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THE- SUN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1916. Bond and Flower Reenforce Harvard Football Battalion, but HorWeen May Be Out ' of Game for Some Turn INJURIES MAY KEEP YALE PLAYERS OUT JflcijiH's Mini Smith Will Prob ably Xot. Face Colgate ' ' Football Team. CALLAHAN" WORKS AGAIN K'r.w IIaviw, Oct. 30. The Yfttr font "nil tram was Riven it rest from sctlm maulnir thin nflcrnuon, Miik put tliroufrh Ions alRiiul ilrlll Instead. T)i rcKulirs wre on tlio field, with the ex ception of Jacques unci Smith, tlin latter belnff out with a dislocated IljiKcr imil tho former with wntcr on the hnro. Neither may net Into the Oilcan name on t-atiird.iy. .Smith's Injury 1h not seri ous. For the first time In two weeks Calbi hnn nnd Vnrys, lioth candidates fur cen tre, wero on the tlrlil, Callahan phiylni? centre for tho third team nnd Vorys c rtipylnir the fame placo on the second team. Callahan Is not In the best of shape ami limps slightly. Capt. Illack's clcvon'shonred In It vic tory over Washlnicton and Jefferson that It has Rreal diving power, but It la ft 1 11 crude. That this Yulo team In far ahead of the Yalo teams of the past -two sea Hon at the end of October It the opinion based solely upon the fact that the team Is helnff constructed nlonn well Known and tried lines of developmert. The most promising feature of the Vain team to-day In that Yale nan n real quarterback In Smith. Tho KIN hnvo not had rji (food a quarter In several years, and Smith Is therefore considered u nnd. He 1s becoming both a eucral and u rlayer. . Ie Gore'a punting la still a roureo of worry, but the rest of his gamo Is so ! ........ . U .. I- , . a .. ... I .......... . 1.1. . '. 1 lilUl 11 ISlClil IU 1Ul.l.llU J HP puvr footwork. The team came through Faturrtny's name without a slnclo Injury, and the lineup thin week will not be chawred, ex cept that Bob UliiKham, tho left half back, who was tailed homo Saturday, will probably be back In the gamo thl week. The work of Carey, who played In Ulngbam'a place Saturday, was vury atlsfactory. Braden Is expected to return to the fcjund this week at fullback. Ilraden Is a punter and drop kicker of no mean accomplishments. Postlbly tho strongest back-field would bo Smith, lllngham, I,e ff-irr, nnd Hradcti. roster Itockwell, former nil American quarter and later coach of Ham Moise'w liiO elf.viri, Is expeefed hero to coach j lo-inorrow. and later In the wcel "I'udge," JlefTrlflngi'r, star linesman of the early '90s, Is coming to help. It Is hard to realize thnt Ileff has a son on the freshman squad. If he develops to be anythlnK like his father the Yale line will have less to worry about next jear. TIGERS BATTERED' LOT. Worn hy Dartmouth Cam-, I'rlnee- tnn floes Mule WnrL. PniNcnTox. N. ,T Oct. HO. . rather discouraged and batteted lot of Prince ton football players irported nt the Stadium this afternoon for practice. .'obcIi Hush required thojc who had participated In the. Dartmouth game only to run through signals and try a fw now formations. The greater part of the practice was held In secret and some new plays were tried. y Neither Amu nor EJdy was out for practice to-day. lMdy's Injury differed In the Dartmouth gamo Is expected to keep him dlo most of the week, while mcs Is due to-morrow. Winn was cil.o absent because of Injuries ami will not be able to report for some time. "Billy" Moore played halfback" for a time. About half an hour beforo prac tice closed Mooro was brought over to the scrubs and took part In a ctltT scrim mage. He was allowed to carry tho ball repeatedly and plainly showed tho ef fects of his long absenco from tho line uu In a lack of condition. The rcM of the varsity lineup was the rame as usual , with the exception of Kunk. who alter nated with WlUon at end for u time. HARVARD EARNS REST. irneH Over Cornell firing Olni on Vacation Ilornftn Hurt. Camuripoe, Mass., Oct.