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flCUROPKAH ?TEA.TI*HIPs. CNUXaRU LINK.-U. ANO N. \'"k. ~M. S. k CO ) NOTICE. With a view to diminish ilia tliaoco ot collisions. tha steamers of ibu Hue lake a specillc course lor all aeuiioua ?I the year. On tli? outw -rd passage from lju?am>to<?rii to Near Y ock or Boston, creasing the meridian of oO at 41 latitude, or BoiUiUtf to tha u?rih ot 43 On the Uoiueurard passage, rruuiui; the meridian ol 00 at 42 latitude, or uotiiing norm oi 4'.'. \EW ? OKK. LIVi-.itt'OOL t Ml UUKKN'8TOW;i. ALGERIA.... Wan., J uuo 28 j bCYTltl A Wed-, July 10 ?KUs>IA Wed., July M | ABYhSIKtA..Wed., Juljr 17 Cabin passage and return tickets ou lavoruble tai nit. Siaerae ticket- to eud trout all parts ot T.urop# at fery low rates. Freight and passage office. No,4 Howling Grueu. CHARLES tt. KKANCKIiYN. Alain. ENKKtL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY """" BETWEEN NEW Y'OKK AND 11 >VKE. t. orapauy's pier "new 42" XortU hiver, I'oat of l?. vNADa, t'lan.uel Wednesday, June I'll, 2 P. M. sp Mthlltr., ilaure Wednesday. July 3, 8 A. II, AM EKigUK. Haloid Wednesday, J uly 10, 2 P. ,M. p*l -lUt Ol' PASSAGE; IN GOLD tind udlug wined : ? T? B avra- let cabin, 5100; 2d cabin, ask* . lid cabiu, $35; tteart 'U1*. $2B, Iucludinu wlno, tieddlu-' and uiitensilk. RETURN Idi'KEl S at ReDUCe'D K aTES. Stem oars niarkeu thus (?) do not carry slaerage passen gers. LOUIS UK Bp;B I AX, Ageut ,55 Broadway. For Iret tilt or passage at Philadelphia . t?ply m aLO.NZH SHOT WELL. 2 Chestnut st. "\\(r lilTK "TaK I,IXK. II Uk ited .-Mates and Royal Mail Sle kmers For gin e'ntowii and Liverpoi 4. NOTICE - TUe siaauiersot this line take the lane routes re.oiuuicnded. t*y Lieotenani Maury, U. >. . Y'.,ou hotU the outward and la >niearard passattes. ADKlAllC..- ....'I bum lay, June S7.2:3llF. M. B lTAXMC,,a.. >aturdi?v, Ju Iv H. 10 A. M. CEl TIC Thursday. July J'J. 2:MlkF. .11, From W hit* ,-sfasr dock, piet 52 XortU I liver. Kales?Saloon, 58 I mid S1H9. iu gold. Ketu tit t!IArts on reasonable terms, tdemraite, 528, currency. Si,loons, staterooms, .tinoain and hntli room > are olaced ? midships, where the u<u*e and motion are lu > a, sflording a debtee ot eomlori hiiharus uuatiainahle at so A I'hese steamers carry neither cattle, sheeu not lap - For inspection of plans itud other intoriiiatio * apply nt the company a office, 37 Broadway. Xew York. It. J. COKTCS,. Agent. aSbUBQ a,Mp:kica.n PACKET CIIIU'AX fslIiXE tor Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg. sL EVIA, ihursduv..June 27 | FblSlA _. ..July II UEELeRT, Thursday, J uly 4 j IIERDKit July 18 Kmesol passage u- Plymouth, London. Ctusruou tt, nm burg and all points in Eitglaud ; ? Fust t itt.ui, $li H), gold; lei oinl cabin, $H", -old ; utoerace, IPMT), eiirrrnoy. Kl XIIaUUI A COL. l~ B. itlCII toll Jt i>< tA8, Generul agents, General l asst'!i-r j. 11 la, HI Broad ?t., Sew York. tf. Broadway, New York. Most direct aki> economical itoi tk to Holland, the Khiue. Swnzerliuid, etc., Ac., via Bolterdam. cheapest runts to I'uris. Meamar itO'TTKKUA.M, June 2tt. >teaibei Sl. lIOLTKX, J uly (3. These heautitiil sb aincra, currying ti.e Iknltad Statas null to the Xether-inds, uro crent InvorllBs with the public. Trips regular. rateaJow, cotnfnrt urn! living acrlect. For Ireighl. p'or parsuge, FUXt H.KVYK A CO., L. W MOKKI8. 27 Mints- Wiltiani st., do .Vroadway. tMorris' MkUropeun and American Expre ?? ) STaI'K Ll.Nr-.-Tt.', Li 1 r.Kl'OwL, OLBLIX liellitst, l-oiidoft.-Lrry and tua Fitrts Kxpoaitlon, Hailing Irom oler 4 '? North itlver, loot ol Cai iu! st. STAIE ?K .NT. i A OA 1 hurnuaj". J une 27 STATE OF I'E.NNsYLV.ANIA Thursday. July 4 STaT OP" VIKtllMA- ? ... 'lltursoav July 11 llrst call in 51; I to 57.>, according to uc ?omrmodatinn. Kcturn tickets at reduceu run*, secondcanan.$4d. Steer age at lowest rates. Apply to aUS'IIN BALDW IN a CC*,, Agents, 72 Hros?W??y. 8TE T, it A1 * K TiCKT IS AT 4d BltOAiTW ,y AM) AT THE COMI'aSY'S I'll-. It. FOOT OF CANAL ST.. X. Y. G' I lOX LINE rXlihlT sTATHF .MAIi, S'l P;a VLP^iS r lor gueeiisicwn and Liverpsnd. leaving pier So. Ms North Hirer. lootoT Kingsut., every Tuasdnv. CITY OF NEW YOiJK. I WISCONMN.JnlytM. Xomn. June 2d, 1 1'. M. I NEVADA . .July lli, li A-*. MONTANA.. .July 2. ti A. M. I Cabin pitssuun it! i. 57d and 5SO, according to location Smoking. Iialii rooms and pmno on each steamer. liilarinrUiiile. 54": steurage fjik W11 J.I A Ms A C.UlON, 2!? Broatdw.fy. "Ti'pTcI A I.N i ill pTm Vn.'STEA >ls 11 IF C TTV OF ~ IISK St. Id, at 1 1*. M., precisely. WILLIAMS A GUION, ' 9 Br aadway. S FECIAL NtiTlCE. ? ITJP.MAlL SIEA MSIIIF C IT) New York leaves pier MH North Kirer lout of Km lor Onconstott ii and l.krerpool on i ne^iay, JnitsiJd. \Mi;K1CAN LINE FO LI VP. KI'tJOL. The only i rausntlautir Jlita sailing under tho American ting. Soiling evury Thur-da> truiu Filllailelphla. 1'EN N S YL V A NIA sails Thursday. Juno 27. 8 A. M. It ED STAR 1.1 N i? FOR ANTWERP, carrying the liclgtuu and United States mails, esll ing semi nionthv from Fliiisdrlptiln and N-w York. SW11 ZKl. I. a NO sails Mitvtrday, J una 22. 12 .M. For rates of passage an J other ion apply'to I'KTEIt WHICH I A SONS, General A.eut a. Ml 17 Walnut st.. Philadelphia ; l?2 Broadway, New York. JOHN MCDONALD. Agent. H Battery Place. n? York. 1NMAN LINK. ROYAL .mail STEAMERS FOB glBl&NSTOWN t N I) LIVERPOOL. THY OF CUES IKY. Saturday. June 29, at M P. M. CI IV ??F MONTH Pi) I Thursday. J olv 4. at 7:50 A. M. CITY OF BP-itLIN Saturday, Jnly 1M. M P. M. Front pier M7 Niirth River, loot Charlton st. Cabin, Sso and 5100, gold. Kcttirn tickets tin nss oi abie terms, steerage. 528,wurraucy. Dralts at lowest rates. Saloons, staterooms, suit king and hittb r->om? .imcEbips. joiin <;. dale. Agent, 711 and MM Broadway, New York. Philadelphia office, 105 Eoutli4ih at. VrOKTII GERMAN LLC YD ll Stoaiualilp Line, beiwedo New Y'ork, Southampton. London. Hacta- and Bramen. NECKAK Sat .June 29 f MOnPJs Sat., July 13 MAIN -sot., J uly H ! 4>DP.K .Sat.. July 20 Rates of passage Irom Natv Y-ork to sc-uthampton, Lon don. Ilavie and Hratnan. First cabin, SliKi. gala ; ser ind eabin. $Cti. gold; steerage, fD-1. currency Rebum tickets at rudiacost rules. Prepaid Steerage certificates. jsP I, currency. For freight orpasatge apply to (K :Li ICIls A CO.. 2 Bowling Green. t-tREAf WESTERN fTF.AMSIIIF I.1ME. T NI;W YORK IO BRISTOL (ENGIwtND) DIRECT. Taking goods ami is aaengers Irom Ln-idoo. Cardiff, New port, Gloucester auii all ports in Bristol a'haunoi. Float rier IS East River, aaa lollowa IF;VON ?i AKRAGON June 22 Cabiu passage, f.Vk_58o. 57H. Prepaid steerage cert lb rales, $2H. neturn i * sets at lavomhle ratio, i- or iraigh or paasa.-e apply to W. ,11. .MTIIititN, A gent, 79 south at. \ LLAN LINK OF A ROYAL t Air. STKAMRrtlPS, sail! ag weekly for QPRRK8T0WN, I.ON 18 i.NDK tKY AND LIVERPOOL, l 'rom goebec, ?to mi s Id p I' I RC A SSI A N, J une 29. P'ront ivaltiiuore, NOVA SCOITAN. Jnly S. From II aiifax . (.'AkPlA N. June 25. Shortest ocean passage. P.xcellenf accommodation. For particulars i pply to GI'STaVPT UEVK. Agent. 271 Broedway. t MtlHOK LINE I Niri.1 - STATKB M 1L ?I EaRERs aT. new York ynd <;lv>guw. DP.rOJtlA, June M P. M I BTIIIOFI t, July 13. M P. M INOIItb I A, Joint, |<l A. M I BOLIVIA. Jnlv 2H. 9 A. M Cabin, ?|'>'| LfMi. P N.-urF. u tlckats at reduced rates. From titer 2*1, Noi tl ? Hiver, New Yor*. NPW YORK Hi SHI Til. UPTON AND LONDON. UTOPIA ,JnaeJ?;.2P M | C. tLIFoRNlA. July 6, Id A. M Prom pie P., North Its r. foct ol Charles ?t. < nbln. f.V. in I ? F.xcnrsio B tickets at reduced rates. Second Cabin $4'i Steerage, 52s. IIKNlip; H-ON KitOs., At'ents. 7 Bowling Green /NOOK < l*AP VACATION 1Y>l'K to FA RItt?FROM X New Y'ork Ai.isl 1, per steals erdtyof Che-ter; pro viding l^st -lateroums li st class rsilwnv travelling, hotel areomiiKslatious in London and f "iris and carrla.e drive, in "ari>, #gisj; aNteiisiott to swlttariaud an I Italy if da shed Pull particulars n applies, nut to COOK, SON .1 J P. N K I 8. .' 'I I'.'oadwat Nevs Y -r Si tsliko-s PRE VENTED ?A GENTLKMaN HAS reeeet.y discovered an mi Pal ling p reserv stive ; the arti cle, w11 be - nt by m <11 laimedialely on re-ei;?l or 52 and sit cent stauin Box 1.912 Post iilTliia CO%.HTWl*K STSAA SRIPs. 