Newspaper Page Text
THE BUN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, TOlft United States o Foreign YkUar5.00?gto6.40 Vail particular on request for Circular AIVIT. NationalCrty Company ! FINANCIAL NEWS' AND COMMENT Prospects Based on Increased Earnings Arc Used to Boost Some Stocks. TRADING IS IRBEGULAB U. S. Steel Bcflccts Diverse Opinions on To-day's Quar terly Statement. HEW tfOHX STOCK EXCHANGE PEIOE3. MoNDAT, OCTMW 10, 1016. , Annual dividend rate are auoted In -dollar Closing. Hid. I Aik, 61 ir-Vi 1.0 14.1 12 Vt ErieR. R. H.Y., Susquehanna & Western 1st & Refunding 5s Cortrini mileage of lyitem (rem the Pemuylvania coal field, en almott one-half of which mileage the bondi are ecured by a fort mortgage. Earning! reported over four timet Interest charge on iuue. " ' Tt TWd 5.10 IT W.Clangley&Co. lnveatment$ 111 Bratdwa, Naw YorU KIDDER, PEAfiODY & CO. 116 Diironsriire St. BOSTON 17 Wall St. NEW YORK Investment Securities Foreign Exchange Letters of Credit . Correspondents of BARING BROTHERS ft CO., LTD., LONDON November Investments Send for Special Letter NERfuTL LYNCH &ca -7 Wall St Niw Ycrk High costs to the consumers of various products continue to And reflection In tho stork market Perhaps many Mocks ltnvo .fully discounted the big profits corporations are making on the sub stantial margin between the cost of pro duction nnd the prlco tho buyer pays, tint fow days, however, go by when some stork or group of stocks Is not taken In hnnd nnd pushed to higher levels on the basta of Increased earnings and the ex pectation of those earnings bringing dec laration of bigger dividends or the es tablishment of non-dlvldend payers In the Interest column. It wan so In yes terday's active but Irregular trading In the Stock Exchange. International Paper shares. Interna tional Agricultural Corporation and the sine Issuos wore singled out as promising candidates for higher prices, and Vir ginia - Carolina Chemical also, al though to a smaller extent. Taper com mon udv.incd more than 7 points and the preferred more than 3 points, while Agricultural Chemical moved up 6Vi for tho common and 6 for the preferred. Ilotii companies nrc adding to their earn ings and have something to sell for which there l n big demand, while the position of the stockholders has been msterlnlly strengthened. And the same thlnt may lie said of the American Zinc' Company, the stock of which trained more than E points. The general market was one of quick changes nnd decidedly mixed move ments, with a period of rather pro nounced weakness following the report that a Hrltlsh ship with Americans on board had been sunk by a German sub marine. There was much profit taking and cautious selling for short account. In the minds of many traders there ap peared to be a sufficient number of un certainties In the situation' to warrant a position on the bear side, particularly In view or the steady advance of last week end the general belief that com mission houses are well provided with overextended bull accounts. Selling on the sinking of the British vesel promised to run Into substantial volume, but It was soon checked by a further report that the ship had been fired upon after refusing to heed the warning to stop. Tho mere suggestion. however, that It might bo another causo for troublo with Oermany sent a chill down Wall Street's spine and accent uated the Idea held In many quarters that the stock market Is In an exceltcnt position for a sharp drop In the event of ral adverse developments, as, for ln- rtanco. tho reelection of President Wil son. Hut on that score the Street Is not worried. If the amount of Hughes money offering In tho financial district may be taken as a criterion. Further remarkable statements from the copper trade were effective In at tractlng Increased Interest in the copper eharea. but the weight of realizing In them provented final price Improvement. And It was the s.tme with United States Steel, which closed more than a point under Its early hlch. Regarding the meeting of tho' corporation's directors to-day, the Street suddenly discovered that the statement of net earnings might show for the last quarter but the paltry sum of 185,000,000, ns against the record breaking total of 181,000,000 In tho precc-dlng threo month period. Hear traders had tho Idea that anything less than 9P.floO,flP0 would b ample argu ment for lcnocklmi Steel common. Wheat row to a new hlsh record nbovo the loiter corner price of 1HS8, nnd on tho movement some heavy profits were taken for the account of traders who recently bought the cereal on tho strength of big profits made In stocks. In pome quarters wheat Is still being bought on the assumption that all of the surplus from lart year's crop has beon taken for export and that there Is no such thing as hidden supplies, but In other quarters It Is not admitted that rush is the case. Money was easy throughout the day, and quite naturally to with last week's further substantial addition to surplus reserves of tho Clearing House banks nnd the tlB.OCO.000 gold that came In Saturday and f 5,000,000 yesterday, with the iwomlso of uddltlonal receipts from abroad, despite tho Idea put forth by bankers that the sold movement would bo checked by tho latest Hrltlsh loan. Sterling rates were unchanged, but both llro and rouble exchange was weak. 102 2!i 100 412 67 r.5 in 09 2S 24 r.o 811,4 1U0 47 111 llfliii 99 92 Ettahlished 1073 OBEY&KIR 1 2S.Breaal St. New York I Hemua B.Y.Stock bxaum WILL BUY: HslMltKPahlrWIi , Wast Va. Puis Pa AsbDraggists Sraficits IrriagNaflBasJi Ajs.rtsspfi Elsdrlc rVtssrtiaa Csa. LtuV, Hand. St. Lssai Pld. Am. MaMag Ca(a Child C. Pfd. Adas PsrtJasd CasanrPfd. TbssBM Iraa Cs. Hasaakal Bridie H.4r. Johns ManrU!