Newspaper Page Text
TO UET FOB. BII811HC81 PTBPOIK*. BENNETT BUILDING. " ^ corn or of I- niton and Nassau eta. Savoral oBni in this building in 1st at greatly radnoad fonts. The uflrM will l>n altered to suit tananta. 1 he building is heated by steam, and each office has washstaud ana water in ik Two elevators running. No extras. Anplyto JOHN L. KNIOHT, at the building. dmikablk opportunity.?pkomT^knt COIL ner store, with Hasemout; also fine Plats reasonable. IOHN U. CKIMMlNb, I.U37 3d sr. ROADWAY, SOUTHWEST CoRNKK OP 13711 ST.? The original Shakespeare Saloon. Apply 60 bast 13th E Restaurant. 1.343 broadway, under win chaster apartments: ranee, butler's pantry and tablrs; also a desirable Store, 1,344 Broadway; low rents Apply sn premises. S.1 TOR. S O.N 5TU A v., BETWEEN 44r U AND 45TI1 ts.. New York, to rout. Inquire of J. M. iiODQsON, 3th as. SPLEN DID PlOOR POR BUSINESS PURPOSES?AT SO West 14th St.. oetweeu Sth and Oth avs.; one of tha bost locations in the city. TO LET?STORK it ill bTTkECKEH ST.; NEWLY titted up; npartmeuts in rear. Apply 331 Hleerser st. O LKAHK LOW TO A RESPONSIBLE TENANT? Large and strong iron front buildiug.-50x100 ieet, sulta bla lor brewery, storage wareh..nse or factory purposes; eenlrally situated. Call, or address OWNER, 37 Wast Blst St. *TrT'J~DANAL ST.-WELL LOCATED STORE. DRY O I OCsllar. Lofts, weil lighted and in eompiate order, to lot, together or separate. Apply to S.\MU EL S11ET1IAR A CO.. 348 Broadway. DWELL1AO llOlSEN TO LET. , . Kuril tailed. A POLLY PUBNISHED BROWN ?TONK HOUSE TO rent.-The owner's tamily, consisting of lour, would board in lieu of rent. Address No. 3,887 Now York Poat office. Boaruiug house keepers need nut imply TDURNIsHKD POR THE SUMMER?A NICELY PUR r nislied Mouse, below 14th st., botwsen tith and 7tb av?., lo an A1 tenant, with small lamily, very low. O., Herald Uptown office. TAURnISHED HOUSE TO LET-NO. H? WKST20TH J st. apply eu the preqiises. Possession immediately. 24: ROOMS. P1KST CLASS. WITH BOARDERS, VI einlty Hotel Brunswick, $273; others. .Mr. RAY, Madison ay. and 27th. I'nturiuanea. COME AND SECURE BROWN STONE RESIDENCE; dnest block near Lexington ay.. $850; ono $73(1; lower parts and flats cheap. Pi.OEllLlCil, 7S8 3d av. O LET?A RhAI COTTAOE, 33J~IVRsT 3MTH ST.; pine rooms, gas ami water. Inquire on premises. T~~ l> LEf-A TWO STORY AND BASEMENT COTTAGE ilonse, with cellar. No. 123 West 4"th St.. containing a rooms. 111 clusots; large yard; ail improvements. O RENT?THE TWO STORY ATTIC AND BASK ment brick House 249 West 17th st., 12 rooms; water and gas; rsnt 8000; possession let July. J. DEN II AM A CO., 20(1 W est 23d sk KENT?THE POUR s'fOBY AND A1TIO ENO IJIO glieb basement Ilonse 433 W est 23d st.; 17 rooms; $000. J. DEN 11 A\1 A CO.. 206 West 23d st. PUKNIS11ED ROOMS A.VD APARTMESTS _ T O LET. _ A IjkTPa??*7aMIlY WILL ltSTf THRfeE^LARQ'fe (IKoomi, nicely lurnisued lor housekeeping 143 Last Kith st. NICELY PURNISHKD SECOND STORY, SUIT able lor man nud wife, with all the accuinmndatloiie for housekeeping; rent $18 per month. Call or addrttes No. 158 West 128th st. MCEi.Y PUKN1SUED, LARGE FRONT llALL HEd" room to let. 351 4th av. PRIVaIE PaMILY, NEAR MaDISON hQLARK, will let. to gentlemen, three large well turnished Uooms, with arory couveuiencn. Addrese COMPORT, box 120 Herald office. LADY 11 AM 11 ANDsOMK PARLOR PLoOK, ALSO other Rooms to let, to geutleiuan and wt e ; lloaid lor ladv only; situation near Irving p.ace. Parties who desire a quiet, undisturoed and comloriable home at moderate prices, please address DESIRABLE HOME, box 330 Herald office. PRIVATE PAMILY, NEAR MaDISON IsQUaKB, will let, tu gentlemen, three large, well furnished Rooms, with every convenience. Address COM PORT, box 12<>Keratu Uptown office. N ELEGANT PLAT, PULLY PURM8HED; PAR. lor door, w nil kitcheu and servant:' rooms lu basement. IS East 38tn st. AT LtJWT hf SUMMER PRICES?KLEUANTLY PUB nisliod Rooms; private family; Board 11 desired. 2U East 2(hb si. A?81 Ml WEEKLY; LAROE HALL KOO.Vt.OoM ? lorlsb'.y furnished; bath, gas. Private bouso, 31S East 14th st. PRIVATE PaMILY WILL LET TO Oi.NTLKMKN only large and cuol Rooms, on third floor ; bathroom, he., on floor; also large front Room, on funrtn Hour. 3 East Bih st., one dour Irorn 6th av. A" LA Kill'., "HANDSOMELY PURMSHED THIRD stoiy iront Room cool and pleasant; closets, gas, bath; private house. 140 ltast 37th st. -81 30 TO $3.?PAULOK~FLO'iK AND OTHER ? Uooms. housekeeping or geutlemeu ; Roception Room, 84. 354 West 30th st. L" VHBAP 11 hlTl 8?11 f7_E AST 44TI1 ST., NEAR URAND /Ventral Depot.?Purnished apartments lor small fain Ill's; gas. bath. Ac. Ll.HAN I LY _p7 KN1KHED LAROE PRO NT IDIOM. 3 >n second floor ; closets and bath; low rent. 313 West 25th st., near 8th av. IGLOOS, CO d PLETELY PUKMSUED KOK llOUSK ' keeping; would let separately tu gentlemeu; 'overr convenience. 301 7lh av., near 23d St. TNUKNI->HfcD rooms TO~LtT,~ W IT HO UT BOARD, J? 143 West Hth st. VINE KO (MS. PURNISHED, HOUSEKEEPING OK gentlemen ; $2 to $<>; gas, hath, Ac. 403 Vt est 23d St. N HANDSOMELY KURMSHKD ROOMs, EVERY OON , ituit*tiev lur bun.rekoepiug, Icebox, -Ac.; brat (lour. I >3 8th nr. A OK~ UOMKORTABLY FURNISHED room. Mi another, ?3. each suiting iwu persons; houseXeeping fiifllrita; gas, nath. RoMdence 33*2 hut 18th at. IAUwi HANDSOMELY rUKNlltllf.D ~~KOOM. ON Jtlnrd Hour, very cool; $3 per week; 34th at., 7th,Htn ava. Address AhhXAKDKH, station fc. BAYLY ruilMhUbF) 0OOL? AlKY .SLLhtMNO Knom, t? gentlemen only : terms low SS Weil 23tb at. r* O LhT-IN NO. 302 BA&T UTH ST.. FIRMT DOOR iroin 3il ??.. tour light handsome Rooms, rent (18; fear Rooms, (lit My the owner. fe.RY LARUE FRONT ROOM. (FT ANOTHER, $3; walrr and gaa; light housekeeping. 417 4tli a?., near Sihb. ? id floor, furninni'.n. For iiulmrkkkpino, wprirate lionae; bath, gas; rent low; ainail faintly. 17 thlniriiou aquae. r.T7"ANU OpwTrD KOK GKNTLR>*n7 WITHOUT V_ hoard. In modern bouaa Broadway, corner Mth at. wWrrITky plack. near Broadway.-pur. nlaheii front Kouma. at very moderate prleea; ('J to M* U" AIII MiDo.FxtfU a KB, MEAR WK*T 121 n M. Tw i nr mere haiidaome llootua, together or aoparatety, housekeeping privilege, with or without Hoard. VVIM J'if II I . < OKXKR III'' 11 ltd A D\V a Y.?VN elegant halt, and single Rooma lor gentlemen. U* WEST .8 I'll Vr? CO KJir.R BKOADW aT. ll A N 11 . aoin'-ly farnlahrd large Room to lot. aecond floor; alao am lo oom; relereneea. 1U WASHI NUTt IN Pl.Ai K. ft K A K II HO A D W A Y. - Ai'Xeailv luruiahod Rooms; location beautiful and cool; cJeanlln* a* guaranteed , taruia mod rata. ?T(l KAST-iFF 8T~ HKTW'EKN HOW, RY AND Oi/hruadway. --Furnished Kooma to let. without Hoard; rciaroncea required. "east h.'iTii sl (Maui.->un squarEr?two DiJ handsomely furulahed Floors to geullemeu; terma moderate. 17^7 Roniiiky?HART OP LaRUK WKLL PUR 4P I rjniahed House to rent tor three months; one and a halt hours trim cltv. X. Y., Herald I'ptown office. (k/|tJ_7Tll AV? ft It A It 3SI) H.-rikAIAIT thib6 ^V/Otloor Ironl Itoom, suit bl ? lor a gentleman or lady, ?t moderate mi; also hall ltoom *r / I<1 vffeHI 230 ST.?A SMALL PIUVaTK FAMILY tJ'l 'fol adulta will let the aecond Kloor, nicely fnrmahed, having firm ri??? convenience lor lioos k'-epiu* and It-auiia on the third floor II rtqiiired. to a eutall latnily, or single Rootna to gentlemen I relereneea 10 11 t'Kfc'liKKlSlIKU IUHI914 ARU APART* M i:\TM TO laKT. A*~~^?fniKO LOOK? Hr.sf L' SIaTToNOX HTM A V.. abetween 2<ith and 2lsl ata ; rem cheap 331 Hth ay. A N ITPPcK PARi OK BhllClk HOU -K. 233 KAST llnTH J\" I., to a am all, quiet family; rent, (13. Apnly ou MWNW AN ELEGANT RECORD FLOOR. UONRIRTINO or two large end oee hall room ; plenty ctoeeta; bath, hot and cold waier.uae of laundrt, separate meter; remind. Private house .132 East 14th at. A lower part ok a iiol'sr to let-front Hand back parlors, two and front and bark haaemant; hot and cold watsr, bath, >aa Batarea, Ac.; (3d per month. 