1)ACIFIU M .11. SI K.lMMlIt* ft'MI'ANi'n 4.1 Mi For CALIFORNIA, JAPAN, CHINA. CENTRAL and BoCTII ANhKK A naNDaVICII Isl.AA Ds, NEW ZKA UHI. AISTKaLIA. MKITIsH COLUMBIA, WasH I Mil ON TEKl IIiiHV anil IlKKilO.N. Ad.. nailing from pi.-r loot of Canal ??- , North Klvcr. Kor HOt KlUM ISCtl. via the IHTIiMliA OK PAH Ail A : ~ Menm-hlp ACAI'CLOO aMonday, Jaly I (connecting lor <> tral and sooth AJtianroi. From >AN i It i M I SCO to J.Vl'AN audi* 11N A: ? Rteemahlp A I. asK A E'ridav, .Inlr S Smaiuahip i 1TV "F lOkilf) Ihursikiv. "imuatl Kroin s AN PKA.NCISCO to SANDWICH ISLANDS. ACS I It \ M A and N! W ZKALANDi? sti-Ninalnp CITi OK NEW VOKK Metnlev. .Inly H For lr?li(ht or pe-rece apply ?t tlt? rompeuy'k ofllcea, on the pior fool t anal ?l , North River. L'MrXD states \ni? hr?~xil ~~ 41 AI I. SI I'.AMSIIIF I.INK lor St. Thomas. I'ara. I'emanbuoo, Haul* and Rio do Janeiro Thr nrw Bret nax Iron .tenn ?hip CITY OK RIO |)| lAdlli O. .I..VII tons. aritein Weir, will rail lof Ike above porta on Saturday. Jul* at W A. M. Freight at I or ratea taken lor the above porta. Frrurhl received at all tltaea at Kobert?' dork. Brooklyn, itianrauce low r than by any other line, sblpp?r? deslr Ir g insurance can elfnct aame under our oprn policy. For freight eniragrnv nl? or paaaage (having elegant a;, ?emmoda'loiiai atmly to 0 O. H. MA I.tint A < <>.. A*enta, ofRoe pier'Jtl, E. II cd dominion sTeam~!?iiip~~?omkaxyI " railing from pl#r .17 North River, for NORFOLK. Cll V POINT and IllUti M. i.Nll, Tl'ltHDAT*, TiltNsliaV> m i sAii IdaII at .i P M MMwtl>| gith all K ULUoA Ds Icr loe sol'I II. SOI fllAK I oi.i WEST also with ateatnrra for N YIIKKIIK and WASH JNtllOS, s. I . steamen lor I.KW tS. 1IKI... and REIIO MOTH nr. At; II audmnnertiug rallroada. MONDAYS and TllCKSDAI s. at .1 IV M. Throng i paaaenger tlrketa and hllla of lading to all point* at loweat ralea. In.nrance for Vs^rtolk, Ac., at '? per rent Frrlghta received daily at pier 117 -erih Hirer. O.nerai elTJce No. HT7 llreeneleh at. N L MCCRKa DY. President \T V., HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL S. s. LINE, it .steamers leave nler :l North River, at ;t K M. kor Havana olto-cr and vera chcx, calling et I'rngreee, Campeechr and Fronlera. CITT ok t hu A CHI'/ Saturday, June 29 t'lTV OF WaRHINOTON (Havana enlyi...Thnr . Jniy II sieamrr. leave .New Or lea be June gU or \ere < rn* via M tiarnorae laropirn. Itikpan, mo* lag ehrae cnnnectlon with ateamer ler llrvatia. ,<n? Vork and above porta. F ALEXANDRE A ?0>l?. SI and .? Broadway XJAiHAl/, N. P.. si. .1 Alio AND CIKNKCKOOIt* AN < uba?Steamship HA.N JACINTO, satnrdav. .liny I t at :il'. M MURRAY. KI RRIS A CO.. ?IJ Soafh at. Halifax, n. ?.. and st johns, n7 p.. * CHOAIWKLL line Steamahtp ALHaMHKA will tear# pier 10 North Klver I P. M.. Turadajr, J eae Jf> Fer Height or poraaae apply to CL A p.h A SLA W t N, All West at ' KW YORE KDHAVaNa IIIKIiA l MAIL LINK. _ fhear Arat rltaa ateamalilpa vlll anil at II K M from aler I.I Nertb River, laot el tje lar at., tor Havana direct, as 'allotra - HAS 11 Alio OR CCB A ....Wednesday,.I uly 3 i Naturtlav, Julv I Per I reign t end naesaire. havlrr nneurpaaaed accommo. Aallola. apply to Will,CAM P. CLYDE A CO. Nil. fl Botrllnr Oreett. McKs.LI.aK. I.I I.I NO A CO., Areola In llaraiia. Cavansah, "Florida. C7 . II. LIVINOHfoN. ti?iiii plrr 10 K. K Wednesday, June M CITY OP MACON, from pier 4K N K ? Sat oriiar. J line'J!l ULOIDil. ID a UK, Agent Saturday a|eamer, AtSi Hroadway. Mi KI.AY, PKRHIs A CO.. Agente \V. di.cadar ateamer, 17 South lit. C. D. OWENS, ..KOKHK YON DR. Agent A. AD. K. K . TIT H'way ArHItt R It . ?? ? ll'eay fctKlAs line-or halvl'Ton ste a tii.if. T<" ClIINU AT IM WhsT. te-*mer CITY OP hoCSToN, Cnptetn ^tevena, will ?all, SatMrday. Jene el .1 I' M . I feet pier 2u East Hirer rhrunah bllle ef Indlng civtp le Houston .nil all rsoalaon the Internaoenal and IDeai Northern Oalrnaton. I. nsiea and Heae. raen, and Dalvneton, llarriahuru anil Sen Antnnie rallrn.ila For Irelghl. paaaage end general Inlurmatinn, apply to C. H. M t Ll.DKV A CO.. Agenta. DlWce en pier J<) Kaet IDver; ar, COOE, eON, JENKINS,Ml ilroAdWAJ. N cuastwmb s ra&A nsktirs. ^ _ BtltMUiiA. I'OKI'O lllCO, af. Till) ' A . 5 I. : C\ GIaYBa. PCKKTO < AH' LLO, VENEZUELA. wtih connections 10 utl parts of Wf.vf ! N UiKrt aud SOL 111 AMKiil(' c ? The Qu *hec and t.ulf Ports steamship Coiu psU)'? line Mil ?> uuderiiuled r ur BERMUDA, An. i'A 'I HA, Jul) 1; for Si. JOHN imi.l fuun uu homeward, voyage onlyt. AT. TUOM \S, Lai/.'AYKA end PUERTO l.'A ELLo, Art HADJI, J uu- ;ftt, for descriptive pam phlets. freight nud passage apply to A. & ljLTh.uHiUl.IUh A CO., A.-enis, 38 Broadway. - C. U. DE UAll.MKNDl.l. 15 Hroodwoy. u. LKVK, 371 Broadway. ohuan's Louisiana anu ikxah stea.msuips and Hnilrond Company.?The steamer NKW YOiiK will kkil Iruiu pier :iH North Kivar on Saturday. Juao 311, lor New Orleans direct, transferring lexaa freight to Mor gan's Louisiana and Texan Railroad and Steamships. Throii.h bills Ml lading liuacd to all I exai seaports aud l ullrnad nations, Brownaville, Mobile anil all .Mississippi Hirer points. In>uranca can lie effected direct with tue At lantic Mutual Insurance i omoaiiy. or under open poller of the line with that company, at loweat rates, hur height and other iulortnation apply to BOGKl'.T .t XI OKU A.N. Agents, office pierllti North Hirer. jj^LuRIOA DlKKOTr-STJtAMKUs LKAVE PlERs 3<> F hart River everv Krldny. at II P. .XI., tor Kernaiidiii*, Kla., touching at Uriiiikwick and Port Royal. Steamer CITY UK D il.LAS, Captain IIlues, will aall June 38. Throujlt Ireigbt and passage ralea given to all pmnta lit the South and Soiilliwetl ny C. II. XlALLORY A CO., Anaoita, oltieo pier IX) Kant River; or COOK, SON A JENK.iNd. JtiL H roadway. \r .W YORK AND CU BA ~M ALL rt. S. LINK *OR IN Havana direct. Kruui plor 17 East hiver. at 3 P. M. Xlacniltceni accommodation lor passengers. K 8. NIaO.ARA, 3.365 tuna. Curtis....Wednesday, June 76 8. S. CARo.N UE.K I'. Hnrrnw? _rtat iiroay, J my 6 Ticket* inueil aim lor VhliA CRUZ ami U hrtf I Mr J A lSt.ANuK, in coonectlou with Kreueh and English stensn. aliip linea irorn Havana. JAMES K. WARD A CO.. 113 Wall at. N~?BW ORLEANS OIKRC'iV?TilK UROXI WELL LINE steamship N KW OHI.KaNS will leave Saturday. June 3H, at J 1'. .Yl., Irom pier 1) North River, lnsuruticj efTected at one-nail per cent on our open policy. I i.rough liiilk ot ludlug Liven to Mobile and principal point* on the .Miaainaippi River. Kor freight or pussaga "P piy to CLARK A SEAMAN, Htl Went at. LIOK HALIFAX, PORT HAWKEsBtTKY. PICTOIT AND L Charlottetuwn, I'. K. 1. The first class "learner* CARROLL and WORCESTER, having *upa'ior passenger accommodation*. will leave 1' U'liarf, Boston, for the above ports alternately every Sat urday. at IJ XI. Through tickets Irom New York sold by ail llie >ound Hues. Kor rales "f freight or other particulars inquire ot WM. II. KING, 18 T Whorl, or O. G. P .ARSON, Jltf Washington at., Boston. TEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN NKW YORK, St. Thomas. ilart 1 ill(]lie. Barbados, Trinidad and Detne raru.?The Quebec and Gulf Porta Steamship Company will desnaLrh the steamship RAH A.MA for the above porta about tile Jd J uly next, and regularly thereattur. Excel lent Mceommoituttou lor passengers. Kor Ireigbt anil pass age apply to A, h. Of I EKHRlDkiE A CO., .Agents, J!> Broadway. A1 Ai TIl.VV KLJ.KUS' (Ui'll)K. A MORXINO BOAT FUR KhVi'OKT~~ (BxcWFf Sinunlays nad Sunday*).? Steamer NoKWALK. foot ol Harrison st.. at lt> A. M. : fnim Keynort at 8 1*. II. Albany boats direct. merchants' express Lino.?Elegant steamer* M ALI Kit BRETT or NEW CHAMPION leavi- daily (Saturoiivs excepted) from Canal "'!.Vm?r River. at tl P. SI., connecting with trains Nnrtti and W ent. I aro (dock), 25c.: cabin litre, 5Uc. ; meals, 50c. rjreight taken lower than by other llrtea. L&Airr boat/ " Fare reduced ela PEOPLE'S LINE. $1, tir?t cine*. Dock, 25 cents. Excursion. <1 50. steamers DREW or ST. JOHN leave pier 41 North itlvur dally, including .Sundays, at 0 P .11., con necting at Albany Willi express trains lor SARsTOIJ.A. i.'i!