Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD WHOLE NO. 15,282. ^ NEW YORK, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1878.?TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS DlHECTORf FOR ADYKRTiSKliS. HEBALD BK4NI1H OFPIOB, 1,385 ?5R2vt??uAT?? Of KM DAY AND WIOHr iJOR HRO.-4?TXON Of ADVKRTUBMKNTS AND SALES Of BAYERS. AMUSEMENTS?1st PAC*-?th eol. An'f RO LOO ( ? I 2 th Pag*??th coL ILLlAKDS-lST FAO*-6th eoi. loARDf.Rs wanted?3d Pagm-BijgI. ? CARD AND LODOINO WANTED?3d PilS-Mwl I lOSINhHri OPPORTUNITIES -?TH t'Aam. BUSINESS NOTIOK8-7th Pag*-8th ool. CUT URAL ESTATE fOR SaL-.-Ist PAGjH?5th GoL CLBRKs AND SALBaMEN?12t* Bags?5th coL CLOTH 1NO-2D PAGK-8th eol. COACHMEN AND ? ? ARDKN liRB?1** PAGB-Sth eoi. Coastwise steaXships?2d Pag*?4th cou COPARTNERSHIPS Oth Pag*. COUNTRY BOA:.D-3p f auk. - 2d eol. DANCING ACADEMIES?1st Paos?5th ML DENTISTRY?11th PaCH-4iIi eol. DRY GOODS?1st Pag* Si a coL .w_ DWELLING HOUSES TO LET, FURNISHED AND UN PURN1SH. D-2d Pag*?lstcot. BUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?3b PaO*?4th eel. EUROPE?7th Pad*?6th col. EXCURSIONS?3D PAO*-6lhcot. FINANCIaL-Dth Pas*. Fob SALE?13th PA?us-?thaoL FURNISHED ROOMS AMD APARTMBNTS TO LET? 3b Pagd?1st coL FURNITURE-11th l'A?nt--4th eol. _ , FKBNCH ADV KkTIBF.MENTS-12th PAOH-Sth ool. BBlP WANTED?FEMaLKS?13tu Pag*?tin and 5th HBLp'waMTED?MALES?12th Pag*-5th and 6th cols. HORSES, t.'AKRlAGKB, Ac-?1st PaOK?2d, 3d aod 4tll cols. HOTELS-3d Pagd?2d cL Houses, booms, AC.. Wanted?2d Faos?2deoL INSTRUCT ION?1st Pag*?5th coL LOST and found 1st Pag*?1st??L Machinery?12m pao*??o> cot. MARBLE MANTELS?2d PA?*-6th ool. MEDICAL?12TH Pag*?6th col. MILLINERY AND BitKSSMAEIWO?1ST PA? 6th OOL MISCELLANEOUS ADYLU.ISEMBNTS-IOtb PaGB OUi coi. MUSICAL? 1st Pag*?4th ool. FEW PUHLICaTIONS?7tu PAGS?6th coL FBKSONAL-lsr Page?1st eol. FIANOFOHTES, ORGANS. AC.?1st PAGK-StheoL POST OFFICE NOTICE?1ST P a<??4th coL PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WAN TED? PBMAL3S8? FR0PKRTYAOUT4Of?<'rHE CITY FOR SALB OR TO RENT?1st Pag*?5th eol. BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?1st Pag*?5th CoL MEAL ESTATE WANTED? 1st l'AG* 5th ooL BKWaRDS?1st Pack?l?t col. SALES AT AuCTION-2n PAGX-Sd and 4th ools. SITUATIONS WANTED?rKMALES?llTU Pagb?5th and 6th cols., And 12th Pagb?1st, 2d, 3d and 4th colt. SITUATIONS Wanted?MALES-IUth PAO*-5thooL SPKOI L NOTICES?1st Pag*-1st and 2d col* STORAGE?2d FAGS-Gth col. SUMMER RfcSO TS ?2d PAGK-2d *Bd 3d coll. THE TRADES?13TO Pag*?6th col. THE TURF?1st I'auh?2*1 cot 70 LET f.R BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d Pag*?1st eol. TRAVELLERS' GUlDE?2d PAGB-w4lh *nd 5th eol*. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AMD APARTMENTS 10 LET? 2d Pag*-l ai eol. WAN I ED TO PUKCI1ASK?1st Pag*?Silt col. Matches, JEWKLkY.AU.-Utii PAon?ItU eol. WKSTCH Knl'SK CoUNTl PKUPSUTY FOR SALE OB lO LET?1st Pag* -5tlt ool. YACHTS, STP. A A BOATS, AC.-10TH PA0*-6th coL PERNOSAL. A. HeraIu Downtown ottce, giving tout AddrsAA in cAAA Appointment not krpt. ' "f.LLE?73D ST.; GRAY WALKING SUIT: PLEASE ?ppoist meeting lhur?d*y. O R., Herald office. IhAlST?MEc.T ME AT THE AG A DEMY OF MUSIC JL?to-ilar (Tue*iiay alternoon;, Juno 25, 1S7S, at 2 P. M., At tne benefit, .harp. LOUIS. B F H AN N IK-TO-MORROW. aNEY, OF CHICAGO.?A LETTER WILL REACH me by addressing FLORENCE. Herald Uptown o flics. ST r.ADFAST?LETTER FOR YOU AT ST tTION f. Answer LOST AMIS FOUND. TT>s1cro>rsAfuk'Day, nsotrof bills" cun AJtalnlng $25. The Under will bo rewarded by leaving at 135 Chath-.iu it., lu tea sturo. I OS I ?A GOLDEN-OVAL FORMED LOCKET, CON AJtainlna; twn pholnxranbe, lady and boy; 65 to the briugtr. F. STKI.nMKTZ. 143 Eaet 4th St., between 1st at. and av. A. LOST?ON sATU ilDAY, BE'FwBKN MaDIsON square and 33d At., blue satin Hag, witn monogram J. b. P., containing Prayer scsrl, witn ?ame monogram on cane. Mailable reward lor totnrn to 43 I'.ast 33d at. Lost or stolen?bane Buok, issued my the Seamen's Bnnk lor Sayings. New York. to lubecrlber, L. K. WTNKOOP. If not found or returned to the hank within So days Irom this dsvo, 1 will apply to tlio bait* tor a bow book. Naw York, Jan. 24,1878. _ _ lUCWAUOt. STor"Bkw'ard.-^loht. at thk8Chc!'b?zEn park. %)?')on .Sunday, the 23d, a gold huattiig c iu Ul magic watch; the owner's name engraved en the tnatde cap, **Cnla. B. to li E." Above reward will be paid and no lur liter questions eased, by delivering the tame at 345 Broome M., in the (tore. ' IiHin RKWAKO and ni? guKsrioNH ahki-.o? VAvl/Kor the return of Watch, Chain, Medal and Locket taken irom tl 1 Park ?v. la?t Thursday morning; I mean fcuslueaa and will keep my word. Addreea W. B.. Poet offieo Pox 1,772. A SPECIAL kOTlCBh. rHi.v?t t^jLBT\^iTA KswTsu.aMi anhV??pi. _ tal experience: specialties diseases ot men and nervous syetera; consultation tree. Dr. JaCOBY, 101 hleecker at. hi "-SUKK CUKE KU . l.l'NO illeKA.^S. KOCK A>asd Rye, *1 per large bottle; 64 per nation N. VAN H 1L. 08 Chembera at. A ITENTloN I-VITAL LAPaULKo CUlir. Nt.VwUrt xxUeblllty, Meekness, Difficult Breaiiiing, Kostore Man Csod. Circulars free. IRVING A BLAKE, box 146, Brooklyn. M. Y. ALL HPhCIAL CO tl PLAINTS CERTAIN, BAPfc AND permanently cared.'to either sex Dr. COX,!XU hssl 16th at. A LL COMPLAIN IS SKILFULLY TREATED; l?)OMS. /\. Board. Ac. Dr. and Mute. SELDEN, 145 West 26th st. Dull or write. a LL SPECl .L COMPLAINTS, M Kill UAL OK SL'K JXglcal, safely, ancieaalully tieated; examination free. Ur. HKAUKokD. IBS i.ast 12th st. ALL DISEASES OF .MEN. WHATEVER IHK Acaoae. recent er long standing, speedily and psrraa. sently enred by Dra. DYER A CRINDLE, 47 West 13th it., near ttth a v. A - MO FEE U.MIL CUBED; sPf.CIAL UIKEASP.B, .Aablooo, skin and premature debility. Exammatiow treet ~ ~ " I till 9 P. M. Dr. KltK/dAN, 206 Grand It. Anna e. pakk. m. d.. medical rlectkiciaU^ caret dUeasj by electricity; Paralysis, sciatica, Ae., __Lcnres dlaeesj bv electricity; Paralysis, sciatica, Specialties. No shock. 2U7 Last 13th st. PAvKAOE^oF MANIOCA makes alx delicious puddings. Hare you tried It r list Irom vonr grocer. B EST KYE Wills KEY IN THE WOULD. FOUR years eld, $4 per gallon. SI per large bottle N. VAN BEIl, 88 Cbarubera at. EKaNDlKB. WINKs. lilNS ANU WHISKIES?BEST laalitlea at lowoal prices; goods delivered; English aktast Tea, SO cents N. VAN BEIL, 88 Chambers aL ElsKABKs OF MKn A SPECIALTY, il EN it V A. DANIEL*. M. D? 144 Lexington av., naar h it. Office hears Irom H to 3 and (I to 7. DR. KiCOUD'S ESSENCE OF LIFE RESTORES isMbood to tbn deblllisto<i In tour weeka; failure Im soreihle; S3 per ease. bole agent. Dr. JACQUES, 7 Uni versity elaee. New York. {\IVOKCB8 8PEKDILV OBTAINKD-TKKM8 SUPER yiatlvely reasonable ; CONsL LTATIONS Iree. FRED KiCK I. KINO, Lawyer, 0 Saint Merk'a place, adjoining Cooper lnetltute. DIRBAS S of MEN ARISING FROM IMPURITY OP the bloed, akin, taint and nervout prostration a ene |lally. JOSEPH JACQUP.*. M D.. 7 Uulvarally place. DSIee hour* Irnm 8 till 3 and 8 to 8. IN TUP. EVENING TELEGRAM, 1 bPKt 1AL DESPATCHES, WITH PULL KP.l'OKI'd <>K THE LATEST RKVE LATUM*. ?P THE POTTER INVESTIiiATINO - COMMITTEE, EVERY NIGHT. Errs* COCOA. KPPS' COCOA. IIRAI'EFUL AND COMPORTlNil. "By a tbnron.'li knowledge ol the natural lawa which govern the una rationsol digestion end nutrition, nd h? a eareinl apnllcattou ot ttie fine proportion ?f well selected toene, Mr. I'.opa hae provided onr breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which mar save ua many Heavy doctors' hills. It la l<y the judicious uro of suer> are olae of diet that a may bo urnr"hally built up until strong en on. n to reslet every tendecy to Illeeaae. Huedreda of aubtle maladlea are Hunting aroiiad u? reedy te attack wherever there la a weak point. Wa may escape many a fatal shall hr keeping onreelvea well fortifl >d with were Wood and a properlr nonrlehed liame."