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COLLEGE SERMONS. fCONTINUED FKOM EIGHTH PAGE.] Goa 1 would oall anon lion to ? startling paradox and .i.? i10"' paradox Is louud iu lite utterances "I lt>? Bible concerning our relatiooa to ourselves. It tries "Tako beed to thyself." It commands it* vo tarioa to drop everything and aelaa a rugged cross, and /at holds out to hand* thua emptied and thus tiled rewards surpassing tba aplandora of Oriental lablo, and atluraa tbam with ilia neat things ol both worlds. I must now speak to tba graduating class of lb la university the dual words of deliberate, bearticlt, larewell oounsel, on bcnall ol the lacitlly. Brotbars, wa snail never eoaae to watsh your coarse In lifo with deepoai Intereat and warmest hope. Tba lies knit by theia recant ycara cm never bo suuderod. 1 know tbal every one of your instructors would moat a*r nesily join me iu ihi foiir injunctions I uow solemnly, tenderly, lovingly, prayerfully lay upou yon:? l.eaa an intellectual Ufa; load a roligious life; lira tor hu inanity; live unto Ood. Be Intellectual men. Bel no pruieaaion or occupation delraod you ol tbia right. You have learned a great deal if you have learned bow to learn and how to use wnat you learn. Your education is now well begun, Go on. Fill up ilio Interstices ol time with perpetual raeuial culture on some plan. Be leligiuus meii. Prove uot your consummate lolly by giving tbo slightest countouaure to the shallow conceit that religion is somehow un lavorable to iho highest intellectual development. So lar irom this, if you neglect religion you doom your self to an inevitable narrowness which, wnon you least auspeot it, win reach far boyond religious aud even moral questions PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE. IlACCALAUBtATJt SEBUON BY PRESIDENT VALEN TIN*.? ACTING FHOM PBINCIPiJE. GxTrrsuuno, Pa,, June 23,1878. Tho commencement exercises of Pennsylruuia col. lege were initiated this morning oy the baccalaureate discourse of President Valentino, 11, D. Ills text was Irom Uobrowg vi., 1?-'Therefore lesvlng the prlnrl. pies of the doctrine ol Christ, let at go on unto pcrlco tlon"?and the subject, ss announced, was "Acting from Principle." Tbo "leaving" ol principles here meaut, na said, s not an abandonment of them, but progress in and upon tbem, Principles art never to bs left behind, but held last us tho strong, infallible lines of progress tud ascent, till he who at first bad nothing but tbem baa found all things through their action. Let as first understand distinctly what it ts to set from principle. In tne broad sense principles are fundamental forms ol law, beginnings and guiding forces lor any kind ol movement or phe nomena. J oey are seen nud Illustrated in me various lawn ol DAture, wLticit determine and explain what lakes place, as the law ol gruvuatiou or vegotable or animal life. The moral world is equally aoeustliuuon of principles. We speak of tbe principles ol truth, )nsuct', pioiy or ol lovo, oaob being sumo deep and abiding reality in tho lorces and connections ol moral life, some established law of action and consequences, out ol which couie* tbe weal or woo ol men. I he "principles ol tiri doctrine of Christ" stand lOr and Include the wuoio circle ol life principles lor man. 'Jbed fence to them requires in us a new end divine III* wnlch shall carry in Itsolt as a force anu law the principles chosen. It is pos sible only on the bgh plane ol Chris tian knowledge and power, by tho law of tne spirit ol Ine In Cbrtst Jesus. To aot from prin ciple, tnen, is lo adopt and lollow with submissive temper ana steadfast Urnmess all tbe grout urohulc laws ot right and duty touudod In tbo constitution ol ibo world and revealed through conscience and tbo w ord ol God, by which life and activity have been meaut to be regulated and guided to their blessed goal. And tbo douiuud is not lor the oasy, elastic relation which many seem to think enough to lulQl it. It is roineiblug far boyond tbe playing lust aud loose, the indiurubber elasticities, tne vane-liko swinging to cnanging breezes exhibited In tne vacillation, com promiMng, seltuiimss, calculation, scheming and sham ot thousands who would like to bo coosidsrod men of principle. kiuht vor right's saks. Ihe ?bUgation to this duty is simply the grand ob iigatiou to do right, not lor tho sake or gutu, bat lor lis own sake. to do right is, iodeed, always gain, victory, glory; but tbe rlgbt is higher than Its gains, let there are muny otnor high considerations thai enforce it upon all. Strict harmony ol lite witn prin ciple is the wuy ol your best advance in true knowl edge. ii will subordinate in you the lower nature lo Ihu biguer and nx in your Me tbo action aud suprem acy ol all ibui is ol eternally abiding worth. Tula is the only way of safely. The mariner takes bold ol the threads ol light that coino down Irom ihe groat Kara ol the sky aud directs his way across dangerous teas in triumph. ?o wo hold on to tbe lighi-iiues of the great principles ol ibe moral world beaming out ol the liruiumonl ol God's Word, and puss in security over the sea of llle. It Is necessary lor ihe work vou fiave to do in our day lo help suvo and lift up sutler lug humanity. The most blessed servloe you ton render is accoinpnsbou by strengthening tho sway of principle In men una society arnasd yon. TO THK URUiUATKB. Yonng gentlemen, 1 have called your attention to this subject in order to empuaaixs lor you this great duty. The groat want of our day ta more principle, a better grasp on all the immutable laws, In which alone It is ordaiued Ilio is to tind order, excellence and peace. 1 do not suppose that you will nave a severer ordoal than others, or be more likely to coino short or lull. But the ordoal is severe enough for every young mtu who passes through the gateway into ac tive HI e. It Is a time lor you to adjust your chart aud conip??s fur tho future, to gird up the loins ol your Christian mo and pm on the whole armor ol God. I have leu tliut could you oach i#e led to mnko your lite a llle ol tlxed laltb in principle and firm lldelity lo tbe doctrine oi Christ, no matter then what comes or how tried you would be louud always true, successful and happy, going 90 to the "perfection" God has act lor you. Tbo Cburcb, toe world, your couutry, soeioty, everybody will 100k, us they have a right, lor superior virtue, wisdom, character and litu from you?for ireaicr strength ol priuciplo ai d coiisisteuov ol oonduct then Iroin others oi les* education and kiiosUodge. God it meaning io make you standard bearorf lor tbe cau.e >i truth on the eariu. It is i>y your Uoiug, nut ouly well, but the best made possible Oy vour advantages tbuiyour part in lifo is to bo rightly accomplished.' Go lorih lo ibe noble ll.'e to whieii it lias oeeu sought by Ibo priuclplos ol Christ to mould you. You bear witn you the affectionate interest of your instructor* Who leal hound to you by (lie lira ol years ol piraaao'l issociauori. Tliough your connection witn tne Inst! tulion as students is about to be Unsolved. 1 trust thai your allecuoiiai* utiacniueul to it na alumni will never cease, bui atrongthen with the-dapto ol years. 11 the link that binus us logetber Is a klndredslnp or Soul in b aity to the principles of Christ, Die lia will bo an ever living, noly bond, and your luture pros psrlty our common Joy. TltlNiTY COLLEGE. BISHOP WILLIAMS' BACCALAUllEATE BEBMON IN THE OLD CHAPEL. Hartford, Coon., June 33, 1878. Tbe Intt baccalaureate seriuou aver to be delivered In Trinity'# venerable chapel wu preached tbia evening by Bishop Williams, In tbn prosouco oi a large aaeemblage, Including many oi tbe alumni who Have already aeaembled bore to wltncaa tbe laat com mencement week exerclaea In tbe time-honored college buUdinge before tbelr abandonment and tbe removal ?