Newspaper Page Text
IS III RIO GRM Return of Mackenzie from the Raid Into Mexico. NARROW ESCAPE FROM A FIGHT. Operalions of Escobedo Against tlie Diaz Government. AN1H0S1TY TOWARD THE GRINGOS. Mexicans of Ail Glasses Arming to Resist the Invader. Galvkstox, Texae, Jus* 23, 18TS. Tbe News' Eagle Pass ?pectal My a:?"General Mac kenzie aud Colonel Shatter arrived here laat night, their commands will arrive to-morrow. They pene trated Mexico about forty-live mile* l'rotn Nowtou, tho place of crossing, and about eighteen utiles oast el Surragossa, where they wore met by a detachment j of tho Mexican army under Colouei Valdex, drawn up I In line of battle. 'I lie Mexican commander Inquired the purpoie ol tne invasion; Informed Gen eral Mackenzie that he bad ordere to repel Amenran Invasion, and that the American troop* ahould oro Mcd no lurtber. At the Mexicans' position ob itructed the progress ol the Atnerlcaus Genorul Maokeusle vrarued tuein to got out ol his way, laying that if they did not do eo by four o'clock that day he would shoot where the Mexicans were stundlug. ami.uicanb im line or battlk, Tho Americans then formed In order ol battle. At Vbe appointed liuie the Anier cuds advanced. Tbelr number uppuared to overawe tbe Mexicans, wbo hastily wttbdrew to a aafe distance, but kept id tigbl ol tbo American troops. General Mackenzie then asked Colonel Vuldez II bo Intended to agaiu ob struct tbe route of tbe Americans, to wblob Colouei Vulilcz replied mat it was General Maekoozie's busi ness to guard against that. General Mackeuzie said bo would, and Ibat bd would soon ooino again, A COURTEOUS OFKKK REFUSED. Colouei Vaidcz offered a dotaebment of bis force to iscorl tbo AmoriCHua to tbe line, but General Muckun lie declined tbe offer, suying that he was ablo to luke care of himself. The Mexicans, howevor, saw the Americans sofoly aoross the r.ver. The Mexican force was Inferior in numbers to tbo Amerieans, hence no blame should atluoh to tlio Mexloan officers for uot Baking an attack. Mo captures wero made during Ibe expedition. This Is the American version of tho tffuir. PBOOBESS OF THE DEVOLUTION UNDI'.B ESCO BEDO? BENEFICIAL. EFFKCT OF AIACKE.N AlI-'.S MOVEMENT ON THE 1'iiOSPECTH OF THE DEVO LUTION lbl'8. Sax Antokio, June 18, 1878. Tbe reports, official and otherwise, ol thu revolu tion in Mexico for the restoration or L*rdo, are so tonlliutlng that It is bard to say which dog I* under neath lu tbe Qgbt. It Is ovidoni, howevor, that the revolution has not yet adjourned sin- die. Tbere has beeu a battle near Mier, so one telcgrum states, wmle anotber of tbo same date Intimates that tbo so-called baitlo near Mier was a mere skirmish, and that the revolutionists, who did the rotiring, did It In good order. Escobedo's foot is still pressing his native heather, somewhere In the vicinity of Picdrns Ncgrat, wnicb Is 14b miles Irom San Antouio, opposlto Eagle Pass, on tho lllo Grande. SKKTCII OP MOVEMENTS. General Kseobodo hud, for the past six weeks, been prowling about Laredo, which is about one hundred and sixty miles iroui Sun Antonio. New Laredo is a small (own on tho Mexican atdo of tho rivor, and dis tant only a few miles Irom Fort Macintosh, ibu Jttlccr in command ot the regular troopa at New Laredo Is Colonel Algcrlas. Ho has shout ono hun dred men under him. Tho officers who aro in com mand ol the Lerdo forces are Colonels Garza Ayala sod Salinas, although General Kseobodo in porsou was superintending their movemonts. I do hot mink It probable that Escobedo has ever had more than two hundred men at hie disposal at this point. Coionol Salinas Is a bushwhucser of thu most obioctiouablo type. Ho le tbo gentleman wbo has been harboring at bis rsneho the Kickapuo Indians, wbo, in conjunction with Mexican revolu tionists, made the Fort Ewell raid, In which upward ol twenty persons were killed and several huudred horses stolen. Colonel Garza Ayala Is a resident of Laredo, Texas. He Is a lawyer by profession and a revolutionist oy practice. He hat his linger in evory muss that is started on tbo ltto Graude, If bo can raise money enough to pay travelling expeuses to get there He is a pleasant kind ol a gentleman, but oi rather small calibre. For suverul wicks past Kseobodo, Ayala ana Salinas have beeu making duiuousiraliona against General Algorms, ?bum i hey lunciea they bad *but up iu Kuw Laredo. At lust Algorins grew weary ol litis loolieuuess, and tallying out with 106 uiuu bo smote Ayala nip aud tnigb, killing bail u doznu o! the constitutional army aud some horse* they bad stoluu irom Texas. Tbo revolutionists broko aud U*u, und most of tliem are now making it Insecure lor uuel cattle and travellers ou this side ot the Kio Grande. General Mariano Kseobodo, willi bis customary discretion, failed to participate persenally iu ihu contssl, out, like ibe war boraa in Job. suulltd the combat from aiur oil. AT P1II.RA8 NKbHAM The battle mentioned in the foregoing lines seems to b?ve llnisUcd the revolution near l.areuu. It goes not appear very clear whose giant mind la guiding the Lerdo troops hear 1'tedras Mugias, about fllty miles above Laredo, ou the Kio Grande. It Is certain timt skirmisning bus been going ou there lor nearly n week. General Nuncio, erroneously reported killed last week, la iu command el tSe regular troops, which number about two hundred rnuu. General Nuncio I* a soldier and a Ecniiomau. The information lu roleronce to l* being a geulleinau comes Irom a reliable luurclianl, of bugle 1'uss, wuo assured your corresponded! that Nuucio always paid for what he got, a peculiarity al most unknown to Mexican officers of high rnuk and social sluudiug. General Escobedo opened the cam paign In tins viciuiiy by making demonstrations ou a ronducUi or silver traiu, which was coining iroin Moo ter oy. out It was too well guarded to be laxen without somebody being uurl, so be relusod to have ao> ililng to do witU It at short ruuge. it is now in Lumpniaa, between Monterey and I'moras Ncgras. and still in pus. Session ol the Ilia* oeiouders litssaxi. mackkszik's orxnATioxn. Tbe readers ot the Heraep win remember that dnr Ids the past two mouiu* there oave beeu two large Talcs from Mexico Into Texas The llrsl of iheee, known a* ihe Fori Kwsil raid, furnished tbo rovolu llonista Willi the war sleod* ou wulch they escaped, with so much loss ol dignity, Irum General Algeria., In the battle already to.erred to. Toe second and later raid resulted In the death of the two small sou* of Mr. Colson, near Capop Wood, and also iu tbe capture ol aooat ono hundred head ol boreet. It la an, thee* horse* that toe revolutionism operating against Colouei Nuncio, tt Fiedras Negras, are mounted. It is against thrsu that General Mneaenaie, wim about Ave hundred ear a'ry and artillery la operating. Go Friday oigbi, the 14th, General Mackontia crossed over Into Mnxmo at Ilia mouih ol syoamnv* Creek, thirty Ave mile* be low Devil's Kiver. err set or wacksexji a aaiu. if ou* of tue objects oi General Mackenlla'a expe dition wns to ssaiat and conciliate the regeiar Mexi can authorities by dismounting the Escobedo revolu tionists, thea the expodlilou le lu so l*r a failure lu laci, tbo Mexican government troops seem to pay no more attention to Escobedo at all, but are moving lie*von aud earth lo raise troops enougu to attack Mnckonsie bsiora ha returu* to this sido of the Rio Grand*. Tho excitement among the Mexicans I* described IS he terrific. General* Nuucio, iraviRo and Naraaja nave abandonee Kscobedo lo bi* late and are pressing man uud horses lulo ?crvtno to fight Mackenzie. L'nl.