Newspaper Page Text
. HTPATIOWS WAJTKu-ri!BAU!?. Il'uokn. ikt. O KA8T 38TH 8T.-A RESPECTABLE OIRL A8 ? 'good cook . willing to (Jo plain warning, willing aud sbllglng; t>?nt city reference from prreent employer. !>?> Wh>lrluiil 81.-A RhnPbClABLK GIRL AS CrOflrat elau conk ; beat city refrenco Call lor two days. 'Jl WI Si 13T1I ST.. RK.V'l, ONh FLIUllT.-PKOT ? >'1: .slant womau aa excellent plaiu cook; good waaher amllrouer; good baker; good place preferred to high ? ages; citv or coumry. any Uiatauce. A O KING ST.. BEAK.?TWO OIKLS: KITHKIt CAN i tjcook. waeb and Iron nicely ; no objection to the eoun Iry; beat city reference Irotn last place. Call or addrass. R~l PRINCE ST., HE A It.?i* ROT STANT WOMAN AS tTLgood plain cook, waaher and irouer; city or country; good reference. 1 (W| EAST 31 SI ST.-AN IXPERII.NCED 1ffOkA.V A villas cook; understands brrbuslnoaa In all itabrunchea; willing t" go le the country to attend to milk and butter; beat relerencoa. *in?J WK8I' 30TII 81.- A RESPECTABLE GERMAN JLl/aJwomati aa Drat claaa cook; la willing to assist In Washing anil Ironing; city reference!. WEST 2uTU"ar-A RESPECTABLE woman ah ?lrat claaa cook and Inuudreaa, city or couatry ; ruler onco. "llfT 8T.*MARlt,fi PLACK. 8TH 8T.-AN EXPKKI 1. A vJeucod ceok: understands her boeineaa in all branches; Co objection to a boarding houae ; boat city refereuce. foQ WEST Id I'll 'sT. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S)'.? 1 ? ?7 A respectable young irirl ae plain cook, waaher an I Ironer aud good baker or will <lo general houaework in a private luuiily; beat city reforenoo. Call fur two date. 1 9U wHBt ltfTH ST.. REAR.-A GIRL As GOOD 1 ?d?/cook; excellent weaker and Ironer; city or o?nntry ; reference. fjjli W EST 44 Hi sr. iFrksknt EMpToWicsT^ J-Ovlflrat class colored rook, to go to tlie country; hotel ?r private family; Newport or New Londou prolerred. wtivrTiai? st. ?a~coiaikEdTvomjun as cook in a boarding Ikiuro. 131 1AI1 FMTll sr., CANDY STORK.?GOOD I XUouok, waaher and Irouer; no objection to a boerdlug pouae , good reference. f daw EST 18T11 ST.?A It ESI* EOT ABLE COLO 11K D IT Xwoman as cook, washer and Iron-r. or to ilo general ?oitaework of small laiuily. Call Irom 11 to 8 o'clock. T fW i west" JOtTT8T., IN STOliE.-A PBOINKSTANT Avlvlwoman ae good cook and kaundreealn a small privets muily ; baa lived In a Jewish family; bet city reforeueo. rrZTWEST 18TH ST.?A PROTESTANT WOMaIT/MI l?AUeook in all Its branches; city or country; throe Jeers' city reference. 1 JT Q WEST dSTH SI'. ROOM 6.-A YOUNG ~WO J.t/Oman Ae good cook end leundreta; city or country; food reference". i CQ WKST~OTU ST.. STOKK.-A RESPECTABLE t/glrl ue coek, waaher and Loner; three years' city lefert'uce from last place. ai/ttl EAST 37TH 8T.-A NEAT YOUNG WOMAN AH sil'_cook, washer unu Irouer; thoroughly uoderatande *er ouaiuesa; four years' beat city reference. Call for two ley*. OAJ WEST 13T11 ST.-A YOUNG WOMAN AS A-vlTgood cook end baker; city or country; in private family; refereuce. 206 WK.-T 13X11 ST.- AS COOK OB To Do HOUSE work in a small family; beat refereuce. 4)1 f\ EAST 38IT1 ST.-YOU.NG WOMAN TO COOK, aaxl/wash end ironinaamall private family; goodbeker; best references. 91 I WB8T ~3?TH ST.. Ri AK.-A RESPECTABLE abiJL I woman aa cook end laundress; good reference; city or e mntry. 91 f?ELIZABETH ST.?A PKOTBSTANT WOMAN aaX Xas good cook, waaher end ironer and bread maker; Do objection In the country; beat relereoce. 91 ~ EAST 1STH ST.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN Z-l'raa co k end to assist with the washing; city or country. 99lt EAST 57T11 ST.?A HKSI'ECT.VBLK WOMAN .''aa good cook and laundreaa. with little uirl 10years old; also a young girl as chambermaid and waitress, to gutliar; ho objection to boarding bonse; oonntry preferred; beat references. 9?)f \ W EST 2STH ST., TOP KLOOR.-AS KIUST a>>0\relaae cook; understand" ell kiudt of cooking, alio (11 Snide of pastries and desserts: no objection to a amull olol or first class boarding bouse; good city reference. 909 K A ST 4BT II ST. (RING POUKTH B K LLK-A fai'Awrespectablo young girl to cook, wash and iron, or Jrould do general housework; beat city reference from her Jnat Dlace. 9'J/f EAST 418T ST. A FRENCH PROTESTANT ^Ovf women aa drat class cook In private family; best (ily reterences. Addreaa 0. R. O?T7~ WEST -71II ST.?AS COOK, WASHER AND fad) I Irjner; good eltr reference. 9/1 I WEST 27TII ST.?FIRST CLASS MEAT AND fc) x I paetry cook ; thoroughly uuderstauda hor business; hotel or boarding house ; reference. ff.t'J 7TIi AV._AS FIRST CI.ASS COOK IN A FIRST fcteJOclass boarding house; city or country; beat refor Ince. fill! AV., KKAK.-AS FIRST CLASS COOK; no objection to boarding bouse; rlty or country. 9Q I IOTH AV., THIRD FLOOR.?AS FIRST CLAS8 j?/tJ LGerman cook; onderatanda all klnda of -oops, meats, game, poultry end dessert; no washing ; best city reference. BAHT88D ST-A YOUNG OlkL AH PLAIN cdok. washer and Ironer; best city referenee. 261 301 ?Jilt WEST 1ATH ST.?TIDY PROTESTANT GIRL TO OlUcoot, wash ami iron or do housework; excelteut laundress; city or country; best reterence. y?;j \ E >.-T XiD sr.. BAKERY.?As COOK. WASHER O ?Y/and Ironer; no objection to boarding house; refer ence : prefers piece to wage! oljTT EAST ?T?niT~A RESPECTABLE WOMaN 1 as good cook and asslat with washing; good city reference. ?J9Q 5TH ST., BETWEEN 1ST AND 3D AV8., TCP O^t/lloor.? A German cook in an American family, city or country. 007 EAST S4TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN OO I aa good cook aud first class laundreaa; good city ref erence. ?Tj T WEST 3STH ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS O iT a good plain cook, washer and Ironer; good ally rel ereoce- from lest place. EAST 1STH ST.?A YOUNG (11RI. AS COOK, waslie- and Ironer; good city reference. 4~ *47 eyht asrn st.-an excellent girl a* O I good plain cook and to do some washing or house work In a small family; good rlty reference. A!?o. e atnsll girl ol 14 to make herself useful In a smell family; wegea no object. 401 4*J(l7l'll AY., COitNRK JMTH ST.-AM EXPERT. ? )? 'euced wanmii good tout mid linker ; would aaalat lu laundry; citv or couutrjr; city reference. /t i *) WKi?T oalfTfT-voUNu uTkl as uuuu TTwiiUfnceoK, waeher and Irnner: irood reference H9H <rru a v.?as riKSTOU ~~ IJeook ; good rlty reference. If I 7 :iu AV.-A PROTESTANT WOMAN AS KlltST l<T I tl?? rook In a private family; uuileratanda all klmla ol Matin*. I'reneh and English; reference. ? 7(\A-3D AV.?AH KIRSTCLAKS COOK AND TO I "/ ritaai?t 111 washing and lrouing;oity reference; will Ine and obliging. 77 I 20 A*., SECOND PLOOK.?AS UOOO OOOK; I I't will a?aial in washing and Ironing; two and three fears' city reference. Addre?a. QC|| io av'.-yo u n o woman ah cookTwahTikk D'Jwainl Ironer In a private lanilly; city reference mt7 a" AV ?sh Hf Al Kit UP. ?A ItKHPKCTA ? V'U I tile woman aa jo..d cook and baker; wllilnirto aaalat In washing; no objection to tbe country; good elty reference. 1 ( I I M" A V KKY KK?PRUTARLR OIKL TO a LY/'Xcook, waab and lr..n in a amall private lamlly; la loinpetenl and reliable; beat city reference. Call tor two daya. AKKSPKCTABLK COLOHKB WOMAN AS OOOK; good city relerance. Andreas, for twe daya, 8., box 1U1 raid Uptowb oRlce. t'ltandirrmaida. die. ATII AV-A- CHA.MHKltM UD AND WAITRESS a)lu a hoarding houeo. 13 !(' KLDElDUh sr. v RbflPKCTABLk UKMUI J Urlrl to do ehambaiwork and aeelat with washing and Iruuing. A I WltMT SID i?T., PKIWENT^KMIHioYKB'S.-A 4 J Protestant girl aa cliambortnald and waltrcaa; city or country Oall for two daya. h i witST"l7TH"sT. (PKBHKNT K MP LOVER'S) ?A *>Trespectable girl to da chamocrwork and waiting In a private family. Call for two daya. 107 taal PITT sr., ROOM 12?A RESPECTABLE VOUNO fa'Woman aa charabei maid and waitreaa or to do liglit kouaework: good city relereneet Till AV ?SEHPht; I AH UK YOlfMli UIHL AS chambermaid; ,ood relerertce. vj /? Vast 3?thTTr.