Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD WHOLE NO. 15,283. NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1878.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS DIRECTOR If FOR ADYERTI8KUS. BBRALD BRANCH OFFIC B. 1.265 B ROADWAY OPEN DAV AMD NIHMT FOR KRO..PTION OK ADVERTISEMENTS AND BALES OK PAPrRS. AMUSEMENTS?1?t PAGB-5tb and 6th coll. ASTROLOGY ?2u Page?6th col. BILLIARDS?In Page?2d coi. BOARDhRS WANTKD-21) Pace?2d and 3d eoli. BOARD AND LODOINO WANTED?2d PAG a?3d eol. BROOKLYN KoAL ESTATE FOR HALE?3d fago? lit BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -Bib Page. BUslNKsS NOTICES?7tii Page?5th col. CITY REAL LS I ATE EOR SALE?2d Page?lot eoL CLERKS AND SALESMEN? 12TH PAGB-6th coU OLOTHINO-20 Page?6th ooL COACHMEN AND UARDKNKRH?I2t? PAOD-flth ooL COASTWISE S I RAMSli IPS?2d PAOB-5th coL COUNTRY BOARD- 2d PAGB-3d and 4th coll. Dancing academies? m Page?ttbcoi. DENTISTRY?lira Pacb-4th eou dwelling houses to Let?furnished and UNPURNIBHKD-'.'d I'AGK-Ut eol. EUROI'KAN sTKAMBU IPS?2d l'AOM-4th udUb eol A EUROPE-7th Pack-6ih col. EXCURSIONS?2D Pack???b eol. FIN ANOIAL-Bth Pagk. For SALE?1st PaoB?6th col. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Page?1st and 2d cola. FURNITURES?11th Page-6th col. HELP \VANTED-FKMaLES-12th Page?5th and 6th cols. HELP WANTED?MALES?lira Page?6?h eot. HORSES, CARRIAGES, Ac. ?Ibt Faoe-3<1 andttheola. hotels?2d page?iw cot. HOUSES. ROOMS, AO., WANTED?2d Page?2dooL INSTRUCTION?1st Page?5th col. LEGAL NO I ICES?1st Page?2d col. LOST AND HOUND? 1st Page?lit col. MACHINKKY-Ikt Pauk?5th coL Marble mantels?ibt PAGa-ttheoi. MEDICAL?2d Page?Bill col. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING?In Page?4th eol. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?lOra Page 6lh col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7th PAGH-6lheoI. PERSONAL?in PAGB-lat eol. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS. AC.?In Page?3th eol. POST OFKIOK NOTICE?1st Page?2d col. PROPOSALS?Iet Page?4th col. PROPERTY OUT OK TDK CITY FOR SALE OR TO KENT?2d Page?lit col. REAL ESTATE To BXCHANGB-2d Pago-lit col. REAL ESTATE WANTED?2D Paok-IiI coL REWARDS?Jit Page?lit eol. BALES aT AUCTION ? lira Pagh?5th And 6th cola. SITUATIONS WANTED?Fl'. MALES-12th Page?lit, 2d. 3.1, 4th aod 5th cola. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?12th PA0H-6th ooL SPECIAL NOTICES?lay PagA?lit and 2d cola. SPORTING?DOOS, BIRDS. AC.?Iit Page-3d eol. STORAGE?lira Page?6tb coL BUMMER RESORTS?2d Page.?4th col. THE TRADES 12th PaGK-ttth col. THE TURF?lax Page?3d col. TO LET KOR BUSINESS PURPOSE9-2n Pag*?lit eol. TRAVELLER'S 01 IOK-2d Page?5th and 6lli cola. UNKLRNlhHKD ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET?2d Page?2d eol. wanted to puroiiask-12th Page-sui cot WATCHES, JEWELRY. AC.?11Til PAGE-6thooL WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY KOR SALE 0R TO LET?2d Pagk?lat col. YAOIITS, STEAMBOATS, AC.-IOth PAOB-eth eol. c he H II PKIIKONAL.. \hTLBTON. ?TUESDAY AFTEAnOON. BOTH WAYS. Why <IH you shake your head f Addreaa CONRAD, raid office. ARM' N. 8.-PLEAHK CALL AT 5 Ba.tK.MAN ; important. aTuTeM BOAT. SUNDAY AF TKRNOON, FULTON terry. Pleaee addre.a R. U. J., 58 Kaaex ?t. INFORMATION W ANTED?OF MR H KHZ. LaTK rom Chicago. P.'caee call ?t No. 218 Went 28 lb at. lor letter. received from Son Francisco or iiend yoor addreae. IadyIn black milk urks-7, morn Jing. Otlt ?r. to 2Glh to Broadway, lell latter, returned through Broadway. looking back, ireutleniaii earncatly de tirca acquaintance. Addrne*. in ronfldence. with some particular!. C. T.. box 114 Herald Uptown office. ), Nt?T YKT.-WKITK AGAIN. bKAD ADDRESS, lor the it kkalo coata too inucb. iiOalA ItA.Stiit?JdKEl' WEDNESDAY. ' LUCY. N n vv vv ILL EDWaRD ASSIsT *K AT A TO K. J. ? KM MA. J HI 44.-SAMK PLACE AND HoUSK 27111. > FRIEND. ILL THK YOUNG LADY WHO STOOD IN TlT trance Krunawick Beataurant, Mouday night, dnrinir rain, grant Introduction to aentleiuau ia limit clothe, f Mention how .be lett to avoid uiiatake. ANXIOUS, box llti Herald Uptown office. 5TH "aVKNUK sTAOB, Yr.SrKKD AY AFTERNOON at about o o'clock.? Gentleman who rode from opposite (?race Cimrcb to Kiltb Avenue # Hotel, alttlug In Trent corner, lelt band aide, requeata acquaintance Of lady next blm. dreaaeo In bine; overdreaa bad a protualan or pearl button triraoting, round bat. auburn hair, bine cyea. ALKX tNDKK, box 187Jlernld Uptown office. UMT AS i> KOl.tb. IjWBilinS" ii En ald CPtfoWfT b"kanVTETopritbIf. I? a aum of Money, which owuer ean have by calling at Herald Branch office, 1. lit id Broadway, after I P. M. f-flOU.ND-T$i>*> KAIlKOAI) BuNU. (iWNElt CAN ' have aame by proving property and paring lor thla ad (nrli.cmviit by calling upon 0. F. DoDVJE, office Fifth Avenue Hotel. (1ST POCKKTBOOK-IN BTH AN'T ? CONTAINED all. ut (17. broken lireaet pin. Ac., a receipt, Ac. The Inner may retain a r ward by leaving other coiiteate at Herald Uptown office. Addreae Mra. B., box 1411. LOST?ON THK n:!i7 A. M. TRa17> FROM PAssAIO to New York, ou Friday, Jnae 21, a Package of Legal Papera. The tinder will be rewarded by leaving theui at JulIN F. MKYKus', No. 8 Warren e*.; Mra. RACHEL 8PEKR. Paaaalc. N. J. LOBT-MtiNDAY, JUKI'. 24. 81LK CROCHETED I'nrae Kinder may retain money If he will return Puree mid (Hove Buttooer to 1 Spencer place, Brooklyn. No queatloaa naked. L~0-T-M0NDaY. JUNK 17. A HOLD THIMHLK. marked "K. O. T. to h. J , 1848," (3 reward it raturued to 37 A'rat 324 at. OST-TUtSDAY. JUNK 2.\ IN~UOIKU TO 8TEW Jart'a via Court at. car and Nth av. atage. and Irom tiienee lo McCreary'a. a heavy gold Bracelet, rlcnty chaeed and enameled; the Under will call at 178 Kemaeit at., Hrooklyn. and receive a anitable reward. <ST A LOCKET, WITH riiorotiRA PiTlaDY and child. A auitaole reward will bo paid at 82 aud 87 Chatham at. LTiVt OIt STOLEN7 NKAK THiv CITY H\I,L. NKW York, a Purketb.Mig, with duei.illa and recelota In. The li.drr will b? rewarded and no queattona aaked If he will return It to the owner, at ula office in Brooklyn. KKU A111JS. (fij/Y KKWARlC^LOsfOK BIlOAUftAY, BETWEEN tj Ll/I4:h at. and Madlaou aquare, a circular cold, with aidea oi carnelian and <>uyx, containing a lock of hair. Thii above rewara will be paid for the ratnra ef the aame to No. 217 We?t 4 ttb at. (j?.? -~UKW IKI).-LOST. TUESDAY, JUNK 25, BE V )l w. c.i Hi.ward'f jewelry atore. otli av. and 123 hart 37th at , utaur'a velvet Bag, couiatullig a laily'a gold whtcb. No. till 1,3iHi, by American Watch Company, VYal tbem. Maaa., C. K In inouocrain on raaa; al.e lew penniea nnd oue goid uoller. The above reward will be paid by leaving the b-c and content. with J. K. NICKLhS, drug atore, titl7 Broadwav end 4th at. ?7a mxward amo no *diiution* asked-mik ?. I o.At ft.- ratttrn of gold Watcb. Chain ant i.wckrt taken Irom 342 ha.I 33d at., I buraday morning. Addrtaa A. V., box 181 i.eriil.i ..dice. <Ti (HI li I - w i ItU AND NO UURSTION 8 A8KKI) ? ?PJ.UUK..r the return ol Watch, Chain, Medal and t.ocket taken Irom 81 Park av. laat Thursday iiturnloc; I mean buati.eaa and will keep my word. Addreae W. B.. 1'oat office box 1.772 o.NOKaBLK REWARD BY RBTUKMNU Tij 3)4 ha.t 3d at- a black t en#; braaa b udle and algnature b. Jacohajn ; lelt Kriday night before the do or. MPKUIAL .YOTltP.h. A"Tikm h? > ? i w i n ? i i r. ak.v i-Kt'?i an Hi??P tal experience; ftpertnltleft <!!??? net of ineti and nervous eyatem; conaullation tree. Dr. JACOBY, 1??1 Hloecker ii. ? hukk vukk Fori hi'No i?i>KA-hh, hix;k Miid K/o, $1 per large bottle; #4 per **ilt?u We VAN it I h. r*H 0h?ruber* at. H 4A. A ITKNTIUN !-VI1 AIa i;aI#.>ULKa CtUh S nVtUrt illltbllUjf, MMknrMi, Ihfttcnil Breetlilnac, Keatern M?n* boo<i. Circulurn free. lUVl.Nti A BLAKE, box HH, Brooftljniq W? y. * % LL SFl CIkL COHrLAl.NT.H CKKTaIW. HAKi? awd jA permanently curod, to eltlior aex. Dr. COX, 'J(JJ hunt ItUh ?l. All ? omjFLaAwihmkilkcllv Fhbatm>; k?>o5 Ho*ril, Ac. Dr. and Mine. NhLDK.N, 14.? \\ eat Jdlti at. Cell tr write. \ LL tft'feCI L COMPLAiWTd, XKDIOAL OK hUK. e/lauiCMl, iaduly, auccvaaiully treated; ?? x ?nuiinti* u free. Dr. rtlaADK?