130 Raat-Mat at. A^m TlilRD FLA I TO LeT?six LARGE IIOOMH, ALL llitbt; rant $21., 43'i A aat Hiatal. tillRKHFUL ? Ki'OXU FI.OOH Ix UllOVh IT. ( ItKNT /law to good parties. Apply 321 Hlea< ssr at. LKN' X, 3TII AV? CORMBK 1RTII ?AN KLKOANT Apartment, trom 1st Reptemoer. smaller, with Imme diate poaaeaeioti; rent greatly radnced K. JALlvSOX. ART OK WllOLR OK IIOU8R 78 ?)II Kl.sTopII Rft at : ntlre rent Y 12 moalhiy. Apply 321 Hlerckerai. BMhOOkU Floor 217 wrm hhth ?t.7 .11 -1 painted: Bra nice rooms; aleo 210 West 37th at., thiee MRhltti TO LKT-THK FIR8T FLOOR ANI? FRONT HARIe men! (tanr rooms). In good order, 4-V2 West 20th at; rent (21 a month. J. Ui N II A M Jk CO., H?'w""'a:w TO LI'.T, To A hMALL PtMlLY-FOUIl ROuMM; I*, prove,uonta 132 Kaat 32d at., earner Lexlnnton TO LKT?FOURTH FLOOR, FOUR ROOMS, IN PR1 vat" bouse ; water and go* flxtnrsr; auit.ibie tor a small lamn i only, h'a I at 1441 W awerley place. f"'i LKT?IN RO. 7 RORTON ?f., NK \ R BLRKOKh it. live Knnioa, reonil floor, (is; live ligut ltonm., top floor. (17. it roe light Kooma, flit. nAKlNOUOS HQUAKI.. NEAR WEST I2TI1 ST. Parlor Kloor, threa or more handamne Kaomk, improve Bieata; private i onae. Inqoirh on premlaea. ? HANDSOMR PARLOR FLOOR ano hasp,. -ment al, improvements; alao Kloor, live rowni, I 19 Raat 4fHh at. as. | 2tJi? WKST l?fll HT.-THIItO FLOtlR. F1V1 awwerooma; water; all Improvanienta; rent low. Ol hAIT WH RT^cOMMOUIOUfl FLaTB; IM 01 ? 'proveiii#nl?, (10. Oali to- lay on p-emlaaa, oi It.UN 11. OKI UMihS, 1,1137 3d aV. IJII ? P. AST HTM IT.. BKTWBltN 1st a No 21) AVrt - Del r 7hrra nnlarnleliad Rovma to let In fliat class tone rent house, j I | W SI 411' 11 sr. six ROD 80, VKKY Dlhll X't'labia, newly painted; modern Improvements honaa with owner; rent low. MOPfEg, ROO??, WASTED. In tSu Cltr and Brooklyn. A?I WAST A LtllCE KOOM. Willi nTEAM row ?or. to manufacture packing boxes; below loth it. Ad dress METROPOLITAN. box 127 Harold o files. \A7 ANTi- D?TH EK OR FOUR itOOMS. UNPUR T? nishod, in a small quiet house; control locality. Ad dress, with tornx. which moot bo lowjkl. 1)., lloiaid Uptown oil) CO. _ ANTED?A SMALL FL\T, NOT BELOW 40TH ST., and between 6tb and 7lh tr> Answer, witb torins, FLaTS. Ilorold Uptown ndlce. UOAKDEUS WASTED. 1 I.Akuk iulo m'~bkc6n o~VLoqr, good~bOaBD. J.$5; ball Room, $4; private family. D.>3 2d a*. 1 ALCOVE ROOM. WITH HtlAKD, F R TWO. $12; back room. (10; handsomo location; near cara and boat, Harlem; small lainily. Addroat Y. Z., otatiou L -LAKfiK SECOND STOUT FRONT AND SMALL ? Room connecting; Brst class accommodations. 23 West lUb st. "1 -NEWLY AND ELEGANTLY KURNI8HED ROOMS. J.,tor couples or single, wild good Boned. 218 Wool 30th St. 111) STORY FRONT AND HALL KOOM. ALSO MACK ?Room, with or without Hoard. 73 West 12th st. BLOCKS FROM BKOvDWAY.-KOO.MiTto LET~| Brst class Board; labia Board. 61 East 4th st. 5 "PROSPECT BLACK (KAiT 41*T ST )-0aN>T-CJKT. aways will Hud their advantago In boarding boro? $10 psr week tor two. AND $14 F~)K ROnM. WITH BOARD FOR ?two, Murray Hill; alcove. $16. 32 West 35th St. $12 MTN ST., CORNER 3D AV., 31XJ?KOI)VIB, WITH Board; table and transient boarders accommodated; term* moderate. 14 TH ST., 133 WEST-HANL?0,MliLY KUKNKsliED Kooms. with flint class Koar<!; references. 15 Ml It ST., WEST, 343-- ROOMS 10 LhT. ,EN SUITE or singly, with or without first class Board; best of references. WEST 20TB ST.?VERY DESIRABLE OONNKCT ing Kooms on second and third floors, with Hoard. or1 NORTH WASHINGTON 8QUA B. FRONT AND ? l/baik Rooms, beautifully furnished; excellent table; reasonable tonus tor summer months. til ~5Tir~AV., NEAR BKKVOORT HOUSE.?WELL ?ixlurmshed Rooms, with Board, for families and single gentlemen. 29 WEST 161II ST., NEAR 5I'll AV. Furnished Room*; first cl <ss Board. Liberal terms to bermuueut parties. 55 ?_>/? EAST 20111 ST.?SUITS OK KuOMB, WITH Kill OUvale bathrooms; private table only; or without board; Rooms lor gentlemen; breas'ast if desired; references. r ?> K AS I' BTH ST., NEAR BROADWAY?COM KORT tJOnble Rooms, with Board, at low prices during summer; transient; reference*. S7\ MARK'S K L.t O E.-F L' K N13111 D ROOM 8, with or without Board, on rensutiable terma. rn c.AST orH.-GOOD bItCrd CAN BE OBTAINED k) e7for $5 and $6 per week at a quiot country farm boueo miles front Tarry town. 1 1 Z EAST 23 D ST. (M KB. It. H. JENKINS).?COO It, A Ac/large Rooms for summer, travellers or permanent bourdera or lodgeis. iTF? KA8T 16TH ST., NEAR IRVING PLACE.?DK 4 Oclsirable Rooms to reut, with Board; en suite or sin gly ; reference*. 1 -/? WaVKKLKY PLACr.. ? A BACK PARcOR. A'.'UwIth extension, hot and cold water, suitable tor gentleman and wife. $14; exoellont Board. ()] l\ WEST 24TH StT-eXCe7.LEN'T BOARD; ELK ? 1 Argent large second and third floor Rooms; spacious closets; rtinulng water; two, $12upwuril; single, $6. mo east 2isr sr.?cood board and pleas. ? A ?ant, nlry Rooms, in newly filtod up house, at $4 50; corns and look at it. WI ST Jisr ST?HANDSOMELY KUKMSHED Rooms to let, with or without Board. 309 A-NOliCE-THE HOUKr. 134 WKnT 21ST ST. ?lias just been jiut in order by a lady of exporlence; Rooms neatly furnished ; table and appointments exeel lent; prices to suit the times; reference. N ELDERLY GENTLEMAN CAN KIND AN AGREE able and nleasant home by a widow lady having the sec ond story front Room to spare. Call or address No. 158 West 128th st. AKOB AND SMALL KOOMS. WITH HOARD, NKaR elevated road, 23d it; $5 or $6. Addrest QUIET HOME, box 171 Ilerald Uptown. P"ill VAT K FAMILY (OWN HOUSE) WILL LET fiont Room and also hall Bedroom (separately or to gether), with Board to parties furnishing; first class refer ences. 152 East 47th st. BOARD AND UtUUIBIIl WANTED, \ ~ -RT7iNTnrHu i NTrunrxr xiduce expeuses and having a large, elegantly furnished Room, and are willing to tateayouug gentleman Into their home will please communicate, stating price. Ac ; highest reference* given. Address PLEASANT HOME, box 130 Herald office. Wanted?un new tokk island, with view of Hudson Hirer, for four adults, two connecting Rooms, with good plain Board. In a private family, with few or no other boarders. Addreae. with terms, J. Q. P., box 2,882 Post office, New York city. VI/ANTE U?HO A Rl> FOR A GENTLEMAN WITHIN A TT few minutra' walk of the Gilbert Elevated Railroad, between 4?lth and 56th ale.; state terms, not over $6. A. H.. box 3,5*2 Poat office. HOTKLV At Nh\v knulanu ir6r??.) au iiowkkY?i? Rooms; Lodging. HOC ,40c.,30c.; weekly, $2 to *3. COUNTRY HOARD. "a /KVrFAMILlt.a uit'sTSuLh ffittTdJNBV:a"n BB x\ accommodated with good country Hoard; ruoms largo nild air; locution pioasant nnd healthy; lour milen 1mm Foeksklll; good table; terms loodorute. Address A. oliKlt WOilL, box 203, Faeasklll, N. Y. T VLRY PLKASANT SITUATION IN TARKYTOWN. near depot?Excellent Hoard; airy Roman; amnio, wall shaded grounds; terms moderate. Addre.ii lioMh. box 101 herald office. FAMILY DK.HIRING HUMMER BOARD. Willi all lioin ? comforts and refinement, ean Hud snob by mi-, uressiug Mrs. H.W1 Til, drawer 441. Bridgeport, tlonn. KhVV I'hRSoNS CAN OBTAIN KIK.VT CLASH country Hoard, at moderato prices. In private family. Aodrese lock box 8W1 Fort Jervia, N. Y., or 1,215 Broad way. UARO For FAMILlhrt ON HARLhM i.lVhii B' B! Heights: superior necouitnodatior.s; Hoard from $7 to eh* Address i'otl office box 113, Kordn tm. N. Y. OAltO OA rilfci lIUURON. H ali M1 hit rlto.vl Til K landing; croquet; piano; stabling; table Qrst da.a; terms r7 to $10; relerenco, J Hoe, 177 Broadway. Ad dress JAP. H- KNAFF. Marlborough, N. Y. C'uiUNtHY BOAKD?A rBW OKNTLBMKN Oa.N HE /accommodate.! upon very reasonable terms with pleas aut Kooais and Hoard in a private family nl Larchmoul, W estchester comity ; Larchiooni Is located on the Mmml, Is 2<> miles Irani tne city and very easy oi access; boating, Hshlug and bathing within two minutes' walk from the bouse. Aedre?e J.. Horald office. Cioustry hoard In-a farm iiiTiuSk .vi mTlkh /from the city and near the cars: plenty of mlla and mountain air; terms moderate; parties can be soeu lor two days at 12 Charles St.. Nee \ orl.. C~oTunTry boahI> ~wa > i~ko- n car ?thk city, /f<>r wile, unrss and two children, oldest 2'a years; r-'iO per month. Address KhiyRLAH, Herald Uptown offico. CtOIHL.MlT, OH MUDhuN. ? Klto.Vi NhW /tork.-Ooou Roams, with good hoard, at resonuhle rates; farm ol 40 . ores, shade trees, trait, tn|ik, Ice. Ac. Uali or address 11., 402 West 47th St. LMK8T t'LAiiBOOU hTRY"R/aKD; NO MOaQUITOKS; f no malaria, good hunting and fishing; terms 4'j to 48 per wees. Address box I'd."). Fouling. N. v.. or eatl at 21 l ast 14th St., lor lull particulars. HliiLlNOS A CO. nriik fark. on huTjaon.?l a Bur koomr. spa clons grounds, splendid viuwa, stanling; terms rcasou aoie Apply 110 danisms sr. LONU BraNOH-BOARD ON OCBaN AT.: ROOMB liandaouiely httod up; table uuexceutlouable; refer eu.e*. ;all at King's Cottage or address Mrs. BROWN, had Long branch. ol'MMtlt ANI)~WINTKK KBnOKI KXCIIANUK. 