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A SEA OF TROUBLES. Moses A. Wheelock Silences Mis fortune With a Pistol. FAILURE, DESPAIR AND DRINK. An Officer of the Stock Exchange for Over Twenty-five Years. X heart ma do heavy by repeated failures and dreary prospects has agaiu sought tbe relief which has so largely swelled this year's dark record, and another bankrupt and despairing financier baa ended hn existence by bis own hand. Yesterday Moses A. Wbeolock, rice president and chairman of tho Slock Exchange for a quarter of a century, shot btmsoli through the Drain and went ont of tbe world in a moment's space. Once a man ot moaus and sta tion, he saw both slip from bis bands, uud, tn spile of every effort, failed to avert the ruin which over whelmed htm. When left without fortuno be turned tn the position which once he bad regarded as honor try, but which now had a higher value as a means of inpport; but that, too, pis-ted from him. Mo went iwsy a broken und disheartened man to seek obliv ion drat In drink and then at Ian in death. Ever itace Mr. Wheeiocie failed in the spring of i year ago he lost spirits daily, and, al though bo contended against his Qunuciul troubles and tried manfully to keep his bead above the advorse current of nfTatrr, he saw littlechanco ot success. Mis position ot chairman in the Slock Board yielded mm a salary of $5,000 a year, and he believed tbat while thai was retained be would not be driven to extremities. Mis popularity and bis long term ot service in offlce assured him of Its continuance, and when, on the 11th of May, the rival caadidsto was elecied Mr. Wheelock tell me blow deeply and ncvor recovered from it. Tbe lack of his old habits and old associations also preyed heavily upon him, and ot late ho gave himsell np al most entirely to drink. Till OEIKP THAT DOSS HOT SPKAK. A gentleman by instinct ho did not cure to air his ?ffl'Oilons before the world and in public. He mala tinned a cboeriul countenance and luugbed and jested as be bad always done. But It was In tho privacy of bie borne that the weight of bis cares oppressed him most, and often be told bla family that he was tired of toe world and believed himself justified in termi nating bis existence. Ttreso threats at first caused much alarm and anxiety, bat bis failure to act upon tbem made them appear harm lees and only tno offspring of u perturbed mind. Daring tho last tew days bo had become a trifle less moody, bat bis lucid intervals were lew, snd he could not bear to reflect soberly upon bis con litloa. Every effort was made by his family 10 re strain him, and tbey fancied tbat the cloud would soon be lifted and he would recover his ordinary healtn and spirits. Yesterday morning ho came borne at two o'clock. He bad been out over night and had drank deeply. At nine o'clook he was up and seemingly bright and cheorful. He joined the family at breakfast, conversed freely about ordinary topics, and seemed alto gether in a rnoro pleasant mood than be bad been lor many u day. Mis wife and son Will lam wero going to eburcli, and, alter exchanging some observations wllh tbem, be wont up stairs to tuko s batu und retired to bis sitting room. At eleven o'clock the family went to church, sad Wbeelock, wi.o had meantime conversed in a lriendly way wllh Mr. Joont, tbe owuer of tbo house, slipped down stairs and was seen by the latter parsing through Tweniy-lhird street towsrd Broadway. Me was smoking a cigar at lbs time and soemed going otT for a mora lag stroll. Ho is supposed to have dropped into tbe Filth Avenue Hotel and then sought somu resort of his in the neighbornood, where he stopped awblio to arink. a tkbkiqlk acapnias. Ha waa not seen by any o( the inmates to eater the bouse again, and when yeung Wbeelock ood bla moiner returned tbey went np stairs to tbe sitting room, expecting to lind It vacant. The son wan tba first in eater, and ibere be Ivuud hie lathor sitlifeg In bis shirt sleeves by tbe table wttb his bands pressed together upon his lap and a revolver glimmering be tween bis fingers. His lace was Inflamed, hie eyes lustreless and glassy sad be was mumbling to blmsell lu au incoherent wey. As no. looked np and asked lor Mrs. Wbeelock iho young man, tearing be might be mediisiinc some intemper ate design, horned bis mother out of the room snd went up stairs with her. He waa only absent s ml a ate. Bat tbe lutervsl was faiuL His lather's Ills bed passed away In that brief spaee ol time. There was no explosion to attract attention, and wboa young Wbeelock entered the room again he was thunder struck at iho dreadful spectacle that met bis eyes. His lather was sitting upon the Chair as be bad ielt him. but tbe revolver bad (alien from bis uerveless hand, and In bis bead, wbirh had sunk upon the left shoulder, was the gnastly boia where a bullet bud passed. From it the Mood was trickling down bis cheek, bedabbling tba whito linen, and tbe laaprini ol desth rested upon tbe livid lace sad tbe fixed, stony eye*. Life had clearly |>aoaed sway with tbo very discharge of the re volver, and the uall thai crashed through his brain bad stilled almost instantly Ibe heart's pulsations With scarcely a twinge ol pain, Moses A. Wbooklet hsu gone to his account. Tho dreadful discovery paralyzed tbe young innu, and It was some moments before he could summon anybody Wurn bo rrcorerrd lit* composure he eout lor Mr. Jeens, told hiui ol the tragic ooourrence and look means to nollly the polio*. Tbo room was closed till Captain Williams appeared, aud then Cor oner Won man was sent lor. Me caine at oneo and took such measures as hm office dirroied. Tbe man ner ot Wbeelock's death was so pulpshie tbat boihiog was necessary beyond taking tbe statements of the deceased's son and Mr Jecos, owner ol the house where the Whoelocks boarded. Wnen su examina tion of tbe body woe begun a note waa found In ibe bandwrlting of tbe aeau man, but eo blotled and ill-writteu as to be all but illegible. It ibrew no new light on tbe suicide and only nerved to make clearer tbat Ibe man's business troubles pursued him to tbo last niomcui ui nia 1110. aCKIIOCXDIXn* OF PKATfL II wan Id the trout Killing room on tbc third floor ot tb? boar* that Wheetock eadad bia tile, rba apartment iK a neat, co.ey one, lurulsbed with ele gance and with indication* lying about of tba refined tastes of i bo in ma l en. One door opens upon it from a bodroom, tbo other connects it with the hall. In tbo irntro ol tba room Ik ii tnbiu with took* tad paper* scattered negligently opou it, and clone to tbn, iu an oaey cbalr, wan tbe rigid lorm ol the dead man. la life Wbealoek bad been a peraon *( gentlemanly appearance. He waa tall and aiitu, with a Komawbut lurid lace, wbite mnatach# and hair, Tba general aapect of nla face bad bat little cbaoged. It waa calm. Battled, and bat for the ghaaily uua very Ille lika. Tba blood streaming from tbe wound In tba fesad had aatnraied in neb of tbo undarsblrt, which, with a pair ol Mack pania, waa tbe only clntbee be wore, and on tne abetikler, where it had coagulated. tbo Coroner had to examine closely to assure bimaelf that there waa not a second wouud. The revolver wilb which tbe a at waa committed waa found oloae by. It waa a very large one, with six barrel*, and the trade mark ar iha American Arms Company engraved upon II. Copula Williams took It awny with blm to tbo station house, where Ibe Coroner proposes call log a jury togother to-day. Ibe members of the household wera then summoned to testily, but ?a account ol bar utter prostration Mrs. tV bee lock waa exoepted. hhe felt tbe blow deeply, and waa so much afleeted that she bad lo bo looked niter wlib urn utmou Mr Wheeiock had two aons