Central. ASKORTMI NT CHOiCh IIWK LI.IKOK-RODEK ATE prices: own prodttctlon : tend for description. IHJtiOIN A UUIASMA.N, architects. SM East 41st, Welt kldr. tjlOR BALE?TWO LOTH. ftoXIOO. ON 5MTH ST.. BE T tween fllh and 7ih evs.. Ironting Central I'ark; liberal loan to rsapoaalala party ; ao hrneora. Addroaa OWN hit, bob l,SM) jpoat offer. AAlji OK JO LKT?roVK hToRV FAcitir7' r Buildings, IB's ??tl 137 Wet* IWth at., Cltfei Ing two lota ; trail lltrhlad and sultablo for any mannfactnrlisg purptme , price. fm.UOM. on eaay tertat; rant. Ml.HOu par year. Ad urea. LOON .t W I I.I.I A M S, 'ik.'t Wast 4tlib at. I'llOPEllTY OCT OK TIIK Qtl Ml ^AALE OH TO REIT. A FAMILY AliOlt E?AtfiS8 Mill l-.i. KiC'l. I - id tiroes of letting their neantilnl furnished country Hoai, donee to a reapoaslole prtrate laially three to loar months; the finest ptaee In "tie ol tbo m..?t brtautlfnl Tillage. In the State, four hoars Irom New 1 orb : heinte large plenty of Well aliened unwinds; carriage house and stahitag; large garden well i laat-d, tnnuntaln air, Ac. Further particu lars in.intra of A. L. \> OOJTWOKTII, >47 Chambers ?t. C~iKf.iT oi'Poitiu.iirv?*2 ackr* kxuklisEN# ri.and, line Buildings. stock, ? rope, Tools, nonr New York. Particulars #1 Wast llonston. r' iRI.AIKST Aac'RiPICRT MODERN 24-HOOT. fit I UN Ttry feat and atahlei located on one of the finest hills In Minmtnrd fur N.'.,3<xi IIL'HBAKD, Park raw, rtauilord. Conn. OW.NKIt RKMOVINO PERMANENTLY TO P.I.HOPE niters for tale bis elegant Hestdenre, near Rnglrwnml, N. J., tarnished or uafnraiabed. either 111 or lb i acres lop tlon id pdrrha*er>; strictly healthy . very liish. command ing magoiflreat views; the rsaidnnoo elegantly fitted up lor aiitnniar and winter eooveBMnca: large .tables, car riage hmi-es, gardener a enttage. hennery, hothouse, Ice* house filled, splendid woods, spring water, pond Apply to klwaki) r. Hamilton, ho pie# at. TO Lf 1-1.1 It NKW IIOl EL ON LITTLE N NCR BAY, .'Its mllra from Plashing ; will be eompleted Ja'y the 1st. InquFraof d CROCMfHON, Mrower lloa.n, corner Xlli st. and Mroadwav. ffVo KKNT?A1 tvLllABETH, nTj.VToR TlIlT MUM JL mer. Irom .1 uly I. a fine House .if tan rooms, completely lumlahotl, Incladlng crocsery and llnon; rent moderate. Apply to POOLER, Central National Hank. .120 Broadway. !(? 1 '21 W 1 -FARM. B ACKKH. obuD~ifoUMR. BaRN, if I .e JVM '.crib, frnlt, aheap | eaay paymoata. J.KWIs, Norm Port. L. I.; 207 Pront St., Naw York, Tneetlnv morn Ing REAL KETATK TO KXCIIANLE. A" N RLKUaNT W)M ON IIRAMP nT., NRWBI'Rfl, I'd rooms ; all Improvements, with stable, for desirable paying city Property. Addren. PH AN K, box o?IK Rewl.nrg LOTS?FINE LY UN IA T Kl?. PR lilT AND CbtfUT B?T low .tilth St., to trade lor good unproved Property. Ad dress A II., Herald ofllea. KKAlu KHTATK WANTKdT WXSfiii-W8alI7Takii" oRTm oOneT REaR 'crtr mo oncnmbranea), for valuable lease ol twe honaei. with sloca and Astnrra of groctry ana liquor business TKAVKR. Ill 7tb at. TO LET KOll BbBIAKHII PIHPOkiti. BENNETT BI-ILDINd. corner ol raltou and Nassau sts. Several ofltros In this buildln* to let at greatly radacotl rente. Hie offices will be altered in sait tenants. Ihe I iiil.ilug la heated by steam, and earh office baa washstand ami water In It, 1 w? elevators running. Nobklras Anpivto JOHN 1* KNIOIIT, mi the bullntng. DMIRARLB OPPORTUJtlTf!-pMnft.sRAf UOH ner Ntora, with Basement: alsa Una Plata raaabMbW. JOHN U. UKlMMINb. IJU37 dd av. TO LET FOR lfUftl.\KH? PI llPOSKH. "4 IIICII HA.skMKMT, 283. 283BOWK It Y; STORKd. A\L.ofu, HU. 82 Pine it. ; corner Uroene, Aralty et. A DKBlv ROOM TO RENT?ONLY 8" PnK MONfH; also cue at 815. Inquire 887 Broadway. corner 4th at., ruom 12. Aweu located stork to let. with two plate glass show windows. lucludlng she flrat floor. 