*s lie ahould tio cn ignt in a inonuiain pass, Mucki-oai* b*a lorco enough to remain in Mexico for a week longor, aud theii the Impoeelbilily ol obialoing provisions wnald compel Ills retreat Iheee troops aro In eplea dH couomou and well drilled, l hey are, moreovor, provided witU Ualllug guns uml long rangu ariiliory, ol wlncb laiior arm ol the norvico tue Mexican* are almost entirely destitute. Very low of in* troopa that might be dtspoaml to eroas words are regulars? sot more than two hondred at the moil?wlille the real are merely rabuio, nadiy armed aud worse dls Slpllned. It Is not believed at headquarters that there is aoy danger of a oollislou, owing to tho dis tarily ol the lorcea. There la, el course, the usual exicau bluster, hut It will not amount to any thing. aitRNWD TRICK Or ESCOBBUO. It must be admitted tost Guuerei Kscobedo is no tool. II there i* ou* subject on which the Mexican* are soiled, It la hostility to the Giiugmt, as they urn pleased to call tue Americana Tncy may quarrel among tiiemeeivaa, but lot the American lutcrfor* directly or indirect it and tney unit* against Inn. at puce. For this reason there is room to doubt iliat filSMSHBtmg Eeeobedn'a man is going to be of any material Mnalli lo Diss In tbe long rnn, u nm enemies will use tbe cry ?( "U<<wn will) tut Gringos" to flro ilie Mexican lieurt. Kscobedo w II np.eur In ilie rii/e ol a martyr, wh'le Diaz will be stigmatised ux a irieud ol the American* anil n trailer to III* unlive country. Tbal F.tcohcdo baa been prompt to avail tilroaelf of ibo popular breeie oi Mexican auiuinsity to tbe (Juited siaiea appear* from tbe loilowing cbaraoteriatto let ter lo a Mexican trwnd in tin* oily :? a call uroa ran Mexicans At tbi* memeni. Oltecn minute* put twelve at night, I have ruceieed Ironi a courier iroiu hixir Pat* tbe commu nication of the hurried concentration of troopa nt the A mer 10ah arnur to Invade our territory uuUaroiia ol the pretexts that they haw been trying to inaSu usu ol tor torna time, t he commander lu ehlet of sou iiivudiu. expedition will doubtlct* bo mo discreet Guneral Mackenzie. The eireuru eian.e ol aeiug well informed of the political taacbiua tiouz el the usurper and oejiuded traitor I'orOrio Dla* brings to as- the eurpritc that mast uoine to every Mexican. This invasion ia entirely In accordance with tho man striking at the vital* ol ilit. Republic. who, knowing his in ability to auatalu Uiinaell in the ofl'euaire, aveka tbe bel|> ol '.lie American army to ft a In the constitutional tioep* that In all our Republic proclaim the reaiuraiton of the tllaalrloua cltises, lawyer, Sebastian Lor do de Tojada, who ia the only constitutional I'real tent ol tbe nation, uaanlaioualy elected lit tbe year 1877. I'ortirio Diss, the obisl ol vagabonds, of a aoctnl lunguz, the capialu of hlcbwaymeu.outers into a iiartiiershlp witb the government ol tbe United States lu linn* upon ua an international war. Hut nothing else could havo been ex pected Irotn a man whose antecedents are so well kuuuru. and of a government so Immoral aa that represented by Hayes. Mexicans, Forflrlo Diaz nnd those that lellnw hiiu In the struggle upon which we enter, are notour brothers,are uot our com patriots?the v are crimiuuls and traitors bolore the law. which imposes upou us the duty to punish them wivb death On not lorgol tbie I To arms, Mexicans! M various otber times you have given evloeoce that yoor families. >our blood and your lives were valueless whtu compared to tbe weltiir ? ol tho na tion. There should lie no regard for the elements whlcn your cowardly aud criminal euemlos will hitug to oppose you. for tiler will prove us iiotuing In tho pretence of your valor, aud the whole world will recognixo tbe Just nose o I your cause. Ae tbe invasion ol the American troopa may occur to-morrow 1 hurry to comiuuuicate this lntoriunlioo to you th*t you may solemnly protest against it, as 1 shall (rent uow on. iu mv name, with my valorous suburdinutes, for it Is a move which nssalla our govoriimem. You may now eomo euro more to prove that you kit whow to defend your rights. In Cerro dc las Hatiipaiius you knew how to punish the ambitious Maximilian and Hie traiturs Mirumuu and Mejiu. L'pi'j this oociuiou the destiny ol events will in dicate to you where you shall ho the executors ol the law. M. KSOUBKDO. CAttro ag lx I-aomda. June 11, 1878. SSCOBKbo'S CHAKCka D1SGTSSKU. Your corruxpoudeal lisils long interview yesterday with a gentleman, an American pnysiciuu, who lived u uumnor of year* id Monterey, and enjoyed ibo per xouul friendship ol a great many oi tbe leading Mexican official*. It i* iho opinion ol tbi* gentieutaii, whose view* are of reul weight, tbai Escobudo can not auoceed, lor tbe reason that thus lar none ol the leadlug L?rdo ox-olUcials, rclorrlng to such men us General Curios Fuero, lormer cuniniandor-iu-cblel ol i he Mexican army; Geuoral Kevjellos, a very .-upcrior olllcer; Don I'uscual Hernandez, loruter Governor ol al. Luis, and utauy others aro opposed to Kaon be do's revolutionary schemes. Not only this, but none of ibo bordor ctueiuius, whose word is luw on ibo Rio Urunuu (relerrtug to Generals Cauaies, fro viuo una Narutijo), bavo Joined htm. L'nder those clr cutustuijces it does not uppear bow the revolution can be a 8U< cosx. The melt who have rallied around Kscobeuo aro for the most part adventurers ot no great ability in anything that is honorable, while some ol ibum are bandtta aud cutthroats ol the very lowest order. CROSSING or COLjNEL shatter's COMMAND of mkenaie's forces?object of the ex pedition?LIST OF THE OFFICERS. Dsn Kio, Kinney county, Texas, I J uue IS, 1878. j A large scooting party, under Colonel Shelter, crossed tbe Rio Grande at HacEberry crossing, twenty mites below tbi* place, to-day. Your correspondent talked with many ol ibe officer*, irom tbe command ing officer down, and learned that the object or tho movement was tbe recovery of stolon Block, as large number* of cattle have been stolen lu tbe last thirty days, the last "round up" having been ruudo only three day* ago, teu mile abovo bore. No later tuun the Jd ol June a herd ol Irom three hun dred to live hundred bead ol caltlo were drlveu across tbe river, eight mile* below here, aud about tbo same time both horse* aud cattle were dnveu to Mexico by the thieves six mile* aoovo. To reuovor this aud other stolen stock, a* stated, is the sole ob ject ot tbe scout. Tho Colonel, upon being askod what be would do 11 tho Mcxicau authorities sent out troops to meet blm, rcspouded"I shall Invite thorn to assist ma" Your correspeudent also talked with Lieutenant H W. Law ton, quartermaster ol the expedition, and wua told by tbai officer that II he ncoded supptios ol any kind he should go to tbe nearest totvu and buy them ; that he had lunus to pay with. LIST OP Ol'UCKSS. Tho following is a list oi the officers ot tbo com mand Colonel Shatter, commanding. Lieutenant Dodt, adjutant; Lieutenant Lawton, quartermaster; Major Kellogg, First battalion ot inUntry; Colouel Heuizuul, rfoeond battalion ol In iautry; Ciplaiu MeNaught, third battalion of infau. try ; Captain O'Conuol, commanding cavalry com pwoy; Captain Irwin, commanding cavalry aoiupacy; Jdeiiieuant TnompsoD. coramaudtng cavalry com pau.V; Captain Williston, with section ol artillery; Lluuivuants Mills and Howard, with soctlou ol Gaiiin