Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN,' TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1916. COTTON IS WEAK ON TORPEDOING OF SHIP Lhci'iMiol LIsMcsmicss Also Helps Slump in (lie Now York Market. FKW LKTUPS IX SELLING Low point of S2 Under Satnr 1n.vs Close Uncovers Many Slop Loss Orders. Tun fnctnrji were bsob, of the weak pr-i vt rniicm yeiwrdny Olio wns the lie's nf life In the Liverpool market: the oilier wiii the .sinking of the Hrlt-stenm-ililp Mnrlnii. reported lo Imve hml Americans aboard. The market wm not strong in ntiy limp. Selling started onrly ami continued lute, leaving the market nt the clotio some 30 to 32 points down. It uns characterized an wciili. Liverpool was duo 14 to 15 points down )n ryinpnlhy with Saturday's slump here. ionlder:iblo surprise re Milled when the quotation Hbroud (le illnrd pAHl the expected murk, and on down '13 to S points lower. The last prleoa there were SO to Iff points bohnv Friday's closing, the market having been dosed Snltinlni, Spot cotton In Liver pool nns off 3S points. setiilliiK the price of middling down 3'2 points to 10.52(1. Sales were lo.oflii bales. The oi"iiliiK In New York showed kern ir.poii. to I he llstlcs Liverpool mirkel. l-onjjs In Llvcipool wcie sell ing ninl "oine hedgo selling occurred t'uiimiK-dou houses sold. Spot bruise bought the near and sold the illatiint months. Of mtirM- on all weak spots buying wsves momentarily checked the slumps, but there was none of the HBKiCfslvc bull support noticed last week. At IN lowest December was quoted at H.tO; January nt IX.34, March :it IMS. M.iy at nnd July nt IS. 61. Tliee low levels were touched on the flil news of the torpedoing of the Mil i Inn. Heports began to trickle over tlie tickers later paying that the steamship had attempted lo etoape and that In nil proablllty no International complications would follow. Several bulls then Jumped Into the rlnjf with buying orders, and within u short time the price bad mounted some 10 points from the low mark. I'liees Bt the lowest were more than i" a bale below Saturday's closing. Tills slump uncovered a large number of stop loss orders anil drove out tunny short margin holders. Trade Interests bought on the wide dec'.nlc. Hulls who sold out last week when the maikcl reached Its high point are reported to liave come back Into the market In numbers. Brokers with Southern connections as sert that the spot pi Ices are not follow ing the future quotations down the scale. Cotton In the South Is just about us hard to pick up now ns It was a week ugo despite the gyrations that tlio future quotations bavi gone through In the meantime. There is reliably reported, however, a slackening In demand from the mills, and this may eventually have the effect of bringing out spots that fu ture fluctuations cannot move. The weather was reported clear In the central and western parts of lbs belt, with cloudy conditions In the eastern sections. Temperatures tanged from 4 4 to n degrees. - With tnot icporters es timating the crop bs S.'i per cent, picked, this cotton belt weather has ccated to be a great market factor. Most brokers say that the technical position nf the crop has been greatly strengthened in the last two trading days. The December option, which opened at lS.Sn, m.M an high a IS. SI. declined to ICO) on tho submarine news, but re (overed IT. points and cloed nt IS..".. Practically every other active month followed the mime route. ten Ineraased 4.611.000, compared with an Increase of 10,436.000 n year ago. World's exports for the neck were 1. 700,000 liuih els. compared with 10,414,000 the previous neck ami H.s:,000 lot 5 ear. In the Incut rash market No. 1 durum was quoted at I2.t4't: .-,.. : hard tnter. $:.ot'4: No. I northern tiuliilh. 12.09: No. I northern ManltnlM. :.oii,, nil f. o. h. New York. rflHX Corn main felt tin Influence of pressure of new rrop offers nnd prices nero weak In the fsee of a sharp advance of 7'j lo ',r. In tli Argentine market. Th- movement eo far lias not Increased materially, hut Chicago was looking fur 100 ears nf new oorti In to-dal'" rcifliits mid It flue said that large consignments ere IkIiir made, There wax some cxpo-l liiiiulry, but sales were estimated at onlv 100.000 bushels. The visible supply ehowrd a decrease of I, So), 000 bushels, compared with a decrease of GH.000 last year. In the local cash market No. 2 )elloiv new ;n quoted at fl lUi to arrlva c. I. f. New York. OATS rrlce changes war feverish and while early thtrs was an advance of to tjc. ilnal quotations were to Tic. pel lower under liquidation, prompted large!)- by a decline In corn. The visible Incrtated MOO, 000 bushels, compared with an Increase last year of 40.000. The local cash market was easy; standard quoted nt 3li51.,c: No. white, fSi 59-ic; No. .1 while. 5;'i451e.! No. 4 white,' ST II ,;.'ic! fancy clipped while. llit3c: or dinary clipped white, it'tii 59'c, all ee. x ator. Ill K .Market flrmi No. 2 Western. II SI c. I. f. New- York ll.tRI.I.Y Market study; feeding, 11 f. o. P. New York. ,AyMrll Heady: No. 1. II.0J) No. :, 55c.SH: No, 3. ISiJloe.s ehlpplng, 10c, all new crop. CHICAGO mtCES. Open, irrremner. iw ni,' , Julr cohn- neceiotr. M.f Jul) OATS Iteremlier. May I.Ant) -Ie,i mla'r. Jaimar).., Kills -Jnininr) , I1IIIK llei'inta r. 18. 