Newspaper Page Text
From All Parts of the World. TIIE BERLIN CONGRESS. Speculations Regarding the Next Move in the Game. RUSSIA STRENGTHENING SERVIA. Prospects of Trouble in the Neighbor hood of Stamboul. HEALTH OF ROYAL INVALIDS. [llY CABLE TO THE HERALD.] London, June 24,1K78. A telegram from Berlin announces that the Con gress at Monday's sitting will discuss the details of the arrangement which was made on Saturday, permitting the Turks to garrison the Balkan passes. A later despatch declares that this con" cession on the part of Hussia is unquestionably conditional upon the establishment ol the autonomy of Itoumelia and the evacuation or the interior by the Turkish troops. THE NEXT POINT. The interior organization ol the province will be next discussed. The conditions laid down by Kussia are absolute, it is understood that the ne gotiations relative to guarantees lor the autonomy ol the province will give rise to animated debate. The quesilon ol the evacuation of the lortrcsres will also arise in connection with the organization of Roumclia. THE SENSITIVE QUESTION. The foal's special despatch iroin Berllu states that Great Britain and Austria resolutely insist on the Russians speedily evacuating Bulgaria, where, until a new government is established, there shall be a mixed Kuropean occupation. Kussia de mand!) that the number ol truops which Turkey shall be entitled to station near the Balkans bo limited to a comparatively small contingent, and that Russia be allowed to continue military occu pation for some time longer. DRAWING THE LINES. The Ti'nips' Berlin correspondent says that Sofia Is to lie included lu Northern Bulgaria. The tormer report that the city was to bo Included In Roumeiia was erroneous. The Powers consented to this on condition that the frontier pass so close to the south of the town as not to menace Austrian interests in that quarter. AN IMPORTANT ARRIVAL. The Russian Privy Councillor Schlocgcr arrived in Berlin from St. Petersburg on Saturday, and im mediately hud interviews with Count Seliouvaloil and Prince (iortachukolk Prince Uortschakolf is confined to his bed. RUSSIA DOES NOT LIKE IT. A St Petersburg despatch aaya:?"There is much excitement hero concerning the arrangement by which Turkey is allowed to occupy the Balkan passes. It is thought Count SchouvaloiT la ac countable lor making this concession." WHAT ENGLAND ADVISES. It Is understood at Constantinople that England Advocates the formation ot a gendarmerie to re place the Russian army of occupation. "FORWARD !" CRY THE TURKS. A despatch from Constantinople reports that the whole Turkish right wing lias made a forward movement SKEWING TROUBLE. The Russians reccutly requested the British Con sul at Bourgas to billet some soldiers, and in con sequence of his rclusal threatened to tear down the Britisii dug. Minister l.ayurd instructed the Con ?nl to confine himself to a protest. NKKVIA AND RUSSIA. Despatches irom Belgrade say a large number of Russian officers are expected at Bclgvade on Mon day. FOR AUSTRIA'S SAKE. "It Is stated lu well informed circles that in cer tain eventualities two divisions oi Russian ln lantry will enter the country as a reinforcement to the Serviun army." bmpkuok William's condition. A bulletin issued at Berlin from ihe PaJece yester day morning reports that the condition or the Em peror is sattefaeiory. His power ot moving tno left ?rm Is peieeptlbly increasing. TIIK qUKRN or SPAIN worse Tne condition ol Queen Mercedes onuses much anx iety at Madrid. A violent hemorrhiigo supervened on Saturday und greatly weakened her. MATHKWS SLIGHTLY lll.TTCR. Mr. Charles Mathews, the comedian, is a little easier to-night. Ho has very lltilo sullering, but there Is no hope ol his recovery. OVATION TO L0KI> DUFFERIN. A 1ARKWELL ADDRESS FROM TIIK LEGISLATURE OF QUEBEC?COMPLIMENTARY III FERENGE OF THE COVEUNOn GENERAL TO THE FRENCH CANADIANS. Qcaasc, Juno 23. 1H78. Lord Duller in was presented with a laroweil uddrors lo tbo Legislative Chamber on Katurduy by the Que bec Legislature. The Countess Dullcrin was also pres ent. their Excellencies met with a splendid ovaiton. The addresa was read alternately in English and drench. Rkl'LV Or 1118 KXCKLLKNCV. In replying Ilia Excellency recalled the warm wel lome which bo bad received Irom the people ol Que bec upou landing ou thoir shore six years ago. Be referred with pride to the w illingness with whicn too French Canadians rullicd to the delenco ol iter Ms) ?aty'a dominions whan the clouds of war hung over tho Empire. Hit weriuest aspiration lor this Pro v luce bad always been to aeo its French Inhabitants executing lor Canada tha functions France hervell has so admirably performed for Europe. dtriko Irom European history tbo Mbievumenta of Franco, subtract Irom European civilisation the contributions ol France, and what a blank would be oce.isiouod. lu conclusion bo thanked tne people in tbo name ol tbo Countess Itufli-rtn lor tne chivalrous and considerate attention adown her In this city. The Countess Dofterln held a reception In the Cita del In lbs afternoon. It was largely uttonded. SUE GOVERNOR GKNLUAL COMING TO THE UNITED H t'ATI H. Montmsal, Juno 23, 1HT8. The Governor General will arrive in Montrcul dur ing tne night aud ioavo lor the United Sinloa in tha uiomlng. A NEOliO'S JEALOUSY. FATAL FIGHT FOB TIIK / FFKCT10N8 OF A YOUNG COLOR!D GIRL. Asiivrt Park, N. J.. June 23, 1878. A aerloua siabbiug a dray occurred hoio last night between two negroea named Langhoru Nixon aud Robert Holmes. Mixou had beou paying intention* to a young colored girl lor aonio lime past and Hulrnos baa been trying to eupereedo bint in her nl lertlon*. Holmes having partly succeeded in hi* de ?igna, Nixon became enraged with jealousy. At a late dour Inst ovenlng, us lloimee was passing the place whcroNlxon Is employed, tlicy met, augry words ensued, one tbey anally came to blow*. Nixou over powered Holmes, but, not aalisUed with tbia, bo seised a jitcbiork and plunged It into Holmes' lelt aide and also Ibrougn tha side ol hie neck. Holmes' cries brought the police to the scene, wbo arrested Nixon end lodged bun la tne station bouse. This no.rale* the prisoner was removed to Freehold, the county seat it i* believed that Holmes' lajuriea