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DESPERATE GLOVE FIGHT. Pete Lav/ler and John Mcore the Contestants. SOME VERY HARD HITTING. Thirteen Rounds in Thirty-three Minutes, Ending in a 'Draw." In an uptown room last ntgtit Pate Lawllr and John Moore (ought a glove fight (or $200 undor tho Martini* Ol Que*D?bury's rule'. The contest wait remarkable lor much htiril hilling, a groat degree ot cunning on tbo part ol one iba principals and a determination to dnmago each other as mncb as possible. It was agreed that the men should light (hiry mtnulus, It neitbar succumboil beforo ihat tiro*, and iben call itie event "a draw. " Both succeeded In holding out the required hull hour, and, ullboogh a satisfactory re. lull was not reached, the fight was tho best that bus been seen In NeV York for a Iwng tune. Moore is a butcher, and was born in New York. Ho Is twcniy-lwo years ot age and Inst night weighed 156 lbs. A light with gloves m Brooklyn, some tnno In the dim past, is tbo ouly pugilistic record of ibis young raau. Lawler was born In Ireland, ana has lived otgbt years and more in California. He Is twenty-three year* Old, end put up bis bands botore Moore, weighing about 140 lbs. I.awler, among other Qgbts. Is credited with whipping one Malouey in Ban Francisco, twelve rounds being re quired; also whipped Jlmuiv Kelly on the Cliff Ilouso road, same place, in twenty-two rounds, and caused lace>> Askers to tbrow up ibe spongo alter sixty-four rounds, In Virginia City Both were arrested by tbo police upon tbelr return irom ibe last mentioned con test, and, Lawler being balled, he quickly left for New York, arriving nore several months ago. Mickey Coburn was Luwler's socond, Pat Jordan altoudel to Moore and Biily Kelly acted as referee. tuu nuiiTixo. RocM> 1.?Moore stands an inch and a half taller thau Lawler. He was also in better physical fix than the Calliornia lad. IVbou the retereo started tbo ball, both came to tbe centre of ibe Iloor, wbioh bad been covered with suwuuat, and pulling therasolves in ulti. tudo commenced Ibu task. Alter sparring three or lour seconds Moore let uy Ins lull at tbe bead of Lawler, and being neatly stopped, ho tried tbe right, * inch tailed of the mark. Lawler tbeu began, and. shooting bis left straight into ibe luoo of Moore, caused thai Individual's leetb to chatter. 'Iba latter sent out his right, bitting Pete in tbe stomacb, when tbere was a sharp rally, ending in u buggiug embrace. Alter brouking away Moore landed bis leu very heavilv on laiwlcr's nock, successlully repeated 11 on Ibe ribs, when tbe latter tern a awingiog rigbt-hunder, which made Macro tremble. Another rally ensued, the beet of the Sibl ing mi on credited to Mcore, when they again clincUed. Upon separating ench reached the bead nuil lace ei-veroiy, tbe blows sounding all ovar ibu room. Then Moore essayed bis right upon the aiomacb of Pile, and upon being stopped me latior caught Moore a swinging ngbihanded blow upon the side ot tlio head which nettled the Yorker, and be w?s about to eqdallx-j matters when the re quired ibreo m.times wcro up. Kocsn if.?liotii cume quickly to tho scratch, their laces deeply Uusbed, and with bellows to tneud. There was no time losi, and Moore reoewod hie lorcing tacurs. lie succeeded in reucning Lv.vler's led eye, and with bis nghi tne side of the Califor man's tnuul, without a return. Again be sought Ins opponent's isce, but Lawier countorod him prutlily under ilu eye, and then hauging him tu the hiomaeu, there wa- a clinch. Again at the work, Monro sunt out his left viciously, but was out ot range, and Lawler rather more thuu squared matters by giving Moure a lerritlc riyhibanuur on the ear. Now Moore was vexed, and in one two order bo reached Pete's face and neck, when tbo luttrr again visiiUg Moore's oauiuged optic, tbo three mir.utos bad expired, l'bc audience was delighted. Kocso 3.?Uolii wore pulling uodly, and oueh bad a lump uuiler hi* lelt ejro. Monro tried hi* rt<Ut on Lawler'* atoinuch, and, bitting the mark, ho root aooltier homo on J.awier's l*ce, Ibe latter (.purring lor wind. Then the latter, seemingly tirod oi Mourn'* plar. arm hi* IcU lull to the Yorsir'a lace, uitd also reucned bi stomach. A rally i nsnca, during which botn delivered nod received terrible blown that tnade them wince, hot iho punishment waa voori humored I,v received, Alter a cl oeii and a breakaway Meoro sent lnalelt and right lull In I,aw Wr'a face, when the latter ahet out Juts right with a determinulloii 10 exterminate Moore, but Ibe blow win* out of raugo and t'ete (dipping, fell on one kneo, Which ended a Uriel round. liousn 4.?The men wore patting badly and the left aide of tBeir lace* boto the handiwork <d the pre vious rounds. Moore begun tno bn*itiee*aud landed lit* left lightly no Lawler's lecc and also tent hi* right raiber heavily on the head, l.awler being ou the de fensive all the time. Moore ilnding lie was so ancccatiiul aruln snot out bit* left, when be wrus Oral I v countered un the neck a severe blow not to Moore's liking. A olilica ami break followed, wrhsn i.nwlor got uomo with hi* lelt on Moorel-lace, wttn Moore giving a* good assent, yet Pete agile twice a.inuiervu hint in the ueok suu on the jaw, tbo blow tuundlng like tho ? lamp of o giant In tlie mud Now Moore rusned in, and bitting Lawler twtco In the lace, tbo Callforutsu cunningly got out of the way ol tba bouvy gun*, sod wheu Moore agalu rcncheo him Pele slipped, ono Knee reaching Ibe floor. While in this aliunde Moore was about to strike l'ele in llie face and bis band did lightly roach the mark, boi discovering hi* mistake, hastily withdrew it. "Koul" was cried by Mickey Coburn, but tho referee said It was "onl.v a llltlo one" and would Dot allow the claim. Rooxn A?Tlie men wnnt quickly to work, and Moore aeot hi* left, then his rtgbl sod again his lelt ?cry heavily on the tare arid body ol I.awlor without ? return. (Cheora Iron# Moore's friends). Thau Law ler gut heme with hi* left ou Moore's body, lbs lenor returning with a sledge hammer blow ou the very lop of I,awler'a head, which cmabed hlin nearly to the floor; but be caught biro ??If and tried laird fo pay M<?>r? hark wlUi euro pound luterre*. lie did so, uud with two lelt-hander* and a right in quick sncnesalon staggered the Yorker. Moore rahled quickly, nod, like hammer and Itosn, tbey went lo work. smirk I bang! earn bit (be other In the faeo uud note, and, then resting again I or hreath, at It again tbey went, hbot utter shot follow* d each other so rapidly, iho blows could sot bo coonted; at last later* hr flattened Moora's nose with a terrific left, and Mooie erackiug Liwlerwn tho jaw sent the latter in a beap on the floor, r'lrst blood tor Lawler and drat knock iiow n lor Moere. ilorsii A?Lawler acted upon the uefeuatve, and ?Sowed himself possessed of much cunning. When be gut his wind sufllciently, ho went to work like nn ?rti*t. llirce limes be hit Moore in the lace aud got ?way, when the latter rustled in, and, send tag I we or three heavy bit* on the body and head of Lawler, there wns n d'-speraic rally, ondiug with Lswlrr reaching ine floor, but whether by i blew or not could not bo definitely ascertained. This was a shsrp r on ti d. Borxc 7?The fighters wanted wind badly. Moore commenced proceeding* again, and failed with bia loft. Iaiwlcr, more loriuoaie. countered bun heavily on (be ueck, which brought loitb cheering from ibe Calilcmlan's corner. Moore sent out bia right in a Ticinn*, swiogtng blow, but failed. Then l.awler reached Moore's body, and to make manors fair ihe latter hit l.awler lull on the nose and then the IIbe, gelling away without a return. Both men were now very tireo. an-i Moore's nose from the prer.voa taps it had received was showing Mood. Alter it reel ol a see.,mi iOcy rusned to each other, and !? Ihe qutra, baM Ogbting Moore, iu I the best n| It. one ot hi* right haedera lauding l.awler over iu the Crowd. Hot *n ft.?The left evee Ot the fighters were assum ing an unpleasant lawler began the work, and shot his leu henvcy on Moore's nose, tb"o bia right en bis bode, wlmn Moore got on I'etc's b< ad, whsn with * rally, sharp and decisive, l.awler was lound on the floor. Hot an k -Itoih rea|M*nded quickly to the call of "Time." Moore reached Ibe (ace nl laiwlcr twice, and Lawler, in a croea