Newspaper Page Text
REALTY MARKET SEWS AND COMMENT Several Uptown Apnrtmonts lioii'rlit by Operators and Investors. uptown apartment floured In tit citato trailing yesterday. Most of llitm ate In tho lower end of Ilnrlem. Three fa.rly kooiI alsett house In 111th treet nero turnr.l over to new hnndi during the il.ty. One of the hoisc sold m imiinl until recently by William Zlecler. lie Ritvo It In jintt pnymcnt for ti'. latest Park tnrmto purchase, tho noutlincft cnrner of J'lfty-clRlith street. Tfterd.iy the property was resold to nn Inrc.'tor. Further east on tho loinj streot a iroup of operators acquired two houses, ptliiK n number of propertlea In various parts of the creator city In part pay ment. " KK.MItl.L COl'HT Hi:SOM). Kendall Court at 11" to rS3 West lll'h street, a nix story elevator apart ment house, on plot ino.xl00.ll, hnsbcen soul by John S. lleep for Samuel A. HerjoR and IMcir A. Ievy, The prop erty w.ts taken reiently In part payment by tl.o sellers from William Zlcglcr for the thirteen story apartment at the touthncsl corner of Park avenue and Kilty-eighth street. CO. llt'VS lltTII ST. HOUSES. The Duytnn Improvement Company Ii.ik boujrht the two bIx story apartment bouses at to 226 Wist 111th street. The buyer K.ive In part payment the five story ap.trtment nt the northeast corner of New kirk and Chatsworth avenues and a farm In New Jersey recently taken In trjdo for the block front on Northern avtnur, iism mm wain streets. t II.1HI.KM (.'OHXKIl SOLD. X A. Ilerwln & Co. have sold for the Altman estaten the southeast corner of htt Nicholas avenue and 113th street, a five story apartment house on ft plot 7fx t'5x Irrerrulur. The building- Is entirely rented mid will be under the manage ment of N. A. Herwln & Co. H.VXK M-ILLS 1IWKI.LINO. WUST 187TH STllHBT The Nehrlns; Company has, sold for the Cltlxens Savings ltank, 565 West ISTth street, a three story dwelling. WASHINGTON AVKNUE The Nora Conntiuctlon Company hus sold 2186 to S19G Washington nveniie. rnmnrla. Inir the block front between 172,1 and Fletcher streets, six two story dwell- inns, on piot I60.SX6BX Irregular. TAKK.H OLD Kl.ATIll SH HOUSE. Will Pitt Itlvers has bouitht the resi dence at the corner of Church avenue ml llucklncham road, the former home nf Charles H. IVirker. for use as n danc Ine studio, to be known ns llurkliiKhnm Chateau. The property comprises a plot lOOxlftO.,. A, Peace A Son have sold the three story stone ducllini; nt 54 1 First street, near Ulghth avenue, to a client for occu pancy. Hy Agar has sold 117 East Thirty second street, n two family house, to T. Young; four lots on Kast Forty-ninth street and Cl.irkon street, for the estate or J, (.ranger, to .1. Welntrauh, Inc. rjr improvement with nn upartmeiu louse, ana 233 Macon street, a dwelling. BUYKIt FOII OSSININ4J FARM. The James D. Gardner farm near u' dining n.n been bought by Harry (lor unit of .New York city. The property consists of twenty acres and buildings on the State road Just outside -the vil lage. Tho sale wns made through the Ayies neat estate Ktchnngc of Chaining, f5,(in( 11 1:1: km an st. Plans were tiled to-day for the two six story bulldlnga to be erected at 1 ana is iiecKinan treet for Harry Lln dcr.meyer A Sons, ns lessees. Taylor A aioseiy. me. architects, estimate tho cost (t JU0.O00. :i),IM)ll FLATS FOR CHELSEA. Plans for a $30,000 tenement for the site nt 311 and 313 West Twenty-fourth ftreet wcro put on tile yesterday by tho 311 West Twenty-fourth street Com pany through P. c. Hunter. The house will no 37 feet wide and 85.9 feet deep. SHOW ROOM FOR 20TII STREET. Ci. 1 I.awrenco Is to srond $12,000 on a two ftory (.how room at 28 East Twentieth street, according to plans filed yesterday by J, Hauser, who de flffned the Improvement Tho building win ue zjXTS.f. THRIFT'S .NEW HOME PLANNED. Khampan & Khampan have filed plans for the two story and basement fire proof bank building to be erected on tho nortneast corner of DeKalb avenue and Rycrshm Mnet, Urooklyn, for the Pratt Institute as owners, to be known as "The Thrift." Charles M. Pratt, president; Harold I, Pratt, secretary; Francis L. Noble, treasurer. Tho building will be un examplo of tho architecture of the neoclasslc period of thu Italian Renals Hftnce. the detnlls h.tvlnt- tim mwlnlioil to a great extent after tho famous Forum de Tralan at Rome, Italy, SPACE RENTER FOR TRADE. Cammsnn, Voorhecs & Floyd have Ictscd the building at 292 Pearl street for MIos Ilessle Pope to the. Eureka Supply Company. A. A. llageman has leased to the Blaa Lining and Novelty Company, the third loft at C37 Hlxth avenue, and the third loft at 639 Sixth avenue to Sam Fcld man. lluberth ft Huberth have leased with Kwlng, Hacon ft Henry the store at 250 West Fifty-fourth Btreet to tho Roamer Motor Company. J. Arthur Fischer has leased for Laura A. Cregan to J. Ilutman the four story dwelling nt 237 West Thlrty-elghth Mreet for a term of years. Tho CVom ft Drown Company has leaned tho store nt the northeast corner "f Itroadwsy and Fifty-second street to tho Sidney u. Bowman Automobile Company for a term of years, and the third loft at 14-1S West Twenty-fourth street to J. Blumenthal ft Hro. Charles P.. Van Vnlen has leased of.i nus in the North lllver llulldlng, 95 William street, to FranclM & Lott, addi tional space In the same building to lt-nry E. Otto & Co. and offices In 35 N.wau street to Peter H. Benlschek De Juffa, The Brett ft Onode Company has leased In the Johnson Building, 1233 llroidway, with F. ft a. Pflomm. a booth In the arcade to Adolph C. Locffer: also In the American Press llulldlng, 225-29 West Thirty-ninth street, a loft to The A'eu's, and In 6-14 Church street a floor to Unmet Daniel. L t ItfiER KAST SIDE FLAYHOUSB. The Henry Btreet Settlement has leased from Dr. Samuel P. Douglas 8 Pitt street, north of Orand street, for a l"iig term of yenrs with an option to pu -chase. The property adjoins In the rear the Neighborhood Playhouse of the Henry Street Settlement at to 470 "rand street. The building will be Con ner tod with the plnyhousv and used In ronnwtlon with It for many of the set tli mi nt's'iiir activities. The Pitt 'toffl hnue U flvo lor!es, on lot 25. fro nt by about 100 feet deep. Tho M. Moigenthau, Jr., Company negotiated the transaction. REAL ESTATEES TO PARADE. Division Beta Formed for Big Hnchre Proeesston. . A.rf? Mtnte division for the Hughes torchlight parade, which takes place s",uf,)r n"ht, Is being orgaitUcd. Those desiring to march will kindly send their names at once to Harrta H. Klsher, 10 hast Thlrly-thlrd street. Full Infor mation will bo furnished as to time nlid point of assembly on receipt of applica tion. Albert H. Ashforth will bo the marshal of the division and Mr. Fisher major and aid. JAMAICA SITU K4JR FLATS. F. W. Scutt & Co. have sold to the Hanover Investors five lota at the north Wi corner of Fulton street and Sut- roa, Jamaica, U I., to build store! "m uparimenta. AXOTIIKR SCA1ISDAL.K tlUYKIt. The Scarsdale Estates have sold a plot U1B norm L,ynuu Keating : homo In tho Qrccnacres section of Scnrs uhj io j. b. aroaer of New York city, BOSTON MAW RENTS HERB. Worthlngton Whltehouse. Inc., has lurmsneo. me nve story Amerl can basement dwelling at 61 West For ty-elghth etrcet to James Lowell Put, Boston. Tho house was held at ciirV iiT we? ,orme'ly occupied by Blawson A Hnliha r.i.A b,. : .BXotnJ29 w"1 Sewnty-nlnth street to n. Q. Smith, and 258 West Seventy-elghth street for Mrs. N. Clark to E. Jeffries. 