7I? ORroanway. ? Kre ? to tho public; complete descriptions of Hummer Resorts gratuitously printed ami furnished cabers. Fropfietors of summer hotels and iMqeruing uousee desiring guests sbnuid avail themseives ol the lacllblas uflsred by tins hxctiangr. i alt or request circular IIAhBitOI.'CK A LAKE. SI.LKCT BOtftO-FOK A F VY. Af R1VKRHIOK, C.ian . on ' hour fr >ni the city via New Haven Railroad; ?go trains daily eaca way ; baauihul saetiery ; Due drives; 5 minutes'waia boiu depot and I'ost office; largs, pleasant rooms; large, wall shadad grounds and; boating, bathing and fishing ou premises, superior accommodation lor horses Ae.. references required. Address K. F., box fsH Fust alttcu. lilversldo. Conn. rpi.N akly. n 77 ViA NoitniEit.N railroad?kx 1 celleut lio ird ; shaded grounds; term* moderate; Uve minutes' walk fretn depot; alt the comlertaol a home ee cured. Address M. K. is . TenaUy. N. J. lirartko?fikht clahh hoTrdTn country fur IT gentleman ami wile, net oror one hour Irom cite ? ho tel or large boardin House preferred. Address, slatlag terms, Ac., II. J. W , box d..itil I'o,t odice. A> I RD-BUARD FOB FOl' R ADUL1.4 AlIU TWO children, In or near White I'lalns; mnst be shade, a haalliiy place and moderate price; Unman cooking pro h-rri-d. Arldiess -. AM .\ A Dr It, ;i?\'? r anal st., N, Y. V\;antkd-hoakd In a frivaTh, family at FAR TT Kockaway, lor hn-han l, wife, nni?, and child of two years; terms not to exceed $23 a week. Address A. H., care Evening Feat. NU.n.TIKR ItKMIItTN. *"? NaU1 >.WTnK i i or s p;i? !?: l a'w a it k"? a/, ft gVnow open and ready lor boaroera; prices to sa t tho tunes tpplr to JAMKH HELL, Jr., hxperiinent Mills Fool office, Fa. Arlington nouns.htamfokd, conn. (i isAitK'rt lllill. Bow upon I everything first class; terms reason a ho Addrvaa h, r WlbSON, naprltM ANKW OKI'Aim KB.?HLAHlUK BOAROATTIIK Foster llioise. Long irUnd; terms below eonipeiltion : a h w rods Irom -hlnneeoek Bay aud Lighthouse; surt and si III w iter barbing; sailing, gunning and fishing . one mile from ike Atlratle ? ocan : tnbl* supplied with tne pronncta of the lorin aud bar : location r oot and Healthy. Froprlator seen this day nt I 131 Hrondw?y Irom It) to 4 F. M.. at i:ij V tu llnren St.. Hiooklyn. alter 5 F. M., or address WM. S. FOMTRK. Owed Oroitud, f.. I 3VRHKTT HOlTsF. HaRATOOA HFKINOH. N. Y " r day. OLAt. vv E ?paaial rates lor i ami Ilea; trnnalaut, $2 .R) par day. H. C " Cvt r KILL MOi .N TAINS. (IRAN I IIOUSK. OAT8 Jkill, N. V.. 1)? miles trom landing, open* dune 12: ratna truin flu to t2u per week, according to location of rooms., lor ulan of room, aiidress A. J tlltANT, l atakiil, N.V., nr J. 0' I UN ELL. pier 4U North Rl err. New York. CTOOL^N iTl'LK A~S a^N I ? U M vi ii It RKst MtT, aT ) i.Ahh M All I'AC. N. V. tin the 1st rlsv of July next 1 will op n a house lor tht reoentiou ol ho.rnars, eith-r r the day, week or season I guarantee brst class aoconimmlatlons, at prices to suit the times. E. P. BALDWIN. /1Lhn hou>k. wmitk mount iInh, n. h.?tiib VFnlen louse re-opens .Inno tft. W. A 0. It. MIbLI K I'N, Fiepvletora. Murray hill iiouhk-accommoDatkh ioi guests. References-present Itonnlrrs. F. SHhAKS, 1'inpfietor. Lemarest, N. J. fhutograpk and tertos, I . r t Hoard Iflreatur^HlMt nth nr. UHOCKVILLK floiltC HIIaTkiN SFRINOH, N. Y.~ terms reasnnehle. Hand lor circular. t'LARKR hii sLIs, Proprietor. KYK IIfc tt II HOfli, WB8TCHBMTBII oounty, Ii. T. ? Applications received in* for the seaaen; epaetal arratigeineois with parties lor the summer. SUnJHER RESUBTI. rifiilS united stat a hoteC. i L. I., U now opeu tor lb* reception ol guests Irom thie ante. MICHAEL MULKY. Proprietor. fPHK MOsY 1*LKASANT ~HUMMhK KKSOllT FOR 1 laraillst Is the new Columbia Home, nt ' >c*?u Beach, N. J.; 1s now open: esfe b tiling. 11 onto etnqde 300 feet , from the surf, 100 yards trom .-nark liver, where the host ing is unsurpassable; ninety minute*1 ride from New York, li ven miles eonth of Lonic Branch 0*11 end ezetnine. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS PaKK HOTEL. Cherry V?ller, Otieico county N. T? now open, lighted with gaa; 1,400 feet above tide wnter; term* moderate; circular*. EVANS A JaNsEN. d>f(i PER WREK.-8AKATOGA SPRINGS, CORNER ?ril'of Spring end Henry it*.; Uouie eitebluhed night years; good ta<do. Address box 37L !tAl*K? at Awrriun. TV<^<??~riA'rc nri7rfirrr?FtfE5Jtf?r A The largest euortmvnt of ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, 8TEINWAY PIANOFORTE, PAINTINGS. BRONZES, STATUARY. AC., offered thle lemon lor public competition, AT f II K PRIVATE RESIDENCE 120 WEST 2311 ST.. Nt All flTH AY., commencing nt 10 o'clock. Pnrlor Suit*, covered in inline ol the ricbeit description s marquetry Cabinets and Tables, F.tageres, Centre rabies nnd Comolei: Pier and Mantel Mirrors, ormolu Mantel Set*, valuable Oil Painting*, by master artliti; alio a large collection of Hromea and Faience* d*Art, Irom France nnd Italy. numnrising:? KAPIU ML. J RAN VALJKAN, 0'iRlKZ, P1ZAKRO. JjIaN v. MhUCU (Y. GREEK SLAV*. AMAZON. 00 OH Paintini'i, both modern end antiqu-, via. 1? OKAND CANAL. VENICE, BY GONDL ANCIENT ROME. BY DONNI.TTI. dash for LIBEhTY. RY lkvi. BYRON'S .DliKAM. BY IIOhSK. nnd many other rare and coatly Work* of Ark CHAMBER SUITS?Inlaid and gilt llreaaingCase*, Bed stoads, Cbiffonniera, Washstauds. Wardrobe*, hair and ?pring Mattreiae*. Bolster*. Pillow*. Turklah Lounge*, Ctialra. Suit* lu rep*. Rocker*. Clock*, Mirror*. Brussels and ingrain Carpets, Library iioukcnHea, Table*. Book*. Ac. DINING ROOM?Extension Table. Buffet, Clialr* in leather. China and Glass VYaro, Sterling and Plated Ware, Cutlery, Ac. -. Hall stand*. Chairs, Furniture of kitchen and servant*' apartments. J. LUC IUS SMITH. Auctioneer. I N. B. ?Take Elevated Railroad, Sixth, Seventh avenue ear* or Twenty-third street stago to door. Oood* packed and shipped. ^TUNIS JOHNSON. AUCTIONEER. ? Old stuna, 37 Nassau ?t. THIS DAY, AT 10U O'CLOCK, at our salesroom. 37 Nassau ?t., MORTGAGE SALE OF HOTEL AND BAR FIX TURES. Two flue rosewood Bars, with Mirrors So match; all the Glassware, Silverware, Cigar Lighters, Showcases, Beer Pumps, black walnut and oak Tables, Chair*. Lunch Bars, Oyster Bars, with all the appurtenances; Cottage Seta, Sheets, Blankets, Comtorters, Hair Mattresses, Carpets, Ac. By order of Zimrl W. Butcher, Attorney for Mprtgagoe. Also, at same tiino, 1 very eisgant Showcase,8 leet; large kit o! household and oflice Furniture. THE ADJOURNED SALE OF THE EFFECTS OF THE CLAlKMONT HAVINGS BANK AT 187 GREEN W1CH ST., CORNER DRY. WILL POSITIVELY TAKE PLACE ON WEDNESDAY. JUNE 26. AT 10k O'CLOCK. All the Hue oates. Partitions, Desks, Carocts. Ac.. Ac. Auction sale at private residence, " THI8 DAY (TUESDAY), 10 O'CLOCK, at the Ave story brown stone mansion MO. 41 WEST lUTIi SI.. BETWEEN 5TH AND 0TH AYE BTEINWAY PIANOFORTE. FINK COLLECTION OIL PAINTINGS. 03 PIECES IMPORTED BRi'NZE STATUARY. MOST SUPERB sseortment of l'AKLOK. UHAMBER, LIBRARY and DINING ROOM FURNITURE ever offered at public saleEnstlake. Medimval, Queen Anne and other modem styles: ELEGANT PARLOR FURNITURE, upholstered in satins, raw silks, plush and repa. WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS, MARBLE TOP. Dressing Cases. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Waslistands, Spring Beds, 1.air Mattrssaes, Marble top tables. Lounge and Sofa lleds. Wardrobes, Library and Secretaire Bookcases. Library Tables, Desks, Easy Chairs, Cnbinets, Centre and Consols Tables, Mirrors, Curtains, Extrusion Table, nnffst. Dining Chairs, Silverware.. Pier and Mantel Glasses, Rockers, Reclining Chairs. French .Mantel Seta, Hall Stand, Velret, Brussels and lugralu Carpet. NOTICE?The paintings, browses. Act. selected with great care and are worthy the attention ol purchasers. Furniture made by Kouna A Co. N. B.?Take Sixth uvenne er university place cars to Ne. 41 West ltlth at., between 3th ana 6th avs. House open 8 A. M. Goods packed lfdeslred. Messrs LEVEKICH TaKUKR A CO.. Auctioneers. At public auction, this day (Tuesday), junk 25. AT 13 O'CLOCK NOON, AT THE PRIVATE STA BLE OF WM. R. COULTER, XO. 441 WKMT 48th kT.. NEAR lOT'H AV..T1IE F'OLLOWING PROPERTY, vis:? An elegant and stylish team of family carriage Horses, IS hands nigh. 7 and 8years old; tin* and fast travellers, extra stylish, and warransed sound and kind. Very fast chestnut trotting gelding RKhULT; 15k hands, 7 years old; gut by Pilot Temple, dam full sister to Fe*r nangnt; Result trotted June 13, 1878 a trial on Kleatwoed track, k in 35k seconds; k 'B 1 GZki lull mile In 2:27k: he Is a great pole homo ; can trot all his beats In 2:8u or beltar. and warrantsd sounu and kind; also an elegant ex tension top Park Phao'on. Pole and Shafts; top steebsr Road Wagon, 1 Contractor's or Bnsiness Phaeton. 