tsisicr. nearly lined Moore Irani hi* fret Tbe batcher boy recovered, and l.iwler, evi dently bent on ihe worst kind ol mischief, went lo M no re sad hanged bim fix time* mi rapidly tbet one might hive nip posed hi* arms wern ?periled by steam power Mourn would not lm knoone l out, and when l.awler was through wttli his heavy business be took hi* tore, and, nittlng I'rte full in ibe face and then lu tho body, l.awler wont down in a heap en the floor, ibis was tbo host round ol iue night. ((??rues Hi, 11, IS awn 13 ?Both men showed blood ahont the lace when they approached Ihe scratch. Mum uf their Are had gone, yet Moore was atlll per ? isieat and dogged In ibe purpose (ruined In his mind. l.iwler taught on the defensive mm ?Jier a few light rap* by each Moure suddenly l* i fly bis right and l.awier fell over on the crowd. The elev esth, twelfth and thirteenth rounds were abort, owing to the conning displayed by Liwier, and as thn ball hour was nearly up ho worked Willi that view lo miud. Tho best billing ot tneae tnreo round* wna In the twelfth and tn favor of Mooro. Wi.en the thirteenth wat over, with Lawler tailing among some ol the (pectator*. tbe referee ansr.uncod that Ih'rty-ihree minute* had expired, aud tben declared the fight "a draw. ?' llotii men were marked considerably about the lace, Jet iher laagb* d m their glnrea were being removed, t has tiocii a long limn since ancu a llveiy mill has been witnessed In New York. THK 1'UOIMST*' now. The sti negroes and three whito mm who wero wrested lu lh n eity Nuoday hut on suspicion ol being implicated In iho Sfanull on ttyan, the Troy puglliei, tu Brooklyn, Saturday night. Were taken before Judge Wulnb, el llreoklyn, yeaierday. The cemplalat easiest them was made by sergeant Maateraon, ol tbe Kecond pollen precinct, kanay, tbo bill poster, who was Instrumental ta bringing Rcnn and Goss to Brooklyn, iniorinra His U-iiior tb*t Kyau. Gok*, Turner end birvscii wem di rect to 1'ronpoct I'ark Kulr Ground uttar leaving Klein mine's huIuoii, corner of Washington sou Johnson streets. He Urm heard o( the assault at ono o'clock eu Sunday morning anu wax i>o-ln*e ihat Jlurphy, ha partner, had nothing to do with 11. Neither Ryau nor Guns were iu court, and tbe examination was set down lor tbe Sdtli lost. A WAYWAKD bIKTEB. AF1ZCTIXC* KCKNK IN A STATION BOUSE ?A 11 t'OTilKit's LOVE A carriage drove up to the door of the 1'wcDty nlntb precinct statiou tionae at a late hour lust nignt, and irom it a lady and gentleman alighted. They entered the station lioure, closely loilowed by a young man, pale with excitement, who had kept up with tbo carriage on loot. ?'Sergeant I 1 want a warrant!" said the Oral. "Ann i want my slater I" added tbo aaeond, glaring at tbe flrsl speaker. An excited conversation between tbe iwv loilowed beforo tbe Sergeant could obtain iroin tbem an explanation ot tbe caae. Afier eucb side bad had a bearing it appeared that tne young ruau who had asked lor Ins sister bad met her coming out ol Ibe Uitoklngliam I'alaco (a placo sad by lUo police to be the retort of womeu of doubtful character) along wnh lier com panion. He endeavored to persuade ber to come borne, but she refused, and with her coiopauiou drove to the station to linve the brother arrested lor his Interference. Tbo brother gave bis oatuo as Jacob Kioto, o! No. 440 Wert Thirty llrst street, and said bis sister flora mum tailing into evil ways; abo had beau placed in a reformatory insti tution anu was only reooa'.ly allowod her freedom at Iter urgent solicitation nud after promises to lead a better llle. Her companion gave the name of H. 0 osmorn, but declined to slate bis address, aud complained that tbe brother bad loilowed and annoyed them. The distrtssod maimer of the brother und the affecting way iu whicu he told tbe story ot bis sister's shame enlisted ibe eor l gvnol's sympathy, and ho detained the girl while tbu brother went In senrch of their faiber. Tbo father soon arrived, and the enure parly were shown into Captain Williams' room. Here ilio parent con ilrwod the statement ol his son, aud sorrowfully up braided his ouild. Klnally, oecomtug angered, no 1 advanced lo her compinion and would ouvu | struck him down hau not Captain Williams i come between thorn. Alter hearing the lather's story ' I lie captain determined lo hold the daughter in cus I tody until this moruiug, when the matier will bo re ferred lo Ibe courts. A room was accordingly assigned lo ner Iu winch to pass the night, and tbe father and son paused out logolhiir In company with a iady wno bad conic with them and remained silent and with eyes cast down during the entire scene. TWO ATTEMPTS AT SUICIDE. lioory Kuobert, a Gorman, aged thirty.At?, rostdlog on Jersey Cliy Heights, was arrested in Jersey City yealerday afternoon on a charge of drunk eonos* and was locked up In the Gregory streoi police station. At eight e'clook Sergeant Carroil discovered the mau hanging by a rope to the bars of the cell door. Tno ofDcer cut him down and took the rope?a common clot bos line?up ataira At tea o'clock Officer 1'erry, while making a tour of Ibe cells, discovered that Knuberl bid again at tempted suicide by banging himself by bis suspenders to the door. He wus a second timo cut down, and Ser geant UarroP, to prevent bun from making u third at tempt on bis lilo, lustonod bis hands betund him with a pair of baudcufls. CHARGED WITH SLANDER. Mrs. Minnie Clans, residing cornor of Washington and Third streets, Hoboken, was yesterday arrested iu that city on a charge ol HbeL Mrs. Anna Amussen, a neighbor, charged her with having written to Mr. AuKissen, her Ituebaud, a letter in wntcn she alleged thul the complainant bad roceived ibe attentions and visits of several protnuieut citizens, giving n list ol names, while her husband was absent. Mrs. Claus gave ball tu $000 for her appearance before Kcoorder McDenougb. PLANET MILLS ROBBERY. The trtnl of Boberls, Martin and Bartlolt, the men accused of robbing ibe cashier and watchman of the I'lnnet Mills, Brooklyn, was coniluued yesterday in the Kings Conaty Court ol Sessions, before Judge Moore. Joaopb S. Kieharoson swore that Martin was one ol the men he saw in ttio wagon used by tbe rob bers. W'olfcri Mageson, another witness, identified Bartlett its the man whom he bad soen on tho alter ueon ol the robbery sitting on a stoop In Moyt street. The case will be opened tor the defence to-uay. COUONKBB' CAs-E-i. Tho Coroner's offlcs was notiflad yesterday of the following eoeear? Delta lligginv, of No. HIS Forsyth street, died from injuries received by being ran over by s Second ave nue car. Daniel Connor, of No. 141 Mulberry street, died at Bellcvoe Hospital Irom burus accidentally received. Charles (.outer, ol No. '.7 First aveoue, was rescued from drowning In the Ksst River, bat was so feeble that be was reraovod to Uellevne llospitnl, where ho dlod. James James died without medloal attendance at his reoideuce, Mo. 320 Bast Righteeatn street. Kdward Doyle, aged Any, of Kaat Seventy-fourth street and First avenue, died suddenly. Thomas Kmz was lound unconscious on tbe corner of Mangln and Stanton streets. Ue dlod after being removed to the station house. CITY NEWS ITEMS. In tbe account ol a tight at a picnic ol tho Kaglo Star Pleasure Club, which appeared yesterday, Ibe head, quarters of the club was elated to be at No. 210 Kaat Houston street Instead of No. 218. Harry I<ovIdc, charged with forgery aoJ victimising hotel keepers, wi< yrsierdsy recommit led lor exam ination. He wan expected to procure paretics last evulng lor the $1,IKI0 iu which lio Is held. Philip O'Koilly, ol No. 212 Kim street, was foaml last night suffering Irom a pistol shot wound in tlio stomncu, and removed to Chambers Street Hospital. Ho declined to state bow be rams to receive the in jury. Kx Senator James O'Brien appeared In the Jeffer son Market Polloe Court yesterday to make arrange ments lor becoming one of tbe bondsmen of Mignor i Casslna, wbo bad demanded an examinai>oo. Te-uay i some further action will be taken In tbe ease, I Acting Captain Webb, of the Tenth nraelnct, last I night raldeu several houses ol III reputs in bis pre l cincl sod arrested about a dozen ol the inmniea. Tho priaooers were locked up in the Klurlde* street station bouse and will ba arraigned at tho Raaex Mar ket