OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1916-1920, August 23, 1916, Image 11

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030431/1916-08-23/ed-1/seq-11/

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a. '
Investors Lend In Day's Trnd-
np ituy and Sell Flats
nnd Smnll Dwellings.
II. r. pnvison and 0. L. Dom
mericli Increase. Holdings at
V-l'nrk Ave. and Girth St.
.tncsiors were the leader In ystr
diy'i ft. u I'stnte buylns. Moat of the
ttopertlci o'l during th day were
liken fcr their Income One of the
BKst Interesting; of tho day's doliiRB wan
thnl.iriifment of the dwelling- sites at
thi southwest corner of l'ark avenue
ir.d Sixty-ninth street, now held by
Henry I". Uivlcon nnd O. L. Dommerlch.
literal Ki't Side flat were among the
Vinhalt.m properties which were e
ca'iil for Investment. Trading In The1
ilronx w'.ls entirely 111 the hands of those I
h LuJicht for the Income produced.'
The miburlun market continues active.
Atrrfng the properties beyond the city
limits sold' yesterday were a btar tract
rfr Amltyvllle, which will be made Into
t-. aUatlon tied, and a $50,000 house In
tte II) e section.
0. U Dommerlch Is understood to be
the buyer of thu four tory dwelling at
41 East Hlxty-nlnth street, sold. recently
' ty Albert It. I-oslnaky. Mr. Dommerlch
a few mouths ago bought tho adjoining
house", 5 'J and !'i, from Arthur Curtlss
;me as a site for a residence. The
latterly "lie of these housea Is but 8
ft deep and would make a dllllcult
i::e to Imprme according to Mr. Dom
nerlih's plans. He ts said to have made
tre adjoining purchase to straighten out
thi l!aniiil,wlll now build on the two
wirterly lots, making a combined site
4irl(Ux Irregular. The small dwelling
ts: Mil rrob.ibly be added to the l'ark
ilenue corner recently acquired by
Henry 1'. Davison nnd the plot Improved
ef.h'er with one or two residences.
BpCONl) AVENl'B Oustave Dlsch has
sold the two four story tenements on
plot O.TX69.9; at 1072 and 1074 Second
Avenue, between Fifty-sixth and
yifty-ieventh street, to the 1072 and
1071 Second. Avenue Ileal Estate Cor
poration. WEST 17STH STREET Frederick
'Brown has told to James !L Roane S85
Weft 17Sth street, a five story flat on
plot tl,xl00. The buyer gave In ex
change 10-12 Weit 107th street, near
Central l'ark West, two five story flats,
on plot S0xl00.ll. The II. C. Senior
Company was the broker In the deal.
LE.VOX AVBNUE Frederick Brown
has bought from the New England Se
curity Company M Lenox avenue, a
fhe itoiy flat, with stores, on plot Six
100, near 115th street.
FltANKI.IN" AVENl'I James T. Barry
ha. puM to an Investor 1192 Franklin
avenue five story npartment on plot
87 6xlf'0. A f w days ago this prop
erty was koM by Catherine Darling to
th Orimont Construction Company.
EAST 173TH STKEKT Stephen H.
Ja-kmn has sold to Ira Wolllson the
flic tory apartment house, on plot
MtiWM comprising the block front
er. mo north side' of 179th street. b
tarm B'linont and Hughes avenues.
has bouKlit the plot, 100x100. on the
north side of 140th street, 100 feet east
ef vVafctn avenue.
JVillum. I). Kltpntrlck and James II.
Cru!khank are the buyers of the six
nory building at 149 and 151 Franklin
f.Txtl under lease to Sir Thomns Llpton,
ni recently by the John K. Parsons es
anerlcan Aircraft Co. Baya KOO
' Arrrm Nrsr Amltyvllle, L. I.
A tract of 300 acres on the shore of
Creit South Hay. Just south of Merrick
read, between Hawkins and Strongs
t:tV. naar Amltyvllle, L. I has been
WrrhaKd from the Coplague ltealty
Cpmjan'. through the Swift Tarbell
'ruicy, hy the American Aircraft Com
Pny. Workmen are now engaged on the
Sounl. converting It Into what will be
lirgeat aviation -field in the UnlUu
States. The field will be Inclosed by a
tin foot wire fence. A large clubhouse
!U be erected In addition to hangars
for the. accommodation ot both aero
Pltnti and dirigibles.
aipM Factory at flushutq.
.Thi .Hunter Car Sign Company has
fJUfbt from the Dannon estate a plot
IOOjIOO at the foot of Farrlngton street
M Rayslde avenue, Flushing, where
tiey will erect a factory.
'nnnrtv buys more lajtd.
Pell & Tlbblts have sold for C. P.
Browning a part of his farm at Man
L. 1 to Louis Sherry. Mr.
fcwrry h.i, d,ied several parcels of
t0 1,18 holdings at Manhaaset
nn.n tho last few months.
The rVandale Estates have sold a plot
w Qorltim place, In the Qreenacrea eec
6f fVaredale, to Hay ltamum of
Jnjt Plains, N, Y. Mr. Barnum will
JHln at onc tho erection of a dwelling
r his own occupancy.
JlteKither li p H.-tulleH have sold the
"wny of J. ii. wurd on Highland
ilyo- s- Y- ,o ,enry Krn-
nvt ot a modern Colonial house and
"out tw In(, ou, , ttt,ractVe
, "7' nr"' Hardens. The price paid la
.rvs nro vr,no.A property.
T M ,S.i, j,.IH t,0UEht from I'erry
f" ; Iract on tho west side of Sun-
i.- .mil i-xtendlng through to
,';", inemiH. Verona, N. J. It has
total i,, dKP of son fePt un, oppo
CI.!. 1:'"'u""" "f ,h Montclalr Oolf
'jo Jl S'ltiln purchased from the
JJ?.? n',,r U"5 l',ot 123x300 on the
k. ?i. '" ut s""'-t avnue. adjoining
Bra. '.".71" ""ti"''- '' M- Crawley A
of ilutitrlmr ,nade btjtli sales.
$100,000 HOME F0RW. THORPE.
pe Mnr) llnrlllna: Planned for IB
114th Ntrrel.
Aw,ti,(P ,. rl1enrB , ,J0 rr(,clr(1
tl."'1' 1 1 Kl'le. at If. Kast Sixty
rrh'.. ff,r Wrren Thorpe, whose
tJaei ' " ""cnlcHf. on nilngthe
ttr.f, V T. estimated the coat at
Jlor'., IwlH'iK 'Will l. five
, '; f H'epmof construction and
,lw :iix77.
)" Ht try loft liulldlng, lx44
. In. i rei'led hy l,owinfeld
t .'ltl .'mn lloiiwtnn Mtret
'ft, who designed It, says It
'It h
W ci,f
Small and Lars Coneeraa Leasing
Storea and Lofts.
M. A L. Hess have leased additional of
fice space In the Hess Building, at
Fourth avenue and Twenty-sixth street,
to the Universal Industrial Corporation,
who will have about ,000 square feet.
This room has been the only vacancy In
the building, twenty stories high, having
a rentable area of 400,000 square feet.
William A. White A Hons have leased
tho building at "8 East Eleventh street
to Herbert M. Tatterson.
Herbert Hecht Co. have leased for
Beton Henry and Douglas (llbbons,
agents, the parlor store at 12 West Fifty
seventh street for a term of years to Jo
seph A Co., millinery and gowns, for
merly In tho Casino Thtatre Building-.
J. H. English has leased to the Hamp
ton Tire Works the store In 230 West
Fiftieth street.
Manning A Trunk have leased for a
term of years the store and- basement at
the southeast corner of Broadway and
Forty-ninth street to Ida Fuller, dealer
In gowns and lingerie: space at 11 West
Forty-sixth street to Elle Edlnson. and
with Ames A Co. the building at 309
West Forty-first street for William Oun
ther to Charlet It. Uracle for a term of
Ocorge B. nead A Co. have leased
offices on the eighteenth floor of the
Equitable Building to E. F. Butiberger;
on the fifth floor of the Adams Building,
at 61 Broadway to Anthony CJlbbs &
..., Him on ine secona noor or me
Beaver Building, at 12 Beaver street, to
Williams A 1'arker.
Whlte-Uoodman have leased the first
loft at 121 Spring street to tho Fordham
Manufacturing Company and the sec
ond loft to Samuel Katz; at 130-134 West
Seventeenth street fifth loft to Samuel
Both nnd at 27 East Twenty-first street
seventh loft to the Padve-Llabla Manu
facturing Company.
SJO.XO 11ROKKRS is kqcit.uile.
Bpltter, Itorlck A Co. have lcis.il new
quarters In the Equitable Building, com
prising the northeast wing of the fif
teenth floor.
Ooodwln A Goodwin have rented for
Eleanor De Witt Huff to Charles Hanson
the four story and basement dwelling at
122 West 121st street.
To accommodate the Increasing num
ber of pleasure automobiles on Wash
ington Heights, Emma Holding Is pre
paring to erect a garage, two stories
high, on the east side of Haven avenue.
SI feet aouth of 171st street. It Is to
cost $20,000 and will cover an area
Ij. 10x95. 6. John Hooper designed It.
lly Bryan L. Kennelly,
4TH AV, 24I-130. s w cor :0th it, lOOx
7s Irng. 13 ity loft Mdg It I Ott
mann agt W T Evana it al! due, 1(0
03,30; taxea. Ac., I7.I40: pr mtgi, 1400,
000; adjourned tn Augu.t
Hy Joatph P. Day.
140TH 8T. HI-If W, n a. IC4 s Tth
ave, 13Call.il. 7 ity rinknpy court apt
hou! Metrooolltan Life lna Co aat W
r 1'Immi et al: due. lS9,0t7.4li taie.,
c, 17,414.30; to thi plalnllft tor 1175,
000. 114TII 8T, IS W, n s. 1! Lenox svi.