( tbo institution to tbe new etructure. The text was 1. Corlntbiana, tv., 2?"Moreover It la required In alewarda tbat a man be lound faithful." Tbe purpoae oi tbe sormon waa to aet over against tbe prevalent idea ol tbe day, tbat Ilia le n poeaeaalon, a man'a very own, "bold," aa tbo lawyer* a ay, "in fee simple," tbe great truth tbat Hie la a atewardebtp Intrusted to a man byUod; and atlll further, tbat wbereae tbe world'* etaudard, by which It measure* and estimates a life, la necessarily tbe taken standard, Hod's standard la lalthlulnesa. The addreaa te ibe graduating class was as follows:? Mr Dear Yousu Brkihrba?1 bad thought, in p:*ach:ng the last sermon ihat will oa preached in tbiaplacu, asjcciato I I or eouie oi us wltb the memo ries ol a lllttimo, thai I s.'ionld uiak* ibex memo ries my theme. It ?? forty-five yeare since 1 entered these wsiie as an undergraduate, bnt tbe service cornea hack to mr reeoLectitn tresn and clear te nlgbt, and as it couies I uot ooly recall the pisoe ii aril as it tbon was, but I repeopi* it wlthdbosa amoog whom I stood as a stranger, little dresming ef all tbe ties which in aluro years were to biod me to our college. Wliou 1 tell yuu that ef ihe officer* ol :e Itruction woo occupied lb* dais which stood where that altar stand* two ooly are among the living, and when 1 t*n yo? that ol the less than ib* three score student* who were here that day nearly hail ar* starred on tbe college roll, yuu will not wonder, I nn sure, that 1 have shrunk From Hit purposed tbetna. 1 do not mean that only sad memo ries and eetoctatlons would have cotne to mind, far Irani it. Ai d yet what a myeterioua ordering it I* ol human life end il lUm WWlrl nor*, ttia. they uiver Meeeut a line ol Joy but a line ol sadness runs beside It; thst never a rainbow glitters hat a dare back ground ol aloud leoma up behind It. And then, be tides, time wceld tail me, and rour penance with H, had 1 tried to speag or even a pail o! what earns thronging iu my merndry. Bo, abandoning that purpose, my thoughts turned Beat to the piacu wnieli thu chapel has occupied m our collegia!# tile, and trie uecbnnging lessons it bee been patiently teaching lor more lhau hall a century. That place w:il not be annihilated, aor Will tlioao latsona cease, because these honored walls are ao aooa to be removed, because the placea ttiet bave Known tbem shall Know them no more lorover. The old creeds ihat we nave littered hero, the familiar prayers nod psalms ami chants that hnvo llvad before ui through ages of glorious llle and will live on torewr, the old let sons ol truth and duly, shall all ba transferred lo a statelier borne, where i trust tbay may bo even mora to coming generations than luey hava oeau to ua. Among ma lessons thai have been taught you, and which the very oollege course balpa, il it be rightly used, to make liviag and to enforce, I do not know on? that you might better bear away aa the last oue aver to be spok- n here than the ona r.ontainud in ilia two grand iruitia to which your thoughts hove been tailed. Lite is a stewardship; laitnlulnese is iho standard ol Its ineastirtiiieiil. Those truths underlie the very legecd of our college. Pro patrut tl tedttm. bo man can serve either, can work tor either, except under the aaeamptlon of euieuiu truths, gad his f*lthiulii*?? In discharging tbem pi ust bo the linal teat by which lie lien da or Ulia. Ihat laltbloineie wtU in voive iuuuj aeit-aemais, mucn seiisacrlflce, many subject lous ot laaies aud itcliuulious and wishes aou purpurea to tbe severe deiu iuds ot doty. Bui lei it be remembered thai evory such subjection, be II bovever small, tells powerlully on liumau character, makes me mm who does it manlier tbsu be was be fore, lilts bim U|> to tbe very loftiest freedom?uay, bolt said with reverooce, moulds h.m more entirely on the pattern of Htm whose utter eelf-abueKailou and subjoction not even imagination can conceive. Tako these truths, then, witu you as tbe parting charge of yonr academic mother; tako thara with our blessing and our prayers, and be ussursd tbst wbatsver the future may have in store lor you, whotber your lllo's pathway Is to lead iyou ovar tbe dusty aud heated highways of the world, with their noire and tumult, their wearying burdont and dis tracting labor-, or to conduct you through tbe grceu pastures and beside the quiet waters which God allots to soma?mors favored lhau they kuow?still, II you tako tboso truths into yourselves and work thara out tu your livas, tnoae lives win bo such as will be worth tUe living, the world will be better lor them, all good luieresis will be promoted by tbom, aud instead of baing dragged dowu to tbo level of ah age that is markad by sordid selfishness and potty aims, you will rise above it and do eometblng?bow much the end will snow?toward lifting it up with you. More than this?what good things you give out ot aud Iroui yourselves will come hack to yuu with raaolfold Increase. They will strengthen your manhood, tbey will deepen your characters and rrowc your lives with goldeo aud glorious harvests. May u be yours, deur brethren, to eay, "Now, let the poor, short-see ing mob ol men laugh on, and have the actio lor their cheer: but we will live our lives for future days, con tent to know that, though despised aud mocked, we, in commuuion with the noble dead and with applause from uuaeeti ministers?aye, with tho strengthening smile ol God himself?do bold In Uis high service our ? till wsv, having with us all our Journey through and In llis borne at last oar high reward. ?' These farewell words to you mluglo with our fare well to this sacred plsoe aud to our colloglaio home. You must always he associated with our last memories of both, and, I pray 7011, hold not that privilege aad honor lightly. Wo are all gotug from tho clierisbsd home ot our early manhood, some of us from the more cherished home of our later years As wo go aud wherever ws go let it do with the prayer of tho great King of Israel, "The Lord our God bo with us as he was with our fathers; let him not leave us nor forsake us; that he may Incline our hearts unto blra, to walk in all bts ways, and to keep bin command ments and his statutes and his Judgments." DARTMOUTH COLLEGE BACCALAUREATE SERMON BY PRESIDENT BABT LF.TT. Hakovks, N. H., Juno 23, 1878. President Barilelt Uellvcrod the bnccaiaureatn ser mon before tho graduating class of Dartmouth Col lege to-day. Ins text was from John, Till., xlvt. and xxlv.?"And If I say the truth why do vo not believe? lor if ve beliovo not that 1 am He ye shall die in yoor sins." Tbe theme or the discourse wag tbo responsibility ol men lor their views on religion, a responsibility, of course, that vai leg with the opportunity, and its deepest stress is iald on fundamental truth. V*ital consequences binge on vital points, but fullness of blessiug also on fullness ol acceptance. BATES COLLEGE. MEMOBIAIi SERVICE!! IN HON OH OF THE POUNDER. Lrwiston, Me., June 23,1878. Iu connection with tho buocalaureate exercisos at Bates College this afternoon memorial services ware held In the City Hall, in houor ol tbe late Ben jamin Edward Bates, founder ot tbe col lego. Tbe exercises consisted of Invocation, reading ot tho Scriptures, tbe nymn "My Faith Loo-s Up to Thee," sung by the congrogatfon; praypr, a me morial ode, amemoritl discourse by President Cbeney, singing of a class odo by tbe class, closing prayer, tbe doxology and benediction. UNION COLLEGE. MEMORIAL BACCALAUREATE SERMON?PROCEED INGS PECULIAR TO COMMENCEMENT. SCHKXKCTADT, N. Y., June 23, 1878. The president's memorial bseoalaureate