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THE COURTS. Trial of Miohael Tobin, the West Point Soldier. ORDERS OF ARREST. Bewildered Pienieken Who Fell Into tbe Fourth Avenue Excavation. The trial of Mteoael Tobin (or tbe murder of Peter Albors, at Wut Point, on ihe 20tb February last, was coininenceu in tbe United States Circuit ? Court, yes terday, beiore Judge Beuediot and a jury. Tobin, it will be remembered, cnarged tbat Albert was Intimate with his wife. Alter bis arrest oa tbe charge ol mur der an inquirendo dc luntUicu was bad, wbiob resulted In a decision adverse to tbe claim ol bio Ir responsibility. Tbo eourt room presented a ptcturefquu signt yesterday, lor bere and tbera throughout tbe audience appeared sol diers Irotn tbe West Point barracks, whose dark bias uniforms contrasted well with tbo light summer raiment ol tbe lawyers aud others sealed within the bar. Two aolitary women, whuso identity could not be established, sat In eourt all day and wstohed the proceedings with interest. Tbo wile el the prisoner, ' whose conduct, it Is claimed, oaasea bis trouble, was not present. Wben lbs court was adjourned a little lad rin out trom tbe crowd aud stole through tbe gute Bl the bar wnere Toblu was bUuuiog. The bright lycd littlo follow lives at Uigbiuud F.ns, aud bae been lutertumed by tue' oid uiau's stories ol tbe wars Ibroogb which he hue served. The obtaining ol a jury Moupied tbe greater part ot the duy. An incident It peculiar nature, tbo more so as this Is the triai lor i capital oflence ol a mnu who sorved through tbe late war ol tue rebellion, was tuo calling ol ageniie nuu named H. 11. Davis, uo ex-olttcer lu the Coo ledorate army, aud bis #eiDg requested to step aside K'heu bis service ugaiust lite Uaiou was discovered. He wonld have been eligible as a juror it be bad taken tue Iron-clad oaib, but the quo.iioo was not tsked aud be was excused. A jury was Un-iby ob tained aa lollows:?Frauk E. Beau, Georgt F. Leg |elt, Frauic O. Kusutou, CUarloa J. Hose, James M. Korcr, Kuius M. Bruudige, i'ownseud (Jnderuill, Franklin Edsou, C. lie P. Field, tteury B. Montague, Joseph Parke and Wurreu Gardner Beiore tbe panel was called the loJlowmg quaint no tice was read to tbe prinouer, wbo seeuied a littlo uuzed while tbe reading was In progress:? "i bese good meu that } ou sbuil now bear oalled are those that are 10 pass beiweou you aud your country upon tbo ihdlctment upon woicb you bavo been arraigned. II, tborelore, you will challenge them, or auy ol them, you must challenge them us they come to tbe book to be sworu, una beioro tney are swuru, and you Shall be heurd.'' The reading ever the pris oner bowed in military style auu look a seat bemud his counsel, ex-Uutu-u stutes District Atturaey Fos ter. When the jury bad Oceii sworn in District At torney Ficro opened the cuse lor tbo government and Corporal 11. L. Kipiey was called to tbe stsud. He lisiiued that ou too 24tu ot Fobrunry last Tooiu oatiiu into tbe squad rootu,.iu wbicb be was steading, and shortly alterward no beurd the report of a pistol; turning around, nis buck being turned when the suot wusflreu. be saw I'ooiu aimiug at Albera. a map ul ibe room was produced and the witness explained the position* ol toe parties at the tune ol the shoot ing. Witness Identified tbe pistol wblch be took Irem Tobin on ibal morning wbeu tue eame was oxhibited by tbe District Attorney. William C. Wood, a prl. rate, who was standing near tbe previous wltpesa when the shooting occurred, corroborated bis story. Tbe trial will be continued ibis morning. ORDER OE ARREST PUOGKEDINQS. The General Term of the Superior Court met yester day end delivered a deciaiuu on the appeal tukeu in tbe caeo of Uurcus Wilmark against LoodoiU Herman and another. The case came before tbe Court on an ippeal from an order denying defeudant'e motion to discharge tbe defeudant, Solomon Herman, from ar row and refusing him leare to renew such motion. The action is brought to recover the price of merchan dise sold by the plaintiff to Hie defuadantu between February and April, 1877, on a credit of sixty days, suoh credit being given, as alleged, through relianee upon lalse and fraudulent representation made by Solomon Herman as to the solvency and pecuniary responsibility 01 tbe defendant's firm. On tue 2d 01 March last both ol the defendants were arrested ami boid to ball. Upon uflldavits made by each of iho dclendsnts en order to auow cause was obtained why the order of arrest should not be Vicated, aud Why tbe plaintiff Should not be compelled to state separately bis cause ?I action ior each ol tbe six sales alleged In bit papers, and why the plaintiff should not be compelled to elect betweou his cause ol acilou lor breach ol oon traot and tort. On tue argument tne defendants In open court duly and voluntarily waived tbe uflldsvits on their beoaii upon wbtcn sucu urucr to show cause was obtained, and In support of their molioa relied loleiy upon lbs papers upon winch tue order ol irrost was granted, lno Court relused to vucate die order as to Solomon liermin, but granted the notlott as to Leopold upon nis stipuiatlug not to in Ititnte any suit touuded upoo his arrest. Solomon tbeu moved lor leave to renew the application a* to himself upon the affidavits to show cause or upon additional affidavits, aud the molioa was denied. Judge Stanford, who writes the opimou ol the Uen erai Term, affirming the order 01 tno Court uelow, ?ays that the luois staled Id lbs complaint are lor Iho purposes of the present appeal to be lalteu as true. It the affidavits upon wh ch tno ' order of arrest was obtained controverted such facia tbe waiver of tbem is an express ad ? mission of the statements In the oumplalut aud plaintiff's affidavit. The luote aa nnoouiroverted, abew ibat the deb', lor which tbe present action Is brought was irauouleolly contracted. Tue refusal ol tbe Judge to pormit tbe-motion to be renewed was discretionary, and his discretion wus wiselv ami properly exercised, lbcro wus nothing buiore him to exouse or explain the action ol the defendant's attor ney In deliberately aud unqualifiedly waiving tue alUdavlli on which the order was coiuiucd una relying solely upon the papers upon which the order of arrest was granted. '1 lie papers wore lu his possession aud bis election not to use t lie in caunol be ascribed to iu ndvcrtdbCo or mistake. Judge Sun lord therefore affirms tne order, but inasmuch us some tansiactory excuse may he offered lor Ihu withdrawal ol tbe affi davits reiurred to, be grauts tho deleudume leave, upon payment ol costs, to apply at special Term, upon proper papers, lor leave to renew upon suoh terms as may be just. WIND UP OP A PICNIC. Bofore Judge Santord, In tne Superior Court, tbere In now on trial a salt brought by Henrietta O'liagou ?gainst Dillon, Clyde It Co., cuntrsotors for the Fourth avenue Improvement, to rcoover $20,000 dumagea lor Injuries received. Mrs. O'Hugea complaint that on tbe 4ib ol Jnly, 7874, sbe, together with her husband Francis, tbey bath beiag Uuruians, attended the glonlo ol the Sixty-ninth regiment, which wae held ?a that day at Jones'Weed. Alter enjoying the day the oonpie In the evening started on their Journey komeward. When they arrived at Third avenue aud Sound th? cars crowded on that roid they continued their Journey to Sixty-seoond street tor the purpose ol getting into a uowomwu Madison avenue oar. But upon arriving st tbe Fourtu avenue Improvement they oath leliou a pile of rocks Into tbe excavation, eighteen feet deep. Tno.r were both severely ii Jursd. Mr. O'Hugen brought his suit ugstiisl the defendants some timo ago, uou recovered a vrdici ol gg.0<>0, and bis case is now neloro tbe Court ol Appeals. Mrs. O'llagen, cnniiuuiiig tier story, says sue wasoooflnea to Bsllevue Hospital tor atglu months, sad has suf fered great pain iron bur injuries. She charges that tbs defendants lind piacsd no nguis or leuce on the Sides ol the excavation us s pretention, and that tho aeeioent wai the rcauit of ncglig ooo tn not properly protecting the smite. The delenoants state that i vory precaution had been I. It en, iheru being lights, guard and a fenco, and that Mr. ami Mrs. O'ltscen were both drunk at tno time, and instead of looking lor a bridge, sa they might have done, concluded to lull tmo tne (Xcavation, with tbe result as staled. Mra O'Hsken accuses bar husband ot being in some way responsi ble lor tbe dlsaaior, unit the once loving conpie have ?ince been separated, but wheiher for this or some other cause does not appear. 