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NCIAL AND COMHERCI The Stock Market Active and Irregular. GOLD STEADY AT 100 5-8. Government Bonds Steady, States Firm and Railroads lrregu!ar. MONET ON CALL 2 A 3 PER CENT. Wall Strest, i Monday, Juub 24?<i P. U j There bu been a field day In Lake Snore (hia morn ing which brought participants Iroin every specu leilve quarter and lett but a corporal'a guard to ibe rest ol the lint. Although prices were coufinod be tween 60)4 a? the hlgheat und 57)4 as tne lowest, transactions were euormous, and the excitement at times eoutnensursie with the dealings. In laot, with the career ot the favorite began and finished the his tory of the d?v. In the early hours a pool of tbe sell known ?'bobtail'* description, formed in Ex ibanpe court and pnt in execution tnsiauler, carried igurea to tbe top noicb ol tbo session, but It ioou proved to bo un excrescence upon tbo market, and ?y no means un Index ot tbe real condi tion of tblnys, as was shortly slier appar ent, when prions turned and worked steadily down to tbe lowest points of tbe day. Tbore were no decided views expressed as to the causo of the de stine, bnt the popular impression lendod to a belief that, IoIIowidr the example ot Unton l'uciflc, tbo turning dividend would be passed, and that Mr. Van kerb111, taking lime by tbe forelock, was a heavy teller. It is tbe idiosyuorasy of tbe street, however, to use Mr. Vuudorbtlt's name as a scapegoat when ever hie properties are charged with sins ol omission or commission. So tbo impression re ferred to must bo taken with reservation. Neverthe less it wus evident enouglt that large biocka ol lepg dock were being sold, uu well as large blocks of short dock, und that tbo shorts, who were nearly the >oly buyers, were Insufficient to hold the iriee with any degree ot stoadlnees. Next O Lake Shore Western Union cutue Into prom neuce, and extonsive purchases were set down ?o Mr. Gould, who, after Mr. Vanderbilt, ia mado to iboulder tbe responsibility ol mysterious transac tions. In tbo coal stocks thoro wus no vuriatlou ol moment, though values were stiffened by the report that the meeting ot the Board of Uontrol was ot a Harmonious nature and that nothing was likely to occur to disturb tbo combination. The Miobigan Central election has resulted iu tbe supremacy ol the Vacderbtll party by a vote of two to one, thereby lending considerable value to the great expectations which have been formod upon tbe results of tbat gen tleman's masugemenl. Lake Shore go thoroughly engrossed public attention that the rest ol the market was leit to tbe small changes whloh wars limply controlled by tbe rise or fall of the lavortte. OPENING PRICES. The opening prices ol stocks at the Board to-day wore ua follows:?New York Ceulral. 100; Erie, 16*4 ; Lake Shore, 6834; Wabash, lit; Northwestern, 40),'; Northwestern prelerrod, 71; Book Island, 117)4; Mil waukee and St. Paul, 40)4! Milwaukee and St. l'aul prelerred, 78)4 ; Delaware, Lackawanna and Weatern, 17)4 ; Now Jersey Contrai, 30)4 ; Delaware and Hud eoc Canal, 66; Morris and Essex, 8234 ; Michigan Cen tral, 07; Union PaciUc, 64)4; Chicago, Burlington and Huincy, 100)4; Ohio and Mississippi, 7)4; Wostorn Union, 87; Pacific Mall, I634. CLOSIXU qi'OTATIONS. The closing quotations at two P. M. were? Bid. Allied. Bid. Aekrd. At A PacTel.... 27 28 II A St J pref... 20)4 20*i Chic A .N W 4ti)4 41% III Central. H2? 83)2 Clue jjtf pref 7l?4 71)2 l.aka Shore 074, .'>7)5 Chic, K I A l'ac.l 17'u 117?. Mlehiuau Cent.. flak (hi Chic. H A <4 100)4 1UOJ4 Morris A Essex. 82 82 K C, C ft I C ? Mil A St Paul... Mi r> 1."J C, C A l 20)4 27)4 Mil A St Paul pt 70 7U'J I leva A Pitts... 70 70 N V Central 108)4 lH8'7 Chic A Alton.... 77)4 "8 N J Central St), 31'5 Chic X Alton pf.lU2 105 Ohio A Miss.,... 7)2 7 "'2 Canton 17*4 '"H Pacific Mall.... I.Vg la Dal, L A W 57), 67M Panama 125 128 Del A 11 ud Can.. 55*} .'ai)4 Pitt. S Kt W... U2W 04 Adam. Ex...... 102?, 103 Qulek.ilver It.', 15 American Ex... 48 48) 15* t?uiCK?ll?er pref 32:% U 8 Expreu.. . 48 48>< M i, A I M tic, 71 Wells-Par go Ex. 03)4 04), t?t L. KCAN.. 4)2 1)2 .. 15), 15*4 Toledo W* ft W. 12(2 13 Harlem.. 13? 142 Union Pacific... tl4'4 fit'; Hsu A tit Jos... 11)4 11)4 West Unlou Tel. 87 87)5 UI(ilir.8T AMI) LOWkST. The (ollowtug were the highest and lowest prices ot Mocks to-day :? lhgh*?t, Low?.<L Atlanilc and Pacifio Telegraph 27)4 26)4 Chicugo and Northwest 47*, 46)a Chicago and Northwest prelerred.... "2 71 Clnc'igo, Kock Island and PaciUe.... 117)4 117)4 Del., Lackawanna ana Werteru 6s'4 57)4 Delaware and Hudson Canal 5" '4 60 Erie. I0S4 15*4 Luke Snore 50 '4 67,S tlicblgnu CoutrsL 07)4 60 Milwaukee and St. Paul 60)4 40<4 Milwaukee end St. Paul prnlorred... 70)4 78*4 New York Central 100), 108', New Jersey Central 32)4 Pacific Mull 16 15)4 Union Pacific 04*4 64 >4 Western Union Telegraph 87)4 80/k TUS MOXET RAREST. Tbe money market was apkta very easy to-day, sod call loans wero mado it 2 a 3 per com, with the clos ing quotations at 2 per cent. The loliowtng were the rates of exchange on new York at the undermen tioned clues to-day. Savaunaii, buying )4, selling *4 premium; Charleston, easy, 8 10 a 1 5 a >4 premium; New Orleans, commercial 1-16 a *4, bank )?; St. Louie, 1-10 premium; Chicago, 76 premium, and Una too, 12),a proaiium. Porogn exchange was qultt at 184*4 n 4.86 lor bankers' long and atl80)4 a 4 87 lor dtiuand sterling. THE MARKET. Gold sold at 100% ihrouKiinu! itie day. At tbe close 1-1)4 ot 1 per cent was paid lor (be use of onsb gold. SOU) CLBARIXOS AT TIIK RATIONAL IIANE i)W THE STATE or NEW YOKE. Gold balance* (752.0 iu Uurrsnor bRlancos 750,206 Gold clearlug* 10,92?,0U0 CI.EAK1NO IIOl'HK STATEMENT. turranoy exchsugea (06.4*0,712 Currency balances 0,422.172 Gold exchanges 9,631,207 Gold balahoes 1,340,246 QOVEKNMKNT HON US. Government bouds were in good demand and strong. During (be nl'terunuu tuere wn* a pretty general ad rance ot >, per cent, and tbese bunds closed atroug at Ilia following quotations:? Hid Alk'il. United Stales currency sixes 12b ?, l-u,'< United Mules sixes, 1881, registered... loti'? 107 United .states sixes, Issi, coupon 102% 110 United Htbifs flve-iweiities, 05, n., r.. 101% l''2% United Mete* five-twenties, '06, c., n.. 1U4% 106(4 United states IIro-twenties, 1807, reg. . lull's 106% United Mates Ure-tweiiues. ls?7, cou.. los% 1un% Untied stales llre-iweuties, lHdt. reg.. 107% ION United Htates Ovu-twentles, 1?0N, oou.. lll)% 111 United Olales ten-lor tics, registered.... ltis'4 108% United Hiatus teu-lortiea, coupon ION% ltisjj United Mates Uyss, new, registered..,. lo? 4 100, Jlilted .States lives, new, coupon 1INI'4 lot.', tinned States ?>,'*, IN'.'l, new, ret:.... 193% 1".; , Jinled Males 4%'s, 1821, new, coupou. 103% 103% United Mutes lours. 1207. regisiored.,. 100% luu>a United Stales lours, 1207, coupon 101% lul% TIIK TORSION MARKET. Tlie Loudon advices reported consols %' blgbrr si lbs opening at 25*4 a 06)4 (or money and 06% a 06% for lbs acooum, but the tlosiig quotation was 96% lor botb classes. United Staiss bonus are flrui and asliadt hignar. Kris rose to 10% and reacisd to 10*4. Tbe preferred rese to 32%, Illinois Central to HO, and I'onn lylvsniit Central to 31%. Tbe aum ol ?1111,000 bullion was wltbdrawu irom tbe Bank ol Ruglana to-day on Sulance. At Paris rentes ruse te 1131. 37%c. and closed It 113i. 10c. Tbe closing priees in Loudon were:? Consols lor money and amount, 26% ; new 4% per sent bonds, 100; Ave twenty boude ol 1807, 107 u 107%} teo-lorly bonds. 109% it 102%; Uvea of 1881, 108%; Krir, comuiou allures, 10% j Krle, preicrred shnres, 32%; New Jersey Central, 31 % ; Illinois Central, Hd. STATE HON US. Htsle bonds st iho Board wers 1 per cent blgber tor Louisiana sevens, consols, and steady lor Uoorgia ansa, Virginia alzes, consols, aad Tennessee sixes, Mow series, to which dealing* were conOned. NAII.ROAIi HONDO. In railroad bonds mere was an adraoce ol 1% per tent In New York Kleveled Itnlirond Arsis and a de iline ol 3 per tent lu Alton and Terre itauta tneume. Iho otber changes were as follows:?An advance ol % tn New Jersey Central Orat consols, sod Hi. Paul (1. and M. division). H ln PactQe Railroad ol Missouri firsts, auu Ja in Central Pacific firsts (Sou Joaquin branch). l'bere ?ui a decline ol % lu Central Pncifio land gran la, *4 in Northwestern gold teren. and In Canada SoutUorn UraU guaranteed and Union Pacific ?inking lunda. PHlLAOKLmi A STOCKS. Tbe closing prions or Philadelphia stocks were:? Hid. Ask'd. Cltjr sixes, U3)4 113)4 l ulled Railroads ol New Jeraoy 121 182 Pennsylvania Ruilroad 30 3d)? Reading Railroad 15)4 18 Lehigh Valley Railroad 3T>4 38 Catawissi Railroad prelerred 34 34'4 Philadelphia and trio Railroad...... 