Newspaper Page Text
From All Parts of the World. ' ' WILL THE CONGRESS FAIL? England and Russia Struggling Across the Council Table. NINE MONTHS OF OCCUPATION. Austria Throwing Her Influence iD Favor of Great Britain. SERVIA PREPARING TO RESIST. M. Leon Chotteau's Recep tion at Havre. ? QUEEN MERCEDES STILL LIVING. [BY CAULK TO TUB HERALD. ] London, June JS, lb7S. The best authorities, such as the Berlin corre spondents of the Times and I'ost, concur in stating thatt.thc Cougress will have a sitting to-day. The Times' correspondent reports that la Monday's sitting the right of the Sultan to place on the UonmeUan rrontiers whatever number of troops he deems necessary lor security was admitted in principle, but ut the same time Itussla proposed a series of amendments which England refused to accept. The Congress als>> fixed nine months as the term to be altowed Russia tor withdrawing her troops from Eastern Rouiuclia and Bulgaria. Win, IT BE SETTLED TO-DAY. It ts generally thought that Russia in to-day's sitting will, lu return lor this concession, with draw her amendments, and that the chief points relative to lluiguria wilt he definitely settled. There Is evidently a nIoso alliance between Kuglund and Austria, but eucu naturally comes most prominently forward on points involv ing its own Interests. Thus the Austrians took no prominent part in the dicussion relative 10 gar risoning the Balkans, hut will play llrst par. in the approaching discussions relative to the orgamzu tlou of Bulgaria. THE CZAR'S M KMSKNIlKli. The correspondent of tUe I'ott states that tiiiH subject will be broached to day. The Austrian* hesltute to concede Varna to Bulgaria. The British do not to share the Austrian ob jections. Tho messenger who was recently sent to personally report to Uie Czar on certain points raised in tho Congress, will return to Merlin to-day with the answer. All the correspondents continue to describe the attitude 01 Lord Bcacons 11 eld as very decided. IIK WILL NOT YIELD. Ttio Times' Berlin correspondent reports that Lord Beaconsticld, in conversation on Friday with Prince Bismarck, who urged him to make conces sions said, U1 did not. come here to yield," WHAT Hl'RSIA AGREES TO. The limes' correspondent at Vienna telegraphs that well iniornied persons state ttut tho Russian plenipotentiaries only agreed to the points as to Turkey's right to lorttfv the Balkans, ike., ad referendum. But it Is conlidently hoped their explanations and the mediating inilucnce of tiermauy will succeed in obtaining the desired rati Ucatlon lrom St. Petersburg. ROl'MKLIA DEFINED. The same correspondent states that it seems the plenipotentiaries have also agreed to a set tlement ot the southern limit of Koumelia, in a sense lavorable to the Turks?the neighbor hood of the valley of the Vardan and the Black Sea coast being leit under direct control of the Porte. It is believed linn the Turks will become uwaro ol the wisdom of acquiescing with and supporting instead of thwarting Kugland and Austria. The Sudan lias thanked Knglaud and Austria. Ar rangements relative to Montenegro and Servia have not yet been lormaily entered upon. TI KCO-HUSMIAN MILITARY COMPROMISE. The I'out'* Berlin correspondent hears lrom trust worthy sources Unit a military compromise between Itussiu iindTurkey is imminent. The ItusMans will couccutratc around Aurutiiople. The Turks will evacuate Miumm, retiring to Vurna and there em bark lor Itoumclla. The Vienna correspondent of the Times says It is supposed a Tuco-Kussiau mili tary compromise (as reported uy the li>st), is now under negotiation. The question is likely to l>e solved in connection with that 01 the delimitation or Bulgaria. TIIE Kt'SSIAN SICK. The Post's Berlin despatch slates tlut the lins ?tans have &U.4U0 sick in the iiAikaii peninsula, au>i or ttic recruits raised in 187* for the Armenlau campaign, twenty live per Cent are dead. ENTIRELY TOO VAOIK. A despatch from Berlin reports that yesterday's sitting ot the Congress caused a satisfactory im pression. Tho essential features of the questions dls usscd In the preliminary pourrxirter? were agreed 10 in principle. ALL ELSE IS EASY. The Vienna Potiticnl Ouri'esiumdence says:? "Tho Bulgarian question once solved discussion )ii tho oilier points Is likely to he uceclcrutcd In deference to the wishes of Germany for a speedy close oi the Lpngrcss. In this case the details, in eluding lh<t irruiigcincnt ol autonomy lor Koume lia. are Itkciy to be submitted at a supplementary contnrcuee." StTrORT FOR 1IKAi'ONSFI Kt.Ik A Berlin despof cli received lu Puns says;?The French representatives In the Congress support Lord Be.iconslleld's demands on the Bulgurlun question. NOT UNTIL THURSDAY. A Berlin despatch reports there Is reason to be lieve that tile next sitting of the Congress will not be held until Thursday, so that the plenipoten tiaries may have time lor further negotiations. DUE TO BRITISH FIRMNESS. All the llcrdn correspondents of London Journals | agree in declaring that the settlement or the Bul garian question is entirely due to tho ti mines* of the British representatives in tho Congress, but oilier telegrams say the Russian concession* on this head arc entirely dependent ou conditions I or the organization uud administration ol Roumclia, the details ol which have yet lo be arranged, qi in riio quo. One condition In that the Russian troops, when they evacuate Roumclia, arc not to ho replaced by Turklah forces, but by native nilltUa, composed ol Christiana or Mussulmans, accordiug io the pre vailing religion of the district. WHAT WAS ANTICIPATED. At yesterday's sitting oi tho Congress Count B< houvnlotr was to have formulated Russia's con ditions lor the appointment ol a commission to regulate the Balkan Irontlcr. It was expected AH"i the debate would he very animated. WHERE TIIE TROUBLE MAY COME it I* stated In Russian diplomatic circles that the discussion ou the dohmlLUlun of Bulgaria is taking A favorable turn, but nlillculties are apprehended ! in reference to the evacuation ofShumla aud Varna . by the Turks. A LITTLE BlUIIUlNO. The Post in a leading editorial bats:?"Russia is [ now authoritatively toUl tint she ia as tar from Constantinople, If not, luUeed, further, than ahe was WTien the war began. He rem lies the bitter ness of the mortification to which ahe must now submit.