11x100.11, 3 itory dlg Serena Wronknw
gt Morrli Ievy it al; due, 114.013.11;
tanea. c, 1114.55; to t'.n plalntllt for
107TII ST, 110 E. I s. 173 w lat ave. ST.Cx
100.11, I ity l.nmt and itn Sylveiter
Pope et al. tr.tf. agt 8 n Cohan at
al; due. 140.344. 47; taxea. Ac, 1335.14;
to the plaintiff for 110,000.
MANHATTAN ST. n a. Interiec a e a
13tth. U3.2xl7,SxlS:, gore. 1 aty fr
itra E G Badgeley agt I'eter ! Witt
et al; due. ;,S.2, taxia. Ac. II.
SS2.40; withdrawn.
By L. J. Phllllpi A Co.
ANDREWS AVE. w cor Fordham rd.
100x21. x Irreg. two 3 aty dwlga P II
Ptelle. et al agt Fordham Omat Co
t al: due. 112.173. 12. taxet. Ar.. II,
441,71; to the plaintiff ror 113.500.
Hy J. H. Mayera.
13ITH ST. SHI E. n a. ST T w Decatur
ave. IM!J1, 24 ity dlg S A Petd.
inin oxt John Jacobaon and ann, due,
II.lSOl: taiei. lr llts.tt; pr mtg,
13,500; adjourned to Auguit 2.
Hy Joieph P. Day.
MORRIS AVE, w a (In front of 1111).
211 4 i Delmont at, U.lxlxK.3, vacant
Wm l.amlen agt J A Wootf et al:
dua, 1432,11; to the plaintiff for 1150.
(With name and adreia ot lender's at
torney.) FULTON 8T, 231. bring Iota 1 and J and
part of two parcels. In map of lota un
m a Oreenulih at made by Amoa Cor
ning Jan 22, I S 13. bounded a, front, on
partition it 17.1, n, rear, by Int 3 .all
map, 17.4, e by re.ldue of lota 1 and
2, 47.1. and w, by land now or late of
John Delamater, 47.4, March 15. 1310
Oarvaa Ureen to the Farmera Ixian and
Truat Co. truilee, will Wm Hodadon;
attya. Stawart A 8, 45 Wall at. .. .115,400
LAWRENCE !T, a a, 1SI.7 w 1:6th at and
303 w Col ave, runa a w 32. lx a 14. 5x
w SOx n 71.11 to a a Lawri'nre at a
73 to beg, Dec 20, 1913 Lugar Aberle,
SIS E 7lth at, to David l A Outmlt.
Tacoma. Waah, ally, C D W Itnir.-a.
"141 Rural- 19,000
FIFTH AVE, w a. S0.11 a 112th at. 25x
100; tth ave, w a. 100.11 n 111th at,
23x100. Nov 30, 1914 1321 Realty Corp.
74 llway, to Bertha Hoffmann, 212 W
117th st and Hamuli Hoffmann and
Emanuel lioffman, at lame laddre...
ira; atty, Lawyers TAT Co, 160
Bway 112.001)
GREENWICH AVE. n e s. 143.10 a a 11th
st, runs n Sl.lx n x w 20x a x
a 30 to beg, Aug 1, lilt Frederick
Erti, 84 Oreenwlch ave, to Karl J
and Martin I. Ahrena, exn: addrcia. 71
Lafayette it 1900
I2D 3T, 113 W, n s. 140 w West End
ave, 30x102.2, Aug 10, 1901 Ira M Itua.
sell to Hart E Rirg. East Orange. N J;
attya, Hose A 121 Bway 121,000
COI.l.EdK AVE. TIO, n w ror 95th at,
25.2x100. March 1, 1910 Mary E IC 1.1.1
to Harry Mack: attya, M a St I N
Iiaaca, S3 Wm it 11,000
71ST HT, 110 E. a a, 244 e Park ave.
16x100.1, June 21, 190S JeannMte U
Hemphill, Hprlng Lake, N J, to Vale
University, New Haven, Conn; atty, T
HAT Co, 171 Bway 110.000
1ST AVE, HIS 17. n a ror 64th at, SO.Sx
100. July 21. 1911 Lnula A Hhlnirt
to Milwaukee Corrugating Co. Milwau
kee, Wli; atty, Philip I Schick, 93 Naa
aau it IS, 001
LAWRENCE BT, S, a a, 66.S w from a a
126th at, 23.9x100. April 26, 1901 John
C Weaton to Emigrant Indua fiuva Hank:
atty. T O A T Co. 176 Bway 15,000
HOUSTON AT, 314 E, n a. 24. 11x19.9x24. lOx
11.4 on w a. Pept 27, 1910 Max Schlan
gar, 113 Clinton it, to Cells Johnaon. 3
W 112th st; address. 979 Aldua at.. 12,000
IITH 8T, n a, 275 w West End av, 75x100.3,
Dec 12, 1906 James Bradley and ano tn
Oacar R Meyer, rnminlttoi of Linda
Meyer; attyi, Conklln A Rind, 31 Nai.
au it 110,500
LUDLOW 8T. 47, all Philip Elmerman to
David Greenfelt and ann, 69 Ludlow at, 3
yra 4rom Aug 1, 1911; atty, Kami Urean
felt. 225 Monro it 13100
117TH HT, 103 W, all Saml I Hyman to
lly jionnDaum ana ann, L,rnox av,
10 yra from Oct I, 1916; atty, Barnard
Aronaon, 115 Bway I3.O00
12TH AV, n w ror Manhattan at, 51 lx ,
all Wm fthiehan to Edward It Murphy,
415 W 133th at, 19 yra from May 1, 1916;
address. 130th it anil 12th av 12.500
45TH HT, 114 W, atori Annla H Medlln to
Ahr Adrlson and ano, 127 llcnter al,
t 7-12 yrs from July 1, 1114; itty, Ahr J
Kalprln. 41 Park row 1900
40TH HT, 3S8-3SI W. all American Dlstrlh.
ullng Co to Mlchl U (lllholy et al, 3176
Decatur av, 10 yra from Hept 1, 1916:
atty, Irving Katl, IS Wall at 13.100
IITH HT, 252-234 W. all John II McCaf
frey to Charlotte Meyer, 2Sj W 31th at,
I yra from Mept 1, 1916; addresa J II Mc
Caffrey, 213 W lOltli st IMOO
New Realty Companies,
ALBANY. Aug. 21. The following realty
corporations were nied here to.dayt
Th Harilln Realty Corporation. Manhat
tan, capital, 15.000; directors, David Fried.
niann, Rudolph IMPal and Max Wleder
The Hlmgar ltealty Company. Manhat
tan; capital, 11,000. illrei-ton, Alanson I',
Whlta, Daniel A. Lennon, Abraham Saf
Or and one other.
The Home Construction Company, Man
hattan, capital, 11,000: dlrectora, Plmon
Wolk, Ma Walnateln and Milton !... mun.
The Kliki-r llmlty Company, ttlrnokhii,
capital, 110,000; directors, Jnhann W, Muck,
llarman FU ker and Elaa K Kicker.
Tha Rtlllniiin Building Compnnv. Brook,
lyn capital. 12.000; dlrrctore. Ernest ft.
Htlllman, Ella M, Htlllman and Legna M
Htlllman . ..
Tho Ureenlyn Really Company, Brook
Irn: canilal, U.ocn, dirntori, MtKj
Blrkle, Famuil Ssliman and David Gro-bug.
(With name nnd addrca nf lender and
attorney, If attorneys name Is omitted
addreie party ut the II rxt part.)
Kaet Hide.
(Rait of Fifth aicnue, between Fourteenth
and 1 10th ilreets.)
J4TII ST, . 0 e M av, 2I.J. Run
Isgunda Sihaffner to Carrie lilchl.'st at,
IS N, Railroad nv, Corona, 1, I, Aug IX,
ntty, t. T Co. K.O Hway 1
SiTII ST. II a, 61 w 2,1 nv, 3549.4 Me.
chunks National Really Co ano to ,1m
Wllk, Provide nee. 11 1, Aug Si utile,
Hchlndler & 1., 1393 3,1 v 1100
2l AV, 1072, e s. t.3.11 n 6Hh ut, SO.Or
09.9 Uustsve Rlseh to the 1HT2-107 1 M
Av neal Eitsle Corpn, 2t Hway. mtg
111. COO, Aug 21; alt), Mlehlltig A K, 35i
Huh)" 1100
III AV, 1074, e i, S3. 9 n Sth st 20.IP;o -Hinic
In mine, Aug 21, mix 110,000, uttv
pnme 1100
77TH ST. a i. Ill 51h av. 2Slo:2 V S
Trust Co of N' V, tril.. tn 1-Mtttund tof
fin, 13 W r,;th t, Aug 13. I pr 170. din;
lty, t, T Co. t0 llnuv 1100
77TH BT. s, 103 e 3d av, 75x102.2 Mary
A Fall et nl to Concourfi Impt f'o, 319
l: HTth et, July 21, Inlg 111,000! Mty.
1. T Co, HO Ilnny IIS.47S
(Manhattan lalsnd, north of 110th street,)
JTII AV, n w cor 139th et, 199.10x145
I'eter t)u(ty to Ito.e Holding Co, Ine,
July 10 i all)'. Writm.in A K, Ui l,lt-
erty it tlOO
1421) ST. n I. 334. ft llttey. 40.699.1 1
I'hurrh of Our l.mly of I.ourilen In City
N V to Kellrlan Hlnti-ri of the Order of
St Frsncli. HI! W 142.1 it, July 10. mtg
120,000; ally, William u iiuiy. :n,
llwav 140.000
BHOADWAV, w s, 149.10 n tlt el. SO Sk I
I'l.S. Ilennett av, e , 17. n lslsl it, i
33 "X - Leo Pc-lllon to t.exvln KfllK. t
I! 17th It. Aug 21, ttltc tlt.SOO 11
ri.OT heglm e 10 U4th it, whli-h pt (
lies In lln drawn parnlM with Audubon
av and perpendicular to IStlh it, run.
a lie w :3x n a.iox s e xo o?n iii
Itagenouer A Wen.lail Co tn llembrandt
ltealty Co, J0! Ilway. Aug ISi "
Davis A D, (1 Chamber! at II
(norotigh of The llroui.)
