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OUR COLLEGES. Interesting Exercises of Yale's Medical School. CLASS DAY AT LAFAYETTE. Presentation of Prizes at Amheret and Trinity. CITY AND SUBURBAN SCHOOLS. YALE COLLEGE. TBI JUDICAL SCHOOL KXEHCISIS?FENIOB AP POINTMENTS AND STATISTICS. Ntw IIavk.x, Juou 24, 1S78. The Board of Examiner* or the Yale Medical Schocq Mat to-day, and will continue lie session te-morrow lor tba purpose of examining tbe member* of tho graduating claaa and listening to their theses. The Board consist* ol the medical laoulty and an tqnal nnmber of the members ol tbo Connecticut Medical Society, appointed by its President. Two examinations lor degrees are held an nually?on* at the close of tb* winter tarns and tba other at tba closoot tba aprlng term. Two-flftba of tha class graduated at tha end ol the Winter term, and tba real are about to receive tbelr tagraea. SIXIOR AFPOIXTMSXTS. Tba aanlor appointments lor commencement bava been an no a need. It la customary to give appoint ments to half tb* class, according to scholarship, (be number given ibis year, therefore, is sixty six, as the class consists ol 132 members, the largest class that bus ever gradualod Iruin tho Academical department ol Yale, Tbo valedictorian Is Clarence 11. Kelsey, of Bridgeport, Conu. I he lalulatorlsn is Wllllaiu U. Tall, ol Cincinnati, Ohio, ton ol tbe ex-Attorney (Jeneral and the class orator ?! to-morrow. l'hu most important appointments next to tbese are as follows Philosophical orations?Ueorae L. Curtis, CansB iaigua, N. Y. ; Ueorgo 8. Palmer, Hontville, Conn. High orations?Alfred S. Kipley. Audover, Bass.; Beorge T. Knott, Springfield, Mo., and Charles S. Sbapard, Buffalo, N. Y. (equal); William M. Aber, Oswego, N. Y.; Mollis W. Cobb, Shrewsbury, Mass., ami John U Jennings, Cleveland, Ohio (equal); Harry C. Cola, Now Huven, Conn.; s tun ley M. Dexter, San Francisco, Cal., and Chorlea Parsons, New Yura city (equal); Douglas P. Birutr, .Springlleld, Mass. Orations? Harian 1'. Beucb, Scum Orange, N. J. ; Frank A. Beckwtth, Wuteroury, Conn., uirJ Kdwlu B. Seely, Brooklyn, N. V. (equal); Burgess ri. Uurtl, New HaVou, C nu. ; Williuiu K. Waters, Cincinnati, Oble; Walter Squires, Now York city, and Benjamin K. Wendell, CazonnviM, N. Y. (equal): ltoynold W. Wimox, Msgllaon, Conn.; Kdwsru U. tthltnoy, New Haven, Conn.; I'tillip W. Aloou, Worcester, Muss. Thai* were aloe six dissertanous, eleven lirst dis putes, nine second disputes, lea llrsl colloquies aud alx saeand colloquies. CLASS STATISTICS. The statistics ol eacn graduating class nro compiled annually by some members ol the class, and lortu not only a book ol Interest to escu Individual member, but also uflord loud tor thought to oiber* wbo draw inlerenoes lrom the religious, political and other llgures given, lu tue class ?f '78 tbe oldest man la 30 years, 5 mouths and 2 days, and the youngest 10 years, 3 monins auil 20 Says, wuilo the average ageot graduation Is 22years, 7 month* and 10.18 days, (hero are 71 church mom burs In the class, 40 teetotalers und 68 wbo to not use tobacco. Politically they are di rlded into 81 republicans, 23 democrats, 13 adepeodents and a few of various shades ol opmieu. The average annual expense has beeu about $082 60. Alter graduation 60 expect to stud) law, 1 medicine, 1 theology, 8 will go iuu> journalism, 0 will teach, 10 will go into business, while tbe rest are at present un decided. COMM hNCKkBXT VISITORS. The registers oi tho Imlols show a large number ol commencement visitors, aud onch tralu brings addi tions. To-day tnuuy ladles navo arrived to par tlcipaie in the luslivltius ol class day to morrow, that being the day wbicb gives most pleasuru to the average young lady with iriends in cullogc. Tbe exercises are all ol uu under graduate character. Tue class poet and orator will deliv. r their production* in tbo liallull Chapel at eleven A. M.,and iu tbe alternoou the class historians will crack Jukes on (heir clussmulrs bjloru tn? as. aembled class and its lady und gentlemen menus. Tho class ivy will bo plauted, uud in the evening tbo dreary walls ol Aluihni Hull will reverberate with soil i waltz music by l.audor's orchestra, which bus beeu engaged for the hall. In tho evening, also, tho anul Ternary exercises ol the Sheffield ncloutillc School . will be held in lbo North .ShellieId Hall. Till MTV COLLEGE. Hautvuku, Conn., Juno '_'4, 1878. At Trinity tollers to-J.ty senior pruos wero awarded a* lollow*: ? 'I be chain lost prise ot $30 to Horace B. Soott, of N'nugstuck, Couh. Second prize?$20?to George S. Cnsptano, ol Itoscwood, Fia. The Jacksob philosophical prize?$20?to William V. Cbaplu, of Wick lord, K. 1. The liter iruabiuaii claea will probably bo the Ur ged tbat ever entered tbo college. AMHBUbT COLLEGE. IU JBlZL BFJC.V1UXO AND PBZS JCNT ATION OF 1 Ul zus. [BI TFLBUBAI'U to the uki.ald. ] Amu mar, Mnaa., June 24, 1878. At tbe close of tbo Kellogg prise epeakiug to-night the following prise* were announced:? Hyde Prise?Allien 1'. Wblto, Duovers, Muss. Kellogg I'r zoa?Sophomore, A. N. Hllliken, Hoe ten, Mass. >'reeuiauu, A. P. Underbill, Now York City. Hutching*' ureek Prise?First, F. A. Christie, Lowell, Mass. ; eecoud, F. L. Mvlluu, Drooklluld, Haas. Shakespeare Prise?A. U. ttmilh. Wostburo, Mass. English Composition Prises?Kirst, 11. C. Foiger, Ilrooklyn, N. Y. ; second, C. U. i'crcivxi, WalerVtllv, Me.^ honorable mention, F. M. Carson, Ilrooklyn, Warren Oernian Prise?f irst, J. F. Jameson, Am Herat, Maes. ; eeeond, W. A. .Sargent, Ho,ton, Maae French and Italian Pnxe?A. 1). iiiaavli, Atuuc dunggur, India. sawyer Prist?C. A. Strong, Huston, Mass. Walker Mainetuatioai Prixos?sopbomorcs?First, H. P. Halle, Ayer, Mnsa ; -ocouu, A. F. Dunn* BpringOold, inird, F. A.Uayiord, aou'h Dudley Falls. Freehtnou?First, L J. tloodricli, sscrumoulo, Cal.; J. y. Kemp, Ilrooklyn, N. Y. sbcpnrd M ineruiugicai l'rises? First, (J. 11. Will teas, Utica, N. V. , second. M. U. Carlotou, Ambohn, IsAj third, l.ay Uiusdair, Drooklyo, N. Y. LAFAYETTE COLLEGE. BBKIOB CLASH DAT EXKBC1BKS ?FIT* THOUSAND PEKHONB OX TUB CAM I CS. [BY TBLBGBAPU TO TUB UBIIALD. ] Kahton, Pa., June 24, 1878. Tbe eenlor claae ol Laleyetie College could not have wished lor ? more pleasant day lor their claes day eserciaes than they were favored with tu-dsy. Fully Ave tnoueand Irloade of the oo ileus ahd graduating claaaaS asacmlNcd on the Campus in Iront of tbe eolloge, this alter.oon, to witness the imposing exorcises. Mr. A. It. 8 pood, ol Minneeola, master ol ceremonies, weleutned tliu assemblage and reviewed the progress of education ana religion is tbo Coiled mates, and in verv fitting terms paid a higii compliiuaul to the euueatlonal and religious interest* ol Penury IVaola. Mr. I. U Macauiitie, of Psniiaylvarilu, ilenVursd the glass niainry. Mr. J. k Durham, ol PsonsylVania, delivered the memorial oration, end on oehall ol ibw seniors pressuted the (acuity ol ibe college with a large .tud maguiOuenl clock tbat had been placed in the lower by the class Dr. Catell, president of tbe eolit-gr, responded Tlie ciasa presen tation apeeun wis delivered by Mr. (.buries D Mar vin, of Pumay I v* ma. The elisa oration wna delivered by Mr. 11. T. PrrsblUk, rou ol Covernor Pershing, ul Indiana. He was followed by Mr. J. D. Uuutai, ul Ohio, wnb tlie ManUl oration ts tbe Juoiors. Mr. Hunter - remarks were responded toon bebali of the juniors by Mr. i borons U Stnue roed. The vaifdlctory oiatiuu was delivered by Mr. J. J. 