1-5 January 1 IM'i M to u II 40 nish. IKS 1141, ISP, M'l H'a J I M MS 14..VI 1J. Low, 117 Is,'! "Hi M. ! i.:7 t:.4i Cls, 1S, 140'i 7 Mi. M' US, 4 is. t; Sttnr dar. 1'4 1H'. IK'. M'l M'l MS K!4 M 14.43 li.CO 14.07 14.07 i:.0 3M 14.1: M.ll M.4-. ,f, 14.13 M.M M.4J , M.OI CH.OU :.o l.NTKUIOI! IttXKIl'TS. .. . Wheal. tVrn. Oat. iniiar. . . 3,;:.n s,o)o l.trt,! Last weel ..X'l.'WI 4;0.0HO l.i.,(") Ijiat Jill I.Kt.OOi) 701 (MJ S,07li,0ii0 SKAROA1I1I Cl,KAItA.NCi:3. Flour. Wheat, Corn. Mondaj 14,000 u.qm I.aat wtil 7,( !I7,"I 572.01 lat year. ,.. II.0M 1,6-3,000 1,000 coffeFmabket. PRODUCE MARKETS. ntlAN.x AM) 1'KAH-lterelpts 55 bags lieana, COO liaga pea. Marrow, U1f choice, '00 It"". ti: Lilly Washington. 1'kI., Iff ts. $ 0.;., It; email while, I'al., ISIS. IO.r.l II: red llldne), 1st.',, chiilie, I o.i 1 0.7f, ; fair to gnoil,, red marrow, cliolre, j.;S; linperlnls. limlce, 9.::.H.r.o, Pinks, t'al., clmlie, i; lima, Cal., rhnlee, -' peas. I.lmk eye, L'al., l.'i.f.O: Hintrh, IPIl. rliolcr. ; ";,t , lll'TTKIt llecelpis s 701 parkagea. reiiini-rj, higher eiorlng limn extras, per Mi 5i,'4 r37i-., exirn-i ii;' veorei, a C'., Ilrrla IS9 tu nl acult l, 3lj MSS'tc, Hcolld l3 lo 17 sciir), 33 .1 1 l . Ililrde, 31 vir'sc: creamery.' unaalteil, higher Hi, in cxirae. .17 1, 4.1 He: extrae, H'4 V-l.c; ilrsts, 35U ll.Ho.: aci-onds. SKiSSc; crtHinery. held higher than extra, ll'.c: extras. 3t, tiJSe.i nrsts, 3Uf34Hc; sec units, 33t334c,i ihlrila, f.0iitt3:c.i Hlute dairy, lulu, flneat, 35ii35ic: good to prime, 333l'ic; cotiunnn to fair. !' J:Jicl!..r"no"d. extras, 3:110.: flrats, 3IW 4) 32c: lower grades, 2f, 431c.i Imi tation creamery, ilrata. 31l12r.i ladlei, June mnke. Ilrata. StUSUic.: current make, (1r-,ta, SOU h 31c: seconds, :i2l)4c.: lower gradea, i' 11 ai.ijr , packing stock, current iniilir, .i. j, :9ysi,c; No. :, 2'ic., Inwir gradea. SltSSi I'llKK"!-: -ttecclpt. C67 boe. State, whole milk. Ilaln. early imide. tpeclale. Ih., -I'i'ti'l'ti ; Mterage fancy, sic: freak, iplnri.l., St 1, si i,r . white, ape. tiJls. "I'i(i:i. , colore,!, ave'.ige fancy. -Ic : ttlllt. er.igi f.ilic) sir. ; tnllir, early lnn,. aiieilal... 21 'tc. frh, special', -I'.c, nierac fancy, It. : rlie.Mire. early tliade, speilala, 21 I, SI 21 l.e, , alllde dallle, rancy, 2i,e: nil t)p, iimlersrailee, Is t, O20c.j Ulcnnrlii, wlmlr milk, earlv made, twine, fancy. 2 1 1 21 H r. : freati, twins, fancy, 21 41 21 Uc: ilmiliU Oalslea. 21 'ic; finale daleles, 21 i "if 21 i,c: Young Amer. Icae. 21ii,e.i Htate, aklme, early made, specl.ile. KdU'ii-., current make, specials. !''' chi.lre. t7MJ'e.: ftlr to good. ISU Id'ac : lower gradea, 1H li'ac COTT4INMKKII 4IIL- Market under press, lire of liquidation and at rloas values war 23 to 41 points net lower. Pal, Cl.ano barrels. Selling morrm-iit remlled from lower prices fur both cotton and Urd. On nerline etn t Inns orders were uncovered, lunge of prlcea: ' Kancc i,f prlia- 4.pell. IMgTl. 5pt. ... Nnteir llereiier Jaimari Irtirn'ry Mat. ll , April Ma) . June. . 12 I.. 12. (1 I7.4"i 12..V) 12..i 12.-1 12.47 I2.4S 12.4S 12 M l?.:.t 12.M I2M Low. i2.i.i U.4'1 12 M 12 2i 12 11 12 II 12 21 4'lese. 12.1i 12.47-M 12.SK-C I2.J7-IO 12 33 10 12..1S-.M 12.24-37 I7.3.-. ; 12 TO II ftatur dar. 12.70 12.70 I2.l 1 2. si 12 H7 P.tnic of prli-es. Upril. llltll. ."NCTeinlier IIisi-iiiIht . Is M Isi.iiarr iviimary M.n-li. April. . May. . .Inne. July . Keplrriilr.. 14.70 lMt '.01 14 s: U.7J iii: 1J.07 Low. 14.10 1.3I IS CO it a Clue ivss-in n.S! l(..-,2lt U.4 ( is MB 1S.7J-7S K.74II U.TJ'l Idfilll Satur day 1.i It 14X1 1 k7 11.J7 l! 0: 10.10 11 11 10.1O l.n'el niot maiLrt unlet and ."1 points lower at I4..'-. fur iiilililllnz upland j sales nil; lie. lhen.l i.ll iiaitrsrl. COO Pate. Hiiiilliirn shU inai-Vrt and aaba: New Orliens slcady, 25 p. lower, I4.1J.'. ; 1,110. llotilli' I ...11.1 nsr ( lia rl'-tr,ll Millet, U'lcliarffnl. lt'.fC. 'urinlk iiilri, 34 p. lower. Ho. : 727. AnciMa ateadr, 11 p. Ineer, H..'... : 377 l.lltl" IIcmIi -leaily, uinlianEed, 14. SO--, riallesli.n ipilel. 2i p lower. 14 2V. ; 3,277. Kaiannati iirtniliial. ' 7". H llllilncteii tidr. lo. I.iwir, ! . Memphli tfai. nn liansM. 14 CA'. , I 00). Ibiuleu illll, iliiiliaiureil, H T-'s'. : 1,1st TOUT IILCKIlTf AND .STOCKS, I-i-i List Present After a aomewhat Irtrcular early aesalen Hie market for coffee futures adrancnl yester day on a Mattering demand which seenieil 10 erne partly from trade source and partis Iror.i mminlsslon tnuaca. Sales only 3V,01 bags, hut ofrerlni were llfht and market iloeed at net advance if 4 lo 4 points. Aftir felling at (.49c. early, May contracts rallle.1 in s Mo. and last prlrrs were at practically the Wet of the day. There veaa aome near month ll'luUlitli'ii at the cloning, wlih Aral prices 3 -Miit lower lo 3 lnls higher, and part nf the tiusttiew was In the way of switching from near In late months. Ileoembcr was eschansrd for July at U lnta and for May at 2 paints. Th" heavy clearances reported from Itraill fori l.ns i-wuntry aoi'ounted for aome of the rarly I silllnc, while the weekly flgnrea