>rtD. liU i am Uth at. LL Dl^KAHh> iiK MEN, VVH aTKVKK I H E cauae, recent or lonj at%ii ihig. ape-dlljr nad pernta tirntty cared lijr Dra. DYKK A OKINDLL, 47 NVtat ldth at . MM *>tU av. WO Fr.K UWtIL CUBED: t lAL iiTiikAsM, ?blowd, nkiti end nreinntdre debility. Kxarnination lr?r ii I ? i'. M. Dr. ? It ffi 'I A .N , SWH uranil at. A wwA ? PAKK, M. I)., MKDD^Ai KLKOIKldAN, JVi-nrea dtaeaae bv elerlridty, 1'arAlynD, rcLtlaa, H, apfeinltlea. Nd? ?h???'K. -'*7 Kiiat l>llh at. % i i. ii, i %MEWTak~V MATTEKrt v r b i i k i r\ by rea|?unaible Imaryer ; no lee II unajreeaetiil; Mnaorora not noticed nnleaa AppointIng interne* ?? i icivlng }>ai UralMt ?ll rh K, im Idn Herald oli e AMtroEH II I. d'\ltK AKKI U M v H Bl If A D lot the wuirlnea of toe Metrepoiitaji Kleveted HAilrend Company by applying to h.NDlWKKIt. Derai l olflet. Tikm kvi. miii>kev in rni wViSlS fovi J Jyeaia old, f4 per kaIIoii. fl per Drgo bolt le. It, VAN Hklb. rltambin at. D! \ HE llh.NKY A. DANl! IjN, >1. D., 144 Uilaxlaa ay., near JIlKli at. Office honra Irom H to Jf nnd 6 to 7. f \K. KD:t>kir> iv-sh.Nrt. et' j.m i iThTtTikk* J /taMnltood to tlie debllit ?tol In lour week*; fahure lm pO'Mole ; IS! per ctaft. .^ole agent. Dr. .lACQLKN, 7 Uitl verfilty pIac?*. New York. I vi \ o.i k i iH l.i OBTAIN rKKMH .slfriTiT X ZiAtlve y rceaotmble : OONdt LTA I IONS Ire#*. KKhlt J.itD K I. K I NO, Lawj er, (I Hahit .VIark'e plnre, adjoining Oooper itiNtltute. Y IN m: i >1 fti t ito M IMI'I i: IV iTi \1HK \H 'ilie bio* d, akin, taint and uervoua pKintrethi * 7 Vt tialtjr. .Dl>Kl'll .Ut glJK v M D., 7 Uulver slty pte.-e. (Hlice lioura from M till M nnd ?? to H. I vvT.lli K < AS"* attkndi d HI bhombtly, JL/eitbuiit paidieity ; cotiault liho. ISaAO U. HOVOk. eneriMiiecd lawyer. JflVt Broadway. ^ V HOB..AN itilkU M aTIc SuOiK IV, i'7 WEST Jjtlth, Incorporatou uu?ter net February 17, ih4K?All Lii'jura*ttun poaltlvelv enred. UvV N v LOITKKY. Next flrawl >k dune ^B, lB7>i prltea, amounting Iti Ah?.ta?t? peaoa lltgbeat priae, ?jittt.'aat peaoe; amnileat. 'Ha?. Aa the premium of nold ta rtimiAR down In I,aba ?diere priti'M Are worth more every *'av. rcueme lor next fftaal year cmii be had by nddreanlng VI. A MART1WEB A f'O.. Benkera, U> Wall et.. batemant. Oeld A'id IIavena Bunk Bills bought and told. Drafts on II it v nti a leaned. SPECIAL* SOTXCES. ___ tT'-tdOK-KENIUt:KV STATE SINGLE'NUMBER, H.. 10 be drawn ?u SATUitDA V, June 20, 1878. Capital prtie.#l4.(K*i. ? I elite o( <S,ii'*> | 2 pniMul (anch).... W.500 1 prise ol. 4.UUu| 4 pritet of te.eb) prise*. amounting to_ ..... Vi7.'i7.iT Whole ticket*. $1. Prise- paid In lull. PARK.-. EMERSON A CO.. Atlanta, 181 Broadway. P. S. Sealed rleks taken. K TKNTUOKV STATE TO HE DRAWN JULY 2?. " WII'iLK TICKETS, OSB DOLLAR LOUISIANA STATU LOTTERY. JULY 9. Whole Tickets, ?2; Halve*. $1. KOTAL HAVANA draw* June 28. I Icket*. $4<1 to <1. Kentucky Daily Ticket*. 91 to $2 50. Open till ?> o '''ock. BULLAKD A CO., I?>< Broadway, near30tU at. Louisiana state lufrisii y cox pa n t -c ii a r tereil by the State It nerer reaiee or postpones. Seventh grand ilDiribntlon at New Oriean*. Jolv 9; nri"." a oiihttni: to $IIH.4?X); capital pritet, $.JOIHO, S111 (till *5<Xk> Ac. ; lOO.OO) ticket*, two ($21 dollar*; ??M'"VV ^'fl. M. A. DA IP.IIV P".t 0 Hi en but ?92, New Orleaua, Da., or H. L. PLUM. 319 Broadway, New York. T OUI.siXNA DRAWS JULY ft-TlCKKTS $S: Ajllalv**. 91. Kentucky drawt June 29 llckets, fl. o7r nrivate earlort ?t Broadway. open from 7 A. M. nntil H P M H. NaTHaN. ltrtnud 8 18 Broadway^ 1 Allf ON ETAfcUi.K VI1A A N D~ ASS I ST A NT C U RE ljDifflcnltiet, however chronic, by Magnetic Healing Power and Indian Kemenle*. 1.2-"i Broadway. VT~KTHUPOl.IT AN JOB ? PRINlINO 28 ANN BT., DO ALL KINPS OF PRINTING POB ALL KINDS OK BUSINESS. SUMMER EXCURSIONS AND STEAMBOAT WORK, PAMPHLET 11.HE TABLES. FINE WOOD UNO HAVING COLORED PRINTING. POSTERS, PROGRAMMES AND TICKETS LAW CASES. EXPRESS COMPANIES, STEAMBOAT, nTLA.MSHl P LINKS AND RAIL ROAD WORK. I FIRST CLtSS WORK AND LOW PRICKS FOR CASH. GIVE US A TRIAL. METROPOLITAN^ JOB ^PRI NTING OFFICE, Marble-mantkls and monumenis ciieapf.R thau ever A. KLaBKK. 134 East ISth at., near Jd av. MTts JULIA. HINDLKY, OF PHILADELPHIA. WILL vri'v'e Private Sittings to tli??e who wUli to Inveetieate tna froth ot Spiritualism hy h.ariug .rom t^lr de^md trienda and other nuttier*; huura Irom IO A. M to 4 r 1 . apeci.* buura if required. No. 4S . a.t 9th it, "' Bread way. Private Se.iucc? given nt prlvaie retidence>. office"of'^gilber't'"elevated RAILWAY COMPANY. No. 71 Broadway. Notice it hereby given hat an election ol direct.irt lor the *'%7i'VoJk iu at the ortice of th? company, in the cily ot .>?wiofK. ,b. 8th day ef July next, -Ai^clnck u Secretary. ?OFFICIAL KENTUCKY Ji'^YsW*' ?Tlx1?? cnr ?;? ?v,?? 14, 10, 2.. (iIMEONS A DICKINSON. M?ne*:ers. CKOHGll STATE ? KXTMA CLAAS WO. 41U JUNE 2 ?. 1?7B* 13 l" 52. 72. 03, 27. 48. 29 14. 54 74 19, oi UkOBlllA tTATB?CLAtt HO. 420?-dUJtU*5, 1878 U8 27 3D 49. 52, 55. 23, 51, 84, ?. 38, -'7. <3, 43. 08, A/, *"? *' 'K u Kl!?DY A CO.. Managers. Information given regarding the above drawing! Apply to CLUTb A CO., Bank era. 290 Broadway. rear odlce. ?ROYAL HAVANA DRAWS J UNK 28 Oanltnl ,$810,000 In .-panith money to be dlttrlbuted. Capital I ?rLrtU^f?,U0?: $W>.000| 10 prtaea of $5.WjOee?h 1 nrize Ot ... . 115 KfilH l.OtKt each 2 pritea ef.'..'$10,000 each | 8811 prlaaa of..... oOOeueh P TicUeta. 940. $29. $10, $>. $2. $L UCliUlH, W/, G-v'. ?P?*'v v"' * ' ; . f, J. ciel'TK k CO.. hanker?s Broadway. -KKMUUKV HhSitLK NUMBKK \J? Dtttrfbtttlott June 29. if.-!-. ..815.<KN? 2 pritet of $?,JiOOeaen lJrlla rt.OfNM y priaes ut 1 ortU::?:ww|in?ri.e.or..... 5jw.?ch 1 89?priaee. diettibuiinir ?87,92j. Ticket*, $1. CLUTf. A CO.. Bankere, 'J'JU Broadway. -LOUSlAItATHlNilLE NUMBKH. DRAWS JULY 9. Capital prlee, $80,00(X Whole tleaeta, *2; halvea. $1. CLU'l E A CO.. Banker*. 200 Broadway. o o AtO"" lu'ertant ee"">t*f rdlraal or lurcleal; Impairment of uuy orcautc runetiou. hereditary ?r ?onatltutloaai taint, dlaoaaee of men end the nervoua ayeteut a aoeclalty. HENRY A. DANIEL8, M. D.. 144 Lexlngten av., near 29th >L Hour*, 8 to 3 and 6 to 7. Royal Havana loitBio. junk 2?. Capital Pi ilea, $2uO OuO, ,-panl?h monev. Tick eta, $4(1, $20, <10; I wentietba. $2; ,I?r l)?,5V' -ii KENTUCKY SINGLE NU.MBc-R DRAWS JUNK 29. WHOLE tM? OKlV'ti'vE DOLLAR. LOUlSlA.tA SINGLE NUMBER DRAWS JULY 9. Capital Prlao. $80,000. Whoie Ticket*. $2; Halvo., $1. JACKSON A CO., Ranker*. 82 Naaaau ?fa. near r el torn. ? ."J iiatANA DRAWS JUNE 28. 1878; $81(1,(XX) It'll.tributed ; capital priae. $200,000; hignaat rates paid tor priae* and Havana Bank bill". New schema *e?t en application. Addreta all orders to the aulh..riaed aganje, C. VlADKItO A CO.. Bankort, No. 1 New at.. New York. (Late with M. A. Mariiaea A Cel. __ ROYAL HAVANA LOIT r, ft Y?NEXT DRAWING Juno 28; $8IO,C"*J dlainbuted: Capital Priaa, f-'**1**' uriaes cashed : order. Bllvd : inh.rm ation liirni.h d : bikheat rates paid lor Spanish Bank Bill*. Guvrrnmrnta. A?. ],!),; ,t CO . Banker., 11 Wall at. New 1 nrfc. T?i?"MICKOM'OPIsTs (Ml PllY.-IClAN.--Fc.VV Bi%sT Knxiish Objectives, very cheap; Beck, Ac. Address MI ( KOSCOPE, Herald Uptown ollii? u 599 nkiVallkd in yi Ai.irv and prd r. Chainpavtie Wtnea of IMOKT A t llANOON, established 1743 Kenanld. Krancota A Co . Bole AvaeU for l uited State* BROADW v V G EN KU v I. EA8T RN OFFICE. KENTUCKY -TAiK LOTTERY I) It AW 8 NEXT BATURDAt JUNK 29. t p,i,, ,,f f 14 OOT 4 Prises, each .. kg" of-#3:?? ruw. .?.i,... I I'rin of $4 Ttti Prist*. r?ch ? Fr tea each . ..$2.5(M 1,823 Ii n-a. amount $22,925 " 1.80b PRIZES A M()l NT INO TO <07.925. Wllnlih TI' KKTS ONLY $1. WILLI \MSON A CO.. 599 Broadway, near llon.ton at. Yerk, Braaeh i.lhre. HI Broadway, W llllamabnrg. $(>7.U2 0.DOWVOC KNOW KENTUCKY STATU ]?KAW> HaIUKHAY. JC.NK J? T NCKtTb ONLY (1 KACII. PHIZ. 8 KKOM 9l4''K? (UKlllhsT) TO #3 fl.OWKST). I,MM ClllZf.H-fB7.njA <!A-II lilFTK. lit V I HUM Til f. LUCKY On-ICKS. I,2.'7 HKOaD Way, NK.W YORK (OPEN BYEMNUM), OK lH:i JMON taocK nr.. kkoiiki.y>. M. II. POUTER A OO., NORTHERN AGENTS. C;yin (Win ?royal Havana LOTTERY, jink ?J/0 lU.""u?'