-Cn. Cnitnma Ilecrlpta 9B4.7-a05.Bn. The total receipts for duties at the Custom House yesterday were $547 65.05, of which J214. 114.71 was for rnerchnndlee withdrawn from bonded warehouses and J333.540.94 for recent Importations. KEW YORK BANK STOCKS. SufgtMtions for Investors ear bs had ea rsquett A. B. Leach & Co. aatastmeni Seourlttei. 6C Cedar St., Now York) nnrrale Oalaaca li oaten I'hlladalphl umuuure A merles. A Han lie. Am I'xch nailery J', llowrry.. . . IlrysDt ) 'k. Prone Nut, lUitrlwt I) CniM. . . . . CliatA 1'.. I'nelnia llr. ('Inimical . . ('It On J CoalAlr.. Blit.A-.kt. .5(1 . .11 ..Jilt . .150 .SJJ ,l0 .'lis .s:o .3M .ITS ,4VI 1M 1M T0 lU t77 31 1)1 4 CO 111 M SOD 177 Coin more, rolontal. . . (VilumMa. . . 319 SJ1 Torn Cxch, . .JS1 Ml fVnmopulltan J 100 Ftu Itlvir.. , 71 IMrtelUy ....ISO 1M I'lflhAve.,.43) 4W0 rifthJtat,...:" J) l'trtt Nat... tool Hio (larfleid 11-0 ller-Am,. ...IV) HO Oerman B . . .J7I Hi (Irrmanl I). ,S7J sou flolhar.i S, , .231 Onnwlrh.. 311 TKU8T AND BDBETT COMrANIXS. nid.Atked ITarrtmsn S..S7S ass Manoer.....fl4i Iin Trad. ..) Irvine Nat.. .Ul IJherty m Lincoln J10 Manht Co. ..iw Marker V. .an Meeh.t M...M1 Mermp'ri. . . .I.J Metrorwlis. . .m Mutual 371 Merchants,. .310 New Nelh. . .310 N VN1IA...3M N Y County.. I'irk . . . .401 r.lClfio S74 Peoples. . . .32$ Produeo Exo.,101 l'ublle. ::o Hlierman 120 rVaWrd,..,4!1 Fccond ,301 Plate. .......110 SulWsrd ...0J t'nlonKt..,.147 WmIi lit..... 371 WmtSMe..., -Yorkvtllu , ,500 C2 j 1H 66HI ISO 12 2B 82Vi, 103 83 102 C2 C7; r.:.-i ir, 70 28 24 Ti B7 82 107 4S 117 '99 114 01 I (!2 119", 120 132133 4 01 47 94 r.2 79 R7 107 100 io;. 70 20 83 7r, 1 . 640 1140 140 1S9 85 99 79 Atl 23 M 173 94 ?i 11.". 104 68 14 40 94 ; 2B 35 23 ci?n f2 39 35 4S 4fi 20 r,2 48 94N. 79 68 107 iooTi 70 122 83 88 70 650 650 IBS 11.1 sri; 99i Sl 00 23 r.i 173 116 105 09 14 45 94', 126 3 23 62 53 39 30 53 47 DIT.I Kt. Bales. 2O0 Acme Tea Advance R.,. .... iuuu rtjax 11 100 Adiimtl i:xn 800 Alaska O M... t'liu AinRUa J 600 Allls.ciinlmors .... 500 Allla-Clmlmcrfi pf. 800 Am licet Sugnr.... 2300lAm Aif Chrm 150 Am A Chem pf... siuuirtm inn,,,, Minim f". t: 1100 Am O't OII..V.V.'. 1t!00 Am llldn & I.entl. 2300 Am HMo & Lcath pf ovui.iiii let'. j Open I lnr. Hlfh-tt. Ixjw. I 471a-1 I est. inc. MM Chanta. C 4 G C "r. r, 8 4 30 nnl 7i i ! 6 r. r. 4 10 4 2000; 1300 970 100 100 66100 400 000 Am Smelt nee A Am Unseed Co Am Llnsccd Co pf. . Am Jco Am lyoco pf........ Am .unit nr.. Am Smcltr-. Am Kniclt pf..,. 900; 1300 3700 200 100 1300 Am Woolen. Am Hmclt sec? B.. Am s;eci i.'riy... Am Sugar. Am Tel ft Tel.... Am Tobacco...-. 14500 Am WrlttP pf, 24600 Anaconda 17000 Am Zlno wiw Am Zlno nf., 400 Abso Oil Co.. 2000 A. T ft S Ke....... juu a. a snfe pr...MM., IJIUU Al, ft W I.... 4600 At, O ft W I pf 100 At Coast li 10 Bnnk of Com........ :'.iiMMiiaiiwin Loco.... 000 mnlt ft Ohio 20U;Unlt ft Ohio pf... 200 iHntopllnfl 100 Keth Steel 50 neth 8teel....... SOOmeth fltcel pf.. ........ M'O tinrrott Co 400'H II T inulllrown Shoe pf......... loooi HurnH Dros 8700 7l'0 1011 2700 2Cf.P0 300 600 nutte ft Sup cm rel Cnl Pet pf. . Can PjcKIc. Ccn Leather Cen leather pf, cnnndler Motor 2800 Ches ft Ohio....... 123n24 2 2'i 102 '103 13S-V139 J v 1 in 90 91 87 121 74 99 s; 1CI 21 46 14S 14S 44 121 24 3S C3 40 45 320 116 181 12C 72 112 90 11S 43 51 99 10S 66N 122 74 99 ir.2 , J71! !l30' 150 45 39 f.3 40 47 325 117 181 120 72 114 91 118 43 51 101 10 07 23 23, 56 50' 50 00 60' io5!ior. ; 19; 19' 4 1 0' 0 4 ' 7 8; 7 01 8'. 70 7 ! 91 98 27 CI r.4 128 88 25 53 40 St 26 87 131 39 114 ! 55 69 108 40 !l 35 125 10 9 71 1 27 ' 27 57: 57 7"V 7 19' ?0 90 I 98 I 125U!l2! S,3il SIU io 7 90 90 27 00 r4 127 88: 24 52 40 S3 25 S2 ' 39' 113 85 55 Ci 108 40 S 35 124 9 9 2800 Chi Gt Wcat....- 6300 Chi Qt West pf illMIIU', .11 S HI f ioo c. m & nt p pf er.itnnlrt.i r. t n tt'v.'viiii, i . . ac X ........ isuo Chile copper 26100 Chlno Copper... 100 ClllPtt, P ft Co.... .000(-01 Fuel ft 4400 Col O ft B 500 Col ft South,...- , lOO'Col ft South 2 pf..... lOOComp T n.... 200'Con Callahan 1700'iCon Oas, EL P..... HOOlCon Oas. E L ft P rut. ROOfCont Can 120ftCon Cns 5100 Corn Products......... 200 Cdrn Product nf ! 14900 Crucible Steel-,. lOOCruclbln Steel pf , 46000 Cuba Cane C100 Cuba Cane pf....... 10011) ft II looiDen ft Rio Or 1 000 Den ft ltlo Or pf 100'Dotrolt-Edlson ....... 20 Detroit-Edison ...... 3200 Dist Hcrur... i. ....... IDO'DIntnond Match...... 100 Domo Mines,. ......... 640O Krln ... 400 Krl 1 pf ..... lOOIFcderal M ft a pf..... r.00naston Wft W...... CO den Chem Co 10U Gen Chem Co pf... 2600 Gen. Elcrj Co 800 Gen Motor pf........ 3300 Goodrich 100 Goodrich pf lOOiGrnnby Con 500 Gt Nor pf 2S00!Gt Nor Ore ctfs 700'Greono Copper....... lOOIGulf Steel 1 pf ... 800 III Central 22100'Insplrntlon Con........ 1 OOOO Int Agr Corp 7i00 Int Apr Corp pf..... Sf.nn Int Vlflrr.1 . 