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HIT KKWUW WAM Tica?rKMAUCI. Chaiubrriuaiil*. atc. I I - ffmr 3SIH sT.-A COLORED woman as 1 "T- 'eliaBilM?-TU?lo md ?<> okjMliua w Ut oountry; y rrhnnw. Call or address. 1 " I ANT ~t MOAI/WAl. FLOOR.?A RP I ? )'t?p-cl*f le j ?'?f Kirl (lately .utideo) to du chamber, rerk an I aaliial wnji tho washing and ironing. 7 - i~ Tvl'.sT ~ lis .'77 ST .an A-MK IC AN (i I It L- Ad I < 7'Jcoinp-ieiit el arabertn aid. waitress or netmlrtaa I - 7 wk5v 'jsrn ST.. stu>:&.-a kismpkctabIiI I 1 i l'r.'tsatuai girl aa cliauiberatjtld and nurse or to do bouaewnrt. C*Il or address for two days. WI.M II NT -a Ui.SPKCT tBOK YOUNG Irl ?? cbumlwrnialu and watiMu or to lako caro of oitr re for onto. EaST Ui) ST.?A YOUNG U(kL TO DO CHAM ' tierwork and eaihlnjc and lmni%g or housework in a .mall family; tb-er roars' rstrrene*. 11 a -TiT-si7?a kenpeoi arslk young girl. 1 do clianabsrwork and waiting in n private luinlly; ailliug and obliging; honesty ah-rn reitroacli. tml I Ai?f~(?ru NT?OERA!A.N 1 Hllli AS CHAW ? v/Xharmald or to do general housework; city or cone IfJOb 70to1 ?)/\ 4 AV. A.TOP PlaOOR.-A SWEDISH YOUNG GIRL Zuto rhtiabortnaid or waitre.'s. Ardreaa car# of Mrs. II ASXELBLAJ). on I 7.ANT 44TU ST. (LAST EMP1.UYKlt'S).?dfc. +?pertaule girl 11? flr?t class chambermaid and walt rea?; will ss-lst with wsshlnc and Ironing MfVl "hAHT 4orii"NT.-AN i; H AM B K KM AID AN I) TO _U lJo Bno washing; boat city referanao. Call or ad dress. WKSI INT'I V|._A YoUNG WOMAN An C&AM )barmaid and waitress; citr or country; tbroa yeara' bett cltv refe rare WKNTXATH ST.?A VOUNt. G1 RL AS CHAM berniaid nad iaundroaa; oily refora'tco. kaTt^avth stT-a yoX'jo ~oi'.Tl as cuam hermald aud waitrox; tour years' raforenco. Cull 213b 214 21 I for 1 *.? *227 East 2W'fH ST. ?A GIKL TO IK) CilAMRKK wnrk aud watting; olty or country; good reference. 0?57\~VV ENT^lTf11 ST.?A. J UM'KCTaBLK OiiI.OKF.D ?L?)l 'girl na chambermaid in prlrato family; good 01(7 EAST 34TH ST.. TOP FLOOR.?A N ENGLISH PmtQidaat clrl a* chnmbrrrautd and nuraa. fiiji bast" jiTTTi sr.?a youku uikl ah ch'am fcjOj imftnaid and nurae ; willing and obliging: flro yeara' tily reference irwu lust employer. EAST 4VtW JF.-YOUNG NORTH OF IKi LAND Prnteitanl girt aa chambermaid aud waitress; rel 230 233 ()?>r. west -itai st.. room 0. - a girl ah _l ?'?/-hamherinuld and waltroea ; will aaeiat with wash int' nod kroalnir: city or country; city reference. k>A n w"'1 aV- a *OUMG I. licl, AN C11A M ft K K fcj X V/ina.Vl and waitreas; wiil be found willing and oblig ing . <nl . darcnce. t),frr WI ST V-.TH ~sr?a GKTtMAN~f;TuT,. PltOT J I rat a n 1 n chambermaid and trallreae in a lamlly.or to niko cere ?>! growinc children ; Americana preferred. f) r A West" 28TirST -A ~IUisi*BCTABLK VODNO ^jeJ'Xgixl aa cl.wmbermaid and waltreaa: good city refer ence. Of'l 6TII AV. -A VOUNO OfltL AS CIIAMbRFL _ 1 ) I mill and widtroaa: uaaiat in waablng; cityorcoua try ; heal relereiice. tVJ * } \Vl-.sT II* 1 ?u-ton"nt7? hespectahlk GIRL o'Itiii do cliamiierwork aud waablng or bonaework; teat cltv reference. ?>(t?? WEST 44TH -T -T eBSPEOTABLK AMKRI O' 'Ocan girl to do u oataHs work and waiting, or iranoral bonaework . good cite i rierorco. ? KA.-f TUTU r A KESPKO TABLE GIRL A8 ? il'alrhambi-irntald anC. aewer or waltreaa ; good city ref erence. ? V7w* WEST +4TH S "--A KEsPKCTABLK GIKL TO iluilc.wk. waah and rron, or to do cliamborwork and araah. %; good cite referencos. ?jTl ?? EAST 61 ST ST.. UOItNEK 20 AV.-A RE Ot/?>ai.eetable Amoriran girl aa cbambarmaid: willing to aaaiat with waablng and ironing; beat city reference; rily or country on7~;?m** a"v.. top tloiik-a ui spectablk ?>'? I girl aa chamborimtld aud araitresa; city or country; beat city reference. ?>1 ?) H a.-I: MTH ST.?A~ STEADV. MIDDLE AGED Oi.Owomaii aa flr?t claaa chnmhnrmald, or to do bouae iriirk in naniall family: three veara' releronco. Ol - It i fs'iD STe?A VbUNit GIRL TO AS8IHT IN Ol.' /upstairs work a id do plain sewing or general house work In a small family. ')](! RAN- IttD ST.?A VOUNO OIKL TO I/O CHAM O I ? "'anmr!, and One- wasbina ; good city reference; no objection to <oimtry. of (\.-77iTa v~(T-iiTfTTnt kmplovihT".-)?waithkss OL'"nr w -nld do cliam terayorlt and fine waahing In n ? mall family: city or country; good reference. Can be seen two day-. ?J.?i? FkIkl 7i.?as~/ik>t clans cha.mbkr ? /-jUmaid .iiid waltreaa in a prlrlte lanilly; city rcler cnce. RA-T 21 ->T Si.. TOP Kl.ouH YOL'NG GIRL. 330 god 17. lor light cboi tberwork. EAS i ysfTT *S1\?YOUNG WOMAN AN CHAM bcruiald and lanndrosa: beat city relerenco. |/i WEST 2.vrn ST.?A YOUNG GIKL AN CHAM Ot l/bermaid and waltreaa; will aaaiat withwnsbiug; eliy nrconntry; brat city relarcnco ?? i 7_i.a>t ?iTm 7t ?TWt> ?.enFectablk hiklm, ? /'I I tog tbrr or srparaie; oese aa cbarabermnid and witbreaa and to ass I at with the washing ; the other as plain cook, a-aab-r and ironer 'JCi; WKNT"S7TH NT.-A JUHBPKUTaKLE YOUNG ? >>fl)girl <t ci A'nhermaid ami plain aeamatreaa or Ihamhermaid nod waitress; neat city ratereece. W ST "fSiTU sr.?YOUNa) GIKL AS GUAM brr raid and waitress; good ?tity roferotice. 3(57 inn WKHr :wrM sT-?A VOUNO \fOAI A.V AS !T ' ?' ^rlmnibirmuM nrut xralir^M and to iuinImI with th#? rhUdrfii; coantr/ nreterrod; femrn' r#ferenco from in?t i?lnco. ) KAST 2'JD J-T.. I III KD FLOOR A VOIJKO 'Carman ylrl to do ebnmborwork and aaaUl In *iub An I Iron I nr. ? KAST 171II l*T.?A KAMI* KCTa BLR SCOTCH IPmtettanl ylrl ha chambermaid or waltreta or to <1<i waabinu or ha norao; rood rile references. 7]Tn iaht?tr rt. (ixthxstokrv-?kmtbot t"?I able ymin r irlrl na chambermaid, wultreea or to <lo botiaewnrk in a nrleate family: no objection to the country; eiiy relerenca. Call or addreaa 40 1*1 ? ft 40( A I I W ST rf PI'.?A itKi.IHi,K PuOTKHTANT ft I "Tclrl to ilo rham)>erwnrk and Ann waahiuy; under tlanda lier bnainoaa i hornuylily : city or country. 4it/< 4TH AV.^A I'RuFbhTANT OIRL AM CRAft ?) icrtnoli and waitroaa; city or country; yood city reference. to- Wr.ST 4iit7i SI., pKCOKD floor?A GIRL T ? )m do iipalnlra work In n anioll prirnte family, or hona**work: beat city reference. 'aVKsl II7TII rii. ?KotNU OoLOKhD i.IRLaR chambermaid nad wattreu, or to doyeneral lionac work ; city references WKmT ail pT.?A iiksi-ki-tahiTk pkotks tAnt itlrl AH chambermaid and wailrea*. city refer* 438* 440 41 *1 WKST 3*TH >T. ? A KKMi'BCTAIILK YOURO r??trlrt to docbambcrwork aud take car* ol children; ritr relerooea. . In it av7Tiki\vkivS ^iiTii axn :otth stb~ 'room 0. ? A competent yl'l aa cbambcrmaid and lanodreea; O'at c'aaa ritr reference. :JKKt.xWk7h~SI.-a HfaHI'KCr.aBLH YUURQ ,lrl aa chambermaid and wanreaa in a private fain llr: rood r?'?r*nm Can bo aoon for two daya >1 aDIpON A V.~Ab <;li Ajii II lilt *7717 A XL) j waitro-a or nnrao, tan year?* city re/ereneo Irom laat place. n rf?f~8TII AV.?V YOH Mi OIKL AS UHAJfBhK'. I ?)>)oiia or waitrraa. waaltor. ironar or would do bouaa** 40 Or B20,i 7*7 8(j( BOIh . 21) AV?A I'llll I KpTANT UIKL AS 1,'IIAM fberinatd and waitroaa or nnrao. L J. Pi. d7j7?~211 AV ?A YOUMi (JlKL Aa CIlAMRUtMAlO OUvJand aaltreaa; cood city reference. Call tar two (ay.. I ST AV.-A KKSPKCTAMLK OIKL AS CHAM. ? IborriiHld and waltre?a or chambermaid and do lino ?raabin?; rood cite reference. t'all far too daya. 1 It 1 1 n \V T<if~KLOOK.?A YOU MO WnMA.V J.U'l'Jna rhambrrmald and aeamatreaa or nnraa and f-amai rraa. nndrr.tand. Wb.oler A W llano machine; beat city reference; no objection to tho country. i I 55 _?:? av a i.i si'ki'taiilk ^'ouro cirl J . 