ahowed con j Untied light shipments 10 Kurcpe, l'ew f reh offers were received In the1 coet and frelshl , marVit. tint It waa said that Mantos 4s wire here at P.2c. lnilon errdlta. Houses with I colton trade connections were again rrcdltil with boring. Laal apot market unchanged, demand being limited, with quotations on the l.aals of S'c. for Itlo 7a. ' Total warenous uellvenrs in unlieu states, last week 1S3.7C1 bsjs. nf which 133,217 were it New York ami 16. Ml at New Orleans. iteceipts ai 1110 unu saiiios last weeK aggro calrd 341.000 bigs, against 41i.. previous wrL, 4M.000 l-it year and SOS.Oisi twu liars afio. Itlo clearaniTS last week 4,000 ba;a, lucludlng 3C.OO 10 Culled States. IS. Wo 10 Kurope and North Africa and 2.000 to Cape. River Plate ami west coast of South America: Samoa clearances 3:1.000 bus. In cluding in United States. .,. 10 Kurope and North Africa and 2.W0 to Cape, ntver Plate tin west coast of South America, Victoria clearances to I'niteil Males 22.000. Itahla reiripts last week .",.100 hags; stock 27.000; rlraranees to fulled Slates nil; to r.uron. j.jsj ami eiewnere I,o. Octol-er.... .Smciuber.. l"vtliber,, Jannary.,.. I'i htuary.., Msnh April .. M) June July iiieiist . . SeptrmlKT,, Cables Itlo unchanged at ft!! for No 4; esoliange unchanged at 12 : receipts. 10,O Lags: stook, 411.000. Santos not quoted for niits. but futures 25 to Co rels lower: re colptB, o.(s: Hook, 2,J5.fJi. rieared from Santos Saturday the llamtnermliiis wlih and Camnepa wiih 45.000 for New Vrk ami the I'ennsylrauU wlih 47.110O for San 1'ian clwo. Itei-eliits st Prsrlllan porta 70,(i-i t.acs, analnsl 77,000 a jear ago and 43,) two jesrs aeni han Paulo, ct.ono. against (i.OOii and il.v): Jundlahy 4l,f against 44.000 and 4V bags respectively, METAL MARKET. Prices- Satur. Upon. Itlgh, Low. Close. Uav. X.20 7.1 ,13 Is.20 2.1 .r. . 1.20 1.27 1.20 H.2S27 X.22 .22:i 4.27 l.M-. ,B . .:'. 1.41 t.ti t.43 44 .:r n.ij :a x i . 1,4s 1. si 1,49 8.11 i-. x.o 1. . . .;.in .:.4 . I 42 l.ii l.M t.UU V.iS X.4rj R.M S.73 74 t.M Monday flalvestiui 17.111 New Orleans,. :,7 Mobile Satanuah , , Charleston ... Wilmlnglim . Norfolk . . Ilaltlmore .... New York. . lloston I'lilllelpbia Various ,. 1.17' l i.r. n4 2S0 wool;, 14.712 17.12.' 21 4 :. ; i.'si .",..Vl " i.l ;-i .'42 n.1.12 year ll.::2 5.221 IC'i c.:;n ?w 2.0.V! ...11.1 :i to.'ll 32.. (e'.l 312.H4 r.iu i:.,w r.i.2.. 1,7,1.1 2.2 lf.-,.27 c.0'", r. 212 w.77a The i-opper market yesterday continue! firm, wiih prices 1111. hanre.l. Some small -les were nnde of November copper at 23 i-ents a pound, and some domestic i-on-sinners hid r3", cents tor larce lota of ife inie delivery. Iaduis prodiiitra are silll H'kiur '. cents fnr tlr-t rniarter metal, .ind 27'i to .T', iiiia lor econd ouarler isipi-er, All months afier July are bell at "7 10 '7L 1 i. An adiane in pros is looked for, jbowetrr, before the end of the week. I DOMESTIC rniCKS. Oct. SO. Oi l 27 Kid. Asked. Mill. Ask-1. 7 00 7 ;a 7.00 1 to spot,, 3.73 10.23 10 (V) Mar,. I" no 9.73 41.S.71J 42.2.-. 41.73 13 00 13 M 1100 .. . ,e3.O0 ".. C300 Totals 4.4-3 .W.r-T 1.21i!73 INTr.lllOll HKCKIITs AND STOCKS. Aujllsla 2.2M 2.1t 13K.24I Memnhls . ..2172, 11.171 17.1l I'l.OW SI latins,,, II o3l Oill 2.C37 r,.2'i Houston .. 23,V Ml.!;-; "l.iaj 1J.M3 LIVKIUDOl. t'AHI.RS "-pot ill good ie. ni-ind; sales, tn.o'o bales; speculation and e;iorl.; Auiernaii. .: Iinpnrts, 2.on); none American Middling upland. l V.M. K11 lures opened ca) al decline nf u;if to noinls; i-lnaid barely sltadv at net ilei lin of 2.1 In :, iiomts Jaiiii'ir.v Kebruar), tool; Martb-April. 10.71'i! Mm Juiie. to 44 ; July Aua-tiat, lO.SS'j. Monchesler Yarns and cloths iiuiet, .Nets llrleuna OMtnii Market. Nr.w iitil.iiANH, Oct. 30 iXittou ttt ttireM ilcillncd throughout the day on beay soiling by American hnldeis of lour 'iwitnioti, This inovcnicnt tecelved luipotu" from pixir cables nroumt tho opening ami Inter by the reported sink ing without warning of a llrl'.ltdi vessel villi AnnrlrniiH aliuinl. At the loweet rtf the day prices were more than ISO a bnln iliiwn. Tho close uas at a net loss of 31 to in points. I'uturcs I tr.e;td srin , rpet, 1: S 1 Sllt, i: S I. STlll. spot ,. lAntlniony ., I lunrtiuni Oulckstlrer . fig iron. No, 1 XF 22.M I'lS Iron, No, 2 XP..St.M Pig Iron, plain. No, 2.21 00 fie Iron. basp. ,, Hess Iron (I'iiisi ...2I.V, lless illes ll'llts) Pel ember. . Jnnuary . . ll.i nh ... May. . .. July High 14 21 u r, l 17 IV 13 is M, Low IT. 40 17 r. 'k 13 14 n IT Closing Hid 17. ill If. 02 IV 2.1 IS Hi IV J4 GRAIN MARKET. IM-irket, quiet. . ,s voro 23 M 2.1 on 21 M 21 W 2:, I. Mm IMarket Arm 22.30 ;i.5 lllrt :1.1m 21 M 10 21 10 (si 42 2'. 13 I.'. if) :i m 22 Ml 21 Ml 2.1 isi .' 4'. WW IMarkel OI.H MKT. M.S. (Cent! .1 round. 