?Cleil -ervice Beset te. bold only In Una <K lb. and I Ih), labelled, JAMES KPPH A CO., IIOMUCOPaTUIC CHEMISTS, London, KnriauiL H ?OPPICIAL KENTUCKY STATE DRAWINGS. aXkirrocrr?grraa class no. 397? -.4, i?7h. 87, 18, 23, IK. 21, 58 28, 31. 17, 05,1, 74, 77. gklTTPCkT?CLASS SO 30H Jt'Sg 24, 1S7R 63, 84, 2, 61. 20. 42, 11, 40, 56, Id. 41. 70. 25. SIMMONS A DICKINSON. .Mansgers. OnOROIA STATB? MTIi CLASS so. 417 junn 84. 187S. 67 , 64, 71. 74, 15 . 82. 40, <l?. 35. ?j7. tl, 73, 41, & nnonniA stats?class so. 418 -jcts 24. 1878 >6, 8, 6. 25. 28. 15. :ts. ttfl. :tx, 66, 52, 70, L K. I). EDDY A CO., tianagtrs. Inlormntloe i-iven regarding tbn above drawings Apply be tJLUTK A CO., Bankers. 3011 Hruad ??,r. rear office. B? KOPaL HAVANA DRAWS JUNE 28. ?681" ,last In ppanlah money te be distributed. Capital price. RJWi.UOU I prise of frsi.dtkl | 10 prlrei of *5.000 each I prise ot 2.5,1 a St I 115 i.rtsss or I.(TV) each 8 prices ?* 810,600 eaeh I <t8i> prlaea or .'eat each TiCketa. 84". *211. *10, *.'>. *2. *1. J. CU TE A CO., t ankers, 2IKI Broadway. H -KENTUCKY SINGLE NUMBER e Distribution June 21>. 1 prise .615,000 | 2 pure< of pl.Mm eaeh 1 prise M.fksil 2 prises ot, D.fMieach 1 prise rt.iasi I III prises of ,sS) each I.HKt prUca. distributing *?7.U2.5. INcksta. *|. vLUTE A CO., Haiiksrs, 2'Si Broadway. H ?LOUSIANA SINGLE NUMBKII DRAW* JULY 9. , Capital prise, *.?i.i AW. Whole tickets, i-2; helves. 81. cLUlK A CO.. Hanksrs, 2110 Broadway. Havana LOTTERY. Next drawing Jane 28, 1878. 821 prises, amoentlng |e MIO.KUO neeua IIigtsst prise. 200.ISIO pesos; smallest, 60K. As the premium of gold Is ?'<idtiag down In Cube these prises are worth more every day. rchains ler next liscal rear can be had by addressing M. A. M A K riNfc/ A Co.. Hankers, III Wall St., basement. 6eMssd Danes Beak Bill* bought end sold. Drefte eh " * 8PKC1AL. NOTICES. jgVfxSlJ'sfifcu aEvtSfkE.V'YtsAai Drt. JORDAN A DAVIKSOK, Froprlitonif OB EAT EUROPEAN MUSEUM? the liqMt collection in tho world, 729 Chestnut ?(., Phila delphia, wish to inform their patients nod the pnblie that they may bo confidentially consulted u cana.1 on nil dl? eaeeeot men, winch thoy h ive undo a specialty for 17 years. Their raedienl work. "Practical Observations" on dlffer ?ot diseases, with an "Essay on Marriage," can bo had on receipt oi 25 cent., postage stamps. Address Dri. JORDAN A UiVlKSoN. 1,823 r'lliiert at, Philadelphia, Nooonneetion with snr other firm in Amtriea EUROPEAN RHEUMATIC SoOlK TY,~~207 WEST 34th, iucorporateu uuusr act February 17, 1848.?All Mieumatlira positively cured. ENTL'C K Y HTATK TO HfcJ DRAWN JUl.Y 29. whole ticki.ts. one dollar. Louisiana state lotikky, july 9. Whole Tickets, $2; Halves. $1. KOYAli IJ AVa.N'A draws Jnue 28. Tickets, $40 to SI. Kentncky Dally liukei.,$l t-? #'2 50. Open till 9 o'clock. BULLAiiD A CO., 907 Broadway. n-ar30tb st. ouisiana state lotTkky COMPANY -CHAR tered by the State it never scales or postpones. Seventh grand distribution at New Orleans, Jul* 9; 1.857 prises, a out,ting to $liU.4U); capital prisei, $30 ('JO,, $3,(Mo. Ac.; lOo.UW tickets, two (92) dollars; halves, one (Sit dollar. Apply to M. A. DAUPHIN. Post olhce 0..X 092, New Orleans, La., or H. L. PLUM. 319 Broadway, New York. OUT 81 AX A DRAWS JULY 9 ?TICKfc.TS, f?. Halves, $1. Kentucky draws Jnno 29 Tickets, SI. Our private parlors at 038 Broadway, open from 7 A. M. nnill 8 P. M H. NATHAN. 181 and 8"8 Broadway. METROPOLITAN " JOB FRIN UNO OFFICE. 28 ANN ST.. DO ALL KINDS OF ' PRINTING FOR ALL KINDS OK BUSINESS. SUMMER " EXCURSIONS AND STEAMBOAT WORK, PAMPHLET TIME TABLES, FINE WOOD ENGRAYINO AND COLORED PRINTING. POSTERS, PROGRAMMES AND TICKETS, LAW CASES. EXPRESS COMPANIES. STEAMBOAT, STEAMSHIP LINES AND RAIL. ROAD WORK FIRST CL iS3 WORK AND LOW * PRICES FOR CASH. GIVE US A TRIAL. METROPOLITAN JOB PRINTING OFFICE, 28 ann ar. akble mantels AND MONUMENTS CHEAPER than ever A. ^LaBKK, 134 East 18th ?t.. near 3d av. 0' KFICE oFtHK NEW YORK LOaN aND IMPROVE ment Company, 71 Broadway. ?New York. Jnne 5, 1878.- Notice, the annnal election of this coiupauy ler nine dfcreetore and two inspectors of electien will take place <m Tuetdey, the 9th day i>t July. 1878. at the nflics of the company. In this city of New Yerk. No. 71 Broadway, room No. 47. l'oola open at 12 M, an closa at 3 P. .9. My order. Lc.WIS M. BROWN, nonrotary. 4U' luTportant enoos, medical or snrgieal; impairment of nny organic function. hereditary or constitutional taint; diseases of msn and tha usrveua system a specialty. HENRY A. DANIELS, M. D.. 144 Lexington av., Iwar 39th M. Honrs, 8 to 3 and 6 to 7. OYAL HAVANA DKiWs~J UNh 28. 187S; $810,000 dii.trjnuted: sapilal prias. *200,000; hlgbsat ratal paid tor prise, itnd Havana Hank hills. Now scbems sent on application. Address all orders to the authorised agents, C. Y1ADERO A CO., flankers, No. 1 New st.. Now York (Late with M. A. Martinet A Co). OYaL HAVANA LOITe.KY-Nfc.XT DRAWING June 28; $810,1410distributed: Capital Prises $200,000; prises cashsd: orders ttllcd; inlurinatlon 1'urnisb- d : highest rates paid tor Spanish Bank Bills. Governments. Ac. TAYLOR A CO., Bankers, 11 Wall at.. Now York. EoyaL Havana lottery. JUNE 28. Capital Puses, $200 OuO, Spanish money. Ticket., $40. $20. $10; Tweutiotus. $2; Fortieths, $1. KENTUCKY SINGLE N UMBitK DRAWS JUNE M. Capital Prise, $14,000. WHOLE TICKETS ONLY ONK DOLLAR. LOUISIANA SINGLE NUMBER DRAWS JULY $. Capital Prise. $30,(>00. Whoie Tickets. $2; Halves, $1, JACKSON A CO., Bankers. 82 Nassau su. near Fulton. S-O-L-I?D C-O -M - F-O - R-T. Delicious coffee, stesminsr hot. From ths i nroka Codes Pot. 4Til DR4WIM4I COMMON WRALTH DISTRIBUTION OlJM l*A \ V. iu Iho cil.r o? LualitllU, K)., July 31, NO POSTPONKME >T. No SCALING. $115,400 IN cash phizes. tickets onlv $2. halves, $i. BKSf SCHEME RYKK PRESENTED. Drawing under the supervision of Hon. K, (!. Winter ?mlin, Treasurer, of Kentucky; Oeoerel T. A. Hnrri* end oil)ore. Capital prises. $30,000, $15,000, $5,0*10 end many I.there down to $10. Address T. J. COM.M ..KPORD. noc retary, Coitrlcr-Jnurnal Building. Louisville, Ky.. or B. U. PORTER A CO.. haetern Agent*. 1,327 Broadway, X. Y. ^(lQ BROADWAY, GENERAL E?HTr,.tN AUK NTH UOO KKnTUCKY BTATP. LOTTERY NEXT DRAWING, SATURDAY. JUNK 28. 1,806 I'rltee distributing $67,025. Capita Priiee. ?14.OO0; #8.000; $1,000. WIIOLK TICH.ETB, $1. WILLLAMSON A Co., MB Broadway, near tloueton, N.T. Branch office, 61 Broadway, Williamsburg. a-{i"7 Who"wants $14,1100r- " ?pO I KENTUCKY BTaTB DRAWN JUNE 39t onh dollar buys a wiioLr. tickkt. PR1ZKS. $14,000 down to $5, the lowest, address all ORDERS to the lucky ofpioes. 1,227 Broadway, Ne-r York, or 183 Montague at., Brooklyn. B. H. PORTER A CO. NORTHERN AO a NT . $?? 70i; 'jn A -ROYAL NAXOt L.TTKKY. -<? I T< Ducat Brnnawlck leutery. Drawlnce In Germany erery mouth. Next drawing July 8. Roval Havana Lottery, Jane 28. Ticket*, $40: quart*re, $10; eighths,$5; fortlotba, $L Kentucky Mat* Lottery. Juno 29. Whole ticket#. $1. Jtonliiana State. Jnly 9. Ilcketa.$2; helm. $1. Prix * e>?Rb?<l and full information of tha abnre sent free J. 1)U f'K k CO.. Hankers. 4*2 Nansaa St.. cor. Ubtfty, N. V i M THE TUttP. ?a |~^KLKkTWT>OD PARK: JUNE 28.?PURSE, it 1.I1UD divided, for bonce that liare Beyer ueaten 3 utlnutea. Kntrlee cLieo Wednesday, 211th, a d louat be accompanied with the money, Andres, OAT ES II. BaRNAUD, P, op, let or. A BOOK OPEN OS LONG BRANCH HANDICAPS s aleo Pittsburg rncel lo-dar. Browne'*, 1.170 Broad way. JOHN HACKhTT A Co. OOKS OPEN ON THE LONG BRANCH IIA5DI cm p. and Cnp; Pittsburg race*. 