- SO. Hilly Mur ray, quarterback, and Hay. n Hiibsilluto guard, were the only Harvard football inon on tho field to-day who took part in Saturday's game against Cornell. The others all were allowed n test. There was a big Inflow of ftmier cripples, however. Hond and Flower be ing In the backfleld for tho long drill and Clark, Sagar and Hatchelder ri -porting for work on the rush line. In the drill there wcrs not enough foi wards to fill the tackle positions, while Felton, tho third mbstllute quarter, played on one of tho ends. Horween, whoso kicking wns so satis fostory from Harvard's standpoint against Cornell, Injured his wrist nnd will bo out for sonio tlmo. Flower, however. Is a good kicker. While neither Harts nor Capt. Dad muu were out this afternoon both aro physically ln condition and will be back In the thick of the hard work Wednes day. Tho team lost a lot of weight In the Cornell came and will not bo drlvoti hard before matting Virginia Haturday. RESULTS AT BILLIARDS. Brooklyn ouolata oontlmtsd msklng hlcli runs In the nstlonat notice ftratglit rnll billiard tournsiiient rriterdny. Tour of the slvht contestants mado runs of twenty rr better. Ihe Mimmarl? t Klynn's U 11. Htarhey riefeatti W, Mon roe, ion to Winner's hlsh run. V. Insjr'a 10. P. W. Ilaclnlafr defeated U. C. Jlackstatr. Ksl In IU. Winner's Willi run, '.', 10KT' 11. 'It. (.'. Ilui-kslaR ilefeBIrd W, Monro, 100 to tl. winner's high run, 10; loser's, 11. .1. T. Magneas ilrfeteil H. It Iiuls, too to s4. Mnurr's high run, IS; loser's 1". i.'ranileld's W, Vlre rtefested E, 11. Itohn, iixt to 78. Winner's blah run, l'l; 'osr's in !:. II. Walrous dsfsHti-d .1. T Snltcler. I no to 6!i. Winner's IiIkIi run, 15, liner's 9. Thllni'a Kills fiiilnmon dtfsnteil U, I llailiu, 100 to HO. Winner's high run, 11, lorer's 12. Doyle's Ifsnry 1'rantntn defeated W Morton. 100 lo 4T, Winner's high run. lit; loser's 12. II. l'rnntien defeAlfd N. Majii, ino to Winner's high run. IS; tour's IS. If, Krantien dsfeate.t II. Mantnn, mo lo 01. Winner's high run, 17; lout's 12. V. r-tnxsn ilefealea .1. F. I'reese, 100 to tU. Winner's IiIk run, '.'0; loser's IS. u Kugaal defeated M. MtilllKun. 100 to S2. Winner s run rune i, ioer s io, l,alr Urothers' W. Hortnn defeated r I.niip, 100 to i)3. Winner's hlith run. 21; lo-er'M H. J, K. IllaMall defeated S Urns, sell, ton to N4. Winner's hlrh run, in; Irm-r'e 22. nr. W. I). Hrader defeated .1 .1 .Inlmnii. Jr.. 100 to 88 Winner's hlrli r'-n, 20; loser's It. f I,nop deffntei! ll l.uKrln. 1(l to TS, Winner's IiIkIi run, tUt ioff's H, SCHEDTJLEEl BOXIJIQ BOUTS. ro-NiniiT. I'. Ilentllt U -llill llrennin ant) Tnni 4 Vamlribilt A flroa'lsy t! Culi-r. ueeioboro A Nuvii'-iit lllniliio A t' V Kddle West and Kdilei Kdill. South nnd l'ranl.le ! touiirrj TltritSUAY NOVKMIIKH l:llliinnt A JjtU Smilll, i-ilnii Maitin ana i.i.i, -una Maitin and Irltli , FIIIUAY NOVKMIIKK 3 i:arvv.L,;M,vt.i,&-iiIo,'"n' HORWEEN HAS trick regarded as hurdling Harvard Back Uses Style of Motion That May Be Contrary to Rules Fordham Only Eastern . . Team With Clean' Slate. n r DASiix As demonstrated n.jnlnst Cornell laet Saturday, 1)111 HortYceu, tho Harvard fiitlbni'lt, lias dovotnped a at.tlo of plung bib, or rather icutlnj,. Unit wc class ns tiurrJIIiis. It's not out and out hurdling but !i combination of liurdllmt and diving over inn llnu alter the manlier mado fatiioiiH nt Columbia In iI.ijh of yoio by Hitluld U't.lis. Illll LaiiKfoid of Trin ity., one or tho tnnrt olllclcnt football of ficials In tin. country, .cft-iccd tho Kiiine rl l.'ambrliUu and picdM-d llonvocn'n method of locomotion un bcliK within tho law. On some occasions llorween was within tlin wording of tho rule, but on oiliem he seemed polity of Imulllug cvi-u uecordliii,- to the r-trlct interpretation of the dclliillioii. ltulo (I, section 2, de Ihuw hurdling In the lino um "jumping orr or attempting to Jump over a player on the line of scrimmage, with both feet or both linoes forcinotit, within tho distance, of live tard on either sldo of tho jiolnt where the ball was put In play." Tho penalty I ilftcen yards. 