1 Copper si.argo Dealera. sTo Consiimera llvy out anil rru,.,"l.rJth2.', no 2Jrtin:.v lliy and wire 2.1 on :s ,V) 2i.;;ifj'..iO f.l and bottoms 2Oisi(20.''0 12 itc to llvy mchy eomh isrsitriooo in.;, i:u :ji Hriss, heaiy i:ori,i-.;.o 11 (vim:, 00 Brass, light 073ollO) 12 0iiii:....i No. 1 cm hr lis LUMIIM 11..V4i13o0 No 1 comb Ijs l.'i.Mn l.;,n lU.MnlTlO laad, heavy o.noti .t;n 1; tiMf 6.2's Tea. lead r,.37fl3M t. 7t'. M3 Ziii". htsp ."iv 4 50 7.37'.jUT.M s"ilees under "large dealera" are those offered by large dealers; prices under "to consumers" are the ordinary market quota tions to consumers. i.onoon rmens. Coble advices received at the New York Metal Exchange icsierday morning quoted puce In lainiton as follows: Copper Oct. 30, .Oct, 27. Siiot 1123 in Pa Futures if.) id, Kleilrolytlo 113 143 sales; Spot, M tons; futures none. Tin Spot 1141 10s fm ,1a Futures 143 v Slrnlts 141 10s IM (a Salts: Spot, M totia; futures, ISO loua. I ad Spot (30 10a (30 10a Futures 23 1'ia W 10s SKller- Spot (33 (a (31 10s Futures r.o i;,s i CHEMICAL STOCKS. II 12 sf UH.'itloiril ftdvaiv e of 1 ., cents hi the ItOiiHrlo wheat unrkil 111 writ n a rise nf r,iv rints In lliieune A r 4 ami ilnriies as low ai 2 t'.TVi.iloy hu.sluls for Alaeutlna'a 1 vpur'alili turplus oaiisi-l fur II, rr llfay li"l)llii; weterda. and prioi-s inodc IH-w hlllh records, (hr I lei r ,u lo pft. slilon in riiliauii eeiiiuc .11 1 1. ::.. In -mill. itiiil1ele It wil- Ihoilcht 1I111I (he Inula wiiuld atirnipt 'o drill (he markei 1,1 2 1,1 fore llii wcik la uul, liut Iradlni; 1 iiiiniilselon bouse, urn apparently In- I line it In te minion iihnut taking Iteay ihsneeN on the huiltiK s,e, I 'otisequcnl y -onto hljn iii'irgtii ciIIn i ere Issued and 11 too. I nlntiy I.l sc upeiators wero dlsposo.l In sell on the theur) thru the iccriiil.-iil pn. sitioii ltd t.riiune p-orjrlous rurllier 'iiurc tin reports of suhiniiriue ai'lbjil, aus-'d ienoi,. uuenelnies end js-Icom .rol,e lapidb I11I1 under heinv sr Ulnar, .lop boa orders ir. nitoourrd, and at i, I. no the was down 4'. in ' fioni slit 1. mi i:puilels agulu M'llgb Hi. 1,1. a .;,!. B luiinialoil 1 al,oi 1 '!'.. 1 ni hi I 1. ! this .1,1.1,1 II null l.i l.i, . nn.or 11,1 lhl .l.niali.l Mir tiia rk 1 Mn-d rnpl.ll .,1 iho ih.." Pi ii es i;.. r, ,, 1, nn irrmular, iiicIiib lioni ' 1.. in hUlnr In i.,r lis lslhli in I III' I'nltid Slntea ,h,';"rrt"11 -111 lllllel.,...,f -JO:.! ,, " l," 'isiuiv m .orm Aiuer- Amrrlian Oanamld Ainerhan r')anamtd pf lit -liOdlli'lN I'oke I'aei'ln t'o nf Ameiloa liallsou liminicai I low 1 ' 1 1 11 1 1 . .1 1 lion rlieinlral pf Lleotro Itleai plug ,, , l'edsral I'henitoal IVderat riiniloal pf rreep.irt TeK.ia sulphur lirasselll I'lieiuical liarilsiiu llios Harrison Hros pf Honker llleoim tiiemtral, , . , Hooker llleetro ilhem pf,,,, Keimiiky Holvay Mathesnn Alkali Matlieson Alkali pf .Mcrliuiic 1'heinh-al Miilford Co. II K Mutual Cheiulo'il .Niagara Alkali pf I'olill Salt Mfn I 0 Ilul III liiepili al ItriMlli I'heinli'al pf Sini.( Solvu)- I'o smith Agricultural Chainleal Mdiav I'roiess,, ,,,, , t Kmti.liir.l I'heuilcal t'nlnn Siilpbur United IJyewood United Ujcwood pf,,,, Hid, . 20 , 37 .113 , 34 . 1.". ,21.i . 00 .200 .213 .14.1 . 33 , 10 . .2.10 , 5 .100 ,123 . 1.0 .130 .100 313 '.123 ..too 11 ton ..100 . . Askad, .14 111 143 4.1 47 3uu mi s.'.o . 1"7 4 21 233 I HO 100 tin 110 1 31 r.3 nil 100 30 too .12-1 173 310 110 12.7.1 i2.:o I2.) lAilis tteoelpls. 7.332 cases, Fresh gathered, extra line, per doaen, .19 a 10c . extra urstf, J7n3sc; ilrsts, 3 4 4iisv.; fi finds. 31 'a 33c; thirds nnd poortr. 2stt)7,0c., dlrtlra ,o, 1, 2ii30c; .S'u. 2 nnd poorer, 27lf2'1e. . clier,. good to choice, dry. 2sir:vi1c: undergrade-, smil'sc: te frlgerntnr special matlis. fancy, etoruge and Insumnca paid, 31c. i nrsts, 31 '4n .ll'ec; se.nnds, 30o?3lo.; loer grades. 23ii2a,jc.i dirties. 2i'ii24c; refrigerator. Slate whites, 33tr3Ji Mate, rtunsilxanla and nearby Western, hennery whites. One to fancy, 314; 45c: tirdlnury to good, 404J 37c: gathered whiles, ordinary to fine, SSHasc,; Western an I Southern, gathered whiles, .UK I Sc.; Stn I'enns) Ivanla und neurh) hennery browns, 43'u 30c,; gathered brown and mixed colors, 3t?40c, I IAIl'll AND MMI Prlcea In wood: Spring pstents. 9.t,3i 0.90. spring clears. ls.e,3tl 1.S0. winter patenle. IS.VOrfO.Hi winter straights. 14. Jit . 70; extra No. 1 winters. 17,3ti 7.10; extra No. 2 winters. 1C.03U7.I3, Kansas straights. J,:31IV.S3. fancy spring "ateiita. Jotditng lota, I10U 10.51. live Flour lifln; fair lo good. 17.7341 .4: choice to fancy. 141.25. Corn Meal Stead) : kiln dried. S5.I0. nag Meal Steady; flne while und yellow, 12.40. coarse, I2.1S. Fetd- Clty tlrm: bran, bulk, 130.60; 100 Ih. sicks. 132.30; heavy middlings do., I3S 30; Hour middlings do.. 110; red dog Hour. 110 Ih. sacks. 112. Weetern steady, bran. 100 Ih. racks, 110.40 t 31.50; standard middlings do.. 134.10 flour middlings do.. 137. red dog flour, 140 lb. sacks. 140. MU'lTs. IIRIKIV Arrt.ns Cvapnrateil. old, fancy, lb, 7s,4e.; rhiilre. 7i,y7i,c; prime, . 117c. UASI'lII'.KIttF.S l.ti.. ITif ii3c nt;civi.i:ui:iti:ii:s- taiinc. ciinn- ltlKS13.41 ISc. AI'ltlCUTS - California. Moorparll. Ih. Iimill'ir.; Itoval, 144l 1 Sc. I'KACIIliS I'ullforiila. peeled, lb. i.iiiiiic: impieieii, 7ii'.c riti'Nns California, 70s to 20s, 25 lb. boxer, lb., Q 11'. c. FKI'ITS, rnn-!! APri.LS, Jonathan, bid., I2H5 Snow, bhl II. 73 VI; Alexander, bid.. II.7SM3 7J. York Imperial, l id . 