69500 Int Paper j 54l 60 it;iuo int riiper pr 103 107 21E00 IntTborti Con 700'Interboro Con pf...... 200 Iowa Central 100IJ Kayser 50' J Kuysor 1200'ICnn City So 100'ICnn City 8o pf....... 19100 Kennecott 30iIClngn Co L. ft P...... 6400'Utclc Steel . ann'I. Erlo ft West 2fl0ll. Erie ft West pf..... 100 Lee Tire ... HOOILohlgh Valley 400'IjOoso-WIIes Bis IOO Loose-Wiles Bis 1 pf... 100 Manhattan El 77no'.Mnrlne ... 1730O .Marine pf ..... 5700!.Miixwell Motor lOOlMiixwcll Motor 2 pf.... ltOOIMny Ilepartment Stores TOOOIMexIcan Petrolotim .... 4900.Mlaml Conner I 40 2001Mlnn ft St Ioulfl 7 2500 Minn ft St Louis new.... 35 100 Minn, St P ft S H M 125 CI 54 1 65 148 12 6 25 81 102 82 102 63 68 r.5 16 70 23 24 67 83 106 47 111 117 100 1)5 62 122 133 226 52 46 96 47 78 67 107H 100 100 6i iei 175 83 88 75 1 C45 65(1 150 157 84 i P 79 64 23 51 174 "'a lie 104 69 14 46 94 126 88 23 62 69 53 39 35 51 47 aas 124 2H, 103 189 18; 01 87 122 78 100 152 21 46 148 160 40 118 25 39 63 40 47 335 116 181 120 72 114 90 118 43 52 101 108 68 19 60 51 61 16 60 148 12 7 25 82 103 83 102 63 68 6C 16 70 28 24 57 83 106 47 113 117 100 95 62 122 133 !25 52 48 D6 62 80 67 107 100 107 70 121 176 85 88 76 1 64r, 65U 150 160 85 99 t,C 23 61 174 97 116 104 68 M, 14 46 96 126 86 28 63 69 68 40 SIRS 61 47 22 124 61 16 65 148 12 0 25 81 102 82 102 62 7 65 16 69 28 24 57 81 106 47 111K 117 99 92 61 130 133 225 61 44 84 47 78 67 107 100 104 68 121 174 82 87 75 1 645 660 160 167 84 99 79 4 23 51 h 173 94 lib 103 68 14 44 94 126 32 23 60 68 52 88 35 01 47 123 !. 2 18 76 6 98 97 28 00 65 128 89 25 63 41 102 139 18 91 88 122 76 100 162 21 47 148 150 40 120 25 39 53 40 47 835 110 182 126 72 114 80 118 48 62 101 108 C8 23 60 r.i 19 70 61 16 66 148 12 7 25 81 102 83 102 62 67 66 16 69 28 24 67 82 106 47 111 117 99 92 61 120 133 226 61 47 94 62 79 67 107 100 lOfl 70 121 174 83 88 76 1 645 660 160 160 85 99 81 66 23 61 173 95 115 104 68 14 45 96 126 35 23 61 9 62 39 35 51 47 22 124 2 2 H 1 1 74 ;103103 13S 17 90 i 80 122 74 9 152 21 40 14S 150 44 "9H 26 38 63 40 46 330 11 G 181 120 72 114 U 3 2 l?i 1 f 6 1 "h f 1 2 Vt B 4 Clotlnr. IDtT.I Bid. I Alk.. lit. 95 14 72 100 160 82 100 10 21 161 26 02 140 1 71 60 69 117 121 105 46 54 16 6C 30 iu; 63 65 29 102 3 7 42 102 53 138 125 96 6 14 .. 73 .. 101 .. 150 8 83 4 100 7 10 .. 22 162 8 26 63 2 141 .. 2 .. 71 4 61 3 (0 118 5 121 7 105 6 47 66 15 .. 60 .. 30 .. 137 0 03 3 50 3 29 .. 103 5 4 8 43 3 103 7 64 .. 140 8 . i 100 Twin City Rapid Transit. 8900 Union rtnpr ft Paper 1700 Union Ting ft Paper pf. 2600 Union Hag' & (Paper now. 14000 Union Pacific 300 Union Pacific pf 400 United Clgnr Stores 600 United Railway Invest... 100 United Railway Invest pf 14U0 united Fruit 600 U S Cnut Iron Plpo 100U H Cnnt Iron Plpo pf... 14900,1" S Itirtun Alcohol 200 U H R ft It 800 U H Smcltlmr 200 U 8 Kmeltlmr pf 3800 17 H Rubber 11140QU S Steel 600,17 SHtocl pf 30300 Utah Copper 3200 Vn-Cart Chemical 800 Vn Iron, Coal ft Coko.... 1100 Wnbash 1500 Wfilioch pf A KiOOiWuhash pf 13 200 Wells Forgo Express.... G500 Westlnghouso Electric .. 2000 Whlto Motors 000 1500 600 100 27000 600 300 1600 100 Western Maryland Western Union Tel WlH'cllmr ft Lako Eric, Wheel ft Luke Erlo 1 pf. Willys Overland Willys Overland pf Wisconsin Central Wonlwarth , Woolworth pf 14 73 102 160 83 100 10. 22 102 20 63 145 2 72 61 60 119 121 107 45 65 16 66 30 130 04 65 29 102 3 8 14 103 64 139 125 et. 96 15 74 102 151 83 100 10 22 162 26 63 145 2 72 61 60 119 121 107 47 66 15 66 30 130 64 66 29 102 3 8 44 103 61 139 125 low-est. 90 14 72 100 149 83 100 9 22 160 25 63 138 2 71"', 60 5S 117 121 104 45 61 15 6C 30 136 r.3 64 29 102 is 8 41 102 54 138 125 Clai lnr 96 14 74 101 150 83 100 10 on 161 25 63 140 2 72 60 69 117 121 105 43 64 16 66 30 130 63 r.5 29 102 r. 8 43 102 64 138 125 -VST Chant. tt . 4 K "tt 1 i "tt a. i It 1 Odd lots. Total sales to-day, 1,168,100 shares. Same day IBIS, holiday. January 1 to date, 168,241,800. Same period 1916, 142,439,600. GOSSIP OF WALL STREET. 9? 97 28 ' 60 65 121 89 25 53 41 138 18 90 87 122 74 99 162 21 47 148 160 45 120 25 89 63 40 40 380 110 181 126 72 114 118 11S! 42. 43 61 61 H 101 101 108 108 60' 60 19 , 23 60' 60 5014 50 1 1 " 1 1 1 - tt It 2 18 i l i r: ! Canfltettauf lalnenaM, Teatardaysj stock market to a certain extent was an excellent Illustration of the effect of a conflict between the broad fact of the country's prosperity and the uncertainties which are the accompani ments of a Presidential campaign. Prices were carried forward on the current of the one Influence, only to meet profit taking which aet them back sumclcntly to be caught In tho other current This sort of eeeiiaw work continued through out the session, and mado nno man's opinion as to the trend of the market for the rest of the week as ood us an other's. There was little talk of politics on the floor of the oxchutiKO. but tho proximity of tho election wus present to the consclousneys of the traders and In terest In the betting odds was keen. What one trader felt . another acted upon, and this was given as the cau.e of the variegated fortunes of specialty I issue such as International Paper, Cen tral Leather, Cuba Cane Sugar and others, which at one moment were at record top prlcoa and at another several points below. Attention was called to the faot that the real leaders of the mar ket like U. 8. Steel and Readlna. In their steadier movements reflected more nearly the normal poise that spells cau tion In such situations as the present. 