will prove 'atal. Nixon Is a bad character, bar log ?erred a term in the State Prieou. THE INDIAN TROUBLES. GENERAL CUOOK RETURNED FROM CH1CIGO ? THE SITUATION EXTREMELY CRITICAL? OPINIONS OF ARM Y OFflCEhB. [BY TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD.] Omaha, Neb., June 23, 1878. General Orook returned to-day Iroiu Chicago, where he bud a cooleronoo wtib General SUertdan on tbo Indian hltuatlon. The Han nock troublea being In another military dtvUlon, It remain* lor Sheridan and ble brigadiers to avail the issue of Howard's and Mc Dowell'* operation*. The movements on tbo Montana frontier, made uccesmry to protect settlers, have crippled Shoridun's division, so that it can reuder little, If any, assistance. TilK SITUATION CRITICAL OQluers here buiievo the situation to he exceedingly critical. Some no not hesitate to state in pluin terms that the army with its present numbers canuot put duwu the bannock Insurrection, tossy nothing of an ticipated troubles with Silling bull's band and possi bly with Spotted Tail and Red Cloud. General Crook said lo-auy to your corrospoedeut thntuuless the gov ernment removes these tribes soon, according to its ploduos, they will remove themselves, which Is equiva lent to going on iho warpath. Olllccrs hero swell every telegruiu irom iho ludeu country with great in terest, not knowing when there may be a new out break. NO CAUSE FOR ALARM IN WISCONSIN. St. Paul, Mino., Juno 23, 1878. General Forsyth, of Ucneral Sheridan'* stall', re ports that there is no cause for the Indian alurm in Wisconsin. LOCK TENDERS' STRIKE. CANAL NAVIGATION AT LOCK PORT INTERFERED WITH?ORDER RESTORED BY THE AUTHORI TIES?DETERMINATION OF THE SUPERIN TENDENT TO ENFORCE REFORMS. [BY TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD.] Alii any, Juue 23, 1878. Governor Robinson received despatches this morn ing Indicating that discharged Iocs lenders on tho canal at Lockport hud seised tho locks, refused to nllow any one to luko their places, aud bad prevented boats irom passing through. At first tho sitnation appeared to be serious, as Lockport Is ono of tbo most Importunl cunal centres on the line, and a determined stand ot strlkors there, where it Is known they would probsbly have sympa thizers, would completely interrupt canal navigation irom tho ontlre West until the strike could bo quelled. The Governor consulted with buporlntendont*1 J'ub Ito Work* Clarke, and It was contemplated at onetimo to Instruct the Sherifl at Lockport to enroll a lurgo number of cillcons as extra constables to ttdaptare the locks and preserve order, but the Governor sub sequently ocacludoJ that the matter could be lolt suleiy to tho discretion ol the Sherilf ot the county. He consequently issued no instructions iu the prem ises, and to-uight he says ibut no believes tho move is the work ot u lew unruly meu who can be easily bundled by the citizens. OKDKK KKSTOKKO. Tho Superintendent lets lor tne scene ol the slrlko lo-nlght. According to blsudvices the men had ac tually prevented the passago ot boats, but oruer had been so lar restored at uoou that navigation was men free. He believed that he would be able to put a slop to all interloreuce with navigation when be reucties the soeuu to morrow. Fl'Rl'OSKS OF TliK HUPKR1NTKNDKNT. In conversation prior to ins departure bo said that the questlou raised wus merely whether be should carry out tne purposo ol relorm on tho canals or not. lie inicudod to UlsoUurgo alt loan wtio accepted "scale" money on the canals (or perquisites lrout cap tains lor passing their boats thruagu in a hurry) and put bouost meu in their places it he lived, and be would keep on discharging set alter sul until he suc ceeded. Considerable excitement is visible here among cabal meu, wno have heara probably exagger ated rumors ol tbo extent nt the strike, u good many discbarges huvlag been made at ilus point. A TRAMP'S MERITED FATE. DESPERATE ASSAULT UPON A GENTLEMAN AND HIS WIYE?THE ASSAILANT FATALLY WOUND ED? COURAGEOUS CONDUCT OF THE WOMAN. Pkoviuk.xue, R. I., Juno 23, 1878. . Yesterday evenmg a tramp enterod the house of Mr. William W. Forsyth unbidden and was warned to knock if he camt again. Soon alter Mr. Forsyth found hitn In tbo kitchen. The tramp advanced witb a dirk knife uplifted. Mr. F'orsylb, who Is in feeble health, fled to bis bedroom eod se cured a revolver, ana, presenting it, ordered the tramp to loavo the house. The tramp rushed lor werd with the kntle, when Mr. Forsyth llred, the bail billing the lop of bis heed. The tramp then grasped Mr. F'orsytb by the throat and attempted to throw him over the bannister#, but was prevented Irom so doing by Mr. Forsyth's wife. Mr. Forsyth ireod bis arm and fired again, lodging a ball in tbo bead of bis nniagoolsi, who Hod e short distance and was after ward captured. A surgeon who was called was un able to Dud tho second bail and pronounced tho wound Intnl. IDENTITY or TEX TRAMP. The woundod man says that bis name Is Mtobael Highland, ot Newark, N. J. He baa been ? year in the Unlfelo (N. Y.) Workhouse. He Is evidently in sane on tbo subject of religion, end repeated the Lord's pruycr on his knees while tne surgeon was J robing lor the ball. He Is still alive ut tbo Rhode slsnd Hospital. Ho would doubtless have overpow ered aud killed Mr. F'orsytti had it not boon lor the assistance bravely rendered by the fetter's wiist THE GEISTLICH TRAGEDY. AN UNKNOWN SUICIDE NOT THE FUGITIVE MURDERER. 1'niLAUkLPiiiA, Pa., June 23, 1878. A men who commuted suicide lest night by jump ing Into tne Delaware River Irom e ferry boat, and whose body was not recovered, was thought to bsvo been Ueistlicb, the murderer, but the cantata ol tho boat to-day, when shown a picture of Geietlicb. ox pressed himself as fueling quite positive that It wus not be. Toe ilipienuer thought the picture looked something like the man, but as he saw him lu a sit ting posture he was nut prepared to say posi tively. KILLED IN A QUARREL. Pit I i.ADKLnu a, P?., Juua 23, 1874. Daring a qaarrtl last ntgbt Mr a Marion JbUnaon, an aged colored woman, was kaocked down uod beaten by a colored man named William Cooper, from itio tllocih oi wmch beating abe died shortly uliar. Cooper fled and baa not yet been arretted. STABBED HIS FaTHEU. New Mu.roHO, Conn., Jane 23. 