*' WHAT TIIB TINES THINKS. The Ttmeti, tu a leading editorial article, aaya It considers the alleged settlement as nothing less than the uhandoumeut by Russia of the policy which hus guided her relations with Turkey during the last hundred years. The Times adds:? The process of piecemeal nibbling at Turkey's outlying provinces, and the periodical reopeniug ol the Kasiern question whenever circumstances seemed to lavor it, would have been continued by the extension ot iiulguria south of the Halkuns under Russian influence. It Is to the nruiueas of the British representatives Uiat we owe what we may venture to regurd as a solution or the Kasteru question. It was lor this thut unlimited powers were contided to ttiein by both houses ol I'arda iuent, and they have given good proof that they are not undeserving the trust. THE NEW PROVINCE. The new autonomous province south ol tho Bal kans is to be named Kasteru Koumellu, or us it appear^ In the protocol, Uoumclie Oriontule. RUSSIA HACK INII St a VI A. A Belgrade despatch states that it Is evident the Russians and Servians are preparing for the de fence of the KladiAa und Br/a-1'alanka line, which nirords a prate etc* route iroui Koumuuiu to Old Servla. TUB CZAR COM lift; TO IIERI.IN. The Czar or Russia is ex Dec ted at Berlin soon on his way to Kins. OORTSCUAKOKF A USE NT. Prince (?ortschukoif was absent irom the session ol the Congress on Saturday, He sutrers irom a lresti attack of gout. M. CUOTTEAU'S RETURN. The Paris correspondent oi the llERAt.n tele graphs tliat a baui] net was given tu M. Ldon t'liot teau at Havre last evening, by the advocates of tree trade, in recognition or his efforts, during his recent visit to America, as the representative oi the French government, to nogotiato a treaty which would favor the importation ot French munulactures to the l.'mtcd States aud protect Americun products in the French market. M. Me uier, radical republican Deputy irom the arroudlssc nieut of Meaux, and a large^iarty irom Parts were present T1IS COMING KAOKS AT SMUT. Tbo entries for tbo ioni-oareil boat races at ilenlcy aro as fodowe:? For the Stewards' Challenge) Cup?The Dublin Uul vereity crew, tbo Sbowaor.aemettos, tho Kingston Club, tbo London Club, the Coluuiblas and the Josus College orow of Cambridge University. For Ibe Visitors' Challenge Cap?Tbo Columbian, tbo Lady Morgarot, First Trinity and Josus College crews, of Cambridge University ; tho Hortlord Collego and University College crews ol Oxford. For the Diamond Challenge Sculls tbe entries are as fellows:? George W. Loo, oi tbo Triton Club, ot Newark, N. J. ; Lee, of tbe Union Club, ol Boetou, Mass., formerly oi tbo Kingston Rowing Club; Baiker, ot the Cambridge University Bost Club; Kawardos-Uoss (the present bolder ol tbe prize); J. Lowudee, of tbe Oxford Uuiverilty Boat Club, and Messrs. Payne, lluulsoy aud Cbiilinaworth, ol tbo Ino Rowing Club. SO OMBCTIOXS MADS. Tbe time lor objections against eutrles Is liroilod to seven Jays, but no objocl.ous have yat boon made ugnlnat tbo Amorlcaus uud noac are expected. Both ilio Steward's Cballeugo Cup and tbo V uitor s Chal lenge CUU races aro to bo rowed over tbo sa.uo course, a distance ol about oue mile and flvo-sxtceniUs. In consequence ol tbo river not being wide enough to accommodate more ibao tbreo contesting crows at tbe same nmo tbo races will be rowed In boat*. Tbo start will bo mtdo opposite an Island one mils and ave-sixUenths Irotn Henley Bridge, sua tbe UnltO will be made a lew yards below tbe bridge, nearly oppoalie the Hod Lion Hotel. Tbo boats will be rowed against ibo current, wb.cb is or considerable lorce. Kxcept ono curve, at about tbroe fourtbs of the distance, tbo course is nearly in a straight line, but tbo bend In tbe stream will give a great advantage to tbe insldo noat. TBOM TUX COTTON niSTKICT, Nearly all the wesvora who struck at Bury laat week bava raaumod work. Tbe .pinning mills In Blackburn, wuh law txcopuons now, bave a loll com plement of hands. Tbo places of some of tba strikers bave been tilled by strangers. Tllk KMl'Snon WILLIAM'S USALTII. An oflltUl bulletin issued at Berlin yeslorday an nouncad that Ibo condition of tba Emperor waa aatia taciory. ^ QOabji or spaix sot head. Special daapaiches irom Madrid indicate that tbe ooudlttou ol tbe young Quocn ol Spam la almost hopoiesa. She was thought lo bo dying at Ova o'clock yesterday morning, and the laat aacrumonts ot lbs Cnurcb were admmi.iorad, In the presence ot tbe Klog, members of the royal and Moatpensier Inmi-' lies, and tbo Ministers. Hcporta ol ber deaih waro ourrent hero veaterdoy. Tbo latest ofllclul bulletin, dated iron. Ibe palace Let nigbl, shows no Improve moot in tbo oooeltlou ol Qacon Merccdee. It elates that a considerable lose of blood endaugors ber Hie. KCOSoMY AT TUK VATICAN. Instruction* have bcou llually Issood Irom tbo Vatican, according to tba IWi' despatches, to th* Noapoiitsn bisboiw to lake the royal txequatur and revoouea und palaces ol tbo dioceses. Hitherto the blabopa have ignored tbo exsqualur and rrceiTed monthly subvcutious irom tbo Viiucuo, but tbe great Ulllug oil m l'etor's penco renders tbe strictest economy neces **'*' OCR fLACI AHROAU. Tbo Uultrd Slaws atosmer* Marion aud Alllaneo were at Gibraltar on the 17th lust. GENERAL GRANT IN EUROPE. A WEEK OK DUTCH UO"Pl TALXTY DIMMEBS, BKCEP'I IONF, CALLS MSU BtaUTSKUNO TllKNCK TO BHILIX. IKrurn tbe Evening Telegram of yesterday ] [SPECIAL OaBLK DESPATCH TO TUK IkLKOlttM.l London. June 24, lsls General Grant ha? now turned bis eyes to ward the northern lands of Europe. Last week the General paid lila respects to bis many friends in Paris, on I bowed himself out ol ihut daullng sphere of dissipation- His next point ol attack proved lo be the Netherlands, wlutber be bits been talking ot going lor some ume post. He reached The Hague In salcty. and waa met by Minister llirney and. with Mrs. Grant, took up bis residence, by special Invitation, iu the latter gentleman's house. A lilt* At DINNER. Immediately upon me cx-l'roatUout'a arrival? almost before he had tunc to repose blmsell alter bin journey -Invitations