8-m monthly- 3011 Weet 38th el., corner Hth e*. A SPACIOUS, WKLI, LIGHTED MUST LoFT, FOR .Alight wholesale purposes oulj ; terse moderate. Apply at 3tib'alou square. HOUSE TO LET?ok ALTERED FOR BUbINBsB purpose.; 2tl Kn?t ISth et. Inquire et 10M Beet IHlli si., near 4th av. QltlK 3 ON ..Til AV., HKTWKEN 44IT1 ANU 45TH Out. Now York, to rout. Inquire of J. X. HODOaON, r>4."> 5th ?*. rpo LKT-KOOM3 OF ALL SIJIKs; SPLENDID LIGHT; X uew building, end very low rent; steady power fur 81 per ?er>. .1ACOH BKNNAN'. 313 to 323 H?n J2d ?t. '?IT-i "ANAL BT.-WKLL LOCATED BTORK. DRV O I OOellar. Le _ Lofts well lighted end in complete order, to let, together or eeparete. Apply le saMUEL SllETIIAR A CO.. .348 Hroedwey. FVUNIMIEUHUOAW A.NO APARTMENTS TO LET. AN ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM" TO GENTLE men; hot end cold weter, betu, Ac. 40 Weet 90th et,, near Uroeuway ADKsIRAHLK. NKWLV FURNISHED SECOND Floor, tour rooma. eu suite or singly, without board; reference.. 154 Weet loth et. A NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM TO LET AT 73.. Hroadwar, opposite Astor place; 8- 50 weekly; third floor. A FURNISHED FLOOR, 3 Kot?MS, ONE FLIGHT UP. lo let, tor housekeeping, 87 e week. 01 Meedouitel it., near Hleceker. A COOL FkONT ROOM, THIRD STORY, 11AXD eomely furnished, closet, res, ham. one or two gentle men ; tetme low. Private house 14" Rest 27th st. AN ELEGANT SUIT OF Rooms, with pkivaie neth ; also front Room, on s-coiid lloor. to let to centle raen, without board; private family. No. 37 East ltfth st., near Hroadwar. A private family i.kttinu, hinui.y or en suite, three handsomely furnished Rooms; terms very moderate. Apply at 14 Irving place. FINE KUUN I sllLD ROOM To LET. 131 KasT ,13th at, second lloor, between 3d and 4th av?. jlfTKMBhKD KlUKr ROOM for on second floor, In a private house. 3 Varick st. HANDisOMKLY FURNISHED RKCEPflON ROOM; established 2" yoara as a physician's office. 40 West 2l.t at. Housekeeping.-nicely furnisheo rooms aheap; hall Rooms, $2 up; Indies or gentlemen. HO Weal 3d at. PARLOR FLOOR. FURM?HfD For HOUSEKKKP Inr; gas. Dnth ; $25 monthly *2Jtt West 25th at. SOUTHERNERS UK PERMANK.Ni PARTIES WILL llnd airy, oonifnrtsble lurnlslied Rooms, wlthont board, et 22 East 201 li st. IlO LET-A FURNISHED FRONT ROOM AND BED . room, suitable for light housekeeping, lnqnlro at No. 9 Jane it. near Oreenwlrh a v. TTHUY LAKlli FRONT ROOM, $4; ANOTHER, $3; Y water end gealigbt; housekeeping. 417 4th av., near 2?th. \\T ILL LET NICELY FURNISHED, LARUE RED* YY room very low; bath and rat; privets house; refer* oners It"4 East 2*.Hi st. O E'VRMSHBD ROOMS FOR liOlSKEKKPlNO : ALL Ocouvenlencei end gae; 80 per week. 105 Kaat 13th at., near 4th av. 10 WAVRRI.EY PLACE, NEAR BROADWAY -FUR. nlehed front Rooms, at very medorele prices ; 82 to 83* 'XQTII ST.. 2dh FURNISHED OvKwimi; choice accommodations and very central. Tli WEST 21ST ST.?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED X V/ Room, suit or singly, with breaklast; private family; first else. neighborhood, between 5th nnd tills avs. 4?J 44 AND 53 SOUTH WASHINGTON SQUARE. - ^fcOs Furnished Rooms, en suite or singly, for families for light housekeeping, or single gentleiueu. 4lO(| KAMI I5TI1 ST., OPPOnlTE 1'AnK ?Ei.EOANT i&OU Rooms. 83 weekly; gentlemen only; first class pri vate house. UNVV1UIIHI1KI) HOOMS AI?U APART MB NTS TO LET. A ?THlt6~TL6"oR; L'icAilos 5nT3tH av!. ?between 20th and 2tst est.; rent cheap. 331 Oth av. OP LBN DID FLAT. SIX LIGHT ROOMS, NEWLY kTpslnted. tlr.t class brown stone: rent low. Janitor, 38? West 28th st r. > LET a THIRD FLOOR OF FIVE ROOMS; ONLY one lamlty In tne bouse. 