15HTH ST. 30I-4 l:, a. BOxM.t Peter
llandlbode, Ine. tn John Ksucra. 9.3
Perry a. mtg 139.000, Aug 13; ntty. T
A T Cn. 1" Uway HO
1S6T1I ST. 300-2 K. a . t0x9S.r fame to
aanie. mtg U7,:00. Aus 11; ijme
ft((y , IIU'I
134TII 8T, S42 V.. a a, SltloO Ri"imil
llerti. rer, to Miiotnon o jinr.
lA.tt. . ?! attV. T 11 A T (O,
T Co.'
II. tl'v
UlT't PT. '40 B a a, 21x101 Jll'ic t'
ame. Ami 21: a.ime atty.. .. ;'.0;"
LOT 114. map .In-d Wolfe eatHte Dati'el
lleeeher to Marl? V tiers, 732 J.i .V t
iv, mtg 11.600 Aug Hi atlyi, Knox A
I. !? tvdar at ;
SAM11 1'ltOI'- Maria F Hera to Hjnlel
Ilaecher ano. 2449 OlltiMlli av. Any
1. mtg. 12.500 aama aliv .11
i'vihv iv n a :oo w nmtneti el. Ox
"lllO Matilda Mltler to Arthur B Mil
a rt.t.l . IS. 180. ml I'l.rf'C'i
nrt.9l.: Ulan Hurhf- v, n r or l.'Xli
JSWniV'H Kta' nk'i'mp !
ii Tl.V.on t:t " 12 it
aity. Stephen II .tar h .
l Ul.l.rtan II
" V,Z V'. ii An"uv s"v"r" ' r..l33 '
ScTonKLD,8T',n.n.'V7 S eVtty Island!
tr,vlV I..T...1 r , IS ii v .' Vut !'i
Tele phone 'Co ." " ".110 .
nitv T l T rn,
rallah.n. ref. in Beatrice lllrnh;um. ! '
Warwick at. Hklyn. Aug 21. atty. T ; fl
l.THT.'lVbaTn'g-lntal-iIndmaP J!
I"? - .UeflH.l. Blxsn-Th Smyth o
Rom J ';mV,:?,.V in iiwiv .. .11
.,4 "vi M 8 c,2 , " vnrrli av 2.xI00-l
154TII ST. n a. 1.0 3 - ""'" ",-.',..
Chaa A LHinir 10 "'''.. T ,,
AVTncn l"i Hway ....... .. Hon
"iffiok 0-S" '"Khrmwn".- I
Clara Hanson. 26S .Hsrrlann av. Jer-ey
Hty. N J. May ! any. i
tn'-ViiVi- ' vv ' n V r 'l?Mh 'aY.'!Vxl0S !
" lUlmont av il 7x97 "V-Htephen H Jack
onm?o Ira Wllln. ."'K?1,n
Hklyn. mtg 149,500: atty. 1 Wo"'""'
i9S't iiarg.n at . ,"."
FIUVKLIN AV. 1391. w a. 20x9t 2 l..U
May at a to Arttiro Halomare and ano.
517 E 171th mtg issoa. Aug 8. stt.
N Y Title A Mtg ro. 136 Rtvay ''
hue av. -.-. . '-;'
" ,
el- '
Mlenaal II rimsrn. i '.
ilamant Cn. 100 llny, Aug Ii. atn. .
La- I
lac. Pattlanient ". 20'1 Hay.
... . Kamtar est-
4 ' '- .-. ri Itnav.
AorOln. to MVH.il Iiumtii . -
Jiflv 5S: ally. Mad Holding Corp. 2
tl-, aU
140TI1 M. -n . "."7-..H n.rilna-. 13k0
Clrainoni s-nnam v ..
Waahlnxtmi a-. mtg H.730. Aug .1. attv.
H1KT ?T 770 E. s s. 21 9x72. also Co.
.7.1 111 V 2(1x100 -Larir ilo lt-tg
o Ha il- We'kl'tain 1721) 15th av. Rklvn.
mtg 110.500. Aug. 12. atty. I W'iietn.
tAV'il31 map Waldo Hutchln. :'
"iolp "ilSlir to Kath-rln. M""iu.
Barker av. Aug. k; ally. J R 1i,cMu,;,B1'
SAME ' 'pitori.RTY-Su.'l.' Kihl" Vt al to
same. April a..me atty... ... . ' i
T1NTON AV, 7:. r '",tLT.u I, !
E J 50th at,
Hrelier to Jilim" ;j
mtg 15. So, Aug 14; atty
. e..ln
K j iii.-i.i-
stone. ; " ,, .,- vln. nl.
a , M 3x33.7 to n w a l'ark View
o i n w 47 7t n 110 tn SV
? P-.i50,X tv innih IMa-enblait
pi x
m I.e..er Felgenblatt. Ut: Madljon av.
Aug 71; atty. I.eater Felg-nblatt. W;
k'FOC1I riT. n .. at w a land purcha.ed
for Ih iil.on Memorial Bridge run. n
?t' x I - Sis' tn Veg-Thendorila Van
...I.i- ;..ltm Terrace. Co. 43 Ced.ir
st. mtg lU.nOO, Aug 10; atty
Kelvey, ti veoar si
(With names and addresses of Under and
lender's attorney )
(South of Fourteenth itreet.)
ortANIJ ST. a w e Mulberry it. x Irr'g
Ro be r t J . Turnbull . t nl J,h
Pavlnga Hank. :i4 tth av. Aug 16. 4 jr.
ce?i.rr,.r,. rrr.1:. .".'.v.:. .'.""v.". .r..ooo
Eaat Side.
(East of Fifth avenue, between Fourtunth
1 and 110th itreeti.)
IITH ST, s , 10 e !d av. 51.3xl i Erneit
N Adler. exr. tn Francis II Chedaey. trus.
yorktnwn. N V. 3 yrs, i per cent. Auk 16.
ntty. I. T Co. 10 llay. ......... t,olJ0
III AV. n w r t6th et. :t.ti9x Irreg- 'at-
rick Meenan to John Meenan, 145 E teth
"bl HI!, Pr mtg tJO.ono, demand.
per cent na per bond! atls, l'askua. H
II i 11irtnr at ii tv
iV . AV. e a .11 n tCth at. !0 H,!.;-The
107J-1074 Hecmid Avenue Real 1. slate
Corp to flustave Plroh. SOI W i;d at, 3
yrs. 5 4 per rent. Aug SI; atlys, Mlehllng
it Iv. i'S lla . II 1.0(10
SU AV, a, K3 1I ii tCth at. !0.10:o wiiir
to aaine, Aug SI, 3 yrs. 6 pur lentatty.
7l"lT Vr! YiV.'.b'w- Madison av. SOxloS !
Martin Hchrenkelairii, rr. tn Farmers
Loan and Truat Co. j: William at, due
Auir SI. lOlli, per cent as per bond. Aug
If; attya. delier R .t H, 23 K,'r,,ln,S:
place -.V.V. !' V,-i
77TH HT. a a, 145 fth nv. :.',xlo:.:l-.d;
mund Coflln to U H Trust I'.i. trui, la
Wall at, Aug 71. pr mtg I'.O.OOO, due
Sepi 1, 191". 6 per cent! atT)s, Htewart
A H. it, Wall st i,';1'00
77TII ST, a s, lu5 Id av, "r.xio: S -Concourse
Imp Co to Mary A Fall him! Htm.
Indlv and adm, I.dla Pavla. 774 3d nv,
pr mtg 117.500. ! rs. 64 per cent. Aug
SSI atty, I, T Co, ICO llay 113.600
(Manhattan Island, north of linth street )
16311 ST, 4l!3 W, n a, 160 o Alnat av, S5x
112 fl Adolphlne C Hacker In Robert O
Fulton. !lti W tHJd at. j.r mtg IHUKmi,
Aug SI. due Mrh 1. Hl, II P c. atta,
De 1.1 Mare A M, 1-40 Nassau it....l,uuu
(Rirnugh of The Ilronx.)
ROSEI1AI.E AV. w s, UlUl n 177th st,
Sr-xOS rt--Ahr Kaplan tu Harold II Emnr,
10U W 7Mh st, Aug IS due Nov 1. HUH.
A p c: ntty. Harold 11 IJ'gar, 10H W
7atn st Lit")
lirtlllES AV, n e c 170th st, nil r.xinn tl to
Heimoni av "i, w n- . V. , ' , .7, .
ano to Stephen II Jackson. 151 r-'l.t
st. Aug HI. 1 IT, l p c; ntty, Stephen II
Jackion. H iAXlnxton av M'.i.jOU
THIEIO.OT AV. lip. w a. WO;;;; .lane
Kelleher to Joa (larvey, M.i h 1'J.tli at
Aug 1, 1 yr Int, atty, It II Wi-ldon '.'a.l
Hway Il.liilil
WALLACE AV, HlS'l. e a. Mllon -Ja I'
ClrKnles to f.ydla II McMny. H9.", Fair
mount pi. Aug 17, Install, 4K inllia. .' p ci
Stl?. W H Ingralum. 430 3 Md st.l I.whj
LOT St. blk fl;i.. map Morris l'ark Helen
J Moon to llleharil Webster, SH.IS t'nl
ver.lty av, duly 1, II yrs, (I p c, atty.
It Webstar, S.'l.vj University av. . . . . I1.4..0
WESTCHESTER AV, tl a HP w tlletie n
litiilll. -I'eler llatnlllioili', Inc, to I.IU
K lioullns, nw i; "in si. mi ii, . i,
II p c; att)a, Knox . I), 27 ' cdar
wr'sTiVriTPlY'A'''!i,s"i:'Vl Vi'i Inter'-
I.STl I inTFR A. li , I., , n i f lni".