11.75 H3.30: Woll Itller. Iihl . II 734 4; Mcintosh, bid.. 12)15.25, Vlrglnli, mixed sorts, 11,73 i3: Tallman Sweet, hhl.. It 2.HI3 Pound Sweet. I.hl., 11 :5'l2.30; llu.hess, bid., Jt.73 i 1: iir.ncrisieln. bbl . It 7 5 1.1 4; Maiden's Hlll-ll, bid, I.75l3 5n. 1oitthy ti'al.. I2P 4, I'a.l Pippin. Iibl., II.75UI. Holland 1'lp pin. bid. 4I.751H: York lirpln. hhl. It ,0 U3.75 Ci.illlug. bid. 11.30413; I'ulbert. bbl. 11.3011 7,75, Twentv lluni'". bid, II.T5S,1, Ulnc. bbl. II.75H 4; Wine.ap. bbl.. I3.73l 3. Ililbliarilsoii. Id. I.. 11.251)3. liano, hhl. II 234.1; Hen Halls, bbl.. 11.234(27. tlald. win. bid.. II .'5U2..-.0, lire tltl.c. bid., M!'. 41.50. llelbloiis, far Western, box, ;u J 73. Winter Italian.!, far Wesiorn. bov. It .".Oil 2 3o irarnsieln. far Western, box II 5 i Jonathan, fir Western, bos, 11. '.o ',?25. Spltenlierir. fir Wertern, box, Jl 75 4 . 7a. Ma) Iliad Inesap, far Western, bo 41 5041 2: Itoiiio Itoautv. far Western bov 11 30i2 5O; King, far Western, box. II .'.Hi 1.75, (Irlniea liolden. far Westrrn. tiov. II : 12 litAllAlii.lTS -Slllll'. Mil. I57 large. I. '.I.. 1311 4 50 I'KAlts llsr'.lelt, Iibl., 13 II H No, .', bid.. Ij::,3 2 73. !k 75.-.Yi 30. tier keg. Ilul 30. ,-ke. bbl. Mile. 50, per Iter I1.'0tl2 lieurro I'lalr genu. bid.. I: :ti' lleurr Hoie, bbl. 131 2. Ileurre H AnJ.iii, bbl. I..:,4 4r4, Webster, bid. 12 30 (1 I .I). Hurt 'l. ltd. 12.013 laiwreuie. bid. I3i3.'i0; coiuuiou sorts, bbl . 11 30 . 2 -.0 bk. 30i- 1 It 25. I r.iule bbl . 121 S, Kleller. bid . II 5U(2. IJt'lVrl'.S Hid., Il4i 5 Ink. Iir,nl7., I'lTAl'lll'.S M lie, bushel bsk ; 11 ..'.; Slate, ,. imil'ii. I'1.l'ls- S' lie. Koine rlaliile. . lb. bk 3"i 0c ; S ate, llitnson, V lb bk , 25300 ; . green, lui-bet bsk., !2 25l 2 71 l'ltl MIS- .Mate, large, v 11, iek , 10 sj.'.ie.; small, v Mi I. k.,.1oi I", bu-h bl(! I? juu 2ii. I'll..- -California, per bk. of Vi ilo:eii. I".' Vlrcilila. 1 1 . T'll.'o llltAli:1- lielaaare. .late. 7 in 1 1.25 . Nl acar.l. irate, TjC ll, ( 'olioard. orate. 7ao till; I'elriarr. 4 lb h'k IJ1V.-, Mas ara. I lb bsk.. I S 12. . blail.. 4 lb b- . !.'ll?e k lb. bsk. .iii2..i wbpe. 11 in lik . 5ni',ft. .: red, 'it !li li.k . -.0 i ,",o . black, .' lb. bsk.. 0 S". '. I e.i w 1 re. In tray., ton. linn loo. while. In irn)- ton I504 5.'., 1 I111011, In trai. Ion, V',',i9(i I'onoord. In traye, tun, I.,.', u e,;.o nt.W. lli:illll I2S 1 'ape 1 V,d, liti -oris, bid i.r v; Capo Cod, eallv Ida. k. b.d . 3,t. .0 Cape end, or.ite. J1..n,ii7;. iere. per si in. lard rale, 1150.! 1.71 . lit A W lllilt -ItlKS- California, pint. 21 33o. AViiCAIiiJ I'KAKS- I'iorldi. du.en 3lsi2; Cubin, l,. I. ln;. IIIIANUKS .lain. il .-a. I1.1v. Il.T.'cl 2 71, I'.irto Itlci. bov. l...i(.1 California, box, 12,(7 SATSC.M S liorlda, half bov, 11 iti, 1 vo. ; 1 1 a 1 1 ; 1 -1 1 1 -1 r- riori.ia, imv IJ.l.'. 71 San l'e,ri. l2'5, Ciltuill, bov, 1 l V Isle of lino . box, $21 4 1-. I'oriu lllfo bnv, I; : .', 1 5 .'.a , Nassau, buv. 124. la lliali l. buv. IJd I 3k, .,;MHN Callfnr lila. box. tlsi T. Imported, boj, 1213 ; I. 1 M II- ll'itnlnli ii. bid . 30 5. o-n UH il IJipi MlllaiNS Criloniibi orate. I212 73 CVSAHA .Ml.l.nSS 1 alirorula. crate. II .a U2J.I CITItuN M i:i.t.N. Near b . bid. Slut 25. II.W AMI STIt.MV "t,rr bited 11111 nth, prllin-. per Inn $.'0. No 1. l0'i I'.i No. 3 lii No. 2. I U 11 IV, ehlppliiK J I 50 11 no grade bav I'l'dll, falio 'Ight clover, mined, i". '1 I T 50, No, 1 .loier 111I111I 1151 1,, lower grade cloier, mived. Itii 11 13, No, I I'lnver. Ilatill; clover, lower grades. IMl 13 It) e straw. No I. tl2.5ijll1. N'.i. 2, 113, Smnll bales about 11 under largo. Illll'.s Stale, 1316 choice, lb, ESfi 5Sc : inedliiiu to prime, I7nr.2i-,: IM5. ninimnti tu prime, iiviTc; I'aclilc coast 191. choice, lb 17 IVc; ciitiunon in prime. I.' nine, 115. ihnlc", 1 3 41 1 1 c ; medium to prime, !0il2c,, Slate and Pad lie mast, nl, I old'. 54i0i MOI.AssKs AN II SHUTS.. N ew Or letma centrifugal, oomninti, .'2'(i23c. . fair. 25ii24o.. good, f.2'il.1vo; prllllo, 34i4lc, New irlenns open keiile, 4114300 ; black sir. ip, 17','iflfie, Sirups, common. t7'Q 22'iC . medium, :il2Cc , f nicy, 24 4 4.I1 N.M Al. ST4Hi;s- Spirits turpenilne. inarhlne. bids,, 47 Tar -lielort nud kiln. 17 3 7,50. Hosiu-.Cuinnion lo good, strained, tii 15: 11. nnd I), la.;.0; 1!, i;,53. I-', 11, il,75; 11. 1 .;.?. 1, in. 45. i;. i. SO. M, it,95; N. 17: Wit, 17.15, and WW, 17 '.5, IMI.S -Stninlaiil white petrnleiitn, bids, New Ymk and liill nlelplila, .3S, bulk, II. 50; oases. $10.75 Water while. l.l.U . New Ymk and Philadelphia. 1,1 35- bulk, 13.50, $11 7. 1. nil cliv riporlx' Ciodli balaiiira, I..1.0. runs, 0i,:i4ii bids, ivenige, v(.02l. S!ilini-nls. 47.MO; bmt- UI-, ,".0 110. Llliseeil I l NY. stern, VS V'JC ; ell, v.i.i'i'io . 1 nloiilin nil. $1 o-.. I'lMATIUis, bid ur bug, IT, .1 bulk 140 lbs, I.. i 5 7.1, Maine, bulk, I s ') lbs.. 5 11 ICr, ll, big, ll.v.'iui '. State, bulk, I vil lbs., $l,l.',si 5; .lrrey long, Iho lb. bag,, $4 50, il. 75; round, l5 lb. bag, $1, Jail J. Sweets Southern, bid.. Il.73'u3: bsk,. 75o.Hi II 10; Jersey, k $1 '11 I 3,i; Jcrtc), dmilile head, bbl,, $2,731 3.50. Fill I.TIIY, llltr.sSKli -TUttlCI'.YP Drv Picked: Spring dry picked, broiling, 2's S lbs. eicb, II,.. 