1 Sulky, I Skeleton Wagon, single end Double Harness. Blankets, Robes, Ac.: also 1 fine milch Oowt Stock can be nam sud drivon at any lime prior to sale an application to Hon. J. K. COULTER. r-ALK POSITIVE, RAIN OK SHINE. . ?GEO. W. KEELBkT AUCTION EER, ? Salesrooms 53 mil 55 Liberty at.' TO-DAY, at 12 o'clock, large sale of KUsHl \ LEATHER GOODS, FANS. ALBUMS, FIELD GLASSES. Ac. THURSDAY, 12 o'clock, epeeial sale of MODERN AND ANTIQUE FL'KNIiURK, comprising elegant Parlor .-ur, in satin; Dining Rsom HulL in leather; rosewood Secretary, large real Hroosee. Chinese Clock. 400 years old; velvot Carpels, Library Tabic, Marble Bust nnd Statuette. Cylinder Desks, ,-ewing Machine, walnnt Chamber Furniture. Mattr sses, velvet Rugs, so. Ou SATURDAY, sale of Kngravloga nnd Paintings, 1 ?ART i'.X ? RA SALE. BARKER A CO., AUCTIONEERS, 47 and 49 Liberty at., will cell a collection of flue European nnd American Oil Pointings, now on exhibition, together wllli some eery choice 1'ieturua b. light at our lnat aale by unprincipled per sona anu leti on our heads. They will all be sold without any limitation on Friday and Saturday, June 28 and 29, commencing at 1 o'clock. UCTION SALE?UNRESERVED?THIS DA*. TlllS (TUEoUa Yi MOUNINU. COM M KNCINO AT ID O'CLOCK. RAIN OR SHINE, AT LA ROE TOUR STORY BltOWN nTONK MaNSIOM 131 WIS!' 14TII ST., NEAR HTll AV.. EXPENSIVE CABINET FURNITURE. TWO KLKOA.NT ROSEWOOD FltNOFOKTEH. PARLOR SKIS; CUAMBEK, LIBRARY AND DININQ ROOM SUITS: OIL PaINTINON. RROKZK*. MARHLM SK I'S, l'arlort contain suite in aalln and raw sllka.'Eeat lake and La Orecieune styles; marquetry Tablet. Clanna Marblrl, Pier ami Meutel Mirrors, BU line Oil Paiutlnica. 14 pairs ot imported bronte Figures, 2 Clocks, French make; bote do roae Cabinet Pedestals, Jardlninrea, Lace Curlalna. volmt and English Oarpota. Kaay Chalra. Loungea, Sulla In rape and haircloth. Chambera?13 tela of eolld walnut Hoilateada, Dressing Caaea, Hureana. Waaliilanda, Ward rnboa, aprlag and balr Mattreaaoa, I'll Iowa. Ingrain Hnd Brussels Carpote. Eatnnaion Dining Tables, handanme Buffet, coat #2iki; Chairs. Ilookeaaea, Draka, silver and plalod Tea Seta, china Dinner Seta, Olaeaware, Kltcheu and servants' Furniture ALBERT KRAEMEK, Aue tioneer. Oooda packoil, abipped or atared, If rennired. Take Sixth or Surenlh nv cara or thn elorated railroad to the atatioa ai corner oi Uth ar. and 14th at See red Oar. ? I'CTION ~HaLe THIS 7TUESDAVj JlioilNIh'O J\. commencing at 10 n'oloea, at private residence 3d Kaat 17tli at., near .1th ay. 2 brilliant lolled Plauoa, Steinway and Nugent. H elegant Parlor Sulla, eatla and rep. Broiiae Mantel Set. Brunei Figures, assorted. 12 Window Lace Curtalua. 18 Brnaeeit and Ingraiu Carpete. 16 elogaul Oil Paintings. U elegant Bedroom Seta, in black walnut. Kirgaiil Cablneta and Ilookeaaea Hair and spring Mattresavs, Wardrobes. 2 elegant Huffnta, Extension Tallica and Chairs. Ian anhd Silver and Plated Ware Lot ot klirhru and servanta' Furniture. N. U.?Broadway stages or green rare from Orand at. ferry. iCHAKLeB A. .9 ALLOY A CO., Auction-ore, Office 1,111 Broadway, UCTlON?T1M8 (TUESDAVi AFTERNOON" COMMKNCINO 1^ O'CLOCK. SHARP, at private residence l-'7 Eaat 27th at , near 4tn ?v. ? oyer 4Hl> lota llouaebold Furuiture, Carpete. two Plauolortea, Curlalna, Mirrora. Painting*, 1'arloi Selta, Tallica, Clorka, Uedateuda, Hureana, Dressing Caaea, Wardrobe*, Mai tresaea, Redoing, Kitchen, Betement and Servanta' turn I. ture, Oiicloiha, Stair Carpete. Ac. K.Nr.nT ROTH, Auctioneer. -wi? p7.nnv, AUirr11inekr ? RICHTER A TUFTS will sell THIS DAY, at 11 A. at OLD po*t oFFIcK Salesrooms, large aale of Honae and office Furniture, elepant Hook caeca Hall Standa. Pier Olaaaea. Hue Parlor r>uita In raw eilk. terry. Ae.; Uiinti, Ea.y Chalra. office Heeka. Ac, Ac. Alan one very fine patent Wardrobe Bedatead. To-morrow (iV edusd ly). aale ol Hereon. Carrlauea, Ac. f~j. haven, auctioneer-will bell nits day, at tl A. W., at 84 W-ai 9lih at., three Bedroom Sola, two P rlor -ulta.lmoqaetle and nndyJHrusaels Carpets, tey Chairs lluir M ailrcsa es, Mirrora. Dining l(nom.->et, lu leather; lllaaa, China, Ac.; ia.UUi very line Domeattc Clean. },TXECUTORS' SALE. j BfcNJ. P. FAIrCIIILI , Auctioneer, will eell on Wednesday, Ml* A. M., JmiM, at No. 1 ifl Weal 22d at., fine IL Ueoheld FuriiHure. con-iatlng of tine Parlor selta, roaawnnd Piano. Walnut Bedroom Suila, Feather Beda, Hair Mattresses, Muqnet and Bruaaela Carpet.. Dining Room and Kltcheu Furuiture. Fy order ot the execuiora n| the Ketale ol John H. Walab. deceased. ilDWARD PETTIN'iKR, AUCTIONEER?HELLh TO Jday, 13 Spruce at. Ill o'clock A. M., eonteuts Printing OtUc , consisting Poller, Campbell, Ilea and Cordon Praaaea. Type, Circus unit Poatar Cuta, Tl "cOLToIT AU01 IoNRKR, WILL BE IX, ON r ^Thursday, June 27. at 11 o'clock, at the aaiearoom. 698 Broadway, below Houalon at, Hie entire Fnrnltnre of la> ge reaideiice Iroin atorage ; rich and plain Oooda; Parlor, Bedroom, and Dining Room FurnltnrCarpete, Ac. I - WKINBEKOER, AM H i.N EEK.-KEFKI'.EUa .tura and Chlldran'a Cairiage a.?This day (Tuesday), June 21, at 1UH o'clock, at new salesrooms, No. 13 Bowery, rout h ol Canai tt., 90 flrat cleat Ice obi ata, 20 lino Car. riagea Furniture, Ae. Weanerday, June 28 Jen tire con. t-nta ot aailor'a boarding honae. 1H.N THE EVEN I NO TELEURA.vT "* SPECIAL DESPATCH EH, WITH FULL REPORTS OF THE LATEST REVE LATIONS OF TUB POTTER IN YeS'I D1AT1NO COMMITTER, EVERY NIUHT JERK JOIiNfsON, JR.. AUCI lO.N EE K. Oreat auction aale ? f Coney laland l.ota at 2 o'clock TIIM AFTERNOON. Partleutara at office of auctioneer, IB Liberty at. JOSEPH SlIOJKJOOU, AUCTIONi.P.K. HELLS THIS dar. on- o'clock aharp, 148 teat Houalon at., llrat 11aai stock and Fixtures ol (Iroeory, Sugar, Coffca, lea, Hplcea, Flour, Hitapl. Starch, eVerytlilnu lb*at belongs to gruoery; itlan Icebox anu scales and Weights, In lota. Deaisra In Tited. J*~OSKJMI HBUBhAN A CO., AUCTIONKERH.lVIEL aell. Wednesday, Jnne 28, at MS A. M.. at M8 Court .t , Brooklyn, itoek ot llousetnrnishliig Uooda, Tinware, linrdwaro. Tuya, Holla. Ac., Ac. . J A M Ea M. FORD.' "aCOtFoNEHR.?AT 3 O'CLOCK, I1M 3d ar., the Furnltnra lor pariora. chamnrra and din ing room, ol a larva lamny. embracing two splendid gilt Iraii.e Mantel Mirrors. A boot H o'clock, BO excellent Car peta, lot Oin iotha, Ae. Above lor abanlute aale; everybody Invited J~TiaBPlI 8IIONOOOU,, OFI-ICK 7(19 2d av., sella this dar, 10 o'clock. 480 West 40|h at., near |nth ay., large fresh Stonk Orocerlea, Tea, Coffee, Soap. Spteea, Ae , In Into; daelira Invited; alee eenteut* ol i.iqnur Store; lour pull, rosewood Ale Pump, An SALES AT SUCTIOB. y?"mm APgwayifrA _ . ?l ?Hort|wt? sale on WwlouiUr, JlM 29. at 10)4 o'eloek, at Nu. 34 Maiden lana. near Nassau it.. First ela?a Coffee and Lunch Kvoa, Counters, Tables, Chairs, sllvsr and cap par Coffee and Tea lima Stovti. Cruesery, flatedware, Cutlery. Flat*a, Showcase and all otner Fixtures. laaaa L but, Aitarnar far Mortgage*. LM. HAYE8, AUOTlONBEB-bELLS ON WBDNKB ?day, fraah a toe a of Taas and Urocartea ParUculara to morrow. Li-NU HKaNCH FORECLOSURE. BALE. -BBAUTI lot Coitag* on Chelsoa av. naar tha aaa, will ba sold at Sheriff's aala. at Morris' Pavilion Motal. Iatng Branch N. J., July 3, between tua houra ot 12 and 3 o'clock For in formation apply to JAMKS DAY. coiinaeller, 155 Broad way, ur 8. 