sermon was largely attended. The Rev. Messrs. Darling, Grlffes and Alexander took part In tbe proceed ings. On Monday the curators meet to pro vide for couttnuing tbe care of the Jackson Garden and the work on Memorial Hall In view of tbe roeunl donations for the latter tbe Flnauce Committee will also meet for the acknowl edgment and disposition of lbs MoClellaud aud James Browu bequests nud to consider the closing ot the million dollar trust estate, which has proved less profitable to tue Noil fuud aud college than was ex pected. Tbe president's report this year will be of uuuaual importance to all the alumni NEW YOliK COLLEGE. BEV. r?B. HEPWORTH's ADDRESS TO THE GRADUATES. The Rot. Mr. Hepwortb last evening preached the baccalaureate sermon before the New York College. Id bts church, on the comer of Madison aveuue and Forty-Uftb street. Tho church was well filled soon after tho appointed hour (hair-pastseven P. M.), and after nearly half an hour's unexplained delay the ser ylco bogau. The graduating class of the eollege was nearly all present, but not In a body. Mr. Hepwortb took for his toxt Roman?, xlll., 12? "And let us put on the armor of life." He said:? Gentlemen of tho graduating class of tho College or tho City of Now York, 1 need not say that you hare arrived at a crltlcul period of your career. We are gathered around eno of your milestones, and 1 bope you will not forget that It Is garlanded with our prayers. You are like those who have gathered in some march and are about to start over the desert or plain. Buoyant youth laying aside Its booka and tlroams and getting re idy to cope with the realities ol lite baa the best wishes of all thonuhtlul men and tne prayers ol all Christiaus. I am to speak u lew ? ords oi udvtcu to you out of my expenenoe und observation. I am not tu tbconzo hat to tell you what I have learned. You must havo tbo courage to lacc I acta Much hard work lies before you, and you have reason to be tbuaklul lor it. "Success in most iblnye," Montesquieu says, "depends on knowiu , bow loug It takes to succeed." The temperate zone, not the tropic, is the proauciug zoos ol tbo higucst type ol men. Hardly one of the foremost men ol the world docs uot depend on patient toil lor success. Rut it you have a firm purpose uud a biab aim, success is almost surely within your reach. 1 once saw, aids by side, two pictures by Ra phael, cue his Oral and wry crude, the other one ol his latest and almost divine. Wdst a Uiflercncc! Tohlm nothing w as a inflc. Napoleou said, "There shall bo no Alps," mid lo htm them wero none. There will be Alps In your way, nut a steady purpose sod ealm do termination will overcome tnein. CHAHACTF.U ABU INTKORITT. In the aeconu place n sturdy icier nod integ rity always win iu the long run. If you waut tu o o something great begin by buiug groat. Honesty eveu iu this usugmy world u almost omnipotent. Thoroare many bausuH in this ouy nisi were ouui on eleaoer loundauon. Alter Hie panic came more were many*vacant Iota Not all the army ol Closer etn up hold a wrong or put down the right Believe this, set upon it, sua your heart will oe made g'ud. 1 be louudslion ol all gr?nd qualities is the Chris tian religion. A calm, fixed belief leads to the loltiset motives Those attributes Which maka you respeot yoarssli, end iho world to reaped you, come iroin Christianity. Iu order lo suc ceed in the highest seu.u one must betters In the rules ol CbrixtiBuiiy. Outside ol the Bible there is nothing but gnr.-Hwork. I ako this wilb you aud make it your code mecun und your reward Is sure. I know there are pbilosupiiers who hold Christianity as a delusion. They would give us Athenian standards and an Athenian outlook. No, thev are not gen erous enough lor that. They might olase tome ol us as stoics, some as eplcnroans, but they would uot leave the rest ol us the old Athenian altar but would break In pieces the altar lo tne unkiioe o Uud. We must neither lollow 1'lato nor gocraice. We are told by these men that the Scriptures have been made mill and void by seienoe. It would not be unprofitable to apply lo tnein their own rule ol allowing none but experts to give 'a cathedra opinions. Science has its hands full. Kven the uebuiar hypothesis is only a hypothesis. While scientists diller among themselves It is q nte unnec essary lor science to make any excursion* into the ology and tell us what we must and wnai we mast not believe. tns rHihosornBit's stows. One rule la valuable Aoytulug tnat works weft Is Ifkeiy to be true aud ess be irastud. Apply that to the Hie ei your l.erd sad accept the result. The true pblloaupbcr'e etouu is to us n.uuu in Christ and in no one else. If we study Ilia life and story, then wn shall u* ready to say," "Truly this was the Son ol Oud." Gentlemen, thai religion which served your lathers will net I ail you. It made the martyrs o> the early centuries. It tuado the stout heart* of the Reformation. It is our inheritance to-day. Ills the power ol our puUllc opiulou. It stands with eighteen centuries behind iu U Is foiiy to shut our eyes sua say there is no sun. Take mis religion as your guide end IU head as yuur pur-uual menu. Standing on the threshold oi Ills, if you would take a clear view ol lu roaltlles you inu.t do it tnrougn the inodium ol lb* Chnsnan religion. You can find belpluiiieea and hopefulness only lu It, and nl last, when tho sun sets and your work Is done, It will tea oh you how to lift your eyes I* that home which is eternal in the heavens. So, in lb* baiii* ol *11 you friends, 1 pray Uod'a blessing on you. I pray ibat yuur hie may be pleasant, but especially that ws may nil meet si lbs judgment bar si tne last, each ens with lbs record ol n faithful, manly HfCi A NEW HOSPITAL. The leading physielani and residents of Harlem have organiied a society aud created a fund to be ex pendeu in lb* erection ol eu asylum for siok aud dis abled pereous. No definite plan el action has aa yet been determined upon, bat tne institution will be known as Mount Morn* Hospital, lbs following managers have been electedIrs B. Bead, James H. Mieriusu, Cyrus O. Iluhbcll, Malcolm, Robert A. Adams, James Manchester, Patrick Kerri - gan, Charles J. .Smith, Frank M. Harris, I humai II. Cuudon, Joseph (). Karrmgion, Baiuusi Harriott, Michael Hale, William 1. Kyerson, A L. Sheldon, John A. Kagleaeu, James Kelly, William U'Meagher, David Warwick, William Lockwood, Charles Wold, M. T, Fierce, J. & Campbell and Ol P. Webster. OUR COMPLAINT BOOK. [Notd.?Letters intended lor this column must be accompanied by tbe writer's full name and address to lusure attention. Complainants wbo are unwilling to coupijr with ibis rule simply waste tune In writing. Write only on one side of tbe paper.? En. Herald.] A STHANGJ?lt'fc> INQUIRY. To the Editor of ran Hkrald:? Are the seats lu tbe city pares exclusively lor male and female tramps ? STRANGER. HUNTER'S POINT STENCHES. To thr Editor of thr Herald:? Lust Wednesday evening tbe stenches from Hunt er's Point were terrible. It was Impossible to keep our windows open. Is there no way to stop tbls tear ful nuisance? M. 0. THE TAX ON WAGONS. To THR Editor or tor Herald:? Tbe complalut ol "Justice,'' In regard to imposing a tax on private wagons, carriages excepted, should cot be overlooked. It te an outrage on tbe Now York merchants. E. O. WIIAT IS HE DOING? To thr Editor or thk Herald:? What dors Mr. Hurd. the receiver of the Third Ave nue Savings Bank, intend to do? It is two years stnee wo received the Orel divideud of ti floeu per eont. Siuce then there buvi* been several JuUgmoute re corded against different trustees ot ibo bauk. POOR DEPOSITOR. DANGEROUS TO HEALTH. To thr Editor op thk Hkrald:? I wish to call attention to