.;'-'-".e.-V al.u Westclieater av n w J "fw
Ila..xl...7i Slao eat Ins a. ti s, IH
Kcny ai, ..... "i. ...-i..r.-.e.
to llertlia Ittlnll, l.ast u alliiigrnril,
ronn, et al. Aug '.'I, r. rs, n p c; any.
W T Milltllles, Mlfl K If.'th st tMIO
iii-icsfiv AV. 000. a. 31x17.4 lleatrlca
Hlrnliaum tu l.awjera Mlg Co, 59 I.lli-,
ertv st, AiiaT 1. due as per Imiiil. atty.
THAT fu. Ill llav 137 500
15ITII ST. ii a. 170 3 " Morrta av, 35I00 .
Jnliil Whulen tu t'liaa A l.ailliielsler, ISO'
Il ICIsi si, Aug VI. Olio as per lmtHl,
atty. THAT Co, ITS Hway... 13,300
r II a. e. ' il '' ' I.e.. e .va.t -.,
turn Palomnne to nils A May, 1133 lilt-1
insi av, Uklin, it al, prior mtg 13,5001
r. ' - . . . ....Ill7,TlUT llli III W'.l I. life I rilahiarat-
Aug I, I yrs, ( p. e. atty, N T Title Mtg
o, id iiwsy hvu
TH AV, s s, 49.6 n 154th st, IS. 4x100
Althea It Ward, truatee, to llachtl I.oew.
. enthal, 22 Mt Morrli l'ark Win. .113,500
Itt'TllKItrt HT, 4 Frederick Woehr to
Kmlgrant Industrial Saving! Hank, tl
I'hamberi at; atty, F. J Mcllulre, SI
Chamber! it 111,000
ltt'TUKHH ST, 60 F.mll Woehr to lame,
61 Chamber! it; atty, lame 2l,O0O
Bronx. '
ST LAWRENCE- AV. e s. 111 n Wistehseter
av, 26x90 and other property Northern
llnnk of N Y by Supt f Hank to Vir
ginia II I, .Mulligan, 1911 Arthur av, am
14 tntga; ntty, Virginia H 1. Mulligan,
1911 Arthur av tl
LOT 41. blk 41, map Morris Park Chaa
J OrJen, ear, to Mary J Olden. 421 W
114th it; atty, T O A T Co, 176 Uway.lt
17TH ST, n I, 71.4 s Mohegan av lrfiw
era Mtg Co to Valentine II Muller, 2 12
6tth at; atty, Lawyera Mtg Co. 69 Lib
erty st 111,000
ST NICHOLAS AV, 742 Jamai McCnery
A Co agt Frederick Uaruirh taction to
rerovrr amount, Ac); attya, Uould A
137T11 ST. s s. Ill ft w ef 7th ar, tlx
99.11 The Uinnanta Life lni no sg:
SopMe onpenm Inn r (forecljiuri of
mortaise)! ntty.. Tiulon A Ito.
141HT tT, a, 107 Amiterdam av, tlx
99,11 Saaman'i Hank for Saving! In the
City of N Y ngt Adolph Altman et al ,
iiorrrioaura or mortgage); aiiya,
uahder, Wlckeraham A Taft
MAUISON ST, 121 John W Mlnturn igt
loula W l'riger et al (forerloauri of
mortsase); nttv, W f! Heywood.
'Ta:;toN ST. 161 Siatnan'a Hank for
Saving! In the City of N Y sit laaac
Scblanaer et al tfnrecloaure nf mort
gage): attyi, csdwalader, Wlckerih.itn
VAN I'OIIT.KAn VI. n a. lata 101 and 104.
man TINA. 12th ward Lionel II Lenek
am Jatnea s Segrave et al iforeclosara
or mortgage); ntty. (' s Noyei.
15TH ST, n w r,ir Freat av, 17.4x100
Thnmaa Mulligan agt Fntveraal Holding
A Lenalng Co. Ine, et al (foreclosure of
mnttrage)! atty. M Mayer.
u-iiiti- i-i.itva mi ;. 240th it.
23.9X17.2, and White ptalna rd, e 74.1
. a 240th at. 28. H2.S Mount Vernon
Trnit Co ait Tereaa Sapnrlta t al (for.
rtiure of mortgage) ; atty. J O M Nan
LKLA.VI1 AV. 1144 Angelkka Ollfrlch
aat nmmrn A Valentine et al: forecloaure
f mortiragel; ally, J II Hlldreth.
151TH ST. n a, SS0 courtinn.il av. ?ax
100 Oeneral Memorial llo.pltal for tho
Treatment of I'sneer and Allied Dlaaaaea
ngt Loula Leie ft nl (forecloaure of
mortgage); ntty, T Mcllvalne,
SITH ST, S17 W Ludln nealty Co agt
Ituaemary ltealty Co, owner nnd rim;
-v- - .
-Hinrv Saa-aloMlti ftlt Normar Ileal
i:.iate Corp, onr; Max Nathanion,
to:,ir,irtor 11,100
ORCHARD ST. 12 Joseph M KandH agt
John Di.a. owner. Herman Htoff and
.H.;llg8ubrrger. contractor. . ..... .1133
KTII ST. 216 E-roollo Co agt I.lwl- K.
Moojjey. oaaer,
"Til ST. S30-34 K Jacob Oesoheldt Co
sit llir.l llrally Co. ownrn Wrlchrr
Bros. Inc. Inure. i: A Schwoerer A Hon.
C; rnmr,
Rl LltSI Jl
Inc. contractors 1330
DRIVE, a e o 142d at. 102X110
Construction Co agt Nenman Ai
1'aUs. Inc.
ownt-ra and contractura u,.v.
NEEDIIAM AV, 1131 Juaeph Ballitta agt
AntunU and llrtirdetta Carrelta, ownara
nnd ,-ontractora (renewal! HI
,MOIIEllAN AV. 2074 -11 llnldbers A M'tll.
inc. agt ll.nny Havin. owner; .Marlnu.-.-l
Colunno. contractora I10U
HIST ST. n a cor of Wadsarorth ar. 23x
100 Amanna & Loni agt Abby H Mar
shal et nl Aug 10. 1916 t;C.
7TH AV, w s, ;j ft n of 32d at Thaodor- 1
C Vad agt Amoa F Eno it al, Nov L
1ft t i 10 J .
BltUADWAV. e I. 75.10 It n of 6.'d at -I
Frank WlWttli agt Amoa K Eno, Oct .v
1914 Il.vio
4T11 AV, 220 Joseph J Fltxhenry ast
Forbes J Henneasy et al, Jan 17,
..I, ST. 14.1 Kn.f .tn.anh 1 Klljli.r.rv
agt John
J.ihn j (larartv fl at. jun 17.
... t-it.l
nobt;i,Alilv AV. 1 l - 1 :.o ". ... lo.atih J Klun, nr.
.... ,. , ... it-,. .. ... . -
nil .,!, i.jiih. -w ci at. a,n .'.
sgt John Vols et a,, Jan 17, lili llTJ.U
13TU HT, 330 Easl -Henry II Melsa A
."in. lri", ait Dili) J Stephen, tin, el ai. ,
April .1, Wli ISO
13nTH ST. a e corner ot Canal st, lOOxUu
Joseph llnbring agt O.ln J Htepheu, In.,
et al, Aprl. -tl. 1314 ISI3.93
Tll'.lluUT AV, :o4 Jacok Lleberman ngt
l.l.:ian Kerly et al, Aug II, m....Jl
MiUIIKIA.N AV. :o:i Jlax I.evlnstlm ast
Benjamin Innlo et al, Aug :. 1.14 I7S t,l
MOI1KUAN A, ;'07l North American
Wan Taper (a act Mohegan Rea.ty Co,
Inc. et u,, Juiy 1, 11 1112.4 1
HF.F.t E--Heeelj,ta. "0 head; 4S cars,
pri'Vloua arrivals, on sale. No tradlnx.
It-frllng weak Dri'a.ed beef a(ow mil
jia.tiT. nrdlnary to ihol-e native sbti-s sc.-
link' ut l-hilll'.c. per lb.
1 f.Vl.t E Itic. ipts, 130 hen, I. : on
S1'e. Market Heady Vials, HO j 13 ;s per
100 lbs; n few 114, CUil, IstitOil. Ten
lie. see calles, II; Western ci.mh, I4H&-5.
City dresrid v.-als steady at i; j:lc. per
I lb. . country dressed do, 1M13.
i-aiva r.'rn. I. iiiiiiiii.-iiiu i tirnpany, .1
i-als. 1 lbs KM-raue, 111 per loo lbs ;
1 . Ill, S iuiIi, HO, ii. 11 skpu mlik.,
i.1'. K''t), itt Tennessee uhn le5, Is
Sanderr. 74 ira.., HI. 113.73; .1, U,
113 0, rulls, l:i. IK ." Jmbl A Co, ii
Western ca.tis, I'll. 10, .'37. IC.
SHEET AMI I.A MRS -Receipt.. 7,400
head, 'i'i cars on sale Sheep ueak to n
ir.l' linn linirr, imiul,. irrj .,u mm pr.iinK
4 0 Ii 5ti.-. io.-r. with a number of car. un-
.... J . ...a.,..
sol. I a Til 7J7 per 100 lbs, cuils, 3 u 3 50
a.A.k.. A. a-...
lambs, li.soini to: culls, ITys. lres.
mutton easttr at 1 1 9 1 1c. per lb.; drcssod
lambs, 1 5 Ti 1 ic.