beside* Wlluam, but aa that yonug man was the only one who was at baud at the lime of thn tragic event, only bia testimony and that of Mr. .leers was taken. THK SOX'S TSSTIMONV. William Wiierluos'e aiHeinent is na follows:?I live at Na 3d Kati Twenty dbird sin-et; boerdod here with my lather and lumber, am son ol deceased, Moans Wheeieck; deceased bud been Vice Chairman ol the Hiock hxclmngo lor twenty lira yoars; one year ago Mat spring lie failed In bunnoss and rasigned hiaoflice, two weeka niter that be was re-elected to bia old position; from tnctlmool nla lanuro ho be came low spirited; on iha 11th of May. this year, his term of ofllco expired; lie was a candidate tor re eled ion, and was, lo his great surprise, defeated; bia salary while in Iba offlua was $.">,000 a year; tba loaa of hla position and Income preyed heavily on blxralnd; (oma ten nays ago be sold bis seat in llto block Jtitchuuse; Ihli was me last be bad to aell; ? Inre Iheu be became more depresaod aud took lo drinking; be repeatedly threatened to take his life; be nude this threat so often that we paid no attention to it; he remained out until two o'clock on Sunday moru'ug; lie came home Tery much under the tnflueece of liquor, went lo bed, but aroso at the usual nour lor break last and seemed more eheerftil than b* hid lor two or three uaya pa I; after breakfast we went up stnlrs; I went to church Willi my Mother, lather remained at home; we left bM at eleven o'clock; on returning homo at half-past twelve o'clock 1 entered ibe bouse first and teund lather sitting in an armchair pnrtiaily un dressed, with his two hands doted, resting in his lap; he looked very wild and seemed to lie under the In fluence of llqiHic; he asked rr.e if iny mot tier waa corn lag up staira; 1 answered yes, she is right behind me ; at ihis time I raw a pistol in ins band, and I went to ward Mm and said. "What under the sun do you ?'?if" or something like that; mother Just thou entered the room and, fearlog that ho might inlure her, 1 humeri toward h?r and look her up stairs on tho floor over trie room winch lather whs la; on returning Immodlniety I found father In ilie same position with the pistol in ma right bend aad a pistol wound in the right ar'o of his bean; I had beard wo noise or report of a pistol; he mow* bave doae tho deed while 1 waa taking mother up stairs; 1 had no Idea that be would shoot himself when I leu the room; Ilia only reuaon thai 1 cau asMgu lor llio 11 ci la Ilia losing bis position and every lbine be bad. HTATK M KNT Olr TUS I.ANDLOKU. William M. Ji*ens lesiiflod as toilows:?I reside at No. 3t> Kaii I'wenty-ibiru street; nave known lbs de ceuseu * bout fourteeu nion ins; since tho 1st ol May be, ins wile and sou liuve boarded Willi me; I li ive never heard lbs deceased complain ot anyllnue, and be seemed to be in good bealtli; this Suuduy morn ing 1 saw Ulm at breakfast at about nine o'clock aud bo appeared iu good spirits; I had a gciicrtl conversa tion with In in about the weather, dec. ; after (ins ho returned to his room; si about oleveu o'clock 1 was sluing lu the Iront basement ana noticed litm passing on the sidewalk smoking a cigar; be was walking toward Krosdwey; about twenty-live nunutea ol one o'clock my sou came " running lo me, asking me to come up sta rs Immediately ; I wont 10 the room 01 deceased and found Mrs. Wheelock and her son very much excited and tbu deceased in a leaning position on an easy i lin r, resting his bead on tbe icli side, with u pisiol wound ou the right Hide o( iho bead and s re volver Iviug on the centre table; 1 can assigu no mamm lor tuts act. Tne luquest will be held this morning at ten o'clock at iho residence ot tho deceased, before Coroner { Wollmaii, when it is expected that Mrs. Wheelock will, il u be uoceasary, make ber sketemjut in regard to tho unfortunate occurrence. LIKK or DKCkASEP. Moses A. Wheelock was a man whpee career ex. einpl.Qed, lo an extraordinary degree, tbe old proverb that misfortunes never como singly. From tho moment when fortune began 10 frown upon him be was constantly encouutormg new dilHctilties, ana to his dying day he never recovered Irom tho tlrsl Qnaneial troubles mat disabled him. lie was s uian of good julg nieni, with w ide experience and a good ncqumntuuoo with tbe niovemonts ol slocks una tbo vacillations of the market. Ou llie street bo was a general luvorite, and it was through bis facility lor making iriends that be retained so long Ins position as chairman of the Board. In liuios of liuaucial excitement he was reputed to no tho only man wBo couiu dispose of largo amounts of slocks bo us to givo satisfaction to all concerned, and at the same time lo act In sirict accordance wllh the ruler. Wuenever a ques tion was submitted to hiin for adjudication ins long experience generally enabled bim to decide authoritatively upon it, and bo was remarkable lor the lustlceuDd discretion of Ills judgments. At tbe limo of bis death be was Qtiy-elgbl years of age. He was an American by birtb, a uian ol fair attainments, but one whose disposition led linn to engage initio excltluk financial contests of the si root. While vet a young man be was favorably known there and has H|>eni all his later days In the liaurl of the speculators' temple. Businoss troubles aud financial embarrassments first exused bis friends to provide him with a pluoo in tbe Kxcbanse. as chairman be received $12,000 per annum lor several year;, and this large salary was continued until economy was tbe word in all mercantile and financial circles. Then Air. Wheelock was given $0,000 per year. A PKI'EATKD CA.HUIDATK. The recent oleetion caused bnu to be retired officially. Ills name was lelt ofT the regular ticket, and bis friends claimed tho omission was neither called for nor merited. In ible mood they determined to agalu place bis nnuo forward as a oundldate for tbe position of ehatrmao; but tbe result was s signal defeat, Mr. Miicuell, long tbe second vice president, being elected as bis successor. Too objection made to Mr. Wheelock lancer holding i bo oftice was bis many failures. Last summer be announced bis inability to meet bis obligations, bat bo succeeded in settling with bis creditors, and then running at tbe election which immediately followed, be was able to beat bis oppo nent, tbe regular candidate, by a lew votes. Aguiu, Just bclore iho election in May last, be became em harassed una failed. His nnmo in duo timo was brougnt up lor reinstatement beloro tbe Cemmitteo on Admissions, but no action was takeu, as tbo deceased bad not tlien gone through bank ruptcy. Tbe Balurduy before tbe election, however, at a special meeting be was re-adraltied. Then ibe Gov erning Committee stepped In und annulled tbe action or tbe Committee ou Admissions, and duly instructed tbe proper ofticiai to annnuooc tbe fact from tbo rostrum, which was done Just prior to the oleetion. Tnui Mr. Wheelock was rendered ineligible to oftice, but his Iriends questioned tbe authority ol the Gov erning Committee iu the premises, and declared they would submit his name for Ibe posi tion nolwtinslacatng the decree. Tbe deceased received 249 votes, wblle Mr. Mitchell obtained 547, a rebuke which was never forgotten. From that time, It Is said, be lapsed into a stale ol despondency which cu i in mated In the suicide of yesterday. Tbe de eeaaed's relatives occupy prominent positions in tbe social ana financial world. Tbe funeral will take place on Tuosuay afternoon next at four o'clock Irum bis lato residence, No. 3ti East Twenty-third street. TlilED TO HANG HERSELF. Officer Rogers, of the mounted squad, late Saturday Blfbt noticed a neatly dressed woman, but bare; headed, wandering aimlessly