1873. Edwin Hojrt fatally atabbed bia father, Cworgo Hoyt, at haif-paat two o'oIock tbla afternoon, In the houae ol Vanderburg Joyco. bia brotbor-ln-law, In tho aoutli part ol sbermau. It la supposed tbal money trouble* aud liquor wura tbo inceiitivva. THE GUEST POISONING CASK St. Mart's, Ont., Juno 23, 1873. In the case of Dr. Pord, cbargod with poisoning Kobort finest, tbu Coroner's jury bare lound Pord guilty of itdiiilniaierlog ibo poison, but waro unable to discover Irom what motive. FATAL JlAII.HOAl) ACCIDENT. Haijitok, Pa., Jano 23. 1873. Jsmei Jarvey. whllo Intoxicated, was tun over by the Northern ex prom train ou tbe Northern Central Railway, near Mclntyrc, last nlgbt, and waa literally nut to pieces. Tbe euglno waa thrown on a tide trick and waa stopped by running into a train of empty care. The btggago car waa thrown down an embankment. No person on the trstn wia injuied, however, and tne patsengcra were transferred to a special train, brongbt iroin Wnllxmsport lor that purpose. lue Coroner eoitnueucuU uu Inquest at ?ate, but not obralnlug aulllciout < vidence sojourned until tnta morning, wnen It waa sgalu adjourned until Monday. THE SAN E LIZ AN 10 BIOTEBS. Qalvsstoh, Texas, dime 23, 1878. A AVter apeclal Irom Connbo City atatea that licaid ?rio A. Poduct, lacond In command ol tbo Sou Kli ?ario company, and who commanded tbe firing party In December laat which executed Howard, Atktnaon and Melirlde, waa arretted on the 10th lust, by .state troop* Tbe other leadora are known to be In tba mountains akirting tba Itio Uraudt, oa tbo Mexican tide, in atght ol the rangrra' camp, with the exception of Uliteo Borcis. general la-clitel of tbe mob, who le at Club nab na. 'itiu Mtxicau authorities bavo replied to Jutlgu Blacker'* demand lor Cbieo lloruia'a extra dition, ont tba reply use been loot in tna mall. Tha reply is known to ba evusivo. TEN BUOECK AND MOLLIEMCARTHY. Lonaviti.a, Ky., June 23, 1878. Ten Rroerk and Moillo McCarthy both worsen a lit tla Saturday. 1 ha mare made her two mliee In 3:3TM- Tea Broeck could not ha timed, aa Hollo Coi tion, who la assisting Harry to train blm, rsadeied It linpoaaiblat THE HUNTEtt TltlAL. VISIT Of THK ACCUKD TO WASHINGTON IN JAN CAB* ? COBltOBOUATION OF GliA H A*'k STORY. [B* TEItBGBAPII TO T11K HK'.ALD. 1 Wabuinutox, Jane 23, 1818. Since the notoriety given the movements of Bonja. Bin Burner by ttio developments of lite trial at Phllu' dolphin for the aliened murder oi John M. Armstrong, on tbo night or the 23d ot January last, important tlg nifloauoe linn been nttaobad to tbo Ulscovsry of the registry ol bin nauie on tbe boolc-* of tbo Riggs Houso bore under Ualo of Saturday morning, tbu 12M of Jauuary, It will be rotnoiubcreil that tbo man Grnbnni bos couteaied that bo ?u hired by Uuater to put Arraitrong out of tbe way on an earlier day of tbo month oi January than tbe 23J, wbon tbe murder was eventually porpetratod, but that bo backed out of tbo ooutract, much to tbe disappoint moot ot Hunter. WHAT THK HKOISIKR SHOWS. According to tbu showla.t of tbe Rtggi House register llunter arrived in Washington about bull-past livo o'clock on tbo morning ol January 13. He signed bis u.nno in tbe billowing unusual way: ? 5 BENJ'N HUNTER, \ \ 1.304 S. Tot.iii St., l'li'lnuelpbia. J Just beloro ibo initial lottur "B" oi tbo Benjamin tbero ta a largo round blotch of Ink, as if tbo penman bad taiten up an over supply ol the lluid in aturtlng to write the name and the surplus ink bad lailcn oil in a largo drop. Tbo attention ol the proprietor of tbo hotel, Mr. bpollord, was directed to tbe eatry at the time, because tvbon bo was in the Continental Hotel In Philadelphia bo knew Hunter, who was in tbu raugo business. Iieuco wbon Hunter was subsequently accused of tbe murder be recalled the circuuiMiiuce ol bis visit to Washington. Tbo ledger shows that Hunter went away In tbo altcruoon ot the sume duy, leaving the betel lor tbo naif-past live Philadelphia train on tbo Baltimore and Potomac Railroad. ukaham's statkment. Tbo man GruUaui, in narratiug bis earlior ex perience wltu Hunter on tbo subject ol engugiug to do tbe murder, made tbo loliowlug statement:? lie (II "liter) told mo ho was going to Virginia and be would send me some money, but He ditl not lie told me to do tbe innrdur wbll* bo whs m Virginia. 1 did not see biiu agaiu until Tuesday, tbo day beloro tbu murder. EEMAINS OF THOMAS W1NANS. [BY TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD. ] Nkwi-okt, Juno 33, 1378. Tbe remains of tbo Into Tbomus Winnus, ol Balti more, were removed to thai city, via New York, to night, lor Interment. Tbo luuerul service will bo held upon their arrival. FAILU11E OF A NOTION DEALEB. [BY TELEGRAPn TO THK HERALD.] I'kokia, 111., June 23, 1878. F. W. Bucbinan, notion dealer, tiled a voluuiary petition iu bankruptcy Inst night. Liabilities, {25,000; assets, $7,000. MASONIC APPOINTMENTS. Aluany, N. Y., Juuo 23, 1878. M. W. Edmund L. Jud.son, Grand Master of Masons, annouueos tno foliowiug appointments:? Grand Chaplains?R. W. and Rev. John G. Webster, Pultuyra; R. W. and Rev. Stophen H. Tyng, Jr., New York; Jt W, and Rev. C'Diries u. Hall, Brooklyn. Gr ant Marshal?K. W. James Ten Kycfc, Albany. Grand Standard Bearer?R. W. Joseph J. bleiu, New York. Grand Sword Bearer?R. W. Cadwulader Evans, New York. Urand Stewards?11. W. Albert Parker, Coxssckle; R. W. W il 1 iu in A. Brodie, (ieucseo; R. W. Reuben Riley, Brooklyn, una R. W Charles if. Brown, New York. Senior Grand Beacon?R. W. John Vroomau, Herkimer. Junior Grand Deacon?U. W. Theodoro D. Smith, Albany. Grand Lecturer?R. W. George H. Raymond, New York. Grand Librarian?R. W. llobort H. Thomas, Port cboster. Grand l'ursuivant?Vf. Johnston Fountain, New York. Grand Tiler?W. John Hoolo, New York. District Deputy Grand Masters?First district, R. W. L. Braalora Prince, Flushing; Second, R. W. Alonzo Brymer, Brooklyn; Third, R. W. William Sberer, Brooklyn; Fourin, R. W. Charles S. Artnur, New York; Filth, R. W. Frank R. Lawrence, Now York; Sixth, n. W. John Boyd, New York; Sevoutb, K. W. Herstio W. P. Hodson. New York; Eighth. R. W. Anthony Yeomana. New York; Ninth, K. W. Theodore W. Davis, Puugbkowpsiu; Tenth, R, W. Goorge Blckey, Nysck; Eleventh, R. W. Saolord