~7p?itsr ir cMpLoykr*si. - a I X "'compel' nt American Proteatant girl aa chamber maid and waltrate; elty or country; referenoe. Call lor two uaya. II u wks-TaTitii ht.-a young GERMAN oikl X1 Oaa chambermaid and eeainatreaa, or to mind children ; reference 1' 'III Whir 1HTII af, IN THB~sr?JRK.?A \7itNO ? >" .'woman aa cliamberm ltd and waltraa,; city er coun try ; (Irak ci'.aa city referanee. 1 I - KaHT Sill ST.?A VOUNO OIKL AH CtlAMBhK J.'X'>uiald or to take car ^ ol children; willing to go to (lie country; beat reference. YrfZt west isrit st.. hiak house, room a X> fif reapuctnble rirt as chainoeriuald and to aaalat with wnahlng; good city relercneo from laat place. Call lor two lava 1 Ril WKKT >*TH bt.-a Tousti woman ah riRsr l?)IJclaai chambermaid la a boarding bona# or private lanilly In llio couutrv; willing to aaalat with anything; beat city relerance. 2ft>J WKHT gsril ST., HTOSN.? A~KKsFhCTA HLK .af I Protectant girt aa cbainhrrtuald and nurea or to do ouaework. Call or addreaa lor two daya. 1.-7 WEST 8311 ST.?A KKSPBOTa BI?iT~WOMAN AS ?) I chambermaid la a plain boarding bona-; willing tod obliging. 911(1 KAST 4UT" HT ~A KB>I*F:0TASLB VOUNO ^lIUwi tuatt to do cliainborwork and waiting and aaalat In the washing and Ironing; lour yaara'ally re'erence irom her laat plaee. (Jill KAwf"i?TM ST.?A VOUNO lb U.MAN as ?''Xchainbertnal.l arid waitreaa; willing to aaalat with the washing: city or ennntry 1 reference iji j~ jj~A v. a . fTjp" kloor~ a? w rbisTiTou > o i.~i St I ? U1 a. cb 1 ill barmaid or waitreaa. Addreaa care ol Mrs. id. *>17 fiMurtu ht.. nkar 11 ocsT()N? tuTkd aw X ( nell.?An Alaatian girl, well educated, apcaki.ig r ranch, (lerwan uud Kugllah, aa aliauaberraaid or nurae ; altv reference *7*>/t kast~wrunT.-TrcuambeiimaIoTuoou MmTIU)' rnlereuub. tat 17 w nsr ??iirsTT^"voiTjiiT woman ah~c;7iTm. wag ( b rninid and waitreaa 1 uo o Jeetion to aaalat with the Weaning; city raleranee. ()?!/. K AS Fit III ST.?A KKHPKOTA Itl.i UlRI. AS ^tjOrbauibermaid and waitreaa; willing lo aaai.t In naablnk: ?" onjctmn to ib? coamry; beat city relerance. (j It Li w k st .-Mir it "st.TTn 7tE a k First "FToo k. ? gw?)v>Pirat elina Prnteitant ebSMbermnld; utideralaiida her bualuem . willing to aaalat with children; city or eoan I'f n ilitft WKHT WIN ST.?Kr.SpRCrABLR UlBL UN a. jU 1/c 11 am her maid and araltreaa ; city or enoutry ; elty raierenen. ?Jill BAST fID Hf.-A TOUlu UIHL, LATELY Owiikuded, aa chambermaid and wkltrees. 301, 321 S1TTATIO Wfc W A3 TE D?EKMALE8. "Ch?mbt>riuai(lii."Xe. EAST 33D ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG *? chambermaid or waitree* and to aaslst with the washing: t>e?t city reference. o/y-j kasr aiHT ST.?RK-Pr.OTABi.K American Ov/Oglrl as chambermaid and waitress; will assist with washing and ironing ; best city retsrenes. yj|(i kair Br., room i?.-a younu qikl 0*'t7a? chambermaid anil waitress; good city refereuce. >J1 A WEST 44ib T5=I YiHJNG GI'klTLATELY OJ.T. Iaiidad, to do upstairs work or mind children; city or country. EA.sr2ITllSr.~A YOUNG GIRL AS C1IAM beruiaid and waitress; goou referoiiue. Os)?J KAsT 2">TH ST.?A RUPKCTABLH TOOIfl ? girl as cbautbertnaid aud waitress, or would do geu erai hnnsework lu small family; no objections to the coun try for suuiuier: two years' city reteieuoe irons last place. 3."i f EAST 2rtTH ST ?A YOUNG U1R L~ AS UMAX _ I be rui aid and waitress In a small private family; city or country: good reference. Nocards. ?jtid west asm sK-a~bkhpI ctabliTyouno 0^*jbclrl as chambermaid and waitress; wlllliiK to assist with washing; no objection to the country ; bust city rel erenoe. *>.? A EAST 81 ST ST.?A RESPECTABLE UIUL TO Os?*?do chamber work and waitlmr in a private family ; would assist with washing and ironing ; city relereuce. Osw. PEARL sr.-AS PlK.vr CLASS CHAMBER O-sUmaid and waltrass in a private iamlly; city reler euce. O'J.I WEST 29TI1 ST., (PRESENT EMPLOYKB'S).? vyOawWoman for upstatrs work, or to taku care of chil dren; will be laithlui. '>1 (\ KAST IHTll ST., SKCo.VoTloOis.?A WELSH UT: c/l'rotestaut young woman as chambermaid and wait ress aud assist in the washing and ironing; or will do general housework ; moderate wages; city or country. A | | J E AST 22U ST., IHIKL) FLOOR.?A YOUNG tUOlierman girl to do uhamberwork and assist iu wash tuc and irouiug. A 1 A WEST 41&T ST.?A YOUNG OIKL A8 OIlAM r 1 *Xbermaid aud waitress In a private family ; will as sist in wasbiug; best city reference. c r,u wkstmbTh sr. - a girl. lately landed, sJtJOa* ciiamhermald and waitress and help with the washing and ironing; willing and obliging. Oressniaiters sarin seamstresses. WEST 87TM ST. AS COMPETENT BEAH ?^stress; refers to prosant employer. 42 54 KAsT lOTll ST.-A KlltST CLASS DRESSMAKER in a family; city or country. 58 CLINTON PLAOh.-AS KIllsT CLASS 8EAM stresa; oun out and lit by the day or week. QC ttrH AV., SECOND klook a respectable Oclglrl tor general housework; is a good plain cook and Urst rate washer and ironer; city or country; city refer ences. IV h ST 421> ST.-AS SEA WHTRESs" AND CUAll bermatd; city or country; best roference. 106 1 dU EAST 14TII ST.-A DKHsSMAKKR WISHES -LnrOengagements at (II 25 per day; can furnish machine. Addraas DRESS MAKIiR. 017 EAST 40TH ST.?DRESSMAKER WISHES EN ssl I gsgcinente by the day or week; work taken homo; terms moderate. Address. WEST :J7TH ST.. ROOM 3, FIRST FLOOR.?AS stylish dressmaker ; cuts and trims in all the latest 256 ?JCQ 6TH AV., CAP si'ORK.-AB PI EST CLASS Otyryseainstress; understand! all kinds of family sewing aud drossmuking; csn cut aud fit children's dress; has Iter owu muchine; would take care of growing children or do light ebumberwork : city or country; best city relerence. O/'O WEhT 271'li SI'.-DKKSSMaKKR AND SEAM OUrystress, by the day or week; cau cat and lit; good operator; city or couutry ; city relerence. 373, HUDSON ST.?aS DRESSMAKER IN P1UVATE amlllos. Call or address U. T. diW\ WEST 4oTH ST.- AS PI EST CLASS OPERATOR Tuvon fine, white work; Wheeler A Wileon's machine. Address M. KELLY. 4?)f\ 4TH AV.?A COMPETENT DRKBNMaKBR AND I OUlirst claes saaiustrese wishes to engage by the mouth; terms reasonable. Call on or address M. J. 11t?Js? so AV?A RKSi'KOI'ABLE PRRSwN AS ? ' 'Oawseamstress or to take care ?t crowing chlldreu; understande dressmaking and Wbeoler A Wilson's maehiae ; uo eujectlun to country; relereuce. A~~~~FIRST CLASS SEAMSTRESS ON LADIES', CHIL dron's and infauts' wear desires work, citr or country ; Wheeler A Wilson machine. AUdrees COMPETENT, box 180 Herald Uptown Branch office. CAPABLE PERSON" As DKP.ShMaKKK; PITS perfect aud trims in the latest style; liae Wheeler A Wilson machine; city or country; relerence. A. M., box 101 Herald Uptown office. General Housework, die 79 KLDHIUGK ST.. REAR HOUSE. ROOM 2.?A I gjCarmun woman to do genetal housework lor a wid ower. No cards. ?7 EAST 41 sT ST.?A CO.MP .TKNT WOMAN TO wdo housework in a small family where she van have her little girl, II years old; is an excollsnt washer aud ironer and eook; best city relereuce. Cell lor two days. WKBT S4TH ST.-A YOUNO GIRL POit GEN oral House work; good plain 000k, wasiior and Honor; city or country ; reference 132 WEST 10TH .sr., 8r.CO.ND PLOO It.- A G1KL to do hontewnrk In a small family . reference. 146 I A || WEST 19TH ST.?YOU NO WOMAN TO DO J-TrUgeimrai bouaework In a private family; good city reference. KAVT 43D sT. A K. SPECTaHLE YOUNG irirl to oo general housework in a ?loall family. 1 ??JWMT SlbT BY.?A RESPECTABLE COLORED AcfOwoman to do iceaeral housework in a small private family, city or country; tbree yeara' reference. 1 WEST 33D ST., HhOO.MD Pi.OOil.-lthsPECrA J ?) I ble English klrl tor general houaework; city or oouutry: relerouce. EAST tuJ ST.?A KE.sPEUiAiiLE~ YOUNG 'Klrl to do homework; good city reference. 173, t)< I I WEST 27TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WIDOW woman to do Keneral housework for a amall lamliy; KOod city reference. i)(|J KAM' 44TU Sl.