1 ? )? cliA'nbcrmaid and waitroaa; no objection to tii? country. sKRi'KctabiiK vuirs>i <?! iti. in FtTTcsTAins work and waltinif. or waltlny Alone, In a Bflrete lam Hr ; eilv ?r country: brat city rclaranee. Addraia aox ISd Herald l.'ptown olBcc (VrcaanitaMr-ra aa aitt acamatreaaca. !'? WB-.T 42U ST.- A YOl/XO WOMAN AS SRAM 'lyetrea* and chambermaid; operate* on Wbaolar A S'iiao'iVi machine; city or country; city reference. i) i - kaat 30Tm ?r.? Ix riiK-caa'u>"htori-. a m 1 ?'rompet> nt aeainatr >aa: la a it?o<i cutler aad Hilar ,n al kind* ol (amity .eerlny: no objoetion to aaalat In the tare of children : m*"d ref.Tenoea. tit)A W ST I7TII ST.?COMKKTKXTSKAMHTRB.HS ? Too I ??rosamaaee wlrhea a lew mora euyayomenu; ?an opera'O on .nffer-iit niacblnea. Addrea*. KAST 4f.rH ST.. HRbT KLOOR.-A SKI.lA )ble I'rotaataut rtrl a> aeamatreaa and to do ehana barworu In a prleaio family, la tho ennniry: na rat and fit. la a yretl eoeralor. KX 250. *08, fatraaa and drecmakor; Inarttat "a A heeler A Wit aea'a maehl .t; will wait na larilea or cblldrea. H '.vr.sin st I'iip ri.iK.K, rK'lxT A ^ you ay panlab woman aa aea.u.treaa and to take atilldren. ap?aka l.uyilah and epani?h . :itaar. '? 1. KMRLlA. ?Tr | rrii av? ts axi? hkkss e )? I I m -kar In aChrlatian family; would aaalat with llyhl tnamberwark or taka care ol yrown children. Call for twa 404 ft? )*jri ?>7?> HllltsOX ST.-tH PSi 114 I'IIIVaTK a) i tlfanii l?? Call or adrtrea. .. I. HIkapt fSrTT - kamstkkpT aro rhambormald ; beat city reterenre. A'JPL ?U AT.-KXPe MIKNCiO Urt KSsM A Kit *1 | ai'dahe* lew mora onyayymenla, by day or weak, in .riyala lamlilaa. M WRIT MTiT ST. ?RDUCATKL ARD KXPTrF meed prr.on la taae entire rharye and i.oeern rhiidren; yo<o| lamlly ae .mat reaa; nnderataada KncUah and rrenali thernnyh y: rl.y roforenea. rt>l| 20 AV. ?A Kr.SI' UIRL AS SRAM* i/Ovlrrm; ni.<!cr?landa drcaam.ltlny; nparatea on llffer ?tmaohlnea; ??illlraar to aaalat with atharwark;ta ? to trayelllny. r 211 AV rlltbTCLA.sM HKKSMMa'KRK BV Tl'lii ; tbnreiiyl.iy nn.iaratanda her Unalneaa. tijTQ ?ril av .i* riiB ka>cY nTorr.?A KliUV (y ?ajclaaa dreaamaker, yood cuter and Otter, aa lady'a eial-i ur .naiv ri-?. coon nairdr-tear and operator ; will In, tw travel; beat city refaraucaa. Can ba aaen lor two lay. UA I ?rll AV.-A PHllTRs'lART YOURO WiiMaR U't I aa drraamaker end aei.matraaa and up.-raior ; city or tunntry ; beat city rateraaea*. 7h*T>; ii? w a ii km as ill ml as-rrSsr'TTLAss 'f _ea?iim.treaa la an American lamlly; nnderataada I retain ?* l*y i llyht rhamherwora , beat elty reteranea Stm ii~<SiRii iioTiRR'irllj. ?<3oiTrv itai aeamatraa. aad draaamakar; aaa aabaad t?| ?My retaraaca. 7i>8.. MTtATIOH W1BTED-r ITrriuitttkcri and Seaui?lrt?3c>. CTOMPETENT SKAMSTRESS AND D KSHMAKER .'Will lose ears ol children or aaaiat with other work; city orcowutrr. M., box 151 Herald Uptown oflior. L^IK.sT CLASS FRENCH DREsSM A K E It OKSIRES I' tn.'^ewun lu private families. AdarssS E. M.. box 180 Herald Uptown oOtco. 10 Uvurrxl Uuutnwork. dee. 1 GROVE *1?YOUNG WOMaN FOR GENERAL 2 housework; good reference trom tsit place. t??)D ST.. CORN E K 11 I'll AV. (ERIE ilOTt L. ?EO ? Ooiid floor).?A l'rotcxiunt girl. 1 rt Tear. old. to do housework nod take caro ol chlldreu la it private laulljr; not atrald t ? work ?Ja> HORATIO >T. A YOUKO GIRL TO HELP WITH ? 'Ainr kind of hunaowork or mind children; Rood city reference. 34 WF.vr 13TII ftl.. ONK FLIGHT UP. RBAlt ? A Uerinau clrl to do li?u?rwork: city or country. 76nM morion -t vol ng girl TO oo GENERAL ?k: beat city reference. "I1VQ ?BUT4 11II ST..NEAR lir:i aV. (1'kHSKNTKM a*/Ooloyor'el, iIiik baeom-nt bell.?An Amerlcnu Prot r at nut xlrl to do ceneral boutework in >i small private fam ily : not afraid ol work; citv or country. na> I-ART tHTil HT.-A i; K-l'KC I ABLE YOUNG ririrl to do genera! lions-work; reference. mWL.vr SID Vr.-A YOUNG GIRL IO Do GKN aritl liousewerk; city or country; Rood city refer ence. 1oJ_ WEST 18TU ST YOUNG WOMAN FOR wtthnusewurk in a tmall prlveto family; city or eouo try; itood rrlerenco. IO A A EST 3U1> AT.. NEAR 0T11 AV., fOP FLOOR. - lwTA roiintanmin tn do Roneral boueeworit in a pri Tate family ; city or couutrr. 1 '>/ 1 WEST IDI'll sT., IN .STORK.-A YuUNO WOMAN lOl/to do general homework; Rood waeber and ironer; Rood rite reference. 1 >J'> WEST 3D gf?A PKENCH WOMAN EITHER J.v70to do ceneral iioneawork or ae dry nnrae ; Rood ret srerees. Address, e 140 Wk.vr I7TH sr.- a EKHf*RCTABLS <j!Rl? TO do general iiotuewark; Rood city reference. 141, EAST Id III ST A YOUNG GlItL TO Do GBN eral bouaework; wllllnc and oh Iglnc; citv reference. 144 WEST <01 H ST.-A COLORED G I i:L TO UO ceneral hou-ework ; city or country : .? ood reference. 1 ITJ EAST 15TII r?T.?A lUinPfcCT > BLB WOMAN i.*?Utodo general bouaework: Rood plain eook. waaher and irunor; can wait on table and care lor children; no ob jection to the country; good reference No poatal earda. 1 ?-1 EAST 22D ST. ? A YOUNG GIRL TO DO J tJi-ireneral housework : wiLIng und obliging; three yeurt Rood retereucea irom laet place. 1 ?Q WEST 1STH ST., R AK.-A YOUNG GIRL TO DO l?70i;enornl bouaework or chamberwork ami in assist Willi tlio washing lu a email privtue laiuilv; city reference. EAST ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO .L")t'cirl to do housework In a email family; Rood city rcforeuco. 178, HUDSON ST. (DASH iKNi).-A RHSPMJTABLB Oclrl to do ceneral honsewui k : rltr or country. 178, EAST 620 ST. A RESPECTABLE YOUNO C>rl to do general housework ; good city reference. m7TII AV.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL TO do coneral houeework in a smell private family; will* tnc and ohlicluic. 17b 7TH AV.?an AMERICAN PROTESTANT woman to do general h"itiework. 9||J WEST '27TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE WIDOW ^W^xwcinan to do Renatal boueeworit for a email family; Rend city reference. <711/1 In AS I- 44T.I ST.-UIRL TO UO GENERAL ^lUTTliOusaw fusawork; cood plain cook, waaber end Ironor; willing and oblinng. <11 It East 29Til ST. (GROCERY).?A RKSP.-.OTA jjj-'j ble clrl to do ceneral housework; cood cook, washer and Ironer: city or country. 9]1 WEST 291-11 ST. ?A YOUNG PROTESTANT isliflrl 10 do houeework; city or country; reference tram laet place. til 7 ELIZABETH ST.?A KESPKGTABLE YoUNO Zl I girl to do general housework; wllllnc and obliging; best reference from laet place; country preferred. Call or address. 218 WEST 27TII ST. ? A.N AMERICAN WOMAN' TO do genoral housework In a small private family. 991J WEST 271II ST.?A GERMAN GIRL FOR GEN. ZZiJoral housework; cood cook, wather and ironer; American family. i) )A WEST 16 I'll ST.. REAR ?A RESPECTABLB 4J_ t woman to do ceneral houeework; good cook, waaher und Irener; city or country. 227 EAnT 29TH 8T.-A GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK: city or country ; cood reference. 2aIO ?KST 27TH ST.?A WIOGW WOMAN KOR aeOgeneral bouaework; good washer and Ironer, plain eook ; mod-rate wages. ' 231 WEST 27TII ST.-A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework; city reference. 901 EAST 77TH ST.. REAR.?AN A ME RIGA N GIRL ZitJA-to do general honseyrork In a widower's lamily; city or coumry; good reference. Gall for torso days II')') EA8I r?8l'il ST. -A Gli i. TO DO GENERAL A.?)Oliou?ework in a private lamily; plalu eook, waaher ana ironer; good references. LAST 75TII ST., THIRD FLOOR.?RESPECT able woman lor general housework; city or couu try; reference. ? 