'Irani, ol Ubio. Ibis evouing the usual elia* ?onceri was held under the auspices ot lbs Miss Kel logg Concert Company, ol New York. Ooveroor Hartruutl will be in Ksston on Wednesday to witness the exereisca ol oummeuceiusul day. COLLEGE OF ST. FBANCIS XAVIEH. COMMLNUhMKN'r kXklttlSKB? PBlSKk AND D1FI.OM AH AWABDKD. The specious ball of Hie College of .81. X.ivler, Id Fllleentb street, was crowded to overflowing Inst nigbt, on tbe ocoamou ol tbo annual commencement. Additional interest Was lent to this event by tbe announcement that the ceremonies would be presided over by ilia Krninencs Cardinal MnCloskey. The hour appointed lor the proceeding* 10 Oegln wan e gut o'clock P. )!., aid Hie Kmlnenee arrived with military precision. He took bis plnco on tbe Iront row Ql amain immediately in front ol tbo platform. m wbioh ?trt assembled tkt (ntlmii *lw bad bocn luck/ enough to secure lbs A. M. and A. B. degrees His Eminence wm accompanied b/ Vicar General Qulun and the Kev Father Farley, secretary to tbe Cardinal. The order of exorcises was immediately opened by tbe performance ol Suppe's overture "Pique-dame," and on lie conclu sion one ot tbe graduates, Mr. James K. Bagley, ad vanced to tbe Iront ol the platform and delivered an address of greeting to His Eminence, In wbicb tbe speaker congratulated tbe Cardinal on bis safe return to America, and stated Ibat, while tbey en tered with all their hearts Into tbe general congratu lations ol tbe fuitblul, tbey desired In a special man ner to express tbelr satisfaction and to congratu late bitu. Tbe Cardinal made no immedi ate reply, and tbe exercises continued iu tbe order laid down lu the programme. Tue orchestra played in excellent style Faladilbs's ser enade, '?Souvenir do Homo." which bad tbe merit of boing very appropriate, and Mr. James F. Crowley delivered bis oration on tbe "Dccliue ol Poetry," in which be look a rather gloomy view ol tbe con dition ol puesy In this age, but one which riper intellects perhaps would baroly accept as correct. According to llio orator ibis ass bad produced no great poets, although be admitted the age and not been wanting iu great deeds worthy to tire the besrta and cull out greet lyric poets. Tbe orator wus followed by the band, who convened tlio audience with one of Strauss' charming polkas. Mr. P. L. Mullaly, A. B., oue of the post graduates, followed in au oratlou on "l'he Peculiarities ol me Jury System," iu wblcb all the bud points ol that glorious palladium ol liberty were lain bare. The orator seemed to be under the impression that the ouly wuy ol aiviug society Is to replace trial by jury by trial oy Judge. Hie argument waa based on the last that Judges were better skilled lu weigbing evidence than a Jury uould possibly be, and iberelore tneir decisions wuuld be more likely to be in accordance with tbe merits ol tbe ouso under trial. Tbe speech was lollowed by tbe performance of so aumlrubie selection iroui Verdi's "Travlala." AWAKIl OP MKUALS AMD PRIZES. Mr. George J. Casserley then delivered the vale dictory address?"Review ol a Great I.lle," which was lollowed by tbe real busiuess of the evening? ibo award of medals and prizes and tbo conferring of dogrocs. On tbo conclusion of Mr. Gasscrley'e address His Eminence wus conducted to a seul on tbo platform, wltb the president of tbo college, Rev. Henry Hu don, S. J., on his right. Tbe vice prosidont of tbo Oollegc, Kev. John Prendergast, 8. J., road out the names of the prizemen among tbo undergraduates, who received their rewards tram the bands ol the Cardinal. As each student received bis prize he knelt down aud kissed the episcopal ring. The youugesl of the graduates, Mr. John A. Rrosuun, received two of the tiouors. The award ol medals was then made lo the post graduate o ass. Mr. Michael J. Xugle received tbe gold tnedal "lor Bupermr success in tbo study of Eiluos," uttered by the Kev. James J. Moriartv, pastor ol St. Patrick's Church, Cbaibum Four Corners, N. Y. Mr. William J. O'Brien was declared the next in m err.. The gold modal offered by tbo Kev. Martin J. Bropny, pastor of tbe Cuurch ot the Sacred Heart, was awarded to James F. Crowley, and tue next id merit was declared lo be Jotiu A. Hrosusn. 1'no silver medal lor mental pliilosi.pny was also bestowed on John A. Brosuan, and tbe next in merit declared lu bo Peter Kaysor. Tbe silver inenal lor physics and mathematics was awarded to John A. Brosuan, Mr. Peter kaysor tak ing seooud place. L'NUKK UK AllgATE UOKOKS. The gold modal lor the best Latin and English com position lu the three clashes ol tbo under graduates wus awarded to James J. Bbeebin, Mr. Mosea E. Parker liking second place, fhu medal was ullered by tbe Kev. P. K. McNainura, of tbo Church of Our Lad* ol Mercy, Brooklyn. .4 new feature in tbe awards this year w is a prixo oi $50, offered by tbe Uov. E. F. X. McSweoney, O. I)., pastor of St. Mary's Church, I'oualiKoupme, N. Y., "lor steady application, resulting in the highest grado ol scholarship." This prise was awarded lo William F. Cuuuitigham, ol tho class ot rhetoric. PRIZES. Goon Cowouct.?First, M.cbael J. Donar; second, Augustus J. Fruusioit, Class ok Rhetoric ?Proficiency?Modal, James J. rtbeebur.; second prize, Moses K. Parser. Ap plication?First, Charles F. McKonua; second, William F. CuDUinghatu. Religious Instruc tion?First, Hervey a. sparks; second. James J. Snoelian. Latin Discourse?First, Moses E. Parker; second, William J. Ameud. Poetry?First, William J. Hamilton; second, William F. Cun ningham. Creek Exercises?First, William F. Cunningham; second, Moses E. Parker. Eng lish Dn-course?First, Joseph W. Carroll; second, William J. Cunningham. History?First, James J. Sbeebau; second, Moses E Parker. Mathe matics?First, Arthur J. Kodgcrs; socond, Moses E. Parker. French?First, Joseph F. MoMahuu; aecoud, Arthur J. Koogers. Prize lor three distinctions?Ed ward V. Hlggins. Class or BkLLkS Lsttuks.? Proficiency?Medal, Henry A. Judgo; second, Thomas W. Smnlou. Ap plication?First, Michael J. Donar; second, Peter J. o'rtbuagbhossy. Religious Instruction?First, Micnael J. Muiheru; seooud, John J. McGoe. Latin composi tion?First, Michael J Mulnern; second, Eiwsrd J. Kenny. Latin Poetry?First, Ueury J- MoClos koy; -cconJ, Cli. r|?s J. O'KotUy. Greok Ex ercise?First, Thomas W. Wullaco; second, Ed ward J. Mealia. Geometry?First, Edward J. Kennv; second, John T. Power. English Com position?First, Henry J. McCloskey; aecoud, Joseph W. McDowell. History?Firsi, Joseph W'. McDowell; second, John T. Power. French?First, Joseph W. McDowell; socond, George (J. O'Counell. Prizes lor threo dull notions?John J. Hngbcs, Thomas F. Cusuck, Morgau J. O'Counell and Edward J. Mo Uuire. Class of Classics.?Proficiency?Medal, John M. Ourlay: second, Hitrllioioinew J. Mr.Cabe. Applics tlou?First, Augustus J. Friustoll; aocoud, Wal ler E. Hopper. Koligious Instruction?First, Augustas J. Fransioli; second, John M. Curley, I,nilii Composition?First, Bartholomew J. MoCabc; second, Johu M. Curley. Lull a Vsrsillcution?Flral, .fohu M. Curley; second. Bartholomew J. M d a lie. Greek Exercise?First, Frederic* J. LucKe; second, Deunls Coyle. English Com position?First, Jobn J. Demuv; second. Uur ibolomew J. McC bo. AlgoDru?First, Wallor E. llopper; second. Edmund 1). Hcuuessey. History ?First, Wultor K llopper; soooud, Augustus J. Fran Mull. French?First, George H. Spring; J olio T. Feuloo. l'rize tor three distinctions?William A. Alt ridge, Muthew J. sunlit, .losepb b. Mechter, Thomas J. Delaoy and Bernard G. Brady. When me ceremony ol awarding the prizos came to un end lbs Hev, Charles R. Corloy delivered nu ad dress to tbu graduates, warning tbem against the temptations ol the world thoy wouid now have to combat, aud on Its couolusiou His Euiiueuce an dressed a lew words of congratulation to tho graduates TilK CAKUI.VAL's Sl'kKCH. "1 can hardly," said ills Km men en, "expect to com tueud u bearing at Ibis lain boar. You will per mit me, however, to extend my beamed I congratulations to you as a clnas and tbunX you lor the coiupnmonl you have paid me this evening. 