along the Eastern Boul evard. He stopped her and asked ber where ?he was going, aud she answered that she did not know or care. She then voluntarily necompa nted the officer to tho Eighty-seventh street station, vbero she remained {UU morning, when abe war^.ken te tne Fifty -seventh Street Court. She teld tbo Judge that she had ne home and wished to bo | committed to tbe Island. Her name, she said, was Josephine Praet; that she was a married woman, and bad boon descried by ber husband about eight months ago. Mrs Praet was taken down stairs and relegated to one of tbe eella en tbo first tier ol tbe prison, where abe was to remain till seen by one of tbe Commissioners ot Charities ana Correction. She wss very quiet aaa docile, and soemed pleased to Hod some place lo rest. A lew boors after tier entrance, however, Keeper M. C. Gover was walking through tho corridors and bis attention was called by one of the attendants to ibe cell In wbioh Josephine was placed. Tho call was none too hood, lor ibe unfortu nate woman nal already made a reps out of the strings and oilier portions ol her gingbam apron, bad ft twisted around her neck and one end ol It fastened to one of tbe npper bars of her oeiL She had made a deliberate attempt te kill herself, hot was Interrupted in time. She was taken oot el tbe cell aufTerlng greatly from Incipient asphyxiation, and Placed under the care or one ot tbe women cooaecteu with tbe prison, ab soon as she revived she was very penitent tor making such an attempt on ber life and cried like a child as she told tbe good natured keaper tlint abe was often troubled witb temporary ills ot aberration ot mind, caused by a fall she received when about thir teen years ef age. She spoke much about ber hus band. whom sbe charged with cruelty, abandoning ber, and also oi ber lather, now deed, whom abe said at one time belonged to Max Maretzek's opera troupe. His name was Charles Calborns, but ber statements were all more or less Incoherent, showing plainly that she was suffering acutely from so mo mental trouble. Keeper Gover ar ranged matters so that sbe would net make another attempt oo her lile wblle in h?a charge, and sbe will no removed. In all probability, to BlaekwclPs Island to-day. HUM AND RECREATION. A FREE FJOHT OH AN EXCURSION TO IONA 1HLAND?HOW THE BOW BEOAN AND XNDKD. The Eaglo Star Pleasure Club entertained tbelr friends yesterday by a grand excursion to lonn Island, and tboao on board are unanimous In de claring tbat It was lbs most memorable event of the season. The few wbo returned to the city uninjurod proclaim it a genuine sensation. Wblie tno large minority of men and women wbo lound tbeir way to tbelr homes late at ntgbt maimed und bruised, or tbe still more unfortunates woo were detained in police stations lor surgloal treatment, bare reason to regret thai r pretense en tbe excur sion, i bey all agree tbat tbey never before experi enced anything like It In tbe way of fan and lighting. It appear* tnat tbe Eagle Star Pleasure Clnb Is com posed ol young men who make tbeir headquarters at No. 210 East lioastoa street. Thay made extensive preparations lor ttteir exonreion yesterday, and when tbey left en the barge Warren at ibo foot of Eighth afreet at aovon o'clock the assemblage of excursionists was qoita large. During ibe trip to lona Jaand tho merriment alter naied between dancing and drinking. Tha tun waa boisterous, but good natured, until on tbe return trip, wben tbe trouble began. Joseph Cocking*, of No. Id Siauion street, bsd rented the bar, and paid a naiidsoma bonus for tba privilege of supplying the excurslonlets with liquor* sou oilier reireebmenta About two o'clor.g In ihc iiitcrnoon a part* ol young men regaled tbemselvee at the loach counter and refused to par. Mr. Cocking* remonstrated Willi them, wheu tnov Jumped be in Del Ins counter, asaaullcd lilmsell and tils barirndera, not even sparing Mr*. Cock logs, who was knocked down i nmi otherwise severely handled. Mt. Cookings drew bis revolver sn4 strove to do Tend himself, bat ha was overpowered and knocked sou-elers. The bartenders pitched lb among their assailants, sod kept the yoang ruTUsn* at bay for some time, Keiuleroemsnw, however, aeon joined the gaug of rougoe, and tbe barteudera bad lo auccuinb. In tbe m>7#r soda water bottles, lager beer glasses and other handy uiissllea Were freely nsed. Tbe bur was soon gutted ol Its contents and the money drawers nflod. Tne inner kegs were thrown overboard, ihe hollies were smashed and ? general scene ol hsvoc ensued. .Several peaceably disposed people, seeing tbe outrageous conduct of the gang, endeavored lo suppress the rlollog, but Ibis only nadod to and increased the I rouble. The woman, too, It II said, joined In the fighting and several at iharo were badly injured. Oilier women who wore compound to witnsee the lighting swooned with ex citement and were trampled upon bv Ibe mad crowd ol ininrieted roughs. The lighting oontlnued with but I it i lo intermission until the parly reached ! the fuel 41 W?et Tenth srreet, where tho : barge put in to land its cargo nl wounded : and panic stricken passenger*. In the meantime the police ol tho Nltith precinct were nouOed ol the trouble, and Kergmiui Carpenter, with a tqntd of men, was at the pier and succeeded In taklug into cu-dody several ringleaders, who gave tbelr names at in* station house na follows ? Jonn Galbrtllb, Jacob T'sscher, Bernard Wlieeian. James llarrker, James Kelly, Itlenard Moslan ?n<l William T'ergQ. FasCher assaulted Joseph itouletl, ol No. 2DI Kasi I went* eighth siren, and in return the lailct was knocked down and had Ins shoulder free lured. He ?? taken 10 thu New York Hoeptial. The gang also robbed a man wbo reside* in Gr'enpolnt of bis gold wsicb and ehain The members of the Eagle Star Pleasure Clnb sny that none of their parly orlelnated tho light. They lay tbc blame ou a King of mughs who went on board lor ihe purpose ot tnUcblef, but who kept iboir in tent ions toocealo'l until they utado a sudden on slaught on the barkeepers and excursionist)!. THE SOCIALISTS. THE* INTEND TO HOED A MASS MEETING TO NIGHT, BUT WILL MAKE NO OPEN Allt DEM ONSTRATION . The various socialistic societies of this city bave de termined to hold a meeting this evcuing at the Ger ntania Assembly Koon s, in tho Bowery, In celebration of ibo French socialistic revolution of June1848, elTvoted by ibe worklngmen of l'aris. The meeting has been called by u committee ol arrangements composed of tbo following persons:?Mogy (one ol tho alloged assassins of Arobblshop u'Arboy), Mar telet. Carrier, Hugh MacGregor, Frank Skardu, Justus Schwab, Hubert Bartholomew, Louis Huck and Ed ward Hall, secretary. Addresses will be delivered in French nud English by Messrs. Murielet, Drury, Puldu and MacGregor. There will probably be somu speeches delivered lu German, but tne speakers havo not yet beeu appolniod. A Hkralu reporter last evening, on paying a visit to Justus ScuwaD's headquarters, tuuad there a group of socialists busily engaged In preparing the rou Hags to be displayed at the meeting Tbo Hags are about a yarn square, of a blood red color, and some of them bear ibe luliowing inscription: ? <^//,#//////A, W 5 Our Object: RsorgssiIsllH W doototy mdrpend- J } eat ol Friosl, King, Cspualist or Loafer. $ Other flags bore the followa ug :? J Weal ill is Social in lit Origin, uud Must Bo 5 j Social in Its Distribution. j lu roply to tbo reporter's Inquiries Mr. Schwab Statod that lbs socialists bad no lutennon ol parading or making any iiemouslrattou whatever outside tho meeting. He lurlber said he did not expect tbut the police wouid interlere, "although," said he, with it suoer, "the newspapers are urgiug them to action acainst mo socialists." He added tbat the authori ties, civil or military, would not bo furniebod with any pretext lor intorierence. The extremists ol the rods, it was apparent from their tnauoer last wooing, had not read without pro fit ol toe activity displayed oi lute by the various commanders ol the National Guard regimenis In ibo matter ot the street bring drill. The eagerness with which they declared that they Intended uo ?