234. i)') - EAST 2BTH .vr.-A YOUNG WOM AN To DO Ar 9''housework in a small private family; flrtt class ref erence. 9/1 C WEST 53D ST.?A YOUNG GIRL TO DO IIOUSB aj'xUwork In a small family; la excellent tgaeber and ironer. Can be seen at her last place. t) J Q WEsT 261 H ST.?A PROTESTANT YOUNG ^TOfnm>n m do houseworkln a small religions family; is n III tin Inine: will go tor smaller wages on that account; good city reference. iTcil WbgrSdD ST., El RUT H OOR.?A YOUNO -iOUtlil 10 do genoral housowork; willing and obliging. No cards. *iL'iy av. b-midi>lk age.. wom.n am. oiri. ^Oijtn go any distance In country to do bonsaliold work and attend to cows and milk ; willing and comn tent. 262 bonsewnrk. <)/<7 WEST 40TII sr.?A KhdPbCTABLK YOUNO iO | wont mi to do genoral honsowork, or cbaaberwork and welting; no oojectlon to a boarding house; willing and obliging; city or country : good city reference. ?IQ?J 3D AV., BETWEEN 22D AND 2SD Sis.-A Je(7?y|'rotesiant woman to do general bousewora in a nlain family; city reference. Nocards. Ottit BAST 32D >T ? A YOUNU WOMAN To DO O" 'U general housework, In a prlyate famliy; city refer ence. 304. woma'i'for Bcuera|r'bon.ew*rk-eh. 'Ks?'ANT per month; reference. ??r?, alp or Montr/; $10 08,?mAa?IfoVJ",eSrIi,ho?cworkl'ln?t!m~A OKRMav good ref r-nee. uscworlt In American lainily; 308, EAST 40TH SI.?VOL'NO GIRL FOR Obfl oral housework; coo a cook; first class reforecce. q/vo EAST 24TH ST. ?A COMPETENT. RELIABLE O* "Ovotmg girl to do goneral lionneworc in a smalt prl vata fniully; good city refcronee. 310 WEST 44 Til sT.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO girl to do general noneewerlt In a plain family. 314 EAST 4.ITIt ST.?A Rr-.sPh.UT A REE OIKL do hi-useworg; good washer and Inner. q>;q E \ sl' WITH ST.? YoUNU GIRL FOR Gr.N. OwO.r.i housework In a prleate famliy; city reference. t- AST 32D ST.-A RESPECTABLE PKoT 8 OwOtuni girl to do general housework; city or country; be?t reference. qqa EAST 22D SI.?A YOUNU OIKL TO DO ilOUAB Oe/UworK In small fniully ; is a gm.deook, wasbar and Ironer ; three years' relerance from last place. ???>! EAST 471' 11 ST., THIRD FLOOR.-A VOUNO 0.7 A worn an to do general housework In a prlyate lamllyt excellent washer and Ironor; bast refereneo. ?lift WEST 20TII ST. ? A YOUNO OIKL TO DO OTvf.ntrsl bi.a.swork; best city refereneo Irom lest place. ejfTsj UD AV.. TOl* FLOOR, HACK.-A ill It 1. TO DO OO'/graeral hnn.ework or cbaiuberwork aud waabing in a sin all faintly ; city referenoa. s? - I WEST 4.10 hT.-A BKSPKCTAHLE UIKL To ?J')'xdo general housework; Is a good waober, ironer and cook; best city reference. ?ICJ WEST WiTII ST. ? A RKsPKCTABLK tllltL TOR Ot) J housework ; good plain cook and laundress; city or country ; bo.t city reference sir O WEST 1ST 11 ST.? A YOUNO WOMAN TO l?0 O.Jt/irentrnl housework or as nurso; willing and oblig ing. I .'all two days. OljC 1ST AV-rOUN<t WOMAN FOR OnNKIlAL O'Jceheusswork or npstalrs work ; best city reference. 77lT EAST 17Ttl ST.?AN ENGLISH MoMaN T. U 1 (f'rotestantl to do general housework fey tbo week order ; sleep home: good r-lercnc-. till WEST 2111 II ST. A fJlRL TO DO HolSK fl JLOwork In a email family, nr as chamherinald and to assist with tha wa.hlng and Irnotng; good city refereneo. 42 o WhST 41 ST ST.-OIKL FOR ObNERAL HOUSE sDworg; reference j .1 I KASI ftp I'll ST.?A TOUNO III III. F i O.M THE T ?Twnniry to do g'aeral housework In a pr irate fam ily. Ceil f<ir two days. 4;?, WEST .vrril RT ?RESPECTABLE OIRL TO DO OfAgancral taoneewors nr as laundress In prlretfe f.m * II for twe lly, fnnr years' reference Irom lest place, Call fur two 'la/a. I ?i(tWhsT mrh sr -T~touno w"o >" an~to~ do yirO.'bou.ework la a mIrate family: I. a guml cook and lanadii-.a: first class fete fences. to to Bum. at algbt. 41 r m-T 4firn sT. a girl io do uknkral fOlw ? " Ix.nsework; lately landed. 4/rq WEST Ifltll sT. - A YOUNO OIKL. FOR GKN ' /?feral buo.owork; a good washer and ironer end plain conk ; good references. A -4 WKMT Ml) RT.~? NSa? iiIRiT FOR HOURS* *X? iTCwork ; good waeher and Ironor; elfy or canntry ; reference. 4 (-4 WKsr IMTH ST.?A YOUNi* OIKL, Til DO ? TTThottmwerk In a small family on a floor; dty rofrr eacns. I i-| WbsT 32D ST. ?It) DO OENKItAi, IIOUs iulwotk, rotors line If required: (Ire rears la her la place. A (Mi 1Xi AV.-A PROTESTANT OKKXAN "URL TO rj: iJU l? general bea.cwork In a small American family, Andre*! 1.. II. e-i.i WE..T .v>Tii nr. top Fi. l) Lwgtrl to do general bonsewnrk In a small family. ClXab'ClKtWFlTlf 2?TiTAND 29TU CI IS.?A ? #!.? Irespecl?hl? gnort plain cook, washer sn I ironer: three year.' r lerenea. h*JU WlisT~sf RbhPEUTAHLK Of HI. FOR (1 EN r/^Oeral ho ass work ; city er country; wages no object, 530 WEST A.Ttl ST.. FlKBT FLOOR.?A YOUNO Ooraan girl to do hens-work or cook, wa.ber and r 1 'J 7TH AY.. TWO FLK1IITS UP.-A RE ?J Is Jepoet.ble you or somas is do general t.casework; beet eliy reference Cell on P. T. for two dors. GOB 2D aV., FOURTH . LOOn,? A i.ESPKt TtRI.11 girl to do goneral hiwtsewnrk; best city reterenco 62U OKbR.NWICH. NEAR MOUTtiN HT a YOUNO woman to do general hnnsework; reference 612 20 A V.?A KKMPKCT.HLH WOMAN TO DO general hoaeework In a small priests remit?; goad bar aad I reset; etty re fb rosea. SITUATIONS WiSTED-rftKAUU. tioiucwurk. 684 771 HUDSON ST.- A l?litL TO DO GENERAL housework ; good city reference. i'QOlir!f AV.. Bi.TWfc.EN 3#TH AND aoth STS.? 0 cTOYouog woman to do general housework; beet Olty reference iroin leet piece. 7 lYu AV -A "VoUNO WokAV FOR GENERAL ?i.usework ; beet city reference. Q1 .? LKXIMJTON aYTTprTsKNT KMfLflKEk'Ki. - 01 ?JA young wamen to Ho general housework in private I ami I jr. is a good plain cook and first class l?uu<tre?e; beet city reference ; not at raid of work. rio cards (JsJff STH AT.. NKaK MTH St.?A RESPKCTABlB ?> ? ? Iglrl to do housework ia a email private laaeiljr; beet city reference. fTV/;7 ao av.. grocery sto r e.?if k? pect Is'/O I ahlo youug air! tn do general housework in a small private family; good city relerinen; city or country. 1*) | 7 at! A v.. BETWEEN 71 ST AND 7-JD ST*? imJ I | Young girl to du general housework In a email family; left on acrouut of employers leaving elty. T~7 1 2D A v.. N KAK (l/l> iff. (1* RI SK NT KM .1 I 1 player's).?A young girl to do liousowork; in a private family; Is a good eook, washer and iroasr; good reference liK?Pi CTABLK YoCNU GIRL TO 3o lfOUSr.. work or n-> cliaiunarassid: will taae care of children. *1.. boa 137 ileralu Uptown office. RTlSPKCT iHLE YuUnG WOMAN FOR GENERAL Housework; good co<>c, washer and ironor; good city reference. Address K., box 1">1 Herald (Jptowu office. Houseltreperi. die. 1 /r WATTS ST.. NEAR CANAL.?A YOUNG LADY iouf pleasing address as housekeeper to a widower. Call, between 13 and H. all the weolc. 1 .7 RASi* 1UTH 81'.?YUUnU LAD~Y OK 19 AS J.rlbiMisskeoper Iuaoire of Mrs. SUIIANNONBERG, Magnetic Physician. C/i EaST 13TII ST., HBrWKBh llKO vllWAY AND ?>" 'University place. ? A young widow ae housekeeper lu a widower's famtly. Call all tne week. m it AST ll.r L .-s i OA ST., FIRST FLOOR, ItOuM 2.?A yonug I idy as housskeeoer. Call one week. KOB8YTH ST., ROOM IS., BACK.-A YOUNG blow as housekeeper. 