a nuisance, known as n fat house, on Viral avenue, between Korty-lliird and Forty-fourth streets. It must unquestionably be very detrimental to tbe bealtb ol persons residing in tbo vicinity. Children are sickening and dying all around it. AMKRlCUd. OFFENSIVE I.OU NO I'-RS. To tor Editor or tub Herald:? From Hie day the Metropolitan Elevated Railway began to work traiua until now tbo stairways acd landings of tbe Hector street station have been ob structed by crowds or loalers of various degrees ol Im pudence. I hid hoped that the company would sup press this nulssues without public coiuplainL X. WORSE THAN Till: SURFACE ROADS. To the Editor or tiik Hkrald:? The inorniug and eroutng trains of the elevated railroads are crowded to suoh on extent tbal It Is im possible for inauy 10 obtain seats. Why do not the directors of the elevated railroad purchase tbe famous "baugiug straps" iroui tbe surface roads and place them In their ears lor tbe accommodation ol uuior tunates wbo canuot obtain seats? UNFORTUNATE. STEAMBOAT OANGPLANKS. To thr Editor or tor Hkrald:? Why ure steamboat owners not compelled to pro vide gangplanks with proper guards on their boats, so as to prevent passengers iroru falling into Hie water? Should ua accident of this kind occur a coro ner's Jury would, no doubt, strongly recommend so DeoesB.ry a precaution; but why can it u?i no done belore such an occasion arises, ana thereby save life? EXCURSIONIST. SUNDAY RAPID TRANSIT TRAINS. To tor Editor of the Hkrald:? Those wbo advocate tbe running of oars Sunday on the Metropolitan Elevuied road, evidently do not re side wltnln hearing distance ol the Una. 1 would suggest that they lake up lodgings for e week sotna wuero on the route, and 1 venture to say ibat their enthusiasm ou tbe Sunday train question would abate considerably, if not die completely. SUFFERER. THE HARLKM AND NEW YORK NAVIGATION COMPANY. To thb Editor of thr Hrrald:? Please inform tbe many commuters ol the ebova lino why tbey do not land at Eleventh stroet between 6:10F. M. and 7:16 P. M. ? There are maoy like myeolf wbo have to work till six 1*. M., and cannot gel to tbe dock In time to catch tho 6:10 P. M. bout, end bave to wait on tbe door or ride in ibe horse cure. COMMUTER. RAILROAD BLOCKADE. To thr Editor or the Hkrald:? At about lour o'clook almost every afternoon, when hundreds of people ere hurriedly making their way to tbe lorries and oars, the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company manage to bave a train of IrelgUt cars standing ou tbe corner of Cauul aad Hudson stroets and exteudlug uowu below Des brosses street, so us to completely block up the way, and oblige mauy to lose su hour or two in couscquence of missing tbe train tbey expected to roach. BLOCKADED. THE CAPTAIN'S FAVORITE. To tor Editor or thb Herald-? 1 keep e liquor saloon on a southwest corner, while my nelgubor keeps one on tbe southeast corner ol ibe seme tboroughUre. I pay every license and moot every demand the law requires to do my business, while my neighbor neglects, relusee or cannot com ply with ibe luw, but couliuues business notwith standing. 1 kesp an orderly bouse and olosa at sea sonable hours, wblie my neighbor keeps a disorderly place and is never closed. 1 bavo not the favor ol lbs police captain, which ray neighbor tins, wulcn gives bun immunity trom arrest. Wny should 1 bave a competitor to contend against when 1 have complied with tlie law, and why should this neighbor be toler ated in di-flance of the law I obey ? C. U. BKKKDINO A PKHTIL1.NCK. I To th* Editor or rut Hrkalo.? North llooro street, between Virick and Hudson, | baa somo rtinnanta ol iba ola Nicolsou pavement. Id iwo or (lireu places, notably two, near Hudson street, tbla pavement baa rotted and lor mod holes i lor lbs accumulation of water, garbage aud otbor i refuso, which in this hot weithcr emit sickening 1 odors certainly dalrlmrntal to the health ol tbo netgb | borhood. In (act cases ol diphtheria, sore throat and ' k'.udred aflccltons prevailed lu the immediate vicinity ol tnesu peal boles last summer and winter. The lloahb Board bavo repeatedly buou appealed to, but, as usual, without avail, and It uow becomea necessary 1 to roa-e the public inuiguvtoii at the sliauieiul ueg leet which they manliest. ll you can ao arouse the uulboritlcH as to compel them to do their duty and thus materisilv dimmish the death rate in ibis nntur ally healthy Filth ward you will confer n tayor on tus residents. RKslDtNT. EAST BROADWt* CAUS. To tub Editor or thk Hshai.d;? J'erinlt mo io call atteutiou to a great abueo. The company Wbioli runs horse oars on East Broadway aud otnsr atreets ou the sast *ido have a monopoly of all travol saat ol Sooond avenue alter twenty nine minutes post twelve A. M Is the Seventh, Tenth, Eleventh and Eighteenth wards, yst si that hour they tuke of! tbelr cars, and residents ol those wards to the number ol over three hundred, whose hud or** keops then down town in lbs printing offices, news dealers, restaurants, I'osl Ofllca and other places aro compelled to walk home. At the request ol soma ol them Alueruisn Rbeils neirly two months ego introduced so ordinance to compel tint company to run oars all nighL ll was relerred to Alderman Waehner'a Committee on Law, In wliicu ll "sleeps.'1 Mr. Wbilte, president of tbo eorapany. in a note to lue staled thai his oompany imouded to put ou ears betwten ii and 6 A. M. so soon as tho new depot was built. II llto east alder* must wall the pleas ure ol Mr. White and Alderm >n Waehoer's commtitee 1 lesr we c*n never get home by norse oars. Under these circumstances won't the Hnkalii advocate tne location ol an elevated railroad aioiiy. ilie east tide f Wscan than l?o ludopendent ol Mr. WiIIihh White, the Ahlerinanld Committee on i.uw ami Mr. Whits's groen bobtail cars I bars it no excuse lor tine no. - lect to accommodate east alders. I'll* same ears Used during the day oan be employed at night. Wly should we wait the building ol ihc dpot? A KVKN I II WARDER. GRAVJtSEND* POIBON1NU CASE. Knrly yesterday alternoon a Hsrald reportor called at tbo laboratory ol Proiessor Asabal K. Eaton, of No. 05 Henry street, Brooklyn, where ha louud the cbemist busily engaged working In bie shirt sleeves among a ssrlsa ol boulas and chsralosls, seekiug lor tho sscrats supposed te lie In the contents ol tne siomaah ol tbo victim and la lbs lager bser handed bun lor analysis by Coroner rilram* ou Friday l ist. I bo i'rolsssor said in answsr to sevsrsl question* put to him by the reportor that he could not furnish any Information as Io lbs progress bo bad made, lie wished to work without prejudice? without expecting to Una any par ticular poison, or poison si all. He would look lor oue thing, and ll ha tailed io And ll bo should thou try for another. As it la, hs said, he did not be lieve mat be would ho roady to report the re sult ol bis Investigation until the day slur to-morrow. On tlie odvice ol Dr. Shepherd he had concluded to make no communication* whatsoever upon the sub Ject to the prose. Uo would repmt In person to the Coroner wneu he had terminated his labor*. Ho added that it was probable tbat be would be bu-y on the case lor Iwo or throe days. 1 he coroner has istuaa a large number ol aubpcnaie for the attendance of witness#*, and Will hold the In quest tw-aorrow sfterooes, id thuTowa Hall, Uravss ?MU Review of the Week?Active and Fe verish Speculation in Stocks. THE GOLD AND MONEY MARKETS. The Course of Investment Securities?Govern ment, Slate and Railroad Stoeks. Wall Strkkt, 1 Sunday, June 23. 