-demon stration" outside of the moeuug waa quite a contrast to their demeanor some mouths ago. PROBABLY FATAL INJURIES. There are two lamilics living In the tenement h iuse No. 26)e Oak street, named Walsh and Connors, between whom has exiatod a bitter feud lor some time past. It culminated yesterday In tho Connors family, James and Jane Connors, and their daughter Josephine, aged twenty-one, attacking Mrs. Mary Walsh and ber daughter, Ellen Walsh, who wcro beaten and burned on tbo neck und face with a heated smoothing Iron wielded by Josephine Connors. Mrs. Walsh's duugbter was In such a condition that tbo beating caused premature coiiflneuionl und she was lakon to the Lying in Hos pital In Spring street. The physicians considered ber in a very critical condition, and directed the mother to go the station boose and make a complaint. About ball-past eleven last night John, Jane and Josephine Ceanors were arrested by the police of the Fourth precinct and wore locked up In the Oak street station house lor tbo ntgnt. A POLICE STATION ROBBED. At n lute hour on .Saturday night James Crimtnlns, a young rough, and a member ot tbe notorious "Trentiework Gang," entered tbo Second precinct police station, on Grove street, Jersey City, and asked Sergoaot O'Brleo, who was on duty, wbetber his bretber had been arrested, lite Sergeant was at the telegraph instrument sending a message to tho Fonrth precinct and told Crimmins to walL While tho Sergeant's back was tamed tbe visitor stepped behind ibe desk aud stole two officers' shields from a book. When the Sergeant turned from tbe Instrument Cummins bad left, and alter a whilo tbe Sergeant missed the shields. An alarm was sent out, and a few hours later tbe thief was taken Into cus tody. At the police station tbe stolen shields were lound secreted on blm. A charge ot entering and larceny was preferred ngalnat blm, and he was taken to Folleo Hoadquarirrs. He will be examined to-day THE DREADNAUGHT ASHORE. Schooner yacht Dreadnanght went nn shore near Mamaroneok, Long Island Sound. She lies in a dangerous position. CITY NEWS ITEMS. Tbe Manbnttan College commencement exercises will be held at three o'clock tbla afternoon, and no t at halt past throe, aa waa previously announced. Mrs. Minnie Myer, wbo ao bravely panned and effected the capture of a burglar wbo waa eaoaping from her beuae, na 111 East Fourth street, on the I6U1 of May, died last Batnrdiy from tbe effeets of that night's excitement. Tbe steamer 1'. C. Scbultz besan running on s sum mer time table Saturday between tbia city and Fort Htmillen and Bnib. 8ho will make three tripe dally, landing at l.eroy, Franklin and Morris streets, tbe Battery and Jewell's wbarf, Brooklyn. oillcer Patrick Kennoally, of tbe Fourth precinct, on Vundewater street saw a gang of roughs fighting, arrested the leader, and, while taking him to the sta tion boose, was assaulted end Injured so severely tbet be bed to be removed to the Ch&mbert Street Hospi tal SUBURBAN NOTES, A diamond ring and $77 la money wore stolen frem tbe residence ol R. K. Klteh, No. 'J'J.7 Raymond street, Brooklyn, at no early boor yeatorday morning. Edward Duffy, wblla joking with a number of friends id front of the City Hall on Washington street, Hobokes, yesterday, fell from the steps and expired Catherine Burl*, two years old, yesterday fell from tbe window of ner parents' residence on tba third floor of the tenement No. 263 Washington street, Jersey City, traciortng her sknll on the pavement beiow sod died snortty after. Mrs. Clara Anthony, flfty seven years of age, wboee residence is unknown, was struck by a locomotive of tba Maohattuo Beach Railroad, to Grcoopomi yester day and latally Injnred. Bbe essay od to cross tbe track about ceventy-flvo feet from tbe flagman at tbe corner of Van Colt avenue and Cor! mar street, end e dowe train struck bar on tne eboulder, barling her a distance el tmrty leet. She pitcoed eo ber bead, fraeionng her skniL Sue died soon after ber admis sion to St. Catberloe'e Hospital. Tbo driver ol the engine bad no Idea sbo wonld attempt to cross, and there was no possible way to avoid tbe aocideut Pat Conner livesos a coal barge now lying at tbe foot ol South Eighth at rest, Wllliamebnrg. Yesterday morn ing about half-past ono o'clock bo beard a splash In the water and a rmothered ory?tbe noise In laot nwoko bira. Jumping up hastily he ran on deeK but coala see or bear nothing more. lie at onco called lor help, but bis re|>or! waa looked on ns a result ol tbe nightmare, and be was laughed at eo much ibat ho determined to test tbe matter yesterday. After sev eral hoars' grappling be fooad tbe body ol a men slongsldo tbe dock. Tbo deceased wee cud In black Iroek coat, dark vest end peats, brown Jumper ar.d bine nnderahirt. He were sandy whiskers, was Ore feet nine inches to height ana seemed to be e men about forty yeara ol age. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAM CBS. PATHS or P?rARTl!RK FROM ?W YORK VOIt TUB MONTHS Of JVXK ABU Jt'l.V. STfimtfr. City of Now Vork.. Hoitrril*m Alirrlt V topi A Ciniuli Branca Adriatic Matt ol Narad*... Miavta CUT OliMMr,,., Bemnta .Nci'kar Krln Montana...... Knoll ............. (iraeee Becalm Cltr ol Montreal .. Nt of Benneyivnnta <l-liert Britannic W \ eelielteu .... Kiypt... California Anohnrln... Main Wlrcomln Hcvtliiii Aluerlqoa Celtic Stole of Vlrtlnla Kri?la tilt* of Berlin Helvetia Ktlilopla Morel Nevada. Ati.rrrliila Italy Ilerilcr llo.ieta Oder .So i| iyba I.Irerpool. 2H Mroadtrar tlotirrdnin 10 Broadway l.lrerpool. t Boa lingi.roen Condon.. 7 Itoirllr.a (ireen tlarre j."> Broadway Condon.... 30 Hroadirar l.irerpooL 37 Broadway (>ia?*ow.. 72 Broa<lwa.r II amours II Broadwar Liverpool.. tl .3.3 Broadway OlaauuW... 7 Bowl late tireen Bremen... J Mewling lireen Liverpool.. HI Broadway Liverpool.. Nt Broadway l.lrerpool t Bowling iireen I London... B# Broadway Havre. V> Br..adwar Liverpool.. .31 33 Broadway ilaagow... 72 Broodway lamhnrj.'. til Broadway Liverpool . .17 Broadway tmterdam V) Broadway Liverpool . lift Broadway London? 7 Bo* ling Hreen tllnagow... 7 Bowling tlreen Bremen . J I'owllnir itreen Liverpool 2*3 Broadway Liverpool., I Bawlloif tlreen tlarre.... do Hroatla av (.1 verpool.. 37 Broadway itlnacuw... 72 Broadway llamlinrir. II Broadway LI verpool.. II 33 Broadway Liverpool . *? Broadway i linage*... 7 Bowling Hreen Brenien. 2 Bo > ling (Ireen Liverpool.. >'.< Broadway Llrerpool., t Bowllna Itreen latntlnn ... HP Broadway Hamburg. N Broadway tllaesjow...i7 Bowling Ureen Bremen...12 Bowling tVreen Holland July 2?|London... |'IH Broadway IIEKALD YACHT WEATHEB OBSfiB VATIONS. Mote <tf ll'?l//tr. Cloudy. ' londy. t'lear. flU c. /?Art H" nr. fncA. /far/. Noitt 2M.!ft 7<? ? I'M It '.ft UH S PA 2M.!? Ii7 12 BMi?J.Oti WSVY WW |Clear. ALMANAC FOB NEW YORK THIS DAY. Sl-Jf AND MOON. Sua riees. 4 2? Sun sett 7 34 Moan risen....morn 12 1U HIGH WAT*?. ~endy Huok.2 24 Gov. Isund 3 V? Hell Gale. ?v? 454 PORT OF NEW YORK. JUNE 23,1878. ARRIVALS. isr- .^"v<C?17r ,.??& ,r" ?;?s City of Berlin, bound h. 17US-_ , 41 n,,- ,(?uiu.t City of VAle (Nor), do; l^i?. . - ? *1 m uhin Tulbot. tlo. brnshoU. do; '>7, loo Jiw 1'oint And Steamer WlSimkl, Couch, '''' V (jjq Lloinlotou Norfolk. ?!"