-UiKL TO DO i.ENKKAL 'Trhouaework ; Kood plain cook, waalier and ironer; wllliUK and obllglug. 'Tjn suluvan ot.?a bespeutablk~wolian ?,1U to do Keneral housework ; olty or country; beat city reference. (11 | EAST 40TU ST.--YOUNG OlitL TO DO Allbim>t*ork; two yeara' reference ; excellent waabor and ironer. WEST aoTlT"ST.. BEAR.?COLOItTD GIRL FOB Keneral bouaework; good plain e or. 214 ()]7 EAST 2*TH ST.. ROOM 17.?A YOU NO WOMAN ell I to do bouaework; understands maktug butter'.coun try ureferred; city referenee. ()<)|J EAST 57TH sTl.-A YOUNG GIRL TO DO ?dZd\ 'bouaework on a flat or floor; tbrao yeara' beat city reference. 221 223, EAST itlST sT. ?A RESPECTABLE QIBL TO do general bouaework; beat olty reference. WfcsT S6TH S'r.-A YOUNG ulKL TO DO GEW Oeral houaework; la pood plain cook and iaundreaa. tJ?TT EASr 47TH Si" FOURTH KLoUK. KE ?i wl apectable Klrl to do Keneral bouaework In a private family; K?od reference. iiiyj east" 2stif ht. ? a hkspecTarlk youno 2j ?a I ?irl for caneral bouaework; city relnrnnce. (I'l l WEST 1,11II ST.?A LO.NDot PROTESTANT -jO'trirl to Jo general houaework; only a abort lime in tbe country; tborougbly underetanda ber buainuaa. baa lived out id Loudon. OOfi EAST 55TH ST.?A YOUNO ~WOMAN TO Do ? ? )r lliouaow.rk in a email private family; flrat claae ref e re,ice. Oil WEST 22U ST.-RESPECTABLE SCOTCH XiT-lPmtratant young worn n to do genarsl houa work la a am all taiully of two or tbrao or tako caro ol cbildrun ; city or country; good eily refarenoc. Nooarda. (M 7 'AD ST.-A U1KL KOit <ilCNEKAI. IIOUKK.. ?,'X I work or rbambarwork; no objection to go a ahori dlatauce III the eouniry; reference 'a) "kaSI 1 J,,nI ST., COitNEK 2D AV. (TBI ko ?/aib"ll.)?A aoung elrl to do geuerni houeowork in a vmall private family wbare there are children; live reara' beat euy reference. I)^,| WE?r 37I'll ST. ?YOuNO WOMAN KOIl OEN 2e>A*xeral bouaework inn email family; (ood city reler ouce. WEST 34TU ST.?A RESPECTABLE*"WOMAN to no houaework. cook, waen and Iron. ?j7 ? t BABTB4TM NT.?? HUfkCTAILE OIKL fOR OU Igonaral houaework; good plain cook, waehcr aud Ironer; beat elty reforenee. 2015 304 EAST Aft Til ST. ?A YOUNO OIKL TO bouaework ; good city reference*. ?J111 W EST 20IU sr.?A YOUNG SCOTCH PKOIF.S O?JLt*nt girl lor general bouaework; beat ally refer ence. ?Jtkat WKSI' I7T11 bT.-A KKsPKCTaHLE PROTES ? 'ial-ltni Wuiti ia tu ,lu general hou.ework, cook waah and iron; no objection to tbe country; good roiureuc* from laat place. 3aJ A KAST SIST ST.-A K HsP EOT ABLE OIKL tO ? it do general houaework in e am-all private family; a good washer ana ironer; cltv reference. UOC EAST StTH ST.?A Yi>UNO WoiiAN Tu DO itw' Jnou.uwurk , I* ? good plain cook, washer and Ironer, city reference east fun sr., first flock, baT'R.-a he ?)aa?'.peciahl* yonug Protestant girl to do Kbnerai bouae work ; beat relersnee. ?J. ?u WES I 17T li ST., EE AIL?A RESPECTABLE ? JdvOglrl tor general housework In a private fatally, or aa lanudreaa; city or country ; reference. ay ?) - east 4NTH sT -a young girl kok ~gkn OO'faral liooaew.irk ; good city referenee ?JOH EAST 4bI'll St.?A YOUNG UKKMaX i.IKL 00"t? do geueral bouaework or inlnd children. Inquire two days. ?J ill W EST 25TII ST.?A B, SPhCTAMLE YOUNG O Jfc" 'girl to do geueral bouaework; beat city reference from laal place. 3" ,1 A WEST kflTll ST.?A RESPECTABLE G1HL TO I xrto bona*work In a amall* family ; good city rc'rrence from laat plaen ?J i'O Whir ?lTll ST. (I'KENENT K.ME I.OYER'S).-7 OtWt Uerman girl to do houacwe. In imull f.unily; good cwok. ETwkh' gsrii s t.?a * ounuwokan to do ? i'xboueeworki goed washer nud Ironer; good refer ence*. 3*7|G ftKANIf ST. (KING BELL)?A RKsPEOTaHLB '"?Jgir, to do general bouaework lor a amall famllyi wagea nut ao much an ebjeet a- a good bom*; elty or coun try ; good reference. Call lor tw days. E AS 7 I4THST? KB A H.?A SOBER ,11 K v Lfill jouiig woman to do uauerai bouaework; excellent aook, wa-Uer and ironer; elty or country. Tj ic" EAST Will ST.?A YOUNG PHOTESTA N'T *T Urjooinan to do bonaewore lb u amall pr'vale lamliy ; best city relereocaa. Ttjf) WMst 40r?l ST. (MING TWICE),?A GOOD, *X /eapiiMe Ctrl to ile general houaework ; willing aud oollging ; eify or country: neat elty reference. a j a west a7Tii st.?young Woman to do TTTrraarll bona work, city or coentry; good city ref erence. A ? | WEST luTII sf.. SECOND KLOOR ?REsPEOT 'x r' table German girl to do Keneral housework in a small family. rTT-WEfffHwD 8,.-A sEnPeCTaMLE MIDDLE X t'raged woman to do general hoeaewofk; la a good plain cock, watbor and Ironer; bnet city refertnee. A ,* I ' wiitiT tilU i?T.-A NEAT GIhL TU DO X ?J'Xbautowork ; good plain eeok and iauudresa ; relnr cue*. 4(4 SITUATIONS WAVTEn?rEMVLEN. (ienatritl tluuaetvork. ?Vi. ifl'J WEST 23 U 8 I.-A U KM PBCTAB LB YOUNG tUOfIiI iu a s iiall family to do generitl housework; ia willing and obliging; refereuoss Ironi present employer. JqQ WEST 53TH MT.-Gi.tL TO DO GKNBRAL J '_/Ohoui?e?ork in a small family; pood plaiu couk; first ?laaa waeuer and irouar; city rataraucA. WEST 44?H ST?A MEETBCTASLK WOMAN aJU^to do general houaewurk lit a amall private family; neat en jr rafaranea. Fojf WEST Zirh hT. (OftOOMKYl.-A MBHPKCT ?J is "Table Garutau girl lu do geuerul housework iu a pri vate American family; pood plain couk and lauudruaa; country praferted; reference. r.O(j ~8t? A v.-A UMFBOTABLS GIRL TO DO USN tJUt7ar?l housework lu a private lantily; city reference. 6>m GREENWICH, KKAit MiiRTGN ST.-A VOONO ? ('woman to ct? general housework ; reference VI- ll6OdOM 6/.-A WO~mTn TO Do GKN ?' xoral housework ; cood waalior aud Irnner; wants to aluap liouie nltlilai pood city rcforouoe. wiiu 2U av . ma-kmknt. -a"respectable wT7 uJUOinaii for housework In small lamily; pood cook, washer and Irnnar; ally raforenea. SO AV.-KEWMflHLK UtKL IN A PRI ? vuto family, to do general bousawork; pood eity rafaranea. 8i)5v 11 TtW JU xV REsPEO TaHLK UiilL TO DO OKN ? LUOsral bousawork; pooa cook; excellent lauudress; willing aud obliging; ninotoen muntlis' city reference: city ur country. Ioor 3D AV., UETWKKlTvivFn aNI) 77TII STS. ? O0*2A plil tu do general houaetrurk; relerooce. 'u?r jd~av.-Young~uiitl to do general ? Ovjryhouaawork; city ur country; city reference. r*J T ~BBODWAY. HBTWESN 4MTH AN1> 4UTH ? sJO I sta?A raapactable pirl to do poneral buuaaururk iu a amall family; pued relerencc. (louiekeeuers. Ac. WEST 31) HT.?YOUNG LADY. STRANGER IN city, as houaekoeper fall or address. Ml DOLE AGED AMERICAN FROTEBTANT woman aa working bousakeupor In a amall family: city or country. Address 1.. K., atntlon C. LaDyTT'J. SOCIABLE aNDoFgO'I) ADDRESS, aa houaokeoper. Addrem KNUL1.SU BLONDE, llarald oflicc. SITUATION WANTED-AS HOUSEKEEPER OK TO work in a factory, by a German man with tainilv; la a pood mason aud plaatorar. Call at 152 Rescx at., jard, room 0. 86 Lnumlresaoi. Ac. C7 EAST BKOADWAV, TUP PLOOR.?A RESPECT. U I ublo woman aa first class laun<lr?*s, and lier daupbtor na cbambermaid and waitress; no ohjectton to tbo cuuntry; city references. 107 .MADISON ST. ?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN wiabaa washing nnd ironinp: beat raferauco. 1||C WEST 1STII ST. ?A RESPECT A ELK UIKL AS XUOfirat olaas laundraaa, or to do paaaral bousawork; pood referenoaa. Call for two days. WEST 30TTT~ST~?FlltST CLASS LAUNDRESS; city or country : eity raforenea. 121 TOO W HT 20TII ST. (BELL 4). ?AS PItiST CLASS -l?s-jlunit'lress; excellent couk; lata amoloyar enu bo seen; nearly nine years' reference. i 9Q west seru sr., bamemext.-washing and A ?< t/ironlnp done by a roapaotablo colored woman at boiuo, full or address. ] at/. WEST iurii ST., HKaK.-A RESPECTABLE loUwamtn to go oot by tba day to waab. Iron or da liouaecleaninp. 151 WEsT 24TH ST.-A COLORED WOMAN TO DO washing by tba week or at 75 eenta per doaen. Mrs. iit'cBANDS. !?? west 52D sr.?a laundress to uo out 1 UUby tbe day; thoronpbly understands her business: best reference. "I PLl! WEST 1ST11 ST.. KEAR.