1 am glad to use belore mo aucb a promising band of youug men, aim in ust congratulate you on tuo honora yon have received, which 1 doubt not were well our u id I only hope and pray tlial you may ever ri llecl credit on your Alma Mater and honor on your pro.esaors. May God blosa and guard you always. Inn proceedings wore then brought to nn and. The greduatcs aud invited gueeis retired to the relectory where a suualannal supper was laid lor their on ten tainmont. MANHATTAN COLLEGE. COMMENCEMENT 1 XBI.C1BX.S YF.8Tk.RD AT?THE DlPLjMAl CONFERRED BY CARDINAL M'cLOB KEY. 'lbs commencement exorcises of MaubuttanCollege, at Bilal street aud the Grand Boulevard, uttracled a brilliant throng ol the dlite of the city'e Catholic pop ulation yesterday alleruuon, among whom Hie lair sex weie oapecislly conspicuous In numberr. Tbu elovnted parterro in llio rear ol the college, laciug Broadway, was covered with un awning backed with dreamers o' red, white uud blue, wblln the portal was decorated with the 1'apal banuer and tba nullonal colors, la the middle ot tbe parterre a tnagniflcnui bed ol flow ers, shrubs and exotic plums bad been raised. Un the plutlorui, behind a -orgcius llowor basket, sut His r, mihsi.ce Cardinal McCioskey, ?bo wore the Cardi nal's robs and the borstta; Mr. Chariot o'Cunur, Vicar-Ueuural tyu nii, Uev. J. M. Farley, as well as numerous oilier dignitaries ol tbu Catholic Cburcli; K rail us C. IK uedicl, Chancellor of the Hoard oi Hc goute ol the Uuiveraity ol the State ol New York; Colonel Frederick A. Cockling, Emigration Commie eiouur Lynch, Slate Heusior Eucleaiue, ex Commis sioner Ed. C. Uouuelly aud many other w?H known men. TUS COM U KM'KM k.ST ORATIONS. Hie exercise- hegau at three o'clock, anon tho Col lege band of teeuiy-seven piayed, in a Manner very creuiiuble to such young amateurs, "Neuuoo." Mr. J. Donohue, on ibe pert ol the gradual lug ciSS", ad dielsod ih? Cardinal, thanking Ills Eminence for the honor coulrrred upon the college by Ins prokcuce. Daniel F. Curtin, another graduate, spoke on "Au thority and Lloorty," ana Jolin L. Dunn on "Kellgto, BicUU," predicting the triumph of the Church over toe assault* ol iala? science und luUe phiiosopliy. 1 lie college orchestra now played variations nn "Blivmrock," alter winch Mr. Patrick A. McMhiius delivered nn oration on "In dividuality," und Bartholomew J. tar roll gave a read log on "Female Heroism." The college cboir sang L iinb'a "To Ileum," wilu orchestral aceumpaiiiment, Hbowing eviieuces ol Uirnlul trulniug. Waller A. i'uroeil spoke ou ilia "Idolatry ol Mental Culture," cotnoallug its exceaaeH at ibo ? xpeiuo ol lallh and re ligion, und John N. |iroiioUuced un appeal lur ' l mill. " Alter the voliega lined bad playuu -eleo tivua irom Verdi'a "Un Hallo III Maaobara" tbe Caidi rial oooleried llio decrees on the fourteen graduates, whose nuiues were published lu tba Usuald oi June 14. t MkbALA 0OMFRKRROt A number of liubdsunio nivduis w.-ro also conferred. That lor philosophy, upon Daniel K. Curtiu ; lor tualbe luailca, upon Waiter A. I'urcell; lor elocution, upon Juliu N. Dulau ; lor goad couduci (awarded by a ma jority fine ol the students;, upon a H. Hall, and lor the best essay on llio sunject, "What Is Money r" (awarded by the aininnl), upon Patrick A. MuManu*. ai llieae graduates received their beaulllul uiejale iroin the bauds of the Cardiusl there Whs much ap plause. A medal lor classics was competed for by tho class of '78. ol wuioh Messrs. D. F. CurUn. John N. Doisn. Walter A. Pureell, Dents P. O'Neill, John W. Dub ?ad Michael J. Murrav w?ra the leader*. Iu fact, it ?i<a latpoaeibie to daelde winch oi them had the beat title to the medal, wberefete it eat resolved to (ire e cli complimentary meutlou instead ol the prize. Diplomas for the eouiuierclal course were also con ferred by the Cardinal upon J. Hall, M Fnazerald uod F rank Wat era Jameej Jlall proaouucod the vale dictory to his leilow graduates, alter which State Senator Eceleeme add reused tlietn, calling up the in ?plraima of the clasaies, of Olyuipu-, the Greek ?ods. Reman kings sad ancient statecraft lor their beneflt, and ??rneatly appealing to theiu to houor themselves, their oonntry and their alma mater. Carolual Mo Closkey waa naked to make a lew remarks, but graoe faiiy declined on (he ground tbst he would nul mar Senator Eoclesine's effort. His Eminence, as lie passed oat, pleasantly complimented the Slate senator upon his speoch. The exercises were now closed, and the numerous end distinguished sesemblaxe partook of an elaborate cold coilatlon, which was served in the dining room ol the college. LA HALLE INSTITUTE. The commencement exercises ol La Salle Institute were held lust evening elChickerlni! llail, and afforded much pleasure and satisfaction to tbo frlende and parents ot the pupils. The eiage wss well filled with young men and boys, students ol the institute, with a sprinkling of Chrlstlsn Brothers In their gowns. Tho exercises were opened by an over" tare played by an orchestra composed ol the passed graduates of the Institute, with a Oiling In of professionals. Their performance did them much credit. Tbo uext thing on the progratnino was the singiug of tbo '?Conspirator's Chorus" uud other solections from Mine. Angot, lollowed by a recitation, "The Heroines of Limerick," by Muster Thomas F. Bergau, who won loud applause for bis spirited ren dition. The terenudo sung by Mr. Mluhaol J. Campbell Was also well rocetvod. Orig inal essays woro reud by Thomas W. Kean on "The Inquisition" uuu on "Popular Fallacies" by Joaupb U. McMahon, both of wbich showed care aud intelligence iu their pro partition. Diplomas and medals wero awarded, alter which tbo He v. Job u J. Kean delivered an appropriate address. There were U ve graduates whose names huvo already been pub lished in the Hkkald. 