guns. (Julie u Jargo party of ollizens also acoompany the scout (or tbe purpose oi identilyiug their proporty. GKXKKAL X'kKXZIU. Ueneral MoKonzie is iu Mexico, above tbe mouth of Devil's River, looking alter the laat luulau raiders, anu il the ludtaus come down Ibis way, as they are expected to do, they will probably meet Colonel Soulier's eointn.uid and will get a warm receptlou. McKenzie end du.Uter will |oin each other about the 2K>tb, aud their eomollied lorces will be able lo bring to ibis side any md all property belonging to Ameri cans tbat they may And. THE BLUE lilliBON. Tiio blue ribbou branch oi tue American Temper ance I'nlon held a special meeting ycstorday aftor uooo far the pursue of welcoming back to their midst the President of the society, the Rev. W. B. Ailleck, who baa boon absent tor aouie weeks on a lecturing tour. The meeting was held in the largo ball ot the Tammany Building, and Very rarely has the main Uoor of tho hall been Quad with a larger or inure earnest audience. Mr. Ingcrsoll hock wood presided, and, alter the usuul Introductory service*. Hcv. John Hynu. an English clergyin.ui wbo has recently settled in Virginia, spoke ut some length On lliu Ihlldcuce ol tho liquor truffle Oa national Ills. At tno cmicuiaion of Mr. Ryan's ad dress the presiding olllccr iu a lew Words Welcomed back Mr. AlUeck, to winch the latter replied at length. CARRIED A SLUNG SHOT. The Alcyone Uoai Club, ol Brooklyn, after their sp nual roga'U oa .Saturday last, repaired to the plotur esquo grounds ol Mr. William I.angley, owner ol the alt oo yacht Comet, at 11ay Ridgo, for the purpose of having a garden party. While the Icalivllles were at their height iu the eveaiag Detective Hi gg?, ol the itrooklyn Police Ceniral nlllco, ob served a young innu ol heavy build acting In a suspicions uianser near the place where the ladiea' eiiawis and clonks were Kept. W hen quoeilouvd by the detective he endeavored to escape, but was cap tured by that officer, who was aided oy Patroimun Bropby, ol the central Ufllco squad. The prisoner Waa lukuu to tho Klghth precinct sbatiou house slid auurched, When u largo iiuugKhot was luuud in lila po-session Previous in being lucked up to answer he gave l.ts name as Prank 1. llog .it and said he re sided at No. 47 Porty-second struct, this city, THE ASSAULT ON RYAN, THE PRIZE EIGHTH E. Police Inspector Wuddy, of Brooklyn, deeming It prudent to secure tho live negroes wbo wero arrested by olUcers ol tbe .Second precinct, in that city, on sus picion of assaulting Patrick Kyuu, tho pugilist, on bulurday night, but who were afterward released, a? Ryan lulled to Idonlily them, and, not knowing ha was slabbed, issued an order lor their rc-arrest. By lour o'clock yesterday mo. mug they Weie socured. 'I hoy are all residents ol this city aDd their namna me mh followsSldnoy Miller, No. fth'fl Uroome street, Charles Cooley, No. 7b Kaal Houston sirtet; Robert Corn well, No. 18U noutli >' 111 b uveuuu; William l'riucs. No. 85 Tiiiury street, and Uovurly Mitolioll. No. 10V Thompson street. Tho prisoners all stated that tue assault was committed by while meu, and they h id nothing whatever to do with lb J hey bu loug to whul is known as the "Rightit wurd gang," aod Csplutu Mclfon.nd, ol the Rigiilti prsbiici, a.iys it is ibe worst iu this city. Ihu brutal treat ment ol Ryeu waa the main topic oi conver sation Iu ihu sporting clrcici ol this City slid Brooklyn yesterday, aud generul sympathy was expressed for Hie injured msu. I he assault Was generally stigma tised as an atrocious and cowardly set. fho IritnUs of Ryan said lust il t'wyur's hackers thought this Would lutvrlcre Willi the corning battle between tne two men lliey were mistaken aud evidently old not know Dwyer's opponent. A largo numner cf the friend* ol ibo two pugilism called on Hynn yesterday morn ing at ihe Hotel, comer ol Mtridagfi and" Pulton streets, Urookiyn, lor the perpoee ol learning his truo condition. Btyoud a low aitghi arhus aud pame Hysu said he felt all right. Mi* physician declared that had Ihe dirk peseliated the flesh one-ball tncli deeper Kyun would surely have lost bis ill*, the wouuiieo pugilist, aiso it is hacker and trainers, Turner and Cuss, are salHIIod that Dwyer did uot e.iun* tho nns.init or have anything whatever to do with il Dwyer called oi. Hysn early yuaiurday inurnlng and expressed bis sympathy, end regretted that he had been so brutally treated, lie said ibat be was p. rleetiy will ing lliu time eel lor the bailie between inoiu should bu extended, so Hint tbe wounds could heal up aud Ryan be in as eXcellont If but butter figntlng trim thau Inmaelf wben ilio encounter lock place. There waa no cliuuge made yesterday iu ihe contract between tfio in u, aud il is not yet dufimieiy known wbeiber there will be. About one o'ciock Ryan, accompanied by Hire* or lour iriends, lolt lb* botel and alerted ler Troy. Tbe following white moo, residing In (his city, wero arrested late last evening by olliccra ol the Mecocd precinel, llrooslya. on suspicion ol being Hnplienled in ib* assault *? Kyun:?Nevine W. Uoyu, a bill poster, aud William Jones, s bar lender, bulb of No. 107 II .yard fireet; also Rtepbon T. Jones, ? bill poster, oi >'c. ins Leonard street. The three n*n woro taken to liiooklyn and locked up. BASEBALL. RELATIVE POSITIONS OP TUK INTERN A1 ION AL ASSOCIATION CLUBS AND 1 BE NATIONAL LEAGUE CLUBS IN THEIR RESPECTIVE CHAMPIONSHIPS. From bis office In Columbus, Ohio, Mr. Jams* A. Williams, Secretary of tbs International Association, sanaa to ibe Hkoald tbo annexed table. Tula ?bows officially lb? relative positions or lbs clubs of tbst body in tbsir contests tor tbs cbsmplonsbip oi 1878, up to and including tbe 15th inst. In It the record is given of tlio Live OaK Club. Diroctly after tbat table was made up tbe Executive Committee, eetlug ler llie Internutlonui .taaociation, byauoauL inoua vote, permuted tbe club ul Worcester, Maes., cooiaiamg siveu ol tbe iaie Live Oak players, to euter tlio championship arena aud ussunic ibe record ol tie l.lve Oake, wlio retired. Consequently, In future official tsbiss tbs Wurcesters will, anu tbe Live Oaka will uoi. appear, 'l'bls table of tbe aecreiary Includes all games contained In tbe aclicuule wltlcn wero not Ilea, aud except, also, aucb as acre postponed by rats:? OrVIClAL TARI.K. n| t| p| pi c & ? i r a Star 2 1 0 2 l 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 18 22 Buffalo.. 0 1 1 1 l 3 1 1 2 *2 3 2 11 25 Teca sen 0 1 1 1 l 1 8 I 1 1 4 1 16 23 Lowell.. 1 I 1 0 i 1 1 1 0 0 2 1 11 16 Uticu .. . 1 0 0 2 i 1 1 1 3 1 2 IE 24 Maucb'i. i 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 u 0 ?_ 1 t> 15 Moriy II. u n 1 1 1 u 2 :> i ?2 2 t u 25 Kocbos'r 0 3 1 11 1 t. 2 d 1 - ?2 1 13 2T Cricket.. u 0 t 1 i I 1 i 2 1 12 25 Live Oak 1 0 1 0 0 0 u i ; 0 ?J 1 II 15 Spriugl' II 0 0 0 l 0 u i. il u *2 1 4 15 Adcgh'y u u 0 0 i Ul u 0 0 ( u 2 2 26 Bartforu li u tj b ti 0 1 ? (I ti 1 16 Totals. ?? ? ?, 0|I1 "1 13 9|H| 341 15| 137 274 TUB WKKKI.Y IXTKKN A TIOX A I, TAHLB. Tbs pluyiug sacu week chauges tbe record ol every club tbal lakes part In any contest. S?wotl[iie?, also, It cbauges the relative positions ut clubs. Some of Ibe scbeuble gaiuo* are unav udub y postponed by tbe weal bur. Tbese may or limy uot be cemented on a luiuru uccaslon. In tbe rules laid down mere Is uulUing obligatory ou tlio subject. A letter Irom Mr. i II. It. l'ulllips, manager ol tlio horueil Club, at llorn* vtl.e, to ibe Hkkai.o. says tnnt "l bs gabies Between ; Uurnoll uud .11 ubcueslai, ol Ai>ril 20 aud -7, aud llor ! bell aud Live Oak, ul April 30, were postponed by rain, tbe games bolwoeu tbe ciurnell uud Muu- { ci.ester, in lieu of tboae postponed gtines, will lio j played at Maucbestor, September 7 aud 8; und tbe postponed Live Oak gume will be played at Worcester, i wilb tbe Worcester*, ou September 6." All of tlie games in Ibe cbuuipieoabip scries ol mo lalaruatioual Assoclntlou, on lust Saturday, tbe 22d, were post poned by rain. Table:? (James (James Games To Clubs. P.ayeeL Won. Lost. Play. St ir 22 18 4 kit Buffalo 30 19 7 19 Tecumseli 35 17 8 30 Uilca 34 10 8 13 Mauubcstcr 19 13 7 30 Lowell 19 11 8 34 Huruell...... 