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BEAUTY. ~ Oh what a pure and sacred thing Is beauty, curtain'd from the sight Of the gross world, illumining One only mansion with her light! Unseen by man's disturbing eye— The flower that blooms beneath the sea, Too deep for sunbeams doth not lie Hid in more chaste obscurity. So. llinda, have thy face and mind, Like holy mysteries, lain enshrin'd. And oh. what transport for a lover To lift the veil that shades them o'er ’ — Like those who, all at once, discover In the lone deep some fairy shore, Where mortal never trod before, And sleep and wake in scented airs No lip hud ever breath'd but theirs. Beautiful are the maids that glide, On summer eves, through Yemen's dales, And bright the glancing looks they hide Behind their litters' roseate veils — And brides, as delicate aud fair As the white jasmine flowers they wear, Hath Yemen in her blissful clime. Who, lulled in cool kiosk or bower, Before the mirrors count the time, And grow still lovelier every hour. But never yet hath bride or maid In Araby's gay Haram smiled, Whose boasted brightness would not fade Before Al Hassan’s blooming child. Light as the angel shapes that bless An infant’s dream, yet not the less Rich in all woman’s loveliness— With eyes so pure, that from their ray Dark Vice would turn abashed away, Blinded the serpents when they gaze Upon the emerald's virgin blaze ; Yet fill’d with all youth's sweet desires. Mingling the meek and vestal fires Of other worlds with all the bliss, The fond, weak tenderness of this : A soul, too, more than half divine, Where, thro’ some shades of earthly feeling, Religion's softened glories shine, Like light thro’ summer foliage stealing, Shedding a glow of such mild hue, So warm, and yet so shadowy too. As make the very darkness there More beautiful than light elsewhere.” * !;• * # * * * * * {front tfjc iFrcncf). MARY LAW SON. BY M. EUGENE SUE, Author of the “Mysteries of Paris,” “Matilda” etc. •CHAPTER X. I cannot say how long I continued in this swoon, but when I began to recover myself I was in my own bod ; I felt a rather hard hand on my own—it was Mary’s. She was stooping over me, and looking, I thought, very uneasy. “ How do you feel now, my dear I” said she, in a voice kinder than I had ever heard from human being. “ 1 don’t know, Mary,” said I; “ have I been ill!” “ Yes, you have been ill,” replied Mary, “very ill! The doctor was here to see you just now, and your eyes were shut all the time hewas in the room, which was more than an hour. He is gone now, and has sent some medicine, which he desired me to give you the moment you recovered your lenses.” “ Did I lose my senses, Mary !” “ You did. You were three hours in that state, and Master George has been crying and roaring ever since.” “Indeed, Mary I I asked somewhat incredu lously, as I had very little faith in the sympathy of that hardened boy. “ Why, has George been crying I” “ It was Master George that did it.” “ Did what, Mary ! 1 don’t know what you mean I” “ I mean it was he who frightened you so, dear, bv putting that sheet on, and the mask, and all the rest of it; but he has come off bad enough himself. I don’t think he'll be in a hurry to try his nasty trieks on again.” “ Is he sorry then, for having frightened nip!” “ Sorry for having frightened you ! God help the little innocent, not he. If he has been crying and roaring all this while, it is on his own ac count, Kitty; he was bitten by the dog,and ran down stairs so fast that the long sheet was caught under his foot, and, as the song says, “ The boy fell down And broke his crown.” I was not altogether grieved, I must confess, at George’s disaster; he had long been my enemy, and now he had thus inflicted a severe punish ment upon himself, I felt that it served him right. Mary read my meaning in my looks; she smiled*too, as was often the custom with her—for Mary was a pretty, slim, well formed girl, with a ruddy healthy face; and pretty girls I have ob served, arc not penurious of their smiles, above all when they have nice little teeth, in their heads, both even and white. “Mary,” said I looking at her as affectionate ly as I could ; “ how pretty you look !” * “ Hold your tongue, little flatterer,” said she, smoothing my pillow and giving me a kiss. That was tnc first kiss I remember to have i received, and it made the tears come into my eyes. “ La, now ! what’s the matter, Kitty—are you going to cry !” “ I feel so happy, Mary.” “ Happy! and you lying there on a sick bed I You don t look happy I” i“ I should not at all mind dying to-night, and being carried away to heaven by the good angels, to join my father and mother!” “ Bless us I how you talk about dying ! You must not die yet aw'hile ! Hero, take this sooth ing draught—it’s very nice, and will set you to sleep.” I did as she bid me; the draught was as she i said, very palatable; but "had it been the bitter est medicine that was ever compounded, I could have taken it —easily after Jhesc kind words and that kiss. When I had taken the draught, Mary settled the bed, tucked it in carefully all round, patted me gently on the cheek, gave mo another kiss, and said: “ Good night, Kitty 1” “ Are you going, Mary ! 1 asked. “ Where is Nero !” “He is lying outside the door on the mat; should you like to see him !” “Very much indeed, Mary. What a kind good creature you are !” Mary opened the door leading to the stairs; there was Nero, as she had said, guarding the poor neglected orphan. He raised up his ncad, and I saw his eye looking up as she held the can dle over him. The dog seemed to know by instinct that he was not to come into the room. “Thank you, Mary—l am much obliged to you ! ’ I said; “ I will try to sleep now.’ “ Good night, and God bless you, child ! 1 see your heart is not so vicious as they told me. I will be your friend, as well as Nero, for the future.” How differently I felt already. I heard Nero every now and then stirring on the mat, and the sense of security thrilled delightfully through my frame, as 1 listened to the motion; I knew also, that one of my fellow creatures loved me. I felt - ' no longer quite alone. Oh ! if the world only knew the precious balm that a few kind words infused iuto the spirit, how much benefit might be done at little cost to the afflicted and bereaved! Reader, whoever you bo rich or poor, make it a duty never to let a day pass without scattering around you a few of those genial restoratives. 1 did not wake once that night; when I opened my eyes it was broad day ; a gentleman in black was standing on one side of the bed, and Mary was on the other, with a cup in her hand. The gentleman in black had hold of my wrist, and was looking at his watch. “ What s o’clock, sir !” said I, looking at him with deference The doctor smiled at my singular question, suggested bv his watch, and replied: “Nine, child. You have had a good sleep!’ “A very good sleep, sir I I did not wake at all after Mary left me last night. ’ ‘ The composing draught has done you good, child; I thought it would. I have tried it be fore on many, other children, and it has answered wonderfully.” The doctor was thinking of composing draught, and I was only thinking of Mary 's “ God bless you /” But of course 1 kept that to myself. “ Now, child, here is another draught for you, which you must take.” And he made a sign to Mary, who gave it to mo. I drank it off without flinching, although this I time it was a bitter medicine. The doctor then turned to take up his gloves, when Mary thrust a I lump of sugar into my mouth, making signs to me not let the doctor perceive it. “ Good bye, child ’. ’ said the doctor ; “ I will I see you again to-morrow morning.” | After this little incident, things went on rather I more smoothly for two or three years. Not that I my adopted sister and brother softened to me in F the least—they did no such thing. But Sarah Burke had a lover who was courting her, and who paid her great attention, because he understood she would be worth five thousand pounds one day. I And Master George, since the dog had bitten him, had left off worrying me, and was lately gone to a boarding-school near London, to finish | his education. x Poor fool ! How could he finish p what he had never begun, so to speak. . It is a strange thing how the smallest circum stances do change our situations in life ! The I fact that Sarah Burke had a beau, who came to see her punctually every two or three days at a certain hour, did more for me than all the virtues in the world could have done. She never thought of giving mo her sympathy when I felt so lonely I and unhappy; but now she wanted the same I thing herself—she came to me for it. I /Ind J, was not yet nine years old. She had invited an aunt to live with her and George, after their mother’s death—a poor, quiet, I elderly spinster, who paid a small annual stipend I for her board and lodging, in order to preserve | her independence and keep up her dignity, but p" who hated the men most furiously. The name of this petticoat-misanthrope was Miss Griselda Briggs. I must not attempt to I describe her—no painter could do her justice. She was full six feet high, large in the bone, with I hardly any flesh about her. Her voice was strong, but not musical. She was very deaf likewise. She took no notice of me at first; but when she I found that Sarah had got a sweetheart, she-want- I cd somebody to hear her rail against the lovers, I so she made overture to me. I Thus 1 became a person of interest to both I parties : the neice wanted me to hear her cry up I her lover—to listen to certain tender passages In I their correspondence, and to approve of the match I she had on the tapis— the aunt, on the other I hand, desired my company whilst she inveighed ■ against the men. A sort of second-hand affection—a kind of in- I ferior humanity, was now extended to me. To I one differently situated from me, to one who had ■ never known the dismal solitude of an orphan’s I life, this state of things would have been irksome I and disagreeable. Not so to me. The new life ■ of sociability, inferior as it was, and only half ■ natural, was warming my heart; my mind, which fl had become precociously thoughtful, wasexpand- I ing under these new influences, and 1 was happily I conscious of the change. A man who is half fl famished, will enjoy a crust of bread given to I him at the work-house door, with a relish far I keener than a great lord feels over his delicate I viands. So did 1 enjoy the pleasure of this com fl parative kindness, which was a great novelty to ■ me. But alas! my happiness was transitory—it did I not J rest on a solid foundation. Sarah’s lover I chanced to fall in with a widow lady, who had ■ eleven thousand pounds in the Bank of England. I His attentions fell off very fast after this event, I and at last he stopped away altogether. I was no longer wanted. The heartless girl, ■ as if I bad been the cause of her disappointment, ■ recalled all her old enmity in a moment. She ■ treated me worse than ever. Her natural irrita- ■ bility and bad temper, being fed by this new ■ cause, was greatly increased ; and she vented on B me not only the old spite which I had so long been ■ exposed to, but the new, and far more active vex- B ation, which was inwardly consuming her. I was thrown back on my two friends, BMary the housemaid, and Nero the dog. They B were still faithful to me, both of them; only B Mary, for the sake of her place, was obliged to I abuse me to her young mistress, and to bestow B her little kindnesses by stealth. ■ Time had made progress—l was now between ■ nine and ten years old, and was almost as ignor- B ant as King Alfred at the same age. 1 had a good ■ strong mind for a little girl, but it wanted the I M furniture of school learning. 1 bad a heart, too, ■ which had been sorely tried, and had been chas- ■ tened by cruel sufferings. But what was that 1 1 could not spell the simplest words correctly; I B could neither read nor write ; I had no idea of Ono morning, when Mary came into my room, I she often did, in her stocking feet, to prevent | ■ noise, and to have a little chat with me before I ■ she went down to her work, I called her to me, • ■ and said: z “Mary, you are the only friend I have in the world! 1 want to ask your advice.” “ What is it, Kitty dear!” she replied. “Mary, lam getting on for ten, and I have never yet been to school. What shall Ido I I feel that I am a dreadful dunce for my age, and I don’t want to be so all my life. What would ; you advise me to do I” “ I have often thought of this,” returned Mary. “ You are naturally thoughtful and clever; u good school training, which is lost upon so many simpletons, or almost as bad as lost, would do you*a world of good ; I’m sure it would.” You arc very kind to say so, Mary. Do you know of any plan T’g She shook her head significantly for a few mo ments, looked at me very gravely, as befitted the occasion, and then added, with a bit of flourish: “ Well, 1 think I do 1” j “ You do, my sweet Mary, my pretty Mary 1” cried I, throwing my arms round her neck and kissing her. “ Not so fast, Kitty, resumed the girl, readjust ing her cap. “I do know of a plan, but I have not yet told you what that plan is. Perhaps, when I have told you, you may not like it.” “ I shall bo sure to like it, if it takes me away from this house, and helps to acquire an educa tion. So be not afraid, Mary; tell me at once what is it “ I will, my dear. Y r ou must know, then, Kitty that although 1 am only a poor servant myself, that I have some relations of a better sort.” “ Not better, Mary,” interrupted! ; “ higher, you mean. You arc good enough for anybody, and the better they are the more these relations of yours must be proud of you.” Hereupon Mary laughed a little, gave me a kiss, and said: “ You’re a sad coaxing little flatterer, Kitty, and something tells me you’ll get on yet Well, as 1 was saying, 1 have*some relations who arc better off* than I am, and one of them is a young aunt, named Miss Ashton, a sister of my mother’s, but many years younger, you know, for Miss Ashton might be my sister instead of niy aunt. I was christened after her—she was my god mother, you see, Kitty, and her own name is Mary, like mine.” “ is she as well-looking as yourself, Mary I” “ La, there you are again ’ She is far better looking than 1 am —a head taller at the least, and as fine a figure as ever came out of Devon shire or Somerset!’’ “ Well, Mary, and what were you going to say about Miss Mary Ashton ?” “ Ay, that’s it; when 1 begin a story I lose my way directly, and should never get home again without being directed. Well, then, my aunt, Miss Ashton, is the superintendent of a large girl’s school, near Bath, called the Kendall Institution.” “ Is it a charity school, Mary 3” I asked some what disappointed. “ No, not exactly a charity school, my dear, since the frinds of the girls pay what they can for their board and education; only as this is not sufficient to cover the expenses of the institution, the rest is made up by the voluntary gifts of benevolent people' living in the neighbornood.” Mary ma-de a little pause, and looked rather intently at me. “Well Mary!” inquired I. “What I meant to say, then,” she continued, “ was tlris : I am sure my aunt Ashton would use her influence to get you admitted at once into this school. If you would like to go I will write to her about it.” Mary broke off here, and we were both silent for some time. At length I replied: “ I should like to go, Mary; I should like it very much ’ What would be the terms do you think!” “ About twelve or fifteen pounds a year.” “ That’s very reasonable. Thank you, Mary ; I will speak to Miss Burke at breakfast about it. I dare say she will be glad to give fifteen pounds a year to get rid of me.” I was not mistaken; no sooner had I mention ed the case to Shrah than she caught at it so eagerly that 1 was quite struck by her ready ac quiescence. She advised me to lose no time, and told mo the money should be forthcoming the moment it was required. When 1 came to know the world better than I did then I explained this readiness of hers to sig nify that Miss Burke, having lately lost her ad mirer, was glad to rid herself of a witness of her disappointment. The truth is, if you want to know a woman’s reason for doing a thing, you must try the matter by her feelings, not by your own. It was soon settled now. Mary wrote the same day to her aunt, and before the week was out, Miss Ashton returned a favorable answer to the application. 