> nJu ?nd dukmW? ?? ?? u,? uv 8V\rUh.'rP.U. Mellett, NerMk. with rod.. to the OIJ DH?ksl'?<,(Nor1,.'&l^a, Liverpool 3D d.y., in ballast. to ?2T billot, to 1' I Nevlas x Son. W as ?*' usys with light wind* ann log. , . London May 21. In Bark Harry Douglass (Br), Landry, Lonaou ^ y bK'Bo?.e0:?."?r(Nor.. Andrea ten. Dundee May 1?. label "firf K:M/r-BU0:^Korr. jg^SSA^ C B, in ballast, to oroer. Anebored tu uravosen ?*juX Mustang (Nor). Birklaud. G.lw.y 30 d.yMn b.l la?l. to Punch. Edye & L?.an-o37dny? in ballest ,?"pu^?K A Co!" Aueborod at Sandy ffook for or JrHark - lemma (Br). Olson. Ar.nd.l35 days. In ballast, to "Bark' Oler). Cluver. Bremen 30 days, with rn-lse to Herman Koop A Co. (Ans). Otovanelli, ?SmS^Srissjt! bB,a"k\tu?M*(iktnV)0, D.m.rtlno, Marseille 74 day., WB?kftuVe'Xow?. Lisbon via Delaware Breakwater 8Va\,|.IPpln^\DatK^??*^^?'1*,?^ 10 d"y,-'U b^Vr,tC;,nr??r,Liv.Br^rN?.! Wolf, St ???. *??. 12 d,rriaWHS.ur(i.tAjru^ufrl.,iSti mrni.W. 16 d^:Vr,Do.,&?o:*(8^. Castaiy, Havana. 13 days. I. htt^rftor). Clirlstanaen. Havana II day., '"flnit F?S Oiim"' u?U? Uarabartlella. Oporto. 75 days, in b^VuD",yBM^-rdtJ?Bn?i?. Ayr,. 3fl da,., with hide. and wool to Lanraan A; K.em|'>_v^)i,w "Tiwk the NK Crossed the Kquator Mav 31, in Ion. o . afterward had trades in let 4 > and lost them in lat -> ? , aito ,:^r/u?by,'Krce^Port Spain, with .agar to D Trowbridge *?iil Kmma Dean iVen), Dominique.. Porto Cabello. *i?T?Sis"S. 0?? I.I..4 12 *"k ? acasw-* - a... s? Tkao I tMMklt ? vauibI to UlABlUr. Hrhr 1 eoriio <ispau>, 7"VT"'" tt. IS days, Witk sugar to H trowbrldge". Sons; veesei toJ U WS?nr sl.Vbrnck (of M?rhlae). Clark, nao.oot 1* gejk with molasses to Brook, A Co: vessel to Chens, lalbot * i:schrKdnaHarwoo.l (of Baltimore,. Turner. Segue 15 *:tsrsztizftxsFfa *?<? ???> Wb?hr*Kb*ne?ter (Br). Bethel, Eleutbera 8 dev.. with P'sehr?M W Drew.'Mahony, J acksonvtlle 9 days, with lum bar to J O Allen ; vessel to II W Loud. Bruns behr Henry 11 Seav-y (or Bangor). J hllbrook. Brnns wick, (la, 10 days, with lumber to Geo Migrs, veseel to F "scbr'decob Klnsel, Reeves, Richmond. Bobr Kugm.e Il?r^?iauVv??tao7^towi. D C. I? bound t0fchrdM?5SUt. Webster, Calais 8 deye, with lumber to 0sch^)?iXd,Hakcr, Kennebec. K.ver 4 days, with Ice to the Consumers' Ice Co. voesol to master. Returned?Bark Olaeomo (Ital), Hcarpatl. henoe June ot if,r Glasgow with e eargo ol grain, having tame night, off SUInnecoek.'been ruu into by *o I'l'd"^rvinz away schooner striking her oil tbo port side and c rrying ?*?> iSrWpgalUntmwt, mainmast and m.entopmast and staving iu port side. PASSED THROUGH HELL GATE. BOUND BOOTH. Schr Martha Mcholl, Eaton, Sunde River. N8, for New ^ Scbr V R Merrltt. Merrltt, Lubec for Now York _ O..K- u'ltriiiia Duller ColeiD'in, Bo?toa tor New i er*. Bohr 8nRie M Kvani, Wll.ette', Plymouth. Mm,, for New ^Sehr Abel W Parker, Dean. Taunton for New fork. s.k. Saliie W Ponder, Lloeoln, Taunton 7or New York. Sccr Inlle A Garrlenn, Smith. Somerset tor K?hr Mnrv Potter, Chapman, Nantnekot for New 7?rb. gchr l) M Prencb. Childe, Prmndence for New To1. Scbr Wm P Burden. Adams Providence ivr New York. Schr Y C Smith. Smith, Providence fur New York. Sf 1 r |ahn II Chaffee, iinell. New Heven forVirglnla.^^^ Schr'li Flower, llu\?h?rd, Oonnectlcut River lor New Yscbr Samuel P Godwin, WiUlnnn, Stamford for New Y schr Minnesota, Oliver. Bast Greenwich for New Tork. BOCND EAST. Steamer Plarahorough (Br), Frtsler, New York for 81 J?si,ABri"MMY(B?W^N.w York for St John KB. Schr Car"" Hli: H.x New Vork/br Portland, Mo. Bcnr Nay. Baker. New York lor tall Itlyor. Schr J H Bloeeker. Naw York lor 1 rovldenea. h.ehr Dart, Toms. New Yevkfor Harttord. Schr S M Tyler, 11 art, lloboken lor Pvoyldeneo. Schr Vcllle haion, Townsend. Bondout for Boston. losenh Karwell, Karweli. Kondont lor Boston. So'hr 1. s ft at eh, Koleey. Iloodont fer Connect ten t River, hehr H B Metoalt, Handy, Port Johnson tor New Bed ,. wiu, Carroll Amboy for Somerset, schr Richard Vaox. Reblnson. Philadelphia for Bosten. R^nr E Borda, Bailey, Georgetown. DC. for Bridgeport. MARITIME MISCELLANY. rant II Pcrrt of tb? BtO imer BrlUBolc (B**), hence to t i ha^our tbmnka tor npeciAl meleorolontOAl obter vaTiVo "made In connection wltPh the llguaLD s.r A"iA".zssfiftttw-rsss-jas was G're'enpirt. auS wMb'd'.fr hy Cept 8 P Rackett. ef Or.M parties iu OedAr Keys, FIa. . in WBiiabout Bey. LI.a few days Ago, the I'AUHOUKD-ln, WeHu#oui ??nj.t^.r^ ^ |( bul|l |or flloOD SACht Tfllputu, T .? , i.h nn >VH ?() HtAttd end she Is hi ted With three m tbs Cnlted StetM Bark ' ..^r* w?. launehed Jane 20 from revenue ,*. 4luB fnot of Otis street, Kensieg 'p. th.Tf.? 3 ???h- In length. A? feet 6 Inche. b%*h,?r^G^3U.,lMt'PV1pi."0leten Bros, bark 0 L Bry * ul h. towe'd"u. PnJuaod on ftstnrd .g and go Into the dry b.'^tt rrom there she wilt go to Q.ebec to AbAul K5 ton a. noc ret nenied. and lor tale. WHALEMEN. Hailed from Montevideo May 17, berk Arnelde, Howlaad, Nb. tor Patagonia. At do May 21. bark Josephine, I?onc. NB, discharging oil. ltark Sunbeam It being fitted at New Bedford for an Atlantic Ocean whiiling voyage. to call to about two weeks under coinmanil nt Frederick I'Teher, ol Fulrbaven, late second mate of bark Adeline lilhhs. Hcbrs H H Hatfield. Cornell, was oa llatteraa Around June IK, with lOObbls ap oi: ou beard. A lettor fr.-ni Capt F.llls, of hark Utile, of NB. reports her at Barbados May 21'. with 340 up, 21W wh and 17UO lbs bone laatdrulao. A lelter from Captain WloaloW. of bark Commodore Morns, or NB. dated April IB, states that he had Jost ar rived on the around. Reports In statu. May 2B, barka Ohio. 2d. oattn, clean ; Minerva, Thompnon. da, 4 whatea ; Reindeer. baaar, do. 8 do; Midas, Lapbain, do, 1 da: Dan iel Wehatot. Borden, do, nothing slues last report; Clarice. Marchaut. Kdgartown, 1 whale. Another letter, from on board the Commodore Morris, dated at sen June 3, reports her with l,(MO bbls sp all told. A lelter from St Helena, dated Mae 3", reports that barka Palmetto, Bolles, ,1H: Janus. Ladlow. do, and He a tjueen, AQen. of Wcstpmt, went In u<irt. and that the former ha>Ps>et half of her crew. Tba two laat named wera bo sail that uay. _____ SPOKEN. Ship Liocbee (B?), lle-ne from Newcastle, NSW, for Han Francisco, April J!?, lal 33 20, Ion IIW40 W. Ship iloudly 'Hri. Hitdara, from Baa Francisco for Llver pool. May 4, 1st 23 S, Ion 31 IF. Ship Cardnor Colby .-treeter, from Now Turk for Anjer, May 2.3. let 24 N. Ion 30 IV. Snip Hrown Brothors, Coodall, from Boston for Han Fran cisco, May 27, laf .'III, Ion 37. Shin Saml -koMlrld, skolfteld, from Liverpool for Horn hay, June 3, lat 47 N. Ion 17 W. snip Agnes Sutherland illr). Sutherland Hum Cardiff for Blu Janeiro. Mey 17. lat It)<11 N, Ion 26 25 W. Ship Mabel < lark, Sheldon, from Liverpool for Hook konic, April 20, lat 2ft S, Ion 2S W. Ship Richard 111, Hubbard, train Liverpool for Wleeaseet, June It, lat AO, ton 13. ship Samuel Walts. Lermond, from Naw York for Han Francisco, May 11. lat ? N, Ion HI W. Ship llarvay Mills. Mills, frotn New York for Han Fran cisco. May 25. lat 2M .V. lou 33 311 W. Ship hlixslieth Hamilton, Hempstead, from Patagonia for Hamtmrg, March 3, lat 25 3<iS. Inn 35 35. Ship itouanta iHri. Irons Baltimore for Dublla, Jnno 14, lat 4n 4H. Ion 2H 35. Hark Mercur (tier). Do llaan, from Bremen for Philadel phia .lone H, lat 11* 45, Ion s 13. Ilsrk .Worm Castle, Jewell, from New York for Anckland, */,. Mil 2M, lal 2M?