Police Oeurt this morning. During a light yesterday between John Coegrovo and John McDongnty the latter was slabbed in tbe neck with n prnknile end roceived a wound which necessitated bis removal to bt. Vincent's Hospital. The nITray occurred on tbe corner ol Wert and Chris lopuor streeia. No report of Coegrove's arrest bad been made up to a late uoar last night. A woman wltti a black eya and a bruised forehand, named Mrs. .Sherry, living at No. 240 Mitt slrn t, was charged at tbe lomba (curt yesterday with brutally boating bor stepdaughter, Annlo, a child ol ?eveu years. The child's lace and arms wera badly swollen from tbe cfloats of trio IIi.treatment. Judge Wandsll held tbe stepmother in default of $A00 bail. Jamas Matlhowson handled James Grsbsm, of Bank street, rather roughly at No. M Kaat Broadway yesterday, and when boih worn prodaoed in court the aa-aiiant said be had fallowed the other to that address, where he saw htm meet his wile, nnd ho then felt Justified in proceeding ta ex'routines. Matthew ton was held m *VK> and Graham was required to Iur nish $300 ball lo secure hi* appearance. A contest over tbe will of Catherine Fonte was begun be oro the ftnrrngate yesterday. Tho decedent loll the bulk ni bor Inrtune, estimated to be worth $40,000, to difTerenl Catholic rhartliea in Now York, it wa? not renown that the bad next ol km until i nomas W. Donohne. wbo claims to be her nepnew, and one Kynn. of remoter relation.hip, appeared to contest the ad mission of tbe probate Yesterday the will was proven and tbe case was ad|onrnad until Oc tober. Tbe members of the Cotton Kxchmge yesterday con'idcrad an amendment to ertlcla 14 ol the bylaws relating to the delivery ol cotton which was recently adopted by the Board ol Managers. President Watts ela'ud thai this arae.idhteul WHS a substitute lor ono | whieh had recently been rejected bv tbe members through a mistake. I lie object ol the amendment was tu enable the Warehouse and Delivery Commutes to deliver cotton irom dock at a charge ol tiro cents per tula It was decided to buid a ballot on tbis mat ter to-day. SUBURBAN NOTES. Charts- Rose, s painter, fell from a imlTold in front ot tue house No. 4U First street, Jersey City, and was ktlie* The Brooklyn Board of Aldermen yoatorday ac cepted nn invitation from the socialistic labor party to attend a picnic and demon-trillion at Kuisii'm Broad way Park, Williamsburg, on J sly 4. Kdward McDctraolt, tiwen McDermott nnd Mlnhael Martin, indirteu lor being Implicated In the murder of one el ibe brickyard hand* nt t'riigers. Westchester county, have heen arrested and committed lo Ilia County Jail at White Plains to await trial. John Fitzgerald, aged six years, living at No. I'll Stsuheu street, whs run oyer at tbe corner of Grove and Wayne street*, Jersey City, by a ear on the Kno street line yesterday. I he wheels cut o(T both In* feel. The driver of the car wee arrested. I ho licensed venders of Jersey City mot at Ht. John's Hall yesterday afternoon nnd organized a pro tective society lo contest the new ordinance recently passed bv the Board ol Aldermen increasing iho II ranee and providing that in toe lu'nrc unplicnto license" shell uo charged lor. Officer bhatiigan, of tbe Third police preeinrt, Brooklyn, on the Iflth Inst, stopped a rthiwat team attached lo a coach cunluialDg Mr. Pope, oI No. AIII Henry airest, and members oi his fsraily. Yesterday the o'ffioor wss presented with a loiter of thanks and a baa da? me breast stock by the Pope family, lie i also received resolutions of (hanks from the Poltco Coin miraion-r-i I Charles Melxger, a carpenter, or Mounl Vrrnoo, Westcbetts r county, Wiu? stuck by an ? xnro"* train of j (Do Now Haven Uailroud anil instantly kll-ed on Sat i ord?y ila had loat several children recently bv diphteria and wae out of employinent at ilia time, I causing mm to feel dorpondeut. It It, therefore, sup ; poseit by tome ol his Irit uat tuat lie went on tbo traclc | with suicidal intent. On Sunday lite police of Richinond rounty, acting I under mtiruciloua Iruin the Police Commissioners, j tuuUc a raid upon the animal-' ruouinic at largo in ilio j streets ol Smpluton. Tho officers were drrss<-d In > Ibeir ctiixeos' clotlie* and auc:ecded In capturing : iwenty flvo hugs, eighty gesso and tilly-onc guais, ! which iltey placed in the Pound. Yesv rday they wore redeemed by iLe owner* paying the poundage? fifty cents per bead. ItEV. DR. DOWLING'S ILLNESS. Rev. John Dowllng, D. D., author of "Dowllng'a History of Humanism," and lor nearly half a cen tury pastor of some of the most promiuent Bap tist cburenea In Now York, Philadelphia and otner cities, 11 now dangerously ill. A few niootlis ago, wbile returning from Jer sey City, where lie had liecn to deliver a lecture, ho fell from tho sidewalk, striking bis head violently against tho couble sloues in the street. Ho was taken to his home lu an unconscious condition aud suffered some weeks from tho immediate effects of the coucussiou. Finally, it was supposed lie had entirely rcuvereu, but wublo the past lew days In fl'iiuniation ol the brain and Its membranes has sot in, aud bis physiciuns tear that his Hie is in imminent danger. WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. A SCHOOL HILLS VIT1!. To tiir Editor or run He let no:? Please permit a young school girl to say a word In commendation of Alderman Morris' noble project ol erecting a mouuniont to the dead poet, Bryant. Wo all loved and admired William Cullcn Bryant. Wo had his beautiful creations constantly before as In our school hooks. The school girls ol America will he glad to have tnu privuego extended them to do someibiug to perpel unto luu name ol one so highly esioeined and much loved. Mr. Morris suggests "Irom Uvn cents upward " l'lessc accept my Uve cents. 1 wish 1 could make the amount very much more. FLO* WILLIAMS, Grammar School No. 14. JcMI 10, 1878. COLORED EKE EM .i SONS. Wokckotkh, Mats., June 21, 187$. The colored Freem nons are celebrating St. John's Day this allernoon sedated by a largo delegation from Providcooo, representing a Commander/ of Koights lemplnr, n Keyul Arch chapter and six blue lodges. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. DATKfl OF rarAKTCSK ritult NKW YORK FOR TUB MOXT1I8 OF JUNK AND JULY. Utramrr. Ciiy of New York.. Uolterlnm UiopU C.iina* 1r.uce Anrlmic ht.te of Nevulit... (,'ny ot Cheater.... Devi'unt Nrrknr Krin Moii. unit. ttuoia .. ????....... Greece I'.rutro City of Montrrel... St of PeunajrlvitnU Ooliert Brlmnutc W K ."ctiolteu .... Kii.rpt CnUlnrnla Anehorlit Main Wiaconem Srythln Aiuertqn. Celtic st?ie of Virginia . City of Berlin Helvetia Rllitupia Motel XcvaOa...., Aby.alui* Italy Herder K.llria Oder Holland Alii*. | heMitfiiion. | OXIW. Jun, Livurpooi.. ?lime 26 (otierdarn ?I una :'H ijlvorpool.. J mi u 2u Uonuoii.. J une 2M ilovte June 2*1 London. .. .1 une 27 Iviverpool.. J line 27 Glnnaow. . Juno 27 tiamnurp. June 2*.* Uvcroooi.. J UIIU 21). (11 aairo w. .. J une 2'J Bremen. .. June 2H Liverpool.. .liilv ?j Llvaroool.. .Inly ;i Liverpool.. J uly London.... .1 my 'A Havre. .. July 4 Liverpool.. J niy 4 Glasgow.. J ulv 4 Hamburg.. July H Liverpool . July July 6 Rotterdam It Liverpool.. July M IfOudot).... Juir It Gl.iagow... July 0 Bremen July it Livorpool.. July 11) Liverpool . .J uly ID ? lavre July 11 Liverpool. J my 11 Glaagow... July 11 Ilnuihnrg. July 12 Liverpool. J uly IE iJver|HHd . Inly 12 Glaagow... July 12 Hrameo. . July 1H Liverpool. J uly 17 Liverpool. July 1 ? iFondoo.... 1H Hambvrg. Jmy 2 ) (jlaagow... July 2D Bretneti... Jgljr 24j London.... { ?JO Broailwuy 1 Bow line Green 7 Howling Green ">f> Broadway 3H Broadway 37 Broadway 72 Broadway II Hroadwny ?11 3.1 Broadway 7 Bowling Green 2 Howling Green rtl HroiiJw.y .11 Hroedwnv 4 Bowling Gteen Gtl Broadway 56 Hroadwny HI 1111 Broadway 72 Broadway 01 Broadway H7 Broadway 3(1 Broadway ?II Broadway 7 Bo? ling Green 7 Bowling Green 2 Bowling Green 20 Broadway 4 Howling Green .V> Broadway 37 Broadway 72 Broadway 41 Broadway 31 33 Broadway Bfl Broadway 7 Bowling Green Bowling Green 2fl Broadway Bowling Green 00 Hroadwny HI Broadway 7 Bowling Green 2 Bowling Green ALMANAC FOR NEW I ORE?Tin's DAY. Bl'? AMI MOON. Sun neex 4 no Mm set*. 