began to pour In upon hint and the routine ol dinners, receptions, baila and visits beiran anew, tin Monday evening Minister llirney entertained his distinguished guest at a splendid dinner, which proved to bo one ol the great events of the season. Preparations on a largo scale had been inado lor this occasion, which was a gratifying success tn every respect TUK EVENING KECltlHON. AH the members of the diplomatic corps In the city were present at thle dinner, which was ren dered still more b.illiaut by the presence ol the wives and lady ir.ends ot ibe diplomats. Alter the dinner, which went oil joyously, a splendid re ception was given, in which the court circle, with its picturesque retinue of noble ladles and gentle men, most of the members ol Parliament -ml other distinguished gueata participated. General Urant was, of course, the centre of attraction, and was treated with marked detercncc and honora Ilia manly, soiuler-llko nc-rlnir was admired on all sides and every one was desirous ol making his acquaint anee The reception condoned until the small hours 01 morning and was thoroughly enjoyable irom beginning to end. AktxrHmt unman aud reception. On Tuesday evening - similar dinner was given ,u honor ol me General at the residence of the Minister of I'orctgu AiUtrs. Baron de lleckcven do KelL Tins was also loliowed by a reception, no lean brilliant than Its predecessor. VI81T1 NO Til K SI Nli'd IN CLE. On the same day Geueral Grant accepted an In vitation to visit ills Koyal Highness Prince Fred eric, uucle ol tne Kins. He ehosu the forenoon tor the purpose oi pacing his respects to the Prince, who entcrtsiued hiiu generously at a private dejeuner. Alter this lrientliy repast the Prince ordered his carriage and had Ids guest driven through the spacious and beautiful grounds ol his estate. A call was aiao made on Prince Alexan der, son ol tho King. a itkview op i m ors. Each day was destined to bring Its separate en joyment. Wednesday was set apart lor a parade otu portion ol the troops of Holland, auu the Gen eral was tnvlicd to review tUesc sturdy Dutch sol dters, whose martial bearing impressed him very lavorubly. A large number ol uistinguished ladies and gentlemen were present at the review, and the scene was exceedingly picturesque aud attractive The troops looked their best aud marched with line precision and dignity. akuival at kottkkuam. The General limited Ins stay at The Hague, al though he expressed n hopo.that he might return there before his departure. He thou took tne train for Ilotterdam, where lie arrived in a short time, lie was received by the Burgomaster of that city, an.i was escorted around aud shown various ob jects of interest by this dignitary. The Burgo master gave a dinner in his honor, to which a great many ol the principal citizens wdre invited. The uifatr was very social and cordial. FltUM AMSTKKDAIt TO BEKI.IK. On Thursday the General made his way Into the lamous city o! Amsterdam, where lie was greeted by throngs ol' people, who welcomed hiui iu a truly i euthusiustic manner prominent citizens escorted him about, and extended to hint an invi tation for dinner on Saturday evening His resi dence in Amsterdam, although necessarily short, was as pleasant as could have been desired. The General will not remain long on Dutch territory, as j lie expects soon to turn ins lace in the direction of i Berlin, where lie will probably arrive next Wednesday. IN MKMOIIY OF MK. MACGAHAN. TRIBUTE TO TIIE VALIANT YOUNG AMEKICIN JOURNALIST 1 ROM TUB RACE I1E DESIRED 'lO em: rescued prom the tube. [From the Evening Telegram of yesterday.] [special cable despatch to the teleokam. 1 London. June 24. 1878. The Dnily Xnrx has received n telegram from the President of tho Town Council of l'hilippopolls expressing profound regret lor the loss of John A. MacGahan, the brave and brilliant Journalist, whose correspondence during the recent European contest was one ol the startling leaturosof that memorable campaign A REQITKM MASS. The President ol the Town Council states in ad dition that a requiem mass in memory ol the dead Journalist has just been celebrated at Phlllppopolw. The population of the town attended the services en masse and showed their respect b.v their sor rowfnl demeanor aud sympathetic words. A NATION'S UHATlTt'DK. The Presldetit ends his message in the following brief and pathetic mnnncr:?"The Bulgarians will ever retain a feeling of the deepest gratitude toward their Illustrious bcuefactor, who by his touching narrations gained lor our sorely tried na tion the sympathy of the word." MB. AliCHIBAtl) VUBDEU TKIBL'TK TO TUX MEMORY OK HIS I>BAD CULLXMJUF. [From tbe London Dally News, June 12.] To tub Kmron ok tub Daily Nbwb:? Sib?1 uuver suQered a severer shock than when travelling this morning Irom Wales uiy eye lighted en tie words, "Death ol Mr. MacGaban," on your placard, displayed In tbo Gloucester railway station. I bavo been trying all day to realize tbo dlsustor, but In valu. I never kuew o man so universally loved; you lusllncllvnly took htui to your heart mo moment he smiled his first smile. You say woll thai "lie had faculties which would have made him successful In any career ho might buve cbosoo." The tracst defi nition of him, "A priuue ol a man," was giveu lue by Mr. Sala, abed. In anticipation of meeting MacGa han at tbe comnioncomont ol tbo late war, 1 asked tbe lormerto give mo some conception ol hint To tbo charm ol his quiotly cor J in I gonlallty there wss added a great firmness and resoluteness ol char actcr?equally quiet hut very masterful. It was iu virloo of tbe combination that be swayed men. Ho never lost his temper; hut nooody, t<> my know lodge, ever tried to lake liberties with him, except a Russian oOlccr onco at Toruu Magarelle, und bo emphatically repented bis rashness. MaoGahan wus certainly tbe most popular foreigner with ibe ariuv ; und this was oy reason ul his coiublneu geuialny aud liruinous, lie never toadied ; he was tbe roc?t inde pendent while the most unassertive ol mou; ho seeuied to tako lor granted, as buoame the uitiaeu ol a Republic, as woll bis equality Willi tbe commander. ln-cbicl as with the private soldier; and be possessed an impertuibabie coolness which would haw reached audacity bad tlicre been an atom ol swagger in it. lu the exorcise ol bl< discretion he theught It bis duty lo expose releutleSMV in your columns tlio Incapacity ol tbo Uusatan stafl leaner*, iiwsio that they wore cognisant ol his strictures, lie neverthelsss svionely Ircquoniud I .o headquatleis, our at ill khuuued tbe officers wiios* errors uod sliorlcniningi tbe exigencies ul duty bad demanded that bo sliuuid ruthiesilv expose; and he wat truth usell. 