181 187 3H AV. ?A UhKM vS WIDOW AS HOUSE '7keeper to an elderly gentleman. Call lor tlrrae dgys. "7 PIisriXOK BT A LADY A> HOUSEKEEPER; ?chcfty or country; widow ir'a tamily prelerrod. Call on or addroaa Mrs. K.. at 230 West 43d st. Laundressei. die. 1ST ST.. 8l.COM> KI.OOIl. BaCK.-TWO YOUNO girls, together. In public laundry ; good city reference. Oil WEST 13111 ST. KKAK.-AH Kill ST CLASS ? yUlnnuilross; thoroughly nndoratands her bnatneea; city or country ; rood reference. f"FTWh-VfTiii) NT.~A~RESPECTABLEWOMAN AS UOBrat elass laundress; no objection to do plain cooking; city or country; good city roleronce. Can be cava tor two days. MADISON" SI.-A BKSPECTABLE WOMAN withes washing and ironing; beat raferenoe. .329 11 107 vtKSr 30TH 8T.-AS FIRST CLAeS LAUN kwXdrvs; city or country; city roferencc. 121 22 East 4tii st. (in itiu sro hi.?as first ggclasa experienced laundress. Call for two days. 124 126 W t ST 49TII sr.-Kf.SPB0 I ABLE WOMAN TO wash and iron by ihr nay or week; beat relercncc. Wl-.ST 34TII ST.?ENGLISH PKOTe-STANT laundress; Dutch descent; good reference. TT7(J WEST 19TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN X^gc/as first class iNundrctf and chambermaid; city or country; city references l"0(j ATTORNEY ST., BACK BASEMENT.?A TOUNG J ?3'-'married woman to go out wastting ny the day or week In a restaurant. Call or address. V7v) WEST SI ST ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOM AN L'fOwlslios to go oat washing or housecleaolng by the dey. Call or address. OTO~W EST 1ST H ST.?AS FIRST CLASS LAUN ZilO-ireas; thoroughly understands ber business In all Its branches; heat city relerence: city or country. 1)1 I west"381 H ST. (PRK8EST EMPLOYER'S) A lIt respectable woman as first class laundress; willing to assist with ehamberwork. ~ EAST 25TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO 1 woman. recently arrived from Enrone. as first elass laundress in a private family. Call on or address, for two days. M. M. 0. lid 1 EAST-59TH ST., room r-kkspkctablk gj"xl waruan to go oat by the day or to do washing; city reference*. 228* 247 WEST ldTII ST., ONE FLIGHT. FRONT woman to wash, iron or houseclean by the day. On.J 7TH AV.. GROCERY STORE.?A STEADY OUOwoman as first class laundress; city er country: city reference. WEST 44TH ST.. REAR.?A RESPECTABLE woman to go out by tbc day to wash or bvuaa claan. 311 *414. W8* 391H S'f.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNQ , TwwMn wi.hea faraillea' or geutlnmeu'a weehiac or to out by the I lay. weening. or 326 Wfcifci I' 26I'll ST., NKAR HTM a V - RFSPKt'T end plain cook. 330 KAST. 48111 Sl:-. between 1ST and -}a B'?rt-A resectable woman winhee ledtci'. comic men ? or lemHIee wanlting, by doien or contract. 33V !:A8T 251 H ST.?A LAUMttttSS WISHES TWO i ""-rf*nt|omeii ? or email family'* waahlnc l? en ele gant shirt and reat ironor. JH ie. BYKNK 334- e*AST~48?~ sr. third plod it,pront. Qrrrnnn womeu wtihea to go out wiieitlug. 34Q WEST 5j!t? ST.? A RESPECTABLE WIDOW "women withes weebinc. to K? out by the day. 439J!i?v{3OTM/%?A ?OT*BTA*T>Kii5SirTb ? ron.I. .? It f"n."n Jf n or to make hereell useful; ref erence. Ceil for two day*. M.aKY KEEN AN. 439 WK|,T ?0TH Hl'*?A KUSPKOTAHLE WIDOW x woimiii to (jo out by tho i\hy wiBhln# i....i__ j cleaning; It not afraid In work : Orel ctnee reference. 493. '2U A,r. ?A EAUNDHK.-8 TO (Ju OUT BY THE torl?!tplieo' 1,1 1 ?,n flu'" *n<l poll?h- c?o >>o eeen at \ MADISON AV., BETWEEN .ViTlt AND hOTII or ^nm'trVrA U,rnmn wom" ?? flr" ???*? leundroe.; city 630 I"TU ?AV- ,IN ,T1IK STOKE.?A YOUNG WO .? ?! flrll cleie laundreta or to do ebemberwork endI fine washing: beat city reference, no objection to mo with e family to the country Tortile anintner month*. H7*A.,ST A,v?A WOMAN WANTS FAMILY OK URN. city refereucei.* ?r Wl" B" "n? by the day; beet 94ft 81 " Til K STOKE.?A RESPECTABLE e? wT|. ** *? ?nl w**bittc or hiiuseclraning ; refer 1 ()92e3D AV ' M""**** 64TII AND 69TH ?TS._ a w A-Poubg won'?? ?? excellent leundreeo end chambermaid; city ornountry; city roterence. 1 974.3D AV.-CoMPKTENT YOUNu WOMAN AS roie'reuce Uuudr.M end chambermaid; be.t city _ ? _ titrtee dir. 1Q EAST S3D ST. (PRESENT RMPLOTTIR'm -A lOyoung American irlrl et nurae end cb.rabermela or ouembormald end weltreet. ??Mi?en?eia or VI EARK AV., BASEMENT, IIOBOKc.N. N J _? e-Areepocteblo women wi.hee e beby to wot nureo ether o?n home: own beby doed; term* moderate. 96 .*'KST ?4?~ST.-AS . Xn.lllE*t:hl> NLIlHk AdOwlll eeeiet with chemberwork; it e noet tewor- rite or country ; excellent reference. ??wor, city 39 JEPPERSON ST.-A VOL'NU WOMAN As -.CiinK OtJend eoemotroet or nureo lor e yaung beby eltrar cnumrygood reference Irom lee. employer. Add'reee Ilor 4_4_ EAST KID ST.?A COMPETENT tllKI, AS NK.Lsf" SliDwu tOto"?? Cb"** ufchlMro" ? bo" <=lt.r reference.' '"kl BUTUERK nT.?A KKM'Kt; rAMI,K A VI I Itrc i * 'u burte. or would do chemberr.-ork. 79 MA.''Nw.'ST,J ,JORN hR VORK, I'UOOKLVN.?a kfI rhim *C ^ Cr.?U i w"""n M nur.e to either e beby children or lne?Ud ledy t bent city reference. r> ) RA,S' BROAD *tf A V.? A I1UUIJ WET N L KM It eolcnuid milk wlehe. e eltuetlou. ALKSB, ' 1 I ^ lur'\ AtiEU WOMAN ah bi rib; ?>od cl l^rittrrooe. "" " "w iU 1|() whsr lorn st.?an sai'hkik>i.Ku Volnn IXWwoineu et nureo: eeu teke clterce ofchild fro. hire. o* Prowlne children ; eecellent Ctty rel.reera b,rth I 1 ^ ^'ST .Kirn r. ? K hfll'm'T a ill h Vi 11 ? v j i J J.O*THinnn experlonced la the car? of ?hiidt ? ^ Jdrt.on to the country l >o?td cll^creuc' ! 0b 194 BAIT M*M 2T?A ohKEAN oikdas wifioTi l-r?or cbemoermeld; eudrretend. belr4ro..l?,^S* 196 ,'JBAKLhS HT. A YOUNO Oihe IB "vKaTTu id? ? u m""1 <hu<1'00 "d ?k# W??tiu? East .tju nr., in siokb.?yoling hfaltTTv wet nnree. wltn reference ; her eWnd'neby " I EAST ?.TU ST.?til KG, IS vi-.AliH OLD Tft LOZmt.d e beby end m.k. berU.f u.ifu^cU^oy 'oL" 1 /S3 W KHT -6T" 8T -A COMPETENT PRKNON "as I'TOnnr.e end .eemetreee In e nrlrete tomlly reliebU to teke mil cere ol e bebr or kruwieK children ? ."!rrai yeer.' experience In cere nf children ; eenebln nt ltHu.ini e beoy up on the betUe; b. .t eity refrrene" brln*tn' I 'l l -ATII ST. ?an NURMi OB CIlAtlHi'H. J .J.Jmeldjeen do pleln eewlnr; l? n Proteetnnt ? 1 rhl tlbn to the conn try; br.t city releranc^ oTl'nV nddrail 9611 Wfc8L?9Tl bt. ?A KPSPKOTAMDE OIR7~au ence. ,0r <h"d'e-":w"1"" ? ^R?-?r?^n fifcr" 996 xyJiHT lorn "T-A oi KG to "tak i. pa it ir 9?*'T" Hr- T,'r FLOOR.-A CODORItn .. . V f?mlIT ?? n"^e nod neem.trmM' otijiiciiuit to ill? cottniry. ??rem, no 9l4 i^AsV A-.TH ST.?A STEADY WoMaN AS cilr Mdon nce** 1 ???'?! mek. 914. K tsf StlTM ST.? A YoUNii ?|R|, AH unnsw Irii ebntnbrrmeld; beet city referencee. Cell or ed 91 il. t'A8T HT- A COMPETENT tilRf, T(") fXm li'VlJJT 9 I 9 ^?A YObWli OtHi, AS NDKmR ^it/end do light homework. Cell lor two deye. 93^. East a*iTii sr.?a'RcTAHi m vrit'vA owO')*irl e* nnr.e end to meke bere.if *? ner.llx n.l'l'uh Itootj refereoee. " "" "?eiutt 949 5 4 Vr WiT" 8T- T"1' rLOOBA- hrspkcta HER ei'teiro?n?r xln e. rhlld'. ner.o; will do eeoklnc w.ib to:. i.h,i ir rulnn in .rnell pirireic femlly; b,.,t referenoe. n I ?? WEST 4ATH Ml. (NEW NDMHRKi _KPKPKi-T ZZ'?rw* r?F "lrl - nmn* *"* rei, nr eS rSem; berinelil end weltreee; underitende Wheeler A Wiieoo'a machine: beet reference "emer a ttlltona 94 7 WEnf HOUSTON nT. ? A YOlixo wT.tiTT-i"w I year, old. a. wet >.fee: beat reterenc, MA' " 17 99(1 AV -YOI So t.lKI, Tt? r.KK OAkXlil -?