7 35 Hoen rtae?....inorn 12 33 RHIH WATIR. snndy lioolc... .eve 3 10 Gov. Ieland eve 4 04 Hell Gate ......eve 6 49 HERALD YACHT WEATHER OBSER VATIONS. y*ir. ,/?me 24. Ilotrr. Ink Moraeahoe Noon 29. W) Moapital ship... 4 I'M .6.(6 Far Kockaway.. S PM 2D.D5 Sandy llrak 12 PM 129.65 771 rr J J tiff. ??7i WN W j Parity cloudy, WESTERN UNION TIME BALL. Arwlont.Jvne 24?Neoe. Tha Wcatarn Onion line ball to day *u dropped two. tonthe ot a second slow. POUT OF NEW YORK, JUNE 24,1878. ARRIVALS. REPORTED HT THE II Ml{ A LP STEAM T.tCUTS A WD HERAT D WHlTRMTllNl TKLEOKA PH LIRE. tiiei), Barenda, Hamburg Jnn? Pi. via lUvro ir?ih, with iud<? una pMwai^fn t?? Kuohardt A Co. Steamer I'tmro iKfj, DtU'e. Havre June Io, with indue and IM pamonxra to Letria Da Beblao. lie I light west erly wind* end to* moat of the parage. .Intie 'JO, let 47 Ion 41 20. pawaad * National ?to*cner, bound K. 22d. Int 41 30. Ion .70 3D. a White Star ntoein> r. IiohdJ K. Steamer Bahama <Hr*. Coweil. Bermuda .liana 2D, with mdae ant j??%F#enger? to A K Onlerbridgv A Co. Steamer City ? f Dollaa, Hlna*. Pernaudtna. Flo, and Brtnitairk. U?, J tana 'Jh, rU Port Roytl.KO, 2lat, with rndao and paaaengera to C II Vi allory X Co June 21 0 A At, off Frying Pan Lichtahip, paaaed steamer City of Washington, hrno* tor Havvna. Meamer Haider Cltv, hrirtitman. J ackaon villa vU Nor folk. .7 dava. In hnllaM. to W P Clyde A Co. Steamer City of Macon, Nieker*on, Savannah 52 hoars, will. mdaa an t pawongcra to Geo Youge. Siafp AmiiitA <Hr), Vincent Calcutta 127 day a, with mdM to K J ? ortU. Mad light NK wind* down llie Hay of Bengal and very light HP trades lit the Indian Oe an ; had frai*h we*tnrly gale* off Cape of Good Hop**, which who pas*** 05 dam out. had light SK and NK iruie* in tho Atlantic; rroaacd tha hjuator Mav 24. in Ion 22 4*. Ship Liverpool. Lambert. I?ondou and laie of Wight 3D dav-4. with mdac to Ortnnall. Mlnturn A Co. .lime 7 )mi 47 II, ion .'hi |3, each *njee<l alirnais wltii ship Hhlno, frern Ivoodon for Nnnr York: |.*tb, Lit 42 87, Ion r>4:iD, spoka bri* Athole Cran (Hri. troni Sew York for Dublin. Ship Lin* flier), Ah ran*, Antwerp 40 day*. In ballast to Funcn. Kdya k Co June 11, lat 44, Ion 44, apofca hark Saga (Nor>. f>t?ni fllouerater for llelaware Break water. H*r< Hnerlria fltal', Halacoaaa, PiyinoniU, K, na Maln wara Breakwater H'2 day a, la hnHnat. to Slooorinh k Co. Pirk Carolina I Ana). Cherhaa, Meetw??otl .K? dayt. In bailaat. to Slocovlrh A Co. Bark \. M Vigin lof flalifiix. NS.l, Vigna. Cork 21 dayt, in bailaat, to J f Whitney k t o. Had lino weather the an tlrn peeaage. Hark St Anna Maria (Ital), Madreaca, Dublin ODtfaye, in ballapf, to Flinch, Kdva A Co. Bark I#awi? Smith (of Dorcheater, XBh Wrlthi, .tntwerp 27 Any a. In hailaal, to inaater. June 10 liohcrt Kulgtu. aeaman. aged 2* yaara, fell from tha main rail orarbnard and wm drowned. Bark Klein (of St John. NH), Turner. Pottardatn .'?2 daya. with Iron to Moaaa I'aylar A Co. Had hoe weather lo tha iian^a; tlience 15nitya. with westerly wlnd^ and a great d>*a? ot for. Hark lvov-prin* (2or), Baah, Chtlatlaneand 41 daya, in ballast. Io FntMk I. ire .It t -<? llerk Kaperanaa (Nor). Andcraon, Lunrig 47 daya, in halleat to Minrh. I dye k Co. Hark Generv?* * (Itah. Hnetteeary, llavro ?Ml daya, In bai laat to Mlarovlfh A Co. Hark Virginia l? Stafford (of Wlndaor, NS), Carry, Mar Mtllie* via Alicatite, w ith ntdae lo Wallace A <*vme?. vet eel |o maator. Patted Gibraltar May 16; had light weat? erljr winda and mucb fog. Bark W II ilenn (o( Boekaport), Oolliaa, Almerla 41 daya, with mdte to Miller k Houghton. Paet?<d Gibraltar Mar 1.7; Mty I'l. In tho Meolteraneen. had a lie ivy gale front VfKW, lotting three daya ee**e| lab?#r in* very hoarily, *m obilgeo to threw overboard about lfki torin of Iron ore to lighten the vet^el. Htrk MantlfgtO (Ital), ChOitl, Ca^liarl OO daya. with barrel* to order Burg Ijarmttilln (Hr>, I'lef i*, Ilio .fanalro May 10, In ha'la*t. to |!n??ori, Staeltle .1 Co. Hark Carol ins* (Mr). JVtherte. Pemambuco 22 daya, with atigat to order. ve?ee| to C loblria.k Co Brig Avant (Ger), Aldenberg. Kio Grande 4tl dayt. with Itldra. Ac. to order , vea^ol lotiie*ter. CrtHted the equator Mav 2M. lu Ion 2s \V llrlg Mane (Dutch), Tedforrf. ?via 22 dava, via J>ela ware Breakwater wit h aitgnr. Ac, ?o Juttaa A Gengti. Ilrlg C S Packard, Ameaitttrv. Ponre, IB daya. with aitgar to Goaaler A Chi; veaael i?.l H litgrahatn A Co. Brig fioccy Glen, Allen, .^agrua |H day* with augur to Moat* Taylor .1 On; veaael to Miller A 11 ought an ? Schr fn O lUaely, I'rann, St Pierre, Mart. 1H dava, with anger to II A Hit in A Sen . ve*?e| to Peranna A ivottd. or lit Fannie KM Ultima, Sheerer, Gnantanamo via Del aware Break water JO dara. wit It ettgar to SAW Welali ; veyael to Overton k llawkttia. Schr Carrie M Hlciiardaott. Mlcherdaon. Garden** 1-7 daya. with sugar to Brett, Sen A Co. sour silver Spray. Hall, Matantaa II dava, with angar to G Ainainck A Co; veaael tu .Villler A lloiignton. Schr II W roater(ot Hoaton). Iticb, Cow Bay 10 daya. with coal to Perktna t Job; veaael to Paraoti* A le?u i. June '2(*, fat 42 20. ton 04 04. paoaed a large can buoy, pnlufed red, with ataff end red Hag. Schr A M 0 smith. MrCoughlm, Gaorge'a Bank*, with flati to A K llogera A Co schr A F Kimiitarr. Moldnaon. Jacksonville II day*, wfth Imnoer t?? Drew A Biirbl: veaael to Geo ll Sunlfe. eehr G IV Abdrrwut, Anderaon, Chaflratnn fljy daya, with lumber to W A Perk"; veaael to ftlagkt A Petty. s? hr J A CurtD C/ulliau, Hlcttmend, Va. (Irhr Ji?hl Yuan? C?rfl?, Virginia, sebr J S Dolatt, Crcieure, Virginia. Schr F.rnma, Milton. Virginia. Sehr G I Browning, Mow all, 7flrg1nla. Schr I' K llowiand. Mettle, Georgetewu, DC.Q bakr A C Cyan, Jaflrlaa, Baitiuiora. tiJT hip Klivs.iheth f^er). from Loadon. wh!?h anchored lu tuo lower buy lor order*, cara?? *ip to the eitv 24m. UtT Bark Nfhel (Nor), from Herr*. whleh ixkorid it the towor bay tor order-, cnmr up to the ?ity t'4M? iu?t. PASSED THROt'Gli HELL GATE. BOUND feOUTH. Steamer Oenornl nVhituey, llailett, Boston for New York, with iu<l?? and p\F**i?Ker* to H K Ditnock. Mourner City of Kiirhbnrtr. Elite, New Bedford for Now York. with md#e and pn Me nicer* to Hurliujr k Devi*, frhr ' *? JMcl elland Kerr. iVrtlend. Me. for New York. Ncht Bioomcr, Kurrlceton, Banker for New York, hccr b"reht Belle. Ailem*. Bemror lor Now York. Schr .Mary Sand*, i.oberta, (inrdlnor. Me, lor Now York. Schr Wm Kmiri'm an, tie, Boston lor Now York. r*chr Hannah WiHetts. Cotton. Button for^Now York. Schr Snaria, Senvev, Kail Hirer f??r New York. Nvhr Cvrua Chamberlain. Adorns. New Bedford for Now York Schr K K At wood. Atwood, Nantnckei for New York. Schr Henry Kermen. Allen, Providence for New York. Srhr hldrntire (Jerry, I raeinau, Bristol. HI, for New York. hohr Henry l emnel. Shaw. Bridgeport for New York. Schr JnlU A Tate, l ate. Bridgeport for Now York. Schr Knlcon. Wheeler. Derby for New York. Schr Jose[?n Marsh, Brown. Norwich for New York. Schr Ollvor Schoileld, Diasotway, New Haven for Bftltt* more. BOUND EAST. Steamer Prnnconie. Bracu. New York for Portland, irkas steamer Merceuita, J ark a way. New York for Boston (whore .lu< Iiui been purchased). Steamer albatrun*. Davis, New York for Fall River. >teainer Grant (U S revenue), Fouler. Now York, craii ll|. Schr Hannah McLo n. Kern. New York for Hluye. Krauce, .ml anchored olt the station. .-ehr J .M Kre*inan, Klriridire. New York for Providence. Sohr J sines KugHsh. Parker, lloboken lor Providence. Selir Hobnob Blackman. Arnold, Kondoat for li.kor'i Landing. ' J S Schr .1 S Terry. Ilavnor, Ambay toe Schr .lames Alderdlce, Nlckersoo, Georgetown, DO, tor W erotism. DELOW. Ship (Ger), from London. Bark Nina (Ann), from Trle.te. liark i'etrupolu (Nor), Irom Genoa, liar* Lav) nt a. from Cow Bar. Brig John Mason, Purler, from Mayacues, PR, via Dela ware Broukwater. CLEARED. Steamer Triplet, Davit. Vt iluilugtou. Del?Ablel Abbott. steamer Mayttoxer, Davidson, Philadelphia- James II and. .