11. GREY. aolicltor, Camden. MNlSbBilIM. aUCITONEEK, 22 KIVINOTON 81.. ?sells tbla day, II o'clock, Uid at., between Oth and lotu ava., .stock, fixtures, Machinery, Iratne Building. Ac., of first class Kindling wood Factory; Engine and boiler, 10 and 20 borae power; Shutting, l'uileys, Hangers, Sawft, .Saw Tablet, Buildiug .Shcda, Fences, Ac.; without reaerre, in Iota. M oHTGAOK BALK.?JOHN A. DUNN. AUCTIONEER. Tiila day, at I o'clock P. M., No. 215 5th at., the .stock and Fixture* of Liquor Store?Chairs. Tablet, Counter, Back Bar, Mtrron, Stoves, HagstelRj Table, Clock, Ice box, an I everything contained in flrat elaaa aaloon ; olan a good long Lease of the promLes. CORNELILS FAR LEY. Attorney lor Mortgagee NUsSBAUM, AUOITONJiKB, 22 KIVINGTON ST.. ?aolla Wedneaday, flrat claaa Grocery .store. Horse, Matron. Ao ; best location ; rare chaues. Particulars to morrow. PAW N B B(> K F. K'S NAI.K-WATOflKS. JEWELRY. Diamouda, Ac., Ac. ?K. FIELD, gneral Auctieiioer, aalearucun No. 152 Canal at., uuar Howery. will sell this day. at 11 o'clock, 70) lota gold and sliver Watches, Dia mouda nud a old Jewelry, 1'ina, Rings. Earrings, gold guard, fob and veat Cbaiua. Ac.; alao .silverware. Opera Glasses. Guns, l'letola, Ac. by order A. Gooumau, 31 Centre at. P \ WNBROKKu'S H'.LI. TIII.S DAY.-J.iMKs A IA it. Auctioneer, will toll, at aalearooma 94 liowery, 700 lota ... ... ... .Men's and VVoiuon'a Clothing, Ureaae., Shawls, Remounts Table Linen, Underclothing, Sbeela, Spread*. taunts Gaitera, Pillows. By order ot J. A. J arm to, J 85 Varica <t 11 I'.CKl V'E ICS SA LI' scon A MYERS WILL s-LL? XVut 22 Cliff at., Tuesday, .lone 25 lit 11 A.M., Lathi,. Mourn 1'reaa, Dlea, Itauge, Stove, Oflice Furniture, Ao. s. HERMAN, A U CT1U N ERR, SALES \UOM 15)4 v N D 17 bowery.?Monday, July 1, at 11 o'clock, nt 15Jd ... |. . . ad Howery, nsslgnoe's sale ol the oiulre stock ol -hiria anu M aerials, Store nud Oflice Fixture* el George Uourluy. By order ol Fred. Lewi*. Esq.. Assignee. yy O. HOFFMAN, AUCTIONEER. Positive and unreserved sale by order of trmtee. 360.000 Acres of White Oak (bearlly timbered) and Mineral Land* la McDowell Comity, West Virginia, en WEDNESDAY. June 20, 1878, at 12 o'clock, at Exchange Salesroom, No. Ill Broadway. Abitract of title\ maps, Ac.. at oflice of auctioneer, and ample guarantees sa to title. Will be aoldin plots of 1.000 acres each. T. BOB IN SON WARREN A CO.. 106 broadw'iy. EUUOPEillt STFiAUSIllPN. /TUNAltD LINfcL-B.'AND N, ?~H. MT'A Si'OO' V NOTICE. Wlthavlewto ditnlnisli the chuneea oi collision*, the steamers of this line take a specific course lor all seutous el tho yoar. On tlto oulwurd passage from Queenstown to New York or Boston, crossing the meridian of 5U at 43 latitude, or nothing to the north nt 43 On the homeward passage, crossing the meridian ot 50 at 42 latitude, or nothing north ol 42. NEW YOKK. LiVi*.SPOOL AND OUEENSTOWN. ALGESIA....Wen., June 26 I SCYTHlA Wed., July 10 ?KlJSMA Wed.. July 3| A it YSSlNl A.. Wod., J uty 17 Cabin passage and return tiekui# on layerable tnrius. Steoraue ticket* to aud Irutn all parts ol t.urope at very low rates. Freight and passage oflice. No,4 bowling Green. CHARLES G. FUaNOKLYN. Agent. PASSENGERS PER STe.AM.SHiP ALGERIA EM bark from the Cunard wharf, font of Grand at., Jersey City, at 1 P. M., on Wednesdny, June 26, 1878. CHARLES G. Fit iNCKLYN, 4 Howling Groen. New York, General transatlantic company BETWEEN NEW YORK AND 11 . VRB. Company's pier "new 42" North i lver, foot of Morton aL CANADA, rranvnel M ednesdey, Jnne 26, 2 P. M. ?PKIIKIKE, Donre Wednesdny. .Inly 3, 6 A. M. aMERIUUK. Delord .....Wednesday. July In, 2 P. M. PRICE OP PASSAGE IN GOLD (including will#) ; - To Havre?1st cabin, 8100; 2d cabin, $65: 3d cablu, $33; steerage, $20, iuoludiug wine, bedding and untenails. RETURN TICKETS AT REDUCED KaTKB. Steameri marked thus (*) do not carry steerage passen LOUI8 DE BEBIAN. Agent. 55 Broadway. For freight or pnaeage at I'liiladelDbla apply to ALONZG SHOTWKLL, 2 Chestnut St. WHITE LINE. Unttod Slates and Royal Mall Steamers Fur Qii> enstown and Liverpool. NOTICE.?The steamers ol this lino take the lane routes recommended by Lieutenant Manry, U. s. I,, on botb the outward and homeward passage A Dili ATIC I liura lay, Jnne 27. 2 JO P. M. B.1TANM0 .-aturjav. July ?. IDA. M. CELTIC Thursday. July 11. 2 :30 P. M. ? ' North K From White Star dock, piet 52 North River. Rates?saloon, $80 and $100. lit gold. Return tickets on reasonable terms. Moorage ,$28, currency. Salouns, staierooras, smook anil bath roonta are Disced amidships, where the nolse^H motion aro le at, affording a degree ol comlort bitlierioTh .ttaiuable at sea. Those tt-nm -rt cany neither cattle, ahoep nor pigs. For Inspection of plans and other lutormalion apply at the comnauy's oflice, 37 Broadway, New York. U. J. CURTIS, Agent. H AMBUHO AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY'S UNI lor Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg. sUKVIA. I bur*day..Juno 27 | FnlSI A ...July 11 OKLLtHT.Thurnday, July 4 j HERDER July IB ' u IrUul* If I IIUI IMHJ |U "ly ? | M *<w *? " ?????? ??????? ear y aw Ratal ol passage to Plymouth, London, Cherbourg, am burg and ail point* In England:?Firat cabin,$100, gold; aeroud cabin, $flo, gold; ateeraue, 930, cnrreuey. KIN II i LDI A CO., C. B. itlOHAt.D A ROAS, Uenoral agent*. General Passenger Agent*. 01 Broad St., Now York. Broadway, Now York. MOST DIRECT AND ECONOMICAL ROUTK TO ilolland, RoiKium. the liblne. Swlliarlaud, Ac., Ac., via Rotterdam. Cheapest route to Pari*. Steamer ROTTERDA M. June 20. Steamer 8CHOLTKN, July 6. Theae beantllul steamers, carrying tbo United State* mall to tbo Nolharlands, are great iavoritea with tbo pnbilc. Trip* regular, rate* low, oomfort and Hying perfect. For Irelght. For passage, FUNCH, EDYK k CO., L W. MORRIS, 27 M>ntb William it.. bO Broadway. (Morria' Enropoan and American Express I STaTK LINK. TO OLAsUOW, LIVhKPOuL, dUHUlf Baliaal. Londonderry and tlio Parts Kgpoaltlon, nailing Irura plor 42 North Klror, toot of Canal at. STATE OF NEVADA Thursday. Jono 27 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA Thnrnday July 4 BIaT OF VIROINIA Thnraeay July II lirat cabin 9?n to $7.1, according to accommodation. Return ticket* at reduced ratu*. Second cabin, $43. hteor age at lowcat rates. Apply to AUHT1N BALDWIN A CO., Agents. 72 Broadway. STBKKaOE TICKETS AT 45 BROADWAY AND AT TIIE COMPANY'S PIER, rOOT OF CANAL ST.. N. Y. CdUlON LINE UNITED STATES MAIL sitAMEKS I* tor Queenatown and Liverpool. tearing pier So. as N'ortb Hirer, toot of King at., erery Tueadar. CITY OF NEW YORK, I WISCONSIN .July 9. Noon. Jnne 26. 1 P. M. I NEVADA. July 10. 0 A.M. MONTANA....July 2, 0 A. M. I Cabin passage. 98.1. 471 and &*>, according to location. Smoking, butb room* and plaim on each nteamer. Intermediate. 4*tL; ateorage $20. WILLIAMS A UUION.29 Broadway. SPECIAL NOTICE.?1'HhM ilL STEAMSHIP CITY OP New korx loarea pier 38 N'ortb Hirer foot ol King at. I?r Oiieenntown and Llrerpool on l ueaday, June 21. at 1 P. .YE, prrciaely. WILLIAMS A UUION, V? Broadway; M R1CAN LINE FOR LIVERPOOL. > Tbe only i ransatiaatle lino sailing under the American flag. Failing every Thursday Irom I'ulladolplila PENNSVLV A>1 A aula, Jane 27, 8 A. M. RED SIAit LINE FOR AN1WERP, carrying tbe Belgian and United States mnila. (ailing aeml tnontbv from Philadelphia and New Vura. JaVA aalU Wadiiraday, July 10. 12 M. For rater <>t passage and other In lot mat ion apply to a tea ol passage and oilier in lot mat inn apply M I'KTER WRIUHT A SONS. General Agaata, 8D7 Walnut -<t.. Pliiladolplile; 32 Broadway. New York. JOHN McDONAI.D, Agent. M Battery place. Now York. IN MAN LINE. ROYAL MAIL HThAMERS FOR QUBKNSTOWN aND LIVERPOOL. CITY OF Oil ha I hit.... . Saturday. J nno 29, at 3 P.M. CITY oF MONTItE - U^Thursdey. July 4. at 7:30 A.' m! CITY OF HKRL N Saturday, J nly 13, 3 P. X. Pro in pier 37 North Rlrer, loot Charlton at. Oabln. >si i and 9l?o, gold. Return Ink tann tarnrnble terms. Steerage, 428, currency. IJralta at lowest rites. Salooaa, staterooms, smoking and bath momi nmldtbipa. JOHN (i. DALE, Agent. 