'iulle a number of football crltjcs from this city miw tho minio alu! many were of the opinion that on a number of occa Ions Horwren was littt iltlnir and that Hie htylo ink-lit ho III violation of the spirit FORDHAM CRIPPLES COME BACK TO LIFE Football Players Who Had Uoen on Hospital List Show a Lot of Sppt-rl.- While a dtf-rppotntmcnt to the Kord. harli iliiderrradnates. the cancellation of tho -VnnsjlvaiiU Military College foot ball panio list atunlay worked won ders to th muiid. ):.cry man formerlv on the hospital list appeared In drill yes teulay and tho varsity bad Its full strength fur lli? first tlmu In two weeks. HiK-getivlg, Cadc-ll, O'Coiinc-ll, Binney, Mi. and Call in, tho former Invalid, (.criminal;.., iioh-;i a woiiii or Hash In the dmmnv I iniiisiy i-n.l OConnell bootnl the plp.sklu for an hour. MeNnmora ran the team lit quarterback. No dlfllculty was experienced by the varsity In swlnglinr lino formations, which have not been used by tho Maroon In nny contest so far, but were practised Inside cIommI gate" for two weeks. Benlnnlr.rc to-day four coacli will toll dally with the team. Dr ( ltlll)' Kcl-lelu-r nnd Dr. "riull" MeCnfTerty. Mars on the l'."iD l-'otdham team, will handle the enda and backs, while u score of for mer pla.ers hai ofl-n-l their aid to help Coach Uargan tint the team In con dition for tho (.eorgotown game on elec-I turn day. CORNELL SHOWN MISTAKES. Dr. Mm rpp Ti-IU I'Ujrre of Hard Work In Conir. Ithaca. N. Y Oct. 30. Sclioel-l-.epf Stadium w-i empty tn-lay, the Cornell coaehi-s al'tig tlm varsity men only a bl.ickbo.tnl lecture following tho Harvard (,ain; Put this itjoluro was tho longest and most Important In several sears at Ithaca. The men had no chanco to forget tho Harvard game, the many mlspla, the lack of Judgment and, above nil, the d.ued way In which they played. Ir. Sharp? told the players that they mii"t ixiwct the harclet work ever re. itulred of i tarlty souad at Cornell. I Ho mapped out a programme of pro (.,,)lllrc , MO,t wo eck, ,i(;f()I( the Michigan gamo In Ithaca. All of the nun came out of the. Harvard game In good ph) ileal rondltlon. Karl Ilretz. tin i-tnr u rub halfback, Ii expected back In bis togs bofore tho middle of tho week. I.AUHKL RESULTS. rirst usee Tio--ar-old maidens; five ami a nan iurior,gs; Oliy j ion (llur i,inaiw,i, li'.ru. Iis.f'i iiiul H.C), nun; Mae Murnr. 101' fKleeif.-ri. und 3.n. rerolid; SAoon, 11 J lllllt.velll. 'is, thlrii. Time, I -OH, i"Jrnnd Jury. Delos, s.iniiatf. Alary Powell. Ittir of Phoenls., N. K Itenl, Water Wings und Jai-k Duwrun :s.i rsn. Sit-uiiil Unro Thrte. year-olds nnd up. waul. elM-iilHtsic; eotlluc; about two mllis: Olio Ploto, 13i fCrawford), JlS.lif $U nnd Mti.7". won; IMson Park. Ut (II Wll.,iimsl. It. so ard, iHcdnd; J. It. lolmson. 113 Iflnrttl, 7,J, third. Time :l'i, Itnt:i-I rnl', Secnienre, Murch Courl, Cynosure, lhnm and lills Michael nl-,i ran. Third liner Two. jsar. olds! purae: six furlongs: Lively, 1 1 1 iSchiittlngerl., tS.TO mid U III', -son, Sjn.lnl. ten ipavlrs), 17 und SI, in, second : Cherry lllne, Ut iTrul r), II SO, third, 'Uiue. 1 1 1C 1-6. Ajnuliciiuijlnr, 'I rlple Crown, Olyn 'i;, and K" bi iile-j r-in Piiurtli Hare .felling handlcip; three-year-olds and up; six furlonxi: Yankee Nniloni, lit (llaynes), 1130, S3. in and f3.7o. won; Water Idly, 1 OS (nutnelli, IS.itu and II. 10. acii-ond; Presumption, lot (Ambrose). t.:o. third. Time. 1U.1. l-'svnr, t'herwood, True aa Steel, Ktruacan and Sraramouch aio rnn. l-'lflh lli,ce Purse: for threa-yaar-olds ond upward; one inlln; Marae Henry, 110 (Troxler). K.IO, 14,10 and :.I0, won; Pol roma, 107 (ItoMnsmi), U.50 and 11.10, aee ond; Air Man, 101 l Hall), 12.10. third. Time, 1:59 S-C. Candle, Turmoil; Car raghaleen and Ampere 11., also ran. flxth llace l-'or three. yrnr-olda and upi selllnBl six furlorig! Illue Cap, lot (Hhut tlngerl. 