233 7th av.. near 23d st. rpo lkt?part of house job west swth sr. TO LET?THK SECOND AND ONE-HALF OK THE Third Floor lu a private house, with all modern im pinvemeote, reasonable rent. Inquire 318 East 7Sih it. 45 WKltr 14TH ST.?LAItOE FRENCH FLAT TO ? )let; ulae rooms, closets, Ac. ni) WB8T 171II ST.. ON THIRD FL0OR.-ONB Adtiouia, Kedrewm and Kin hen. Immediate possession. 1 4 'T WERT 10TII KT.-rRONT AND HACK PARLOR X^Xt^and Basement Floor iflvo rooms); rent low to e gmwn ip family. HOUSES, HINDI R. svt ?, W A M'KI). " In tlkln I'Uy anil Brooklyn. Y1TANTKD?LARGE ROOMS. WITH STEAM POWER. VY Hasement and First Floor, between Hrnomeand Ainlty eta., weet side, to carry en paektag hex factory. Address 311 West ltlth st. Wanted to rent-a small house with Irein slg to eight rooms, wltn all Improvements, or Part ot a House; must be In a quiet and respectable neigh borhood and rent moderate. Address TENANT, Herald oflUe. w ANTED TO IIIRE ?A CIOaK STiND Is KnSTAU rani Addreta CIO AKs, 113 Grand at. WANTED?A SMALL, OR LOWER PART OF HOC.-B. far responsible parts, from let of September, with privilege of etnrlag furniture during summer; will pay lor storing if required. Call or address S1MONSON, 2" Bait 1 4th at. ll/ANTKD-UY A SM a LI. FAMILY. Sr.COND FLOOR, rV live room., with improvements; 3"th st. to Pork, be tweea 3d and Btli avs. ; give lull deeeriptlon ; rent must be low. Aodree* TENANT, Herald Uptown ufllee HO VllDKIt* W A1TKD. A N UBuKHLY Ft'k.N iSIi KD ROOMS, KXCKIj ..rot Hoard. $12 to $15 vMllr for tarn; hall Rouoie, ?rt 4 1 it rut loUi M . near $th aV. 41 |)k-lRArtI.K I.AHdK ROOM*. ON K HALL ROOM, wallli or wilheat Hoard: table Bn? rd. 5? #rit 12th ?t. ~~ RAitr Willi ST-ROOMS TO LET, WITH BOARD*; firrnMi enchen red. ?J K Ort'i $J $4 10$; MURK. HOARD, lt< ID tl. - IN M KROr-R Hi. rnrner Htb. noar Hroadway. Table Hoard, #:i. TO $7 A WhKK rOR IIOOM AMU (IOOD Hoard. Aoply at At Uardnugal at., noar Hloeeker. 4WKST _'f?T 11 ST. BROOM) sTOItY FRO* r PARLOR aud Hailroom ror.neeted, with or withont Board; trrma rory low lor aum titer. 2"" ijD sr. WKnf, 131.?SUIT OK FRONT ROOMS FOR Ofamtly, with Board; alao nthor Koomi; plenty rloeete LAST 20TH ST -SUITS <?K ROOMS, WITH I'HI. Owrato hathrcome; pnrata lalrlo oulv. or without board; l.iaiiaafnr gentlemen ; hioaklaat II dralred ; rrfrrenre-. ~ KAST Mil ST.. K i. A It liROAIIW' AY.- fo LHT. rllh Hoard, larpr irid amall Room*; day Boarders ?c minted. 40 /? ? Whil dHTII St.?PKITArK KAUII.Y M11,1, t)*Tr'nt ooa or two htndaotnrly fitrntehed Room*, with Board; lerm* modrratr. ?J j|<7 MA III S< i .V ?AN Ik e. L Y F iF RMsllKllltOOrt 1U I for l*o vonng ladtaa. with or wlthnat Hoard. t >TT wkFt Wk bt. - a an cmumklt ruMXiBUSD ?i I'T Rdotht to rant, with Hoard lor lady ? >/to . \-t'i??Fii striluFjoTv.?Ni-.wr.T fur OUOnlelicd Hoomt, wltn or without Hoard, at m derate tonne. hat IIKIt'i or PUPILS DhMKIMo kODIR, WITH or wltliont Hoard, em o< piano, moderate trrma, apply at KTBllKfr IIOAKI) IIIKKDTOKY, 06H Oth or. HOARD ARID IQDUMB WANTBD. A*Kh.r'i>t- ii psi v'a7k Vam fCi' "wisaiSTi "h> kh ?1?cu r xpwiiBf* huh Unvtne \ **'*". ?I?|funllr fnrttUhrd Koom, mnl *r* witling lo ihUh a .fining Ktnttoivian Into t!?#>!r liome will iiIcmmh rmnniuntf At*, KtAtirw prieiv .fee ; lil^hrNt Ad<tr#*f? I'ldJt Art A N f IIOMK, but I llnrnlil "fne#. HUTKl^. f "Sr.W KN.IL AN I. MOI KL,~ BO WHKfc ? ??> Kooena; Lodging. JOa ? 4(b%. OOF.; weealy. $2 to $.'( H"uward fiuFiiil h;i chathan st.?ulmankk enter rantlleted, better elaea of ramie than any rhaap haute la the city, ahaale ohenired dell. ; 2?. per ntrht toivntY lit > A H o. **2""*U1f"vf~YWiiLiHiili off. sMaii. room, i\trout and aide, with Hoard . beautifully located ; a hade , all linproeeicouta. IKAt> KULI.KR, .'til Chapel at., Now 11 a ran. Caw*. AT TAKKiToWN, NRAIl DKPOT; AMn.K, mil grnande ; etrelloot eocom model hois; private family. Mo* I IB Herald nfllm _______ tloUNTRY lit) A Hit WAVIhii-BY UK* fLKMAN AND /wile during raeallon; moderate terror FltKNCU l iiAl.', :*KI haet 21.1. CNOUNTRT BOARD WANTED?WITHIN ? MINUTFB ^frota dread lloatral Da pal, far powitemaB awd wlla; ?