31 ana 33 Broadway, New York. Philadelphia office, 103 >outh 4tli at. VTOKTII HERMAN LLOYD J.1 Strnmnklp Line, between Now York, Southampton. London, Havre and Hrrmoc. NECK A K sat..June 23 I MOSi.L Sat., Jnly 13 MAliv sat, J nly 6 I ODER Sat., July 20 K.itra of paanage from Now York to snnthampton, Lon. dun. Ilavte and llreruon. I Irvt cabin, 41UO. gold;nrrntd cabin 900, gold ;Moorage, $80. currency. Retnrn tiekcta at reduced rate*. Prcoald Steer*** ecrUftcales, 930, cnrreitcy. For freight or pas-age .ipplv In Oi*.L fells A CO.,2 BowlingGrooa. Allan link of ROYAL MAIL KTEAMSttlPS, aailiug weukly for QUFFN8TOWN, LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL. From lju' bee, steamship CI RO ASSI A N, J one 29. From Lain mora, -OVA SCO IIA N, J nly It From Halifax. tlASPl AN. Jnne 26. Shortest ocean passags. Excellent acuommod.ilInn. For particnlara i pply to UUBTAVB LP.VE. Agent, 271 Broadway. National m.vr-f io.m new pier 39 N. Fur LONDON (VretorlaJJockj ?r ranee,Wvd.,.1 'in 20.1 P M | (Irecee, Wed..July 3,7|30 AM FdR LIVERPOOL AN H yl/hp NkTOWN Erin .Sal , Jan*29, 2 P. M. | E.gynt sat., Jn y 11 3 A. M. t abin, f0'i in 37<>, currency ; ataerage, 9JII. Drafts troru ?1 now ard iataed at eery lew rats*. Conipany'a ollieea, 09 an.. 73 Broadway. F. W. J. lll'KST. Manager. Tl/ILHoN LINK TO SOUTHAMPTON AND HULL, ft sailing from Ragle'pier, II ?lumen, avlollowst ? B0R11KNIO J ISO 211 I OT IELLO Jnly 17 OTKANTO July til HINDOO Ittlv 31 Flrtt oabtu.BBO, currency. Kxcnralnn ticket* on eery favurnhie terms Apply, fur (nil particnlar*, to CHAhLE.s L. WKiUH T A Co., 10 south si. Ci lie AT WESTERN STEAMSHIP LINK. INF.W YORK TO BRI-ToL (KNIILyNDi DIRECT ? Taking gnod* and passengers from London, Cnrcll fT, New. part, (Loneeater end all Port* la Brlitdl Channel. From tier IS, KaM River, us follows; ? VON Jnli II 1 CORNWALL Jnly 2D Cabin passage. $YO. 8*iO. #7*1. Prepaid steerage certifi eates, 4211 Return tickets at favorable rates. For freight or pitasage apply to W. D. YfOKOAN, Agent, 70 Fonili at. ANOHOIt LINE UNITED STATES MAIL SlEAMkRB. NEW VIIRK AND ULANUOW. DKVONI A. Juno 21*, $ P. M. I ETHIOPIA. Jnly IB, 8 F M. AMUIOUI A.Julyd, 10 A M. I BOLIVIA, July 20. 3 A. M. Cabin, $<l i to 9*<> Kxruraimi tieketa at roduced rale*. From pier 20 North lliver. New York NEW YORK TO LONDON DIRECT. UTOPIA. June 2H, 2 P. ,M. I CALIFORNIA, From Pier Ml North River, Inotnt Chart** *t. Cabin, KVi *nd Exenra'on ileaets at reduoed ratoa. SO*end Cabin. 940. Hteeruge, 42s HENDKltsON BROS.. A.ents 7 Howling Uroen. CTOOK' ? CHEAP VACATION TOCR fO P a KIs? FROM jNew York Augnal 1, per ste*m*r city ol Cheater; pro viding boat staterunms, Brat close railway travelling, hotel ?ccumuiodaiiun* in London and Parla and carriage drive* In pari*I 9'itlii; extanslon to ~wlt*?rland an.I Italy If do* ?|red. Fnli p*i lleuiar* . n application to OUOK, MIS k JENKINS, 2t.l iiroadwav, New York. Skabicenkmb prevented.-a ukntlkman has recently di?oover?d an nu'aillng prestrvatlve ; the arti cles win he sent by mall Immediately on receipt of Ri and atw.aaal.Athnan. Uax 1AIM Po?* odU*. MrwVn taa ITBAHIHIPh j>AtfiFic "Maii>~Y?iBahsuip comfan ififf'TJlfif For CALIFORNIA, JApTSr CHINA. CENTRAL and BOOTH AMERICA. SANDWICH IhLAHDA JsKW SEA. LAND. AUSTRALIA. BRITISH COLOMBIA, WASH 1NUION TKKi IIOKY anil OREGON* Ac., sailing Irom Mir lout of Canal at., North Kivor. .. . Tor bam Francisco, via tu? isthmus of fan AMAi Bloamihlp ACAPULOO Monday, July I (connecting for Central and Sooth Atnenca?. From ?AN f R 1 Nt I8C0 to J A PAN auU 011 IN As? Steamship ALASKA Friday. July A Sti-anitblp C1TV wF TOKIO ...... Thursday, August 1 From SAN FRANCISCO to SANDWICH ISLANDS, AUSlRALSAaud NKW ZEALAND:- * Steamship CITY OF NEW YORK Monday. .Inly H For trelgbt or passage apply at the company'* offices, on the pier foot Canal it.. North River. UNITED STATES AND HR~ZIL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINK tor St. Tbomai, Para, Pornainhuco, liahia and Bio da Janeiro. The new Brit elan irou steamship CITY OF KIO 1>E O. 3,500 tuni, aptain Heir, wilt tail for the above pert* on Saturday. July u. at 9 A. M. Freight ut low ratei taken lor the above porta Freltcht received at ull times at Koborts' dock, Brooklyn. Insurance lower thau by any other line. shippers desir ing iniuranca oan effect same under unr open policy. For freight engagements or passage (having ole^aut ac commodations) apply to C. H. UAlLOki k CO., Agent*, ofllee pier 20, E. & J LA* MAIL lTnIT FoK WEST INDIES AND SOUTH AMERICA, regular bi-inontbly sailing* from pier 51 North Ktvef a? follows t For KINGSTON. J a., and HAYTI? ETNA June 27 A l l.AH .Inly 18 For HaYII, COLOMBIA, ISTHMUS OF PANAMA and SoU Til PACIFIC ports (via AsuinwalL ANDES Juneau ALP July 13 Kirit elan Hrltuh built Iron steamers. superior tlrat clan passenger accommodations. PIM, FollWOoD k CO., General Agent*. No. 58 Wall It. Y, HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL S. s. LlflK. ?Hteamin leave pior 3 North River, at 3 P. M. For Havana direct and vera ohUZ, culling at Progreso, Cutupeuchv and Frontern. CITY OF VERA CRUZ.....; Saturday, Juno 29 CM'? OF Washington (Havana only)...Thur.. July 11 Steamera leave New orleaiii J nne 30 ior Vera frit* via Mataiuoraa. Tainplco. T uxpuii, making cloae connection Willi iteainerlor Hnvaiia. New York andahove ports. F. ALl X S DUE A SI I S. 31 and 33 Hru,.iway AKSAU, N. PTT sT. J AGO AND cl E N FUKGOt< Cuba Steauiahtp S\N JaCINTO. Sntnrdar. Ju y 13, at 3 P. M. MURRAY. FERRIS A CO.. 82 South el. Halifax, n. b.. ano st. John-, n. f., CROMWELL LINK. Steumihlp ALII AMUR A will leHve pier 10 North River 3 1*. .M.. Tuesday J unr 25 Kor Height or paciaae apply to ( Lark a seaman, tM Wo-t it B~ fc.RMUlJAi PORTl?"bIC0,~"sTrTHOVX", W. I.; LA? ill AYR A. PUERTO > AH LLO, VENEZUELA, wiih couiicctioni to all parts of ffli.-T INDIES and SOI III AMERICA.?Th? Qu bee and ? ull Port! .iteauis lp Com pany's line iail in undui noted:-i or lti'.KMUDA, SS. CA IMA. July 4*. fur Si. JOHN (and Ponce on homeward voyage only), ST. ThOM.vH, LAHUAYKA and PUERTO CA ELLO, -S. HADJI, June 30. for descriptive pum phicti, Height auRpitisage apply to A. E. Ol/H'.i.BRIDGE A CO., A rents, 29 Rroadwny. C. G. DE UAR.MENI'I A. 35 Broadway. U. Li'.VK, 271 Broadway. EXAS LINE OF GALVESTON STEAMERS. TOi CHING AT KEY WEST. . Steamer CITY OF HOUSTON, Captaiu .stevoni, will Ball, Sainrday, June 29, at 3 P.M.. from pier 2U East Elver. Through bills of lading given to Houston ?nd nil points on the international and Greut Northern. Galvcstun, JloiiHton and Henderson, and Galveston, liarrisburg and Sun Antonio railroad*. For freight, passers and general Information, apply to C. II. MALLORY A C ),, Agents, Office on pier 20 East River; or, COOK, -ON. JKNfflN.-i.28l Broadway. 0 LD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY, ?ailing front pier 37 North River, for NORFOLK, CII'Y POINT and RlCn MuND, TUESDAYS, THURSDAY-" and SATURDAYS, ut 3 P. St.. connecting with all RAILROADS fcr the SOU I'll. SOt Til >1 Bs'T anu WEST; also witn steamers for N WBEKNE and WASH ING I ON, N. C. Steamers lor LEWr S, DEL., andtRETlO BliTH HEAC11 and connecting railroads, MONDAYS and THURSDAY.--. at it P. M. Througu passenger ticket* and bills ol lading to all point* at lowest rates. JTni<araiice for Norfolk, Ac., at )4 per cent. Freights received tlatlv at pier 37 nrib River. General office No. 197 Greenwich at. N. L McCRKADV, President NEW YORK ND IIAV VNa liIKKCT MAIL LINK. Those first class steamships will sail at 3 P. M. Irom pier 13 North itlver. foot ol CeJar at., for Havana direct, aslollows:? . SANTIAGO DE CUBA 7...Wednesday, July 3 ? ?? Saturday, Jnlv 13 For Irolgnt and passage, barley unsurpassed accommo dations, apply to WILLIAM P. CLYDE k CO., No. 8 Bowling Green. McKELLaK, A CO., Agauia in Havana. ORGAN'S LOUISIANA AND TEXAS HTEAMSHIPS and Ifatlroad Company.?The steamer NEW YORK will sail from pier 34i North Klver on Saturilay. Jnue 29, tor New Orleans direct, transferring Texas Height to Mor gan's Louisiana and Toxas Railroad and Steamships. Through bills of lading slncdtoa.l lexas seaports and tallroad stations, Browntvlllo, Mohiln nnd all .Mississippi River points. insurance can be effected direct with Mi* At lantic Mutual Insurance t'ontnauy, or under open policy of the lino with that company, at lowest rate*. For freight and other information apply to bugert a morgan. Agents, office pier 38 North River. I/iLOIUDA DIKKCr.-oTKAMhTX-LEAVE PIER 20 F East Klver every Friday, at 3 P. M., lor FarnaiuMna, Fla., touching at Brunswick and Port Royal, steamer CITY OK D vLLAS, Captain Hlnce. will liall June 28. Through freight ana passage rates given to all p ints In tho South and Southwest by C. M. MALLORY A CO., Asfents, office pier 20 Kiel River; or OoOK, BON k JENKINS, 2til RroeilWHT. SAVANNAH, FLORIDA. H. LITINOS ION. Irom pier Jfl B. B.. Wednesday, Jnne 38 CITY OK MACON. Irom pier 43 N. K... Saturday. June 30 GEORUE lO.-OK, Agent Saturday -te.imer, 408 Hrounwnjr. MURRAY. FERRIS A CO.. Aeenti Wednesday steamer, 62 South it. C. D. OWENS, OhOUOK YON OK, Agent A. A U. E. It.,815 B'wuy. AgeutC. it. K.,4U0B,w?y N..W YOKK AND CUBA MAIL S. S. LINE FOB HAVANA 1)1 HI. 01. From pier 17 I'.net I.leer, at 3 P. M. Mujiiiltlcent accommodatlou lor pu??engere. 