1 believe that he could not havolied II liu had tried. There was about him a certain happy go-luckinci*. which, whllo on occasions It suvaut u ed liliu, wss iu certain respects his weak polut. Uo wa< the very willo' ihe-w isp ol war corrrsponcouis. At tbo com mrnoemrnt ol the late wsr lie duly bought a wagon, horsed it tuiulacierliy aud lurntanr J it with copious necessaries and sumo luxuries From ibe day no surieu Irom .Suiuva with Gouiko's column ou the truD--lislkuu raid till uiicr the September ai tack on I'mvon he never unco saw this wuguo. "Jo aepu" toiled wiurily Irom place lo place in scsreh ol bis tueieor?nko masier; hut In vnn. Joseph's stuck query, "Uuvo )uu seen llcrr MscGahauf" became among us one ol the few which lir.glil eued ilia gloom ul a v.ry vomnio periuj. How Jureph's ma<ler contrived to vXist nobody oau i-jriolly tell; (lie yoQbger Skobcn fl, perhaps conn ibuied li.e larger share toward his erratic exidouce. He bfcaino Veiy lean, hut always connived lo "show a good Iron!," and some streaks ol very herd luck never dauotud bis irank, gallant ebeerinlueas. lie never was a man to lultici upjn hi* rcaui rs lumseli and hie p. r son al hardrbips and trull Nobody tu read Ills letters and tolegrsiu* duriht tbe loug, weary interval between the he pt em tier attack on 1'icvnt and ins Uiisl tail ul Osinan's improvised lonres* could gather any hint ibal doriug t lint |ieiioii the wrtlur bau been lour nines down with m i Isrla lever. And down where and how 1 .Not in snug quarters; not even in n Bulgarian hut; nay, not tveu under cover Irom tbe rani auJ the snow I lie uiau who was down with > ouug Mkobolslf lay like a nog In a ditch. MiicGaban baitlea with the fever lo u sheltered corner ol the trcuub be bind the epauleincnt. wllh soldiers standing on tbo hsi.quelle m Iront of him, the 1'tirkl-h shells aud bullets whistling over Inra and lllusuow drissle drip |dug on biui Iruin ibe ?t gee ol ."kobeleff's second great coal. Hut the man's good heart and even mul carried him Ihrougu everything lie bud an equsntm liy tbal was positively heroic. He never dialed; never "gr.*/..od," to use a homely but expressive I. I Si word. I bvVer anew him evun a mile bit unwa on hie luek save once, and that wss when on n pitch dark hlabt, at ibe Dunuba bridge bead, bis hone strayed asav while be wag m-gottating access to tbe bridge, ami bu lost not only llic beast aud his ineugro kit, lor which lie cait-d llllle, hut al?o a loug letter which ho had writteu, tied was out vvyiug to post at lluch.>rosi, lot whicu be caied much. 1 have vpokon ol bis equanimity?It was hui a phase of bis duuul.esa courage, thai dauntless cour age wnicb carried bun on alou-i tnrougn the doeeri to KniVa, eplie ol Hie obstacles w hich art by no means all recoenied iu Ins wonderiul book. I hav? seeu 1 him under ? heavy lire?hie tuult si a comspomiuut, | having a eerrespouoeul's responsibility, was that lie I habitually exposed niinsell too recklessly to lire, aud | I knee envied him his matchless cooluoss. For a ' man who bud nev. r both a soldier, a-iu who had made no special study ol in* art ol war. Ins military per. | ceptlon amounted to iDlUlliOU. A long letter ol ln? on the characteristic ladings ol the Russian military I organlsition (dated August id. and published in the , "Dally News War thirrsspoodeuce," volume 1.. pages ! 3ot-lc8) is a model ol military urllicism Soldiers have spoktn lo me of It under Hot mistaken In del I that it was the production ot auotber pen ; (lie wieldcr ol that pen would be proud ludeed ol the authorship ol II. Let me recount tbe physical bicdruoces under wbieti MscUulian distinguished himself so brilliantly in Hit recant csiupulgu. At Kisclionelf, in the early pari ol A; ril, be broke one ol lbs bonus of bis ankle when riding a young t'ossack horse belonging to Prince Iserielefl. When 1 met bliu Urst on tne piat torui ol the railway station at J assy "lit was limping along with this ankle enclosed in a mask ol plaster ol Pan*. He wn? still lsins when hi- started into llul giris with Unurko's tottimn. At the entrance to Hie Rank ol I'aaa hia horse sliosed uii and Isll on him thd lb# rider, attempting to rtae, found ibatouiof the small bones of tbo same leg wus broken Most lueu would tiuve IiiiJ lo muke their way back to liruova, nud accepted tbe Invalid londmou until utundod Mac Uahuu got h Unbelt boun d on Ibe top ol un a milium lion Curt. Later in tint e .me day llic ammunition carl rolled overou bnu and bruised Uttti ?orciy. But In strug gled ou ludoruliabiy till Kesanlik was readied, and lueu bad u abort apeil of real Hut be was in llio saddle ugaiu lone ore Ina broken bauv was properly ?el, aud us a I act ba never gave it time properly to set utali. Hal her tbuu "be out of It" ba deliberately ac oepted tba prophesied tale ot beiug lunie lor lite, aud I have no doubt tbat be died lame, lie went tbruoiih tbe campaign ao great a cripple that he could nut Walk a in lie, and when 1 saw him lost at Christmas liuie tbe lameness h id become chrooic. 1 could, Iroui out u tuil heart, write much moro ol my poor, doar irienJ, lor the theme, although tnouru- I tut. Id fertila, aud mere would be u aud pleasure in the woik. llut 1 must nut encroach ou your space. Little did 1 Ihtuk us ho last shook hands with ino ou ll>o . Torpor isle Stutiou j.latluriu that tbe true band uuil tlie , warm b art were to bo ao soou cold in death. Our proleaeiou has lust one ol its brightest ornaments, cno 1 ol its moat notable men; the world, in MacOunun's death, sudors tuu loss ol a (earless aud brilhuul truth teller. All wo who kucw him grieve us lor tbo loss of a brother m the llesh. I am, &e., Losuox, Juue 11, 1878. .tUCUIUALU FOHBLS. SENATOR BRUGES MARRIAGE. A VLCX'Ktt IN FASHIONABLE COLOBED dUcLES ? THE BEAU I'll UL BBIDE AND WHAT SUL WOttK. [lDC TELEGRAPH TO THE HERALD.] CLkVKLasn, Ohio, Juue ill, 1878. Senator 11. K. Bruco, ol Mississippi, was man led at eight o'clock this eronlog to Miss Jusephmo U. Wilt sou, eldest daughter of Dr. Joseph Wlllsou, dcutlsl, of this city. The ceremony took placo at tbo bouse oltbe brldo's parents, on l'erry struct, aud was wiiuessed by about seventy llvo guests, ull ot whom uro ultimate Irieuds of the contracting parlic/. No lortual invita tions were is -cod, but S.iiurduv aitrriiuon such per sons as wero wanted to be present were <(Uietly asked ! toutleudui eight Ibis evening. Among llio guests l wire somo ot tbo drsl Inmilles of Cleveland and j Obcriln. 