J. Thatcher, Ceblesklll; Iwellth, H. W. William Boatwick, Hudson; thirteenth, R. W. Stepoeu L. Stiilmaa, Greenwich; Fourteenth, It. W. Joseph A. Johnson, illou; Filieemb, R. W. Mirtln V. B. Ives, Potsdam; Sixteenth, It. W. Georse R. Blarney. Cape Vincent; .seventeenth. It. W. George 11. Palmer, East Hamilton; Kign trcntb. R. W. Frank G. Polios, ; Nineteenth, It, W. Luther H. Conkllu, Mexico; Twentieth, It. W. Chauncey N. Shipmaii, Elinira; Twcuty-nrsl. It. \V. John Vandenberg, Clyde; fwenty-aeoond, K. W. Jacob G. Maurtr, Uocbester; Twenty-third, R. W. George W. Griswold, HornelltviUo; Tweiity-ioortli, it. W. George W. Uarrt II, Albion; Twenty-Mill, It. W.CUarles E. Yoang, Buiraio; Twenty aixtb. It. \V. Alexander Wentworth, Randoipn; Twenty seventb, R. W. Che ney King, Nlanlolon. LodgeH working In tbe German tongue in the city ot New York, Kings and Rienmond counties?R. W. G. F L. HobeiilUul, New York. Lodges working In the French, Spaulsb and Italian tongues Iu tbe any oi Now York and Brooklyn?It. W. Antonio Gonzales. Brooklyn. Commutes on roreignCorrespondence?M. W.John W. Simons, Brooklyn; M. W. Stephen H. Johnson, New York; W. M. Primer, BulTalo. DEATH IN A CHUBCIL Wahiiinutox, Judo 23, 18*8. Mr. John D. I'm too, ot Georgetown, Tell dead in St. Johu'a Church, In thai cay, to-day. Ho enured the church apparently in good health, and during tbo aervico had riaeu, prayer book In band, when the death airoka came, falling buck ward, tlu hook tell to the floor (rem hie llloleas grasp A alight commo tion swept through the audiencu, hut no alight that the ret tor thought ihut aouio one had only fainted. Mr. i'nitoo waa a clerk In tbo patent oUlce nod wan aeventy-ona yeara old. ABBEST OF COUNTUIFEITEBS. St. Locih, Mo., June 23, 1878. Nine memhera ol a gang ol oountorleltera. baring their headquarters near Maxtor's Spring*, Kan, hare been arrested and offloara aro iu purauit ut others. BAIN 8TOBMS IN KANSAS. St. Login, Mo., Jnoe 23,18*8. Adrlcei Irom Southwestern Kansas auto that terri ble rale atoriue prevailed in that region uurlug luat nook. At Wluflold the raiuiall on Wodnetday alter noon la ealnnatud at twvuiy*tlve mohe/. 1'be wbulo country was Inundated and greut damage dotio to tbo crops. bridge* and lencca wore carried away and cattle, bogs and poultry drowned. Children of a lariuer naried Free, living on Heaver Crock, weie drowuod, and a Mr. tletl, living on ll.adgvr Crock, waa nlao drowned. Couaiderahio oamuga waa uleo done by lightning. MIDNIGHT WEATHEU BEFOBT. I'A It I II KNT, 1 USUI. Orriccn. [ t 2-4?1 A. M. ) Wan DkPAitTMk.vt, OrriCk or tiia Cinar Mull W akiiinutun June: fmlieatums. For the Middle Stales and Southern Now England, westerly winds, cooler, pertly cloody ercloar weatnar, and stationary or rising barometer. For lbs Soutu Atlantic and Kant Cull State*, north west to southwest wind*, slightly warmer, clear woathar and aiaitoaory pressure. For the Wast Uult States, Increasing southeast wind*, warmer, partly cloudy weather aed felling barometer. For Tenneaaee and the Ohio Valley, stationary or lower pressure and temperature, westerly winds end clear weather. For the Upper Mississippi and Lower Missouri val* lays, aeutboast winas, warmer, clear or partly clear weather end (ailing bnrometnr. For the lake region, southeast to sontbwaat winds, warmer, partly cloudy weather, occasional rain uud stationary barometer. Tlu rivjra will generally tall, ezeopt n slight rlae In tbn Missouri and Uppor Ohio. TUK 1UTKBDAY. The lollowiog rocord will show tba change* In the temperotnre lor toe past twanty-loer hours, in com pnrison wltb tba corresponding date ol last yaar, as iudieaied by tba thermometer ut Hudnut'a pbnrmacy, Hbkaui building, No. 218 llroadway 1877. 1871. 1877. 1878. 8 A. M M 01 3:30 I* M .... id 73 0 A. M M iiJ 0 I'. M. 71 70 9 A. M.. tiJ M 0 V. M 64 Cli 12 M 09 74 12 P. M. 00 01 Average temperature yesterday 61 Ji Average temperature lor corresponding date test year.....*,.. 04,'. WASHINGTON. Version of the Recent Scandal by the Friends of Mr. Acklin. AN APPEAL TO THE CODE OF HONOR Preparations in Progress for the Duel. THE STATEMENT OF BOOTH. How It Was Received, Read and Destroyed, ^GENERAL WASHINGTON DESPATCHES. WlsmxoTOX, June 23, 1878. TUB ACKLEN-ROSSKl! BJANIJAL? tgUlXE AN OTHER VERSION OF THE AFFAIR?A DCKI, ON TUE TAPIS. Tbo friends of Congressman Acklcn, of Louisiana, have prepurod a ululemout w ith reference to ilia re cent extensively circulated reports reflecting seri ously upon the good character ol thai gentleman and giving a version of tbo widely discussed ulluir lu tbo following curd addressod to tbo cdl-or of the Wasb lugton Putt:? Au uflalr. which occurrod ono evening last wees Involv-iug tuc name und repute ol Hon. J. H. Acklcn' ol Lools.uua, una u ludy ol prominence lu tlio society ol New Vers city and Washington, lias heon so die. luriod and miirupriseated hy reports circulated from mouth to mouth auu Uually puhiisned in tlio leudin Jouruais of the country, that tuo friends ol tho purlins most directly concerned deem It proper to uiuko tbo following statement of fuels:? Without sotug into tbo details of timo, place und clicuisiunce, touching tho aflalr llscll, it sulllces lo say,that ihero was uolhuig in the uuuduct nt Air. Acxleti to warrant tuo lulurencus which have boon drawn by tlio punllo and countenanced hy the press or 10 tiflord suttlciuni loundution for tbo verbal re ports originally spreud aoroad upon tbo uuiborily ? ,1,'10 Person who claimed to have been the hero of the intrusion uud discovery, so called. Ileyoou this it Is to ho siulod thut the coaauot ol Air Acklcn whs not such as to withdraw front him either the con lldooce or esteem ol the ludv iu tbo case, whose sub sequent behuvior toward him, as may ho verified upon tho most reputable authority, was not tnat whioh would no uulurul to a vuAm ol au ludlgoity to ward mo author ol the wrong. In short, tho whole story, as orulted uud as printed, is ol tho most unqualifiedly sonsutional uud uuwurrautcd cliur. actor. There lias beeu and now Is uut ono Usuo lu tlio preraitici, autf ttiat m au is.uu of a personal and privalo character be tween Air. Acklun und Cuucral ltosser, who nave both left tho city lor their respective homes to arrange their