01 these Francis X. Corbel lie won a prize lor classics, "Edward J. Duffy lor mathe matics and I'bomas W. Koan lor Kugliuh literature. Those who itceived gold medals wero Heory J. Scbumano, and Rudolph M. Slohle ol the second class, the lormer lor general proficiency, the latter for application; James A. MoDavit, ol the ihird oiass, and Thomas Flood, of the lourlh class, Ooth for gen I era! proffclency. Master Thomas F. Bergan received | the prize for elocution. ! mount Washington institute. l'be thlrly-Ufth annual ooramoncsmenl ex. rcues of the Mount Wnsbiogiou Collegiate Institute were held last evening in Assoeiaiion Hull. Foilowiug home lively music and a lew remarks by the principal, Dr. George W. Clark, kev. Dr. Maruo, ol the University ol the Slate of New York, opened the exercises with prayer. The exercises were then con tinued In the foilowiug order:?Salutatory, "Going Abroad" (oration), by John F. Morse; "Tho Pocket and tho Head" (oration), by Manlrod T. F. Qouraud; "What Is (loiutf On in the World" (ora tlou), by Miss Klist May llioburusou; "ITiluktug" (essay), by W. Loggetl Ogsnury; "Influence of Education (essay, by Mtas Joscpliiuo A. Preasler; "The Agitator" (orauou), by Versus A. Kentou, Jr. ; "Woman's Progress and Proi-pecu" (essay), by Mua Nellto Clarke; "Ambition" (poal graduate uratiou), by .Samuel H. Kinsley; "Tuiedo the Ceutre ol the World" (post graduate oration), by Robert E. Dentin; address 10 the alumni ot lb# institute, by Wi.liaui Hlldrelb Field: "Valedictory" (graduating ora tion), by Thomas M. Jones. Diplomas woro then presented by the principal to the Rtxteen graduates, wbose naraos were published in tbe Hkbalu ol June 20. The address-to the graduates was delivered by Erastus Benedict. Chancellor ol tho Uuiversity ol the Stale of New York. S V. ANN'S SCHOOLS. The parochial school attached to St. Ann's Church in East Twelfth street, gave a varied and Interesting entertainment In tbe Germanic Theatre yesterday afternoon. Calisthenics, music and song wore agree ably sandwiched between tho farce "A Sea of Troubl66," which was enuoted by tbo boyp, and the drama "Tbo Wileb of Kooeoburg," which was enacted by the girls. Id tho farce a gouty unelo was cured ol his passion lor "Hamlet" and bis gout at the same tune by an affectionate nepbew's stratagem, tno various witty speeches aud autlonsof the youug sters eliciting unbuundod mirth. Iu tbe drama a vir tuous girl was restored to tbe arms ot a loviog aunt, who poroouated au old woman to test the character ol her unknown niece, to whom sbo was unaccount ably attnoued. All ol the characters in both p eces were woll represented Many first premiums and crowns of honor wero givou to me pupils. A little miss read an address to Fatner Preston, who repoudod by pointing out to his hearers the neces sity of a sound Catholic education if they wouhl com bat tou tiue of Infidelity, which eoda in all social dis orders and rum. EDUCATIONAL NOMINATIONS. Mayor Howell sent lo the Damon ol the following gentlemen yesterday lor confirmation by the Brook lyn Common Council as members el the Board of Kd ueailonJamos J. Rogers, Daniel Walsh, Felix Campbell, William M. Cole, John Y. Cuiyer, K. W. Fiaoner, N. J. Gates, Daniel Manyer, A. B. Richard son, William Sobwarxwalder, William B. faprague,* John Williams, J. R. Rparraa, Ueorgo H. Fisher ana Siduey V. Lowell. The Board decided to lay the nom inations on the table lor one week. CRICKET. The cricket match at Longwood, near Boston, on Saturday last, commenced in lair weather, but shortly alter noon a steady rain set In and the game resulted in a draw. The following la tho score:? ST. UEORUK. LONGWOOD. J R. Moore, c. ilub burd, h. Jones 12 W. Mixer, run oot.... S C. W. dance, rua out.. 10 C. Cstoo, uot out...... 7 G. Gilos, c. Farley, b. Hubbard 22 B Jones, o. Tyler, d. Farley 10 A. Marsh, not out 76 K. 11. Moeran, b. Far ley 8 B.rMostyn, b. Farley.. 8 Talbot, L. b. w., li. Jones 7 A. Hotmail, b. Tyler... 0 U. Campbell, b. Farley 0 D. 1*. Krlchuiu, c. Dut ton, o Farley 0 Byes, 6; leg byes, 1; Byes, 3; leg byes, 3; wines, 20 26 wides, 1 7 Total 172 Total 17 The first elevens ol Ibo Stalen Inland and Manhattan oldba will piay their Qrst instcli ol the season to morrow, ou the parade grouud at Frorpect Fark. HAisEllALL. The Flyaways of this city were delected by the Jersey City nine on the CentonuUl Ground, Jersey Cuy, yesterday a lor noon, by a score ol 7 to 5. To-day the New York muo una Orungo Club play at Grange, Friendship aud Uobokeu at Jur-ey City, Chathiiu uud Wiioks at Capitol me Ground, Brooklyn; Aslors and Skippers on the Union Groumi, Broosiyn; I'rovuieno* aud tlllwaukeo at Milwaukee. Huston una Chtoago at Chicago, Cincinuall and Indianapolis at Indianapolis, Worcester and Hurtlord at Hartford, PUtsfleid and Uilca at Uticn, Cricket and Erie at Erie, Haymakers and Uudsooa at lainsiogbarg. Nnw liar km, Conn., a due 24, 1878. The third game In the Yale uud Harvnru series Was won here to-day by Harvard by a score of 11 lo 3. KocnaMTmt. N. Y., June 24, 1878. In a game of baseball here to day botweeu the In dianapolis and itocneetnr nines the lonm r won by a ?core ol 3 to 0. Fall Rivru, Ma-s., June 24, 1878. New Bedlords, 8; Manchester!, 2. SPKIMUPIKLP, Mass., June 24, 1878. SpringQelds, b; Wurcrsiers, 4. Cnuiiipiousinp game. Ci evklakd, Ohio, J uue 24, 1H78. Oostous, 2; Forest City, L Hupsalo, N. Y., Jane 24, 1878. Ciucinnsiis, 1; Bufialoa, 0. LUNG DISTANCE WALKING. KNN1H AMD HARDING IN A MATCH Of ONE HUNDRED M11.Kit K.NNIH THE WINNER. The walking match of 100 miles between John Knnle, of Unieago, and William K. Harding, el New York, lor *260 a side, commenced at the American Institute yesterday morning at fonr o'clock. Knnis was ia the beet condition, and made hie laps, eight to the lulls, with confidence and regularity. He walked ibe first mile in Urn. la, Harding Doing one second loss in going the same distance. The second nule was credited to Kunia in bui. 62a ; HarJing, bin. 61s., while the third wus?Euuis. bin 3bs.: Harding, bin, lA Euuis waikod five miles iu 4biu. oda., and Horn ing accomplished tho sums distance iti 4lm. 41-. When H'ruing had gono luurieen miles b? rested 16m. 16s., and upon his reappearance Knnis was twu miles ausaii, which suvautuge lie hot ouiy maintained, hut iiicreiiso.i. During tho twenty sureuin mile Hurutug ? sated 28 minutes, and at tue euu ol iho lorliewi mile aud llty-ivre yarns lie again lelt the tracK and did not return. The reasons given by his backer lor his early withdrawal were coiisiderou sallslaoiury. He said that Harding's Health had been poor lor soveral days, and his leet were lu a load Kunls kept pegging away, aud alter scoring fllty-one anion he stopped lh. 16iil to couler with tho hacker ol his oppouenL This conference being satlslsctury, ?aeis resumed walking, making the Ulty-secoud mite in 16m 8<., >nii ihs II uy-third In 20m. 4ns. I heu he drsiroci to withdraw, ss it "wasn't any Inn to walk alone," whereupon h" was declared the winner. The last lap ol the liliy third lulls Was mad# by KuntS iu 61 second*, shewing ibnt be was still Ireen end strung. YACHTING. ?ll?W TOKK BAT ItrOATTA. The Committee on Kulriee lor the New York Buy regatta met last evening at their headquarter* iu the Uoflmau Houae. Mr. Joseph Nobles presided as chairman, and Mr. John W. Sawyer, who pad a great part oi the eseoutlva work on hi* bands, reported that tweiity-oigbt boats were already enured. Ore more were beard from, and tbase last, wilb various others, woald doubtleas Pe regularly reported on be fore nine o'clock to-ulgbt, when the right of entry will cease. The following boats are recorded on the committee's hooka In the order numod:? riKST CLASS. Aot. Auat t. Owner*. Length. 2?Journeylua u K. MotV'hiuoey 2s Oi 3?Josephine..............It. B. Hortshorne... 