1 ho colored repiescnuttou was com para 1 lively small. TilK CKRtHON'Y. Tbo innrrtigo was porturnibd by Kev. Dr. liulison, | rector ol St. l'aul's Cliurcli, wucro Senator J. Donald j Cutuerun wus united in tlio bonds of wedlock. Mr. ltulleoti assisted at that ceremony. Following tbo marriage, the time till ten o'clock was spent lu u reception. At that hour Senator Bruce an I Ills bride started lor the Union Depot, whoro tlicv took a special cur tor New York bv way ot the Lake Shore road, and departed ul 1U:3U. Uu Wed no.'??lay the happy couple will e-uil lor Europe, where they will puns about lour mouths, visiting the l'aris Kxposiuon and several ot the larger cities of the Did World. Un ?their return a couplo of weeks will be passed bore, wht-u Souulor aud Mrs Bruce will lake up tbelr abode lu Wuabluglou. HoW THK llftlUk W.\S DKkSSBD. The bride wus elegantly attired tu u white silk dress, elaborately in tinned with while satin. It wus cut In prlueesso style and was almost covered with orange blossoms. Tbe tnlle was so arriigod mat It tell like u clouu. Tbe bridal veil reached tothe hot torn of. the truln. Three sisters ol tbo bndo uctod as bridesmaids; tin to were no groomsmen. The pres ents were numerous and costly, some ol ihetu coming from New York and Washington. THK UKIDK. Miss WiIIsoii, who thus becoinos Mrs, Senator Bruce, is ol very light complexion aud bus an intelli gent luce. She It- rattier above the medium size, and has long been regarded as too belle ol the colored population of Cleveland. Sho is also much respected among ner other ar<iu*iniancct in this city, snu wax cduculoil in tho public schools bore, and in 187t! was graduated from the high with honor. Since thru sho has been enauged most ol tbe tune lu ouo ol tbo public schools ol the city as teacher. TUB ROMAMCIS OV TUB CABS. About four ytura ago Seuttor Bruce, wlula hero looking after bta business ulfatrs, toil lu lovo with a U iss Vosboursb, ol this ciiy, one ol the most bet ull lul colored girls tu Northcru Ubiu. An engagement lol lowed tu Ibis ease, but soou ibe young lady slckcutd aud died, some two years ago the Senator met SI its Willsou, at onco admired lur sod soou uakou her hand. It was given, but tbo day of marriagu was nut set till last April. From that day till Saturday it Wus kopt u must profouud secret, though tboro were ru mors that the wooding was soon to occur. THE ACKLEN-KOSSER SCANDAL. AS INTEUYIKW WITH Jill. ACKX.EN?HE DfcXUH TIIAT XUBUK WAS AMY DIFFICULTY BK TWtl'-X UIMS.'.LF AMD Gl N Lit A I, ltOSHl'lU [BY 1BLLUBAP1I TO Till'. HI-HAL'). ] Nkw Oklka.vh, Juno 34, 1678. Hon. J. U. Acalan, wbo ban just arrived, was called upon by your correspondent relative to tho charges mu do ol an alleged ssault ou u a lady In Woiekcr's restuurani In Wanhinglon. He says that on tbs night in question lie was lu Ills seat In Congress, and Ibereloru it van Impossible lor htm to have boon In the restaurant, uh alleged; lie was with lbs lady mentioned at ihe restaurant aonm days beloro and tlunoral Huaser was lu pa u?l|oluiu( room. dome persons were dining In a neighboring apartment, * bo were quite nolty, and Ueueral ltosaer expressed hia uugust at their conuuct, hut ms to any bsrsb words passing lie iwevn biinsell una the (Ion oral or any dim tuny taking place bo denies it emphatically He will, ll uccostury, return to Wushingiuu at once, lie expects General Ko**nr to aosiii.ii bn aiaic meotol lacis, be liaviug telegraphed tu various points lo try to Iliad blin. l be wnole aflatr bus created tba greatest excitement and cotuuiunl, uud Br. Aoklcii una Ins Irivuds uio ex ceeilipgly annoyed. He exproiso* Ins dutorminuliuu to bold the originators ol Hie slander responsible. A FORMAL DkXIAL Tlio following slaiuuiunl bus bseu luada by Mr. Ack laii lor pubiicatiou .? Tba slorr that General Busier ???suited me In tVeleKri'l restaurant because <>f an uttered In dlgrdty lu a lady la ialaiuoualy lalas, aud I eanaut heils.e tliu ?lnrjr ever emanated fr, * in I.lis. I leIt \l eshfngiou us Thursday evening, tlio di'lli Iiiat Die slaurfer wa> published In the Washing ton Ijrawif Mii on Friday, the 3l?t Inn . and dl<l uut Ouina tu in i knuwlodgv until His night ul the 3.hl. Using uiiawurr of Urneral lluia?i'i wtaruKbuDti I tirniu|itly tale* srai,lied tu various point. tu ??cure Ins ru utatiuu ul Una assault As ynt I lia?? l. lled tu roach Mm. hut an ei pltcll denial Iia. been mads by c Out pet lit partlo* In Wash Ingluii. NurfT.ri will bu spared to sot the mattar right, and. If nee saury. I ?ludl return at unco lo \t asliiugtuii lor that purpose. OEMBHAL nosstu UECLiNKS. Sr. Fai'l, limn., Juue 24, 1S"S. Ueueral T. I,. Roster, wbo It involved lu ilia scan, dal aud alleged oballongu to Ognt a dual with Coo grciitnxn Ackleh, 01 Louisiana, arrived bare Satur day In Ilia pirloiiiiAUtio ol bis duty as Chlel l.ugiuocr ol ibo Mortlinrn 1'ucibc KailWuy. Ho reluacs lo tie luierviewed In relnllon lo llio ulLtlr. lie leuv.stlns city lo-morrow on an tug nseriag trip to tbn Led ItiVcr Valley. U?n?rai llosssr distinctly said lie had mads no men ttou of lha ullair In mi) body, mid woulu niuko none. It was strictly a priVuiu and peisonui mutter, end its publicity colors 11 ii in sumo olncr qunrier. KRclbllETfi IN MAIN k liANUoa, Me., June '21, LS7S. 1ho brnl.t at Ursdlnrd Corners, utroas Mustier brook, wss wasned nway on Sunday. lbs bridge took aw.<y a portion ol tlio dnin uml i tarred lbe luwndiitma ol strout A Kingsbury's mill, the bridge I oast ol lbe Village, uud lbs hri-go rosd Ireln Itrs i luid lo Oliariestown worn nlao c .rued ..way There wus a wukbout sixty i?