19 Went 28th. VV. LOVELL. Long branch races.-hooks open at 15 Watt 28th eL on two Handieape, Kllly Stake* and Meo moutli Cud. Kr.LLY A BLISS. ON MOUTH PARK It AC KM, LONG BRANCH. N. J. satnrday, Jnoe 29; Tuoadar, 2d; Thursday, 4tb, and Saturday, 6th July. -IX RACKS BACH DAT. Train* by tba New Jertey Central and Southern Ratlraade directly to the eouree. Admleslen to Held, .'a>c. To grand eland, $t extra. Pare Iron, New York aad h ek. $1. Hr.O. L. LoHILLa HD, President. C. WoBATkr. Secretary. ItOSPECT PARK PAIR GROUNDS. OR A VESKND. Is. I ? W# are authorised to match the Trotting Mono Proipero aeaia-t any trotting bnrse in the world marring Kartier for $2,.'i0? a -ids ; if more than one eccepta It to bo a ewoepttake, u.oney and etako all to yo to Ih* winner. To he trotted oyer the above track on satnrday. June 29. at 3 P.M. M?"ey on denotli and nut-lea received at U op. A. Power** office, 599 Pulton it.. Brooklyn, and mast be ro eeived on or before Tuesday, Jnne 25, at noon ATWOOD A Oft. ITTRBUiVrKaCEM.?POOLS BOLD T(SDAY AT~5b llndeoii el., lloi'Okea. KELLY A BLISS. ICHMOND CJUCM GROUNDS. NEW DORP, MTaTEN ISLAND, on Saturday, June 2u. A Puree ol $IU) te be given to hurtea that have never beaten 2:50. $60 to Bret, $23 to ternnd and $15 to third. Antrim will cloee Tuesday, J uno 25, at 9 c'cU'Ck P. M. I'ntr nice let In per coot ol purea and tonal accompany nominations. A .Ureas II. K. BENJAMIN. Now Dorp, Staton Island. N. B ?No rroord given; II elorroy will be postponed. Ad ntlaeion. So cents ? Sea View park, new dorp, htaien island, Jnly 4. ? Pure* $|ir>; 3 minute ciae*; $6r? lint. $25 sec ond. $15 third; entries nine* Friday. Jane 28, 9 A. M En trance te* must accompany nomination, Sara* Day? Hweip-lnkea county horses. T. LI'Hi. ATT i H-. ALL'S ill ri)~ ID I T1'All r., Ho BO KI..V ? mctlno ana French Pool* every day tnli week on trot# at Reacen and Mystic Parks; racing at l'lttshnrg Monday and Tues lar. UuiUHa. ca tuiiAuin. ?i., TTTQ OZXb~? itTl 'i ocITFariT jOTa k~ mo?Tr73. iltsvii, N. J.. W. II. KKKTCII has some choice ynnng I lotting Horses lor solo, tho get ol Edward Everett and Virgo Hnmnlctonlan. Slack mare, ia hands; ruTt uu.-ini hs or fsmllr, $911; warranted; also small Pony, $30. 133 Benin 5th a*. A TRY OUR PATH NT OCT CENTRA WHIP, *ak" srante I not lo break; also a large assortmna-. of Hag Ilsh holly, Maiaeea aod whaleione Whips lihil. I*. OV KIN. 4 East lion-ton *?. An extraordinary gkntlk, round, hand some snow while Yermont Mar*. IM* hand*. 8 year* old : long, heavy man* and tall; lop Pony Phaeton, band seme top Buggy, fine condition, with Una Harness; abso Int* bargains, 12 East Irish si. A BLACK IIOIISK, laics' HIGH, 7 YEARS OLD. WAK rantnd sonniTand kind, ean trot ia 2;.V); aiso Hrewatsr top Wavnu, Kne Harness; geailsman going to Europe 5 West 13th st. A CHEAP, HANDSOMR, COMPLETE TUKNOUT? Hay Horse, I3t# lisnrls, il years old, warranted sonnd and kind, with haadsoma extension Phaeton, sent* four; Hue single Harness. Lap Rube and whip. Prlvato stable 21 IS East 'Jinh Si. A BREWSTER IMPROVED HIDK-BAIt 8II1PTING top Wagol and Diinscuuh Harness, fall spitag top Wagon a no Pony I'haoton; all llttls used and vary shoap. No. 39 l.aal 11 -t ?' ?TtloRE HORSES, CilKAP; sl'lf TRUCK, URI). seer, express, larmlng, Ae.; $4U, $6,. $sn. 116 Chris topher at, A"-WILL SELL OR EXCHANGE A PI N K LBaTHKU stop Bn, gy for cash or gold Waleboo; atust seU. Call ea J. a. 1.. 53 Dowalag it. UOltMKs, CAIUUAUKS. 4>L. TTtfriON h . > f sk o k van'tIT-b i* EClTTiEnOfltt, HO AMD 112 EAST 13TH ST.. NEAR 4TH aV. BEG OLA R SALES OF UOB8KR AND CARRIAGES r.VEKY TUESDAY AND K 1DAY. On ertry lions that la warranted sound or kind and una in barnoaa from o >? l<> three (lays 1* given to teat wsrrantsae. OATALOGOR OF THIS DaV'B (TUKKDAT) BALE, AT 10 O'CLOCK. FAIR BLOOKY BUILT BAY CAKBlAQB HOBSKB. 18 handa nigi, 10year* old; axira drivers; not alrald or ataatu car* or anvthin.'; have baan u>ad tq nroaont owuer'a earriaga lor lour years; are a tuorouably aafo anu raitabla aa wall aa a atyliah Tamil? tram, aud are warranted kind and true In all harness. bat Double . . and LANDAU. I.N GOOD ORDER. DA Kit. BKoW.N TBOTTINO QKLDINU (HAMBLKTO nlan). 15*hauda high, 8 years old'.promnt driver; Hues not ?by or pall: a a be driven by a lady at lull speed; cau brat 2 :~>0 any good day or track: perfect lor roud uaa, and warranted sound ano kind and true in alt bainota. Sat Harneee, nearly new, and TOP SIDh MAK KOAD WAGON", by BKlW BTKK A CO., or 47tb at. BAY HOKsE 15* HANDS HIGH, D YEaBS OLD; ? a rood, Tree driver; not alrairt of saytUinir; a sharp t ravel lor; sate for a lady or child to ride or drive ; nn trot close to II minute*; warranted kind and true in all hariicak Single llarnaaa. Whin and TOP PllAr.Tu.N, BUILT BY &ARGENT. Dark bay HORSE, 16* Hands lllGU, 7 yaata old; a airllali. bandy urivor; excelled aaudle borne; not alraiu ot elevated'railroad or anylhinK; aate lor cbildran'a one; warranted kiau and true in all har ness. BRIt.iiT BAT COLT. SIRED BY JIM UAMBLK toman, out of a .Morgan maro. 16* bands hiirh, 5 yours old; can trot iu 3 miautas; a prompt driver; alrald of nothing; has baan driven an d bandied by Indies and children; was raised by preaaut owner, and la warranted sound and bind and true in all bar nrss. single Harness and MO-TOP SIDE BAR UOAD WAGON,-by BROWN * GODWIN. PARK DARK BROWN JIORS 8. 10 UANDS HIUII, 10 and II yeuraold; have bran used to lamlly corrl aga; will atand by steam ears; are afraid ot uetn lug ; easy drivers: werranteu kind and true iu all harness. Sat Double Harness and PARK PHaKTON, GOOD AS Nt'W, built by Wood Krotbars. BAY IIOKmE, 10 HANDS 11IQ1I. 10 YEARS OLD; has baou nsed by a lady under aaddto, also to a tumily carriage; Is a tree, pleasant driver, fearless ol any thing, and Is warranted kind aud true In double har ness. YEBY UANDSOMK AND EXTRA STYLISH BAY HOKSE. 15* bands high. 9 year* old; a pleasant driver, well broken lo saddle; not afraid of anything; extra shurp traveller; warranted kluu aud irne in all barneas. Single Harness, Whip, Kobe, Blanket aad TOP SIDE BAK KOAD WAUON, by BKKWaTEK. ot ?Jo i n ST. BAY THOKO UGH BRED COLT, by KINGFISHER, 13* bands high, 3 years Old: particulars at sale. CHESTNUT HO. S... lb* UaNUS ItlUil. M veara old; can trot battar than 3 minutes; nasnrpnaaed lor bot tom and auduranee ; warranted kind and true In all barnaaa. LADY'S TURNOUT. YEBY HANDSOME BAY HOKSE, 13* HANDS HIGII. 7 yaara old; pertect nndor taddls. a fast traveller, aalo l?r tlu most tlmlo drlror; warranted kind ana true In all harness bingla Harncaa ana CANOPY TOP PUARTuN. nearly new. THOKoUUIIliR. D CHESTNUT SADDLE and HAR NESS GBLwLNO, lo* hands hlgb. S yaars old; a vary easy, pleeaaut driver, fearlsas ot anything; sale for a lady to ride or drive; warranted klnu and true In all harness. BAY HOKSr., 18* IIaNDS HIGH, 9years old; prompt, ?tylish driver ;cau trotoloae to 3 minute*; not alrald ol anything: very lianay aud gentle ; Hret oia*a horse tor conpt! oi the road; warranted sound aad kind aud true iu all harness. A. t Harness ana OOVPE-BOOKAWaY, IN good UKDKR. brown Gi-.lding, io* hands hioh, n years old; an aaiy driver, safe aud reliable in every war; can uot iu 2:33 without preparation; Is very stylish and Onely g sited; has unusual bottom and enduranee, and is warranted kind and true in all harness, single Harness, by Dunacouib. and TOP SIDE BAK KOAu WAGON, by Brewster A Co., of Broome at. YEBY HANDSOME BAY PONY, 13 IIANDS HIGH. 0 years old; safe and reliable lor children to ride er drive; la afraid ui nothing; Isoueol'tho handsomest pontes In the city, end le warranted sound and Mud and trno in all barness, not Darners and PONY DOU CAli'f. I GOOD OltUEK. RAY HOR.sE, 10* HANDS HIGH, 8 yean old*, apleaeant driver; can trot in 3*; la alraiu of nothing; a Qr?t data carriage borae; warranted ktud and true in ell harness. BROWN TROTTING GELDING, GOT BY VOLUNTEER, out of a mare by Long Island liiaek Hawk; 13* hands high, 9 year* old; eau trot In 2:43 on any good ttuck; la sate lor a lauy to drlva aad la warranted kind end true in all barneat ALSO EIOliThi.N 4) I HEK IIOKSKH; description at sale. TWO LANDAUS, TWll OLAKENOEfi, three Park Phae tons; thirty top and no top aids bar and fnll spring VS agnns; eleven Pony Phaetons; sixty ssts Duuble end riinule Harnsas, Ac Ac. BALI! COMMENCES AMI',K O'CLOCK. Auction uuumk ofttruu. jounmton, 19, 91. 