1 left Gloucester on a Monday afternoon at the beginning of November, and reached Kendall House the same evening about half-past eight. It was not a long journey—not above thirty-two or thirty-three miles I believe—yet to me, who had never travelled at all, it seemed very long. The country I passed through was pretty enough, but it was not the time of year to see it to ad vantage ; and if it had been 1 was alone—l bad no one with mo to share the feeling. Besides 1 was uneasy to know how I should like the school I was going to, and how they would like me; then 1 missed Nero and Mary. As for Mary, 1 doated on her, and she returned my affection with equal warmth. It was a sight to see us cling to one another at the moment of parting. 1 cried and sobbed, and the tears ran down my cheeks and fell upon the worthy girl’s neck as I hung upon it. Poor Nero ! how pitifully he whined when he saw this, and when he saw my little corded trunk carried out to the coach. 1 was afraid we were parting for ever, and the thought made my heart sink—for Nero had saved my life, Nero had kept me company in the chamber of death; the first thing that had ever learned to love me in this world was that dog. We got to Kendal House, then, at half-past eight, 1 had been sitting near my trunk.on the outside of the coach, and my legs were numb with cold. I was quite unable to move, so the coach man lifted me down along with the my box. The door was open when the coach stopped; a ser vant was standing there with a lamp. “Are you Catherine Bell, we expects down here to-day !” she asked me. “ My name is Kitty Bell, if you please,” re plied 1. The girl returned no answer, but having ushered me into a spacious room with a fire in it, she left me there by myself, putting the lamp upon the table as there was no candle. As 1 stood on one side of the hearth warming my numb hands and limbs, I heard the dooi open softly, and turning round I saw a face that I never can forget. My heart told me directly it was Miss Ashton, as indeed it was. Dear, noble girl! her face was rather large, but accurately oval—just as you see them in the fine sacred pictures of Murillo—those pictures of grand female beauty. Everything in that face was great, open, frank and truthlike: eyes, mouth, cheeks, forehead were all so formed as to express at once a superior mind. And yet there was a grave, though not austere, melancholy over spreading that regal countenance, which indicated an abiding grief. It was singular to see a woman, acting as the manager of v a benevolent institution, and living apart from the world, who might have shone in any court in Europe, and who, perhaps, had no equal on any throne. Bhe advanced towards me, stately, but kindly, touched my cheek with her finger, and then seeing me smile, she smiled in return ; and after scanning my features a moment, she lifted me up and kissed me. “ [ love you, madam,” I said. Then she set me down, and smiled again like a person accustomed to be loved, and putting her hand upon my head she asked me : “ Your name, 1 believe, is Catharine Bell, is it not! ’ “ Kitty Bell, if you please, madame,” I an swered. “ Kitty Bell at homo, my dear, but here we must call you Catherine ; for a school, you a now, is a place where many forms must be observed. How old are you !” “ 1 shall be ten next birth-day madam.” “ And when will that be I” “ On the 23d of April.” “ Sha-spore’s day, 1 declare! You must be very hungry, my dear! should you like to have your supper 1” All this while I had been staring at her with that wonder which fine faces, when benevolent, never fail to produce, even in children. To bo treated so kindly by one so superior, was grateful to the heart; 1 felt as if 1 had found a mother, a sister, and a friend, all in one. She evidently read my thoughts, and that was natural; for she was accustomed to orphans, and her smile had often been the first that had beam ed upon them. “well, Catherine Bell, will you go and have your supper 1” she repeated. “ 1 don t much want supper,” said I, not wish ing to leave her. “Are you not hungry, after your long ride in the cold ! ’ “ I was before you came into the room, ma dam.” “ Then I will go out and your appetite will re turn.” “ Not yet madam.” “ Why not yet!” “ If you please, madam, if I may bo so bold “ What !” “ Mary told me I might kiss you ever so many times for her.” The lady snatched me up in her arms, and, whilst I hung round her, and kissed on both her cheeks again aud again, she bore me oft' to her own room, saving: “You shall be my guest this evening, and sup with me !’ And sup with her I did; and though the fare was only bread and cheese, according to the regu lations of the school, to which she added a large piece of cake of her own 1 had never before in my life enjoyed such a supper. • She had let me sec into the depth of my own heart, and 1 found it was full of love. (To be Continued.) A PHYSICIAN'S SKETCHES. THE MOCK MARRIAGE. Ifow truly pitiable it is when talent and genius are arrayed against the simplicity of innocence—when those rare qualities—given to their much favored posessors for noble purposes, are diverted from their proper channels, and made to pander to vice and iniquity. I was sitting one morning in my study, culling from my notes some of the most inter esting records of my diary, when my servant camo to tell mo that a young lady wished to see me. “She seems, sir, very ill,” he]said, “and in great pain.” “ Indeed,” said I; “where is she ?” In the patient s room, sir. Slie is as pale as death.” r I immediately rose, and hastened to the room where she was, and there, half lying on a sofa, with her face hidden in her hands, I saw a. young and apparently delicately -formed female. She was sobbing piteously, and scarcely heeded my entrance. 1 went up to her and said— “My name is . You wished to see inc ?” “ Oh, help me—help me I” she cried, vehe mently, falling on her knees at my feet “ Save me, for the love of God—oh, save me from eternal perdition. I—l have taken poison!” “ Poison?” “ Yes—yes. Even now ’tis burning thro’ my veins like liquid fire. Oil! save me, doc tor—save me ! I thought to end all my mis eries, and to rush to the oblivion of the grave; but now, now—oh, God! my guilty soul shrinks in horror from death. Give me life—life—life.” “For Heaven’s sake,” said I, “waste no words in. explanation now, but tell me what you have taken ?” “ Arsenic—arsenic,” she gasped. I immediately rang the bell, and when my servant appeared, I said— immediately.” Accustomed to obey me promptly, the man instantly left the room, when there caihe such a thundering knock at my street door, that I thought it must have broken in. “ Never mind the door,” cried I, “bi-in" me what 1 have ordered you.” “Yes, sir,” said iny man, and away ho ran: at the instant that another appeal, more loud than the former one, was made upon my knocker. “ Save me, save mo I” the young lady kept crying, “I dare not die now. Oh, I cannot die!” “ Everything shall be done for you,” said I, “ that the skill of man can suggest. Wait one moment.” In no very patient mood I ran to the street door to open it myself, and scold the person who knocked so furiously, and just succeeded in opening it as another knock was about being administered. “How dare you?” cried I; aud then I paused, for the deathlike paleness of the young man who staggered into my passage stopped mo from saying more. “Good Good!” cried I, “what’s the mat ter ?” “ She—is here ?” he gasped. “ Who?—who?” “ A young person; I saw her go in. She has taken poison.” “George!” shrieked the young lady, as she rushed from my parlor, and fell into the arms of the young man. “Ellen—-Ellen!” he cried, frantically, “is it true that you still live ?” “ I—am dying—dying!” she gasped. “Tell —tell my father and mother--—” She would have fallen on the floor if I had not caught her in my arms. I carried her at once into tlie parlor, and there was my ser vant with the remedies I had directed him to procure; but they were of no avail in her present state, and with my utmost exertions it was full ten minutes before I could restore her to consciousness. “ As you value your life,” said I, handing to her the antidote I had now thoroughly pre pared, “ take this draught —drink —drink— drink.” “I burn —I burn!” she cried; “oh, heav ens, I burn ! George, forgive me ! —say you forgive me.” Ellen—Ellen, you will kill me,” he cried. “ Drink—drink,” said I. She gave a convulsive shudder, and fell back upon the sofa. I saw that there was no hope—she was dying. My looks, I suppose, told the melancholy truth, for the young man ehe called George burst into tears, crying, “ Save her —save her, sir—oh, surely some thing can bo done ?” “ While poison is in the stomach we can do much,” said I; “ but this case has gone too far.” With a deep groan she now drew up her limbs as if in great agony, then a damp cold dew came upon hci- brow; she gasped con vulsively for breath, and then all was over. There was an awful silence of a moment or two. The young man seemed stupified by the suddenness of the event. He glanced wildly around him like a maniac; then clutching his hands above his head, he shou ted in a tone that made me shrink from him, “ Vengeance! vengeance! I will have his life!” “My good sir,” said I, trying to stop him, “allow me, if you please. I ” “A thousand arms should not stay me,” ho cried; “ I will- have his life. I will have his life I” “ But, sir, before you go, permit me to ask who you are, and who this young person is?” “ Ellen, Ellen, I will revenge you,” he shrieked, not at all heeding my question.’' “ I will crush him to the earth, were he ten times what he is. Oh, Heavens! have we thus met ? Is this the end of the bright dream that lit my youthful fancy? Save me from madness!” I stood between him and the door, as I said— “ Compose yourself, sir, and tell me who you are. What am I to do with the body of this young lady? ” He rushed to the corpse, and seizing one of the cold lifeless hands, he called upon her frantically to speak to him. He conjured her by every tender epithet to say but one word—to tell him she lived, and would live for him. He kissed the pale lips, and then, with a cry of despair, he rushed past me, and was out of the house before I could in terpose to prevent him from going. ******* My position was anything but an agreeable one. Here was a poisoned young lady lying upon my sofa, and without the least means of ascertaining who she was. I rang the bell hastily, and when my servant came, I said, “ Thomas, run down the street, and sec if you can catch the young man who was here. If you do, detain him anyhow, till I get my hat and follow you.” Thomas ran out, and in a few moments I ran after him, but the young man was gone, and we were compelled to come back as wise as we went. “ Upon my word,” said I, “ this is an awk ward a predicament as any man could well bo placed in.” There lay the body—a hideous spectacle— upon my sofa, and the hour was close at hand when my usual patients would arrive. “Thomas,” said, “ you must assist me to carry this body somewhere else.” “The—the body,^ir?” said Thomas. “I —l—oh, yes.” While Thomas said “ Oh, yes,” he backed towards the door with an evident repugnance to the job. “Come, come,” said I, “ you must not have any of these foolish scruples; 1 cannot carry it by myself. It must be removed somewhere till I can sec the parish authorities, and have it taken from the house, so do you take the feet; between us we must carry it into the back parlor.” “ I —l-—never took hold o’ the feet of a' corpses in all my life,” stammered Thomas. X.-‘ But you must now; so come, be quick.” ' Thomas with great reluctance assisted me to lift the corpse from my sofa, and we got comfortably enough into the passage with it, when a knock at the street door so startled Thomas, that he immediately dropped his end of the burthen, exclaiming,— “ Oh, lord, sir, what’s that ?” “Why a knock at the door, to be sure,” said I; “ what a foolish fellow you are.” By dragging the body along, I now got it myself into the back parlor, just as Thomas opened the door. I heard a voice ask for me, and the visitor was shown into the parlor so recently occupied by the ghastly object I had removed. In a moment my servant brought me a card, on which was written Lord Mandel holme, and informed me that it was given him by the gentleman in the parlor. I went at once, expecting his lordship had come to me for professional advice; but when I entered the room, I was struck by the pe culiar paleness of his face, and the agitation that seemed to pervade every limb of him. “ Doctor,” he said, “ although unknown to you, I have heard your name very fre quently.” “ I trust I may be of service to'-your lord ship,” said I; “let me beg of you to be seated.” “My visit,” he continued, speaking evi dently with difficulty, “is not a professional one. Do you know a family named Sars ficld ?” “ Sarsfield,” said I. “Yes. Some years ago—at least seven, I should think—l knew intimately a family of that name. They went to settle at Boulogne permanently, since which, m/ professional engagements have prevented me seeing them. I know them very well indeed.” “At that time,” he continued, “there were two youn£ children —the one a lit tle over ten years of age, and the other younger.” . “ There were, and Ellen, the elder, was as beautiful a child as ever —? —■” He sank into a chair with a deep groan, “ What is the matter, sir,” said 1; “ are you ill ?” He looked up at mo with an expression of face I shall never forget, and, in a hollow tone, he said, — “Doctor, you have .read Shakspere, no doubt, often attentively, and I may say in the words of one of his bright creations, ‘Who can minister to a mind disease ?’ lam ill, but it is a sickness of the soul. I have come to say, that should a young lady come here, and announce herself as Ellen Har grave, that is Ellen Sarsfield.” “ Indeed, sir, and under what circumstan ces do you expect her to come here ?” “ She recollects your address as a friend of her father, and might come to you as a mediator. She was seduced by—by—one who ” “What!” cried I, “Ellen Sarsfield, the beautiful creature who a lew short years ago was the darling aud the pet of a large circle —she, torn from her fond lather’s heart by a villain ? Why—why, sir, she must still be quite a girl. Good Heavens! you do, in deed, both surprise and afflict me.” “ Let me have some water, sir,” he said, faintly, I rang the bell, and he was soon accom modated with some, into which I dropped a little ammonia, which recovered him from the faintness which seemed to bo coming over him. “ Doctor,” he continued, “ if you have five minutes’ time to spare I will tell you all; but shoulp she come here, you shall know her- by her long hair: it is worn low, and wound up in it is a small thread of silver.” I started from my seat as at once the con viction came across me that poor Ellen Sars field’s corpse lay even now in my back parlor. He saw my emotion, and likewise rose with a I face of alarm. “Whoever tore her from her home,” cried 1, “ has a fearful account to settle.” “’Twas I—’twas 1,” cried Mandejholme; “ say what you will to me. Upbraid me as you will, my spirit is now broken, and I can bear all. 1 took her from her happy home — I tore her from the encircling arms of those who loved her.” “ Good Heavens! what inducement could you offer to her to lead so horrible a life ?” “Marriage; I offered her marriage; but spare me. She swore this morning she would take poison, but that first she would come to you to leave a message for her parents. Sipce she left me, my heart has been wrung by fiends. I am a man of sor row. Oh! should ■ she come here, tell her I will fulfil all promi ses; tell her she shall be mine, and that the mock marriage which deceived her shall be be succeeded by a real one, and she shall smile again.” “Ji mock ma;riage, sir ?” said I; “so it ; was by that most vile stratagem that poor Ellen was undone No wonder, sir, your heart is full of bitterness; but you do not know the worst. Heaven extend its mercy to you. But were I Ellen’s father I should have to pray for patience. Ellen Sarsfield is now ——” A tremendous knock' at my door at this moment startled me, and made I.ord Mandel home fall back in his scat, looking like an apparition. In a moment I flew to the win dow, and saw what I did not know before, namely, that a carriage of Lord Mendel- : holme’s was at my door. As I was looking from the window, Thomas opened the door, and in an instant the young man who had run off so suddenly, and whom , the dying girl had called George, came into ■ my rodm. ; “Where is he?” he cried; “where is the , seducer—Suborner of justice—the foe of the i innocent, the virtuous and the beautiful. Ha, , the villain!” , He strode towards Lord Mandelholme, who . rose with a cry of terror, while I threw my- ■ self in between them, crying , . “Hold—hold, gentlemen! I cannot have my house converted into an arena for your quarrels. Peace, sir, peace!” “Nay, sir,” cried the last arrival, “come not between me and this man. You know him not. By acts as base as villain ever im agined, he tore from the arms of those who loved her so fair a piece of nature’s work manship as ever blessed the world. You have seen her, sir—you know her. Let me get at the villain. I will tear his black heart from his breast!” “Keep him. off—keep him off!” said Lord Mandelholme: “I would not have his blood upon my hands, but I will defend my own life.” “ You may well do so,” cried his opponent; “for no man should be more afraid to die.” “Gentlemen,” said I, “I will not have violence here. Go both of you into the street, if you must fight, but it is most unseemly here.” Lord Mandelholme drew a pistol from his pocket, as he said, — “I will defend my life—l will defend my life.” “Fiend,” cried ho, whom the unhappy girl had called George; "fiend—monster inhu man form! you have made many hearts deso late, and I will not now be baulked in my re venge. Nay, it is justice—a more sacred name. I too am armed. Here are weapons.” He struggled so much with me, that I saw there was no chance of holding him much longer-; therefore, as a last resource to stop bloodshed, I suddenly let him go, and in a moment throwing open the folding doors which divided my two parlors, I cried, “Behold! let that sight disarm you both in this house. Profane not death by a con test in its awful presence.” On the table lay the corpse, as I had placed it, and, for a moment, they both stood as if paralyzed. Then Lord Mandelholme, with a loud cry, strove to leave the parlor by the door leading from the passage, but his oppo nent darted after- him, aud, ere he could ac complish his purpose, dragged him back again. Before I could interfere, Mandcl holme fired his pistol; in an instant there was another report—a loud terrific shriek, and the noble seducer lay weltering in his blood. “Good Heavens! young man,” I cried, “ what have you done ?” “ Taken wild justice,” he cried—“revenge! The betrayer of gentle innocence and virtue will betray no more; let him die. Touch him not—l am the avenger; let him die—let him die!” I hurried to the side of the wounded man, and, raising his head, I saw that the shot had entered somewhere near- his ear, and most probably lodged about the back of the neck. His eye, though, told me he was dying; there was no hope. “ Is he dead ?” asked the other. “ No,” said I; “ but he soon will be : he is dying.” The young man then dropped the pistol which he held in his hand, and walking into the next room, he, with a deep sob, approach ed the corpse of the unhappy girl. He kissed convulsively the pale face. “Helen, Helen,” he said, “you are aven ged! Rest, rest, pure spirit. He who turned your gaze from the light of Heaven is no more.” I was so bewildered that I could take no steps to prevent him from leaving the house, although, as I was told afterwards, it was un questionably my duty to detain him. He, however, made good his escape, my servants, who had been startled at the shots, and were collected round the parlor door, fancying that he had gone for assistance. When 1 heard the street door shut, I somewhat recovered from my mental stupor. “Call the police,” 1 cried; “stop that young man.” Before any one could stir, Mandelholme uttered a faint groan, and then, in weak, painful accents, said, “No, no, let him go; lam dying.” “Tell me, sir, for God’s sake, where your friends may be communicated with,” said I. He shook his head, and then, after a pause, said, “Listen. I think Heaven will give me strength for one purpose, if for no other—to confess my wickedness, and pray even now for pardon—for mercy.” He paused, and a quantity of blood in his mouth evidently stopped his utterance. I beckoned to the servants to assist me, and we raised his head, placing under it a sofa cush ion, when, after a few moments, he again spoke, “That still form, which even in death is so very beautiful, was my victim.— Look on her now that she is robbed of the intelligence of vitality, and you may guess what she was by what she now is. When I first saw her, she was young, virtuous, love ly, and I coveted to make her miserable. 1 sought her destruction, but her virtues rose ever before me like a battlement, which there was no surmounting, and—and—as I could not woo her to sin, 1 turned her best feelings into weapons against her, and told her I would marry her secretly, and then, as her father's circumstances were indifferent, that she should have the pleasure of relieving him, by the agreeable surprise of tolling him she was the wife of a nobleman, and possess ed of unbounded means. She refused for a long time, but 1 had won enough of her af fections to blind her judgment, and she at ' length consented.” He paused now again, and was evidently suffering the most acute pain. It was seve ral minutes before he proceeded, and then his voice was much weaker, as he said, - “ She consented. A note was left with her father, and she eloped with me. We were married in London ” “ Married!” said 1. “ Yes, yes, a mock marriage. My valet was the mock priests she believed herself my wife, and then she claimed my promise of re turning the following day to her parents. By one excuse and another I put her off, and then I wrote a note to her parents as if from her, bidding them adieu forever. The reply came. It did not suit me, for it was full of love and expostulations. I wrote an answer myself, imitating the handwriting as well as I could, and that plunged her in despair, for it harshly discarded forever. Well, she in sisted upon going to throw herself at her father’s feet. 1 entreated, I commanded, and finally I told her all. She rushed from my house, and—and there—she is, dead—dead! Oh, Heavens, have mercy upon me !” He tossed his arms wildly in the air for some moments, and then lay perfectly still, the only indication of life being an occasional low moan. Go to the next street,” whispered I to my man, “ and call M. , the surgeon. Thomas ran off, and in less than ten min utes came back with the eminent practitioner I had named to him. “ A bad accident have you hero, doctor ?” he .said. “ Yes; look at him, I fear * Mr. shook his head, after carefully examinining the eyes of the dying man. “ No hope ?” said 1. “ None!” was the reply. Suddenly Mandelhonie sat upright, and, stretching his arms up towards the ceiling, he cried— “ Help, help! Helen, save me—save me!” He gasped for utterance; a dull, rattling sound in his throat succeeded, and the sedu cer lay a corpse! ******* Lord Mandclholme’s friends took away his body, and Helen was interred in the nearest churchyard. The young avenger was never, to my knowledge, heard of again. Iron Rings and Golden Hair.—Dur ing the years 1813, 1814, and 1815, when Prussia had collected all her resources in the hope of freeing herself from the heavy yoke France had laid upon her, as well as other countries, the most extraordinary feelings of patriotism burst forth. Every thought was centered in the struggle for liberty; every coffer was drained; all gave willingly, both rich and poor; indeed, such was the glorious unanimity with which the whole nation acted, that even the Emperor Napoleon’s attention was excited, and ho keenly criticised such generous patriotism. In every town altars’ were erected, on which all ornaments of gold, silver and precious stones, were offered up for the good of the country. Massive plate was replaced in the richest palaces by dishes, plates, and spoons of wood. Ladies wore no other ornaments than those made of iron, on which was engraved—“ We gave gold to the freedom of our country, and like Gier, wear an iron yoke.” One evening a party of friends had assembled in the house of one of the wealthiest inhabitants of Breslaw.— Among the young girls was one, beautiful but very poor; and when her companions were boasting what each had contributed to wards the freedom of their country, alas! she had no offering to proclaim, for she alone had none to give. With a heavy heart she took her leave, and returned sorrowing to her own home lamenting her inability to contri bute to the glorious cause. As unrobing herself for the night, the thought suddenly flashed upon her mind that she could dispose of her beautiful hair, and add to the public fund. With the earliest dawn, she flew to a hair-dresser, related her simple talc, and parted with her luxuriant tresses for a tri fling sum, which she instantly deposited on the national altar, and re-entered her quiet home, her eyes sparkling with delight at thus having contributed her mite towards the emancipation of her country. Her patriot ism soon reached the ears of the officer ap pointed each day to collect the various offer ings; he related the circumstance to the president, who received a confirmation of the fact from the hair-dresser himself, and whose own patriotism kindling in the recital, he voluntarily proposed resigning the fair hair then in his possession, provided it was resold for the benefit of their “father land.” The offer was gratefully accepted; iron rings were made, each containing a portion of the treasure, and these rings produced far more than their weight in gold; all were wild to possess a lock of this noblest of Prussia’s daughters; and hundreds and thousands of pounds were given for a single ring, and thousands flowed in to fill the coffers in so holy a cause. Quite a Sensible Darkey.—At a meet ing of the negroes in Boston, in relation to the Fugitive Slave Law, when the excitement had got to its highest pitch, and threatning remarks were made intimating that it would be best to cut the throats of the whites, an agad negro rose and addressed the assemblage as follows: “My friends, I think we are gwinc a little too fast in dis matter. We talk about arming ourselves and resisting the laws : but it ap pears to me, my bredcrin.dat de Ijost ting wo can do would be to raise a fund to help de fu gitive to get out ob de way ob dem slave catchers. For, now suppose, my brederin, dat wo hab a first rate fight, and get one ob dese fugitives clear, and five out ob six ob us get killed in de muss, now in my opinion dat would be a loosin game. It ’pear to me dat nint zactly do way to save niggars any how.” THE JOURNEYMEN TAILORS’ flO-OPERATIVE UNION, 134 NASSAU V/ STREET, one door South of Beekman.—To the . a Citizens of this Country. Among the innumerable reforms of this eventful age, the right of man to rani the full value of his labor, stands pre-eminent. Ifuf The great charter of American Independence, which"”' 1 "" our fathers pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to sustain, declares it to be one of man’s in alienable rights ; therefore, we, the Tailors of New York, American Branch, fully appreciating these important truths, do declare that we will no longer submit to be used as hired slaves, and trusting in the intelligence of our fellow citizens, and believing the time has come when the social condition of the laboring classes can be radi cally improved, by the association of labor and co-opera tive principles, have established a JOUNEYMAN TAI LORS' CO-OPERATIVE UNION, at 134 Nassau street, where we have on hand Three Thousand Dollars’ worth of , Stock, and are prepared to execute such orders as the public will favor us with. N. B.—lt is clearly to the advantage of our fellow citizens to patronize our Union, as we propose to divide the Bosses’ profits with our customers. 522 3m H. B. PETTIGREW, Draper and tailor, begs leave to state to the former pations of the late Mr.. « Wheeler, as well as to the public generally, that he lias succeeded to the establishment, and from his experience in conducting the business during Mr. |f:T Wheeler’s absence in Europe, he flatters himself that he will give complete satisfaction both with regard to the elegance and the economy of his garments; and those gentlemen who prefer furnishing their own goods, may depend on having the utmost care and attention be stowed on the cut and making. 11. B. I’, desires to inform the trade that he is sole agent for Stinemet’s late work on Cutting, and which he can wi(h confidence recommend as being superior; also, con tinually on hand, a good assortment oi the most approv ed style of Shears, together with Inch Measures, Squares, Chalk. &c., &c. N. B.—The most popular and correct Report and Plate of the Fashions, will continue to be regularly issued from the above establishment. 11. B. PETTIGREW, 06 3m*■ 4 Courtland st. CLOTHING. ’ NEW YORK CASH CLOTHING ESTAB LISII'IBNT, No. 112 FULTON ST., (near. Broadway.)—E. DEGROOT & CO. have on hand a largo and full stock of ready made fall and winter ZgJfl Clothing, which for style, durability and cheapness Ifgg 1 in price, surpasses any other store in New York. - Their Custom work is attended by the most skillful cut ters, aixd every garment warranted to fit. 'Sack and Overcoats from§l 00 to 20 00 Cloaks of all descriptions, from 2 50 to 25 00 Dress and Frock Coats, from 0 00 to 16 00 Business and Office Coats, from 2 00 to 10 00 Pants of all kinds froml 00 to 600 Vests of all qualities and styles, from.. 75 to 400 Also, Shirts, Drawers, Cravats, Stocks, Collars, Gloves, aud every article of gentleman’s wearing apparel, &c. Complete suits made to order at the shortest notice. Remember the number, 142 Fulton st. E. DEGROOT, 013 3mis* S. R. PULLEN. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. N 0.5 DEY STREET.—JAMES L. MEAD & CO., would respectfully announce to their a friends and patrons that they are now prepared with a choice and elegant stock of Cloths, Cassi meres and Vestings, which they will manufacture to order at the shortest possible notice ; and, in all'*" 4 * 44 ’ cases, warrant a genteel fit. Mr. MEAD has had many years’ experience in the cut ting of garments; he flatters himself he will be able to suit the most fastidious. None but the best workmen are employed; and persons ordering a garment can de pend upon having it well done, and at feast 25 per cent, less than they would pay for the same article at any es tablishment in Broadway. M. & Co. have also on hand a large assortment of Stocks, Cravats, Collars, Gloves, and Hosiery; and, also the fa mous Vest Shirts, which received the premium at the late Fair of the American Institute. It is made expressly for the Southern markets. JAMES MEAD &. CO., se22 3m* No. 5 Dey street. N. Y. J. K. HORA & CO., NO ; 80 NASSAU STREET, BETWEEN Fulton and John street, wholesale and retail v o <> dealers in , READY MADE CLOTHING. O H c have completed FALL and WINTER Stock IflT of Ready Made Clothing, embracing the greatest'"”"’* 1 "" variety, both in style and quality, of any other establish ment m the city. IN OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, we have a choice selection of Cloths, Cassimeres and V estings, which wo shall make to order, in a style unsur passed for beauty of cut and durability of workmanship. 1 roni our long experience in the business, we are ena bled to oiler inducements to purchasers not to be met with elsewhere. J. K. HORA & CO., ob 3m* o. SO Nassau st., between Fulton and John. THE FALL AND WINTER TT’ASHIONS FOR 1850, ALL COMPLETE JL at the EMPIRE, 54 READE ST., Lafarge .a a Building, corner of Broadway, the only place in the 'sa city where the genuine pantaloons can be got up. Also, the new and beautiful style of Overcoats, ijW Sacks, and French Paletots, and all other garments, not excelled in this city for style, materials ajad work manship, at prices so low as to suit any in want of Fall and H inter Garments. From the attention given to all orders, it prevents mistakes and gives general satisfac -1 ersons surnishing their own cloths, can rely on the la test style at the lowest prices. Also, Boys’ Clothes made neat and cheap. Remember the Empire, 54 Reade street, two doors off Broadway, Lafarge Building. 3m*JAMES LAPINE. TO GENTLEMEN OF TASTE. A WORD OF ADNICE TO YOU; TAAT if you want to get fitted out with a first a rate suit of Clothes, cut by a man of taste and economy, made by the best workmen, and at prices (RnP as llow as any others in New York. Call at JOIIN ,, C. MOSEMAN’S Cheap Cash Tailoring Establish ment, No. 76 EAST BROADWAY, one "door above Mar ■ n 3 3m CLOTHING! CLOTHING!? HELON & GOODMAN, MERCHANT TAI LORS, 82 Nassau street, next to Dr. Town- . o q send’s, offer their fall and winter stock of Clolhing to their friends and the public, at as low prices as any in New York, consisting of every style of Gar- If by ment that the mind or fancy can imaine. Also on’~ iJJ4 " hand a large assortment of ( loth, Cassimeres and Vvest ings, of the best manufacture, which will be made up in a style that defies competition. We call the attention of the public to our large assortment qf Fancy Velvet Vest ing on hand, which will be made up in the most fashiona ble style. Please remember the number, 82 Nassau, next to Dr. Townsend’s. KlO 3inIIELON & GOODMAN. FIRST PREMIUM MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, No. 191 SPRING ST., between Thompson and Sul-,--—x livan.—MßS. R. RALLINGS lias the pleasure of®Kw of informing her patrons and the ladies generally, that she has again been awarded the premium of the American Institute, and that her Bonnets are of the finest quality, completely dispensing with the necessity of la dies going in Broadway establishments to get suited at nearly double prices. A call and examination will prove this assertion, as has has already been learned bs many ladies oil this city and vicinity. A beautiful assortment ot Bonnets for Juveniles. Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, &c., ot the importation, in Great variety. Straw Hats manufactured,‘cleaned and altered. Milliners sup plied with Pattern Bonnets. • 06 gm millinery; ATRS. A. 11. MARCY, NO. 210 BOWERY, J-tJL would most respectfully inform her custom-«—x ers and others wishing to purchase, that she is nowel. w prepared to offer for their selection, an uncommonly/rV** large an rich assortment of Millinery, consisting of every variety, in style and color, of Silks. Satins and Velvets, made and trimmed in the most fashionable styles, with the best material. Also, a handsome assortment of Rib bons, Flowers. Feathers, &c., &c., all of which the ladies are respcctiully solicited to call an examine, to satisfy themselves that this is the best place to get a good anil fashionable, at a less price than thy can buy at any other place in the city. 31RS. A. H. MARCY, 210 Bowcry, s2u 3mis directly opposite Rivington st. FIRST PREMIUM TVf ILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, No. 564 J-TX BROADWAY, near Niblo’s Garden, New n —n. York.—MH6. WM. SIMMONS, most respectfullyaL©) announces to her numerous patrons and strangers visiting the city, that she has opened a splendid assort ment of PARIS FALL MILLINERY, in addition to a beautiful assortment of her own manufacture, of every shade and color, all made of the richest material, em bracing all the modern improvements and latest fashions. Also, just received, a large assortment of French Flowers, r eathers, Ribbons, Caps, Head Dresses, &c. Mrs. S. re specttully solicits a call.s29'3ni* MRS. A. BLAKE, OF 186 BOWERY, NEAR SPRING ST., takes this opportunity to inform her customers„ — that she has opened her Fall Fashions, consisting ofsL 10 a good assortment of Fall and Winter Millinery, to/W which she would respectfully invite the attention of her friends and the ladies generally. o!3 3ni J. LAYNG’S BOOT STORE, DA ANN’S!’.—THE CHEAPEST PLACE in the city to buy Boots, is in the above ds stsre, for every article sold there may be relied on being as represented. He is a practical mechanic, f Ki ana has not to employ a foreman; hut buys and cuts the stock himself, and has the immediate inspection of all the work, and pays all the attention that may bene fit his customers, knowing this to be his own interest. By this means he has gained a large custom trade, and his numerous customers feel satisfied. Below is a list of his prices, which defy competition for the like article : Finest Imported French Calf Dress Bootss4 50 Fine or Stout Calf, fair stitched 3 50 Double Sole Water Proof Boots, from... $4 50 to 500 Best French Patent Leather Boots7 00 Congress Boots and Shoes, &c., &c., in proportion. Particular attention paid to measuring, so as in all cases to warrant a good fit. Mending done in the store. 3m* BOARD REDUCEdT A T THE PRIVATE MANSION HOUSE, 51 GREEWICH ST.—Mrs. BERT, formerly Mrs. Foster, late of 27 Hudson st., begs leave to in- htw form her friends and the public in general, that has taken' the large and commodious House, No. 51 Green acar the Battery, and within five-minutes’ walk of the Easter Boats and Southern Trains, where she will continue to accommodate with good clean beds and airy rooms, from $2 50 to $3 50; Day Boarders 50 cents; Baths gratis. 51 Greenwich st. Avlo6m* FISHERS COMPOUND FLUID Extract of liquorice and ice- LAND MOSS contains, in a concentrated form, all the valuable demulcent, nutricious, and tonic properties of the moss itself, combined with Liquorice and ot tier in gredients constantly used in the cure of all disorders of throat, air passages and lungs. This invaluable preparation acts as an emollient, relieving the parts affected, and forming an excellent remedy fur recent or xntluenza coizpAs, periodical or cZtrom? cough, hoarseness, wheezing, asthma, and difficulty of breathing, and is most effectual in relieving thatliarsh, hollow oough attending pulmonary Co/i’ump'ion. It can be given to children with perfect safety, by following the directions on each bottle, and is particularly recommended for Whooping Cough, after administering some mild laxative medicine. One bottle is sufficient to prove its efficacy, without referring to a long list of testimonials. Prepared and sold only in >ew York city, by the proprietor, 488 HUDSON ST., cor. Grove, in bottles, at 25 cents. 522 3m* DEAFNESS CURED. Extract.— “i most cheerfully comply with the request of Lieut. Mclntosh, to cer tify that ne was invalined home in consequence of total deafness, and discharges from his ears: that while in New York, on his way to England, he availed himself of the professional advice of Drs. CASTLE and EDWARDS. Aunsts, 518 BROADWA Y, and under the treatment and care of these gentlemen he entirely recovered his hearing and health, and has returned to his military duties. (Signed) 11. McNEVEN, Surgeon, 11. B. M. Forces, Jamaica.” ACOUSTIC DROPS, a certain cure for Incipient Deaf ness, Pains, noises in and discharges from the external ear, ringing sounds or collections in the ears, &c. FlOtf* FISHER’S MAGIC LINIMENT. TUOR THE CURE OF RECENT OR CHRO JL NIC RHEL’MATISM, Lumbago Gout, Sprains of the Joints and Limbs surpasses every other known remedy in existence, giving the sufferer instant relief on the first application, and seldom fails performing a. perfect cure. Thc.great repute this liniment has acquiring within the past year as an outward application, has induced the pro prietor to make it more generally known. Sufferers will not repent giving the Liniment a trial. Multitudes of cases of its efficacy can be produced, and the most res pectable references can be given to numerous families who have used the Liniment by calling at the only depot for New York city, 488 HUDSON STREET, corner of i Grove. Sold in bottles, at 25 cents. 522 3m* 50 flflO imported and American tOV/jWV/ mannfaciured TRANSPARENT WIN 'DOW SHADES, of every description, wholesale and re tail, at the Window Shade Emporium, No. 458 PEARL ST., four doors from Chatham street, at GREAT BAR GAINS, from 25 cents up. The stock is entirely new, be ing imported and manufactured for the fall trade—in eluding French Scroll, Vines and Flowers, Gothics, Inte riors, Landscapes; Curtain Materials, Drapery Muslins, Cords. Tassels, Brasses, Cambrics, Table Oil Cloths, &c., &c. Purchasers are invited to call and examine for themselves. Dealers supplied 25 per cent, less than anv other establishment in the United States. SHADES of every description, made well and promptly executed. ? L.XKS. Importer and Manufacturer. WOOLCOCKS & OSTRANDER. miN PLATE AND SHEET-IKON WORK- A ERS METAL ROOFERS, &c.. \ take ■ this meth od of informing their friends and the public, that they are now prepared to furnish from their store. No 56 Gold strut, every article in the trade, such as Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Hollow W are in all its varieties. Tin Packing Cases for the California and other markets. Al= 0 > Speaking Pipe for the trade wholesale and retail. Zinc Tubing for Bell Hangers. The best of reference for Tin Roofing. Leaders, &c., &c. T. J. WOOLCOCKS. W. OST KA NDER. JENNY LIND COOKING STOVES, acknowledged by hundreds to be the best Cooking Stove in market. Re tailed by WOOLCOCKS & OSTRANDER, No. 56 Gold street, New York. mys ly* CIGARS, CIGARS, CIGARS. KAGELAVOULD RESPECTFULLY IN- V .1”• FORM his friends and the public, that he has ta ken the store No. 202 Chatham Square, and fitted it up for the sale of Cigars. Mr. K.Jias always on hand a great assortment of the different brands, such as Regalia. La Norma, Principe?, and in fact every brand that can be mentioned, which are imported by himself. N. B.—Hotel keepers and others supplied on the most reasonable terms. [s22 3m] G. KAGEL. FIRE INSURANCE. rpilE BROOKLYN FIRE INSURANCE A COMPANY, having been twenty-five years in opera tion, continue to insure stores dwellings, and other buildings, merchandise, household furniture, vessels in port and their cargoes, on as reasonable terms as any si milar institution. Offices Ne. 6 Merchants’ Exchange, Wall st., New York, and 43 Fulton street. Brooklyn. WM. ELLSWORTH, President. Alfred G. Stkvkns. See’y. 522 3m* 75,000 I AMPS.—HAVING ADDED LARGELY A-X to my former stock, I have n>w on band the largest and best selected stuck to be found in this city, consisting of all the various styles of Lamps for lard, oil, camphene, spirit and phosgene gas. Also, hall, street and other lan terns, girandoles, chandeliers, candelabras, table cultery, fancy ornaments, &c. &c., Oil, camphene, spirit gas. phos ?;ene gas, &c. N. B.—Just received, a largo lot of very ■eautiful China Vases, all of which will be sold cheaper than at any other house in this city. Goods loaned for parties. CHARLES FULLER, 273 Greenwich st., 06 3m *Let ween Warren and Chanibers st. ISOLOMON S. REILLY, f?AMPHENE AND LAMP MANUFACTU- V-Z rcr, 135 CANAL ST., corner of Laight; IG7 Green wich st., corner Courtlandt; 218 Canal st., near Hudson. Camphene Distillery, corner 9th avenue and Ganesevoort street. Solar Lamps, Girandoles, Chfindeliors, Brackets, Candelahras; l amps for Oi). Camphene, and Burning Fluid; Pure Sperm, Solar and Lard Oil: Camphene Burn ing Fluid, Alcohol, Spirits of Turpentine, at wholesale and retail. Orders by pest or otherwise, promptly attend ed to. nl7 3m THE BANK NOTE AND COMMERCIAL REPORTER.—IS sued to regular subscribers, semi-weekly, weekly, semi-monthly and monthly, on the following terms: — semi-weekl.v. $4; weekly, $2; semi-monthly, sl—includ ing a copy of the COIN CHART MANUAL, (containing 85U fac simile coins.) and the AIJTOGRAPHICAL COUN TERFEIT DETECTOR, free of charge. Address 020 tf J. THOMPSON, GT.Wall ot. N, Y. FIRST PREMIUM GOLD MEDAL PIANO FORTES. —THE SUBSCRIBER would call attention to his splendid assort ment of Pianos from 6 to octaves, in wood and other cases, v hich fur sweetness and* Il V «. V ¥ equality of tone, with the many improvements which his instruments possess, it is believed cannot he surpassed, llis Pianos are all made from the best and thoroughly seasoned materials, and with his patent arch bottom, ; which adds greatly to the strength and durability uf the < instrument. The qualities of his Piano Fortes are too well known to require more than an allusion to them as an evidence of their value. It may only be necessary to ' refer to the fact that at the great Fair of the American j Institute, they awarded to him the first premium gold medal for the best Piano Fortes, and to the many other testimonials from some of the first professors and ama teurs, both in and out of the city. The subscriber only would add, with his long experience as a manufacturer, he earnestly.bclicves his instruments cannot be surpassed elsewhere. DAVID J. VAN WINKLE. % No. 92 West Sixteenth st. The following is one of the many testimonials he would offer in addition to the above: Dear Sir—Until I had the pleasure of inspecting your Piano Fortes at the late Fair, and in company with Messrs. Greatorex and Ensign, awarding you the first pre mium, I had seldom seen an instrument of your manufac ture. 1 have now inspected your establishment, and from my experience as a maker, 1 can with great confidence re commend your pianos, as equal to any manufactured in this country, and shall take much pleasure in adding my mite of praise to the congratulations you must receive from many members of the profession. With respect, your obedient servant, GEORGE LODER. To Davi I J. Van Winkle, Esq. New ¥■ . k, October. 