<? ? omaiodatloai milt bo kooiI and trrma moderate. AUdre-a, ftvlay loll partlrnlare, I}, F. 0., ao( 2,130 Poet office. Saw !dffit. __________ ETlIUW cLamM iJoUNTKV IKiaRII; Ml MUKQUITUKS: I? no malaria: vned hnnlla* and (laMnj , torma To to $4 |n.r woea. Addrraa bo* ISA. Paulina. N. 1., or call at 21 p.aat 14th at., let fall particular* HILLlNtlS A DO. SF.COM) MOUNTAIN', OKANOK-KOIfR MILKS from depot, (Ml a farm, aood holier, plettae and eliadn; fit p?r wart; relerrnert rubanirrd ; Imitrr, r*ifa, milk, r.onitrr anu frrah rnartabtee. For particulate luimre 47 Vr?rr at , two dare, or lor 45.'t Poet office. Oranjr, N. J. \ri N KYA K11 t.r>TTAMF.7 CORN WA Ll UN HODBOB ? t A pleaaant and ahady retraat for n or s nummer board ere; term* raaennable Addra-e II KN KV SMI I'll. nUMIUBftb HKNOKTh. "ITrOSltR NtrtiRll, mkLaWaM.i watbk tiXF. ls 2Vnow o|i?n and ready tor boardare; prlnee lo iii. the ttmea Apply to JAHKS hF.LL. .If., haparimoat Mill* Poet offlrr Pa. Fss it hist H A nLk~B<Miii$ V ADA N r AT Tl I K Mawtlon rlouea. Now Rrlebtoa, S. I. a ?UiiTKI- Ph.Ml HONK, ON "tPTsMlo LAKH." , V- 1 oprretown. Otaopo county. *. T. The rrrr l?te-t modrrn Improrrtnente; arery rorafi.rt lor lamlllre; tool air. Iioatliic, liehlny, pleaeeat drlraa and aknodiawla. For bertlenlan eddreer J AM Ks HI NY IN, Proprietor. A 1NYBRRTT IiiH'nB hakatdua UPKIMHt, N. T ? 2-peelal ratet lar laatlllee; traaaMat, $2^ -"jmr_da?^ SUMMER KKSOKTS. CATSKILL MOl N r.Al.Nrt. -6kANl ilDUrfhT* UaI S kill. N. Y.. 1' j miles trout landing. opens J uue IJ ; r?it? Irom H<) to f'J1) psr week. accordiug t? location ol rooms. For plan "f rooms address A. J liKANT. latskhi, N'.Y., or J. CORNELL. ni?r 4U Nortn River. Now York. CIOOL AND PLEASANT BUMMER RESORT, AT ) L.vKK MAIIi.PAO, n. y Uu the 1ft dsy of July next I will oprn a bouse for I ho reception oi bosrdera, either ' J the day, work or season. 1 guarantee first class accommodations, at prices to salt tba timet. R. D. BALDWIN. OcHOOLRY'rt MOUNTAIN SUMMER RUNOUT, Ortcho.dey's Mountain, K J. ? Pleasant and healthful lo cation ; Board tU to #7 per week. Sand lor circular. I*. MO>ll KK, Proprietor. THE UMTKD MTAT.'R IIOTKL, KAK ROOK A WAV, L. I., i? now op-n lor the reception ol giieft* from this date MICHAEL MIILRV. l'ropriotor. rpus MONT BLK.VS.VNT ItkSOUT fOR i lamllles L the now Columbia llouae. at Ocoau Beach, N. J.; is now open: auto buttling, ileuse ataodu 2iA> foot from the anrt, P?> yards troiu Mtark hlver, where the boat ing is iinuurpikaaaoia; ninety mlnntea' ride from Now York, aeren intl"? sonlh of Long Brunei. <1*11 and examine DRY GOODS. A. * ilKKAT REDUCTION. Gentlemen's lloutu and rtboea. llreau. Double cole, Cork rtoio.Uaitera and Sboea, Oxford Ties, Ac., at iRid 5t> ami uuward. l.adiea' Mno Biitiott Boota, r'2 5D,$5 SS5o.lM>ad I #5. nl HROOKS', 1,1 HB Broadway, corner 3btb at. I A LARGE STOCK Oh" liKY GdODS, COMPRISING aEDrees Goods, alt wool Cashmeres, black Bilks, skirts, Nottingham l.acea, lloatory. Table lAnaua, Napklna.'I ow ola, Ac. ; Carpets from a lata tire; damaged gray Klannela, mutable lor making batblng auita, lor ua'e at vary low prl ea. W V. MATHEWS .14 Catharine at RILIflNKUY AND DRKtirtiUAKlNU. MMK. C. Dc. LACY, Hrtb", UKU.voWvi, uhre...rt ono of the inout nxquifite unuortmentu of trimmed ilou* net. Itoanrt llata and Shade llata. regardless of eoat, wbicli lailtea ol refined taate will appreciat-. STUItAbB. HAr.Ur.iv'is" WAKRUoLShn, MTU aV.