-A RESPECTABLE itlUwomsn to K'i out by the day washing; understands liming: good relarenoa. WK-T 5131 ST.?A FIRST CLASS WASHER and Ironer to go out by the nay; best city reference. 91 IfkWKST -.'1ST ST."?A RELIABLE COLORED WO AiV/Umsn wishes family** wasblup, by tba month or dun en. Address. 159 206. ? wist lain ht.?am laundress; no ob Ejection to n boarding bonae. I AST 2UTI1 sr.?A NKAT LA UN D HESS ; VH6 roughly uuUorsiauds bor business iu all its branches; 215 best reference 917 East 29TH mt. room iu a kikst class w 1 | laondress wishes u few families, or gentlemen's wash ing; guod references. Mrs. BURKB. EAST 54 T11 ST GIRL TO OO OU T ~B Y the day washing nnd Ironing or honaeeleaninir. 230 9') 1 WEST 27TU ST.?respectable Vioman to AsOigo out washing nnd ironing or bouseeleaning by tbe day; pood city rafarance. 9oc E (ST asriFsr.?a young woman aslaun* ? /.Iross : willing a<> naalat lu cbatubarwork; soven years' reference. 9*?f? EA-T 24TI1 Sl'.-A PROTESTANT GlKL AH SalOUdrst class lanuilr ti; no ubjcctiou to the country; or would do chamberwork and fine wnsbtnp; bast city ref erence. 242 245 WEST 47TH ST.. ROOM 12.-AS PIUST CLASS laundroae. EAST 28TH ST.?AS KIKST CLAMS LAUN drosa by the day or weak ; good reference. Hen WBST~47TH ht.-a UKRMAN^WOM an TO 00 ^c/lf?ni by the day waahlng, ironing nud houao cleaning. Apply for one week. 9Q7~elizTabetb sr.?a respectable woman aiO I aa lanndress or cook in n private family, or to do general housework: willing to go a abort distance In the country; beat city refarenra. ?jTYT" WEST USD ST.-A YOUNG GIRL AS KtltST OUlclass laundreea and to naaiat with euatnberwork; good city ralarencc. OIl'J TT" "avTT OROCRRY ^GRKT-"^r STEADY CuCvnnin na flrat clnsa laundreea; city or country : city referenee. ?J/U' EAST 4MTH ST.?PIRaT CLASS LAUNDRESS OvUtc go out by the day; would do any domeetlo botiso work ; best city reference. Mrs. McCARTY. Ol 17 KASI 24TH-ST.?A RKSPBCTABLB WOMAN O' ' I to go ont by the dey to wash, or wenid take washing in her own house ; terms moderate; beet rolereace. Can be aeen for two days 099 EAST B2D ST., ONE PLIGHT. BACK.?A tloowtmtn to go out by tbe day to do washing. Ironlug or houserleauiug. Adurosa, 094 WEST 3BTiriTf ?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN tlJil" go out to work by the day; pool isuudrrss; ref erence. O./J EASr 4Urii ST.. ROOM tb-A KhSPKCTABLE O?."r woman to go out waahlng or iroulng. or would take washing home ; bos', references. WEST RiTH ST.. TOP FLOOR, KRONT ?RB apeetaoia woman wlsbea a faw gantlemeu'a or families' waahlng. T 9(j 1ST k v.-A YOUNG (?JRL AM LaTJn i> K KSS ^taw'tund ta naaiat with cbamberwork; city or conutrr; boat reference. . } ?) WEST 42 D ST.?PI KMT CLASH LAUNDRESS ? Owlehes a faw mora waahmga; hast raloranoes. 417 A/L7 >T. (IN HTOKK).?A YOU NO TT I Herman girl wash, Iron or do general housework iu a small family. A ~Li~ WKST 2HTH HT. A RR8RECTA M LK TOllNO T ? )' Iwnmnn as laundreu: would assist with ehaiabcr work : country preferred ; pood reference. co e: mIdxmm aV.. bktwrkn >hth and UtTf */0*J?t? ?A Herman woman as first class laundress; city or couutrr. 3D AV.?KRNPKOTABLE WOMAN TO DO washing by the day; reference. Mrs. O'CONNOR. 12 629 I 3" AV> BKIWKBN AND USD NTH I eUcSOlla store) ? A respectable girl ?s laundress; Is good washer and Ironer; or would do general housework: city or country ; eery oest reference from lass employers; is wil ing and obliging. 1ur<es. dir. KAhT 23D sT.?AN NI'KHK OR Cll AM BRUM AID; ? I I years' refereaoe. Apply -% present employer's, lor two d*v?. CI NHKKIt'F HT. ?A OKIIMTaN WIDOW VVIHIIKH A tJl place lor hor daughter. 13 years el age. le take care of a child, or a? oasit girl la n store. CO BART 30YH ITT. A YOUNO OIKL TO TAX* e) ?care of children and do plain sewlog. Call for two day s. fCi WMT BOTH NT.-A YOPNQ fjAKBlHD WOMAN ? / Tas wot nurse : baby one month old; no objection to the country or travelling. 1/\O k\HT 41HT"hT.? A COMPK^rENl_ WOMAN AH l''?)i.ur?" thoroughly experienced in care ol yonng children : lolly capable ot taking entire charge of an in fant; best city reference. Call lor two dais. 1/t 1 7r" AV.-BY A HIhDBCTARLK WfiMAN A X v/ T baby le nurse : best references. Mrs. VAOI'.rf. mWI-.ST 34TH HT.-COMI'KTH.NT IN "A NT'H nurse and soainstrcss; takes charge ef an Infant from blrtn . best relereno> s. 1??7 WbSTimril ST.. P.-'IVATK HTAHLI H.-A COM. ? I I potent nurse; thoroughly understand! are of an Infant; bringing upon the boitlu a specially ; une.xeeptloua ble city rafvrcuce. l"/{r. LUDLOW HT.. NKTWRBN IJO0HTON AND XTJtyStai.toii sis., flrat floor.?Two young Ucrmnn -iris: one to tako care of children and Ike oilier to do gnnerel huusewerk. ? I KAST aTTrl NT.?A oT(RMAN OlIU. T(J TBND ?cblldrnn or do housework; best references. __ _ -- ??? ?~UJgfr AMKKICAN ? 1 ?girls; on* as a urge : other to assist with light bouse w rk : good references. Cell or addros lor two Usys 20 214. rand chambermaid; bast city references. Call or ad drs?s 219 2:12 R A.-sT ItsrIt HT?A VOUNO OIRL AH NUKNK and do light housework. Call tor two days. WMT 43D HT. ?HilKNOII (I*AltlHIAN) 1'IUIT estant nnrsc; good scsnistress. ijf'j |"wkTF 4HT ITSr. Ml NO THIRD HKLL.-A RE ? U* 'spec table girl as nurse and to Inakc harsclf useful; best cite reference. Call irom II A M. till II. ?rll J,TI1 AT.. TllfRD FLOOR FRONT-KK <rlJ.ep*?tal>l* young woman as wet nurse; own baby on* mount old. ?joil Rahr aoTH nr . hrv? Floor.-a neat. ? See''tidy person *? iiilsut's nurse or as nurse end chain bermald. country preferred. si?* I WBrtT iSHTf AT-A FHOTRdT iNT UtRL~AN ? r ?' 1 nurse ; II yeers at present nmployer's. ?j.TT Killf 31HT NT.?A Vol'no uiius TO MIND O ?'rchildren and make hereelf uselul. OO/J PKAK|7NT-A RKNFBOTARLB YoVNO WO ? ) ? 'iiintn to take can- df children In a pilvate lataily ; no objection to the country: good city reference. ?jij/i RANT DBTii sT. ?A TOVlfU OI KL~TO TAKe! Osy'/carc ot rlilldron and asslel with cliamberwerk ; good retc once. Call lor two day*. ?J.I \ #BRt 3RTff~NT~( f* KKHhNT KMi'LOYKR' ) ? ell La young girl to take care of ohlldieu and seslst with light housework. m 410 ? WKht S'iO NT.?A OBKMAN UIKL TO TAKB Scare of children or do light housework. AH I U.J I? HT.-HI Hi" KOI aBLK VOUNO AO ?nan as wet nurec ; beet reference. TTf* WKMr risD NT.- A VdUNU OIKLTo TAKE T I Ucarc ol ehildicn and nolp ia house a ..rk ; also s girl for Conmberwork. A. ItOCNThN. A 11 J Wh.VT 43 U Nf., FIRST FLOOR, FRONT.?A 'r*w?)yoaug girl tc take car* of children aud ssw: rclcr MN. grri'ATIOItg WASTED?FK?A!,ES. 454 ?k WK9T 3HTII ST.?A YOUNO GIRL TO MIND children and make herself useful. e||*u ka*t ?rn st? Back baekmknt. a be. <JvOapectebla healthy young uiarriad wumo. with lull I resst of trash milk, at wet nurte. oj r tuTi a v.-a younu "wo*an~to takh cai;k 0~tUof children and make herself ttaaful; Country pre ferred;! B year*' clly reference* 3U AV.?A LADY Ah NCKOEr5h5T~KkF ereacec 1 OfkV J A?uUwei D~AT7boRNRli73D ?T.?A OlML bouee ?0 AT., OOBimB 7M? >T. -A Olkb MOM ? w I il7 to lrt to oilnd children aud do light I work: best reter?uou. AlOCNll WOMAN TO 1IBLP TAKE CHaHiIK OF ouo ur two smsli children, id payment tor a pleasant home. Address REFhltK.NOK. Herald efiiae. KKsPKCTaBLE USRMaK OIBlt IN A KANILTaS nurse ami make hi rself generally useful; American* prtferred. Address NUR.>E, boa 118 llerald office. 8WKlVlHlI GIRL AS NURhE AND MBAMSTilBSM; good city reference, Addrei* boa 134 llerald Uptown Branch office. HEALTHY YOU.NO WOMAN WITH PltKSU SRBaBT of milk at wet nurse; doctor's rot orotic*. Urucery store. 3d av? corner Hist ?t. Wmtrettet. AT. 1(\ KA8T 54TII ST. ? A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS XVfwaitreaa In a private lamlly. Can bo *e*n for two day* at oroseut employer'*. East"35VTt st.-a lady wishks"to i-kooukb a feiiuatiou for a gtrl. now In bor eiunluy, of uutxtcp tlonable character a* waitress or chambermaid; euuntry preferred. ,"(? EST 3'.iI'll ST. (1'BE.