7 8 Schuylkill Nuvigalion piclerred 6)4 7 Norilieru Cealral Railroad 14 14 '4 Lrliigb Navigation 17 17)4 Pitisburg, Tlinavillo and Buffalo 6 6', Hcsionville Railway 7*4 *'s Central Transporlation 38>4 38X UIMI.NO SHARKS. Tbe closing prices or miulng sbares in San Praoelsco were:? Alpha 12*4 Julia Consolidated... 7 Alia 8 Justice 3 >4 Belcher 6)4 Keotuck 3?u' Rest it Uelober 13?. Mexican 13)4 Bullion 5)4 Northern Balls 11 Caledonia 214 Opbtr 4814 Caliloroia...... l"Ao Overman... 13'4 Cbollar 25'4 Ravtnoud & Ely 4 Ceus. Virginia 13)4 Savage 11S4 Crown Point 6), Segregated Heiclier. 20 Eureka Consolidated. 5li;, Sierra Nevauu 4)4 Kxcliequer 3),' Silver Hill 1)4 Could it Curry 6)4 Uuiou Consolidated.. 5)4 Hale A Norcrosa 7 >4 Vellow Jacket 8)4 MKUORAMOA. Tbe total sales or stocks at tbe Board to-day aggre gated 104,200 sbares. The receipts and shipments of wheat and corn at Chicago and Milwaukee to-day were as follows:?Chi cago?Receipts ol wheat, 15,134 bushels; shipments, 54,040 da Receipts or corn, 210,131 bushels; ship ments, 325,267 do. MiTwumcee? Receipts ol wheat, 64,800 bushels; shipments, 94,100 do. Ueoelpts ol corn, 2,400bushels; shipments, none. Too approximate oarnings of thi St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Ka lway during tbo second weok In June wero:? 1877 i $82,809 47 1S78 69 300 00 Decrease.... $23,509 47 Tho rales lor toreign exchange are as lollows:? Sixty I)ays. Three Days. Prime bankers' sterling bills on I.oudou 4.84)4 a 4.85)4 4.86)4 a 4.87)4 Good bankers' and prime commercial... 4.84)4 a 4.84)4 4.80 a 4.86)4 Good commercial 4.83 a 4.84 485 u 4.86)4 Documentary comtnor'l 4.82)4 a 4.83)4 4.84)4 a 4.85 Paris (Irancs) 5.18),' a 5.16)4 S.lOVi a 5.13)4 Antwerp ifraucs) 6.18'4 a 5.16*4 5.16)4 a 6.13'4 Swiss (francs) 6.18)4 a 5.16)4 6.1614 " 6.13)4 Amsterdam (guilders). 40 a 40', 40)4 a 40)4 Hamburg (reicb marks) 96 a 95), 96)4 * 95*4 Frauklort (reicbmarks) 95 a 95)4 95^ a 96*4 Bremen (reicbmarks). 95 a 95 <4 lift 14 a 95 >4 Berlin (reicbmarks)... 96 a 95)4 96)4 a 95)4 NliW lOHK STOCK KXCHANGK SALBS. Monday, June 24, 1878. BEFORE CALL?10 A. M. $2000 Louisiana Con si 82)4 100 sbs Northwestern. 4U,4 2IKKI do 83 100 do ?3 40'. 1*100 do 83'4 300 do 93 4ti), 2000 NY Elevated 1st 8S)J hkj do 49)4 r.Oisl do b3 88), 200 do 49*4 Its mo do ho 11 *J Northwest pf....s3 71 7000 do 89)4 loo ilo >3 71'a 3HOOO Un 1'aciQc* f.... 101 ^S) do s3 7IJ, 5000 N W cons, o. It b. 98)4 30O St Paul 49', 2' O siis A A Pac Tel,.. 28), 1(SI do... 49), 100 do 27 300 do 49'4 31SJ Del A Hudson 50 3ml do 49 ?? 2ISJ Pacific Mail 1514 3(XJ do 49V 300 do 15)4 HiO do 49), KM>0Western Colon... 87 Sisj do 50 11UO do H7V loo do b3 6<?)g lOOO do 87200 do .... 50 WSJ do 87)4 1'SI uo 49)4 30 do 87', lOOStPaulpt c 78)4 500 do 87', 200 Uo 78)2 9tS9 do 87', 3UO do ... 78)2 HkJO do ... 87'4 Hsi do c 78)7 81 SI Erie Railway 15)4 200 Union Pacific...s3 04'4 10 O Lake .Shore....... 58), 10 do 04 lftOO do 58), 30O Uo 04 V fitsjO do 58)4 100 do 0 04'a las> do 58", KSi New Jersey Cen.. 30', lisio do 58', 400 Del, Lack & W est. 57 V 1200 uo 58)4 1ISI do 57*4 27is) do 58'4 813) do..,.., 57', (too a 58)4 HSJ do c 57'a 100 Michigan Central. 07 100 do 57), 200 Northwestern 40)4 1(1<J0 57)< 10:15 A. M. $.'10000 U8 5-20, r, 1808 107)4 $20000 U8 4)4. C,'91.b3 103?4 2.5000 US O's, '81, r.bc 100', IOOOUO Uo 103), 11:15 A. M. $35000 Ub6's,'81,ebo*S UOX $1000 US 4's. e, 1907. be 101)4 El 11 ST BOAR I)?10:31) A. At. $1000 Georgia O's 102 100 ?hs CIcvAPItt g.l.o 7')4 liss 1 La 7's. cod-oI... 831( O N Y Cen A Had.bc I'll', 20000 do.,., be 83), 31 do. 1"W lOouO do bo 83)4 lisi do lOOV 5isx? V? O's, c x mat c on.1, 2'iO Erie Railway .be 15', fiissi do no), 6tSl do 15', 1000 Teun fl's, new s. 35), 300 do...,.,. iftj, S'JUO 0, Bur AQ M's.bS 115 tloO do b3 15)4 221SIOC. Bur A H 7's,c 113)4 alXJ do Ift'J 5009 N J t en 1st.0 as, 71)2 24Erleltellwaypf.bc 3> 70OO Mil A 8t P.lAMd 101 IO do 311)4 201 si Mil A 8t P, 0 11. 1"2 lis) Michigan 07!, 2ISXJ do . ... 102)4 109 do 07), IS SX> N Y Cen O's,1883 104)4 l'lO do H7 2U00 do 194', 100 do 07', IIHX) N J Con O's. '87. I1 5), 2O0 do 67 ', lfssi N * Con 1st. C|>. 121)4 It*' Chic, ltur A Q...bc lis;', 7issiC A NW c c g b..c OH), 1 Itsi iiel, Lack A tV.bc 57), 200.1 do be 98), 131*) do 5H 2OO0 Mor A Es 7's, '71 loo 3.*) do 5s', 51 hsj Can So 1st guar. 7(1)4 0>oo d" 58 2IKS) U? 78', 21 si do 57)4 liaai Cen Pac 1st, SJb 91 3o Pltls.Kt 9h imam do 91), Htaj L bhore A M 08)4 I00O Can Pacific I g .. 95 500 do 58), 1000 do 9414 4000 do 59 - - ' paHl do 93 59 2.8 0 do 59)4 4'hO Un Pacific 1st... 1"7)4 OilOO do H?7? fttsSi Un l'ao 7's, 1 g.. lo7V 51*10 do lo7)4 7isi do .93 ft! H*SI do 59 1 U*S> Uuiou Pacific a ( lol1 ItSI do 53', g'SKl Alton A T 11 hie 35 2'?*.? do *3 59>, :?SK) do bo 34 300 do b3 59', 3000 Pacific ot Mo Is! 104 M d< ftp), 1IKS) I ol A Wablat.XC 99 7'S) Uo alt 59), ItSJOO lol A ff?.i 2d, x 500 do 59 Nov coup, 1H77 . 05 O'SI do...... .... 59 6000TotAWaul, tttLd 87)4 l'"? do b3 5: 10OO Tol A Wab c e x 17oo uo a3 59 Aug. '78 A prcv.. 40 list Cblc A hock 1 .be 117)4 1IHK) P, I t W A 1 1st. 121 20O do 117)4 fttssiN V Elevated 1st 89*4 l'Si Chic A X W...oc ?3 4"\? IISSJ . do 89', 3t?> do *<\ 20 Hha^lctrop Bk.. X d 112', 1>" do..., s3 47 3<SI lie! A Hudson . . ?'*' 'a ItSI do. 47', 27 ?"?*? do... 47', list do ........ 27', 20.1 do.... 47*4 21HI do 2IJiai do *3 47', 20 Harlem bo opg 14o), hsj do... u3 47', 5 Ontario Kllv Min g 37 , 30-i UlH A NW .3 71 100 do be 37,4 4"" do b3 71), IDhj Weatern In... be h'i), pn do 71), ]l*i do . .......93 8" , its 1 00 ........... 71), 3800 do 87), 2tni 1.0 93 T hi sj do 87', loo do 71)4 And do... 87 2 SI 71', l7isj do 87'^ 90 ' Chlo, Mil A St I'.pc 49', lit'Hj do 87', 4 si do fg1 Igsl do 87.', ?**' do ???.??????? .8'', |0I Uo.... ?3 87'4 25i?i do 5*1 309 do 87', 21SSJ do 50?, ?j,t) do 8"'; 4isj Ohl. M A st I" 7*), 31 hi ilo 87 299 do 7'.' IOO Pacific Mall, .bo c I.1J4 2isj do,... 7")', 11 Si no 93 10 HSJ do 7"', 51, do 10), IOO Hun A Sioux C..00 04 :,m> do 10 2ISI Kail Pacific.. .be S3 o), do a-'t 1.1)4 201 Han A ?t.I be II', |iSJ do s3 15), 50 do ... ll), 20 no...... 10 101 do ll', 75 Union Pacific... be 04',' 5t*JOhloA MHs be >3 7), 2'hi do 94', BEEURE CALfi?12:30 1'. M. $Vhhi Dlst of Col 3 lift's 8144 2.v O slia Lake 8lior?.a3 ftli 2t*?*i l.ouisiaiia con .. h.h, btssi do o:?' 83), Haai Kl), 3.8SHJ M A Hi I'nid e s f |o. ft'si 1 C hi Hon, 1st g'?l 70', linns v Y Elevated. I 89', 71HHM til I'a, snn .1 It 91', Jtxislis I'ol A Hudson. 50 list W eatcrn I nlou.... h7>4 12ISI do 87 ftiai do 87 ? 1 do 8*1)4 ftmiHtPanl ^.... 50*4 2ISJ do 87 list do f?i'A lisi Paelllo Mall 15)4 2*SJ ilo ?3 out, IOO N V Cent A llud. . lisi'* Hal ilo..... ftii', 41SJ Erie Hallway |ft), Hsi do ft )4 |i a 1 do b3 I5'4 100 do s3 fto), 41SJ do 15*, *si do 93 (Mil, llSJIIarlaiu 13h 4IS( do............ 50), |tss Union Paetfle 2<si Rock Island cll7), giusi Hake HUoro fttH, list Uel, Laoa A W. .a 57', i;psi ilo s.'l US', 10O do o7)a 2 41 hi do...... 59*, hsj Chi. Bur A (Jnlrcy HJsl', 57**< do 5:1'? 1:30 P. Al. <10 611 7? Ml (i> MCI Uo MM ill 5m*. IMI s> ,l4 4< M ?lo ?:i !7iH) Mor 1I1 11 . 4V't IMI ?lo ?JUi .mmi Northwrsurn prt*l 7 2 I M 1 Uo VI*. ?Ituo 1/ m ft-au'i, f.'ii7 iQftX tKWK?us 4%'?,r.oi. ??<X KftoO {, ft A WO'?, e. 'Ii~ 10*', MM! l'd4'., u. IHo7 be llll ? lftouo U ??'>?-wo,e,' :?>"> U n4'e, ee be lui 2:30 P. M. ?IO0QIM ?-??'?, o, 07 10**4 7**7) U a a'?, a, 'HI... lun!i iiooo U d ???. r, ' ioofj CO*") U A 4>?'e, o, HI. lonjJ Sh'OM) BuAl!l>?1 P. M. ?MUuCbtc A Alt 1I7S 71), 1<?M> Mil A Ml P a ? f.. lOU 1 l4ltW bX * M Ma,bo ?H Aft* Iimmj.i, H A A V lit.. 10W>4 1*1100 tin.... I*?! HMO Mieh ten 7'e ... Ilu? MM a.. *0 ft*', ii??i > i Cun ?r?, ? b?. u*;i', aim 6**1 HOlM L'll I'nillc Int... |07% I'll lilt i.l A~% dtejo in Facile ef... l"i;, ftoo no ft*-, HUUO C reo let. "J b. hi *4 (Mi) ile so ft* *4 WOO I Alt A I II Wu pi. 71 lit 0 no .1**4 lixm 7Uff -l*1" dn b'l bti't VlJUO 7*i woo Ok eit ft*,*4 ttUOoTAW iitat Ld h* I7oo ft-**4 iwmM.S V Klee'il let.. *:*,% lUO il? ?H MS |l| Ml llll Ml* '4 11 H I' I lilt ft* *4 spent ,*t I., .1 A I! IX . Iiei'i I loo ilii ?:l 11**4 imiMiieAi A I' lei. be W7Ml I'n 1'nolflu lie 01 , ;i.nm V\ eel L11 Tel. bo *7'? **1 iftnlml of H .1 no III MM 1I0 *7 *4 He) Utile, MA *1 I'..In: .VI pU fee V lib Co !??;* H?