27 la 12 19 Rochester.,.. 27 16 12 13 Cricket 27 10 17 15 Worcester 19 7 12 25 Spriugtlold 19 6 14 35 Uartlord 17 2 15 25 Allegheny* 20 2 24 ? Totals 298 149 149 243 ?Disbanded. LBAUl'H TAIILK. Tbe rain prevented tlio League's games at Boston and l'rovidenoe on Saturday lust, the 23d, or thuy would have beuu accounted lor. Witu those which were played, and tbe result forwarded, n material change Is made In tuo Ukhai.o'A weskty League table, This sbuws the tlostuna to bo at tbe beau ut tbe list. They are the body holding the championship peunaut ol 1877. Table:? Games Games Games To Ciubs. Played. } Von. Lost. Piay Bosluu 13 5 42 Cmciunaii 13 8 39 Cbioago 14 10 34 Providence 8 11 41 ludlauapolis ... 23 9 14 37 Milwaukee ... 23 7 16 37 Totals 61 64 210 NOTES. Tbo secretary of tbs International Association bas lorwardeu to tbo Ukkald a copy ot section 2, article 5 of tbe oobsiiiatlou ol that body, as tbs sumo his boeu amended by tbe unanimous vole ot tbo Judiciary Com ma too, as lollows:? "No olub sbsll employ as manager, scorer or player any person who bas wilfully violated any provlstou of tbla constitution or of tbs playing rales, or wbo bas beeu expelled from any club belonging to tbts or any other association exoopt by oouseul of a majority of tbe Judiciary Committee, and uuy club winch aball employ, or play, or attempt to piay in its nine, id any game, a player disqualified by any provision of this constitution, without tbe consent of a majority of tbe Judiciary Commuter, shall at ouoe forieil its uitni borship lb tbe uHsocluiion; and all otber clubs must and aball, under poualty ol tbe loriaituru oi their membership in tbu association, ubstaiu from playing with any such clue uutil it tbaii nave been roinatoted or re-cieotsd to membership." Under tbe mabagemout of Mr. J. L. Rood, of No. 416 Pulton street, Brooklyn, tbe tVitoka Uaaebail Club uaa been recouatructed lor tbe ouUuco of this seaaon. ibe player* are aa follows:?Mursland, catcher; Camming*. pitcher; Koed, first buso; liusr, second base; Jacksou, third base; Wllletls, short ?lop; lanuer, loll llold; Dwyer, centre Uold; bbaooon, tight Held, with W. A. Cummings, captaiu. tic the 12lb ol August, 1*69, at Chicago, John '/.slier, ouu Ol ibo principal players ol tbe laiuuus old Mutual Club, lu a game with the Clilcagos had the inislorlunu to ureak bn log. ul course. tbal enued ma uall pt.y log. ltecehlly several correspoucoois have wrnteu to kbow what became ol ulm. Inquiry bsa almwu tbat Jobu is the proprietor ul an uyator aud chop bouso, ut No 24 .tuu street, tbia city, Tbe lolluwiug is a list oi tbe games to bo played to day:?I wo et ibi-ui are Uclwuvu c ubs ol the lutcruu llOual Association and ciubs ol tlie League. The lo diauupolie aud Hocueelcr ciube, at liocbes'er; tbo Cluclbiiati una Buffalo clubs, al llulfaio, ure bet arum tbe two protcssionui bodlos. Al Hfracuso tbo Pit Is fit Id and Star clubs play. Al Jersey City tbu Ply Away Club, of ibis city, plays tho Jorsey City Club. ATHLETICS UN LONG ISLAND. A large party woro pruamt at tbe Kavouawood Atb latlc Club Grounds, ut Astoria, L. I., yesterday after noon, to witueea a Ova toll* walking m*leli belweon M. A. S'nxgerald, W. Tower* and ?. Wuddell, who hud agreed to compote id u live tnilo race lor a gold modal. As hoou um they wore dusputchol Waddoll rushed to tbo front, but only kept the loud tor halt a lap of tbd grounds, wuicli are ulue circuit* to me mile. Alter tliat ha lell Into ttt? rear, uud html.y gave up ou too lourth lap ol hi* second milt The nice between tba other two lor lour aulua we* very cloao and exciting the coulosiaiii* were Dover more tliuu two yum* apart at ayy uoie, excepting en the lourth lap ol Ibo laU in lie, when Kilxgcralu put on u tremendous spurt and went on witD a nommaudiOg lead I'owor* struggled nloug uotii ue nuntied the circuit, wlieu bo retired, bl* walking unto b.'iu* 4;im. its. Fitzgerald walked the full diatauce in 6btu. 'Hit. THE CUUUTNEY-DEMPsiEt RACE. Ukmva, June 21, 1878. To tux Koitor or Tint if skald The editorial in ) our ls*ue ot the kOtb id reference to the CourtneyDetupsey rate, ou the water* of GonuV* I .a We, is written with such a palpable rniscon eeptlou ef tne facts la the ease, or each a eue-rlaed view ot the cause ol the failure of Mr. Courtney to complete bis race that 1 feel called upon a* an eye witness, au Impartial observer of the race and the ac cident tbat closed It, to say a lew word* In tegard to It. In the first plaea, Mr. Dempsey regsrdod Mr. Counter's as a real aeetdeni. Many at Oral considered II a wilful "throwing" of tbe race?in oilier words, that it was done purposely, that he bid not tbo courage to row Dempsey. 1 believe en uccidont occurred, but the story ol tbe wire you may rest assured Is a myth. Why aid not the relsree have tue ground thoroughly dragged and decide the matter tbero and then f Why did not Courtney in sist upon It? The wnlor I* not deep and it oould uave been done without difficulty. Does it loos reaaonaulu to suppose tboy (tbe referee aud Courtney) would have gone borne without an ex* eunuetioo ol Ibe lake in that vicinity, there was oo one at tue turniug but a lew women sod children, save those mi tbo c*ra (of wuicli 1 w is ooe), and II an obstruction existed It inuet have remained there lor u lew bouie, ( r until today. Au hour of two alter too race the lake was thoroughly explored and dragged to Uud the alleged cause ol Courtney's mishap. Nothing could be louud; there *?? nothing. Mr. Courtney himself exonerates Deiupaey irutn any loul dealing. Kvery one admires lite ubainplon sculler's caso aud grace at tho oar. Tbesu charm* of motion Company ha* net; bat lor endurance, strength end undying courage wo claim Mr. Courtney cannot equal bim. Tbe retereo'a dec*lea i* not acquiesced in, although three qu trier* of tne puopio ot (IfuuVe isvor Courtney. \>o deny tbat Courtney pad other then a fair race. The stakes are ileinpsoy's. ll the i hampion desires another contest lie can be gr.tll geu at nw convenience. At Hkaaeatolee, July 4, inoy are matobed lor a Ikye-ntlle race, where Dtiapsey't great power* ol endurance and Courtney's pious will bnvu a lr<-?h trial We nave a supremo admiration lor Mr. Courtney's skill, but a local pride desires to see tbo "Geneva Miarkaraiib" win. All we sea at Hksneatelee t* a lair day and so f iver?what we gave Ibe eh.'tinplou hero?and you will men see thai we have nsita lor Ibe l?uh that is M is. lo justice ought you not to make tho ammde KunorahU to Deinpsy lor your editorial ot the 2tHb? It liu dene bun uuU our whole town gross injustice It. K. CLaUKE, M. D. DEATH OF FAMOUS HUOOD MAKES. NOVICJt, BY ULKMCOC. Mr A. J. Alexander, Woouburo Karin. Spring Sta tion, Ky., had tha celebrated mare Novice ahot oo tbe 13lh inat. She baa boon very delicate lor noma time and she got down last week and wa* unable to get up, and a friendly bullet put an eed to ber suffering!, aa she seemed unable to either maslleuto or assimilate ber food. Novice wus a bay, loalou in 18*3. bred by the late K. A. Alexander, Wood burn Kurui, Spring Station, K.y., by imp. Gleucoe, out ol CUloe Andcmon, by Itodolpb, her dam Bolle Anderson, by Sir \V iiliam ol Transport, out of Butterfly. by Sumpter, Ac. Novice rau ouco ul ttirao years old and won a uiile beat race at Ecxlnglou, Ky., bo iling K>-u Kmc, Yankee Poddlor, Blue itail ami I,title Ned lb 1:493a, 1:50^. At lour years old sbe was third and broke down In it tuilo hem race won by Bob Uidiake in 1:60 >g, 1:38]^. Track lieuvy. HKOtlCK. 