^ PkoM All' to :14th at.? Morage lor tnrulture. baggage, goods nnd Wurea ol' every deacription. In aeparatn cloaed compart nienta; alwava neceaaiblo. Office I'll Weat Il4tli at. MORGAN A HROIHKR'rt STORAGE W arehouses. ill! and 2:14 VVeat 47ili st.. near Broadway.?Separate rooma lor furniture, piaooa, carriages, Ac.; Inspection ao 1 lotted KJ'J WEST 3ND ST. (EAGLE STORAGE vvare J." ytJhnnsMj.? Scruptilonaly clean: maderate rhargea; Improved elevator; caali accimndatloua Ifileelrad. 1NMTKUCTIU1I. A PROFESSOR S3 i-KADING CITY "bCmSob 'l?K alrea pupiln during summer; heal rcfereucea. HERMAN GRADUATE, Herald Upiown ortlee. A young Hollander, who speaks krench, Lai In and Herman perfect, alen a good pianist, d-slre* to give lUhtructione. Inquire nt ROLFF'S HOTEL, 7 Hat terv place. BOOKRKfcPINO, PENMANSHIP, ARITHMETIC, ti.. taught practically, day and evening, all *ummer, at DOLMEAlt'n Commercial College, 1,11*1 Broadway. DANC1NU AUADKUIES. BALLRTM ArtI'Kit HUM All's DANCING' AOvDEMV, 24 West 4tli at ? Welti and five Dances taught perlecily in six private lesaons tlAKTlKR'S D.vNClNG ACADEMY, rt UNION /square.? pen all aitminor; private insaona any hour; Hlitlo apei laity; ladr assistants Keeeptlona. Monday, PIANOFOKTKN, OHBANti ?il: A SIM v WAY PIANO, flUO; A M AGNIFTc > i RooE win-d Pianoforte. 7 NJ octaves, all m -dern liunrovemema, maiie to order, cost cboi, t..r#ltt<i; Stool, Cover, Cabinet. Call at private realdelie# 1211 West 2:td St., near Utb av. A -FOR KENT, UPRIOHf. MjUAKK AND GRAND ? PI alios of our own make : also lor sale and rent a num ber of lino u-cond baud 1'ianoe, In perfect order. WILL IAM KNABK A Ovx, 112 Nth ?v? above llltn si. A-HEaTTY ORGAN-STYLE 1.425. ThKKE rtBTrt ? reeds, thirteen stops two knee swells, French walnut face, panelled, elaborately finished solid black walnut case, new and elegant design, with valuable Impmvemdklli beaatifnl Vox Celeste stop; sweetest toned parlor organ In the world ; challenge comparla ill. Monopolist prior, #;J4t>; my price, in order to havo Hits beautiful Instrument intro duced immediately, only fill 75; buxed and ablpped on 15 days' lest trial. No money required until you are perlecily satisfied. Reader, If you wish to pnrrhasea Cabinet Or gan now la j our oppoi tiinlty. Large newspaper free. Ad dre-s 1>AN 11.1. P. llr.AT I Y. Washington. N. J. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL sell MTSINWAY Piano nrte #175; 7>, octave, lour round, rosewood, in laid niafquetry ts-? Piano, a saoriflee; cabinet Upright Plana. Box lor shipping ; six yesre' guarantee; In Use four moiitba. i'all private residence 41 West Hilli si , botween 5th nnd llth avs. t T rtOHMKR A O-1.'rt, 140 EA?f l tril rti., PIaNO ^VMnnulnciuiers. Drat class Planoa al extremely lew prices, lercash: several good second band Pianos, verr little used, al great bargains; rent audlnstaimrnia $5 to $2i> monthly. rtOHMI-.R A CO , 14H East 1 lib St. A private family will nkll sikinw.vy Pianoforte. Slisi; 7>< octave, four round, rosewood, In laid marquetry case Piano, a sacrifice; also cabinet Up right Piano. Bex fnr shipping. This is a rare change. Piano guaranteed lor eix years; If. use lour months. Must be sold. Call private residence 41 West lffllt St., be tween 5th and Oib avs. A BEAU liPtTL KOrtKWOOD PIANDKDKTP.. #US); Rblckertng Pianotorte. every Improvement; great sacri fice. HIIlI'i.E'rt, 15 Wsverle.v place, near Broadway. A\l AlrNI PICHN I WKHKft PIANO, IMMC.NSfc. MAC rifle*: a 7 octave (carved level I'Uno, rent, $2. No 4l> Union aqunr*. nmr I7lh at.. .New \ ork. N ASSORT* KXT OK UOOH0 HAND STiUNWAY Planoa *t a bargain; alao. Piano. ot otlier maker*, rao.