Sales -Tobln Shannon, l!7 Kentucky
lambs, to lbs aerase, 111.30 par 100 lbs.,
:::. 70, lio.7S; 73. o, nolo; :3. tn,
I10.:5, :3 West Virginia. 40, 111.35. Kerna
C.iinmls.liin Compaio, lti Kentucky lambs,
f.7. 11160, SI3, , il0 :3. 233, 03, 110.:,'.;
10 sheep, 14, .1 culls, 73, 13,50. Newton .V
Co, 1.15 Virginia lambs, ii, 11135; 314
West Virginia do. 43. Ill; 10 sheep. 101,
17, 3. 1116, 15.50; S, , 15: 7 culls. 35. 13,
McPhereun Co, (late Monday), ::i Ohio
l.illlb., 116, 111 .'5, IS sheep. 91, 14 75.
((; Receipts. 1,411 head; 4 car on
sale. Feeling stend
Snlea- -iL.it.. Monday). S. Sandera, fl
St ite hosa, 144 R,. uerage, 111 per 100.
Iba ; 1 rough, 700 lbs , t'.i.U.
Other title' Live Mock Markets. j
11.000 131 :0c higher. Hll.k, I10 75l
1116. light. iio.To.i li.jo: mixed, 110.411
AiS' :;Zlyr?J.:.'i ': rou,h'
Reeves. Iltill.ld: atockers and feeders,
("rttt.o r-rfptii. t.uon; mw unij Inwtr,
I54 7 75; cows and
cal. s. 49 fl I'.' :'5.
helferi, 3.CO'JU,40,
Hherp -Iti.elpts. ::,000
fi io n , niu, 3,:3U7,
weak, Wethers,
50; lamb., 17 tl
hT. l.Ol'IS, Aug. !:, Hogs Receipt.
11 300; 151175c. higher
ler than yesterday's
lights. If.r.oy ll.i'.;
iixerage. rig. anil
mined and butchers, llo.'.'O'if i:.t:; heavy,
in laTrn.o; iiuiK, .11,111,;".
Cattle Receipts, 1,500; steady. Natlvn
bftif sttora, 13,110.75; yearling Hears and
heifers, M.coti HMO; cows, II sou 7 74.
stinkers u ml feeders, 15 30(8, Texas
steers. 5gn,l5u; prima "mit'.iarn steer.,
Ii-3'J. inua and heifers, II.50KS; prliim
leiirllng stiera and helfen, 17,50 iiV; na
tla runt,, soft ll.3(.
Hheep -Rim elpts, 4,100; steady L.imb.,
I7 10 05; slaughter ew.a. r, n7.:.'.; blest.
Ing owes, I7U10; yeitrllng ewes, J3.:orj a
KANSAS CITV. Aug. 77 Hugs II.
relpts, i:oo.), 1 5 ft SOi higher Hulk,
110 41117 10 , heavy, 1 1 0 f f 1 0 .', u ; packers
and but" hers. II" 4'iino.KO; light. 110.50'ij
10 HO. pigs. I.3.M in
Cattle llenlpta, 34,000, Including 400 I
pniith.-rns; steady tu ioc, lower Prime
fi d steers, 17,76 'if f 55, io 1, 4 fiOl) 7 25,
heifers, tifil0; aioiki'is nnd feelers, 14'u
I, bulls, I3.:5ftl.:5; ciittes, lii.r.n'Jl I.
Sheep -.Reialpts, 7,000; steady to 35e
lower I.Hitihs, IIOSMflois; yc.irllt.ga. H
'(.T5; wethera, 17 :t'u S; ewes, 10.75 'u
EAST IH'tTAI, Aug. 5!. Csttle He.
relpts. 300; dull,
Veals Itcil'lptt, 175: e.ctlve, 4,i0ITI3.
Hoga--Ri'ieils. ;,500; active H'i y,
111 :. 11,40 lilUi.l. 111401111.45, York
its. IH, '.'5: plga. Il(l(10. 35; roughs, IU.75V
10.55, slag". 13 'it 50,
rihecn aim i.nmin -iiecetpts. s.iiiin; sheep
arilve, laml,. slow I.amlis, 1 3 fl 10 35; ea r
, inK,, fijo'iiv, uuiiiers, it Taw i; ees.
4 4( ; so- aluep. mlxml, 13.60 ,i 3.33.
I'lNI'lNNATI, Aua", 3! Hug. Ilecer,t.,
, ,, , I'mkera anil luililiers. Ills,
. 11 15 romiimn In . l.ulce. I3.5U H J.I.J ; pig.
. iSO. 10 35. Itaga. 13111.
, ...,. too: .lull. Kteers. ISffl
I litis-- Recelpti, SOO; dull.
fl. f.tUes strung.
Hheep llecelpta, 1,900; weuk
weak, 1511 11.35,
I'lTT'OH'lHI. Aur. f! rattle-Stisrty;
iippl lliihl. fhulce, H,50W K; prime, Ij.ij
41 i 73,
Sheep Steady, supply light Prime
wethers. 13 ion s, culls and cuinmun, 13.30
II 5! Illllll'S. S 7 if 11: leil cnties, IIJtll.'Ti,
Hogs HlKlli'l. lenllita, il iluulile ilecks.
Prime heavlea ll I:,; mediums and heavy
iin- ,i. , f I ' ,' , V r.1 ' , " M- . . T .4
Vurkeri. Ill loill I6j llaht Tuiliera, ,10.50
wll; plis, a,75Ul0; rouaha, lr.60(JI(.75.
" 111 m T IHUli
IF yoa viiit till Irnpoilng building too will surely come away conriacod
that in thit apartment house, there bare been embodied improve. meals,
to advanced, that the mott fsitidioui and cultured demand tor genera
tion to come hare been foreseen and carriedfoaL And yet the reatala
are reasonable. Read more.
ig!"l a-- " UV "fl "' ffrMaM4dMaM. rMaMaUw
aaarratkalr. ReaiyloMi.tlaM4Mnwlik - - -aaiil iiilniliiiisi III
41 I.m salmn. S.l rota far imaaa an. Ia4JrU kVkk-Ua mm rMala. AUmmss
aaUatgMM. SirarwfpUnroajatlrwsbUana. ricalyoMtadaWlaial.fMlMfl,T.laa4
KiukaM kaae vnUUUag laM. coaal.tl glaat. toaaH, arttfc I aad S Ulkl. A rasat efiala.
wwm pn laiaiM a.ann iaa. m
I 8 $1,000 to $1,200
; Ms58West72dSt.
1 $900 to $1,200
i, 8 60West76thSt.
o $600 to $720
Ms 66West84thSt.
Broadway at 86th St., S. W. Cor.
Three minutes to lieth St. Ksprass
Station, nth and Oth Are. "L."
Fadngmnat pktuniue Park in Manhattan
4 ROOMS, J40-S45
5 ROOMS, $55-$GO
6 ROOMS, J6S-J70
7 ROOMS, $80-$85
Every Stodem Houaelineplng Convenience.
fiffl-fillWFSTlStfSST. ,f
High CUit Elevator Apartmentt,
I,twMin HroJn ni RtvriM lirl.t,
one MtK-k f.-m ?jbwy Station,
DtmtJj Opv4.t4 spanuti iluwum Orjuntla
6-7-8 ROOMS, 2 BATHS
Rents Reasonable.
7 and 8 Room Apartment?
with 1 Bithi
I $1,500 to $1,909 per annum
250 West 82d Street
, (Southietst (orner of BroaJteay)
9 Room Apartments
With 2 or 3 Baths
$2,100 to $2,500.
261 Central-Park-West
North turner mi III Stieet.
Orand Cun.onrs", 317:, near ISlst Street,
eery lilu lern linprovenient . a,! outside
rnonia suites 4.6-4 rooms. 131-115, LAIl.
Kl Ax.'lit. S. 'I llrand Concourse, near
Is-'d'-' or II OSRiiRNE SMITH Jer. m.
j 1 ll irnaldu Alrnues. Teliphon till
Fordh un.
- .,... . ....., , ,nnmt,nl h,,l,
! WANTED -Apartment. 4 wmi andbatli.
I ...... I. ,,. I ..irahla netrhnor hood ; occirpy
i ijctol.er 1st. tall 413 Hotel Astur between,
.i,. ...111,...
K and 11 to. day
new wnxYS-oviaaAin) hbde.
Trenanry slock of ft 8,000,000 X7m
derivrltlen iy llanUrrs.
ti,,. umlorwT t tic of llB.oon.ouo aa
Il.ulii. ci i'ii. iin.l t'. l. narney ui,
oim.iiiiifcmi.iit of which was nccom
imiil.-il hy a C point drop In that Is -
f.fi..pnnnil. Ih exillaintil hV
e"" .
til., ,.,,lllll..ltl 111 II S'- UI1 lll'lll lllilUI' IHIIIIII-
last lilgllt. Tho lliom y la needed. It In
ilcllircd, to fll.-llilt' ll- iuiiimiij i., in- ,
tn 111-
. ita i-iiulpniimt ho tnnt rurrcm
,l.usln. - ss .an bo l.a.idli',1
liualm-sa inn bo Imtull.'il.
Altliniiiih mure i'.HH wire suM In tho
first half f tho I'lirioiit year than .lur-
lug tin- win!" or ini.i, tno iomp.vn in
HOW lllioul . i.U'ui r.-irn in-iiiiiu in
ilfllvoii.H Th" l".fl,n.nl"' ''"fll 1 ho
iialiad from th" snip "f '"'"' tr.,iiiry .
Muck, liigi thiT With l3tl.U0il.n00 of iillrk
nuM..t.s alr.'.'i.lv mi hand, will 1 r.-ll.'il
upon in tlimni'i' III" nweiisary .'Niiam-luti.
At Urn tlm Incorpiiratl'm the lesiui
nf tSn.t'Oii.f'tld slock fur this, iiiirpiix
wiia iiulhoi-1..'d, mill 2l',S0Mtfo ni'tu.illy
linn lnvii miM to ilalo, an tliii I'nmimiiy'H
liiisilirM gU'' "iniiiititi.il nil tin- basis
nf 1'iiriiliiKi during thn first half of
19lfl, inrnliigi for th iMitlro ear elioulil
iitiniiitit Hi 1" l'vr ''''"I. on oiilstainlliiK
iniiinion hRioW, IiicIuiIIiik thn present
nil.lltliiil of tiri.OOfi.tiUO.