1 1 1 tt 71 1 1 1 64' C0 7 103 105',' 3 I 75 7 98 97 27 60 64 128 88 25 53 41 84 r,l 80 80 80 I SO 129'l29 129!l29 40 41 3S 39 115 115 111 11374 S.,1 SO 84; r.r. r.r, n 09 K9. 09 18; 19 75 0 OS 9T 27 60 63 128 88 26 53 41 83 84 J 83 20 20 25l Inquiries In the American market last week wars estimated at more than 125, 000,000 pounds at the highest cost to the seller ever before reported In the history of the trade. In eome Instances demand for nearby delivery la Insistent, but the producers 'practically are unable to meat the needa of the consumer desplt efforts to Increaie rapacity, There la little November copper avail able rind consumers aro unable to obtain much of December. LOW PRICED BONDS GENERALLY HIGHER Foreign Issues in Active De mand, Including: the New British Loan. TOTAL SALES $1,01.1,000 Smelters Strong on Announce ment of Onll for 1'ny mcnt of Gs Saaeeptlble to Jleaur Halds. A prominent Stock Exchange member said yesterdays 'iThe Mock market has reached the stage where tt Is suscepti ble to bear raids and the sooner this fact Is realised by over enthusiastic bulls, tho better It will bo for their pocketbooks. It by no means Is a 0110 sided market, while It Is heavy with ex tended bull accounts." Although farting In mortRig" lnues was somewhat lighter In volume than the nvernge. heavy dally total- of last week, the actual amount of liuRlne transacted In tho Stock Exchange and over tho counter ran Into substantial figures, with further active Interest In the forelpn Issues and a good response to tho offering of the new British loan. American Foreign Securities 5s. Anglo French Pa nnd United Kingdom Es closed frnctlonatly UP, while the City of Paris 6s were fractionally down. Low ami medium priced l.'uy nrstn were festures and genor.illr hlgltcr, with the chief Improvement tn American Writing Pap.r 6s, CMcigo, Book Inland nnd Paelllc refunding 4s r.nd debenture Kb nnd St. Louis and P-tn new bonds Southern P.a.lwi'' general 4s. New York Central tlMienture 0. Lacka wanna ite"l Cs, Er e eonxrrtli'L s and Chesapeake nnd OMo ccmicrt'lili Ss were soin'-n tat raslei. Annoiti. . 'ii. tit was made of the call ing for n.tyt. "tit at in", tin 1 Interest on February I rrti ir ;:i- .met -."an BID AND ASKED PRICES. Wholly on Inaplratlaa. Some follower? of the racetrack pick their horses because the name of the racer may appeal to their fnncy, and they have been known to make money. It now has become known that at least one person, a woman. Is picking her stocks wholly upon the basis of nomen clature. So far her system has twen profitable. Her broker vouches for the truth of her statement that Inspiration Copper went Into her account became It had such an Inspiring name. She took the Issue before It was on a dividend basis and la etUl holding It Likewise eho bought Steel common when It was selling t 55 because Its name repre sented strength. She bought Central Leather becatue she had to pay so much for her shoes nnd because she liked the touch cf lent her. Tlnally. she bought the sugar shares because their names signified swetnesj. She bought for cash and the various Issues, If sold to day, would net her handsome profits, particularly Steel common. Clettnt prlnea of steclia In were no transaction jettrrday: Bld.Asltsd. Acme Tee ipf..... 87 H OS Advltpf.. 8 SJ. AllkNote. 41 4414 AnkNopfN) r-IlVj WfltJ 10!) Allr."ri pf lt) I'Mfi AlltHu pf. '."( IOi)l. Aint'anpflia'i ll.t'i A 'r.v r pi 1 1 7 111) Ainfiul nr. li AfntOpf.loO 103 AtllK.ip' .130 131 AniMalt.. to 11 Amiiurf..l.n 14.-. .insopf..lo tin AmSu pr him 12a AtnTelAC iw OA AmTo),nflOS tin I.. 1 HH .hlch there Kmolter Re.-trt'i- . uhl'li "re stromr feature.! .1 the t-adlng. Th 1 bond, nte roi'V-rf .W 'n'i cf n ttmn i'o,'); I of ih American KiiH'lling nnd ltefinltig fVmp.ui i.f and f that stock V sell ng t more than Hi railing of the miirtgacc practically amounts to en forred conier.lon. Total sales amounted In par valti to $4,941,000. rnmpnted with J2.7OJ.0nfi In Faturdny'a rhotl wi!fn and 54,907,000 a week njro, Quotation op rovcrn- tntnts and oilw if oihr t'lafl.i follow: ,Kvt.s4tl.. :t AwwiDrrO 20 ,wlryO 1 pf 8J Aso Dry (i.l.Snf. 40 HaMIs) pflOcl Bid. Aaksd. LI.MTnh2M !K UcMTpfl24 Io.H-llM. ti HS 1xrtllaril ,223 2.1.1 l-orWdpr '118 121 t.-Nall .1.1lJV 13714 l.winpr. io ro Mitrltny hli f)if do pr . no if r Mantutlih H M.inhat.Kh r, r,7 ito pf. . lit 120 MilrflMlpKAX MayllHiifiOrt 10iU , Metvti, tl o;u , MlrhCen use ,io 1 M .st f A. SS.Mpf.t3.Hf 134 lllll't SSMI.I. 73 7 ' MorAK.i. i NutlllpTli nan 4-runu . rer.. lf: couoon. 1:to . rr . 1V8 !, eojpon. 1SH reg . H5 4.. coutmn IMll tt. Pan . IM 3. ran . " i. n t rjit . vf, . i " ipon ' KAIMtOAI) AND OTIIKK j:OSl). 107 llanvtl 0(11714" 121 nkiyni'it.iai Chanae 1m tha Tiaaea Illustrated. Though the majority of speculators paid not even perfunctory attention to th calling by the American Smelters Securities Company of Its 111, 285, 000 6 per cent. 15 year bonds managers of In aeetment houses and dealers In bonds considered the Incident hs Illustrating n great change In the times. Tj-e com. pny was under Iio obligation to retire the bonds, and, In fact, the convertible privilege attached to them would not have expired until August 1. 