*t a*.loss and lllats icet .larp ou llio il.iiigor and I'snob. cut Kailioad, nut repairs were loads ilua morning and Iraiiis arrive I buie live bouia late. MIDNKJIIl WE.YTUEU UEl'UiiT, raaruRxr, ) itti ilrrii'M,! I 2b -l A. M. y IV A* DkPARTURXr, Oi ricu or tiir Ciiikf ami It ASUiXUTofl, June /mfiruliuRA Kor tba MidJIo Statca and Maw Kncland, ruing ba rometer, aoulbwrtl vceriug to nonUweal winds, wartutr lollowad by cooler, partly cloudy or claar weather. I'or ibo South Atlauwo and K ul (Jul! Stairs, ata lioaary pressure aud tumpct ilurc, souibetly and variable winds, generally claar or partly cloudy waatuar will prevail. For tho Weal (lull Stales, tailing barometer, booth eaat wiude, warmer, partly cloudy woulber afid local raise. Fur fairnesses aud tba Ohio Valley and ibu lower laku region, noitbweatlo tuutliwcsl winds, stationary or lalling biirouimcr, war mar. psilly cloudy weather. For Ilia uppor lako tsgioo, L'pper Mississippi nnd Lower Missouri valleys, lulling barometer, southeast to Southwest winds, wanner, b..xy biij cloudy sua possibly light local rains, followed Ly uorihwusl winds Tba rivers will change but little. TUB WKATIIKK IKbTKRDAY. lbo following record will show tbe cliaugas lo lbs tcuiperaiura lor tno past twenty-lour hours, in com pan-on wttb the corresponding unto ol last your, as Indicated by tbe theruiometar at lludnul's pharmacy, Hkiiami lluildlug, No. 3ls Broadway W7. IsTs lkTT. 167* 3 A. M &S 0.1 3 uOI?. M .... *4 7? 6 a. M m ta o r. M yj i I V A. M. 67 to U l*. M 7b cv 13 M 75 St lit* M 70 1,5 Ateragn temperature yesterday da Average temperature lor corro.puuding data last tsar !??. GEN Eli AL MACKENZIE'S llETl'llN. Wasuuiotox, Juno 114, 1879. A If l? gram was recti vol at the War Department to day irom Racket/. o uuouuticiiig Ins return (o His American slJa o( the llio Craude. No particulars ol bis visit luiti Ilex.can lerruory aro givau. Those wilt no lurwarded by mail tbrougu General ihcridan. GOLD DISCOVEBY. [BT TEL1UBAPU 11) TUB UKRALP. ] UlSMAUCk, I) T., UQO 24, 1878. The steamer 1'iuio'i. jun iu, report* rich gold dig gings uiscivorod io Rear I'nv mouulaius and ureal excitaKOUt at Furl Ueuton. Five hundred peuplo wero then- w.ntlug tor the reports of trusty couriers tliui they have sent on to le.t the iruib of ilie re ports. Ail ilio priucipul business houses vl Benton have wagon trains ready lor luovomaul iu case mo reports arc continued. I10W A BANK WAS SWAMPED. [or telegraph to the herald. I Rkadixo, Pa., June 24, 1878. Cashier 17. 1>. Unas, ol li.o dcfuucl Reading Savings Rank that lulled fur $1,200,000 last November, was on the stand throughout ihe cutire day and cvtuiog beloru It. Mulizbergcr, register iu bankruptcy. The outside Hpeculatloos ef tho cashier with the tnooey of the burnt was the leading leuturool the exatuiuutiou. It was developed thai tie $20,000 last year to Joseph Gamer, a produce dealer, to enable bltu to uo into uu exieuslva egg Hp/cuiulloii. the money was given Ganger on his Individual notes and without unv ludorscr. The notes were never paid, trie cut! cp-dilution was a fsiluro and Uuuarr made an utslgn. ment. Cashier Boas also ndmltled having beau ru gugod lr. Uuiidmii an outside r.uironu, oiectiug largo rows of houses, buying up extensive tracts of real c tutu and doiug other cuuido buaiucss wilu the bank's tuoaej. MICHIGAN CENTIiAL ELECTION. Dktkoit, Juno 24, 1878. The untiual meeting of the stockholders ol the Micliigeu Ceulral Railroad took place at tho ol'.icts of the tompauy in this city to day. Tho following di rectors fur tho ensuing year woro chosenWlllintn II. Vamloibiit, Augustus Solioll, Cornolius Yiuiderbllt, SimuelF. [larger and William K. Yaudorblll, of New Turk; A us'in Stager, of Chicago; Astley Pond, of liolroit; William I. Scott, of Erie. Pa.; Kilwiu U. Worcester, of Albany. PltVon millioDsot st ick was voted, out of tbe totul of $18,000.1)00, ol which tho Ynuderbill ticket roeeivod about $10,000,000 and tho Taylor lickol $ 6.000,000. OiiEGON ELECTION ilETUENS. Sax Fkaxcmco, CaL, Juno 24, 1878. A Portland (Uregou) despatch gives tho following results of tbe late Oregon election: ? Full roturus give Wbltakcr (item.), for Congress, 10,554; limes (rep.'). 15,384; Campbell (lud.), 030. For Ueveruur?ibayer (dciu.). 10.003; Beekman (rep.). It) 01.9; Wiiklua (ind.). 1 353 Secretary ol Mate? Kurhuri (rep.), 10,140; Roams (dotu-i, 15.852; Caies.(ind ), 1,280. Slate Treu.urcr?liirsch (rep ), Id,555; Brown (detu ), 15.493; Suibcrlln (tod.), 7211. SUto Prluter?Carter (rep.), 10,100; Noltner (deut.), 15.003; Craig (ind.), 1,2118 ,Superintendent of Public Instruction?I'owell (rep.), 15,951; Stiles (dvui.), 15 '.H8; Parker (tod.), 1,108. CON FLA Gil AT IONS. incrndiauy fine. [u* TBtrOBAPH TO TUB UI-UlLD. 1, Vs., Julio 24, 1578. For tbo second Umo this year tbo hotel buildings alOccau View, a Uno seaside resort, ten in lies from Norfolk. have beon totally destroyed by an incon diary Uro, Involving a loss of about $6,000. Tbo property belonged to a stock oeiupauy of Nor lolk capitalist* and was purltally insure I. Claiborne C. Hughes and bU wilo. who kept a sioro near tbo prelaws*, have been arrested on a charge ol bring tbc bole, and committed to jail. The evidence is very strong against ibein. Tbo compauy met to-day uiid resolved to rebuild ?s soon us possible. Tbo Uro oc curred ut a late hour lust night. I DEBXUUCT1VE Hill'. IS NOBTU CAROLINA. Nonpolk, Va., June 24, 1H78. ' Passengers by the Heabourd road lo-ulgbi report a > sir active accidental Ure ut Jscksou, N. C., last nhrht. The general morcbandlio establishment of the Messrs. lluekHone, sod oiber valuabld properly, was destroyed. _____ COTTON WABJCUtUHK AND COS4PKE8H ACBNED. Momi.oskuv, Ala., Juno 24. 1878. Hurler & O'Cennell'e cotton compress took Ore to day at noon, from a parlor tnaicb which bad boon dropped upou ib?