No piiliVo offtTlliK of the. ndilltlonnl
Htiuk will In in. uIi- until present stock-holili-iM
lmi had opi'.irttmlty to e-ub-Hcritio
for their rcspi-iMlvn proportion!!
i nf tho iHSitn at 111 ii Nluri', and this
offer h ln li.K in.iili' to holders or pre
ferriil Hi well nt of common, nlthmiKh
Hie flintier liitto no legal right under thn
charter to Mich participation.
Th follow Inr jite uuut'il on a frcyntate
Maturity Rita. 111,1 A.k
Atlantic t'nl"!
T.lne I'llfi-UJ 4-4'j 4 5! 4 IT,
Itllllmiire 4 Ohio . ,I!.;.'.'1 4.4S 4 51 4 3
Ilillliilii. It" Il l'llls l'ltli-31 II, 5 4f.3 4 3
(ana lun I'a. llle .. . rils-31 4'.. 4 t 4 I)
L'tl.iaprlllo. A Olilll . ,19lf.-.H 4 4Ci 4. IS
Clilcatil A Nnrlliwist tl'IH .'.1 41. 4 34 4H
Chlinso. R I A l'.H'.,.,l9lf 37 4'4I (M W
Chi, si I, N u mr it r, 4 a: 4 10
C, C, C A SI I, ..IMtl SJ 5 4 " 4 50
lielau.iic St Hale (Hi. I.'3 414 13". 4 13
Krie R II . ... . WI4.pi 41.5 I i'.'i 4 1.
Iloiklni Valley , , .. !9I4 '.'3 4.'. 4 tz 4 Si
llllnula Crtltr.il l:i:0 -.1 I'. 3 4 14 4 34
Imlsvill.i A N'-isli I'.ic ":i r, 4 45 4.30
Mil. Kim A Teja,,, l"l.l '3 .'. 5H (1 "I
Mlssniirl I'.lilln" ,,1'ild .2 5 f i 5f"J
S V LVlltril l.llics mil "il (1,4 4.0 4 41
Nnrlnlk A W.-tirn tl'K -I I'. 4 11 4 31
N Y N II A II ,, I91 3 l4 4". 4 S (
I'entl i.en 1 r.'ivin . 1 'i" ,.1 i e. . j. 1:
si 1, Iron Mt A South IH' '-'i 4 71
Seiliniril All Ulie . l16..i 4 35 4 I.
S..ll,.l IM.-'.fl.- !?:4 4'i ( (f
Houlhcrn Railsay 1910M I'.i I 4 30 1.43
111.' HUH ll I IHHh . .M.-v-.vvw llliuuiep ii, in. , p. .... , ,.,.iiF
illtintial trciKiltT I'oinmmi stock of tlieldai'v. deep water nncho-ige ji u.e of
I i-.., ,,,v ,v I M iprl'ato bathing bciti; I. 1 .Iwap fur
Wi .v.s.i)Mrland (imii.in t J. , , , , , ,, ,,, ,,rH,, t. ,,
Bra4iray, flOih le tola Streets
aMMUiasaiwtacaat. BaaudiCraaiUWOIallMO,
wan sat sira.i, nw Tark CRy
ii itiH iiib nw-
8, 9, 10 Room Apartments
utlh 3 Bath$
f 1,700 to $2,700 par annum
495 West End Ayenae
(5o( Aimi( earner A 5rroet)
IIV 3 ADt'LTH. S nr 6 rooms, good light
nnd air, west side. 72d In 116th !t , under
155. II C , box 149 Hull OITUa
Summer and Winter Home
Near the Water.
Eaiy roiiiimitatliin. I'.x. Nervlce.
(Iriund llxixl.V) fie!.
Price $6,000. Terms to Suit.
Ideal Commutallon to I'tty.
This lirautlful all year homo on a
high ridge innrlonka lakm anil takra
In tho aurrnundlna country In a p.inn
rainlr Maw for nilloa. Fine type mndorn
KinrlUh homo. i-iulpp"l with shnwi-r.
ilrclrlHty, hardwtHMl flfaira, Ar. Cnn
ipnlcnt to i luli. golf links and station.
Ideal water sports
170 D'way. Tel. 1.471 Ton.
ottered by
Banking Department, State ot New York
to qulrkly close tha business nf two cor-
poratlons. A larse number of hole. h......
altea In resirlrtel ..-lion, at nit ANT-
?.V:b" j.BAft':r.;:"7'-.r-
rifle DiMr. if tbout to of former Drlcti,
All pro per lit ar within a fl .nt far
one nJ lthln thirty minute ef Man
hattan I.lt"ral trm, Tltla Kuarantatd.
For Information adJrtaa
aperlsl Deputy Supt, ef Hanks.
rare At llankinr I.pt..
forest Rills Gardens
"A Forwent Movemenl l
gubi.rban 1 levploniani."
tf Minutes f ori I'onn. -t lia.
raii.ea and 41IU I'mts For Itls.
I. V. 341.1 St., or l iire.l Hllli,
M-jul lur II ut o,
Fitrri'i ii- r wate'ifron i'
RiiTiga'vrwa and hou-., 13 " ,r op ala.i fcaild
Inx bit. 'il llali Ull II i J un I Wo. K left Hay,
pr: rs, eaev terms Sen 1 fir parti a
inrs.JollNJ RXNHALLOJ.Freepi.rt. I I
IX ItiioM waterfront hunca ow. xaraee.
beau.ifu, J! irden .'l llei. f..r al. witter I
sp.irts, nii-st moiern con.'riu tbin; 40 mln.
ur. oni tern, ti suit aenuine buyer. C.
aiRVAN, l"'X l! -'on offl.e.
ltut:ful s-h r fr .nt rrnpt-rty; ntsilrrn
houfr. Hinpl" Ian i tuj trrm, 3
11.11111'" New York, nurroun lltik uiieqn tMf.J
nnwhri" OWNlIlt. N i Ml Sun pi?., e
i,oN(l HEACH. m
ttl.nr.l.la lliHileiar.l.
lota, cornr plntu,
crltlce. UhrJnt,
1 4 VO HroaJwny
Jlesullfu! home of 10 room, and 7 baths
m cr'.oiiklnK L. I found ' irg.. grounds,
p i-nty or anui eier- mooeru irutirnie
Iiieni; se er. ,-'
minutes from 3? I st and . th aw . 1 1 trntn.
or wrile II TEFHENHUN. .13 W 31th st.
e.i. .e.-'.-w.. - --l
i.,.., .H l'l',..,ii
10 no) sinre feat
. ".
I floor apace, water and steam pow.r. electrlu
Mtilita. Hel"l Ileal, .(irltiMlllK system, lo
cittel on I ' 'Kh Va ley llulrna.l sultab.e
f .r ni.i n nfi r.ni- i most any line r,,r
i g-1 s 1 1 p.u' .ira .tpp to N. D. IniXEV.
I Elm.r.i N Y
noitoi of iiroori.vn for male.
llNK-1 V.MII.Y IHli:s. iltMarhM. p.iraff.'.
Hint' rinit. halli. ihurr, lvtrh. lltthi
) I'UUIIl ioailiT". "ii-rtiii, pniirirj , . .yi.iii
iimi, IIllUH HIJ linn I" n in
111 H.IM'.KH.
u;ui77th St T.tUr r.ud iilMuy. Munln.
Ifil lil.lt: to "th st
rnn kai.i: Pmnll factory, w 1th n.iifr
now or. ipnenolr rt . In muwtK tonn on
i oniif t'li-'Ui ii'MTi uniiuneriiK n nii.ro.i i,
tnHy rxprni him nw orK iui,iri
awiriti ut'iis sent on renueiit Atl trea.
afiaflBaVI laKnBKI
1 ( III RKi: oiiiis, ijnr at I. mi, Heep At any r ite, the case allows that, how
itlwr. Ci'iiii Teleiihone S4.4, lieeji li-er er fr'n Hi" w.-ttera of a loch may ba to
FOR PAI.R In Jackson. S'. 11.,
very I
de.lrabli estate; house of nine room., all
furnished and In thorough lepalr, electric
light", tinier plpeil lo house; range. Ire
house; inlu.'llile trill unlliiril, to liiepecl
wnlllil lliiur. ,1 .'le. oil" of tha few ile
Irnlili" pla if Aihlre.. .MILS. C, C
(IH.l. I. III. .lie J." N' II.
uv nl'l huy or rent new house In
heat iielsht.nrhnod at est Hrlghlnn,
Mi. I "11 le. lllil. 35 minute, (rulti Wall
PI , all liuproi einenls; euu-il in uni ripuit.
meui in.tliig 135 In N" Y. city. Applv ,t,
F. MATIIKM. IS.' Raid Ave, I'liuu,. -Bt
Hrtihtun l.'Oi'.W Tako Cislleton Ave, mr,
llisp. t Hull lui .ti 'I
EKTA nl!SHKl) JULY 1447.
Real Katate Hruker. Appraiser A Auctlnnsar
ltl Ilrnailwav Telephone 1343 Cnrilan.1t
Studio and Offices to Let.
No 5i31 Hl(i lAI'W Y, near Sl'IIWAT
PTATInN Avi'ly Room 6, ..'31 Hnenlvtay
Store to Let.
No. 3337 HIlOAnWAY, neir Sl'll"AT
HTATlu.N, Apply Room 5, ;'.'3 Hruadnay,
Rod and
Randv flrmlr
(The tloraeahoe)
l.M. P.M.
4:08 4 3S
0.04 S:3S
8:84 :I5
6:49 8:57
7:33 7:34
August 34 , . .
Auguat 2.V..
August 2d. , , ,
Auguat27, .