[" ht dren end wllll?r 997 7111 av.?a puenoh lady am nuehk ok ,r.;: yr1.?, ?' * ? -- 314, AA_*T "lt' sT.?a youno 01 kl lately SITUATIONS W'ASTKD?fKMlLKS, 320, Hurtu. iw i (EAST 20TH ST.. K1 KST FLOOR.-AS C0MPE ? ? V/trnt Infant's Dura* or Bora* and cbsmbarmaid ;?oau try preferred. ')')?) WEST 42D ST.?A It EXPECTABLE PRUT O-sOesiaat girl to mind children, or a< chambermaid; would (u la (ha country; bast rafarauoa. Call tor two day*. ?>'<>/, BA.-f~25TIi 8 1.?A YOUNG GIRL AH NURSE O^Ttaiid to u* light housework; best city refereuc*. Call or adareaa. Q i) - >t EST 25TH HT.-AS EXPERIENCED AMKRI 0_''cnn i ur?e ; n? objection to wear cap; ia willlDK aud onllvjiaa; city or coautry ; de* years' firs, class raleiaiu* iroin last employer. OOff PBAUL ST.-A RESPECTABLE T~>C.N(i WO e'agUman to take Care ot chi droit in a private laiaily; do uojection to ilia country; irood city reference. OOQ~\TKBT. MTH BI.-*ESPhOTAHLE WUMaN AS O^Oniine and saamstresa: country pralarrad; good city refarauce. ?J ? A ti ll AV.?RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS NUKdE; ?Wtchii take charua of infanl Iroin Oirth and bring up an bottla; city or cunntrr: hee years' lalsreiice. ?JY??i lor.l AV.-A RESPECTAB^Yi.UNO GIRL OU?to take ears nl cbildren or do hounework. ')Uj| BA8T IlUTtl ST. ?RESPECTABLE ENOLIMI OOlrProtaetanl woman to lako entire char ice ot an in iant and sesnwlresa; willing to go to the country; beat clly roforeneee. 4 fV) 67n AV.?YOUNG AMERICAN GIRL TO X"'/ ?lake car* of ebildreu and aaw; can operate; good city rslerenco. TiJ/l KAkT 2AT 11 ST.?A KKHPP.CTaBLK YOUNG TrOUgirl to mind children aDd make herself generally useful. C||Q EAST 9TM ST.. BACK BASEMENT. A HE eJl/Ospeetable healthy youug mhrriud woman, with full lireaat of trash milk, as wot nurse. 7\ZQ WEST dBTirsT.-A uTkL. LATELY LANDED. i./JOm imrsa sud chsmbermald; is willing aud obliging; no objsction to the coautry. Call or editress. X?0(JI?MI AV? IN OKOCiTiTv.-A Ri-.sPKOTAHLE l.)0?7glrl to mind ohilaren end make hrrarlf generally useful; willing sud obllirlur ; good city reference. 07/Y i/ETTNT}?njriivTr"NT.Tir WTII st mlng O | Ubell four times.) ? A . Irl, 15 years old. epenkeOir man anil English, to do light housework; would assiat chil dren practising piano. a AVERY COMPETENT PERSON WISHES A PO sltlon as nurse and seamstress to ebildron; will take charge ol wardrobe) or would wait on lady aud travel; city and country ; four yaars' references from employer. Call or address C. 11. 11., No. 48 East 26th St., cure Miss Witlard. HEALTHY YOl'NG MAIli'Ihl) WOMAN AS WET nurse; good references from ber pasior and physlelsn. Can be aeeu for three days ill cliurch parlor of Church of the Holy Trinity, 40 East 4Ud st. (ViMPKTKNT NORTH OK ISM AN AS NCRSE AND J seamstress; best city reference. Address NOKTii GERMAN. Herald office. 9 WEST 22D ST.?'a'iTaDY WISHES TO OET A place for 11 first el ess girl as waitress or chambermaid ; oeven years' reference. WEST 40111 ST. ?AS FlllHT CLASS WAITRESS; 119 city or country; best reference. 1 OQ WESI- BOTH ST.. SECOND FLOOR.-A KK 1 iSOspeeiabls colored girl as waitress, chambermaid or to do general housework. 1 ccT*kst :iofirsT.. cornei: 7rn ay.?as URst? XtSt/glnse waitress: can take entire charge of a dining room ; nniierstaude ail kinds of salads; would like a sum mer hotel. Call lor two days. fTrT) WKSr" 2#Tir4T.?PROTESTANT WAlTBEfiis AOUand chamorrmsld; no objcctiona to the country; Ore years' city reference. i) I "I EAST 26TII ST.-AS CHAMBERMAID AND Jj I Xwaltre?s, or to do general bonaework iu a small fam. ily; good reference. tj\C EAST 41ST ST.-A HESPECTaBLE (IIKL Jj waitress and chamhennald iu a first claae private family; city or country; good citv reference. 5TH AV.-A YOUNG GIRL AS WAITRESS; city or countiy. 263 OIQ EAST 21ST sr.?A tJIRL AS FIRST CLASS tJ_Lr/waitrrsa or to do cbnmborwork and sewing; best ally referonce. EAST 32D ST.-A SCOTCH PROt'ES TA NT AS 319 n 'first cIbsh waitress; thoroughly undorstaads lier business; six years' city reference; uo objections to the oountry. ?T?Tft 14TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE GlKL AS WAIT' OlXUrees In n prirats family; hat lired six rears In her last plsee; best city reference. Can be teen for two daye. ROC MADISON ~A V.~ H ETWEKN 54TH AND "Si "f H UOtJste. ? A first class waitress and chambermaid ; city or country. Fourth floor.-a rbbpbcta as wet nurse. Call for two dars. 11 7ft 2D AV.. FOUI .1 I */hie married lady 14 1ft 2D AV.. I.N STOKE.?A YOUNG GIRL AS .T J_Ufirst class waitress and chambermaid; also as fine washer nnd ironsr; no objection to the oountry ; excellent reference. Gall or address. Misceiutiisoai, mWEST 16TH ST. A YOUNG AMERICAN GIRL, capable of doing any kind of work. Gall for two dfya Vl.t WEST 28I H ST.. FIRST FLOOR.-A COM" J O 1 petent French Protestant aa lanlot' maid, drnse' maker ana hairdresser; no objection to travel; never sea sick. Address L< lUldK. 1 A 1 WEST 17TH ST.?KEMPKOTABLE COLORKD I TTI woman to take charge of a bouse or bnilding; best city retsrenee. Mrs. J. WILLIAMS. EAST 7TH ST"THIRD FLOOR. FRONT?A young German girl In a small American family. <tf tQ~ WKsf"331) ST., IN rHE^kOtThRY STliKK.? l'JOa young German girl. 17 years of age, to assist in the housework nnd mind a child. 7TH AV., TWO FLIGHTS CP. FRONT.?A widow to go out by the day or weak. 162 214 235 WK8T 461'H BT.?YOUNG GIRL AH KITCHEN maid or ehambarinaid; raferauoet. Ill I WE.sT 27TII ST.. TOP KLOOR.-A YOUNG ^TieemsD to go out by the day or weak; willing to aerub, or in a rcataurnnt or atnre. Call or addroaa A. W. 328, EAST 34TH sT.-A EKSPEOI ABLK WOMAN a a small private family; city raterenca. a oi west uera st.-a young amerioan girl ?? ilo light hnntework In A small family; best elty reference. I r.? WEST ?D ST.?HOU8K OR STORK CLEAN? TrO?)lni. or wasnlng, by Ilia Jay} Brat olmaa elty refer ence. Call or address. A OA 6TH AV., ROOM I.?A KRKNCH WOMAN AS T: t/lyledy's maid; understand* hnirereasiug; good seamstress; ally references. Call tor two daya. 095 r 3D AY.?A RKBPEUTABLK OIRL FOR LIGHT huaaeworn; willing and obliging; baft city ralar* y-ry MYKTLR AV., BROOKLYN.?KKr-PEOTABLR 'yunna German girl a* rmnpaol>n to lady; tinder, aland. dressmaking; will doligut housework it required. A N INTELLIGENT YOUNG GIKL SEEKS A PLKA xVrant home. In n refined family, where horaervleea would bo appreciated. Addraaa .\DA. Herald office. ? A RESPECTABLE YOUNG lYOMAN AS l-ADY'B maid, to go vo Europe; not sea sic* ; reterene- a* to etiracter If required. Address AMERICA, Herald Uptown Branatt ofhre. ? AMERICAN woman wish km charge OK HOUSE lor autnrner or longer; buaband a carpenter; reference. 217 Waft 2Rtb St. PI10FKSS10MAX.SITI/ATI0KS WANTED? PBMALES. fTBT Jjhugll I English, French, music; would travel; elty references. EDUCa IIoN, Herald Uptown olUee. IIKLP WANTED?FEMALES. JLa ti i oIK) ujTTTaC'n DRRnS^CfilTcu aIT/. k km a i d A wanted. l,4ir.? Hroauwey, WET NORSK Wanted with oood breast op imllit. SW Ks.t 27tn at. A GIRL WANTRD?FOR GKKKRAL HOUSEWORK; plain cook and good washer and truster. Apply 301 Uroouie aL An activk. competent i.ady of business habits tor a somewhat ardnoua bat paying position. 1 F. itJtiDKL. :>S Reade st -WANTED. NUiISK FOR ONE INFANT; WAGES l.$7. Apply 35 East 02.1 ?u - I PROTESTANT WOMAN TO COOK. WASH AND X\Iron In a plain family : wages, SIR Call after 2 o'clock. In brtetuent. 