1,e5S. Uro- haT8 leased for Will lam Chllvera the thren atnrv nn,l I., mi. ?UlJn,r l 129 West Eleventh street to Thomas Bcvana for a term of years at n yearly rental of $r,00. Moore. Schutta A r-r, i.... .v. ?'e''lnf West 144th street for . 1'icaen to cnarlca McMann. D AVEXUE THEATRE LEASED The Atlas Photoplay Company, rcpre sented by Abraham J. Halprln, Its attor ney. has leased for a inn i.m. A,. Ing Picture theatm nt la nan .v . . - -www n.iu Aiwv 4,i Avenue. BROKER L.X aOTH ST. SALE. .V'.ny Bcne'era negotiated the sale ui i csi Tnirtleth street, recorded jcvicraay. RESULTS AT AUCTION. AT 14 A'ESET BTHEET.J Br Joseph P. Dar. it7. . B UJVE. s cor 113th .t. 104.4X h i.",.U "trnthmors apt house SiiptUul..n.i l0PMJl. .Chapman. J401.0OO l 'LT.'."" aao , two 0 sty Bam. each 25xlOO.-J II rftt,er t' ch',; MO. 01)0; to Wahir F l'etcock. fur i rneni . ..J 30o C,i-?'iKY TV'S.4- iix!in- 7 sty blik-lt 11 t'J.040.5; taxes. Ac, I272.B7: to the plaint "n Dy Joseph A Co. HUDSON RT. 420. 13x50 0. 4 sty WiJg with ;r -t M Tlchenor anil aim. B.lmrs. Bkt St h nunnery et si; due. 131.; taxe. AO, t,3Ul.t); to the plain tin IJO.UOO I AT 320! TlilllD AVENUE. Uy Joseph J1. Uy. I1AIITIIUI.UI frT, n 50 7 . Willi.. ... 25li.V-I)l)r fines agt J W Farrlnsjtori -.. t uur. .ll..iu; litlPB, &C. 9311.'.!; to the plaintiff ...1100 TRANSACTIONS RECORDED. TRANSFERS. tWIth nm and addreta of lender ami attorney. If attorney's nam la. omitted prijr qi iar nrst pari.; Bowntown, IRnuth nf r.iirla.nili . t . u . t WEST IlllOADWAY. 174. JSxSD lloulse It Y"iivu m urnj ttarris. sst uivion at, llronx. b - a. nil Ileus. Oct II; ally, SAME tt-.-i. , t.: - - - ........ i i ,u.r iifuiif, t W :d at. mir lto.000, Oct Idr'ntty aimn , 1100 DIVISION ST. Ht. xll26x74 Ilium. Itublnowlts to Mario Kahrs. H3 r.ilgr. water road, mtg i:v,00O. all llvnt. .-rpi HUIWOn'sV".' hit'. '"m' enr 'l'd'ih' '.! "r 5 i ' -. u V). S0.iU.6x trreg Harry II Towle at ai iq ..iiion jieaiir uorpn, 16 C'eOar st, mtg HO.OOa, Oct 24; attys. Iiowera .s. i.euar at i oAMc, i-iiui' Dillon jieaity uorpn to Ju llus A Stursberi. It K C'th at. mta 1:0. 000. Oct. 18; ally, E It Scheuber. 200 Hudson at 1100 am av, a e s. 7.5 n r mercKer st, 30i3.6, irreg uiement H. J'arsoni to Em! y Carlisle, East Oransr. N J. all liens, Oct 17; atty. A tl Uarton. 16 William st ttoo East Side, (East of Fifth avenue ttweon Fourteenth ami 110th streete.) 10TH 8T, lit E. I.x9.5 Jno M Pchaetor io j no panaberK. :n t jut at, nits : 400. Oct 241 atty. Title Uuar T Oi. 174 Hway $100 4STH ST. 12S E. 20x100.1 Frle.ln llrahm to Mary .V llurtuueh. on Irvlnx hv, r iorai mm, ll or u. I. Q c. c a g. con flrmatlon derd. Oct 6: atty. Jno 11 llarrl eon. 254 Dway llit ZD AV HS1. awe 7th st (270-2 E). 7.llx J9.6 bydney Uurnhelrner. trustre In bankruptcy of llrnj bals, bankrupt, to l.ouis jacoos, is2 tn uv. an liens, uci 24: atty. Edw V Knltz. 10 Hroad t..li00 101ST ST. 114 E. 16x100.11 l fort-clou. Oct 24, 116) Jno J Itooney, ret, to Cccllle Joseph, 104 W I2th at, Oct 2; atty. Hy Marx. 116 Dway 12.000 LEXINGTON AV, 1461. 14.4x70 (fore closure, Oct 10, 1416): Geo W Simpson, rtf, to Bars Cohn. 60 E 44th st, giln for Herbert, Frank, Dorotny, llsrjorle ana cnar es conn. Oct io: atty. Samuel lion 10 E 42d st 19.000 10STH PT. n s. 200 e 6th av. Z5xl0tl.ll Annie aJerktnaon to Mollle Klrahner, Mt Freeilom, N J. Oct 2 II 109TH ST. 112 E. 26x100 Ancelo Cimrro in nara n itearaon su. lid neup si. flklyn. b A a. mtir I17.U00. all liens. Oct 26; atty, Jno H t'lnv, 61 Wall st. . . .11. Rest bide (West of Fifth avenue, between Fourteenth and 110th strueta.) 17TH ST. n s. 400 w 7th av, 26x40 O'car I Mayer to uosaiyn ue A ae u Mayer. 20s5 6th av. b A a, anil confirmation deed. Oct 24 17.050 ZliT ST. 164 W. 26x19.9 (foreclosure Kent , I ttliour i.arrvmora, ret, , to Lanier, 10 E Hill at, trustex will Frances A Lawranc tor Fanny Lady Vernon, Oct 27; attys, Jay A Candler, 48 Wall st 146.000 45TH, 150 e 11th ar, 26x100.6 (leo C warrinaton to Henrietta warriniton. 649 W 45th at. q c, Oct 21; atty, Joa II Mens ns. 648 W 45th at II 44TII ST. 31 W, 20.10x100 511 West 46th Ht Co to Augustus D Curtis. 5 511 Hyde I'urx uivd. unicaio. in. mix Jti.oou, Oct 27: atty. Lawyers TAT Co. 1(0 Hway 1100 RIVEHSIDE DRIVE, n e c 108lh st, 14.1U 6lx irrec ft jonns rara mty io to Jos U Peck, Mt Hope, N Y, mtc 11,600. b b a. a a a-. Bent 111 atty Paul A Mc Oolrlck. 261 riway 1100 Uptown. (Manhattan Island, north of 110th street) U1TH 8T, 84 E. 10x100.11 Annie Hsrkln- aon to 3touie liirsnner, mi r recuoin, .1. Oct 'J 11 U7TII ST, 101 E. 16.10i44.ll Mercy A walker, unainam, i, to rrana a Tlillv. 141 E 724 at, mil 11,750. Oct 25 atty. Lawyers TAT Co, 160 Hway, .1100 D av. n w cor nun st, su.iuim win lamsburc Land Co to Louis Levy, 2049 6th av, and Clias Levy, II Fort Wash Inston av, all liens, Oct 26; atty, Abr uonen ill uway siuo liiiiii hi. H4a c. xDxiiHi.ii irorec os. Oct zti Artnur unoi, rer, to josepnina t; Lee. Harden city. 1. I. extrx. Oct 27 atty. Wrn c Orr. SI Chambers st. . II l.r.uo 120TH ST. n s, 223 iid av, 20 (Ixtno.lO uoima ueaity uo to Jionmoutn itounnx co, nn uway, mt in,004i, all liens, Oct 24: atty. L mltiel. 14V Hway tl 1JIHT ST, 140 W, 10x100.11 (foreclosure. Oct 17) Jos u Kelly, rer. to the U H Trust Co or N y, 45 Wall at. Oct 30 attys, Stewart A Shearer, 15 Wall at , 111,000 I'j.tA.iA.Ni a v, n w c jsan at. iu.iixH7,ll Bond A Mort Ouar Co to Kiosk Con tracting Co. 4U i; 108th at, b and . Oct 27; atty, Title Ouar A T Co, 17U Ilway tHHi 12STII HT, 604.000 IV. 03 4 to c I Hlonrn-Ine-itale rd (cluaed) x42.ilIno.T Mark Ooldberf to U H Trust Co, 4S Wall st. trustee iforeclna, Oct Hi), Oct 24; utl, OlnayAComstock, 44 William at.. 165,000 123TH HT, 11 E. 16ill0.ll Henrietta Har nett et al, heirs, nil, Ae, Moaes Harnett, to Harnett A Co, Inc. 11 IS lur.iti at, mtx 114,000. Oct 20; atty, Lawyers Tlllo A T Co, 10 Hway ii SAME PHOPEHTY Harnett A Co In ov I Harnett. W) K 127th sL mix 114,000, nil of, Oct 20; attys, Meyers at Mannr, 112 William at SAME I'ltOfEItTV Hoy I Harnett to Olsdya It Harnett, BO E 127th at, mtc 114 000. Oct 20; attys. sams..., i HAVE I'ltOPKIlTV Kama to Henrietta Harnatt, 3KXI Lorlnf placa, part, mta (14.000, Oct 20; attys. same.. II 1IITK 6T, a a, tt e Amsterdam av, fix 99.11 Tana.. Vah-. Wl - H...',h. v!.mtf I6J.800. eorr and oonf ifonSny." "iY- T,tU u" T C. "Sfi'i BTi y-'j'Vw'AmsteVjim'ivI'.'ox itA ,iuTiS?h "eher to Empire fitate rt? 11 . CorPn- mtg 154,000. all Hens, "way Arn""n U AH "mom tvw nVrom;'. 