. .a. j.i
. .A.OU
. .0.37
Tuna Fishing Exerting Spar!
Them! Cleary and Jamss Buehaaaa af
the Cotton ThrnAd Vl.hlnv 7tnh nf A marina.
and Dr. H. II. Baldwin and Frank C. Tay
lor of Newark are Just back from Block
Island, where they took 21 tuna, averaging
25 Pounds In weight, In five days angling.
Th-y uied a twenty-one thread line, and
Mr, Cleary'a rod, one ot his own make, was
six feet long, with a fourteen ounce tip.
They got all their riih trolling, Ullng a
cedar squid with tho aluminum part the
an mo as used by thou trolling for blue
nah. They struck their fish wfthln ten fiet ef
the bolt. At oni time tunas struck the
rour squid st onec. and three ef the tunas
' were landed out of the four. Seven times
nuring tnetr timing trip two or me anglers
played tuna at one tlmi
It required on an average ef half an
hour to land a Dili, and with two playing
tunas at once, and In the oni Instance four
at line time. It made for tha most exciting
and thrilling kind of angling, for one could
never tell when a tuna's dart would carry
It ncrnis tho line of another angler playing
a tuna al lha other end.
Both Baldwin and Taylor are tyres, and
an ohiarvlng and quick were they In play-
,,,a ,,"., ,,"ii ina. iiiv i.ritini invi, tuna,
althouali Taylor, aftor playing Mi flrit
tuna for twenty mtnutea wn "all In" and
tould hardly aland up. One of the other
anglers brought him a chair and Insisted
that he land his fish alone. He sal down
In It quite belpieai. although he had
brought the fish within five feat of the
boat. Then It dallied away, tarrying ten
feet nf line.
It wis hard tn tell which had the most
enargy left, Tajlor nr tha tuna, but the
man tlnally husbanded hla strength and
with an effort brought hla flih to the boat,
whera It w aa gaffed.
What Fishing Ads. Should Gentala.
E. B. Ilarnutn'a letter In tha Rod and
Gun column requiring fuller Informa- ,
tloii as to nshlng tides, Ac, In THE HUN 1
of August 7, contains good luggntlons. I
Thin Information could be clven br the
captain of earh boat If ha wni not ao
Jildipy In his adverilsibent In the Rod and
Hun column
A line nr two Ii all they give, Soma i
might to be ashamed to havi mch brief 1
notlr annear.
The f.ire. startlnc time, whera bound.
for what nsh, the number of nah caught
and date stated would b simple Justice
to the public and benefit themselves.
Forest Park, U I Aug. It. I
How to Make Column Worth While.
I real with Interest Mr. liornum'a litter '
In the column of August 7 I too bellee
thit there Is too much space given tn In
dividual nitche. nf tt.li and that a tabula
tion of tho da's fishing result! would be
the Id-al method of presenting tuts type
of nans.
Plni-e the column la now In THE St'N
lnrve and hew c'asa nf render hna been
a quire I, and unlike, many nf u who llfd
to rend tho 'real because of tha Hod
end tlun nos. these new readera are not
'labia to be Interested In how many flih
.Mr Sn and o caught yesterday on the
1 tit II.
1 believe the WAV to canttira tha Interest
en I support nf the new readera and to hu.d
the IMrreet and support of the old read-
ers la i piilt..h the stilly n.hlnr resu la In
a tat e mi t try (u get more article, on rod
tnak nir nr. of tmkl,., iinuiun! nshlng ex
perieme.. dlai uaalona of baits nnd method.
:,i-rr,!,,lns...J:".' .r.v;L ito: J".
nri miin i, urors i.ngiana - neipa lo
v.i..-i iiiiiiki un. .
If the teulirs of Rod and Oun feel that
Mr Itanium's and my auggestlom are
worth anthlng then It Is up to the readera
lo gat busy unJ write soma Interesting let
ter.. lhare are Interesting and valuable lat
ar l. lie written now. but they are few
an I fir between Walter N. Melnhardfi
aril "i nn rod making ataml nut aa ex
smp'es ut 'ti.-ihe Itod nnd Oun news.
ii'lu-r r-'i t.rs who hue the 4cnouledge
anl expetlrni e neressary to write artlrlea
' ' ., ,'r,' i?' ',' y :''J!'n??y'l
IhVreiV !l. i!,i li JT,i .
! "" v ,m. 'k ' '",,"" ,u.n
m - book.
scrap book
New Vork. Aug. :
laiw Him Idea At lien Two Hook Sam Flih.
xr-liur Knnnlann In a recnt Issue rf .priltini i sn,.. .,. ... .
Till: srv ml-l attention to '.ikftiher-' f lllfll ''"V fA, 1 " 2 'J Z' k . ' Z ,
f linn, i Hay Ir.-rferlng lth i. h OLLnRUA ")', , 1 '?''"" ,."rr,VJJ
ii. t1 .,.,it in , ... i,,. ism. a l... . ' 'I trim frini I', nn 'ti m ,int
It th t'le.e ,nri, tin 1 other anrlera will be
in, - I in a de M.m handed donn In
, - . the n'st of the judgment of '.'i
it '.elng tint anglers cannot be loo
mini u.ly carefu' to ruard aa-.lnaf Ih.
pii- 'I. Ity J interfering with each other a
i '.. .I..,. "i""7 "r.". i-irae "J m
......... i, i.-i ,i, iirii iin .ia un l.ut 11
Lon.. id The tals, broadly elated, aro
as f, lows- An atixler, flv M.hlng fur
s.ilm.ii from i boat, li.oke.l n tine r.sh
Mh'li "ifter Ita Rr.t struggles for freadutn.
run ul- ng In shallow water betwaen the
tin It .il. 1 the allure. I
Ir, the a line dtre, tlnn In which the fish
m.i nun 'hit ant only a fan )ards outside
,e ey '..,.r- , at. there happened to be
t -ti r I I- . r -ipm. of whb h er
nailed t'l inlliniu tru, ing with tan rods
.' .tern, nut boat held on without
a -er i tr : . .-n use
t e tr '. pas.ed ahead of the fiy nh
era but tl,e tish male a eudden daah for
nirl and nuti ird, m. I, boring down, was
Immed ite'y bn.'ked ti the back by the
nr n.iit tr ' ,-r . tackle ,
The nv n.her anl lit. boatman main-1
titned thn' the sudden double strain of
silo m i.nd minnow trace toiether pulllnc
icilr-t the p.v fu-kle broke tSe cast At
my rxte, the ny ttsner-s tacme broke, and
th lh. nftr Mme orty mlnulra uluv on
ill" in in mi n iiivtir. wai lUvTrnmi.) gmur'l
j the trolling n ins
tilling alongside their boat, the fly flihar.
as b epe, ted dlsruvered hla fly In the
mouth ot the fish with part of hla broken
i. a e and erltted the fact, which he also I
epe. ted. that the salmon had been foul j
Ii mkeil ,j. tne minnow trace. The quea-
tloii Inimedlatelv aru.a as to which angler
ai nitlili'd to the fish,
Hie lly tl.hrr for bis part claimed It on
the ground tint he bad hooked It and wae
tn loirre nf mtMng It hla own w-hen the
s to which angler
llillllluw Ir.'I.r. tackle broke his cast,
-in,, .,. trIUr. on the other hand
liliiiad It on the ground that, whateter
o... 1 id h.ippvied, he at least ha
had played t
and s ici-efefu; y landed the r.sh
MiitiMhow it nthrr ti'n hhi tirC'
t.irkl. At th inonii lit th fly fithrr ob
T.iir - i t-j-ti .n -f tin rinti
1,,'rr t.r 'i '.tr lntltn.ttlon wn fnnilt,
iMri.Kli a Mini 'f l.i'v .it(?iiti, hy tin mln
ti.nv r . '.r to tli flv ft-hrr tl) h t. fftlllnr
i tvry (f lhi tp tn him by a pr.llt!
; j. ir next ut, icirni rrn i-i-.unkri wnuiii i.4
ItHiifn Io.iir nut jh in.iil, iiut th
fifli w m pli vl In iM utartfia tn (l!aKniv
i i nwu't tln nt nit) rf mi h procf Mntl
iiilht p ttiKtfn In rntirt
f Th mtntif-w tfltr purxucit hln nftton
' Ir tlmntftl tlii tin tiikftiff th form of
; l ilm f-r i.Jin.iK. to th extent of f j, .mil
n .lunti s pirtle wr hari t'for th
t 'lertft. .ftr a pronf hh !ntil pv.ri,
li iiir-, nhfii thf fl'lenc of th repr!vo
iiiiK' t nnil thffr hoitntpn h 1 tiern nlvn
.it. l tli uilr.l"ii!j of nthrr arufkr and nit
ti sf li.i I : en hani, tnn fchTllT i1ect()ii
lie i ,i f In f.ivor of th tly flher, grjnttnj
Mm lil tMifr.i In lh cm.
Th- MierltT pfHiun ty h3 found thut th
0 - h 1 tu'vMi lout tn the fly iIkIit throurh
M1' f urt r neKlitrfm t th minnow
i niti "lu-oiy in nn khoiihi
ini-rfiR i'w hihiiu n ny uanrr
i I pfny, n;;fuiuKii uoi mistily killed hy
. liitn
t iMRiii.in, ii n nun is rngagmi in nsning
in it mo tiappena 10 1100K a nsti, there Is an
c.lilig ill. in lahl upon 11I1 other koala to
a nnil i!,-ir an tha' the line may not ha
Token, eien liijiliert.utly, through their
I Mllill.town. N X
Thn r.tenliif's Occupation,
A frlciul uf mln ent to psy hts rent
1.1 ail. 1. in .ei ruilgll, who nuns three
New urk .tlscrill.TN. the other evenln...
nnd there ll,H the grand old man maklne
iii.hir. f..r s.i't water flshliif. Jo eiory
eiiu seiMiis to le doing- It.
HUMni.E hkb.
New York, Aug. Jl,
Milking a l erfect Cast.