->hN 1 EmT'I/TyKICS).?A cMJglrl as first class waitress or chambermaid ; fir* years' reloreiice. 1 A ? WB8T 1II.VT ST.?iKHBattNT hMPLOYhB'*).?A ?Ltcrglri ut experience and uapanility as waitress; will assist with cliaiolierwork; best city relereuc*. T A ( I WEST 3UT11 ST.-A ToilMI lil ItL AS FIRST 1 A' ?'class waitress or chambermaid or bouaowork in a private family : city or country ; city reference. 9?' r~WEsT 25TH HT.-A COMI'hTENT WaIXKKSS chainhermaid; no abjection to a boardimr house; good city reference. Inquire ol Janitor. 'JIM KtST 31ST ST.-A GIRL AS KIK8T CLASS ? > L?' wattrosa; or would do cbatnhurwork aud sewing; best city references. WEST 3(11'H ST. Till ED FLOOitT?A UIHL AH 0?J ''first class waitress or cli.-uibefin at J in a Residing house. can take entire charge of the dining room; city or country; best city references. rqFMadison av~hktween 5?th and uru ? >?>(/St#. ?A first class waitress and chambermaid ; city or country. Altuewl its rsootio* n'J WEST 29TU ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYBlt'S).?A Oyouug woman to do light housework and assist with children and sew; wares SS. Call or addreca *) r. I j~WEST 3SD sT.-A MIDDLE AOKD PERSON TO XiclITwait on an Invalid or elderly lady; is a good seain stless aud otborwiae uaofnl; city or couutry; city refer* eoce. ijo A Is'T AT. (8 I ATIONKKY STORE;.?A RESPECT* awv*Xable and experienced persou a* lady'* maid; prefers going to Europe; cood reterooce. EAST 830 8T~TWO YOUNO UIRLO TO GO TO the country, together; best eitv reference. 348 ')"(! EAST 54TII ST., IN THE 8TURE.-A YOU Nil Oclt/girl to do light housework; good washer aud Ironet. 407 450 WEST 25TH ST.?YOUNO WOMAN FOR light housework in a small family; city or country. west 3?rn ex.?a respectable woman to go out to work by the day. Mrs. O'NEAL. STYLISH COLORED UIKL WOULD LIKE A KIT* uutluo as lady's oouipanlou with parties who intend visitlug Europe. Address F. K. II., Herald Uptown ufiioe. Intiilligenre Offices. Large number.-- ok reliable .male and fe lualo servants for all work, at 138 Oth av., Prolestaut Home Bureau. II' WIM'RD-FEMALEH. vTA JHiu?jroIT" a aifig^xTTToC sk Cvoki? , 3YpUln cook oud Kood washer and lroue'. Apply 361 Brootuo >1. A" EHENCH NUKiK TnTT BEAMrtlllKrtrt TO TAKK care two ulilldren. Call at Everett Huuio. room 131. DIEL WANTKIJ^KuR (?UNI.ll\L HOUHr.ivuKK; must he * good laundress; no oilier need apply. 336 Wut 45th el. JQUBaKBAKEErt WANTED. NO. 113 WEST 15TH bT. w ANTBD-AT 637 I'AiilC AV., A UOOK, WAsliEK and Iruner. Call alter 10. WANTEU-A CilAMt>EKM*ID WHO 18 UAEABLK to do tine washing and Ironing. German preferred. 240 West 53d aL WANIKD-A NOKT1I (IEitMAN U1KL Art MJItSK to two chiHren ; must be able to eear. Apply at 33 East tiOlh at., between 10 and 2 o'clock. ANTED?A (1(H?1)7bTKON<T~C()tiOKKD lilllL EoR general liouaework: wacea 98 pur moutb. Call at cor ner ot Ldberty at and Alabama av.. Kaat New York. 'ANTED?M IDDLKAUED THOEOIIOIl KKKNCH nurse and taainetreaa, with beet elty reference; no other need apply. 23 East 14tu at. \il ANTED?A OK KM AN N I 118 K AN1)" HEAM.STRKS8 IT to take care ol two growing children: good reference. Call, between Hand 13. at III hast Wtb. WANTED?A K h LI A HI, Etil KL i OK HoUs hWdll K, two cnlldren and wash, 910. 378 Grand It., base ?lent. w ANTED A M'TTlKD COLORED WOMAN KOK general huoaework, In a plain family. 54 I'rlnce at. ANTED-A OOOD DREEbM AN Kit; ONE ACOUJ toued to aklrta preferred. Ulna ball bell. 158 Wait 3t!tli at ANTED?A YOU NO OIllL TO AilsliT IN A SMAL.Ii Ismtly: wages 93 or 96 No. 234 Weat lOib at. WOMEN"TO TaKB TWO par an omce. VV Wanted?maki hu-iness women okarge ol olllce ; aeeurlty needed ; aalary 91 Burn Addrcaa EH YHIUiA.s, Herald Uptown ol WAN lfcD TW0~ WOMEN : O SK AS COOK AND laundreee; the otber as i haiubcrmal J and waitress, to atsiat with washing; Froteitanta prelorred. Call at 23 Vtcat until at. ?flTANTED?A YOCNO UlKL TO MIND CHILDREN ; " wares 94 to $5 per month. 30 East 38th at., freut 7 toO A. M W A NTn6~T kTksT TTl. AS - COL' I ICED CII A M IIEII mald; one who understand* her busineaa; mnat hare good reeronco. Call truiu 10 to 13 A. M., 113 West 33d el. AN TED-A EKOTESTaNT (1 fili7 KOK GENERAL housework , relerenco. 151 Weet 46lb at. Vir an'Fed?a iwrITkok oene kai. 110 UeeWohI* ; if German prelorred; gentleman end wife In lamliy; must aaalat In care ol liilaut. Kreoeli Oat 256 West 54tb at, WANTED?KIH8I I LAnS iim S' VOKhiis, NONE but those wUu are pertretlr competent need apply. 23U i-.aat 30th. SITl iTHHW W A NTEI)-11AI.KN. As colfKfKTt ok "f.soooK S?kvanT-T5 a famllr gulna abroad ; can be rncemmsnded aa thoroughly competent. Apply at apariiueut, 45 Eerkotey. 20 5til ar . hat wren 12 and 2 o'clock I'. M. a YOUsO Man aUKD Irt.T K HIKES A 8ITUATION ; Aran tako oare ol lioraea and milk ; city or oountrr ; eity refcreuco. Address D., box 117 Herald Uptown Branch office. (Nll.OK I. X > Man ~0?7(7k~ W A NiB A SITUATION; unquestionable relerencu Irnro eeuntrr and cltr hotels and boarding benaea. Call lor three days at 150 Weal 52d U. t YOIKV MAtnlXD MAN (AXKliMIAN) WOULD iVll>< a situation aa bon?e<ecper or janitor or anything; Can lurniali the beat city references. Addreaa W. DENNY, No. 70 Nassau it., ally ; with J K, bftl ar. T MMAD WAlrftE OK HThWAHU OK CAKVBR, /Vcolered; good reference. Apply at 144 Weal 4t.HL el, CnjKNIrtTlED OK UN>l/KMrtUK~D HOUSE TO TAKE r care of; beet city relerence. Address MACK, Herald Uptown ..nice. /iKNTDKMAN A.ND~ A INK TO TAKE Oil AMUR or U? b use during summer. M. 0 . Herald Uptown office. BAD W All'EE- ?* AM EXEEKfENOED AND CA .oaole man ; Uernan ; well recommended; city or coun try. 353 4lb a*. MAN AND WI KE; M AN ATVTt ItMEK ANDTO take ear-* of horses, wile as cook, washer and Ironer; can tako are ol milk and hutler; good relerence. Address EaKNKK. box 116 ilereld Uptown Hranrb office. O ITU ATI ON WANTED?HT A YOU NO MAN AN Importer or eemethlng similar; reference and aecorily giien. Addroas KKN.NfcY. 2UU Keel 424 at.; or. 525 Lorl nier at.. Oreenpoiol. AMTEU-A 8ITU AflON NT A HALL HOY; WKI.L recommended from a eloh houae. 356 4th av., slgar atore. TIT i.NTED-HY A YOU NO *1 AN. t SITUATION AS IT porter or stock clerk; good reference given aa to holiest! nan sobriety. Address E. M , 109 W est 46th at. OUNO MAN Art POKTKtl IN A HOTEL OI{ Eltf. train i oarulny huose ; willing to make blmaelf .euei nily useltil; city or cuuhtrr; beat relereuces. EOKTEIt, box 137 Herald Uptown office, CLUKKN AMU ?s \ i.u.s i| i- > . A.-,urEn*iAn~fofnr a WtuTTHduiT#Uf|U tradu, wants a position to travol for millinery or fancy goods house; A I reference. Addre*s MILLlNfcitY, llprul't Uptown ulttcp, ~AS KX PKKlh.N(TtuTriiAVhLU .SiJ sALKrOlA 5". unc who Inn good trad? Irt Ullio ?ml .Michigan. will ot? :age J iilv I with * cigar house C, L It KO W N, J*s Joy ?t.. Dtfirolt, Midi. \\! ANTKD-Itv AN KDUOATKI) VOt'eSU UNiiLlsH u tnaii, Utcijr urn rod, mi umHoii ai clcik. or a position wImtm lio can U?* unotui In any rs?p?ct: ouipluyuiaut cniuf pt )?. t XddrtM box I'D iiaroiu ufTtc?. TITAMTRD?TWtt (IitOll ^AI.RKMKN IO HULL H \K fv lug uow?lor and ?plo<*n; tint have ?xpertauca Drdurrad Apnlv b?iw?if*ii K'aiid I'd u'eliK-k A. M. A. WM. Z1 TlaOW ?t CO., 14 I Cnarmiors st. mSB-A Uooi# rLRICK t> A UHOOftfKY; Mi ?4T spOak lltriM, AiMf'Hi >11 leW A It I*. Ilirsld WKfcK &ALAKY IN KK.M'ON>IrLK~Turtl tlott in a dark ruriiubtng aacurity. Sl'lltt??l.l)i It .% <*U , 'J I'lintofi pi art. Y W $10 CUAC'IIMK.% \ Ml U K ItDKklCHi. ('ItMl'll M A*S ?HV a"' (')MrM K > I YOU.Xti MA.S; ^/th.irotitfbly uiideratniHU Itia bailnam: good ralarttuct. Addrif*s I . H., b?x l.'?d llnrald I'ptuwu Hranch uflits. IjrnitT ObAS^ COACH MAN AND UAMDBNKN w\ \ Highly rofpitctahle, yottaiff, shiitln Gorman; thorotighly uudsraiMtKis tr?Mtui?iiii of h??r???? and carrlav< s, cotnpstoni. ?:arsftil drlxar, city or ounntfri vnrt aiparl pn? d in ail hra >ch**a ilvo stock, poultry ; wmiul take tun r?apou?ihliltv and cti^rto ol a goiitlsitialt'a placa; ?