'lVoVh , st' 60x101.1 Wm de Lancey Ward to Gold i . tte crpn, 35 Nassau st; attys, i.!I'eI.B.,.IN.AV- ' w to "l . J 15,000; Northern av, n w cor 171th ?'. Wh. mtK 1 1 00.000 Dayton lmpt it'Vi' V"n Arsdale. 14 Avon av. New "way ' '' Uy' T O A T Co, 174 11 ia?'va v". 'l' ''' ' n'is ith ;;: f. l,ln.. " "ennetl av Herbert B Harde to Dudley s Harde. 1 W 94th st. b A s, Sa 5.V.l !'l "y. Lawyers Title A T t o, 160 Dway """AIJWAV. w .. 261.4 n i4th St. 60x oo, to e a Dennett av flame to same, b a, c a t. Oct 27; atty, same 1100 nranx. av r, nroinrh of The Bronx.) ti. ".b'ln lots 195 and 194. man I rospect Hill Estate, 100x124 Luella M U!r.,to l'ee,FItgeralil Co, 111 .ishliiaton hV, mix 110,000, Oct 2! niVvVvi0"..1!1"- S1 Hr" av 4100 A,NT. AVl ,u,i 20x100 Max lllrseh uJd'u. Chustek. 460 Crotona Park K ,flm! MOO. Oct 26; atty, L T A T Co, 160 Hway.,,: i i-i- T: 10 Webster av. 20x117.10 i J e1.1"" to Stanley Ulfford. 'J' I'l st, Oct 2; ally, Ernest Hall. 11 llllm st ., .) Ii c1s'.",t,!'.an;di: av- h ?if ?.ri.'?UnlJ' Olford to Jessie tllftord. iWH?1,t ct Ji "r. Ernest Hall. -..'William st 11 V"ES,AV f ." n Ut st. l li ni,rinP'1mi,.n'1 Purkln (ref) to Jessie OlfTord, 225 W 71st st. Oct 26; atty. in.K'i. i '".'i1 '. i Park av, lrk ar. a e .. Ill n e le ?unJl,,WZ:3:"l'! ""ford to Sun ley Ulrfnrd, 140 W 71st at, Oct 7: atty. lintn':l. ".". Wllllim at ... ... ...ii on .,bln.-. ,4V 1100 nv- m, How ! J A 8'1Jnn. 41 Park D rf AT$KS--' ''" ' Oun " Vnil Hldr rln.Mr:,,..r..FI,h 10 Efficient J'S Co. X,7.U aj?.t..,.V. "Vft 120TI1 HT, n a, betnr w u li i i i U. n n'k.eneld, 26x114 Ella '...; ZC to Stephen vZXiZSSi ","B"i ?h... it ,.,'-J??"t?.4. belna nart lot SI .klynToct 20; atiV. T OTo. ffi 8-c r,,:KnV:'i: o;8h;o , atty. .am," r......" oct '.7 ceVteri,: '"'U 100.90-L.;. fli26sob;H;-,i Jonn .s. Wllllnina. 261 v i; h ii n 5Mril"4?5VVa;.dlVVvVr3,JoJ H.Ijsj inV.i' Vr. " v. M.IOt sm. ii 7. J 'lassett, rif, to ntTii'HTt,.,l! :n,,u,n ?";... oo i jos l .v...: "..r'.n":r. . imx Vork Ins fi.. u' ,' to Cltv nf V.u. 27: ttv ,:.."..f'.",n.', '?' Oct H ay Co. 200 Waxiunoton-" AV." n w'Aoi.V i ,"" lis'sTM ,A- n w c 211th ,t. lot .ti 71 4. let, "map Norwood, x l. .i " s6l.ll; also Decatur av a w """"'"rd. 1019x745 MA,;lA...!"'V;wvVlxlbou3,;.u Pre.nert .V-'.'" ""'..?". . '?74 "Mil"'. ' .11-Wallce 8 ll. rl i.-. !!,.,.. .y""n It n.i .. " '"ney. linj Knreat av, "" Cnrrlnaton A r. 200 wiv,liifTh' a v:n v co; iV2d,;i: iiV ii ,V. -nr" 1 "nstn Co to niverdula '.iS'i'ii'Ii""'!, mt.'lllMOo! oct .s. atty. J 11 Zleaer. 217 Hway...100 MOKTOARRSJ. (WHh name anl nddreaa of Under and .-....i n lulu, r J. I I)nv nlnvm. (South of Fourteenth Btreet "v.. .1!: r "th st (244-10 i7;:t..r;i.r'1Jr'.."i .?-Jh Nlltnn v v i.T. v'. .'..-?" rcnmont :.""" 'osier Thomson. 141 : 110,000 Wrat Side. (West of Fifth avenue, between Fourteenth ..viii airriiB.j 2ST1I PT. a a. 145 e 6th v. 20x91 9. Oct 10 i i if "cvnl- Yonkers. N Y. to ......... c, ,,,, ,.u union q. i rs. 6; atty, Stephen V Nash. 10 l'in Rt. et nA 44TI1 HT. a a. 100 w 11th ,v'.';.'; lei , j 100 to w s 11th av x a 75x w lOOx a .5.0 to n a 4S.I st X V 700 to u s lltn iv x n 3(10.10 to a s 44th st x e 700 to ' Manuraetur- era Heal Iatule ln In rinn-...i it.., . Halm. 15 Wl lam .1 . (it An. 10TII HT. 145 W. 21x102.2. jon ll'. 1911 . .tin, ip urcKT io Marxaretta T de LemoH. 2,5 Central park West, due Jan ' 1I2, 4 41.! addresa. Mrs. Then de ..cuius, evv itiversiae urivo 17,000 t'plown. (Manhattan Island, north of 110th street.) mm ht. 24 i;, 21x100.11. Oct 10 nimeon a wonn io Title (ruar A Trust Co. 176 Hway, due and tnt sa per "iiu 12 000 114th HT, n s, 450 vf 7th av. 26x100.1 1, Oct a- . V, ! ,""nl i "in o ucnee, .riLii, j, uu. tt ini, ae per bond, nr mta- I.'O.OOO; atty, W It alrady, 669 W 26th at ii i,n n.EASA.VT AV. nwcllld at. 1,00.11x17.11 uiuk iuii, uti a niosK tjontractinc Co to Ilond A Mort Guarantee Co. 171 Hem- .i, ai. UHifii, iiu ,-nv 1, 1SSB, 5 p c: atty. Title n A T Cn III rttunv ll..n 11CTH HT, 492-94 W, 60x9t.ll, Oct 21 r.itrn iteany i.o io Alice A crandcll. (42 N Carey at. Haltlmnre. M,l. ,lim n n 1918, c prior mta 150,000; atty. Title SAME I'KOPKHTY. Oct 28 Same to Philip t ll.a.mln .1. , , I. .... .. ...wv -aw wiu ut, urmanii, ml as per bond, prior mtc 15,500; atty, same t nnn 04 .luuuiiAn yit, p. a, l&u n rrom c l,151d .1, II rxiciiuvil, I9XIUII, tret 27 K U Itealty Co. to Italian Havlnsa Hank, 64 W.n,t,,,,.l,.8 6 P ! tys. Wayfand & H. 105 StrOAilwav sr. nnn SAME I'HOI'EHTY anil date Same to Hy v A rarsei. 122 w list at. due Oct 15. 21, C p r pr mta 165,000; atty, J II Pat terson. 66 Liberty at sir. nnn NOKTItnitN AV. a w c 179th at, 10x125; ,-Mormern av, n w c usth si, 105x75, Oct 2 Harry Van Arsdale to Dayton lmpt Co, 122 Nassau at, 2 yra 4 p c; atty, Iiula Mannheim. 202 nwav tit nnn I84T1I bT, n a, 125 w Amsterdam av, 26x iii uci . 1 11 aaiunxion 11 at liessie E Heed to Dunran Smith 107 Hudson Ter race. Yonkers, N Y, due and Int as per bond, pr mt $6,000; atty, Levi 8 Tenney, 141 Ilway 11 nna BROADWAY, w a, 211,4 n 114th st. 60x zoo, to o a nienneti av, Oct 27 Herbert S llanle to Lawyers Realty Co, 180 Hway. 2 yra. 1 n c lie nnn AllIitjnON AV. e w cor 190th at, 65. 4i 100, Oct .") Ilusiley Co to Irvlns; Sav Inatn, 115 Chambers at. 6 yra, 6; atty. Lawyers Title T Co, 160 Ilway. ,141,000 e nrunt, " (Horouch of The Ilroni.) BARNES AV, 8010. e a, 2il.riitfl3.4 Pas- 11 11 ule Jlucri ana arm to Jos iluccl. 1CII0 Wllk'iis av, and nnu, Hept -.'I. due as per bund; attys, Mllono A L, U21 E 113th at si Krui 11HYANT AV. 144N. Snsjoo luls Chu.'tek in Ariiiur niiui, iniii in av, prior mta .I'M:00' M::KP- ln1, Bi T Co. Hill Hivav itui HOK AV, 14H4. e a. fin-looJo. Tonliln to laiiinr iiuiiMn. .na i, lilBtn at, IJrt as due May 1, 1020, l; atty, J A Seldlvan III Park How is nnn CLAY AV. w a, m n 174th at, ftOitlo J.a j oucaiey 10 uaricm navinfa nana, 124 Jnnn rc ursj. : Oram. Mci WAX1 ClarW. HOA Ii from rordha'm to wV.V V.VinV V w eVf.J;."1 mP,?'"'--h Helmc-nt. S7.St Al- THE SUN, TUESDAY, V. 19.11, . . Am. - t . '''. TO A T Co. 170 nway 110.000 S 10 '70. map Samler est Margt J Carter to J Homalne Hrown, 140 Con vent av, A pi 24. 0 yrs, 44 ft; atty, J nomalne Brown, 209 Madison av.. .IS.000 HID BT, n a, 114.10 e White Plains av Aansa A Havens Raise tn rhu K iial i,di.l74 Prospect pi, Dklyn, prior mta, oct 27, due as per bond: atty. .9?.,.rj1l,1,("' ple st 11,000 A or, e a, ete a asmn at, jw Anm iieaner 10 itaiiroau uo-opera-live Hide A Loan Assn. H)3 Park ar, ins ...ivii'- " " i-r.n."r tJT 61 map Ofiavl'a' Mou itarl'ln Hteln to ratk J Maaulre, 429A lthrat, llklyn, Oct . yrs, a per cent: atty. narina V.r.l.M . r ,, . 1 ' ..a. 172D 8T, w e, 106.9 a tlleaaon av, 6100 ousana u i,uDcKer,to Anna Dubcker, 7is vuuni.iim av, prior mta Si.ouo, Lie 1 ss -- uunv, i.7b, uvii.ricr ae sun, , 741 Courllendt av 11.000 140TH BT, s a, at e a lot 76, map Mott Haven, 7I41.4; also 140th at, a s. 73 w irom e a lot ii, same map, 18. 