0203m* PIANO FORTES. \T F. HARRISON, 23 CANAL STREET, V •(H are Room, second store.) offers for sale a splendid assortment of Rosewood FORTES, <>f 7 octaves, with the latest improve »lFv V mentß. an t at the lowest manufacturer’s prices. Those Those in v ant of a superior instrument will please call and examine previous to purchasing elseu here. nl 3m piano’ fortes.’ FT HAVING BECOME A REGULAR (JUS _L tom to advertise, the subscriber takes usual course to keep himself before his 1 Hend* and the public, and J nfonns them he still con-’sVx.VV tinues to let Piano Fortes on hire, on as moderate terms as any in the trade, at his old stand. No. 259 William st., between Pearl and Duane, where he has conducted this business for the last thirty years. Q2O 3m* ‘ JOSHUA TH URSTON. LEUCHTE & NEWTON, PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS.— Warerooms No. 22 CANAL ST., (opposite-- the New Haven R. R. Depot.)—The subscribers have on hand, and now offer fur sale, a largo as-* 8 » V f aortment of elegant Piano Fortes, from <>Xi to 8 octaves, in rosewood and mahogany cases. Their instruments are made in the most substantial and durable manner, of the best seasoned material, by experienced mechanics, under their own immediate charge, and are unrivalled for their exquisite quality, sweetness of tone, and delicacy of touch. Those at a distance, by specifying their wishes by letter, in regard to style, quality of tone, &c., may depend upon a faithful selection. All instruments warranted. F. C. LEUCHTE. 522 3m* 11. J. NEWTON. 2SOLIAN PIANO FORTES. WE WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION of the public to the fine assortment Piano Fortes, with and without the much mired JEolian Accompaniments, made by the* O i celebrated house of T. Gilbert & Co., of Boston, recently opened at 447 Broadway, by Waters & Berry. The Pianos of T. G. & Co. have been too long and too favorably known to need any commendations. Hundreds in this 'city can testify to their superior excellence. Also a good assort ment of Boudoir Pianos for sale. N. B.—A good assort ment of second hand Pianos fur sale cheap or to rent. 013 3m G. & H. BARMORE, OFFER, AT THEIR MANUFACTORY and Wareroom, No. 348 Bleecker st., corner- of Charles st., an assortment of elegant FORTES, with the metallic frame and reverse’ bridge, and all other modern improvements. 013 3ni A. H. GALE & CO., ~ PIANO FORTE WAREROOMS AND ma nufactory, Nos. 104. 106. and 108. THIRD AVENUE. h tf VH 829 3m* New York. PIANOS FOR SALE AND TO HIRE.—AT THE OLD STAND, I*. 7 BARCLAY ST., opposite the A ator House, a variety of 6)4, 6)2, and 7 octave Piano Fortes, of every pattern, with all the modern* 8 V xi V improvements, in rosewood and mahogany cases, war ranted to give satisfaction or no sale. Pianos on hire. JAMES THOMPSON. n!73m* (late Tallmand and Rand.) THE NEW YORK"” A ND LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS.—The ships compris- ing this line, are the Atlantic, Capt. B est: 'r .f Pacific, Capt. Nye; Arctic, Capt. Luce; Baltic, Capt. Comstock. The ships having been built by contract, expressly for Government service, every care has been taken in their construction, as also in their en -sines, to ensure strength and speed, and their accommo ation for passengers are unequalled fur elegance and comfort. Price of passage from New York to Liverpool, $130; exclusive use of extra size state-rooms, $325, and S3OO from Liverpool to New York, £35. An experienced Surgeon attached to each ship. No berths secured until paid for. PROPOSED DATES OF SAILING. FROM NEW YORK. FROM .LIVERPOOL. Saturday, Oct. 12th, 1850. Wednesday, Oct. 30th, 1850. “ “ 26th, “ •• Nov. 20th, “ “ Nov. 16th, “ Saturday, Dec. 7th, “ “ “ 30th, “ “ “ 21st. “ “ Dec. 14th. “ “ Jan. 4th, 1851. “ “ 28th, “ “ “ 18th, “ Wednesd'y, Jan. Bth, 1851. “ Feb. Ist, “ “ “ 22d, - „ “ “ 15th, “ “ Feb. sth, “ ' “ March Ist, “ “ “ 19th, “ “ “ 15th, “ “ March sth, “ “ 29th, “ For freight or passage apply to EDWARD K. COL LINS, 56 Wall street, New York, or to BROWN. SHIP LEY & CO., Liverpool. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for gold, silver, bullion, specie, jewel ry, precious stones or metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, and thereof therein expressed. After the Ist of April next, the rate of freight by the above steamers will be materially reduced. 06 ly 3m* ROCHE, BROTHERS & CO.’S OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE, 34 FULTON ST., N. Y.—Arrangements for 1850. Remittances to and passage from Great Britain and Ireland, by the Black Ball or Old Line Liverpool Packets, sailing from Liverpool on the Ist and 16th of every month. Also by first class American ships weekly. Persons sending to the old country for their friends can make the necessary arrangements with the Subscribers, and have them brought out in any of the eight ships comprising the Black Ball or Old Line of Liv erpool Packets, sailing from Liverpool on the Ist and 16th of every month. Alsu, by the first class ships sailing from that port weekly. In all cases where the parties do not come, the money will be refunded without deduction. The Black Bail or Old Line of Liverpool Packets com prise the following magnificent ships, and will sail from Liverpool on the regular appointed days, rs follows : Fidelia Ist January, Ist May, Ist Sept. Isaac Wright... ,16th “ 16th” 16th" New York Ist February, Ist June, Ist Oct. Columbia 16th “ 16th “ 16th “ Yorkshire Ist March, Ist July, Ist Nov. Manhattan 16th “ 16th “ 16th “ Isaac Webb Ist April, Ist August, Ist Dec. Montezuma 16th " 16th “ 16th “ P. S.—The public are respectfully notified, by desire of the owners ot the Black Ball or Old Line of Liverpool Packets, that no passenger agents but R., B. & Co., have permission to advertise to bring out, passengers by that line, and that they are the only authorized passenger agents of said line in this city. We have, at all times, for sale, drafts at sight, for any amount, drawn direct on the Royal Bank of Ireland, Dublin; also, on Prescott. Grote, Ames & Co., Bankers, London, which are paid, free of discount or any charge whatever, in all the principal towns throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Apply, or address by let ter, post-paid, to ROCHE, BROTHERS & CO.. 34 Fulton st.. N. Y., 027 3m* next door to the Fulton Bank._ TAFSCOTT’S General emigration and for eign EXCHANGE OFFICES.—W. & J. T. TAPSCOTT, 86 SOUTH ST., corner of Bur-W*W, ling Slip, New York. W.M. TAPSCOTT & St. George’s Building, Regents Road, Liverpool. Arrangements for 1850. In acquainting our friends'and the public with our ar rangements for 1850, we can assure them that we have used all our endeavors to render them perfect in every particular—and which has been accomplished only by vast labor and great expense—so that persons residing in this country, who may wish to send fur their friends in any part of England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales, or re mit money thereto, can now do so through our “ House,” with the fullest confidence that their business will be transacted with the greatest promptness and care. The fact alone that Messrs. AV. Tapscott & Co., of Liverpool, will give their personal attention to dispatching all our passengers from that port, and that our business in the Old Country is wholly under their superintendence, is, we feel assured, sufficient to induce all who wish to send for their friends to secure passage for them by our favorite line of Packets, viz : New Line of Liverpool Packets. QUEEN OF THE WEST, (new,) 1,250 tons burthen, T. Hallett, Captain, from New York Jan. 21st, May 21st, Sept. 21st—from Liverpool March 6th, July 6th, Nov. 6th. SHERIDAN, 1,100 tons burthen. G. B. Cornish, Cap tain, from New York Jan. 26th. May 26th, Sept. 26th— from Liverpool March 11th, July 11th, Nov. 11th. CONSTITUTION, (new,) ]‘ssO tons burthen, John Britton, Captain, from New York Feb. 21st, June 21st, Oct. 21st—from Liverpool April 6th, Aug. 6th, Dec. 6th. GARRICK, 1,150 tons burthen, Asa Eldridge, Captain, from New York Feb. 26th. June 26th, Oct. 26th —from Liv erpool April 11th, Aug. 11th, Dec. 11th. IIOTTINGUER, 1,150 tons burthen, Ira Bursley, Cap tain, from New York March 21st, July 2Jst, Nov. 21st— from Liverpool May 6th, Sept. 6th. Jan. 6th. ROSCIUS, 1.150 tons burthen, Oliver Eldridge, Captain, from New York March 26th, July 26th, Nov. 26th—from Liverpool May 11th, Sept. 11th, Jan. 11th. LIVERPOOL, 1,250 tons burthen. John Eldridge, Cap tain, from New York April 21st, Aug. 21st, Dec. 21st— from Liverpool June 6th, Oct. 6th, Feb. 6th. SIDDONS. 1.150 tons burthen. E. B. Cobb. Captain, from New York April 26th. Aug. 26th, Dec. 26th—from Liverpool June 11th, Oct. II th, Feb. 11th. THE “Z” LINE OI’LIVERPOOL PACKETS.—Ships “L. Z..” “Centurion,” “A. Z.,” “James 11. Shepherd,” “E. Z.," “New Hampshire,” “J. Z.,” “Victoria.” “UNION LINE” OF LIVERPOOL PACKETS—Com prising the fast ships Rappahannock, Orphan, Julia How ard, Houghton, Hartford. Halcyon. Blanchard. Caroline Reed, Lemuel Dyer, E. & E. Perkins, Samuel, Metoka, Adeline, Ann Dashwood, Salacia. Catherine, Sea Queen, Samoset, Euxine, Leonidas, Mortimer Livingston. Judah Touro, Columbus, America, Empire State. Western World, and many other ships to be added to this already extensive list. THE LONDON LINE OF PACKETS, sailing from New York and London on the Ist, Btb, 16th and 24th of each month. THE CLYDE LINE OF GLASGOW PACKETS, sailing from New York and Glasgow on the Ist and 15th of each month. Among the above-named favorite ships will be found some of the most magnificent afloat; and the accommo dations of all are such as cannot fail to give satisfaction to passengers. Well ventilated and lofty between decks, spacious Second Cabins, and elegant State Rooms, fitted up with a special regard for the comfort and health of passengers, and commanded by men of high character and long experience, together with their extraordinary strength of build and swiftness of sailing, render them most desirable conveyances for all classes of persons about to emigrate. Passage from Liverpool to Boston, Phila delphia. New Orleans, Mobile, Charleston and Savannah, by the regular packets or first class merchant ships, can also be obtained on favorable terms. Remittances to the Old Country. DRAFTS PAYABLE AT SIGHT, without discount or any other charge, fur any amount, on the National Bank of Ireland, and Branches throughout Ireland, can at all times be obtained on application at our office, or to any of uur agents throughout the United States and Canada ; also, on the Exchange and Discount Bank, and Messrs. W. Tapscott & Co., Liverpool, payable throughout Great Bri tain. To persons wishing to send money to their friends, we can without fear of contradiction state that no house in America has equal arrangements for remitting funds to all parts of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Persons residing in the country, and wishing to send mo ney to their friends, may insure its being done satisfacto rily, on their remitting us the amount they wish sent, with the name and address of the person for whom it is intended; a draft for the amount will then be forwarded per first sailing Packet or Steamer, and a receipt for the same returned by mail. Persons having money in the Old Country which they wish to receive, without the expense of going for it, may get it safely transmitted by its being deposited with Wm. Tapscott & Co., Liverpool, and an order from them for the amount will meet with prompt payment here. Toemigrants to the far,west.—Having the must extended arrangements for conveying passengers from New York to the far West of any house in the trade, we are enabled to offer them any mode of conveyance, whether Railroad. Canal, or Steamboat, at prices as low as are usually paid for the worst possible conveyance, and with a certainty of their not being subjected to any delay or imposition on the route. Pamphlets with full descriptions of all the routes, with rates of fare for any place not beyond the Mississippi, (including Canada,) can be had gratis. Every information given on application, either person ally or by letter, addressed to W. & J. T. TAPSCOTT. at their General Emigration and Foreign Exchange Office, 86 South street. New York. sls3m* ’ PASSAGE FROM, A ND MONEY REMITTED TO ENGLAND, -ZA. IRELAND, SCOTLAND and WALES.— P. W. BYRNES & CO., (established in 1824,j 83 SOUTH ST., New York, and 36 Waterloo Road. Liverpool. Peysonns sending to the Old Country for their friends, can have them brought out by the Regular Line of Packets sailing from Liverpool on the 11th, 21st and 26th of every month, by the undermentioned Regular Liners:— The ROCIUS. The IIENRY CLAY. “ ASHBURTON. “ ALB’T GALLATIN, “ CONSTELLATION, “ JOHN R. SKIDDY, “ SIDDONS. “ GARRICK. “ PAT’K HENRY, “ NEW WORLD, “ WATERLOO. “ WEST POINT. And in First Class American Ships, every three days direct from Liverpool, or Dublin, Drogheda, Belfast, Cork, Derry, Galway, Sligo. Waterford, &c., &c. There fore, those wishing their relatives out quick, -will find it to their interest to patronize this old established House, our arrangements being so perfect, that no delayer dis appointment can occur. DRAFTS AT SIGHT, for any amount, on the National Bank of Ireland, its Branches, &e., &c., at all times for sale. Apply to, or address by letter, post-paid. I’. If. BYRNES & CO., 83 South st., New Yura, and 36 Watcr loo_R<md. Liverpool. 027 6mis* YOUNG'S NEW AND CHEAP Fur store, 96 bowery, between Grand and Hester sts. —The subscriber t begs leave to inform his friends and numer ous customers, that he has opened with a large and handsome assortment of I M POR TED AND DOMESTIC FURS, comprising a variety of Muffs, Victorines. kc.. all of which are of the choicest kind, and finished in a superior manner, as he has got the very best workmen that can be found in the country. He therefore flatters himself, from the judicious manner in which he has selected his stock, and the care taken in the manufacture of it. that be can sell as cheap, if not cheaper, than any wholesale or retail establishment in the city, and give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their natronago. All kinds of repairing done in a work manlike manner, and with dispatch. 013 3m TITOS, YOLNG. FINE WATCHES, TEWELRY AND SILVER WARE.—THE subscriber is selling all description of fine Gold and Silver Watcher, Jewelry and Silver Ware, at retail, at the very lowest prices. tekzs Fino Gold and Silver English Patent Lever Watches. Fine Gold and Silver Detached Levers. Fine Gold and Silver Lepines. Gold Guard, Fob and Vest Chains. Gold and Silver Pencils and Gold Pens. Ladies’ Bracelets, Gold Lockets and Thimbles. Ladies and Gentlemen’s Breast Pins. Sterling Silver Spoons, Cups, Forks, &c. Gold Watches, as low as S2O to $25 each. ■Watches and Jewelry exchanged. All watches war ranted to keep good.time, or the money returned. Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired in the best man ner, and warranted, at much less than the usual rates. G. C. ALLEN, Importer of Watches and Jewelry, wholesale and retail, 51 Wall st., s 8 ly up stairs. ~ FRED’K W. PACHTMANN, YXTATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, 170 VV CANAL ST., between Sullivan and Varick sts., would respectfully inform his customers and the public in general', that he keeps, as usual, a very large and fashionable assortment of fine gold and sil ver watches, jewelry and silverware of every description. Every article warranted ns represented, and at the low est possible prices. Watches, jewelry, and silver ware, made to order and repaired. 