15 !. IS.S" end IJ.rtO. won; Pha raoh, 11 (Iioytei, i: ;n and 15.70. teeond; finldeii l.lst, iiui (Itolilnsnni, H.40, rhlrrt. Time, Itl.l I Qulen fialjA. surprising, Salon, I,.vly I.rfndmi. Landslide, 1'b-rn-l. S-mthorn fluid, Surtget, Superintendent nnd Shrapnel also ran. Scveritli Huts- Three. ear.nlds and up nurd, selling: one mile and a eltteenth--I'lnekford, l'.i ILcaieri, II5, 113. tu aod f 10.10, llrst. Little. KiiKtimii, ,t (Diitn-ell), 11.30 and I2.m, seeonil; Star llal, lis iKeoghi, Ii ", third. Time, lift. After glow, liny Day. Aesop. Value. Aahran and Song of Valley n.'n.i run LAUREL ENTRIES, l-lret Itar,, Tno.i-ar.nldt s'lllns, ons nille: hrud lljrnn, 1 1 u ; lilory llelle, 106;, 101; "Snn-ter Thuii Sugar, 100; Harharu H. 04; 'Lady lluli, no; Napoleon, 1ii. KinliKky Hoy, 1(14: 'llrent Indly, 104; I'oneo do Leon, a,; lllshnay, SJ. Second lluce Two-yiur-iilda: handicap; six furlongs. Ilmoklyi:, lis; jf. k. ie, 110, Kilts, 10,- .Minoliln. 117, llattlo Ab be. 10-1, (Iphella w 100. Tlilid llape All ages; selling: handicap; one mile lleim-en l)s, nr.; I'alr Helen. IO'i Hands tjfr, 103, Ht Charlcote. n J'l'.lon l.jnn, 101. stulnnrt Helen, loo. l-'iuirth Itnee -Thiee.jenr.nlils and up. ward. Ilio Natluunl llainllcnp; K.lilO lidded, one oiIIm nnd nn elghthi tMhort Unas Uinp.i, I ; ; llifrrmv, 120: lliiuea. l:i. tli.niiU's rimb-e, in,-,; Hpur, i:n. Kin. lergold. 111. King .Vi-pluni, I UK i liol.lcresl ll-n. I. 1 I ft ll Itni-i -All ages, selling, line mile end twenty! Tl,. pi,,. j3; runt, 113; S.inlh.-rii Hold, 113: Uluuh Do. 110: Linda I'ajne, J 111; Itiis,, Juliette, n; Tom Hiinciiik, nil. Sandal, in'.'; Voung Linlil.-iii, ll. Pharaoh, 111. Afterglnn, ll'l, II i,l lin-l lll. Mi.iiHliilKr. 107- I. If.. I 11,1 .kl. ,.r,,ll ink ' Sltih H i' e- Th-e-yenrolds anil up. !oldirei llnv. t--: Hr.ive I'unarder.' 1 1. N'lifel. UU: Vi..!li.i. I,,a i.n ' 1 Klnr's 0ii kh. s.lcm.'lus: i,mhro.'e, o; e-jeion - i-our-vear uids ami up ,veui , .ln nm ml u-l a uuiiri.ri Miller. Hi; l.iri-.h I'imrt, n Aimaiiieni, II- " ol ii-i.ii. loo. Mxiilu I'lrk lit 1Hi.Ii Tide mi.' ..-.,ry' iJV"1" Aiiri,,tli- .illnivnu o clahusJ, 1 1; n 1 1 lb is entry, DEVELOPED A 1f not the wordlnc of the rule. At anv rate It oprna up an Interesting topi, anil siiggtuia that there might bo a more explicit wordlnir of tho dellultlon of hutdllug', l-'or having attained such great ein clclicy In his specialty llorwccn dcocnes a world of ncdll, for It takes consider able vlor and yuiuptlun to go through with hl "hurdlt-." tin wiuh tlnally forced to leave the game Willi what to us like a f i actum! wiiM, If llorwcru found the Cornell lino closed to prioress ho usually mado n hslf illve ami half hurdle ovir thu first Isilwaik to llnd loiUjment under the sec mdary defence. Scveinl olliein among llii- llarvald backs, Hitchcock in particu lar, also tiled the llorweru .method, and there weio evidences thai all had been working to perfect tho fullback's .pe clally An olllclal discussion of thcstjlo wn held on iho Held during tho gamo Willi tho MnHNiichUsclts Aggies a week no last t?aturliiy, and thvic may be othera coining. Knrdhnm Miami .tltnr, There was terrlllo uiortnllty clean scoring slates InM Satin day. when I'rlfK-oliiM llrii. ti .....I ...II .i . .. . fiom tlvi list and left the field nlono to : it it I ."iii.ii uiuiji.ii rorunam. ,tiio Maroon Is now tho only eleven In the Hast which has not al lowed a scoro of any kind. In addition to rordham . rrlnccton. Brown and Muhlenliotg are the only teams whoo goal lines have not lieen crossed. Vach has allowed only one field gual to be tallied against it. Harvard has permitted only one touchdown bv Tufts while Yalo has yielded a field goal to Carnegie Tech and two touch down, to Washington and Jefferson The scoring recordi are led by I'snti State with 213 points In six games. Muhlenber lias scored 17? and I'art inouth 177. 