8. 8. NIAGARA, 2,205 tona, L'urti*....Wednesday, Jane 20 8. N. CAKoNHEi ET. Burrow* Matnrdey .July 0 Ticket* Dsued al?o for YKItA CRUZ una VV KSf INDIA I81.AN OH, in connection with Kronoli nnd EnglUh eteuin ?hip linen irom Hnvunn. JAB KB k. WARD A CO., 113 Wall it. New oh leans direct?the cromwell link steamship NEW ORLEANS will leave Saturday. J one 21), at J P. M., Irom pier 0 North Elver, Insurance effected at 00' -hnIf per cent on our omn police. 1 iirough bill* of lading given to Mobile and principal point* on the Mieuiteippi River. For freight or passage ap ply to CLAKK A SEAMAN. 80 hen tt. l<oh Halifax, port hawkksbuky. kioiouand r Uharlatvetown. I*. r.. t. The Bret elate steamer-CARROLL and WORCESTER, having supe-lor passenger accommodation*, will leave T Wh trf, Boston, for the above port* alternately every -at urduy. at 12 M. Through tlokett from New York told by ail tbo sound Hues. For ratea - f Iretufct or other particulars Inquire of WM H. KINO. 18 T Wharf, or O. (i. I*. ARSON, 210 Waahington tt., Boston. STEAM QOM ML NIDATION BETWEEN NEW YORK, St. Tbomat, Martinique. Barbados, Trinidad aud Licine rara. ? The ijuebec und dull Porta Steam-lnp Company will desoutch the steamship BAHAMA for the abovt port* about the 2<l J illy heat, anil regularly iberealter. Kxarl ient accnmnioiiutloii for passong re. For Ireigbt and pasa age upply to A. fc. OUfKIUIRlDUH A CO., Agent*. 29 Broadway. ? fftAVELLEliS' UCIUR. M<>?nino boat" F'ia keyporr 5kxoep? Saturday* and Sunday*.?Steamer NoKWaLK, loot ol Harrison tt.. at 10 A. M : from Key port at 8 P. M. Albany boats DIRECT. mkucman tv RXPEHH8 Line.? Elegant ttexmert WAdlKK BRETT or NEW CHAMPION lenve dally (Saturday-excepted) from Canal it.. North River, at 8 I*. M., connecting with train* North nnd W**t. fare (neek), 25c.: cabin fare. NOc.; meal*,3<)e. I fright taken lower tban by other linen Albany and thot by dat boats?c. yiubahd and IMh'I I, DREW leave Ye*tr? *treet pier at 8 and Twenty-ioorth etreet pier at 0 A. M., landlug at Nraca ferry, We?t Point. Newbnrc. Pougttke-psle, Kliinebeck, 8-ugertle*, t'atakill and Hadaon. To ?r?l rolnlcr >?*? I'ttrg, returning oy do- n boat .it excur-tun rate*. Trent far by Annex boat leaving Brooklyn at 1 a. M . connecting at Albany with train* north and wrest. special train* to ana front ataioga (t otniu'Bring July I), making close cor nectione, atoppinr only ai Meeiiaelc-vlll , Round Lake and Hal.eton. Tie*eta on boats. Baggage chocuad. Round trip at excursion rate*. A I.B ANY BOAT Fare run need via PEOPLE'S USE. 81. Oral eles*. Duck, 25 cont*. Excursion, $1 50. Elegant eteamet* DREW or ST. JOHN leave pltr 41 North River dally. Including Sunday*, at 0 1* M.,con necting at Albahj with expre** iratna lor MAKAToiIA, LaKK dKoltOK, LAKE t' II A tl PLAIN, the ADI .ON* DAI KN, MON I RKAL and ail point* NORTH and WEST. Ticket* tor *?la -it prioeipal hotel* and all of Westeott S.X* pre** office* in New Yerk and llrnoklyn. Brooklyn pnssrn ger* transferred tree by "Ahnex" b at*. This is the only night line ol ?taameraneliln.. ticket* and checking baggage to place* n* the New V ork Central Kallroart. BO-TON VIA FAI.L KIVKR t,tNK;.M AUMFIt K T tteamer* HRlslOI. aad PR 'VlHhNOK leave pier 2* North tlivrr d 'llv (snndav* Jnn* 23 to Septomhei H,, ,t ft I' M.-s lull alghl'e re*:. Tlraet* for sale at alt principal ticket ofllt'e* Leave Hrooklvn via "attnex" boat at 4;:to P. M. ttn*ic by -piondtd band* and orchestra*. Boat For* Caiskill, sTlyvkhant and inter tneaiatn landing* will leave plei 34. Harrison rt, Norih JUver, daily . SandM.v-excepted, at OP 8. HtoK RICH Fl t l,D sI'ltlNOS.? TAKE PEOPLE'S LINK steamer*, dally, from pier 41, N rib River, 6 P. M. Ticket* sold and hagtrnge cheeked direct to the Spring*. i/toR nor iv a Li* and danruht raii.y ?* -team'T ADELPHt leave- Brooklyn (Je well'* Rock), 2:30 P. M.'. f'ler No .17 East River. 2 :4.'? P. M.. and 88d at., .'I P. M . ronue- ting with Den bury end New Haven rellroadt. Mingle ticket*, 35 ? nt KXCC KB I ON lltlKKTB. 50 CENTS. Hudson boat* fo iiudson. o-ixhaokib and via It. and A. K. It. Ut Pllt-lleld North Adams, Lebanon spring* nnd Intermediate point* Leave dally (Sunday* excepted), at ?1 P M. front pier 8 i Nnrlh i^vcr. Franklin *1. 1 ONti BRANCH AND PHILADELPHIA, \J via New Jersey B tutllern Kallrwad, 17, 1H7*. Stcemer* will 1 commencing Jnne 17, IR7s. stcemer* will leave New York, pier s North River (fo"t Hector *t.), connecting at Mandv Hook with train* for Ixing Branch, ?, l?:Hi) A. M . 1, 8:t5. 5. 5:45 P. M. Red Hank nd Tom- River A, 8:30 A. M., 1, 3:40 P. ML Beach Haven, I! A. M., 1 I'. M. A'dieland, Hrttlgeion and Atlantic City, I P. M. l'biledelpuie and Tnrkerton A A. M . I, M rt"' P. M. Sunday*, lor iging llranclt, 9 jNO M. WM. s SNKDKn, t.rneral Manager. Vj KW HAVEN. MERIOKN, IIARYPORH, HPIInO* i.4 Held, White Mnentaln* and Intcnnediato pot ita; steam er* leave Peck -tin E.. R . at 3 and it P. M., connecting at New Haven with MM Irtln*. Partlcu ar- at plef. o Nr. HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILE:. FOR in Or.NTS. cltlxena' line Trnv boate. ? New palace etcamer* CITY OP TROY and Ka IIATO i A leave pier 4li Noi III Rlv-r, foot Lertty *t . dally. Including Saturday and sunday, at A P. M Sure connection* with morning tralua lor all point* North, Ka*t nnd West s>?H.ernoiu? onlv Ml; berth-, 25c.; Ibai ola?? larc. 50e. Stateroom- and Ihrougb ticket* at Ifmld'a Express "44 Broadway, New York;40 inrt St., Brooklyn. JJAKIa.^LonJJMN A N I k H AM liL'Ri. ? sINOLr. A.-D i.X _ t Uits 10h TICKETS lor *ienmor* "I Ham iurg.Amer|. e*n Packet Com pa i y, -ailing Jnne 27, Jnly 4 and II. Bpcclal Tavorahia term- -nmmer egpurMon* to all noted reeorta White Mount aloe. Lake (4eorge. Lake Ohamplaln, Lake .Mempnremagi):Montreal, (Ju-bee. Niagara Falla, Har piuv River. Alexandra Hay, Otilf of Bk Lawrence. Tourist Ticket Office. J7l Brentlwar. rflHE MARY PVWfcLI. (PANE 75 ORNTS), FOR WKST JL Point, Cornwall. Nowburg. Pongltkaopale. Combint, j| r <nilt| Lift iiwuili t-nwuHiK* I ??e n n t*w v^inin, ituiiiiuiie, Klneaton. Coiienl, Milton New Hamburg and Hyde I'nrk, Isave* flai'y from Vestry at., pier 39 North River, nt 8kW P. M. Connect* with JMto^Ujn Annex Boat*. TRATVUiEM OVIOA. mnira'BKAT pkovh.enok link to BosifiSiC 1 vie Providence dlreot . ? __ ?. ? A FULL SIGHT'S BEST . ONLY 42 MILES OP RAIL Toe lavorita palace steamers M ASSACHU8KTT8 nod RllOOE 1*1, AN U. from pier 29. North Klyor, nt 5 P. M. TUB OLD, KEi.lAtlLE SIOalNGTON LINK, for ?ll point* h??t. Ir?m pier 33 North lltrtr, loot ol Jay it. nt 5 P. M. SI 50 TO BOS I O N. FIRST CLASS * . .m. . VtIA O.llaklotl via ' The Old Soluble" STONING ION LINK. Elegant steamer* leave daily (Sundays excepted) from pier 33 North River. foot of Joy s|?. tHr. A BACUKItlGlb. "n A-FL?1oUT1I HOOK.*" fO-DAl . AND EVEHY D VY HEREAFTER, including Sundays. UP TUB LOVELY HUDSON, stooping nt WEST POINT AND NEWHURO. Jnrrett A Palmer's nupafh pnlnoo .tentnor PLYMwUIH R"'OK. Captain U. dnrtln. Three h"Ur? allowed lor visiting the U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY nt WEST POINT, r a pie .emit hoar IN b<> ?p?nt in Inspecting WaSHINGION'S HKADQUABTKlta. ut NEWBUKU. A M AON I KICK NT MU-IOAL ENTERTAINMENT. marine hand, hlkk club. xylophone. bknt. the irreat uornat player, CHI BBS. Ac. Aa EXCfc.Ll.ENT KliPi'.C 1 OR Y ON BOARD. PARI., entire grand excursion, FIF fY CENT& Children, Trt'E nTY-EIV.. CENTS. BOAT LffAVKS every morning (Including -UNDaYS) from pi or I fnt the Battery) North Kivvr, nt 0;l.r> o'clock, mid foot of 22d It.. North 'Over, at 9:45 o'clock. BROOKLYN PASSENGERS will tnko ANNEX mint nt l''uit?n at., 0:05 a. M. NO EX TRA OtlABilB for trnneler either wny. IJLVMOUfll"o>'K. IMP< MUTANT NOTIOB. X Societies, Sunday schools, nendnmies, mnnolnctorleent any large and respect.idle organisation can innke epocinl en l very advnntn eoua arrangements tor Exoursions IS W net Point or Newborn on tho pitlneo olentnor PLYM OUTH BOCK. Bates very low. vpuly by mail or in pop. eon to JOSEPH H. TOOK R, lliioth'e Theatre lluildlnir. ?A. ? ROCK A W A V Bl-.AiMl. DAILY . EXCURSIONS BY WHITE'- LINK OK STEAMERS. TUB PALATIAL THREE DEi;K EXCURSION STEAMER GRAND R. PUBLIC, accompanleil by _ _ DEVEHELL'S THIRTEENTH REGIMENT BAND nod COLUMBIA QUARTET, . mnkoo oxourniono evcrv duy to HOOKAWAY beaou, I leaving i 21th st.. North River 10 A. >C ? lutli st.. North I ir r 10)15 A. M> J. well'* wharf, Brooklyn 11 A. M. | Returning, lonv s lU'tkawny at.... 4 P.M. ON And AFTj-H M iNDAY, JUNK 24, 11IK PIONEER AND KAYOKUK STEAU&B AMEKIOUS, i having on b ard ZI:-. CLE If'S ME tSI DP. BAND, will moke two excursions EV RY DAY, I Leaving 2itn si.. North River 8;:iu A. M. and 1:15 P. M. llflh st.. North Rlvor S;45 A. M. un.l 1130 P. M. Pier 2, North River IMS) a U. mid I :45 P. M Jewell's does. Brooklyn 9:20 A. M. and 2 EX) P. M. Leaving Eorkawny at II A. M. and 5 P. M. EXCURSION I H.KETs (rood uu either boat). 