< N. Ion .14 311 W. Hark Auiotnoite (Hen. Kueeuau. from Pensaeoie for Am ?terdam, Juno 4, lal 41 Hfl, Inn 5M 43. Hark Cbarile Hickman (Hr), Dernier, Irom Dublin lor J one 1, off luskai. Berk Kings County (Br). Potter, from Hamburg for 1'hllailelpMa, June 3, lat 5o, Ion 14. Hchr 'lelntuali, from ? for Philadelphia. June 21, no lat. Ae. Hchr Clarissa (Hr), fram Leadoa for Halifax, Jnna H. lat 40 4i|, Ion 7, OTIlt CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Antwkrp, .1 nne 22?Hulled, ship Murlborough (Br), Mun roe. New York. (IWDCMTll, Jnne 22?Sailed, bark Nsja (Nor), Naw York. (inxos, to June 22? Arrived, schr Hello Hooper, Ullkey, New Orleans. Ilvi.b, June 23-Arrived, bark Ifarm-tay (Hr), Dlnsmore, Near York via (Jueanstewii. Hailed 22d. bark Clias Dtekens (Nor), Krickien, Phila delphia IU is at; no, Jnne 21?Helled, berk Stedt (Nor). Jaoobeea, America. IIxi vovt. June 23?Arrived, bark Ulasepplna Cocurallo (ital), JtPMl, Naw York. Havre, June 23?Arrived, ste?mei fti Laurent (Fr>, liubtiDi'i. New York, Sailed 22d, tiara Virginia, Thuriow, New York: brig Tarifa, Brown. Cow Hay, CB. Iloxc Kong, to J una 22?Arrived, eteamer Uaelio (Br), Kidley, Han Praueiaco. Livkupool, June 22?Sailed, bark Paierrua (Br), Mo Lauehliu. Sandy Hook. Londosdxkky, June 22?bailed, bark Mary I Baker (Br), Sproul, Baltimore. Leghorn, to June 22?Hailed, brig Edith Hall, Thayer, Boaton. Movillk, June 24?Arrived, ateamer Polynealan (Br), Brown, Quebec for Liverpool. Plymouth, June 23?Arrived, ateamer Wieland (Qer), llebieli. New York tor Hamburg (and Droceoded). Sailed 22d, bark L E Cann (Br). Cann, Philadelphia. Pauillao, Juno 21?Sailed, bark Uoffoung (Nor), New York. Pillar, June 10?Arrived, bark Reaolnte (Nor), Blllag ?en. New York. Qukkkxtowk, June 22, 7:40 PM ? Arrived, ateaniera Citv of Brueaela (Br), Watkina, New York for Liverpool! 23d. tt:30 PM, Germanic (Br), Kennedy, do do (and both pro ceeded). WEATHKB KEPOBT. Holyhead, June 23?Wind K, light; ?ultry. FOREIGN PORTS. Bcknos ATOkR, May 7?Arrived, barks Kmrai C Litch field. 1 humus. Glasgow; 16tb, Kullb Davis, McOarty, Mew York. Sailed May 11, barks Ada Gray, Plutniner, United States; 14th, Saw I K Spring, Uae in. lioaiou. In port May 21, barks Annie Lewie, Morse, for New York; Nomad, Hawkins, fur lllo Janeiro; >ainl K Hale, Ilavi-u; Uevoi slilre, Falkuor; Tremout, Carlisle; James AluCarty, Lewis; Nina Sheldon, Blg'ey; Blanche How, Hussey; James Prake (Mr), Bernard; Clara Baton, Davis, ami Alice Campbell, Durham, uae; eehr Jas M Riley, Hobort son, do, nnd the above arrivals. Cleared 20th, bark Belle Keith (Br), McDonald, Rosa rie. Halifax, June 'JO?Cleared, bsrks Ymer (Nor), Hendrick sen, Bridgwater: (Iniarlo (Br), CoalHeet, Belts' Cove. .Mokteviuko, May 15-Cleared, burk D Chaptu, Bunker, New Bsaiord. In port May 21, ship Osceola, Sparrow, unc; baras Arch er, Hatcb, for New York; Robert t-iwe). Wursen. for do; Mary Jenness, Oakes. tor England; briir Acella Tburlow, (iallison. uuo; sebr Robert Palmer. Denntaon, do. Montreal, June 21?Arrived, steamer 1'exas (Br), Lanr rensen, Liverpool; brig Trio, Ireak, Barbados. Sailed JI St, steumers Cosmopolitan (Br), llitehsm, Lon don. via Sydney; Lombard (Br), Williams, Hull, via do; bark Llndola (Nor), Kosirnp. Qneonstowii. Quebec. June 2t-Arrived, snip Bed Jacket (Br), Big. lap, Genoa; barks Uyller (Nor),(Istensen, Halifax , i'arra (Nor), Olson, Norway; Havre (Nor), Uunderaen. Liver pool; Rjuken (Nor), from . Below 21st, bark Hiram (Nor), from Shields; Orion (Ger), Grau, from Bristol. Cleared 21st, steamur Sarmatian (Br), Alrd, Liveroool; barks Duuglar Cuslla (Nor), Johannes, Dublin; Kleclra (Nor), Werseii. Dublin; Ampblon (Nor), Neilson, Dundee; f IS McDonald, Kane, Gloucester; brig Henry Palmer (Br), luck sou. linlynead. Passed Pnther Point 234, steamers Moravian (Br) Gra ham, Ircm Liverpool lor Montreal; Thames (Br), Camp bell. Imiidon for do Bio Jamuko, May 20-Arrlved. bark Henry A Paul. Btraugr, Cainpana; orlg Senorlla, Young, Baltimore ; 21st, bark New Bepubllc (Br), Wilson, Philadelphia; 22d. brie Alice, Uutton, Baltimore; 24th, bark Jennie Sweeney, Hudson, Phllnuelphla; brie Betol (Aits), Maregtla, New York. Bulled 22d. bark Gamullol, Shaw, Baltimore: sclir Chris tina Klizubeth (Nor , Oisen. Galveston: 24th. ships K it Thomas, Nieki-ls, Valparaiso; 25th. ships Gov Tilloy (Br), Humphreys, Ban Francisco; Klug Coelrio (Br), Melville, do. In port May 30, baras Poltkjernon (Bw), Rurkstedt, for United States. Ida; Elverton. Barclay, end Olive Thnrlow, Corhilt, unc, and the above arrivals. hfO Giiandk Do Sul, May 9? Sailed, brigs Jonnie A Cheney, Arey, Pernambnco; Avunt (Dutch), Gldenberger, New l ork. In port May 16, brigs Ella (Bras), Leitch, from New York; hprite (Hr), Lewis, from Klchntond. Va, both ar rived 11th; Water Lily, l'errv, unc; tehrs Robert T Clark. Hutchinson, tor Sandy llook; City of Green Bay, Aga, one. bastos. May IB?Sailed, brig Tyrus (3w). New York. In port May 22, brig Jesse McLeod (Hr), Mclrar, fur New York, Idg. (PtR Stkavru City or Cuxstkr. 1 Bristol, June 11?Arrived, Aphrodite, Shearstone. Mew Yoik; Johnny Smith. Thompson, New Orleans via Queens town ; )2in, Burner, klacgregor. New York; Uloamiu, llartnell, Philadelphia. Boston. K. June 12 ?Arrived. Disengann, Baltimore. liAKKow, Juue 12?Arrived, Red Croes, Quebec. Bailed 12th. L'sko, Stromberg, Baltimore. Hrkkkn, Jnna 10?Arrived, Braunschweig (s), Un duutsch. New Orleans. Sailed 9th, Pobuno. McDonald, North America, Hkkukn, J una B?Cleared, Bjorgvln, Hilt, America. CAKPirr. June 12?Arrived, Asiana. Williams, Hull, Bailed 11 til, Aramint*. Jonet. Cape Town. Cork. J una 9-Arrived. Sutsumu, Wigzell, Philadelphia. Sailed 11th. Mary N Myshrall, Tucker, Delaware. Cowks June 11?Pnt In Ant steam yeeht Jeanette (for merly the Pandoru), Do Hong, from London tor Havre, to take in Arctic stores. Crosstab*, June 8?Arrived, Gnardian, Paine, New Or leans. Dmal. June 13?Passed, Morning Star. Lloby, from New York for London. Du.nuknkss. June 12?Parsed, a ship supposed the Caah mi-re. of St Andrew, NB. June 11?Arrived, Hording. Quebec; Occidental, San Krauclseo; 12tb. Paulino, Mitchell, Pensaaola. Sailed 12th. Svea. Charleston. Arrived at Kingstown 11th. Economy, Novo Scotia., Juue 10?In port, Viator, Given, for Baltimore, ready. Pai.houtii, Jane 11?Arrived, Pieetwood, Sinclair, Chariot let own. Oi.asuow, J una 10? Arrived. Corsica, Stetson, Greenock, to load lor Bio Janelio; l.".b. Lake Michigan, Lamont, Montreal. GinHAi.TAR. J unc O?Arrrived, Amain, Amnlfl, Genoa (and oleared tor New York). Cleared 4tb, Ban Rafael, Cacace (from Bermndit), Con stantinople. Genoa, JnneH-Sailed, Investigntor. Carver. Yillafranca. Gorkr. May It?called, Mary Allerton, Burgess, Blssao. Melsinuboro, Jnne 4-Arrived, K1 Dorado, Torjison, Naw York. Harrubo, Jnne 11?Arrived, Herder (s), Brandt. Now York. Sailed Stb, O P Sherwood. Tnrner, Philadelphia; 9th, Geliort (*), Barenda, New Vork. Bulled from Cusbaven nth, Ocean, Vogt. New York. IIei.tokt, Juno II?Bailed. Enighoden, Ellaaaen, New York. llAVRK, June 10-Arrived, Nina Kiglia, Ella, New York. Sailed 11th. ltovrlln, Reynolds, Sandy Hook. Ipswich, June 11?Arrived, Zin fiorento, Delacaata, Philadelphia via Qoeenstown. Innishowen Head. June 12?Arrived. Enchantress, Mo Carry, St John, NB, for Londonderry. LirmroOL, June 11?Arrived. Batevia (a), Monlnnd,Bea ton : New City. St John. NB ; Charles Northcote, Clanssen, Mobile; Peravlan (?), Smith. Montreal; Win McUllvery, Niefctls. Rangoon; 12th, Palermo, McLaughlin. St John; Zlnva. Mcl-esod, Charlotte town; 13th, Lake Megantlo (s), Battnrsby, Menireei. mailed 12th, Maria, Taarvlg, Baltimore; St Patrick, Short, Montreal; Dili. Lake Cliumpluin (?), Benson, do; Minnie Cairell, Wadmen, Bathurst; Maitha Bowker, Bowker, Charleston; Esther Iloy, Roy Bombay. Cleared 11th. Minnie M Watts. Watts, New York: 12th, Dueppel, ihoff, Philadelphia. Prluco Patrick, Peter kin, St John, KB. London, Jnno 12?Arrived, Flora, Jergensen. Quebec; 13th. Prince Edward (a). Montreal. Cleared 11th, Greero (S.. Peeree. New York (and passed Isle nt Wight 13th): lima, Albrethsen, Mlrumichl (and left Liverpool 13th); 12th, Columbia (*), Yenng, New York; D K Eaton, Shew, do; 13th, Odin, NUaeon, Delaware Broeawater. Entered out 11th. Krl King (s) Scott, Qnebee. Ltnn. Juno 12?Artlvod. K A Dotalord. Pensacela; Don Antioce. Chlasaert, Baltimore. Lkith. Jnne 12?Arrived, Guieeppe Emmanuel. Dentgrl, New York via Queenstown; Ocean Home, Baivesen, Dobey via Savannah. LmKinck. Jnne lO?Arrived, Alboera, Slmm, Bt John, NB. LnononN, Jane 9?Arrived, Ocean Pearl, Henley, Na pics. Mapvira, Jnna 5?In port. Heater A Lewis, Peodleton, for Tnrks Island and Bangor. Nrwrv, Jnno ll-Salled, Richard, for Baltimore; Nor man. do. Orouto. Jnne 2-8eited, Mary Martlett, Smith. Cow Bay; Ath, Bertha, Nova, New York; Uulon, Nlcboleon, Bruns wick. Plvhoutii, Jnne 10-Off the Fddystene, Hantone, from Philadelphia via Qneenstown for Lelth. Point Ltrax, .lime S?