5II2.I to e s Morris av Xl5.10x56.5x50 Ellen 11 D Smith to Payne Eatate, II Park av, Oct 4, 6 yrs, 6 per cent: attys. Reeves A T. ouiiivc av, a a, i e uarker av, also rear 20 tl loi. ll a ll hik a. and rear 20 ft lot, blk A, map Lester Park 'Mary Mcdary to Chas F King, 49 Pros. ?eci a i, sixiyn, oct io, nue Jan l, iii, per cent: atty, Chas F Kim. 49 Pros. yn ai, iiairn.,.. bus Ut PKNIIKNR. Manhattan. 11TTH ST. M 'W Bernhard Felfer aft Anna stain iioreciosura or morn age) ; any. i iiymin. mmn.i.. i-t n... ..... . .. u...w..e. o., .v, ana noriniK Bl. oo Frederick W Huber a (t Hen I Asch et al (action ta Impress trust); attys, llerifeld or ovreeaier. 1ST A I Hf V VI.. ... & ..... l. ' , .... , ' . in. m null v. v. trustee, agt Mayer Zatka et al (amended foreclosure of mortgage); attys. Emmet A- !...!., 11T11 AV, 510 John J Callahan agt Con- raa rreuna et ai trorecinaure or mort gage): attys. Davis, Donohue, Thompson ft Delts 102D ST, 21T E Anna E Donald agt Philip jornen et ai uoreciosure or mortgage); attv. I. B IfnliT,.. ID AV. w a, 70. g a 70th at Emma J Cook agt Matthew A Kane et al (foreclosure nf mortgage): atty, 11 S Cook. LEWIS 8T. 64 to 10 Sarah reran act Adam P Schmltt et at (foreclosure of monsase): attr. J H tieran. 1I7TII ST. 151 W Bond A Mtg Ouar Co agt Ellta T Wray et at (froecloaure of mortgajte): atty. 11 Hwain. 4T1I AV. e a. 15 n 10th at Anaeline Court agt Ike Fleischer et al (foreclosure of . mortgage): atty. L r Freed. 127TII ST. 140 W Bend A Mtg Ouar Co ail Kina T wray et ai trorectosure or mortgage); atty, h nwatn. 1ITII ST, 111 B Hilda W Smith agt Marie Kahrs et al (foreclosure nf mortgage); niii-e. narriaon, anion is uyra. mVA iiri sti . . ... . win.. .. bella R Lewis agt Chas I Wetnsteln et al (foreclosure of mortgage); atty, F F de imam. PLEASANT AV, a w eor Hid at Emma T Una-rich el al agt Motrla H Kletn et al (foreclosure of mortgage); atty, J Dem- aresi, Brenx, TIEBOUT AV. w a. 12R.B n 142d st Harry C Miller et al agt Edmondaon Conat Co et ai iroreciosure or mortgager; any, E P Orrell. Jr. McCLELLAN ST, s e eor Jerome av Ed. f;ar a Appleby et al agt Edward r Ron nson et al (forecloaure of mortgage) attva. Cannon A Cannon. BATHOATE AV, llll Clara Da Hlrsch Home for Working Olrla act Samuel .Marcus et al iroreciosure or mortgage) nttva. Wise A Sellasberx. UKOlNNINO at a oolnt at Old Creek, in line with stump on Ludlow farm, Ac Katharine L Nell! et al, as sirs, agt Adele a Dodd et al (foreclosure or mort gaga): attya, Cardoso A Nathan. ASSIGNMENTS' OF MORTGAGES. Manhattan. GOLD ST,. 17; William St. 92; Rowery. 110-1104; New Honery. 2I-26; Madison at. 20; Perry at. 27-19; Canal st, 46-40, Oold at. 47: Mulberry at. Ill: 27th si. 444-544 Wi 54th at. 319 W; 1st av. e a. ? n sza st; 1st av, n w enr iuzn si; 1 dav. p e. 46.10 n 104th st. li:tn st. s s. 1.4 w Madison av Edwin A Ely to U H Trust Co. 45 Wall st; attys. Stewart ft Shearers. 45 wall at: 14 mtts si 145TH HT, n a, 161.9 w Lennx at Louis O Hamersley to Oeo E Chlsolm, Mor rlstown, N J, and alio, trusters; attys. Stewart A S, 44 Walt at'. It I14TII HT, 21 W Itymnn ilnldfarh tn Margt E Napier, lit W llld at; atty. K A Isaacs. 65 Liberty st 11 ST NICHOLAS AV, 111 II Aymar Sandl anil ano, txra. to areenwicn hsv imuk, III 6th av; attys. Bowers A S. 46 Cedar at 110.000 WADSWORTH AV. llt-221 Title Ouar A Trust Co to Morris Cooper, 1000 Park av, trustee; auaress. zo vesey eu.iiz.vvo ST. NICHOLAS AV, n cor 174th st N Y Title A Mort Co to Anna W Smith. 26 W 47th st; attys, Fletcher. McC & H. l: nway 1100 BAME PROPERTY Anna W Hmlth to Edgar N Llpman, 410 West End av; attys. same 1100 LKMM1TON AV, w a. 70 a R2d st Wm II Mouer to iiertna l uonmiaik. sdi i.ei av; atty, Title Ouar A T Co. ITU Ilway I 'O.oOO 25T1I ST, n b. 70.10 e Lex av Trios U Leahy to Mutual Bank; attya, nuahmore, 11 ft K. 01 Hwav It 1JTH 8T, 220.222 K Martin Marka. esr. to iiorntnea itoniana. see Decatur av; attya. Davis A D. 40 Chambers St.. 13.000 1S2D ST, Mil W Sarah 11 Livingston to Daniel nngannon, Hrunawirk, Md .lu.oon D AV. 4.K4S Julius c Mlnden to Katie Uldt. '.'HI Heck st. Urunt; attys, Cnller ft C. 1 Ubertr at I10.UOO 47TII HT, 13J E Oeo 11 Orlnnell et al to rnoa t uuinian. i.'i t. nutn it; atty. Title uuar ft l eo, no nway 112.11UU 47TII HT. 1311 E Jacob llevmann. trustee, to Thos F Quintan, 221 E 30th at: atty, aame 1 14. dim) 2HTH ST, 220-239 W Manhattan Mort (M to Title Uuar A Trust Co, 171 Hway ll.'O.ntKi 30TH ST, 24S E. n . 111.11 w 2il av Kmll E Camerer to Wm A Kane. 47 Cary av, West New Brighton. Htaten Island. t. atty, Lnwjers Title ft T Co, li'il nway II 39TH l-rT. 245 E Wm A Kane to Sophie (lomlman, 19 W 131st; atty, Lav.-y.-a TAT Co. 140 Hway 120,000 67TH HT, 119-121 E Title Ouar A Trust Cn to Troy Savlnga Bank, Troy, N Y : ad drees 176 Hway I60.000 I4TH ST. 117 D Amatla f) Del Pino to Vivian 8 August. 2 W 51th at; atty. Title Ouar A T Cn. 171 nway 110,000 125TH ST. 11 E Hankers Trust Co, trus tee, to Wm I! von Bergen, 770 E 179th: atty. Lawyers Title A T Co. 1(0 glway II 4.000 12STH ST, It E Wm II von Bergen to Chas J Hurrah, at Honolulu, Hawaii: atty same 114,000 PIKE HT. 48 Anita llllss. extrx. to Anita Biles. Mancheater, Vt; atty, Fredk L till, 5K wan at szb.uoo OREENWICH HT. II! Edw Marx tn Bella Marx. 77 E 89th st. 1-6 part, gift; atte, Cahn, I. A O. 124 Hway II 114TH ST. Ill W Edw Marx to Hella Marx. 77 E 89th a; attys, Cahn, I, A (I, 124 Ilway tt AMSTERDAM AV. n w c 147th st Wm It Cnmlnnnt. exr and ano to Hen T Coles, at Carplnthsrls, Cat; atty, Title Ouar A T Co. 174 Bway tl 911) ST, 42 W N Y Title A Mtg Co tn the Presbyterian Church on Unlverelty Pi, 61 University pi: address, 115 Bway.110.000 121HT ST. n a. 315 w Amsterdam uv N Y Title A Mtg Co to Thos Palmer, 5754 Brlgge av: address, same 110,000 BROADWAY, w s, 103.4 n 114th at Fran cis 11 Robert to Olobe Realty Cn, 25 Broad at: attr.eLawyera Title A T Cn. 160 Bway II 122D HT. 441 E Harry Kalllnatm tn Oen M Thompson. Ill Maple av. Hound Brook N J, trua; attys, Stlmson A Williams. 2 Rector st 18,000 ROOSEVELT ST. 4 Title Ouar A Trust Co to Presbyterian Church on Univer sity Place, 47 University pi; addrcsa. 136 Uway 110,000 47TII 8T. 401 W Title Ouar A Trust Co to Presbyterian Church on University Place, 47 University pi; address. 135 Hway 1 110,000 80TH HT. 144-146 Title Ouar A Trust Co to Presbyterian Church on Univer sity Place. 47 University pi; address, 116 Hway 1I2D ST. Ill E Michael Wolf to Hen Hear. Decorah. la; attys. Loeb, II A A, 11 Hway 11,050 46TH ST, 11 W Prospect Investing Co to Mlnturn P Collins, trustee. Harrison, N T; atty, Lawyers Title A T Co. ISO Hway 17.000 1ST AV, 1122 Ursula Bemlger to N Y Ins A Trust Co. trustee, 42 Wall at; attya. Emmet A Pariah, 61 Wall ait ... 1 1 46TII ST, II W Delphlne II Farrell gin. to Ellen M Farrell. H w 4lth at: sTtty Prank T Wsrburton. II William it., ii 14 ITH irr. Ill WWm F 1'atteriH.n et al! exrs. to N Y THU A Mtg Co, 135 . ' - v i"" J 'ion to Isaac Harlem, 401 Ith av; atty. Title Guar A , T Co. 174 Uway 110.000 Bronx, CRESCENT AV 596.601-Bronx Board of nrokers, Inc. to Edw J Walsh, 2384 Tie- pain avi any, j j airaay, Jr, 629 Court- lanui av n LAfJ.N.TAiJi? A.V,,.0,,.rPu' Campaliniae SCOFIELD AV. a a, adjoining land' E Thus o VA. 