1 he case Is 11111 on, and will probably occupy aevcral days. ACCOMMODATION NOTE& A decision in tbe case ol Uayuor agalasl Bt. John and others was bunded down yesterday by the Gen eral Term of the Marine Court, and la one ol Im portance 10 dealers In commercial paper. It appeared In evidence tbal one of the defendants applied to tbe Irm ol HI. John k Go. for an aoeuamoduiton note of $3711, which 3k John k Co. gave to him, who, alter Indorsing It, sold the note before meturitv to Haynor k Co., tbe plaintiffs, at a disceeul ol two nna a hull per cent per month. Hay nor A Co. claimed to bare ourchased the onto In good faith, believing It to nave boen ordi nary bU'inuss paper and without notice ol its beiug accommodation paper or mat it fwug tunned with usury, aud accordingly Drought suit on tbe unto. I be case us- been twice tried. Un the flr.t trisl ? verdict was directed lor th- plaiutiffs, wmon wus subxe |iiently set soldo slid a new trial ordered. On Hie ?sound trial a verolct was directed lor tno defendants, wlin n verdict wus also sot aside and a uew trial grimed| irum this order defendants appealed. Un Irotb trials Messrs. Jacobs Brothers, who represented tne deleuduitts, requeued the Court to direct n verdict lor u>e deieuuaiit , on the grounds tbut lie note had no legal me. plion until it reached Haynor At Co.'s hands j that by discounting it tit ii greater gpim than the ran ol sevou per cent per annum the uote was void; that iio scimn could be maintained thereon; that even BSsam ng thai Haynor k Co. did not knew tbs bote to buvr been accommodation paper, and ?appease It to hnva been business papnr, llicy cannot rncovei. and last, that the holder Is bonnd to ku..w the sumu'.i?r ml *,e piper lie It dealing In, and ll It turns Mtt to oe accommodation paper the transaction la aaorloaa If lh? aama t* discounted or purchased at ? greater rata ot Intaraot tbu seveu par cool. Tba Gem-rul Term bave now decided tbat it was errdr uu tbu part ol tba Judge to act aside tba verdict bo bad ordered, and tbat such verdict waa property di rected tor tba defendaota, end accordingly reversed tba order granting tba plaintiff* a caw triai. SUMMARY OP LAW CASE& Emil Rocbeile waa eoovlctea yesterday ot keeping a disorderly bouse at No. US Cbryatia street, and Judge Gilders leave aant bini to the Penitentiary lor ?is inontba. A anlt ts oa trial before Ohlor Jaitioo Corns, la tbo Superior ( ourt, broagbt by Henry Huffman, by guar dian. against tbe New York Ceutrat and Hudson River Railroad Company 10 recover $10,000 damagea lor injuries received by being thrown irom one of tbe defendant'* oars. Au order was graotad yoatardar by Judga Yan Hnesen, in tbo Court ol Common Pleas, for a reler once to t-ke and ataia tba account ot Oliver Drake Smith, assignee of William C. Gilmao, iba convicted bauser, and to report tburcon witb all convenient speed. Judge Lawrence yesterdav decided In tbe suit tor divorce brought by Mary Pritcbard against Rioburd H. Pritouard. m wuicb tbo taller was ordorad lo pay Oounael (to and ousts and disbursements, tbat an execution and not an altaobmeut could issue lor tbe payment. Louis Bodenberger baa broagbt a suit against Wllllum Hernug, Assistant District Attorney, to re cover $710 00. Tbe trial ol tbu case waa begun yes terday beloro Judge Van Vorsi, bottling Supremo Court, Circuit. 1 be suit grew nut ol ibe nsstpument ot a contract In couuooiion with wmcb Mr. Herring acted us counsel. Ho denies tbe Indebtedness. Kr.iuk Jackson waa cenviciud yesterday in tbo Court of Geueral Sessious ol stealing lour coats, tbe prop erly of JauieB Burn*, ot No. 65 Mott street, and Judge Sumerlaud sent bun to Stute Prisou lor four yeurs. Commissioner shields yesterday held Jama* Rooney, ot No 648 Wort Kilty-second street, lu $600 ball in answer a charge ol curryiug on the business ol a recti fier, wituout a license. Jobu Wyuau, who is oharged st tbo instance of Her Brituunlc Majesty's Acting Consul, Pierrepout Kuwarns, Willi Having enured tbe drain ol a man named William Hnkeu, wbo was u leiiuw seaman ou tbe >blp Loob Raiiocn, wbllo enrotUe Irom Melbourne, Australia, lor New York, was beta for examination by Commissioner Beitm In tieplember, 1872, tbe ship Labrouoell, Irom Letlb. Scotland, suited lor New York witb a mixed uargo, paper and oil umong tue re-t. Tbe oil leaked and tbe paper was damaged. Cbio> Justice Watte jot terday lield Ibut tbe stowage was bad and llial tbo owners of ibo paper should recover $1,207 85, tbe amount of dumaiie sustained by tbetn. . In tue suit ol tiadiler against tue city, wnicu was brought to rocover Ibr city advertising miboNew York Tablet, tbo mcts of which have been published lu the likHacu, Judge Van Uoesen, in the Court ol Common Plea*, yesterday denied a motion made by (be plplnuff tor an extra allowance. The Judge says:?"An extra allowance to the plaintiff is out ol the question. Tbe delenuunt might be ontttieu to an allowance If it applied lor one." lu the cuso ol Henry M. Walters, wbo, It le alleged, attempted to kill his wife and subsequently tried to cut bis own tbroat, a motion wus yestciday made tor tbe adjournment of tbe trial, ex-Judge Curus aud Mr. Kuwiu M. Fox appearing lor the accused. It was stated that very important witpes-t-s lor the defence were not in attendance. Judge Uilderslecve granted tbe application. Judge Vuu tloeseu, in tbe snltot Edward L. Wat sou aguiusi Oliver H. Perry, yesterday roudereu a de cialou adjudging tbo plaintiff guilty ol couletnpl ol Court in uisobsyiug an injunction order restraining him Iroin colluding or lu any way disposing of uny ol tue partnership tunds ut E. P. Watson A Co., ol wbiob the piuinnffaud deieudant were members aud ol wbicn Thomas K. Wentworih was apppoibled re ceiver. Judge Van Hoesen orders that be be Im prisoned lor twenty days unless be pay a line of $SuS 16, which be Imposes upon mm. lu tbe case ot David Marsb, the pedler, seventy-two years ol uge, wbo Was convicted ot receiving large quunititcs ol spool cotton and needles siolcu Irom H. B. Clitflin A Co., a motiou was made yesterday in the Court of General Sessions In arrest ot judgment. Judge Gildersleeve reserved his dec sion. Ucorge Wauou broke into ibe dwelling ol John H. Barber, No. 21 Jones street, aud elole clothing valued at $75. When arralgued yesterday for trial In tne Court ol General Sessions the prisoner ploaded guilty end Judge Sutherland sent him to tbo Stale Prison lor two years. Ctiaries S. Schmidt, of Ne. 148 East Fourth street, visited tbe lager beer saloon of Adolpb Oclilinann, ol No. 63 Second avenue, yeeterduy morning. A dis pute arose between tneui. Vttcii Sonmidt seized a stone match box and struck Ocluinaun u Dangerous blow on tbe bead. Schmidt was arrested ana tuken beiore Judge Satberlaud, wbo coininltiod ntm to tne Tombs. The case ot J. Milton Turner, tbe colored Min ister to Liberia, against Messrs. Allen A Dam, proprietor* ut tbe Amor House, to recover demagu* lor tneir refusal lo entertain hint at their hotel, has boen set down lor trial on tbe lirst Meuduy in Octo ber, in the Court cl Common Pleas. I bia cause will involve the Civil Higbls bill and tbe powers and social privileges of our colored fellow ciiiyeu* under that coiebraicd act ol Congress. Ex-Judge Porter and ex Recorder Smith appear lor the Liberiau Minister aud ex-Judge Gurlis Is counsel lor Allen A Dam. Juuae Freed man, among other cases yesterday, was busily occupied in the trial ot a suit broagbt by Mrs. Lydtu U. Piumo against Daniel O'Callaban, to recover the value ol certain laruiture which was bougbt by tbe plaintiff uu tbe instalment plan, and afterward, as alleged, lakeh possession o( by tne defendant ami sidu at auction, together with a quantity ot Jewelry nud other effects of the plalilllff, deposited as security. Tbe plain till, wbo is said lo oe tbe widow Ol u Union soldier killed lu the war, was represented by Lieuten ant Governor Durshenner aud Colonal Wiugate, and the defendant by J. C. Quinn. COURT CALENDARS THIS DAY. 8uprkmi Coi'kt?Chahbrrs? Hold by Judge Pot ter.?Nos. 52, 68, 71, i4, 121, 124, 125, 128, 158, 180, 100. 