30o,; !l lbs. 2Sc; aprlng, .Mioblgau, si'ildeil, 0 1b, nnd ner, 2i'.i., spring, other Uestcru, li lbs. nn.l m er, 23o ; r. 7 lbs,, ss-Sao , springs, poor, 204 jjc: old hens drv pl.'ked, ,100 nbl innia, dry pblied. .".t'o.. (allied, 274l 20o. CllllivCNS -I'resli, drv nai l.ed 1; to box: Western, milk fed. 17 lbs tu dozen and under. Ib 32c IS ? t lbs., 31c ; 23 30 lbs.. ;lo,j 31 31; lbs 2Hi' . 37 l; lb 2c 13 17 bs nil j 4V lbs, 27o si lbs, and over, 2Sc ; Weal crn, ml'k fed, si'iuiid grade nli sifeM, j less Ihali llliute pries, depending on qual It) flesh, bids, milk foil, dry packed, Western, dr; picked, 3 lbs, euii, sic, ; 31, lbs. each. 2Cc ; I lbs, and over, 27c,; ooril fed, 17 lbs. In iloxen nnd under, lb, 50c,; 11 24 Iba., :9c.; 25.30 lbs.. 26e.; 31.30 lbs.. 24c; 17.42 lbs., 24c; 43.47 lus :4c! $300,000,000 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Dated November 1, 1919 5Vz SECURED LOAN GOLD NOTES lntert$t payable May 1 and November 1 $150,000,000 Three-Tear Notes due November 1, 1919 $150,000,000 Five -Wear Notes due November 1, 1921 DIRECT OBLIGATIONS OF TEE GOVERNMENT Principal and interest payable in United State gold coin, at the office of. J. P. Morgan & Co., or, at the option of the holder, in London in sterling at the fixed rate of $4.86Vi to the pound. Principal and interest payable without deduction for any British taxes, present or future, y Cokmh NUm tf $1,000. $8,000 mmd $19,000 "Redeemable at the option of 'the Government, in whole or in part, on thirty (30) days notice, as follows: From November 1, 1916 to October 31. 1917 inclusive 31, 1918 " 31, 1919 " 31, 1920 m 31, 1921 m 1, 1917 m 1, 1918 1, 1919 1, 1920 Three-Tmr Nett 103 and interest 102 and interest 101 mud interest Fbt-Tsmr Notes 105 and interest 104 and interest 103 and interest 102 and interest 101 and interest To bt secured by fledge with Guaranty Trust Company of New York, under a pledge agreement executed by the Government, of securities approved by . Morgan 6- Co., of an aggregate value of not less than $6o,vXO,cjoo, calculated on the basis of then prevailing market prices, sterling securities being valued in dollars at the prevailing rate of exchange, vis.: Group . Stock, bonds and or othtr steurltits of American corporation including th Cmadimn Paeltc Railwaa Comoanu) and bond and lor othtr obligation (either a maker or aumrantor) of the Government of the Dominion of Canada, the Colony of Newfoundland, and or province of the Dominion of Canada, andor Canadian municlpalttie: Aggregate value net let than $180,000,000 (Of th foregoing there will be eomewhat over $100,000,000 In acmwmte value of eecmritit of corporations of the United State and of th Canadian PacHic Railway Ceenpang.) Group 17. Bond and or other obligation (either a maker or guarantor) of anm or all of th veral following Government, to wit: Commonwealth of Australia, Union of South Africa, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Japan, Egypt, and India, and or approximately $25,000,000 value in bond or othtr obligation of dividend - paying British railway companleti Aggregate value not leu than $180,000,000 Total $360,000,000 Pending the arrival and deposit of definitive securities as above, the Government is to deposit temporarily with the Trust Company either approved New York Stock Exchange collateral or cash. If the pledged securities depreciate in value, the Government is to deposit additional securities to maintain the 2096 margin. The Government is to reserve the right from time to time to sell for cash any of the pledged securitic:, the proceeds of sale to be applied to the retirement of notes by purchase or by redemption by lot. Upon the retirement of the three-year notes, a proportionate amount of the collateral may be withdrawn approxi mately ratably from) (each class. The Government also from time to time may make substitutions of securities, but such substitutions are not to vary the then relative amounts in value of the groups. All substitutions, withdrawals and valuations of securities are to be approved by J. P. Morgan & Co. This offering is made subject to the approval by our Counsel of necessary formalities. WE OFFER THE ABOVE NOTES FOR SUBSCRIPTION AS FOLLOWS: The Three Year Notes at 99y4 and interest, yielding over 5. 75 per cent. The Fi v e- Year Notes at 9&2 and interest, yielding about 5.85 per cent. Subscription books tcill be opened at the office of J. P. Morgan SesCo., at 10 o'clock, A.M., October 31, 1916, and will be closed at 10 o'clock, A.M., November 8. 1916, or earlier, in their discretion. THE RIGHT IS RliSliRMD TO REJECT 'ANY AND ALL APPLICATIONS, AND ALSO, IN ANY EVENT, TO AH' ARB A SMALLER AMOUNT THAN APPLIED FOR. AMOUNTS DUE ON ALLOTMENTS WILL BE PAYABLE AT THE OFFICE OF J. P. MORGAN & CO., IN NEW YORK FUSDS TO 'I HEIR ORDER. AND THE DATE OF PAYMENT WILL BE GIVEN -IN THE NOTICES OF ALLOTMENT. Temporary certificates ziill be delivered pending the engraving of the definitive notes. FIRS! NATIONAL BANK Sew York City BROWN BROTHERS & CO. KIDDER, PEABODY & CO. KISSEL, KINNICUTT & CO. J. P. MORGAN & CO. HARRIS, FORBES & CO. J. & W. SELIGMAN & CO. LAZARD FRERES NATIONAL CITY COMPANY New York Ctty "as. WM. A. READ & CO. LEE, HIGGINSON & CO. WHITE, WELD & CO. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY of New York BANKERS TRUST COMPANY , FARMERS LOAN & TRUST COMPANY New York City . Aw YoTk aty CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY OF ILLINOIS UNION TRUSI COMPANY l'hica0" Pittsburgh CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, Chicago MARINE NATIONAL BANK FIRST & OLD DETROIT NATIONAL BANK uflato Detroit Xew York, October SO, 19 1G. i 14 lbs, ;.-,o , CO lbs. and oier, 56c; fresh, bids, bed. nenrbv, miinh, 11', lbs. each, pair, .". 1 11 -too. , under I lb each, I5n lie . Philadelphia, milk fed, mixed welghla, 2i2b. I'onneylvnnlu, milk fed. mixed I weights, 234) 23o,; I'enns) Ivanla, milk fed. 1 medium sires, iMf22c.. Virginia, milk ted i bliillers, 57r , Yliglnla, milk fed, mixed urlghta, 26c ; We item, dry picked, milk i fed. .1 I Ilia, in pair, 2ii1i 27c; 7 lbs, to pair, 22c ; H lbs, and over tu pair, 22c,; i, c, lb.. in pal-, si,.,, mixed weights, 22c. corn fed, 'I I lb, lo pair. 24c, 7 lbs. to pair, 21c, e lbs. anil over to pall, 21'yc.; 5 0 lbs. to pair. 20f20tie ; weights, 21c ; Suiilliern, dry picked, mixed weight., pisj IH'ic. uorllieru (Jlil. and MMilk.iu, m ilil ed. 7 lln. to pair. ;'lc , v lb., hii. I oier tu pair, 21 He.: northern Ohio and Michigan, eoahlcil. broilers, 52c, mixed weights, I'lie . other Western, ei-ahled, broilers, 22c; mlved weights, 15 'u i:ii,r,; Southern, sinbl ed, mixed weights, I', Sil?,' Western n id Sunt lii rn. dr) picked ur scalded small, cnminniid and culls, 171,1171,1. I'nwi.s Fresh, ,r) packed, null; fed, 12 to box. Western, 41-sO lbs. and over In doieo. drv picked, 22'v II 231, o,, 50 47 Ibr 191J2IC,; tinder So I Inf., lo, fresh, drv p.vkoj, corn fed. 12 to bov, Wevieru, 44.HO lbs, nnd over to doren. ,ir) nicked, 22'u2;io ; SC 17 tb I91f2n'c, .10 ll.i lbs and under, ITqiM'i dr) picked, bids., Hl'ic; scalded, 15', c; fresh, lible., Iced, Western, northerly, dry picked, 5 lbs, and over, 21 ',c ; 4', lbs., 21c; 4 lb.., 20'vc : 3'j lbs,, 7Hc: under 3 lbs.. 1f Iti'io.; Southern and Southwestern, large, 20iac , small, imiini,c: northern olil.i ami Michigan, aiatded, large, 20iic.; email, I7'e,: oilier Western, scalded, large, :oo ; small. I 'lii IS 'jo. , old cocks, dty picked, I tie, scalded, Ike. Ilfl'KS -Long l-land. fresh ilui'kllngs. lb., 2(c; Mkhlgmi, 1 holco, lOft.'Oo : other Western. 1 Indoe, I so, : West em, poor to medium. 14Ci ICc, sQl'AHs -Prime, white, il lo lha. and oier to doren, per doien, ' .1 1 1 5.10; culls. 50c,4l1, HUINF.AS- Spring. 3.4 lbs to pair, per pair. ll.S0rji.73; 2 Iba. to pair, per pair. i5e,'f 11, rilUl.TKY. I.I VIC Twenty freight ears reported on tracks, slxtasn unloaded, Fair Ml ' 23 . I. . bogs 1 .i ,1 .Ii-. 13 demand fur hrn.i funis and -inn', .iil.'k tie, but poor to ui.mIIuiii fowls and largo ehiikrm .oalinuo tu il'i? lloei'lpii. fur w.rk fur inifce, wlMi 1 J 1. ui'Ulr eirr, now ll-t"d III arrive Cipio-e p.-ulliv -' Int. s.uw t) .11 eauie irl.o- as .11 wtek litlH lIIIN Pork iin-etilo., mi" $11 I.I2, laillll). t.113l. -In. I I cloar. tjv 3d l.n. IP of iin-i ttlcil moi. f j family l.'.'.ru.-i. in: n.i.k. 1. $': 1 Ira India Inosr.. 1.1V 11 III jin toad) . b.lious tax,, . I vn I'," lb.., Hi . tia lb.. II', c: pigs, lis,, till moite I'lol. I'd b lllo MUloi. to lb., 111 . 12 lbs , Ho. I I lb.., ti.o I'loklid hams steady, l;i.j,lv. Tallow iiulel ' spo. In! tli . ,i), ini,, , oolittlrv spo, bit, lo'i'illo. l.'ii.l ilrm mi. '.II- Wist, 7 11 17.10, It- la , I i. ii.l . . 17. . rcllued laid I lll'lll I'mill II!,:. .....ill. A,,,., I... I $v; Hraul k" (''. Cunipiiunil etc. nil' 1 I'. , I, , Oil l I III Ml 111) , 1 1: bird si. arliu. I ; I ; i... It A II 41 1 l.s 1 inli ktnall ecatlerlng oiiinuii 11, mm. us arming iieiu iini , 110,1 1 iiinuilail, pilule per pitr. Jai k. primr poi pan It : ,. Ill 11" I'oitiesllo e, ic. nlngs 1 n 3 , 0 ; tib'illllln, 1','; . load. I', a,'.. ; lain 1 jlnii'l. 5it',i ixlra (ami 5". u ,',ijo , I Jupalt. 1.c, blue ruso 4 ', 1,1 l',o M4,.lt I I'TI ItK Market uulef; bust , ness of enCill luliiuic I. Pile eaulop fruc III spul mused exchange marlc I to 1,0 i( 1 walling nflalr. ('lore d 11 11 huuged to Ideillno l.f V points, llllh hales I.VU'I toll". liaugo 111 prices i: lots III. I. 4 0c . Satur Open lllgli lam Close ,al IMobor 5 M 53 f. .in .Soteiuhcr... 4.! fi r, 1: Id ii Hilar .. 6 20 f. 2-.' 5 17 T. 17 IS 5 22 (Hllilar.l. ... 1 lii 4 Ht C.1 4 -VI 1 'l 4 la. I'rbriiaiy ... 4": 131 4 It 4 S! ill 4 11 Man II, . I .11 4 3! 4 1 4 1)1 II 4 "a April, , . , 4 111 .-1 4 ."v .May 4 41 4 11 111 1 27 ;n 4,1.1 June. ,,,,,, . . , 4.40 42 4 47 July 4 47 4 17 4 IT 4 41-11 4.10 tllgtlst , 4.M 4.50 4 5.) 4 4 IV IM Iteptcmber,, 4 it M 4 17 , Ht'O.VB HAW Market ailer and prlcea ',c loner. 1 osnig nt 5'jc. for Cubas in.i mill freight iiual 1 .ri2c. for centrifugal nil. I -1;..., fin inolassi... Sales nf pi una baa- 1.. I'blludi Ipin 1 reiinrr nt 5',c out I .-l I r. IX IM I'll' III .1..,' II., Ill relltier- py- ha 1 li (inn bags Cubas nl i',.. oot and f 1 .-lis 1. 1. -t I. lt, It i:i 'I N I : I . Cr.i.tal domino tab- b'- 111-1- 2 lb, uir'.ills, lliuf ur full sl.e table's nit .In. ,11.0 a 5 lb. carton lull slo in bi i 111 .n,- and ln.i'.n, In liulf .a-i's.,b' 'itblet-, :i,5ilc. nil loaf. 4 i;5,., ,lilsll,d v ,,il. , mould 4, , ubea and K.lK'e 5 lb. b.lKe poiiderf il, V,. ,.. pun dorcd, T.i.'