'L" irusieo, x Mar a 1. fl Clark. 44 B list st; attv. m i? m WOODYCRE3T AV, 'ii 2. '"n"l4 6th at i7i-ir., m t. - , ivu m IQStn at' Woodycrest av, w a, 200 n UHlh at: Woodycroat av, a, w o 144th at: Wnodyi rreat av, n w o 144th at Columbia Tr Co to N Y Title A Mtg Co. US Hway altr. N T Till A Mta Co.. WENDOVER AV. a a. 60.4 Washington av Lawyers Mort Co to Baugertlaa Sav. Inge Hank at Fsugertlee, N Tj atty, Law yer. Mta Co. II Liberty it .il4.00 SOUTHERN BOULEVARD, a. Ill i n yrraeman it Lawyers Mort Co to Sau- OCTOBER 31, 1916. gertles Savings Bank at Saugertles. N 1 1 atty, Lawyers Mtg Co, 69 I.lbtrty st 115,000 seeiii bi, a t, no courtlandt av Mule Hoffman and ano, exrs, to Llsile Hoff man, 329 E 166th st, and ano, Indtr; atty. E F Moran. 51 Chambers st 11.000 8TEIIBI.N8 AV. a, w eor 146th at Title O A T Co to David E Lew. 117 W 61th at: attya, Q.i,lman, It A U, 120 Bway.. .1100 W'llITLOCIC AV, 901-906 llarnet Levin to "n aieiaeis, id Lenox av; atty, J A Kohn. 1400 5th sv 1100 DECATUR AV, w s, 61 a 201st st Caroline Frederlcksen to Clora V Keppler, 2071 Prospect ave; atty, J J O'Brien, 160 Nassau st ..$1 SATISFIED MORTOAOF.8. (With name and address of lender's at torney.) CITY HALL PLACE. SI-27 Harry C. Mai. lenbeck, Montclalr, N J, to Annie H Lupton. Mo St Mark's av, Brooklyn, anjl Chas C Hoge, 1 Lex av, N Y C, exrs and trustees will of Prank M Lupton: attys, Murray, Ingersoll, Hoge A Humphries, 11 William at 1116,000 421) HT. 16 E Lillian Ward Porter to Martha A and Ada E Slater, N Y C; ..ttya. Bowers A S, 46 Cedar st., .110,000 10STH ST. 101-107 W Ninth Ward Really Co to (Jen Itahn, 160 E 95th st; atty, '"'viers Title ft T Co, 1C0 Hway, ,11,400 CITY HALL PLACE, 26 Patrick Murphy to the East River Sav Instn, 191-296 Bvrayj any, Michael C Gross, 10s Park Row 111.000 918T HT. 121 E Martin Stelnlhal to Harah Klnu: atty. Title Guar A Trust Co, 174 Bway 19 000 FULTON ST. 171 Albert A and Marjnrle Newman to Albert A Newman, 6321 East End ay, Chicago, til; atty, Title Guar A nTtJiiJ.P0' " Bway 116,000 BAXTER ST, 10-12 Harnett Frcedman and ano to Lumeno Masuccl; atty. Chas Zerbarlnl. 146 Ilway 110.000 CITY HALL PL, 22 Thos Hammlll to V,J1,??i"u.,.ndu,,t I'-'nk; atty, Stephen .I.?.lJ,,'n s"1 Chambers st 16,000 8A lU ItOPHIITY Same to same: ntty. ...w. 9. rr- Chambers at 110.000 1 -ARL ST. a w s, 21.11 n w City Hall pi Thoi Hammlll to Emigrant Induat Hav Hank; atty. Title Guar A T Co, 171 Ilway 117.000 FfJARL ST. 491 Theresa, wife of Francis li..!'''- ' same; attys, R A E J erPJi?,mAnV.s? Chembers at 118,000 ,Do8T,,y..E' leasehold Frod'k Brunn to Oeo W May. 897 St Mark's ar. Bklyn. .,?m.l.Jni Mv' 0,1" av. Bklyn. .13.000 I34T1I HT. 28 W Harry and Sadie Her Jf 1.'. " Margaret E Napier; attys. i.?r."2 laervogel, 140 Nassau at.,13.000 ,s w ""He Hchwarx to Joseph senblum. 330 Bway 16 000 LENOX AV. a e c ,111th rtKram.r dot,. trading Co to Knbre Aaseta Corp, 61 By; atty. N Y T A M Co. 115 Bway .j. 0oo 4ITI1HT. II W-No II WeW 44th St Co to w"..uri? 1 Collins trustee; atty, ttephen ..W Co,iina, 41 Wall at ....17,000 70TH HT. r, i.e. 465 w Columbus av riat. Bach to Warren H Tltua. atib trustee will ?' "a-ren Harriot; atty, L T A T Co. 160 Bway 122,000 RECORDED I.EAHKA. Manhattan. ' "ill."!.1!?' ''ore-Adolph nium to l,.".JvCh!mutn' on premlaee. 3 yra from Oct 2fl. 1.110 .540 WTh,i,,.T,,7.'" rV "lrUudn,nh ' niumen thai to Wm tlreenb.rg. 32b B 84th at. 6 V, ''.V.", .V.y la,i "ttys. Schlndler A L. I.Hi.t ;id av 11 100 COLUMIirs AV, 47.1. a and rKry.N burg Realty Cn to Fairbanks Baking Co. nn Premise., in yr, rrnm ,u,. j 1n1n. ally. K M Ittihln.nn ni tl.-... ... tj. 34TMHT. 225 W. 2d floor Alb'ert'ilaf tn loi.ias Hn.enMiith. 832 W .14th st. A vrs irom oe I, mill ji(o a, mi, a ana c J Campbell Thompson tn Max Tanrer, 12.1 E foist ft, ' ' from Hpt 1, 1916; atty, Lnuls STANTON ST. 27H-0. w store fl 'and 4 rnom nn iu ii, w a. also rellar uniter .mi wFit. neaiertDaum to Taube Hapa man. on the premiere, I yra from May t. 1SI7 . tn-t UltOADWAY. 912-20. s. b and first 'loft .in. iirauy torp to .narK it Rogers, 921 in anu myu rrom Jan 21. 10)7. f. yrs ren at 114.000: attv. Jacob M HCIloenfeM. 500 rtivtv iiiaaa fOt'TH ST. 8. all l.tllian It Landers. rln. and ano tn Hermann 11 Tajen, 410 nth at. Brooklyn, and ano. 6 yrs from May 1. I91C: attya, .Shlland A Hedgrai, 143 Bnav ft.rt 3D AV, 119, cor. s and n John Kreuaser '""- o. IO uenrge J. Hcnnelder. 41te E 7th st. 5 yrs from Kent 1 lata. ally. Edw M Hurt-hard, til Bl-.v t- mil 49TH ST. 141, w a and b Jacob Plnsky to ."lDerl' 1 nln av. trom Nov I. Mia, to June so, inji. fl yrs ren at 11,000; atty. S 3 Isaacs, J17 Cnlum- ' 12,400 Bronx, SD AV. 4495-44DT, first loft flnor Ina Shapiro tn Jacob Polan. doing buelneea as Western Working Shirt Co. 01 Av A. Frnnlrel 1Sr Vn.fflll, .. ' .n.,A 187T1I HT .1M E store 'te'n'a'f'lVc'alcn- terra to Joseph Ferrant". 5I E l7th st, .1 yra from Mav 1. ItU; .itty. Ignaslu 4 alcaterre. 686 R 187th t. titA ... ik.a 213TII ST. Til E. store. Ac Franceses overnall tn Luciano I."be!1o, 713 K 21th st. from May 1. 1914 to Oct 31, 1919; atty. Adolph Clanchettl. 479 E 'd un MORTGAGES. (With name and address nf lender and lenner a ait'irney.i Vptcmn. SATISFIED MOIlTGAlJES. (With name and address of lender's at torney.) CITY HALL PLACE. 23-27. s a. ltt.4 w reari at. tn a s pi. March 13. 1916 Ilurrr r Hallenbeck. Montclalr. N J, tn Annie K Lupton, 133 St Msrk's av, Hrnokln, and Chas C lloxe, 1 Lex m, N V C, nsrs and trustee, will of Frank M Lupton; attys, Murray, Ingersoll, Hog A Humphreys, 14 Will iam et 1111 onn 6ID ST, 36 E. a s. 127 e Madison av. 2x 100.6, June 1, liti Lillian Ward Porter tn Martha A an, Ada E Slater. N Y (; attva. It liter. At S. Ill r..1.,r . 11. ,n 10I.T1I r-T ID'. 107 W. n . 100 w c'u'luni'bu sv 7SxlooiI, Oct 22. lit: Ninth Ward n.ilty Co to Oeo Hahn, 160 E si6lh at; atty. Lawyers Title & T Cn, lf.0 Ilway tt tnn CITY HALL PLACE. 26, n a, 24.2tS6.7x :4.zt7,6. e s. April ll. 1196 Patrick .Murphy tn the East River Sav Instn. 291 295 Ilway; atty, Michael C Oroes. ins I'ark Ituiv ttl.nn. 918T hT, 121 K. n s. 210 a Park uv. loo ". Sept 21. 1911b Martin to srah king; atly. Title Ouor A Trust v o, 1 ,n nway , lu noO KV.,;T'1ST' " January 25, u..t . i iui 4inrjorie Tieu-mun to Albert A Newman, 8221 East End av. (.hlrago, I'l; atty, Title Ouar Tru.t Co. 171 Hivav ... aa. BAXTER ST. 10-12. w ,. iji Vf' ' "hii: nam st ip.irk Row), a7x8.X7x37.BS4.I1, Aug .'. HMiii Harnett Freedman and ano to I.umenii Masuccl; atty, chas Zer. tiarln . .140 Tlvnv CITY 11 ALL PI,' "2. a'.' 'rtisii'jh.ii. mi. May 2H, 1K1I2 Thos Hammlll 10 Phi IWU"' tv Unk' atty. Slenhen I hllbln. nl rhitnh,p, .1 .. CITY HAIJ.-n, as, n s. santV'pr'nperty ,rinr 1. aame; any, w c Orr, SI Cham .....r.a. st. tin oni 110 nnn J iT.Aiu. nr. a w a. 21.11 n w Clu- iium pl. S..xWI3x3n:H72.S, Feb 1. 