<<0. N Mosiier, from Liverpool for St John, NB; ffith, Atlantic, from ito fur Quebec. QorkxstviWR, June 12?Arrived, Ella B McLean. Prince Edward Island; Arthur. Masson. do; Nathalie, do; Wash Ingtrm. Cafferio, New York for Glasgow for coast pilot; Alex Williams. Landers. I'uewash. Sailed lltn, Nellie, for Belfast; llazlewood, London; Scott at Bristol; 12?h, Ulalame, Watorfnrd; Paoli K, Ip? wleh; Arlington, Baltimore; Zenehla, Waterford; Liilxia Roeca, "Mill:" Washington, Glasgow ; Mlram, Bristol; G II Deana, Boston: Crisis, Newry; TunlC, Dundalk; 13lh, Naval Reserve. Antwerp; Prince Rnport, Liverpool; Ex eoilenf. do: Kylde, Grecuock; Ieelisl, Bristol; Emma Csth arlea, Antwerp. Krtal, Jnne H?Sailed. St Cloud, Stllplien, Kotka; Ma tilda. Carver, Llusne; LJ Morao, Ames, stoekholm. Bottkhhar, Jnne II?Cleared, G s Penary, Penary, Bandy Hook. SniKidis, Juue 12?Arrived, Leo, Andersen, New York. Sailed 12ih, Stag (si. New York. Ki.too, Jnne 7?Arrived, Pratelll Doge. Tamlno, Phila delphia. Stdnot, NSW, Jnne 12?Arrived, City of tiydney (i). Dearborn, Han Francisco. Tralkk, Jnne 9-8alled. Wm Owen, Brown, Sydney, CB. Triru, June 10?Arrived, Elinor Vernon, Copp, Mew York ler Amsterdam. Wiiitkiiavrs, Jnne 12?Arrived, Glo Battlsta, O'Castllla, Pnllaelpliie. Watrrforh, Jnne 10?Arrived, John 0 llali, St John, NB. WaxroRn, June 11?Arrived, Iluntoon, Nellt, St John, NB. West Coast or A rate*?Arrlrod At Accra May 7. Be* gnll, Jonas, Wlnnebah (and eeiled loth to leeward); 11th, Greyhound, 7nfl, do (and remained 19th), 12th, Roebuck, Holmes. Harrseoe. Arrived at Cape Coast Castlo May 14. Bolivia, Marin., Anaroaboe (and sailed 17th to leeward). Cleared from do May 7. Rebecca Uoddsrd. Gendey, Bos ton ; Hth, Swallow, Warren, leeward. Hailed Irnin Grand Baasa May 17. Mary E Thayer, Yates, Blnoo. _ Arrived at sierra I?eone April 26, T Remlek, Roto, Bos ton (and sailed May 26 on return). AnsTKnPAM, June II?The J 11 Bowers, Darkness, from Bntavta. reports .'?George Clark, seamen. nstlv< of Clies ler Bestn (Nova H olla) died March H of dysentery, con treated while at Hie hospital at Hatavla, where he went to be treated ler Java fever. Varro Klbaldo (Italian), se*. man, fell from aloft March 14, broso one arm, and other wise Injured hlaitull, and died April 4. Both wore burled with due respect. DoaiiAi.a, June 12?Tim berks Nordmallng and Vlkirg, both from Baltimore, reported hv telegraph ss having ar riven in the bay, have since got to the quay. the former last night, and the latter this morning's tide. ldvKRrooi., Jnnn II?The Kurydlce, arrived here from St J oka, experienced a very heavy gale from tne lath to the 'JUilt May, In lat 45 N, Ion 59 W. and lost the whole of the deck losd. and had vessel strained considerably. QiirrssTowN, June 7?Report of John Jenkins, master of tho bark Shun Qnilt, nt Aberyatwitli, 459 ions, Irom New Orleans April 26, tor Bristol (oil i nks) ?Proceeded and all went on well till Wednesday, Slay 15. at 9 A.M. lit 35 5u N. Ion 67 46 W. weatlier I hick, wind S p., blowing a wnole pale, the ship being hove to under inslnlnnsail andreeicd phis staysail, ship laboring and shipping heavy seas. At 10 AM, gale still Incressing, shipped a heavy sea, which sieve ih bulwarks and damaged forecastle bouse and washed everything movable off deck. At 11 AM shipped another heavy sea. which burst alter hateb and ? shin doors, putted the csldn, started the sisnrhlons lore and sit and WasBed norts and remainder ot bulwarks olf notb sides I he ship making more water, all hsuda on deck attending to pumps with great difficulty, ship rolling and straining tremen dously, decks cotistsntly fad of water. At 2 I'M gale in creasing to a linrrleana, and veering tn NVV, with violent squalls, seas manmg a clean breach over ship, and atartlng waterways and deck . water getting Into hold, and mixing wiln and damaging eargo. At 6 P.M. gair moderating and veering to WsW, set more sad to steady ship, and steered fcNc. before the se*. Men conetantiy at pump*. Wn 16th, wind Increnstn.', with falling barometer, took la f*r?taa> mill, and scudded wltli maintop-all. and reefed lorraell being arraid to heave ?hi|> to, is ehe wax getting deeper in the water, with a strong lixt to port. On 17th a heavy xea broke on Oeck, waahtmc od rait Iron chain locker hatch cover. At 'J AM sea struck chip under the ii'iin with a craah, starting atrrh post ant cnslng. At 7 AM sen xtruck the cabin house and bur?t i| after part, brose cabin furniture nod destroyed shlo'i Itorex; also smashed down poop deck, broke beams and hurst two deck planks; also started after xtauchli.ux and washed od poop rails: tilled vessel turo and aft; ship a complete wreck and settling down fast: crew lashed to the pumps nil night. At d AM gale more moderate; threw part of carsro overboard to lighten ship; re mainder ot crew ut pumps, and continued to till 4 I'M. when wo sighted a brlu and hoisted signal* of distress, Shu bore down and proved to be the Inulsfall.ot Dublin, frideux, master, from Hlo llncbe lor Qtieeuxtown lor orders. Requested matter to keep ooa. panv with us till morning, as our vessel wax in a sinking condition, which lie did. At daylight sounded pumps and lound 4 leet wster ill tin- hold. Drew exhausted and vessel fust settling down. w? determined to abandon her. (lot everything ready and signalled the brig that we were sink ing. when no bore down, and we succeeded, after much dif ficulty, In getting otf in our boot, and had not left our ves sel in ynrds distant wheu she gave a surge and went down. We were very kindly treated by Capt l'rldeux while on board, and safely landed here this day. 11th?The lirig Dart, arrived here from New York, re ports having hosts and rails smashed during passaga. lath-Arrived off, Maria Catharine. from Liverpool for Haltimore, In ballast, with master sick; received medical assistance and proceeded. The ship Naval Reserve, while preparing for sea last ?veiling, louied the American chip Areturas, carrying away latter vessel'a bowsprit. The Naval Reserve escapni^ excepting some trifling damage to poop rath AMERICAN PORTS. ASTORIA, June 14?Sailed, bark G K Muntz (Gar) for Liverpool. " ALi.X ?NDKI a, June 22-Arrlved, eh re L a Roae, Wash ington (and cleared tor Bostou); Mary ? Urabarn Boston Butterfly, New York. ' ? 