1X78 J The epeculatlvo tide set ebb at tbe begiuuing of tbo pest weok, aud prices, as a geuerat rule, drifted toward lower figures. How long it will bo beloro tboy reach low water mark lea matter ol conjecture, mid the stock jobbing Jury which holds dally sesslous over the matter havo so tar tailed to agree upon a sat isfactory verdict. Lake Shore appears to bo the knotty point which bullies a decision. Us prominence In me presnut speculation lending a bias to the mar ket to which all other active stocks give way. It has beon most potent in leading ihe market on the down ward course, nod It will undoubtedly bo equally in fluential in leading it upor the upward one, when cir cumstances and the flat of tbe great operators demand It, or, as Is hoped lor in sotnu quarters, the knot which ties Lake Shore to the rest ol the market may be cut In a su miliary and Gorduu lash ion aud the Inrorite bo letl to flout ofl tree from the rust ol tho list ou a spec ulative sea ol Its owu. It la to bo coofcs.ed tbnt a wish of this kind seuine to be iainer to too thought, aud tbal lie impracticability Is as groat u proved to be the Intended severance ol tne Siumeso twins when they were loucd to possess a curious but tusoparable community ol liver, During the past week Lake Slioro controlled speculation, absort>?u It and lelt oniy ihe tag ends to the rest ol the list. Dealings were upon su extensive scale, eo<1 both longs and sburta were bountiful contributors. Tbe bears, tiowsver, had the best ol it, being furnished wilb the strongest argument* uud exhibiting a capacity lor attack wblcb bud grown lormtdable through long rcposo. Cheap lake transportation, the rivulry ol competing roads and tho falling oiT ol gratu freights, It is asserted, nuvo brought nowu earnings to a point which barely moots expenses, and has evou Jeopar dised tho expected dividend, which may bo anything between two per cent and nothing. This latter cir cumstance, wbich la being mado an important ele ment In the dally epeculation. Is expected to be settled on tbe 28lb Inst., uatil which luue it will remain a ? ?good enough Morgan" lor dally trading. The down ward tendency of (be market was somewhat relieved by the abnormal Urmneae ol Western Uuion aud Kock Island. Tbe lelegrapn prop'erty is re ported to be largely increasing Us net earn ings, more from a reduction of expenses that, from an IccrenBe ol custom, and In this U Is likely to bo farther beneflted by the dismissal in Its favor or the Benedict suit, which sought to disrupt the compact with the Atlantic and i'acitlc company, the exlstenco ol which lies mainly helped to the favorable condition ol tbe Western Union buemess. liock Is land baa been strongly held, and advanced from the lowest prices of lue week under tbe pressure of rogue aud uucerlulu promises ol dividends, scrip, stock or casn (or possibly ol promises only), and tbe official announcement that the 40,200 shares ol the ootn puny'a reserved stock had been caucelled. As a lot 1 to tbe abovo lusty apecululives wo are treated to the two rickety fluuetos ol the week, in tbe shape ol Paciflo Mail and Wabash, both of which sloughed off two lo lour points ol their supposititious values. Imperative Ceraauds lor cash, urged by tbe Panama Company in tbo Urst case and litigation and decreased enrnings in tbe second, were 1 tbo occasion lor tbe decline. Leas attention waa paid to tbe grangers, ihough at times thsy were presaod lor sale on tbe statements ol diminished grain receipts at the lake ports. Central and lluduou continued strong and advanced whenever tne bears attempted to cover?a lact which Is strongly suggestive lo them ol Jordan and the road leading thereto. On Friday putative telegrams from Berlin presaged a breaking up of tne Congress; "grim vliagtd war'' scowled afresh, and there was every appearance that lbs po litical altuatlon would have to be cleared, as sugar Is In the process of rvflulng?by blood. In consequence a abarp rally coeued upon the stock market. On Saturday tho news oame all the other way, and pros pacts of peace became better than ever The eOeut upon the market, however, was reaetionary only so far as to produc* an irregular aud leverlsh market, whieb continued during the day and In tbia way finished up the business ol tbe woelc. OFKSISO ASD CI.OSIMI TRICKS. The opening prices ou Monday last were:?New York Central, 108Ji; Erie, It)',; Lake is bore, 61; W alias!:, 13; Northwestern, 6'.'; do. preferred, 76; Rock Island, 118Milwaukee and St. Paul, 61; do. preferred, 7H'i ; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, Vtiki Now Jersey Central, 31; Delaware and Hudson Canal,-'>6't i Morris and Essex, 83)4; Michigan Ceu iral, 68J4 ; Illinois Central, 86?? ; Union Pacitic, 0VJ4 ; Chicago, Burlington and Quiucy. lOoJf ; Onto and Mis sissippi, 87i; Westsrn Union, 85,; Paciflc Mall, 18*?. And the ciosmg prioes yesterday were as lollows:? M. Atkfl Ull. At A Pac Tel.... IWK M A St J pref... Jrtjg n CnlcANW 4< > '? ?<!>. Ill Central. HI (WW Clilc A N W pref T<\ 71 Lake .-more ?>'<>* Chic R I A Pae.Il7*fc 1I7K Michigan Cent.. ?7 H7'4 , Chic' M AO liai'a l'*?H Morris A hstoz. R-JIk Hll 0 ?'| I I .... dti a i7's Mil A-I Past... ?'.?*, 4l?V i t iev'e M Pitts .. 78 Mi MU A *4 Past pi 78* 7*h, Clue A Alton 7?t 70), N V Central.....lueV lf.i ? Chic .t Alloa pM'tt 1"3 N J Central 31 Canton 17', i!'? Ohio A Mlaa..... 7'Z H llii CAW .VT't ft7?k Par ihe Mall... r.a 1 lei A llnd Can .. 34'? Panama ...... I?A IW A..aiea ha Ib-IS K*1 Pitts A ?? W... b.l b4 Aineri an Ks... 4* 4** (Julcsatlver. 13^ I.Yt, I n Kapraaa . 47,'. 4:? ijuieaallrer praf .v.'jj 34 Wella-Kargo Kx. PI-2 M , 'A \f. M 13', ,. ,\m U,V Ihjj, L nlon PaclBc... 114 lllja llariem!' .!....I3.< ISU^ Wea? Caton TeL HO# H7 ll-it A -i Jm - 111- I Ik nillDMT AJTO Ll?W?iT. Tho following shows the highest nod lowed price* i ol slocks daring the week:? H'l/hri C, IjOW-tL I New York Control...., 108% 107 line 16 % 1&X l.ukij Snore 01J J 68 , Wabnli 10;, 12% Chicago and Northwest 4s?, 44% Chicago und Noriuwneipreleireu.... 72% 02% Chicago, Rock Island and Fuciiio.... 112% 117% Milwaukee end Si. I'iui 51%' 48% Milwaukee *nd si. I'.ml preiorred... 78% 77% Clerei nii and I'llUour* BOW 78 lid, iMtiMiiiuo Verirn 68', 60% New Jersey Central 31 , 80% end iludsuu Canal.... 6.1 % Morris ana Keees 5:;% Hi M iciur n Control 08 00% liuooie Centra! 85% *3 Union I'aOtnc til11, o4 C , C., C. and 1 27 % 2ft1, t tiicigo, iiurllngton and Quluc/.... luti% lira Chicago and Alton 78% 70% C., C and 1. C 4% 3 % Hannibal aud St, Joseph 12% 11% Hannibal and 8t. Joseph preferred.. 27% 27 (lUionnd Mississippi 8% 7\ Western Ualon Telegraph 87% 84% I'aciQc Mail 18% 14 % yulcnailver preferred :i:,% 33 Adams Kxpreie 102% Ifiy run mohst nannwr. The money market wan rory quiet end easy and call loann were made all the week at 2 a > per cent. There wee a good demand lor prime cornmhsion paper at 3% a 4 per cent. The bank statement thaws n gain In eurplui reserve 01 $1,028,775. I he total rc> serve la $828,600 higher, the UiOerencn between a gain ol nearly $3,000,000 In legal tender notes and a loaa 0( about |2 000,000 In npeete. The deposit liabilities were reduced $401,100. The reduction wnnld lisve been larger except lor the receipt* ol national bank noten, they being counted only In the deposits item. The following la n eomptrlson of tbe averages lor the leet two weeks:? June 15. Jutis 22 lnjjerrnrrn. lAjans *21(4 408,109 $$#4,713,700 luo. $74.1700 Specie 17,106,200 16,082.700 Hen. 1,08*,500 1.1-gal leudare, 40 502,800 52,480.000 Inc. 2,004 oun llopuslta 206,78.1,200 805,584,100 Dec. dm, 100 Circulation... 