27.i'4 4?W. K. Brown K H llrowue 27.03 6? susieB K. T. Miller 27 04 6? Florence J. C. Fisher 26 01 7?Dare Oevil VV. H. Dilwortu ... 27.04 accoaD class. Id?Nettle Joseph Nobles 24 06 14?L 1'. Springer H. I'. Springer 26.04 16? vlury Jotin McDulT 23.11 16?I hiSllo Step lieu Foster.... 23 b9 17?Clara 6 Jo.tph Nil ger 24.01 18 ?llaribu M John O'Brien 24.00 10?John .11. Bobbin* John H. Bobbins... 24 06 20?Jeuci* Bilks A. Mouger 24.06 THIHU CLASS. 23-l.ydla T. W. J. Qreasem 22.17 24?Full b T. U. Buniels 21.03 26?Sophia Kiuma J. M. Varum 21.00 26?George B. Douue Charles Se.huiuk.... 21.11 27?Audi# lay.or W. Taylor 21.07 30?Joe. Saunders ....IV, McMahua 22 06 FOCKTI1 CLASS. 34?Fidget.... . G. F I'cnlield...... 10 10 35?Gussl e O C. Psulow 18.03 36?Uary B Gvoru* Buvids 14.02 37?Ida .11 George Wall*. 16.00 38?Sadi e Joliu G. Prague 10.06 FIFTH CLASS?CAT AM A RASH. A?Tarantella Fred Bushes 32.00 11?Minute A Bella George Bouhr. 32.00 C?Ueccptlon M. Iverson 20.01 The committee have commuoicalod with Ales-r-. A. Carey Sinitb, P. W. Ustraudcr uad M. Boocetvii Schuyler, who have been selected us Judiies and all three geutlemeu have unrniOed thoir wllnnguess to not in that capacity. The Fort Loo hus been chartered as ttio coinuiiiteo boat for tbe day. Ou too morning o! Juno 27 ll will leavo Wost Twonty-lourth street ut nine o'clock, Csiial street at a quarter past uiue, I'avo ma avenue, Jersey City, at hali-paai niue and Jawoll'a dock, Urooklyu, at ten. Tickets can bo procured at the landings by sucb as fail to secure them Irora members oi the coinuiitice. TAC'HTING ON THE DhlLlWllig PiliLAUSLPitlA. Juue 24, 1876. Tbe first and third class boats oi the Soulhwark aud Philadelphia Yucht clubs to-day sailed irom Philadel phia to Chester and return lor u sweepstakes. I ho start was mude shortly alter tea o'clock. Of the first class the Maid aud Frauk Laurence wero the a. si to round the slake boat, wbilo the Sohwyer, the 1'owell, the Ledyard and tnn Boyl* followed iu the order named. FIBST DAT OF TBK SOUTHEltN TACUT CLUB Kl GAIT A. Nkw Uklkams, June 24, 1878 This was the first day ol tho Southern Yacht Club regatlu. The races took pluce over u III teen mile course. Tbe following wore tbe winners: ? First Class.?Nut hallo C. won, beating Llmnaa, Governor Cluiboroo and Gomlui In tho order uamed. Time, 2li. 58m. 36>?s. SkcoNP Class.?Xipbias won, beating the Rsstloss. Time, 3b. 27m. 68s. Tuikp Class.?Jnanitn won, beating Loulou, Mag gie. Mury A. and Edith. Time, 3b. 31m. 14^s. The Maggie oapslzod. Fourth Class.?The Olivia won, bentlng Brando and Nora Time, 4h. 4 m. 39s. Tbe hosts were sailed by amateurs, members ol tho c ub. Professionals will sail the same boats to-mor row. YACHTING NOTTS. Yacht Huzo, N. Y.O., Mr. H. J. Morton, from Mow York, passed tbo Usralu station at WhUestone, 1m X., yesterday morning, cruising eastward. Yacht Dreadnought, wbleb ran aground opponito Mamaronack on Sunday, came off in a abort tlmo wltbont damage. Tbo schooner Yacht Dreadnaugbt, Mr. Obaries Osborn, New York Yacht Club, went aground on Sun day last near Mamuroneck, and was supposed to bo seriously injured. Sbo Homed off at high tide yester day morning, and wax taken down to tbo city and nut on tbe dry dock. On examination her injuries were tuund to be of a trivial nature. A LONG PULL AT THE OAIl. SIS or THE BlCUKLOB BARGE CLOU LIAVI3 1'iIILADELTU IA lOB NEW YOBS. Piiiladmlpuia, June 24. 1878. Tbls afternoon tbe six-oared barge Linda, ot ibe Bachelor Barge Club, manned by Captalu Jobn W. Buckrn?n, W. VV. Btgbler, A. Maxwell Shoppurd, S B. V Howoil, Harry C, Miller, \V. M. Garuucr aud Jobu 1L McKaddou, started from the Market Stroet wharf for New York. They reached Boidoutowu, N. J., this evening, whoro tbo ulgbt will be aponi. To-morrow morning thuy will row to Trenton, and alter uinnt-r to Bound Brook. Wnduesday iboy will pull to New Brunswick, where tboy will be met by the Alcyi.a Ciuo ol Brooklyo, wh oh will escort them to New York, wnore they will remain three days. It bae not been decided wbetnor they will row back or not. BOATING NOTE. A double-scull rase for $100 a aide will take pUoe In tbe bouth Cove, Jersey City, on Jut? 8. The en tries arc William Barry and Henry MeDk'Vitt against Tuomss Brown und Jobn Brady. BEACON PAliK." THIRD DAT OP THE JONS TROTTING MKKT INO?MORRIS THE WINNKIt OP TUB FIRST TROT?THE HECOND UNFINISHED. [BY TELEGRAPH TO THE HklltU) ] Boston, June 24, 1878. Tbe tbird and closing day of the June trotting meet ing at Beacon Park, poetponed from Saturday lost on account of the storm, wutcb disturbed muu and boast In tbcae latitudes, woro begun this altornoou, but again unfinished on account of ram. la the contest for horses that had nevor boaten 2:60 all the entries started except ltodmac, Margurlie, Wonder and Claire. Bweemcss, the lavoriie, was badly beaten, Hilly Dow winning the flrst boat easily in 2:31>{, and ibon Mor ris won ibe race In three straight beats, briogtug hit record down to 2:20 In tbe last beat. Tbe following la a ?CMMABY. Bkacox Park. Almitom, June 24, 1878.?l'urse, $800; $300 to lirsi, $160 to second, ?vo third and ftio lo lourtu: lor horses mat nave never boston 2:6b; n.lle lieuis, best three iu Ure, in harness:? T. McLaughlin's br. g. Morris 2 111 K. Kuuocc's t>. g. liiliy Dow 14 2 2 B. U. Smith's h in. Voluuieer Girl 7 2 4 8 A. Goldsmith's b. in. Sweetness 8 3 6 3 J. (J. Gilbert's b. s. Don Giovanni 4 fl 3 4 A. U. Pout's b. m. L.idy Len.on t) 6 0 U J. Trout's ch. g. J. U. Morrill 3 (lis. D. Bigley, Jr.'s br. v. Judgment 8 dls. Time, 2:31 2:30.',?2:3i>A,-2:29. MSCOMO TKOT Tbe second irot was lor liorsea that had uoror beaten 2 34 Tneic were nine euirlos lor lllii aflalr, ?even of wiitcli canto to the score. Ihellrst four lieaU were coilrelv between Knox and Dullio Davis, Kuox inking Orel und third hems, aud Dollie Davis second slid fourtli. Between llic lourtu and flftti heals a heavy anowcr caine down on llie track, and llie tilth and sixth were trotted lo mud. Duroc iheh won two heats easily, after which the raco was post ponod until tomorrow morning. 'I lie time o1 tlie hens trotted was 2:34?2:81?2:31?2:32?2:36? 2:38?. . WAS IT POOL SELLING? At Ibe trotting meeting laat week at Bsacon Park, Boston, Mass., Mer?e ft Morris, well known pool sell ers, having taken out a iiconie as a firm ol auction eers, were at tbe track oaen dsy, doing tbeir o il busi ness In s new wey. The boerd formerly used in pool selling to show tbe nsuies ol the cuntestaols in a race was continued in use, the heading, however, being "Art Bale." When the sale began Mr. Morris took n bunch of cards, wtm lithographic pictures ol borree on them, oacb hearing a name ol one ol tba horses lo ibe race, and said:?"How much am I offered lor the Orst choice ol nils lot ni pictures?" tbus offtriog, not tlie horse, hut a picture, as tne article for sue. Auction eers arc re<|uired by law lo record tbelr sales, wnb the iihiims of puicbaeors, so that every curd sold was recorded, with prion pud und the purchaser, and the "pools" became "lots," the Auctioneer charging tbe regular pool's commission by ofl?riaf to buy back the euros having the winner's uarae at me ii mono t paid for the lot, less a percentage lor hie ser vices. 