33 and 93 13th sk, aaar University piece. OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELIABLE ilOUBK IN THE CITY. REGULAR SALEM OF HORSES AND CARRIAORB EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. 34 hour*' to thro* tfeye' trial on horaoa warranted sound. THIS DAT (TUESDAY;, AT 10 O'CLOCK. ELEGANT TEAM MAHOGANY BAT HORSES, 10 hands, 4 and 8 pairs old; kind and trns In alt har ness; free from slue; have benn used 1,7 pisaeiit owner lor past two rears: ara ?ot sfrald 01 anything; la a very way reliabia far any u?e aud warranted sound. MKT DOt HI.K II AH V KM-, by DunsooniU. K I. DO AN I* I.IOIII CLAlt NO I., by Hrowstsr A Oe. hX TENnlON TOR PHAETON. by ntirers. ELEGANT G1UY M ,-SK.NOK i HhkBK. lft>< bands, 4 years old; kind and true in all harness; free Ir.'iu vice; can trot a mi 10 close to 3 ininntas: has uerar haen trained inr speed; promises 10 be very fast; is in every wavreltnnle and war anted sound. HI UK 1IA it KOAD WAGON by K. M. Stiver*. FINE BLACK M \KK, 1 .'?)< hands, ? yaats old; a first rises family er bnslnsss mare; single or doable; in avrry way rrllabls and sold fur want uf nsa. TOf W AGON, In good order, by Hrswster A Co. PARK PHAETON, by vt ood Brothers. HONY Bl'ILT KOA.N IIOKS , 14 hands, 3 year* eld: a good Iree driver; a first elass truck or business horse and warranted sonad. T1IRKK LIGHT EX I hNHlON TOP PHAETONS. FI LL CLAKr.NCh. hy Wood Iirothers. KLKGaNTBO FAMILY llOi.fSh, I3\ hands. ? years old; kind and trne In all barne.s; frve Irom vice; a first class borer lor sny use and warranted sound. DOCTOR'S PHAETON, by Tuokvr. 01 Brooalyn. SID IIAK KOAD WAGON, new. hy neaman. PINE SADDLE HOUSE, sorrel, 15S< hands, H years old; has all gaits: has not a lault. vice or trlcK or any kind: has been used by ladies: la lu aveiy way reliable and warranted aenad. 1 Hi ,T GLann yt ARTKR COACII, by Adama A Co. 8IX-1KA 1 KOCkAWAY. by J. It. Lewrnncn. Tn ItEK KLl'.GANT PONIES. bauds, ?, R and 9 years; In every way reliable ler any nee. 10 ride or drive, and warranted sound SLVKN TO. PONY PHAETONS AND TOP WAG ON'S, to pay advances. TWENTY OTHER HORSES. A PULL ASSORTMENT ol every kind of Carriage. wagon, harnkhm. Ac. Weather never Interferes with onr SAi.K.S AT 10 O'CLOCK. Y ?hecond hand carriage* Liglit Landau, la gnit and cleth; la -nod order. Diiibt Lanoau.vt. lor one end tee homes; city make, Rockaway, Inr fl persons ; suitable lor country. Rockaway. for 4 persons, one and two horses; good enter. Victoria, made by Brewster A Co. ; a bargain. Mull Phaeton, with top; f Carl and Iferby Cert. Bnrrey Wa.nn. en rroaa springs end vertical plated. Depot W a roe, lor 4 persona ; no top. Windsor Wagons, with vertleal steel plate*. J. B. BREWSTER A CO.. 143 Cast 9.1th si. A?. PLaNDKaU A CO.. , 373 and 374 Broome it Land ana, Victorias, Lsaoeniete, Cabriolet*, Vle-a-Vl*. 1 Carta, far summer driving. THR PLANHU KOAD WAGON, IHleu with mhber cusliieiitd a ilea, makiag a pt rlect running vabicla, A Bl'Bc'l .1 t/TY. At auction-thorough bred Jersey and Ayrshire Cattla, Imported aud from Imported, I'uesday. June 3-*i, at 10 A. M., Kaapp's stables. 4 7ih ay.; an 1 in ala on exhibition now; choicest of Short IIIlia, larm hero. P. C. PARLEY, owner. -Mil UlbrA, ALL SIZES, BOLOTOW.' BISHOP, ?enrner Grand ana Bishop sta.. Jersey City. Rut TenTm. W AOUNsl HA RN his POH I wT? uoreee, $13; Perm Cert*. CARTER'S, 33 Cortlamlt sk A?LADIES' PHAETON*. MlX-bkAT PH Alt l"i >.NS ; .Ham's natect giaas front Coupe; Itncaawny. little naud: lull assortn.eut of my uew style cut under i'epul Wagons. II AM. 43?l Broadway. GRAY HORSE. Dl IIAND*. ALL SOUND, PUR sale rh-ap l>)j Deleneey. VhITy" PI NK LOT 1 IP 'GOODS-PIN K HORSR, warranted sound anu kind, ean trot fast, togetbei with W agon, i'haetun. Harness, Uiuukete, Robe. Act: ranst be ?old at any price this we?a. Inqulro of OWNER. ;hw West 3lsl st. VKIll FINE 1'AIK <>P HAY IIDKSES-WiTitRANT. ed In every war ; also Una Wagon, fine Saddle and Dar n-as, llorss. Double aud single llararea, at half raiae. IBM Waal ?Ih at. A PAMII.Y LEAVING TIIR CITY WILL SRlL VERY low, at private atabla 144 West 18th si., handsome bar Horse, I3*? hands, young, ecand aud kind and sale 'or I*.lies'use extension tup I'havtoa, Pole and Shafts, ent nnih-r; also Pony Phaeton, with leather top; Mingle and Double llameea. In Orel class order. BLUE ROAM llGKMK, 0 YEARS OLIT, IVAIt ranted sonnri end kind ; abont $I,IHX); splendid animal. 1: 111 ur address I'. II. LKWIB, BIO W sehington Mnrket. A?4 lull I I if HRi'.Mslals IMI'IHiVED HiJi.iVy, .wlili tin# Harness, Wblp. Ac , cost $4''?> si* luuiiths ego; besullfnl top I'ony Phaeton, ebnap. Apply to coach man, 1 West I "nil si., near jth av. AHTO.NI8lll.NG IIAIIGAl N A ?CARRIAGES GIVEN away- ? llaiidaoine ealeiialen tup light I'haeton, wit 1 lamps, acuta four, 91.W; elegant top I'ony Phaeton, with lampa. $IU0: full spring tup llnggy, $93: llrew.ter Road \\ a ;un . One Humes*; ell uaeriy new. Jaaatre stables, 317 West 41st It. \ -WTLl~~TaKK AND SELL UN OOMMlBMfoM A Jl.tew Indies' and gentlemen's saddle llnrses, thorough br-ut and these nr.Ann to harnesa. ror pnrticnleri ad dresa. w 1 th.rtn script ion of horse, G.. G., O., box 1 Hi Herald ofllee. -TEN BUSINESS AND DELIVERY WAGONS, .all tlsee, V3Dto el 10; n?w, secondhand, for express, gr.??r, hntcher, nnaer, ailk, denot U3?f Spring et. A -13 HO Mai. hUIT A.NT PLIRPu.*E: WAOoNB send Harweea. IN and 141 C rushy, near hleeeker at AI -FOR MALE, TllltKE IIGllsEM; Still' FARMING, ?grocery, express or trncfcihg; trim given; must ?e sold nt ? an. rlficn. Inquire 107 Mereer St., naar Hleeciier. A mm PonY^T uitBOUT for s 4i.k? ia si x ikars old, 43 Incfiss high; ll dark elieetnet. haary white inane end tali 1 ie warranted aonnd and tree from nil vice: can be driven br a child fire years eld ; ala* twrveeat Warnd, Here***. Raddle and Bridie; for wsht of ess. One he ?aaaat 111 Ma* 3Btk ed M(ll!<iKS/l.UtIllA<iBS. rtil. A ?CHAKLKB W. H rtKfctt, XOcilWNBBR. stihM'LEM AN'S KIIAU turnout et auction, t?-mor rnW (Wtdnoxla.?), June .<5. ul Ii o'clock, hi HAKKEK & SoNi'is Now Vurk I attcrsall'*. corner ul Brnadwey end HSItii ?l., comprising handsome nod high r?