Hating long elnca sutlill.,! m nelr that
esg sintiieii MiiKcia wirti the un'v klii.l
tint pruluieil 100 per cent, of tfflrlenryi
111 i'.iiiuiii ami waier nsiiing, 1 rmieaMireil
I i J ri'IIH I'll. M 1 "111 I 1 1 ' nrP UH
,..Mi- mi v mi ti-i-, rii tit'i nn ti in iiroi'Urf
1 1 tun I.I iiiul In t ike it tm n.t at a lie. liraucli
or the llshlnat game
After s, curing P ad and ine'tlira; pot and
selling up the mould, I atuneil m pour Hu
Imi h.i'l ulih iiiuiiy f.'.ue ami luiu-h trein.
hlliil. imly tu Hint ihe lea l haneiin on
' r - "lit L'i llllit III I' irit it lldP Ci ni OH
out.lde uf lha iimulil ..ml nuns nolng
i (he prop, r ulnnliit. the lea, I simply
li.r.l.n..l ...... ...I.1.....I .1..
.'i,,,a.-', riiiniiitr.,
This. I sal.l, ia Un reason why nno can't
111111 ll.i'ill -i-.il ll.r. in lllllhl- .Mill I
startrl the giia mi l .roi-eeie, In malt tha1
whole thing oii'r uni.lti, and on the second
lll.t II 'Hill i 111 . ll.l.lll flllltlll It. UJV
Into the III- ill i lllii urageil, I ranralcil I
the perfuruiai.i e
in tirnr ' maae me in.ie ipi.t run.
in iipii un" . ii r iriiK' nw i.e iiaeii iron
' "hi h I Unuyiit was perfiiv
, . n l , m.r.l ,,. n, I 3
tu.ill llllnl the two largest iltrs of Hie
Gun News
Governors Wlllen
lalsnd Point
A.St. P.M. A.M. P.M.
4:13 4:30 7:63 Hai.4
8.00 8:34 8:41 8.51
I'M fl.-OM .3:l It 31
834 8:48 K'Atf 10 04
7:13 7:33 10.30 10.33
A.M. P.M.
8:38 S-ftt
8:37 8.84
7110 7.311
7:40 7:M
8.23 8:34
feor tneelda Then the Iron to make the
hole In the centre would not pull out, ao
1 gave It up aa a bad Job.
The nut day I told my trouble 4a a
michanlo and he wis good inough ts take
an Inlimt In the matter. Bald 1 ought
to hut the opening! to the moulds ao Sat
thi lead would not chill and harden.
For a cora or pleci of Iron to make the
holei I procured a set of big darning
needles end atartM In again. And after
much practice I was able to make "a per
fect cast," which consists tn filling ivery
one of the four moulds with a perfect
stnkir. WHITE .Ml 1,1, UK.
Brooklyn. Aug. II.
Ced, Hake and rotlack In August.
The following ad is a clipping taken
from the Boiton Trarrlrr of recent date,
and t thought It would Interest ou read
er! as It did mil
on and tint.
Bass or Sharks?
We hive tackle with which to catch
either and for everything In between,
whether in salt or fresh water. Mall
orders get prompt, intelligent care.
J. B. CROOK & CO., Inc.,
(Established l-17)
Opa. The Library. Tel. 744 Vanderblll.
Fire Facts About
Vivid Cuttjhunk
Mada of highest qual
ity linen -hand laid
smooth, eian twist
atronc, durable, nnd
stand, tha test -will
not hlnk--guaranteed,
A-J our in lile dealer.
1! 15 1 71 1
its .is i or, i :n t.ss l 4
7 VI Chambera HI,. '.
ano ft in
Boh't Ogtltg Co.,
WMITRV "pedal Trips A A. M. every
a in i si i j,Vi Come early and have
a good day's Bass fishing. Capt. FRANK
Hf.D4V."i A. M.
' Saturday after-
noon 3 o'clock. A.
ifrcm Steamboat o.
j5ne ocean TAURUS,
Been iea Flshlnr Kir. nJ lJ U
Been rea Fletllnr Mia.
Dally at A. M. from I'ler I, N. n , ONLY,
Kar, Itestiurint. Uilt, Tsrkle. etc., under Co.'i
Uiuageiaeat. Htawirdi-ss In Attendance, rare II
indolent b1'-'.. .?!
uaiiy, a A. al. Hun.. 1 A. 31.
v-api, j a K r. aiAHTtN
filDAI n A falls rtallr a A. M Hunday
vjx,rMale' j jo j, cpt p M,rln.
Above steamers are the faaleat, largest a ad
safest from bheepihead Bag.
Ii'ltine's Itfwk. Stifep.hesd
Hay. Fate Imlu dlt.g '!'.
I- lien t'niMin. Ctil.
formerly of New lorker. I'll (737 lUt.-iu.
R. f! I IINOY ' A, M. dully. Sunday .10.
LUMUI i.u,i) a l)oi.k. S psheal Itay.
nimbus ;
. M dul . Sur.d'iy. 7 A M.
.lindv's I.irk. SatutJay, 7 I'. M.
I'l.E.NTV Fl.l KE!
II mT 'r,,m Carman's 1 in, k. Wre. k l..ad.
fll hill Hilly "ifrpi Mini, and Frl.. 47
flLLIVI train. Sun., i train For Jl 10.
J IV I'lllSI v'
, Will charter to prlvnte purtle. Men nr Frl.
- --
II I II II 0:JA..M. I U n A, ,M.
KvrrvlM HI' J" Mi III. Paily
I'lenty Sea ll. From Sheep. I,,-) ' Hiv
t'AI'Ts. FREII WHFdl. .V I. lit Is HARM.
IBA H.s Vl.l'KE.
I., iv, a ' ;ih r"t So. Ilk tl ,
Sun lay, C,7v A. M T'.ura,
,. .M rnpt. I, lis ruling.
J A M Tue. Tlmrs .
Sat . Hun Car. In,
belt. I!. Other do I A, M . Imntrs nu4c,
Sheeihead Hoy CAI'T MI' IIAI31.
Him IIimii 1 p(iti' i,i'i
ltw k, Wrk In'l I'm imi'
Mini i 6 47 trjln S .lnv .1 :5
ttmii. I'm it- 11. i. Uilunn
If . 1 t t fit fi Tiff,
port, T l 'j ..ally i i-pt
trtn A- L'fl I ! .,rx-
iay. Kir a Inc tilt, tl ; t'rtpt .To ft li'nor.
Hunday g A. M, Orand Nt., Jersey rtty.nnly.
rlunqay A A.
inuiii lenir n-acn or e-anriicht
rand St . .30 A. M . J-r-.v in.
' trnl 7 A. M, Capt tins I.ehlbn h.
I FgHHT l,S'fl lasimria snn i anrennnrst iJOCK
i V iiorm.riy .uniniin, rreepnri, fitn-
dayi 4 30. Thura & h'nt 7:15 a M Kara,
Including bait, II :t, Capt John Valentine.
6E0R6IEM. ir;.;'
day, S::5 train I
He.kdllV c
are . ro,
Wreek Lesd,
17 tratr, s -n-M.
Ml Kit XV
e, . , ,
lr lUtlinmn'-i. Wrii'l I iik1, dully
fir M"it and Krl . t; trull! un.,
I ZZ trulii l'-u- St .'). J llfttinncn
9h"Vtf id IMJ, A M iIhIIt,
Hund) T A M IK 1 Steidit-ni
Ipatp Sum! at from (irnnd t ,
7 i"J h in . ntid i rut ml ut 7 Si
Ttmr , iin.nl t 6 l iitid ( i tittrtl 7 m m.
Itl.a., !tl4.! Ial V) I'
k. U ritK I.d KVKKV
II V i;C. IIIS. r.rr ti
rn' I.mtnrii4, ttifl'vllru
ntltlt unit hrliiin 14 nick.
dayi, IS Hunilm( fur fmir T I 3"'7 t mmr-lr
dally, A A. M, (horn Ioi U.
Hhrphnd Hai iip', r-
ill Wii-k- A Ar"hlf IH knr
M'NIiAY, fli.10 A. VI,
lesii'. U.tiiiin . lloik, Sli.frhesiJ
ililly, S ,. M (if.S HAT
Rally, eli-ept Men. A Krl., leare.
.Iftll ft , llolmlen, f 15 A M.
'llattery 7 A M. 1 ate n ;.1
aalCDIfta lenvaa Ratter) 111..,
and at I .if" II o-1
leas Cararsta 3 A. M,
ilatli Cai.t Kflinmrrar,
I'l.KNTV III' l l.t Kll,
'" fleaa-elna UETTIC leave. Jersey city r,
1 vaent 1
II. Sunday 7 "SO A. M
leavai Canarsla 7 A. XI,
dally ( apt Hammerer.
ltaej C'anartl 7 A. M,
dully I1ANP1;N',
WIERS iTir, !!rr:!!,,..A
I -
Pitt fllilnr( Irarn (Ulrn'i dk,
HhfrpvhVB'l Hit, 8 A M daily,
10 A M dally, 1 A M Hiinday.
tlimn'a Dotk.Sli'i p.hfnil Hay
ana M i . . sua
, ROSE R. I . a 'V 1"'.' ' ' '.u V V !
nUS (I A. M. Mm.laj . IM.-k A I
I st BkS S"
7 A, M, everv Jny from ("a
liarle. MIKI3 RtJW I. AMI.
4.TR RFHFVIFVF l"- Canarsle ilall. 7 n A.
jin. ocsr.iir.ic M lm A M M(11.r A Sin,hi
' Chimrrrk I'4 liiititie . 1 4.
41 letnl cs.l Illy,
unaiuivvn .i rt 1 1 ) a A Jl
rein) 7 A M
t,..r,.,vliiv t-ikiuvi i"
At ri.ltMIO, tS-M, . I,
". rne'a lioea. I apt
M. I'luke,
.11 al a

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