-teamer Kraneoria, Brace. Portland?J F Ainei. ship Nile (Hr), Marvin, London? Snow A Uurgesa. Harlt Cronu (Aim), Strrrk. I.oitb?sl.cuvleh A t'u. Bark Allien (t>er>, Gromscta, Cork lor ordera?Kuneh, fcdve A Co. Bark Yhturio (ltai), .Mareaeu. Naploa?Henham A Boye aen. Hark Mornlnc >tar (Br), Slaaon, St. Jnga nno Guantnna mo?Wsydeli A Co. Hark Laila (Br). Cunningham, Jordan River, V 8.?Boyd A Iltncken. Brig Lain iHr), Given, Dnblin, I?scammell Bros. tin_? Coaeatellc, Spark., (,'ardoaaa?Janes llenrv. Schr Km ma D Kudlcott Carroll, Georgetown and San Juau <1*1 Norte, NIc- Stroat Bros. Schr Wm denes. Rohlnnou, Maranbera?Bnrdett A Poad. sebr T B WUberapoon, bheppmd. St Ttieraae?11 K Met oalt A Co. Srhr J tl Converse. Allen, Cardenae?Brett. Soa A Co. Schr 1'licebe, .Modern. Maraeoa? B J Wenberg A Co. Sclir Jacob 1 llousinau. Ryder, Sau Salvador?B J Wen berir A Co. Schr John MeAdara. Ilatbbao, Mobile?K D Mnrlbnt A Co. Sebr Illinois, Wilson, Hartford -Carlwrlght A Doyle. SAILED. Stoamera Andes (Br), Kingston. Je: I latter as, Nerfe'k; rlilpa l.oeb Kaaaueb (Br), Glasgow; Constantino. London; Lorl G Burgee., do; barks Mary J Leslie, Havre,: F L Car ney . Dunkirk; Oiteren iNor).; liars burg (Ger), Hamburg; Alllanca (Port), Oporta: Oorlana (Nor). Banil eolm; Ktnma (lta)l, Dundee; Antonio G (flat), (jneens lawn; Wilbalm 1 (Ger), Haauic; brigs Glance (Br). An tigua; Rnbbunl, Martinique; Atlas (Gor). Konlgnberg. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Purser St raker of steamer Htbtmt (Br), from Bar* mud a, wl'l please accept our ackaowledKmeuti for atten tloai. Baltic ApvoCatk ? A letter, giving the particular! of the lone ol the bark Advocate (of Windsor, l?B), from New York fur Dunkirk, wns received i jr Mr C bar lei Williams, nl N'o 119 Washington street, this city. from Charlee (lues, one of the seutueu of the vresel. The Advocate, Capt Smith, sailed from thli port May 13, with a cargo of lum her "lid grain; llie was paused bottom no May -s by sehr ,1 opu 11 I'aign. wlueli arrived at I'hliadrlpiiia. and euteo quentlv by pilot boat Kirn Nye, No 2, ofthle port, June 14, In Int 'l. Ion 73. Mr One* etatei lu bin letter that tlicy had ban weather on tho liret day out, but on the night of the loth were struct; by a hurricane, which continued all tho neat day; the veaiel lay to under lower ruatnt?p aall and staysail ana cvurylhiug mude as snug ae possible. At 19 I'M 19th the whale three musts went by the board, carrying the bowsprit with them, leaving the veaeel a holplees wreck, rolling in the ;riuiirli nl the sea. The feremsal In falling smashed tho beit lone boat, nud tho yards loll on the deck ripping it up; and. to add to tho dleaatrr. the vessel eprunc atoak. No one was injured by the foiling spars Oil the morning ot the 17lli slirhied the ship N B I'sluter (Nor), I.araao, fVoivi New York for Antwerp. Mot signals of distress and she cirue down to ns; hot ou account of tne heavy sea run ning, we having only two small boats. It would hare been dangerous to attempt to leave. Requested the Palmer to romniti by ns until tho sea went down some, which the did. and all hands worn safely takou off shortly afterward and carried to Antwerp, where we arrived Juno 10. When we lelt the Advocate she wst about 100 miles E of Handy liook and In a stuklng condition. IIHit, Kali-na, Irom hagu ?, at Philadelphia June 24, lost IT> htula molasass Irom the deck in a gala on the lMtb. Sen it Kkascii Bakkr from dsnulsa lor Boston, with itme. beoatiio wstsr logged, tout Are and sunk off Oopo Kllaabetb on Saturday night last. The crew have ar rived st Portland Srttu Mopkxa, of Uloaeeeter, from Hangar for Sooth Harwich, sprung a leak off Naoset Saturday morning. She was boarded olT Chatham by tbe sehr M .1 I, Chase, whleh took ofT tho crow and surcoeiled la towing the AloJena in near Stage II arlior Sunday, where she lies agreaml snd full of water, she it in It bad onndlthm and wll| probably be a total lo>s. Her cargo will be saved. Iler deck load Is already discharged. Scnu K I' CtiAeg, from llanvor for Dorchester, Mass, sprung aleak Hnturdny night last of) Cape Elisabeth, and was tewed Into Portland. Me, Monday morning, loll of wator. Mm will discharge tor repairs. V A OUT UlKAMADfiHT, clileli went ashore on Ship Itork. otl Mnmaroouck, was hove off yesterday hy (be crow, with tho aid ot Mr A Nichols, pilot, bhe was towed to this city. mkamtvi; K I.avkiicrk, before reported sank foot ofllth st. N K, was raised 23d lost by the Baxter Wrecking Com pany. Wnncg - Hehr Kit Carson, at Vineyard Haven Irom Car denas, reports:?On ilia 19th inel. lat 3H .15. Ion 73 ,rK), passed a vessel ul ubeut 3'XI tons bottom up, paintdB with copper paint. Pouti.avd. Me, June 24?An unkoown srhris reported snuk 1 tulles RHK of tho C ?t?e Lights. in 9 fathoms of water, direcily III the traelc of vessels. Two thirds of her masts aro shove water, fine appears tu be ft John's build. ijrruuc, Juno 21?Ship Sebssliipot (Brl, Proud, from this port, with timber lor Portsmouth. K, has returned w ith loss of anchors and chains sustained In a gale, Hr Joint, .Ml. Jone 24?The British brig Confederate, real laden, while lying to off Briar Island, nl two o'clock Shu lav morning, was run liito bj the British hark Ant werp. ' She wns struck on tbe bow, rut io two and In three minutes went down The dissstor occurred so suddenly thai tbrro was vert" ilttlu time for anything te be done, llie crew ot the Antwerp Immediately wore snip, bat tho fog wns so thick that on beat wns put off to search lor tboso belonging '? th" brig, as It would have bean impos sible lor it boat to have found IK war back, five man, however, were saved by catching ropes thrown from the bark or by getting upon pieces of the wreck that were floating about. Three lost their livee by the collision Their names a,o-?(leorire llrnnt. rusatcr, Wevniouih NS; Michael A Dolly, liraaville, NH; William dil.ett. Aunapn it, Ns. It Is supposed that thov were killed by falling spars or went down with the vessel Both vessels were o?nnd to St John, tba Coulednrata being Irom Philadelphia, while the Antworn.CeM I've, was from isalwav. The captain efthe bnrk states that the tng was vary ilitek at the time . that this canard the collision ; that a strong brecss was blowing Irani K>K. and that the foghorn could net be heard any distance, itovaral holes were made In the how of the Ant weni above the watvr line, and uer head gear was carried away in the eraah. Mto bore away lor Hi John and reaohed here on Sunday evening. A Tnooil Cnsrr?Tho oldest veaeel pane red at the rant nm house nl Kockland. Me. Is ?lis: Polly, hulling from Houtli Thorns*ton. This was I uCt it Amesliury, Mass, In tha rvur lk il. milking licr^sce 71 years. It is toohahle then- spa lew If any older re-sms In the (.'tilled Statee that are In use. WHALEMEN. Arrived at New Bedford Jnne 24, bnrk Vigilant, Gilford, Purple Ocean, with 7">" hbls ap. Mailed Iroui New Loudon, June 2t, aebr Klyla j Dab, for Mouth Hhetlaud. At Bermuda J noe 20. harks A It Tucker. Marker, arrived 1Mb. Willi 7~> Obis sp; Oeprrv. Lewis, trom Harbados. ar rived l*th, had taken ilrt nhls s|> a(ure leaving H; Ware, liammund, trom Jo. arrived 19th (last two would sell 20thI; Bappbo. Kdlck; Altleboro. Uowlaod, and lladlcy, hdw arsis Cleared el do June 12, hark Janet. Gartlend, tarrutvo; brig K II Adams, West. do. At Barbados, May 2i(. ae'ir llaloo, Itavnard, West port. At t'houniagfn Island* May I, hrtg Tnitouara, wtiti 122 seal otter aatns on heard, hound to flie Arctic Oeean ; achra ?'lying Mist, dean ; M lid (?ateile. rleen, getting read) Tor fishing. Nns Bedford, June 22?New Condon whaling sehr Ma rie P Simmons. HoddUglon. now In thv Arcile ragiena, will convey letters io York on ber retnrn trio, from exploring sehr Kothen. wblrli sailed Irom New York en W'e'ineatav, and will touch at Wltsle Point, Hudson's Bay. A letter from on heard sehr Admiral Blake reports her at ven May 2 with 1W hbls oil. Sposen June l?. lat "il IJ R. ten 74 2'? W.sehr 'julrk ?tep 'of ProTineetowni. Manley, with I Hit hhla ap oil, who repotted sehr Mary s Pnrren, with .'(do hbls wli and !.'i do ap oil; IBttl, la I fi2 i>1. Inn 74 I ft W, barg Ma Marsh,el ,\ll. Hlva, no otl since last report. BPOIUN. Bark Serng (Aha), from Hull f, for Philadelphia, Jena 24. off Shleneeo.-k ; asms day. berk (llpsry 'jneee (Brl, trom New Vork Inr Haiti.nor.