-lne from $K> upward : .pedal Inducement. on a num ber ol Steinway Concert ana parlor Oraiids. wm? but lit tle uaed, all iu perfect order ami fully warranted ; beware ot lingu. Instrument.. repreaented as genuine steinway pianoa. at public and private aalea. bTKl N WAY A HO AM, Me In way llall. New York. APP.W SECOND HAND PIANOS AT VKHY ?-?real bargain*; iom? of tliain uted but every abort tlmo bjr our beat nin?lcl*n?, and really annual aa good a* new . tully wairauted In every respect. Pleas# call at tna WKHKK varerw ma. Alb av. and ItRh at. A7*i Ol TAVK I'KltlilllT rIANO WITH t LL IM prnvetnenu. ne# title vear, will be eold very low. I'leaae call a IHii av AI.AU) Wll.l. DISPOSE ? ArtVhO I.K<> nnsfc. wo il I'lauoforte, #n?; alao Pl.lckerlog lour rnund eor nerad Pianoforte. Itealdenee IH6 2d av., near 12th at. A I.ADY Wll.l, SKLt. KOaKWOOU 7 OCTAVK PIANO ?one. fit. 22d boat :t??tt? at . near ltd av. /"IKBAT BARGAINS-*! MONTHLY WILL BUY VjTnvw Urtaai, ft) 1'lanoa; 7 octave llano*. VI2S; 7)4 octave, (IU; organs. (.! >. 12 atnpe. S7.V, low rente IIOKACK WATKIIS A HO?H, 4h Beat 14th at. Ha7.KI.ToN itROH. MAVUPAtirUKr.K*. M A.NO H Uaivrrraity piace. nave a li\rg? aaaortinent ol now a id toood n.hiU Piano.; aoino ol the latter aa goad aa new; will lie aoli or rented at orieee to anit the time*. Kit AN loll A HAT II. 242 HAS! 2SI> ST.. NKAIt 20 av., have a beauttfnl aaaoriraant of floe I'ianolortea, both new aud aeeond hand, which tliey art offering very low. i'lannalet aud void no Inaiatmeot*. MAflNl. 1CKNT 7 OCT a V r. ItoShMOOD PIANO forte, only $>VN; Decaor Hrotbera' and Chh-**rlng's keen OOltnuN'n, 127 Hloacker at cheap. X*KW PlXtoS.awITSYSKAia SKIM.SO HANIt ANY IN reasonable prlee. STANDARD AMERICAN PIANO M k.Nl PlCI KKIS'I CO..02 Weal 14th at. t>lANUri AMI OltUASS IO Hfc.ST IN TilB try or for aalo on instalment*. eitreinely low. IIOKACfc, WATKRs A SON'S. 40 fc.aet 14th et. FIaN'oS?7 OCTAVKs. OVKRSTHUNO. EIOU; NEW 1'prlgbts, 412". rent*, eity or roiiotry, SI; Mason A Ham In Orirau, A10; new Organ, 12 atona. flUY ooltllo.S A miN. Ill haat 14th at. STKI K PIANOS NEW AND sKiluXD II AN II. AT grant bargain.; Piano* taken on atoraee; now ware rnoina. II Kaat I4lli at. A| a I - -NKW OCTaVK PlA.SO.a; ALL IXPIIOVK ?7 I. wi).m#nt.. fnliy warranted; Inatalmante taken ; rent 04 IH7 Aral 224, eornnr Hth av ANtlKIMITK jf i hUps""Va it i?k .> 0 A It ON I) It A II AC I IK, MANAGERS. THE POOLKST THKATKK. IN tllE CITY. A> SKAT fcOtt !Wi CKNTS ASTONISH INI. hUCCRM OK TIIK OIIKAT UNION SCUAKh IIIR ATKK sKNS ATI ON A 1'RLfc.HKATKD CASK OK *fi?s PRODUCED UNDKh TIIK AlsPU KS OT MP.SKRR, MIMOK A PALM fc. M. AMI I M M fc. Ill A I K DIRhOTIoS up .1 W. COLLI KB DOORS OPP.N aT 7. I'K Itr OKM A NCK BRUINS ATS. BKATS nP.O'JRKI) IN aDVAKUK lloX OPPICK OPEN ALL PAY MA TIN Kit WEDNESDAY and SAf UmDAY at 2. t II.MOItR's OAKDr.N. JI>lil'.UlPAN SHOOK AND R. O. OlI.MOItB ..Leasee* TliP.oHOKK THOMAS and hla Uneuunlled < irrheatra, THIS (MONDAY KYKNINO AT K. " It fc. y I' fc S T" l'HOHKA.MMn. OVKRTURR. "Kt#ii?l'< Waiter AI.Lfc.ftitKT IO. 7th aymphnny ....... Heath.,sen ei.ljronni r?r ita pyiwpiiuuj rr?--i n in I'oMtNAlsK NO 2 incwl 1,1 MAKCta JKoYKMKN T. from 'Irenore Hymphimy"... Halt Vt Al.TA, * AShl'? Lll*"... Htraue* OVfc.K fUSE. "Taiinhoenaer" Wagner not k N T P In cl. on 4H ?eetn..v?ti STMfjlOML POP*. "Taaao"' luaat MYPTIAX I vWhi, i POLKA MAXOI KKA, "Arm in Arm," >...., Ktrnuea POLKA PSaN' AIhR. "ilnomen," ) AVK MAhIa Rohubert WAl.'l "Dreenia on the Ocean" .Iltlfl C AHNAVAl Uulrand TO MO it lid* (TURNDaYi MKNDKI.I.SOIIN Mi. II r. fleneral admOalon, (Sir.; bote*, admlttlna four, $ I. pack a ape tleketa of 12. E. 1tP.ltI;AOr. IUKII K?PKIIMV, .It'Nfc. 2s ."