\^(iE?K,iEKK CHAMPLAl>, the ADIKON DALES, MONTKK iL. and all points NORTH and WEST. Tickets lor sale at principal hotels sod all ol Westcott Ex press offices in New \ ork and Brooklyn. Brooklyn passen gers transferred Iroe bv "Annex" boats. LBaNY AND ThOV BI DAY BOATS. ?C. VIlihAKD Laed DA.N1 I, DUKW leave Vestry stroet pier at 8-35 and Twenty-tourth street pier at a A. M., landtag at Nyack ferry. West Point. Nowburir, I'oughke-paiit, Kliineberk Ssugerties. I'atsklll and Hudson. To it oat Point or New burg, reinrniug by down bout, ut excursion rates. Trans fer by Annex boat leaving Brooklyn at S A. M , oonneeting at Albanywitti trains north and west. Special trains to and from atatoga (commencing J illy 1), making close con nections, stopping only at Viecuaiiicsville, Hound Lake and Bal.sion. Tickets on boats. Baggage cheesed. ltound trip at excursion rates. Bo-ton - v l a k a ll kivku iTink; macjnifice.vt steuinrrs BHI.-TOI, and PRiiVIdENCK leave pier 28 North River dully (Sundays June 22 to Septembers), ,,t ft P M. : lull night's rest. Tiesets for sale at all principal tiekat offices. Henvii Brooklyn via "Annex" boat at 4 :.?H> P. M. Boat for Oats kill, .vtuyvkbaxt akd inter^ meulato landiiigs will leave pier 24. Harrison ?t North Klver. daily. Sundays excented. at 0 P. 41. F'OK RICHFIELD SPRINU8.?TAKE PEOPLE'S LINE steamers, dally, from pier 41, Nrth River, Bp. M. 'tickets sold and baggage checked direct to the Springs. L,or norivalk and da.nbiky DAILY. 1 Steamer ADEI.PIIt leaves Brooxlyn (Jewell's Doek), - -M : pier No 37 East Klver. 2:45 P. M? and 33d ?t., 2 1. M.. vonnecting with Dan bury and New Haven railroads. Sinvle tickets, 25 c nt?. EXCURSION TICKETS, 511 CENTS. HUD.-O.N boats-FU : H UDSON. CuXSACKIB AND via B. and A. R. K. to Plltfctleld, North Adams, Lebanon Springs and lu>uriuodliite points. Leave daily isundays excepted), at ti P .11 irom pier 2 . North lliver. Pranklin su JONti BRANCH AN uVll 1L aDSLP HU, J via New Jersey Soiuliern Rnllroad. commencing Juno 17. IH7H. Steamerk will leave New York, pier H No'rtli River (foot Rector ?t.), connecting st Sandy Hook with trains for Long Branch. (I, li:3(l A. M . I. 3:45. 5. 5:45 P. M. Red Hank aud Toins River il, Bill) A. M.. I 3:45 P M. Beach Haven, it A. M.. 1 I'. II. Vin, land. Bridgenni and Atlantic I 'lie, 1 p. R. Philadelphia and Tuckertun. ? A. .M . i, 3r45 P. g. Sundays tor Lung Branch. 0:30 A. .11. W.1I. s SNEDK.x. lisueral .Manager. New haven", ukridkn. martfokd, mpriml field. White Mountains and Intermediate pm it. ; steam ers leave Pock slip R. R , at .'1 and II P. M.. connecting at New llaven with special trains Particulars at pier. N'K HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILKS FOR 10 CENTS. Cltueus'line Trov boats ? Now palace steamers CITY OF lhi>\ and SaUaTOiIA leave pier 4tl North Klver, foot i?roy st , daily, including Saturday and .Sunday, at (i P. II. sure cottuei lions with morning trains for all points North. East anil 11 est staterooms ottlv Jl; berths, 25c.; first class tare. 5<ic. Staterooms and thrnugh tickets at trodd't Express, 544 Broadway. New York; 4 Court at., Brooklvn. Sill LtL NOTICE TO TOUlimr ??? lite Ease Superior Transit Company is rnnulng ten splendid passenger steamers between Buffalo and Hultith and intermediate ports. Five sailings weekly. For lull inlormatton apply to K. T. EVANS. Oeneral Manager Buffet*. M. Y. THE MARY POWELL H ARE 75 CENTS). FOR WTBRt Polnr. Cornwall, Newbnrr. Pmighksepaia, Hondowt. Kin rston. Cosseii*. Altitun. Now Hamburg -lad llyno I'isrk* leaves dally Irmu Vestry st.. pier 23 North Rrver, at Sdlti y, M. Connects with Brooklyn Annex Boats. The provTlen c e li nk to bobton, vis Providence direct A PULL Mill IT'- KK.-T ONLY *2 MILKS OK RAJL The favorite p ilars steamers MASSACHUSETTS and RHODE I -LA Nil, from pier 23, North Klver, st ft I' IL THE OLD. RELIABLE, STOUXOTOM LINK, for all points E.ast. trora plsr 22 North Klver. loot ol J ay st.. at 5 P. M. o <51 t\(\ ,U B.U:Ti?,'i _ FIRST CLASS *DL OH via ' The Old Reliable" .-TONI.Mi TON LINK. Elegant steamer- leave daily (Sundays excented) from pier 3.'l xortli Klver. foot iiljsy st., ai 5 P. M. KXll'RSIONa. ~ A? A. ? ROCK AIV vY BKACII. DAILY i- XCI'KnltiNs BY WHITE'- LINK OF STEAMERS. T>IK I'VLAIIAL THREE DECK EXCURSION STEAMER COLUMBIA, accompanied by DKYERliLi.'S THIRTEENTH KEOIMENT BAND and COLUMBIA QUARTET, makes excursions every day to KOCK.AWAT BEACH, leaving 24th st*. North River.,.,,. in A M Ibth st., North Liver 10tl5 4 II* Jewell's wharf, Hrooklya .. 11 a! M Ketorolac. leav. s Kockaway at P. M. OXAND AFTER MONDAY. JUNK 24. THE PIONEER AND FaVORUB STEAMER . . _ A MKRICL'8, haviag on board ZIi.OLEICS .SEASIDE RAND, will make two excursions EVi.KV DlV Leaving 24tn st.. North River.. A. M. and 1 :lf. P V . b ? North Klver 8:45 A. M and I :3<) P. M* Jewe I sdoca. Brooklyn 3: JO A M. and 2 .41*) P V. Leaving Kn. kawuy at ! I A. M. and ft P. M. EXCURSION TICKETS (good ox oitliar boat!. 00 cents. A -roR EXCURSIONS, sT.-.AMhlt JnCsCIIUYLRR 2 a-sitil first class Barges, with I'ovnton Hnseh. Ocol uentsl, lll-nwood and outer favorite groves. ^MAltlEN A KA-Ki LL. IIDSoiithst. Opon Sunaaya A ?TKiNsIT TO ItOCKAWAY BKAL'll. 2 ki Opposition. Opposition. Opposition. Two E.xrursloas dally, by the safs sn.i besutllitl steamer TWIUOHT. 1, Ve",,l"U on'T ^ cents; single tickets, 15 cents. 22d st.. North Klver. S >48 A. M. and I P. M loth St.. Norih River, II A. M. and 1 :IS P M. Pier I, North River, 3:15 A M. and I -20 P. M. Mapioton. Htsten Island, li :4<> A. M and 2 PM. lajsvw Korxaway lleach far New York at II A. M. and 5 I M Remember, excursion tiesets only 25 cents. ^mkkica.n excursion theatre: Cheapest excursion In the world. Up the Hnd-ori twioe dsllv, altornnnn at 2, evening nt K 0 clock, and leaVIUf Hroosiya by Annex, frso both ways, at 1 :5tl sod I VI P Ml: pier 2, North River, at t and S M.; HMJ> ?}? at 2:18 and S ;I4 P. M , and 24tb st, at 2tSl) aau Tickets, 3.V ; reserve] scat*, 15c. extra. -acicd concerts on Mtnilay. A -for coney island direct. ~ s The only boats landing at CONEV ISLAM). The new and lavorlie stesmrr*. KOH DAI/K and I DLr.1V 11,1). Will, na and alter Sttmiav, June In, make excnrslona daily IO CONEY ISLAND BEACH, West 24th st. I West I nth si li i?i 1. 11 I B:li) A II 4*1 A. M. | II in A. vi l??? M | I2:HI P. M 2 4KIP M J:li) P. M 11 4ID P. M I 3 :1(1 p. 1| B. leaving an follows; ? Prenkltn si. | pier No. 2. 3:2II A. M. I l);3 ) A M II r.D A. M. I 11 i2ll A. M. 12*i P. M. | 12M. 2LO P. .M.I 2 ftii P. 11. . ? 3I-0P. M I BMP, M. _ F-rn. .. i ciiis Kxi'itrslon Tickets. 4>l cents. A Fit III NO BANKS EVERY DAY (SATURDAYS jA-exranleii).-stesmer hE'Tlt I21W. with new boiler and sab em, Isavl.jf Harri-nn at., N. K., B:ftO; st|, ,t E R , 7:15 pier 27 ?. R 7:25; 224 it., N. I.. Tsho- |tnh st. N It., s. Pier tl. N R.,k:l.1A M. Cents'tickets.'75c. ? laales', nPe. I-, c FOSIKI:. Manager. H It H-B-B-R -H-B-B?H-H-H-H It-lit To charter lor . xntrslons?-tesinars Thomas Pnw H B t all, capacity I.test; u-neral Setlgwlck. fksi; Kort It Ml Leo t n. . Ila, Ito|| u lie. Anne and H | Harvest yncsn; aisn Exeot.ier Park, lona Island H Itsr Itsu Bsach. HeldI Spring Oriontsl and Columnta ? ? ? H <I(HIR, !ts4 W'e,t st. nppo.Ho M I Chtlstopher street ferry B?H B-H II II li H-H H R || B-B-B-H ? K Hitii pake and port Hamilton The elegant steamer P. c -t HI'LTE Captain A S Hall, leaves dalle (Sundays incitidedl, as Pillows ! - Lrr ,y si., pier 43. 3 . l i A M . I and 4 :_ai p W Fraiiltlln ai . pl. r 35. H t'l A M . I :tn and 4:3<l P. M Motrin ?!., Jori>?Y tilly H;.V? A M , | ;/fJ r >j< ll?ftt*rjr pmr, |CI^>5 A. M.t I :#'15 and ?? 1\ 4M. B wb?*rf, ID.laB A. X , I :V? *n?i 4:? ) IV M. oavo Bath a and II :3fi A. M , 3 and 7:30 P M. Fare, 20c. , excursion tlckott, 40c. excvasioHs. C-#Lym6utii roc's. tS^BaV AND EVERY 1)1* HEREAFTER, including Sundays. UP THE UlVKLY HUDSON. ? looping itt WEsf POINT AND KKWUUKii. Jarrott .