-, and hark ' Maitlome," from' lie l f ust for do Hark Marlon. Ilowes. from Ifnng Kong via I'ape Town fr.r New York, May 91. lut 24 I'I B ion 7" I' Brig B A enow i llr). from Sail Key. 11, lor Boston, Jnno 111. lat 2-*> fin, Ion 71 I'i Itrlg tlnldfloder, Irom Huston for Porto Rico, Jnne 21, lat 2d, Inn (11 .Ml. Ilrlg Stephen Bishop, (Itlkey, Irom Philadelphia lor Bar bados!, Jnne 7, let 93, lyn Mi. Brig Willie (Brl, from lietnerara for St John, KB, 80 days out. Jnne 22, lat 4't 4i>, Ion tW, 111. eehr Bsraroa, McCHntock, Irom' Phtladelphm for Port Antonio, Ja, Jnne 11, oil fortune Island. OUtt CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Awrwntp. Jnno 24?Arrived, simmer Mereator (Relg), Minna, New York (not previously); bark Arlington (Nor), Palinslrnm. do. ? ailed 24th. ship Nevada. Kriiger, New Vork. Hnisrot., June 24?Helled, hark llobort A Chapman, (Br), Rutherford, United Ma'.es. filing a a, June 24?Mulled, barks Jen no la filer). Plasse, New Yerk; Bremen M?er), llellmers. da; W H Jenkins (1U), Kogert, America. Cap* Town, May A? Arrived, bark Iforaea Hendder, Biiilth. New Vork., Jttna J4 Bailed, harks f peed (Nor), Olson (trom London), Wilmington, NO; Allda (Nort, Hodtker (from do). New York. . Drain*. June 22-Ballod, hark Bel Btuart (Br), Harper. United State*. Dasizrc. Jane SO?Airived, lark f.ucle Kxlnii (Car), Sley -r. Philadelphia. l>oapaKCii*. June 22?Arrivod, bark India (Km). Soo lander, Durleu. Dimiii. June 23 -Sailed, bark Nausika (Nor), Spiel berg, United State*. Glasgow, Juno 24?Arrived, eteamer State of Indiana (Br). Smith, New York Sailed 22d. l>ark Christina (Nor), Jenaen, United States GiiiasHT. Jnue 24?Arrived, bark Luis A Marlines (Br), Brltton, Darlen. Galwat, June 24?Arrived, Lark Settle (Br). Taylor, Baltimore. liltso.?. Juno 22?Arrived, sebr Belle Hooper, Gllkey, New Orleans (before reported witbnnl date). Ill'LL. June 23?Arrived, bars Truro (Br), Harris (not Harmony (Hr). Dinsmoroi, New York. Hailed 24th, bark llattie II (Hr), Loekhiirt. Sydney, CB. IlkLVOKT. Jnce 23 Sailed, brig Santa Maria Verclita (ftai). Splgntiee. i'biludulpnia. lrswirn. June 23? Sailed, bark XIn Lorenso (Ital). Irala cassa. United States. Livaurook, June 23?Sailed, barks Norwegian (Br), IJncoln . Portland: Klval (Nor). Jorgensen, Richmond, Va; 24tli, steamer Palestine (Br), Wbitewar, Boston. 1 .on do it. June 32-Arrived, ship Isles of the South (Br). Dennett. New York. 1 irakd, June 24? Off, steamer Rivals (Br), MeBitehle, New York lor London. Liitii, Jnne 24-Sailed, bark Mlmi (Ant), Tomlnlch, Bow York. Lowkfrrorr. Jnna 23?Arrived, brig Teml (Ans).Tomae elcli. Now York. LoKnoNiir.kur, Juno 24?Arrived, shin Rllaa Everett (Br), Duiikerton, Ueitiuiore: bark Scotia (Br), (lines, do; Doaglnrs Campbell (Hr),Lordley. do; Noel (Hr), Knowiton, do;Tare (Ans). Crtt <neo, Philadelphia. LimKIIICx. Jnue 24?Sailed, bnrk EinbU (Br), .YoKensie, United Stutes. Lkguor.v, June 20?Sailed, brig Edith Hall, Thayer, Boe ton (before reported wlthont date)., J one 20?Arrived, berks Lotas (Br), Gnnld, Philadelphia (before reporter! wlthont date) ; Mariannina (Jalatola dial), Mauclno, New York; 22d. Eleanor Mndre (Itel). Sealn, do; 24th, brig Dirlgo, Collin, do. Newrt. June 22?Arrived, brig Candsdetsa Lanro (Hall, Lauro, New York. Sailed 22d, bark Fanebon (Br), C.tln, Unltod States. Nkw Rosa. Juno 22?Sailed, bark Bayard (Nor), Tonnes son, New York. Qcrksstowh, Jnne 23?Arrived, ship Acanor, Lincoln, Sen hrauctseo; hnrks Anglellnt Bonardi (Ital), Rsietlo, Philadelphia; Prjsporlta (Ital), SehlafDno. do; Keirina (Nor), Broulnnd do; Ensign (Hr), Putliek, New York; llnkonJnrl (Nor), Morflold, do; L'Vtid (Nor), Pan, do; 24th, Dronnlng Sophie (Nor), Dahasen. New York; Freya (Nor). Blaauw, do; Confldens t (Ital), Stacno, dot Oentill (Ital). Knsoito. Philadelphia; Hugh Cann (Br), Eldrldge, do; Lameck (Ant), Mercud'ch, do; Padre Kraneleco (Ital), Uarlni do; Bishop Brnn (Nor), .1 scobson, do; John Lor wny (Br). i.orsrny, Baltimore. Also arrived 2ttl>, steamers Partbln (Br), MeRnv. Pot ion (or Llvernool (and nroee -ded) ; La Place (Br), Scho Bcld), New York for do; Minnesota (Br), Harwell, do for do. Sailed 23d, eteamer VYIsoonsIn (Hr), Forsyth (from Li verpool), New York. Hkval, Jnne 9?Sailed, bnrk Betty (Ger), Nordenhott, Sevenneb. RoTTKimm. Jnne 23-Sailed, eteamer Maas (Dutch), Vandar Iloeven, New York direct: bark Fried.neh Seal la (Gcr), Wiiack, Wilmington, NC. SotTHAnrroir. Jnne 24?Arrived, eteamer Schleewlg (Ger), Duit, New York lor Tonntng. Sciiirdam, Jnne 23?Sailed.sblp Nor (Nor), Thorgerseu, New York (not previously). Tatcort, Jnne 22?Arrived, bark Mathilda Oetavta (Br), Pelleller, Darien. Watkrvord. Jnne 22?Sailed, bark Navarch (Br), Lovltt, Dclsw irs Breakwater. Sailed from .Jnne 22, bark America (Ger), Ranseb, United States (was reported sailed from Liverpool April 23 tor New York). WEATHER REPORT. lioiTBBAD, Jnue 24? Wind 8W, fresh; barometer 30.(178., Juae 24?Wind 8W, fresh; barometer 80.20, steady. FOREIGN PORTS. Boansirx. Jan* 13?Arrived, bark Bratll (Br), Ketch, Bt John. NB. IIki.itk, Hon, Jane A?In pert, ec'ir Impulse. Adam*, from New York vU Trutille (wliero tlio arrived Misy 37), arrived 3d. to xtll about I Jib for New Yerlc. Hkumi'I.a, Jnne 14? Belled, brig T 11 A rut (Itr). Outer bridge. D.merere. In port Jane 30,* A Ilayforl, Dickey from New York. ?rrlved 17th ; Meteor (Br), Duntcomb. from llarba dnt, arrived 13th. ul*g; llound lltr), otiibbe, from Boston, arrived lOtb, do. Dxxkxaiaa, day 29-Arrived. bark Oolden Fleece, Hodge, New York (and aalled June 4 for Port "palo); tehr M 0 Me-eiey, lllgglne, Baltimore: BOth. brig Daylight, Illbson. New. York (and sailed.I eoo 4 to taaarai : diet, eeitn le>ok out, Newell, NorfMa ; June t. Millie Trim, Boynton, New York ; 3d. L F Wnrren. Johnaoa, Norfolk. Sallot May St. tehr Lnrle Wheettey. Nipple, Antigua. F.s.iaxi>o.i?o date-In port, tehr Jo* Oakes, Parker, for N of lletteree. Fatiikk Poiirr, Jnne 94?I'aeeed, eteamer Quebec (Br), Lindnll. from I.lverpool for MontreeL Havana. Juue 32 ?Arrlred, bark Carrie Heckle, Wood bury, New York. Arrived 33d, eteamer City of Mextoo, Mcintosh, New York. llAi.irax. Jeno 34 ?Arrived, eleemer Worcester, from Boston (end proceeded lor Charlottetvwu) LtnotTU, Mar 38?Arrived, ethr OI1 ve Cpntby, Hutch ineon. Philadelphia; Jeee 0. Carrie E Woodbury. Wood bary. Now York. Matauitrx .Inns 24?Arrived, eehr Slsslboo (Br), lion drren, Philadelphia. Mmou sou. Nfi, Joae 23?Arrived. *hlp F.vangettae (Br>, Manton, Oalveeton. I'KitNAuntrro, May 3f?? In port, bnrke Caroline (Br), Roberts, for New York, to ?eil 33d i Arabella (Br) Foster, for do, Ida; .ttquitenr (tier), for do do. sailed Jane ?.eteamer Oberoc (Port), Campbell, New York. l'oirr Spam, Jene ? ?In port, brig Pobt Mown. Mef.nre, f?r New York; eehr Clara Fletcher, .-argent, for Hampton Hondo, to anil 12tb. Poavo CA?ni.L<v, .fane 0?Arrlv?d. berk Jt-ne Adeline, lies*, Philadelphia (and erne at l.agaayra 8th, to rail on her return from the 13th to tbe l.ltbi. Aritved May 38, snbr Kate Newmar, Newman. New York land woe nt l.agnayra June 8, to tall lor New York Jnne 0 or lib. St I'tnnnK. May 39-Arrtve?l, brige C C Robinson, Cog glue. New York; J L Itnwen, lisle, Boston; Jaac 7, I. tf llntsel lllol). llassol, New York; Bih, I) Trowbridge, Rogers. do; Kith, srhr Meivtn. Heberta, Newborn, NO. sailed June 7. brige Annie tiardnor. Ilutehlne, enl Am bro?p Light, Kilos, St Thomas; Kllxs Tliompeon, Connell, New Yock; lOtn, eehr seeagawa. liaptll, do. In port Jnne 11, sehre Mary D Haskell. Carter, for Phila delphia. Id*, A del is*. Id I. hoy, Irom Demerara, arrived St Jnnve, pit, June 23?Sailed, eteamer llndjl ,Br), liar rle. New York. St Jaao. Jnne 33 - Arrived, steamer Sen Jacinto, Pli'l llpe. New York tor Cleiifuogoe. St .loime, NP. Jane l'f?Cleared, brig Nentane'e Car (Br). Hogere, Baltimore. S.ttn.siKKviu.a, NS. Jnae iO- Arrived, tebr K A llayee, Derien, tie St Joins,'NB, Jnue 31?Arrived, bark Oliver P.mery (Brl, Mwntridge, Liverpool; 32d. tenr Hacro lllr), Connolly, New lork. Cleared 31 st. bare Mega I (Br). Pfellfer, Liverpool; brige Mlneeheha (Hr). Mitchell. Weterfnrd; Kock 'flri. Wright, for Cork Qney; 33d, bark Llffy (tin, ithsen, (Jnernatewu Tni'tii.Ln. .Inn* I ? Arrived, brig Alien. Montgomery, Nuw York via Tarke lelaiid. iitmiDAD, Jane 10?In pert, eehr Nellie, Perry, for Boston. AMERICAN PORTS. APPl)NAIM. June 22 ?Arrived, ecbr Henry Croekey, ,Sii*rweud. I'hiledelplila. lltlsTO.N , Jane 33?Arrived, bark James I! Ward, Halsey, llyerea; twig I) P Brown (Br), Freeman, St Domluro City; eclire W It Dalaley, Smith, Nassau, NP. II C Wmahip, Doane. Alexandria. Clear, d?scbr Katie Colllne, Matbts, Kennebec, to load for Wilmington. NO. f3<l?Arrived, achrO I) Wltlierell, Hartteld, llaltlmere. 