'Albright holds tho lead on tho other side of the ledger. It Ims scored only polntu and allowed 54.7, with CIcorgetown's SO Inst Saturday as tho high mark. nnM 4M-,i j t --vpfircimird ( onchlnn. Probably thf speediest and IimsI nn. I'rt-i.nicu on oi coaching i im He.rwird ,...i .i.i.. .. . r,u.,i. .,v inn r,-ii',n vii iven ii oe - tween t ie halves last Saturday. Toward the end of the lecond period Cornell i-ouuoK sirongiy and making con sldcrablo progress through tho Crlmw.t line. When the whistle ended Uih tlrst half Captain nadmun did not lead bin men Into the locker room, but took them Into tho baseball cage. Hero tho coaches pae h llttlo demonstration of th Is-st way to st.rn Cornell progress. That they profited roy the exposition wns shown by Hie Ilnrvard men In tho third period. In Short Meier, The return of Hond nnd Flower at Harvard will develop a very Interesting halt!" for backfleld berths. Ilaughlnii has a fi'ic collection of backs In Cisj, Hoiween. Thacher. Hond. 1-noner. llliib- cock, Mlnot and WIIIcox. ! Thlelscher of Dartmouth tnav have punted fiirther than Drlggs last K.itur- uay, but there lsi,tioliody who can mi proach tho Trlneeton kicker In booting puzxlfng spirals. Tlrooke Brewer, national lnter.-cho!atlc sprinting champion last year, I playing In the backfleld at Maryland Slato Col lego, llrewcr weighs only 142 pounds. He Ir doing the punting for his team. Jim Hobertnon of Worcester Academy has been elected captain of tho Dart mouth freshman eleven, one nf the best first year tenms the Orceti has yet had. Against Andover recently Hobeitmn kicked a field goal from 4 8 yards. One of tlm beet tncklee jet sent North by a Southern eleven Is Caffey, csplaln of tho Virginia l'oly team. TayW, captain and quarterback of Isafayette. Is a very light man, hut ho never quits, playa a fine, game and Is the life of the team. Iiocal followerr of football arc won derlng what has happened to Hunk Hlodgett of the Navy. He has not played at all this sencon and laM tear In loomea up as on.e of the stars. EICKARD MAY CONTROL. lilLrls- tn Take Otrrr Maliairnirnl of noslnic lu tinnlrn. Madison Pqunre Mardeti will face a crisis, so far as tho feature of billing Ih concerned, nnd the Show Corporation, wliluli bin coiidin.-tod the bouts In the historic aiena may ictire nnd give way to new oillrlnls. Tho fata of tho Show Corporation binges on the action taken by tho Hn Ing Commission to-day, when tho re fusal of the (la rile n management to pay $250 each to Muha and Welnert lie cause of tho llrst postponement at their match will be taken up. Althoughl 'rank Dwyer liaa expressed the opinion that the fine against the Harden seemed ox ceeulve, Fred Wenck and John Francy, who decided on tho penalty, can hardly reverse thlr decision. Ill the ttverit of tho Commission's re nmrmlng the penalty and tho Show I'orporatlon refusing to pay, there will be nothing for the Commission to do under Its ruloa but to Murrpcnd the corporation until such tlmu in thu tine Is paid and the bout between 'Welnert und Moha put on In the Harden, If thai action Ih taken, then the. Show Corporation will throw tip Its iiniuls and tetlre. from tlm boxing Industry, und at this point the name of Tex itlckurd looms latge um the next Czar of tho padded glove game In the Harden, n Is declared by one In :t position to know thnt he will bo tho licit manager in the old .arena. .Should Itlckurd Ret control he would bo compelled to go through with the .Moha-Welnert bout and also pa'y the line. Moling- F.vrnfe To-night. Illll Uronnan nnd Tom Cowler will ,. the IcHllnrr attraction nt tho lirnudwity H. (', to-night, and If Coaler can stand off tho hard punching