- floor slid trod upon. A cotton .am pie caught the llame, which rapidly eoramontcalel with everything in roach, and ultimately ex 1 tuuued to the Planters' Warehouse, adjoining. The two bou ea held betweou 1,000 aud 1,100 bales of cotton, nearly oil ol which "?? doctroyed. Hoib buildings were badly Injured. With the exception ol about ono huudrcd bales tbe loss on rotten la covered by insurance in the following com panics ?Herman American, of New Vora, $1,000; 111 II... ol New York, *11.500; Niagara, of New York ? -o uu linncrial aud Nortlieru. of London, $1000; f'Si " HarUord, $7,600; Capital K.r. i.a.r luce oI Montgomery, ?70O .he insurance on .he compress and compress OU.ld.ugs.. a. follow. - Caimal Citv, ol Montgomery, *2 -5) North llriti h, aud Mercantile, ol London, $4...?0; Koyai, of l.ner l.ool Id '*?J I' is thought ooe-nith ol the emlon n y t* repacked and rcp.cked. die e?mpro?e aud bedding Is valued at **0,ooo fhe lo.-. on the l'l inters' Warehouse Is .eliiualed at $.<,1.00. Its ow "cru live in New York, where it l? auuposed 10 be bisurcd I ho work ol repairing the compress w II begin to-morrow morning, and the compress will no ready lor euaiucs* September 1 A PA I'ft MILL KEHIBOIED. FlTcnnUHO, Mass., June 28, 1S7H. Fr.ihk lu Wymsn's lo*er paper mill, lu Waunasolts village was burned on futuiday night I he mill, Whicu wa. toorouguly last year, wasrui.nli.g ui the time, rue loss hns uol us yet been ascertained. In surauceaPou t $:0,000. of $8 000 urn*. Under?rlt*r?' A??ocutioti. ul N?w 1 ork # in the Fire Ars .cn.ilon. ol Philadelphia and pl.aou e?cn la Use I'leauett, laucutl H-.ll aud hi Joseph'.. 1 IIlK AND L?'KH op I ?FH. Ilk/t'liAKAOIs, Quo., J uiie 24. 1878. The dwelling ol John Itouleau was burned last Saturday morning. Your of his children perished In the Hemes. PETTI ION HE FUSED. llAggiagL'KO, I'a., June 24, 187*. The petition of Jaob Henixlnger, the delauitiog ?r?,blent ol the Poit.v.lle Miners' Hank, wae .eluaod by the fcupicmo court to-day. MLUDEU IIa'iknsvillk. out, June 21,1H7H. During e drubken <|u?riel hi re to- eight Ailiul Lord atahbeii Joseph Cnlvert la the ebdou.. n, killing h.m almost inelently. the murder, r e.csnou. Oil ACE SENTENCED Nkw Ilanrriun, Mass., June 24, 1878. S Antler Lbhcv, Ihe del.ulter, pleaded guilty <n court to day and w..e sentenced to serve twelve jear. in the penitentiary. POLl'l 1CAL NUTEH. The G.I. ns Ga: it' (?'? ) bomlnatee It II MeCMUn for Congress. John A. Mar llu KUd George T. Anthony ere candidate!', lor Governor ?l Kansas. The r.pubilcaus of Ihe Skill Ohio district have nominated General Grose for Congress. General Herniation has a strong snprorl for the Concessional nomination In Bnre.u couoly. ML llio Neu Ahtouio $./?/?<?< -eys there is little doubt that "Cougreesman Mine will snccecd himself. " llurlmgiou (Iowa) liamk't 'Grant end Wilson. That la-uillsr, and it will mean ha.ioeee in 1*80.M In me Council BlefTs dietrici ol loee there will he thro Congressional cmdideter-republkao, green back and democratic. Cincinnati fc'dseft (r -p.)1'Moine of tbe Ohio uem ocratic coouty cooveeiio:.. favor tbo nomination ol Thu. man tor rreaidont in Cincinnati Cummin "*l (in?t):?"If itoyler in not to be iho democratic candidal- lor Ooagreeg in the r ire ulet.ict the tleims of Mr. Holland ehouid be r.cog dix d. Whet we re.piiro In Congrme is a bonne** men or two. Mr. HeltonI is noted lor hie ex.outivo ability." _ ... i.mcinnell Kn./m.-rr (demthe Second die trtct the Cnngrrse.onil prig" Doe between llenning end O .ee and Bi.eah. er beiwntu Goes ebd H.uning endNbatik, or betweeu Nhank end go.s and Dunning, nr?bnt there ere ton mnny p- rmuuiione. Hon. *?'?? K. IImil ilorlinee to bU e c.indidate " LITERARY CHAT. The next volume of tba No N .tne aerial will toI Uai<(ue ol 1'actl, to which niauy or our bait Amerl* can poets will conlr.bulo atiuuy uioualr. ino report ol the British Copyright Commission proposes that copyright la ill contribution* to periodl* cala shall revert to tba Bullion alter tUrea years Irom their llrat publication. It alio secures to ail authors tbo aula right ol slag* represeuutlon, and propoaea ta proxecuto lulrtuguuiente by unauthorized drumaUsa liau ol any work whatever. Author* ol lactoraa on to bo secured the exclutlve right ol delivery, but M report in a n wxpuper I* to be deemed an lotrlogs* inaut, uule.s the lecturer gives out ice that bo pro* bibiix publication la uewepapcrs. Tba lerut ol copy* nglit la cxiauded to cover tbo liie ol the author, and thirty years altar bta dccjuse. That universal bookmaker, Mr. William Tegj. pitta lortb a new uorapihttiou entlllad "Kuala, Telegram! auil the Telephone." Tbo lutoat literary pcusiou granted In England k ?16o a year to the widow of Sir Edward Creasj| author ol auadry historical and military work?. Mr. Juuies Ualrdner baa published bta carelnlly writ.on "ilutory of tbo Lile and Iteign ot Ktobard tba Third." Sir. W. M. llossetti baa Issued a modest, bat veil written and critical book, "i.ivoa of Famous Foots,? Irout Chaucer dowu to Tupper. HOTEL ARRIVALS# Senator William II. Ilaroum, ol Conooctleat; Jadgt George P. Coutxlock, ol Syrauase, aud Captain K. Stanley Creek nod Captuio J. Jumexoo, of tbo British Army, art at the filth Aveuae. Ex-Attorney General Georgo H. William* la at the Metropolitan. Com* uiHuoer Uatfleld, United Stales Navy, la at tba Everett. Cotnmltslouor of ludiun AITxira E. A. Uayt, la ut tbo l'ark Avenue. T. B. Blaokatoae, president of the Chicago and Alton lluliroad Company; L. D. M. Sweat, or l'ortland, Me , and Cougrcfisman Benjamin A. Willis aro at the Windsor. Kx-Senalor S. C. Porno* roy. 01 Uansua, and Cougrexamau M. W. Blair, of Now Hampshire, are at Ibc Astor. Eieuteouot Aaron Ward, United State* -Navy, la at the Brunawick. Llentenabf G. A. Bickuoil, United Slaiea Navy, la at tbo Gllsaf. MAILS FOK EUROPE. The ateamsblp Algeria, lor Queenstown and Ltrer* pool, and Canada, for Ilavro, will sail irom tbts port on Wednesday. The uiaila (or Europe will close at tba Post Offloo at eleven A. M., and for Franco dlroot at twelrg o'clock M. Tbe Nsw Voux Hkkai.d?Edition lor Europe?will ba ready at half-past eight o'olock In the morning. Singlocoping, in wrappers lor mailing, six cents. TBE SEC UK r OK COMPLEXION AL LOVELI* nexa ix to keep the porex open. CLaax'x Sili'hlu hoar ileex it. BE ON GUAHD AGAINST SHAMS BErHE* ten tod to posaeet tbo -unto etBoeay ux Clkxn'x milcuub hoar, ilio coiubratud remedy lor ttin duouxet and abra.tont, and all incomparable boautlller ol the complexion- Glenn's win llie flr?t uud it the only reliable Saiphtiretoap. lini tatlona ol It iru thoroughly nnrollatile and are xoinetlmea positively injurioux. .