-ed chestnut Trotting More lft(^ kisli, 7 yesri old. got by Daniel Unbvn; s prompt, stylish drivor; tun trot a full mile iu 2 :50 or bet ter : be n use t on tlie rood overv d?y end sold only lor went ot use ; warranted sound nod kind. lOP SIDE HAH WAllu.V, by Hrew.tar, ot Brooine St.; Mingle ttnruesn. Clothing, Whip. Ac AL.M) LADY'S I'H \ ETON OUTFIT, consisting of beau titnl bey Mere. 15>? high. 7 years old ; n perfectly sale and nigre'able oriver lor ladles or children's u-e: tearless of anything and warranted souud ana kind Onuopy top 1'iiar ton. scarcely toiled, by George l" Close ; pinitle Harness. Ac. The aboen stock now on view. A ecu. jo,invn> n7aucr i on i. e it. Office and Mart 25 Halt 13tta st. g | OM WEDNESDAY, J UN.. 26, AT 12 O'CLOCK, at ? the #!d Post office Building, iu Nassau it , 5 Til K K VKKY FINK TEAMS ol Carriage Horses. TWELVE VERY FINK llOKSEb, for road, lamily or any use. CLAltc.NCF.8, YIOTORltS, PHaKTOXS, lop ana "" i No Top Wagons; .Single and Double Harness. ?WILLI AM S. bi.\BY, aUCIToNKi- H. ShLLS . ai 4liit i;ro*dway. on W.nlnesdty, at lt)J< o'clock lot Harness (new and secoud baud), Sheets, K iboa. Sweats, Bluing saudlos. Ac Dealers, stabler*, backuieu and coun try storekeepers incited. A" LADY'a G~R GENTLEMAN'S TURNOUT At A bargain; bay Horae, 8 years, 1SJ.J hands, warrauted sound .ma kind: bus ul 1 saddle gaits: top Pony Phaeton and Harness; also Brooma at. Krrwsiertop Wagon; sell sepa rately cheau. 142 West 37lli it. AT Q RB A 111 A KOA INS. Stylish Cabriolet, used 4 times; eost?B0t); prion $473. T Cart, second baud. In good order. C spring Brett. $3iX>; Park PUuelon. $200. A. T. DEM Aitb.Vl A Oo.,?2S Uroadway. a ? SKCONO UANU LIOIM' LaNDaU, FIVH-OLASS Xjkel-nndau. Hrotts and Plinotoue, glass (rout Coaches, Top Hng.'ios, three new Coupes, live-glass Landau, at bar gains. Plf Nr.Y'S, 40<* 3d ay 4 CllA.sCh .-ELDOA1 OPFr.ltEU.? I'WO llOltaKS X\*ni' any hiixinos* : great sscriDoe; trial allowed. 107 East IHh St.. hrtwoeo 3d and 4t:> avs. A -Tor SALK-FOUit PAIR OF MUEE.-i; io BK ?sold vheup. Inquire 150 Last 24th St., between 3d and Lexington ur.s. T C$475 WILL BUY HOKSK. WAOON, HAUN.SS xV sBlsn het and Whip, cost one month ago; record nUo iwu niMunificent J'mk J'U*eton?, ne*t lour per uais, polu muu xh*fu; out? made hjr Bllvors. the other Uy Wood; Double and Sftiuto Harness to match; Windnor I'oey t'baoton. hue shifting leather top Wagon ehe >p lor cash. 114 West 27th St., near Bth av. HANDsOME, FKr.HH. DURHAM COW FOB SALE.? " eat nnlker. No. 3 West 13th at. t H2 JxOei A-CAKIUAChS OF ALL KINDS.?TOP hUOlJIKS, ?$85; Ponr l'hactons, $100; light extension ton Para Phaeluiis. $125. and other stylos, all iny own inuke. at manufacturers' prices and warrnnied OttUBb. 300 Canal. ~~ STwTteR TCP sYdk HAil BUOUV. $130. LIUlIT unslnsts Wagon, $45. Address R. AI.. 31 Cottage place B BEAUTIFUL SOUKF.L llAllb-WI'I HOUl A HI,. M tsk; <1 years III hands; Toronto Oblst and Patebaa stunk- _1T West 4tin st. /'tiutiAObe, U ABN KH8, LAP DDrtTKB<, 8li P,F.TS, VXdus.; Immense Iniiuoements; extension top Phastons, Pony jflinetoi.s, IlngHoa, Kuoknwayt. Jmnpseat. Depot, Road, Wagons, Ac., Ac.; soma second hand, $50 upward; Birsn<, magnificent assoruneut, Irom $6 40. JOHN MOORE, 57 Wnrren St. / NA^lHI ACKS.?C LVlN WITTY'S lOM MISSION OA It VAlere Wnrerooms, 15U South 5th av.; Repairing tthops, 55 Plalbusn sv , Brooklyn. AEKIAOKhT SECOND HAND T CART k>D PONY Fnaetn.1; every description of new Carriages; prices los^t work warr-nted. J. COLYEK A CO., 584 Broadway. CTONCORITtkUCK? AS GOOD A3 NKW-1'OLK AND JsEsdte; just (ho thing for Cnstom Hoase carman. In quire nt Bi'.LLEN'S atsble. lfiti and 158 East 23d St., be ts eon 3d and Lexington avs. PLll?AM' OAltrtlAUbS. Hi ' Every style tor town and country driving. We arc offering nl specially low prices Cm ?Xtcnsinu top Phaetons, tor one and two horses; superbly finished T Carta, Norwich Wagons, Victorias. Cabriolets ? d Vle-a-vis, DoMt Wagons; Ladies' PUnetviie. great variety ot stylos, > Our prices are alike at our wsrerooms and eur snanulacturv. 127. 120 and 131 Park st.. New Haven. Pasties buying Irons us save citninlasmns and dealers' profits. A. T. HKMaREST A CO., Established 1800. wareroomt 028 Broadway. OR HALE?A IOP PHAETON; SEATS FOUR. AND sblld's scat Inside; bn'.lt by Heardslev; In good order; will be sold cheap. SIMPSON'S stable. 148 Knst 3!?th st. Fok paTeTTink" YOUNO HORSES, FROM $30 TO $?0, at407 West 52d st. I?0R sali. at a ti.tbA'r SACUiric e?sty lis n", " tlno bred Kentucky .Mare, 10 bands blub, H years old, porfuctlr sound aud geutle, with PUuetou aud Harness; price. $.f-'.'>; owner going to Europe, -t. Ceriualu Hotel Htsblo, 22d St., between 4th and Leklngton avs. AOR HA-Lb?aEOOND UaND DUNmOOMB LIOHT Doable Harness; also Lady's Hiding 8addle. 064 Urven wieh st. jTiuR NVLE HANII80MK HAY MARK, 1A\ Hli.H. 8 I? years old kind lor lady to drlrsi also 1 u .stou. Har ness; s bargain. 58 West 15tU st. F~ OR cALk ThrBP." ?)TTFOUR OOiiD WORK OR Oarrtn s Horses. Inquire at lumber yard loot of 47lb at., North Elver, lor two days. IjV~ii HAfit CHF.AP?A VkRT HANDSOME, 8T7L1VII ' Horse, It) h ads high, sultab.e for aayuae; wnrrantod sound and alaiL 110 West .'Kith st. F"tllt SALr? YoUNt; CANADIAN HORSE, TOP CON cord delivery Wagon, linruean, togother or separate^. 238 .-prlng st. LHhTTa LB-CHUNKY iTuiLT KOaN CART OR r Truck Horso, 10 bands, 7years; warranted sound. Kind. 310 Htalsmi. pOR BALr?HAY II0HBK, 15^ HANDS, B YEARS Fold; warrnutod sonud and kinn; will show 2:45 on Fleetwoosf trarR In etugta or double harness; never ban dlea ; price $5ua W. II. lllLLKUA8n, 147 East 24th st.. New Yiirk. HKaVY. STTMHtl PHaBTUN; BLACK lloKHK' warrant*) Hound and true; reapnnalble party trial of a w.ek: price low. AiMrttn MAD180N, llarald ufflcn. HA ,Nr.8S, HO It.SB A.NO WAGON Wa.NTkU--.IMT ? hla for delivering gooda; mutt b* cheap, but atrong auti good. Addreaa tt ROGER, Herald oflleo. HiiKSk, TOP KXPRKS8 WAGON AND HARNESS, it; Horaou, #65, *05; Dollrarr Wagua, 340. 157 Waal 10th it. LIVERY 8IABI.K 9om 8 A LB MTIl.Il STOCKKI) AND doing food bwelneee. PrtoclDala only apply 10 to 1 P. M. HASTINGS. 4 Kant Hanaton at. LADY'S TURNOUT. HAY MaKM, MI1aM)v warranted ?iiund ami kind ; Top Pony l'U .etna, liar nam. Kobe and Whip; cheap. 317 Weat 4mh ?t. Light duubli. iiak.nk.-8. littlc. usf.d. m.yuk hy Dunncorah, In perfect order; will be auld choup for want of na*. BUNT sBi.l.. II a rain office. PONY WANTKD-FOU PHaKTwN ??K 8AUULK Usk. by a tlrmd boy ; moat be aonnd. atyllab and thoroughly trailtla. Apply at 3IU Wrat CM at. SKCOND IIANU L NDAULhT?IN PF.RFKOT order; Uwpot Wagon, with eat nnnor. top taily'a I'hee ton, Goupe, Glaieuoa. Rratr, marie aaat too Wagon and no top Wagon, rorr Una; Wlndaor Wagon, exteiylon top Pliaaton, two.aant Cm lain lloraawayu. loupe Uaaaawav, by Broweter; light am-aeat Knok?way ; Nu'ky, S'-'O. GRAY, .OaKi.H A CO., Brondway and IRMfc at. SB A SON A It l.h CARRIAGES. Victorlaa. Cabrloieta. T Carta, rxtrnalon top Pbaotopa, lonr-paaanngar ? pan Phnetoua. toiir-p*?.eager Surrey Wa gona, top and open Pony Phnetoua, canopy top Pbnatooa; aararal atylea, ut prior a to anit the lime*. W M. II. UKAY. *> and 33 Wnnator at. T O LKT MONTH l.Y IJ A HlilA IK AN|i SPAN OK BAY iortea, with careful driver. No. 110 Weat TKUh at. \AJ AN. KU-KOtt U) WKKK.s, A PU-Y PIlABTON, it wlih unlet tlorae or Pony, of which the raiy bn*t of care will be taken. Addreaa, with temia. for out week, RAND >L II. KOOTK, b. n**r, 7ll Broad*ar. WANTKU-BY A WH0I.B8AI.I- LIQUOR Dl A I. Bit, a good lamily Horae with or without Baggy and IIar neaa, la oxrhangs for liquor* Addraea ti? box 117 Ileraid blUce. w fASTED-A TOP I.IOIIT WAOOIt, IS OOOD 1 order; no dealers Addr??e. etatlug low eat ceeh price dnieker, J. k. Y.. herald nOtca. WANTBD-ONB LADY'S AND ONE GENTl.KM A N'S thoroughbred (addle Horae; ateo geutto, combined ?addle aaa heraeaa llerae. Addraea, with doacrtpttoa and luweat price, T. D. Ii? box I1U Uerai.l ether w r ant TO HUT POK GASH?LIGHT H1NCJLK Truck or expreee Wagon; btn be cheap. W.J. khV8,M WTpat 15th aC \v 7ANTED?CORSE TliA, Can TRi T IN j;jo, IB ' exehauge tor Farm. Apply 11M We?t 4th at L. A. KINNKT. 