Celt, bo will feel Hint no nas a new leaso of pugilistic, life. Tlmto should bo plenty of aclloii nt Iho Queeiishoro A. C of laing Inland City to-night, when IMdlo Nussnt, Nut. Icy'sj hard hitting middleweight, will meet Newark's inlddlew eight i-liamiiloii, IMdlo Wen, MONTE ATTELL STOPPED. Monte Attcll. tho veteran bantoin. weight, hist night renewed his proximity to the canvas, Attcll was knocked ,,,t In Ihe seventh louinl by Kid Tajlor at the Military A. C, In Hrooklyn. A right 1 the stomach ended Iho argument. At. tell took a count of eight In Ike fourth ruuuu. COLUMBIA BRUISED BUT NOT BEATEN Varsity Eleven Caine Through W illianiH Gamo Without Serious Mishap. COACH EXPLAINS PLAYS lV'pltc the fears of the coaches none of tho Columbia football pl.-yeis who weio bmttTi-1 and hrulsot In the game with Williams on Hnturilav ii-cecil fe Hous Injiirle. dipt. Jeff He-ily. whose eg wns bruised In a scrimmage early in the game, underwent nn examination ni'd nothing serious was disclosed. He was on tho Held yesterday. It was feared thnt ttalmondo, the n.uarteib.iclt, had a broken oolhirbone, but two X-r.iy photographs fulled to In dicate it fractxre. His shoulder la badly wienohed, however, and the coarhen w.l'l s-c to It that he docs only the. lightest kind of wmi fur the next few days. Not more tlvin half a dozen player were on the Held at the usual practice hour, ninl XcIoii .ifrtcvtlr sent them in after they had tossed the ball nrrnm.1 for a few minute'. Ho thea called the cnthc varsity squad together for a blacUUmid talk. In which he went over i the game with Williams play by pin;.. I Tl! tnnlfir. il.tftti-t l ....1. !,.. frrrfhmen eleven In a rough and tumble gaino by 19 to 0. Tho Juniors made ' ..,.. ....... . .... men- i.isi loiiciiiiown iy Mocking a puM Inside the freshmet.'s goal lino. MAKING SPEAKER MANAGER. nrpnrls Are llofnjr It Trl Lands Ill Cleveland. Clkvuland. Ohio, Oct. SO, The fact that Trls Spealtcr, the great outfielder nnd champion batter of the American League, arrived In Cleveland to-day to remain for a few days and that Presi dent James C. Dunr. of the C eland American league club Is due hero any dy gave rle to tho report that Speaker would succeed Ieo Void as manager of tho local team. Hiinn stated that h would have sev eral Impoitar.t announcements of grcaf. Intei-t-st to tho fans to make at a dinner he will tender local newspaper ni"t some I nine .(ii- weph , Uru,n n MoTinv ...v time :hi- week I that he knows of no chance in the num. age -ai enn on tre part of president I i w-... ... , - ' "'ii'ii. i-i'tai-t-r ?.im no unrw noiiio.K wlintsor-er of any contemplated chance '"' tli f-ar.ngement of the local club. College Football Flashes Milfls at Amherst. AMHnftST Miss., net. 30. Th herst t-at.i t;as gleu a light workout t herst t-at.i t;as gleii n light workout t . Lit before Martin the strenuous drill Hint rl I ,- In order euh day fr,mi non on lo tl-t ei d of the een'in C ,arh Itl.ey I ion. r..'-n' of lctur In the r.-malulnit Karnes, for tbe Wesletan annie sbovted thai Jhe Mil- has it H't found Itself Bill llllleh "f tils :it.-nlir i-IH t-e alt-en to deteluptng a ipce lv offensive. Ills !r-t inov pi tV. tlllectloll lies i, i taVe Schini-lt from thi ll ,e and put hint at tight bn'fbaclt tn-da). lti:iui:h 1-ss be. -t ehlfled to gunnt, h-r- lli t gilt Wll bf .11 adVlltltaae Tori-, s tins t'al'ied tho itssUlimt 1-t at left end ond with the team lln-d up la this way they worked -in and down the tll,l In n speedy Hgnal drill. 1 afasrtle la Fluted i; ASTON", l'a., 'let. 30. Lafayette !s In high rle oter the football tleto-y oyer - le-banin V-tl'e and tn-niorrnw will ents-i wt-h renew..,! fftrlt op special worl, ; f .r the ri ne with l'ennshatii i on Saturdot I'm. h frowe't w' pty sue. Inl otten'lui' to tli end., which hate be.