* Palmer's superb palace ?tutnar. PLYMuU Til KnOK, Captaiu Sum G. Martin. Three hours allowed lor visiting tb< U. .S. MILITARY ACADEMY at WEST POINT or s plensant Hour can be spent in inspecting WASHINGTON'* HEADQUARTERS, at NEWBUKG. A MAGNIFICENT MUMc'AL ENTERTAINMENT. Marine hand, glee club. xylophone, bent. the great cornet player. CHIMES. Ac.. Ac. EXCELLENT REFECTORY ON BOaIIU. FAKE, entire grand exrurslon, FIFTY CENTS. Children. TWKsTY-FIVE CENT*. BOAT LEAVES every morning (Including SUNDAYS) trora oler 1 fat the Battery) North River. at 9:1ft o'clock, nnd foot of 22d st.. North biver. at 9:4fto'ciock. BROOKLYN PASSENGERS will take ANNEX boat at Futtoii at., 9*15 A. M. NO EX TRA CHARGE lor tranaler either way. aILY EXCURSIONS TO K K Y I'O RT, KXCBPT Saturday nnd Sunday. Steamer NOKWALK, from toot 01 Harrison si., at 10 A. M. Steamer MATTEWAN, Sun days, at H A. M. I NO K ~KX< UKSION S-T H E LARGE 11KSI' CLASS ' eleamer LONG BRANCH, whicb hat been furninhed with new ooilers and otherwise much improved; nlso strictly lirst class groves and barges. with iswit of all kiuds; with many years' experience and improved facilities, I csn assure complete eatislAotlon at REDUCED KATES. J. M VERS, corner Morton and West its. QONE\ I8LANU. VIA l.OCUST~GROVE. " The only line landing In the middle ot Coney Island, lloulc Brothers', Cable's, Atlantio Garden, Kauschor's and ail Arst class hotels. On and alter dune IN the favorite steamers ARROW SMITH auu JOHN SYLVESTER will .eitve? 22d st., N. K. I Lemy st. I Frankiiu si. i Pier 13, N'. K. 8:45 A. .M. I H;.ri5 A. M. II ill A. ? . I 9:15 A. M. 9:45 A. JH. | 9:3ft A. M. I lOiltt A. M. | 10:15 A.M. 11:4ft A. M. I 11:35 A. M, I 12:03 P. M. i 12:15 P. M. 12:4ft P. M. 12 :ftft P. A. 1 :Oft P. M. | 1:13 P. M. 2 :4.', P. M. | 2:4ft P. M. | 3 Sift P. M. | 3:1ft P. M. 3:4ft P. M. I 3:55 P. M. | 4 :<).'> P. M. | 4:15 P. M. lluliiruiug, 10,11A.M .: 1:3D, 2 :30, 5:30, 6180 P. M. The stanch and reliable steamboat HAY RIDGE will leave Battery Landing (adjoining Siaten Island terry), IO A. M., 2:30 and ft :3<? P. M. Returning. leave Locust Grove B A. M , i and 4F. M. Fare, 30c. Excursion tickets, 50a O AND SEE THE KEaUTIFUL"PALISADES. ROUND THIP 2ft CENTS. Boats from Consl st. tor Fort LEE. PLEASANT VALLEY AND sIIADY ?ID E, OB SUNDAY* at 3, 10,11 A. M., 12 M., 1, 2, 3. 4. 8 and 7 P. M. i DAILY at 10 A. M. and 2, and 7:1ft P. landing at 24th et. and :Mtlt st. (dalle and miiiIsj) 10 mint. later. M ANllATTAN BEACH RAILWAY, completed to Grennpoint, opposite 23d St., Bast River. Summer time table, to take effect -uuday. June IB, 1878. week days and Sundays. The oiogant steamer tliUA Il A.NCOX, commencing a* above, will ruu during the seasou front pi r tool uf 23d St., Uaat River, direct to Cnmnauy's deput at Greenpnlnt, mak iUK close connections, going and returniug. witb express traiaito and Imm Manhattan Beach. Boat leaves 23d st. pier at H:(5, 3:45, 10:45. 11 :1ft, A. M., and 12 :45, 1 :ftO. 2 :45, 3:5ft, 4 .45 5 :5o, and ll :45 P. M. Trains leave Manhattan Beach lor New York via Green rnrfllt. at 7-30, IO 11 A. M.. and 13:I?), 1, 2 *?. 3:12. 4:'H, ?:I2. 0:07. 7, 8:1ft aad 9:3t> P. M, 1 lino fp m Greenpulnt, 42 niinutes. Trains connect at East N5-w York, with Rapid Transit tratas 011 AtianHc av., Brooklyn; also with Canar sie aud Kockaway Beach Railroad. Via Bay Ridge. The elegant steamers Thomas Colyer-and D. R. Martin, leave:? _ 22d st . N. R. Leroy St., N. K. Pier 8. N. R. 9, 10, 11. 12 A. M., 3:15. 10:15. 11:13 9:25, 10:2ft. 11 :25 and 1. 2. 3. 4, 5, A. M.. 12:15. 1 :I5, A. M., 12:25. 1 :2ft, 0 and 7 P. M. 2:15. 3:15, 4:1ft, 2:25. 3:25 1:25. 5:15, (1:15 and 5:23. (1:25 uml 7:15 P. M. 7:35 P. M. Trains leave Manhattan Roach via Bar Ridge at M, 10:40, 11:41) A. M? aud 12:40, 1:35, 2:43, 3:40. 4:40, 5:30. 0:40, 7:40 and 9 P. M. tuEST POINT OR NEWBURG, DAILY (EXCEPT VY nundays) ; sea day line advertisement: remain at West Point three hours, Newnurg nearly two boars; dne at New York on rsaurn at 5:30, MtUIKPfc American standard billiaaD TAfiLfcsrftfcw and second hand, at reduced prices; Bails, Cloths, lips. Chains. Cues Ac. W.M. II. GRIFFITH A CO., 40 Vesey st. Af new wakkkogmhof h. iif. colcendkrTth-T Broadway, between Grace Church and Stewart's?BiR lard Tables, new ami second hand, in latest designs; bast goods and lowest prices. ~ EW AND SECOND ILYND POOL^AND B1LLIYKI) Tables from SlOO upward. L. DECKER A CO.. 72H Hroadway. nrmtH rubber billiard ana pool iaua YY 2*4, $K)sot; 2V, pool, $2(1 sot; warranted for twelve months. VYM. W. WELLING. 207 Cool re ?L N DENTISTKY. A SET OF TEETH IN THREE HOURS, AT EI TH Ell XX377 Btb av.. one dear above 23d st., or 12S West :i4tb sl ; terms to suit. NEWBKOUGIi A NKWBUOUGtl. T VAN VLECK'S DENTAL ROOMS 2A4 HTH AV. ?Atrosu gas, beautiful tooth ; lew charges. Kslab. 180(1. PAINLESS EXTRACTION; ALSO ARTIFICIAL Teeth: terns m suit. EIGHTH AVENUE hKNTaL ASSOCIATION. 379Sth av., one door below 29th st T T N S U It P ANSI NO LY BEAUT! PUL. PERFECTLY FIT U nig Artificial Teelh, $0: cum, $8; warranted. "New York Deelat Rooms." 2S2 Stli av.: established 1851. Dr. MeaDER. YVAiMTED to pukchase. W ANTBD-SP.CO.ND rfAND S1L YEKNM ITH T< >01.8, such us plain, border, mill or Mpoou Hollers. <intern, Lathe, Mc.. ac. AddreM, with tull particulars, to 11KNKY J. tifnLCK, Orange V*alle>, .S. J. ,1L\ iillLE AlAi\TKb^ ARRLR MANTELS AND M??NUMKXTsf"dHKaPTk than ever. A. KLaHEK. 134 East 18th St.. near 3d av. M AiAKlllAGI'JS AND DEATtb. ENGAGED. JaCOBROX? UlLMAXX.? Mr. LoOTS E. Jahotisox, Of Brooklyn, E. U., to Mis* Bkbtha I'llxaxx, of this on jr. No cards. MARRIED. Biauor?Dowxbs.?On tbe 23d alt., at tbe-Cburch of St. Francis Xuvter, by the Bov. Fattier Wbete, Will iam 1 aylob Humor, of Birmingham, Ku*;lantJ, to Jonbpkixb. youngest daughter or me lute Jobu D?wnee, of Manchester, England. Oatmax?Satkk? At Murocllus, N. Y., ad Jauo 10, K Oatmax. oi New York, to Lck UL Hayek, of lormor place. No cards ccRt'Tox? Bkxbktt.?tin Thursday, Joo? "JO, by tbe K*v. Thomas Ua Uauei, Chakiks K. Sckctox to Cmktitkxa Mtaxlkt?Hawkixs ? Oo Thursday, June 20. at the reiideboe of lbe bride's aunt, at Green Ridge, Kiaten Island, bv tbe Bey. Irr. Yotom, ai.fkki. Y. mtaxlkt, ol New Orleans, to Miss Nkllik Hawkixs, of tbla city. Ultca papers pleat* copy. DIED. Api'I.krt.?In tin* city, 22d Inif., .Mattic B , wife of LiOctau O. Apnleny, In the 401 b year ol tier ago. Funeral services a ill be neid at itie cnurah of tbe Trausflgnritloo, Hey. Dr. Houghton, 2?th at.. Alb and Madiaon ays., on Tuesday, Jftili lust., at two P. M. Beiatlyes and Iriends are jovtted to attend. Interment at Providence, B. I. Braolkt ? At Cnampnign<-, III., Juno 3, Daribl, yuungrst son of tbe late Euwnrd W. and Marah D. Bradley. linTrxa*.? In this elly, on ibe 22d tnsl., Makt P. Bm-txso, daugmer of tbe late Jaiues K. Bottner, of Kivordale, and ol Annie 0. Beltner. Belatiyea and irieiida are Invited to attend tbe (Boeral, at ML Ann'a Church, lint at., near 6ib ay., on Monday, 24th Insi., at fonr P. M.. wt.bout I urtber in Vitaiion. The remains will be taken to Yonk era ler in terment. Burxmam.?IB Brooklyn, Juno 22, Lkoxard Hrnx RAM, aged >)4 year-. Akcirrt t haptkr. No. 1, B. A. M ? Co mi-ax ions:? You are requested to aaaemble at No. 101 bairns at., Brooklyn, on Tuesday, June 23, at two P. M., to pay ibe laat tribute of respect to our late companion, Lkoxakii Bcrxhan. JofcKPH M. I.KVEY, M. P. J. B. Ki'.-bki.l, Secretary. Jon* Haycock Lotxjg, No. TO, K. axd A. M,?Bhsth Bk.\?You are hereby aiiuimoued to atteod a special communication, ou Tuesday, at our rooms, corner Bieecscr si. and Bowery, at twelve o'clock sharp, to pay tbe last tribute of respect to eur late worshlplnl brother, Leonard liorotiani. ill order. PHILIP J. BKt.NAL'LT, Master. D. H Morris, Hicretnry. Dai.T.?Ou Suuday. Juuu 23, 1878, WilLIAM B. Daly, ol Kilruan, county Clare, Ireland, in ibeSTib year ul bia ag*. Funeral from bia late residence, 140 Powers at., Brooklyn, K. D., at bail past two P. M., on Tueaibiy, Juiiu 25. Buluiiven and .friend* arc respectlolly lu yned. i.lare (Ireland) papers please ropy. Dorax. ?Ou Sunday, Jour 21, alter a palotul illness. Faxxik Lprdt, the beloved wile of Edward Doran, a na ive ol Clutasb. pariah ol Kiilybagb, county Down, Irtland, In her 48tb year. ItslaiiTea and iriaads of tbe family are reepoctiotly Invited to atltod her luneral, from ber late rcsideuc*, 738 Myrtle av.. Brooklyn, on Tuesday, 24th lust., at two o'clock. Interment lu Calvary. IH rry.? On Sunday, June 23, at IUarden at., Hobokeo, Kuwaku V. Dcrrr, In the 27th year of bis age. Nonce ol lonsral In Tuesday'* IIshald. Enanstix?Oo June 21, 1878, Hoik wall Kmkrmox. Fdusral at his late rsaidenoe, Liberty SL. Flushing, I,. I., on atooday. 