.'H. Rai Pruea, unmuiitini; K< flu.'XKJ; Oupitnl I'rlta, 9?i.i ft, ? law >ueky Ti^ki-i. lali: I'rlaa. fmh-rt; lull Ul..fmalioi. Mint Ira* ; liaar aehwnia raail.v J lit FF A CO.., 411 SiiitM at , eoruar Libarty, .V. Y $>) 7*M; ?J7~A -ROYAL HAlO* laifMKt " aw. I A.")? ? 1 I "t? lineal llrnn.wiek Ixmary. llrawinea In German* eaary mouth. Next iirnwlng July A lluval llavan.i Lottery, J una 2H. Tlrket., 9H>: unurtara. fill; eicluii-, $ft; Kant nek* Htata Imttery. Juna Jli. Wknla tlckata. 41. l.oulalana Mala, July II rietaH.KI: lialaea. 91. I'm a eenhert an<t lull informal Inn ol the abova ?"M Irea J. OUFF A CO . Ilaakara. 42 Naaaait at..eoy. Liberty. X. Y POUT OYYICK XOTIl'K. PONY or PICK .MlL'i h. lb* Kiweticn Mill* for the otiditiir rtAiur<J*y June .H, 18 78, ?i|| cl???r m% lui* ? *n I U 11 A. V|., lor htfup*, ft) at? 41.14Iti|t ( ity ft Nrt York, vi? ^iii'tfiimntii ; oa V% titiiiPHil*y, hi 11 ,i. d . lor *, t?jr ?t*na?tin> Algeria, vU t^ue*i??t?*wn (e<lfwipoiii nco for Kruno* In N lor waruod by th ? -t?-?uier l#o *p dally ltdilreMfili, miiU ?t ij ,M , lor France dtreei. by Ht??4*i*fcip CHfcida, via Havre; ou I h??ra?i?y, 41 II :.?0 a. M.. f??r hurope by -t<*rniiH|? Adrl ?lie, vin y'i9ppiniii?h <ivrr?? pond* nee lo? tiprtfiMii/ and i r.?nc e !? i.e fnrwnrd"U by ilint meanter mfl*t Im np*-et?lly ?dilrfoffi), nut! nt I'*' v., for fr?iice, bproiKii), Ac., by nl0?i3Mll|l An-ru, via Pivniouth. Cherbourg and ?ltrot.ur* (Corrfib9iul?Uf ? for i?reat Britain ?ltd the t ou'ineitt to be lerwurled by tfti? ?t earner muni be Hp dully a?idre**e?i) ; on Saturday. hi 11 :.??? A. V|M n?r tteroiatly. Ac., by *teaVMahip NfcKnr, tin liMinpfon and Bremen <c??rre*p oideuce lor 'brill l*i 11 him and lit# Continent to ?.e hirwurilA'l nv t lit ? steamer ?n?i"i be pjo eiHlly uddfrrMd), and hi 12 M, tor linrope, N|(>4in<tliip Cllv oi Ulinter, vih (Juet tiMnwn (onfrt HiwMMtenee lor Uermaay Atid netiUiud to be torw tided by lhi?t mint oe ?p?9lAiiv mldrw** dI. ?ml 1( 12 M , lor hMiUitd, dir^rt, by Rteiktmoiip I'to' innt, vm I h* RteimtlnoH City of Net* Vork, Alfr*ft*. Artrintie ?nd t iiy of Cbeater do iioilakr rntllo f ?r Donmarx, htfrden ?*n?1 NorwHy, The m?IU for KlngMon. .In . lenve New Vork af une 2 7. I h?? m-riln fur IliiyU, Mnailll. Ad , ln?yn .New Vork, .I tine SRt The mnilH tor lbr? Wen! Inrlie* Hod Vent trielk |eeye .New Vork .liriin 2f?. The m*tl? lor kRptnwHll end **oii?u I'aclfic porh louve New Vork, .fitly 1. The until* for Ob in h e no J open lt?vo Nnti KrefifUeo .Inly .*?. The itiHil* lor AtiRlrellft. Jkr. leeve bun !? rm rmco July 8. I'orr OrrtCk. New YmRR. June 22, 1878 TII08. I*. .lAVfKH, font rnnnler. LKGAIi KOTICKb. l?LK>uNa AlVv r.ltl I CM iT. -Tt?" ""Kt7 K It! K X Hlelie. formerly of HHllliiitinon ?, WnlorJOfd, I ret And, | son of Mid row Mink", . ei Woierford, IrelAoft, *nd broiber uf Andrew r.lnke, Uie of Pir.MitiatiN. In the lint- | l?li colony **( New Hoiltfi Woien, or. il tlM??Htl, to liU ; widow or children it euy), ilielr heir*, el* el tor* of nd* ! mlnl*tfHlor?, rotpecslyely V11 nerordunce wItn tilreeiion* iriyen hv the will of the nhore nnmed AndrOw Huke. ?ie rented, tli ? ripculon thereof?vlt , the IfomjrMhle .lolm Hltt*lon , Vincent >N tmolrorlif (I1I1M11 nnd I honuv* ?hnleil, Ktq., of >l?tt?ey iii tho colony Hfor<.'*4id--lutve direei-ed till* * to he pnUilMifd tor the piiipote ol di4* r ?verlitg the mud P'ttrick Hleke, It still nllye, nr. if UOnd, hi* widow or children .?r their rcpre*eutAiiyp* who u?v? in icreai* under the will of the hhII Andrew Hleke, <lereH*etf. Any inlt?riii*tlon respecting the *4id I*# trick Hinke. hit widow or children, or their r*pr tentative* will be thnnk tnliy receired by the nod. rugnctl iieied thiN l*t der ?f Heplenther. A. D 1^77. ALLKN. HmWDKN A Al.LKN, Hollcller* for the eateie of the lete Andrew It ike, 124 hlitklh'ih *t.. Hldney. BILLIAllDk. A I ShVV ?V A It It KOO Mft UK ll ?V t Jlbhb > If e. ft, /Id Hroadw*y, between (trace t'hnreh end rttewert'*?Bill* lord ruble*, new nn<i *eoond hend, la Utett d.-al^n*; b *t good* and lowent price*. AN K It I CAN hTANDARII III IjIjIA HI! TABI-Kh .NhVf and recond hand, at rcimced price*; RhIM, Cloth*, lip*, Coaia*. Cue*, Ac. WM. II. UUIFflTll A CO., AO Veaey ci. SPOKTINta? LHMWS. HI K liS. it. A LI. THE (,'HOICK BKRVDn'oP DOGS FOR SALK an.I stock Foster's Eureka M*iik< Care and Flea Ex terminator. $1. D I' POSTER, 8 W?t M it. THK TUB?. a l" ?FLKKfWTibo Kark juifiJ 28.?puiVsk, 2x L ?SKIO divided, for horaes that hare never bealeu 3 minutes. Knirifh close n'rilnciilaf, 2'lth, ai.d muil be accompanied with the money. Addresv , UATKS II. HaRN'ARD. Prop lei or. BOOK OPEN ON L?iN(i HRANCII II AKD1CAPS at Browue's. 1,171* Broadway. 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. JOI1N HACKfcTT A CO. ATKST QUOTATIONS AT MbNslKV i CO.'S, LRON ard'a Hotel, 1 hunt Washington ?qu?re. Sew York, hooka open Iroin H A. M. to 12 P. M. First meeting l.oug Uraneli racea. J aiie 20; 1 'a mile handicap :? Weight. 0 to 1 against Cloverbrook 122 3 ta 1 againai Ooneral Phllllpa 110 tt to 1 Htrxlnai Clilquita US 4 to 1 against Bertram. lift 2 to 1 against Danger...... 110 5 to 1 ugaiusl Little Keb ? 5 to 1 ugaiusl Adventure 1""> 6 to 1 against Simoon 100 4 to 1 against derrick 1"*) 4 lo 1 *eain?t Hnyaril !?** ft to 1 against .vllt-vuer 1*7 ti to 1 ax"inet Balance all HI 10 to 1 against any other ? Handicap sweepstakes, 13X rallea, July 2:? Weight. 4 to 1 egmnat Cloverbrook. 122 2 to 1 against General i'hlllipa ... 120 ft to 1 against Snyluek 114 ft to 1 again.I Joe HI 2 to 1 uaainat Hanger I'd) 3 to 1 against Little Iteb 1,K* ft to I again*! Bayard I"* ft to 1 again.t HaulchelT MB B to 1 againai Murllana 1*1 N to 1 again.l any other ? ? ? ? LONG BRANCH RAOfcS.-BOOKS- (IP EN AT 15 West 28th at. on two liandicapa, hilly f-tak*s and Mou mouth Cup. KtvLLV A>. MOJOCO0TB rAitlT RACES, LONG BRANCIC.N. j" -uturduy. June 20; Tuaadav, 2d; Thursday, 4th, and >aturday. Hih July. >IX RACKS KACII HAY. Trnina by the New Jersey Central and Southern Railroad* directly to the ruurae. Admiaeion to Held, ftoe. lo grand at and. $1 extra. Pare (ruin New York and b <ck, #1. OKI). L. LOR11.1.AKD, President. C. Wiiiitlt. Secretary. MYsUCi R i l'8, PI TTbBUKG RACKS. PiOl.H SOLD at Bs Hudson at., llubokeu. KKLLY A Bl.|>S. 1'>KOSl'ICCT PA it K hAIR GKOUNoh, GRAVKiIBND. Coney Island uoad. ?lirand summer meeting. J ill v 2, .1 and 4. Clause, all tilled, with 0t> entries. Popular price ?t admission tu all parts, .Vi coul*. Prospect Park end Couey lalaud Railroad ran horse cats to entrauce oi ground. ATWOOD A CO. OOLS BOLD T.J-1)AY ?RAOl'.S AT PliTSHCi.U ANU Trota at Boston. Ii ACKETT A CO., ftO Hudson at., Ilnhnkan. KA VIEW PARK, NEW DURpTeTa Ie.N ISCaND, July 4.? Purse $llhJ; 3 minute class ; $tk> Best, #2ft see ond. flft t bird; cutrles close Friday. June 28, l> A. M En trance lee must accompany nomination. .Same Day Sweep.take, county T. LUHY. ri'A ITEitSAI.L s. OITth CoTI'AOK. HOHOKEN -aUC 1 tiou and French pools every dar this week on trots at Mystic Park; racing .1 Cong Branca >alurday. tiOKSKs. C A RltlAOKS. Mi. At m"Arke:i''a ">on's-" CITY AUCTION MART AND N. V. TATTEKSALL'S, CORNl'.R UK Broadway and 31)lh at. CIlAltLKS H., AUCTIONEER. REGULAR SaLKS every Wednesday and StTllKDAY. TWENTY-FOUR hours allowed lortnal. CATALOGUE Oh SAI.h THIS DAY. AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK. LA ROE NUMBER of ftne Carriages, Inrlnding fusndan let. Victoria and Stanhope Phuelon. Ill pruno order, by Bros.; top, aido bar ana end spring lloed Wagons; ton and no top Pnaoiona, by Brewster, of Broome at., and other lirat class makers. LARGK ANSORI'MENT of new and aecond band Single and Double Harness. Horse Clothing, Whips, Halters, Duster.. Ac. MAGNIFICENT DARK Bar Gelding, lft)? high, N years old. got by .Smith's Pateheii (.Ire of Orient 2:24) ; a gauie and easy driver; can not close to 2:ft<i, mid is believed to be one of the lineal gentleman's road horses In .