10.884,800 18,808,800 Dec. 75,000 The lollowing shows tbe relatious between the total reserve and the total liabilities:-? June 1ft. June 22. Dtjffrmicn, Specie $17,105,200 $l..,oeo,700 Dee. ?2.036,600 Legal tenders 42,502.800 52,4i8,000 loc. 2,8'>4,000 Totslrea've $88,608,100 $87,6.18,800 Ino. $828,500 Kea've i?q'eu sg'tdep'eita 51,444,500 61,344,025 6.xceee of re i-arv* shot* legal req'nu $15,141,800 $14,100,674 In*. $1,028,775 foreign exchange Jut boon V?ri quisi and ntnn. with very lull* doing. Tba following were too ww quotations Sixty Daft. Three Daft. Frlnie bankers' sterling bill* on I.ood?n 4.84)4 a 4.86)4 4.86)4 a 4.87 )4 Good bankers' and prime commercial... 4.84', a 4.84)4 4.84 a 4.86*4 Good commercial 4.83 a 4.64 4.86 u 4*6)4 I'ocuiiitniary iounuer'1 4.82)4 a 8.83)4 4 84)4 a 4.86 i'aris (Irauci) 6.18>, a 6.16,\ 6.1oy a 6. loV^ Antwerp ilraiica) 6.18',' 6 6.16)4 6.1#), a 6. 13 8*irt iiruuca) *18)4 ? 6.16?,' 6. 18 ', a 6. loi, Amsterdam (guilders). 40 a 4i>',' -lO'^a Hamburg (reicbuiarks) 1'5 a ?/>?* 96)4 a 96); Fruuklorl (leichiuurki) 06 a 06 >4 96)4 a 96 >4 Bremen (retciimurksj. 06 a 95), l'5),a 0614 Berlin (reicliuiarwh,... 06 a US), 05,', a 06 '4 TilU UULO MAKKRT. Tlio speculation tn gold win very dull, and tbe prico decliuod slightly during the weals. Tho lollowlng tabid allows tbe fluctuations lor ibu week:? OjuHimj. lAJtrrjt. thpUrst. Closing. Monday loo'f 100'4 loo'4 100?4 l'uusdav 100'4 KM}*,' luO'4 100)4 Wednesday 100)4 100*4 1004, Thursday 100 >4 100', i00'4 loo?s Friday 100). loo?4 100)4 100', Saturday 100*. 100), 10O ?, 100', coins IM Bl'LUON. The lollowfrtc uro quotations in gold (or vsrlous coins and bullion t? Sovereigns $4 87 a g4 00 Kspoiuoiis..., ?! a 4 00 XX remt. marks 4 76 u 4 81 X guilders 3 90 u 4 10 Spauisb doubloous 16 70 a 10 00 llexituu doubloons. 16 60 a 16 70 Fiue silver oar* 1 16)4 u 1 10 Flue gold bars par s)4pretn Uiuios uud ball dtinos.... lis;, a 98)4 Snvor quarters and halves 08)4 a 08', Fivo 1 l ines li.'l a 94), . Menrau dollars. 9'3), a 06 Kuglisn silver 4 76 a 4 86 i'russian stiver tualers 08 a 70 Irudo dollars 08>4 a 98)4 j Mew silver dollars.... 90)4 a par. I UOVKRNMKNT BONUS. There bus becu a good deut.ud lor government bonds, sod prices are vroll supported, During tbe week tue Secretary ot ibu Treasury Issuad tbe sixti eth onli tor tbe Qve-iwouiius 01 $6,OUO,oOC. Tbe clos United Stales currency sixes Liuittd Slitos sixes, 1881. rsgtstorod. United States sixer, 1881, coupon.... United elates s.xes, 1600, new, reg.. Hid. Ashed. 120)4 121 106 J? 100)4 109)1' 109)4 101', 102 104? 106 10614 105)4 108 108)4 107;4 108 110)2 111 108 108'4 108 106)4 ioo>4 100)4 loo,'i 100'4 106 )4 103 >4 103)4 103), 100', loo). 101)4 101)4 108 108)4 Hid. Asked. 120)4 1-0 X loo loot; 109 109)4 101)4 lot'4 104)4 104'4 ioi;4 105 107*4 108 106', 107)4 110 110)4 107)4 107F, 107 )4 107 X 106'4 100 106 Jg 10.1)4 10314 103 103)4 103)4 loo >4 loo?4 ion; loo'4 107)4 108 '4 United States sixes, 1SC4, registered United slates sixes, lSod, coupou... Uultsd Stales luu-ibi-uoa, registered. Untied States ten-loi, coupon... United Slates lives. 1881, registered. United Stales bves, 1881, coupon... United States 4.','s, 1801, registered United stales 4 ','s, 1801, coupou .. ?Anil 00 tbe previous Saturday:? United States currenoy sixes Uuited States sixes, 1881, registered. United States sixes, 1881, coupon Uuitea Statas Mixes, 1847, coupou United States Mixe.i, ls?>8, reg stereo.. United States sixes, 1848, coupou United States tan-loriivs, registered.. United States lives, 1*81, coupou. Untied States 4,X 'r, 1801, registered.. United States 4), 'a, 181)1, coupon United Slates lours, 1907, rsgistered. United stales lours, 1907, coupon.... Central 1'ucillc gold bonds In Loudon prices wero also woll sustained aud cuui puro ita follows:? June 16. June 22. Now 4.', paroeols 1 u6? 4 lorl F va-twenties or 1887 I06.V 107 Ten tortu s 109)4 109),' Fives 01 1881 107)4 198 STATU AND RAILROAD BONUS. Tbo iealure ol tba market lor Slate bonds was tbo advanoe ol ovsr 10 per cent in Louisiuna consols. Yesterday these bonds sold as lilgb as 83)4, snd oloeed at 81),. Iu rstlrosd bonds tbo only points were a de clluo in Alton aud Terre Haute Income bonds and an advanoo in Now York Klovsted first. Tbo following wore me latent bids (or Slato bunds:? Alabama 6't. 1*H3 *4 Mm Asylum or U.du?'tr2.1tj7 Alabama -Vs. lHHtl 44 Mw fd'a lids, due ",?4 ll'i.KlMli A abema H'a. 1**'. 44 llau A HJn.dun tiwb. .. |U5)4 Alabama H'a, IH8M 44 llau A S Jo, due IHM7. .106), Alaimmn H't, IMMi JO N Y H'e. ? r. IHH7 112 Alabama H't, 1S92...... 2D N Y li t, k e, IH87.. , j-4 16 Arkanaasd'a, fund 22 N O d't, old,.1 an A .lulJS 18 Ara I t, L> It A Ft 8 int. 6 N V d'a.olrt. April A Oct It) Ark 7't, MILK .... ft N <\ N C lt,.lan A July 70 Ark 7't, L l.C. It A N (> .8 N O.N t! It. >p II A Dot 7u Ark 7't, M U A H Hirer 6 N l . N O It. 01IT. J A J. 6D Aik 7't, Ark Cen K 5 N C. N C It.c oil A A d 60 Uouuectleat U't l'kt S C (Pa, Fund act,'ikl,, 11 Oeoruia d't .....I01K N C d'e. Fund act, '(W.. P lieurgla 7't. 11 ba IHb), N L! d't, n bdt, J A .1 ... HU UeorulaTt,In4 n*S N 1: i;'?, n bdt. a A O.. (?mirgia 7't, it bt Iim N II ip lux, clatt I 2 * l.lliiult fl't, con It7tl..,l'ij,4 N 1; tp tax. id its 2 2 Illinois war loan 102)4 Ohio 6't, 1MM 10.1 Jventue.y n't lt)t!\J Ohio d't, inmt In.-, Loulrlana d't 6.1 111 d'?. c. imct-d. lift Louisiana u't, 11 bt .VI houili Carolina 4't 44 l,o u Ulan a d't, u. II debt 6:t Si: d'e. J A J 3u La 7't. 1'euitrniiary... 61 8 U 6't, A A D :?) Lunltlaua d't, lavra bt. 62 S C d't, tund net 'in: ... 2u Lonl?lan? H't. levee bt. 62 H U O't, I e 'd:i. J A J ... 40 l.a H't. I bt ol IM7.'. .12 H II d't. I r 'HO, A A O. 40 teiul.laue 7't, con k/t, H 1: 7't of Immh it* 1 l.uiiltana 7't tmbdt... ~2 H t! nan tuud bdt J l.j I Mleb O't, IH7H-TII 10*4)4 TennO't. old lid Mlcli d't. Irw-l loss Tenn O'e. n b, Mil H't, due In IH78 . Ya d't, old 21 Mo d't.due In 'H2 or 'D2.1IM Va d a, n bt. IH06 42 Mo 6't, due In IHNd . V id't, ek mat. e ftujf Mo 6't, dee In IHH7 1'")1) Va 6't. con 26 1 2.1 Ma d't, due In IHsH ...III? lilt of Ool 2.66't. 192 I.. H8 Mu d't, due ln'H.i or 'UO. Ii>7 ?And tbe lollowinc lor ratlroid mortgages;? B. II A Krle 1st m IN Buf A Krie n w onds.llt it, It A N, lit 6's.... flu'i D, M A T 1st 7V , |fiNt? M A 04 1< l?t 7's, it'd... Like Shore dlv bd*.... I tut. Ctaes Adlnoll's, 1st in. 2Ttk L iks b bore r?*n 1st IU?U Chicago A Alt'iu 1st...110 Lake ohnre coup 2d. ...|tail, Jul A i Incogo 1st 1H? Lake feAsfl m M Ml,J A (' 1st ln.'.ls Marietta A Cin 1st. Hi 0. it A Q N per et 1st... 114 MIcli C con ?'?. It* 12. . ..I InL C. H A (| cm 7'? 11:? M C 1st. 'oj a f 111 itT C. K I A !' ?'?, 1017,1..IIIH1; N Y Can fl's, IHo t ....H>4 C. It I A I* "'s, IUI7. r.. I<s.it2 3 V Can N't, I mm 7 Jint, I' U ..r V f I.* ... I Ml a I Mi L/ N V I ?.! li' ? ? . Iiri I.' li. ii i a i ? i, ivii. r,.nr"| ,s i ' 'tin fi i, immi ini'i C. K of S Jlst m. INWl.tUtg N Y Ceil tt's, r e toil's C K ol M J I si, eon. ... Mo NY lisu It's, sub I'M', C Hoi N I 1st, sssnn'il. 71,'; Y C A u Ist.e 121", C It of > J convertible. 711 llud R 7's. id, s i, mi. 11'% C K of N l aeeented ... 86 Can honlli 1st. guar. 78 Lehigh A W H'? c 4!t Ohl.i A Miss em ? I. KIIV M A St I' 2.|7 IMO P n.llio Ohio A Mis. consul |(H >i v >t I' 1st 7'1. r It IJ.IUM On i'seiltr k'ui.j bunds.Iih M A St I" 1st. M I A M 183)4 Cell I'se, ben I HI'f M A M 1' 1st.M I A II !1l? Ceu For, t,'i.l A O 1st lid , M r In M II A li III! i Oen Hue I a bolide.... it's M A ?l I' 21 West I'del fie bunds ...|H| A N W s funds IHi Sou Fee of Cat 1st.'f Cui A N W mt timids, L'niou I'erilic I *t bund* Ih7'. "?- * s ? BSf I M. II .. ? ?:i,l A M W eons bonds. lfW)| I'nina I'eeiflr I a, 7's... In7' Cbt A N w c Rid bund- '.HI t'nluii sink fund.I ?iU 1st . .lUidL Cm A Mil 1st IHI I'sciilc i:lt I.f M I 1st ..lo;i ", Wliiuoa A -1 Peters 1st. '.m Fee.Oc Kit of tin lid ... twt C. C. t A 1 1st, 7's. s*t is F.e Kit ill Mv 1st.... H4 Del. I. A W 2S .. ..InsX ritt. Ft W A i'hl lsl .12|U Sjre. Bin. A It V 1st 7's Hr.'V I'ltl. It W A t'bl .Id....Ill Niiiri Is A hrses 1st 117 ttl'-* A I'ltts ?. sink !...!idit, Morris A KeoeS 2d Imt'C C. C A I I; 1st :i >. Mortis * K 7'. of IN7I. Wi>I C.OAtC'id |n Lid A llud (J 1st. 