1000 Thos "..'""i! ". to Immigrant Induat Sav Hank: m'S",.,tT1JU' lar T Co- 170 nway.llT.oon rilAltt. ST. 40 , w s, S2.S n City Hall pl. 2S. I XS0 .1x2.1 .1.72.3, D?o SO." yi00(t Theresa. lfe Francis 1C Seagrl.t, m 'i,mm!h.?I,,V " K J O'Oorrn." M 3D HT. 120 K, n s, i'2.1 e Av A. 2.'ixll 2 i?ct V.t J..ui leasehold Fred'k Hrunn to W ""' 7Ht Mar''' v. Itklyn! iiItw J2t M9i.rV.0 Bklyn.. 13.41110 I34T1I HT, 2S W, a s, 412 w fith av 2llr tiO.ll. Mar 1. 1007-lVarJy and Had'lier! Snf-AA,tn Mr.r.l.J' Napier: attya. Ppiro A Waaaervngel. 140 Nassau at., 13,000 MECILtMCH IJKNS. Manhattan. Di..Tt. I-Henry Kopeiman et al agt .tbore,.i? 2?'ner eontractor. 1154.40 105TH RT, 126 W American Radiator Co agt Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrena. owner; Monroe 41 Uoldlng, contrac tor tins'! 1I4TII ST. 600 W Edw J McCab; ilit Pan" uel Slmona, owner; Ororge Weekea, con. tractor t..e . 152D ST. 444-470 W-Wlmpl. Electric "c" Inc. agt Margaret C Hrown. owner; Kali . Lelbowlti, Inc. contractor ..1171 4TH AV. 625 A 625HHerll Aronowlti agt llarrla Mandelbaum A Fisher Lew In", contractors; Martinique Lunch Co. Inc contractor ma 0?(,'.ST. "'-''ncle OallaVhn alt E!i"o Itli'e, owner 'A Contractor. 1073.40 I4TII ST, n a, 22S ft w of 2d av Wm L H Oallln 'agt Frank J Ounther. JVSer ft contractor tss eo BOWERV. 20-Oernert Slump Co! Inc. agt . V.1 - ' owner! Ivin & Levin Co, Inc, contractor 1214.14 nronx, PROSPECT AV. 145 Abraham Dubln agt Ki"rrnvrHT,'aU"'."'.n. J0"trM,or "7 s'i ii.hT,Il5 1 Mlnk0" ag Sarah H Hmlth. owner A contractor 139 Buckingham, owner A contractor... Ill DMi'.K J.)''Jt.b !?S.. .', lh' at- owner A contractor Iiiijae KKLLTHT, 935 Josept, I.srner ait Sarah n Smith, owner ft centraitor. . ," .lis S INTERVALE AV. 1-Mx MlnVkorf agt Sarah 11 Smith, owner A conttactnr. .139 INTERVALE AV", H Joseph l!!rner ait Sarah U rJmlth, owner A contractor.116,15 SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS, Manhattan. 7IST PT. 4S! ft 411 K Zebso Contracting April 14. 1911 ..,! 71Sf ST. 413 A 414 K John J ll.arn c'n.t Co agt Lolsaner Realty Co et al; May 14 1911 14.111 la IITH ST. Ill E Mai Wleasr act ilii j Kramer et al; Oct ii, !...... ...uo WAUTS MELLEN ON STAND. I.avryejr Says Some Hnston People Would Shiver Then. Boston, Oct. 30. After a hearlna; In the United State District Court to-day Judge Morton took under advisement th question of allowing Charles M. Green, a minority stockholder of the Boston A Maine Ititllrond, to Intervene In the re ceivership proceedings against tho road, Conrad W, Crnoker, nn attorney, stated that ho wanted nn opportunity tn put Charles 9. Molten, ex-presldent of the New Hnven and tho Iloston A Maine, un the witness stand to state the facts concerning alleged fraud and conspiracy. "No one will say," tho attorney de clared, "that If Mr, Mcllen testifies tt will not cause certain amiable men In this town to shiver." T. et P. Holders to Deposit Bonds. Holders of the Texas and raclfle Hall way Company's second mortgage Income bonds have been notlflrtl that receivers have been oppolntcd for tho company n nd that a readjustment plan affecting their bonds will soon be promulgated. A committee consisting nr Mortimer N. Duckncr. chairman ; Owen F. Iloberts and Edward Schafcr has been requested to act to protect the rights' of the hold ers nf thme bonds except those owned by the tit. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern, Hallway Company. The, com mittee requests that tho bonds, be de posited Immediately with tho New Tork Trust Company. The committee hns ex tended to November 8 the time within which It will receive these bonds. Bonds should be deposited In negotiable form with all unpaid coupons attached, and appropriate certificates of deposit will be Issued for them. A. P. Wins Waterfront Case. Washington, Oct, 30. The Hupreme Court refused to-day to review the din missal by .the California Federal courts of sixteen suits contesting the title of the Southern I'arltlc ltallroad to river front land at Sacramento on which tho railroad terminals are located. The court's order, which was without an opinion. In effect sustains the dismissal of tho aultfl to nust the Southern Pacific from Its waterfront terminal. 'EW rtliALTV COItPOHATIONS. The Hume stately Appliance, Manhattan; capital, 1 13,0110; directors. Frqnk K. Hum". William L. fcayers and Lceler W. Patl'r son. The Tcdart Realty Cnrforatlnn, Manhat tan; capital, IMKi; directors, Theodore It.' McCarthy, Cyril J. Uronn and Mac O'Neill. The Morgan Rundel, Inc.. Hrnoklyn: rapltat, ISoon; directors, Morgan Rundel, tleorge P. Iluntnn and tleorire K. Hiinton. The O. II. Construction Company. The llronx; capital, 11,000; directors. Philip llerechnnsky, Paulino HerAhonsky and Mever Flsch, The O'Mara Realty Company, Brooklyn: canltal. 16.000: directors. John J. O'Mara. Knilly O'.Mara und Peymour Hlueelone. Th IliTnchaa Realty Company. Manhat tan, cipltal. I:. 000, directors, Sarah Htiears, llerniird Hrcltbnrt and Marcus. The Hey llulldlng Company. Manhattan; capital, 16.000; directors. Jesee Myers, Henry M. Flateau and Ruth Klein. The J. p. 11. Il-.iity Company, Inc., Man hsttan: rapltat, 110,600, illrectnra, Kverelt N. Ilugglns, Almon W. Katon and Abr. Ho senblum. The .eer Holding Cnrpnratlnn, Manhat tan: capital. 1600: directors, Ralph Davis, Arthur H. Kerner and Irving Ilernsteln. LIVE STOCK MARKET. WEf.KLV IIKCEIITS. Itreres. Cslves. Sheep. New Turk l.MI 4,1:4 1,MI Jersey City 4,911 21,111 t'entral Union.... S.lll 431 U.l.'1 lti'IS :6,i i; I1KEVES Itecclpta. 4.K15 head; lSil care for .all-, Including; 1'ite arrlinle. Hum! to choice ateera v. ere lu fairly aoo,l deinand anil firm tn 10c. htaher: medium and com mon steady, cloetna dull. A few ijte ar rlials were held over. Hulls, thin cows and fat cows nere Juit about steady; other rradee nf cnv.a very alow and easier, and th yards were not fully cleared. Common tn choice ateers sold at ITtftn.16 per 1( lbs.; staas and nxen, iri.nng 8 r,o; bulls, 1.1 iiT.SO; cows, l.'l.i.", tut ss. i'ressed beet steady at 11I54C lor city ijf-esed native sides. Hales S. fandere: III Vlrrlnla ateers. 1,140 lbs. averaae, 11.40 per 100 lbs.: :0, 1.330. it.:s. ".ti, i.:3. m.:o; i, i.:;. is; :o. 1,113. i;.s, it, 1.150. i;jo; :s, 1,010, 17.25: 81 West Vtialnla. 1.119. 19.40, 20. i.t::. 17. Jo. 3 hulls. Loac,, i tons. 77. I3.2S. J Shimboric A Son: HI Vlritlnl.i ateers. 1,300, 19.20: 21. 1.213. t.5. 23. 1.122. s.26, 20. 1,141. I! 20. 1.212 17.40; 21 West Virginia, 1,113. 14. 40, 1.2S0. 12. 1.173. 14.(0: It. '1.20O. II. to: 17 Ken tucky, 1.23S. Ik. 75; 11. 1,222. 11.10; 14 Ohio. 1,171. IT.fO. Mcl'lierson t'o.i 14 Vlrrlnla steers. 1,431. 110.15: 14. 1.311. 110; 11, 1,311, in.,;; :o, 1,3:3, is.mi; is, 1,331. is, 30; :, I, 100. 44, 20. 1..41, IS. IS. 20. 1,240. SI.7&; II. 1,171, 11.40; 7, 1,273, 14.S0; 19, 1,200, 11.05; 20. l.tcs. 17 &, 20 ateera and Hid, 1.220. 11.21: 22. 241. 17.70. 1 rows. Line. 16.75; 24. 400. 