34th- Arrived, steamers Otrsnto (Itr), Jenklna. Ilull for New York; Allee (Br), Tslbnt, Liverpool, bare Little, Carney. Car.ienea; brig Helen A Holmes. Kldrldge. Cape Town, AUnwoll (Br). St Johns 1'H; M K Celpel (Br). Mar tinique; aclir Klvtc E I'rltlngHI, York, Bogus t A I. Batter, Eaton, Cientuegna. Also arrived. ateamere .' >hn Itopklna. Itallett, Haiti mere i Mom an. Crowell riniod-lnbia retievlile, Pleree, do; Nepiane, Herrt, New York; bark Xebecea liedderd, Oendv. < ape Ooaat Castle; lirlgt Nellie Much oil, .1 season, Cape do Verdos; l.ochlei Hn. Hainm I'nrt Spvln , M II Morris (Brl. Patterson. Cl.-nfu -gos: arbrs Mary Kleanor (Itr), Walter; Cnt.ld (Hr), Johnson, I'nrt Prnyn: Margaret C l<yoa?. Young, Baitlru ro; Kilt Ntnwe. stamen do; R n tl Arrb, Cromwell; L Q C. Blehvft, t.'ariln: lie rid Faust, Smite Jlndr\, 'larrison ; Lnruotnc, l.rach. and James Mar tin, Brown I'hlladelpfcla; J S Kilraoie. Fisher. Handent; eieiimtng C M Winch. McDonald. New York, wltn raft spars. Cl-ared?Steamer tllanrne. Beams, New \ nrk ; brl.-t U B nlilimnn, Tlbbotts. Port Natal; .trace Lathrep. Alwod Devil; t.-iirs SntOM Stetson, Merry, .insdnloupe; Fred J Collins, Towntend, I'bllndelphla; Herbert Maatoe, Otjw ell. New ) ork. eatl-d?Itsrks Afdentlnnv and Erie Heed. HALIIMOilK, June 33?Cleared, echrs Marv C Cnrrnll, Carroll, H'ooklyn; I) W lllll, liigglne, Pot (lend; Mary Stan.llsh, Higgles. Beaten. Sailed Svhr (ieo Walker. 34tli-Arrived, berk Antigua (Br), Calf, (inndalenpei Wlirs Admiral, Smsllweeu. Brunswick. (to; .John Biarr well, Chstfleld, Kennebec; Mary C Arnold, l/etlt, New Haven. Alee arrlred. eteamer Be ami I, Mcrshman, Charleston; ecbrs Clias p. (ilbson, 'fhnrh?r. Ilnetori; llorieusla, l.arra bee. Pert Spain ; (leo h Itewdeln. Phillip*. Oeeernwr'a Her. Per; Marv Ja*e A Kllrabuta Mcl'liersou. Nan Sairn.lor; Lli?b< Tims, Phillip., Newborn; Mabe. Thomas, McKenele, New York; dm Allen, Hioelnian, d.?; Pride of tbe East, l.ord, Cat Island. Clenred-Htenmere Kletra (4p>. Ia n soars, Liverpool; Win i.awrcnee llowet. line.on : harxe Kat'.lena i(ler), linstlni. Amsterdam; Minnie Campbell (Hit). M.tller, i llamnnrg. Isabel (Sp). Arriutidlogo. Qneenaluwn; K A Allen, sbnw, Havana; rehra Ella lladgdM, Mctcalf, Bangnr, Itmlner Parker, Catee. New llsven pailed ?Hark Serera; brige Dashswav, and Frtadrleh. RKl NnWICK. Ha. Jaae 3D -Arrived. brig F II Tod.l. McCuIre, Now York ; 21st, eehr A (t Ireland. Tnwnsend, do BA s Kit's LANDIMO, J no# >1 ? Arrived, eehr Shamrock, Trny. Ilaverstrnw. BNInToL, JIM 21?sn'led, echre Iteseue, Kelley, end He.iiess. Ituruiiaro, I'lilladetphtn .'KIiaK KEYS, Jnne 3<i?Arrived, eehr Nellie Crnwell, Hewitt, Ker Watt. till A IlLKSTwN, Jnne 31 -('leered, sehre Over le Clark, Bartieit, Wilmington. Del; Fennle Trecey, lllto.i, Phtla delphta via Dohuy Island, (la. 2lili?Cleared, ?ehr Ben Borland llerllng. llaltlmere. 0 A I. A IS, June 21? Clea.ed, e-l.r ? IJ Halt, Burgess, flew 33d Bailed, ecbr* R L Eaton, for Mott Haven; Cham, plan, New York; l> I' llrown, Philadelphia. Ih b.WAKh CITY, Juno 23?Arrived, eehr Hannah K Phnnnrt, King, Boston. Mailed, ecbr I lies doog, Bnmer*, It oymoath ; Little l> Small, is sr. Irk. Brighton li tNVi-.BSi'tiKf, June 23?Arrived, ecbr K tl Irwin. Johnson I'hiledelplila. IHOMTmN, June IB-Balled, sehrs I. D Morgan, llnynra, Oeo.geiown, DC ; JWh, John K Sanlord, Berry, do. For.THE -K MON HOB, Jene24-Pnatea lb for llaltlmere. brtu Lena (Br), . Peeeea eat trem Balflraore, iteeaer Oracta (Bp), for Jdv email: bark Y'nlkyrt* (Br). Tralae; Spotless, Hlo Janeiro; Msrtnl. S .Ital). and Tres da Marti (API, Giic?; Acadian iHr). lor Cork; J C YYIIIiams (Bri. I*>o.iondarry; brie Krbo. Demerols; aebr# M M Heath. furnamnot; Ke-cne. Sun Salvador. Ps-scd in fur Richmond. aebr N ilend. from Sow York, S.nled?Mile Erue-t, Lunl. Irora Richmond, Va, for Kit Grande do Sul. . . _ GEORGETOWN. SO, June 31?Arrived, tchr Gettysburg, Sorburv. New Y ork. OaRDINHK. Me, June 31? Sailed, echr A T Slpple, Joe doc. Sew York 33d?Sailed, senrs 0 B VePartand, for Wilmington. Del; llownrd Willlnms. King, Baltimore ; Ire I> Slurgot. Johu ton. Phil.ide)pni.t. 11Y aNSIS. June 33-Arrive 1. aehrt A lleatnn. Phlnney. New Yor? for Boston ; Martin YY Bate*, from Hoekland for New Yora. Patted by?Sehr Boston. Butler, for Now York. J ACKStiN VI LLh, .fune 30-ArHred, aehra ttocklo B Yst-s, Hopkins, Boston; Hsttie K Giles. Bennett, Albany. Cleared?Sehr Sarah B, Kit tin. Sew Y'ork. 31.i?Cleared, tebr ilenry S Willi star, Wllaoo, Pbilhdel phia. KEY WK8T. June 30, 8 AM?Sailed, ateamera State of Texas. Nlckersuti (front Sew Y'orki, Galveston ; 31at, 1) P\f, hlo llraade. Holder (from Galveston), New Y'ork. MOBILE. June 24-3ailtd, telir Harriet Gardner, Nor rl*. Havana. _ _ NKW ORLEANS, Jnne 20?Arrived, aebr Santo Oterl, Pmatl, L'tilla. Cleared?Sehr Bonne Avantnro, Neleon. Key weal. 34th?Arrived, .tenner City of New York, Doaken, Vera Cms NKYVBKKV. NO, Jnne 31?Arrived, aebr Addle Henry, Burma, Martinique. NKYVHl'BY'FOKT, Jnne 23?Sailed, a team er Panther, Miller, Pbllmlidptnn. NEW BEDFORD, June 32?Arrived, aelir Lotlia Beard, I'errv, St lleleuu 23tl?Arrived. at >amer Allentowu, MBit, Pblladoiplith. Sailed?sell* ,1 ullo ?k Victoria. NK o PIIKr. June 31 Arrived, achr Tattle Dopaw, Baker, Providence for New Y'ork (and ashed 320). PiiaaeO up tbe bsy-?.;hrs Noille Brown. Y'oung, Oetrrgo towii. DC, for Kali Ulver: Sumuel L Crocker, Thrasher, New Y' rk for Taunton 33d?Arrlred, aelira Flora Klnir. Guptll, Providence tbr New York; Keyatono, Wilder. PltUadelpbia lor Jackaoc rllle, NH: Nuucy I, Day. Monroe. Brlelol, Me, for New Y'ork: Adrlanna, -nnwman. Philadelphia for Boatou; Red Hatch, Holmes, Calais lor Now Y'ork; Charlie Stendtnan, llinklev, (iurdloer tnrdo:Itutli 8 IIodgtlon, Terry Hock, land lor do; K I< Khmer, Karr, do for do; Allee Oaken Maraton, Gardiner for do; Olive Elliabelh, Matey, da for do. NEYV IIAVEN, Juna 22?Arrived, bark S 0 Buahnell, Mavo. Lundnu. 34th?Arrived, aelir Klcbard Yanx, Roblnaon. Alexan dria, FASGAGOULa, Jnne 10?Arrived, aobre Robert BulY, Urlggs. Galveston; Ada Knight, Jones, New Orleana. Sailed-B?rka Oxo (Nor). Dahl. Calaia; Kormeaa (Oer), Simon (from Ship lalandl, Bordeaux PKNRACOLA, June 90-Cleared, brig Son Qnenttn (Sp), I'mbaao, Havana; ac r Kdle Hack, Nortbup. Carlenaa. 3let ?Arrived, -ehr Ithoda B Taylor, lair: on. Vera Orna. PORT ROYAL. SC. June 31?Arrived, itwamer City o) Ait-iln, (.'beater, New Y'ork for Kernandlna (and pro ceeded). P111 la t HELP 111 A, J nun 31?Arrived, atenaaere M>rd Cllve (Mr), Urquhart, Liverpool; City of Bristol (Br?, Dulamotts. do; Norman, Mckaraou, Hoaton; Fault* Crocker. Kail River; Catharlnn Whiting, Hording. Prori deoee; B-verly, Wallace, Now Vork; barka Ohlto dial) Trueco. Glonceator: Krelr (Nor), Carlaen. Daotalr; Atttlii (Ital), Dnlloraa, Sllgn- brigs Zsrlina (Bri, Kreltch. Kaguo Raluna. Na*b. do; Charlotte Hock, )Ierrlek, Nagnaba PH: rrhra Maggie J Lawrence, Haley, Sagtin: Dania Wenator, Koaa, Mayaqnea: Wm MeLoon, Rogers, Hennudai I D Mullord, Sbnw, (ialveaton; Iaaac W" lltoe, Kraoela, Norwich: Bellow, Morris. Bt. miitghatn; Jninea 8 Walton, Crnae, Lynn; Alpha, Salisbury. Mayagnes: Daniel Glfford. Cobb, Kennebec; Pauline tlambn, Krder, Hog lalaod; M It '?oad, Beuaun, New Bedford; Amoa ? Falkenburg, Early, Bristol. Also arrived, atoaioera Pollevltle. fierce. and Lanoaator, Mills, Boston; Aohilles, Baceu. Providence; bark Oar uelrka (Ital), Bona; aehra Cl.rabel, Nlekeraon; C P Stick nor. iroian; S A Hoffman. Paahley ; Jno Johnson, Mageot Sallle B. Hatoinan: Lucy D, iiaudy; J K Manaon, Pblnney; SV 8 hlklna, Loilam; linth Shaw, McKl wall; Kmlly A Jennie, Champion; II N Miller, Garrison, aud MAE lleuderaon? all trom Boston; Criala, Boyd. Plymouth: J B Anderson. RIkks, Lynn: Sarak Mlfls. Burdlck, New Bedford: B li Nay lor. Kiaber, dot llatlie Perry, Cbnao, do; Mary Preeland, Clark. Allyn'a Point; Sallle S Godfrey. Katea, Danrarsnort; S CceVa, Borry, Goldahoro: Caar, Hainmoud. Kennebec; John Oad waiader, Phinney, Hlnxnam; Klorence Nowell. Phllllpa, Kennebec, Wave. Hubbard, Bridgeport; R T Smith, Sleeper, Newport; W T (look, Kalkenbery. New Tork: Re becca Shepnard. Prauela, do; II T Hedges, Smith, New Haven; J C Cottrlmcham, Ayree. Lynn; Rebecca M Smith, Grare. Boatm; John Somora, Lymnn. Mobile; Little Major, Hammond, Martinique; H J BClfnya, Bllllnya, Meant