1 oe ciiy police of the Brighton district were on tlie iraek eaoh dsy uaring tbo week, hut tliey look no steps to lest the quostiou whether this "art sale" was sc Infringement ol the law. A FAST FOOT BACK. PiiihAOSLrniA, June 24, 1878. There was a 100 yard loot race lor $600 aud tbe chainplousblp ol tbe U tilled States on the Lamb Tav oro Track this alterooou between C. M. Davis, of Chicago, ihe Wyslern atiempioo, and T. Kogers, of Trenton, the Eastern champion. Davie was eilowod one yard start, end won by uvbr two yards in 10,M second* HAPPY MARKSMEN. CLOSINO SCENES OK THE TI1IRD NATIONAL SCUUE'l ZKNFK8T?."'UIZIS AWABDFD AND TEAM SCO l: 1.8. Tbe closing day ol lb* great shooting festival at the Schuetsen 1'urk, N. J., wn u qmot one tn men/ re spects, particularly la Ute matter ot attendance. Tbe visitors, couipsred with those or Sunday, were few. Titer* were not at any time more titan Uve iboutaud persous In tbe park. The aide abowa waro in lull biaal, but lannuiabed aoinowbat from lack ol patron age. The dancing platlorma, however, were well pat ronized until a late bour ol tbo night. The team abooung waa conducted quietly and expeditiously. The pricea that remained to be given were giren, aud about midnight the gatoa were clusod, tbe lights put out and the brought to an end. It I* a laot worthy ol mention that during the entire progress ot tbo teaural but one arreat waa made lor disorderly conduct?only a young man who quarrellod with It's aweetbeart. HI'stouts ArrKK TUB SUOOT1SO. Tbo learn shooting was completed during tne after noon and spoecnes wore made by Mijor Aery, Mr. Nicholas Crusius, Judge Jleury A. Glldersieuve and others, Judge Gildersleevo preseuted tbe two band. some uiodals of tbo "Hod and Gun" and '-Forest and stream" 10 llio winning teams, aud alluued couipli meutarlly to the Sharpshooters' Union and to tbe Amorn-au excellence lu rillo shooting. He also re ferred very Toellugly to tbe doatb ot Major Geueral Daklo nod staled that a movement waa on loot to commemorate Goners! Dakiu by a gold trophy hod medal to bo shot tor annually. distribution or i-kibrs. Below will bo tound the couiploio Hat ol thoao wbo received prizes at ull targets, except the '-Stlcb" una "Houor,"' which have already been published lu lull in tLe Herald. max TARGET. Money prizes ranging Irotu $5 to $100 were gfvon at this target to tbo following, whose score? uro opposite tbetr numes:? D. Wlgget, Highland, 1M; K. huotrger, Monroe. WU., 91; Dr. A. Schwartz, Baltimore tK); I'h. Klein, Mew York. 90; t rod. 1!Hiiauu, noo?lcvn. 90; liayea, Newark, 88; John Laager, Philadelphia. MS. W m. Klein, New York,88; W. Steinzner, Philadelphia, SS; Wat. liahu, Jr.. New York, 8H; K. W. KI leaner. N. Y? 88; G. J luer. Harlem, 87; J. If. Kathjen, St lei , 87; D. Miller, New York, ml; H. Kaio. New York. 86; U Haler, New York. 84; J K. Kolh. Phila delphia. 83; (J. (.ulltiiieier. Bridgeport, 88; L. Llebermauu, N.Y.,83; He. W. Schoelleriuen. 83; \t. II, Cleveland, New ark. 82; J. W. Nel, I'ostou.S.'; Wra. Farrow, N. Y',,81; A. U. Kuudilil. New Yur%. Co!.. 81: T. I'. Norru, Haiti n.ore. 81; John Mans. Poilailelpnla, 81; lieu. Schalck, l'oi'.svit e. Pa., 81 ; L. U. He Use. New York, 81; (J. Spang -1; N. D. ler. Monroe. 81; Ixiuu Urrver, New York llelv., 80; . . W arU, N. Y. It. CL. 80; L Vogel, N. Y. Helvetia. 7U: John Baler. Newark, 71); J. I?. B. Collin., N. Y..78; 1) I.. Da vids, New Ko' holle.78; I'll Gmehlin, CUtcavo. 78.(1, K. I'lllard, New Brighton, 78; Aiu. Meier, New York, 77; W. lielser, Philadelphia, 77; W. W. 1 newer, Hartford, 77; N. I.vwi-.Troy, 70; J. Gassert, .-t Louis. 70; Peter Meter, I; M Dorricr. New York, 70; II. Gclil, 75; Cap. 76; tin A. KrmUch, llohokuu, 75 A. Zcnuner, (ireenville, 75; A. Bergeron, Newark, 75; Julius K aniinur, I'lat Island. 75; John Oueu. N Y., 75; U. Zettler, N. t.,74; K. Zeller, >. Y..74; I . K. Heck. Newark, 74. W. II. L. noenlg, 8. Pr.,73; 0. Zettler, N. " , . . , Y., 78; K, Kaher, N Y . Ilelr., 7'l; J. It. tirobuiauu, ,v Y., 71; C. llueh tauie, Blouiiilngtou. 73: Tu, Kliesrath, N. Y., 73; It. Na te.I, iluiiokun. 73; Itichard Spits. N. r.,72; L. Ural. New ark. 72; II. Kuiilmann. N. I., 71; Arcby Paul, Cuhoes, 711 W. Piclilii.g, New Brighton, 71: W B. Kneel, M. Y.. 71 ; John H.uiiunberir, llobuaeu, 70; J c Aerchhach, Jersey City, 70; K. A. Ilolter, N. Y? 70; II. Lcmheck, Jersey City, 70; John A. Bauer, 8au Fraucisku, 7o; C. Biydou b 'Urgli N. Y. ,6!?; J- tVechter, Brooklyn, 00; W. Kliren ?hort. Sun Francisco, 00; VY. Cowdun. Kock Island, 0.1; P. uDiiolt, N. Y., 00; N. W. Boueetiel, Troy 00: L. Becker, N. Y., oil; A. G. liullwig, N. Y., OS; II. (Juusaieler, Bridge port, 08; John Mauuler., 08 CIIKKDROOR TAKURT. Tho prizes won co this target were worth from $2 to $40 each. The winners and their scores arc as fol lows :? J. K. Uatbyeu. Staten Island. N. Y. Sell.. 23; J. P. P. Collins, N. V. Sell. 0.. 28; Luis Dreyer. N. Y. Uelvet., 22; J. C. Net, N. Y. llelvei., 22; A. J. Davids, New Uochelle, 22; Arcliy Paul. 22; Kruuk Adler. N Y.,22; K. A. Holder, N. Y. 22; W. H. Korrow. Z B. 0? 22; (X II. (Johr, Z. H. C.. 22; John t.urilou, New Britain, 22; Wm. Klein, N. V., 22; Oh. Gruber. Jersey C'ltv.22; I'et. Meier, llelv.. 22; ltuh. Kaher, llelv., 21; C. G. Zettler, 21; A. J. Heulett. Z, It. A., 21; A. Gclllust. Charleston, 8. C.,21; P. Tobtn. Troy, 21; 0. Blydonbnurgh, N. J.,2I ? PUBLIC FR1ZK TAR OUT Money prises, ranging lu value from $6 to $80, were won by Hie following marksmen, whose scores are given at that target:? W. Milton Kerrow, N. Y.. 71; Uh. Zettler, N. Y.. 09; J. Hehinenu, O'J; Chr Koegel, Newark, 611; P. Penning', N. Y. .08; tl. Kebu.ok I'ottsrllio, Pa. ,08; Ch. Huruey, Capt , Wllllaiiunurg, 08; l'b. Klein, N. Y? 07 ; SI. B. Kngel.N. Y , 07; W. 11. Cleveland, Newark. 07; Kicli. Spits. N. Y? 07; E. II Williams, Hartford. 06; Cb. Zlegler, Brook lyn, 06; W. Khrenphort, Ska Kraucisco, 06; A. Bensluger, M. Y., n">; Wm. Klein, N. Y., 65; tl. Miller, k. Y? Z K. A., 04; Peter Meier. N. Y , M. It. C? 04; William Hayes, Newark, 04; J. Mennier, Milwaukee, tt4; W*. ilahu, Jr , 04; Charles Scliotte, Hohoaeu.04; P. keseler, New Britalu. 64; J. Ilulsmann, N. Y., 04; G. Guittmeier, Bridgeport, 04; 11. L, Koeutg, San Praucisoo, 03; M. Dorrier. N. Y..ti't; P. Vt'. Pllcdi " " " " dner. N. Y.,03; G. A. Kuudabl, Coiuuihlii, 03; A. Setts. Newark, 63: N. Crmius, lloboaen, 63; <rcb. Paul, Coboos, 63; J. Norri.v, Balti more. 03; L. slekenmenn. New Jersey, O.'l; J. >. Bauer, neii Francisco, 02: C. K. Klliau. New Knuutela, 02; C. UlrdcnhurcU, N. Y., 02; G .-chelllug, Baltimore, 62; N. W'. Ward, S. V.. Z. It. C. 02: Joseph Belcher, .sewark, 62; K. Grev, Mlllwator, 02; P. liariison, Newark. 02; L. Kussctier. Brldzeno.-t, 62; II. Piselirr, N. Y, 62; Jae. Heints. ColuiuhU, N. 62; II. Oehl. N. Y. P. It. C..H2; P. Patterson, N. Y., til; J. VV. Schneider, N. Y., Jersey City. 61 ; M. Ginehllr-, N. Y Ind 8ch. C., HI; L. Dreyor, N. Y.. 01; K. i.audolt, N. Y., 61; M. Greu, Chicago. 61; J. X. Ncy, Measnchuseiis.Ol; K. .-tieber. Philadelphia, 61; W. Plauimer, Newark, III: Tn Kllesrath, N Y.. 00: J. II. Kkseben, liubaken, 00; W. O Gardner, Chicago, 00; (I. Sponger, Toiiiarou. 00: W. Meiii. Philadelphia. 00; C. If. Gobr. N. Y, F. It. C , 51); A. Z'*uguer, Gieonvillo, N. J., 50; C. Mahnken. N". Y., 39; K. .Stockert, Stillwater, ."it); W. Cowdeu. Hock Island, 59; It. Itaogger, Monroe. SO; D. P. Davids. New Itocheile. 