*u ht yoafs' hlgtieat rofsrenens. Addrnsa, for tlireo days, .1. II , ho* 117 Maralfl offlcn. (1 ARUKNf K'H HITtAlloN WANT D-liAM ftKVK.V J> tars' city tvfsrsnoc. Addra** H , 4 ?v# Uraogn St., .Stw ara. N J. /M.XllrKMAS WANTS A HITUATiCIN KOIt HIM "jTcoachrnMii. Itarlng no further um for him: can recom mend him highly for hoii?aty, aohrlctv and as a capnbla and psrlcCt drivtr. thhtr city or country. Call or ad drt'O, for two nays, 141 Kaat M^il at. SflULR man am rtiArifMan: TtfOMoUOiitY UN dftr>tan(H hta bnstnni*; highest roftraftCo" from 1 tst ?m pl yor it. G. D.,h?* i.'il Haraiu I ptoarn oftlcs. tyANTKII-A MfTCAtfOM AM COACHMAN MV A it frtendy alttglo yotttig man, who ttior>>nghlv iiiidsratands his bnalncua; t-.roo yaais' rsfar?n?? fr ni urassnt auiploycr. Gail or addioas isttsr M. G., Mo. tt Wool 4tUi si. HELP WAITED? MALE*. I.KM- WANTED EVERYWHERE-Dr.NLEVY -i best Teas. C"S!?? laid J <4(ii4iik(mi Goods, flux*. Lanterns; up (lairs; sarnplo Teas, all kiuds. 20c. pound. 2o4 Wstsr, corner Foliuu Storekeepers. call or write. A CuMPhTKNT HEAD WAITER AMI sTtWARI), havlug capital, luay secuie an interest iu a aiu Hi first class lintel ou the European system. Address IIOiKL. bus U*> I ptnwa Herald ?Iticc. BARKEEPER WtVI>,ll-l.\ FIRM t.LAS* HOTEL": must dvposst iii?? > with Ills eiouioycr; dboral wa.eS given. WTnUtj HTO.V. Herald office. /IOOD Fa HMKK WANTED MARRIED R A*, WuOSS sjolle is a guod butter maker aud t ike oare of a d dry alioutjwoiity \ (iiily at 142 WasiitOihsi.. New York. Man wa.nii.u who can influence mii.k muod; also young man who nndr.lauds ih> grocery business. Address HROW.N. Ilerslil Li ptuwn ultlce. PUKE TK As7? AG K N TS WANTED "kVKRYW ii E K .< t<< sell lo families, lintels aud large consumers; larirest sleek la the country ; quality and terms the best Country storek -epora should uall ur writ* Tilli W 1.1. Ls TEA bull I' vNV. 2(11 K it 1 tcifi st. WANTED-AGKNIS ANI) rKObKIW ON FaM" soiling article ; buuaebuld uscesstty ; eutircly uew. til Tullou st . Brooklyn "III ANTED? MEN UK GOOD ADDRESS TO CANVASS Tf lor it nod s ul actual necessity iu Stale New Jersey. Apply room In, HI Mont-ginnery st.. Jerssr City. WANTED?A HOV TO wash DJsiies and" WAIT ou tables at 14.1 Hester it. XV AN TP.D-A YOUNG MAN AS WAIT E. INQUIRE ff at Sweeny's Hotel. WANTED-A V'lUNG MAN TO AS 11A It keeper: must brlug last employer in person lor rater euce. ue a written or verbal one will nut bo noticed. In quire 341 Creetiwicli si., corner ol Harrison from 10 to 12. 5Pl/l NDS PURE TK l, #1 ; 2?? POl NH>, eicT THE CAN ION tea COMP <N V, 148 Cli umbers st. VfcUM VEIL IVi'.KK MADh BY sllAltr AGE.NTs; 01 It %}' >\Jor country; business novelty. Apply at 27 Aniist. f (HLx,iE m1 s J?a*tsd-can earn mom pi 10 , Y/pIO daily ; #2 capital suincieut. Inquire M. DAIK'S, 3HtI Uratid st.,. New York ?HE TJlADMe A YOUNG Man HAVING some expkki KNCE IN glass plate tihnlngraphirig wishes a situation In a gal terr. Address F. KEOW s. 2U7 Wi st 22d St., New York. IiiNOINEfclfs SI TUATtON WANTED?BY PRAOTtOAL Jniikti; underHtand* all kind* of su^ar tuscbluory; best relereui os. Address 241 Herald ottice. 1AT ANTKD- W A ICII t;ASK M AKERS, TURNERS. ?T Jointers, engraver*. engine turners snd polishers; guR^v-s17h2Hn.;dw:",;,..,.;;;3. AMy" J HAIiKk AT APL'TlOl, uciid.v balk. 'iTfiTfiTVTmonBaVH ?aa. The largest assortment of ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD KUl .NITURB. 8IEI.NWAY PIANOFOUTE, Paintings, brun/ks statuary. AC... offered this season for public competition. AT 1TIK PRIVATE RESIDENCE 120 WEST 23D ST.. NEAR OI'll AT. commencing at 10 o'clock. 1 arlor Suite, covered Iu satlua or the rieheet deacrlpllen : niaiquelry Cabluots aud Tables, K tuyeres. Centre fables aud Cuusolrs: Plar aud Mantel Mirrors, ormolu Mautol Sets, valuable (ill I'uintlnjts, by master artists; aleo a large collection of Hrunxes aud Valences d' Art from Prance and Italy, eoiunrlalugt? JUAN VAUIKAN, CnRIKZ, lMZAIIKO, DIANA mercury. GREEK. SLAVE. AMAZON. Palu'lutra. both inodorn and antique, vis.: ? gr*J?d canal. Venice, by oondi. ANCIENT ROME, MY DONNeTTT Dash i*or i.ihekty, by lkvi. BYRON'S DKKAM. MY lloESK. en !o1o512"y.."l!"'r r.*r* a"J costly Works or Art. CHAMHEK si lla-Inlnld and kilt Dreseiug Caana, Red stead*, Chiff Hiuivra, V\ a?luiands. Wardrobe. hair and Shrink Mattresses, Bolster., Pillow. Turkish Lmingea. Chairs. Suite In rope. Rockers, Clocks, Mirrors. Brussels 0 'J"1"?."' 'rlbrary Bookcases, Tallies. Hooks. Ac. DINING ROOM?Extension Table, Buffet, Oliairs in leather. Gbiuaaiid Glass Ware. Sterling end Plated Ware, Cutlery. tVc. ; Hull ?siand?, Chairs, Kurnituru of kitobou anu servant*' apartiuonts vn h. . J. r-IJCIlT8 SMITH, Auctioneer. B ^rT"ke Railroad, Sixth. Seventh avenue car. or Iwonty-thlrd street stage to door. Uoode pecked and shipped. ?A.-JKKK. JOHNSON JR.. AUCTIONEER GRAND JUBILEE. AUCTION A u I. SUCIIU.I 373 ELEUANT CONEY ISLAND LOTS. .. on the premises, OCEAN PARKWAY, between BRIDGE end OCKAM at 2 o'clock. TUESDAY AFTERNOON. JUNK 23. 1878, Property is noar all grand hotels. Concourse. Aqusrium Aa. beveuib r.akiuient Baud. Prol Harrison, world renowned tmprovlaatora. Banquet under luaminolli tent. Balloon asceiixlou by Prol. Fisher. Professor Rattial will stand In a hot lire with llamas en tirely surrounding bis body. . Title perfect. 'Terms easv. Texas nomliw. Maps of JERK. JOHNSON, Jr.. 58 Liberty el. A? l'LN Id JOHN si > N ."AUCTION K.EH, " s old stand 37 Nassau st. ON TUESDAY, JUNE 25. AT 10^ O'CLOCK, at our salesroom. 37 Nassau st.. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE Mirrors, Camels, Planus. Ac. Further particulars iu time. TIIE ADJOURNED sALU OF THE F.FPKOTS OF THE OL AI It MONT SAVINGS BANK AT 187 GREEN WICII ST., COIiNER Di. Y, will positively taan niace ou WEDNESDAY. JUNK 2*i, AT. Hi', O'C.-Ot'K All the lino Rales. Partitions. Desks. 0 upeis, Ac, Auction ?alk at private kksiukncmT Tills DAV (MONDAY), 10 O'CLOCK. >. Uyn l?ro*" "?une mansion NO. 41 WEST llll h ST.. Ri TWI EN 5111 AMI art! AVS STKIsWAY P1AN0TOKTE. FINK COLLECTION OIL PAINTING s. S3 PIECES I M I'OK J EI) Bit iNZE STATUARY. Mosl SUPKBB assurtmeul ol PaRLOK, CHAMBER LIBRARY and DINING ROOM I-URNI I Ullli ever offered at public saleEs.tlake Msdiieval. Oueen Anne and oilier modern styles: ELEGANT PaKLOK FURNITURE upholstered In satins, raw silks, pltteh and reps WAl.NUT CIIAMiIEK SUITS, MARBLE TOP. Drostlng Cases. Hedlteads. Bureaus. Washstauds, Spring Beds, ilalr Mattrwssee, Marble top Tables, Lounge and Sofa Beds, Wardrobes, Library end Secretaire Bookcases Library 'fables. Desks, Easv Chairs, Cabinets, Centre ?nd Console Tallies, Mirrors, Curtains, Extrusiou Talus Buffet Dining Chairs, silverware. Pier and Mantel Glasses Rockers. Reclining Chairs, French Mautel Sets. Hall stand' Velvet. Brussels end Ingrain Carpet. NOTICE?The paintings brumes, Ac., selected with rreat care snd are worthy the attention ul purchasers. Fur niture made by Koun s A Co. N. B.?T?kn Sixth avenue or University place cars to No. 41 West llith st.. between 5th atidSthnvs. House open M A. M. Goods packed II desired LEV ERICH TARGET, a Co., Auctioneers. M ess r s Auction. auciion. auction. This MONDAY, comnieurlng at 10 o'clock, at the elskuiil lour story tuanslun 21 P.ait 17ib st., between 5th sv. and Uulou square 2 elegant rosewood Planulorte*. 1 satlu ami 2 raw silk Suilt, 7 pieces. 2 Bookcases. Lady's Desk. 12 elegant velvet aim Brussels Carpet*. 4 eicgaot Oentie Tables. 3 Library Tables 13 elegant linnorted Bronte Figure* 21 oil Paintings, bv Mulloy, Laptsa and others. Elegant imported Clocks. II Parlor nuit* In reps. 7 ulireoa. 