24th mat., at bull-post two P. M. t ore leave Long island City lor Main atreut otulton at 1:30 P. M. Frakkkrhkirkr. ?Friday, June 21, at Saratoga, Ha*cm. f haxrkriirimrn, in ibe 58lb year ol bia age. Funeral services at hie late residence, Nit 312 West 23d at., Mouday, 24ib lust., at ball-paet mon o'clock A. M. It la kindly rtqueaied thkt no flowers be seal. iKMri.k Kmanv Ei.?The memners ol ibis congre gation are reapectiully requested to allend tun luueral ol Fraokeubeinff, from Ins isle residence, Nit. 312 Weal 23d at, on Monday morning, Jane 24, 1878, si hall-past nine o'clock, without luriher notice. By order oi Hie President. M. 8TKKN, MeoreUr*. Hons*. ?On Monday, June 23. Jamss Hooax, a native of ibe city ol Dublin, aged 32 year*. funeral irotn 18 and 20 7th si., on foesday, Jane25, at i wo o'clock P. M. Nottcr ?Members of Napper Tandy Club and oiber Club*, Cian N*ge?l Association, nre Invited to meet at 18 and 20 7th sL on Tuesday, at one o'uiock P. M., to attend tbe faneral ol our deseuted nrotbsr. Bv or der ol tbe President. Horr?On Friday, the 21 at Insi., Brvjamix Trcb Stox Hoax, in the 04th year ot ins age. Itelativsa and irteuda ol ibe lairniy arc reapeoifnlly Invitai lo sltend lbs louerai, Irom bia lale residence, corner ol Am av. and I27tb at., on Monday, tbe 24m Inst., at two I'. M. J ARK*.?Muddonly, June 23, J. Jamrs, beloved friend ot Fein Brown Funeral luesday, 28tft, at two o'clock P. M., Irosn bia late residence, No. 320 East lHin at. All irlenos Invited in attend London papers plena* copy. Kcax.?on Saturday morning. aftsr n linger lot IIU noss, Maria V., widow of tbe recently deceased Charles K uuu. Friends o( the family ara respectfully invited to at tend the luueral, oo Monday. June 24, at one P. M., froiu her late residence, 144 East Itttu at. May.?At Morrinowu, M. J., on Sundar, June 23, Hkmiy l iiaklkm May, adopted eon ol Lewis May. friends and mouther* ol the Temple Kmanu El are Invited to ait-ud tbo funeral, from the realdcuco ol Mrs. Charles Kins. 3S6 5th a v., on Tuesday morning, at bait-past nine o'clock. Please -.end no flowers. MiCann?Ou Sunday, June 23, Fannik, younger child of Patrick H. and Julia F. McCauu, aged 21 months and 12 days. Kelutivea and friends are requested to attend the funeral, from the residence of ner grandparents, 73 Oliver si., ou Monday, at two P. If. McGoky?On June 22, Kuza Ann. daughter of Franol. and Cuarlolie McGooy, aged 26 years and 4 months. Relatives ana friends aro respectlullyl nvlted to at tend ibe luoerai, from her late residence, 114 Varick si., on ilooday, at two P. M. o'Dunnsli Saturday, Jnno 22, Jambs Smith O'Dosnkll, native ol county Limeriok, Ireland, after a short illness, In bis 43d year. Him friends and relatives and those ol his father-in law, Daniel Fogarty, are reepecUuily invited to at tend his iuneral, from hie late residence. Ho. 318 Pearl mi., Monday, 24th, at two o'oiock. Paalsow.? Oa June 22, Makik, wile of Otto F. Paal luw, in the 36tn yoar of her ago. Relatives and friends ol the family are reapecllully invited to attend toe funeral, this afternoon, at two o'clock, Irom her lute residence, 45 Weal 67th St. Pkka.?Oil 22U lust., at eleveu P. M.. JosKi'H Louis Pkra. aged 3 months ana 8 days, Inlantsou of ltupuel and Iraue Pers. The laneral will take place from the residence of parents, 144 Hullegest., Brooklyn, E. !>., on Monday, 24th net., at ibreo P. M. Kakukk ? Aliikkt K. Kakobk, od Saturday, Juno 22, in 23d year of nia age. Funeral on Mouday, Juno 24, at two P. M., from tho residence of his uncle, Albert A. Hayuen, 6ib si., be tween Vernon and Weal ava., Long Island City. The friend* ol the lamily are respectfully invited to attend iho luncral. Smith.?In Brooklyn, E 1)., on Saturday, Juno 22. May, only child of Owen and Theresa Smith, aged 1 yeur, 1 month, 8 days. Tho rslativos of the family are respectfully invited to attend the iuneral, irom the residenoe of her pa rents, 350 Grand su, corner 10th, on Monday, 24tn mat., at three 1'. M. .Staats.?Suddenly, June 22, 1878, Margaret Van Dkvkre Hoacland, wife of John Staals. Funeral irom ibe residence of ner son-in-law, Will iam Lawrence, 46 Lee uv., Brooklyn, ?. D., Monday, two P. M. Stkwart.?On Saturday, June 22, Hannah M., wile ol William E. Stewart, aged 50 years. Funeral on Mooday, at uino A. M.t at 337 East 141b Bt. Remarks by Mr. A. I. Itawsou. Vinton ?At her residence, 27 Uraco court, Brooklyn Heights, od Saturday, Juno 22, Eukahstii Mason Vin ton, in ibe 59ill yoar of ner age, widow of the late Her. Fraucia Vinton, 0. IK, and daughter of tbe Jato Com modore Oliver H. Perry, U. S. N. Funeral aervieea from Graoo Church, Brooklyn Heights, on l'uosday, June 25, athati-paat two o'oiock, and at Trinity Churcu, Newport, B. 1., eu Wednesday, June 26. Friends are quested not to send flowers. Mki.sii.?Ob Sunday, Juno 23, Isaac L. Wkijjh. Kelativos and friends are invited to attend the fu neral Tuesday, at three o'clock, irom bis late resi dence, Jersey Cliy. Whvklock.?Suddenly, on Sunday, June 23, Moass A. IV h km lock, tu tbe 58th yearot bis ago. Relatives and friends are invited to attend tho funeral, at his lalo residence, No. 36 East 23d tu on Tuesday uttornooo, 25th lost., at lour o'eiouk. Wii.makth.? In Jersey City, June 22, 1878, Mrs. Mart Ann Wilmarth. widow of Jonathan Wiiinartb, in the 87tb yoar ol hor age. Relatives sad irk bus ol the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, Irom hor late residence, 204 Bay St., ibis (Mouday) aitsrnoou, at tour o'clock. Interment at Greenwood, Tuesday morn ing, at ten o'clock. Providenoe (It. L) papers please copy. A ROUND TURN. HABBX LEVINfe ABEESTED FOB FOEGING A BANK CHECK AND VICTIMIZING HOTELS. A sprightly youug gentleman Id fashionable attire was brought before Judge Murray yesterday. His naino is Harry Levlne, and lor aoine time he has boen engaged In the dlebouest practices which at last brought him to tbo bar. His youth, oomely appear auce and ready address enabled htm to move about from city to city and successlully victimise paoiioans uud iruoespeopio alike. When he was led Into court yesterday by Deieetive Woolsey, ol the Cenlrul Office, there were ball a soore of representatives or first class hotels ready to pounco upon hliu with their lulls. Anions these were U A. Merrill, ol tho Anthony House, who had a matter ol $40 to he accounted lor by Leviae. To Iheuiand Central Hotel people be owed fib, te the St. James A-'IS uhd to thu Union Place $70, besides some little uocouute be bad with ibe blurtevant uud other houses. There was one charge against the prisoner, how ever, wblch was more serious than any ol these and which received consideration first. This was no lesa than an accusation ol lorgerv and having plotted to delraud a business tlrni. dome time ugo Leviue was couuected wllb e trade Journal, uud wbile in that position be piled bis nria so successfully tbal he made hosts ol Irlvnds. To Peterson A Co., deulers In horse result at Nos. 800 uud #08 Broadway, be took a lriend of hie?C. K. Tiiigling by name? wuom be introduced as a highly respectable gentleman and a person sound la all mai lers ol busiuess. He was a young man who was as sociated In various evangelical enterprises, was a regular attendant at a Brooklyn church und was known to many wealthy Christian workers as a model of propriety and righteousness. Peterson A Co. ac cepted I'lngllug's services and made him u commis sion salesman. A CAKKVDL orKHATIOK. On tbe 10th of May me horse ratiisb concern sold a bill ol goods ainouuiing to |117 to Bogle A Lyle, a downtowu house, on thirty duys time. Five day* after TlngliUK, presenting hunaeli heioro litem, said that Peterson A Co. wero preasad for money, and asked lliem to pay cash for what they hud received aim a suitable disuoaol would be allowed lliem. Bogle A Lyle lurntshed him their check lor $114, ou which he giro Uiom a rcooipi on hcbutl ol Poleraoo A Co., wiioaa name he had uo authority to ueo. The drait he brougul to Leviue. It wus on the Market Bank and that youug gentleman set to work to inaku It available for private purposes, lie wr> te "Pay to the hearer, C. K. Tingling," the sum specified and signed Peterson A Co. Then tbe psir look the cheok to Wiileit A Wuaon, downtown business men, who were r.hnrch acquaintances ol Tingling, aud who will ingly certified to hie I'leutiiy. It was uext preseuted at tue Produca Bank, where Wiileit sua Wii son's signature wee certified, aud alter tula lengthy trip about