1838?B. a., by imp. Sovereign. 183W?B. c. Norton, bv LfXlugtOU. 18nl ? B. c. Norfolk, by l,"Xtngtou. 1803?B. c. Norwlcn, bv L'-xingtou (gelded). 1803?U. o. Norway, by l.exiniiion. 1804?H c. hewry, by Lextugtuu. 1803?11. c. Notiliumborlaud, by Ltxioglon. lMiil?11. f. The Nun, bv Lexington. 1887?H. '. Notice, by Lexington. 1808?B. I'. Notre Uttmv, by Lexiugloa. 180V?Olt. c , by imp. Autiruuuu. 1870?0b. e. Liverpool, by Planet. 1873?0b. f. Noveliy, by Planet, 1873?OU. t. Notable, by I'lsuet. 1874?Ob. c. I'lauotarian, by I'lmet. 1876?Br. I. (died), by Imp. Glen Atbol. 1870?Ob. o. . by Gion Alhol. 1877? Ur. I. Asteroid. Barren lb'J i, 1871 ami 1678. Nor toe Wjs a (irnliiiu brccler, dropping eighteen foals tu iwouty-ono years. Norfolk was the best and mokl distinguished ul iter produce, lie wou a throe yoar-old stake ul St. l.ouis. Mo., auU was sold to Mi. Ttitte. Winters, of 0 ililornta, lor $16,001, auu was taken East and Won tbo J rsey lleroy at I'aterson, N. J., nuJ from tbcuce snipped to California, wlteru be ran Willi success ?ud beat Lodi at nacrutueniO, ?J it I.. Septetubi r 33, 1803, tliree miles neals id 6:37 6:39,'4, tho best race at tnrae utile heats on record. SISTER OP CUVRITY, BY KNIGHT OF fcT. GKOROK. Mr. A. Koeuo Richards, Blue Grass l'srk, George town, Ky., lost on Saturday, June 13, Irom puerperal lover, the clio.tuui tuaro Sister of Charity, foaled in 1807, bred and owued by Mr. Itichurds, by Imp. Kulgbt ol St. George, out of Bis er to Pryor No. 3, by imp. Gluncoe, ber dam Gypsy, by American Ke ipse, out of Youug Muid ol the Oaks (Redoes daui) by smp. Expedition, Ac. sister of Charity slarted twice at tliree years old. She was lourlb lu a Held ol lour, one and one quarter tulles, til Cincin nati, Ohio, won by llariou in 3:13^. At Mempnts, Tuna., sho Was tnird in u held ol lour, digit ol a tittle, wou by Stllio Earroll lu 1 :30^. Tbo lollowing is a list ol her rilOBlXK. 1871?Co. a 1'imllco. bv War Dance. 1873?Cb. c. Warsaw, by War Dance. 1873?Cb. i. Sisiur ol Morcy, by War Dance. 1876?Cb. c. Joint K. swtuuey, by War Dance 1870?cb. c. Turin, by War Dance. 1873?Cb. I . by War D oce. Darren In 1874 and 1877. lavender, nr waoner. Mr. A. J. Alexander, Woodburu Firm, Spring Sta Uou, Ky., lost Juno a tho splendid brood inuro Lavon der, onohinui, brod by tlie late Dr. K. rt'arlleid, The McuUowh, Lexingiou, Ky., fouled iu 1S66, by Wagbcr, out ol Alice (Lexington's dam), by Imp. Sarpodon. her dam Uowenii, by Mutator, out of Lady Dray, by Uoblu Dray, Jfcc. Lavender gave birth June 3 lo a large and handsome chestnut colt by King Alfouso, aud died soiuo few boura utter. J.iveudor In temperament and dlapesitlou was like her distm gunhed dam, Alice Curueal, ol a highly nervous and excitable disposition. Sno started three limes at three years old and won nothing. At lour years old she started eight tiuios and won three. At live years old she was third and distanced for a three nulo race won by Giyccru at three boats, Endorser second, llret and sccoud, in 6:6d.S, 4:61, ,Thia euded her racing career. The following Is a list ol her .. FkonuuK. ia?I~or'.0v,R0Ck' J* Kuric I*001?? Canada). ikS~u' r ?*nni? Aotcber, by nop. Australian, isoo?H. f. Lux. oy imp. Scythian. iu???CIh- Mv'muold, by unp. Ausirsllan. a Bob Sheltou, by imp. Auetruiiaa. 1SH8?u. c. George Wallace, by Asteroid. 1870?CD. I. Uucliu, by l'lauet. 1871?Cb. I. Lava, by Imp. Australian. 18*8?Ch. o. Barricade, by Imp. Australian. 1874?Ch. c. Iladen Badeu, by Aniiralian. * 187i>?Oh. c. Glcu wood, by imp. Glen Atliol 1878?Ch. c.. by Ktug Alpboii-o Lavender was barrtu iu ISO2, 'Ob, '72. '70 and '77. trotting"Tv California. OiKbaso Tkottuo Panic, Kittnar, June 14, 1878.? Trotting, lleuts ol two miies, in burners. John Cudoey's br. g. Prophet........... i | Clark Ksynor's br. in Bells .J* H D. J. Green's br. g. Controller ) .< ?> A. L. Hinds' b. g. Lighifoot |7,g' lime, 6:18?a?b 104" THE TEN BUOECK-MULLIE M'CAIl THY MATCH (From the Kentucky Live Block Kooord, June 22 J Everything pertaining to the great match race, four-mile bouts, betwoen Ten Brouck and Moillo McCarthy Is as flattering and encouraging as It cnu'd be, nod If the weather Is good there will he mere peo ple ursembled at tho Falls City on Independence Day than have ever been seen on euy race track in Amer loa. The railroad managers and steam bout agents ro port that they will be taxed to ibeir utmost oipucitv * ?l ??? "r'F daie apartments .re s.o?"d ? the hotels by parties Iroin poiuts a? iur south a? ?? lUT "urlh " St- K,ul ""I ei?< Yor" and UassaebusMts. I'ho hippedrosse bowl has about *0<1 wH-,UviD0 J.utel,l88ni horseman lu the couutrv w,?o knows Mr. Theodore Winters or Mr F |i liar per thought It suytbiug but the eillieut nonxeuso or that these men would loud themselves to such nil ailair. Mollis McCarthy was entirely usoless in Callfuruia as a racer, us nothing would run enamel her without her owner would pay ihcir entrance Mr Wluutre is a man ol woalib aud a breeder, and lie te ? ires to lest tho powers of his mare against the coat u?1."Zll/,im *n?"Unlr,i *?" ??eoes?mi or not it 18 his purpose, so we lesrn, to breed her lor two or three years to the best stallions in Kentucky, and it is more .ban likely tost Pen Broeok w>U b. honor.u Willi uer first embrace. Beth hnrsea are in the beat possible eendltlbn. Tea Uroock s hauls ire sound, and he Is as One aa can he trainer (Colston i and Jockey ( Walker | never liked nin. better. Be moved hell mile the ZfhZr morning, weight Up and with heavy shoes in ;o seconds. Mr. Walsh says Mollis McCarthy was never belter in ber lile, thai kbe has not Uhderguno tho (lightest pomiblo change by reai-oti ol climate or otherwise, and that II rue conuuuea to do as well as now ami leu Uroock UWeuu her on July 4 by win beat her at her beat. I'be owners ol Mollis MeCartnv Uonevo abe can run lour miles lu 7m 20s. ovor the Louisville courhc. aud we know whul fen Broeok has done heretoloiu, so the race promises to be the J?*' 'I'V "s ,our mile Deals in America i he track at Louisville i? not se fast ss it wu8 when Ten Broeok ran lu l.lh'i, and U Mo.ho MoCsNhy can ruZ iu 7 .0 uv?r it lbi* r cfin?