8m VANDYKE & BRINLEY’S Dining saloon, 23 and 25 Catharine Slip, east of the Market. Open at all huurs, Sundays not excepted. BILL OF FARE. BREAKFAST AND SI’PPER. BcofStcak 6d Fried Tripe <>d Pork Steak 6d Fried Liver 6<l Veal Cutlet 6d Fried Haslet 6d Mutton Chops fid Fried Sausages fid Broiled Chicken 3s Fried Hallihut fid Half Chicken 2s Fried Codfish fid Ham and Eggs Is Fried Fish fid Fried Ham Is Fried Clams fid Broiled do Is Fried Eels 6d Boiled do fid Fried Shad fid Fish Balls fid Wheat Cakes fid Hashed Meat fid Buckwheat do fid Beef Stew fid Indian do fid Boiled Eggs Cd Dry Toast fid Broiled Mackerel till Milk Toast 9d Stewed Kidneys fid Mush and Milk fid Stewed Oysteir I Rin? and Milk fid i Roast Oysters Is6<l Bread and Milk fid ' Fried Ousters 2s Pickle* 3d i Raw Oyster- I- Tried Potat.-s 3:1 i Purler House Steak .. Is6d Butter Cake* 3d Sirloin Steak Is Extra Bread 3d Hot Rolls 6d Tea, Coffee, Chocolate.. .3d DINNER. Roast Beef fid pot Pic fid Roast P<>rk fid Clam Pie fid Roast V. al 6d Veal Pic «d Roast Lamb ..Cd Oyster Pie 6d Roast Mutton'. Cd Chicken Pot Pic Is Roast Turkey Isdd Chicken Fricasee Is Roast Chicken Isfid Chicken Stew Is Roast Duck IsCd Beef Steak Is6d Corned Beef fid Hamand Eggs Isfid Corned Pork «>d Lamb Ciiop. Is <’orncd Mutton fid Fried Oysters 2s Do. eapre sauce Is Stewed Oysters Is Boiled Ham Cd Raw Ovrters Is Boiled Fish fid Fried Tripe Is Boiled Hallihut fid Beef Soup 6d Boiled Salmon .Is Extra Cabbage, Potatoes, Pork and Beans fid Bread, Butter, each... 3d DESSERT. Plum Pudding 6d Rough and Ready do. .. . fid Indian Pudding Gd Apple Dumplings. .• 6d Suet Pudding fid Mince, Apple, Cranberry, Rice Pudding fid Plum. Peach, Custard. Bread Pudding. .. . .£<l Leno n. Ke. 013 3m IMPORTANT rpo THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC—WAS JL opened on the 4th of February, complete in all its ramilieation*. GUNTER’S new, ele gant, and capacious Hotel, Dining. Coffee and Oyster Saloons, Nos. 115 and 117 FULTON St. .JI which, for beauty of conception, internal arrangcincntrf. and aptness of purpose, are not only unapproached, but unapproachable by any similar establishment in Fulton, or in any street in the city of New York. One hundred persons can be accommodated in a style unsurpassable with lodging and board, as the bill uf faro annexed will fully demonstrate. BREAKFAST AND TEA. Beef Steak fid Poached Eggs Cd Broiled Mackerel Gd Sausages Gd Fish Cakes (id Two Boiled Eggs fid Fried Clams Cd Veal Cutlets Gd Fried Eel 9 . ...fid Buckwheat Cakes 6d Fried Eggs Gd .-Indian Cakes Gd Fried Fish Cd Wheat Cakes Gd Fried Ham 9d Corn Bread fid Tried Liver Gd Hot Rolls .Gd Fried Tripe GJ Pork Steaks fid Fried Potatoes 3d Toast Cd 11am and Eggs Is3d Extra Bread 3.1 Mutton Chops Gd Tea and Coffee, each 3d DINNER. Roast Chicken IsCd Beef Soup Gd Roast Duck IsCd Boiled 11am Cd Roast Goose IsCd Chicken Pie Is Roast Turkey Is6d Chicken Soup fid Roast Pig Is Clam Pie (id Roast Beef (id Fried Clams 6d Roast Lamb 6d Fish Cakes Cd Roast Perk 6d Ham and Eggs Is3d Roast Veal Cd Oyster Pie Is Boiled Chicken IsCd Lamb Pot Pic 6d Boiled Corned Beef Cd Pork and Beans 6d Roiled Fish (id Veal Pie fid Boiled Mutton (id Extra Vegetables 3d Boiled Pork Gd Beer and Claret, each ... Gd Beef Steak Is Buttled Porter and Cider.Cd Buef Steak Pic 6d Extra Butter 3d DESSERT. Apple Dumplings Gd Custard in cups G<l Bread Pudding .Gd Apple Pic Gd Indian (id Cranberry Cd Plum 6d Mince...’ Cd R>cc Cd Pumpkin Gd Suet (id Cd The Oyster Saloon will be stocked with each and every varietv of bivalves, which will be served according to or der. The Bar will be supplied with the choicest liquors that our market affords. Having digested the above bill of fare, your attention is next solicited to the lodging de partment, which has been fitted up with every especial re quisite for comfort and convenience. The Beds and Bed ding are new. and of superior quality, and well calculated to promote “ tired nature’s sweet restorer.” and almost cause every one to exclaim, is it possible that such accom modations can be afforded for the annexed considerations? viz: Rooms at $1,75 and $2,50 per week. Lodging 373>z cents per night. H. 11. GUNTER, ja27 ly* Proprietor. BOWERY HOTEL And dining saloon, 395 bowery", corner of Sixth st., New York. Lodging by the night, week, or month. BILL OF FARE. DINNER. Roast Turket. .. 12d Pork and Beans od Roast Chicken 12d Veal Pic Gd Roast Goose 12d Clam I’ie Gd Roast Duck 12d Beef Steak Pie 6d Roast Beef fid Lamb Pot Pie fid Roast Lamb fid Chicken Pot I’ie 12d Roast Veal (id Chicken Soup fid Roast Pork Gd Beef Soup 6d Boiled Mutton 6d Oyster Soup fid Boiled Corned Beef. fid Tea and Coffee, each 3d Boiled Corned Ham 6d Extra Bread 3d Boiled Fish. Gd Extra Potatoes 3d Vegetables of all kinds in season. DESSERT. Plii’ii Pudding (>d Mice Pie Gd Suet Pudding fid Apple Pie 6d Indian Pudding (id Peach Pie fid Rice Pudding G<l Pumpkin i’ie fid Bread Pudding fid Plum Pie Gd Apple Dumplings (id Cranberry Tart 6d All kinds of Fruit in season. COOKED TO ORDER AT ALT. HOURS. Porter House Steak .. . Is6d I Fried Oysters I2d Sirloin Steak 12d Stewed Oysters I2d Ham and Eggs Is6d | Roast Oysters 12d BREAKFAST AND TEA. Beef Steak. 6d Buckwheat Cakes fid Mutton Chops 6d Indian Cakes (id Pork Steak Gd Hot Corn Bread fid Veal Cutlet fid Toast fid Ham and Eggs 12d Butter Cakes 3d Fried Clams Gd One Hot Roll 3d Fired Eels (id Boiled Eggs fid Fish Balls Gd Fried Eggs fid Fried Sausages fid Tea or (.uffee 3d Fried Fish Gd Extra Bread 3d THOMAS KIKK, 013 3m LAWRENCE R. KERR. NORTHERN BLOUSE. JM. GREELEY’S DINING SALOON, 114 • Sixth Avenue, corner of Ninth st. Open on Suudaj Board and I,edging. BILL OF FARE. DIN .N E R . _ Roast Chicken and other Boiled Ham (><l Poultry Is Chicken I’ie Is Roast Beef (id Clam Pie Gd Roast Lamb 6d Fried Clams Gd Roast Veal Gd Fish Cakes Gd Roast Pork Gd Ham and Eggs Is3d Roast Pig Is Lamb Pot I’ie Gd Boiled Chicken Isfid Oyster I’ie : Is Boiled Corn Beef Gd Pork and Beans .Gd Boiled Fish fi.| Veal i’ie Gd Boiled Mutton 6d Extra Vegetable 1 3d Boiled Pork (id Beer and Cider, each... .3d Porter House Steak. . . Is'id Bottled Porter 3d Beef Steak Pie Gd Bottled Cider 3d Beef Soup 6d Extra Butter 3d DFSSERT. Apple Dumplings fid Rice Pudding (id Bread Pudding (id Suet Pudding Gd Custard in cups fid I’ics.—Api'le, Cranberry, Indian Pudding (id Mince, Peach K. Pumk- Plum Pudding 6d kin, each 6<l BREAKFAST AND TEA. Beef Steak (id Mutton Chop Gd Broiled Mackerel 6d Poached Eggs (id Fish Cakes (id Sausages Gd Fried Clams (id Two Boiled Eggs Gd Fried Eels Gd Veal Cutlets Gd Fried Eggs (id Buckwheat Cakes Gd Fried Fisn fid Wheat Cakes 6d Fried Bam Gd Hot Rolls Gd Fried Liter Gd Pork Steak Gd Fried Tripe 6d Toast 6d Fried Potatoes 3d Extra Bread 3d Ham and Ez-rs ~ . I* Tcajand Coffee, each 3d JACKSON & ST. JOHN S Dining saloon, 17 and 19catharine Slip, cast side of the Market.—This Sa loon, located in the immediate vicinity of two or three steamboat landings and Catharine st. Ferry, having undergone extensive alterations and additions, the subscribers hope to merit a cuDtiniT ance of the patronage heretofore extended to them, and pledge themselves to spare no pains or expense to render it worthy of their support. They confidently refer to their bill of fare as an evidence of their sincerity. BILL OF FARE. BREAKFAST AND SI’PPER. Beef Steak Gd Hot Rolls Gd Pork Steak fid Wheat Cakes Gd Veal Cutlets fid Buckwheat Cakes Gd Mutton Chop 6d Indian Cakes fid Hamand Eggs Is Boiled Fggs fid Fried Ham Is Fried Egg» Gd Broiled Ham Is Broiled Mackerel fid Broiled Tripe Gd Stewed Oysters IsGd “ Liver bd Roast Oysters Is “ Haslet Gd Fried Oysters 2s “ Sausages Gd Porter House Steak... IsGd “ Hallihut Gd Broiled Chicken 3s “ Codfish Gd Dry Toast fid “ Eels .. . .Gd Milk Toast. .. . 1 9d “ Shad (id Mush and Milk. 6d “ Clams 64 Rice and Milk fid Fish Balls Gd Fried Potatoes 3d Hasted Meats Gd Butter Cakes 3d Boiled Ham 6d Extra Bread 3d Pies of all kinds, each... Gd Tea, Cufleo, Chocolate... 3d DINNER. Roast Beef 6d Sweet Potatoes Gd Roast Veal. .. Gd Pickles 3d Roast Pork 6d Beef Steak Is Roast Lamb... 6d Roast Turkey Roast Mutton..' Gd Roast Gooso ... Corned Beef Gd Roast Chicken Corne<l Pork .64 Roast Duck Corned Boiled Mutton...6d Chicken I’ot Pie 1> Pork and Beans fid Chicken Fricassee > Is Boiled Ham Gd Hum and Eggs Is6d Pot Pie Gd Fried Oysters 2s Boiled Fish Gd Stewed Oysters Is Boiled Halibut Gd Asparagus, Spinach. Extra Boiled Salmon IsGd Cabbage. Potatoes, Bread Beef Soup 6d or Butter. Clam Soup GdJ Coffee 3d DESERT. Plum Pudding fid Apple Dumplings Gd Rough am! Ready du.... 6d Mince. Apple. Cranberry, Indian Pudding. Gd Pluni, reach, Custard, Suet Pudding 6d Lemon and Pumpkin Rice Pudding 6d Pies, each Gd Bread Pudding Gd jigy»Open :it all hours. Sundays not excepted. nl7 3m ROGERS’ HOTEL. And dining saloon, no. 4 fulton street. —IMPORTANT TO THE YELLING PUBLIC.—The subscribers would respectfully announce to their friends and the public that they have recently fitted the large , building, No. 4 Fulton street, as a Hotel and Dining sa loon, where every comfort that could possibly be desired, on the most economical scale, may be enjoyed. The Lodg ing Rooms are not surpassed by any in thb city for com fort and convenience, and they have, at a great expense, procured a composition to put in the mortar to destroy Roaches and all other insects, which may be a desirable consideration for those who wish to sleep in peace. The Larder will always be found stocked with all the choice delicacies the markets afford, whjch will be served up at the usual low prices. Boarding ana Lodging by the Day or Week. Open on Sundays. A. ROGERS & CO.. s2!> 3m* No. 4 Fulton st. NEW OYSTER SALOON. NO. 147 FULTON STREET, (NEXT DOOR to Gunter’s Dining Saloon,) New York. —ISAAC B. DECKER, late of the “ sior Dining Saloon,” begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally, who have so long known him as being at the head of the Oys ter Department of the ” Excelsior,” that he has taken the premises, No. 147 Fulton street, which he has fitted up in a style of magnificence hitherto unexcelled. To his friends who have known him for years, he hopek that this an nouncement will be a sufficient guarantee to secure their continued patronage; and to the public generally, he re spectfully invites thorn to give him a call. The bar will be supplied with the choicest of Liquors and Cigars. NlO 3in JOHN MCDONOUGH’S SALOON, CORNER OF BROADWAY AND Canal street. JOHN McDONOUGH. (late of 51 Broad st.) having purchased well known Restaurant (formerly Dean’s) most respectfully requests the patronage of his friends and the public in general, who will here find everything served up in the best style, including such de licacies as the market aud season can afford. Special at tention paid to Oysters, and the finest quality in shell, fried, stewed, or roasted, furnished at all hours. En trance 417 Broadway and 45 ('anal st. 027 3m* “ Une dent vaut niieux qu'un diamatt: il n’est pas de vilaines femmes avec de belles dents.” —J. J. Rousseau. GREAT IMPROVEMENT ] N DENTISTRY.—INCORRUPTIBLE, MI- _L neral and other kinds of TEETH, ar ranged in the most scientific manner. Also those wearingartificial Teeth which give pain or uneasiness, can have them T repaired, so that they may be worn with ease, by Dr. NAPOLEON PRETERRE. Surgeon Dentist, lately from Paris, now at 333 Broadway, opposite the Theatre. The doctor informs the public in genereal that persons who have had the misfortune of losing their Teeth, can have them replace!' so as not to be distinguished from Natural ones. Iris new sets of Teeth, put in without pain, with which one can grind the hardest aliments, are remarka ble for their transparency and lightness; they serve not only to perform mastication, and endow the voice with a distinct aud easy articulation, but to bestow upon phy siognomy that grace ami regularity which are ihe most ' brilliant appendages of beauty. Gold used in all o]>cra tions will be of the finest quality. Terms very niode ratc. n 24 3m PARLOR, HALL AND COOKING STOVES!—A LARGE As- sortment of every patent, style and quality, at the most reasonable rates. #253 WILLIAM CLARKE, No. 9 Carmine st., dours above Bleecker bt., have made the fulled preparations to meet the demand for stove.* fur the com ing « inter. Among hi* stock can be found The American Air Tight Cooking Stove, I sizes.’ The Commercial Air Tight Cooking Stow. 4 sizes The Atlantic Air Tight Cooking Stoves, 5 sizes. The Kitchen Companion. 7 sizes. Queen of the City, 3 sizes. Manhattan. 2 sizes. Peekskill. 5 sizes. Empire State, 3 sizes. Empire City, 3 sizes. »r Two Boiler Stoves, 3 sizes. . The Celebrated Parlor Cooking-Stove, a beautiful orna mental stove for hall or parlor. Air Tight Parlor Stoves, Air Tight Stoves for bedrooms, Davey’s Patent Flat-iron Heater, and a general assort ment. containing every description of stove or drum for dwellings, offices, stores, &c. If you would buy cheap, buy now! If you would have a good article do not forget o(> 3m* WILLIAM CLARKE. 9 Carmine st. ~ PARLOR COOKING- STOVES’ rpilE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC IS JL invited to the above entirely new article, constructed on the air-tight principle, and ar ranged for burning cither wood or coal. 11 is a splendid east iron parlor stove, witli a large oven, and it has all the conveniences of an air-tight cook- i ing stove. For nurseries, basements, and for persons who arc obliged to cook in their sitting rooms, it is just tho article that is needed. Also, the celebrated Independent I Air-Tight Cook, universally admitted to bo the j best balling siove iu/tho market. The Gem of Troy, a : splendid article withjcvolving grate, together with the ! largest and best assorted stock of pa rlor, hall, and office [ stoves, and splendid Russia Iron drums to_ bo found in this citv, at the Neu-York Stove Factory, 353 (now num ber) GRAND ST.,-opposite Essex Market. All stoves warranted as represented. , 06 2ni* - N. L. i'ORT, j PARLOR, HALL AND COOKING Stoves.— albert 11. cocks, no. 107 BOWERY.—Complete assortment of Cooking Stoves, consisting of the Commercial and Amcri can Air Tight. Atlantic, Kitchen Companion. Queen of the City. Manhattan, Peekskill, Empire State, Empire City, Picayune, &c.. &c. Also, Parlor, Office and Hall Stoves. It you wish to buy cheap, buy now of [Ol3 2111*] A. H. COCKS, 107 Bowcry. MRS. BROWN’S GREAT PA I N-KI LL E R .—NO MEDICINE II AS been discovered that is so happily adapted to use in ternally as drops to be taken, and yet perform such won ders when applied externally as a wash or bath, by fric tion. A 1 ORK SHILLING, (12 cents,) is all you have to risk to try it; and as that sum can be no object to the proprie tor. it is hoped that such a price can be no obstacle to any family, and will never prevent its trial. THE PRICE, from twelve to fifty cents per bottle, ac cording to the size, will enable all to use it. If you doubt, begin with a 12 cent bottle, and that will remove your donbts, and make you buy, and use and recommend it to your friends more than a hundred certificates would. Wh<» will fail to try it then, and save life aud suffering fur a YORK SHILLING ? This “PAIN-KILLER" may be used with a success that will astonish the beholder, in such cases as the fvl ' lov iug Cholera Morbus, Distressing Dy-••utery, Pain j ’n the -ide aud Stomach, Corus, Cuts and Bruisi-s, Cho lera Infantum, Bronchitis, Healing Sores on Man or Beast, Children Teething, Raising Bloud, Hoarsenes.