-a a source uf , tcrr nil season K'l's was Ht the beglnnlnr of the season' the ,e.t end In the eotmd. b'i he an-4ln, h,. nble i,ri hn heen In nnd out nf th- . Kiitoe all season. Wnndrulf, who wa th- selection for the ..tW i-ti" of the line, has a's d nimh from tint In- etllahle source nf the football Cosch'a ills - trnctb a . pqr lee and ThaMer have been Ihe tcoit U-ef ll silb-tlt'lte. nnd ' Is prnb able that ore nf tbist bnv.s wl'l h use,l In Hi l'eiili cam- The res' of Ihe tine urn ti, I bin Minis, wli.i nuclit I" b- able In idi- high sr Ie football, but fur some reason or other 'riv hpto not yet respond el to the !( -r:s uf the coo-lies ti, teach them the rolne. Itilllclc Is the nin-t rePt hie of the iiulntet Ills vears nf etprrl-ll'-e nnd the Imprmed health whb h ho I" this )rar n1n)lna link- him "f more talu to l.ufnteac thuii Ik- has ever been limit r,tn-etllons Here, fe-orcrtowu has one of Hie 'it teams In the Last this tear and the officials al ibe HlPtup arc railiei aurprlsed that tho tram wee tint credited with as much us It tnlgi i hnve b.en utter winning from li.trtnioutb. r. inked with Ihe best It. Its Airulnsi I '.it .1 li t ii i ileurgetutta w-'.lt prob- ablv up as follows: t'.ark, left -.nil. MrC.irthi, left la, He; ."how niter, left ge-ir.i. Anarrson i ntr. i ini.K uri-eii, ; rltlil guard. i"apt n't' mor. il-iht larkle , Whel.n. tlsht end. M-iliu..j quarterback:' lilim.- le't hn'ri.trh. Mcijuade. rlibt half , bai-K Will, fill. back. ejie nine nnl ilrn Is norr pnlnMng for the rordlia'ii wim, . Last year ncoraetowii ran awnv from the Main, ,11 and this jear f the Hllltopir hope to surpass tb-lr record of loir. I j M.lsirer I. SlallsKed. 1 WA."IHNflTON. l'a., Ort. lft. -While; - tt'ti.hlneteii and .t eff, rsrtn was beaten liv t.e .lefe.n'. - lYrdhai i Vtn ,7. in iln 11 s 1 ne , . .,. I i;: i , ,; ,;; "' Hawthorn l-'l-ld I mrrnw afi..rn.,..n I o'-'P vned Hint. 'I h- Hattl. r tried for it ,f HiampbV, !s i j", w: '.'''..'.".v.'t'V.rtie1';?,.; nnUU-" " """ Hlu. and iir.. has a tlrtorv Hart-I J"..,- .how'tig .--..icni:., -.i,..e it aula '' ' ' " - ' S' Vto i , a i 1,1 " '"' '" '-i'"'"EC and l.fvlnsl-.v tonlllli of which in h.i.s, ,,d Coach Al b her.- led , 1 1 , ,poi t..r 1 i al I, 11. " ' ' ... r.'i,;,: ri iT. ill I.!, it lEl.Vt-! "' "v I'-'tt I he ha, I to clinch Kx.-n.iine tr now teiichlng hi. tilaer. There wl'l l . inn.- vtup f"i th- " ire-i- eiet.n app. a i I , nt ni winning . i" nail i' i nib u eral f 'rnullon- far use iiRi.lnrt the Maroo,, . . .mi .k r. this e.-k ..- ih,-y ' will p'ay ' ' ; ' ."'.''oja lit b- Pi Hr..ok' n. -''d hold .., New torn oi. cl., linn .bit. I.if. i.lie atur.n and t.o ,r.,t P oM log sal euntender beliig P..;y fn-p. Ynle. Fol Me'ig-r Ii a "atlsrlrd coach. Ills lf ,n t ti t - t es slat. , men did Just about - hat was expected or, there will l- 1,,, leti.p la pracil, e. Han them Abote all, Metjgsr Is glad that ale ,f r,, p,,,,,,., t,, drlie it men nt lop speed lecoe-nlred the clean lactlrs of hH 'iien. j 1 reujt . mo. li of llulm-ie'., tuestlxe as which llclted some entnment ntkot enter, lnln lb "fllisl nt 'final phases" of Its ' .:'..'. -Vi . UU campilni. Musaingiim win i.e me ..est nnno.ietit nf the fted and lllack eleven but following It ronie the four rlaal games on th schedule, every on of which la ex p,.ete, to test Metlger's eletel lo Hie nt -most, Mnet linieirtant of thee la the all nual ihainiilonshlp frav tilth the 1'ntter rlit of I'ltt burg In Pittsburg on Not em ber 11. ' ,Mtriis Kegulars Hut. Football prartlee at (llelena yeslerrtai lirotel dlslieill tenlng, ns all of tho Pl.t etllllg bnckllcl.l fulled In ri-peit. Wrbb, Marshal!, Illo.s and l. rhiiec weie the nb eentr... M.ireliaire 1 utd, wlitih k. ;. hltn out fur tin. last half of the week, I: wan learned tn-diiv has become mote acrlotM 111 .1 for the last Ino he ha . been 0.11 line.) 11. hi- bed. lllost's shoulder win damaged In the flret iiuiirtcr of Saturilav'e game against Pehi wan- and (he coach .las forced to