-old by draxalxti, groeor, aud feacy good- ilaaierx. 11 ill's Haiu amp Wiuszxn Dtk, black or brown, 60c. APOLLI.N ARIS NATURAL MINERAL WATER. HIGHLY LKKKIlVBhCBNt, Approved bv the Academic d# Meloctne of France and ttx sale In Krxnce uuthorixed by xpeclal order or tba hreneh government. Uecomuoududiby tbe higneu luedloal autboritiee In New York at:? 'A great relief for seaxickaeet." "A delightful beverage " "Kxr superior to Vi. br. Soltser or soy ether." "Mom grxiHial and retroablug." "Atieoiuloiy pure and wholesome: superior to all for dally u?? : Ire. from all ihv oojectiout urged agaloxt Cratoa uud urtillcially aerated waters." "impregnated only with Itx own gaa." "I'teful aud rery agreeable." "Ilualtbhil and well aultad lor dyeoeptl* and eats* of ?cut" di(.<a*e." "Ulldly antacid; azr?ea well with dyxpeptiea and whore thuro It a .outy diathesis." "By lar the uiotl airraeablv, aloaa or mixed with wine, ntelul In calarrht of at'-much or bladder and In gout." "Not oalr a luxury bu',r neceedty." to bo bad of all Wlnu VjicImuu. Oroeert, Dratpdl uad Mineral Water Dealart tbroughuui tna Ualted steles, and wholesale ol KltEDBRlCK UK BART * 03. Hul* Aijaoti, N?. 41 Mid 43 UfirtN Ik, New York. Every Pennine bottle bear* tbe registered IKLLOW pictorial Inhel of trie Al'oCCi.a A Ills COMPANY (LIMITED), CONDOM. A.?SELZKR BRUNNKN NaI ITKAE .SI'ARKLlN'Q MlNrutL WaTmh. a. Sfi-.l'il AM A CO.. 40 New at.. euU la parte ru. a $3 Karl oh mixed derby". $1 m (MsCKInawi, f 1 *10, Worth $.1). 15 New Churcb it, up ataira. KUED V. RUailTuirr; "neW REMEDY STOFI all pita Irotti nuuralkla and boadachea. U I Ulan miliar* Alao by tnimliti. II W. JOHNS MANOrACTURINU COMPART, n] Mat.ton lane, are tho fiiatiulacturara ul denulne A>w.<tgi Pttatl, Hunriait, true I'ira aiat llutua Cor kli?t:>. Ac. l'RINriNU " OK ACL. KINDS DOM. *111 It AI* Hilt CASH AT HIE M KTROI'UCI I AN JOlt I'lUNTINO OK KICK, AH ANN ST SINE KICK 7'ATENT NO.N OAS ~CONDCCTIN? Wnit PtrtL?INrtttlVf u,eruption lr.nn werr t'atta*. par p. luatly and without axaout'. In ooorallou at 7D4 blood. way. All ar? tnvlt >1 THE HERALD OFFERS Foil BALlf THO M1XOLK BULLOCK I'KKKCC riNU PUE68ER, capable ul printing 14,<*KI cuplee perh'.nr of au aik'-t l>a?" paper, elthvr fix, aoveu ur alibi aalamaa also auL tiie HrRRlioTYi'K machinery um CONOIMI Til KKElNJ. 1 KICK, ?10.i?n A ltitun j. o. rtKNNErr, JJh* York Herald. THE THREE i.Hacks IS repratealed with perln tly developed forma, laaaty an t It at a ti ? "Hlltlnad Nt? dec .iy eal-t oot lie d man or Woman cau be h.-althy. oraaeee lii^rnliitit ninat p.- Impnrfuei. L'aa Huliiliial, del liraltlijr tevth. loaddlaeatlou and a teuud bods Kevlv tbe three gtarea ICUHOPku. fplll. MhA VoitK IIKUal.D T THE I'HIHTKMTS,' 111.- IlkkALfila to ho f.-aa-l dallv . t the O and* Me paaliia du I'tluteiupa, 7" Boulevard llaaaamati, Parta Hit i it. HOT EL. Common, HUKCl.M.ros hail lens. W -llila larva Drat cUw I am Iff hotel. In Ilia beat ailuaiiori ol Lam doe, la newly eatahiiahed In lite Can nenial utile and tarnished with every p sainie comiort ami Mm tern luipr- v-inent, .-Xc-llent rulatue au.l wine* I'r .prC-tor, II. ? IHKI.E lata ul Meurmes' <10LOii II AIR -KOII I UK'S ACKKOf.INK CrTT J deevs, by two or thr.-a apnti. ati?a.. Ilia IteaiiUlnl tfuldea e .i..r ao m i ll ad utrod; It la par..-ctlv burmleaa; te Pa had ??I all apotbeeart. a and fancy iroml* u alar*. Sail* annate, U. Ho. I.N MEN A .-o.N, Ia>.i4iu Certain!. IoNu's ID) IK la, HOND sf.. CONDON. "" J Established upward of a toaliry. Thla iall laaen ant arlatocrati: batuse la dtaaia.1 In the centre of the most laa.i.onable pan. u' the W.a En L Cola'.rated for It* ? utalne andcoilar of the ebnl-esi wtnea JJAIlM KXIIIBirlON. CI VK.I: P0OI. COM I I o.N IIOU.Si'. HOTEL 'Ih.a ma^Blfa.'ni.l building, Bow the central hotel lu I.I a rpiml. < niaiiilup -">1 room., haudaonaaly tarnished, with av-ry modern luxury an I home .-??mlort. amis .71 rrivate ri...ina, apa.iouv c-i'iee rnaaa or aal .on. with the an In a' drawing loom ?d|i.iialn,' (the ur^'no and (baa at bill* lard end smoking raeoii? in town. * h arras mndei ale. WICCIAM HI sHI'.CC. Proprteier. HKU I'UHLalVATIOftMe APon fti.Fi C NHV MlVhl, *""* "J,-UJ-j.e J net published loot I' HIH OTIIhK. A p.eerlul new Noeal. Br the aanitnimia antbor nf ihnae two lemarhable uoveia lua4 bad aueli a larpe aale Inat liar. .tec pwr licit and A CI. roll HIM. Price, In paper enters. 911 ninth h mnd, 41 'al o A. CAM. ION A I ?> . Pun. 1st. era, New Yhrk. UllKliUs. iifABKf Its. DRul*i?Y, PARALl fIZ gravel,, rent, rh.'iimatlaui |iramatera mental I end pi )alcai |<realraiton. dlseitses ol the llvvr. klduevi. MnaPmr, pteaiate ktan4 ami l.lond, alrkture. . alarm and I ohionle ulaaaa.-a IntMMa bi k< n ti al praallMonera. Pamphleta, will* l ali n nlala frnni ptiyaulaua and othare, ..| hopoeai eaaaa cure.I by nelatr'a apart td. Aaelial una le , of lleil, h. ular, pln>|ila.|> N.aiurai Mlueral spring Water, and A. HAWLiiI NR ATM, V. 0.. free. I tnliii-a e?n ra| tee t e I in. t r allerU" na at tbe dupot, iiri Broadway, New York, er ?n.| lereM>ina at hi* Halilehec monthcy m aoa/.ink rui'jiTT a.iparbly Ulnaireted with lib. steel engraving* plri.iret in anl limit eelebrhled palntln|a. and ee.n.-ruus lnterrallri| lealnrra ..I value to evvry haw kola the Jmy taan-a. a III! a t~i pi- tura in nil of "Inuoeenta Ahroa.l** sol' mer/whet# or mailed pnst free on re-nipt of the price 'J ?eat. A Ji-.nNi.mCs Dl-.NOItl MI. 17 Raat 14th at. New y..rt M' AN's MIsSIO.N ON RAltTlC XTHOitdUOU IKUt .cat Ireatleo. ladtcMtnu how .-.inllriae-l lOab.litiaa taaj ha mm vad. Th-i e iwrirm-e of twenty jaara', "ha aervakon an i pr >1-aai ia tl pracllee, diowina the a/ai.-i a that will laiure realoren iii inhno I. airnnrtbouhd eiirtitf en l toan l rondltmee of natilh t al nave hweh Impaired >>i nvvr sx id pwwera A etdMMeal eT obataelea to marrladf and nl me mean- by whlen Ibey ran he removed Hv ranll Uoc , enrroncy er pnatade atainpt. A.I irasa Secretary Mi* It'll HI Aaatomr Aud -Win a I 1 pi Mrea I-r >y New York. OS tkllK AND Ktl.NR PRuelllATIIlN -NEW 1.DC tisn nr the It.llosnphy of Marrlave A.ldreaa UKCHR, f UY, Maee-i-ii ol Anaimny, BIS Biuedway, Sew York,