'Ml.... |??t Rams, W A tig cm 1st. .14 Del A Iiud t- 1st. HI... In-dK Alton A T II 'ill pre!. 72 A Mian 1st Ill Alton A T II J I Inn S.i Albmi s A Bu?q 2d ..... Ill'i Mel* A S III 1st, N'l., , 7 , Ken A ter I-t. c I1A Tol. Fee A War Isl.i'.D 117 Unas A nsr 1st, mo ..114.', I'ol, Fee A War 1st. A D tei I 11.1', Tni A ff?b, it ouu. twit Krle id, 7's, '7ti |t<4 lol A Well 1st, nt La. N7t, Kris 3<!, 7"s, 'N3 IV7>s lot A Wsb o* in ecu. . 7;i Krle 4th 7's.'ni> |m'. Tnl A Wah id mj lfona U iek bunds l?*i*4 T A \Y K A Xnt.' 77. o ? ? It, ft S .t K 1st in It?l?i.|ii7 Urnat West, r* map., '.in II A K' JnN's. run tn .. ilroet W. K A N. '77 r lit C I' 4 M 1st is '.i'i lieu A I'eat Mo 1st..., nt1; Clair A fnlsdo at Ili A ea'. L'nluti hdt, I0U i.r.HM ?IUOIUIID4. 1 UO iranao' tiou* at tlHt t leering Hour* for Hie last week cotupite m followa with tboia ot luo prcr ous waek:? Ciaarlnra week eoding Jon# 16 |Sl>0.ti5.t,kll 24 Cleertoge wtek tO'img Juo" '11 it'll,'M.OIO 42 llalaticra week ending .1 uue 16 Ii.ltlO.ftW ill Beionreu week ending June 22 17.601,346 40 Too following rtiowe ttiu atuoani ol epeale aiporied lor tbe week ending June 22:? dune 20? -sieunier lleliir, l.irerpool?Mesleen ntiver doilitra (6,000 June an?flieeitier colou, I'unte Arenas, .n. a ? Aoit rie in gull coin 3,000 June 20?Bteamer Colon, Callao, I'nru? Ameri can gold cnin. 2,oc.i Total (10,026 DOMESTIC MARKETS (iSLtaeri).e. .lime 22. IB7n. Cotton Bumlnally uncnanaau. middilna, lu'.c. ; low mlddltna. Ill',0. ; gosul urdinsij, lt',r. ,\si roceiptth 114 halea Ksports ruastwlso, IN nale-. 36, Ntock 4,ifc'13 New unnaeas. Jaee 22. In7n. Cotton dull; nitslsl Itsaic, HHC .low ns lilsl Is ss m. I *'1 ac. ; Rieid ardtnary. |ne. Nat recsipls. Mil balsa, gross, gist ftalos, :VN> nturk, IIM.114. Mnati.a, Jane 32, IW7N. Cotton ipildt; middilna. 10'Je. ; low ntlildllng, ltl?,e. ( , lt>6 bains. En.oris Rood ordinary, !?',?. Net ranelpts. ciHsstwIsa, 74. is li s, .6 SI. block, o, 122 Bar ao is it. June 32, IN7h. Cotton nomlnAlly unehansod ; laotuliid iloius; inlddilnit. |0?4?.. I?w inidililuA. IH'aC.: k ?0 ""UiiArs , tiJkc. Notre I Kspoils eoietwlse, l*5>. Bales, .'ei. tsliiis, 2 .0 balls, olack, 2,o47. ClISHLRSTON, June 22, 1H7N. t'oiton unlet; middling. ll)|e. ; low nsiildllng. HM,r a Hffi* ; pood ordinary. Hi',0. a l".',a, Nat raoelpts, 42 oalea Bfiles, 6". Meek, *23. W ii.nioyni*, 14. 0., June 32. IN7N. Hpirllt of terpentine fle.o at ?27\c. Koelo quiet end ?teadyetdl *' lor strained. Crude turpentine siendy at 61 fur hard, 91 S5 let yellow dip ami 42 lor virgin far steady at (I Mk Hurr*l.ri, June 22, 1N7N Klonr In fair demand. Wheat la light lulilln* demand; tales N'll oasliels N... I M innesota tpriag at 61 <?7 ; No I Milwaukee nominal at fl i?s a 61101; Be. 2 do . 61 U6; eltra wnlta wlater. 91 21 Corn la llmitod dnniandi eilee I'll buthals No. 2 Western at 4l>sa. , K ansas miasd, 4214a, a 43c Harity ilnll. Kya Inaetlre. dais nagleetad. No. 2 Western tield at 3ne. Ilubwlnes steady; sales in bbls at (I let a (I 07. IB bar artlalss aoehaasod Caaal freights ?uittuaiL Beselpta fey taiiiusd?flaut, 4,012 hklAUiNUbAL oustieis: corn. 08,000 do. , osts, 27.IM) do ; barley. 7.wk4 du Milp.nente by railroad? Flour. 8.71XJ bbls.; wheal, 103,2'SI Mulie's: corn. I4D.400 d-..; oat*, 53.9DO 1:0.; barley. 21.200 do. . rya. |8,hoi do To Intermediate points?Wheat. wfcj busnds. Bv eanel ? Wheel. 78.1**1 bushels; corn, 178,V *1 du., oeia, 102.298 do.; rye, *1,117 do, Dkthoit, June 22. 1878. Flour ouiel but steady; sale* 2m bbls. white el So 50. Wheal lower; extra white Michigan, $1 I3,*?; No. 1 do., SI IS Corn. nothing doiuu: No. I mixed nominal at 3*lg0. Date In gun I inquiry and held higher; No. 1 white held at anije. No. I mixed hold at '.'Hf.c Clorer sett 1 null and quiel at Sit eo. itaraipl*-Flour, l,6Qol>bla; CO'n. 1 ,'tX) bushels; oatt, 2.2m do. Miipuieme-Flour, l.l*?i bhl?. ; w.ieal, 23,809 bushels; corn, 7UU do.; oete 1,800 do. Tni.too. Jouo 2U. 1878. Wheat dull; extra white Michigan held at el I'l'Z; e-uliei Michigan, spot, held at til 'Ml. SI IO bid ; teller Juiy, 99e.; No 2 red winter. spot. SI 05. taller July, 94c. ; talier Au gut!. 02c.: No. :i red held at 03c. ; No. 2 Ooytoii and Michi gan r d.$I03f4 0 iru dill; uigh mixed, 3UJ?s.: No. 2, spot. II I1..'.; toiier July, 39J$e,. No. 2 white. 3ta.; rejected, M, l.,c. Oatt quiet; No. 2 nt 2>*4c. ; white. 2t*e Hecelpts ? Wheat. .>.1**1 hittheli; coru, 18.000 do ; ante, !,<**> do. i-hipmeuta?Wheat, 19,000 bushel*; corn, 27.i*JU do.; oatt. I.i*sj do. Cincinnati. June 22. 1878. Flour ijuiet end unchanged. Wheat Uinier. hut uol quotable higher; red. 93c. aSI 'IV Coru In ?nod demand anu a thede higher et 39c. a 41 !,e. Date iuectire el 28c. e 20c Ityo ?teady at .Ml.-, a 57o. Harl y quiet end un changed. I'oi-k strong at $0 75 a $10 l.ard steady, wilu a fair demand; current initke, $8 U 5; kettle, 7Le. ? 7J4c. Hulx tnaatt in good demand and droit .?; shoulder*. 5e. a N't'a., catii. 3'a'e . hurer July ID: abort rib. $5 45. cetb; $ . 00. buyer J uiy ; alt >rt clear, $5 00. Hacou hr.n. with un improved demand: tnoul lert, JJ^c.; clear rtb, tic.) clear tidea. ii'.,c. \\ hltkey acnvi and tlrtn at SI 04. Mut ter dull and drooping: buyer* offering lower price*. Pages tieady and uncliangcd Hogs active and Orui; common. CM Hi a $3 7u; 'Ight, $173 a $3 ;MI; packing, $3 80 a $4: butenors'. $4 11 $4 05; receipts, 1,138; sliipmnts, 835. C111CA00, June 22, 1878. Hour steady and unchanged. Wheat lit fair demand bul lower; No. 1 Chicago spring, 97c.; No. 2 do.. 90c ea-hi 92c. 11 W21 ,'c . July; 83?,c. hid, August; No. 3 do., 8MJ,e. j rejected, inc. Corn in lair demand but lower; cash; 30*gi:. bid. July; 37c. bi.l, August. Oats dull aud coiui nal; 24'a'c., ce-h; 23*?e?. July: 23 , Auguat. Ilye eteady end uiicnaugeil. Marlay steady and unchanged. Fork in lair d-iiiaud but lower; <9 15 a $11 3D, cash; $9 20, July; 8D 11 $0 35, Air. list Card In litlr demand but lower; Sii 80 a $8 8j,i,. cash nod July; $0 9) a 8*1 92>g. Au.ust. Hulk meat a steady 1111 1 unchanged. Whiskey eteady et SI DO. Alcohol, 33c. lleceints ? Flour, 5,5m bids. : wheel, 2.'?.t*ll> buthele; corn. 22il,UDi> do.; oele, 48 1**1 do.; rye, 4.JIX) do.; barley, 420 do Mnpuients- Flour. 5 50D lib's.; wheat, So. (JUO buthelt; corn. 84.UX) do.; oatt, 20,000 do.; rye, 394 do. HAVANA MAKKET8 Havana. Jane 22, 1878. . .Sugar?The holidays contributed to maintaining tha ore valtiug ou.lness; too market closed very quiet aud weakl tuolass js sugar, Nus. 7 to lo, at Hi4 a 0d, reals, gold, per itr robe; muscovado sugar, common to lair, 6'J a reala: ceutrilugal sugars, .so-. 11 to 13. in boxes and hogsheads, 7Ja a reals, clock 111 warehou-u at Havana and Maian las ?II.>,3iKI boxes, 87.3'II bags and 98,138 tilths. Hecelpts lor the week?9,401' hoxu". 8,71*1 hags aud 8,800 tihds. tlx port, during too wook?2,800 hnxos. 1,777 hags and ft, I.VI lihus.. Including -til) bogus, 1,777 hags and 9 Ouo bhua. to tho 1 tilted . tat s. .Molasses. 3Jp a 8 reals, gold, per ksg for 50 degress polarisation. Bacon, $27 a $27 SO. rurrencr. per ca t. Jerksd neet. 31 a a 32 rsais. currency per ar robe, ilsuts -Aniorioaii sugar-cuied. $34 a $39. curraucy, per qulntn . I.ard, 111 kegs. $31 3D a *32. rurrencr, per quintal, lor hue; do., ill tine. $18 a $37 .VI pel uulntaL Honey, 4'4 a 4,', reals, gold, per gallou. Unions, $18 a $17, currency, per hhU lor American. Coal oil, in tins. 0,l4 a tt's reals, currency, par gallon. Eninty hogshead*. $3 25, gold. Luiuhc-r dull; white pine, $.13 a $14. gold per M. ; pitch pine $32 a $33. .