>n no win u? vo mi ha can .in to best her. Bom hornet promise lo reach Hie poal IB good order, and It will he u grund sight to aes thcao two grout repre.omailves of their respective section* ewoep gallantly by the grand atand, wub their colors fluttering in tho breeso, straining every muscle in the dubious ktrfu for viotorv. Wo loam mat mere are some lovenly-hvo noises asaembivd at I.ouiav lie lor the exira meoimg, commencing l uosday, j ulv 2 and coutiomog three days, and from the number present the meeting may be sxuuded io live days. YACHTIM i r N GkksJirokr, L. L, Jane 22, 187& The following yachts are at this port:? Hcbooner Mystic, Hear Commodore Charles Hsll of Bcuooovr Sea Witeh, CummoSore T. H. Stoit. Steam yacht Mystic, N. Y.T.C Sloop* Wi nonah, G. K. i'csi, owner, aod Kottie, ex Coiiimodoro Leverich, went into comniivnon 10tb lost. The yacht Restless, Jf.T.T.C., Commodore S M. Kens, which has boen at anchor off toe Hkhai.b eta lion Bt Wbiteeiono, L. I., during tBepoet week, tailed fer Newport yesterday morning. RIOTOUS HIBERNIANS D vision No. 0 of the Ancient Order of Hibernians of Hudson county held a picnic ou Saturday night at f''s I'ark, Jersey City Heights, aud at bail-past one o'clock yesterday morning, wlion in# leetivities were about lo close, a fight Occurred. Officer Million of the Third prvomet, seised one of the disiarbirt A fi'm" ??l uf0'' ,h0 ?"lcer and beat him to tOu floor, offii.era Loddick, McGraib and Cooper ran to tiioir comrudu'a aaMa.auco, but were beaien back ? ?I JL1. . n'on" ?'?b waa taken from him end bis uuilorin torn irom lila imc*. Officer Mc Gratb was beaten about tlie head with clues and aiooes, and waa removed to his home in ? anneal condition. Officers Luddick and Cooper, with tho assistance ol the rraorve men sue li*"r,,?<l ? M*ory Hesd and 1'alncit HorBihg. At lour o clock i'lmmaii McDonald and inomaa Hints were arrc-ied In Ninth street by officer liolliti lor drniikoae?a, mid when tuey reached ilie Orov.aireei siaiion Officer M.lion'e einb was lound in Hinoe' poeaosaion. Cliuigca ol atrocious ass ail have bean preferred against ell the prisoners, offlcor Mnirath who was the most seriously beaten ol all, waa lying at me LOoa,,s Mo" JOLLY TEUTONS. Over Thirty Thousand of Them Oath ered in Schuelzen Park. KINa OF THE FESTIVAL. Prize Winners at the Target of Honor and the Programme for To-Day. I lie expectations of tUe managers of the Sharp ?hooter*' Feat, at Sobaetzeu Park. were out dtsap poiutca yesterday. The *uu roac ciear in the morn 111*. and everything promised thai the day would he ? iiela one Indeed, lielore ten o'clock the entrance* to the park were tnrowu open, uuu huudrods ol men, women uud children, all in holiday an,re, crowded id. Tho Northern Killruud truius, the Hobokco nud Jer **y C,t* strc?l Cttr Hncg, and hundred* ol vehicle*, Irem the elegant elaronco 10 the two wheeled butcher carl, deposited their oeforo the gate* i ?nd immediately hurried oil lor more. Wlihlu every 1 Iblug was iu perfect order, the walk-, freshly graded, the shrub- tr.ratnod and the air heavy with mo per lume ol wild (lower*. The buildings throughout me ground* were guy with thousands oru.g* ?ud at ream ers, and hundred* of banner* were out wined with the ivy plant* that climbed about the turret* and eaves ot tho castle. Tho cloud* ol the early furennou, rolling up troni the weal, caused sumo torchodiuc* m to the uiternoou. hut uy two 0-ciotK ^py b#J ?ll passed away and the suu again smiled on tbe boautnul park uud its tbou*uuds ol visitors i ho prize house was durlug the early afternoon tho centre ol aliraction. for uorlug the day it was to to ?tripped oi its glittering uud valuable ornament*. Throng* of poopl* crowded about It und admired the j beuutllul medal*, cup* uud other prizes. Many ol tho ! sharps Hooters, too, preaseu arouud aud thought of what they would claim wImu it came their turn to ch-joae. The prlz ; of lOOd iu go d was not the least attractive h.v any means, an I the utile morocco aud ?alio cute in w hich reposed the gold pieces, glittering th tho suulight, wus the oyuo-sure ol many wistlui eye*" Til* GKANU PLAZA. On tho Grand Pimu, imunedtaiely oppoulto the cas tle, u stand waa erected, upon which tho coronation ol the -King," Farrow, took place. The stunn was ele gantly festooned with maroon aud gold velvet, and a glittering throne was oreoiwd about it* contre. An orcnostra was siatiouea near by, and during the cere monies discoursed chntco music The pl.Za was packed with ihousands ol p?0ple, who stool watching me scene. o,k-0 iu a while how ever, a mighty bural ol spplsuso * would couie up, m which m0 o'Vinah -hoc l." aud the American "cheer" mingled. Tho ut most good nature provallod aud not a single luoideut occurred to mar tho pleasant leol.uge ul ftjuorowd I he sme shows nud lent* u. wSro wuli putromzed, uad ibo ?xbort?ni upon the outsido redout,,?d their elforts to indue, a v.s.t to the mys! tcfioua recesses ot their touts, kuowing that it was filled wtih"y buto,no- Tlie dancing platform Were hlled with people, although uo uanuinc wis permitted, and bands of muslo d.s coursed choice b,? ol opera torether i with selection* ot sacred music. The people nreloul were ovideuily u luualc-foviug people, and tlielr do sires could yesterday bo s.uisUed to tue very lullrst extent. Dand* there were n, p|.?lv unt, ^ almost every turning ol the Uowurcd walks the promeuader I would bo met Willi bursts ol melody. One was ncJe^ !t helr.enyU,U). l"? reuc" ?' 1,10 Ol niusic! but ??? nt ooru,>* ol the park the cool Kill, rmr in?rUS Wou'U ou,y occasionally wuit u ..ubuuod retrain of some opora or a lew chords ol somu 'rand uuuon. nomem. The lake was a f.v"r" f r. n i ? 000 abado at us borders afforded a most dolignilut retreat. All day the boais wero in constant den.uud, and Happy bauus o people "M" tho troes tmtu iapb iu i.i^i ' A,1U|* ?lt?*noon advanced tho crowds at the euirances became, from their *iz-. almost uu. manageable. The ticket seller* aud m? gate tenders wore nearly overcome lu the rush p.r admission and long lines ol men waned for an opportunity lo'uur ehnse tickets. So groat wu. the tnroog teat u^?? wire "IiVv'a'iMiti'n rne'!, ?'ciook l"o slioruodn there y 36,000 people In the park, with the number Iwftmni"g every hour, he great, too, was the rush ot L , carriages ubd vehicles that at an early Hour in the uiternoou It wa- lound ucccsserv to close most o" he drives ,n the I'ark lor the protection ol pedea Iho'suraounn. "a lesUvul wUl h" ?onllnuod with all the ultraolloDt sua increased luciluie* lor dancing anoa^n2U?w S' ?' ,nLMC W1" "u >A.tend. mo V v eDorl b" n"'"? ">'*? ihe eh,a jtg day a g .la oue. the leia.uro wul bo the team matches for mo -Kod and Gun aud Forest and Stream modal-, as elroady announced in tj,e IlitkAi u. A* AMKltlCA* KIXU. FalrL^'^'v0"'*^ "iteudiug uno coro-wiion cf Mr. Tarrow, ol Now York, tbe "King" of tho festival .YoroJ;:r,,m,:Ul,,i,U ,,y ,U1,y Uiouanu"^ ? outers and ten thousand speoiaior*. rho plattoim uu me plazi was crowded with the dignitaries ot the i"c.'orck"m ^Tat,?" r"14""oVt io? o clock Major (Jo or go Aery, prut idem of tue assoeia tiou, stepped to mo front and welcomed tno Sharpshooters In a short mid appropriate al" dress, llr harrow then ourae lorwui-d. uecorted by L?*? , H" W,V III the uu ifoTm of his club?the /.eUler Kills ciub. oi Sow York-and Was greolod with prolonged chceriog. A youu, UJy, miss Annie Krmi.ob. of Jersey ci'tv, men dec" I hr'ii i " Wlt'J " blu# *''Koa Marl elegantly ! brsidod in aalln placed a crown of l.iuroi on hi* un r^a'r0' a?U P'U"ed l"8 >old med*l on Miss Krmiscb then spoke as follow*-? ?I no eoutOkl Is over aud you, by a .corn ol I mo out of a possible 1,800 points, nave proven II,e victor Your opponent* were murksioon Iron. ,n v,rt? .,fi|?, I tniicd Mute*, and they have proven thenCelve. |^. , men worthy ?i y?ur *t?el, ,.nd T??, b, y<Zr,K,ll 1ml , whihyr, have shown yoursell entitled to the uouor* Mutaa' ?I? ! " ol ?ho sharpshooters Ot tho L ulled MUl.s ol America, It is my pleasant task v> bestow upon you. It is the wish ol inu*e assocsttion* ot ] mark,imeu that (his .a-h which I now you m.y , ?'