> i|,. b4 .>0 100 40 I.*'4 Wl 1I0 "1OI4 Hon Krle nellwejr.. bo Mb. ?Morrle A l-.eee* hw.% ?M? lion Del, I. Hk 100 db?,.??? 1111*4 1IUO 4o .. &7 1 An do SOW lieio do f.7>. Woo Utile a N W lie 47% 100 Ilea A .*1 .)o 70*4 liei ili: 47 Ml Hub A H Ult) . do Oi HO do? M 47)6 III Ml Ollio A Nimm... bo 11 mi (Jo 47'i lit) Ohio A Alton... .be 7* !.'i3it TO 3 P. M. liliHK) I.nnl?lene7'e, e ?? 4*n ehe I.eke Hnore .'i7% loom en en lit, e'il 7H I<w? no... MM no el T lleete Inc.iki .11 IMH do A7S ToUU Oen fee, 8 J B HI'< *?> ? d? 57% 4IOOO beiil?li A WH ? ??!?% Hon do 57% memo do? by 6Ml do. ??je 200 aha At ? Pae Tel.. 27V 1000 do 100 Woat'n U Tel 87% li*) Union Fnelfle. 54*) do.,., 87J. 5 do 1101 .in . . 63 87.? '.111 W,h.,l> 67% 84% 100 do 63 87% 200 Wabash 13 . . . . K71..' .MMI \nrth?MktHrn 47 21H uu ,.... 67', 3i?) .Xurtli woatern 47 3<in do 87 400 do 4 % 11*1 do 80% 4<*> do *3 40% 5 do 87% 400 Norlliweitern pi.. 71J, - do... 07 (>?*) ?>l Paul So do 4t)% do SO l'uul pi. 7UO CIO Bi m*i ( 100 N T Coo'l A llnd.. 1(>8% 300 IO) Eric Km I way 15V 31*1 84*) do s3 16% loo ; 7l*J do 15',' inn Central of N J ... 13% li*) 10O do oOU 13% 100 do 200 do 151. 330 do li*i Mich Cfuiral 07 100' do HI7; 11*1 do tkSV 21*) do 31% 211) do 0O% II*) do 32'. 21*1 do 60% 2IMI do 32 1(*) do 68 45 do 31V 10 Lake Shore 58li*) linn A St Jo of ... 2U?2 1400 do #6% 11*1 Uol, LAW e5 57'2 221*) do 5s'. 31*) do 57% 1400 do 58% 2IH) do 63 57V 31*) do 58V 1110 100 IS i5oo do 58)J KM) cbiw, B A (juiucy. li*i% 351*1 do 58 51 do 11 Hi1. 500 do *3 57% M " I UUi,i,i . ? . ? hi) ? 1" .j 1' *) UO oooaaa ?*>' * IH) do 610 58'. 41*1 do 67% 500 do 58.% 400 no i3 67% WO do >3 58% HO Ohio A Alton ?3 78 NKW YOHK MINING STUCK EXCHANGE. Monday, Jane 21,1S78. Fill ST BOAUU-U A. M. b3 .07 100 ah* Mooee,.... e30 3.15 11**) do be *3 .07 oil do bio 3.30 11*1 Uo .bob:*) .10 II*) 63 4 10 101*1 do 630 .08 II) I do 631) 4.20 1000 uo 6:?? .1)8 11*1 do 4 10 1000 do *30 .1)7 1IO do 4.10 #00 do 1)30 .118 Alpli* 11 bid, ? nulled 500 do 630 .118 Mil ring.... 13 bid, 18 naked 500 Dablonegu. ... .*10 .23 Hiillioii. 4% i Id, 5% naked 51)0 do........ .*10 .23 BeatA H.12% old, 14), naked 1<H) do 23 Bi'lchar. .. 3% ? naked 100 do 23 Imperial. .70 md. 1.20 nuked 11*1 Qold *3 .50 Con* Yn.13% btu, 13% Haned I< ki do *3 .)*) Chi A llee.. 170 bid. ? naked 21*1 do *3? .00 Gould A 0.5), Mid. 7% naked li*i do, b30 .t*) Kluita 51.... 1.05 bid, 2 naked 2i*l do *3 .50 l.u'.erno 25 bid, ? nuked 11*1 N Y A Colo 1.85 Leopard 01) bid. 80 naked 148) llukill blO 4.1*1 Mexican.. ? bid, 14% naked 200 do 610 4.1*1 Meinolna.... ? bid. 24 naked 11*) Lacroaae lie all .30 Ntli lieile....lo Idd. 12 naked 10O do bee .30 Ontario.. .37,'. bid, 38 naked liHiMooae all) 3.2H l>y'd A li.. ..3% bid, 4 naked 1(H) do all) 8.20 Savage 10% bid, ? naked 11*1 do alO 3.2d -enimi . ..20 bid. 75 naked loo do alO 3.20 Storm Nev..2V bid, ? naked Yellow J... .7% bid, ? naked 100 do a30 3.15 SECOND BOARD?I P. M. 100 ah* Plumim 4.10 300 aha Am Flat;... .15 100 do .15 5(*i Bor blO .08 looo Dahl'x*. alO .25 1000 do be n30 .21 500 no be nil) .25 li*l do .*15 .23 500 do ,al 5 .2.3 5i)ii do ,a!5 .23 SllO do >al5 .22 5(*3 du .*15 .22 50O do .Hill .24 11 0 Gold Placer... .81 10O do .01 11*1 V Y A Col 1.70 500 Lncroaae .30 51*) do .80 51*) du .30 5)*) do .30 100 do .30 11M) Moone b.30 8.25 100 do . no 3 20 li*) 1" lu nine 4.10 Alpine 11 bid, ? naked ~ ? naked ,.t.ti" oiu. d nnaeu .... 3% Mid 5 nakud 1.12% old, ? naked 1% bin, 14% naked . .51, bid, 6% a-ke* AC. 5% xor. .0) bid, 7% naked bid, nakud if J 7% bid, ? naked THIRD BOARD?2:30 P. M. HOO aha Ber A e3 ,07 500 aha Lncroana. .be c .30 11XH) do be a8i) .07 51*) n3 .30 5 19 100 alO -30 6 do BO 1!) 1<*> do 63 .30 200Flumnn c 4.10 600 do 65 .30 lOO(lulu Placer... 630 .63 liH) do bll) .30 100 do b.3il .62 5i*l do blO .30 |i*l do b30 .60 1IM) ilulklll bcbUO 4.MO 31*) do 58 100 do no 4.60 II*) do .58 100 N Y A b30 1.75 500 Laeroaa* be *3 .30 COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON : BJPOT UNCHANGED; FUTURES CLOSED STEADY ?FLOUtt DULL?WHEAT LOWER CORN UNCHANOED - OATS QUIET?WHISKEY NOMINAL? PORK DULL?LARD QUIET PETROLEUM QUIET ?OILS QUIET ? 8PIBIT8 TURPENTINE QUIET?ROSIN NOMINAL?COF FEE QUIET?SUGAR QUIET. Monday, June 24?6 P. M. Bustueee was very slow to-day, and In mo.t oom moditiea vary Mills was done. Ou 'Change Uour w.a duii. Wheat waadnllasd lower. Corn was about the game. Oata were quiet. Whiskey nominal. Pork dull Lard waa quiet. Cotton on the apol waa quiet, without change. Future, cloe.d xteady. Uroe.rla. were .mint otle. naval atoraa aud petroleum were quiet. Baociiio ruled .tendy. with a fair demand, and waa quoted at Mo a lOe. for 2 It... weight, aud 10*a. lor 2* ^rorr'aa ?The market for Rio closed qulot. Tlie aalea were 8 263 baga, exllmrox; 1.5UO do..ox eame; Oil do., ex Gle'nlcgaui 404 and 1.02* do., ax Paaeal. and 1.000 do.. rx I'a-eal. taken out Of.tock. all ou private term.. Mild Lffoe waa quiet. Stock ot ltlo and Hanlna coffee June IS, ; S?."? ?... Klo 1.000 bag.; Santo., 4,000 bag.< total. 5.006 baun Juno 22. ex Donatl. l<k4S3 Lege. Total errlv.l., 15,4*9 1 bagx. ,lne?? Including to-day, 1S.S74 bag.. Stuck of UiO eoffea. J uno 23. 1S7S R3.554 Slock of Rlolu flr.t hand. - 1 HOO (inlvr.ton _ New 0.000 MohllO ... _ Savannah 36,031 , Baltimore ;; Sit,.'.id New York 121,405 | Block in eeeond hand.? ^ New Orleana 570 Baltimore 1"IIL.... 66,0U3 New York 1_? 96.163 220. &OS furcliai??a lor United HUlee io June ^ ^ 43.(HJ0 . , . . 2U0.11M) Del'ilcred Irom'warehou.a duriug the weak- Q m|u Baltimore 14 7tu New York . 20..T7U ?V\#e quote -.-Ordinary cargoee. l*S<e. a 13e ; lair do., 13c.; good do.. 15*0.: prim. do.. 13V- ? tola. 12*40. a 17*c. ; Santo., fair to good 14 V. ? void IKi da??. Juya. government bag.. 2?c. a 21 ,e ; do., gra*. mat.. 2Uo. .22*0-1 Singapore 17c. a lK'?0 ' t'"l"n; 15c a I Sc.: Maraeaibo, tSc. a I7?.; Laguayra. 14o. a l?c. , Jamaica, 130. a I6u. ; St. Domingo. 13c ; Porto Rico, 14c. a 5S&UVTR. aTsc- ^ng'JJrV tile a 17c.; Curaeoa lite, a bu|, wllhoilt t!,TP" "yotnro. eioaed quiet aud Arm at about Salur ;:rd.eV."lng prlcV.*Xdiy-e Price* c.unpared .Mb set urdav'a. were ?. lolieW. ? omlnu. J .Sulurduy, -3 . . * a II..>2 June 11.33 a II 3? July. u.V.* - AiigaaV Es?:r.fta:8S ?K5:: i?:?ry" .... 10.93 a lo.07 January.... February ' !i\ 4 u".Tb Maielt I " Auril 11.HI * IledM April.?????. iP" UJlilUi Mev iZTit atore^ nTnnlng IB 'qu ;?.????. "?? ' u-rede above or below-thegrad????*? ? r?,u. Vlt-16 5 'J 16 ? II 16 It 11 16 Ordinary... n I > 16 H 13-16 HI 1-16 10 I 16 strict ordinary ? (0 ,(J ?p.|?t 10 ? III Good orala*rv. _ _. W|6.,0 io 13 16 strict good ordinary o i ? a id II 3-16 one 24. II 33 a ?? 11.34 a ? ll..>3 a ? 11.21 a ?? 11 ' 13 a 11.66 I'l M a to l?i a tau 10. no a ? 11 33 a 1 1.63 11 1- ? II 14 11.21 a 1 1 23 II 31 a 11.33 Low middling- ..... ?? ..ic j ??_ SC'"!! > ;?"? si'""' Si "'" SUB 348 Middling fair H *4.," 13 710 13 It-16 13 016 sale, el .pot col Will- Tv_lhty, Mat *"??.??. Tufit. ., ? t.l'.t I.loo Export...... ? 170 473 __ _ ? .r- :r i J.oA. at IL33W. 660 at ! I V??^cer,lV.?mniir?^Ml at WtL, ?;? et 10 ?l. . *?>*. Y.V., ii ???. Total 4 Hi k I bale. I oday un t? twe t . r-jini 'AS' bJlM .'. IL.dU. MOO at fl.Mm. -O -? 11.34c" 400 at 11.33c.; July, 7ut at ILSIc.. V., ,1 f,3? -jo11 at 1 l >4e , .too at J ?? ?kl at 11 34o , io<> at II.Vie. . Angnet, 30 Jat U-'A. ffv? '"af'drsas: . li'lUe 1 ?m el ll.2tle.f 1 *i I1.2A#.; ?* ? 2d!:f Uciobcr. at 1 t.OMu.. at I I.U^<o |&UU,WW ?''7uw-e.; U^-b.'. ;m. 'at n.uo!? ?d? at 10.SSC.. 300 at KMOc.; 2<o at lulkte 2"0 at^lMai Jann-;^ ."".^u^at 11 .1 !' An'rVl.' f??lTYl 11 It lu ii.JJ.100 bale.. Grand total. 3S.M?k im.ien.7;IMtedeipn a,. ^ loUl??.B 'Yuteiui'or 1' 4 123.136 t" Saturday nlgut. Cotton ircigliie rU.V.r'lY lollcw.i-f" Harre. by .team ,\c.. cuinpre.^d. u,Tmi ke. To II am but u, ny .team, *c..|.rr?..l y J.\ ?.? eto41ii llKVt ouiDpieMHtfa; l?y ?eM, %e. Io Hrenieti, by et . hv ,?n 15 ntd., cnmurenen. o"YY?'nn (laam ?Itecelpt.?^'onr, ubi... wheat. .. I , . ,. ,ru meal 6S0 bbl?. end 3 1 each!; euro, ill*' , at. SO,336 do. ; ryr, 3.l30do.; barley, 33,.66 "U?"e[ ? iuit7o do Kleur we. dill, but 1 i..t nY aaie. 'luclndlng State, We.tern and unchanged. ' .bout 17 1 bbie. within the nnnexed ".1" U.7flo?r w?e onl.t, with ?ale. ?i +?? bt.1.. Corn range. K ? P ,1(100 bU a. Itye fat hrm; r.'.1.