1918, ex cept for the decision to call them at 105. Th bond men argue from this circumstance that here wa one big cor poration which was Uflng a large part of Its earnings to pay Its debts, and pre dicted that othera would follow the ex ample of ?tnelters, so that reduced fixed charges and substantial surpluses might protect Investors against the contingen cies of finance after the war. Small RBrrarrln by Mannfactarert. The volume cf commercial paper now outstanding Is mall. Most of the big Hn:nT.-r. S Vj ii;dioir.n, HufllAI' . dsr, llufRI'pf-lllo tliirn.llro.103 HinhTer,.ltn llntterlrk. 27 ' 4'ftrnSn. . .17 Ca.epf... SO itnofNisno nAAT1 13 Ct.lA lt . 1 t 'hA!rf. in 1-MANW.12K ChlNWpfiTn 4'htr&oiin t'hSI'O pri33 I'fCAStl, Ml t'CCSI.lif S3 "clni (if ntx fontf pf 113 t'onln. A.-, frelt'ar 4.1 I'llAmfll 220 CilAHil pflO'l DIAW . 23.-. I).rpf . !'! Dett'li , till nuiH.ttA. ii HlllSApf KlfeNtorll (lt, Ht1e2pf It'J KrleAPtts KnlMAS 1 (IM'llelln.l?.-. IWlllpf 117 "enMn..sori inirte-l ')M flu!fS2 pf . llnnVJ 117 . llar.NJpfllO llari"orp 73 llarforpfllfi lloiemt.Mliin Ir.tNlcpf.lim laO'ipf o Jonena. RS .li-wflTpf.lin .IKjvlpflH If i' P- M AM of 73 IentliM 1S1 ! 711J 100 120 110 111 ! :o KS 14V UH 21 120 171 12') 14D til 4, f,3 114 ns es 2410 112 a.m imtf 120 d! 13 no !f 41,1, 70r 2t 501 I. 'l :i) on nil, tm 121 .'ti II. 1 l to 1.1 111 its S!) 124 112 'i HI 11.1 23 50 12.1c no 7t te) 117 tn Ml 7. .'.O o. t"S 101 lonif 131 :i) a 'i 83 Of 2. 3 1 Sl 0& 28 23 ir.:.!i60 107iI0S 's! 35 67 00 28 25 30 58 01 29 20 lllil.AaUod. Alllanrs Kty.. 7J Am Surety., ,114 A.tor 44J Hunkers. . . . ,471 ItoruLt MIK..JJ1 llroailray, , 141 Ifrooklyn. . ,tM IVntral 71 t nliiinlrln. . . Ill ('i)inmerrlal. lln KinplreTr ,5M r iiuiuiile. f I. ,t r . I'raiil.Un. , . Klillou ,,, l l l'lity .. t,t:.iranty. , llinillton., llml.iin T.. Kliiwi t in, I'l.r M 4) . I t'r . , .J1.1 . . ,aV3 . . .201 .414 144 f,V lilt 1110 :m ,ji :tt 444 :?s 144 CM ml lUll.Akknl. I aw Tt T, . 11 Hi Lincoln ids Manu nta., ,149 Metmrol....42i Mtfte riond.,104 Mut Tof W..IJ1 Nat Pun-ty.. ,27) N VLI.t T..H.-0 New York T. W)0 NVTUIolns.. n I'eopli'S 2S1 Queens 'Jo . , , M lUalty Amo., gt 'Mils IIAT,,(M Union 419 llnbiate.. ,.1I)OT 17 H MAT... 440 PHT41AI.. 5) Westchester.. IM V. llTtt JII74 120 471 ill 111 l Mil 97 liil" 7 4IS lir:o 4W ,M 140 160 Great Northern Paper J.K.Rice, Jr. & Co. I'hona. 4001 to 4010 John. II Wall Ft., X Y, HenryGtaws&Co. 11. 13, 1.1. 17 and 10 IHlOAn ST. .MtiKllir.llN N, Y. tilOCK K.VCIIANftn Storks. Bondi and Inreitment Securlliei l ouht nml sold tin commission. Also turned nn conservative terms. Depoiit Ae tounti received subject to check sit siulit, li'te'est piiid on dally balances. IIKANCU uyFIOKfl fio Firth Ay. o,is Third Ave. 1123 llruaitwar po Warren Ht, W Ualcru Brjuara If 43ourt Bt, Ukjjra. -"Til -'ITS 142'142 111 112 S4i 0 95 20 38 68 112 40 82 110 41 109 72 171 20 r.3 77 10S 80 17 39 :23 02 31) 22 25 17 10(1 227 2D flX Ul'.j 130 112 60 23 O'tf. 16 65 :.3 9 I S4 U 9t 25 37 68 ii m 40 81 111 11 107 1 10H 20i 63 77 107?i 77 17 :isi 221 01 29Tv 22 23 17 M0 220 28 67 93 129K 110 0U 22 221 15 64 63 7 6 lot 6 ..J 101 3 6! 3 3300!.Mssourl Pnclflfi I in 4000 Missouri Pacific ctfs 10 2010 Missouri Pacific w 1 27&i 4001. Missouri Paelllc pf w I... 68 2100 Mo, Kan A Tex 7S .innl.Mo, Knn A Tex pf 20 lO'O Montana Power 97 100 Nnt nisctllt 125 400 Xnt Cloak & Suit 84 1000 .Vat Lend '.. 09 200 Nnt Enamel & Stamp.... 28 MOO .Wvado Con 23N, 1200'N Y Air Itrake 159 2S00..V V Central 108 100 N Y. Chic ft St L 30 lOO'.VTf, Chic & St L 2 pf... 67 400'New York, N II & Hart.. 00 inn1 now York, ont & west.. 29 lOO.Nnrfolk Southern 26 lloo'Nnrfnlk & Western 143 400!Northern Pacific 1100'Oliio P Onn 4001Ont Silver HOOIOivonH Hottlo Co 3400 Pacific Clin II SOOlPncMc Tel A Tel 1900jPfnnByh-unla P.IV .... SdOiPenplPH Can lOOllMilhidPllihiii Co lOOlP. C. i' & St 1 20i)i I'lttHhiirB (oai 922511'lttHliurK rtfs,.. 300 PittsburK Coal pf ctfc, 2060'Presncd Steel Car 8 2no Pulltniin Co , 21 130'J0l!ay Consnl Copper... .' 10001 Hallway Steel Sprint;. . "HlOlllrptlblli. Steel 4 M1"li Iteiiillnu 300SiiN()n 300 Si-aboard Air Line..., 800 Seaboard Air Lino pf. S00 Scars-UoebucU , 140U Slo.M-ShcffIcld 1900 Shattuclt "HOD St L & S V w I . "00 Ht LoiiIh SouthwcHt.., 100 St LoiiIh SouthwcHt pf... o 21ooisoiitli(rn I'acliu: 20 100 South Porto Hlco fiuirur 2000 Sunthern Hy 7iio'Soiitliern Ity pf 4 lOolStainlnril Milling pf..., iu jaiiuii'Miiiieiiaitrr 109 109S 40 8 35 125 10 10 27 58 7 20 97 10 200 700 1100 Stiidi'haker pf .... Stilt Tennessee Copper 120i)ITi'aM Co IO.'iOO 0D0; 1200 700 100 111 84 93 25 37 68 112 40 82 no 41 108 170 20 '12.-1 1 ! R.- 09 I 28 2a 159 108 30 67 00 29 25 113 112 84 0 95 20 37 68 112 40 82 110 42 10K 72 170 ii .-j Ti'Xiih A Pacific Third Avonuo Tobacco Products Tol, St Louis & West....; xoi, m ouia west ous 53 V 64 7Ks 108 78 10 39 223 62 30 22 23 40 1011 221 28 67 94 130 111 67 22 220 14 54 54 7S 108 78 1 39 Oil 62 30 22 23 40 100 21 2S OS 94 131 111 07 23 "JkU. 15 64 64 I 107 39 7 34 125 9 S 26i 60 i 7 19 97 125 81 08 28 23 160 107 30 57 00 a,, 29 25! 142 111 84 6 93 25 37 68 111 40 82 110 39 10S 71 109 20 53 77 100 78 10 38 223 61 29 II 23 40 100 21 2S 07 94 12.1", 111 on 22 -:m i i 54 63 8 85 55 09 108 40 8 35 125 10 9 27 i 67 7 19 97 125 85 08 28 23 150 107 30 67 00 29 25 142 112 81 0 95 20 37 6S IlHi 40 S2 no 41 108 1 109 20 7791 107 78 10 38 223 02 30 22 23 40 100 Ml 28 08 94 129 111 60 22 as 15 54 5J s3 1 ?I 1 1 "i i " -i.i .1. 