4 Or u good work HoMwRs, ao young mucks. in I ennaylvanla; nail ??* told. 5 J J Weat 34tli at. - - PON loP BUSlSKHs DKI.IVKRY WAGON, IN order; kxpreat W agon, Phi 418 Weat .MHh ?t. $55| t> I 4 r -HRBWrtTftR IMPi.OVBU 8PHl.Ni. IOP JJpJL'XtJaBuEgy and Saw llarneaa; alto hendaoa* top Pony Phaeton ar.d fit:I >pring top Hugry; very cheap. Boarding liable, .VI Waal loth ai. ISC KAMI' 33d r?|-. ? IIA I. MA IN*. ON K K I. EGA NT J ? )?'light ratenGon top two aeat ramlly Gerrlage, alao on# Sue lop Pnny I'naetnn. cheap. Gome and tee. $.1,-11 ?IIANDS.IMK TU itNOU f-HAY MaHK. 15)* )'"?Hanoi high. H yaara old; haiid-omn. rentla. a?un.l;lowtnp l'ouy Phaeton end Marnoae. ii Wuo.tur font onicK morick. VeFlch Ni?*nar _ I lie Foreign Mitha lor the week ending Matorday. Jane 3D, 1878, will ciu.e at ndtee aa Tneaday, at 11 A. N., Inr kuropa, oy ale*m?hip Glty ?f New York, na Qeeeeetewn; on W *dne*rt?y, at 11 A.M., lor Knrnpe, by atoantahlo Algeria, via Qnoenetourn leorreapona.nca for Kraae* to na tor war.led by thin ataainer maat ba ap-ciall.y addreaaed), and at 13 M , Inr France tin art. by ateamahip, via llavre ; na llinradaj, at llldU A. M , for MfefN bf *ts?ni?lnp A.lrl ?nr. via Qneeenati.wn (corrr<pend*a*a inr Germany and I rune* to i.e rif warded by thia atbamar innat be apedaliy addremno). and at 13 >l? for France, liermaey, Aa, by atengtahip Sn< via. via Plymouth. Cl.arboarg and llaiunarg lorraanaaneun; for (.real Britain and the t onilaeul to he lurwartfod by tbia -teainer moat ha ap. daily addreaaed); on Saturday, at 11 :30 A. W? Inr Derinniiy. Ae., by ? toamdlip Nacxar, via Hnnil.amptnn and BfMMh io..rra*p..ndei,< a i.,r G eat nrltaln and tl.a Gnntinent t<> na lerwardbtl by tula ?teamer mud bo apectelly addreaead), end at 13 M. fur Europe, atedniahip City el Che-ler. vie tlneeaainwn (Cnrre for Gerinan.rand snotlaed to be lurwuidnd by till* eteainer innat lie epetialiv u.idie?? di, end at 13 M., for .Scotland, direct, l.y eteamaliip Uevania. via Glaagew. I he alcatnabina Gity of New York, Algeria. Adriatic and City ?i Ghe>ter ilo nottake lualla for ll.-nmari, Sweden and Norway. Thu maiia l?r IvingHinn, Ja., laava New Tor* June 37. I In, m il* for Itayll, Savanllla. Ac , leave New Verb, June 3)'. The mailt or the W eat Indiea an.lVene annla leave New York J una 30. The mall* for Aaplawall and Snatn Par,lie porta leave Now York. July I. The mailt fnr Ghlea and Japan laare Han Ftanritee July ft. The n. .Ha for Anetralia, Aa lanve Han yr-i- rl*co Jnly rt. Post urrica. Haw t mt. Jnua J3, I87s, I 11 us. I. J AM F.N, Pot I matter. 16th et NllSlUAIn rrir ^ t RGPRMtoB, 1MJ* Weet tmnmmrpTATwi.K8a.TNi, tr'W??riro? itr* if Freneh Hen?. Artdreee t~ 11 T% ??***?. E ST AT ? ru It SAliK. ?? Central. ^ ' " A SHORTMKNT CHOICE DWKLLINGH?MODERATE Aprtci: own production j send lor description. DUUGIN A i'IIUHSMAS, architects. 63 Emt lint. Full SALE?III tUliH ?Nli L'IT. 25X100. MkUIW rout tor cwk; no <r Madison or.; exchanges considered. V., bos 128 Herald Uptown office. }poR hale, a bako vin?two loth. northhahr ' corner Boulevard mid 111th at . and two a.itolnlnu on 111 ill at. Inquire EUtiE >M McKNid E. 258 and 200 Broadway, oorucr Warren at. IN TUh EVENING TELEGRAM, 1 SPKi'l AL DE-PA lOllhS, WITH FULL REPORTS OF THE LATEST RBVK LATION'8 OF THE PU7TEH IMYBHTIG ATI NO COMMITTEE. EVERY MO it. IK YOU OK YOUR KRU NO WANT A FIRST CLASS 25 root front lour elory tlonie. lliiiahad (throo doora) In hard and cabinet woods, look at No. 22 East 07tUal.,oue door Irom Madison tr. K. Zfl'T .L. l,o2rt 3<i ??. OOOu W1U' MUV A Nli:K r"KKE ?TOK* histh a|oo|i House; only $4,000 cash required. Cull en OWNER, 42 Lexington av. Euat Side. F^OFt hale -valuable tenement propertt in Cherry at., and alao valuable Stable Propony In 39th St., near 5tli ar. Apply to W II. 11 t.NllY', Herald office. West Side. For .sale or to lbt-four story factory Buildings, 155 and 157 VVeat IHtii at., covrriua two Iota; well ll.-lited and suitable for any uiHtiufut nrui purpose; price. filH.HUO, on oasy terms; reul. SI 8<XI per year. Ad dress LOU8 k WILLIAMS, 225 Weat Atith at. WKSTt lIKSTKlt COI NTY PKOPEitTY FOR IALB OR TO KEJiT. Forh'ale or'to LfeAHh?roau fiotf3?b"oS cBHT tral a?., doliip a uood basinet*. luqulra O'UKIE.VS, Central av., one-half mile aiiuve the bridge. rjjlO IlKNl FLKNI-.HP.Jj, 50MI.NUI ES FROM ClTY, 1 specious Houee. with beautiful lawn, plair.a, ebeile, stable, garden, co?, poultry. Ac.; niicli end healthy. near depot. Owner, Captain LVON, Wlnio Plaiua, 7. \. PROPERTY OUT OF TI1K CITY FOR BALE OR TO UKVI'. i h pEkndi iVVa ic.m or "si acHc.^rwfrfr5?3C1t 2Ynull farming Inipleiiiont*. at NotiniM, Rockland county, one ball mile irom depot and 211 dies trum city New York, lur raiu or exchange. Buildings large and good; Uve upnle orchard*; plenty ol'all klmla fruit: bve greenhouses, and poultry house, accommodating I.ikm lowla. M. K. CKASTO & SON, 17H East 1251 It at. Another fine kkrnch ko k house for aalo? Platntield, .V. J., cheep a* last aold ; 11 rooms, *11 Imnrovemaul*; large irrounoa. well kept; barn ; S4,nO-i; very little cash required; Irult and tbade; finely located. Call on er uddroaa M. M. THorN. At newburg.-to let uhrap FOB THE sum. mer. a beitiitllnl cunufry Residence; fully lurniabed; tlx acres; pleut.v ol fiade; cow. trarden mado, Ac. Apply In Inrniture store ;>tfI Broadway (Country iesipknceh to rknt-purnished Jtxiiii unfiirnlibed. Westchester county. Long Island nud NewJoitey. Will.MS I f.It A CO., till i aet 23d st. YjNAKM, 20 AOBK-i, I.N CITY OK K AIIWA Y-8PLKN Jd did grove for picnic* or buer warden ; fruit, lino truck ing. hennery tor 200 lowl* ; pari caab, part mortgage part New Jersey Central at 35c. Address owuer, A. J. KlTlKR, Railway, N. J. L">()[t Till. SUMMER OK LONUKK AT 11 f.MI'STEAD? C Plen*ant House, in nerlect order; 10 rooms; carriage house; lame yard; gardun planted. KAN8UM, 34 Maiden lane. upoR SALE-COUNTRY RESIDENCE AT MAT.v l wan, N'. J.,29 mLee Irom New York, on I.onir Krancb Railroad; bouee, baru, lour acre* ot iiwul land; pleaaent location; youmr fruit, Ao. G. T. LAIN, 212 Montague st.. or Matawan, N. J. IjNor sale at a bargain?a uood farm of 20 1 acre*, near Morrlstnwn, N. J., with Bulldintt* and Stock, urioa $2,000. Apply at 294)? Canal St., bstweeu 1 and 5 1'. >1. STAMKOKIA-VALUAULK 20 ROOM MODERN' Dwelling, etablas and elitbt acre*, Belonging to 0. K. Ilill. I'.?q.. at auction Thursday, June 27. at 2 o'clock K. M. Sa'e positive; term* eu?y. Location on Norotun Ilill, one mile east of depot, close to Sound; boating and fishing and atfjolne elegant country seat*. Till* te a sulci.did op. poriunity, expect to sacrifice, and no reasonable offer will be reluaed. IIUHBARD. l'ark row, Stamford. Conn. mo LET?AT K.VK KOOKAWAY, KURMMiKDaND li * * * ' .... .. . unfurnished Room*. Apply to J J. HPKLLMa.V TO LEI-l'iiE NEW HOTEL ON LITTI.K NECK BAY. 3*4 miles from Flushing; will be aompleted July the let. Inquire of J. CKOCMEKON, Browsr House, corner 28th st. uBd Broadway. rilO Kr.NT?TWO FINK ClUN'TKY RESIDENCES AT API " - 'lalnnrld. N. J.: can be bed at a very moderate prire. AnplytoJOHN P. tl'NKILL, No. 20 Nassau St., room 11 19 acres TO LLASR-II1CK.SVILLK, L. L, NEAR XAwldenot, partly under cnltivatlon; good hulluiiigs; house Inrulsbod; $150 per year, laqulro 15 Otbar.,up stair*. KKAL KMT ATK TO EXCHANGE. SSOKTMENT IMPROVED CITY 'PROPERTY, LATk pur,'bases, lightly mortgagod, lor Lots, nsw or old ward*.free. FINN, W Broadway IjdliK HALE ?OR EXCHANGE FOR A FARM OR 1 Country Seat frre and clear, or Merchandise, five ele gantthree story brown stone Houses, near Central Park aud sapid transit. L CtiRNIBII. 