15.50. h, 1,011. IS 30; 4. 197 13.50. Kerns Cummls.lon Company: 14 Virginia steers. 1,349. 19.75 3s, 1,304. f; ::, i,2:,; 19. 1,111. :o, i.iit, 17.90: 22. 1.11 1. 17 75. 23. 1.14. 17.50: 2 stags, 1,440, s. 50. Tobln A fhinnon: 19 Virginia steers. 1,214. I 50; 45, 1.1H4, M.25; :i, 1,071, 17.55; 4 1 Kenttirxr, 1,100,; 24. 1.032, I7.CS; :5. l.C.i. 17.55: 25. 1,017. 17 10; 2 men, 1,575, 17.41; 2, 1,43') 13; 4 enwe, 964. 15, 10, 451, 11.35. Newton At Co.: 21 West Virginia steere. 1,210. 19, 42, 1.047. 17.75. 11 Vltht. 11.215. 17 15: 22 Kentucky, 1 175 17 5, .1 Pennsylvania, 1.043, 17; 13 cuii". .03. 1 ill. J. u. t-urtls A Hon: ', bulls. 1.150. tC 11. 70. 15.00: 10. k2a. 15: 3 heifers. M7. 15. 7j. 2. 430. 15.50: 2. 5S0. 11.60; 7 cows. 1.013. 13.25; 12. v9. I'.; 21, 921, II 50; 14, 1,021!. 14.40; 21. 142. 11.23; . S4I, 14; 24, MI, 43.75! 4. 475, 13,50; 20, 415, 11 40. Andrew Mullen: 7 bulls. 1,043, IC; 2, 933, 13.73; 2. 900. 15.50: 1, 550, 15: 14 eiiwa. 1.040. C 25. 13. 73. 13.15! 44. 94. 11.25; 39, 9. 14; 9. 472. 13 75: 12. 930, 13.30. 7, 741, 13.33: 4, 738, 13.25. II. II Mollle: 4 bulls. 1SS. 14 50: 2 cows. 075. 14 50; I. 950. I3-.40; 20. U5, 13.63. Jcl llffe, Wrlaht A Co : 2 bulls. 110, 15.50. 1 row. 620. IS.25; 2, 725, 14.50. 11. 7J7. 14.25: 13. 709. 13 50. t'AI.VKft Itecelpts. 2,2!. head: 1.444 on sole, JIarket actlvi- und veala 50c. Jill hlchrr; gransera showed an Improvement nf 60 M 75c. The pons Hen- clearet. Com inon to choice w-ale sold at IS.60tfl3 per 100 1 b.-s , with 112 50 a more general top price; culls at I7j , eranrrs at 4ii4.75; f. t calvea at 7is, City dressed veals nrm and hlKher nt 13 a 20c. , country itrrased aold at l!QI6c: rirca'd araserrs nt 9j 10c. S.lllui Andrew 3lullen. .14 i,,l, 1T II.. nvemse, 112.50 per 100 u. 135, j;, 1.1, .1., eio, 9, 11s, tv b'. J, 1:11, 19. s Kraescrs, 240, H 60; J, 122, , n. hi 15, W. 11. Hume. 13 venl. Ms. H2.S0: 25. 150. 112.251 IS. 140. 12. 4. 120, 110, 4. 132. 9; tlirtts A Hun. 57 veale lis tlf Kn. iu jn.ia; I". III. 111; :o, 100, 110.50: L 117, ''0; 3, 130, , ,2 mixed calvea, 245, II; 2 115. 17; 54 gransiTs, 210. ii.60; 47, 193 14.23: 6, 10, 15.50. 1 Ji'arllngs. 420, 14,74 S' S,S0- ,V50i. " ""I". 4T 111.60, 3. U0, '.5o': mo grnisera. 216. '4 50; 6 yenrllngs. 410. 6 60. Jellirfi., Wright ft Cn . 31 ven a. 112. 41J.50. 1" 11? 111. .a corn fed, 214, 17.75. H. Sanders, 111. veala 161. 111! 15. 137. 110: 5. 1011 li.'l . 40, 13.50; 19 Western ullti,' 33, 17,40' Kerns Commlselnn Company. 44 euls 1.12 IH: 4. I SI. 112 76; 6. 1229; 2. 146. H. ninin ,v .-.nannun, 12 veala, 144, 111; s n 111.50. Newton A Co., 22 veala 139 lii' 2. 140, 10 Mcpherson A Co., 11 veala.' 160. Ill; 2. 20O, 112; 4. 140. 110. j Shilin- '' bon. 10 West Virginia calves, 214, SHEEP AND LAMnS -Receipt,. l,t00 bend: AS rru n .. . i...... i-i'v with an easy feeling; 'lamb, on liberal re. Celpts dec ne,l 25c. clnalnir .l.u' I . erul cara unsold. I'omtnnn Io prime sheen ""''J at 4 4i7, medium t pn,,,. i,.m." ', iu.(Ji cniia at 7'u-4. Urea. o,l Inu,; .Tnahc. 10W,5l'c': """'o'1 lamb aliw Sales Mrrhersnn A Co., 7tl West Vie. 1 "rWia,."'."L,,(,-T'J.i.,! '"Us. 64, , 11, 44, 17.50: 2 eheep, ns. 17. j 0' ? K?". 11 ''r1nla lambs, 73. Jl0;'6'..12!. wt Virginia. Cfl, 110.60 245 Ohio. II, 110.40. 241, 47, 110.25- 20 P,nn. "Vlv"'''. 72. IIOIJ cullaV 4;'i: 6. 40! ii.75r7 stuteV : iio.'r'i.'r? iio u-. 17H Pennsylvania, 67, in.6;u. jj2 ohl '.V 19 75! I culls. 60. i. 1,;, 4.Vl7; 13 IhVin 117, 17: 12. 110. n: 5. i. .! V. 44. II To culls, 13.50, S. Sunders. 34X Stale lnmhV 75, II0.42W! 404. 76. 110.110; 791, 70. 110 60 110.60; 10 ciiilB, 45. Jt; 4 sheep. 122 it 6. 124. 16.60! 2. 126. 14; 10, 93, fJ.ld- t 92. 14,26 ; 4. I. 14; 14 culla,' . Ti' ' J3. II; 3, 43. 12 50 Tobln A- Shannon, Sli) Virginia lnmbu, 7U, 110,63; 211 state Ji 110.40; 72 Pennsylvnnlil. 72. 110 45: 2 alteeii ISO, f H.tVOi 10. i. 0. .1. Shamherg Ai So ' 332 West Vlrglnlti Inmba, 72, lto.75. 47 71, 110.76; HS, 70, 110.60; 2, 66. 110 I liarllnga. 100. fl; 22 cull liimbs, 8, iVSo" 11 sheep, 90. ll. s. Judd A Co.. Ss stat.'i lambs. 71, I10.21; 20 yearlings. 76. I60 32heep. 110, 10.90. J. . Curtis. A Son! uni criiiviu inrnni, ti, flo.dO: '1 7e 110.10; 3. 13. 110 60; culls. 37. ti- i sheep, 120, 7i . III. II: 5, S2, 14.50. w 11. Hume, 197 Slate lambs, 71, ito so- 12 fa-. MU. " " ,,of"'' 5 UOUS Itecelpts. 1,149 head; 7 cara on KEW JKB8ET HAL E STATIC FOR gAUi Delightful All -Year Villa to Water Plot 100x175 Ft. $8,500, EASY TERMS Excellent Commutation to N. Y. City. Express Service. bUbV JaBBrtSaBBaS Pv BTrBTafjTaTsTsTsBjsTsBBBaBBW BaBagBr HBaaJBTsTsTsTsTsTJ country club, churches, schools a're here; splendid facilities for bathing 'and boat ing, good fishing. Send for photographs. F. B. WELLS, 170 Broadway. Tel. 1521 Cort. At West Orange, N. J. IvOcaled on wooded crnst of tho lieauttful Orange Mountains la the mldv of the finest and moat eidualte I suburban section. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE 60 Acres of Desirable Grounds rommandlna raejrnineent view of Jzl 0ny"k,..,ky,CT..t,7. nd ",r" ffl roiimllnR country. All city Improic- K menta. ladudln elaetrlritv. gas. natnr, etc.. am available. Macadam- WA ireil roads afTnrit uneirelled mntorlnir. VA lleyond question this property ta un- VA surpnasod as to location, view. Ini Wi provemenu. etc.. and la auiiauie lor ti dereJopment Into a Magnificent Country Estate Over Ino trains a day (with low VA commutation) over tho Delaware, wl Lackawanna and Western or Krle Yn railroad. Hudson tuhejs and trolleys alTneil artltlnnaj vrvlc. YA No Reasonable Offer Refused Vnmual opiiortiinlty suggests Ini- e action. r!aTaIMT1Tcl,l.l 1 l.l'HJ 1IEAI. ESTATE FOR BALE OUEENA. At Beautiful Bayside Park A MOST ATTRACTIVE HOME WITH I VEHV MODERN UP-TO-DATE IM I'ltnvEMKNT. ROOMY IIARAliK I.AWN lonXIOO. ENOITIII1 SPACE Foil TENNIS COURT. RESTRICTED I.O. CAI.ITV. FEW I1IX)CKS KHO.M Pitt ATE IIATHINO IIEACII. Ct,UH. PIER ETC. UNEXCELLED FOR ALL WA TEK SPORTS. NKAH OOLK LINKS. STATION AND TROLLEY. THIS IS A DANDY HOME AND WILL SACRIFICE 'I O Ol'ICK llll YER ON TERMS t)F VK) ( ASlI AND BALANCE CAN UE Alt. ItANOED. c. ALTMAN. 104 FLAT. Ill'SII AVE.. BROOKLYN, MODERN COTTAGE Uxcellent neighborhood: 4 rooms, bath and nil lmprovementa; verandaa front and side; full rellar; hot water heat, aaa, elect., larite lawn, sidewalk, Ac: owner rinnnt occupy: great barfaln for 11,600, will take 1400 cash, balance email monthly pay-m-nts. 11. OWNER. 241 W. 14th Ht., N. T. City. BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOME 10 rooma, 2 batha, iarr open fireplace; comb, enrloaed porch; gas. elect, and sew erage: large shaded plot; abundance of shrubbery: wonderful view of Long Island Sound. 