town the commercial paper readied the Market Bank, where It was cashed. For several days alter that Messrs. Tingling end Le vins were in htgn leather. They recovered vmuubles o! theirs on wnicb some loans had been procured, weet out drivieg and enjoyed themselves rigct roy. ally till tho conviction hurst upon them that they must soon sullcr exposure. Then liugliog cleared away to Barbados, it is said, but L' vine continued ou the wen tenor ol his way. Detective Woolsey went ou bis track, aud louuti oiin enjoy log the hospitable board of tue St. James' Uutel. Us was taken lino custody ana held by Judge Murray for further exam ination. COiiONERS* CASKS. J. A. Parker arrived at French's Hotel laat Thurs day from Milwaukee, Wis. He was in tbe leal tobacco bunuesa and viaited this city to Ond a market lor Ida wares. Yesterday morning ho was lound dead lu his bed. Coroner Killoger took charge ol the oaee and louud that heart disease was tbe cause ol death. Patrick Haggerty, ol No. 320 Heery street, died yoaierdny from Injuries received by failing down alalra, at tbe Dry Dock Railroad shop, on tho 22d mat. James Hugnn, or No. 74 Mediaou street, died sud denly yesterday. Coroner Woltutan was called upon yesterday to take the auie-inurtem dcpotltlon ol Tairick McDermoti, thirty eight years ol age, ol No. 334 Fast thirty fourth atreel, who was kicked in the groin by Cuariea Mcdermott ou the 4nt lost. On tlie day in question P .luck Mcbcriuott w is engaged by ? lady at the Thir ty-fourth street icrry in drive her to tue Uiiaey douse in a coupe. On lite retaru to the lerry be met Charles McDeiutott, owner ol the ceupd, who bcosmo ungry wltb him lor acceptiug (1 lor bis lee from the i.?.y, ana anally threw biut down and kicked turn id the I rein and thigh, the Jury lound that Patrick Mr iermoit caino by bis injuries by kicks Inflicted by Churles McDermott, on tue Alb Inst Alter making Ids anto-iuoriera deposition McDermott sank rapidly aud died Ol bis injuries laat evening. A DUSINK83 RilOlL. Messrs. Kuigelramn A Keihle, wholesale flour mer chants at No. 48 Krort street, obtained a warrant on Saturday from Judge Flaiumer, is tbe lvmhs Police Court, for the arrest ol Julius J. .Smith, a oommianon , merchant doing business in the satno building. Court Offlocr John Blandish arrestod Mr. bmub at bis piaee of business late In the afternoon and on reaching tbo Tombs found the court closed. Being informed that Judge Fuutiner would sit in Harlem on Sunday, ho lucked hie prisoner up lor tne night and cany yster day morning started with hint lor the Court House in Ikfnb street. Judge Kaemlre, how ever, was en the bunch, but agreed to bear tue case. Tbe complaint of Messrs. Keigslinauu k Heinle al leges that the aceueed (Smith) has acted as their agent lor ilia past eix renin; that doring ibst time be has bed transactions With the Oral amounting to over g.', mat lor ilia last two years Mr. Smith bee been irregular In his payments, and that he is now indebted to the lirui In tne >uiu ol $4,3>0, which amount has been collected by lutn from retail dealers in New York and Brooklyn. The prisoner, on being questioned by Judge Kas ??ire, said he would waive tu examination and oouacnl to appear tor trial at the Court ol General Srestoee. Jnrtge Kaemlre llxed hie ball at fk.OOU. Mr. Smith, not Oaving a bondsman in oourt, war duly committed, lie is a married man, sue lives witu bis lamily at No. 2*8 Graham aveuer, Brooklyn. Mr. Minilii letd the reporiers before he was tak<-n down etalre Hist ho was e member ol tbe Produce Exchange and had pur* rueil an honorable uuslheee career in New York city lor sixteen year*. He lurlber stated lust lite com plainant* were ludelited to him tu a much largor amount than tne (urn eielmod to have been era oer sted, and that he bud nut had a settlement with tbem in over six yearn rr The United States Navy to Survey the Amazon River. OPENING UP TRADE. United States Merchants Anxious to Deal with Brazil and Bolivia. THE MADEIRA RAILROAD. Faka, Brasil, Judo 1, 1878. The United Stale* corvutio Enterprise arrived oil Para on the evening of the 21th of May, with all on board well. Favored by good breezes and assisted by a judicious expenditure ol coal *ho received Neptune and hie suite on tbe line on the 22d of May and ran up trorn Salinas, tbo pilot port 01 Purs, on ilio 2Kb. Tbe Enterprise has been detailod by Ibe Navy Dopurtroeni to survey thu Amman as tar as Manaos and tbe Ma deira as far as San Antonio, tbe point of departure of tbo line of railway around tbe (alls of ibe Madeira. Sbe is to make a track chart of both these rivers, to determine latitudes and longitudes along their bauks, to find shoals, rapids and bars, and to generally so map and plot these comparatively unknown streams that tbey will be sale for futuro navigation by vessels engaged In oommerotal pursuits. , CAPACITY or THK SNTSKhKlSK. This will be a long and tedious work, and, therefore, tbe Enterprise has been selected, for sho bae greater storing capacity than tbe smaller eralt used on our own coast for surveying purposes. She is 180 feet long, 35 feet beam, and draws 18.2 leet of water; con sequently, wherever she oun go any ordinary ship ol Ibe merchant tuarioo can follow. The Enterprise Is no novioe In river survcyiug. During December of last year and tbe three months lollowlng of ibis she was engaged on the river front of New Orleuns. Al though at work but n short timo her officers accom plished tbe task given them, which was to ascertain tho prolile of the river from Uarrolton to Jackson Barracks, a distance ol over ten milt'', and necessitating thous ands of careful shoro and obennel soundings. Hav ing thus made herself familiar with one great river it is perhaps tilting that she should bo selected to Aral make the acquaintance ot its great rival?the mighty Atnazonaa. Her former labors and her quick truverse of tbe ooo&n between Norfolk and Para, prove her a rapid aieamer, averaging nine knots on an expenditure of nine tons ol ooal per dlsm. Sbo steers as beautifully as a pilot boat; her compound engines are most prompt in tbeir aetloa, and, gen erally, sbe Is muob more vivacious in bor movements tban a vessel ol her size Is oxpected to be. Her quarters are slightly cramped, It is true, but the glory that awaits her officers and the privileges promised bercrew are sufficient, it is to be hoped, to enablo them to bear with equanimity tho lew months ot heat, mosquitoes and lack ot breathing room. THK AMAZON hUKVKY. The survey will be under tbe command of Com mander Thomas O. Belfrodge, Untied States Navy, well known to the aepurtmeut and tue scientific world from his elaborate surveya of tbe route lor the Interooeame Canal projected across the Isthmus ol Darlon. Commander Seltredge has passed through sevoral seasons or bard tropical labor and is as thor oughly acclimated as one can bo who Is not to tbe manner born. He brings to the Madeira work, there fore, not only a wide experience and a strong physique, but also?if the (ature oun be judged by tho past?aa indomitable energy that will not quail be fore anything but the tuviuuible powers ol uaturo. lie will bo ussisted by the lollowing stall:? Lieutenant Commander S. H. Baker, United States Navy. Lieutenant F. W. Nichols, United Stales Navy. Lieutenant U. Biocklinger, United States Navy. Llouteuaut C. 1'. l'erktm, Usited States Navy. Lieuu.-ut.ut L. (i. Spalding, United States Navy. Master M. F. Wrignt, United Slates Navy. Unlet Engineer E. Laws, United States Navy. Paymaster U. H. Griding. 