200, 201, 204 MTFRKMM COOKT?UK JURAL TERR.?AdJoUttlSd Until July 30l mupkkms Court?Sfkcial Iirm?Held by Judge Donobue.?Demurrer?No. 18. Law una luot? Nos. 250, 50, 20, 136. 557, 507, 670, 574, 79, 400, 470, 514, 550, 524, 215, 673. 128. MUFRKMK COURT?CIRCUIT? Port 1?Held Ity Judge Vhu Brunt.?No*. 601. 402, 5239, 2047, 1309, 1719. 2177, 3540, 1708>4, 1106',, 3551, 1046. 88s, 0*1. p?rt 2?itciu Ity Judge Vau Vor-i.?Nos. 1000, 1404, 1121, 1119. 1051, 1594' ., 1893, 2812, 16?1, 822, .;0o2, 20 >7, 1198. 3289, 3650, 1040, 3292, 1026. Purl 3.? Adjourned lor ilie torin. SuriRioR Court?Gkrkkai. Turk.? '.djourned sine die. mupkrior Court?Orient. Tmi?Held by Judge 8edg?lcg.? Duuiurri-r?No. 0. M'Pkkior Court?Trial Tirm?I'.iri 1?Held by Judge Stanford.?.Sue. 690, 745, 763, 654, 445, 143, 800, 440, 640, 400, 234, 130, 739. 486>J( 016. I'uri 2?Held by CUiel Ju-.llco Curing ? Cast- uu?No. 1204. No day calender. Peri 3?Held by Judge Preeamsn.?Nut. 904, 1028, 80), 995. 070, 495, 400, 877, 907. 908, 090, 910. 409, 540, 1013. common i'lcad?Uikkral Tir*.?Adjourned elno die Common Pleas?Kquitt Term.?Adjourned lor the term tunuN 1'liar?Chambers.?Hold by Judge Ven Hoeeen ?No, 4. Common Puma?Trial Tirm? Pert L?Adjourned lor tlie term. Purl 2?Held by Judge J. JP. Daly.? Mo day calendar. Marink Court?Trial Tkiim?P rt 1?Held by Judge AI leer.?No*. 4380, 4780, 4930,2014. Part 2? llulu hv Judge .Sheridan.? Nos 4310,4300, 2448, 4681, 316(1, 4422, 4336, 4049, 4140, 2627, 3863, 44U2. 4110., P.ri 3 -IKlu Ity Judge SionotL?N'.-h. 1272, 3316,4050, 3652, 2043, 4421, 1904. 4064, 4640, 2163, 2480, 4671, 5440, Out), 2082 Court or Uenkmal Mission?Part 1?Held by Judge Sutherland?i he People vs. Ami-lie Daucenberg ?nd Lizzie Deouob-ierg, abduction; Hume vs. K-iwurd J it U ii sou, burglary; Sime ve. Mury Dwyer, burglary ; 8-iuie vs. Kuie Ituiou, burglary; Same vs. Lizzie Mm -to, burglary: same r?. Juuii English, burglary; Same vs. Louisa Ward, larceny (ruin (lie person ; Sums va. William Whoriiu, petit lurceity; .tame vs. James Curci.ran, burglary ; Same vs. Knzabelit Emery, dis orderly buuee. Part 2 Held by Juage ttiluersle-i v<.? The People va. Milliard Luby, roubcry; Hume Vs. Benjamin Dnvis, robbery; Sama vs. Ci.arles Ilugdos, leionieus assault and battery; Marne vs. Jolin Euz geruid, Iniunious assault and btuiery ; Same vs. Will iam L. Horsey, I'alae pretences; Same**. r'rsns Uor men, assault and bailery; Maine vs. Urn mas Weisn, as-auil and battery; Same vr. Piederiok Vanderpuel, forgery, THE DOG LAW y. Mow come* tbe aeaaon when the voice of the dog eatober la heard In tbe police court and tbe cum piniEla ol hie victims daily rlae belore tbe seat of justice. Tbe lir.l imialment yesterday took tbeir atand before Judge Murray, iu lbs Jcfloreou Market Court. Henry Wilaen bad hi on arrested for engaging in conflict wim John Uhyieler, a Irliky gentleman ol aiily-tww, wbo boasted a dog, bat disdained Alder manic equipments. The pair hail been found wrang ling over a very atteuuetod animal, which they wire in a fair way lo pull .-mart, when au offlccr interfered. The veaeVeble Uliyieler said to llio Ju-JgeI? -'1 go deea moruen oud auu taie mine log mil me. 1 s-?y noting to nobody; nobody ny noting to me. Hen dree uian bo crniin along ahd eaten hi dal tog by tee peck leel. t ba*? u bold bad ou dee gollur Mild be bull and 1 bull, llo doo't main strikes at mo and 1 do noting by him. Vui den e<-s dee troubles? list tog, ?el lie ees not ride, humph I 1 sell bun lor fllia oenu Del tree ride, aint UT" Mo amicable an arrangement It wee not In Judge Murray'? hem to upset, and complainant and deieud ant got oil Michael MeLougblin, in consequence of (be official powers conferred upon bun, untile a deecrnt upon Wouster street ami o.-rriod aw,y Catharine Di-Coets'e favorite Mpits, Eidele, trom tbo irotit sloop ol No. 163, wlioro, muazied snu strapped, It irisku<l about lis mistr-we' heels at tbo very momont ol tbe seizure. Mine. !?? Cos 1.1 asiu the dog was wortb $25. It is ago null general sppearnnco did nut guarauio it, but tin Judge dot-mod it proper lo set ollli-lous dog catchers nn example, and couilec.'iod tbo prisoner's badge and held mm lor trial in $360. Fuli GHAKITT8 BAKE. The following oontrlbntione havo boon received at this olTioe:? "A.," lor Mr*. Miles "Creche",.. $1 "ttirangor." lor widow end two cnildren at No. 126 llt-sler etroet..,. 8 SEVENTH DISTRICT COURT. JUDGE PIKOXMf T'B POWiB TO BEMOVX CLERK ANTHONY DENIED BX THE OOBPOBATXOM COUNSEL. Corporation Coaosel Whitney bu glvon tbo follow ing opinion an to Judge Fiuclcney's right or power to remove bia clerk, Patrick Aniuouy, from tbe .Seventh Judicial District Court: Nxw Yobk, June 34, 187a, Patrick Anchor*, Esq. I? *1R?I am In receipt ol your letter el tbe 18th lust., In wliton yuu iuif that on tne 18th lust. you. received Irom Waller t*. liucknuy, J usttco uf tUe SeruuiU Di.trict Court, la toil city, a notice, ot which the following in a copy: ? "IIotkl OT At, 1 "UtSKHVOIB bQUAIlk ANU KORTIKTII SlKKKT. \ " IW 1 ORB, June i7, 1878. ) MPatrick, Esq. "?ik?Our reiatious have ever been amicable aoa pleas ant, but, iia will he ohaerveii, political relatione inu-i he considered. In virtue ol the act oi 1*78. I have appointed ex- tl-.erman Thomas Unify an Clerk ot the District Court, iu the city ol New Torn, Ivr the seventh Judicial District, iu your place and etead. i tnall ever rem--inner the luii coiiaideratloui hetwoeu us. Your*, \V. s i'lNCKXr.Y." You mate that yuu weie npnoiuted clerk ol eaid cuurt on the 24lh day ol Nuveuiber 1878 by the late John A. .-leui uiier, who wan thou the Justice loereof, and vou request my opinion weather your term aa cl rk ol said court put expired, and whether Juetice I'lnckney har auy power or autboriti to make the appointment ol which he hae given you notice. I he Counsel to the Corporation It not the lecal adviser ef the clerks of the various district courta in this city, but, as tbe salaries ot those clerks are paid I runt the city treasury and as the question wtlt doubtless soon arisa whether the salary attached to the office ol clerk oft ho .seventh District Court shull be paid to yuu or to Mr. Duffy, 1 have thought it proper to examine the matter mid to lurnish you with luy views In regard to the legality of the actiou ot J udjto piuukney. .section 1 oi chapter 438 of the Laws of 1872 contaiaed ani-tig other thiiig* the lollowlu. provision "1 hero snail be a clerk and an assistant clerk hi each of the dish-ict courts of suid cltv (New York), who shad he appointed by the tudces ol said court, I lie.* shall bold office,, perlunu the same duties ami possess tlio same powers as now prescribed by law. Tne said clerks shun receive a salary ol ?3,000 per annum. The Comptrol ler ot tbe 'ity ol New 1 or,, is aut .oriscd and di routed to pay lb" salary of tbe clerks provided lor by this act in monthly iustalnieuts eut ol the city treasirry." The term o! .dike uf Judge Pincauey and el noarly "II the other present judges of the distil-, con its coiu m e need J auu ary 1, I87fi. alter Ins election he and the ot .or .)ti<lgea claimed that they had a right to reuiovn the clerks of the district conns who were iu office when the terms ot said Jud. es commenced, and they did attempt to make such removals and appoint other persous iu the places ol said clerks actions, iu tbe natuie of que warranto, were tncreupuii brought by yonrseif and the old cieiks against tile new app intess, anil one oi such actions was made a lest case and was taken to the Court ol Appeals. Tnal Court decided that th i claim of the justices was uulouudeu, and that, under said act of 1872 and previous uwsnliltlu force, the term ot office of clerks ol district courts was >ix years, a .d they could not ue removed by Judges of those courts. (People ex ret. Idealy vs. ease, n.v N Y. 522). Throupnu. iu pursu ance oi a stipulation, a Judgment was eutered on tile a lion hrnugiit by tne Atlnruey deuoril on your behalf against James It. Davie*, alto had bean appninted by J ud e Inck uey Clerk ol the revrnlh District v uurt. I'lus judgment was entered in December. 