-.merles; fearless of any known object and warranted sound and kind. EX hCUTOR'3 SALK of very Quo dam Bay Ueldlng, lftJi, 7 years old, of desirable driving qualities and great roadster. HKNTI.I'.M AN'S ROAD TURNOUT, comprising head some and higli-brsd chestnut Uniting Mar.-, lftjg high. 7 years o.d: got by Daniel Laun.artia prompt, siyllsh driver, can trot a lull mile in 2:ft<): has been used on tbo road every day ; warranted sound and Kind. Top .Ids-bar Wagon bv Broome at. Brewster; Single Harness, Ac. LADY'S PHAETON Ol.'Th 11', consisting ol beautiful bay Mars. lftJa high, 7 years old; a sale and agreeable drirer lor ladies' or ebtldien's use; warranted sound and kind; also canopi-top I'haetvn, scarcely soiled, sy Close; Rlngle Harness. Ac. EXTRA COMBINED bay saddle and harness Gaining. lftJi high. 7 years old; splendid saddler; Uas been rludon by a lady; extra Bus in harness; warranted aonnd aud kind. PROMISING DARK bay trotting Mars, 1ft high. (1 years obi; snowed witn three weeds' handling a trial last lull in 2 :ft2j4; warranted sound sou kind. PANT Bay trotting Mare Twinkle, lft*< Nigh, 7 jean old . can trot in 2 :4ft; warranted sound and kind. DESIRABLE BAY loinily Mara, I high, M/ears aid; parlrcliy gentle ; warranted sound and siud. t Ri) -a-VIA iCH tin PaIR of ealtco and black i'oaloc. 13 high, H years old ; prompt drivers and Sue saddlers for children's use ; warraatod sound and kind. Also uo top C spring Basket Phaeton. Pole and shafts; Double Harness, Ac. IMPORTED HAY thoroughbred llores REFORMER, lftl4 high, 7 years old; one ol the finest saddle horses In the country ; has been driven in harness; warranted aenud and kind. ELEGANT PAIR ol roan Galdinga, lft\ blgb. 7 and 8 Bears old; a Una T cart team ; warranted sound and kind. SUPER B PAIR ol ehestnut Cobs. IftJ^ nign. Band 7 years old; ol araud appearance; excellent drivers; war ranted sound anil kind MAGNIFICENT PaIR of Blacks. lft\ high, 7 years old; prompt, stylish drivers; good travellers; warranted sound and kind. BAY FAMILY Mars, IB high, 10 years old; safe and gentle driver; been used by one family far lbs past three years; warranted kind. Also open Depot Wagon, .bifllug seats: Ntngle II trne.s, Ae TIIIRI Y KOL'R other Horses, smted for road or boaineas purposes. FULL DEHOR!PTION at sale. SAI-Erf X.'.VKK postponed on areount of weather NOTICE.?Tuesday, Juiy f(. at Chestnut nlil. Philadel phia. Mr. A. WNLCM'n great or E AMINGToN yearlings, two-year-olds, Ac. Cstaloguo. at tbo Marl. ^RCli. JGHNn TON, aUCTIONRER. " OfHce and mail 2ft East I3tb St., y' | near University ulaca. ? I THIN DAY (WEDNESDAY). AT 12 O'CLOCK, j AT THE iilI) PONT OFFICE,. ' i Nassau, I ibertv and Cejar sia., 5 VERY FINK T..AM RAY llORNKis. S Very fine gray mkbbknger IIORSK. FOUR KINK COUPE OR CARRIAGE ll<HIKES. THREE FINE FAMILY HORSES, r I Hrew-ter's. (Juiiaby A Stivers Rocaaways. 7^ | \\ estcnestar. Hncsawsy, No-Top side-liar Road 5 Wa,ous, lop Puoy Pbaotwiis, Siasle and Double liar | sens, Ac.. Ac. A A? pHUO; TlIK KIOHKril MS I A MDIS11M r.N I K V K it .1 ITcred. entt two w.,eka alnco over , ciniiiimc of pair of b..y il.iraes, 10 haitdii, 0 year. olrl moo w a i ntuo* >i kound Mil kind; one or the bhndaoineat Pert I'haeiont In the city ?nn buiit l>jr Wood Mrotliera; no hunting; i?t of elegant harneaa, nil the Mnble itnd Drraa rtlaiiketa. mak Iuk one "I the mull complete lai-lly eaiebllihriieiila to tio lennd. Siabie I3N Went Slit at. ?ON A UOU t NT OK HOI.NO AD AO A if, T OKKKK ? lor anle two haitdaiiiiie, nt j i in la, complete Turnout*, emulating or the in .at eiyliah largo May l(or,e In tlio nut la, M yaara aid. D> handa, aonnd and kind; any Invalid ran ?Irlvo him with aalely; atan'la In the atreet williont tying ; man handaomo light, low hung r xtenrlno lop I'ark fhac. ton, awata lojr pernoaa; tine liariicaa to match : J.ap ' one. Mat, Whip. he.; nlao one ot tne nandaonieat amali llnraea In the city with extra light Top J'ony Pha. iou, nearly new, with llarneaa. Kol>?, Vtnlp, hoot Mel. .to. rum extra Sue atoek mnat be aoid Inimedietely at any caan offer. Can In aeen at at iO.e l.'ai haat at, near 11 a*. r r.ik "old "tout orrics ik iamaii 1, A lit! I*. sai.c. t>K IIOJtsMK AND CAullI AtlKs MY A Nil II. ?! Oil NsTOX THIS day, AT IJ U'OCLOCK. Hfc sn.K AND C I.NM. ? W11,1,1 AM H. HlNfaV, AliCTtli.M'.r.K iltV L Tl? -Iney). aalla thla day, at IllJt o crock, at 4HU Uriah war. 'arge lot of llaftieea, Hieela, Kobea, summer .aae.ta, lla tor-, aiirciaglOa. Whlpa, Ac Deaiara, atahtere, haca inen and cnJI'y atereka -pera ineitail. raale puatttve. 4 KAMILY"I7ii ATIJIO riltt lJIl Y WluT shDl. VKitr ,ll i. , at pru ata ataole lid VVert lstli at., hnudaome hay Itorae, l.'i'i handa, yonog, a. und and kind and ?afn 'or ladiea' uee axtenaion tup I'haeton, I'ala and shalla. Cut { under; a ?o I'ont Phaeton, with leather top; single and Donhle llarneaa, in ffrat claaa oener \'HA> K ".'I'uKIKra. IN aLL~WKToH~I a? tlK~ t.N. eaquall-d torui llnDh and q nllty. MM It??I' P. It A | ISO-, Hro'.nie at . Hroadwny, 47th to tilth at. I' Knit C.ts 11, ltd n Dh A III I',K IXThN ,ekton top I'haeiona. uiada hy Nuvara, aaaia toar paraona, po.o and alialta; Double and single llarneaa to luatrh , fine leather lap Wagal, Windier l'ony Pnaeioi . 114 VVrat ?g7ih at., near (Mil ar ItHlVl.iT KKo.M DUTCHMAN COUNTY Tillfa MultV int. the meet peffeeI team hay i arrlage lima a in Iha e ty. I-1 -I hnnde. d and 7 )enra . w i> ranted aonnd and kind ; Iroi In :i'a. TnUhsDM.D's atatde, I.M Meat lllthal " a -1145 fur HKKWsfP,K IMPR.iVi If Ml HOT, itawith Una Harneaa, f oat tf4MN alx ilionllia ago; hand aoina ton l'ony I'haeton, ehenp. Apply to eoarh toari, No. 1 VV oat l oh at., "tie dv'ir Irotn ith av t ?III MINIM.sS .Nil DKLIVKKV VV AtftfNS, ALL j\? ilea, plhil" $!*.'?; new, aeeond hand Wa ona lor ex preaa, grocer. butcher, baker, milk, depot. 22U Spring at. Timid I, AlllhK TCP BUtlVjf TO SKI,I, CIIKaF, or will exrhange lor Ooid M'alette#; aim n a?t ol d nblo truck llarneaa cheap ; innat eall. .Ml Downing at. C.tKMIAuMs OK ADD KINIf a. ? 11iT NliiJiilKN, afra.'i; l'<.nv I'liaetoa- CI0U; light extenalnn lop I'nrk Phaetona, $12'*, anil oilier ?triea. all my ova make, at raanti'aetorera' prteae and warranted. UKL'Hh. :?W CnanL A?TIIKKK liliRsMs UriliPi Bl'IT flllil, It ? preaa. grocer, larmlng. Ac. ; *4U, fllft, feci. I lay Curie tophar at. a KAMII.V tl'ilNO B'r.sT OKKKKS POM SADK A KINK \ pair black lloraaa, with Landau Inquire at IN Weal A, A, >\ pall fiflt h at t MINI HP. HOLD TO-DAY, KI.KUA.VI T'lP .A ,P"ii? I'bnaton and llnrneaa l. p lire water A agon, faai Hoao llorea ; enn nnal 2 ,??' to rond wagon . no hnmbiig ; aall aaparntair cheap, t.lnh atehle. t-12 pad It7tb at -.'UIIIIAlSa; aO IfKKKli HhKlSh.ll; sTVi.l-Tl allkhl axtanalon top Phaaton, with lampa laeala ban ; mi11itiig lop It ao Wacon. top Poor Phaeton, llarneaaca, all nearly new Inquire atablna, J47 Waal 41 at at. A" cTirap. handsomm, comTdkim tumnoct May llorao. Ifi>e handa, II yaara old, warranted aonnd and kind, wltn handaome extenalon top I'naetoi,, >naia tunr, Una oingle llaraeaa, i.ap itoha and whip. I'rleata alanle 'JIM Kaai 21 'III at Tptflt SA DM, fllMMM IIOKSDS ; M U 11 KAMMINlK agroeefy, eaproae or trucking, trial glean . uiuat oa told at a aa rillce Inquire III* Mere r at . naar Itleoi aar. VUltNTLMflkN I,K,VINO In A.N VVIDD SKl.L, AT great eaaptlea. Taranut, complete; haudaomo hay ll?r.e, I .V4 ha ii da, 7 yaara ; II oe road at er ; cirl van or ladiea; atanda wlthooi tying , llinron4lny broken In atMldle; war rnntnd and fenr? nethlng . Hrewater linprored ahlttlug lop At uon Imnacomh lla-neaa. MianaPM, Itohea, Ar. ; aleo (till aprtng top Wagon ar.d Potty I'haeton, all grod at law and wry cheap. 6t> Meat 4lat. ??!! aaparata. HOIISKS, CAiilll.lGK^. *il. A?IM P(> KTA.N r, ~ I'OS J I IVK AND I N K E8 K R V ED ? i?ALE ?V FUBulO AUCTION t # OF ELEGANT AND RICH HOUSES, CARRIAGE* AND WAGONS. SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, BLANKETS. KOB8. WHII'S AC., tr> ^ TO BE SOLD TO MORROW (THURSDAY). JUNK 27, AT 11 O'CLOCK. SHARP, AT THE STABLE, 1-8 EAST 19TN ST. NEAR 3D A\.; THR WHOLE THE PROPERTY OF A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN GOING abroad. Including: a team of luperlur, rich and handsome dark ba? roach or family Horse*. 