?stli al . betwnen tl and Lmlnaten ava OKANO SUM 4 fc.K N loll I Mll.llArtV OONOKRTH, 1'HONKN.ttiHS AND KKi KPiION IIANaANTKs. K a I' Kit's Oeledratei OKDHKsIKA and Military H A Nit Theemlnetil PIANIST ShNOIt UONEaLO Rl'NfcZ Mr. Daniel I'lalt Clarionet solol.t Mr. Wlillam Koblor,. I or net soli.tat Illumination and the PARISIAN KI.KC I HI ?. I.ill UTS. Concert Irnnt 71, t? In; Prwmenade end Dane Irom in te 1)4 Admlaelon, .?>B . ladle, and children. 2't ; reaerved ?ante, 7.V Hot off)re open aud Prldai, Irom 1<I to r. u'olcek. J. PKKNaNDO J. KAPP.S. Ml s|i Al. DlKfccTlllt CtAMD. ? PRIVATE LhSSONS. PIANO, oKOaN VIh /LIB. OI'ITaK. SI NO I.NO I lalveralty, ?t W'avnvt*] place. Circular, mailed .1.1 AY W ATSoN, Dlroetnr. WANTED?III* VilUMI AND HKAP1IPUL LADIES to ani(f in rhnrueea and appear In Aniaaon marrhe* with the \ ictnrla Lnltu. I lonoii Tronpe In lite itreai llur le.qne fc airavaeaora. ATLANTA. Apply to M a.NaOKiI, 'I oilv Paator'a Theatre, at boi offlee. between I'l end 12 A. M and l and o P W Or Ml KT Y sOClAHI.KH?r.VhK V'AV aNII tr-amrday avenlupa. at Central Park Harden, dhh at and 7th av. Liapenl moai BUt KfNtjHAM PA I. At P.. 77th et.. nenrSth av. KIH* Nnrlablee nlphlly; Opera ftouffe Moale; three irrand Parlor*; theeonleat and heat ventilated Ballroom la the worldi ? Summer Unrden attached, ini *K1K1T?I. ilioSV PASTORS, " 'wrasiw* Km SSj - ml .'>m7 Broidtif. MONDAY, Jl'NE 24. ONE WEEK ONLY. TUB URGENT AND MOST COMPLETE SlIOM on Tartu. THE ACI.IMA OF SENSATIONAL ELBOANCE. TUB ORIGINAL a Nil ONLY VICTORIA LOFTUS TROUPE Of BRITISH BLONDES. SENSATIONaI," BURLESQUE ARTISTE AND SPENIsa DANCE"it(i_ O. L. LOTII BOP ;. ....Gincral Director J. CHA8. DAVIS Bailneta Manager THE SPARKLING EXCELLENCE OF pari si tx noveltt. TH Z Or:a\T BURI.KSyi c. EXTRAVAGANZA ATLANI'A; OK. THE FEM\LB ATHLETE, Introducing the KEMALE BASEBALL MATCH. THE PHONNEYGRAPU llY PROF. WHETSTONE. TUB ORE AT FEMALE FOOT BACINO SCENE. THE LATEST MUSICAL HITS. ELKOANY COSTUMES I BEAUTIFUL SCENEBYI TUU CELEBRATED CELEM BALLET TROUPE in tho SPANISH SENFATION LA TOBR1POE ~ AND LA MINUET. ETERT BVESIWO AT MATINEES TUESDAY. T/TdAY AND SATURDAY. MX Tub UKhAT NEW YORK AWUaRICM. ilromdway and 85th it. Wonderlnl performance! of the crtlebrated troupe of TRAINtu MllNKHYn, DOUH A.ND GOATS, Irnai tlio Royal Aqaailmn, England. perturrut ag pantnmlmei and playa like human being*. to oat novel entertainment ever given Inthltrlcy Living Oalooui, fir eight-armed Devil r'lth; Tropical flulin, AMI'.llHiOCS ANIMALS. CHIMP4_NZBn AND BARB MARINE WON OB Bit. Admletloa,50tfeiilt Children half pric e. Coney islead Aqnarlum now upea, with W. C. Coap'i troupe ol Hroucbo Horaoe. On tepnrnto Oxhlbltlon In tho ll'iroryol the Aqnarlum, op italrt, Irani IU to 11 A. M., -to' and 7 to ? P. .4., tno wniideriul M. Hal ioit Twine, lioeA end M. IKY. Ureateet nstnral cario-lly t he world ever taw. Tea hanilBouie uhlidren with one body. Entirely dUrinet In net urnl Icinctlnne, thinking an<l acting aeparateiv. A pnveholoirlc and nlijrt lolo.-1c?l etndy. Intonating to ladioe, phyaieiaue and toe public, generally* ADM IHHIOX, 25 CENTS I Hll.D lKX, 15 CF.NTH. r ftRIt V ,R R t R H v KRR u R fl u ; R R U K STANDAKI) THKaTRK, BIC IaDWaY AXI) 33D ?T. AM. HENDERSON....... ..I'monitor end MauegnW I.AKT 12 MOHTfc UK TIIK SEASON. Tills (MUNOAT) V VENiNG, JUNE 21, will ho preeented, for the fin t lime, the LONDON VBRlUON UK FRITZ. In trod a log Mr. J. K. EM MKT at FRITZ, In n now and mure aalvyable form. NEW cCBNEr1, INCIDENT*. AC. LAST "FKirZ" MATIN KE, SATURDAY, I .TO P. Jf. Kilday. luly 5, loot nlflt t of Mr. K.MMKT ana of the oat. ?op. heata for any ol tha rioting nlgbti can now be to cured. PARK TIIKATKK. TIIK lIKGAHD*. IIKNKY it. ABBEY ... I.cee and Manager MllNUAV EVEN I NO, JINK 24. Every Evening during the *eek anil Saturday Matlae* lor tin firm time In New Turk, Gilbert', rh < rming eerentrtrlte. In one net, i' 1th A f ? KK uF I a PC I..E To lie followed hr LVNGARD ShrlrilRS. To eonelodo with II J Byron't ?tiecet?ftal comedy (AM) I, AST WEEK OK) OO i> V 'CKtt BR8 -H) { X KM OOUf.RR HHOOYYR* OOC V R H B ? O O II R O O V V KRR U O TT RRR OOt' U R R H ? 