??/? prove me harbinger of ?oc?s-,s "nd ' lielr" nnl"' '""k ''0P8 lliUl Wl11 1,0 'rue 10 , heir colors, that vou will *?** stwaa ready to guard uud defeuJ tutiii and nhow you,sej( worm. If. he their clmn,Hon It i* alio Iheir horn, Thd .le Sire that Ills inedal whiah lain ahoui lo |>h ce upon your breast may alwsy. be worn with lionor and that you will siw.iys prove yourself worthy c* be mr w. arer. See ,o it that It a* we,I .* M,e good s.m. o? Ilie association In never larni.hea, and let it ..Ver bo en lucentivo to manly acts and deem, (u ,|at y?ur record on the book ol life will show a dear ,c."' i yoar aim be honorable, let your target l>e inrosa* an t ru.iy you uever tniasyuur mark " Mr. Farrow made a brief reply.,,, which he stated hat it was sooti lo br his i>rivileg? to utietsJ the ?co iiienlest to bo bold next mouth at OOssekPvl ,u (, "f t.kIllg honors wul, m h. **,? uud hope lo return with more ? The King e to end nis remarks by proposing ihree chcors iur Mayor Aery tbe presiaeut ol the festival. Asry, ... r .. tARoat or it, in. . r"llow,n? IH complete and corrected Hut of the prise winners ou II, o target ol l n?o,, with the no,,,. U<T ol riugs made by ?.?? ,1.0 pr zei these gentle,?eu yeater.luy altcrnoon I mine l|?ie v ultcr the cor o(j'? tion, ] he other t>ri/ps u ,.] i sentcd with ceremonies to-day ?? ' b8 Ou nee, Troy, 70; cn. Keller, New York MetML Fhi'noe'phla ?o; a HoU.uunn. Now York ?* -' , ? *.*'? I* ^ "rh' 01 ? Hobo, t J aoor, New York' ?4; K Hriltnin, Hartiord, . rit, t kJ'U' wi W.-"!ouuu,. Jersey as ,a. . K'?lh. NV,v York ,j;t / li norrtiiintiu ildbuk'cii il;t- <; ' . Itrltltf. Iinrl . ? ? i . MM. 7.* u>' "? <ilt1t||?.Oler. 11rid* port ,ki; W. Lowden. II,mk Island ??? fc. Wiiiimui'. Hartford, ?t, I'm Hp Ki?m. Now York ft ? J. llUmeulwrg, lloboseii, ,) K. I'lTanl N.? Hrittalu, fkl; P,D. Vnlktuanu. New York Will Jarrow .New Yon. ,;j; i? n.w Yon ? ' ? K slnix^New* V J U ??t*ch.r, rroyYiy H. spits. New York, I,. Saline hard! It rook i t'o i T"i ,* Tp,rk, IV h.!,-?, jr.; New York ' ni '??.UdPlt- Hohok.n, fi|; () rork 01; CepUio t.ouru Aerv hi. K. Ht.eber Fhi.sdelp^V ?l; C.! Mart in Hen kin1 v "?i- V Vork. flu Martin Utnfcen, New k on. no, p. nUp(mi, iirooaiyu. no, U A. I.leoah, Jer,ov City, no I'eler Stork rt Mini Water, 0(1; AllK-rt K ?tler. Now York tin i I,' W -burg, U A Sohw.ra Hiu "."t Rrf-WiTT* Sz, 'c S'.ri 6H; (Jeerge Schalek, I'otUvllle. I'a. * Koenig, .nao Jrauriaeo, 58; Charlea Kru.e' Hobokaa ,8u A'chy '..u,. N' y , w. Mr" I'oiiock, Troy, viile, N. J, 67; A. J. Ihttmar, Jersey City '"47* M l??rrier. New York, 67; Anihnny Met,7' V. m York. 67, W.lita,,, J, , llt.uV.TpJIf., 6?^An?u.* Mngerow, Newark, 07; J. F. Kolle, I'hil.i.lphm 6? K Uebrj Uoboken, 57; H \ uipius, i'oli.tnie 4 ! a -'i 3?i "en llroen, nainn' Island .,7; It W. Muofe, New York, y, ? l Kgge llriugoporl, 61; Will,?m l.ead. Newark (,'n 1 F. Katbgen filhten Island, Ml; || |'?a.|,sre' itrons lyn, un, Juittts Kuuiiner, dialed InJ.o Tj TJZ0 Hartl'ord J,,0Uw"nii; OO*,y"' *''' W,"u'" Turk-r! Il.rtior,, 5n, W. Knreupert nau Krancso,,. 6n; ?' , ,' l!",l'moreA Mi,Her, Brooklyn. Joseph l.uroh, New York, 56; I H.tler, ?r.?n?H^' 66; r.d Huenaol*. New Vork 66 II, ll..boa,D; Ne'w York u"w *1" V?fk' Mi J * w , , . * W- nhoveriliig. New York. ; J |-' ' I, ?''c ; Ill 11 win, N, W York, -4; K Nngsli, llonoken, .,4, t Heckor, Hridgepor, 54- r Juo.oo, New York, 6S; John Ha,or, Newark, M, Aln Neli*. ?^''*"rk, b.l; J red. liauaen Hobokn, oil 11 ?<* k'.'Li Ti I"rv ? D vv,r"' vork; ?? ZlJ ?"*' "onblc, New York Ad; c?^l n w af-H^r?- "i?1 r K ,lh- f.;i C ip'ain W. Kehlme-er, llrooklyn,u?or?e Men' Ae^', .'."/T"' f'a' > r8"- AW!l' A' i-ouia, 66; M Ae.iM^ch, Jersey. City, 61; M L llrgg-. New York, in'1 , Henteehler, Hartiord, 6g; J.din lameer Philadelphia, AJ; Jso. |,or)i New Ver" Af u' Haaohen, Hebonen, 6gj Fred. Cotter, Mew 'lterh, 66; L. Vocel, Sow York. 52; *F. Cleveland, Jflilfk, M| CU. 1st tier. New York. 62; B L pi'iiiuiiu, Jersey City | A. Krrii.i-oti, ll ilmken, M; F. W. FtlsdUwV, N.'?r York, 68; H K-nketi, New York. 52; Rd. Kueg.rr, \l mil in?, &2; Kred. Kill, Hoitokoa, 62; li N.m Vurk, 52; K. Ber gor. New Vork, ??2; J Unef. Mow York, 6I| 1 iiarto'l, Hri<H^iH, 51 , K. H .rri-oo, Newark, 51; 1. Holder, N -war*, 51; . lijinkluo, Chicago, 61; J. H. Kulitu, Hubuki-ii, 51; Vic. Schobioger. New York, 61; Clir. Kuud ilii, Nuw York. 51; G. Schilling, Balii luore, 61; IV. C Gardner, Newark, 51; William km. Now Vork, 51; K. 11 Wet, New York, 61; J. Wieboldl. Sew Vurk. 51; L Kikk, New York, 51; A. Sieiiou, HciiOUeUpark, 51; O. Wigkel, Highland, 51 j 11. KuSgol, Newark, 5u, 11. W. CordU, Now Vork. 60; C. Maiiakeri, New York, 50; And. Horn, New York, 60; K. Whilnoy, Hart lord, 50; GsMxta Klierleo, Sew Vork, 60 1> Mooraao. New Vork, 50; Kirl Klein, New York, 50; Cll. tiroenke, Harilord, 50, K F. Ga-acrt, Hi , 50; 1.. 1> Uoaiae, New York, 49; Hm. Hciueke, New Vork, 40; John Item, W lliainsbura, 40; CU. Koeggl, Newark, 40; J. R Co.lioa, New Vork. 40; Vs. Klanimer, Newark, 40; C. IV Stromal, Harlem, 45; G. Seliuriiinuo, N'-w Vork. 41; H. Aip*l, Hobokee, 48; G K Keller, New Vork, 48; H Delouiibne, New Vork, 48; Charles Kiseiu >uu. New Vork, 48; William Hose, New York. 4s; John Oiten, Now York, 47; C. I,. Krrcbo, Newark, 47; And. Fowl, Newark, 47; V U. Johr, New York, 41| J. Krauier. New York. 47; K. Krumor, Baltimore, 47; Kred IViln.e. Now York, 47; John It I or tea, Brook lyu.47; C. Woisaiu or, Jersey City, 47; K. llrehtu, Joraey Cilv, 47; N. I.awis, Troy, 47; H. Suppen l)Mk, 47; Louis l.iDo, New Vork. 40; George Heclnel, Six ten Uland. 40; F. K '*?el. 40; William Fielding, New Britain. 40; George S.inz, Baitlinore, 40; dMTl't Werltahti, Hobuken. 40; K. Laudolt, Now Y ark, 51. Urau, CutOigo, 40. OBITUARY. COLONEL OFORGE F. KANE, MAYOR 0* BALTI* MO E. Colonel George P. Suue, Mayor o( Baltimore, died In tbutctty yeitordny, at hie rosldenoe <>o St. Puq| street, where bo been con 11 not since hie attack of paralysis ou the .,1 April luet. For orer a year lie bud autlercd Item Brigbt'e disease ot the kidney*, which was tbo primary oauao ol hta death. Colonel Kauo w?? burn in Uiltimoro during tbe year 1817 ot Irish puruiit*, bia luthor burlog been exiled from I.ouuouderry in i;?8 |0r complicity in a rebellion against tbo British crown. Mayor Kuuo ncgan bm pollilcal career to lwo. aud la acknowledgment of tug support i'reaidoni Taylor la Isf.i uppointed buu Collector of tbe Port of Balli* more. He was an uw.wod enemy of Know .Nothing, lam and wui prominent m the effort to uucotnplith defeat. In which bo waa u.innately aucceaeful. Previous to this lie became ldenuUed Willi ttie.local A,,'.','.'!?- orfi*u'z '?'01"'- bu,n? Colonel or tite Kagie He If i ? "l' 01 M mi goiuorv Guard, lie wuu ul?o President ol the Independent Voluuleer Pnio C0.m'MUV- h" wax cbosett Msrsbul of 1 olico ol Baltimore, am did mueti to Improve lie ef. Ucioncy, nod which wm lor many years popularly known ox "Kane's Police.'' * W hen Port .-uiuier w ?? bred upon In IHdl by lieaore. yurd a gunners in Charleston hnroor aud the Northern minus were ? bInluoiied to she deleuce ol Wsahiaglou no m"" r'"1,"' C:"?' "?e Baltimore s ?u, u ! fifth of April, when tbe h'Xth Muniiiclineetih niurctiud through Buiumor., the police made u great demon alritlion ostensibly lor the protection ol ilio soldiers, but it was charged ul tbe tune (but K me really used tbe force uudor bis control to binder tbo progress of ,r#0.)