1 1 H 1 2 2 a4 1 '.4 1 1 U u ni 1 1 3 tt mercantile nnd industrial rnnmrn. nr. , Ien.'!,ll 1 . . . - i ,m nr nnancing inemscivcs uy me ue or . i,, tiyTr .'arninHN, i nere is not tn customary KflllT pf t7 lclllli'(i lot 741$ .11 7il IIH) 10' I EX DIVIDEND TABLE. Ti.-.ln" - American Firs.. Am.tlein Dress -stra American H.l'wuya pf .Mnpuio Mlnlnc nrnrl'lan T I. P ' Oanaila renie nt pf . borrowing for the holiday trade nor In advance of over tho year settlements. Hankers ray that Just as Smelters took aavantsgo of high earnings to pay off nn obligation before maturity, so the majority or merr.nants and manufac turers haver n.ed their earnings to build up bank accounts rather than to pas- dividends that might compel drafts on credit. The policy Is commended by bankers: In ntul out sneeulatnr. nnt. urally are of a different mind regarding I J'.'-ja ;: ; "' llli;iil.l I'millil A Pnrs pf . . . . . aniurifi ei-ri Internntlonnl Taper. ' riee rionrt A- fluire extra . . , ! llllnol. Traction Hosed upon the current lnrre earnings ir.initnlatlnuU I'ow.r nf of ths International TaTii.r PnTnniinv nml Mm.. Oon.ol Mllittiir on the expectation that Its present output 1 J!'.a" ?"K,r, i10.1;'' in i i. .u , ' .: I Mnntri-al 1. It & 1... , 1 1 w , , i i , i n , , iiin uir. jriirnun on Nnrfulk it IVe.lorn if news print contracts for 1917 nt higher , Ontario f tel pf prices thin thosn of 1916, Wall Street es- i 1'aclfio On Kle l.t pi. . . tlmatesthnt the earnings of the company i. "v,r Vsml. e next yesr will nggrega'to much moro . fu'i'iman 'o'. , . . ' . than this year. It therefore argues that ."4ar ltoehuck peopln with Inside Information regarding tho paper buMr.eis had accumulated In ternational Paper shares, which are now selling ninny points above their low points of tho year. In one commission house yesterday It was said that n large amount of the common had benn. taken by a strong pool, the life of which was to 1 American tlrspliiipheni pf. run for the rest of ye year, and It was f,;;,r'nr,17l'r,0, " , . . ... wondered how successful tho pool would (' Hedges' Cs'i he In distributing Its wares at high Conn Ity A- I.t 1 NalKftfp. 9.M ' NatMiiflUU . NaltyMlp do 2nf . n NY'--l.lp7ll I NorfftWpf Sfl i Nialh m. 70 Palmllpr K7 ! I'art'iw.t. Mi rlo Ipr. 70 I do apf . 70 IVTIfcTIti IllM IVttlbAM do Ipf l'( I Al.p I'l'tWAl' l.Hr l'lli.'4tlpfl04W I'rHill'pf IOO PllhUerO 132 Qillck.llrer 2M , iio n f a If TlyMtiappiriO, 101 1 lliailaltif. 43 441, ' do 2Iif 41( 4ei; , lt P-UIPII 1.1 i 114 sl.ASKtml.ia mi S,ut-l:Vpl2.Mi 12 HIIM.'TITI "' , Pol'lficiill.-, ftn,iMlllln.1 Tif.iel.T 131 Tolil-nl pf04 TIIAMp 12 do pf rtA 1 1 4 it. It It 101127 vmniwii lieu, loin, no jr I14j 12.1 t tili'.Mfc 4.1 4') lo pf inn lnr t'nll'Mpflltltj 120 ' t'SliiAlepint mi Il' ho 31 I'eitPvJtl .11 H.i fsitufiipiin no t'tlllMS'. n p 1 Va.fHl'p.lllH 112 ' WestMd P 4S M Westehtp 73 7.1 Wejllfo. SIO In pf . .tl.l'f 124 WAl.Mpf :tlj 4 WthPA-M PO 32 , rlo "A" 01 IfVl ' do "II". .IS I5. Where n "c" followi a etiolation It li"ll en., a bid or otter 1 tor ten atwrei 0') lit 1071 1 Ml 101 1.1 13 1)1 .1. K. Kicc, Jr. & Co. Will Buy- I J0O Del., Luck. A tVr.t.m Coat . on i.uatern xteei I 'mil. 23 l:. M'. HIUs Com, lot) ):. W. 1111". I'M. lOlluliI.elinililt Pellnnlng Cam, Hill II. IV. .lolili-Mshillle Com. 1,1 Ifnrtman Natlimal llauk 21) lai;ers Title At Ini.l .V) Niillonnl I'nel (Is. !iMiew York Mute llta. Cess. r,D Singer Mnniifiirtiirliig 100 TlinniD.nn-Miirrett 4 nm. IU0 Wlni lie.ler Uepeatlnc Arms J. K. Kicc, Jr. & Co. Will Sc 2.1 Amertenn IfaiTnllan A, n. Hi') Kaitrni Mrrl i.t I'M. 2.1 1 reepert Tetus Co. Mlk. Tllftit. to I'rnnUlin InMirntire loiilVdernl Sueur Com. I'M llnlr ,V Klllinrn Com. no lllilillll Micnr I T'I, ,10 Noitli Itller lit.tiranee llm New Vink Mliliiliullillng 711 IVciihontn. Cun.. Cull, 4'em. UN) IteinlnKtiin TrpenrltiT 2nd Tfd, . 2.1 linger .itan'ifiietlirlng 51) U'hOi. Meel A' Onlniinee IOO VeUlieter lire H'e Iistk rcwl markets In I'nllsteil tail ti,rii, Eecuiltlci and KiiHcUully Invito loialtlea J.K.mice,Jr.&Co. l'hon.s 4001 to 4010 John, JO V1 f-t , v r mm Stocks or llOVtlHVMr.NT HON'IW. O". 50. lil t -a. I. . ', tie llrt 7 . A t: 1 .t . v i. ' toiu it i t" i" :v". p h :) '-4 ...i. 1M , ,'. i . . , -0' ' '. .. .1 ' V Bonds may bo purchased through us, in any nmount, cither Outright for rash On Coimervative Marcln or under tli" Partial Payment Plan. Upon request we will send booklet fully explaining th4 method of )tirchaini: ccurl tieH In nny nmount under the . Pnrtiat Payment. Plan. WRITH 1'OK UOOKLirr G-2. 42 Ilroailnay, New mk Member i New York Stock K.tclmnss frl'e.1 Ktr. 1- wlln lMr'jr.1 ft.-O'VI n -t'1 221O.10 loo') . )IK). . 03008 . il"H . 4-tl".') I'l CI ',.. Il. i? o ... i m -"'T'' . .ti -tin's 1MXIO 01. ..nsis ai la iri ,li H von) .. ...i 7 Vr1 t i-oof .OS' 1 1 i tea t miti 7 ' 1 A I'M 20OO T a ill ..OKI AM .nitlJil. 4 lis i.i ..OH l(i'X)l) . ..tin. 'i'' .'li ..IIHU l a ' f 1141 .rierrtrll I'ei ' it ..o:h tooo..ion lmsi .!,.- . .0') i rfi. ..I li I ii l''k-.al4i 3d" w) i t'iO-1 .'IK ' -OH - I: i' - 'li i iru.1 4 .i 2W)i) 711 4 i-" i "lis 2COO.. ..7'Il .ino-i Till. I ltt 4rrrnrn It AmK.irn ( . 4uiO. ..loll, in.") n S.MhIO !)). 1'.' Or. I'.t ' Man a ' )OIH0 II'JI Ir-hi .'lOr-IMlO'l .. Anslo-Frenehti : o, i . .')