0 Q f 0 O f f R R j? ? o 5 f ? OO fU U K HSB OO f A llcj tptrnlal pertnl"?l?n of Mr Augutlln Delrl, now In lt? ln?i tli year In Irmdon. hating ?een playod al the VamintlTie Theatre I.I"" ronteciillte timet, and altt played h? the I.IM.AitDS in the Thoeirn Knyal, Melbourne Aatiralla, with rrane tnrrett to crowded home* for eight contecnttvo wrekt, and In New Zealand near 11 H n time. Note. ?"Otir Hoy. ' It now tlvcn for the Brat time In Ne# York in Ita original atate. at Mr Hrron wrote It GtRAKD OI'KKA HOl'SB. fPOOLE A DoNNhl.LT Loteeot end Manager* Retarred Heatt (Orebattra Circle and Balcony). 50t Engtgemant f?r one waok longer and po.iumly loot week of BRYANT'S MINSTkRIJ*. BRIAN I'S MINSIKKl.H. Pint enpfaranoo In New York of the luoairtt Ethiopia* comedies living. Philadelphia'. fatorit?, Mr. HII.I.V SA Eats am. Mr Hll.l.Y SWhaTNAM. In addition to all the treat comedian! Ilaghay poagh ony. Utile Mar.fity# Reed Ernetl londen. Hilly Bryant, Griffin and Rlre. J. M Norrle, ihddle Put, O. W lltrley, Arthur t'o ck. dr. MkTINEEK WEDNESDAY ANI) RATCRDtT. MONDAY. Jaly I, flret prndurttaa of a new tod power ful drama by Bartler Campbell, Kin .entitled TIIK Villi I. A MERLE'* TIVULI TIIKaTMK, Sih it . hefwean 2d and Jtl ?*? The greatoet Variety rh 'W In America, pr ncaneew by the pnhlle and prct. lotlu Ifelniay and II. K. Archer, tha Bonn Brother., Fanny Reynold.. Mile Krantlnl. Devlin .no Troey, Allre Murray, Adele I'agllerl. the graataat premier danteu-e will, the Ur-at Vienna Ballet Troupe, rontlatiag of X heantlinl young claneara. and the eaeeeat of the aeaaon. The Karape<l Can vi eta .Matinee and taiarilty tlUrn-nm, alio Sunday midnight. Grand Holiday Mntlnen lulr A rriiiRu national 1 simorlNG KRSTITAL of the BII AIU'RIIOOTKRH' t'XIOM of'ho I nlled Htetea of North Amertwa, Gf.GKGE AERY. I'realdeut, held Junn IB to 24. IB7d, at tho SCIItF.T7.KN PARK. I NION IIILL, N. J. Pyftea on 84 targote. amcuniing to *35,iati. and Howling Prlroe tn iho amount ol ft ??? will he dmrlhatod. K very day of the Ke.tlval prlte towlin i, pupalnr enter talnmenta. acrohatlr and gymneatic oihihiilwnt dlaaoie. Inr view., balloon a-caiialone, ffrewvrkn, illnminntlou, ion. Cert and aunirarr iiighl't hah. I" REACH TDK I'AKK TAKE TUR NOKTIIRHN KM LRU il). yia f'hemhore and Tw-ntr third atreet fhrrleo. On Hi'N DAY. Jnno III, and SlINIitr.Jnna JH, IwnoW depot, leracy I'lty, M:I5 A. M.t Iran I w'elowk P. M to |J o'e ork midnight. Sprelni trnlnt TO AND FROM TIIK PAKE owery SO mlnntef hn Jnno IT. IS, IB. 20, ft, SJ and 24, leave depot, Jortoy City, S V. and |" A. M., from I o'clock P. M. to 12 a'eloek mldlH ilk special tralna TO AND FROM TUR PARK entry S3 m in n tea. riitott. 10 rent!; Ktenrtion Ticket, ilnelndlng forrr), 25eeniti oan ho optaino l at Ih ? terrtea. In tha I'ark and at J. A J. Hohllug't (Krla llou.a), cornar Weat and Ifhom l>ort Mi, *>ew York Take none eara from Chritiophtr and Barclay alroat farrl?a; two cara ercry two mlnntoa. Ticket, if conlt eacn) can ha hnl at the marling place la lloiioken and at the entrance of tlia I'ark; iroin Weehawkan it JI .11 ferry, cara from Unttanberg every half hour. A Jin I. bm, 25 rente Children tree. CMtKMOHNk VAIDEVILlK THRATHR, / >TJ<I tl and Hrnadwav. Decided turcea. J. >V. Mark. Stage Manager. Varlctvand Toipelchnre llarmauioua. The KngiLh Blonde, -parka H mi her a. J. W Maek, Carrie Hothai, Miilla Arden, Itawley and Noon, Soarkt Brothera, Ada Beahol. Koaemeau Slatern, I'ailtian -erlety -airen. Admtaatoa, 50a, admlta to nil; OO a tttaa.