*" .vrwri.:?.?....... No. 2 -tate superfine Slate Extra state Cludcu stato sup-ifltio We.vein .. Extra We.tern KonuVbitop Oh'la*. ehlpplng braude i.oui.d hoop onto, trado urane. .. Ea Utty mill. ?* st. i.ouix, low extra - st l.oul., low, at' al hi..*.,, .#???? at l.oiil., ehoii-e douoie extra .. Si. LoeM, choice leiul.y Itye Hour. S..UI hern, so. 2 Southern, xuperllue . duetkera, extm.. 3 23 a 3 III 4 <Xi a 4 23 4 25 a 4 30 3 23 a H 73 4 i.i a 4 23 ? Idl a li HI 4 10 a 4 4't 4 73 a 3 06 4 73 a 3 73 4 IiO a .1 46 4 >6 a 3 HO 3 06 a ft 25 .. J. a .1 ,Uy 3 .ci a 6 30 2 73 a ;< 33 11 ill a 3 SO 3 nt a II no ? Ou a A tW Southern family 5 00 ? 6 75 Corn nival, Western - 10 a - 4" Corn meal, white We.torn 2 25 * 3 ftu Cora meal, Jnuy 2 25 a 2 45 Corn rnaal, Hrsndywine 2 75 a 2 80 Corn utaal. buueheuus 14UUa ? ?Wheat was duil aud lower to aoll. I na sale# hot*aan iba call* ware about 00.O0U bushels at (1 lOa<l It for No. 2 red and ahiber. SI 12 a St Id tor No. 1, ft 10 lor No. 1 Milwaukee, St 21 a SI 22 tar No I white apot and to arrive. SI 10 tor No. 2 red to arrive aud SI 05 a St Ott for small iota No. 2 spring. No aalea between the cat la. I lie lullowtug were the hid and asked price* at the aeeond callNo 2 red winter, tor J una. SI ULdd.St I lasted; do. July <1 07)i bid, SI "O naked: do., August. 05c. bid. SI 08 aakeu; No. 2 spring. tor .tune. SI Oft bid. SI 00), askod; do.. July. SI Ul bid, SI 00 uske i; do., August, Ooo. hid. SI naked: No. 2 Nortliweat, lor June, $1 U5 bid, SI lO naked; do., July, SI 03 bid. SI <'7 naked; do., Auguit, BHo. tdd. Corn wna lea* active but ateady. At the tirat call H.oio hnatiela August No. 2 aold at 46*7e., and nt the aecoud call 10.00 buanola Jutv No. 2 told at 44*4c., nod rt.iss- buthe.a August No. 2 aold at 46*,e.. The a ilea betweou the ealia were about 150,000 bushels at 44>jf. a 44V-\ lur Nnuaat miked, 41),o. a 43c. tor ateuiuer mixed, 4<Ju. a 4t>Vo tor No. mixed ; also, 40,1a a. 3 mixed and 40c. a 45c. lor ungraded mixed ; also. 40,lkkl bushels No. 2 mixed, tor August, at 46>,e. a dtt^c., aud 32.0O0 husliei# steamer mixed, lur August. at 44V'. "ats wero quiet, closing aa followa:?Kxtrn white, 38c.; No. 1 do., 37e.; No. 2 do , 33',c.; do. No. 3 do 32>,c. ; extra mixed, 32e.; No. 1 do., 31^c. ; No. 2 do., 30*40. ; >0. 3 do., 'JW'4'c. I he aalea were about ftO.OJO hua .els, Ilmtr ami Jutk. - Hemp waa i|uiat nut aleedy. Jute butt- were ateadv. We quota; ?American dreaaod. $175 a $182 .50 tor ai 11 <1 e, S2HI a <215 lor dnuole and $136 a ?175 lor uiidre5s--U. Bussia, clean, <205 a S210, gold; tallan, <27'? a <275. gold; jute, 4>ie. a 6c ; lute huttl, 2 11-16*. a2*jc , currency, caah and time; Manila hemp, li/a**. a 7*.; sisal, 5,V- " 5Wu.; Istle. 5c. a ??1xC.. all gold. .Molahsks ? Foreign ?a> qtat-1. Domestic waa in lair de mand and ateady. We quote'.?Cuba, centrifugal aud mixed, 23c. a 3uc.; clayod, 32e. a 34c ; muscovado refining, 32e. a 35e : grocery, 32c. a :tHc.; I'orto Itico. 34c. a 45c.; I-lauds, Lit .rllsh islands, 33u. a 4"o.; New Orieaua, new crop, com mon to faitcv, 25c. a 48c. Naval iiTOttts. -The market wee quiet aud iplrit* turp"n tiuo were a trifle easier We quoteSpirit* turpentine, merchantable order. 2Hj,c it 30c.; rutin, good *traiued, SI 32', a SI 55; .trained, SI 5<J; tar, S2: pilch. $2 Ad vice* from Wiluiinirtou were at lollowa: ? Koslit quiet; strained. SI 20; good do, SI 22)4. Tar lirm. SI 4o. Tur pentiue steady: hard, $1; aott. SI 85; virgin, $2. Spirits dull, 27?4c. etocks ? Itosln, 73,456 bolt.; tar, 3,405 do.: turpeiitinn. 2,128 do. ; tplrltt, 11,274 do. Oil* ?Cottonseed oil? 1 lie market ass dull, hut without impurtant change. The following were the hid aud asked prices at llie teeond call:?June, 46c. bid, 47>,e. asked; July. 46,'jC. bid, 47c. assed; August aud Neutember. 473aC. bld,4*j?c asked, seller year, 40e uld. 46^,c. asked. Liu so"d oil was quiet, but steady. We qubte:?Linseed uil, 57c. a 5Hc.; sperm. 1 rude. '? ,Hc. a SI ', bieacbed winter sperm. Si 05; do. natural do,, .rl; crude, lottherii wbale, ."Hie. : do. Southern, 45c.; bleached winter, 58c.; natural do.. 55u.; extra bleached winter elephant, 7'lc.; 11 uturul winter extra do. do., Ik5c.; winter bleached fish. 43c.; crude lisli. Bound, 33c. pkTKOLkbu. The market for rettued was quiet. Trado at the Petroleum rtxchsitgu was alow. The market opened at 1 11J* and closed at Si 13.\ hid SI 14), inked. The highest point reached was J>1 13*4 and the lowest <1 IIV Sales were about 10,000 bills. We quote:? Crude, lu bulk. 7u.; do.. In bids., ho. n tOgO.; rellned. In uids., 11)41'.: do., in cases, 14L.|C. asked lur ordinary brands. Naphtha, 6c. a U'4c. ; retlned, at 1'hiladclphia, 11'sc.: at iialiimore, Il)#e. Poulthv ? I he market was dull and weak. We quote: - Dressed poultry?Turkeys, good to prime, 17c. e'joc.; I mien turkeys, Vermont, primu, small, 25c. a 25c. Howls?West ern, 15c. a 17c ; Jersey and Htate, 13c. a 1 le : chickens, win ter, l'hlladeiphla dry picked, 35u. a 4oc.; do-, spring. 110a. a 32c.; do., yearllugs, dry picked, 15c. a 16c. Live poul try-Howls. Jersey, New Vork aud Peunsyl vauia, 12c. : do., Southuru, 10c. a 12c.: do., Western, 12c.; roosters, per lb.. 6c.; turkeys, Jersey, New 1 ork auu Puuusyl vaula, 12c.; do.. Western, per ib., 12c. a 13c.; ducks, Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, per pair,87e a SI 12 , do., Y. esteru. pur pair, 55c a 65c.; Philadelphia spriu ; g< per In.. 30c. a 32c. ; geese, Jersey, New Vork and Pennsyl vania, par pair, *1 25 a <1 50. 0..., Western, per pair, 60c. a SI. Wild pigeons, prime flight, uer duseii. Mile, a <1; wild squabs, per duseu, D Je. a <1 25; hnglisb snipe, per doseu. $3. Provisions. Iteceipts?Pork.825 bids. ; lard, 3 763 tiercel and 6 kegs; cut meats, 4.0.53 packages; bacon, do tierces and 2,262 boxes ; beef, 5 tierces, !kj bids, and 3,Odd cases; beef hams, 145 bbls. Porn was null, closing at the second call as lollows;?June, <0 hid, 4l0 25 miked; July, <10 bid, $10 25 nsked; August, S1U 15 nsked; Beptemijer, <10 2.5 bid, <10 40 asked; tor lanitiy pork, <11 50 askea and <11 bid; 05 bins, mess sold at <10 25, cash, and 2..500 bids., September, sold at <10 25. L'ut meats were firm. Haoou was Arm at .5*k'c. a 0e. fur city long clear and 5\c. for W eticru long clear; 20 boxes city long clear sold at ft*c. Ilect was quiet and Srm Dressed hogs wore llriu aud active, quoted at d^c. a 5^,c. for city, heavy to light. Including Dig#. Lard was quiet, closing at the second cull as lollows;?Juue, <7 20 uid, <7 25 asked; July, <7 20 bid, $7 22)4 asked, August. 25 bid, <7 27)4 asked; September, <7 35 bid, <7 37i? asked; October, $7 42), b'id. <7 47\ asked:, <7 40 bid, <7 60 assod ; seller, year, <7 15 asked. The salce were about 12.UU0 tlarcs* at <7 22)4 for Juno. <7 20 a $7 22!^ for July, <7 25 a <7 27), for August, <7 32,', a <7 35 lor September and <7 17), for seller year, spot sale* were 125 tlcrce* city at <7 15 aud Idouo. new Vi astern at <7 20, iteflued-100 tiercas sold at <7 5o. Butter?Keceipts, 3,000 boxes. The market romatned steady. We quote :-Creamerv, State and Westeru, 18c. a 20c.; State tuba, tiuu , 17c. a 18c.; do,, lair to good, 13c. a Hie. ; tlrkius, good to flue. Die. a 18c ; Westeru. Hue, 13c. a 14c.; fair to _ood, 8c. a 12c.; low grades, old. 5c. arte. Oltausu iteceipts, 14.283 box *. The market was quiet but steady; lull cream quoted at He. a Hj^c. aud skim milk ut 3c. a 4c. Kggt?iteceipts, 1.606 bolt The niarscl was dull xud easier. We quote ; -Long Island. New Jersey c.; State anu Pennsylvania, 15c. a and near by, 15)?c- a 10c.. 15),c.; Western, fresh laid. 13),c. a 14),c.; do., inferior, 12c. a 13c ; Canada, trosh laid. 14Uo ; do , inferior, 13t,c. i.icx.?The market was firm auu fairly active, Louisi ana being taken roadlly at full priece. We quote ;-L'aro llua, fair, liLc. a 6*,e ; good to prime, 7c. a 7>,c.; _ 1. .. I.. - 71 .. .. Ua . D. i.o 11/. ? 4 s. K..SS.I I.. .. choice, 7>ac. a 8c.; I'atua, 7)qi'.. currency ; lu bond. 4c. a Igi'011, 01 bond, 3)V a 3'4C.,goid; LoulsJ 4,.,c.. gold; Hang ana, goon to prime. 7c. a 7',c. Sikabikx. -itecetpie, 15ft tiercas. ine market was quiet. auuail?There was a bettar demand for raw and tha market whs lirm, the tlrionese of holders having a tendency to chuck business. iteUnci waa very lirm. with a ten hlgf doner toward higher prices. We quotes?Hair re' fitting, 7 3 16c.; good do., 7 5-lOc.; Cuba, ceutrllugnl. hngihe ads and hoxas. No#. 