7 elegant French walnut Kedroom Set* 23 spring and hair Maltresae* Pillows. Bolsters, Shesls, Ac. 2 elegant Buffets, Dining Chair* 3 Spanish Lounges Chairs to match. Elegant silverware. Cutlery. Ulasswarc. Wall pockets. Kitchen end survauts' Furniture. .i. B. ?Tene Hmedw.y stages or ears from Astor House r green cars from Grand street ferry CUaULES A M ALl.tlY. Auctioneer, office 42 Union suusre. Auction balk. tiii? Monday. ALJIkKT KR - KM Kit, Auctioneer. ?Ill sell HUM (Mud <I..JF morula. communclng ?i 1< > o'clock, lbs entire rich. r.iiim and plain lluu.ehel.l Furniture CO NT A I.N h I) IN TIIK FOLK bTOIlY MhMlDKNGK l?t WF.MT 141'II MT.. KKTWK8N MTII AND Ti ll A VS.. COMIMUslMi KOshWooD FIANoFOttTK, MAUMIrl* ccni Ferlur Sulla, laiesi stylo, covered In Satin and inlaid friiuM.willMUl also large and ?tn?ll rep and heirclutlt Mills, Turkllh Chalra, Uulci. I'Dutr ? Tibial, Klageros, Krcretalre ami Library Hu .kce.aa, Desks, Bronte*. Oil I'alulniira. handsomely (ranted ; large. elaborately agreed Ohaiohei nulla; large ami ainail walnut Bedotaeoe, Llrial' Ina Caere, lluraaua. W aebalsnila. War iroec. 2-i spring and hair Mgllieeaea. 1'illowa, Bulatere, Mufa liaila, Lounges, Chairs, Kockors. J'J Brussels. Ingrain and Stair Carpal a. Cnrtalna, 3 hand ?nnin fir r Mirrors, large an<l am all in king Kissers F.xtnnslon Dining Table, Bullet, 24 Dining Komi Chalra, Kinr ry I ah If a. Silverware. .1101 piacea (ilaaa ware. Cutler jr, two line hail Mlamia, Haeemvut I'muitiare. Ac N. H. ? packed, buaml ami shinped, eltjr nr country Take Fifth nr Sixth aeuuue cara ur stages or Klevaind Rallinml to 14th at. A" WILLIAM K SI > KV, AUCUOal.hK. WILL ??all Monday. June 114, at Io'clock. at 4'.r.i Broadway, Second tiaml Furniture, cunalatiug of Heilateaiia, Mureaue, Waslistauda leMIK, Kaltreaeea, I'illuw-. .springe. chalra. Tab lee, fllatptan Bed, Wlltun. Ingrain and M-piy Carnal a. A?W m7~ I'K.NNY. ~A I. C11 (J .N "hTT IK a Hlvhter .X I'ufta will sell mi I m aday, June 23, AT OKI) fosr OFFICII sALF.hhuOMm. Imnirnai. eale ul gentnrl vecugd Uaml ami new IIOUSKllOKI) FUKMrUKh, CA'tFr. Tit. AC. Wednesday, June 2W. great tale ut II nraea. Car ring -a, Ac. AT AUCTION. ItF.FKItF.K HAI.K. By VAN I ASSK.LL A KF.ARNKY. Auctioneer*, on MAT I'KDaY' Jena 21), at 12 o'clock, *t Kxcbange Salesroom, III Broadway, lorocl. au, a salo uf llnuse anil led Four atory high stoop brown atone 11 <<>i??, with all I in pr,?i email m, No. It FA Weal hkn at. KUWtilll l>. UtLK, Itelaree. Coi okkt HuOTIing.1. I'lalnlitl'e Attorneys, UK ami 7U William at. ANCHWAB. A I CTIO.NKKIt, 277 BOWF.UV, 8KLLH, ? 1C, ..'clock, .17 ( at , the enure elegant Furni ture. Carper . He.ulln kitchen ( lenellt. Ac., uf a private realUnnco Dealera ami htirnra Invited. AOKBHNWaKU KKLcH, II) O'CLOCK, 2:1 UK 1 ,27th at., large Mtoca end elegaet Flxtaresof Of earn couMata ul f2 ' ??1 worth (ir,icurl. ?. aa 1 luur, h a, Coffee, Sugar. Suit, Alap cee. rtralea. Icebox, Counter, -helviug, hhuweaaea, Ac., in iota. Dealera Inriiod, Auction makk.-john c. lynt auction rub, will aeil at 142 heal ftlUli at., on Monday. June 21. at I t A YC , Ilia following 1 .fapertyline 7', uciaae reaewood I'nin.i, nearly tiew . 011.' 1'ier Mirror, one liandenmu hla. k walnut Huok. ae*,one snlt Bedroom l'iirnhur? with M ?t treaaea. Knitter and I'lllowa to match; aim line otbar palute I lle.lalead. Bureau, tYashsianil and Cumoiodn (marble top). BY JOHN II. DuAFKK A CO., AUCrioNKKKM. The Delaware, Lackawanna ai d Western Kailrnad Company win aell 30,1 X) ?tune Iter an ton Coal at ptthllc auellun ?n W*UllK.i|)AY, June 2'l, at 12 o'elock. mien, at 2(1 Lx< hangn plana MaKUKL SLOAN, t'realdeut HV J IIAV nN, aUC rloNKhH. Will aell Tuesday, at 11 A M.,nt *14 Weal 34th. large lot Household Furniture, Caroete, Organs, Mirrors, I6,(JUU Cigars. Ac BY JOHN A. DUNN, AUCTIONBKR.??ALI THIS day, 1*V? o'eloea. No. HI Wi ?t IMth at , the Furniture ef four atnry and haaemnnt private dwelling remitting ul el" gam walnut lledaieada lluraaua. IFreealng Case*. *a rnie tup Wagtiotabde, Wardrobes. Cwiniii.>dea, pirr ami mantel Mirrors. Lace 1 iirlaina. Shades ami Lambrequins, oil I'alnthigs and hngravlnga, Brussels ami ingrain Car pa s. Mlalr < arpvta., Hugs and Mat*. Olid His Ac , alio eorf boat rurie 1 natr Mattroaewa, feather Fittest nnd Itm ? ters, seven nclava I'lano and Organ, together with dining and aiteneii Furniture Ihia la n g.111.1 cbanee lor house keprra and others Cataloguaa at sale, (THAKLMT. l.hVINK-s. AlCTlONKl H MM. Lit Tm75 y.iay, lota si 7h New t'hambere at , large stuck of Or? eerlee ul wuulesal" dealer, eomprlaing lull assortment; also steles. MUD. Fixture!. Aa NALKM AT AVCTIOa. r tti m;kk. auction Li-ik.JXtXCHPl J ley. lar.'e stock Printing Material. 13 Bprue* st. Par ticulars 4. alautyuos ready. H~' Inky hkktzbkkg, al^tionkkh, sklls to day, M o'clock, ciuar store IV? Grand it., imported au4 u.uuslic CL'tn, Cigareii'-i. Brooking, Cbtwiun Tob^ww. Pipes. Kiximtsi, plated 8uowcase, Figure. Mirror, Ac. { poMliV l* IU lot*. J\vi?< iGsin \ orio58c.k, aua wkbt 13f5 ?t. ? Mortgage *ale thi* day, at l<>j? o'clock, ot lientau* rant Furniture, 15J Prtuce at., including an elegant Brain bait Kaiikv Jb k i LT k s. aiTTi o s rk iT] ^TXs TTTuTi ? (Monday), UMf o'clock, ut 515 Weil 4?th. near 8th av., entire Contents ol said dwelling, several vrry hue < arp-ts, one ilait A Kilouiu patent Beostead. one vary flno Uriw* lug Case. Parlor Suit, B?- stead. hair and other \1 a|tr-s*es, oil Paintings, Brouses, Dinlu-? ami Kitcbeuware. 12 (cot Pillar hxtensiou Table. Dea'ersaud other* at ten I. MsuhsiiatTm, auciionkkk. 22 uiviN ? ro5 sr., ? sell* this day, at 10;, o'clock. 1.021 PaHoit kt., Brook lyn, la me stock and Fixture* ui ti rat dt?i Pap#r Gauging nrtd Paint Store (about B3,'*H> worth). Wait Paper, B ?r-.or*. shade a, labels. P Hilts, OIi?, Varnish. Glass. IS. u*be?. Desks Scales, scaffold*. I .adder *. Truck s, Flxture .*, Ac.. in lot., without reserve. Dealer, invited. M"L '' A'"*. ALliTioNt.KK. HULLS TUh.SI> aV ?Steam Kindling Wood Factory, liolDr. hngiue. Pal* ley., fthatting, Building shed*. Ac. Particular*, to-morrow. MAUMIALS *a'lk.-KIcii Vuii u UoKl;-1 suns! \uctioneers, will .oil Monday, at 10j4 o'clock, at 27 ha t Broadway, Stock and Fixture, of a grocery Store, vi*; Soap. Starah, Canned Goods, Tea*. Cuffse*. Suice*, Ytuegar, Counter*. Scales, Ac ; also. Stock of flr?l clan statl- nerv Mora, vis: Account Hook*. Note Paper, Ku volopos, 1* tie*, Xuk Dottle, l'oucils. Pen., Ac. HIOHAKD 0. WALSH, Marshal. M~~ I)UT<i A(iir s A t.K. ? (Ml aTTlKjT IIKLM, AUCTION ?er, aelD, D'.'-k o'clock, 778 loth av., elegant waiuut Fixture, of barber's Shop; four Chair*. Cuucase, with three tntrror*; W a*hst auo*. Awuirig, Ac.; In lot. Pt W > Bit OK i: C* SALfc -WATt iTkh and JKWftl* ry ? it P1KLD, CleueraI Auctioneer, No 152 Canal st.. near Bowery, will sell on Tuesday, June 25, at 11 o'clock. 700 lot. Gold and sliver Watche., Dia luond and Cold Jewelry. Uold Chain*. Opera (ilaKSO*. Sil verware. Gun., Pistol., Ac., Ac. By order A. Goodman, 31 Centre it. DAWN Bl.ok KK .- sal R?WATCH ICS, AND J K WKL XT ry.. ? K. Fii.LD, General Auctioneor (salesroom No. 152 Canal at., near liowi-ry). will sell (hi* day, at 11 o'clock, 71X1 lot* tiold and Silver Watclios, DiHin? nd and Gold Jewelry, Pin*, Kings, Karring*. gold Guard, l<oh and Vest Chains. Ac : also <>nns. Pistols, Musical Instru ment*, Ac. By order 1. Aaron*, li?7 Grand .t. I)AWN0kOKiril NAJDiL?-Tfcfi* DAY JAMBS AG Alt, Auctioneer, will sell at *alo*r ?oiuh U4 Bowery. 7lk) lots Drosses, shawl*, remnants. Table Linon, Underclothing. Sheet*, Spreads, (Juilt*. PIPows. Shoes, Pantaloons Ana Vests. By order of B Goodsteiu, 2,U>8 lid av Philip hchwkinbciai. ATt;rionkkk. si.lls 2 o'clock, elegant Butcher shop, 4 JofferHou *t.; uia^uiil cent lunrblo Fixture.; larce wuluut liohouse; Horse and Pony, Ac.: positively its lots. RM'KIVKK'S SALK^iCOTI dTMVKKS WILL 8ALLt at 22 Cliff st., Tuesday, J no 25, at 11 A.M.. Lathe, steam Pro.., Dies, Hauge, Stove, Ollire Furniture. Ac. HKRI a 571UCITI OtfB k k^Xllskc K>M 15 % AND ? 