! '.'"po ., wioiio ,...ti47s I'.ai .VDtii.. v- I' ,,, t ;;i."iii 0-14 rooo t)4i 7H0O ...p ji .iril ; llal'AOMll rH'.lf'i... .Ml i Itoon P.114 tone ....'''.''..'i. r'i it 1 r.' f.f.) '. , 1 no .t (i V Y4 .i4piKi da". li'itiMrva ,'. J. 7irwi . ,os'i 1000 t) IV .'.UK). . I 037v 1 1. ,1 fl . aiooo, . ,tl I 14 . 'i 01 .. I " ovi ...tias .O'l .in 1 lW "1.1 4 li"") 1 t' '',) ....I .'' I' I I, lt)ni .. .t. t 'i :i. ., 1 n 500 ti u I raimi l"i ' b sn.n .. .,ti4 1, m-oo on I'O'HI II41. -atW H-M 7000 11 j JM I'tn II T 4. 1.1000.. -,l)4tl. IIKX1 .7(1 ArtentlneOr v. Iikn Un I'l 111 Irr.K.tNor tt 1 aooij ... 11 1 1 , 'DOS ..I (1 li, ;ikki op ll nf l'an r i. t .1 "as . . Ir t M-r'n. H ' -""O'l ,...UH'4 in .. .PfM ' 1 '.7lj 1 riieo DSN' ' yn .. .no . '.fKlo .07' 2000 ...OKH umo "!'- ftrrr (on 11 ij 1 1 anail. ".1 1. ' -m.) .loy "OOO "IHI( IOO-' .1(1.41" In l'.ipn.ri ', .1" I, - 1 ' , .11 1.1. 1 1 .7 V "I.. .1'l .I'l' i,1'.i" I .lOH '.mill . .. )t, , .us". )' .n . in.tia "him vn) ' ,0t4 1 1 r' I'jrlf; is; lit a (rit tt ' .P1 " ...IIOlj UK.) ,P k -I h.i mi'. '.,,..,, ..11, I'.fr l-A It 11. X. '. i, I, ' Immfanaila la Moo .. .nftij . fi.i a 1 i"l (!. ,4 Ohio ',v. 7 7i, . .." I ' i. Ii'r' . I I1MI '. ir'in tin anon. . .ntiij 71VH) ...t)PI l"i ' 'C'X) ..1 OOV .! mi .limit ii..). .lull Basils it ml .Yrast Co. (3 CLINTON GILBERT 2 Wall St. itl. 411S V". ir hs.m , lorn , .-"..' , I'l. , wi 13, il , H0.1 .1 1 iv. 3000. ..10(1 r Japnne lU.lil ! .17 1 - K Jan n tie- M I . Ori...,l I U 4 I r I '.ty IfT 1 1. i torrio m s ..Pit i ItVM I. .MS!, ..II t,..., 1 , ,,t ..Pili 1'ifjii .no'' ..IHiN lien) ,vrir(!lit ..II HP hi .11 ' ..Dtl'n Klnir. To T or. A i .I,. . trio I. ft I' t.. .''ill ...11 1 -s 1ISM . I f.1 , 'MKKl ...0 I ". . ., ,f J. r ; , lii-i.l lr,v.i .J ook I'll.' - 1 I , v., . .' .inravi loon. StKHH. l'HO Sam November Stand Circular We shall be, pleatnl to jetul a copi cf our Noifir.ber dentral Kji t to investoti on irq'-ie" llii. circular rlccrbe. 1 compr hiuie li't nf Carefully srlr ' municipal, rai'.rovJ ami pi utility corporation bon'!), recoir.ner'l lor itictt.' ifend for Central Circulir 0 Harris, Forbes Go Pins Ctr..l, Crner Wtlllam NEW YORK hk'iki r ir'niiii .0 aoHToSa 1 I ll I! vrt 4. ip.o it7: ioon';;"7fii. (ia ,v 'ai;;,,. it l'wef Meilro J. orrfio .iloj rv 7(iti ,nni'. ( tit.t ilton J'-.. ' no 11 k) .....111' 1 Hli) hi Vs ts nil il (.',), lor.) a.I Lsirlele i t" t 1 , y 1,. u ( ic 1 onmi ,in ,iiiiii) l-lirNiles-BementPonii J.K.iS!2e,Jr.&Co. i iu nhaiinon iirp.r riliannnn Coptier extra .. Mnrlalr Oil ttef houlhern t'al 11,11. on .... (land Pl!vr Lead Mining. Warwick Iron A r'te.l... We.tlnghni.e Air Iliattrj Wednc.ilay Atnerlean Hank Not prices. For Customers anil Others. In one large commission house the question of providing additional spnrn for their customers and many of the blackboard readers who happen In out pf curiosity more than to ileal In stocks Is being seriously considered for tho reason that elbow room Is now nt a premium. Tho house admits that the dolly attend nnro of market followers Includes a sub sliintlnl proportion of men who nre not on Its books ns riiHtoinera, but It main tains that It Is good advertising to per mit ono and all tho privileges of Its of. flcs, nml that If It ran obtain more room tho vlsltorn to the Street who want to se a nmrket In iicllnii from a blackboard, will be ii'ivoniodntnil, evon If the clerks' have In be shoved In far away corners. In the greater number of houses It Is said that never beforo wllhln their recollnt. tlon hiivo thorn been so many people, either with nn actual or n potential In terest tn the market, who wnnt to bo on tho spot to watch the fluctuations In prices. Conn Itv A- I.t pf (iHrtnn W K V, Inn Miami ('pi;r , National lteflnlnc (" Nutlenul H-'1iiIiik Co, eura ... l'eopl Oa. , It It , l' 8tl Car pf Prldny .Vtehlaon Topeka it Puma Fa... tlooilrlcli r. HP I'HCl Pli A Pdy pf V S O I ft I'lpe X Fily pf extra. National Cirlwn pf Yllle At Tomiiu Mfg, extla Monilny PemnaiiH Ltd Hlairlarrl oil ot Indiana Tii'mlay ItloMnn Pulp Paper Itloruan Pulp : l'npiir extra,.,. We.lni'P'liiv -Continental Paper 11 ig pf ... 1". , ...II 00 ; ... :o ; i I . . . I ; ...ll trO ' . a I ...i:.oo ... i ... :sc . . 20r ' , . . . 1 :;: "i ..'.IS. 00 , ... tOa I 1 .. 1 .. 1 .. .11.00 ..ll.f,0 . n. .. 14 .. n. .. m . . .11.75 ... t'i ... 1 .'111,.! cp :i, r 1 1. in'" ....' 1-lj O'l Chi AKKt Ml ' ;n 1 i'l! y (. 1 10011 . ,r lOOrtil 1() l Chi A Hn.llll l NVCIt? v mini) .... H) I'I'll ..I llll'y I I' V .1 I. N i CltTlUi'v; : H1 ...73 200 ) i (147, nn i , 7.! - (..I ,7 i 41. (It S(i M t"",ui ' .7 ""ID ....'I'l'M Chill lANtPsul All 'lid !! I..Cri"A 'lion 1 07-y 2iKm 1 ("i. '.'ii i II rv e ' 1 ,t a; 1 1 , etles A I (i-. l.'iKio .. .H."i I irv)...l oi ', 11 II ( .M 1 ei l' 1 v M)'M ,"7 ('11 Ame-Apr ct vl mvj...l 0 l la ! ' V, 1 -rf t1s. fie o " J J-' 4 MS 41 mo ,0 ' . 1) .' Mt 41 4" 0 tihn rr. I rrtra Val t' : i""i. ..1 'I 1 , I m Fa. 'Do . 1 , 1 - ' . 1 ri ,4- N.n.'i I 1 ., , ' M I . I POO. .(1,1 Vr-iv.vr.if in 1 s V'.ICVT n . MoliATet'.M' ' IOiHI . . I 1. 1 4 "THE NEW YOKK CUFtB rIARKST HI' it lti 1111111 IM a 1.1 IIS pnhMlr-i n lilr icp: fu-htcti t-4, it - with ' j. r i I'Kiu if th 1 u Ii ..'.trki-i i ,'l ..