1878, uid under It Don s was oust'-d Irom the office of cicrk, and you were'in stalled therein, and, aa I understand, hum that time uutii the reeeipt of the al<ove men tioned notice irom Mr. Justice Pluckiiey, hare cuutinuously acted us clerk of tald court; nor until receipt oi said notice has any claim oeeu made by Justice Pinckiiuy cur ?ny other person that you a ero not the lawlul cieik uf said Court. Under these circumstances I am entirely at a lo-s to Im agine upon wliai grounds .1 udge Plnkuei Claims the right to remove you and appoint >lr. Dully In rour place, lie re fers iu ins notice above quoted to tbo act ol 1*78, but I can not coiij. cture upon What grounds he claims to derive such authority Irom act. Chapter 438 of the Daws of 1872. above referred to, ex cept so much us relate* to criminal courts, was indeed re pealed by subdivision 18 of siciton 1 ol chapter 417 ut tbe Daivsol 1877, wuicli was the general repealing act adopted alter the passage of tbo new Code of Civil Procedure. The only act so far as 1 am aware relating tu this subject which was passed ui 1*78 Is chapter 34 ? ol the laws or this year. I hit last men tioned act restores said chapter 43* ot the ul 1*72 *0 far as it relates to cloiks and assistant eleras of the dis trict court* in this city. This net, however, exprt-sliT pro vides thai "the clerks anil assistant clerk* who W'-ro such when said repealing act was passed are continued as though sueh act had never taken effect; and nothing In this act contained sbdl ubiidge or extend the terms of ofli is lor which the present clerks and assistant clerks worn originally appninted." It is lee clear lor argument upon the facts abov-i slated that this act of 1878 noes not center upon Justice I'incktn-y any power to remove you or to appeiut any otner person iu your place, nor is there any otner statute which giv is him any sttcli power. The matter is so plain th it it does not ad mit ol discussion, and 1 am th- retore ul the opinion that the said Justice has uo right nor color ot right to remove you and appuiut Mr. Huffy iu your place, and th it stiou at tcmp.ed removal and itupoi.iiineiil aro without authority oi law and are null and void. Tours, ? WILLIAM C. WIUTNBY, Counsel to the Corporation. BUSINESS TROUBLES. ASSIGNMENTS, PETITIONS IN BANKBDPTOT AMD ClihD'TOBS* DOINGS. David M. Koebler, wholesale and rstall dealer In liquors ai No. 202 Kjsi Twenty-ninth street, made an assignraeul yesterday lor tho benclll ol bis creditors to D via L. KLncr. Uis liabilities amount to nearly (500,000, Hie greater portion of wntch is ou account of real estate depreciation and deficiencies on mort gages. Several years ago bo was worm a groat deal of money, wblcb be sunK In real estate speculations. Ue was recently of tbe firm ol Koehler A Kupfor, liquor dealers, wblcb tailed and settled wun tbelr creditors at fifty cents on tbe dollar. He owes very little lot merchandise. Mr. J. J. Stein, It is counsel, Is preparing a statement ol tne liabilities and assets, wuicli will lie ready in a tew days, i'be prlucipal creditors uro insurance companies. Numuei Hirachbeok, ol tue lut,? firm ot Kobman, Jtanut A Co., couleotlouers at No. II Luight street, bas beou adjudictt,ed a voluntary bankrupt ?y Kogis tor Fiiou, having liabilities amounting to $8,250 and no assets. Tne principal creditors uro William Hotliscnlld, $2,*00; William H. Honda, $1,550; Ameri can Popuiur Li in Insurance Company, (1.50U; a. H.. lloi-enbelm, $1,200. Dourinski k Winitskl, nmuulaciarers ot ladles'un derwear at No. 47 Lispensrd street, made an assign ment yesterday for tbe benefit ol tbe creditor* to George ?. Dunn. Tue present firm was established in January. 1877. baring a capital ol $7,000, ol wntcb $4,000 coii-isted ol stock. TUeir liabilities Will not exceed $10,000. Uusuve iirueok, manufacturer ol lans, Is endeavor ing to effect a -etiieroeui witu bla creditors at tin ecu cuts uu ibe uuil .r, cash, wnicli nearly all inecredi tor* buvo uccepied; bis liabilities amount to $8,000 hfiorts aru being made by Louis Ureenbauin, manu facturer ol corus and tassels at No. 240 Canaj struel, lor asctlleiuenl wltb bis creditors at twenty cents on tbe dollar. W? W. O.lbert made application to Register Filch lor uis discharge I rum onnkrnptey, una us tbere was no opposition ou tbe part ol tbo cre.iilors bis petition will bo granted. Francis Moore, dealer In furniture ai No. 148 West Twenty-ibird street, bits suspended, with liabilities amounting lo (12,500; ttie iioiniual nsscls are about (16,500, consisting of stock (11,000, and open aoeounts (2,50o, ibe roal Value ol wuicli is estimated ut about (10,000. XKBT1N08 Or CREDITORS. A meeting of tbe creditors ?) C. W. If. Dare, manu facturer ol children's carriages at No. 47 Cortlandt street, was bold yesterday at the rooms ot tho Hard, wsro Board ol Trade, Nos, 4 and 6 Warrou street, 11 r. it. P. Howies, chairman, and J. 0. Guiuey, secre tary. A statement was read showing liabilities amounting to (87,306 51, ot wnicn (21,321 52 are contingent; assets. $32,633 56, which includes stock aud goods in process ot roanulaciuro, $18,500; book accounts, (lO.Obtf; machinery, $2,000. 'lbs meeting unamnousiy uecldcl thai Mr. Dare snould nouliuuo busiuess as u-uui, and a coin in n lee, cousisting ot Me-srs. John 0. Uino-, Nntnuui II jrnhara, J. 8. Lad dingion, It 1*. howies and G. ti. Uissonawuy, wern ui pointed to determine upou a hnais lor a compromise as soon an possible. * Ibe ciediiui's ol Michael Graham, dealer in coal at No. 245 LuSt Klguiy-Mxlh street, uict at tbo ottlce of Ret-ISter Little, ?ud eiecied William llusb assiguoo III bankruptcy. Tbe schedules presonlod showed liabili ties a in o u ii i lug to *13 50U, and one eltlru was pruvod for (1.258 16 by Samuel Bunnell, Jr Ala meeting ol the creditors Ol Charles K. Doty, of the Iwe firm ot Doty, ItauSfi'du A Co., held ai tho otb' e ol Register K etc mini, II. F. Mauadold proved a claim lor (7,610, and Jouii H. Plait was appointed as sign eu. A meeting of tbe crediors ol Paul Zona, Importer ol plnio glass al No. 37 Barclay sireel, was held at ibo olllcu ol Register KalCbum, and ibo composition of iwcuiy-live oents cn the doll ,r in lour mnuilis' time was conllrmed. The liahiliuea amount lo $1114,360. The creditors ol Bou.iy <* Procbassa, nimiuiaclurers ol cigais, luriueriy at No 12(1 Chambers street, loot at the itfilce ol Register Filch. BcuedUlre were presented showiug nabllilies umouuilng lo $77,000, and five claims wore proved aggregating $1,412 63, as lul lows:?Wniiam WTckes At Co., $1,681 18; Jacob llinknl, $1,524 70; A. Strauss, $4,1 H4; 8. Klein, $447 16; A. Purges, $3U4 67. Moses Folk was elected asslguee. LIQUOR SMUGGLING. Tor some lima past Special Agent Bracket! has kept wstch on some of the liquor stores skirling th# Norm River at Uobokon, bs having roeeived in formation ibst largo quantities ol foreign "brandies and otbsr spirituous liqnors wore supplied ibem at nominal ruios irorn tbs Hamburg and Bremen steamers. Yesieruay tbs Cuptaib Detailed Inspectors Jackson and llussey, who stationed themselves on n corner ol ibe Bremen doek early in tbo morning, where they oould watch every person leaving the steamer w ilioul bomg observed in return. Noon they noticed two sailois leaving tbn steamship lying al tnat wliarl whose bulky appearaoca suggested that they bad contraband goods concealed on tbelr persons. The ollioers lullowcd the sailors, who wended their way to No. 7 I'oird street, oc cupied as u furniture store, leaving it shortly with every evidence ol having ''unloaded" their stores. JucKson and llu-sey entered the store nnd accused the proprietor ol boiug engaged In tbo uu Iiiw.ui practice of keeping a lence lor smugslera, w lin u he eiuphat'cully domed. The oltlcers, however, commenced >o s arch tho premises, anil discovered 260 oottits ol line < ognao brandy, 60 hollies ol ilol luud gill and about 3d bottles of olhor liquors, suati as ruin, kluunol, biuer*, Ac ; also ona barrel lull (150 packages) ol French and German snail, in ball pound packages; one barrel (150 psrksccs) ol German '?shag" smoking tohicco and 10 boxes ol ciRitrs. The piondor was loaded on sn express wagon and brought to ilio Custom House seisuro room. Captain Uracltett Instituted proceedings against the receiver Ol the smuggled good-, who will t>e arrested to-dsy. The Value oi in) goods is nearly (JLiWtt J REAL ESTATE. The following *nl*? war* mad* on lb* Itaal Batata Exchange yusterduy by u v. HAKNBTT. Ferecloenre sale -tlu.:u DmudIv, referee?of the house, with plot 01 I x IOU.4, on tb n. s. aide of i>2d ?t.. 509.6 It. a. ot ttli : toplaiatiif... ......