-, Quinsy in a few hours, Chilblains and Frosted Feet, Spasms, Prevent a Blister from Burns, Broken Breasts, Measles, Cramps, Hurts, Scratches ur Torn Flesh, Bites or Stings. CERTIFICATES to fill a volume might be published, showing the wonderful effects of,“Mrs. Brown’s Pain- Killer,’’but they are too common, and used for articles of no merit; and the One Shilling Bottle will do more than a thousand unknown mimes to convjnee the v* t r. Cai ti-jn. —Call 1"V Mi>. Brown’s Pain-Killer, and take no other. Supplied to the country, aud *'<ld on l vat 44 Courtland and 57 Jehn, near William bt. Also the following LONGLEY’S Great Western Indian Panacea. 1. For Colds and feverish feelings, and preventing Fevers. 2. For Asthma, Liver Complaint, and Bilious Affections. 3. For Diariluca, Indigestion and Loss of Ap petite. 4. For Costivoness in females and males, and nervous complaints. 5. For Stomach Affections, Dyspep sia, Piles, Rheumatism, &c. The great points are, it is not bad to take, never gives pain, and never leaves une costive. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint cured, and all Western and Southern Fevers prevented, in every case, by the use of Longley’s Great Western Indian Panacea, warranted to cure the most severe cases of the above com plaints. Loss of Appetite, Bilious Affections and Indi gestion, are permanently cured by its use. The great points are, it is not bad to take; it does not leave the bowels cdktive, and gives no pain in its operations. This Panacea will remove all the bad bile from the stomach, and give tone to the system, and keeps off all attacks of malignant fevers. If the stomach is in a healthy state, and the pores of the skin arc open, so as to admit of free exhalation from the body, there can be no attack of fever. This office the Panacea will positively perform, and we recommend all to try this article if they wish to ensure health during the year. As a family medicine, it is un paralleled for coughs, colds, and all diseases of the blood, and kidney and scrofula complaints. The genuine to be had at no other place than 57 John, near William, and 41 Courtland st., of 523 Ginßm* J. M. DE CIPLET. sole Agent. TEN THOUSAND CURES, AND NOT A SINGLE FAILURE ! DR. HASTINGS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF NAP TIIA, celebrated throughout both continents for its won derful cures of Consumption, Asthma, Decline, Spitting of Blood, Night Sweats, Difficult Breathing, Coughs, Colds, and all Diseases of the Chest and Lungs. Its effect upon the system is mild and soothing, at the same time certain and efficacious; rarely failing to give relief upon the first application, and by repeating it a few times, a permanent cure is effected. The proprietor, therefore, not only recommends his Naptha Syrup, but warrants it to cure. He warrants it to act upon the chyle, and purify it; he warrants it to remove all impediments which retard the free circulation of the blood ; he warrants it to open the internal and ex ternal pores of the body, and eject all the obnoxious par ticles which have accumulated in the system; he war rants it as a never-failing remedy in CURING DISEASED LUNGS, Hectic Fever,Night Sweats, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Pain in the Chest, and Asthma; and he warrants it to arrest the formation of Tubercles on the Lungs, and to heal those already formed, so that persons in consumption may take it with the most positive confidence of a cure, for its great seat of action is the Lungs, which it pene trates in all directions, purifying them of everything obnoxious in its progress, and which, if applied according to directions, cannot fail to leave in a perfect healthy condition. Dr. Hastings’ Compound Syrup of Naptha is highly re commended by the medical profession. That eminent physician, Dr. Mott, of New York, says “ that rs a pul monic remedy it cannot be too highly praised.” Dr. Arnold, of the Marine Hospital, Savannah; Dr. Ware, of Liverpool, England; Dr. Boyd, of Lancaster; Dr. Hamil ton, of Bath; and those eminent English publications, the London Lancet, the Medical Journal, and IjraithwaHe’i Retrosj>ect, all accord to it the most convincing certifi cates of its virtues. Tn this country it has been used with distinguished success. None genuine without the written signature of M. A. F. HARRISON on the wrapper. Price $1 per bottle, or six hpttles for, $5. Principal Office, No. 154 GREENWICH ST., New York. Sold in Newark by R. Van Buskirk. In Albany by C. Frothingham. In Boston by Redding & Co. In Phila delphia by Zeiber & Co., Third st. below Chestnut; and Baltimore, by S. S. Hance. Sold in New York by E. M. Guion, 137 Bowery ; 11. L. Sanders, 325 Bowery ; Jolinß. Dodd, 771 Broadway, and 308 Hudson st. 0 20 3m* NEW YORKLAUNDRY, 1 AJ SPRUCE STREET, (NEAR NASSAU,) -i-C* To New Shirt Dealers, Single Gentlemen, Fami lies. &c. This is one of the most perfect and extensive establish ments of die kind in this or any other country. It has been erected at an expense of about four thousand dollars, and combines the following advantages:— Ist.—Persons leaving the city in hasto can have their clothes washed and ironed in a superior manner, in from two to three hours’time. 2d.—No material is used in the washing department, but pure olive oil soap and filtered Croton water; hence clothes are not destroyed by patent soaps or other humbugs so ex tensively advertised in the newspapers. 3d.—Gentlemen’s shirts are dune up equal to new shirts on sale; Gentlemen’s collars ironed in Troy style: light colored vests and pantaloons elegantly ironed and po lished. 4th.—Clothes lost or rais-sent (which seldom or never happens) will be promptly paid for. sth.—-Clothes washed at this establishment will wear much longer, simply because they are not only handled with great care, but no injurious drug so generally used by washers, is permitted to come near them. 6th.—Ladies’dresses, and all fine articles, arc done up by an experienced French Laundress. Clothes taken and delivered free of extra charge. Ink spots and stains effectually removed. Gentlemen’s clotlies are done up, including mending and replacing buttons, for six shillings per dozen. All orders left at the office, 15 Spruce street, or sent through the penny post, will receive prompt attentionji MADAME RAYMOND, Superintendent. !'• S. Experienced hands arc employed to iron new shirts. 06 3m is * COUGH CANDY JAMES A. Qi;l N N, does hereby greet, All ladies and all dandies. And would them tell, that he does sell, The best of all Cough Candies. They’re good for all that may befall To them in their afflictions, In lung complaints—in colds or faints, And all severe restrictions. This Candy is prepared under the advice of a skillful physician, and may be relied on in all cases. Manufactured and 1 >r sale by the Proprietor, at 243 BLEECKER STREET. Also, sold at 476 Hudson and 146 Spring streets. .X, V. _______ NlO 3m FHEEDOM FROM COUGH TN TEN MINUTES, INSURED BY BRY JL AN’S PULMONIC WAFERS.—A single dose of this extraordinary remedy is guarantied to give immediate relief in all cases of Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Bronchitis, Irritation of the Vrula and Tonsils, and all diseases of the lungs—or the money will be returned. They are pleasant to the taste, unfailing in the effect, and have been tested by thousands, both in tho United States and Eu rope. Price 25 cents. Sold by Druggists generally. Wholesale Depot in New Yorks, 273 HUDSON STREET. A. TURNBULL. Agent. A Wholesale Agent wanted in each of the principal cities in the Union. Orders addressed to the proprietor, J. BRYAN, Rochester, N. Y., (post paid.) will meet with attention. n 24 3m* NEW VILLAGE of HERMANVILLH. ONLY $25 FOR A HOMESTEAD—22 FARMS, worth over $8,500, aud 6,400 LOTS, to be distributed among 800 subscribers. Each sub scriber is entitled to 8 Lots, 25 by 100 feet, lying to gether, or a PRIZE FARM of from 4 to 20 acres. Hie shares are limited at $25; payable—ss when subscribed for, $5 on day of distribution, aud balance in monthly instal ments ot $3. About 600 shares are now subscribed. Tho lots are situated in the village of HERM AN VILLE, on the Long Island Railroad, county of Suffolk, and 50 miles from the city of New York.' A Car and Engine House is now bing built near this village, and the last train leaving Brooklyn late each afternoon, stops near this station, and returns early in the morning. It is one of tho healthiest places in the United States, within one mile of Ronkonkoma Lake, which is about three miles in circumference,of singular transparency and of great depth, with an abundance of fish. The village is but 4 miles dis tant from tho great South Bay, which is 5 miles wide and 40 miles long, abundantly supplied with oysters, clams, and fish of various kinds. These lands will produce as much per aero with the same cultivation, as any land within 50 miles of New York. The Suffolk county Agricultural Society, at a meeting on the 24th September, 1850, awarded premiums for the production of these lands, as may be seen by the following letter: (Copy.) Lake Road. Oct. 28tb, 1850. I certify that I have, raised during the past season, the very best of Corn and Potatoes. 150 bushels per acre ; Egg Plants, and a variety of garden vegetables, on land near the Long Island Railroad, at Lake Road, for which I re ceived a premium at the Suffolk County Agricultural Fair, held September 24, 1850. Also, Peas, Beans, Onions, Squashes, Pumpkins, Beets, and Tomatoes. Yours, (Signed,) IRA L’HOMMADIEU. J o Charles M'ood, 117 John st., N. Y. llerinanville is located on the borders of the Long Isl and Railroad, where cars run several times a day to Brooklyn aud New York. The surface of the land is smooth aud level, and the surrounding country is perfect ly healthy, and within a few miles of this place, highly cultivated and valuable, having been settled for more than 150 years, and where similar lands sell from SSO to S2OO per aero. The distribution will take place in a short time by a Committee, to be selected by the subscribers from among their number. The person having the first choice, will be entitled, for $25 only, to a2O acre farm, worth $1.000; the second to an 18 acre farm, worth S!4K); the third, a 16 acre farm, worth $800; .the 4th, a 14 acre farm, worth $700; the sth, a 12 acre farm, worth $600; the 6th, a 10 acre farm, worth $500; the 7th and Bth each an 8 acre farm worth $400; the 9th, 10th and 11th. each a 6 acre farm, worth $300; the 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th, each a 5 acre farm, worth $250; the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th, each a 4 acre farm, worth 200; and all the others will be-entitled to 8 village lots, each 25 by 100 feet, lying together. There are no blanks—this is not a lottery— every person for $25, obtains a handsome lot of ground, equal to 8 eitv lots. Manner of 'Distribution of Hcrma-nville Lots and Prize Farms.— The manner of distribution will be as follows : All the numbers iu the map from I to 800. will be put into a wheel, and the first drawn number from the wheel, will be entitled to the first prize, aud, if the first number so drawn or taken out of the wheel, happens to be 250 or 275, then the person on the subscription list, who holds or owns the subscription number of 250. or 275, or whatever the corresponding number may be, will be entitled to the first prize farm, and so proceeding until all the numbers are drown out. W Apply to THOMAS WOOD, Stationer. 117 John street, near Pearl, or CHARLES WOOD, at the same place, either of whom will receive remittances and for ward receipts therefor by return of mail. They will also gratuitously furnish maps and pamplets of the'property, and cheerfully give such other information as may be de sired. CHARLES WOOD. n!7 4t* 117 John street, N. Y. DR. CORDIAL. The only positive cuke for the loss of MUSCULAR ENERGY, PHYSICAL LASSITUDE AND GENER AL PROSTRATION, IRRITABILITY, and all Nei’VOUS Affections, Indigestions, Sluggishness of the Liver, and every disease iu anyway connected with the Procrea tive Functions. Persons about to marry, if conscious of any weakness or disability of a certain nature, should take the Lucina Cordial, as it will infallibly restore health and vigor in a brief period,*and where want of off spring is a source of regret, if recourse be had to it the most beneficial results may be anticipated with confi dence. Persons, all weakness and lassitude before taking it, at once become robust and full of energy under its in fluence. I’ricc, $3 per bottle, and for sale at No. 151 Greenwich street, three doors below Courtland st., N. A’.: in Boston by Seth W. 1'owle: in Philadelchia, by T. IV. Drott St Sons; in Baltimore, by Seth S. Hance; iu Washington, by C. Stott. < :’ i:i,, DR. LAFONT’S FEMALE PILLsY Having used these pills in his private practice lor the last thirty-five years, and nn the French Female Infirmary under his care, tor the last twenty, with such unparalled success, that he feels in duty bound to let the world, and especially the female part of it, liave the benefit of hisresearch and experience. The number of females admitted annually from different parts of the kingdom into the Infirmary, are about three thousand, all laboring under obstruction, suppression, green sickness, or some irregularity, us maybe seen by the annual reports of the Institution. In every instance have the Pills proved successful. The Pills invariably open those obstructions to which females are liabbx bring nature into its proper channel, whereby health is restored, and the pale and deathly countenance changed to a healthy one. No female can enjoy good health unless she is regular; and when ever an obstruction takes place, whether from exposure, cold, or any other cause, the gen eral health begins immediately to decline, and the want of such a remedy has been the cause of so many Consump tions among young females. Headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the he heart, loathing of food and disturb ed sleep, do most always arise from tho interruption of nature; and whenever that is the case, the Pills will in variably remedy all these evils : nor are they less effica cious in the cure of Lencovvha'a, commonly called the “Whites.” N. B.—These Fills should never be taken by any female during pregnane}’, as they would be sure to cause her to miscarry. For sale at the Drug Store corner Broadway and John, street, aud at the cor. West Broad way and Beach st. o!3 3m* DR. DE LANEY, Author of the “private medical GUIDE." &c.—Particular attention paid to all dis eases and infirmites of the genito-urinary organs. A long experience in the largest cities both of Europe and America, and a very extensive practice in this particular branch of tlio profession, enable him to ensure a safe, per fect aud lasting cure, in any and all cases of those dis eases. Treatment also by letter, in English. French or German. French Female Renovating Pills, &c.. sl. Of fice 51 LISI’ENARD STREET, one street south of Canal, and some steps from Broadway. 