(".I'l "'to 1503. IK 0 .1 Olt'J iH'1) . - 1 1 1 1 Mi' ler 'li" 'v l l .stl'ili j .nt'o 1 DOIj1 44 m IIM'V I...' low ....!!":" ll'Oil... I O'l Clii M , m I' lour Icei'oii, ,mni 4 II' I V.I I IClflr I"IH .Ji):. Vi, par 5. I'll v hn l.ll-, "111OO . .'.iV ' 1 1 'a.' -i 1 i'l ii'iio hs 71H10 . . ii4 i.'in 1..'!.;' 1 f n.''i--'.'.'K llv. ! a ?e"H(i . .'.I li.. . 1 1 4 l''-' .. .11 ft I'" '. t. ' .1 1 1 St (Ii- llliliT.v l. i.iur . ( il . t I I - . .(Wl ! k, 41HO . ..I I III', 1 . o .1 ,. ,,i .1 40' m IIM) id' in, nnl T"llll ll'luo S I I'lH (1VI !".'oin TiMlt. '700') lor on !"lll 70IVIO. Cnrvo .ill' .,4i' ion ii i.'i vin 1 ; , .Mid mini 11 ,'i t.iimwi .11';,) ;ai ....'l.rlj imi'j) .1 I '. ,ll',0.'.l . ..II.M4 VIVKMI . I I J'j 12' 10 Hftlel 1'' 11 I 1 ij rl 1 1 I .ill -I -llirn. Pr I 00 .I'l'-' Northrrnl'vi- lilhl . ,tl In in. :"" ' ,'. 2iviiKi. .ii. 1 .Krvni) .'I'lla.IMiiin. .' I I'J I IIH.I Out Timer 64 I ."ino. '.'oiKi .. ,ti:ii iiiiiu) I m'I.VI '" 1 ! (V.l 21000 nssr .".ikw ,4 h I'run ir I (HI I. Strcnnrth nf Topper, Interests Identified, with the copper In dustry HNsert 1hat tho iiU't'iit hi sltlon of tho melnl Is without precedent and that tho foreign demand has In creased to nn Extent that they are ask ing for an unlimited tonnage covering deliveries from November to February, DIVIDENDS. PUnk nf Itecurl. 11,1.1,111 lll.liil.rl, q. i", .Nor, a WaeliliietOTl-Vlrclll'.U II)',. pf, a a. SH'Tf (1-t. ii llnlteit Onld Mlnlntr, IcDer, 10 1 C. V11 ntile, Nov. la Nov. 1 lec. TO Hays llrthlrlirm llniiiU 1'rolil P. II. A s.mdlcate hended by Umwn Hros. & Co, and Clark, Dodge & Co., together with I". iV. Clirkn ft Co. and K. l,oivber Stokes nf 1,'hllndelphla, 1ms purchiised from th Pennsylvania Hallroad Com pany $16,010,000 lli'thleh.ini Hteet Com pany purrhaso money and Improvement mortgage 6 per cent, twenty year sink ing fund gold bonds, due July, 1936. The bond "sill aooa ba oltered publicly, .III ,K -noii'i. .ii-; 1 00" .t 1 ie,U : up , 1 I I IJ coo. 1 I 1 1 1 s.nin .ill ij.:i2iioii . . II'.' , llH 1 I I78 .Vila) ,.l I" I KHVI 1 1 1 :ri'iie 1 . 'lVNciwirlVrrdA .TULiMOm)!) ...74 .7 It V Air lie e U .7H ' 7(KM... I (14 '.'l'.ll I JOlVH. tllKlOll inivn I'.'l'-lrl. :iooik)...i 1 frno.t, 1 1 '-'i -'ivi'Mi , IO'i, . 1 I 'i ;oii , ' 'Ol'l ..Ilia' .Mil) . ,M'l 1 .1 T-llr, l I CVSlI li':l 4 1 1(1, Il'O'l... .()", ('Ill SOI, M )lMTiri'i .' 1 Mlaianl 4.1I.1.V1 10(10.. .1 IV ' Ml' I .... I tl... t'.OH . . An Urn r n ' "(ion 1 .1 ill) 1 11 10 '( (ni .. .7 '( "an ,. .. 1 4' i ;iki " C.I.IHII . ,H7I' ' -1 1 .( ... I 4 '. , i IrllO .'47-VI Oil! llllllr.-! "1'0,1 . 1 toon .nil' n) . ..H"l... Ctii'tiltj AI. I'.a V 1 ( ..MS ! ; IKHI ,. 1 I) I ,1 '1 .',' 4SI, t or'U'r alls 'li Jle 1 HUM.. 'l.'41 inii'l .,'4KIk ( 'tin it i Ti'i I N 'i i .'IM), '"l. Mil ,',l" . i . i I'l'l.t llu I rv 'il 1 1 mn li ",)4i mini . n-l N rii.i ,,V."i ill' i : (Mm i ' c l'i it t '. t'i ,n i . I 4 .11 I ' .' I 1. I '! .V ?ViO . I (1 1 "' - .',0'hi...1 O I loon ivnna 4'i. ml l.'imi r lao-,) .. 1 (l ,Vi ti'O" OS To I fin. m . l r',i .''. ; i ..on ioi.)0. .. 1 o.l im i.nn. ,i i ll 4':l V "".'.' SSM 4. I' 1 nrlllA-il i 'inon t i.'. IT1'1' .m .'0:w 2iaiil...l ("i , :,nim 7u I'lill Co cv it I m I w .. I1J4 20'VI 71 10IIO ..0!(1ln I, HW cm 44' IlkM .. .O.l r .ini.i .7'' lOO'l... 1 lialj CraillrK boi ( SP f ,-,, . it l in. I . . I (I 4 14 : "I'diD. ., ..P I "I l(H I n " "iN V IVn il li Kia I JC rl' 4,M A X I'"'' ' l'l"'l .114 4, f.,KO . ..1)1! K.lrl. .11 , 1 V ?UI''0"(I .111 Kh' I'm "1 U('!"aii i.( f i I "4 . iHH... I I ,t:H lOOJ.lODU' ICll) . ... f.'Slj .'OOll ,.111 Ill'Stl Kllllli 11 ... I A I ., IP 1 1 t I Iv II ' I 1 ' I s I 'I 1 1 (icn "''O'l. . 2 iron., Illll'l , num., 4(UM Willi 1' 'IIO'I wen. , IIKID. .(I I 1 In hi, AtlanlaKniu A ivn.'n ,.,'11 I North IM li.ui , .'UKil HVl'l . . r-i H 1' VP00. ... K I I AT A SI 't'al 4" s to ' ,j II 11 d vooo I)' (j innoi .mi i ATASP K M 4. Ili'n.KHO rer ji, inon .. .Hit , lamm .7 1 A'i',1 m'i"' c"riit t'o n. . inr.i . .ti 1 '.ti nno,) ,.t 1 lunn ,1)4 '1'. t. .'..i ' to() . .o-ti., icon IIIIKH) .. ,. Uk .T. HPaili 4i ..114 ea .11,1 ,'ifi.., .'l-.'i 11 Hj 4 .Sills .14 d v -I sis s:i a W 1 ,7 4 I, 11 1) 71 , fi-irii St I, nv 4 M M .l.kl kl 1 a) ,P7 1 (idoo MI..V SI' C"l ' '"ill I l CaiiK) .. 1 O'J I aimo (ill f. I"7 naX) so rrt IDc.n ;'.ik) Nn 1 1 'a .1 a lira I 20i't) . .7 7 Ki l.vs.ui Trail fttaicue I .'ono Hill. lrnoo 81II4 ,iwo....,ao HJ PCISI .H I ,, I 1 Ii rv 4. -i. 1 5:'(VK) . K7 VIN) .Hli 470.V) ....HVIj .''KK1. . ..() I HIOl' '.I 1 'I v 'l It. .ill I tono ,r,.i tiviii .is: 1, Ml' I'l .')'.' ..nm i t "K'H . .."1 Hi IV1.4 W rniH omi . .7il '. A V M .v. ' ' .! H'l i . (Ul'l Ill 'SHI ,!lK"s '1O01) ..11 s '1 """"i . ,11 r. tiuuo.;,;,t)7 1174J00.;. ,.ub74 yesNI (r 1 'ii- Atl A Ii" l. 1 nnii 1 , n.iitiHTtK t 1 iii .. 1 11 1 11 1 ai'i.V v ' pom. .in 1 tain . 1 , .1 IVl'lii) . ,.70'a O.i'io. ..1 ' .' 11 h) ,.7 0' j moo ,. 1 o 11,'Hl ,70'i )o Ta. .1'- ' I ami ...70 s 7000 . .s I inoii 7 I "ol'i. sf . 1 '""(I, ,, ,,7 O al r 1 viVi'i - . K'ul 1 ....7 1 INiiitlil'ii'.ir 1 A (-aiiTrnii Id) 1 . ,.'i ' x -r..,i llw I ''lllll . 1 1 I ll'OOil Slll.'ionim I 0 .l ' .ri 1 Iv ... lr f. 4 I I-r ti' -i,"V.r,.i 1111 . '.1 , V.lVM 2()iHlil. 1 1 11HI1 1 '.mil) '-' I. r Kill 2111 IC II' I' III '.nmi r.iam biiWU 1 1 ,H '11. I '.'(Hill .11 I ...Sill . Si.'lilliTIt 111 i'lill 1 IS 1 "mm ,11)1 i'.r) .. I (i , 11' !(. t 1 .Ml ...S'i' a r M DO ,,Oi lit j 1IKH '.'OOH 1 ooyij, , 7i.N ,7tV4l I i9 r ... , . 1 , Ir