$10,000 Also similar *al??Stephen II olln. referee?of the 3 hi uses. with Iota 25x102 2, Ne>. 300, 337 and 367 East 7?tli ?t., n 70 ft w af 1st nr. : one to C. Met'onn 'or $1,900, the others, at to plutiititf 19,000 Alan similar tale? Richard M. nenrr. rvleiee -of the 4 uouse-. wilh lota each 25x102.2 Nob. 350. 801, 303 milt 36.3 I- ast 7Utn St., n. t., 133 It. W. ol lit nr.; to ulaJnlifl' 30,000 iiv scorr and *ykui. Arthur Jonas, referee ? Kmecln-iiro ?a of the store and dwelling, with lot 2.3x92. I*. No 258 A'eat 41st at.. 130 It. e. ol 8th av.: to plitiiitilT...... 14,100 av in itn a un sarTH Bradbury O. Chat won I. r daree ?Foreclosure aula of the SIX lots, .another I3tla00.ll, oil the n. s of 133d St.. 850 ft e ol 7th a*., extennln; through to lJtth it.; to plaiutlll 6,300 BY T. a. WAKKKX AND OO. Charles A. Runk. reirrae?Fnrecl sure sale of tha two housea. with lots "SIX"4 nloi k. ou ihe s. a. of ISOth St., 473 It. a. o llHh uv. tto pi uultff SOQ BY H0.ill N. I'tsr. William P. Dixon, relerto ?Foreclosure aala ot plot of land. 100x21X1. on tho road ending from West Farms in nut's l'otni, ?>IJotnlng lan i? ol damns Miller and I'. A. Vjrse, Jr., West Forms, 24th wai (I; to pluintlff 3.000 Total $83,uco OFFICIAL BEAD FSI'ATE TRANSFERS. Tho following si&temaot, sitowliig the reul osiato traiiaaclioiiu recorded in the Register's ottloo June 24, 1378, is obtained Iroiu Augustus 1'. Doclntriy, Deputy Register:? 10th .IV., w. s., 4115 It. s. 61st St., 30x80; tialan Terry ?nd wife to%lary K. lluini Nom. 44th st. Sot) ft. e. ot ilihav., luoxioo.o; Samuel F. I'.ngs lyul wifi to Kinrna 3. Tolten $10,300 Kingshridgi- iind M'Uliuiu.bridge l oad, 33 luls(24ih wardi; John D.tvluson and wile to i.ymau li. Avery a . 13,000 71st at., a. s., 22 It. e. ol 4th nr., 20.6*996', New Viark Idle Insurance Company to Murphy A Ncs b?r ... 16,750 William st.. e. earner of Fruakl'ort st., 38.4x83.0; tlllrer r . Crotnw II to '. li*i lex I'. Cromwoll Nom. 2d sr., li. n. ol '3d St., 30.3x71); ileury Knhl and wii.-toJohii it. We.terau 18,300 linlou ar.. n. w corner of 107th at.. 115x1011 (23d wardi ; William U. Conner, sheriff, to Caspar Barnmunn 130 We.t at. (24tb wurilj, 50xI0<>; William liloomtield irelaice) to sopbia .akerm>u 130 lOtu av.. w. ? , 75 It. n. ot 8jd St., 37.11x10.1.4; T. L. Ogoen ireleree) to i.iua d. Jluiley 1,000 Boffinau si.,50x122.5 (241 h waidi- 8. h. Hall (let oree) to Westchester Fire Insurance Coiupuiiy. ., 700 70ih at., u. s., 99. 10 It. e ot Madia n av., party wail; Mary dotlay to .1 macs V -. d oullry 100 60Ui st , a a.. 125 ft. e. M adtson a v., .3x100.5; Ann l impsoii ami linsbuud to leaner Brown 25,000 Mndi ou av., w. s.. 1.3.8, s. 1i.2x7.i; . Icauor Brown and uushiiod to Anno Nom, 1st nr.. w. a . 40.4 It a. ol U2d at., 24.8x 100; 1'hlllp A Decker and wile to W. Nolle lO.OoO Lexington av , a. a. corner ot 04th at., 130.7x85; also Lexington nr., n. w comer ol 86th at., 20x 74.7; Florence 8. Austin to Frederick 11. Coiu atock Nona. Same property, Frederick II. < oiustuck to Lewis if. Austin . Nom. Washlngtim av.. n. a. corner of Talmadga St., 51x DAI; Augusta U. farmer ana liushnlid to Frede ricK scliuiy. 2.000 45tn at., a. a.,823 ft o. ol llHixIOU.5; suui uel F, Lugs and wife to Thomas K. I re icy 11,000 IkUtli at , s a. 311.0 ft. e. of av A, 18.0x1 mil: Fcd'rick Boh lilts ou I wlie to Augustus u, Farmer 5,500 180ih St., u. a., 76 It. e. of 5th av , in 11x911.11; i r cill* Muckellar and liuahulid to Joseph (I. Ave rill (exacuion Nom. 00.h at., a. a,. 46.4 It. e. ol Lcxni.tou av.,54. lux 11X1.5; Caroline K. Mm kuy and hushaud tu Chris* tonher B. Keuch Nom. Madison at. (No. 334), 19.6x36; lienors Twigg to Annie M. iwigg 2,300 120th St.. ?. s.,843911 e . of av. A, 18.9x11X111; ri. C. Chat wood treier o), to Frederick 8cliuls 1,500 MedUoii av.,e. s.,60 II fi. n, ol 132(1 st.. 20x40; 6. G. Beitrdsh-e (referee) to John N. Haywood 900 HKCOAIlkD muiiTuackn Bedlow, Allrad and wiis, to Jo;.u u. ilcnshaw, a. s. Monroe st.. also a. a. Monroe st.,alsoe s hast Broadway nline. a. Market at. and uuu south and A ntcr ati , hem ceu Clin loll uud Mou t ginnery ats.; 1 vear . .. $1,000 Saino to salne, u s hnnt and also n. s. Henry st.; 1 year 1,000 IMehl. Karl and wife, to Wilil.ira For.ster, n. e. cor ner of loth ?y. audo7(li at.; 3 moutlia 1,225 Ciiiumlnga, Aun C. and uthers, to hlisahot t M. Cuuldwell. u s. 2dct., w. of av. H.; 5 years .6,600 Duggln, Coarles nud wllu. to tho Mutual l<i e Insur ance Company, No. :t.> hast.i.rtn at.; 1h mouth*.. in OOo Same la aame. ,?o 656 Main son av.; 18 uioutiis 21,(Ml same to saiuo. No. .'.38 Mitdisou nr.; 18 mouths. .. 21.000 Baine to same. It*. 38 Lust 56th at,; 18 months. .. llt.ouo same to anrao. No. 33 East 5 >ih at.: 18 moiiilis 16,000 Santa to auine, No. 211 i.aat 3.3th at.; 18 mouths....? 14,000 Hams to seine. No. 26 i asl 6Ut)i st.; 18 in ntlia 16 uuu Same to same. No. 22 East 56th .t.; 18 months 14,000 Dunham. John 11, to /iba 11. hitu en, Nos. 1.11 and 133 haal I7tu at.; 130 heat 27th at.; 145 and 147 haal 127tn at ; alao 5th av. ; alio 50th st , w. of Other., and itiso property at .Mclroao and haat chester; 3 yours 2,200 Fox. Cha-les and wile, to Leonard Scott, a. o. cor ner ol Lexington nv nud O'lih at.; 3 yoara 6,000 Sniuo tu seme, o. s. Lcxlngtou av , s. ol 0.3tU st,; 3 years 5,500 Laaler. Herman H. nnu wllu, to Frimcia A. rilllen brand, Nos. IDS and 110 Molt at., 156, 158 and 160 Heater at. aud 6u hlisaheth at.; 3 years 17,000 Lawrence. Itaoeila, to Ueurv A. Bogart, No. 43 Division at., 1 year 8,000 UcGleusey, Caroline nnu hualiand, to the Hank for Havings, a. a. 18th at., w. of 8lh nr.; 1 year 5,000, Samuel 11. W. and others, to Jane h. Koog ers, w. s. Kldrtdue at.,u. ot llrooine St.; I year. 6,000 Mauuey. Margaret, tu Mary A. A. Woodcock, a. s. 11th St., a. of 3d nv.; 6 years 9,000 Murphy A Nasblt to the New York Lite Insurance Cidupauy, s. a. ot 7lat St., e. ol 4th av.; 1 year.... 14,000 Ro diiaon, Mary H , tu Churl, a H. Uslaaauhainar. it. a. corner ol 2d nv. and 3Htn at. ; 4 month. 5,000 Same to Corueila A. At will, sumo property; 4 months 10,1X10 Tltnnson, Ann .. to Alfred Bouney, w. a. of Madi son av., a. ot 78th st : 3 years 10,000 Tutlen, hmma A, ana bus'MMld. t i Samuel F. Kngs, n. s. of 44lh St., e. ot lit i ev. ; 1 year 10,500 Sams to aame. snra i property ; I year 8.000 Treacy, Thomas F., to Samuel F. hngl, t S III 4.3th St.. w. ol lOtli av. ; 1 rear 8,000 Samo to same, aame property: 1 year 11,000 MUNICIPAL NOTES. City Chamberlain Tuppnn report* the balance In the city treaenry at $1,771,665 80. Mayor Ely again announced yesterday that It was one rtaln when he would tend in nominationa lor Poltoe and Excise Commissioners. He also expressed llie opiuioo mat no public tnL rusl could stiller Iroin llio uelay. A deputation ol Seventh ward cilizeos called upon Mr. Ely yceteruuv to press tue claims ol Mr. William Colilguu lor tbo vacancy iu tbo Excise liu iid. Kifib avenue, Irotn Ninetieth to 110th elreet, le with out pas lamps, to tbo great iucouvrni(n>ca ol ttie pub lic who puss lliruuiili lUkl locality hi uigbt. The' explanation at tbo Huparimenl of Public Works is ihit l It Ik part ol tbo uV' nun has ouly fuel been graded. A'resolution ol the Common Council Is ro quired to amhurixe tbo orectiou of the noooreary lumps. KCUN 1 UHK. X~STT?ATr?i AtWTT?iw V0it i?1TKrSE*73XK?OT /\ .nnd tteudlag Warehouses. 