.i. p.iMiiotid nnd iiiai... pun dorcd, ; i.iii r r iilt p.iulret. 7, 5no. , iiominu grin ubito.l - as, s J, S'j ami .'. lb, iiiitiui. i.vOi-., an, I Iii half .. i-., , i; iclis innft, 'bin ii-' I, 1 vo, ., U.icle ooniaa giiu. nl.ilo.l. T ov'ia Hue ,,.iii., Ilul" 1. .1', mid lb i.irluiis tlno ci n mi ' 7.KI, . 1 lb. I. af... line, ur I It ill it I ...I md .. I . i.iKe .In ; in lu m ks anil 7 inn In I.I.I I!', .b. bug. do . T 'mi . Ill lb. Ii.ii;-. du . ' ." In so. and ', siii- in 1,1,1... .',', mi. I ,il lb bag, do. T ilii. . Moo. hint glan ulat'il , ,i. . tin. grniiuhi .d ninl diamond T.'iO . i. oufr ,. iiincr. A, 7 inc.. So. 1, i -so ;.uio . ,o. ;i. , ;.5o, . No. 4. a. i.l'i. Nu, . 7, ll'o. , Nil. 7, v, 7c , No 0, k .j;,o , Xo, 10, II,. .Nil, 15, i.,V0c, X,,,, 1 . it. ;,-,e MISCLI,LNK0l'.s allfornli, , liven I5'.ii. 'ii' . . No, 7.0 ... No i. III.' . No, 13 II und 4 111. 111 . Mil, ASP. Ml 1II S A It 1 IK IK i;s I'a fm 11 In 'i ur 1. ,11,1m 40 I2. box 4.,4it ipoirh) Jerusalem, bid., 1.1 11'. Illtrt-sr.l.S Sl'ltlll TSSiate. ,,t., K l lie . I,. I . il . I'd Ho IIIIAN'S - Wax, da . nr lug, sue .1 4. lo, gioon. li.l, nr bug, '.' . si .' 7;.. IIIIKrs Nearby, ino l.,h. " li.p. oil. bid.. 42'il2 7.i. p.r 100 lb. bag, II ilia I'.Mtltul's Nearbi, loo lube Il5nru2 2, .1. op on, Iibl., l:,.;.i l t 5U unshod lops on bid, 42,5041 ,1, uiiiMishi d, bat;. II 50 unit ashed bsk., .loir M,i uaehoil, bsk. 7:,o'ui. ('L'Cl'.M lllllts lluthoilsi., ilni n, list 1, 72, ; 1.. 1 phi. 13 41 i. I.. I., hid... 111(2.50. .lor..-), ,k. $141? C.MUIAIir.S -Flat Hutch, ton, 140 41 t.n. flat Oulih, per 100, tin 10; bbla, 1: 412.25; Jersey and 1., rod, bbl.. ; to CULBItY beh.. lS?75c.i Slate and nearby; f.;3. t'Al'l.ll'l.iiWLI'.S. I. I. short cut, bid. 2.6ii 11 5, l I. oral.-, II 2551 1.75, I. I per llat 1 1 11 1 rule, (1. . r cut, . I bid. 1241 2 30 l 1. long 0111. No .' bbl.. si nl ,n Slate, lib). .50 .I-..,. tib.iM, o.iui .".... . bk 5ii4;;.o l.lilll'I.A.NTS Jerso). bsk ;;. Hi,.., 32 ,l .rate. 33y75c, bbl. k. il.l. i... bid. ..-.(( I 'C liAltl.H' In., porinl (.triuge, lb.. 711S0: New iirlrmis ;'lifornln. lb WHO, IKHisi:- 1 1 .V 1 1 . 1 1 1 - Mr-l.'MI. 100 III., IT4I0 i,!:-'N5,i-??M1.' :: bag. in i.,a. I.I.I n.i'l. .Nearb). iralo, 2i.i.',oi , n . bsk 23',i',;.i ; Slale. irate. 50e'i II .1, .'..! ! '',"" ',:,'.lvs -N'oarbv. loo bobs, 41.-'., 11 I. Mi .Mt'Sllltllil.MS Uhllo, 1 lb I b.k . II a t I 1,11, bruit n, I lb b-k . 0i".i I II 20. 1,. 1M1. us 4 lb b.k, rSi ull UN 'InNS Sialo mid WiKtirii, white orale l ;:,'( I I'll. ), lb,i. 10a 11,. i,,,g ts u 3,;; lo.l. H"i lb. big J3U1I30. nhiio t;, m bag. Il l I. tihllr pbkloa, olali. I; ''.l, ...0 S111K' uhll. loo II. bag t'n.; range I'lilllil) lolbii., loil ,, bag. 13 4f 1 toil ma lb. bag. 13. 3..10. jorse) nhlle phkli". IJ1i'.3ii nilior white, tin I ..'I. V, Hun. 7 ... .11. o,l Lle.iJI, I'm,., al.vrllnu ton lb l...e 13 'u 3 1 3 . red. loo lb. bag, 1.11.1 ..0 llKIIA -11.1 . per bsl, II.mi3.5ii ourrlir 41 501.1.. 10. .letse), bsk" H.-.0i25'i l'l.AS I'allfoinhi, prr drum! IS '11 4. Mil, bsk., 11413 Va , large b,k 1 1 'u 4. umall bsk. Ilu 2 50; N. C b.k' 11113. I'lil'l'lllp. I'hre.e. bbl., J 1 ; 3 buHnose, gioeu, bbl oO'iiillT,', rei, bid , 11112:5. long. hoi. bbl.. v 50m 3. I'll, box' II 2a'il 1,50 a bid., IK! I'AUSI.tlV .Noiirhy 100 bohs.. II Si 1.25. PUMPKINS 1 'Id . 1111.2... It.MMSIlllS ,-,,.,,rt,). 100 I bolia., 50, ii f I HUM .MM! Noiith) bbl., iSrllll 5U, bsk 25 i75o S'lalo. bx; ,-,05i II SI'lN.M'll N'oiirb) oralo. 3u4lSOs lisll , 30i(3ic, Hallo .sk. 50S0o; Va.. bid, II 'u 2 JilfTalu, Ink,, 30o, S(Jl'sll Marroii. bid. 414150 Hubbard, 1130W 75 Tl llNII'S' Itulnlmga, bbl. or hag, 12, nhlle, hid., I2vi2.3n. TOMATOI1S . Nearb). largo bov. &e l.:j; small box. 30o.1i It- carrier. 23r'illl: Cal. per lug. 11 i 1.50: Itolhou.e. per 10 Ih. baV.. Tie WATKnCllfc8-100 bchs.. 7Scl S NOTlCi: Til III I'i I . " I.W I'. H I.VII'I.I. 4 IIMI'IM t'Ni run statu.- i'i- . SlU'TIIIIItN nisi III in. I'llllllp .iteuerK aid. i' , i 0 Weiuple ('oniiall) Ie . i ' .. " ' PI.LASi: TAKi: Nil, I "' a' ' day of ii-iutier. ii; - tliade ...1 .11. ,. , - - I Clerk o. the fnlt'e.l j. . 1 - Inquiring the reoel.ei .r '. . 4 Wemple l'niupat,i o " nullces to all nf Hie e f ' fendiinl .lay l' We ur ' . . lug them lo tile lerf ' I lib said Heoelter !'.. I or said 30lli dai nf 1 1, , , vle be nrohlblte,' I , .: estaia c( eabt de'ri .nt ' similar notice in i i Hshe.1 tn the I Ii ,i V nistrlc: of Nen 1 ml, the days from the , i . a 1 . ' .lull I If i". ' KtiW Mtli iv llecehera nf .tit i t , i i s. I' rnAvni ,ii: Attnrne) for He, e e II llr.nidiiai N. ' . mnrn4 4t,i, riNriNS'ATI. IMIItv Fiii I-, I.lll'ls. Jt I'llieiuo ll ill till (irneral Drat Mnrtgaae I Ibiods August :, M'i. The ientra' Tru.. u in ' ' Trustee, givr. noli. ib ' sealed propen a to .. ' - ' bunds nt i, la c mil i. c. crued llilere.i 'lie iota dfe noi mure Hmii the o u, Tlllll'S Nil ill 111 illl.ll l I I. AKS i ttfi 'I'. i Sealed piutioaals i e . nniee uf the 'mural r York, In Ne-i 1 ork l ' on the 3rd da) of iv e, C'U.N'Tlt.M. Tltrsi i in I x lllltiv I , By J N, w ai.lvi I l'rf S te