5ih av. and 59th st. Loth?finely located, krkk and cuKaii, iik lew ttOth st.. to trado tor good improved Property. Ad dress A u., Herald offleo. To EXtni amie?manufacturing property on Potomac River, et (leoiqatowe, U C. water power, steam euytne and machinery unencumbered, ler Keel Es tate Hi Brooklyn or New York. Address H. F. C., Poet office, Brooklyn, N. Y. REAL ESTATE WANTED. fffifiAH, lodTsTana and AliKTN^AiTWitJjTASrD X le tracts; low price. Oweere only eodress SPECU LA IOR. Herald office. WANTED- a KOUR STORY HTONK HOUSK. 33X35 leot front, with all modern Improvement., between 6rtlh nnd 73d ate. anil 4lU and Bib nve aiata priee aau (all partleulara, C ASIl. box 8,lit) foil nfflco WANTED tO PURCIiA-8-POK CAS If, A TliOT IS Wowltan Ctmlerr. UKO. CHaUVIn, Daily Newi offlee. 1KM' tit CI' tO A. Curb it a, b Jiiii EKK f fS cl~a'k ffirSTKirT? H s 1 tuaoahlp, apelllnx ; auinioer torn* redeem! nearly ana* ball. I tINB. #2 llgwirji. Uptown. th/7 Broadway. BOOKKI.KI'I.NU. I'K.\ M A N.-ll 11'. AC . TAUUIlT practically day and Waaler all aniiiniar, at DoLr H BAR'S Commercial College, 1,1'.CI Broadway MISS MAItV K. IIaRT. OR KARMINOTON. CONN., ho haa bean long ami aueeaaalullr occupied with tho care and Inatruction ol childi-n, d-ilree to reeeive into her tamlly 5ia or aix children noanr 13 years of ay.. l'oronta J-eltar* of laqnlrr may he adoreaaed either la Mlae llart or to bar Irinno, Mlaa Sarah Porter, Kannlnaton Conn. W ANTRD? t TKACII Bit OP MATH KM \ riCB AND Tf Military Tartlet. Apply to Mlaa M. J. YOUXO, Ameri can and I'oraUn Teaahnra Airnncr. 3d Cnlan *qnar?. \v xst Kli-Tit~ViJMLmiXglL~ WANTBD-nKCOND flAXCrHILVIiBsMlffTtOoia, aneli aa plain, border, mill or epaon Kollera. Cutler*. Lathe. Ac. Mr. Addreaa, with loll partleulara. la III.MlV J. SI HICK, Orange V alley, S.J. XX.' ANTKH?PJO IO .V?l POLDINO PAItQUl.T TT ebalra, lor a VToatarn tliaolre. Addraae bax 8.31".! Poat cilice Vt, ANTED TO PUKCltAHK-A HOTEL Olt KES I aU" IT I . e rant. Ad.treae, atatlox location, tor two day*. A. B. o. llerald Uptown MM OAlVClVt. AUAOK11IKS. CAKTl EK'S DANCINo AC A llEM V. N UNION HQl'A It Re open all eamtunr; prleato laseoiia any hear; glide ape e tally: lady aealatanta. PIA\OFOHTK?. OKCAM8. AC. y -/OK KENT. UPlllllllr, esJUAilK AND OltAMO AaPI'tM of onr own make : alio lor eate ana ract a nam. ber of liar a-rontl hand "lam**. la perfect order. WILL IaM KN auk a Co.. 113 5th ay., above IBta at. AN MWlrBUI OK MtOyMD hand ST. l.tA V V Piano* at a bargain: alio. Plane* ot alher raakara, nutria* froin AdU upward : apaclnl Indoeeinnnta on * num ber ol Steinway Concert and Parlor l.remit. aome but lit tle need, ell In pert-it order end tally warranted ; beware ot bngat tiaet.'ttment*, reprwaented aa (aualae stelnway ptanoa, at nnMic end private aalaa. (.TRINWAY A HONS, Stain way II all. New Verb. AOHIUIMMU QPBMlt rtAMNlCB-9Ui aacrtuce or rant very cheap. HlDDLr.'H, 18 Weverloy olaoe, near Broadway. AsTONIsIIINO BAItOAlUs P'?K OASH.? NP.W Ptanoa. $100; tbia weak only, overstrung 7 oeta.e, A.lAA Orraor. $80. Pedal Organ*. $B0. I-nw ran**. tioRDOb A SON. 18 ll..t 14 h e*. A? PI ANOFORTKlt AMI CABINET OI.UA.V-. ? H.nuiifnl Uiltaft Crend PUno. price A1HO, only 54.'>; auperb ilrani Sqnar# Plena-, prtae Al .If* t, onlv $3-"> >; e **aut t'arlxbt* price rstat. oniy MD| Upright Pi-nam, $113 AO; Organ-, A to I Organ*. twelve atopa, 933 Srt; ctinrcli Organ-, al mnyn atopa, prlee$80>, only $115; elegant k87f> Mirror I op Orpena. only pilXt. Iluyera rnme and tea mo -t home. It I ent not ae Iapreaantaa railroad paid botb way* end piano or organ given free Large lllu-trai. n n-wapnp-r, wltii much.Intorniaiioii anont mat ol alaiiw, nryint, free. Addrete DANIEL P. BRATTY, Waebtngtnn, New Jeraev. t sTKINWAY rOU'K-KOUNII AMI till K; K t- Kl NO /W'pngbt Pleno, at auction lltla iTiin.ilayj mo-aluy, 1 <a o'clock: elao rich llnn-eimld Kunuture. Private raai denca No. 44 Meat lllth at., between 5tb nndlltb nan. A PRIVATE KAMII.r WILL Si.LL sTilNWAf Piano orte cl75: 7'. ooteva, lonr round, raaawwafl. In leld marouetry e t-e Plana, e aacriflea; cabinet I prl,;ht Piano. Hot for ahlpplax: aik year*'guarantee: In a-e f -ur man the I nil private realaonna 41 Waal Ibtli at , between Alia and Alb ava. A-NTEINWAY PIANO Klin fl.m.-PKI VATb 1 AM ally offer lot rata their eleennt 7^ oeteva roeew..nd Pianoforte, cnat $|.(M*I elx montha ecn.f r Alibi; boa ta alii?>; al-o cabinet (rand a prenl aaciinoe. Call at private reatdriico Ml \ieat 14tE at., l elwe-uMih aadTth eve. APr.W MKCOND IIANII MKHHK I'IaNOS AT VKKT xrwat Imr ? %ln?; tome of them need bat n rrrr ahwrt time by oar beat mn-tetana, and really airnoat aa ipand a* new hiliy wairanted In every reao-eu Ptaaaa call at tne warero out. 5th av. and Ulih ?L LAI'V WILL sKIjL KOAI.WrUob 7 OC1AVH i l'lnnoiorta, (H5. Keililanaa. IIM 3d aa.. nanr 13th ?l Ha/.KLION SKOS. MANU/ACl Ifrtc.Hs It AND 8 1 Unlvnikltv Blare, nave a laifa aaaortmant ol now an I aecottd hand Piano*; aome ol tha I attar a* (Uail at new) will toa nolo or rentod aa nrlcea an aait tun tinea ).? C MnCIIEn, 4 ANIJPaO f U anii - OK UP erl|bt and Itqunm Ptanoa, warerooma 43S. 435 Wcet -Mth at.; ftrat rlaaa Plane* at inodareta prteea, aaaond hand PlaaiM varr ob-ap 1>l ANOs ANll Oku ans kxikkmrly Low iuk X eaab on amall monthly of quarterly paymenta, ar ta let. In aity or mantry, Irani t-4 unwero. IIOKACI'. WaTKH A sONN, 40 East 14ib at. STECK PlANOA NRiV AND sRt.uND IIANU, At pyant bar pain*; Pianoo take* aa Harare; new rtrv roome. 11 I'.aat I4M at. ' IT/ ANIKU-WRBKH ON itllnM*AV PUXUfAAth vT In axrh*n?? for alerant velvet and alik Preaaaa, cheap tor eaab tall er naebaara cheap AUf aeraa of Land nti llalnwara Klvar, Pennavlvaata, nanr Phlladalpkla. lar Dry Itaadn. Urwaartaa ar Planilmlaa. M. HAi*L> IA Baa* I4tb IE uvuikheits. ffvrtif "dfffc5T""NKmTYOki;" T?jrr7tn. X iimdv ijr und -?-ir.h *L Wnndertul parfurmnncea of the celebrated trotioe of TRAINED MONKEY*. DOES i SD GOATS, fro to tha Knjf?l Aqutrjitiii, England. ptrlormiuq p iiOAmhoo otiti p'aya I'ko human belli.-*. Mom novel niiertaiiiuieul erer giv?n in tlit* cllr. Living Octnous, or el ;hl urtued Devil I i*h ; Toc.IihI Ki*he*. AMPHIBIOUS ANIMAL*, CHIMPANZEE AND BABE MARINE WDMihltf. Admiiaioe, 50 cema. Children bell ptice. Coney l?l?nd Aauariuin mtvr open, with it.a calibrated troupe ol Broach# II iT?r?. On ?cparnl? exhibition in the library ot the Aqoarlnat, op *tair?, iroin 1<> lo 1J A. M., 1 to 4 ami 7 to U P. M., ma wonderful St. Beiisit Twin*. UOSA and MARY. Ureatent natural curio-lty tlie world erar taw. Two hun lanmo olilidron wiin una body. Entirely ili.tlnci in natural l.uicli'me, thinking and actiug ?et?nrittelr. A pevcmilogic and ohyalolo inal atndy. Intereatlng i? ladle*. phre'rl iu* and I'm public generally, aDMIssIu.n, u.5 CENTS CHILD SEN. IB tn-.fim. S" T4NDAKD THKATRc., li"iT<>a lTw aT a .N i/hiTo"? AM. HhMJl- ItSON ....... ...Propriator ?nd Manager LAST ELEVEN MGIITS OK TllK -KAON. THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, JUNIi 33, will be preseot?d thu LONDON VKHSION OP FRITZ, introdn log Mr. J. K. EH MIST aa PR1TZ, In a new and more n 11ruble form. m:w pOemem, incidkn r?. xc. LAST "PltHZ" MAjPlNBE, SATURDAY. 1 :U0 P.*. Friday, Iuly 5, last nlxbt at Mr. MM..T enauflbetee* ann. Scuta fur uny ot the (Seeing night* can now ba te enrad. 1>AKK THKAfB " TH K 1,1 NOAH 09. , HENRY K. ARIIRT l.o?