513 end >14 Men a*., ihith st.; tho largest establishment lu tn? city; lowe>tcssU t>ric ?; weakly sad monthly payment# tehee. T -Kidi7~iTouhkhoiTd pTFkTTTukk at auctiun, it.ilil. dity (Tuesday i, Jeoe 3>, l'? e'eteektlteraeay Pianoforte, riuits in sslln, r >? -Ilk nnd reps; bedroom. Li brary anil Dining i- urn a I u ro ; Pslntlnns. Mrnnsei, Carpets. .V II. Private rcsineuca No. 41 We?l Ditb at., between 5tn and 0th are a ?M*PUT 8K I.I. " IM M Kill AT iTT. V"QVKK N aNNB s'V.-siiii Suits $189; raw slls and rop Hails, $50, $23; liriiH.els Carpet. flu aeeit ap; Plseolurtn, Mirrors, fonr bedroom Hulls. Mattresses. Paintings, ilrnnses. Library, prsisii Ksraltare; asacrniee; property of lamlly leaving elty, lUsldouce l'J7 hast -7ih It, between Lexington end 4tli sv?. t -AC l/ltJK.?PKISATK FAMILY. U18CO.Nfl.Vl/ J* Inr housekeeping, will sell tln-lr ne rlr now ami Hand s>.me Furniture ut less than .ectton prices. Parlur Suits in raw silk, biark walnut Cbatnber Sets, hair Mnftroisei, Brussels and Wilton Carpets, Hnd Lounge, KefrLomtiir, I'arior Hash, Library labl", single i.edsteads Liee Car lain s. Chair*, mi Oil PniutitiL* : n?rea??i able alter reinsert. Cull and see the bar.sills at flCl West 3Hth st. BAi Ma.vs IIKulllr.Cs A ItK UFKK INQ URKaT burgsi>m in Furniture, Caipets an I lleddlng. at their stare J3H and -do Hudson st., corner lirnome; w-nkly nnd lutintlilv |>si menu tasoa. fjlilH sAbk?t!-titfKTt. pahlokThkdnooM a>d IP Dining Kn<>in I nrnitare. Perilling, At., Ac.; Pinnn; evnytliinc Itr-t ili?: on eeoonat ?l ii*i>.>ttiir< f?r Kurope, tuusi no sold by the 37lu. .Apply 433 Keel Nilm st. FluH HALr.? ~irT~Or PA MM? Wit .sTf If ilf.V price $ho. .'KIT rid ?>. Itlug nell No .1, lei*, h m J IMMENSE KKUI'CTTon IN PKIC I'.S UK PC K.N ITUK .. 1I urpots. Ar, lor cssu ur ussy payments COWPKIl 1 II WAIT'S, 156 nnd 157 Chatham ?t. Send for Illustrated priee list. Meekly or monthly payments. riAUHKR (ILACk WaLNIjT DMEMMlMU OAltM AMD X lletlstends to inaish. with Hpringa and Ilcrtding ; two Cot tage situs, will be sold nt a great eaeribce. 1 Wesi 3Htli et. 1 A.nTEU?A HKT OP PCRNlrURK rol rTRLOB use ut ? low price. AUdiest CllA.>K,box 143 Herald Uptown eflktt. OKXTIMTItV. A'M o# fKKfit nnisxis iiiVcBH. rrnrm 1177 dill a*.. one do r above -At st , or 1JH tt o-t Utn et. . t?rms i? suit. NKWBItUl >111 A NKWBBOUOU. T VAN VLKOE'd UKNTAC MOOMH, 3*4 0F1T AV. I'laln Mela. $5; (Ian teotn. SH upward; warranted. Ijainlkhh" KX r.! AUTlUn"; ALSO ABTiriOIAl* 1 relit: terms to suit. MOUTH AVKM'K DENTAL AHnUOIaTIw.N. SWMth a*., una dee* below jj|lttl? UNtuikpa^hDii(Fly hp.atrrTr u l, pi.krkiTn.V rirl leg Artificial leeih.ffli ?um,$H; warranted. "Sew York Denial Itooms," 303 Oth ev.: estaoli-lted IHftl. Dr. Mi.aDBB, WATCH KM, J KWKMIY, Ac. AT 1 273 IIIILAuWaY. AllOVK .VI) "hT".7 ?iumT? for Personal IVnpertr; old Hold, Silver bought; > b vanoes ra nde. LaSlos' office WILLIAM A. IILnVi ll. T~"JuTInouS'h, i k) howkiFy?LU I OLD MINI Diumondi; sliaoluto r unltless, $120 per caret, bsnght at a iserlllee; worth f'Jisl _ Amnsil Eerriegs, perleet maleliea, quality munrpa-sed, over8carats, IUOO. MILLS A COi.hdAN, IMOrandM. Dl AMONU H l Uiis* PUBB W HI Th7~l^?OaKaTh, 1*1), extra brilliant; solid gold Watch, stem winder, $45. MII.Ls A t'UI.KH AN. immrand St. Diamond barbImib, 4 c ah a rv, hp bb a p. n kl wiilte, very britdant, A<3U; a display for $l,0titx MiLLh A CllLKM sN. IHUtlrand St. _____ MO.Nr.Y.?Ill AMONDO] WATOHKit, JRWRLBT, HIL rerware, Ac., bnavhl and sold bach at >> small advance. Or.u. C. ALi.KN, l.llsi Itroadway, hear 20th st (k 117 HP.UAUWtY.-UI.MUsD->, WAT H !? H AND ?7tf I Jewelry bou flit end soldi loans negotiated on Per sonal Property of every description. jaMkb r. MATIIIl W? ' DWAY. OVKR HKKaLD hranum. .ewU I Ladles' prlvais olltre ; Diamonds. Watohea, Jew airy. Ae., bee lit and sold. IIranch, 1,2U7 Hrosdwav. LINDw MitOfc SITUATIONS Wi.1TElh>rKNAIA(. t'uolta. tV . J *1 hi Kit ft a M SfitCUL IikS PATCH KM. JN THE EVEMSii 1 Ei.EUR i Jf. J> r?r ?v''l l/r.Bi AIi^nM, WITH PULL ALPORTS OK THE LATEST REVE LATIONS OP THE POTTEK INVL TKJATINO COMMIT] EE, EVEKY MO lit. REST 53D ST. (PKKsKNT EM PLOVER'S).?A U1EL la cook, waiherand ironer: cut Mtitmi 1A KA*T Iti H ST.?A YoUNli WO ?! A ft AS UOOO XOuok and laundress; willing to do general housework; oiiy ret'. reui-B. i?.) I AS I 49T1I M -A TOUSli OJHL as i.O<)D ?1 _iplain cook, good waahor and ironer; beat oily reler ence. 31 Ot EAST 1 i.?r 11 ST?A IthSPE J'l A H LK COLORED ^xwornaii at ijook Now London nr Newport preferred ; thoroughly uudcraian la her business in every breach; either hotel or priv ta laiull> : good city ralarence can ba bad Iroui bar laat placo. W EST 301 fifi* (PK 8. NT KMPLOVtl.'S)?A young woman aa ilrst can cook ; city or country. ?J7 WEST 32D ST.-TWO OlttLtf; ONE AS COOK, ? J 1 the other na chambermaid; good returance from laat employer. 'JO WEST 13TH ST. -OOMPKTBNT YOUNG KN0> ? ? liali winii in as Hr?t clitaa cook and to a?sl?t with the washing and lrouiug: willing and obliging; beat city roU ereacca. A it WB'T 18TI1 ST.," TuIKL KLOOR, BEAK.? sS ? X'"oxfcllont cook, washer and ironer; good brand nnd pnatrv maker; city ur country; good roion-u.-o. A I W > ST lttfli ST. <P K-KN l K Ml*L' > VKK'.H]A * XTfirat claaa cook; can 00 Trench and English cooking: daaacrta ol nil kinda; good bread maker. J"n wEK~31 S r ST.? AS PIIts". C-.A'S COOK IN A X ajlamilv ; city or country; beat referencra from families in the a-lty that auo baa lived ivitb (or yeara. Any time af ter 10 o'clock. SO WEST ~:tivrII ST. fpitK^KMT BMPLOYKtPS).?A tXOynuug .-irk aaconit: will do coarse was'ilng. n 7 "OAEMIRK" s7 ? V UK-SPE''TABLE lilKL ait l) I pialn Cook. first class washer and ironer, In private ?family; rood city reference Autre.*. * F7 EAST ~8I'U ST.. Kit A 8. r-COMPCTERT WOMAN ?.7 1 a* tlr-t ela s cook in bo-riling house; citv or country. 3D A v.. N eTk nFtT I sr.?AS PlhST OLA S S cook: city or country : b?st citj reference. 7"t ltT." k srT^ its. \K young FitoTKSTANT i Xwom >11 an coo': and to na-lat with coarae washing; enn do chamticrwork or waltim."; city orconntry; relerence, <?i) WEST 48rH ST.?AS IjOOD COOK, can"be 69 72 ?jaeeii tor tiro ilara ut her la-t place. (?/? 8T1I AV . Ii > i? Ki.Oliit.?A illliULK A1 ? B 1> WO. t/Uinao at cook and baker; understands luila and butter; boat reference. 10 11 7 WESr 53U sT., sKi'liNO KLOOK. BACK.?AS t lir-i claaa cook In privata I -mily ; country pralerrad; 11 rat class rot reuo-. 1 i VT WEST 44 I'll SI'. (K Ini *hi;<iM> HfcLL. WEST I. yJ ?/alilai.? Aa oxcolloui conk; no objection to naalat in tbu washing", wall recommended. 1 ill WBSf 13T11 ST.?vol.*Nil WOMAN AS COOK; XXI'-'cood washer and irooer. baker; city or country; city rel iance. ~ MULBc rTv'st". iHHim " PtKsr CLASS aicook lor reatanrnnt; nonhjectinn to nicht work. lT~l Wi.S I' ItTil~ri;" A MlltULE AUS.D ENtiLlSH 11'xwom 111 as cook; Is <|iRood bread and cake biker; city nr country ; good rolcroncea. - CLIN KIN ST., SECOND PLOUR.?AS OOOD iJUerman cook; city or ceuatrr, 1 oTl 71 11 A v.?A s u O. i"[? 1m7 UN COOK, WASHES X?j!'tind ironcr; citr or country; go d relereuee Irora loci place, _ ouluked woman as uce. 11 11I | WEST 31S Ajlconk ; refer, n I ?l A WKSi' 3311 sr.?A I'OMPK I EST WOMAN AS 1 wxfiniliy eonk to go in the country: would ?lny liouio and do cooking and wuablnr. "east uoih SI.?A LAUY TTeaVIN i town Ok lie a to prncitro A altiintioii lor a llrat class cook. 124 128 VViiHT 24111 ST.?A- F1K.ST OL\88 COOK; under?tan(ia nil ktnfU ol noup^ and incnt*. also all kiii'is of paatry and di'Sicru; no ob.oetinn to t sin tll hotel or first class boarding house; (food ciljr retoroncH. I-Vm" WEat lu'f H ST.. ItKAR.'?A (ilKL A QUUD _jr7Dlaln cook, oxcelleut waalier and ironer; city or country; reference. r>7 I tvKSf UtTril ST.. HECONO PLO0K. PlUtNT.? XO I Rospectuble colored wo.nan na Ural - laat cook in a pritrute tninlly; city orconntry; coed relxrencrn. WKsT isi tt st ? y 1 iina w<">mTn "as good 00k. waalier and irolier; city ren-rnnce. jl ll WK- flora ST.?\ IKtltST"ClXss'ohoK; UN X a ' 'derstiinda Kngliab, Pretii'U and American cooking, naatrlac, Hredda. de?