8 to 13, 7J?c. a 8)gc.; do. tuo d boxea, tl'.c. a >c. Porto lileo, re la#*es, hugvhead# and _ lltiln ., common to latr, 6),c s7',c.; do. do., good to prime, 7'4c. a 7),c.; refined etaudard A, rt;,r. a He.; "IT A, 8>,c. a H%c. , crnshed, l>k,e. a !?\c. ; powdered, !l',c. a U*4C.; grotifHAted, Hl,c. a tl*,'c ; off granulated, U',c. ; cut luaf, UXf-i white extra C!'k. a Ht4c.; y-llow extra i t, 7>?c. a 7I4C.; other grades, including t "a. 6J,c a 7*?c. Tallow.?Iteceipts, 77 hltd#., D'3 tierces and 2<>4 bbls. The market we# quiet end easy ; sales were ftO.iklU lbs. at 7e. WiiidKi.r.?Iteceipts. H71 bbls. Tbe market wee nominal. Kkkiuiith ?'Tbe market waslnlrly saliva la general, but rates were somewhat easier, wllli moro liners! tonnage hi riTeli. Kiigageincnts; -To Liverpool, per steam, lli,<)tW Imxee chouse. 4f?s.; nisi boxes bacou, J >s ; 'J./klo package* butter, 4!>*.; H.lgk) bushel* grain, HI.; package* measurement guilds (pert through Ireiirbt), a llfs.j 2 500 packager. provisions (through). private teems; l.ikkj eldes leather, 4.>a. it Slit.; 11*1 pacaagea beef nnii pure, As. ltd., and 4a. London, steam :i,(**i boxes cheese, vie Smith amp I oil, 10a.; It XI bbls. pork 4s. INI.; Ilk) tierces beet, Ha. ; Oubls. Hour on private terms, (ilssnuw, stea.n, ltl.lJMO bushels itrain, Ht^u. e Ho.; J.UUU boxes cheese, 42*. Id. it 4 ?s. iliiii, stosm, 2(H) boxes baeuu, 117s. till. Havre, sail, I,HUH pack aces provisions, 27a. tid. Ilam burn, steam. H.ikK) busiiels Br in IK) marks; toil) packages fro visions, lis) marks, llrenien, sail, per i>erniHii ship, .?JHU tons, laid on the berth. 4<>,I4MJ bushels itralu, Hil. , Hisl cases tobacco, 17a lidat ibkiouia rosin,Us. lid.; l.Vl packages provision*. U~s. Hil.: H.lSkl bushels drain, loll mar as; '.kkj tierces laril, I7.'i marks a IBO marks ; Hisi pace sices butter, 25ij marks; lUU pactaces beei and perk,&AU markst 2i*> kbits, tobacco, 4b marks; Htm balss do., >1 marks; UoO psckaites loaiher, 4 marka; -Vi tout measure luuut goods, Hi, let I and list murks; :t(H> bales eol> ton, \lc. I 'barters A British bark, D> nee to Havre, Calais or Duualrk, with 4.AtlU quarters grain, ha. IM.1 s kur weulaa baik, hauco to eaat coast ot Ireland, 3,0 k| nuartera grain, its. ; a Norwegian bark (late Halnr dan, bance to Cork ler orders, 3,i(JU quarters grain, at lis. lid.; a Norwegian bark, lirnee to Hordrauk, 2,941(1 quarters grain, lis. H4.; a Norwegiau bark, 447 I ns. re ported closed, particulars mil givei; a Norwegian brig, iieina to llavro, Antwerp or llotterdam. li,.'tOU quarters grain. Us. 3d.: a vessel "rumored" bence to Hiasgow, tl.isNi quarters grain ; an American bark, bence tu a Hp m Isn port, J, Mil bbl*. and lu.issj oases rellned petr ileum m ?>*. (id. and 2bc. ; a Herman baik (to arrive), hence t? Bremen, Antwerp or Hamburg, 11.1**1 bbls. do., 4a.; British bark, from Balti more tn Havre or Dunkirk, recently. 1I.7UO ubls. ciuiio pa trolauiu. At ; Britlsn bark, reported Iroui BhlUudpliia In the 1 ontlnent, .i.iak) ubls. relli.ed petroleum, private terms; American ship (toarrlve), riilladelpbia, >ntwrrp. lirsinau or London, 7.1km bbls. reOned Metrulenm, Us. I'd., Nor wegian bark. I'l.iladclpliiu to Hxntaoder. U.AtX) but a. do. at lis.; Herman bark, I'luUdvlpbia to Continent, It.'**) bids, do., about 4s. Norwegiau urig, heme to torunua, IO.uOU cases and 2UU hols. do.. 2Uc. and St. Hd.; British ship, to ari ive, I'biladelpbla laindon, A el warp or liittm 11, H ihsi hills do., lis. tnl ; American hark, o77 tons, htehninaa I and city point to Bordeaux, Virginia toiiucv o libs ; Her man brig, l*<) tana. Kishuiuud to Klu J auelro Hour, at ft and 5 par emu prtmace; British biig, lienoe to Cork for orders. U.rmO bbls. raButd iienoleiiiu. 4a Hd ; schooner, Peusaeela to Boston, lumber. s\firwc|fi-in btirk. henco to Uroim* I, wiili I ,U?>o uaic* cot Inn ut Jt?| Britimi 9*:hiH)ii?r, n nco ho %. Juim, N, B., Mi :?.?c 1* 4Uv.s Atlitrictin tiilu, I.IJ7 h?in ? to Luailun, c?rgi, ritvi; -w ?<iUu u?rn, ??.i 1 ton*, t'liarit^ion to I i?ltf t Kirtrftlotu, ihavhI ut B?. 3U. a 4*. 3d. ?h.W IfOiUi CAffbB MABKET& Moxnxr, June 24 1874. arcaim yon Tiik rasr wkkh. I "nil. Sheep II in I a iht Tnr't. J'Mtas. togs. <hh??. AowAe. /top. Hixtie<b street 4.73U W ll.toSH U.W7 ? rinBelli street ? ? 17,171 Jeney City U.Wtll ? ? 14,714'JH Totals 11,413 35 3.5HS U4..'7.'i 3u.hu4 fresh lousy 3.AM* - 714 7,H38 ni.i vas -tin moderate arrivals fur (lis It rat market day ot th-i week trad i was extremal) dull, quality uoar?e and i atlisr lean in the aggregate and ranging Ir an poor to geoil. Hales were effected from o.h lb*, a .'<7 lbs m l, but gaucrallr on AW lbs. uet. I lie maraeti closed weak at ball past one P. M , several hsrua being tin n una-Id, Piles were 7n a lu^r. par lis weights, ,13 est. a lutp cwi. At -sixtieth street yards T. C, . aslmaii sold lor sell 4"> cars id horned Cattle. Hales as ful* lows; -Hi) Missouri steart at bq. per lb,, weight H cwi. ; 24 Missouri steers. '.i\c. per lb., weight 1 cwi., |si Mis souri steers at Inc. per lb., weight 3 cwt. ; 112 Illinois steers el :ica'.I.e. per III., weight H cwi.; .17 illin is Hears at |i',c per in., weight 71b cwi. a V'4 cwt ; lag Illinois steers as .',',c a lie. per In . weights H', cwt. a"\rwt. Hlllls A Bruwn sold lor selves 21) Illinois steers at H,'?c u M>,e per lb., weights 7'4 owl. a PV, cwt.. A2 llllnuia sn-. rs at o'.e a Mkr. per ih., Wright 7,'u awl. | kit Illinois steers at I"), a l"',c. pel lb . Weight ll'j cwt. Conn A I'lvolgpa III so il for seivcs ill Illinois steers?111 head at H',c. per lb.. IH bead at Be. par lb. 211 nead ul l>'4c per lb., with gin off on 17 head. 11 bead at I'.'ce. per lb., weight 7 ?wr. a 7iw cwt a 7)g cut I lery A l ary sold h-r selves lib Kentucky steers at h'4i. a I'V. per lb, weights 1*4 cwi. a faih cwt.; Bki Illinois steers at hJ^c a lllu. per III. with fl mi per lis an, wrl.hts H'4 cwt. a h'4 cwt II. P. liitrcb ml sold lor ? . P. 1 syuoids !?> oxen at 7a. per lb., weight H^, iwl., scant, 7i' Cetorado st - is, rsiill ed. at He a H'4c. per III., uelglila 714 cwi a "cwi.; 77 Mi-souri steers at H'4e. a ' f V pel In,, with #1 on per head on III beu.i. sold at mp ran, w ighia li1! ewl. a 7 cwi.: lor Itankin A Thonipson, id Illinois at H'jg. par lb., witn to a. oil per head on 1IM head, woigl.t 7 I si., scant; 2b alters st B .. wltu tow ou per beau uh Id bea i, a Dlgc per Ih.. with .'hartai '.l\iv par In . weights 7,'( eui a 7 )4 ewi. a H cwt.; 7 Illinois steart at inl,r par lb . weight h>4 cwi. I. Joseph sold tor soil I 47 1111 n at steals?7u head at h'4c per Ih., wslgul 1)u ewl.; if need at be. pai lb. with gl off per he rd 011 |H head, Weight 714 cwr , J1 bead at IB,, per lb. 4 Mead at 1I40 per Ilk, weight nt both Iota 7i,cwt 4!. kaim sold lor kaliu A i o. IH ?t >n ai 7u. per lb., weight 1% CWI.; .'It Kamueky steers at Hi,, a ll'4c. par lb., with gl on per bead on 24 ii. el, sn.d at top rale, weights 7 ewl. a II cwt., I do (till led III110 steers?24 baud at He. per lis, 24 Irosd at s'4c, per lb , .'PS bead at be per Ih . lit head ?rt H>aU per lb , weights 1 cwt. a ?.'4 cwt a B>s cWt. a'm eWt at.ler. acy Cltv yards Henay A Mol'herson said fut Hard) , oreeoc Alio. 1172 Illinois steers at Hj4c a lie per Ih.. welglua 7 cwt. a H cwt. ; lor i.urltlla A purrew J4 i duo stosrs at H ?u. a be. per Ih. with C'2a en tbe herd; ltd Ohio aieeis at H',e i|i? per lb., weights J ewl. > 7', cwt. ; lor Y .summer r-2 Illinois slesrs at He ab'4c. par In , Weights 1<4cws ?7??l; lot Bell orertiera 36 keniaeky steers M blse. a In},) per lb., weights H cwt a H>4 awt.; A Krntneky uetlara at by^e. per lb.. weight 7 ewt . tor J lunula IH Kentauay steers at BVae a lie, per lb, waiabta h?4 ewt a *'4 cwt. Newton A Holmes sola on cotnniis-iuu IH press led Missouri steers at 7?tc. per Ik., weigh' .'i'| eat., 17 Ml s oarl steers at a. a e >4 >er ib..waigiiis .>g ewt a 1 cwt., siioiiw11 liollsu i siecr* nt He. per in selgut ?'> , ewl . I2n l ooirnlu steers at H>sr per lis. with AOs. 011 per head en 42 head and ftl oh per ha nl on 4b nead. weights 1 awt. a 714 ewt. A K. ?? 8 lor A. Vogel Itt igdiana steeri at de., weight bawl.; 47 Colsrado steart at 8*2c. ner lb., wdght 7'7cwt.; 17 Illinoli steers at par lb., weight 7 cat. M ????!<!?cUiniiit sold t ?r N. Morris 127 lllttioi-* steer*?14 head ut #>???. per lb., 4U head at 8}4e. per lu,, 35used at Me. pur lb., ill need at Die. p-r ib.? weight* 6 cwt. a 7 cart, a 8 cvt., Main. Mugei A Meyer sold lor *V MurrU 227 llltuoi* *t*?r*?821 head at 8>4c. per lb . 