020 3m* DR. VAN HAMBERT PHYSICIAN TO THE GERMAN FEMALE .1 INFIRMARY, havhiK used Ilie above Pill, in bis private practice for the List twenty-five vears. and in the Female Infirmary under his care, for tho last fifteen, with such unparalleled success, that he feels in duty bound to let the world, and the female part of it. haw the benefit of his experience. The Fills invariably open those oh structions to which females ai o liable and brimr nature into its proper channel, whereby health is restored, and the pale and deathly countenance changed to a healthy one. Headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, loathing of food, end disturbed sleen. do almost arise from the interruption of nature, ana whenever that is the case, the Pills will invariably remedy nil these evils; nor are they loss efncaciou" in tho euro of Leneorrhcea, commonly called the “Whites.” N. B—Thcso pills should never he taken by any female during her pregnan cy, lor sale at E. M. G UION, 127 Bowery, cor. Grand. m 3 3m* ra thk ORIGINAL AND GENUINE DR ’ TOWNSEND’S COMPOUND }J> § ! Ex tract of Sarsaparilla S i ' snowM "" ul ’ ilC^>r, - l ’ under tire itmnediute pa c tl ectiou of the well-k iuwii o g H Chemist and Physician, PH JAM^3 ll ' CHILTON, of New York, whose £3 w Certificate Frin ed on Green P >g! Paper "J CO I ke found on the outside wrap- N ....... . „ P p er o f cac h bottle. This is to pre runt the possibility of any mistake or question as to its Ge.nui.m-.nkss. Dr. S. I’. Townsend's Sausafarilla is War ranted to possess more Medicinal Virtues in onic Bottle than in Six Bottles of any other so-called Preparations of Sarsaparilla, and to KEEP GOOD FOR ANY LEN GT H O F TIM E , IN AL L CLIMA TE S. This Medicine has cured more persons of different diseases (such as mentioned below) than nil the other advertised Medicines put together. I T CUR E S Scrofula, | Dyspepsia, Stubborn Ulcers, j Costivenkss, Effects of Mercury, i Skin Diseases. Fever Sores, i Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, ' Dropsy, Rheumatism, ! Ringworm, Salt rheum, General Debility*, i Heart Diseases. Sold by all the Pit ncipal Druggists and General Store Keepers throughout the World. Principal Office, in Nev/York, 82 Nassau st; “ in London, 355 Strand, next door to (hp T.vcenm Theatre- OVERWHELMING TESTIMONIES! OVER HALF A MILLION OF TESTIMO NIALS have been . received by the Froprie- _ -■ iv .AI. J STI.K S . -- ALL-HEALING HINT MENT from physicians the most skilled and celc- /Y brated: from Counsellors learned in the la w ; A from Judges of celehri-l - ty on the bench; from 1 Ministers of the Gospel. gSfiß Bl whone undeviating in teg- Vw rity have made them y W Yj shining lights in the path E of truth ; from enhght- 1 ened Professors; from acute Merchants, and from those of every sta- "" tion, name and degree. among mankind—all of which, without one dissenting objection pronounce this ointment to be good ! As day by day it unobtrusively extends its sphere of action along the borders of our vast country, and is circu lated throughout its extent, new evidences' of its power and new proofs of its efficacy arc continually developed. Three millions of boxes, applied to disease within the last four years, has established the astounding fact beyond the power of cavil or contradiction, that it is INFALLI BLE in the cure of all Tumors, Ulcers. Sores, Burns, Tetters, Piles, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Chilblains, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Quincy, Croup, Rheumatism, Broken Breast, Ague in the Face, Corns. &c. It completely res tores the INSENSIBLE PERSPIRATION, and by this . means opens those avenues by which Nature intended to expel the morbid matter of the body—thus is the system cleansed, the blood purified, and the health restored. It has the power to cause all external Sores, Scrofulous Hu mors, Skin Diseases, and Poisonous AV'ounds, to discharge their putrid matter, and then heal them. We are not* ashamed of the names of ALL-IIEA LI NG OINTMENT.' OPv THE WORLD’S SALVE.’ which a discerning public has applied to this medicinS; for there is scarcely a disease, external or internal, that it will not benefit. I have used it for the last fourteen years for all diseases of the Chest, Consumption, and Liver, involving the utmost danger and responsibility, aud 1 declare, before heaven and man that not in one sin gle case has it failed to benefit when the patient was within the reach of mortal means. Wholesale and retail, at the Grand Depot, 141 FULTON STREET., New York, and by all Druggists throughout the United States. J. MeALISTER, 020 3m* Sole Proprietor, 141 Fulton st. SIO,OOO That no other article—no mat ter what its name—can do that thing! READ! | From the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, May 3d, 1850.] THE EXPLOSION IN HAGUE STREET, NEW lORK. Interesting Case.—This is to certify that my son, Francis Edward Hyde, 65 Pear! ■ street, Brooklyn, was x,.nr-. employed by St. John, Burr & Co., hat manufacturers, Hague st and at work on the floor MfiYr immediately above and over the boiler when the explosion took place on Februa ry last, by which dreadful catastrophe so many persons lost their lives. The explosion carrried the boiler through the room where he was employed, and himself with it to the second story, when all was precipitated down, and he was buried in the ruins amid a mass of fire, straw, hot bricks and burning coals. In this dreadful situation, he lay insensible for (as he thinks) near 20 minutes. When consciousness returned, he discovered light over his head, and by strenuous efforts to free his arms, he dreadfully, lascerated them. From this perilous situation he was extricated about 1% o’clock, having been under the ruins two hours. He was carried to the Hospital, and thence removed to his home in Brooklyn at 12 M. of that day. The application of Lime Water and Linseed Oil having been made at the Hospital, was continued for the space of two days, but without affording any relief. His case was considered hopeless, for he was one of the most severely injured, and so reported by the Relief Committee. He suffered much pain ; his face, head, neck, both arms, and entire back being dreadfully burned. The flesh was burned off both' arms from the elbow down to the fingers—the right arm near the elbow being burnt to the bone. The back, from the hip to the shoulders, was covered with sores, having laid in burning coals when amid the ruins ; and the cars burned to a crisp, and fears entertained of their dropping off. Rev. James L. Hodge, Pastor Ist Baptist Church, Brooklyn, called to see him, and stated that he would get something to cure him. In the evening he returned wi;b some of DALLEY’S PAIN EXTRACTOR, which he obfained of the Proprietor himself and applied it. He (Mr. H.) being familiar with its properties, having seen it successfully used when the steamer Swiftsurc was blown up on the North River, and upon which occasion, it saved the lives of four persons, who had been dreadful ly scalded. The application of the Extractor produced . ease in from fifteen to twenty minutes, and he was free from pain aftei* that, excepting at the dressings, and at times when the plasters were accidentally removed or dis turbed. The use of the ointment was faithfully adhered to by direction of the attendant physician, and fresh sup plies were constantly obtained from the prnprieter. It has completely and fully restored him, and cured his wounds without leaving a scar or mark of any kind. He is now perfectly well and engaged iff his business occupa tions. To the foregoing facts I am happy to testify with sin cere thanks to Mr. Dailey and Rev. Mr. Hodge, as I do conscientiously believe that, under Divine Providence. DALLEY’S FAIN EXTRACTOR has saved his life. BENNET HYDE. I can certify to the correctness of the above statement. J AMES L. HODGE. Pastor of the Ist Baptist Church, Brooklyn, L. 1. The above certificate made by Bennet Hyde, was signed and sworn to before me the 12th day of April, 1850. EDWARD COPLAND. Mayor of Brooklyn. ’ CAI TlON.—Beware of the Counterfeit Dailey Salve ih the old wrapper. The GENUINE article in the Nero Envelope and Large Boxes, for sale by MRS. M. 11A YS, 175 Fulton street, Brooklyn. CAI TlON.—Beware of COUNTERFEITS in the OLD WRAPPER. For the GENUINE article in the LARGE BOXES and NEW ENVELOPE, apply to NlO 31U IL D'ALLEY. 415 Broadway, N. Y. cwthincTat the SIGN OF GENERAL TAYLOR, 76 FUL TON ST.—P. L. ROGERS in- x-t vites the attention of his friends and /xfo&mjk customers, and the public, to his im mcnse assortment of Ready Made Ceothing for the present Fall and -a? Winter, embracing a variety in every branch of the business, which cannot £jr be surpassed, if equalled, in the city. *( THE WHOLESALE DEPART-' MENT comprises all descriptions of gar ments, suitable for every gradation of climate and every class ot society, cut in the most modern and approv cd styles, faithfully made, and of the best materials. The prices are low beyond precedent, being graduated with a view to a mere fractional amount of profit. THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT is constantly supplied by his accomplished cutters and workmen, with the very latest styles in Dress and Frock (‘oats, Overcoats, Winter Sacks. Yelvet, Silk and other Vests, Pants of various fabrics. Paletots, &c., &c. Thus his immense business and his trade connexion as a pur chaser, enables him to afford at prices which, considering the beauty, excellence and finish of the various articles, seem almost incredible, as the following list will show : overcoats. A splendid assortment of Drab English De- vonshire Kerseys, from $lO 00 to 20 00 Black, Brown, and Blue Beavers 5 00 to 10 (X) Fancy light Overcoats 5 00 to 10 00 Drab, Black and Blue Pilots 300 to 900 Splendid Dress and Frock Coats 5 00 to 15 00 PANTB. Pants of every shade and color 200 to 600 vests. Vests of every stylo of goods 75 to 5 00, boys’ ci.othing. Boys’ Sacks and Overcoats 200 to 6 (X» Boys’Jackets 1 50 to 500 k. Boys’ Pants. 125 to 300 Al<n, a splendid assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, and Vestings, constantly on hanfl and made to order at the shortest notice. A Full Suit of Winter Clothing for $5 00. THE CUSTOM DEPARTMENT present a large assortment of the richest and finest Broad cloths, Casshneres, Vestings, Coatings, &c. The best cut ters are employed, and orders filled with great prompti tude, a fashionble and perfect lit being in all cases guar anteed. The prices are full fifty per cent, below the yates which men 1 of fashion have been heretofore accustomed to pay. P. L. ROGERS. 013 3m* 76 Fulton, corner of Gold st. NO. 237 WATER ST., N. Y. Stoves i stoves !—it is now admit ted by all who have used this » celebrated Stove, that it far ex- w X ceeds any now in use for heating K 1 parlors, stores, offices, halls, &c. The subscriber has also con strncteil a Cook Stove, on the same principle, both of which cannot be surpassed for economy of fuel, cleanliness, and durabil ity. So confident is the under signed of their superiority, that he offers t<> refund the purchase money, if after a trial of two weeks the Stove should not prove satisfactory. A Silver Medal was awarded for this Stove, at the last Fair of the American Institute. The public are invited to examine the principle on which the fuel is burnt in this stove, being entirely new. and pronounced by some of the best judges the best for giving heat, and at the same time the most economical in fuel of any stove now in use. A few of the many improve ments are here set forth : Ist. They have no grate in the bottom, the coal resting upon a strtid surface. No cold air is admitted to deaden the lire. 2d. The air is heated before it reaches the fire, by pass ing through a hot air chamber—consequently the coal is all consumed. 3d. It is air-tight, and so constructed that it needs no raking; is free from dust, and none can escape into tlie room. 4th. It is economical: the application of the heated air. in connection with the fact that it cannot be disturbed by raking, causes a complete combustion of the coal—a prin ciple never before obtained in stoves. RECOMM F. N D ATI ONS. St. Thomas Hall. Flushing, March. 1849.—T0 L. Wood.— The stove is an excellent one, and gives me great satisfac tion. The tire does not go out for six or eight weeks to gether, and with a very little care need not go ont during the season. w. 11. GILDER. Extract ot a letter from Mr. Robert Coffin, of Hudson, N. A.— Ihe principle of the stove 1 certainly approve, as experience has shown me that heating the air before it passes into the fire chamber is correct, as it insures a uni form fire, and completely consumes the fuel. Respectfully, ROBERT COFFIN. I have used during the last three winter*, one of L. M ood’s Air-Tight Cylinder Stoves, which has a tight bot tom upon which the coal rests, instead of a grate. 1 con sider it "He of the best ever used, for economy of fuel, cleanliness and ci.mfort, and appear to fulfil all that could be expected for the purpose designed. Sept., 1849. H. WILLIAMS. M e, the undersigned, concur with Mr. H. Williams, having used the above Stove, to its advantages as set forth—H. Cartwright, 106 South st.; G. ■!. Cornell. 143- Hudson st.; Benedict. Bradley & Co., 246 Pearl st.: G. Eytinge. 6S Pearl st.; T. Garrick, 23 Chatham St.; Geo. Seely. Pearl street House. L. M'OOD. 027 2in 237 M ater street. N. Y, HERE THEY COME. fALD FATHER CHRISTMAS AND YOUNG V/ NE M YEA R. with one of BLACKWELL’S .JENNA” LIND SEW- Mk ING STANDS. If the ZVSnX ladies arc neglected this year, it will not be his fault, 'fiie gentlemen T ofNewYo.k and Brook- I lyn. intending to make \ their ladii * a Christinas " r '' ■ ' i s ' l VVi --Yjl >• ofa Jenn} Lind Sewing** Stand, can have them particularly prepared and delivered, on snv day to suit, by addressing a note, post paid, to JOHN BLACKWELL. 31 and 33 ATTORNEY ST., New York, or 52 ATLANTIC -S-I’m. Brom lyn. Price va $3 to $5, according to the kind of wood or finish. AlT~Ssin’autcd, substantially made uf good mate Ha Is. N. B.—Old customers ghoul ’ n sending their orders for the Holidays, as the m holesaTt!<2Jl , l >, ' c 8 will ’•« limited. * p-17 7t > ORIGINAL JACOBS, Iflfi CHATHAM STREET. —ONLY AU -IVV I OHIIEON DEPOT. This —— old establishment received the pre iniuni for their ease of Musical lii-<BK?Xw»' strunu iits ( No. Bl7)at the late F*ir of the American Institute. A■* at-' tempta have been made by persons bearing the same name tu reap the benefit of the said pre iniuin. the trno Jacobs takes this opportunity to call the attention of the public to the facts in the ease. Tho Premium Instruments are sold only at I<K) CHAT BAM STREET. All other claims to the premium arc sheer imposition. N. B.—Aecordeons. A’iolius, Guitars. Banjos, Flutes. Tambourines, Strings, and parts of Instruments, of the best quality, for sale at 25 per cent, less than at any simi lar establishment in this city. Aceordeons tuned and re paired in the best manner. Be particular in the number—l(X» CH A TH A M ST. SELPHO’S FIRST PREMIUM ANGLESEY LEG. —PATRONISED BY al. the most eminent svrgcons through out Europe, and by tho most distin guished of their professional brethren m this country, and allowed by all to be the nearest approach to nature hitherto produced. Introduced into this country and made solely hv AVM. SEL'PHO. 24 Spring st..* N. A’ Also, S E L PHO’ A HAND, an entirely new and useful sub stitntc fora lost hand, which, by means of a simple ar rangement the top is made to open and shut tho nngera grasp. &c. Further information on ap| lica tion. or by let * WINDOW CORNICES. pURTAIN MATERIALS, AND PAPER V./ HANGINGS, at wholesale and retail, bv aii i , CI JJt L P S , & SMIT H, 419 Pearl Bt.*, cor. Wm. All kinds of Upholstery work done at the Bhortest no tice, and at the lowest prices, e 22 3m* «