ullairs for aucn a determination ol tho Issue be tween them as ibeir views ol tho responsibility of mou to one uuotber?which do nut need uescr puon ? would soom to luuioatt. t'nelor these ciroumstunces uud oapeciully in viow of tho f.ct that Air. Ackleu is 1 ully sustained uud his version of ilia uflsir fully cor roborutort hy the lady who is the alleged vlciim of tho reported indignity, it would seem entirely proper lor the public and die press lo recant the Violent and Uu warranted judgment wuich has been pusst d upon tho stroogtb of uutenuble coulorencos. and to leave the conclusion of ilio matter where li properly belongs lo wn, between Air. Ackleu. who uudertukos to de fend tho honor of companion and ol hiiuaoli and Central ltosser, who Uguied Drat as an Intruder and second as the assuiliiui. ft is not necossury to specify the methods by winch tho ono purty proposes to defend biinscll sod his compaulon, nor ts it room site to aiuiu tho exact maimer in which the othor parly became an Intruder and un assailant, ft suffices 10 say that the charge ol vioieuco und luaignity upon tbe part ol Mr. Acklen cuunot he sustained nor can tbe inference of suflering und wrong endured unon tbe part ol tbe lady bo nisiDiaiiicd. The acabdal of distorted and exaggerated publloily liae bad the edocl of hastening, perbnp- an cveut wblch would havo lakon place under unv cir cunistaiices. and which should not be permitted to be cloudod with disliuuor by the malevidence ot enemies or the frivolity of thougbtless gossips. It is tu lie hoped tbat this explanation, which Is us pointed sua plan, as the delicacy ol the subject matter will i d nit of, will remove tne impuuiioua und relutu the in ferences that have been formed so hastily aud upon such sloodor loundatiou. At all ovonti it should have that client, lor it is authoritative and covers tne wishes ol both tho parties principal to the original affair. * lbo 1-Uit, In n lengthy artlele referring to the variously roperlod cireuuiAtuucca ol tbo cu.;o, says Air. Ackluu'a Irlouds "cleiin tbat, being rejmrted lobe vory rlcn and lavish In his oxpondilure of money, he bat heon made tho victim of a carefully planucd do aign. and, unfortunately, ihrough General Hosier's Intemperate nal and garralouiuesr, has heon put ut a terrible disadvantage. Tbcy assert, and wo might, If it were necesaury. give the boat of names to sustain it. tbnt Mr. Acklcn has hurried to f.ouisl auu to arrange his affairs, and that as soon as ho gets there bis Iriend, wh-? Is e woll Known duelist, will at once notify General Kon.ser to name somo gentleman to represent bim, with a viow to a settlement accord ing to the strict code. Tne lady. Mr. Acklen admits to have serlousiy compromised, und profosaes hl? willingness lo make her tlio only reparation in his power. That there are facts not yet brought to light, and which may never he made public, that will muuriilly aid In turning tbe tide ol sympathy in a dillerenl direction, la undoubtedly true Jn tho first piece. It is not probable tbat a man weighing not moro than 140 pounds, whiob Is probably In excess ol Air. Ack len's weight, could successfully assail a woman of a much stronger pliyslquo aud robust health, la llio next place, there can ne no doubt that itie two have been most amicably associated together since the Tues day night occurrence. Acklen has probably arrived at New Orleans by this lime, and will doubtless make hla statement in lbo newspapers tin re. Ho is ayoung juan, ol lair abilities auu attractive persooal sppour uuce. It is n mistake to auy that be Is loppisb. It would ho nearer the trutu lo cay that ho Is always ele gantly dressed. Ho is not e stranger lo duels, having brought down his mso on tbe sanguluary Held, aud having, be*Ida thai, as principal, been engaged In a number as accessory. He Is hIso reported to boa crack >bo(." CABkX YOW.NO, OF TENVESM: , ON THE POTTER JNVI.b I IO.VTION. Tha speech of Casey Voung, ol Teunossee, on Hie Putter Investigation, wincu iippears ih ibs Ui-corH or I Thursday, maintains that the majority ol members j opposed Air. Potter's resolution as originally pre ; sentod becauto it contalucd iio declaration iliat it , was not proposed lo undo the work of ; tne Electoral Commission, und that tboy did I not give it tbeir support until tbo assur ; aiico w as ixplioitly given upou tbe floor of j tlie Hou-n ttiat the Judiciary Commlitao would pre ; soul a report and resolution duclsring thut tbo Presi dential Gilo was not to be interfered with. Il? de fends tlie investigation itecll far itie puipo?*of dis covering and exposing any frauds that m.t have been perpetrated in the P. esiUeii ual elec tion, and duel -ros It to bo the duty of Oobgrean to msko an inquiry for tbat purpose, claiming Ibat no dingers lo public peace and tranquil lity are cen tern plated, aud that none can roault from tbe lbveatigatioii, and chargus that tbe alarm expressed by republican politicians is not real, but only simulated for party purposes. He do onus the South and Sou;barn Congressmen against the cbargo of a purpose to revoluiiun so or "Mexioanue" tne govornmont, saying tbat if thoy bad desired to do tills tlie opportunity was presented during lbo lime ol the electoral count; bat that, instead of fomenting strife, they stood tlrmly by tbe constitution, tbe lewa und tlie peace of the country, and swvad tha govern ment from overthrow end destruction. TUE I XlENSJM OF TUE LOUISIANA COMMIS SION? GOVERNOR IIHOWM IXN1HTS ON PAVINO. Kl-CoTernor John C. drawn holore leaving Wash Ington responded to the loiter ni Secretary Mberuun returning the draft forwarded to tho department la payment ol Ills (Mr. Urown's) share ol tbe L.uisiaaa commission expeuaes, again onclosing the draft, wbicb be says be feels constrained to do Iroin a sense ol duty to btinsell and lo tbe pnriiee who are liable lor the amount expended Tbe beilor is ex pressed that the Secretary will retain the chock and await future action couc-ming tbo payment ol ex penses incurred on acoount ol tbe I.oult>aua commie atuo. TUK STATEMENT OF JOHN WIl.KK-i BOOTH ? INTERVIEW WITH JOHN F. COTI.U - AN I LO titltNT DEI EM OK UT THE ASSASSIN OF HIS ACT. The l\>il lo morrow will publish an interview with Mr. John >'. Coyle, lormeriy publisher ol lbo Au tiontil intrtltgencrr, regarding ? published report that at u dinner party in this city, ou the unlit ot Mr. Lincoln's assiusination, Coyle buruud unread a package which Booib had handed htm dur ing tlio day, aud whioli, It is suppuaod, coulalued his explituatlou or the causes which led him to the coiu tutseiou o! thu terrlhlo deed. Mr. Coylo said to the reporicr:? "No such dinner ptrty ever look place. The corre spondent who reported it assumes to give Iho namee ol porsous ul that parly?In.mtiouiug Coogreitsiuan Huudali, General Haird. John Morris.