1'u.sud Assistant Eugiueer W. A. Minizer, Uoitod Slates Navy. Passed Assistant Surgeon M. L. Kutb, Untied States Navy. Draughtsman Q. w. Sparrow, Uolted State* Navy. Ensign D. Peacuok, United States Navy. Ensign H. J. Hunt, United -tales Navy. All ol these officers are experts iu river work or are eager to become so. Several ol them are accom plished stellar observers, a specialty that will be par ticularly uhoIuI In determining latitudes and luugi tudi-s on tno rivers. Thus, witu a good ship finely equipped, a skiliul commander, educated officors and u well disciplined, healihy and young crew, there is every rcssou to believe that the aurvey will be car riod to a auccesalut termination, rapidly, thoroughly und, it is uiao bop?d, without dis ister. TilK AMAZON UXSOt'NDKD. It would be imagined mat tbe Amazon, draining as It does miliums ol acres of nchty wooded and im mensely ti*riiie territory, would uhvo beeu, long ere this, carelully surveyed, properly buoyed aud thor oughly lighted, lhis, unlonuuuieiy, is not the cose. Too Amazon to-day is ulmosl as much ot u mys tery as it was when Ureltaiia, the isitblesa lieu tenant of Fizsrro, picket hia lonely way down to the great ooean. A river lost should be us well known us the Hudson or the Dela ware; whose currents, shoals, cnanucl* ana islauus should be as puunly located u? art thoso ol tbo Mis sissippi, Is a fluvial highway whose many dangers are zuown only to a lew Indian or Fortuguese pilots, lho loualtude ol lis priucipal city is uol yet accu rately determined; its cbanuela and suuals are not even marked on the best Brazilian charts tnut can be obtained fetcam eralt. It l? true, ply on the river troni Furs 10 fabattnga, nut tnese are inirasled lo In dians, who rely more on the light draught or tbe ves sels tuan tiioy do on their kuowiedge ol (he stream. The reason ol this utter neglect ot what should be the greatest souroe ol revenuoto tb* Brazilian gov ernment le lound in the general apatny of the people, the poverty atiioaen condition ol the Brnz-lian treas ury anu ihu incomprehensible stupidity ol the decree whion, uotti latelj, kept toreign llags from trading ?n tho Atnazouae. WHAT KXPLORKllS IIAVK bO.XK. A treat stream tbat mould be pupu -tied irom iu source 10 lit inoUili, whose bank. anouid ne siUdded w iiti villages, tow us and clues, is, Irom iiiuo cm?o , almost descried It Uowa at times lor hundreds 01 ruilva Willioui passing a liuiuaa bebiutiion; or II, Dere ana mere, along lliia desolate stretch, smoke arisen to show mat umnm beiugs are sheltered beuualb tuo root ul lbe rune bat tnui barely auowa Until am id ttia tropical green, u will oouia iroui iba Ore ol a ball aavage, or the embers ol a runaway a.are wiio nan bidden biuiaeli la ilie last nouses ol the lurem awuy irom lus enemy, Ilia ivbile man. Kauola attempt* liar* been made to settle Ilia river, bui tbe Jesuits, indelaligaliia aa lliajr ware, tailed, and tba peo ple irom Hie Nuutb, who, a>. tbo close ol tlie war, eatna to daiilareui, loilowed tliair aiample. It remaioi to day, an it Una bean lor ages, silent and luyatarioua, lie banks uiilrrquanied and us waters unknown. No ' well orgniiikti i ellurl bas ever bo n imulu to pioperlr , survey anhar ifeo great rivoror us principal affluent*. Warn eat been doue lua been iiciouipiisuou oy tba hardy exploiera Herndoti and (tibbon. ol tbe Ameri can N'Vyj ibe gailaat tucker, the Uoiinau Roller, tbo Kngliali engineer*, Midstnue and Itrowna, and last and 1 noblest, ilie cntlia*ia-l Orion, wbo?a body lies high I np in i'eru, anu wUoae grave, on a quiet lelauu tu lb* clear Lake ol, overlooks ono ol tin- sou rues ol I the river be loved to wall. Tueso gailant men, in ! canon and iauuen, bava sailed and paddled Irom ' the head waiera o. tbe Arnaxoa to us | gigantic month Tbey bnve wandered up Us intuitu ' rice and havo traced out its laedcrr, bat tbry, despite their willingness, could not accomplish the impoaei bP' ('or them) leak el mapping oui muieaiic rivura lor coimnort purposes Inr mis a grant incentive was needed and line incrntivo uaa at let! presented Itself. AMKHICAKS VIRnT AT TIIK WORK. A eafe palliwuv lor uinmUaut vessels rawing over twelve teal ol water la imperatively demanded, aud as tba demand cornea principally Irom American m*r cu>tnis It is but right thai au American ntau-oi-wsr ? noiiid plot tuo road lor American -lup*. 1 bo cauao til l Ii is aUidau iicntand Itr practical woraiug chart- ol toe Am .sju, ana particularly ol tbu Madeira, la tbe proepec , wmolt is now lair, ol the speedy completion ol ibu Madeira aud Maiuore It ul a ay. lbe uiaiory ol mis miiway, which now, alter years oi cosily liti gation and endless unauceiy suits, lias at last tallun tnio energetic Ainericitu bands, ims already been givau InthallKKAi.n II Will *unice to *ny that the Kit, ilsb contraciors, not having luiOtied tbolr proiuisas, hsVe bean entirely wiluurawn, end that tbe construction contract baa leeu awarded to tbe Messrs. Conine Brotoers, ol rtiuadelpbie, wbo liaWe guaranteed io build tbe roen in three years. Ibis railway, ll aucceaslolly Completed, will surround the latis ol ibe Madeira aud give un outlet to tbe product* Ol the fertile Valley* ol Bolivia. I be scheme ace in a to oe unool sucu unbounded promise that it u strange 1; tin- uot airoady been realized. 1131.1 VIA AMI TIIK OlITBK WOHI.U. Tbe object oi lbe railway, aud primarily the object ol tbia aurvcy, la to upon communication botwaan mo Republic of Bolivia and tlie Aluuzou River. Notwith standing tbe eflorte ol Iter statesmen Bolivia it almost an tselaicd nation. Her nue seaport, Cohija, i* situ ated in tlie nnUsl ol an arid plans, It la accessible irom the interior on ly by mule paibs aero** tbe Aude*, and wuen reached Is less lilted lor a port than is Arlca, one (I the many seaports ol ner powerful lie gubor, I'eril I'oru Claims and col ice.s large export ices and levle* large uullos on all imports iliiuoe Ilia hardy Bnltvlau who, alter ilillmte trouble and toil, baa broagnt ins goods across tba monutains, finds himself between two costly Ores. Me mast pay Peru to let tbern go out bud no mutt pay Peru lor too privilege ol baying a roiura load lor bis 31 uIcs. The coascqueoce in that Bolivia, wltb 2.500,000 people, aud a country mugu ificenlly rich lu cereal* and mineral', Is comparatively unknown and lamentably poor. Her mouniame are filled with luinnr.ils tnat, could they be transported, Mould en rich the world; ber forests luruish aoures of cablnot woods; her fields pruduco ibree erupt yearly of gr iu and uio.ti fruitfully ol cocoa, coffee and sugar, wlnle on ber pastures brouse imm-nsc herds ol llama, vicuna, sheep and alpaca. All ol ibte wealth is isolateii, and ol the products ol tbe laud nearly all ol thai wuicli is uot used by the Inhabitants is wasted because H cauuot be traneported out ol tbe country. II tbo coutraclora are compcient to Inrnlsb tbe moner, material and men, aud II, after tbe road la completed, it cuu be worktd de-pite lever, nostalgia, smallpox, savages aud tbe powers 01 nature, tbe bitberio invincible obstacle will be couquered. Then, if the reports ol ibe interior be lyie, uud lbs natur 1 aputby ol a people wbo require but little clothing, no luxuries und but such loud as au oveikinu uature iuriiiibes tfism, can be overcome, and tbey be In duced to work lor the outside world, tbe dream* of fortune which have lured on tbe enthusiastic poopie wbo are rlskimc so much muy lie realized. Tb< future only can tall tbe sequel to tbe story wnicb II now beginning to unloid iuoif on tbe Madeira. city or rxHX. Since your correspondent has beon In Para bo bai taken p<ins to tuqulre as to tbe bealtb ol tbe cltj uud tbe probable chance Americans will have In tb? struggle lor exietenoe, suould tbe rail way bo a success and Para become a thriv ing depot lor the wealtu ol Bolivia. It Is hardly uecessary to stale tbat Para Is not a cool place. Xevurtboless, aiibuugb It Is on Ibe Equator, the beat Is not so terrific as one would iiuagioe. I'be tberuiomolor has Its maximum at an averag* ol 87 degress and the minimum at 72 degrees#! Fahrenheit, lu ibe middle of the day the neat is intense, when one Is compelled to be Id tbo sun, but as ulght cmnes on cool breezes blow aud tbe air becomeH more endura ble. A midsummer day iu New York would express what Pura neat is as a general tblng. There are some American merchants bore who seem us bardy sua as robust as any in tbe .states, and maoy ol the English residents, aiibuugb ioug established here, have uot yel lost tbe bloom ol their native land. A correct Die, ubstinouco (rout stimulants, and tlioso precautions which are ordinarily observed by sensible people dur ing tbe prevalenou at a warm season in tbe United Siatos, will onuble any man in good beullb to live ouinlortably in Para despite tne beat. YKLhOW rKVKK. Tbe bagbear yellow lever need not be laared. It Is useieta to deny that esses or lever do not occur at all seasons, or to asacrt that l'uru is st any time perfectly tree from the disease, t he authorities ol the Enter prise