50: D. Wlsgert, Higlil-nd, 50; W. McCleod, Newark, 58; h. Bart?l,~>8: tieorge Aery, New Y'ork, .X; G. Holler, New York, 58; Frederick iluusen, lleooken. 58; L. Vt ogel. New York, 58 J. I*. Delahunty. I lttstou. 58; John M-ne. Phila delphia. 58; K. Welirhau. Ilobeseu, 58; K. Kathjea, Matau Island, 58; C. E. Welte, 57: II. Knebel.New York, 57. ' llUiX'S k\r takont. lino llionsanil dollars iu mouey prizes, id auma varying Iroru $5 to $75, wore distributed on tbia Ureal to ibe loilowlug persons whoso scores are given:? Billlan. Hriioklvii, 2; Ca*is Itelble, Harford. 4; Oh. Ziegler. Brooklyn, Id; t h. Crubsr, Jer?ey City, 22; J. A. Bauer, Sen KrancUoo, 2S; John Main. Pnlladolpbts, 50: J Hobler. N. V. Ilelv. ,52: Uol. A. hmb. Brooklyn, ,V>; A. Knoe|?:>le. N. Y. Ilelv., HO: 11. \Y. r . Koenlu, Men Fran vlaco, 711 A. Zeuanar, (Ireeuville, 711; is. K. IIill, Newark, 7H ; A. Hrsuu Jeraey Oily. 70; Kuili tlrsf, SHU eater. MM; Luis Llreyer, N. Y. Ilelv , 8S; A. Wuelirly, N. V. Ilelv., UH; 0. JU'isuti. New York. I'M; J. Meimler. Milwaukee, ll>4; ? (I. Koll, Bulleilelplne, lOH; Jee. Helnti, 1 ulumbie, X. Y., Ill; U, Wignl, .-it. LouU. 1IZ; M. draw, Chicago, 114; J. f'.rrteeny, Chicago 116; C. Wellmeier, Jersey ? Ity, 111; K. l.sudult, ilelv.. New York. llll;ll. scullllu::, Baltimore, 120; J Hlydsubnurgh, Near York, I "J J; K Hpltk, llariem, 12.'); ?. sclialier, New York. I2H; A. li. New York, ilelv. Ilk; Dei, K Lienan, New Jersey. 130; William furrow. New York, 1114; i. Krmnsch, lloboaeii. fW; J. Oook. ? iraenvillo, 142; I'll Klein, Jr., 141; B. Stlebor, Philadelphia, 144; A. Sella. Newark, 14*; K. Lou, New Yora, 14H; II. K. I'lttard, New llrltaln, 14?; II Kpobel. New York. 111'.!; II Placlier New York, 1112; II belling. Cclitr. Srb. 0.. New York. 16:1; K. S. ll?rrl?on, Newark, tiki; l. o;,ol.| .Vendor), Ills; Juliu lluieliliiK, Hi's. k. llamujeieelil <4. Jersey Oily, 171; 0. is. /.eltler. Si. Y., 17'J; U. I ., otaten lelaud, 174; A. W. sewinaun. Jer?ev Olty. 17.?; s. liaaaert. at. Luuie, 176; II. O i l. K K. I'., 177; 0. Mcbolte, Chicago. ITS; W. i osv den. N VY. K. 0 , 17s, I' s. Norrla, Italilineio, 1*0; 1,. Hermit. N Y.. IH2; N. Uwli, Troy, IS4; li Jolrer, llarlem, |MI; William llalin, Jr . 1*7; H. S Keller. N. Y. IUI ; VV Keller, N. Y? IBS; Uiluani Sieln, Jr., I'blladelpUla, 1KB; 0. sterkc, i tilcagn, l'.*i't; 0. I*. I'ato, N. Y.. .111; A. II. lie ok, Moirisanla, 201 ; Ob. Belter. 1'liilndclplila, JHil; K Burger, N. Y., 201; P. Iiurlee. Iroy. ZH4; Captain P. I'. Itennerich. New York, "J06; A. t! I' rum aun. Jors-y City, 2i?i ;P. Kenelnir, New York, ^IS; K Kramer, Haltlmisre, 212; J. llenipaier. fori Klelnuou i. ZIS; li. Seltt. Uaitiinora, 21u.Ju liruh uor. Newark, 222; II. liorgrninn ilobukeu, 227. Til K TKAMd' BCD Ilk. Tbe score of the diflcioni kuuiii aa follows, out Of u possilslo acorc ol 2,0'JO; ? I. stonier liiUc t.'lnb l,5lki 2 nelvella It I ft s* flub 1,40.1 Newark Mcliuetaeu iseaella. 1,441 4. Jersey chuetk.-n Corps 1,42(1 5. Now lurk l it' tMSbneiiou t orpa , I,I'll li ZuUlei Kill-flab I ,:i7's 7. i oluinbla I,3.s7 s. New Y..rk .-chuelkcn Ourpa. l.;i.'i:i W. Ilruoklvu Mbueiseu Corps I ,;i4H Hi Helvetia |,:W7 11. eeppeuleldta 1.227 12 Ile'sslla l.Ki, l.'l. etident Seisuetten f rriit. New York........ I.ujd 14. Brooklyn (K. U.|, Sebueuou for,i* US1 CllEibD.VlOOii. THE FfliHT DIVISION CAVALIlY 1 BACTiOw FOB ?ihi; M*hasman's BiDim. Tlio cavalry urganis uious ol Uie First division, M.U.8.N.Y., aunt llielr marksmen to Cried moor yo> lordev to r!orin ibeir regular pi act no und qualify lor tbo Marksman's Uadgo lor the currant year The we el nor Wis very lavorublo lor prac'lco el tbo 2UU end 3oo yurds ranges, at which troopa armed with Hie carbine shoot, and a lair proportion ol ilia uson sue oecdod lu securing tbo badge. Oolooel 11. J. Bndke. of tne Third cavalry, comiueudi'd ibn doluclinient, and Captnlii A. T. Hooker acted as division inspector ol rlilo practical the following ware ibe dolaila vt tbe practice:? Bvper.ite Troop A eoot twenty-one mon under Major Karl Kline. Bixtem of tbciu qaalibed as follows; ? Llsuieunni John Waigold, 36, Bergcaal Major C. A. sNugel, 36; Corporal J. Hitleoburg, 3'J; I'rivate J. Klull, 3d; Lieutoneul M. lleidl, 21i; NcrgesDl ll ller lu.iun, 2W; Coiporal J. Klein, 211; Quiirlcrmailer Bor gcaiit 0. K. Kppli, 27; l'rivets Bsiunitscli, 27; 1'rivato r. Cnciekie, 21; Bugler a. Bieiavr, 27; Frivatv ?. Y'nuiig, 20; Corporal K NtuCky, 20; .Major 11 Klein, 2o;Cor| orsl K Aobol, 26; Private A. Wt rnor, 26. iwcuiy-lour iiieinoerw ol sseperate troop U abot for l ho badge. I boy wore ceiuniaeded uy U.iptain L. I. linker. I weuiy-oue iju slilleil. as lOlluwei?sergeant J K Mcilugis, 40; Mnrgoani II. U. Keisey,34; y inrtcr iniieier Bergeaul U. K 1'asoo, 37 ; Horgeaul M. ?. Host, 30; Muuicnant \Y. M. Harrison, 34; Corporal H. L. Uryer, 83; I'r.Voio J. I? Voorbie, 32; Private W. T. Miller, 00; Private J. Koaell, 20; Private J. Uuokhee, 28; NerguiiniO. A. Fuller, 27; Corporal J. P. Maitor eou, 27; Privuto K A. ileales, 27; private A. Moorr, 27; Private H. V. DsVoo. 27; Private A. W. Crnik wins ilk. 20; I'rivate J J. Ilailey, '.0; Bergeant I). Wil son, 26; Corporal U. Halstvu, 26; Bergeant F. A. Ho vey, 26. STB4BUK Not IONS OP HONOR. Colonol H. J. liudke had eiguty twu lormer marks* men on the range. Captain J. H. Vehelego superiB teuued the pructioe. lu tbo course of lbs dsy Bur geaoi W. H. Illume, ol company F, ol tbla rogimani, ?hot ? sc?r? which ton Mow lk? qui If/lag standard Ue then weut 10 Captain W. E Burton, the oiiiafaf scorer?, mil rtqutilM dim "to tlx ibc veora" m u to qualify htm lor ilia badge. Captain Barton repri manded hiui severely uud ropnrled ilia oilence t? Coloui'l Uadke, will) will make it tl>o subject o( a court mi r i la I. Auoibercase ol attempted fraud la obtaining a acoru i? suspected and will be inada tba kunjsct of an investigation. Forty-one members of the regiment qualified lot tba badgo on the following scores:?Private B. ?Sicvus, 30 ; Quartermaster Sergeant Q. T. Hiraeohn, 35; Sergeant 0. Pfloger, 35; sergeant J. Kolentaa, 34; sergcaut A. (.lessor, 34; sergeant H. Uolaten. 33; I'rivato J. H. Gorkon, 33; Private J. Kauu. maclier, 33; Private A. B. Koetar, 33; Lieu tenant J. Sack, 31; Sergeant H. Grlera, 31; Captain C. Fiodrrinauo, 31; Corporal F. Bolloar. 