214 Knat 3l?ih si. DRESSMAKERS WANTKD-AT MMK. lURBY'S, 100 fl'eet 4<>th st. Come prepared to work. D KKsSMaKBKS Wan TED. NO. 113 WEST 16TH ST. D i.K.v-.M AKERS WANTED AT 119 WEST 20fH INXPEKIeNCED NUKSK, ABOUT 25. FOR TWO Uchildrnn. and be us ? Jul. Csll attar 10. 224 East 7*lh st. OTHONG OIKL FOR GENERAL Hill ?KWORK ; GOOD Opiain eoek. excellent washer and Doner, 135 West loth st. WANTKD-A YOUNG GIRL TO COOK. WASH AND Iron In a private family; must be well rocwnoieuded. Apply 111 Kast ltrtu at. 1X7ANTED-A III SPKCT.tHLR PROTESTANT OIRL TT or waiinin to do genernl bousewnrk lor n family In the eonnt ry ; must be e U"?d washer end Doner end willing to d? wore es directed; good home; wages pill, address B., 170 Herald office. w TAN IK D A GKHMAN GIRL FOR UKNF.RAL housework at No. If>4 Kest 71st st. IX/ ANTKD?A NEAT PROTESTANT GIRL FOR GKN IT erel heasework on e flat; small tauilly: must he; good washer end Irotier; city reference. 3St West J-'d st. w ANTEO-AGIKI. FOR O NKRAL IIuUSKWOrK; very little wa-hing. 427 East 57th at 11/ ANTED?A ClIRI. TO HO GENERAL IIOUmRWOKK; H must be a good laundress; rtlerence wanted. Inquire at li'< Bast 00th .t. WANTRD?AN EXPERIENCED OPRKATOR ON Wheeler A Wilson machine. Apply Immediately nl No. 1,43ft Knlton St.. Brooklyn. WANTKD-a YOUNO FRENCH GIRL T<P AHnIHT with children and do plain sewing; nndoohted refer ence required. Apply on laesday Irotn 12 until 2 at S72 3tn s?. w ANTED-FIRstT CLAisr, DESIGNERS OF LADIES' trimmed hats. HUMHKKGA II ART, (IB Greene st. w ANTED?A COOK AND LAUNDRESS. SPEAKING. French end Knglleh; city rel'errne*. K. MRU till'. R. 101 Nth ay. VaITID-A T0U?|l GIEL TOTXND BABY; ONE TT (lint it willing to g? In the cenntry. Cell at 31 Morten st. \XfANTKD IMMEDIATELY?MIDDLE AGED WOMAN TV lor general housework, in family of two! muet be Oret, ; elty references reqnlred 731 7th ay. w ANTED?A PROTESTANT GIRL TO DO UENKHAL housework. 4">> VVeat 2Hlh st. w ANTKD?A COMPETENT WOMAN. WITH RKFBR en CO, to cook, wash and imn. 44 West litth st Wanted a plain giki. to do <.l,khal housework. Inqnire, after 0 A. M., In sfore ITU Grand et W ANTED-A TIDV AND RESPECTABLE YOUNG TT woman to do light honsewnrk and mind a baby ; refer ence, required. Apply at 131 West I4ife st. TITANTl-.l) A Kr.SPKC T tSLK G1RL tii V flE L If oralkooMVorfc. 1J4 Warn iltk el MKJUP WAHTED-FKJUXKi. Wiswr^iiwtar iwmaLfo'Afft^srHrsjsg n ly lady; nun. ha good tower. Dual, tulkfl(|> ili West "le'ili till ?t., at Mr 0 o'clock. WANTKD-A CATHOLIC GIRL OK M To SEW *N0 make herself um(>L Apply, with roleronook. at 8w Stb u v. Wf ANTED?A STRUNG (<IRE TO DO GENERAL II Housework, conking, washing and ironing; Gorman pretermit. Apply at lul Grrauv at. w ANTED?Ai ACTIVE. ENeRGETIC LADY AT CaHsELL, PETTKlt A GALPIN'S. 5H6 Brodway. WANTED?A HIKE hlli GENERAL liOtlb..WORKI gnod cook, waabar and lrouar; city ralaraaaa. 237 East HJU at. \i; ANTED-A PROlESTANf WOMAN Ad LaUN ? i dreai and to aaaiat at chainbarwork. Apply 411 neat O'JH -a YoUNG GIRL KOK A COCKLE OK HOURS EVERT runniing, about 14 ye art; German. iu neighborhood, piolerred. 31 West 87th it. SITUATIONS VV A.VfED-.HALKk. -1(- c k jff TjolokEd mTn*~ w iViTI tin "Kit Kuif man in a prlrata family or bonrdiog lioute at waiter: willing to work one woak Iroo. Adoreta B. G.'54>$ sulll r?n at. * you no man would like to have a per Hmtntnt situation; can read and write German and English; reference nnd security given, with recouimanda tiop. Addraaa L.iUlS O . H4 Greanwicb at. A RESPECTABLE BoY, OK in. HAYING BEAN two yanrs In tlie . utcher'- bnalnaat, would Ilka to get a good eituatlou; Uvea n ub bin parenta; apeaka Krencb; wall recotumandcd. Address 11. MEYER, 245 10th av. AKIRaT CLASS MAN AS MEAT OR PASTRY COOK; betel or rcttanrant. Addraaa ROLAND'S, 382 3d av., rear. A SITUATION WANTBD-BY YOUNG Me N, TO repair furniture or any kind of work; baa tools. Ad draaa OA III'ENTER flUoK. 546 id av. A HOME IVaNTKo BY A KAT11KKLKSS, BRIGHT, Intelligent l>oy of 14, American, witn a business gentle man ; city or country, Addrvu lor tlie preaeut, M'lTllElt, Herald office. Situation wanted?by a oekvan, as light pert* r,or secouu cook or liinchrauu. Oall on or address J. if., IOi Clinton plaee. Drat floor. Situation Want. i>?by young man: city or country: good reference. Addrees YoUNG, 677 Wateret. WANTr.D?GOOD rsTOKc. WoKK. WITH SINGLE Truck. Addreta, with partlenlara, W. liAKT.SlU Weal lSlb at. \\J ANTED?BY A YOUNG MAN. A SITUATION; UN if derataiids the care of lioraea and cow*; li?a good refer ence from la*t employer. Addreaa er call at MIA 3d av.. - w /AN I ED?A SITUATION MY AN ACTIVE LAD OP 17 ill a store, whoiesalo or retail. Addreaa M., 313 7th YOU NO MAN WANTS TO TRAVEL; REKKKKNCE ?urnlabed and required. Address 11. W., Herald Uptown ofllee. YoUNG MAN WAITER; UMKPUL IN GENERAL. P., box ltifi Herald Uptown office. ?VTol'NG MAN A3 PORTER In HOTEL OK PRIVaTB J. boarding house; willing to make himself generally use ful; city or country; beat reference*. PORTER, 137 llorald Uptown office fitT 40 I'll ST AI DINNER AND ORDER A,aLUcook ; understands the IN cent house, meat, oysters, pastry and guou carver. Andreas COO K. CLKUKb AND SALEBMEb. \ atTai a puaI iToN iTTTKrii;u ok ol/Toobfe Awork. Addreaa EXPEltlKNCE, Herald nfBee. BUSINESS MAN (37/ WANTS EMPLOYMENT IN a tobacco bouse; good reference; salary no object. O. b? ataiion D. A STENOGRAPHER (MU.NSONi DESIRES A POSI tiqrt aa amanuensis. Addreaa C. O. DWELLS, bex 3.S4N I'oatotUce. A MIDDLE -AGED PROTKsTaNT COUPLE WISH employment; coachman and gardener or farmer; woman i* a good eook and lauudreaa; eity reference. Call or address 11. G.. 333 East 37th at. CYHP,KK WANTED -IN Ul.NTLCM EN'S PUKNISH Jlug store. Address stating refereoeet and wag as wanttd. K. M., box 130 llarald vfHce. Department man kor koreign and domes tic dreaa goods iu a large Jobbing home; give expe rience. reloren e, Ac. Address MAN. Herald office. Drug clerk wanted pok city retail trade. Kreuch or Spanish preU 3,57.1 1'uat office, New York. preferred. Address DRUGS, box Drug clerk wanted.?a young desman. well reoouiaaeudsd, may addren DRUGS, nation U. New York. Drug clerk wanted.-junior cl..kk who understands tue business and is net alreid to work, with good city inference. Apply at OWENS' drag stars, Myrtle av . corner Spencer at., Brooklyn. D RY GOODS SALESM IN WANTKD-WHO CAN speak Krencb and Eagttsb preferred. Apply 405 6th av. IN THE EVENING TeLEGRAM, SPECIAL DESPATCHES. WITH FULL REPORTS OF THE LATEST BEVE LATIONS OF THE POTTER INVc.-TIOATING COMMITTEE, EVERT MullT. OFKICe CLERK WAN Ti-.U-ABOUT 20 YEAR* OP ago; moat b# good penman, have good references and reside witn bis parenta. Address JOHNSON, ..or aid office SITUATION WANTED IE THE CARPET AND KUR uiahlug trade aa talesman; lilt von years' undeniable r.-lereiicna. Address H., 43 Prospa. t at., Brooklyn. Situation wanTKD-IN an okkick ok. ah salesman bjr a thnruug ,ly competent, middle-aged business mnh ; salary louder mo : bonus given il necessary; L... . . 