wero assured that not a case of yellow lever bad made Its appearance wthlu a month, yet ber surgeon said this morning that be bad seen a convalescent case at tne hospital on shore within tweuty-loui hours. Toe laot is that yellow lover Is so much a dis ease ol tbe couuiry that but little attention Is paid is it unless it becomes epidemic; thou, ol course, II causes tbe usual alarm. Europeans aro liable to bs a-tucked by it alter tbey buvo been la tbo city lot sumo months, or alter tbey have been especially sub jected to its morbific Influence, but, lor theoomtori ol iboso wbo expect to come out here, let it be suid mat the disease is generally must mild and thoroughly amenable to treatment. Naturally, If a man will nol lake care ol blioaelf, bo may expect to die, but, other tilings being equal, yellow lever need no uturo be latul hero than is our ordinary remittent lever at borne. Americans must stand tbsir chance wltb Iba natives so tar as tbe oilier diseases of tbe city are con cerned. Tbey ueed sutler no more man In any other part of tbe world, and, iu (act, Para can boast as low u death rato among lis adult population as acy city In the United Stales. HOW THK StJRVKT WILL BS DONK. The Enterprise will leave here on tbe 3d Inst, ana proceed directly to Manuos, oo tbo Ainazonns. This course baa been decided upon because It Is very im portant that tbe ship suould get as lar up iho river as possible before the steam launoh and ordinary work ing boats take up tbe work. The Madeira now bogint to fall at tbe rate ol about eignt leet por moutb. If tbo work on tbat river should be undertaken alter (but on tbo Amazon it is quite possible that Ban Antonio conld not be reached without moon labor. At this so-son ol year there is said to no plenty ol water to Ban Antonio for vessels drawing sixteen root. Wbother It be true or not remains to be scon. T rom Manaos, alter obtaining permission from tba President ol tbe Province ol Am-zouas, the ship will procood to tbe mouth ol tbe Madeira and begin active work. It U probable tbut two months will ac complish ibis. Then the soundings and positions will be verified on the return, and the Ainuzonas mapped on a down current. Tne survey sbouid De completed in loar montbs from tfiis dale; tberelore. If no uutowardevent intervenes, the Eulerpnso will be borne by November 1, 1878. SAVLD FKOM MUilDER. ONE OF THE NOTOBIOU8 KEliSET FA Mil. Y AT BONUNGTON, X, I., ATTEMPTS THE LIFE OF BIS SIST^B. A serious trouble in the Kelecy family Is causing considerable excitement In Hantingion, L. L, where the name Ol Kelsey bas already become suIUciently notorious. William S? ibe urotber ot Charles Q. Kelsey, alleged to bare been murdered alter baying been tarred and leathered, on the night ot November 4, 1872, was arrested on Friday charged with au at tempt to murder bis ststor Charlotte with an axe. Charlotte, who It will bo remembered tlgured quito extensively in the various examinations as to the alleged murder of her brother, was, on the 8th ol April last, married to Samuel F. Molt, at Green laws, and the couple took op their residence at the old Kolsey homestead, In the southern part ol Hunting, ton village, wnere Charlotte had always lived. They occupied one part ol the house and William and nis wite the other. Moil is a farm laborer in the employ ol Br. Baylis, at Grvon lawn, and generally goes tbore in the morn ing sad returns home at night; but on Monday last loo ill to work, and consequently remuluea at home, which tact, it appears, was unknown to Will iam Kelssy. Bolt had, It is understood, lor some lime noticed that hie wile was becoming extremely nervous, bat sa sbo said nothing about It lis win ignor mi ol the cause. That afternoon, however, bo was enlightened. It appeared iroin tne testimony tnaou hi an examination before JuJgeKolpD, alter William's arrest, on complaint ol his sister, hy Con stable Mordaunt, that Keisty broko open trie door ol his sister's apurimenis by bursting oil the lasien ings, and rushed in upon her while ebe wee washing, having aa axe in his baud. Ha oegau to abase Her, thinking thai she was alone, and made a demonstra tion as it to strike ner with the sxo, when she scroamed and orisd, "William, don't strike mo, don't 1" and ran alTrigbted into the adjoiuing silting room. Kelsey loilowed her, with the axe ? till raised above bis head, Mhoutiug angrily. "1 will kill you. 1 will hew your heal Irom your body. The uxe le ready; I have had it ready lor some time." AVID IKTO PKAOXrULXKSg. Charlotte's husband, who loriuuateiy bapponed to bo lying upon a lounge la tua room, tnoaah weak and hall dazed by the euuden and uuexpcoled occurrence, sprang up in lime to save bur, exclalmiug, "William Kelsey, this kind ol worn has beeu going on lone ouougii ana mast be stopped." Mrs. Moil, his mother, who lives bm a abort distance away, also heard Char lotte's screams, and rusluug into the house seized boid ol Kelsey, saying, "Vuo woaidn'1 kill her, would you, lor a bit ol propeity 7" His answer was, "Yes, I'll hsw ber bead Irom her damned body " flis axe waa then standing by the table, whore he hud deposited it. He was at last taken out ol the room. Cheriotte was very much irignt ened, being paiuraby timid, and could not be persuaded to make a complaint against ber brother until tIk- following Tliur-U iv. Judge itolph put Kelsey under bonds in 1300 to appear at the next Court oi Seesionsat Kivcruead before tho G rand Jury, and meantime to'keep tho peace, i ne trouble la aup posed to bave arisan ou accouut ol Jealouaylu the mat ter ol dividing me property ol the deceased brother, and It IS understood luriher that I barlotte has re cently retained coauaei lor the purpose ol bringing suit against Willi tin (or ibe recovery oi ber share ol the property, and also fur compensation for ner ser vices aa nis housekeeper or twelve years, during which nme sbo did ell the household work, washing slid dru gory previous to hi* marriage, wmoh took place only a lew montbs ago. WHO OWNED POLL? M. Duprez, who lives at No. 27 South Fifth avenue, owned a parrot. So did Mme. Vuuclaire, who resides elose by. From what transpired la court about these two birds there is good reason to infer that they bore a strong family likeness to each other and had aecareff a ilrin hold on the allectioaa of their reepeotlva owners. It la hard to any what demon of discord let the pair loose simultaneously ooe day last week, but a volume or evidence was adduced Del ore Judge Murray to show that each was the lact. The families ol Du> prez and VuucUire wore la deep tribulation lor a wbllo, but at lungUt came the cheering Intelligence that a col ored men in tho neighborhood had captured a vagabond parrot. At once M. Duprez ha.?teued to the bird catcher's bouse, wbere, aura enougb, he lound Ins leathered runaway with Itedrubhled plumage and hsV Ihg a general air ol disalpatloo. About this tune Mine. Vuuclairo buist into the room aud demanded the restoration ol Iter bird. Duprez said it belonged to him; but a glanoe made Mme. Vauclaire'a assur ance doubly sure, and the upsnot ot it all was that the rival eiaiinanta oame luto tho JetTorson Market Court with parrel, cage and about two score ol uum tclligibie witnesses. There waa a Gallic counsellor present who insisted ou examining every one or them at length without < luutiug u particle ol evidence, and wnen ne had in .aiged his luinie to nis heart's content Judge Murray chose to ask a few questions. '.Mme, Vunnleire, did your bird talk?" "No, be did not talk," was the emphatic reply. A gin ore at I'olly id i lie Cugo made it clenr Hint ell thu crackers in COnsteudom couldn't get a squeak out ol lier. "And did yours talk, M. Duprez?" "Ceriaitiinain?ail ze time." The unhappy mil had commuted himself. He was told lo converse with Ins umithoiugtcal property, but louod that a Krupp gun at tlie month oi a megaphone wouldn't in tb< itasi disturb that demoralized bird. "Maiimne, tim Cnuri awards you ibe parrot. Tako II and oe happy," said the Judge. Hat here a new complication arose. If Ibe bird wag po Kibly Vauclaire'a, the cago waa undoubtedly Do prog's, sad lie could not ho persuaded to loan It. ho M idamo had to tako I'oliy away beneath ber cloak, while Monsieur want off with tho perineal counsellor , end tho ompiy oages