-erta of all kinds; hotel or boarding uoahh ; reference* from la.t employer. WKST iVrTi' ST.-A HRhI'KOTARLK WOMAN ea cook In boarding boose; beat city relerence. BAST MTU ST. tPJUMBNT EMPLOYER'S). A cnmpeient young womnu as cook and assiit with ailing, (bill tor two daya 131 140 140 111 EAST 32D St. AS PLAIN COOK, WASHER Xt I ami Ironer. or to no general housework to a suiall lamily; beat city relerence. W KM' 4111 ST.-A COLO uKU WOMAN A1 0 mk ; elty or eonniry : good relerence. 144 1 A r. KAsT 320 ST.?A YnUNO OIKI, TO COOK, XxtXwash and Iron in a private family; beat city refer en-ea. . 1 A ff~E (8T 80TH ST. ? A YOUNO WOMAN AS OOOD XxUcook, waalier and Ironor In a private family; city relereuee. 1 A ?? HI'll AV.. IN THE kKAR. ? A KKSl'ECTABLE L'X^lwoinmi im conk, wnwhor ?nd ironcr, or to do Kenor*l houNcwnri^: good ultjr rnlorent'e. Cisn b?? ??^n for two littvii I ''-ASI ??" >T A YOUNU WUMA.I A-? COOK, II t/*??h?r aud Ironer; satisfactory reterence If ru quired;,nn curd* 11 (j WKST WD ST., KECONll FLOOR KK vlt. - A . X?7yonngcolored woman a*cook: good city reference. 150 NVbST hT ? i* S I*"KK* -A PKOIKNtANT xv vJ Woman e? good coek and leunlreaa In e armtii private amlly ; hoa lived tu a Jewleli family ; b?-t city rrfecnre. fr.a went atfck n.?A woman an good I ? )""thorough cook; understands eauoee, meat*, poultry; la an excellent baker , would do coaree wnaulng; city re ference. -Q WKST 38TII ST.. IlKAH. ROOM 8.?A YOUNQ L? '*wgirl aa rood plain cook, waaher i .. and Irouer; country preferred; good city reference*. 150 WKST 1HTII ST.?AS TIRST CLASS COOK IN every particular; city or country; good city retvr 1(") RAbT II>TII ST. II, VST KMPLOYRIt'S).?A RK J ' )? )apeet tl>le woman a* llrat claaa cook; would aaelat with tlie wttahing and Ironing; ao objection to the eouutry. Call lor two day*. 105 7TH AV. ? RK>PKOTA B l,K WOMAN TO COOK, rnah and Iron ; rood city reference. 17" 7TII AV. ? RESPECT IB LK PKOTKsTAMT WO 1 I > 'men na irond cook and to do washing and ironing If required ; no objection It a eliort niatanee In the rountry. OQ| FAST 37 iff sr.-A YOU NO WOMAN TO esiu cook, waah and Iron; city or country; beat city raf oreticca. 120 *2 jRAST :'7r" St RI">,*KOTAB,'K WOMAN i a priv ite f.unity na llr?t claaa cook ; understands her irustuean thoroughly ; country prelerrad. nnii EAST MTH ST., TURRK sTAIKS, FRONT.?A ?\ M Ireapenable irlrl aa pood plain c>nk, waalter and lronnr In a amall privnto family; city roferencea. nioerii nr.-t respectable oirl as cook ?i I vl and to aaalat wli li washing and ironing In n email prtrnte famtlr ; heal <ltr reference. r?n wkpt 37tii sr. a respectable woman wL'".ia llrat co-a cook; thoroughly nndmatecd* tier Imalneae; no o Jecttnn to a boarding hou*u;etty er coun try: heat cltv reference. 2i a WKST 351 i ST.?A OOl.Olt: l? WOMAN AS took or to do day*' work; city reference*. 411 I vt v I >l ? 11 s AV. (PRKSkNT KM PLOY KIPS).? u1t.1i llr<t claaa colored cook In private boarding home or private laroily to go In the country; nowaahlug; heat city re erence. 21 ~ ft A S r 51 H ?Te?K KRhI'MJ TABLE WoMaN ? Jf%n rook nn.1 ? ; clfjr nr ponnirjr. 917 HAH I tttril HT A ItKHPttCTAiLfc WotfAli Ttt aj 1 I conk, wit-h nnd imn ; with d*ti|rtit?r I" doehatnh??r? work ?nil waiting*, cltv or country; good city rcfrri neea; witiTOf! mnitflmll. fc/17 89TI1 MTi-ftKMCKOTAlQ fOVAjl AH 4mm A. I fir*t or hoftrdiiitr h-?tm< 217 vsr 47fn taT.. top floor.-as kxpk rlenced C""k : twnycara' reference. 217 Kast gorii sr. I'.hon is as noon cook *nd aaalat with waeltlug; good baker; city or eonn g"ort referen- ee. >.14) tUIKYSTfF. NT , ROOM 17? A GKRMAN OIRL ?a. plain cook at.d to do general honaework. <)')/? EAST 45TII KT.-A YOU NO olKL .H COOK ? land lanndreaa to go Into the eonntry; good city rat trence. <)*)'? 3I> AV. (hAKSKYl?A OOOD MB At AND <mIpneiry cook, or tor honaework; eitr or country; ref IIOJ WENT asm ST.. KHAR.?AS HOOD FLA IB ? ?' cook, waaii- r i ind Ironcr or t" do general honaework; city or conotrr ; beat city r f rei;co tront lu.t piece. ?>* 1 (k Wh.*T 371II s r., Oltot'l'.ltY.?A -OOOD COOK, Zut/ai ? ? 230 aaltcr and Ironar: good city reference. WBsT elsT^rrSK. ONO FLOOR. FRONT.?I r**p?r*tfihl<) ponton mm flr*t rl t*? rank ; thoroairhly p*laiit in nil lift branched; ??o*l oily roforpne-. Wt'HT 27T1I M\ A KKhPBOTAIILK PHOTIC ft. OJLtunt worn in n? plfcln cook in tho ronnirr 233 WKsT inTII sr. IN STORK.?H SPFCTABLI girl a* drat riaae eonk ; he*t cltr reference. ()*) I BAST twril ST., SROOND Ki tfOS ?OOOD ? ?Vrpialn cook and laandrete; ally or gauntry; boat city referencet. ???}/? Wf.<T B3D sT.?A RI HPKC t AHl.h pl:OTKS gja)'Itant woman ; onderatanda all kind, of cooking and baaing ; no objection to the c -nntrv: beat city relerenrna. , CAST 7.TU ST. A RKsPBi TaBLK Pit T. ? 'eat ent rlrl laceoknad lanndreaa In a private fam ly ; would go a abort dlatence In the ? ountry. 238. 2*1(1 FAST ifHTII *T. AN AM It Kit: AN PROTEST ? l?/ent a* cook, washer and Irnner; city or eonntry; good rolsrenre. 4)1 ft LA-T 541 II HI.-AN KXPRRIKNCKD WOMAN ou'l Waa dr-t olaaa cook ; unuoratenda Iter imalnoaa In all |l< branch** t willing to go to the country te attend to milk end butter; beet refrreoee. il l (1 FAST 7-.TII ST. ?RKKPRCTAltl.E. (ilRI, AS id' I vfgoti i plain co-tk, or to do honaework In n private family; II rat ilea* lanndreaa: le-t city relereneo ?; in i-.ASr ti r st ? rwu nkat. Tidy, compk a. r?itrnt girl*; go-d co-tk. waaher and Ironer en cliemltermalii and weltreee, together; city or eoui-try;rli refarenee. , 21 tf FAST NHIII ST. AS COMPI-tENr COOK. J: 'drat elaal baker, will eaei.; with wnthlng end Iron ing ; city or gonntrr; beat cltr reference t> I 7 KA-T ROTH sT. a Kt-PKCTAHLK You no md I I widow ae cook, weaker and I rotter, er to Co htmee ? rk ; city or country; good relercne-. 2,|(| WKST IITH ST.?R ISP Eft A BLR YOl'NO I woman a* v-ttd plain cook, waaher an i ironer. In a email private family ; willing end ob.iglng; good city refer ence. Call for two days. .1" .1 W Its I 371II St.-A LADY WISHRI TO rtND ddt' I a ultnatloii ae conk, waaher anu Irnner far a very falthfnl aert ant, who ha* llvnd with her nearly twe years; atV re ruuiitrj* Add ream. 206, 291, J 306, SITUATIONS W A ?TM?-rEMALM. Cooke. dBr. tk*1 eril AV , Rl Alt -Art KIK8T CLASS OtlOKl ? n objection to boarding hns : city <>r country. Mrs?rsErnmc??,? u&sXMVRy k hoerdtug a una prelerred; willing sad obliging: goad reference. Call lor tape decs. TiTf :~AV? TillROTOOH A-S riK-TCL.Art| leriuai. cook; thoroughly understands bar beat art*. Ilrai r r Irr nrri agaves, $.'P> monthly. ?371-J 7Tu"avTin oitociitY.-AN activrrom ilW' 'women as enok, wsaber and trousr; city or coon try t elly reler-no. K CrtTT?77n?T. AND ?.'!> AV ?A TOUNO OIRL 'as uood cook, washer sad Ironer; best city Afo ?accc ?Afw? MAt ami st.-AH HOOK.' WaSHI and ?)" rfJiroti- r or to do gearrnl imu.ework; city or oonntry| I oat city roloronca. Call or address. ijTw #" K -t> Fit I fli AT?V .TLnITTvomaN Ah coot) Ov/Ufook, waabar and iroaar; beat city reference. Ha oTvrj _E,ST airi II ST., .vrOKB.-AS HOOD cook. Oa'Ownsher ami Ironer : no objection la boarding boaaa; willing and obliging; reterencra. ?>l k(l 7111 AV -A WOMAN* AH Ultr.1 CI.ASR ? ?" t r/oook In a liottl or boarding bouae ; city or country; beat city reiarence. OIO 7 Art I 7.VTH ST.?A itKHfECTAHIil WuKAN O LOsa rook, washer and Ironar in u auiall family: good re fbreaoa. ? ) EABT (PITH nT.-A KK^fi'.U rABLB WOMAN ,)- Laa -:?od co .k and to aaaiat with washing ; pood city ?>?>t> win lfTM bt.-a yhunh woman ah ? >?sLllr.i ??? rook: soups, saatrlaa, Jailiea; eit> or country; city r?loranre. ?>?>?> wkkt arm sr inahTme\f" hTlli.- a O?librae eiaaa cook; willing and obliging; would help with washing; rltvref ronce oil') \V iT-TJafll HT.?KErtP' .CTABLK TOD MO Wllw. ?)-?'>insii aa cook, waabar and Ironar: beat city refer ?Itlff HA-T K-.ll) **.-TW<k OtRIsrt PnR WORK OP ? )-? If.irally: our to eo a. wash and Iron; other ne eham Wrrmald an<l waitress: city or country) city relereaeei wages no object. 7rii~AV., krThu?kiit"~-r~ciTassTkrryen wol 0-j* )mau cook; long years' experience la all Sne cook Iiir; heat elly Tyfereace. 