10 band* high, 7 and 8 years old; were raited in Kentucky oy James 11 Clay. Esq . too are three-quarters inoroughhred ; bavo fine, long necks, clean blood <1 heads, which they curry very high; have hue ulga knee action; they ere meted to perfection in color, look, drive and disposition; are flue .-ante, stylish and enty drivers, and will travel 15 mile* to tha hour : tliey are con sidered by all who see them at hue a team goes '?ur tarkn; ate rugged and hardy, and warranted sound aud ind. HaixDoma and fait dark bay trotting .Mare LADY MITCHELL, 15). hauda high, 6 years-old; got uy Weils' YePow JucK 't (tire ?l i'hoinu* L Young ; tirst dmn Oy Kincnid st. Lawrence; second dam Uv Alexander *bdal lah ; the Is one ot the b-st galled hornet livlug ; < an trot at any time a mile In 2:35 or 0 without record; wan to go ou track thit tendon, but wan tukeu with Colt's dis temper; the it wurruuitd s umi and kind. Fast bay Colt PILOT. 15}, hand* high, 6 years old; got by t'hampiou (the hire of m James and Castle Bv-y) ; dam by Royal George; he can heat 2:40. tingle or double, ou an? track, under watch, and warranted sound and kiu i Fast and handsome Ofown trotting Ge.diu^ STARTLE, 1\2% hands high, 7 vears old, got by Kiefs' Mambrioo Pilot, by Unlet by .Mnmbrluo Paymaster, by Maiuhrino, Uy imp. Messenger; iirat nam Lady l'reverl, by Kentucky Iron Du?o secunri dun Fanny l'rerert. cv Kr ricsKon, sou of Mambrino Chief; third dam bv Wuodforu; Startle can always heat 2on track; trotted on Beacon Park in 2 :J0, Point Hrteti* in 2:28 on Natlck track in 2f27%; he is a perfect aud safe gentleman's roadster, and warranted sound and kind. Well known trotting gelding CKEKDMOOK. l-r?W hands high. H years . Id. yoi by Goldsmith's Volunteer, he by old Hainhietonian, dam by ilooghland's .Messenger. He is one ol the flnett geutlemmu'n louNiors to be found; can trot in 2 :4IJ. and warrsuted wound and kind. Carriages iiicludo a very hau laotuc Extension Top Vic tokia. teats 4, 1 Top Pony Puaetoii, 2 Topside bar Brewster wagons, J Portlaud Sleigh, Single and Double Harness. Blankets, Robe, Ac. *N. B.?-The above Slock is now on exhibition at stable. Gloom ami trainer in attendance to give everybody a cbnnce to ride behind and leal ill i speed an.i driving qual ities of any of the lot belore liiue ul sale. Sale positive without truer?e glfttirriFl'L TOP PONY 1* 11 v ETON, BREWSTER spring lop Itnggy and fltio H arneaa ; both neany new ; na offer refuted. 5o West loth st. CHEAP FlN.t LEAT.i R I P PONY PHAJCTON, $1?m>; handsome top Buggy. $125; single Harness, *25; elegant Saddle and Bridle, $35. Manhattan Club, 12 East lKlii st. Concord truck?as good a* nkw-imi..- and shafts; just the tbing for Custom iimme carman. In quire at SEiiDEN'.a stable, 15tl and 158 East 23i at.. be tween 3d and Lexington hv?. C10UPE OR DOG OaKT tiOKSE FOR SALE VK.vY /handsome, six yam old; sound and kind; good under saddle. Apply at Waiu' stable, 38th St., near Broadway, between 8 and 12 A. M. CARRIAGES -SECOND IlA.NI) T CART AND PONY Phaeton ; every description ??! new carriages : prices low; work warranted. J CoLYER A CO., 584 Broadway. ?pXTHA PAIR Oh SADDLE MARKS For SALE ? JCiJust in Irotn Virginia; well bred, six years old. sound and gentle sua very stylish. Can ha seen at BAN'Flhi D'S Livery Stable, 150 East 57th st., betwecu Lexington and 3d avs. floii SALE?Horses. CARRIAGE AND HARNESS; one of the flu**t establishments driven in Central Park; <loNoly matched golden sorrels, thre white stockings each; seven y ars old. 15% hands; sound, kind and gentle; lady cau drive them ; Victoria in blue, gold mounted bar ne?*; sold together or separate. 127 West 17th st., or 23 West 23d si flOUSlLK-A BEAUTIFUL BROWN HORSE; SEVEN years old. sound aud xiud, Maud* without tying bc-ide elevated railroad, trots in three minutes; with uice Brew ster spring top Wagon, and nice inglo Harness, nearly new; also a stylish pair of carnage Horsea'aml single Horse that can trot m 2;35 or b tier Call at 134 IV est 40th st. FOR 8 ALE?A TWO-YEAR-OLD SHORT IfoRN Bull, registered A. H. 11 . vol. 17. No. 28,227 ; gray roan ; weighs 1.50U lbs,; took second prist? at N. E. fair, 1877. Call on or address E. EDGAR SMITH, Attorney, 170 Broadway, New V ork. I,TOR SALK-LANDAU AND PtRK PHAETON; 'Wood Bros.'make and latest style; double Harness; very cheap; at private stable, 118 West lHth st. t>OK hALE-ONE PAIR OK MULK4, AT 147 KA8T V 24th st. IjTOR SALE?A FINE SADDLE OR DRIVING PONY, 1 cheap. Inquire of Foreman King's stable, 47 East 4lst st. I .TOR SALE?Vl-.RY IlANDso E CHESTNUT IIOH^K; 15%; trots in 2 :5D; sound, kind ; not afraid of locomo tive; gSUO. 37 West 28th. IpOR SAL .-BLACK Mark, 0 YRAftV 15% RaND5; very good driver; warranted soiiud, kind. 51)2 Washing ton st. FTOR sale T1IKKB YuUNU ? riONKY BUILT Horses; also Concord top Delivery W.?g<?*, Harne-s, 2.38 Spring st. LTOit SALE?TO PAY FEED BILL. 16-UaND BROWN F Horse, -varraiited every way right. Two days, feed store S70 Hudson. TiTOK BALI?FOUR GOOD WORK IIORSKh, YOUNG I? and sound, 14% to IB hands; suit any busioess. 316 Htidaon st. FOR BALK chkap-thr FINKKI' l'O.VV I.N NIW York, 16 hand. IilifO I also Coops; horse must be sold. Apply 110 West 50th at. IjV>K BALK?20 YolTNC IIOKHKS PROM INTflAKAi suitable for all work; all ?onn<1 123 Norfolk at LVfR SALk CHEAP?A Uo6i) MILK KOUTbTT* P eluding llor.e, Wagon, Cans, Ac., at Klimabwih, N. J. Address W.. Herald office. iUMk-TUk PBOPRIRTOR OP 1MB CHEAP est harness store In New York has remoTed from Bar clay at. to 15S Chambers at., whore he la rolling Ifnggy Harness, $7 50; Uroe-ry or Milkmen'a Harness. $20; I rack llarnoa, Kill; Truck Harness, Sin :lo or Double, $25 ; Rid ing Sad ill.', $ t; Hiding Uriel.-, $1 50; .-table lllan tat, 75c. I'loaao call and sxatnlnu fur yourselves. Kit:II AI4D Kiel! Kit. l.Vt t'liarabera at. II IHUCK AND V\Oi%K tQri SALK IiIKAI'.? .Apply planing mill, 9l?t kt., ijotwc-u l*t *r *n<I A. Call between f> nod (? 1*. M. 0. II. DOUGH i V. AKJNSHs 7 s a lib iai'.s. h iu i> lk ~ wiT i ?i r hkai'ii eheap ! chcup I 310 ftru?<iway. .'>10 15 road war. 510 Hroudwuy. IKON AHLK I* ITTI > < J S?-Kr.I)lK l> IMUCfcaST oSlC third of! Man^erA. Hay lUeki, Partition*. Driukiag 1 rough*. Ac., of t!?#? bent No. 1 iron Catalogues sent fr e. .1 4 NK > A KlRTLAKD. ft. 11 >. 12 lUarfe at. WILL* 8 ALL A LKA i ll Kti Tor ~H! imY. N I-.a itLY aew, lor$|(Ni. Also for kilo one lUmMeiomno Murvi, (I year* old. Ii*u<lftotn?t an a picture, wart anted perfectly sound, true and kind, and fun t be beat as a road born# . has not ablerzinh on htm. Inquire for JOHN CI.UTJ'EftllOCK, Metropolitan Club Stftblia 22 fciurft Iftlh *t VVANT TO AO* A HOCN 1 >. OKNTLX, FAMILY Home, aititable for eitr and eonntrr driving. <11 7tli sr. >RTC,VCK Ma LK. ?I uH N A tilNN, ai uritiftl To-morrow (IburvUvi. 11 o'clock. No. tfjil Vt rtniiinirton at., HI liead of Work lfor*??, nultalile for truek or ***prcftfl business ; aUo A agon. Truck*, llarneaa, Wnipi, lliankett. Ac. Ibis U a good ciiance lor partlea In want of horses M N. C sKKf AUKS. I iff AI.L SEASONS. THE LATEST KORKIfIX DESIGNS in build and Unish. WITII KUBMKK i I'-IIDiNKD AXLES. Laoilni. Virlnrlaa, L.nUnleta, Cabriolets, Don pes, T t arts. Broughams, Via-. VI., Koekawais, Buckingham., Coupeleis, Hranster Phaetons, l.adlca' Phavtons and Itnad N\ agona. A .S KI.ANDKAU A CO., '172 and 574 Itrnona. si. N ACClTcNT DKAHI IN FAMILY, MPLKNDID Canadian Mara, cheap, to pay exneu-ea. 237tHbav., near 24th >t. Road house kok balk?ijii ahlk rod coach or coupe; brown, 7 yeara old; very atyllah. 2:*i Cast ma at. rpoi* El.'LL HPKINO WAGON. $?15. IK).. 