17 Bowery, lbs sale of tho Stock-?Suirt., Muslin and Fixture*. Ac.?advertised to take place Monday, J une 24, Is postpoued until Mouday. July 1. when It will be .old posi tively, KKKD LKWI -, Ksq.. Assignee ot George Gourlay. iTkkmanTaIctionkkit,"siITl mTndav,junk ?24, at 11 o'clock. No* 1 f*1 a and 17 Bowery, a large as soitinont of Wines and idquor* in barrel*, casks, cases and demijohns, being tho stock ot an Importer declining busi ness. salu positive. Dealer. Invited. KINHILKK, aUorioNkkH. BhLLS THIB DAY^ ?at 2 o'clock, at 450, 452 Canal st., 50 lirus.ei* Carpets. 100 Mattrcascs, 20 Dr?*a*ing Bureau*. Kitchen Utensils. Ac. ILL BR BOLD AT AUCTIo5T, WifToi'f iiE^ serve, on Mondav, June 24. 1878, ai 11 o'clock A. M? on thu premises No. 210 Kast D4th st.. Coiitonts of a first class Wine and Billiard Saloon, consisting of five Phciau Billiard Tables, nearly new ; Glassware, Mirror., Counter Ale Puinp. Shelving, ? hairs, Ac., either in lot* or together. For particulars apply to JuilN K. AI1MUT Y, 41 Broadway, or on the premises ou day of sale. GKOKUK II. COOK. Auctioneer. ILLIAM ABBOTT, A Uti flON K h K. olli e 03 ilieecker *t , will sell this Monday. June 24. at 10>? o'clock A. M . at the st >re 3C8 3d av., near 2<th st.. by order of Messrs. Karrer A Co., of Tetiretithal. Switxerlaud. the finest collection of Musical Boxes. Orchestrion. Ac , over offered at auctiou In this city, comprising some of the following magnificent in*trumeut*. vis. : ? Musical Box. 32 airs. 4cylinders, with drums and Chinese bell ringer*; Musical Box, 30 airs, ti cylinders, Maedoliue sillier, made by Breiiiout, of Ueuwii. Orchestrion. t*? roller*, made in LeusUirch. Germany. Also a large number of Musical Glasses, Bottles. Ac., to getlivr with an assorted stock of gold and silver Watches, Jewelry. Clocks. Statuettes Ac. : to conclude with tbe More fixtures, comprising Iron Safe, Showcases, Counters, Ac. Descriptive cataiouus* now ready. KOtt BJVIjK. ~vtt BAKTnrfSf:--Ai.i; ..? k imani. maVUkIai: i\UH.hlu?rv.r>iloDU. U?o<i Will. Ac.. lor t)i? nianuracliiru ol ruffling*. liming*. tai?o trimming*. Ac., Ill the City hullli' Comp.injf ol .xyw tiavvu. For iuiurmattun addri.* T. A. TUTTLB, Truatoe. New IJareo. Coua. ItftORM BKEH Bok VCIB BALK CUBAF?AT I110 Urmnwieb ?*. MVOttRR IMP FOR BALE-IN GOOD XKIGH borbood. cbanp. lnuulro coruur J7tb ?t. and Lexington ay. THK LIQI iirafoitK ON SOUTIl\Vr.sT C'TRNKB ?fllh a*, ano liJd aU lor .alo; a bargain. By order ol Mortgage*. A BIOS LIQUOR STDIti:, WITH HAXDBOMB black walnut Klxtnrea, will bo add very cheap; real jf.'Hi. Willi Room* attached sMI I'll, 17 Centre at. A Fifth CO KM kit LIQUOR MTOKB FOB IA?i*| price $300 JO.NhB, SHOentM ?l. liKlR B5i*li?A JBWkLKY sioiit AMD a Lah.iH r Safe. MB Hleecker at. IMK iithl OHBAP? WINK, UOM ItU ANU ' llilllard Saloon. Inquiro of W Al.LKItfi I KI {? A CO., Il'i Huwerr. criier Canal at Cvooll PAYI.NO OOWM ioW.N MAROON _,tl lls'f fat eacrlBee; Aepartare lor Kur<>|ie. SCII WKI.NBUKO, agency. l!iH Bowery. tTIe IIOUsKlL?&K VKKal SKCOnTi HAND ICR I llonaea, rulta"l? lor biilrbcra baor or matanranta ; butch ?r?' Ki xlurca. MATtlltBOA, HJ& 1Mb ae near 4tth at. vroric to""wood knukaVkiw <nd rKIITUU,* II Block* ol Quarter Shunt*. half and fall alxe. planed and ruair for nve; even Ihlcknn*. goal an teed. Apply loJ.L. KNIOUT. lit) Aun ?t. HACIUNICai. EiOif" SAtfc"-TilitKh HONNAZ Mao II IN KB. Ad kdoiI Mk new ; eteo 0m I'teitluu' end one Pinkiinr Me Chine. J n?iuire between 2 end J P. M.. '*?5 Keat IIoumIoq ?t.. by MKYKK. WANTED A IIOUNil HANI) PoTTKlt UK HOC Pree*. 32x4K or 31x50 AUctretR. Minting condition, lime il hi* been in um end price, I tlb CKAKk W. BUY AN CO., Springfield. Men a. A KI'KNI I (JKK. ST a.l,BGAMT PA ALUS eCriTituVel" b lit hiflfT, cori $(>?> ?. for #i~>; suita ti r?V >iliU. 97& !? SO} Mi* ger?-?, lublri, ' 'il I'niiiliuc*, BfO' *?*, ? ite 111 to*r Sfll, Oreaatmr Ceeea, Hedaieeda, >V eeliaienda, Meitrtmaea, S iits in rep*. $-5; Cerpel*. Ac , i.ibrery end iMmnie Furniture, Me uwey Piano, FI'lO. Cell et n ivate roaiuenc* UU Wmj 23d b|., nam (tin a v. Ah HAI'MA.VVn NhW Ft; UN ill Kh, CAKPK1 ? and Heading VVerahouRe* 512 end .>14 Hth nr., ueei UHlh at. ; the lar*e*t e*tal>llBhtneni in th<* city; lowewtceah price*. weekly end luoutlily payment* taken. sackFfii 1 i'uh ai'k family; oirtcoNiiNC* in?c hnuaekorping, will m?II their no <rly new end hand* mmi Furniture at leaa llieu Moetiou price* Parlor Suit* 10 rew ailk, block weluut Cbeiuber Hula, heir Maltreate*, HriiMK'lii eii'i iilltnn Carpet*, H<"1 I*ounge. Kefrluerator, I'erlor iieak. Llbrery Table, elntrle iipiiatnadx L*c* Cur* leina. t'lieira,-VI (>li I'eintitiaa ; no re?umelite offer reluaed. Cell end aee tne bar..'eiu* *t i'l We*t 2Hth ?t. A-OUT I'OST or " 1 (Ik. > AshaU ^T. 0 llouaeb ?1?J end office Furniture of ell kind*. LAUGKsT. CilKATE 1. liJ.HTsl'oCK Is St.W YuUK. Ore ?t??t iier^diiia known in 2 ' foert, BAbM A.N N HK?? r H I* U* AlK OFF K it I M J i.KkTt beticeiim in Furniture, Cetpete en 1 Heddinir. et tiieir ?turea, X-is end '!??? iludaon at., corner Brooiue; weekly and nionlblr pevineiita teeoo. IdloH HAbR-(! 1 ft 1*KTA, PA KM)K, HhDKOOM AND r Dining H?N?m furniture, ll> ii?iiB^, Ac., Ac.; Pteno| eaciytliintr Iir?t clean: on ec -omi ?>f deperture for hurope, niuat ne a?*id uy the U7tu. .tppiv 4d.i Knot 5<itli at. Flou sAldK t HK t OF PArUdOK Ft* K.N ITC H?T| price |Ihii. mn 34 nr. lilti^f nell No d, left bend. IMMI5N.SK KKilt'criON IN PiUCKH OF Fl KNlTlTrtX 1 arppti. Ac for ?n??ri or peymenta COVVl'Klt THWAIT'S. I V) end 157 Fhitliam at Send for itlaeireled price Hat. Weekly er monthly peymenia. 11IST Bk SOLU IMMhlil irKidVTA HaCUIMCK 141 I'erlor Suit*. OerpetB, Curtain*, Mirrun, i'aliitin^a. Pi molorie, Hedroom stilt*. Mefreaa**, Liorery, Dtnlng Furniture. Keaident* 127 Keat i7ih at., neer 4th ar. Cul thiaout. VA ATC1IKH. JKW KKUY. <vi>. Ar l?|H HltKkllWaY LoA.Nx N r" O tiff A t hUp l> IL 10oil ia. v% etenca. silverwere end I'wra oiel Property! lerKu idoena et ?|n rlel ret"*. ?? Til OH. LYNCH A T 1,272 BUOADWAY. A HOVK 3JD ST., MONKY for Peranuel Property, old OwUJ, stiver hotttbl; edk vencei metle, btilloi' iilflcit inIKIJAM A. (illlVKK. \T JOHNSTON'S, 1 .VI HOWKKY. ?KLKO ANTI.Y e**vd at?vliiiic ailver Vt eddlnc Preaenta from fitteuv'B. (iortuin'i end otheiA ?*Uifiyc below iiteuufe? lurera' co*t| bigldCat price peld for dupitcete end aurpiua Wedifinu Olfte McVn 1 Y. ? lllA M ON HH. \V AT J UK S, J K W K LK Y. HlU verwere, Ac., bought end aoid beck et a ?rneii edveace. br.O. C. ALi.&N, I,fl*U Hfoadwey, n?-er'Jutii at CWI7 WK'J^HWaY. ? DI iMONDs. WAT Hl.H AND 1 M r I .lewolry bought end told. b>ena negotleted on Per* aoiinl Property ??f every tleacrlntlnn. J *MF.H P. MAMIlKWS U - - tlAFriUNG. \f* PLatTo'b, miii IIDI *V ."'Si'kAk' Wirtl le?T3HI per>eot u? re tlieu #la >wh?re will pnii'lveir be p ?id for caat off tliottiiug. Ad ire*a Mr. or Mr* FLaTTO. V t , HTIf AV., M.\u 4TM sr .PAFs THK IIIQfA ? *t veiuo for <'e>f<otf < lotbiiig, Cerpela, Jewelry* ? eii or edureaN Mr. or Mn. NATHAN. \T KDW t HD MILLKR'S. nn HTH AV.. N K A II WA? vtrley piece, utiuoat velue pntd for ceat off Clotlilmc. Cell or ed ire*?. AM u \ ItKs, |ii| ?,| il VV , opposl rh Hill Ht.? ? Kediea end irenllrni.*n will I ? nateiii?fie?l et the hi(ti pricva |i?ld (Cmalu for i'e?t*of! < Intltlfiy, I arpeta, i.ecot. Jewelry. Hooka Ac LbdiOR waited on uy Mia Merke. IT 11IP. NKW KsT \ RL Tsll M KN'T, if P.TII AV. - 4 \ Ore et 1 >? tn end for ('eat H 'MotiilUtf, Ipwelry, Hooka. Cell or nddre-oi Air. of Mr*. AllUA MS.ii ?Un ev. HA HHi H', 23.T :il) aV IIKTWKFN IHTI1 AN If 'JtlTH ilt, pey? iiitflteal price lor Ce*4<*off Clutliluir. Ae. Cell or eddreaa 7 CAHHBKXUi PAYS BROADWAY! PUICKs POM J J?re*t off t'lotliing. 5H W**t 31*1 ?!., between Hroftdwey end (Ith ev AATItOUHil. km. <:oi,i,i\K, Tlllt MOsr kki.1vid,' cf.TriiVijf ent lu the city M *gt.etlc treetineut. 75 AVeat$3tl?9A muicAu , DV'lt.iv KilKI'. lilt XV Hi IkllK VI). I'iltiKf.BBOl of MiUwIInry. il > I n.t 4~ith ?l . n**r .'bl ay -Dlt A ?. M VUKIVMAI Ofltr*, Iiy.i :vi)?ar?, litf LtbartT t* M A A; VI MM. Bb lt.\?. lYl in Laklnytak a*., n*ar S44h. A<l*loa 'r?. JUKB. LYON B-HBMOV hD i'U luT WLbI KMf ?A '