01-ared-Sehrs W H Huston, Somerset; Joseph Kudd Boston. ? Passed uii?Sahr Rmraa G Edwards, from au Eastern port lor Georgetown. Passed down?8cbre Samuel C Hart, tor Providence Heury Adalbert, Boston; Winnie Lawin, (all from Georgetown.) APPONAUO. June 29? Arrived, sebr Clavel, Denlae Hoboken. _ ' ? BOSTON. June 23-Arrived, steamers Iberian (Br) Home, Liverpool: Dominion. Glnments Yarmouth NS ? bark D AB ray ton, Gray, Kosurio; brig* Golconda. Smith Paaea goula; llattio F tUcli (Br), Cliadaey, Barbados- schr< Lucr Holmes. Teel. Oonalves; Lulu, Snow, Baltimore ? O 8 Wltherell. Garfleld, do; Grace Van Duaan, Reeves Pnlla dnlphta; D Brittitin, Soraers. do; Laura K Measer. uree ory, do; Wm Rice, Preaaey. Koadotit; Ueleoa E Kuesetl Mobaffoy, New York; .Memento, White. do; Vulcan Co-! gins, do; Marv Day, Waterman, do; 11 C Wins hip, Donne Alexandria. Vn. ?????, hatted?Steamer Gen Whitney, New York. BALTIMORE. June 23?Arrived, steamers Experiment l^erce. from Newborn, NU; Vineland, Bowsn, New York: batks S W tlolbrook, Mitchell, Matinzas; Lucayas (Br)' reropleton lonlque; brlx Dudley. Kelliue, Payeanderl schre Mattie W i ttwood, Newvomb, Genoa: North Oero lina, Ellla. Kleuthera: T Morris Kirk, Gavaleer. Pensa cola; Florenee Sbay Vai.cleaf. Boston: ltodnor Parker Gates, Sow Haven; Ruth A Price, Price, Port Antoolo Ja; f J Seward, Applegarth, Abaco. Phlude'lpblaJttnB au-?,0?red- "chr Pslrfleld, Taylor, 21at-Arrlvedbrig Stella Davis, Boaton; schrs Oregon Melvitt. an.1 Telegraph, Stevens, New York; Nadab Obeuev. Philadelphia; Lavlnla Dnlauey, Reeves, Green BATH. June 21?Arrived, schrs Alfred Keen Keen m'7oadfo?do mW#; fc E Blrd""- Wurreo, do! Also arrived 21ai, brig Carrie E Pickering, Boston; schrs Annie Bliss, Simmons. Boston to load for Waehlnrt.Vm Ella Condon, Maryland; Enos B Phillips. Baker to loaj lor Washington ; K)eanura Van Dusen. Boston ; MK Raw vTVirV:w ,Tyro,n-, Matthewi, . to loud lor Nen York; Ira Laffrenfnr Ldoman, Boston. . M^ledrich? (:arr,e^ h?'ley- '"SVlns. Kernandlna; L A I) Klsk, Baker, W aehingtoo; .Joshua 8 Itracdon o-lu a' II 1 ' 'J"Bronk?. Qulgley. Philadelphia Jamm Maibeld?'WmU. SZW's/'"""0*' Sailed tram Horso Ialnnd Harbor 20th, schr B 0 Terry Harris, Richmond. BUCKS PORT, Me, Jnne 17?Arrived, Post Boy, Robin sen, Saogua. BAKER'S LANDING, Jnne 20?Sailed, sebra Sarah A raleoner, Wilson; Minnesota. Doliver, New York. CHARLESTON, Jimo 22?Cleared, sehrs Lily, Cole. Nen York; E K Wilson. Cropper. Philadelphia. Ph^Wi"* '?h? W*P?"a' i,eaaT' Sew twrk' Kst Vsr* ?'une 17?Sailed, schr John E Dally, Long, aon^Ne'wYor'k^^'*'une 20?Sailed, achr Gamma, Robin EAKTPOKT-Jnne 16?Cleared, schrs 8E Nightingale Hllyurd, New York; Mary Lee Newton, Coalwell, Windsor N8; 17th, bark Ophir, Gin. Liverpool, Pn^lide*phU>WN' June 2W-4j"l,ed- tchr r Morwta, Bnneo, ^?ALVhSTON, Jane 18? Arrived, schr Anna, Candy, Bra lMh-Salled, steamer Rio Grande, Bulger. New York Ll^dse^ NewVork'Jm,? 19-tJ*"ed',chr Olive Elisabeth, 20th?Arrived, schrs Mary Shields, Waits, and Orient. L?*;??*?? York; J C Rogers, Otii. Philadelphia Pmf ode I p bfa!' Qu*?n. Calhoun, Dresden, to load foi (JRKRsNPORT, LI, June 16?Arrived. schr Almir* mr^M I*'?** ^#nwri' f?r Philadelphia. HYANMaS, June 20?Paaa?ti 0y, achr George W Cum* mingt, Nicker son, tor New York. 21it?Patsed bj. Mjlirs Willard Raalsbnrr. Handv Plnw Hot, Hnllett; D M Kreneh, Childe: A Tlrrcll Nlckerson and Laura A Borilngame, ior New York. ckerson, II.K,i,i. Philadelphia? 9"Arri'8d- ???? *8'"? Sailed?Schr Peter 0 Schulta, Thompson Paacawonia o??!K-asl.?,S22p PWU&h.?* 1H-ArriT#d- lchr 0 8 c?rson, u?h?[' N^Yirk""* ,#-ArriTed- bri* Mary B Leigh too, wm |Y t'N^NAXrt Jano 19-Arrived, steamer Unas la -V \ bark, Louisiana (Dal). Goadolfl. Genoa. ' claared?Schra Cyrus Hall, Howes, Pensaeeln; River Qneen, Davis, Grand Cayman. ' 6r Passu, Juno Iti-Arrfved, bark Isonlslana (Italy Gon u1?*j f1" ???*o Gterl Pltsatl, Utllla. '* * ,? "7. ' bark? Lnfra (Nor), Cork; Palais Galll.n Vornui brf* Ul*mea'll,lk ?P). Barcelona; ii"? York 21?Arrived, schr "Blgga," Dent, New M"rTM"J?*I:JnM 2I_ArriT^ HKDKUHD, Jnne 20?Sailed, schrs James Rats HTVaJi Jra?P* ^Hadelahla; Joeeph Hay, Butler, Phila deliphia; 8 8 hmitb. Snow, VVaroham A^MnU Voooit' 'PlMf Sailed Wr Wm A Crocker, keIly. Philadelphia, sebr ilsttie M llowcs, Howes St Georva (Borranda), with oil on Ireigtit. ueorgt A s., arrived, sehrs John d Perry, Woods, Philadelohlai Plow Boy Hallett. Reexport lorNow York; Boston, Batter, Pravlooetown for dp ; 8 b Smuh, Snow. Warebam for do Iris, Long. Harwich for do. * ^Cleared?selir Jalie A Victoria (Port). Tazelra, Bravo, Ken^ N-r"^ B"?rtd? irilf1 tvP ? ' aJrnl>*??3* AM?Arrived, sehrs Elm City 8omi^1for'd?df?r N,W rk ? Daniel Websier, B.ldwi^ bailed?liehrt Excelsior. Blydenburg. Now York wlsebr K Merwin, Banco Rdxartown for Phlladolpbla, previously reported as having lost sails a! too 21st of May, Put in for new aails! * Also arrived, schrs Abel W Parker. Dean Taunton fo. Naw^ork"1' A W 'Tho'npsou. Mullen, Fall River for Vo.fcScSr,.D?nlCl ,w?b,t"- Baldwin. Somerset for Jw f \ 5 V Davis, Chase. I'rovideaee for do. .2d ?Arrived, rclirs A Idle ? Snow, Oliver Turk* TmIahsI Wa.2T,VB"hJ^,,a"t * Levi O M h ci fd'iAI",,,dri? ,or "ailorell. " vk w rj^ iwYL1" V"7' ?,8"7- for New Yerk PorftV? ? 21-Bailed, brig Fidelia. Davla, ^is*CAmboy for Norwich I Wm T Klmer, do for lioeton; Texas. d<> for do* L H Hna. Dot! *owba? for Provldeoot; AUe; Gnr.ey do fo^ de. viStr0 fof> Orfn; LoJL T Chapel^ H AVBH, Jane 22?Arrived, steamer J B Watwan lev*. Liverpool; brig Starlight. Thompson Trinidad; sehrs Sunlight, flodgdoa, Baltimore* Twilight* Cathcart, ] biladelphia; Prank Waiter Cronhv An- it J worth, itxUard, Calal?."* *>-*">"*? We.L Glasgow; hark. Aoaltt Menotti (I?a " w.,i?? I^.eo. f Kate (Br). Aedarson. Waterford; i.rig llattla Dow Sava^ gttos; srhrs James W Brown, Pattertoa Aiwci- jl&t Hpo"r"*a^* c'r' Awoo1?^} K,"?C iuiord!^ fnoi R.vnYvd. u -Cleared, sehrs J as Kard, Huntley New York S f-1,10' Au!V' *'nh Wooeter, Wo5*2 Baltimore ' T ' Nleker*?n. Kennebeo, to lead tor ^y^""^88^ m4 Mar,hB * fc8t8 4 **"? CoK?**nll. from Perth An Sailed-Steamer Achilles, Bacon. Philadelphia- schra ?KWS?.aai!S;,??' "-.r-XSiBS ,.ifJd~^rTiy"d- br,? r H Odlorne (Br), Renault Line an ford', BwlVpSE: Pa?"* ^ "u ,'r'?88 ; Whii; ? hl"rn.'phI)adoIpk'la.""* al~Arrlr8d'88br J ? 7?U.?brap. RICHMOND, Jnna 21?Arrived, sehrs J W Allen Chase RIJCkHA Vll*'I*" " m*- New York.* * tJIlTTi8f.'S?d Tr*d" Wind. Gray, for New York - lfltf* NesTvork ' M Johu- NU; ,Hth- ? 8AN KHAJfOlHOO, Jane 15?Arrived Mhln <?r); Harwwod, N#wWt|! NsW: b&i. ,M?i% Boyd do; Karl Derby (Br), Colon boon, do; Kresno Loeah* Balled"1 Klie T-VM* "Wcoul.Vleliberg. I'ort Blakely * Hailed-Bhlp El Dorado. Harden. He-title ? hark. Si.... Neved. Nail,.., Nanalmo; llelen W Aimy Vr,em? llonolnin; Oregon. Howe, lieabeek; Free Trade man. Port H*m?le; brig llasard. Wood. Astoria ' 8,,r< ^55-V- Portland o MSsthewsfBosion "1,8 a;J-Arri88d- S.m.-.'ie, HaLKM, June 20-Arrived, schrs J M Wavnlr. tk.t a^STr",U7*CM; a'"* ? " WhimlaT'iV^i: L:;r.rK.Hfc,-:3eTpSr;.-s',,#d- ** - ^w.,,., ??? ,6-H8,l8d-84'P Wave. Martin. TtUo-'R1, u,t'TOH* 7.c' 'r* 21 -Arrived, -ehr, R M Tilt n afeSTiSlK"5 "8D"81U ?'"? ??". 1?. *ary,DavblJ wrcirwnMKf fL*on8.!,,.,i' Achn". Newbnryport. Ne^ York JO-Selled. schr him City. Kslley. YACIITM, NTKAMBHATH, AC. A mm ? hlcdp Yacht k M Ma ii at auoTIuS nTB ? welt known sloop yacht Emma H. longih oyer all, ilUieet; beam, 12 leet; depth, 4 feet; draught ol water, :j feet: centre hoard; completely lurmshed. In Drat rlsst rendition and in commission; built in IB70, under the supervision of the owner end warranted sound. Will ba euld at public eai-tion. without reserve, to the highest bid der rn rrluay. Jnno 2H. Ih7h, at 3)4 o'clock P. M.. at foot ol Wall at. ror Inventory end permits to see yacht apply to ALBERT II. NIOULAY A CO., Auctioneers. 43 Pin# ?t., New York. \MH*i?KTMKVr OF Wood AND METALLIC BOATIt ^|all kia it Smmn Gars. ROI11-,RT.d, itil-t eoutli at., uoar Govnrneiir slip. 2z~ ?'; -r_" ~ ~? **M NISC'KLLAHROl'8. 'I'll It K \li I \ K ItlllAR K It' I VI I II h r K It r 11 _ tl.ah' 1 BltOWN'B CAMPIIOUATBD 8APORACEOU8 DKNTl r RlklB.JN.