3b; Corporal 11. Leopold, 30: Colonel J. U, Hudke, 30; Capt .li J. 11. G. Vebslage, 29; Veterinar| Surgeon U. F. Host, 30; Private J. Loinford, 39; Lieu, lenaui W. J Kiev, 39; Corporal u. 11. Sonrbder, 28] Captain J. C. Kobbe, 38; Lleuteuanl Coloual J. Uerger, 3T; Sergoaut C. Balers, 27; Privut# G. Feld, 27; Private 11. Feidoiix, 27; Private H. llerner, 37. Captain J. Ferltu, 37; Corporal 11. Morttx 37; Corporal J. Zm-.tnerin m, 27; Privau 11. Bcrbolu, 37; Adjutant 12. Von Bremen 27, Sergeant G. Felderinan, 24; Prlvato J. H. Norton 20; Private B. liable, 30; Liou'-:*aut C?. Leopold, 30; Lieutenant C. Volkers, 26; Lleuu?.o'it H. 0. Heldner, 35; Sergeant C. Piuukuoii, 25; ttotgeanl 3. Loeactw man, 35; Lieutenant H. Uoscber, 36, Lieutenant 0. DukKcu, 25. ATHLETICS. ' Tbo eighth annual gemea ot tba Hudson Count) (N. J.) Caledonian Club will take place at the Sob uelsea Puric, Union Hill, on Jnlv 4. Cash prizes aggregating $1,000 will bo distributed to <be first, second and third man in each event. ANNUAL GATHERING OF FIREMEN. Lockrou r, N. Y., June 24,1878. John Hodge, President of the State Firemen's Also elation, ban Issued a call for Its annual couvcntlou n> Ithaca, August 20, 31 and 22. .UAiiKIAGES AND DEATHS. BIRTH. Whklan.?Juue 24, wlis of Uobert M. Wh.Un, of ? daughter. MARRIED. Uknnkt?Covkkt.?On Moudujr, June 21, at tba residence ol iuu orlde's parents, Brooklyn, by tbo Rev. J itnes 1). Wilson, Uoukut Bknnkt, ol New York, uud Lociss S., dausbler ol Ueitty W. C.vert, Esq. Goukiikau ? Pskv.?June 24, In Bordeaux, France, at tno Uuyr'a ana Human Catholic Cnuroh, Loots An THINK Cuukkkau lo Miss Matiuia E. U. Pkrt, duugh trr of Mrs. Enzi Jumet Caryl aud the lave Paul H. G. Pery, Esq., of nils city. Hkinsvoktxk?Lyon. ?Wednesday, June 19, 1878, at the nouse 01 I tic uridh's mother, by the Kev. Dr. do Sola .denies, Naphtuali A. Hkinspuktkk, of Ueu ver, Col., to Jans, only daughter of the late Bobert Lyou, Esq., of this city. DltD. HA*?aoar^,0#,?'yJUB0 22' * <-'?? . HAJTKit, No. 1, R. a. M._COHI-ANIOHe ? Vou are rcquusiuu to ussemble at No 161 Suhum m Brooklyn, ou Tuesday, June 25 at two P M ' Lbfr?vrB'cuauri. ""rjs&r*. % vrrar' J. H. Ku>hkll, Stcreury. ? Joux Hancock Lopok, No. 70, K. and A M ??K^~Yo1U "r* ber<"?r ??"?mo'o.i lo aueodTSai C a O" 1'0-day, at our SEmV ^ ??d Bowery, m twelve o'clock a ham ia pay the last tribute oi reepect to eur late voraMnfni Brother, Leonard Burn ham. Byorder P'Ul U H. Morris, Secretary.J KEONAULT' Comkandmv, Na X. K. T._ ~ i You are requested to assemble In out Sy Tr" T?.'i SSS'w Mf ^ EK "'ORKKaTKR, Commander Z, w- Hbrhino, Recorder. Cassidy?Ou Muuday, June 24 1878 after > i?. alili ?","f'iUln8S8' m,0UA,?L Cassiuy, Iu his 71at year ThJ ,-.?'.,lUe oouu,' U|1W*Y. Ir.itana. y,"r' fuilv roo.,Vir?t rd lrH",a? ol 1,10 ,nlu"y are respect morning Juue 27"'ih;? l\* 00 Tbur^ ? ?< n . w ? *ly 18'8> ut Ball-past too o'clock iod BthaVH .h U"U,rC"- W??l a6??*?-. Between 8th h??k It ? *boro iBoro will bu a *oj?ujd reuuiera ir celebrated lor the repoao ol lita aoul and gZIoIU*\[? ,C"hr"7 Ceiueterylor laterm^ Uad cuildo.? At In wood, ou the Uudaou. 24th inaL ,n,lUe 62(1 y??r ol his age. * Notice ol funeral hereafter. ?^"hdeuly, on Saturday, June 22 Jaxb oi h.r .??; WU* 011,,Ur G" the 49tu uau^'SJ.1W'TV1" Uk* p,ac" lrom l'or late real deuce, liU Wyokofl .U, Brooklyn, ou Tuesday oven, jus, Juue 25, at eight o'clock, lue romaius will in* tukoa to bobraiinbcrry lor luiertnuot. Keiaiivaa and frieuos are respectfully inviied to attend 8 * KneTI'v Boliokeu, ol rliueinat sm ol the hearL Ldwauu Vinckni' Ouvrv, uged 27 yeurs funeral Irom di. Mary's Church, Hobokoti at tan yazi&aSFgsH Ltus.?At 398 Bin atr.. New York, on Friday 21 at ?'?> ^u*m*Ua Ellih, in the 84th year ol hor uge luteriueui li. Sleepy Hollow Cemetery larrytown. Pakliy.?At Harlem, S. Y., on Suuday evouinS* June 23. Sarah, heiored wile ol John Parley, in tne 48th your ol her age. ' in^'^1*0- uuu lr,onda ol the lamily are reapeetfallv 117tn ttUe"d ]u* 'uu-rul, from St. Paul's Church, ut ton Jl ai "V 0U w<"?"*?haY. 26tu mat. V soleuiu requiem muss will he i !!.,[?? 'h* reixwe of her *oul; theuce to Culv try cemetery lor Interment. vuiv..ry eua"0?^0," SuuU'y J""* ^ of heart du at hu lute rvsiduuco, 44 Rust 21st st Uicn.,L ??0s*. ,n 'ho 6fltfi year ol his age. ' Iteiuiiyes and friends, also the members of tha e.!!^0'0" IIU'1 rrmdusu>en'eaoeleiy are respectfully iu. K.'S ? me Colleger. Uolormad oiT uWm urcb, corner ..I Lsfayetle place and 4tb >1 on Wednesday, tno 2Uth mat., at two P. M. Hall ?Nuduunlv, on Pi iday, J una 2L 1878. Hannau M., wile of IMward C. H*n ol Auburn, N Y and daoguier of James H. Hotlwlok, ol Brookly n. ' ve.e4**??^onhoy. "J*m, Josaru Habt, iu the 77H? year ol hie age, parish ol Xlromgoon, couuty Cavun J dnoral ?uku idaco Irom bis late rosidenc '130 Smitb at ten o'clock, ioSi. Paul's Cnurcn, where a rquietc uiasa will bo celebrated lor his eternal renoaa lutermeni in Holy Cross t-omotcry. B,""rn*' '?????? Kklly.?On Sunday, Juno 23, Hsxry Ksllt ued - years, 7 months ami 8 days. ' ^ a lUlatives and Iriemls are lurited to attend tha fuucral, Irom parents' residence, 'Jl Claeaon av Brooklyn, this day (I uoaday), at uoo o'olock. ** d?uf.y'?w'"~a! lUo rc8luuuco ol Mr. John Knight. Bouiu Brooklyn, on sooduy, June 23 Ssntn Jans Layno. widow ol .he lata John Lay"#; il Harmm. ' Noltco oi fuutral hcrouiter. May ?At Morrisiown, N. J., ou Snndar. Juno 23. Hknhy ciiAKLhs May, adopted son ol I^wis Mar ' r ricoda and membora ol the lempie Kmanu Ki ur. inr.teu1 to ait. nd tne funersl, from tb. re"ucuce^T Mr*. Charles King, 3*0 6lh ev., on ruoadar morning, at iisl.-past nine o clock. Please scud no Do*ors. Maynahan.?a.nlkkw M.ynaiiax, aged 26 ye .rs > unerai Irom rejiJence. 279 Pront sf.. Brooklyn h* luosday, Jane 25, ut hell-past two P M* auend " 81,11 lrl*u,u r**P-*"B'ly invited te ivlio.^u"*1 Busuwlek, L I., on Suudsy, Juno 23. i , ^KAK,M' 10 jrcar ol uia I he relatives ..nd Irieuda ol the lamily are resneot lu .y invited to attend the funeral, on WeZTJZ t froaa tba' h" "t,"1 J** ' ,l half-pant two Po.oi! u ,UlcB Kelormed church (llev. Henry I oweli), av.. near North Soooud at. with out further notice. ' wnl'' v.o"u"tu 7Iu Brookfya, June 24. Alnkrt Miohbl. of Smiicrliiud, 40 years. Hie frieuda ol the .ire invited to attend tha luuer..], irom his late residence, 151 Schcrmerhors No'lUwl rti! ? ^ "l tbr?e o'olock P M. M^rrell*1'1*-00 M#nd*jr? R., *?? oi N. W. 'to""/*' flrom h#r rraldeooe, 160 Kast 126th at on U rdoeaday. 26ih, at bull-pa-1 two P if ** ?m year8""0" auud">r' W,l-UA* ?'? ^rKtan, in bit V. yV'Z*L00 Tu,,8d4Y. 26111 ?t eleven o'olock A. M.^irom the rea.denoe ol Mrs H. M. Sioaeom, Astoria", Puacsu?Mast Pjuckll, aged Hot'ear*, kuiieral on iVeouesday, at ten A. M Irom the real. RtAnivo*M8?11 tdW'tfa Burceil, 431 Weel 57in st. Kradixu M ihsii.?(Jn Nuiiuay nighl, June 23 Mrs JlkLKNAHkAomu, Widow oi Phlnp Heading and reiiot of hor igo ' Uarono, in tne 87tu year of Services at the residence ol lior vnndson John C I'lk JuneAfi i'iT'ii'"' N"w York."onTc??dej^eve?. my, Jane 25. at hnli past seven o'clock. Interment at r.''vo!l Wedoosuay moroiug, at hali p.,, SMiTnT* ~?U MoniUJr h10'"'"!, l4lh Inst., Wm. U. H. k untral front bis late residence Nu. 423 iv?,i lots OB Thursday, Juue 21, at one o?."^k P M ^ Toklas ?On Monday, June 24. at two P yf Morkiii eldest vou oi Mai and Mary loklas. aged 4 vassa l/ lui.niDs uuu 5 days. ^ U Vnnera Weunesdof morning, at nine o'eloek imm the residence ol pa .nis, 148 West 4*"h ? V?r ,T"lStr: r,*f1#0"u"y ? oVIted to attend, Vinton?At her reaidunee. 27 Uracecourt Brooklvn lloignu, on .Saturday, Juue 22 Kli/7m.p? V. JTn TON ... .ho 59,1, year of he? ? w.diw of the l.m Hor > mneiN V ituoo, i). D , sou (intiter ol tbo iato Com inn.lore uliver U. Perry, U. 8 N ??rvicee frn.n Uraoe Church Brooklvn ^Dd .l lCnD.iln.T,y'1 "J"36 hsll-pnsl is, o'clock Juno 2(1. T-hurco, Newport. H. 1., en Wednesdny, tvm'am B(r,?n('!10,l#d "?l "> Bowers. Sunday, June 23, Isaac K Wkusii n?r.' fu''ia*y*Ua'/'three "?,H'!l,ed #tl""1 'ho >? dence. Jersey bltv Ck' ,,oln r?? loesdsy afternoon, 25th tnoi. ??f^r in'oi eThl.T'n l"? 0|U luaro ere requested in lueso?v, dr-' 'X::rol w?.?nson. -Jn^. M. Notioe of inneral to-iorrow. ",At'4U"