-ey, ituhurt John son undoibers. General Halrd 1 never hoard ol, and really 1 don't kuow whom bo uieena. Mr. Itohert W. Johnson?I presume lie means lulu? was formerly Senator irom Arkausie. At ibe luno ol this '.maxillary dinner party lu was In Arkau-us and did not couto to U'ashiuulou until u year alter Au drew Jobnsou became President Speaker Ituudall, us lie stales, was in Richmond, and I had never teen Mr. Morrlssey uun did not meet him until alter the Philadelphia Convention Ul IKIIti.'* "Wliou did you tlrel liearoftne Booth statement, Mr. CuyleV" inquired the reporter, "I never hoard ul thai siatcmuni un'il alter the oxccutiou, ullbough rumors wuro prevalent that such a sluieinebl bud heeu prepared, (lu my examination as u witness belore the commission that tried iho conspiralorr, I mere staled that uo such document hud over reached me, ihouich Liooib's diary staled that he Uaq prepared sucu a tiaiemeni.'? "Ana jt iijtvlpr was delivered to you r" "No; , mouths alter the exuculiou Mr. Joliu Mauhewi*, the gentleman to whom the ststeiuont had heeu given, to hu delivered to me, told tuu ho hud re cetveu it, and on the uignl ol the uasussiuutiou bud opened it, read It nod destroyed II." "Did he ssy bow bo received it trotu Bootl) 1" "Misstatement was that he hud met Mr. Booth oo the avenue, oppusil" the National Theatre, Boolu heiug on that historical mare oo winch lie esc aped? which by the way has uuver hcou hoard ol?when tie handed hiiu an envelopo addressed to me requesting him if it wus not recalled by ten o'clock next diytoliand It to die lor publication. Mr. Matlhow* was iu the cast ol the play that ulglil, mid uller the ussusslnuliou iu taking down til* coat to cliango his costume tlio package uroppo I out ol the pocket. 11 o had lorgolicti that ho hud it. He immediuloiy went to his loom, iu lue neighborhood ol Iho theatre, opened it aud hurnod It alter reading It." "Old he give uuy acoouul ol the cements?" "As hu related II, ihoslaieiuout was an eloquent de fence by Boom ol Ins uct. 1 agree with the statement made by Mr. Ford that iho a.-s lualualion wus sud denly conceived. 1 met Booth the uiorinug ol the as sussinuliou, uiid no oue could havo neon mure sur prised. more shocked lhau 1 was, as nothing in his mauiier struck tuo us unusual." BOOTH'S CONFESSION. [From the Washington bur, Juno 22.] Tho statement which comes Irom Louisville that the package containing tho slatomcut ol Johu Wilkes Booth, iiiude previous to his aurassluullou ol Prcsi deut Lincoln, was burned at Woruiloy's restaurant on tho night of the assassination, in tho prcsocco ol Hon. Samuel J. Uundull and othors, Is tuoorrcct. A gentle man who was at tho Spollswood Hotel, In Richmond, that night, to-day made the following statement to a reporter ol '/Vic Star:?"Mr. ltaudull and Colouol Johu W. Foruoy, J. T. Ford, K. U. Hart, of New Yo'k; 1). C. Forney, ol Hits city, aud a number of other geu tlvmen, were ul the Spollswood Hotel, in Richmond, ou that night. About iniduighl an orderly seiit by tuu commander of tuu truops ut Klchtnuud came to Coluuol Forney uud uuuounced the assassination. Not knowlug tho exteut to which it bad gone, the ottlccr advised Uolouul Forney uud hu paity to leave ui uuce lor the North. As tho government hud slopped tho ruomug of trains to aud from Washing ton, north and suuiu, the parly woro obliged to lake ? special train lor City Point. From there luey were brought to Washington ou a government tug, the only boat to luuvo ut that nine." Ihereluru Mr. Kaudull could not possibly have boon present at the alleged meeting at Woriuley's restaurant. lu regard to lue soalcd package which tho despatch says was burned ou the night of thu as.sassiualiou, u gentleman vtvll informed on the subject to-day said to a Star reporter:?"Boom certainly wrote a state ment previous to Iho asi-ussinullon, which is supposed to have explained his reasons lor the comnnssiou ol Iho deed, and deposited it with one ol the proprietors of the Aitt'ou'if Jntrlligrucrr, with instructions to pub lish It tho tollowiug day, provided lie heard nothing Irom hiin to iho coulrary. It is well kuuwu lhal lue documuut was kept lor nemo lime, hut the parlies holding 11 becumiug alarmed lest they should he Im plicated lu the ussuasluullon, destroyed p. lis publi cation would undoubtedly have explained the whole mutter and relieved several parties who wcro con ueuied with ibo ulot lor abducting President Lincoln uud taking him to Richmond to ha hold as a hostage, but who knew nothing whatever ol the plot to asaas biuuto him. ' THE WITNESS MRS. JEXKS. THAT FRENCH ACCENT FROM AN 1RIUH WO MAN?AMUSEMENT AT TUB EXPENSE OF THE COMMITTEE. [BT TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD.] N'kw Orlkaxs, Juno 23, IS78. Mrs. Jeuks, whose oxamiuatlou belore tlio Potter Committee abowotl her to be by uo means a common woman. Is .Scotch-Irish by descent and was horn In the North of Ireland. Her lathor's name was Mur douk and bo was drownod In the Conlederute army, near New Orlouus. Her mother was a doutrets and procured quite cxtcusivaly among ibo poorer classes hi the Feliclanas. The Ideu of her French accent has created considerable lun hero ut the Puller knowlodgo of our Of vole dialect -. Sue has heeu iotimatuly automated lor a number ol years with the prominent radical leaders In her section ot thu .State and has the reputation of being romarkubly sound aud enterprising. ARMY INTELLIGENCE. MAJOI1 JaMKH W. FOBBT1H S 1111MOTION? COM 1HUENTAUY OllDkll FltOM (iKNKHAL BHkltl DAN. Wasiiixutox, Juno 23, 1878. Major James W. Forsyth, who bus ceully been promoted to llcutouatit colonel, was relieved Monday (rout duty ss cnlot ol null to Ceaorel ttberldan nod