32 head at 8^c. par lu., 8o head at He. per lb . villi 25c. off Ber head on 47 head an > $' on n-r h* ad ou 3d head;72 rad ut O'^k. per lb., weight* tiV cwt. a 7'.4 cat D. W;tix I * lu for \Vui\el A Allurtoii *35 Utiti<?it ?teer* ? 38 head at S'4c nor lb.. Ill tioad at Mf^c. per lb., 37 bead at 8c per lb., with $1 on par head ou * neud. I'd b?ad at tMic. per lb . It! head at l<a4tf. per lb., 15 Uaad at 10c. peril*., weii/ tits 3*4 cvt. a 8*4 cvt. a 7^? cvt. a 8 cvt i8l4cw*. Vogel A Kegeustehi sold for *elvu* A Co. I71i ihin d? ulcer* 2b head at per lb., 3d head at Kj^c. per In., with 81 off per head on 18 head; I?t head at H^o. per lb. : .'US head ut He per lb., with 58c off per head; 8> bead at H'4c. per lb. 8 head at 8$ac. p ir lb. weight* 8>a cwt a 7 cvt a 7'4 cvt. a 8 cvt. 1- . ? uniieU sold t?*r .V Morris 44 ?? i**uui I *te*.-rt at 8*4c. a 8*4c per lu., weight* rt?a cwt u (lb cwt. : 111) 11.inula steer*? 41 11 ??.??t at 8^40 per lb., with $1 tin per head ou 8 h. h i; 37 head ut He. per lb., with 5hc. ou per hca i 011 d ? head; 1 > head at H'.t \ per lb ; 7 head at lUc. per lb.? weights 5j? cwt. a tiJa cvt._a H.l4 cwt, 11, iVesiheiuier void ?ur i h ullo A Sparrow 74 Indiana steer* at He. a 8'se a He per lb., weight ota cwt. ; lor C. K. Itoyuoiil* 38 at it I leu llltuou ?t"ors at 8c. a He. per ib., weight 7 cat.: lor K Swope 17 Illinois steers at 8,ac. per lb..' weight 8*4 cwt 11. Kutier noli lor P. Hluiu 17 llliuol* steers at 0)ac. per lb , weight 7l4 cwt. S. NV. hertu hi aold for Waixei A Allerton 18 oxcu ut 8 tc. per lb., weight 8|/ cwt. . 1illnoi. *,eer* at 8>ae a 854 '. rcrlb., weight 7 cvt. Todev A 6on* sold tor .V dorr?? 14 lllttob steer* at H'^c a H'.^c. per lb., weight 7'4 cvt ; 3d Illinois steers at H^c. a Or. per lb.. w?*i lit 8)a cwt., stroll.'; 4H Illinois steers at 8*ac. per b., with 5nc. on per h *ad ou 18 bead, welg.11* 8'4 cwt.. strong, a cwt.: 3d Missouri steer* at 8;4c. per lb., weight 8}.; cwt. 8. O'D ?unell aold for WaixB and Allor ton Colorado steer* at 8*40. per lb. weight. 0'.4 cwt,; 57 grass fed Illinois steers at rt,4c per !??., weight 5'4 cwt., strong; 31 Musoiiri a& ? ra it 8*40. pur lb., witu $1 .n pur head oil 18 bead, weight 7 cw t. M1KKJ* an 11 Damiis, >hccp were lu tnir deniuiid at former value*; lambs also In lair demand, hut a fraction off lu value on our last quotations. .Sheep sold ut *3 85 it $5 50 per cwt.; owe# at 45a),er *b. ; buck* at 35?c. a 4c pur lb.; lambs at > 40. a HljC, pur lb. JudU ?V Buckingham *old 247 Ohio sujen, weight Ih,3i>J lo* , at 4h|C. per lb. Kf? A Bldcock -old '? ? Ohio ?hoep. weight 5,360 lb*., at 4i4c per lb.; 83 Kentucky sheep, weight ;?,20u lbs., at 4'4c per lb.; 20 Kentucky sheep, weight 2.000 lb*., at 45*c. pur lb.: 8h Kentucky lamb*, weight 6,240 lu*., at 554c. per lb ; 815 Keutucsy lamo*, weight 31,sh0 lb*., ut oc oer lb.; 72 Kentucky iambs, weight 4,200 lo*., at per lb. ; *otd lor week ending June 22, 1878, 8,020 *ncep and iambs at $1 84 average per head Newton A llolme* sold 185 Ohio siiocp. weight 12,8 *1 ib*., at 153 85 pur cwt. ; 80 Ohio sheep, weight 4.H20 lb.s , at $3 HO pur cwt.; 22 Ohio sheep, weight i,7>?0 lo*., ut 4c. per lo.; 15 uhio sheep, weight 1.278 ib*., at -4 '4c. oer lb- , I8"? Onio sheep, weight 18,430 lb*., at 4^0. per lb. ; 125 Kentucky lambs, weight 8,07?J lbs., ut 8'4c. pjr lb. ;7H Kentucky lumu?, weight 5,330 lb*., at 8 . per In.; 2U Kemu ky imnns, weight 1,318 Itis., at 8-j'r pur lb. Iluiue, ? lliott A Oo. soid 58 bucks, weight lbs lbs. pur lie ?d at 3)ac. pet lo. ; 88 Statu sheep, weight 83 lbs. per head, at 4c. per lb.; 20 > Mate sheep. weight 81 ib*. pur hoad, at 4c. per lb.; ill Mate sheep, weight 133 lbs. per head, at 45?e. per Ib. ; 182 Ohio sheep, weir Ut H3 Ins. per head, at 4>ac. per lb. ; 80 Ohio sheep, weight 134 lbs per head, at 5>ac per lb.; 58 Mate lauitis, weigh. 57 lbs. p -r head, at 8c. per lb. ;281 Kentucky lambs, weight ?H lb*, per head, at 5^> ? a He. per lb.; 480 ken tucy laiuns, weight 8 ?ibs. per head, at 8*#e per lb.; sold lor week ending June 22, 1878. 3,843 sheep una iamb* at $3 72 average per head. J. Ktrby ?k Co sold 153 Ohio sheep, wLlit 87 lb*, per head, at 4c. per lb ; 25s Ohio sheep, weight 88 lbs pur head, ut $4 18 per cwt.; 38 Ohio sheep, weight 88 lbs. per herd, at 4l4c per lb; 242 Kentucky lambs, weight 85 lb*. oer head, at 0,'4c. pur lb. Davis A Ualnitibock sold 127 Western sheep, weight 8?; lbs. ner head, at 4'ne. per lb.; 72 Ohio sueep, weight 83 lbs. per head, at 4c. pjr lb.; 88 Ohio sheen, weight 105 lbs. per head, at 4;?uc. per In. ; 82 Onio sheep, weight 184 las. per head, at UAc. per In. ; 45 Mate sheep, weigat loo lbs. per head, at 4'4c. per lh. ; 35 St'ile ewe*, weight 12 7 1ms. per he id, at 4,'a ?. per ib ; 58 State lamb*, weight 55 lb*. p>rltoud, at 8c. ner lb.; 35 State lamp*, weight 83 lb*, per head, at 8,'ac. per lu.; 184 kouiut ky lambs, weight 58 lbs. per iiead, at 5*4c. per lb.; 422 Kentucky lamb*, weight 83 lbs. per head, at 8c. a 8'4c. per lh.; 475 Kentucky lambs, weight 85 ins. per head, at 8^c. per Ib. ; 103 Keuueky lambs, weight 88 lh*. per head, at .f8 30 per cwt.; 82 Kentucky laml>?. weight 85 lh* per head, at 0\o. per lu.; sold f r week ending J une 22, 1878, 2,720 sheep and iamb* at $3 84 average per head. Milch Cows.? No sales reported. Vitals AMP Calves,?The demand fair at current rates. Buttermilk fed calves sold at 2,7*0. a 4c. per lb ; ordinary quality calves at 5c. a 8c. perlu. Veal* at 7c. a 7^'c. por Ib. 11 ous-?There were uo live hog* ou sale. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Galvkhton. Jan* 24, 1878. Cotton quiet and easy; middling, lojgo.; in* middling, : good ordinary, Bj*c. Set receipts, 43.1 bales. Kx poru coastwise, lid. Sioux 4,4u3. hales, H?. Ni:w DULXXNS, Juue 24, 1878. Cotton quiet; middling, ; low middling, Iny.; good ordinary, 10c. .Nut recuipis, 421) b*lex. gross, 4'il). Exports to Conlluout, 077. Suits, I .in Hi. Mock, 38,lK*t., Juno 24, 1878. Cotton steady; middling. 10?.,'c. ; low middling, Kl'^c.; good ordinary, UJ?c Net r?uelnli, HH bales. Export, coastwise, 27o. sales, 4UU. stock, 5,OKI. Savannah, June 24. 1878. Cotton dull; middling, lO'fc.: low middling, lot^c.; good ordinary, WJ^c. Met receipts, 142 bales. Sales, 25. Stuck, 2.1SU. CiiAnr.icsTtxt, JnneM, 1878. Cotton Unlet; middling, il'^c.; luw middling. lOfoc. a 10j,c. ; good or lluary. 10T*c. a IH>4c. N' t receipts, U bale*. Exports coastwise, 3U8. .Sales, 2f>. Stock 421. W ibHIHilTOH, N. O.. June 24. 1878. Spirits ofturpentine dull at 272*c. 21 lor strained. Crude turpentine steady at til for hard, SI 83 lor yellow dip and ?2 lor vlr.ln. Tar linn at #1 4i). i Jiiuo 24, 1878, Flour unchanged ; sales l,300b'>ls. Wheat Steady; No. 1 Mllwauseo Club, #1 II); red Ohio, Si 11: red 8tate, ?1 12),; white Stat", ft 22. Corn quiet; high mixed Toledo, 4<'ic. ; Slate, 44c. Uals uuchanged ; mixed Mate, Stic. Herley and rve nominal. Corn meal, 82D bolted, #1'J unboiled, shorts, sf 114; sliipstnlTn, 814; middlings, $15 a $10. Canal freights?Wbeat and neas, 4'*c ; corti and rye, 3J?c.; barley, 8Ke. to New Voik; liimuer. *1 Hi to Albanv. #2 I'* to New York. Receipts? 12.*IUO nnsheis wheat. 14.ISJ0 (id. corn, 7.'**? do. rye, 1.278,1**) feet liiuibsr, .shipments -1,21*) hbls II ur, 8,3i?i bushels rve. 433,000 feet lumber. (Irani In store?18'.) (Xhi bushels wiieat, Idi.tNs) do corn, 72,30 > do. barley, 55,0U(> do. rye, UJMXJ do. peat. BrrrALO, Jnne 24,1878 Kl mr In moderate demand ; sales iks) bnls.; Western?No. 2 soring, 84 '-'ft a 84 73 ; baker'*, $5 23 a $8; Mo. I spring, 83 a $5 b<>; amber, P3 30 a 43 75; white, $5 73 a dsn 25; new process, $>> 75 a 88; city ground ?No. 2 spring, $4 25 a 81 50; No. 1 do., 8 i 2 i a 83 75; amber. $?> 75 a 88 23; whito winter, 8?! a 5 >; new process, 87 23.a #7 73; rye. 88 50 a 83 73. Wheat dull and ausettled: sales lew ear lots lo millers on private leimx. Corn quiet; ? ales 4 cars ol Kansas at 42c.; quotations nominally as fol low*:?No. 2ml\s I W intern, 41 ',c. a 42.1.; aainida lu high mixed, 38)^o a 42),c. Oats Inactive. No. 2 Chicago. 2t)c. a 30c. ; btate. 5tc a 32c. Karley neglected; quoted, Can Ida, (I >c. a 7stc ; Western, 113c. a 7l)c. Hve inactive . quoted. ada, ... ? Western, 38c. tllvhwlnrs In lair demand; snlei 2D libit 81 cO a 81 1)7, city made. Other articles unchanged. ? ail freights to Mew 3'urk ?Wheat, fic.; corn, 4'*b.; osts. 3c. Canal Irelglits to Mow York?Wheat, 4',c.; corn, 3^e.; oats. 2,Me. Railroad receipts-flour. 