475; DO, I H?d>; lear-ensaeiiger Hock away. f '.ei. do.. 4125; loupe Korkan v. 41 7.5 : W M Brwihera' i Carl, $225; Skeleton Wagon. $7u; milky. $441; on. Top Itn.lne.a Ulg, $7.5; IU ret. ..rood hand Double and hlnrle Harness, Iroru flu up. 2ti and 2d d un-fer at. \I7aN7KI) K'Ul lu WKKKS, A I'O-Y HlAKTOR M with <|iiiet llnr.a or Patty, of which the raiy beat o| tare will be taken, lildre.a, with term*, for, KAMI > I. It. KtlClTK, b aaer, 711 Hraadwar. \\r A.N Hilt?UN K I, A If 1 'it ANI? ONE UK.NII.I 5la,N~!t II tlierouylthred saddle llor.e; al. ? ccntle, coon Ined .addw ni'O liarne.. llor.e. Addroaa, w lib da.? rialloa and lowest price, T. If. II., huk II" Herald office Wanted?Tair tk.Vttkks, socnh. in i x ft cnaiiKC for elezant $75U new I'laaa. Addre.a 1* Ai It, Herald onice. fl/AKrui A l.lhllT i X I' IthKS VftllllN; MIST ItK TT cheap and la yewd?etidlllon tpnly at W 'HI!UUIt.N'S W ire \S ork". IHb a? , corner 941k .1. i t? kaswknuek rtir w auonktte, in kink i w.r'lrr, liffht. snltahle lor cwantfy hot-l or h-arh ti.n ; Top I'haeioa. $75; Hrow.ter Koad lVair>m. f*i, Haaket 1'haoton. f '<. lour pa>s?ni{er .surrey. $I.Vi. WM II. II it A Y. id an I 22 Wooater.t ffi IMIKSKH. iUIT KVKRY BI/NINKHH- .VAl.flliri 11 land Maraaea. 15 ? and lill Craaht. near Bloeckar at. Ad||| HKRWKThK Tub BUUUY. KI LL -IMtlMl" L" '.qnaro l> >a, stylish, la porfact ordnr. |U7 West :wth at. ______ (ft.; -j t II ANrfoM K TI'RNur T ; B aT MA K K. 15 tj ?jp _? )" t .ban ds, a year, old; (.eatla, sound and kind Low leather l> p Lady's i haetnn noil llarne.a. 2J Wnoater at. HNOIHiRALn. IJROPOftAl.a INVn hll Tu KCltttSII, AT I.dWK^T prices J4.UHU laet Rood 2 Inch i allow I'lne, 2kl2x:t> a 45 leei ; 4.i?f" feet foort :| Inch Yellow l ine, :ia'.ii;i5 a 4i fret; 4.<sa> leet a Inrh Tplsw I'lni, Itlttkl a 49 Mi VI |tiera? (ooe Yellow I'lna, 4?12\N0a 8$ lt#4; luiaaife I 5 I nrli i >a. fllteb, B to 17 w the ; 4,'K?i leei good Dak 'I Inch. :r> 10 45 ia?t long. 4.DSI yond Uak 4 inch, llfl in 45 laet long. Ad?re*a 1'., ton JHO Herald office fffirCO.NTRA IDiiS CKDI'DSA I. ? VA t iThli Killt X I . av.ilnu lol (.No ltd We.t Mill); old llon.o for a.le. Dwner'oo groan* Ironi Bin 12 .filial.I IN tual k t tu Uiti' tlklYla. Mtl K. II. IfK L.tC'V, I-IJ', rlHDt./Wtl, UKKititS one of the teo.i e\i|ol.ite ...ortment. oftriminod Bon net, "omul 11 at. and Sna-la list, regardless of cost, which ladies ol refined ta.te will appreeinl-. DANCINU AAAOKfllKft. (A ARTII.R'S blRrilU At.'AliKMV.ft t'NION .svl'AltK" 2Dpen all aitmioer ; prieate leeaoa. any hoar; glide ape einllr . lady atalatanls. MAIiHI.K MARTKLA. Marble mantels and udnu'mknls chkai'i it taan agar A, 134 Ea.t tWMi ai., aear Idas. B sfhWAKI' A CD.. MANI'KaCtUKKRA OK X .Slate aad Marble Mantels and all klnd.ol .-.late Wink al prtae. lower thaa oyer affertd before , al.o artistic M.n tels In l.boay. Dak, Walnut aad other weeds. 75 West 2.1,1 at. KOK RALK. A'k1>k~ lioTm iUAi' fTfi ali,'. k v ,"o<3m WSWTS ?v.ry re.p-oi, for mlo ul one-lbird coal. Addr.ta PHOTO, Harold uffi.e. i HLTTClItK >HOP KOil riAL . Al'l'l.l IN ?i?K Xxllquor ?, 1KI W??hln*ton nt. HIl.LIAIU> rAHLh i OK KALt-KO>hWouli ? nrura labia, Ifurj' balla, ?? isood aa new; all complete. ?Ji Weal -'3d B ETCHER SHOP KOK SAL!-. ('HhAl'-KoK CaSH ; evertthiur new and complete. No. 237 East 45ih ?t (TURNER LIQUOR STORK?OLD ESTABLISHED; ./tenement neighborhood; receipts daily; lease; cheip reut. LLOYD'S. 4 Warren. CUDi? KKKY STORK FOR SALK-ON HTH AV , I'RICK y$l .OHO cash if tiUAu at once ; >tock worm $l.MXX OA Sri, box lflO Herald Uptown oftL-e. CT AKPKNTKR SHOP FOR a a i.K ?15 NORTH OXFORD J*t , Brooklyn ; a good chance for little money. D.tUO STORE ?GRE A I' HA RO A 1N ; OWN R R KKlT . ing from butine**; splendid ciiaii<o for a party with small capital. Address SACRI i- ICR. Ileraid Uptown oftie*. DRUG STORK ? DolNO *HO PER DAY PKKSt HIP lion nusiue**, good ulu eland. WILLIAM fclJWAKU.S, 3.M3 Went 4th. jiiiK SaLK? a JKWhLKl STORK AND ? .Safe, ss Hleecker si. f'OR KALE-UN ACCOUNT oK TA'O HI'MnRSBKs. a first class Bakery. baking 8 to 10 libit, per week, sold over the counter. Ap;- v 1.5(37 2d av. Ill OR .Sa LK?A FIRST ?'LAS.S BUTCHER MARKET. Inquire at the more, I'll 8th av. LI >K SALK-A FIRST CLaaS BAKERY.INQUIRE P in beer ? iloon No. 74 Suffolk St., city. No agent* need "Ppiy. li^OR SALR-AT A LO A P.tlCE, A HKKnlNG IKON .1 Sale, nearly new, in excellent order; ?i*j inside. HOx2t inches. 52 Lisp*n*ru *t.. second floor. FIOR .S \ L h ? A I-IRST OLtS" KEs iAl'K \N T AND lc? ('ream Saloon in New Haven: well located and do. lug it irood business: will be so d at a bariralti; must be dis posed ol at once, the proprietor's tailing health c impelling hint to sell. Address A K , Pout office. Now H iven, Conn, jToR .SALE ?A UK "TAIWAN T A M> BAR, DOING A good nnaiiiess. Inquire 17H Browdwav. room No HI, FTOR 8 iLK-UE\i-.KaL KiMlLY uaRKEI; ALL cotnnlele; splendid opportunity; thriving Tillage; 4,0no inhabitants; trade ol $0o,otjn per annum ; 12 tildes of city. CLARK, 2HH Hroadwav. jUlll saL . ? LAOK R BlER AND LIQUOR 8aL )U.N. ? 521 1st av.. near HI at. f^OR SALE- A FIRST CLAaa HI LLI t Ri? aALOON and a Bowhitg illey ; in Brooklyn, inquire at UO Ful ton St., New York, in saio?lt. b Mill *? A LA Si i: i.i I TLK Aliuh aTOR. . WITH Atock and I-1 x turns; all new; in l?est location; coutiect* with cood custom trade. Auuly ??4?'t loth ar. BVlit SAt.K CHEAP-WINK. LaGKR liKKR AND Billiard Saloon. Inquire of WaLLKKS I E 1N A CO., (>2 Bowery, corner Canal at GUJR DON P Kl N'll NO PKRaS a Si) |'\ |'h. W OR I.I THOo only $225 caih. PRINTER. Herald Uptown office. Hardware Ash HoUsKFURMaHIng BUsINKaS on principal avenue ; li-eral arr an cements with riirht party Addreaa DECEASE, Herald. I A .Kit BKEU AND LIQl'olt SaLOON? a BARGAIN; JlJolil stand, a *nod corner, low rent; must he sola thin week ; no reasonable offer refuted inquire corner Mont gomery, South aud Front sts. Mortgage haLc.. hi. liquor -iore sul ated on south west corner (1th av ana 32d st., this day lor sale, or at auction to-morrow, 10:B(i. ALFRED LLOYD, Attorney for Mo tga ee. N'OTIC TO WOOD ENGRaV. Ka ND PRl.N 1 hit >. ? Blocks ol Quarter Sheets, half aud full sise. planed and r?auv for ti*e ; ev n thickness guaranteed. Apply to J. L. KNIGHT, 80 Anti st. OTOCK AND FlXrUREK OF MUlTEK MOKE; Nf.W, Enlarge, substantial, cheap : no agents. 11 Greenwich av. cash?balance k\ay payment*, v\ill .iU.v beat little barroom in city. P.. I LLI PS. 15 Ann tl. II AC HIS KB * . LaKuh i<or 6k siiakiinu, l'ifCLnvs.'aaSu" en. I'lpiuir, Nieitmnr llr.lsr, Ac : *l?n llnlstin, t'l.v luroi .ad una l.rne Driving M .It. lur ? ?!? cheap. lui|uir? ou Uio |>r?nal?e?. It) and IK l.eai.ard ?t. \\T AN I l-.U-STKAM K.I <1 INK (HAXI'Klii IN UuOD II order, from three to lour horsepower. Addreia UA fill MKT. 12? McKlbbta at., Brooklyn. A 1?. \\f ANTED - A HKOO.Nll HAtl) I'i.aMMO MauHINK. II ,"> lact l?jr "J4 Ineliaa W IIO.Nt'lll >, H7 Rlii.b.tli at. ANTKD?II ATOM WAY Br. 1.1 hl.KVATOK;* A1.80 15 or VD iinrao Knirtne. Andres., with I iweal casli prlrr. OKI'OS. Harold office. Wasted?a second hand t?r>oD as xew) ?f*i horaa power cnnd.n.lnff bourn Engine. Aop>v to or ud dre'aJoilN W. MAril.'itY A SON, ? 1'ourl at , Brooklyn, N. y. 1NSTRUCT1UA. Ai;arD.-IVaI'ID, ki.i.oanr ?v&rrr.k"Wmm, term ; privst? lesson* at clan* prices ; vacation pupil* ? tieotiuu. 23 East 1-4th m. OLlVKK i*. OOLJMMUH. BOoKKKKPINU, PKNMaNHUIP, AKITM M f.TIO, Jti3., I* tight practically dav and evening *11 summer at J>uL BKAu's Commercial College, 1,191 Hroeoway. \\TAN Thli ?FKI.NCJH PROTESTANT LADY ** GOV. it truest; Catholic lady fer E.ngiish. French and Music; English governess; German*; good positions. Apply Teacher's Bureau, 67 West 35tlt ?t. PIAXOFOUTESa OK(i\\S, A(. A-rUK KhNf, l/fklllH r. aaUAHK AMI OKANU ? Planus of ?iur own make : also fur mile unu rent a mink' btr of flue n-cotnl hand inn on. In perfect order WILL IAM K.N A11K at 0 4., 112 .5th av.. above 10.n i?t. \N AMMOIt I M H .N I OF NEOOND iia.M* .-Tn>v\ if Piano* hi * bargain; also. Piano* of other meter*, ranting from $ 30 upward ; special ladnermrnt* on a uum ber of fHelnway Concert ami 1'erlor Grands. some but lit tle u?c<l. ell in perfect order end fully warranted; beware of bufra* t it Mr urn out*, represented es genuine ** ten# way pienoB, At public end privet? sale*. Hi KIN WAY A HO.