1* Sllll'llh k*? ll-l best relerenoet. * Address 1'. PiCTON, box 112 Herald office. rnii lv 1 can ivU KHHKtvDT MANUFACTURING COMPANY employ a salntman for Its city, Philadelphia and Baitintoru trade ; only those acqualnteu with tbe g?ous and tbe leading (oobiug trade need app.y. Applications mutt bo made In writing and will be treated eonbdentlaliy. WANTKD?A .SITUATION AS -ALIvoM AN 1.1 UltY goods commission bnnse. ootton or woollens, to sell in Philadelphia and Baltimore markets; well acquainted with the trade; relmeaee given. Address BALKaMAN, Herald offioe. WJ AN i tu -A aALKHMAN, WllO HAH AN ACQUAINT 7? an CO with tbe retail grocerymsn or coaleotiouers of elty. to make spices, butter and molasses specialties; alao one who ha?tr?veiled ou the road; Oerman preferred. Ad dress. with particulars, SALESMAN. IterslU office. WANTb.U-rTKSl UL.ASs NfcKuL. BALtvSM A.N; TO ono that has latloeace with tbe trade a gnoo and per manent position is aSsred. Address N KKDLKS, box 1.UU8 Post office. WANTKD?A YOUNG MAN A? SIO. K CLKKK IN A wholesale clothing house. Address, with reference, W. S.. Ilersld office. w ANTliD-A BOOK.KKKl'KK WHO TUOKOUOULY understands the wholesale grocery business. H. CASHIDY. 41B Greenwich It. w ANTKD?A GKOOKuY iLKKK; ONiv WHO UN derstanda his uueinsa. 231 av. B, corner el 14th st. $10 H'KKK HALAilY, IN KKiiPONHl BLK Po sition, to cleric furnishing S1SO cash sreartty. SCH KOKHMI A Co.. a I.lint'a place. A COACllillKM A.\U UAUDENKKb. BK?l'b.CfAB Lk M an ah coacuMan nr .private family; citr or country; Oost reference Ircm last situation. Address or luquire 117 West UOMt su, iu grocery. KKaPKCTABLK MaN AS COACHMAN AND GAK Ldensr. Address II. C., box 134 herald Uptowu office. A KKHPKCTABLh SINGLK MAN AH PIKHT GLASS JA. coach ma it nod gardeners good reference. Address N. W., box 122 Herald office. COAOIIMAN AND OAUUHNKK'S SITUATION wanted?By single mas; can milk; low wages; best references. Address M . 122 Herald office. tTOACHKAN. VtOhTABLH UAKl'ANSK?BY RivLI 2abis, competent single roan: thoroughly understand* Ins business; city or country; beat ralarsnee. Address J., box 122 Harald office. , CIOaOHMAN?UNDKHaTANUS OAHUkNINO; MILK Zing If required; wages bis; city or country; reference. G., box M2 Herald office. CXOAKUMAN AND OARUBNKR-BY A SINGLK MAN, ^r.aretnl and willing : iindarstande the caro of a gentle man's oleco; good relreeuce. Address B., box 119 Herald office. CIO AC OMAN, GROOM OK TOUT MAN, LIO.lT /weight, by s man who thoroughly undsr-tsnds tbo cars of homes, carriages and harness strictly temperate; will be found willing aud obliging; can be highly recommended by last employer. Irorn whom ha has Are years' relarenca. Address A. s , box 184 ileraid Uptown office. t10ACII.MAN.-AN ENGLISHMAN AS PI RUT CLASH /coachman ; Just left laat employer: good city reference. Cell ee or sddrea. C. P., 112 Wost 3<lth -t. CI AKDKNkR.?WIIO THOROCOHLV UNHKoHTaNOS rgrrenhouses. graperies, flowers, (rails and vegatahlea; careful manager; married; no encumbrance. P. H., herald Lptown Branch office. / 1'H HITUA'lloN WANT D-HAH SEYI'.N VXyears' city lefereaoe. Addrese A, 459 Orange at, New ark. N. J. WANTKO-SITUATION AH COACHMAN AND GAR riener. by ? young iBwcdaj married men ; is strictly hoB"st end temperate ; no objection lea abort distance In the country. Address, for two days, it. PkAKHHN, 172 Diifflold st., Brooklyn, N. T. WANTKD?H1TU A floN ItY A UKHPf.U T AllLK young man In city or country; undaratands lbs care of horses ami can make himaelt generally usrlul, is a carelul driver. Please sdureaa, for two days, DiUVKK, Herald l j,town Branch office. ______________________ IIKI.I' WASiTKD- MALIC*. A sMaIU' MAN (CAfIIOL'icrWANTRD-to TART. J V. city orders; rafareueos reuulrod. THOMAS KKl.LT, 17 Barrlay st. GOOI) CANVASSER W ANT SI ? - POR t!0A L YARD:; MIS with an established trad.-. Address UOAL, Herald I ptown office. A MAN UOOk FOR Si'MM KK HOrKL. ukDHKKss, with references and wage* expected, KUfMRIi ho I KL. Ileraid office. A" MAN OK GOOD Alldltben ANI* RNhKGKTIU bablie : reierenoat required. Apply, alter 9, at 22 Park piano, tip atal rs. A uhNTS.-rfBtCTLY NKW AKTICLK. UNIVRH needed; good profits; steady business ft lv aRING.21 Park raw, room 9. AWKI.L KOUOATBO CATHOLIC GKNTLKMA.N TO travel; $12 wceklr and expenees. Apply, aftet 12, MoHAYMT's Wareroome, Sith st, 2d ay. A UAH tit UK WANTKD WHO VI Lie LOAN SIMM) ON aatlefactory securlt? ; ooeltlon permanent; salary $20 a week. St! IIROKH hit CO., 2 Clinton ptare ATKAUHKR UM PRUPKsHIoNAL 0KKYLRKAN OP good address to travel In tlila vicinity lor n nselnl edu cational article, moderate par ami travelling expenses. Address TKACIi i'.K. Herald office. AN IvNKKUhllO, IMrUlliKM' IHISHMaN; WlL ling to wo'k, and can write plainly. SIIKKM Y, 33 liar elay st B~U* IN A BOOK sTORK?R.lKKGKTlC ANdThUhF worthy. Address box 4 54" Post office, New Tork. B itY WANTKD-IN IIOfttRRY STORK; $3 WKKK. Address L. U.. box 130 Herald office. /1 NVASSP.K WA.NIKD-FOK A NKW ArtT I'Ult Vyiication: salary or eoinmlt-wm to a competent man. Uall on HOUGHTON. HUOOH A CO.. 21 Aaior olaen. EXPhHl iv.NCKH UANVAltsKK <iK RbsT aDDRKHH and ability Address all parllsnlara "HlvHI," llernld office. PUKK TKA.H.-AGK NTS WANTED KVRRYVHtRR to sell SO families, hotels and large eonatimerai largest stork In the reentry | quality aad terms the hast Country storak earns jnonld ja^ey writs TUB WELL* TEA HBU> WASTED?WALKS. WTXVYttC-AO?lHS~~oTr~A H*WULf~iKlX7jfl IT article; 1 will go In every household; an opportunity Mldum offered to mako money. 13 Clinton place. >ld* eairaBM. WANTED?GOO U RELIABLE O iSIaSSKIU PoK A high class publication. 11., box 342 Herald office WANTED-.! MAN TO T ?kil OAICK OK itOltsKS aa<l do tha yentral work ou a imall country place; Oanuau prafarrad. Call, altar 10 a'olaak. N'e. 1 hew Church at. flTvNTKD-IN T ? I In CUV. SOLICITORS Poll A TT popular mercantile agency; old merchant* prafarrad; reierence* required. Addre-s Po*l office bo\ 4.1W. reierence* requirad. Addra?a 1 WANTED?AN I.NTr.LLlOKNT BOY. WITH REFER, slices; ruu?i understand ilia gentlemen1* furnishing buolaaaa Apply to M. PLUNSKV, No. 6 old Post office, Naeaau at. WANTED? A FEW OOUD ADVERTISING 0 vNVASH. era tur a aaw puolloailou Apply, by lunar oaly. with rafarencaa, to JOHN ii. KELPII, 135 aud 157 Broadway, IITANTED-aN ACTIVB. INTELLIGENT MAN TO If deliver b >oks; mint reolde ii. Newark. N. J., be wail re01 >111 mended and able to turaiih security. Address NEW. AUK. bo* 130 Herald office. -fir ANTED- AC.KN I S TO SKU. AN ARTICLE KOH VI the bore*; capital r*qaired$l 50aadi > up. Addraaa baa 145 Herald office.' W'ANTED?A COOK TO GO TO LONG BRANCH FOR the eammer tnoathei lamlly nrlveia; Ua must hay* city reierence. Apply to 40 West lBtn it. w AN I ED-AGENTS, TO Sr.LL A NEW ARTICLE* needed to every home, at 76 East lOib at. llfANT.O an INTELLIGENT EMPLOYED PER IT sun, liarine fow noure dally, eaoable of translating cor reetly Krencli inio Eagiisn ; rolerenoee required. Address J., 140 Herald Uptown it much. ' WANTED?BY A FIRST CLASS FRENCH WAITER; well revomm -uded; a prlvato leroily preferred ; >peaks Spanish ; good reiereuces; city or country. Addreaa tVAI* TEK, Herald office. ANTED?MAN TO SELL MINERAL A1 Long Braaeb; $100 required. Andres* M1NKRAI* Herald office. j HE I'RAOEa. ' ~A~iLU M~ttSIt^fcSfD~GASPfiPTfifl^ wmrx KNOVrt Aedge ol carpeulart' tools, desiiea a altuatlou to takd c <re of real estate or work for eu attain: trood references. Call uu or addreaa PLUMBER. No. 14W East 10th at. LOCKsMlflTAND PLUMiiEH ~ilV PROFESSION, A< Janitor or housekeeper; aoeaka English, Pronch aa4 German. 