4,0*1 bins. ; wheat, 28,iv?l bushels; corn. 4*.OK) do.; oats, 21,1) *) du ; barley ?>,'*> > do. ; ri e, 5,2'?> do l.ake ro caipi i flour, 8,1145 bhls.; wheat. i8l,W hiistiels ; torn, 541),81*1 do.; oats. 42.304 uo.; rye, 7,4i*i do. nhlpmrnie by railroad?flour, 11,)i<si bills. ; wheat, 3.3.0) *) bushe'a; ooru, IPi.hio do.; oat-. 21,1**) uo.; barley, li.l)"? do , ryu, 3,21)1 do. Ity canal to tidewater ? Wheat, 103. >8.1 bushels; corn, 228,773 do.; osts, 117,228 do.; rye, 8.117 do Drain in store ? Wheal, 80,400 bnsnuls; corn, 3D ),(**) do.; oats, 10,200 do.; barley, 15,0011 do.; rye, 25,0*1 do.; ma.i, I'si.POOdo I'stlmaled malt in lo.iises, In >,IM) hushes. Drain allosi for tlucwster on Kriu mid Oswego canals - W heat, 1*11.317 bushels ; corn, 1,233,020 do. ; oats, 312.024 do. ( ris, 83,315 do. DktK'iIT, J line 24, 1878 Flour In good demand; sale! 230 bbls. at #5 50. W heat firmer; extra wh.ts Michigan. 81 141*; No. I white. 81 IK1,, lorn stronger; 30a hid I or high mixed. Oats staady .1 2a14c, lor No. 1 white, 2i>l,c. lor Mo. I mixed I hirer.col null and nominal at $3 80. K*celpta?flour, 1 ,H.??i l.bls. ; wiieat, 33,<* a) bushels; com, 1.4)*) do.; oats, 1,000 do, hhlptnants ?r lonr, 2.4 m bbls., wheat, 20,00 ? huahals; corn, 7U) do.; osts, 3,i> i0do, Toledo. .lone 24,1878. Wheat weak and lower; intra whltu till ing in ulTerod at 81 12 ; amber Michigan -pit, 81 08; No. 2 red winter, spot, 81 If.'; *eller .liny, 92Jg? ; ??.|ivr Auiait, HH'te.; .No, J llnjrtoii aim Miciiwaii red, H Ol; rejected WaIiauM Mini Uiytufi mtii Miciift^iin, 7Hc. Ooru dull; httfh mixed, UUc.; Mo. 2. *put, ; Metier .1 uly, ;p< l4c. : teller Auyuit, iiWjC ; rejected. lid V- Out* thill, wmie, 28V Hecilpta s\ bent, / UUU bushoiH; corn, H5 > HJD do ; oAt?, do. !*hip? uieiiti ? Wheel. l,mN)bu!ili?lt; e#?rn, 2i4,uuti<l ? n) do. vierKeu cloNO'i ? \\ lioitt nuil; >o, 1 wlntt* MichigAn, 4*1 12; i?ai >tr M iclil imii. oe^li, #1 oS; Metier Aii^uni, , caunI, 361 112; r?d,fl "I'4- '"oru uul; lii^ii inUod, iltW. ( rt'J#.:tAd, OaIi, 26]|0. Cine 15*ATI. June 24, 1*7K Klour dull ?nd drooping; fntnliy, r>i ?'?'? a Wlieut MCArc** iiti'i firm. red. H'?c a $1 R"> Corn lit .-nod dettiAlid At lull pnent. 4Uc. Mdl'gC. <)AtM <|tlieft, liul llriu Ml -?>c. A 2tK*. liye in f?tlf ilmitiid ml .HJc m .'?/?. Ilorley ? I'rlmo to cnuice i?ti, Iftc a.Vk; Rik?<l to ?rrlr? I'm It uuiet; held mi #1*4 1 litr i In tfood d?inAnd ; i?t'?Atn, 7^4,; < t?rrent niAttd, .*>; ketilo, 7V4c a 7ft|C Hulk ino?t? <|tti?t, tiut firm; ?liottldfr? .?c ; rib. o>gc ; cleAr Mldex, $"i ?!.*?. Hacm nCMrt-e Mini llroi; htotul io* c.??r no. j?I m <tl ??"?, cltsMr ?lvl?a. A iiiNkev hikuer At $1 O r Hutter dull Mild UIIC lAllir* ds IdllMAod oil <J llct At M 5:?C. "Ul?Af <|tllet Mild UUChAUfed. Hon* ?411101 ; QUI 11 molt. <;? li.? a Ad 7 ?; titfl?t, H<) ,1 pttcKiuit. 4.1 <? m $4; buteuers', iMitli rucAlptu, 1,795. nUlprti ut8. I JM I'NICAfiO, J11110 24, 1H7K Flour uuiot but nlMAdy. Wli?*At dull, weMk And lower; No 2 ClilCArfo NpriiiK, H5'. bid, cadi aim! .June, WW a HIV , Jillv; M4 '4c. a H4 V . /\Ui;uNt; No, II u ?., Htw*. ; rej cted, ide. Corn kt*?dy . with a leir d?m iiid And enMler; di?v.. canti And Jiity! iitfutt; njfci if, HJV 11 m18 dull And m mIiaUo lowei , J4'ai: , chiIi , -id1,0., .luiy* l.yo ?trMdv Ana uuctiMii^e 1. H.triv,. tteA?l> mii>! iiiic.)Aiitfo l. Fork uiwettli'd. but ueiieratlir bUher; 'if*iu>ud Aatwre; |?i 2*i cm all; 4<> a 4J'9 An mt; .?r? ? ' ? *?7'g, .s??p. (?iiioer. IsMid In inlr deutAiid end firm; fit H7'a. cmmu ; m $H 101. July ; #?? !?7'a a d7. Atuan. $7 a ?7 Mpl0iu?*r. Hulk 1110Af m MtoMuy aii 1 Urin ; ulioul i*m, ?Md7?g, ?liort rib. # 1 *19; iuort vleMf, r ? ?U. Alcoho , lid . . .1.1',0 Wiiltkor wtvHdy And uuciiAiiK?d mi #1 <rd. 1 rvisctiU Cora to HuumIo, I >Bc lit* i'0 i .? 1 ? Flour, 11,5*1 bin*.: wlitiHt, l.'i.ikki bU8h?-t<i, . rrt, 219,'KM) do. ; oAt?, ftt MMi do ; rvo, do ; burl - v. ? -,'nft do AblpiiietitM Flour 7 .'MM D m ; \s lie At, x*i5.UUU btiMbi'lR ; 0orit. da. . o aim, .it,(Mk)do. ; ry#, I H r > do.; burley l,imf do. VVlijiMt rio?<?d IrreKU.Ar Aiol cumI - r, but no; I t, but no -in itAOiy lower. Corn luirly hcIiv* And MtiAde bi?<lier; a tmih mid .lu-y; m H7?., Atrust. Out" r??l?r, but not uuot >il?iy iow? r rork Mini 1; C.? .'bi a Pv? H i. duly; *i? "el a r'> TuAn mt. l*Mrd tnlriy Motivu and a etiAde huli-r; # > i?2 j. Ju y . $7 ma, Aui;uMt. PRINT GLOTliH MAUKEr. Fa 1.1. ftfyk 11, Maum .5iiue 24, ITt 'I )|0 printing cloth uiArket I? <|i|l0t , 'tuotMttoi.M tor HI Nduure clotliM, hjiiIiimI At 'I 7 Itlc., lo mm I per rent CA-b And iAIxH 1, du oahIi, with lifctii ma.0n At tliai M^uru, m run .til di?o "tilll or Niiort time. CHEESE .MARKET. If TIC A. N. v., .tune 24, 1h7h Clirte* 14 fVl'i chet04 ehan/ed ttAftd* tier to duy At a r.m.'i' ol from 7)?*. to Hji?c ; lAMdiu lAutorlte. " go , aver *2" mI4?. lined thon*Aiid were ?#nl on <.onntii??ilon. EUR0P1A5 MARKETS. < OVIMKHCI (U Cotton - fulnre, qnlet bill'MeaiT,"" i l'."""', ^4 ? I' M. l??li,"eHO,:xrt(bale, a,n.r.eaa .sles of the gay t/Oiuiiiou iomIi), .m, Tallow, 38s. fld ,lcr CW1 I'"?','* ?{?<>? 31 ,3 *)/> M P"'cwt. 1 Wl ' '8|r't?ul terpentine, 23,. ? llcox's lard closed *1 48f pV/.Vf7;j*',,"2*' ,h7M V-l?at?.ll?...a.4H? 24 LtiiM?0>i oil, i.:7 lUi. n?li Ids. per ton NKV foNK PKUOtrcr. t Al'M A5i*K UKf'OMT Isiyi Mfotiie, .10U0 24, 187*. Port I.MMtorn dull At Wenicirii dull ?l l.t Ma cm ? untireilAhd cut "tendy At 2?m h i . ?bort rib flrmar At 2Hm, ; <>niM ?l?Mr ll?in*!r ut *?7?. H*t , ?? ort vi??r tlrmer At lid*, ill. iWtriin U1114 til* linnet At 4.? liiMki <i?r% li.mei Mt 27m. ueel ? .oia hi- ** U ul ?t H4m. , estr* immmm dud At 1**4 ; prim*' iue*? *?a 1 t i.'%. WArd I'rune WeMiero duH At liflf. ld i itiiow ?I'iIme city duii Mt H7*. I ur pernio*. ?* pi rite nan Mt JM* K**?in - 1 ? muiou UttU At ?? . | tine uuii at Hm. Oheeee-A merle ea onelve dull at 46*. Lata oil ateaay *tfXV Floor?KxtraSlat* iltill At 25s. Wheat? No. I eiirlut dull ot It. id. ; No. 2 .prime dull ?l Hi. I lit I winter auil at p.. H.I. Corn?Mixed toft. old. dull ot 2ts 9d.; mixed now ? ull ot 22*. HI. Cottonseed oil?Hon# in tuny. ? rt. Receipt* of wni'ii lor the wool* from Atl?u(ic port*, 44.'KX> i|i??rter? ; do. do Irom J'acilic port., Iu5 ilo. . do. dot f. oin otber toil rutin, IS.ItJU do. , do. do. eoru, 72.000 do. FINANCIAL. Losoon. Jan* -4 -4 P. X. Oonto't h'i (t-16 for money and H5\ for tbe account F.rte, HHj: Illinois HO; Pennsylvania (,'euirnl. 31*4 Pari* advieea quota tiro per oeut routoi llJf lOy. tor thn account. A? FI% Y\< IAI*. T 11K AHIlN All i.K li.Vir.a -Ui.At.VO> 1,1 'PITanTI uhniluwuLeni luMtraucu I'oiioie* ami una bituiibt; iusmauoo at ail kiuii* wiib lM*?t couiumie* m iuwcvt prntiiuini*. J. J. .lAHKtCll X CO.. Broadway tlux l.twl. bVANCEiTiJS rKMil.i. FuVuil, CA|lUA5iK Ac., it Nioruii in atlvei ti*er'? warebou*?? Address BTOli UiU, box 17H itor tid attics. HIiKTHOFT and MIlW acker uailkoad. al?o ? Mout/oiuery Mint Eutala first mortgage bonds wauled, hU >V. C. FOX A CO.. ft Wall ?t Ail. 111 l AiMVr. HISlHii tfMAftE* BOUoH? A*D ?Old In tli# San Kraiaclnco mid N?w York markets. nil* divided * prtin hero or reunited to any peri ut tbo wo vie siuiultanonUMy with their payment in San Francisco. V\ 11. LI AM WArtii, No. .?2 Hroadway. below Wall il It MI PER CENT?MOMMY AI.WAYH fu I.daN .'Imi mortgage T S. OI.AKEadN A CD , 1411 Broadway, VI. I, Iv 1 > If CIIV. OilNI'V A N if it \ l i.kdvd H uid-, Insurance. < Ity Ifailroa'i and tin -toek. w*ut*4( our specialty 27 year*. Al.ltKKT II. NlClfLAY 4 CO., 4.1 Fib# |t, New V .rk. A LEX- Kit' i l'UI.N'UII AM X~Ci?.. B t X KKKH AND am. Brokers, 12 Wall st., dealers in tir-t class Puis and OslU: buy stock* at tbe .Now York Mock hxcUaujre and carry same as loiii; a* desired on a deposit ot three per cout; ex* p aiiatory circular tree. A7.1, ?;<)VreTlPLATINri hTsKRCP'ToY CAN HAYfl service* at counsel, iucludiiitf discharge nroeeadinxx lor $75; if tinai disc'tnrue opposed, $l(X);just claims cao be proH'jcutcfl without expense until recovery. W. All DIBS, caie box U70 1'osi otlice. ____ ?' A I)VANCK>'* ON PIANUti, KUKN1TI RE, AC.-1(13 AWeiit dlld st., west ot Htb sv. (storage otUcel, without boil us WI DoW OF 2.1 ABOUT VIHITINO NEW YUNX wishes to luriu tno acquaintance ol elderly gentlemen to assist liar while tliure. -Mr.. JJli MLVlA, Jluitimori), >d. UNO AND MOItT' IADH.?CDKPO it A I'TdN. KSTATK and other iru.t Kund> to loan in any aumi ou Klr.t Mortgage ou Improved City deal Estate, (I per cent; will lo in Ml p ir cent on valu < ol propi riy NURWOUII A COU'JHii ALL. Atlorueys nud Couuaellur?