directed to Join bis regiment in Washington Territory lor duty. Tbo action Is taken ut tho request ot Gen eral Foray in. lu connection with bis promotion General .Shcridsu lias Issued tbo following compll mooter/ oroer:? Since tbo early spring ol 1804 Meuteusot Colonel For*) ill bas performed tbo dutio* Ol cbiul ol stall In ibe must sstisluctoiy in aimer, rendering most easen tiel aid lo bis cummuudiug jienoral during (be war of the rebellion, una in the various positions lie bus In Id since, uud it is with the deepest regret tbal the I.leu teusot Uouursl cousenle tnst Ins recent promotion shall deprive bun ol Coionel Forsytb's velusb.o **r vice*, endeared to bini as lie Is by an association ollloial and nocial, ol so lusny years In lliv urld ol duty 10 wbicb no is culled, uolouel Forsytb bears with bun the best wlsnes ol u't wbo bava been ocu nccivd with hlin by duly aud cootpauluusblp lor lbs last lourioeu years. Colonel Forsytb is a son-in-law ot cz-rostroaster (?occrnl Usuuiaoo, of Ohio. HOBOKEN DEFIED. Died rick Iiiiog is qaarterinuator ol tbo North Ger man steamship Neckar, which is moored at a pitron River strest, Hobokcn. Dora Loop, twenty and pretty, claims Ibut bo ruined tier under a promise ol J marriage. On Friday tbe Neckar at rived lo |*orl uod ? ilio got a warrant Irom Judge Mreug lor L'lilug's arrest on u charge of seduction. Justice Strong doepatchod Deputy Sherd Stanton to arrest the accused quartermaster, whom III- offl cer Inutid upon the company's wuarf, at Uiu loot ol Third street, Hobuken, aud pieced lum under aires), filing thou otliad upon some ol tlin ship's erew lo drive awsy the officer. Sim ton drew Ins r? volver and threatened to snoot lltc llrst man wno In. (erlereil with liini. At tills juncture the cspialn ol lbs Necsur appeared, ordered tne galee lusding lo the pier to bo closed and lucked nnd Iben budo (lie officer lo leave tbo prisoner, Claiming tbst be, belnp a Herman suojeci, could not be arrested live upon a process issued irom tbe oltlco ol llie Herman Consulate lie then, it is sllaged, or derod mo stcveuor. a and sailor* oI tbe Neckar to do fend filing. '1 be officer lluuly lell tbe pier, pistol In band, procured tbe aid ol tlic police ana arrested I 'lllng, ?li?m ho lodged in tbe County Jail. T be captain of the Neck >r s?y* tbe arre t Is a viols tlou ol treaty stipulations aud tbst ho will insist upon tbe release of bit quartermaster. I lie llonokun au thorities *S/tbe Hficsi woe perfectly legal, the man being st lOe ttuio of his capture on shure. "BIO MIKE." Sheriff l.sverty, nf Hudson county, arrived In Jer sey City last ovsuing with a prisoner heavily Iruaed. 'lb* man uuder arrest proved to be "Big Mike," a river pirule, wbo was concrrned in the robbery ol some |i.ooi or fd.ucu wurih of silks, from tbe lire men kteamsmp uier, in Hobusrn. about one year ago. Fivo of llie party wno pepetraled tbn rounory wero trretled in tble oily in tno lull, r part ot April last "llig M :as" was man wilb tun gang, but etcuped, though nrad upon ny llie police, .since tlien lio has been traced through New Jsrtey, 1'snn eylvauU aud Ohio, and Hie arrest was mud* in Hut tula. The prisoner wss placed in tbo County J.tiL The Ova others arrested were sentenced to tbo Slsto l'rlton. LYNCHING IN AU1ZONA. [From lbs sen Fraacisoo Call, Jan* la | Fkescort, June 1?, 1878. Mr. Caldwell, who cams to day from Tiptop, brings the following particulars of a shooting slid bunging sflslr at Gillette on Wednesday aiternoon lust. H aeeuis that one setright Wss on a bender sod hit some on* over the heed with a bottle, whereupon Deputy Sheriff llurnett arrested him, whan Barn Waif, well known in I'rescott, micro ded lor the man, and, upou bis promise, allowed bliu to take Setrlgbt away. Tha two ttsrted duwu Ibu slrovt. and ba<l walked about oiii> buudred and fifty yards, arbao, without any upperem cause, SUrigbt pulled a pistol and shot Weir tli rou^n ibo bead, tbe bail en tering just nltovu lav eyes. >eirighl want batik aud told hi- sido ol me s'torv, mourned a mule and put out. 11.ill tliu tnaru luouuied i.ud want in pur run, capturing Ibo offender somewhere below the mill In Ibo brush, ur.u brought him back. Deputy dbvrtll Uuruetl got pjs*#a?ion ol tho prlsouar, and look 10 his nssiatauce 1.. G. laylor. Tuey fortified thomsolvo* iu a bouso agaiuit tbe mob, who saou c imo in great numbers, and aboonog ol pistoU and loud lulk wore Irrcly indulged iu. Wbile tbe shooting was going on t'aylar, agaiust lbs wtsbes 01 Hurnelt, opened tbe door aud stepped out. and almost In stantly rtcivod a bullet In Ms bead. 1'be mob then look the prisoner straight down into the creek belew town uuJ bung bun. LITERARY. CHIT CHAT. All tbe l.ow German clubs are contributing fundi lor a luoohtuout to Fritz Itouter, tbe groat ujioatla of I'.ntl-Deulscb, to be erected at New Urandenburg. We are to havo a substantially hew book on tbd "Criminal of England," by Sir Jnnoi Stephen, Iroin tbo press of Macuullau ii Co. A "Hibliuprapby ol Works relating to Knztisb Folk 1,'iiu" will be issue l by tbe Couucil ol the Folk Lori Society of London. A whole library of Voltairian literature is beia| produced, apropos of Ibo ceulenury of tbe great writer. Among others Is a bnlhsut book by Aro 01 lloussuye, "I.o Hoi Vullalre, sa (iiiod iloglc, sa Jeu ie.-ie, si's ft in uKs su t.'our, sos Mtulstres, sou Fcuple, tea Conquctes, sou Dleu, sa Dynastic." Mr. Yung-Wiuy, the Chinese Commissioner of Edu miton iu the Lulled Status, bas translated Dr. TUeo !>bilus I'arsoii's "Law ol Coutracls" into Chinese. 