3Tq mi t irrii ST.?two oirls; onr to booK^ ? Oiraah and iron : the other to do uprtaira work; eltj orc 'imtry; city reference. QOkTmSt" 4* III 8T., W RrtT "PLitnK, FRONT.?4 OOtJyoun;; trlrl to cook, wash and iron: boat cltr refoe rue,,. ' ?) 1 Q BAStHmP'H .-T.-A BBS ? ROTABLE" WOMA^ UtO?, Rood cook and oaker; willing to assist with tht washing; no ohjectlnn to the conntry; Rood city reference ? 1 r.A Ka>T~I.'TII ST. -TW,> aiRuS; OK'R PIRrtl ?)? 'Trlio, cook nod lanndreas, the oilier aa ch mbermala or would toko charge ol a dining room; excellent refer* ence. ?J/?7 WEST SOTH ST. ? K YOUNG <:IRL AS COOK, '111 i washer and It*, nor; beat city reteronec. ?J 71 \ 7TH A v.?R KrtP, 6 rABLK~lllKL; WILLING ? ? I " "go to the country to do coking, washing and Iron Inir or to do senerat housework: beat city and country rcN oronce A /!?) EASI 1 HIVT ST.-A YOCNO CilKL AS GOOD *X*'?)cook. washer and Ironer; ood city referenoe. A.IV7 KABT 1ST If eT.-AB UDOI) UOfiK, W\8HKfi Tt" ' I una ironer; city or country ; h?? daiiffbter; good rotoenc 4()7 423 440 HAST 18TH rtT.-AS ttOtiD COtiK, WASHER and Ironer: city or ?ood reference. IIasT 19TII eT., TWO rtTAIRs Ul'.? ' OTCII Oitlrl as good cook; excellent Que washer and Ironer. wTsr riid > r. iPkkbkn r" Vm"i? l,Tv kicsia respectable rroteatant irirl as plain conk. A WEST 32D ST.-A RKRPc.OTABLK VuUNO T')i 'som >n as ?o?d plain oook, waaber and Iroaer; good city refcrenco. PKARb ST.?A riRST OLABH PASTRY OOOK in a hotel or aa miner house. Call eu or addreae foi 479 I wo day 490 Bill A V. ? A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS Rood enok. waabar and Ironrri brat cltr reference. ff7)0 2D aV., BhiWEKiTwrn ' A\i):*)ni htb. ? ) ?i *1 Youiic woman as good cook, washer and Ironer or to do rhamberwork and One wash Iiir; elly or country; etty reference. 6-?/t waht ri.vrH st~ itofiM-u ? yTTcnc oikl to ? )V/eook. wash and iron, or do boneework; city or coun try: ttood relerenco. WE sT .'?TT'iFrtf.?Art OOOK, WASHER AND Ironer: city oreouotrr. 537 589, III) AV. ?A REHI'EOTaHLE HIKE TO COOK, 'wash and Iron or do the general housework of a private family; i*ity references. ItOZ ofir AV., IN PRU1T >sTORk.-RB?HKrrAB&i v) at' rProtestant woman as first olast conk In a private latully; coo 1 eity reference. Address II. K. CKdaO AV.-WOMAN AB IBOOK, WArtllKIt AND 11' / Xlroner; g md baker; ao objortlon to boarding h nso; clfy reference. IIiTaW -PIRHT CLASS COflK. WASHER ANd 704 ironer; willing and obllgin r; best elt* reference. 707 madison av -kirbt olabb cook in a put I O I rate family; 10 yeare1 city reference; wuuld do tho coarse washing. 7Q*jrrn at.?a hootch pro+kstant oirl to I ?/?)cooc and to assist with tbe washing; elty or coun try; good city references 7OX"7TiT aSECOND PLOOR, PRONT ROOK A I ?7?/trnstwortlir and rellsbla young woman as rook aad to assist with washing and Ironing . la aa excellent bread rod biscuit baker; willing and obliging; good city tefeis enre. uqTTanFAvT^Two rkspk.ctablp. yoitnu woi OO^itnen : one at cook, wllllnk to assist In washing and lioulng. the ottier as cbsmhsrmaid and wailreass la oblig ing ; best city reterenc- ; city or conntry. QQaT LKXI M.Tl) k A V.r'tlimS KK iTlllTl -T. (KIN6 CO-.first belli ?A Herman girl aa experienced cook and todo plain washing; ha. been for many yoera in American family. < nil for two days. No cards. 3SS AV.-OOOD OOO K, WaRH ? R~A N 5 lruner, lit prirnte family; seven years' city retsr* 884 9t>r 3D AV.. TlllBU Kl.OOR. ?A KKSPEcTABLII Sd' 'woman a* cook, waabar and Iroaar; lltn ataas city rot rraea. llT'Ti^ av- t,,V BF.Lu?TRUSTWORTHY YOUNi t/UUimaii a* wood plain cook, waebar and Iraaar; ret ?re nco. dJi?J~l7l XliN(ITOM AT.?A LaDY (lOlNO TO THH t/UWeoniiiry (tolreiaplMe (er har cook, who la alao ?? excellent Unndra**; writ recommended. 1 T(T 1 VU AV. A VKHY ItK H'hC TABl.K (JIRlTo 1 ? Lv'Tcook, *mIi end In n in a ?mall private t?rally; la competent aud reliable; boat city reference. Call tor twa dap a. AV., N K A It"HUT II ST.?KESPECTAHLa .?JlJeli'lrl *? good plain cook, waeher and ironer. In a email family; elf* or country. Call for two daye. I lY' v) ?R0X"t?WAY, MBAK 27fH AT?A OOMPfc. 1. 1' ?~.t-nt -1,1 rook, waabar and Ironer; ela years' reteronca from taet place. 1 1 f'Q 3lt a V. ? * VuU.VH W i >* AM AH~0005 1?1UOc ?ik and Innndroee; heat city rnlnrenea. I ?> ,! 1. 3D~A>7 YOiTicVll-LK.?A YOUNOtllaT-As J ' ft I good rook. ? aalier and Ironer, or wonld do cen tral hou-owork ; good cltr referenee. MAl?I*ON AY., HhTAEK> RUTH AM' MillIIVTH., ?econd <lnor eaat aloe. ? Keepeetable clrl ae rook, w.iehor and Ironer. or to do general bouaework; good ciiy referenoee; Ynrkvillo pralerrod, ])KofS5tANf" wi i.M A.N TO UtlOK WARN 'Jfilt IKO.W, country preterrad; raletanoo. L. boa 151 lit raid Uptown offlca. ________ rhau.hrrinmrtl. Ate. 8wkht lorn nr.. patch p. n place, near?th a*.?Yonng woman aa chambermaid and waitreaa and to na?iat with fine washing ; elty nrronnlry. No cards. . Oai> WfcsT Bill nr. I PRC. UK.NT r MI'l.OY KK'Si.?PI KMT laee chambermaid nnd waitreaa; no objoctiou to tbo 0?ntry. Can he ?nen lor two day*. 1?1 WKHT CDfT.-A OO MPRTRN T~y?>|. NG WOmTm _t?" chambermaid and wait re ??; throe yaara' city rater ence Irom ln?t plaee. ' 1 t) Wr5t :?T H RT. (PRKHBNT hMPLov RKn^-a 1. ajrrenertable loanj girl at r ham born aid and waltroaa, or to <la bouMwork in a private lamlly; no ob)oction to the c. nntry. i ?' PART 32D ST.?A KRaPl CTAIll.K YOUNG Wo". 1 ?'man (lately landed) ae ehnraharaald; wonld aaalnt wltli warding and Ironing ur woald take earn of ahildroa. Call for two date. 1 ?) BikACH ST.?A todKo ukkhan girl ah X*'ehamoormaid, or to take care of ohildran aad do plain rawing; two Von'k' relerrnee.^ 14 CLINTON PiJaCB. YrtyVNU WO RAN AH CRAM. 'I to rmaol and waltrrat; no objection to boarding boneo| city or countrt ; eilr rrierenoa. ~)T AV l?. NKAK 3D ST., I* STorK. A I'RO^ aw'/eataat girl at chamberniaid, waltrete or nareo AC HI V INUTO jTsT.?A YoUN GO Ir17ar"c H A MB Kit ajt 'maid, waltreee or nnrae ; good city releronae; no ek Jnctlone to tho eenntry. Coll lor two daye. 17 WprfT asrli nT C HA MR P. <3 aii> and T I wt irttt. or I,, do enoalng and washing, In a private himllyi good roforeaeo. 61 what dm sr. /TkhspktprabiTk~yoi'no girl Xii cliainiiertnald and waitreaa; boat olty reference ; a* objection to ike eoantrv. j#Q WPST 4RD RT., ?WORD rteOOB, ROOM 5.-A ')Orrepectaule yonng girl to do chamberwork and walla Ing in a private family; woald aaalet with waehing and Ironing; good ally rolereneo. r?j w~r dtrTTsT p.NiiLisil pkotksTant giiir I Oae chambermaid and waltroaa; olty or coaatry; enw try nrefarrod: alty releranra. Z kLI'MlflOK 8T~THTRD ri.O<>R.-AS 8ESB ? fhermnld and waitreaa. ' 8 111 | *Mr 30TH sT (PRKHMBf KMPI.OVBR*R). I "?' 1 Yonng Pioto'tanl girl ae eiperlenred rhambrmald and Wnliraee: n ? ohjnctlna to prieata hoarding honen 1111 WRIT IhTll ST. ? RBMPKCf ABLB YOONo GIRL X 1"'ae chambermaid aad waltr-ea or to no eewtag; na objection, to irnrnl with a lady . 13 rear.' elty referouea. no" li;u I h v KL10N ST.?A YoUhO OiKL AM OilAM* bona aid and waltreee : illy rf renoa lid WKgr gRril Rl ?RK-PBI T iHLn OIRL aJ Hamberaiaid and waltroea; elty or cowntryt heal city reloronco . P. A SI1 21 r 11 ST.. CAT I.ArtT KMPLOYKR'H).- A ('romnetent Irl ae ch tinbnrmald, or ganoral bouao wora, wltb light waehing. WKRf IRnrir. IN THr. RhAJlT?a"n AMP.iiT! can i'rotoetnnt girl to do chamberwork and aaalet won the wehlng or light boaeowork; good referaaco. Call or or addroeo II. B. " mwivnrfirii sr-Ta~ Youno tiiTTiu aH cham7 oermaid and ? altraae; Is a good toaniatrogl; city ee couairy ; rolorearoa. w h.-T r?rii rT., krar.-a oirl fob ITiTa 51 leroort aad waiting la private lamlly i heat elty rjH 1?j(l WKRT IBVM sr.-TOUNO OIKL AM OH AM Xwr'/barmairi an I oaureee; willing to aeeist wltb wer|. lag and Iroaing ; city rotercuco 1-jit huh sr. in okookky stork, a ? >1 'younc woman aa chaiwbermaid aad waltro>e ; eity at toantry ; Brat otaaa city rolarenea*. ITYit WBR.13TH Rtl-A ciiLn ilKIt (IIBte 41 ON AH. e'whermeld and la aetiet wltb waehiag or goaeral haaaawO in a waali lamii?; atty ?r aaaatry. Wr ST ttlll" sT -A TOt NU IIIRle jkfl CmBi ? '?'hermaid aad to mla4 childr o, wagae aa abjeett ?III of aaaatry.