%K,* Meinway Hell. New York. AMAONIKICKNi WKB< FlANO. IMMc.NHh mO riflce; e 7 octave (cerved leg*) Piano, $75; rent, $3. .No 4B Union square, uenr 17th *L. New York. Sl'hhW.O IMAN'?. $IIM); a M aONIFIC NT KoHK wood Pienolcrte. 71, octave*. ell in >d*rn improvements, ci*?ie to order, cofti nHOi. tor $16.). moot, Cover, Cabinet. Cell et privet? residence I'JO Went 23 i *t.. neer 6th ev. -bkatty oiaa^Wl* i rkk sifZ ? reeds. thirteen stop* two knee swells, Krencll weioul fee?, pen?itod, eleboretely fliiUhad nolid bU^k weiout ce?e, new end ?legem de*ign. with veiii.t#!? improvement*: DeAaliful Vox Cel??tr stop ; ?w *ete*i toned parlor organ In the world ; chalieng" cnmperlson. MonopolUt price, $.1-91; my pric ?, in order te have thla heeuiilui in*tiuuirnt Intro duced immediately, onir fwl 75; boxed end ahipped on 1.5 day*' te*t trie!. No money required until you are perfectly satisfied Header. If you wtnn to purcha*# a Cabinet Ur gau now is your oppoitviaity. Large newspaper Irje. Ad ?jre*s DAN 1KL K IL.ATl i, Washington, N. J. A PlttVAlK FAMILY WILL Hc.LL rtT r. IM W A Y I'iano <?rte $17.4 ; 7,lf octave , four round, rosewood, to laid marquetry oa-e Piano, a sacrifice, cabinet Upright Piano. Boa for -hinpiug . *ix veer*' guarantee : in u-e f <nr ino'itha Call private resiucne? 41 West ltitli *t . between 5th and Bth av A" >TrlNW\V i'Ml'lt rtillNH A N11 (MICKhKlNG Cprlcht Piano, at aitntoi. this (Wednesday) oio-ning. 10 o'clock: el*o rich Hou?ehold Furniture. Private resi dence No. 44 West MUh St.. between 5th andHth av*. 4 .^lO.NlHHl.NIi H A i.??AI N*> I OH CASH ? > a W ivlltnn*, $|i4l>, this ween: overstrung 7 octave*. Organ*. $3<i; pedal Organs, $Hi; low rents. ttOKll.^N A HON, 13 hast 141.? st. \T SOH MhH A CO.149 KA^T 14T?l HT , PIANO mauuf ifactiirora, first class P.ano* et extremely I-?w prices for cash ; several good second liana Plenos, very lit tle used, at groat bargains; rent and Instalments, fo to $Jti monthly. HOilMhR A CO.. 149 heat 14th *t A LAO* WILL SKLL KOH&WOof# 7 OClAVb Pieiinl.irte, $4)5. Kcsidence. I9H 2 I sr.. near I 2th st AFKW BBCOND HANI) WKHKK pianos at vf.kt srest bar .'sins; some of them used but a very *ltort py oar best musician*, and really aimest as good as new fuliy wairanted iu every resoeet. Please c"ti at 4ue wLBKB warero m*. 5th av. and 164k st. till It KkKINU PIANO?OBKAT BAliOAlN ; HhVKItAL /others lor sale or rent; terms easy. F. CONNOR, 157 hast 37th st. 11 aZKLTO.N HKOS. MA>U/AOrUiihH.\ 34 AN. University^ pnee, tiave a large assortment of new and * iao tecond hand Pianos; some of the latter as good as new; will ire sold er rented at oncee v.? suit the iitn*?. |A9Ka H. NUohNT, M a M'F AC IT KhK. KAOTOKY e| nnd wa*ereoni* 145 i.asl 4'2dsi.; tir*t class Pianns at moderate prices KKANICM A HAOII. 243 KAMI J30 H T.. N K AII '2D ev .bava a twnsfilui as*??rinienl ?( floe llsuuisrtas, b<?th new aud second hand, which th?y ofToring v#?ry lew Pianos let and mmI on Instalments. Mao * I * it* c. a i 7 O'lAVh HOihhUiili Pia^O Jorte, only $>Vi , rare bargains Hietnsvav and ohlcker* lug. 004*110.%*$, |.*t Hleecker at. INI ANON AND ORGANS hXIKKMKI.Y LOW I f>R cash on small monthly or quarterly payiwenta, or to lei. In Hit or country, iron h4 wnwara IHOt At;K W % f KK * A -ON4. 40 K.aat 14th si. [ >1 A \ oh A.N O oKOANH K.VTKKMHLY M?W FOB L caeli. on Ifistaintenls o? to let, in c?t? or ? euniry F. MJII Ul.KK, 19 Ivasi 14th et. ^TP.CK PIANOS NEW ANI? sBOORO VIAND, AT t4gr.*ai bargains; Flares taken on Horace; new ware room*. 11 Kasi 14th st. \VANTKIl?A HfcCoMO HAND PIANO; WI LI. P A V f? $175 cash for a good Insltufnenl. Address, with full particulars. A. W. II , t.ot 141 Herald office A IIUhEMF.YTh. Al BKHLK'.* TlVoLI HiKAl ith, kHth s| , between 21 and 3d avs The greatest Variety fboe In America, pr'Uonnove by tke pontic aud press. Lulu Oelmey and H. K. Archer tliw Motive Breikefs, lanny Iteyoolde, Mile Franxlnt. Heviin an i Tracr, Alice Murray, Allele Paglieri, the greatest premier densense. with the Orcat Vie it on Bsllet Troupe, $nnit|i|| of 3?l b< anMfnl yoneg dancers, and the *ueee?a of the season. The Escaped Convicts Matinee Ihuradav and Hnturday afternoti*. also Hnndai midnight. Grand Helldey Matinee duly 4. (1AMP MEETING AT CFNIHaL PAKK GAKURN. y.Vlvli at end 7th at . lake Gilbert elevated Bail roan; runs till 1*2 o'gleck Ewrr Ibnrsdsy snd Friday att?*r Moon at 3 n'rlivl, evening at H o'c en which ecaaelwn the Klchriiood .lublles will spfwsr in their -ongs and dam e? . aUo \liss Htckle will slug t'ie lavwrlte boaffb song, 'Prettr e* a Picture,'* Adtn!*?i?>u Ithj., gallery 15c,; Irer adtuissi n to the camp grounds /1UGPKK IN.uTiTUlK HiGII DIME" CONGRKT " ,/naat Tl!I KHIi ? Y evening Mr FLANK GILHKU, the eminent American Pianist; IH)N FKHliEY *A. the Portugese "MAN" FLUTE, Miss ANNiK A. WltHdH Pianist; X, F. HE LEALMOMNY. the great TUltKI-H '/A rilEK soloist; Master WILLI *M II. LKE, the famous B#? heprsno, and a host nf ether mnsicel celebrities will a|.prar I icaets only G % E HIM , Unserve I Nests, <I*K III ME. KXTKA. For sale at BUKNTOVS Hook Store, 92 4th av , ?nd WaTHGN E EMEHTaINMKNT Huresa. UN IVR KNITY HuUdiug. 36 Ws verier place * " A fH4 4$, ** J. JAY WAfeiiN. Musical Hirecto IKMGME. IIGPKINH I II1 Lit c. ?N? hii I I lord thla ?v-ning, with eomtHneq choirs CIA KH - FBI V ATE L8h>UNN, PIaNO, ORG AN, VIO /LIN GUITAR. HINGING University, 3M Waveney ptaca. Circulars met led. JJAY W A ThuN, Director. nil IHK 1K1TS. CTANDaKD I K" . llk'MliM' a i'i'Mtritjii''iff. OWM. HENDERSON... Pioarietor md Manager LAST TEN MUIIIS OK THK bEAnON. THIS (WEDNESDAY) KVKNiMl, JLIMK M, will be preieiii**?l t ti - LONDON VERSION OP FRITZ, lniro lu lo.' Mr. J. K KM MKT ?t FRITZ. In a new *n<l mure e j >r*ble 'orm NKiV -Ch.NhS. I M l DKN fS, AC. LASr **FKl Z" MaTINEK. ?ATUKt>AY. 1:30 P.M. KrWiy. Julj 5, ln?t iLbt ut Mr. bMMriT una of tbe ??? ?on. >eau for unr of ihe cbwmig nlxh'A can now ba ??? cured. P ahk tiieair-. tub i.i Mi Aims. henry I*., abbey linn mi Xuiin Every Evening during the *eek and Saturday Matinee, lor the lirst tune In New York, Gilbert'. charming eceen tricit r, lit on. act, CREATURE l?K idPUL-K. To he followed lir I.I Mi A Kl) SKI-.TOIIKA. To conclude with II. J. Byron'. succeatni comedy (AN 1? LAST WEEK OK) OO U V KICK li BH OO t T SB* o y T OOIKR HBOOTfll O IT l' R R ? _a o o a_ 0 u 0 KBR IIHB O O TT 888 Out' U R B II B I) O f _? 0 O tr U R B B B o O f 8 g OO UU U. K HBB OO t 888 lli> special permission ol Mr Augu.tln II.It). now In ii> fourth yo.r in London, having "??n played .1 in. V.uil.vlll. I.lici consecutive 11 mee, end alee played bv the LI.SHAKOS in the theatre Knyel, Melbourne. Australia, with to crowded house. I?>r night consccutlvn w.ek., nod In New Ze.i.n-1 nearly .I'm time*. .Soto. ?"Our Boy." is now Iven for the flr.t tins, in N.w York In It. original state, a. Mr. Bvrou wrote U / 1 RAM) OI'i-.KA ltd I'SIC. Ill-OOLK X HONNELLY Lesser, and Manager* RESEKYi* l> S.-.A'1'S (orchestra circle end balcony/. .iOo, TO.HAY. ro-HAV. To JmY, IO.DaY, Til DAY. lO-lUT, TO-DAY, 11 ? HA V, TO-DAY, LAST M AT IN K R 11UT ONE of lIRYAft t'S MINSTRKL8. IIIIYAM'S .MINSTRELS. IIIIY A N T* ?> MINSTRELS. THE BEST MINnTllKL 1IA No IN EXISTENCE. Honrs open al 1 1, I.'ninuirnce at 'J. MilNfl (Y NKXI'. Hartley Campbell's new and powerful ' ? ? IL.i play. THE VIGILANTES. G' ll.MORE-.-i GAKlH-N. rMll. li'AV SHOOK AND K. O. CII.MOKK ..UlteM UliAM) stMMhlt SIGHTS' CONCERTS. Til Ki limit E THOMAS AND lll.a FAMOUS OSi-HKRTBA. Tills (W. DXhsHAV) EVEN I NO, AT R. OVERTURE, Nirlitln liranadn. Krentiei WALTZ, in. Yorster.iilar Lannel SYMI'ILiNI' POEM tn.eeIon) S.lni oem C 1.1 US AN I M AM. Stili.t ii nlrr Koaalol Mr It. sill EHKUUK. II UNO AH I.AN H(kC i. lUk nr., Rerlioe SELECTIONS, l.i art Lohengrin Wagner ALl.Eiil<KTTO. Sth symphony. .. Beetlior.n III NijAUIAn It" APsODY, No. 2 KOY PI IAN MARCH .... POLKA. Kr.ucolae. I'nsltnion 'I'Aiinoir Sir.nan POLKA, sclmell Lelchte. lilut ) OVERTL' HE. -lla PIO?