'i bo total number of books iu tbe Aslor Library wai 177,387 ou the 1st ol January. About live aud-tweuty new histories of tbe United Stales, so-cnlled, have been published within tbe last llirco years. The Massachusetts Historical Socioty will publish Ibo diary ol Chiel Justlco Sowull. which commences Iu 1073, gtviug a picture ol New England Ills 10 I'uritsti days lu true lVpy.uu style. Messrs Cane!i, Tetter A Galpin announce that they will publish this month Dr. cuieluu! Durani'a last work, ''Horseback Hiding Iruui u Medical l'oint ol Viow. " Tbe book explains the mechanism ol horse* back nding and reviews its 'physiological, therspcuil. cul und hygienic dlcctf. lu selecting tbe lino, "Innocents from Abroad" lor bis book tbo author of "loin's Wile" dieulaimi any intention of Inlrtogiug on Mark Twaiu's wet known title. The book would scarcely admit of any other name from the nature ol lis subject. ??Fcecnvi" is the title of a novel by Koiuta Weedier (G. W. Curleton A: Co). It Is the story of a Quaker girl who was lurued out of her home because sbu did not waul to marry uu old iuiiu ol her own seoi, but loved a younger uiun and u muu ol Iho world. It would nol bo fair to the reader to loll him bow tier adventures L-nJod, lor If be reads the first ten pages ol (be book be will want to tiuish it, and it would Interiors will bis interest to know the duuoueiucut. The incidents arc many aud strlklutr. The scene is laid In New York, which gives a atroug local loue to the hook. Tlio London Athrwruni, noticing ibo agreement of the Tans 1'ostul Congress to extend the limit ol weight ol books by International post Irom twopouudl to lour pounds, thinks that the Iran dolivor.v to America ol English nooks will load sooner or later to tbe ubchtion ol tbe duty luviod by tbo United states on books. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Trcuor TV. 1'ark, ol Vormont, uud Alexander Mit chell, president ol the ChicigN Milwaukee and St. Tuul Haiiwuy Company, are at tbe llucklngbam. Lieutenant Colonel J. C. Dusue, United States Army, is at the Metropolitan Houston Clinch, of Savannah, aud S. T. Arnot, of Klnilra, are at the New York. Captain Avohung, of tbo Kusatan Navy, Is at the Westminster. Dr. 8. G. Hoardsley, United HMlea Navy, and Loon Lewis, oi 1'enu Yan, N. Y., ere at tbe Fifth Avenno. DIED. Doxovas.?6n Sunday, July '33, Mary Uuxxunrii DoXovax, beloved daugbior of ilariboloiiiew aud Cutbariue Donovan, aged l'J years, & mouths and 6 days. Tlio relatives and Iriends of tbe family are reapeoi fully luvilcd to ailen.j tnu loneral, Irom tbe residence ol ber parents, 330 Last 27lh St., ou Tnovday, 36th lust., ul iwii o'clock. Ukosz.?->udueiily, on Sunday evening. Jane 22, el bis residence. No. 44 Lust 3lit at., Michaki. Gkosx. Notice ol fuueral ueroulter. [>'or Other ttfithg Srr .v. row I l'jg? j FAlItER FACES Ml AN THOSE HKaLTIFIED ?T Guess's atU'ULK fiitr srs rarelv ?r?n AIM LLIN Altlfl NatlHAL MINERALWATER I1IUHI,V KKKKKVESOKNT. Approved hv th* Acadnmtn do Madeclae of Fiance, and It* vale In Kihiim auttiurued by apodal order of the I- rrncli government. K*coinraeude<l|by tho hlgnect medical autnorltUe la New Yuik av ~ 'A trnl roller for veavlckoete." "A urllithtlul beveiace " "Kai vuierlor to VU'Uy, Seltxor or anj other." "Moet cretr-tul end retreading." "Abeolutuiy porn end wliolneotne: leperier te ell for daily uec ; free Iroin all tbn ob|*rtioua ur?od ag.vl.ut Crotod and artificially aerate I wetorc." "J ni pre Knitted only with ' t ? own ana" ??I'errol an I Tory airreeablo." "Iloalthlul and well enlte l lor draoeptla anil eaaee ef aout>' dma I." "Mildly antacid: agrees well with dyepeptiee and where there I* a : only 11101110*10." ? lly far tbn moet agreeable, alone or mixed with neat Useful In catarrh* .it vl >ma :li or bladder and in goat." "Not only a luxury, but a necevvltjr." In bo bad of all Wine .Mercliviiii, Groeera, Uruggliti xa4 .Mineral Water Deaiera throughout the United Stetee, and wboleaale ol KKEDBKlCK Of. LIARY * CO, Role Agenta, Noe. 41 and 41 VVarrea at.. New York. Frrry rennlae bottle hear* the re/tetered YELLOW pictorial label ul tun APuLLI.NAlUi COMPANY (LIMITED), LOUDON. A.-SEI.ZER BUL'NNKN NaIURAL srARKLIJTf Mi.vkuxi. WaTku. a. SIKPIIANI A CO.. *. New at.. eole illlpurtelg HAVE YOU fklKO THE PERFECTION BlEND of Mot'itx amp Java I'orrxa In Kleaa Jarv T MKNdMA.VjTpEl'ltlNIZKD ilKKK~ON*IC 14 THl only preperatl.ui ol heel containing its entire uutrirloul prn|.ertlee It la inya.iiabla In all enleebled uonditlone wiiuthi-r tbe recall ol eakauettoe, nervoae protrvtioo, overwork or aeuto divaec*. and In ev ry form of debt.(til particularly If racultluK tram pulmonary complalnta. It M Iriuiidiy aud hclplul to lb" m ,?t dnlloete itouacb. C Ati IVKI.I,, IIAZ 4 KP A I'll , I'roprlotore Fifth Avauuo Hotel building and ttth av., corner :ttnh ct. NEITHER DHL'OUklo! UQI'iKKDOR WATERED. I?r. UaUBaMIU.'a Ptlux Wixaa, Iruiu tbe t rvtoa t'olel vied yard. PRINTING OK A I.L KINDS HO N K t.'ll K A I* KOH CASH AT TIIK MKTK'fPOI.l TAN JOII PRINTING OFFICE. ?J* A R N ST RINGER'S "I'AIKNT N<>S -G AS CONDL'CTIM# W.i.n I'ira; poeillve exemption from eewer eaaee; per p dually and without eapenca ; In operation at 704 Ilrea4 way. All are Invited. THE HERALD OFFERS FUR BALK TWO HINGLK Bl'I.I.Ot k PERFECTING PRESSES, capable of prlntlnr I l.ivm cnplee per hour or an eight page paper, either alt, eaven or eight eolumee. ALSO Al.l. TIIK STKfcitoTYFK MACHINERY BE LONGING THE HKI If. I'lttCK, fiii.iyci. Adireee J. II. BENNETT, New York HeraM. THE THl K If AN If KOLKIH FLOORS OK TUB itlii.i11mi 10 let. suitable Koit law. IIANKlNO. ISM RANCH OK ANY LIGHT HCSlNKSS PUKPHShK APPLY in tub counting room of THE UEKALU, KimOPIn 'pflk NKW YORK IIMlAl.ll .rtllK PKINIKMPS. I 1 he IlkHAi.nle to n? found detlr et tbo G ande Me gaalna do Printempc. 7u Itoolevard llaiietmao, Parle. AKt IIOPKAN I li A VI-. I. i.i-. it. I IK. A if tOMMKHUIAL I,tinve, devlree aeu'iaietanee raftn i| lady wtahlug to vielt lurope . corn-epoudenee coiiftletilial. Addreee EAII NEVINKsS, Herald olhue. P4 It Is kXKIHIIION. LIVERPOOL COMPToN IIOUMK HOTKU Thle rnvgu.lWnt building, now tho moat central hotel 1% Liverpool. containing MIMI rwmi, hendeoaioly Inruialied. with every modern luxury and home ooinlort; euite ol piivcto riKtlm, vpecloua eoFee room or aeloon. With the Uul.v' drawing mora adJointUK Nbe largeet and ilue.t Mlb lard and euioaiug room* in town. Cliereoe modui ale. WILLIAM RUsSKLL. Proprietor. TEW I'lRLKATIUTS. L'tiUKNi K aCOcM t La i ks OAiUfr"' tiTaT i'UK Pj taaliel Natural Mineral spring Water and Ifr. Heath are curing tho di-eaeee whlclt nrnve fetal under the treat ment nt tne niovt etnlnont pity virion- and mineral watore In I nrope and Amerlea. rein dilate, with teetiaoalale and dlreetloae, free at iul Hroadeey, New tore. i kN TRUE AMI KAI.SK P KOs r R 4 Tllf N.-N RW B0( \ f'lon of the Phllnvophy of Marriage Addreee vKPKK. 1 v RY, Mu-enm ol Ane'oaxy, old Broadway, NdW York. Kiee. ^be etaiuue.