50 oenlo. QitANU EXCURSION ?? to the NEW YORK BAY REGATTA. Palace steamboat J. B SCHUYLER will nccouiDnny the ynchts over the conrsn on nlURsDA t , Jane 27, leaving 24th et., NoriV River, 9:3l); Lerny ?., 9:45: Jew oil's w.inrl, Brooklyn, ID; pier 1, North River, 10:15 A. M. PAKE fc'OK ROUND TRIP, 5n CENTS. Dinner nnd refreshments on b. nrd. A -RAPID TRvNSlT TO KOOKaWaY BEACH. ? Opposition. Opposition. Opposition. Two fc.xcurelons daily, by the safe and boantilul steumer TWILIGHT. Excursion tickets only 25 cents. Lesve 22d St.. North River, 8:45 A. M. and 1 P. M. llHh st.. North River, 9 A. M. and 1 :15 P. M. Pier 1, North K.ver, 9:10 A M. and 1 :30 1*. M. Staplotou. Stutcu Island, 9:10 A. M and 2 P. M. Leave Roesaway Beach for New York at 11 A. M. and 8 P. ,M Remember, excursion ticaets only 25 cent*. -FISHING HANKS KYTbY HAY (SATURDAYS ?exreeteu).?Stonraer sb'TH LOW, with new holler nnd saloon, lenvi g Harrison at., N. it., 6:50: 8th st., E. R., 7:15: piei 27, fc.. R.. 7:25; 22d St.. N. H. 7:50; 10th St., N. K., 8; Pier 6, N. R., 8:15 A. M. Gents'ticket*. 75c.; ladies', :iOe. AL. G. PUS IEB, Manager. A -TO CUARI'KK FOR EXCURSIONS, NEW, FA8T ?propeller RESTLESS: elegant accommodations lor private parties. F. W. STARK, 33 Coenties ?lip. cornel South s?. ?FOB OONKY ISLaNDs DIREOT. ? The ouly hosts landing at OONKY 1 BLAND. The now mid favorite si mi men, KOSKDALK and IPLi.WILD, will, en and aiter Sunday, June 111, make oxcurslona dafl) JO OONKY ISLAND IIEAOU. leaving as follows:? West 24th st. I Wast loth st. II *10 A. M. I 11:10 A. M. 11 ;00 A. M. | ll:lo A. M 12 DO M. l 12:10 1*. M. 2:<?) P. M. I 2 :!?> F. >1 3lk) F. M. | 3:10 P. M. Franklin St. I Pier No. 2. 0:20 A. M. 0:3f A. M. 11:20 A.M. | 11:30 A.M. 12:20 P.M. I 12:30 " 2120 P.M. 2:30 3: 0 1'. M. | aao Fare, 2.1 cents. Excursion tickets, 40 cents. 1 -FOR EXCURSIONS. sT AM Kit J. B. SCHUYLER A .ami first class Barges, with Boyaton Beach, OocL dental, GL-uwood and other lavorite grove*. MA il EN A JCASKiLL, HOSouthst. Open Sundays. ?N \v haven" tJhur.aDav~,~jT;nb 27 . TUB PALATIAL SALOON "E A.ME It COLUMBIA will make a grand excursion to NEW H .VKN. JUNE 27. - -B ? H-B-B-B-H?B-B-B-H?B?B-B-B?R ?To charter lor excursions?steamers Thomas Pow. i H | ell, cuuncily 1.8H0: General Sedgwick, HOo; Fort B 1, 4^0; barge* Gale.inula, l.enu die, Anna and' 11 | Harvest Queen; also Excel.lor Park, loua Island. [ B j Itarltan Moach. Cold Spring. Oriental and Columbia i B I Gro ea. N. S. B.1GGS, 384 West St., opposite I B | Cbtlstopher street ferry. For excursions-hie large first clash steamer LONG BRANCH, which has been furnished with new ooliers and otherwise much ImproTed; also strictly first class groves and barges, with boats of all kinds! with many years' experience and Improved facilities, 1 eat assure complete satisfaction at i.KDUCEU KATES. J. MYERS, c-rn. r Morton and West eta. c INEl ISLAND, VIA LOCUST GROVE. H oo^ B rcRfosr S" * ^*n ^^^oto^<Rimoohor^t'omA 8M?rrIi'l?Jloiin'sv};VARKOW 2-'d st., N. It. I Ler<>y si. S:45 A. M. I 8:53 A. M. B:45 A. M. I 0:15 A. M. 11:42. A.M. I 11:55 A.M. 12:45 P.M. I 12:55 P. st. 2:42. P. M. I 2:55 P.M. 3:45 P. M. | 3:55 P. M. Kranailn st 0:15 A. . 10 A. M. 1--.U5 P. M. 1 S)5 P. M. 3 Ski P. M. 4 Do P. M. Pier 13, (I. R, 0:13 A. M. 10:16 A. M. 12:15 P. M. 1:15 P. M. 8:15 P. M. 4:15 P. M. Returning, 10. 11 A. M ; 1 ;30. 2:38, 5:30 6:3o P. M. Tho stanch and rellaiila steamboat BAY K1DGB will leave Hatt.-ry Landing (adjoining Staten Island terry), 10 A. *!.. 2 ;:?> and 5::io P. M. Returning, leave Locnet Grove 8 A. M , 1 and 4 P. M. Fare, ftOc. I'.X rnrsion Hearts, 50c. C" V7)~"aND" SeE THE BEAUTIFUL PALlSADJut. r ROUND TRIP 25 CENTS. Boats from Canal st. lor FORT LKK. PLEASANT VALLEY AND SlIADY MDK. on SUNDAY* at 0. 10, II A. M., 12 M., IrO, 3. 4, ? and 7 t. M. { DAILY at 1(1 A. M. and 2. 1,'. and 7:15 P. M.. landing *24111 st. and 34tll st. (diilvaud -in-day) lO mm*. later. AN 11 A ll AN BEACH RAILWAY, completed to Orcenpolnt, opposlie 23d et? Eaet Elver. Summer nmo lahi,*, to take off ct Sunday. June 1)1. 1S7B. week days and Sundays. The elegant steamer I-.I.IZA U iNCOX, commencingM above, will run during the season from pirr toot of 23d It., Kant Itiver, direct to MMCsr'lMpsl at Oreanpolnl, mak ing eiosa ronnecllons. g lug and re* *nlng, with oxpreei trains to and trom Manhattan Resell. ? Boat lenvos 23d st. pier at 8:15. 0:15,717:45. II :45, A. M_ and 12:41, I :50. 2:45, 3;.15. 4:4 > 5:50.and B:45 I'. >1. Trains leavn Manhattan Beach Tor New Y?ra via Great* nolut. at 7:30, 10 II A. M., and 12:IO, I, 2DT>. 3:12. 4fit 5:12. B:H7, 7. 8:15 and 0:30 P. M. Ilmefrim Oreenpoint. 42 inlnuies. Trains connect at East Nrw York, with Itapl.l Transit trains on Atlantic av., Brooklyn; alto with Gsnar tie and Hoc* away Bosch Railroad. Via Bay Ridg". Tha elegant steamers I hnmoa Colyor and D. R. Martin, leave :? 22d at . N. R. Leror St.. N. R. Pier*. N. R. ?, 10, II 12 A. M., 0:1.1, 10:15. 11:15 9:25. 10:25. II 21 and 1. 2, 3. 4, 5, A. M.. 12:15. 1 :15. A. M., 12:25.1 :2V Baud 7 P.M. 2:1.1. 3:15. 4:15. 2:25, 3:25 4rA% 5:15, Si:I.? and 3:25. 8:25 ?ad 7:1.1 i*. M. 7:2.1 P. M. Trains leave Manhattan Beach via Bay Ridge at 8, l'?:40L 11 :tO A. M.. und I2:40, 1:33, 2:43, 3:40, 4:40, 5:30, 8:41k 7 :4'i and 0 1' M. TTyv UaVEn. 'iiiUTtsday, junb 27. THE PALATIAL SALOON STEAMER COLUMBIA will make a grand excursion to NEW IIAVKN, Jl'NK 27. EST ~PoT NT OR" NEW It U KG. DAI ILY (EXCEPT .-B'wtsysi; tee >t.?y line' advertisement: remain at West Point thrpo hours, Newnnrg nearly two hours; dao ad Now York on retnru at .1: ki. N W ,?I A It il I.K 34 A \ T K L?V AKURTIIKR REDUCTION IN PRICK8 FROM JOlfS 1. Mantels, Grates mid all kinds ol Hlata Wort: large assortment: uewr designs. I'KNrtllVN SLATE COM M ARBLK MANTELS AND monuments CIIXAPEi than over. A. KL > BEIt, 134 East INtli St., near 3d av. The gar i:sr manufacturers or low and half low Grates, for either hard or soit coal, with damp ing ant shaking attachment , brass onea Fire Places, with An.droits aiui Basket Grates, for wood Hres; brass Fenders, Fire 8e?s and Coal llodt ol antique and modern destgr.s, wholesale and retail, leiw estimates given to builders, contractors and architect.. J (' 'MiYldi ,t in M-j-, ?n i :ms . ,.nsl at.. New York. hT'llltA OIL. HAE(SaR?a wm-.r.lUHK.a, 8/ii~Av^pRoirMil to 34tn si. ?storage inr Inrnllare, baggage, goods aa4 Wares of every description. In separate closed compart ment-. aiwars eeeesateln. Gfllce 3UH West 34tli si. VfOftOth A H It 11 I'll UK'S sruKAGK W Alt K HOUSES* 231232 an-l 2 14 West 47th st,. nedr liroadway.?Separate moms Inr furnitare, pianos, carrl ages, Ac.; Inspection so UIX WEST 33D ST. (RtOl.E STORAGE WaKB 1 Vtlliniises).? Scrupulously clean; moderate charges Improved elevator ; catn acc imodatioas II deslrsd. cLiii'iiisni. : " ?' \t flattg'h, Hin oi ii' "av.; n'i?aW 4ffrTf~5TT^M IVper . entra re than elsewhere will poel'lvely ha paid ler caet on Clothing v.i r? Mr or Ufa KL t TTO. A -:?>s ?rii av.. near 4T?i if., PaYm THfiilSS 1?' (asl-off clothing. Carpets, Jewelrr. call or aduress Mr, or Mra. NATHAN. oawoiryi At kdwa verier pli IJ ill or nil ir" \ l BOW tHO MILLER'"*, WTSTH AV.TwBAR wZ ?? ll"rl,d p?"cn' Blmo,t ??!as paid for cast off Clothing, at* Iiik New e?tiBLIoiimrnt, 0 (irn~Avn J\Great...einand lor Cast- ff Clothing. Jewelry. Books. Call or addre a Mr. or Mrs. AURA MH, 0 8th av. A ZH' i'fWB.T.W. BitOAliWAV KA 4wtllB+-l Broadway p'lces paid In cash fur Ca-t olf tthing Jewdri. not-. Address. MI NTS, l*S?!? A] Harris' new establishment; in i;n( ro\u? Yof^aal'-?lf C1 o'tlrnie**] *' fav utmost dress Mr '* lh?. II A Ritfd. ' ?-11 - ? * 1 I Ai.R .a'. 2.1, , D V.. BETWEEN Hrfll ANnvririt or addVes'.'"" """ lor Cloihla*. Ac. Call Let-!lic I!U PAY8 BROADWAY PltlCkN FmTc -..d'nih' ,'v 'M W#" :,"t ?< ^'Stwoeu Hrnsdway iM)00r^,H*w 1'asi off glothTnTT