(1 sad tbst ho ulao was lustruineotsl to destroying bridges aud oilier cominuuieatiouN win, tbe city Bui it isouly just to state mat when Mayor drown made > s r<'J.,0V to ,be City Council of ibo events ol April 19, and tbo passago ot tho Massachusetts troop, along J.rati street, uoua Laiglil, he uaod the loilowiug lan. j gu^gc:? At lunt, when T foun<| that my p'onericd xrn% of no fine liowfJ i.f tin column; but itmaat?Jiiu?Iv a/ier I .hi ? ? !h,?,iL "'f1' hollee i.oh, from the direct Ion ol t.gmiltn etatiut j to the rusr i!.i ol 1 forming u line across the ttrooi " " " f,| cll'"w" revolvers checking aim keipiug off ibe 111"!'. III., inovouient. winch I rnvvr luv sell was na Hectic success ul and gslisiitly ..orturinod. It Is duiuy hire Ju? tlee to say that Ho. ?l |'?||ee m, ,,n.Ur his oounusnd exerted themselves bravely, effsolively sail, lully. aud in good tsltb t.. preserve 11.s puscs sn.I dr'ntset lie. and but fer tile thuely arrival ol Marshal Kaue aud teen "rest'' deecrlbed. the bloodslied wou.d bays l lie attitude Assumed by the sympalhixors with ae cevNion led to tbo city ol Baltimore being placed under uiurtlil law but. despite tula IhcI, the Police Marshal refused to obey oenoral Butler's orders to deliver up J1 1"* ",,u b,'eu found concealed In the city. !""C,0U!' W'"1 Kb""'* conduct that General llauks, who succeeded General Butler in command ol tho federal lorcee. determined to place toe Marshal ol Juu/reiNi i At ?'olock A* * u" ?l?" ?IU is * ,u boav ?' ?r?o|.g were nUioiiy marched to Kane'* residence, and be soon found Mm self a prisoner within tbe walls oi Fort MuHenrv be being subsr.juontlv removed to Fort Warren his'lm prisoninent lasting seventeen mouths. On Ills release in Novciubor, imi-, isauou a card, in winch he denouoced Secretary Howard and tbe ledoral gov*ru mont. Immediately alter thla Characteristic act Kuoe inado bia way luto the Cunlederalu lines aud there attempted to organise all of the Maryland volunteers into ouo command, of which be was to oe the colonel. in this fee V.nooa reasons be arranged a system of suou.s by wuicu regular coinriiuuicattou waa kept up Uotwnsn the citiws oIK.cbmuud and Baltimore, thereby btfioT federate government accurate knowledge of Impor Uui undertakings by the federal government sou too movement ol us troops. Whilo earnest and uiiyioid Ing tn Ins devotion lo the csu.e ol occasion Colonel uiauilested a chivalrio nature ou more luan one.occasion Having been .town many acts o" kindness by n native of Mnsanehuix'iu while couUued in 1 ort Warren i.e sought, in lsd-1, lo liai uiico tne account by securiug tbo release o' two Mas Bachiisetts officers from I.tbby Prison At ihe"lU? the war telouol Kane retuinod to bis native cltv and mil . ,'!! 4.,T"r*J co?""ission.K Ol municipal improve, uu o.s or in other lionorsry posmons in 1ST1 he waa elected sheriff ol daliiomre, aervt.g ooi tetm Im I it Iim win olccleii Miivor by ttin d?.u fn ih?Um,'nrty a.nJ many radical reforms in the municipal government eystem. Mayor Ktn?'n family w. re ol tbo Pruabyterian Istth, but bodiJ not : r.V y. ??'?? m?y religious' uehomrn.i?Ji uulll during Ills last illness, when he United with (he Churct,. Mayor Kan# leavos a wil , but o" ' Tuesday mi R, '"""o "*V" "rr',,"!?41 ,or his burial on 1 ue?d ?y, at Boqdi* Bm?i Ceiii?i?ry. a ?o emu iu ia? ?I rrqui?>ii) arm ba ni Mi. Isnaiiua' Cburoto at hsl-past utn, A. M., at which II.. tlraoe Arclibnlmn (i.bhonv will officiate Fiug-i on the Baltimore tny Map aud other munioipal buildings were displayed ths'Vlf* |"1 4*1' u"u J special msetiag o. | IIih tliy Council bus bi oti Cillno for lo-fJuv at which sultablo action will uo taken. The president I tho llrst or.ncu ol tbo City Council, Mr. Una hi-llliul / who lias been actlwg Mayor .luring Mavor Katies illues'i. will continue lo All tue olbce >?? v/ficio until a n. w election, whirl, will b<> hrld within llfiecu all ol ln.u Kg.Mat or I.itrobu w.ll receive toe noiu. elected OU1 lt>? dc,notrste ana will ptobably be RIGHT HOB. W. r. r. TIGHT. | Ti.e Hlgfat Hon. William Frederiok Fownes Tighe died on Juno II. at bia residence, Wootistoek, eouni) Kilkeutiy, Ireland, at the ripe age of eighty live. The , deeeat?u was a I'rivy Councillor lor Ireisnd, lord Ilea, teuant for His county sad ciiy of Kilkenny, sad hew. ?rary colonel ol tho Kilkeuny fuaPeers since the death [ ol tbe lite Mar.juia ol Urmoude. He Wat a i.roa ^ laritj?f] propruior. No project tor ilio bapiiiovsa or eoinlort ol ins leiiama or dependents that bis own could suggest or oiber's bring be.ore h.m wm , lelt iinir.od, sod the result Was tbst a degree o. hen pin??g n-lgned within his u.tluence rare in Ireland | Ksdy Leaiaa Tlghv, his wile, wag the daughter ol tba liuk.o, Ito hiuond. Who met Wild so ir.vgi' g de.ih I * iceroy ol t snada, and sunt ol the present l uke and ol the Countess of llsssburough. fin n. was aI,.d*0,L1""U"rUr l"?'r ??rr'-,k?. Rut be unfortunately died m infancy. I ho licir lo Mr. Tuba's ?x. tensive properties will bo bis grand oenbow ??" * 'x,e?G,n?nl Colonel lighe, Kosnuon, county 1 rum r- eWm Hl" ' ""oor- Allb.Vt ml | fight hoaorabie gentleman was su advocaie fur Charon eiw-etahlimtn-nt. - for most" tbenif rSKTl yul " B*Uo,"'f ?o the cuuren m en ., i?."!: "M,",b,'r. "nd "hicit be cooierrcff 'or the of the otstiofric sod for cnie'uy r;,Modl "'"??? "? l?U JuMkl'll BLOtlMVIBLD JACKHOB. Dr. Joarpb Hioomfl-ld Jaeksen, sued .bout seventy. Ove yosrs, died suddenly last night at bis home i> ! Newark, .1, J. Mo was a Inching lemdent ol Newark an.i during the civil war took a very active part iuai li"* Ds par i in eat of the old La teg ?Male* VVmiU iluMpilal. 'i?" CONfiiiCKAiiUN' OF A hYNAOOOUE. The uptown and downtown Israelites Of thla eft/ Intern.aid yesterday on tbe the oeaaaiou ol tbe dedl cition of tbo synagogue, 'dlatte ol Righteousness," tn llenry street, tho upostles ol brotherhood being Rev Mrs. tfuehseh and Me Nola Mendee. The spacious budding was (tiled with an eager throng, eomprietn| many uptown residents. Tbe servieea opened wtti a proceesiou or tbe >sered scrolls at tne left, boras by the iru'loea ol th? congroifslioii amid th? chaining ol llis ckud ul Mr. Mouses* synagogue hevoral peeltna were chained b> the ciutor. ItvV Mr. Roscaaartig snd Mr. lluehsch mounted tne rostrum slid gave an liupnsshiued address in German. H* exhorted tbe tmigregat ou to i.e mindlul ul tbe inree pillars on wh cn .liirtaism stands ?tbo law, prayer and charity, tie eliiorieu liioia to on liberal io tuelr oHennas to the vynatogiie, as wore the Israelites in the desert, who were commanded tn cease giving. Offerings wer? then announced by .he secretary, Mr. Lett, m imiamouuiol nosrly $1,000, ninoh oetng Ironi the uptown friends ol th<< cotigreaatton and other vlsitori pieeeiit. i ue Kuglieu nddresa waa delivered by Rev. Mr. Mo Kola M. udes, oi the lurtvloutb rtireel sv un> gogue. who rominucd his bearers that if the Lord build not (lie bouse, in vaiu the builders toil. Tbe way God would lielp ihsln wag, by tbe Words ol Ms* litcpbot, "Not i>y vaier, not ny might, bat by my ?pint, set Hi tne Lorib" "Ul ibe Gates el Righteous* livss Ue known, not .<? a wealthy snrine, not ne one sought nut ny men of poorer, bbt as the h?me of or. t'.odoi Judaixin. It sbsii he a high privilege," eeld Dr. Meiuiea, come among you, "lof all that knita Itie bonds oi Jew lo Jew lis* inv hearty support. " fb0 ant VMS eooemded with b Uebrew U) nil.