-at-l<aw, 32 Pare place. / ioL'I'D.NS ??K rill-; IfK.NVEll CITY WATER C(lS(I " J p iiy HoinU. dun l?t of July proximo, will bo paid M ilia Koiirth National Itank. E XCIIANDK?OK O. II. (ilLKS A CU., No?. 32 and S i ilroadway. Stock.?On quotation# from "New York Stock ExoUaqjc." Mumtua, 1 per cent; uomniia.iou., 1 1(1. Cotton?On quotation, from "New York Cotton Eg. ciiniiifa." Margin., 10 point.; uominloioo*, 1 point. Uritin?(fu quotation, from "Ctiiemco Hoard of Trade." Mar in. 1 percent per hu.liol; aommti.lepf, 'j. ETxrCUrOK MUX LOAN #223y*X)7 (I Fkh cknt'; illr.t clax property. Principal, addre.i EXECL'TOK .lutiou K. I~a17ivays fiTvii money to loan on mukthaob New York city Property ; city liai road Stock, anil Hoodt honnlit and .old. II. I,. (IKANT, 143 Hroadway M UNKY TO LOAN IN NEW J hits Hi. A. 11. M Kl.LICK, Jr., OH William at., room 30. MONEY AT 0 PEK CKNT ON NEW YuitK, BUOOK lyn and Htatun I.'.and improved Property. BTAKE, l.Vf Hroadway. XTOTICK TO Klitsr MUKT iAliE BU.VUIIOLDERA^ it Oblo and Miid'alppi Hallway Coranany. liy direction of tile Circuit Court of the United State. Iter the fli.trict oi Indlnuii I will, on th? let day of J uly, 1H7H, rmy on pr wentatiun at the office of the company, .* J Will. aniat.,iu iho city of New York, the internet coupon, ot the hr.t mortKa.e hoiiil. ol tbo olilo and Mit.ia. ppi Rail Way Company, which fall due January 1, 1H7H, exceut auch coupon, as may be held by the Union Trust Conipauv of Saw York tor the beucflt of the .luaimr laud lor .aid Or.t mortpaic. b <nda. No luiero.t will lie paid on the eoupon*. a. the order of the Court reaerve. tor future determination tbe question of paying *ncli interest. ilie coupons are to bo surrendered nud cane 'lied, hut tlio namrioltho owuers will he taken and reported to the Court as a oa t. for (be calcul tiou of Interest. If tbe Oonr* shall hereafter allow It. JOHN KINO, Jr., Receiver, (flue aud Mlaslasmpl Railway Company. Party occupvinu their own house woulo' give Room free ol expense for lean of RIM, and chattel mortgage. II. T., herald Uplown office. THE CII ATH Uf NAtlONAL bTnkTIU? HuOamVAY," New York, June 22, IH7H. Forty llfth Illvidend. The Director* have this day deolared a eemi-annual diet. dend ol tut'-e (3f per cent, Iree ol tax. payable on and aftel July 1. The transfer book* will be closed until that date. II. P. PUBKMUe, Cashier. *7 (UW1 ?AIYBN rEROHNTPUKOHAHS MuNkl V I ." "v/U.Mort-'ace lor sale; good real ? state seeurlty. Ap. iy I >. II K.N API'. Hioih st . l'ltli av. CC1 ?> I HWi KhTATK KlJ Nds id loan "in nkw ??* t aWs'/UUVbrk or Brooklyn. JOHN rf. PIERCE, No. COPAHTY KitSlllPS. VfEW YoKK. JUNK 22, |h7h 1' By mutual consent, tbo partnership heretofore existing netwocu the nniiersUned, under the firm name ol Nn 'I'llaN, ASCII KK A CO., Is hereby olssolved. Alexandel h. Aschert* antborixed to sign in liqnldatlon. Signed. N. J. NATHAN. Signed. A. H ASCII hit. signed. 1. ASCIIEIC The undersigned will continue lliu business ae haretnlor* In hi* own name aud at tbo taiue place. No*. 3 and 7 Wliltq ?t. A. H. ASCII Ell. A A PulLAUELPHI I PIJHLIitll KH, WITH a>> V KARA1 JYe.perlotiee deatroe an agency lur n Nan York Ouoa in Journal liuuae. HUWAKit ('? ^LUKN, I'liiUdilpbla IIUSIXKNN OPPOtlTL/MI 1 IK*, 'a ilXLf IN 1 atrttT-aT'lN A. flKHT CL tSti c| rv IH'HN .Js nesa raquirtuic uot little capital. LLuYDH', 4 War* ran >(. 7 HPLKNDID OI'PIJRTUNII'Y.?WILL HELL KOIl _Arn?.i or take a partner iu hotel 12 5 J Fulton al? oppoellO \V aniline (on Market. llila ia a good chance lor a liunor mar chant. Cell and examine. PKOPHlKMIR, J-Vi 1 u>tun at, nOUIIt A~MKkTJaN^Tli)UNh CAM ilaVK EXOlUT ilvoaalu In fiuulli America of a new anil attractlrt eta. C. E. I'AKB> I . (Ml John at. 75 urr&uknT in Small. sakk manufactur. .ILing Uu.l iaaa. article -.tapl* , no patant; profit, larfa. drKl. KLA.NI''.">. M Kaakin.n at. OHNYLEMAM, WITI1 (iuob TOdlOJIUU, WAN I'Kli? to join tlin adrertleer lu apirst ela.a wholesale inannrao. turnip ba.lnees. At. a. U L.t Ilernhl olfica Pii1 LA DKLPII[A Pl/itLlitll KK, ? I Ml i> YEAKA" a Jo urns A It A HE'oil \ NOK KOK A EUntNEMa MAN.-A PARE ner wantad, with <t_'O0 aaah. In a Aral e'aaa arlna an! aauipla room, oomjr a good cash trail a. Apply to Gil AKLEd hl'KNt Kit. IH Ntw ?t lTBy OR GENTLEMAN Willi KMu CAN FIND a eplendld opp irtnnliy to tnea-l tha uni in a good patina inauula.'turiua buain'as by addreetimr LAllY, Iter, aid Uptown olllra. ClOjfhYTsL A NIF -JOK CKeT* AND HOD A W AThI ; I'aaill >n, rlam atai d, frnlt noil ronlectionery nrl vllayei, togetoar or separate, lor rent. Apoly Conay laland Got* lege. naar'ilintuar'a dapot. C'ltliAK, AO DA HToKh AND LUMCH ROOM OUV. J Intnl. Call, between 11 anil o't oei. Jfl Maiden Inna, corner Naaanii i.i /( All interest Koi: ^.v**i n orfuu IN Ilia ??itf.iu, hl? ,-..od ra.h Imalnaaat proprietor la alonn and experienced but naada aaal.tanra anil wore capital few bli taorraatiiic trailo. Apply (iEldiilt A CAttLhiON.M llroadway. __________ i,iciit LITINO roitfRon T7 p , rn at* ok r manlnnia ' iinna .t will gl?e valuable mediolua recipe, M . box I4it Hrnaiaiyn. N. V. INTRR1WT N NAfil N?I, HAH. KKMTA11 it AN T, MOA lea i r?ain and Lnnch Pavilion. Addroaa OONKY r*LA N D. Itarnld aAaa 1~Kiirri MA TK KitTAB Ltlfli KD~ AC nl NRH S_ P AY! N<| Jlef.ely ; wil> fire Interest to satL'ertory man ; assist aii,... w.tnlad: ? > or #l,l*>> required . money aaanrod dud itieoma guaranteed. DUDLEY A CO.. 4 Kaet I4tti at. >1aCTICAL Man, Willi IH1Mit MONEY, ClN OKt ood pualt on or interest In established lumbar business. a*I 1 N KIt, hv ninjr Post Pudding. room A. f 11attTNKit wanted that ka- rRon #a.iu<> to a il I m, to take a ball lata real In a zaotl par I no hnainaaa; rrraltent npnortunity for a you ly >n<n; th. neat rafaranrp irlv. o and Mojilra l. Addraaa D . llarald ultlca. uTrur7>*av,~rhk aif ii." innrTiK laat"*d t v po t tpriiirrlnir I'at.nt Itiahta l>r tha duly anttlon aala, NEW YORK PATENT K\. HANOK VI l.ihartjr at 11HE A*it tlllAR PAfKNT KXi IIaNOe" 4w? 753x5 ?ity, have partla. with capital who trlah ta In raat la amall I'.tonia W'ANIKIl t Vol .'Nil VaN Wtril A NMALL CAPl. tnl In mi oatnollahod manuriictuiinK bntluaao; profit! .'Ml por cant. Call n| l'H| AVoat llouatnn at. tAf OHKINO W . 1CII d AKBRH. ? TO ONE S"7vTn7| 11 Al.Vi an natal.iiah'd bualutoa la uflarad j n (oon llviug can ??# made. VVATCIi. llarald ofiloo. O yitlk P .KTNKil tt A >ThD IH lAOMbTI TO V>)l't '.au-.i-rlnlaiid t r Rirla. uira out apool cnitoa. HIE, tlirna.l.Ac Aildr.aa 1,1 VI NUN f> IN . Eorntd afilun, C; I llll an AHI.K TOt NU NAN LATELY OLKRK^ ??'I 'M'<?lll Invoat from fi d) ta Mi"' la paying Aa?t. noaat nut nfraol ?? worn; or will loara < iiy, A Idraaa U. U, V . boa H>4 llarald oilier < "tillI Wanted, parinkk ro tank, malt in. V*" "aiara.i and aatand guod paring bnataaaat alna d>liy Ineniae li Laion aquara. room itt. J. - oil TO f l.fV"A ? A a U1HNT WANTED TOR Till ?^t )l M K i|. ol n a iiuabla aamlary artlala In eaary city In tlin I nliail Htatna vliern water la auppllad by artlllrinl ma ina; money tna ?la l in propaitloa In popalauant rrfer caaaa raqnlnM. Addn aa NAM V.aKY, llarald Uptown otcn i I llllll Pit OP IT WEEKLY -PaRINkR W ANTrfo ?. I M M ??. aatblar. graataat money meklag ai'.ilblll<>n In Xiaerlca. 41 Hrnauwar. r-min ABOUT a GAME OF CABDSt In John Cannon's naioon. Forty ?mh it root t|| First n?'1 iiuc, yc-iardiy altoruuon n rot ooourrml otcr a (eino ol cards, and Alosandor VIcNulty wa$ struck on ihn hosd with a "schoonor" Infer heel thrown iiy t m n named Joseph I.swlor Offleof Div *, ol ibi- .Ninettfiith ptoolbct, was ontlod la, and Ion tut MnNtlty hlesdiii( prolusoly Irotn s scalp wound mihubii'k part ol hlobOaJ. His ssssllsat lisd ct. captd to ilia roof ol iho homo, wiittUor tbo odtcor su tempted to lol.ow biru. On bis wsy up Ills slsirs ha uiLtRked by two young brothers ?anted Hoary slid Louis Miller, ouo ol Whom Oiu^bl hi III by lot leg and altompttd to turow linn oyer mo oanisirro. Tunro Was s saYoro alrugfle lur b lew tnu in.'iita, and out of the Millar brolhors toll ofrr iho biuKtare. Officer liayli finally mil* hlvwaylolbero no cspturod Liwlor. Too MllNrn arro isoarqi ally errceivd, end all three Oaro nrrrngb' >1 leiore Jiiuge Kliuroth lite ta tlie siternoo I.aeior was citiiiiiittnd In $AVtl oail lo aimwor, anj Henry ami L- uie. bom or wuom abowad aigas of ia* toslcstloB, ware fined $1? omE,