<r? anil Muna^al Erarr Evening (luring tho wo*k and Saturday Matinee, lor the tirat time in New York. Gilbert'* char mini? eccentricity, m one aet. CREATURE OP IdPUL-K. To ba followed by LINOAi.D SKETCHES. To conclude with II. J. Byron'* tnccaa.lui comedy (AND LAST WEEK OK) OO U r KRB RUM GO I * sss O 0 U V H K H n O O Y. Jf 8 8 O O H U H K B BO O T T i o O u U KRR !I"B o O YY 888 O o 0 v R a ii n o o r _ a OOUURB It II O0 T > _8 00 UU it U BliB OO V 888 (by apeclai perini>ilnn of Mr. Augu*tln Daty), now In It* fourth year in Louden, haunt; bcon plitytd at the \ ainlevilio Theatre I.I'm ronaiicutira tlmea, and olao plated hribn EINGAi-DS In the Iheatro Royal, Melhoitrnn. Anttralla, with crane ?ncrea* t? crowded houaea for eight eoimecuttvo weak*, and in Nuw Zealand nearly 80,1 tlinn*. Note.?"Our Hoy*'' 1* now clean for tho flr*t time In Non York In It* original ututo, aa Mr. Byron wrote It HAND opkkT hTm*se. " POOLE A DONNE ELY' Loateea nnd Manager! Reeerred Seat* (Orchestra circle and italeony), 50a. Engagement for one week longer and pualtlrely laM week of BRYANT'S MINSTRELS. BRYANT'S MlKSrUKI.8. Immediate hit of tho lunniot Ethiopian comedian Being, Pbilaualphla'a farnrito. Mr. HILLY SA'KATNAM. Mr. BILLY SWH vTNAM. In addition to *11 the treat coinedtani ITaghey Doagts erty, Little .Mac, Dave Reed. Ernest Lindon, Billy Bryant, Orilllu and Rice. J. M. Norrle, Eddie KuX. U. W. Hurley, Arthur Cook, Ac. MtTIN EES WEDNESDAY AND SkTCRDtY. MONDAY. J uty 1, flr?t production of a new and powoi* ful drama by Barlloy Canmball, E*<| . entitled TllK Villi 1. ANTES. G GlLMORE's UAitDi.N. SUKuIOAN SHOOK AND E. O. GILMOUB...I^enees THEODORE THOMAS' GRAND SUMMER NIOHTS' OuNOKBT*. THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, JUNK 33. FIRST COMPOSER-' MO lir, MKNDKLSSOHN (1S09-IH47). Soloiata?III** FANNY K E LLoOo. Soprano, M"*i>r?. K Berguar, VlnlonceMo; F. Duioken, I'I ana* Uewalt, Pieper, Sekmit* and l.ntee, Horn Quartet. PRotlRAM.MK. OVERTURE, Calm at sea and I'roeperooe Voyage. QUaUTET, lor French lierna Mwut OKWaLT, PlEl'ER, SCHMI7 Z and Lotan. SYMPHONY NO. 4. In A (Itallani Meudelaaahw FAIRY OVERTURE. Melotlne. CONCERT ARIA, Intelicu, Mi>* Ka.N.nY KKLLOGO. ANDANTR PoR VIOLONCELLO ND PIaNO, Mc?*r?. K. HI.RONER and K. DULCKKN. MIDSUMMER NIuHI'S DREAM, overtare; nottarmwq Wedding Marco. W' lLTZ, Ufa Let Ue Chrrith SONG. Clochette ... ?......Molloy MIh PANNY KliLLOGG. OVERTURE, Zampa Harold Oenerat admlnlon, ftde.; mereed aoot* (for tble night); 75c. ; but**, admlUmc (our. 8<; package ticket* of 13.85. Nib lo's"oa r d k x7 " OaRDNUK a RACIIE, MANAOBKB. TIIE COOLEST IHEATRB I.N I IIE OITY. A RESERVED SEAT FOR 50 CENTS. ASTONISH IMi SUCCESS OK TllK GREAT UNI08 SQUARE IHEATKE SENSATION J A 1'EI.K HKaTBD CASE MATINEE WEDNESDAY nnd itAI URDaV at X ?Jy6ny" PASTOR'S. TONT PASTOR'8 385 and 587 Broadway. MONDAY EVENING. JUNE 24, ONE WEEK ONLY. Tha larraat and moat eomploto Show on earth. TUB ACME OP MENTAflONAL KLBUaMCE. The original and only victoria loptos tkoupk or British bloitdsb, BR KB ATI OR Ak BOBLK^QOK ARTISTS. AND BPAN1SU DARCKE* Tbo apartllng exeellenee of Parlnlen Soreltp. TBI ORRAT BURLKSyiTp. EXTKAYAOaNRA, ATALANTA. or tho KKMALB ATULKTBR Tbo Fbwaegrnpliy bp Prot Wbetrtene. Tbo OflH Facaal* i* mi Racing rieanc. Tve Latoct Maaieal 11 Ho. ELKOANT COSTUMES, IlKAUTIPUL BOKNBRT. THK CELEBRATED CKl.i'.Nt BALLET TROtTPR, introducing tbo opulih Henaetien. LA TORMIDOK U) LA UINI) KTTK. EVERY EVKMNQ AT R MATIN KK TO-If AY AT 3 O'CLOCK. c AUKMOKNfe. THKATlth, XM (L, adlaoant Brood wop. I. W MACK MiftMuKtr Tho moot iror^oon* oo'l onlmool Amuc-mont Tompio la tho world. Tbo Knirli.h Blonde*, Deurtng on tlie Oreea. Koacmnud Hlctara, Uildap and Lawloa, ','arria Bethel, Hparke Brother*. Ada ttoahet, Paunp Mandtoru, Mllife Al? doa, .Soiree Deaeete. llcaulp an t Fnanlna. Admiaalon to Promenade, Theatre and Hoi ma. Ma. RhKLR'" ~T Tv O lTTu KaT Kh7~ Ptb at , botwaon I'd and lid ava Tbo irmatott Varletp Hhow In America, proaoaareo bp tho pabtie and |irn>?. Lma Dolmap aud 11. it. Arclior, Ilia Mubee Brother*. leiinp Kepnold*, Mile. Kraiialnl. Devlin an i rrecp. Mice Matrap, A.tola Pagliert, the oreateat premier deiiaou*". with t ie Orvet Vlanna llailet Troupe, ean.latia.' af 3D h'aotlfal ponng daneara, aud Iho aiicc-ec of lb* aeaann, Tho haeapad Cearirt* Matinee Iburadav and tatardap aruiraooa* aluoHundat rnld*lgbk? liraud Holiday Matlnea Jnlr A rnuuMaK oard. r?KHibAr~/ufiK as. A M*h at., between ltd and l*exlaaton are (IRANI! nllM 'll-.K NIUII I MILIl All* OOMJKRTS, riliiMKM AllliS A Nil HKUKPllON Dan aNTKH. KaUKK'n Peleorated ORCIlKhlltA and Milltarp MANIA Theemln-nt PIaMHT n It NO it UONZtLu N IJN l< R Mr. 11antel I'faff ....................Ibeilooet r-elalat Mr. M l.IIam Kohlar I'm net tnlet*4 IliumiBatl'.a and the PARISIAN Kl.hCIHJ' I.MHTA. Cone ri Irom 7)t to ID; Promenad" and Hut Inns Kit* Adinmvlmi, Mle.: ladtea and . ntldraa. 3f>c ; reaerrad eeata, Tic Hex oBlce apau Thnradap and Prtdap, treat 10 to 6 o'clock. J. KMINaMLO MtNAOKR J. KAIIRH Mi) HI' A I. HICCCTtil S" (Kit A B I.Ed KVK'lY WKDN AMD A* AND hATUIlDvl afternoon and avenliui ?1 I'leaaant VaJlap. Ileal l?ara( Canal -u 3. .'S. "T'Ai 34th at. ten nloulri later. Oraud ea* Ira aueiabla Jalp 4 l Ai.Tln. t III Ml, Manager* T 'RBKMRRltk IIAi.L, 210 W KAT 4UTII ST. txl ?ulraiinael teata and Spirit i alktux, uadar, Tueadap and Tbnradat, 7|30 I'. M. LOLI*A WKeI BIuhiK. OALKMY IJK iu *IC.-TUi-BOaY AFTfcRNOOlt, ..Jaet 4' IW7h at 3 P. d benelll .fTIIIK IKI.NaUK HON. Manager the l..>nd"n The Oreataat Varlotp b*> l. ilam n -nl ever MbfOi I'e ? '! am it IN TUB It VMMS?? TKI,I d 1 It A M. ~~ hPECIAL UKhPA rciiRR, WITH PULL Iti.l'iiKI s "K I UK LATEST RKTB* LATIONH OP THE POTTRR 1 >VKS TI1 ? ATIJKt COMMITTtUL KVKKI NIOIIT BUO K.I N O H A M PA LACK. " * 37th IV, near Mtb a*. Kllia Meclablae nlgbllpi Oner a Honffa Marie; tbre* grand Parlera; tbeoonlaat and beat rratiiated I tall room i% the world; a eooiinrr Oardea ailacbed. SOCIKT* SOtaAB'Jbt "cVKltY lUhHKAY ANL MAIL nrdap erenlac, at I enlral P.rkOitrden IdHh at. a*d Ilk ?P. Klecai.t miiain. neutlcmen. ft M. Kadiaa rrae Minn K vTi MENXETT A HleTKh'' HWlMMlMCA' I'nrklali aad Hnaataa Hatha, Jllib at. a ad TH av. -Upt* Ballr ; Still 3, ladle.. it 'nilameo, 3 till It I Vt M !' MliKHMllj t'MBfltAL- PAltK IIA Kl?K."C V/.ilHi' at. a-.d Tin ac. - Take (111port Kleramd ltaitmad| runt till twaipo n'CKie.k. Kverr thnradap and Prtdap after. Been at three eVlaeV, epanli.R at eiuht a*alntlk, "B whin* e*. eaeleri the Hlehmoad dabtlaa rtnapawa will anpaar In tbelr konpa and daneea ; alto Hi.. Illyala will .law the fapnrlt* bealle a?n(, "I'rettr ae a Picture." Admi.aten, III oeatat palieir, 19 nenta. rree admt*ti'<a lo the camp > mam. /T A KIP PRlV Afl UMUIIt.h.UHL UMtftlK VyLIN. OUllAlt, IIINOINU. Unlrerailp. .01 WaretieP pleee. (Mrcolar* mailed. .I.J vY M ATRON Dlreeeer. A J Dill (MMIUb. X? ORKAT IIKOUCTIOM. ftanllemea't Bunta and Hhoae, Oraaa Itnnhle Hele, Cor* itnla.OMtera and Oxlord I let, Ac., at Rl Ml and upward, t/adtea' bee llulton Hnota, ,'3 .Vt. RI Ki Ml, Rt aad f-"> at BKiKtKS', t.lUO liruadwap, coraar 3ittb at. .niliLCIKlll AM# |IHI',V.1| VlilXU. MMK.n.Df. LaW, MHjtS""' ii'iiii'"ii -W \"i, uPVTTiTl one el the tanrt etqnlalle a-orlm at. of trimmed Bon net. Kixiid llata and Mnado llala raaardlMa af root, whtab laaliea ol raBaad taate Will apprealat-. ttllalalAflUR. XTWVrWAftRKoO d* OP II V. lUTfrCSTiTXTW J\ Hreadwap, ketween (Iraee Church and MtewarVe? But* lard raniee, new an I aeeond Band, la lekaat deatcaa; bed! puod. aud looaet ( illViliCAN hT~AN D A Rlt RI I.lTXiVd I A It LP n, N and teeendhand. II reouead nr rea; Balu, iiatha. 11 pa, Chaika (net, Ac. W.M. II. O it I PPI Tit A I O.. 40 V reap tk. Llo'.. BALK ?I iro PIK>r Ci. AH.1 l OLLkN DHH HE lard labia* Applf ak BlHeard Boeaa- BR RaawatM