152 East 14th at. fo printers.?wanted, a situation as press. man on book. Job or Illustrated work; atu a goodwood cat printer and uapable of taklaac charge of any prone room. W. II. PET'I'I NEit, 23 Kossuth place, Brooklyn. WANTED?WHEELWRIGHT 11 i.aC KSM1TH, TO work on lartu aud make himself uaofuL CARTER'S, 63 Cortlandt at. w ANTED?GENERAL MECHANIC; GERMAN" PRSl furred; must have a smattering of the carpenter's. aeon', and Ironworker's trades: for jobbing on an estate^; tguti $24 per month Addreaa box 3.813 Post office. N. Y. WANTED?A >1 hC.A.Nlt: COMPETENT TO TAKE cbargo ol car shops; must be sober aad Industrious. Address JAM'S SM ltd, a tail nit or leu, references. Ac., box lot! Herald Uptown Branch office. WANTED-A FOREMAN IN A WHOLESALE OHIL dreu's and boys' clothing house ; must he a sober and Industrious parson, understanding his bnalnesa thoroughly. Only sueb address, giving references and wages required, A. rt.. Herald office. WANTED ?r. NOR AVER ON 1'UOTOKELIEF PLATES (type metal). 48 Beekman St., top floor. ANTr.D?ENGRAVER tTT~ENGKAVB NAMES Oft thimbles; stato salary expected. Address box 3,130 Post office. w ANTKD-A I* lOTOGRAPH P. INTeK. APPLY AT REDISQTON'S, 107 tVest 34th St. WNTKD?FOUR MEN ACCUSTOM. D TO RUN Blag drill* auder grouud; those used to lacersoll drills preferred; mast come well recommended. Also one gooe practical engineer. Apply Park place. y PhEffiCU ADVERTISEMENTS. DTdkiTanok"-i/nOonne^'knfan't et cotf tnrlere Franeeise pour prendre selu da donx entanls. B'aoresser Everett House, room 132. X'UR SALE. "TV -ttt a Kg Afar=xnrrrfffT?fo&"k:'" ax; A-Machiuery. Patents, Good Will, Ac., lor tb* manufacture ol ruffltngs, Anting*, tan* trimmings, Ac., ol the slot City T. A. TUtTLB, Trust00. New Haven, Conn. A GOOD CORNER LIQUOR STORE DOWN TOWNf full lieensas; cheap rant; very tow prlee. J ONES. 30 Contra ft. FIRST CLASS LAGER BERK SsLOON; ORE Of chest places In city. JONEs, 3S Centre *L ?FINEST AND BEST SA l'LE ROOMS IV Ls Brooklyn; also Coal Yards; splendid Grocery Stores. M A LONt, 7 .Murray it. A -FUR SAL . RESTAURANTS, CORNER LIQUOR ? Stores, Groceries, Confectioneries, Hotels, Maunfae. lories, Btkertee. .Mantel-. MITCHELL, 71) Cadar at. A PLEASANT AND PRUFITABLr. ESTABLISHED Business for sale, nuw doing a good cash trade; capital required, $7.0U0. duress C. W., box 114 Herald office. A" FIRST CLASS SAMPLE ROOM AND CIGAR Store?Lease and Fixtures for tale: the beat oorner, in one of the best battues* streets down town. luqeir* SAMUEL C. HOKUM. 2U2 Front ft. a bout ho elegant French plate hecond Ahand Pier and Mantel Mirrors, In gilt, black walnut and ebonised tramee, at bargains, at COLTOK'S Auction Rooms, 530 Brnanway. A -THE LIQUOR STORE ON SOUTH VIEST CORNER ?8th ay. and 32d at. Tor sain, a bargain. Br order ef mortgagee. A PROVISION MARKET FOR BALK -RENT, $390 yearly; antes over $300 weekly; price low. LLOYDS. 4 Warren St. A PlrtSt OLAM< COUNKlt LIQUOR STORE, FULL XX.Ho.onso, old established, doing a uuaiuesa el MO daily. LLOYDS, 4 Warren. AHAKGAIN.-POK HALE OB LET CHEAP. ONE Of the belt corner Liqnor Stores; no agent. 407 Orand. RUG STOKE FOR SALE-MAItGAlN; VKRY KA?V terms; corner; low real; average sales 410 to $12 pet day. STRICKLAND'S, 86 Bookman >t. i?ioK SaLi.?A JEW Litt STokK AND A LARUi Safe. 86 Kleeoker at. Ij'OH SALK-AN ELEGANT SAMPLK ROOM. OABt " net fixtures; seld at a sacrifice; exemiae It. LLOYD. 4 Warren it. 1/OK SALK?A SHALL SOAP FACTORY, for LaUN I? dry or toilet soep, cheap for cash. Address TOILET, Herald ottcs. fit OR SALK-ON AGC< IUNT op TWO BU.slNKSSHs! 1 a first class Bakery, baking 8 to 10 bble. nor week, sold ersr lbs counter. Apply 1,567 3d ar. FOB 6ALR~?RKVr HAROAIN FOR CASH-MIL llnery and Fascy Goods stare, doing good business ; fires elass location; reasons tor selling enntlaned III bealtli and learing the city. Applr to DUDLEY A OO., 6 Sast 14ih at i^Olt KALE-Tllr. BEST BAR, LAUKR BKl-.K SALOON and nestaurent combined ia the city. Apply en the premises. 1.410 Broadway, corner Rfltb St., opposite Barker A Sou's ?"'lisn eisrt. fjMKST t LA'S LIQUOR STOKE?WELL HTTBD UP, 1/ doing a irood business, can be bought at a bargain. sHIlU 17 Outre si. Fm i OK SALE CHEAP?A FINE LIQUOR HTOKE, HO. West St.. on account of roing to tit" old country. BIOK sale CHKAI'-a.n OLD r.a'fABi'1611 ED OKO cerr Store, with Horse and Wagon ; good neighborhood; must bo sold within too days on aecount of going ta Europe. 4(li West 44th at. P" Oil SA..K CHEAP-WINK, LAGS It BhKK AND Billiard Kaloon. Inquire of WaLLKRSTEIn k CO., <12 Bowery, corner IAOK BALK CHEAP-STUCK AND FIXTURES ? OF r Lager Beer Saloon. Apply ou the preinitea. 445 West 28th sL J* tOR isALR, CHEAP FOR CASll-CIUAR STORK, 7$ Varlck St.. near Canal; rent $15. INOK SALS OK KENT C.iBaP-A SMALL BOARD ' Ing Uouee, folly fureiebed. Address, 107 West 41st it. C" t HOD CORNER OitOUKKY stOtlK iOtt BALI Fcnssp. No. 167 IHh at.. Williamsburg. T IQUOR -TORE. CORNl>R OFMTH If. AMD lot iiar , ehsap. suitable for lager beer ealeon. OTIC . 10 WOOD KNGKaVI'.RS .tD PRIM IKRA. Bloeks ol Quarter filieeta, balf sod full die. planed nod ready for use: er?n thickness guaranteed. Apply to J. Ia KNIGHT. JO Ann as. NLY MOIIl?BKMfAURANT, OPPOSITE STKaMs ship dock, doing good onsioeas; ows'-r leasing city. C. H. FLETCHER, 46 Day. OAFn8, LAKUK and SMALL. THAT HAVE BEEN Olaken In exchange for my new round corner Setea. low for cash, IV. II. BUTLER, Till Broadway. New York. APE.4.-ONK LAIIGK, TWO SMALL AND A MEDIUM s $150 ?Ise Halo at S. G QUIRK'S, 44)% Maiden lane. THK BEST PAYING OYSTER AMD DIM I HO ROoil In the Eighth ward; anal be eeld; ne reasonable eflbi relnseo. 52X Broome ?t. CASH. BALANCE EASY, WILL PUKCHABfl neat paying little Bar In city. PHILLIPS, IS Ana at. Asiixit WILL BUY rPAYING OYSTlv* AND DIN ?pOUulniiskms la Harlem. Addreee T., Harlem edver lialug ofiiae. ~~ Xa( iii.% id i117 * -TTWIWHe d KOAKK'S. kiio SrA8T)*6WJfKe?5rr. Designs and Lsiimates furnished for Maebiaery. Large assortment of new end second baud Engines. Boilers, Pumps, Tank*. kr , on band. TO MHNb"FJit "balkT?BauSTJinpB FOUR, ijiliorse power; as rood rs new; a bargain. Addreee ev ceil ai N. I. NATHAN'S. 5 and 7 White sv fitOR itAl.K UN~E laMuM DBtfUftl PULLET, 1 Fleet ? inch diimster. lace, 18-inoh. Apply at JaMBS CALK'S. 442 Wa.t 15th sk Machinery"-wanted, second hand papbe Outline Machine, Ruling Machine and Wood Knrrif. er's Baling Machine. WOODWARD. GRANT k CO., Toronto, Canada. STEAM Y aCHT Id \Ot NK, WHEEL. SHaPT, Pump snn Condenser, built by New York Hsfely Steam Power Company . ell In guod order; sell rere low. ? W. P. II i Kills,:.*1 Illsh at., Newark. N.J. oiikkiii.sN paper cutting'm * chink for sal?? x5:i0meh ; a? good as new 'a bargain. Address or sail at N. 1. N ATIIaN'S, 5 see 7 Wblte si. WantTd a second hand potter or hob Press. IHifi or 34xVi. Address stating eondltlen. time It has been la u?e and price, TUB CLARK W. BRYAN CO., sprlngllolii. Masa AN 1D-SrK tM ENGINi (HAXI Elt| -IN O'lOD arder, from three lo lour horso lower. Addreee MA CHINIST. 12- Ml KlbblW It., llrookiyn. AM'!'KtllsiXs Y. " ?"* A'~'tf6" iMpoNITION -GRE 1TK8T CL i IRVOYaNF stirs. POSTeM tells e eery thing; names, numbers; ??i Itlacti"" or lo pay. lifittdtkSt . Stll 4t* ee. | lfbd^.B0i $1 A STNOLOGKR LISTER. MM WBST .'.'III ST.-THE inly "lie >n the elly. "end stamp Inr nrcnlar. tldUNTEHH liB LONDON, .STAR CLAIRVOYANT /oi the world.? Krsry hidden iny.tory revealed. 57 West 30th at. ? KlBDlCAL. Xi^iciTTRSlir'lirt' wiiItk'hITad "rttoTEssdl XX."f Midwllery. 21$ Ksst 4Ylh at . near ;ld a? A- U K~. A. M. MiU RI ok A u, ] ??? s office, orar 80 years, 128 Liberty st. ^JRS. BURN8^ lit 164 Imnlngtew ee? near tidet. Advice free, JUL LtOAle?RRMOVJUI 19 W7 WflET AlBf k\ '