2 minutes walk to restricted ainded bathing beach: club house, pier and sta tion: only 27 minutes out: greatest bnrgatn of the year; easy terms Van be arranged, II. KSTATE. Ill W. lth St.. N. T. City" HANDSOME home of 4 rooma and bath, water, gaa, electric light, beat and every molern Improvement; spacloua veranda: nice large pint; near trolley, station and school, easy terms and no reasonable offer refuted from good party wanting to make this a permanent home. C. HOME. Hoi 130 Sun office. SEE THE NEW HOUSES AT Kcw Gardens 11 minute from Hsrsld fid. HEAL KSTATE OUT OF TOWN. THE ONLY SAFE way for a prudent man tn buy a country home fully ex plained hv COUNTRY HOME LEAOUE. 4" W. at 32d St. Phone Mid. So, 1460. aale. Market lower at tl0tfl0.25 per 100 lbs. tor light to heavy hogs: It for roughs. Common dressed hoga ateidy. Salea J. U Curtis A Son, 17 State hogs. 15 lbs. average, 110.25 per 100 lbs.: 190, 116. 110.20; 2 roughs. 110. It. 11. It. Holll, 12 Stat hogs, 140, 110.25: 16, in, 110.15. Andrew Mullen, 11 State hogs. 192, 110.26, !j I 0 -I,- 4 roughs. llsVli: KeVns Com: nlssinn Co.. 12 MMf hogs, 1.5. 110 25: , ' eanuera, ei Mile nnga. ic, 110.:;; i, mission 110, 110.14: 2 roughs, 230, II. Tobln ft' Shannon, f State hogs, til, 110. S, Judd A. Co.. e Mute nogs, 1:0, 110. Other mien' Lire Stork Markets. I'HICAOO, Oct, 10. Hoga Itecelpts, 69,000, weak, 15c under yesterday's over use. Bulk. 19.55(rl0: light, I9.104flll; mixed, II. 50il 10.16; heavy, 19,40010.20; roilRll. 9,; piga, livi'll, Cattle Itecelpts. 27,000; weak. Native beef cattle, IS, (0811, 60: Western te,r, 6.t5tt9.60; atockera and feedera. 4.IJf 7 75; cowa and heifers. I1.3BOI, SO; calves, Jil. 7Sfl 10.76, Sheep Receipt, I0.044; weak. Wethera. I7.23tl.50i ewes, 11.9087.(1; lambs. ri.SO W 11.10. KANSAS CITT, Oct. 10. Hogs Re ceipts. 12,500; 13c. lower. Hulk, 11.76 ff 10 10; heavy, 110410. SO; packers and butchers, IM0910.15; light, 11, lOtf 10.06: pigs. Is.S 0 if 9.36. l'.ittlo Receipt, 80,04)0, Including 600 Southern: stiady tn strong. Prime fe 1 steers. 15,50 a It: dressed beef ateers, 17. 21 4)!i.23; Southern steers, I3.76tf7,75, cutis. I4.50UL26, heifers, 16,5049; atocktri atnl feeders. I5.75UII, bulls, 14. 76434.26; calves, IC.CiHi 10.60. Sheep Receipts, 14,000; 16c. higher, r.iml... 10.40lli yearlings. I7.I0I.7(; wethers, I7U; ewes, 6 75U7,25. HT. I.O CIS, Oct. 30. Hogs Receipts. 13,500: 6 to 10c. lower. Lights, tl. 15310: pigs, 11.3047 9.26; mixed and butchers, 19,43 ft 10.20: good heavy, 110.I0O10.15; bulk, JJ.T0iT10.15. Cattle Receipts. 1.100; steady to 10c. higher. Native beef steer. 17. uonu yearlings, steers and heifer. H.50O11.I6; rows, 1 5, 50 tf 7.76; atockera and feeders. lt.30U7.5v; Texas quarantine steer, 15.50 47S: prime Southern ateers. 1129! rnwa and heifers, I4.604J7.60; prim yearling sieera ana neuers, ai.outrs; native calves, 16 ll 10.25. Sheep Receipts. 2,600; steady to Io. nigner iunns. ii.buoii; wes. 11.76 1 7.26; lenrllngs. ltf4.76. PITTSIU'ltll. Oct. 10 Cattle slendr: iil-ply, no curloads. Choice, llui.lo: prime. l.769 .. Sheep Steady. Supply. 15 double deckr, Prime wethers, 17.23U7.60; cull and com. inon. ll.60w4.GO: iambs, ti it r..t calves, I11B11.26. Hogs steady, Itecelpts, 70 double decks Prime heavies. I10.161M0.20: m.,ll,,,. I9.95W10: heavy Ynrkeni. 19,75ff .4f. light VorJters. 9.15tfl.60i pigs. 9a9.25; roughs 9tf9.60, EAST nvrPAI.n. Oct. SO ram.n. celpts, 7,000; steady. Shipping steers. 17 v S 10,60; butchers. ISJC8.60: helfera, 5r 7 50: cows. 13.2147: bulla. I". if 7- .,'!.?. and feeders .1541 7.10; fresh cows and springers, 16041 115, 1111 ' : actlr. 14.1100 Hogs Receipt, 22.600; active. Haavv m,"i SlO.tOOlO.ZS; Yirkert! IIOW10.10: light Yorkera. Il.60a.76: ol. 9MS.25i roughs. 19. 3501,40; .tags, ' IT.VOtf Sheep (nd Lambs Receipts, 11,000; ae- 18 I NEW JERART BEAf. ESTATE FOR HALE Finely situated in most charm Ins select neighborhood near the city: water views: elevation 800 feet; cool in summer. House tins beautiful living room with fire place, dlninR room and servants' quarters on first floor. Seven large c bedchambers, 3 baths. Everythinu is modern, nil con veniences, electric light, parquet floors, walls panelled, beamed ccilines, etc. .Golf, excellent AN UNPARALLELED REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY etfsrtd by Banking Department, State of New York Apectat sacrifice prices frem now until November 1st to qulckjy etna the business at two corporations. A tame number of choice homesltes In restricted sections at OR ANT WOOD, MOHS' EIIE. I.EONIA. rtlDOEFIELD and TEANECK. NKW JlSIt- SET. Harcain price of about 40 of (or- mer vrlcea; all within a rive rent far zona "d thirty m' tea of Manhattan. Also at CABTI.K HEIOHTfl. NOTtTH WHITE ri.AINS. N. T.. stucco. Hie root modern, artistic bungalow, nearly new. Liberal Term. Tttlea Ouarantetd. For Information address. BENJ. I). HAinilT Special Deputy Sunt, nr Ranks, car or llanklni Dept.. 81 BROADWAY NKW YORK CiTT LONO IHI.WD RKAI. EMTATi: 11)11 SALE. ig This Handsome Home at Beautiful Floral Park, L. 1. 6 niMI.MH A HA I II ready tu move in nnw. Every modern luiprmrnifi!'. 'i iwirche-t, eoulhern rxprnuri. rini ntitrlctixl nclirh tvtrhood, rlecfrir Ilsrhl . pss, water, hnat. etc.. nror station, electric wrvlce, trolley and arhivil, Rruund no a iixi. $500 CASH & $20 MONTHLY. II. HltOWN. nr -,,thii f , ll'kljn. AUTISTIC. 6-rnom bung.ilniv, with con necting nath tn 2 Urge li.Hlinoms; finished in Al eile h'lrdwnoil lltitnh, open tapestry brick tlrepliiri'; piimiii hi it und rv ry mod ern conienlence, largi- porch, hedged in and tloiiera; nl' e location, not fur Irom water, schooia ami trolley; o0 cash and easy monthly payments, or tirnis to eult purchaser, will iletorate to suit, C Jill VAN. bn 136 bun office 110 A MO.NTII buys tine, well located chicken farm. Just the place for partv to make 11 nice living; iilthlii tjsy illafan'e nf city; good liouse ll'i.l i loiikIi un 1 for Inui . irl '?A,.t,!h . ,ar,h r Infurmallon write FARM, box 111 nn uftt " roil LOW COST Iltilll 'tu DK IH'NCIV. LOWS AND HOME J!l II.IJI.s'O PLOTS VISIT HKAfTlFfl. I t . 1 1 1 1 1 t- - A T 1: Its BOOKLET 4 ON HK4JITST T II AVUKH. son co. 1 wi:.-T .urn st ni.w voi CN Ft It N I . H E H APARTMENTS TO LET. Hever Chambers 1.1 totll St. nt Mil Avenue New Hltla. Now Rcu'.i 2-3 Rooms-Bath Rcpts 51,(kx) to yi.i'" Maiil Service inclu- lid!. (int'in it tjoctor. .1 iooin. ii, ?J,2fvj. Douglas L.Eliiman &Co. 7t Mttihen Ate., at 4Sth St. Ttl. Murray UiU 5(Q0. ,7?rn".X'y, 'I.'!' ments. hi. in pi ikw 1 w Mlh crry real estate. HoraceS.Ely&Co. REAL ESTATE 21 Liberty St. 489 Fifth Ar- HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED MOTORMKN ntid CONDUCTORS Permnnont Positions Good Runs Pay while bruaking in Apply at offlco of THIRD AVK. RY. CO 130th St. & Third Avg. Office open 9 A. M. to 0 P. M. .Sunday's included JJEI V W..M H ;m,u,k live. Lambs. Iti'.onit v..,n 9. weth-rs. I7 7VII.. ,.,', IS ,T -, '..";', sheep, 17 5041 7 7.1. nile. 4-IM'IMNATI, Oct 3H - ,., 1.000: alow. l'. rV, .. i i. . " .I"s, ami lights. 0..',ii ,i 9 3i,, hi.u.'jV 9 in Pigs i 10 I'attlK Recelpta 3,!iiu. t i li m .r. 1541 1,60 .heifer, u 0 ) 7 , ? 3 ,,"7o ' calve teady, lli 11 ' ' ' r-neep neciiiu... f,oo sleuli. Lambs sternly, 6.50Jft0 50. 2iu 75, I I