~. THEME AND VARIATIONS Arbon Mr It. sill KlillUOK. WALTZ. Wine. Women Mil I Song F E I K BOH ...ME, Scenes Piltore.gue General admission, bUc, ; loix -s, admitting four. $3; IJ package tickets. $T NIBLo'S GARDEN I i a it 0 N K ft A BACHE. MANAGERS. THK OOOLE>T IHEATRE In THE CITY. 41 4>A RES ft V EH SEAT KOK 60 CENTS, [LAST NIGH IS | OK THK GREAT UNION SQUARE I LAST N IIJHTs THE A IKE si-. N - A HON | LAST N Ii, II Ts | A CELEBRATED CASE e> ? MATINEE TODsY AT A The oeeat new York aquarium. ilroa Iway and 16th at. Wondcrtnl perform ances of the celebrated troupe ol TRA1NKH MhNKKYs, HOGS aNI) GOaTS, fmm the Royal Aqittrlmn, England, performing pantmninic. and p ay. like human beings. Moat novel enterininnient er.r given In this city. Living Octouut, of eight armed Devil rleh; Tiouira! Kiahe.. AMPlllltiOLs ANIM ALS. CHIMPANZEE AND KAltH MARINE WONDERS. Admission, TO coniH. Cliildron bait price. Coney Island I Itronebo Aduariiim oow opeu. with the celebrnl.d troupe ol li ursea. On separate exhihiilon In the library ol the Aquarium, up stairs, Irom III io 12 A. M., ~ to A and 7 to U P. At., me wouderinl St. Jlenuii Twins, ItusA and MARY. Greatest natural curiosity the world ever enw. Two handsome children with one body. Entirely dlsHoct in natural lonetione, thinking end Acting separately. A ptvcimhigic and physiological study. Interestiag to ladies, physicians and the nubile renerultjk tS CENTS CHILDKEX, 13 OENfS. ADMISSION, -.6 u NIO.N SQUARE THEATRE. (Kindly tenderud br Shook and Pnlmer.) ENORMOUS ATTRACTIOKS. KOR THE COMPLIMENTARY bknepit TO a. VININ(1 BOWERS AND FAMILY, by the Dramatic, Musical. Min.trrl and Variety Prolee ?luns of tbi. city. PKIDAT APTKRXOON ADD fcVB.NINO, /OKB M. Hen Megtnley, Slagi' M merer; Oee. K. RdiiM, Aeelst ?uiMn;e M iaai:?r. J It. Ilrown, Prompter: H. Ttaeliig tiin aud A. alrfT. Loaders at Orchestra; A Koemer A son, Co-t timers. M-tlnee eomianucfnR at t :.t0 P. M. U??r ture, Protestor II. Il-tln.t?n and Orchestra. Tba par lortuauco will cammeuoa with ill - Unit act of "KBIT*." Krlir. Mr. J. K. feramol; Urs. Little KBt Barrett' Orlm, W. P. Owen; Katrine, Attains i'almsr; i.oioeal Cralteu, Mr J II. Hows ; leader ul ureho-itre, Mr. femes! Nayer? ini kind permi?sion af IVni II indorseel. "Ilidd. Maian#,* Mi-s limits Andsraoa VI itiil MI \ J UBI LKK SlNUKils ? (III kind permission ol .1. P. -mitb). Bauja nolo, Hereon Ms-ton lots iniloaed by tlie third act of "AHTIC'lib 47."?Oeorga Unite mm. il r. I rsnk hram. Partaat, Mr. I lion. Will mil; Corn UeiaOeid. Mi?? Ads Uray ; \ irtor, Mr. K I-. Urabein; Lalnaiel, Mr. A. O.; uareelle, Miss fell-. Moor, lafeVY will plsr PegsnUil's greatest rtinli solo, "Tli. Carnlral d. Venleo," srrsnaad lor tba carnal by l.rrr. Tills csanot bn plaved by aar otbar living c iriiaii-t Posit ivelv bis last appearance this saa> no.i "Tba Sliver qne-ilnn." llnghny irougksrty. "TlIK ROUGH 111 A M i iN l?." < " u.l u Joe, Han Nacioiar; Cap taiu 111.nli.In. Ilsrry Ukffleld; Margery. Miss May Hsrit Sir Wm. evergreen, chat. Kockanll; I.ard Plata, net Stmt l. . I.adr Plato, Miss Uora lioldlliwelte; Tba Prtda af "Battary H." Mr Lonn Aldru-h. Ns? Skatrb, t-caaloa sad Cramn ; Krsm lln I'apa Halls Wh.rtou . feasance, Little Mar I he eiitrrialnairnt to concilia witn ths first act at "HL'MI'rV liudl'ivt IIKKAM.' -II O Itabrrl Pra-ar; Tmninv Tnrltsr, J.. W. Sanlord , Cnrrtar. Mr. MecCarlney; llama Prim. Kobart lioiievwaod. Old Osa Tws, Jobs i!. Praukltn: Moss. Kxiiotsiia. lieorge Topeek; Maakay. Young Amrrl.a. Dsndf let bboss, haulm* Kicharoe. Ilitrlau the paaiontlms Kabart I rater will Introdnca bla wonderful lo*?ntion. tba Phonograph?Mr. tdleoa. Harry Phillips. EVfeNINO. COMMKSC1NO AT 8 O'CLOCK. Overturn. Professor 11.-union and Orcheatra. -IIIK JlAKITKli." Billy Piper, Miss Kittle illaiicnard; Parson, Lonls Aid rlcii ; llrsrktsb Carter. M. W I,al1ln|fwall; Stobb-, Wai P. Misiuon , Widow, llura i.oldlti wane . sand v. McKra llsn kin. Bill, tick Kllkgcrald, lirasahn|ip-r Jabs. h. T. Kinitiroiu . I.I in hei Tun. fed l.amo; Captain Tunny, Alire Orey; Hunker llilt. Ada Oilman. sing. Mils. hi,.MA ObLAKO. I.V.VV will_ play PagaalnCe (r.aia.t .loun solo, " I lie Carnival dr frslt/," arranged lor Ihr e.irnoi by l.riy. I'bia arrangement ran not tsa piayrtl oy any other liviu; rumen.i. 1'oaitiaely bit laat aniisarauce till, sraaou. rtnrd art, "OTTO." Otto Bulger, Urn. K. knight . Oottlelb Mnller, P. Chippen dale: Ulck fe'raelep, itart Conway. Adolpb Morton, J. K. McUonald , Christine, Oienii Bark-r . Lie*lie. Honbln Wcrrall knight J i-oer Harks. II W. M tcball, HenJ. rr.ri y. Win i aider, U1J lltll,Jos. A. Wilkes; Mra. Pr-w lay. Mi?. II II. Van Ua ring. "Asleep at tba rleltch " Mi .John Ulflln Irish .any. Pal lioonay. Iha parlortn auru in conriiida wlm the l.turih art ol MKt.CilA.M I UP V KM ICR Shylock. Mr Allrarl Ayar>; ilratlans, Mr. Pdarla P. Tlmrn. ;|o, Mr. Che P. ferUe; ..nlnrnlo, M'. K. II, Me.M'elr; Uuka, Mr W II. Ward. Antonio, Mr. Jna. P. linenn; -elaruio, Mr J P bteveea; Portia. Mis# A dale bryy illrst anpearanr.i ou any slagol . .Nnrisan, Mist llstrn \ I nark l. Adnua.ion 81; tosarvad scats, .VI rents extra. Tastily cirrle. Vt rants. sale ol ss.ts will sornmenea at C/'nton Square Theatre Til Is (WfellKHsltAVi MufeMNil, nt 8 a'cn-ck, and eon tlnue (inlawing days. rpP.KRACK IIAKO N-PKIDAY, Jl'NK 2M X .Vtli at., liaiaraen :t I and Irottngtan am IIKAXH nUMnhK Nil.Ill MIMl AitY COnCKBTB. PROM KK A DKs a.NU KKCfePllON UaNsAKTMs. KaI i.K - I ela.raial i lltC 11 K ST It A and Military ItA.NIX III. rtr,ln?ni PltMST sr.NOIt UO.MiUd Rfl.MfeK Mr. hsni'I 1'lsH Clartoaat selalst Mr Wltllsm konlar.. Cornel Soloist lllamtaattea and tba I'AKISIAM Rl.hCrHI> I.IUIITS. Cone-n Irom 7l, la III; l"romenad? and Uana front III la |lj Adml-.ion. ass . Is'lles sntl ftilldran.'J'tr ; raaaread seats, 7.'?r But olllra opao Thursday and Prlday, tram 10 tu H a'alttt k. J 1KHNA.MUO .f MANAOiyt J. KACP.K. MUSICAL ilfKHTOM ftioNY PAoftiK' TOK* rASTOIt'd X tW. anu "tS7 Itraadvar IMMfeMSK SIICC K.o OP Tba lerrout and most complete show oa aartb. Til r. Al.'lll <>P sK msa 11 ON A L KI.Hi.ANOR, Iba Miainal and only VICTORIA LOPTIlH ThOUPR af HKtTIMII RbONPP.B, sk.m.i aTioM .1, Ht'KI.KbUIIR A MTIHfM, AMU SPANISH UANOr. RR. The annrkllui; sirallanae ol P.ri.lan Maaelty. Til K OltlAf III KlrfesQI R KKTN t V aOaMX A. ATAI.A.M I a. er tba PRM t I.K ATlll.PTRfL The I'botioprsr.ItT fey Pint w betstane Tba Oraat Pamela hoot Baring -rone. Tea f.ntett Musleal IIIt* BUM)ART COsftJMRs, BKAUTtrUL NCP.NP.RT. T|IP. CRf.PBRATRtl CRI.feNI H a irLk T TROUP Inirodocmg the -|t?nlah -?nut on La TO Kit I bo It nm I, A MIMlfe I TP, KVBMINO AT 8. MATIN IK PltlUAY AMI' - VII KUAT At X MISS KATi ItfeNMKTT A SIsfrKS' swTmTiNO, Turkish and Ho..lan Hatha, SNth si. and 7th na. ? Opaa daily . H till 2. ladle- . g-ntlaaian, 2 till 13. ilXlAKO* KIHIITII MATCH POR IHR CQAd. |tlousliip or America, tba IM.ney Hold Medal raalaa fmiBti aad a si-ke at fel.'ssi, featwean Wfl.tAM SKXTos ot New York iCbMRVbiti. -ail UK'iKIIK P. Hbo-mik, af ( bianco. III. at IAMWAMY HAlslr, on THURSDAY KVfeKINI). JI MK '.T. IH7S Play te eommenaa at N <? 'clock ; tba three b-ll narreia raior. I.mile- aceompsnird by gentleman admitted Iran ami -preini so?t- resetted tar tnem. Aamlsaian, VI cental reserved -eat-. $1 But kinoiiam Alack, 27th st.. near Ath aa. P.I I to Kolables nightly ; Opera HuafTe Muslr; Ihraa grand Parlers; thnennlest sad bast ventilated ballroom la Uie world; a sanuner Cardan attached ^JKfeMok.Mfe VAUUfeVILLa TilfcATRA, 83d at., adjacent Broadway. L W MACK -tana Manager The most garganaa and e<Su-?al Amusement lamp r la the world The Hlonda-. Dancing oi toe or ???!?, KoSenisud Siiisr-, lltiday and l.awtun. ' arr r Hu-liel, spars- brother-. Ada bonnet feanne Saoiilaro, yp. den. Soiree Uansanta. Beauty -ad Paaaian Admission to Promennde, I'bnatra and Soiree, .71. STOCI aB'.Ks h Vh .) w KUN e SIIA1 A M? SA fti Kin Y ralternoon and eyening at I'lnasaat Valley. Hoatlaayrk Canal at. J. Btfe, T'a ; J4lh si ten mlnaies later, iferand ? ?? tra sac'Bbia duly 4 CAKflfeK A BCSil, ManBgert. h