Desert; Kills H Emery, Weeks, Kennebec River: Sdwin, Rayner. New York) Clara, Ould, Panteyo, NO; Clio, Hrannln, Mlllvtlle: Heory Davoy, Klnc, Boston ; Lottie K, Krtend, ColHna, Kennebec River. Cleared?Steamer Ann Klisa, Warren. New York; eehra John Cadwahider, Pliinney, Caraorldireport; Klla R lllll. Hilt. New em; EC Kabooek. Treen. East Cambiidye; K t Smith, Sleeper. Newport; W R Vanirildcr Marts, Mlllvlilei Oen (Irani McCully, do;S A Huffman. Huffman, Purta moulh. Nil. Also cleared, barka Urud SanJ (Ana), Gndai, Quoena town; Lucbino (Ital), (llcraro, Briatul; Aurora S B (Ital), Zutemluo, do; achra I> l< Everett, Hix, Ponce; Kive Slaters, Hatchings, Zus; Kunlco Rich. Hittgins, Hoaton: A 1> Scull, Krambes. Lynu; Raehol Seaman, Seaman. Button; Rebooea M Smith, Grace, do; H S llndeon, Vaughan, do; Aitulra YYooley. King. .Vedford; Sallie B, Bateman, Gloucester; Ctarabel, Klokerann, Boston; C P Stlcknay, lrelan, do; Annie B Babcock. Loe, do; W L Klklaa, Ludlatn, do; K II Naylor, Kiaber, do; Sarah Mills, Burdlck, Providence; Ella F Crowell. Atkins, doj J W I Hue. Frances, Bridgeport; M 11 Read, Benson, New Bedford; M A K Henderson, Crnnmer, Bev erly ; J as S Wataon. Cruse. Lynn ; Sallle 8 Godfror. h ates, l'awtncket; Mary Kreaiand. Clark, Allyn'a Point; Amoa Kalkenberg. Early. Somerset; Waterloo, Haak-tl. Gloocos ter; Ailelle Trudell. Grace, Pruvldence; A Pardoe, Shrop shire. YVarel'nm ; 1'uil P Keller, llenderaou. Danvcrapori; liattle Perry, Chase. New Kedmrd; Cora Etta. Pendleton, Boston; J W llaig. Dale. South Creek. NC; Crlais Boweu, lliaghsin; H A l'eher, Benson, New Bedford; J Paine, Smith, Qutney Point; Lixtle C Hickman. Erana, Boston) Ann Kllaaheth. Doone, Chatham; Jno .Johnson, Maxee, Somerset; M B Mlllon. Y'oung, Savannah; Piensi, Bishop, Bristol. Sailed 33d, atenmera Centipede and Pemtoanen. Cii.htek, J una 34?Arrived, aebr Dsrltghl, Anderaen, Oonalrvs Lkwk*. Del, Jane 22?Arrlred, brig Bri Co (Br), tlaakd, St Thomas 23d?Arrived, bark President (Ner), llonaken, Cork. *J4tb?tailed, brio \V II Latimer (Br), Armatrong (from Areclb"), I hilsdelpbla; Bride (Hr). for do. 1'GltTLAND, Me. Juno 32?Arrlred, steamer Kleanora, Joiinaon, New York. 24l!i?Cleared, bark Lolhalr (Br), Detmond, Cow Bar. PnuTSMOCTti, Juno 32? Arrived, ac'tr Albion, Mill*, Perth Am buy. In lower harbor-Sehr Albert Jameson, Caudate, from Thotnastoii for New York. PhOVIXCRTOWN, fane 22?Sailed, sehr Beaton, Bntler, from Barnstable lor Philuoelpbla. I'KIiYIDKNCK, Jnne 32-Arrived, achra Kear Not (Br), Holder, St John. NH; C G Crnnmer, Cranmer. and Klor ence Dean, Phillips. Georgetown, IK); Alnska Clark, Baltimore; II C Bird, Rhodes: saline YV llonnell, Bunnell t R.telle Day. Tracr, and Annie A Millard, Henderson, Phil adelphia: Katv A Mary. Coggswell, Random for Paw luexet;Jobn Stockham. Uart, Sooth Amber; George II lloyt. Decker, ilarerstruw; Mary A Predniore, Pitch, Ilabokeu; Win II Bowse, Jackson; Marr Miller, Darter,; Karnb LTh?inpaoa. Hall. and Signal. Dewica. New York; aluop Lueretla. Atcfnsoe. do. Sailed?Steamers MeClollan. Taylor. Haltlmora via Nor folk ; Catharine Whiting. Harding, Philadelphia; aehra Magirle Mnlvry, Plrryon. Hrun-wiek. Ga. to load for 84 John NH: John l( Hancock. Ilvllott, and Ruth T Carlisle, smith. Oenriretown, DC.; Chief, Smith, New York. RICHMOND, Va , June 33? Sailed, aehrt Johnuv Mee .erve, Krenrti, Boston; Mnrlattu Stoslman. 3mlib, Port land: W M Wilson, Brown, New York. SaN FKaNCISOO, Jnne 10 ? Arrived, ship Ivanhoe, ilillyer, Gusymss via Coes Hay Sailed?Burks Gen C inb. Oliver, Feeheek; Catherine Hnddrn, In .olla, P -t Gamble; Turn CHnnnter, Patterson, Portland. SAVANNAH, Juno 24?Arrived, ate a mar 8 arm costs. Hooper. Baltimore. SALEM, June 32-Arrlred, arbra Carrie L Godfrey, OeUlrey. Philadelphia; Y'undone. Beits, noutb Amoor; J 8. lamprey. GonId, Port John.en; Lory Ames, Klcharda Hondont: Albert Jam-son, Candag-; D Rllia, Torrey. and Ollvo Arery, Tapper, floekland lor New York. 334?soiled (from below), a steamer, supposed the Pan ther, frtim Newburrport for Philadelphia. SOdKRsRT. June 21?Sailed, aebr Harriet Tbontan, Y'an Cleal. Haltlmora. 22d - Arrived, schrs Twi'lght, Roblnaon, Baltimore; Wild Pigeon, Brar, Pblla<lelphin. VIN'r.YARD llAVKN, Jnne 22?Arrived, aehra KM Cn* son Carson, Cardenaa for Pirrtiand; Klisa H Coffin, Cole, and Clara Juaoa. Allen. Perth Am boy ; IB) wood Down, Wear ringtou. and Jamas Maritn. Brown. Philadelphia; Oolla 0 Baker, itaker. Gaomotown. DC; JaoklaJGilkay. Roatfunt? all fur Healon: T H-uediot, Ctueaett. Wuoobrtdge, NJ. at Portland; Mall, Merrill New York for do; L Q V Wishart. ('artan. Philadelphia for East Ceem bridge; T 8lnnirkaon, IMeksrann, do for Quito) Point; Kvelm. Crowley. Perth Am boy for N ah ant; I. H Sargoat, Sargent, ami Son Poatn. Heott. do for Aslemt Ylary II 8t?caham, Used. Pmludalphla f>r Gloucester; Bells lirown, llnnl. Now Y'ork lor Bangor; Connecticut, Gu liver, P-rtit Amb >y for do; Mary Means. Parker, Georgetown, DC, fnr do; Margaret, Kletchnr, Rondeui for M-elila-; Riverside (Br). Cnbh, New York fur Mt Jobn. NK; J A If alllolcl i Hr), flaiOstd, do for Ht Johos, N M i W 8 Jordan, Crowell. Hath: Charles Lawroneo, Clayton, Gardiner for Phlladolpbia; Ail-ton, Kitagerslti, Guldabnro for do; 8 J Kort, Steel man. Gardiner for Haiti mere; Hetijamtn C Terrr. lions. Hsrse Island Harbor tot Klrntnond, Va; Ida L Howard, Tohln, Portland ler New Y'ork; Ollre Branch, Whlttler, KMswortb for do: Aana U Safford. Ketehnm, Danrersnort for do; Rod tleaclv Ho me- Calais fur do; I..icy Roblnaon, Rabbago, Hangot for do ; Kedendo. Yonng, fr?m Hoaton, |o ditrbarvo at Oal Hlnfa? put to fnr a harbor. Sailed?Srlin Red Beach, Chariot Lawrence and 8 J Kort. J.'ld-Arrived, achra Taathmonnt. Pendleton, Month Ato bny for Gardinor; II If llol-lsd (Hr), Sullivan, for New Y'ork Jamas M Flanagan. Richardson. Boston for Phila delphia; Snow Bird llsri, Grippe, St. Job', for New York; L-under A Kn iwlot, Chase. t;aw Bay, CB, for do; Susan., Rockland, for Norwich. Sailed Schrs Clara Jane. Connecticut, Belle Brown. T Benedict, Kit Carton, Jsekin, Ida L Howard, Hedenda, Kllw '.d llnarn, Ollre Branch, L Q C Wishart. Mary II Stockham,T Ninnieksen. Allston, James Maritn, Colin 0 Baser and Susan WII.MIVdroN, NO, Jnno 2J?Arrlred, aebr Jm P B Langroll. Flowers. Ilappahsnnork ill-er ) Cleared?-tnainer Beaofartnr. J.moa, New Y'ork. ynrhi apply 3t<i AhHKHT If. ner*. No. 4il l ino *t., Yor YACHTS, HTE A HI BOATS, AC. ^ A -ALOOP Y AO fi r kM.H A H aT~A?VfioH. ?V ui ? well known uluop yacht Kin inn R; ituirih owar alL ?teat: hnain, It feet; dniiili, -I feet; dranght nf wninr, I feat; centre mard; rompl-laly r-iruUncil, In tlml cl hi rnnillllnn nrd In cemmlwdon; Imllt In IR7U, under the ?aperviaina of Inn owner and warranted Bound. ln?t and nbie, will n? told nt nubile anrtlnn. without twin, in tlm hlrh'.i bidder. on I-riday, Jnue JR. 117*, it 3>i n'e'ock P. M . lit tool III Wall it. lor Invniilor) nu l pei-roli. to .......... .. ji|tX?I.AY A UO., Anrlloa rorf, ? inK wkui. KNowii kLooi' Yacht OOhinu,' .wliii an nnuaually complete mnlli ann reedy mr crolw ln?, will ba *?id nt unction Iit >IOtlN II. DKArl.ll I DO., on Jitlr J, I not prevlonely dl.p n?d of at poreta tain. ska can bn ?e?.n at Now York for a week prerlom ta the nolo l/iOil kai.k -i,i?w k?>STcaSil.o~sa7l b o a t *, 17 ro 1 JO foal long. JoilN K. ML'Mll. fool OI Oonrt at.. Mroak. l?nL 1JV0R RAf.K AND TO CHARTER-CABIN AND OI'hN ' yaebia : ono I? feet Jib and matnoail ra?hi rotnplola, cnuito far o*?h, ot ^KANK KA?R". 17th at.. South Hmoklvn. vy antki??an able propkllkh. svItahioTPTTit T? tinrRla fluhlOR. Particular* to boo l.!?t.N New York Pont oflffn. 'AnTKD-A row IIOAI, huitabi.(T POR a lady'e non: moot i>a natural wood, rornl'lind?, alto a naw Hon Kny Canna A bin on IV.. At I rlnre nt MI9CElil.\YKOVR. BROWN'S VKKMIPCOK ' OM fits, OR WoRlfX'lS KNUI.S Heiuant tu tako, children Ilka them, tha worm, don't. Eemn. MOTIiKRs! MOTIIKKrT Hum hits IMINT nil, TO I'riicrilr; Mlf. WINSIjOW*( MluTIIINlJ nVRUI' POR A Mr ItfRKAShb Of r.kTIII.IU IN Oil I I.DItK N j It relian t the child Ira* p iln, ??fir- win,I colic, rnaolotno tho howaln. and h. fflelnc relic: and health la Ike riitbl trivee r-?t In the mother. W? pkOTMfAST NilKSfc." IU AC company lamlljr aaliln* far Inrupa oii r noon laferaaaaa raaolrud. Apply at 74 Waal lltkn. | Tieclay. w