-hooks tinner; box. 8 a 9 reals, gold; sugar hogsheads, 20 reals. Ho ps dull ; long shared, $45 a $ at, currency, per M. Freights quiet; loading st llsrsns lor tho United .-tittcs, per box of sugar. $1 a $1 25. cur reuoy ; lor Falmouth ami uruert. h5s. a 27s. DA ; loading on the north coast (iiutilJ* port-f lor the United Stale*, per hhd. ut molasses, $3 75 a $4 25. Tobooco quiet. .Spenish gold, 213 a 213J,. K.xeh.inge steady ; on tho United States, Odd aye. currency, 3'4 a 3'i premium; short sight do., 4>? a 4Ji premium *K? days, gold, t a 4'4 premium ; suort sight do,, o a 5Js preiniuni; on Loudon. 1*1 a lOJi premium; on Farts, 3 a 3.'s premium. FINANCIAL. AT KKaSON AiILJs liA I'r.S ? jiii' .N h.Y OV LIPK A.nTJ Endow unit iu.arnnee Pollciee anil Moriirajte..; nam* bought; Insurance ol alt klmle ??fl-eled with beet companies ut luwest premium*. J. J. .lAllltiCii X CO., ___ 105 Broadway. Bo* I.hmo. A DVaNOES ON KUKMTL iih PIANOS, CaRKJAIIKB. a?-Ac.. If stored In advertiser'* warehouse*. Addroaa SlUli.vlih, box 178 tl era i d ot]i;a. AT ll.MHtilDtifefX CO. TTaroCK KXOIIA.NUK. 21 NKW Si aND (12 BKOaDWAT. NEW YORK stocks n iijoin (No sold in lots ok io SHAKES and UPWARD ON MAIIOIN OK ONE KER CENT, OK OVEit COMMISSION- I 10. " A I'VAM.ES" ON 1*1 AN OS, KU'tNI TURK, AO.-1H3 a VUe.i ;(3d ?(.. west ol nth *v. (storage olliea). without bonus. All okadks ok town, city, school, county Siate and Oovrriimeiit Bunds; K?mm and N break a Bon la wiiuted. WILLI tM W.t KD, Banker, 52 Broadway below Wall at ' AMKET1 mJ OK HOLDERS OK sOUTII 81DK SINK "is fund bund* will i.e bald at the room In tlia rear of the Oebhard Eire lusuranca Coinnauy, No. 141 Broadway, on the S.'ith Inst., at I o'olock K. M. Jcxw 31. 1878. o. D. LORD. Bond and .moktoaok.?ookpokation. kstatK and otlior I runt Kiind* to loan in any sumg on Kirnt .Mortgage on improved City deal Katnlo, (1 per cent; will ^..pAr.0,ut "" H prop.-riy. NORWOOD A COl.'.aH ALL. Attorney. and Counaetlore-at-Law. 32 Park place. OK KICK OK Tllh NKtV YOKK ELEVATED KAIL, road Company. No. 7 BaoApWA*. Naw Your. June n?, 1878 I ha Interact un the i.ondaol tul* voinpnnr due July |. 1878. will ba paid on and after that dale ou presentation ol tba coupon, at the Corn Exchange Man* __ J. A. COWING. Troaanrar. Tllr. CHATHAM NATIONAL BaRK, 190 BKOaDWaYI Naw York, June 22, I87H. ? Kurt/ llfth Dividend. The Dlraetora have this day declared a aaml annual dlrl> dend ol threo (M) per rant. Iraa ol lax. payable on and efket July le Tba tranefer booka will be cloeed until that data. I B. P. DOtkXUa, Ouhltr, (9(1(1 IHlll I N *1'wh fO MI1T. TO Umim UK "'mortgage five yaara. New York city; alav money at ? par coul. U. L. UH.sN T. 141 Broadway. KUNLUKSS OI'i'OlUT Til IrlN. t ll tl.K INIK.ihsT IN aN dm. KSTAHLMH'tfO | ^P'rULLb'fDV.t0?rwl{.'^f:.,'UW 9X "U? ,neolQ' A?i mlemaN with if7ou ro assume t?ik m an egemrntof a atrlctlv caali hutinaee. paying bandeomo | ^fu * examination eollciled. MANahKK, Herald nlfloe. \N KXPh IKNCiCD BUSINESS MAN ~0<HN<i TO Europe. acquainted In all the principal placee la Oor. many, wleba. to represent soma promlnnnt manufacturers or to ony goods lor notion housre; hlgnrst eitv relereucei can he lurnlehed. Address IiKk.MA.nY, Herald >lhee lor three daya PartnkTTwTn fED with $.v7i.T in Xpkopi i aklk manufacture; no knowledge of the t milieu reunlrad I hell or" ? !? II ell place, corner 7lh at U7 ANTKl)?INTKLLIOENT AND RKSPoNgiuLK man, with y.i'io cash, I../ light .III:. builnaea: good ealary . uo acute ' No. 222 Weal 34lli at. &f)00 r')?t.?n-As djkst Wanted kok the ! * *?'u?hle sanitary article In every city In tho I nltad Statee ? hare water la anppiled by aniUcial in a an e . money Inyceto , in proportion to populstlon refer, nice, require !. Addroe. ?> N.N I I \t;Y. Ilrf, u . i.tawn ofBce. (Will rFOU WK '",V- r,IK BToCk*. KIX. Jin J"" and tlood Will of an old eetahllehad Millinery ann K.mer i.ooue store in th? heal buelnnea nor. Hon ol Hroaoway; moons inr selling III health ami retlr. In.-from nuainaee Adureae MI I.LI N KitY irUODM. Herald OfllCH " COURT CALENDARS THIS DA?. ?t rne** CoiaT?CiiAMHRKa?Hold by Judce Pol. Ur?.Nioe. 81, 103 127, 123, I7d. 117, 183, ISA lsfl M 4d. 82, 87, 8II. SO. ST. 71, 79, Srt, 102, 104, 107. los Ul' 124, 134, 142, 143. 14#. 14a, 183. ISA, 1## 1#2, 187, 189* lwo, 102, 103, 194. 197. 109, '203 ' jl^UI'KMi LOOIIT?yBNkkAL TkRIL ? Adioarood 90IU Bi phkmb Uihtrt?SricMi, Tnnw?Held by Judtt llonuliue.?No. 42 J.jO. .'81. 2#. 134. 847, 407. 808 470 4,4. 79. 409 47". 892, 328, 414, 38#, &24 624. 87? 21A 482 821, 673, 128 ' * Bcphkmn Corny?Cihi-uit?Pert 1?Held by Jodce Vau Ui dot. ? Noa. 1191, 4#2. 2723,2724, 3133. 3239 2047 1*09. 3433, 1719, 2177, 3840. 170#',, llofl'f, 34?L 104a 888. l art 2?Held 0;' Judge V an Voret.?Noa. 1Si7, 1870, DisO, 1494. 1421, 1119, 1841, 18941. 1#U3 I 2812, 1.IJO, 18(10. 822, 3042. 20.T7, 1498, 3239 1404* 34JO 1040, .1292. 1028. Part 3 ?Adjourned lor tba torn. | ftcraamn UiPkt?0k8Kkah lank?Will nvot to. I day l?r ibo purpoae ol renueriug dociaiooe. Si'rrKion CotrKt?jtrnri tt, I **??Held by Jndoa Beiigwick?No*. 40 and 88. .sor*.ii,nt C'ot'kT?Trial Irrm?Pari I?Bold bf Jiidye Sunlord ?No* ftp#, 748, 783 664 444 14.x ?2S3 8'ifi, 44#, 10#I, 490, a2u, 234, 787, '287. ' Port 2? Heid by Ulnef Jueuce Curtia.?Caao on, Not 9201. Nd <1 iy ceioudnr I'art 8?Hold by JuJg# Kree.lmitn.^Nna. 018, 9#4, nr2#, 89S. 897, 898, 899, 9(Ml, i*?l 998 9TO 40.i, 190, 87 7, 907, 908, I?OW, 91o, 992. ' Common I'l.kas?t.KNXKab I kkm ?Adjourned tt*c ai'. tern**0" r'?**~K'?l',TT Tbrr.?AOJournod lor tb? Common PhReo?Chamrkrr?Hold by Judco Vrb Hooeon.?No 13. Common Plkar?Trial Trrm.?Part 1?.Adjournod lortbvlorni I'artS?Hold by Jadfo J ?? Daly ? Noa. Jn9 902',. 121/9, 2*99, 2070, 2129, 2311 141# it/'i i.' ?WI* ,H<0' Ul,#i u"9* 410, 2S79, 1333' 132, 1.101, 1940, |903, 2437, 1438, 483, 829 1118, 2829 1112, 088, 768, 1043, 644, 318, 341, 444, Dips! 1782.' Bid, UOO, Jlo4, 1 IRA, 2710, 1372, 22, L19, 520 143 394, .0)9, 243, 441, 142fl, 308, 044, 200L 2917' 2.31, 112.:, 2919, 074 One nour eauera? No*. 247A jjsii' aM1? *906' a8?l? 241% TIanin* Co tar?Trial T*hm?Part 1?Hold bo 'J;'"1 Alt dr.?Nor. 2978, 2062, 2043, 4389 48t>4, 2i2l, 4i23. 4100, 49.10, 2ol4 Part 2?Bold bf Ju ijio Sberidau.?Noa. 4310. 4:?/9, 2448, 4481, 314u 44.2, i?50, 4049, 4140, 2.,27, ;;s43, 4402. Part 3 . ... ?. Sl"l,,l.?N'A 3224 16, 3474, 890, 1272 DI4L P 41' ' Ui>' ?**'''* 2843' Uil' 3iT4- 19?>4 Court or Urnihal Ernrion*?Part 1?Hold bi Judge sutlierlaod.?1 tie P..?|Ho *?. Jotoa l.eaiiy. rob ?";ry; Name ya. Edward Jobufou, burglary: Aaiuo *a William Martin, inrcouy; Same ya. Frank Lowia itrand larceny, same ya. lieorg* Wataon, burglary' same re. Abui ? Pnoo, larceny irotn tba poraoo; Seat Te. Jniuoa McHuiro. larcony Irnm the |...reun ? Satna ra tlary Dury.e, larcouy irotn tlia peraoa; samara Meinudi iliey, larceny Iroiu iho |>ur-on, Setn# ?* u. org* Ul.r*. larceny I rum ibo poraou , Baa* or. Louiaa Ward, larcouy Iroin the peraun; .Saiue ya rraug Durmao. *e*aun and battery ; Same y? Thoniaa Wo en, aaaault and baltery ; Kama ru William JadaK ? louioua asaaiiit and battery , Same Tu Jobu O NoilL aaaauit and battery; Same rt Kitty 1UI||? lo.oumua battery j ft .me va Coward Doylo bursary; semo ra frank jaobaon, burglaryt Saam Oailoa and William Kalatoa, larceny irom IU0 poreofe; saHMVa Eniabotb kmmtry, diaoruorlr bou.e; sntiio ra D.vid 11 Kiug. lorgwy. p.rt?l Hold by Ju igo Uild< ramoyf._i tic p?np(# ?t, B,cuard Luuy, robbery, Same ra Henry 1|. Witort. loioRilue aaeauit and battery ; Seme ra K.euard J. Jewalmau leioeioua ateaaii and batter.; s.tae ra. Jrom oWboi! bargiary ,ttame ra. Erne I ftoebeiL UlaorMcly aagmt iMt TO. iriRHi ^ ""??Ha