nplaec 1 lie l) nliiiee, who In turn w as rim! I, I'll llljuie.l. Dcglnteo Irid preilonslt- I. ecu hurt In thr .Mi.ldlt bury gain and II. idgera liad hoped mil to have to use htm r-'alurdu), but lllom's'lnjury nnd the heat I net of tlin Hclaware Lain forced him to ll-e lleKiltletf. Hodger SCI. I both to ail otdeot, it li I llr.'iuu. lite vaihlty end who was hurt In 1 ihn Middlebury game, uml has not returned since, vas also nhscnt. Musk, tlio.iRl. 1 somewhat bHiig'd up when he recnvcied a' ball that railed out ..I bounds pud both team fill uu him. r. poll..), hut Hudgei lefllted In lief lilm ijet lulu t autt uf'l pit 1 . Hurler 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 iv. thu t -1 ell The line men ealno UiriulRh falrlv well' sav.i fin- Ihe Inevitable hi-al-es nnd wili 1 ptidiablv nit start In Ihe g line against .'uluiubla on ileiitoti day liiirlhiniire Ha. Hopes. NWAItTHMillli:, ',i. Oct, no.. Next f-nt unlay the Hwarllimiuo football team M1.1 ruilrator In lliullllaln It,. , lean stale lit' de '.f'rftlllB th" .Inhlis lliipkllts eleven at I l.t 1 1 1 siu.r.-, i-eniiy linker, on- or lasl jei.r-s elurs, plated hla III mi game last M.iurdiiv Hgnlust I'rslnus. Me rh.iwe.l jdenic ut I'lip und was iced . eiislslrut i- so dent Uu l lsllius Mil,, for Rood gain.. lie wue In Juie.t in a prncil. e e ,11, nun,-, u n, ip,, inlln Just beforo the l.afajette name Hilly Proviii't In iiuldlelninhiK hip ihuia In the tme for uuarlerliiicl. ..,. II Inn .leliusnii, who dlrecird the plav during the greater pari of the riiiii In whleh Hwartlimoro brat I'rmi, la not In the b-at of ahupe, tut I NO NEWCOMERS IN . ! BASKETBALL LEAGUE' Nol.cslnatioiiN Kil her Anions' i Six Members us Thev (Jather in This City. I KEKLECT T)R. TIA VCROKT j Dr. ,Toeph V., Raycroft of rrlriccloi: wns ri-clected preufdent of tho Inter oollelati! Basketball league nt tho an nual mcctlii'f of that organization In tho Hotel Imperial latt nlglft. Dr. Itaycroft hail served two terms ns head of tho association. No new members were admitted, none applying. I.a.t rprlng City Collegu sought information ns to how to g nliotit Joining tho U-aRUe, nnd ll was somi-v.-lmt of a surprise last night wlen tho local college .falicd to send a rcpro. srntatlvo to the mcetlliur. Allhouirh lluro had been some talk of a.poislblu rcelgn itlon from Dartmouth, the league remained Intact with a mem bership of six -Columbia, Pennsylvania, Cornell, Yule, Iiartmoutli und I'f'incetoii. A schedule wa drawn up and adopted, but will not ha releiiaed until to-morrow Several Important changes weru noticed on tho schedule, which con- sli t? of thltty-ono immcp. In addition 'to . 1" .V.-T.-:""- .'. r . nunmonai come nas IK.-.-U ,i,ie,l In the form of an exhibition to be pla.ert at Yalo on i-eipriiiuy i,, TTlucetoii ujt tho attrac tion. Theie will bo an Interpretation meet Ing In tfio Hotel Astor on November 54, tho day before tho Annv-Nuvv name. Thl" 'xpected to be an all day and nignt fession. as 1 haws of tho rules are to he dlcuscd. Tho men who will olllciate In the I games also wcie chosen, but their elec-I tlon remains to bo npj-roved, and their names were not divulged. The following Krnduate representatives were ekcted member.-: of the executive committee: Dr. Josei-h K. Itaycroft. Princeton; mil Kinney. Yale t ll. Ilenson. Columbia; tl. 1 Kent, Cornell . J. W, Oannon, Hart- tnoiitli, ai-.d Italph Morgan, Pennsyl-1 vanlH, Tho'e present Included W. C. Kruzer ', nnd O. 17. Kent. Corne'l ; D. IS. l.ttihard, , i.'arimouin ; , i , .M-'tnii, i. , ricrco land Balph Mo-tan, Pennsylvania; C. H, i sun mupii, I'riiniiyivania ; i. . ii.i i jlnns I' w iMwll nnd to- .tnnt, Itavcroft. Princeton. r.PI Klunev. Jr.. l Yule i , "K'' .. . ')' 0r1!,pll,,u"'- v'nP' .'- , rWf, 'Z-t!, frm.-d Harry Pl-'icr wa- riot present. I Islinn-d i'v sell sirilnst Cr-liiMs Iiennrlly, Injured last irdei-, bas lied no dlPcuit! hukih ,'" u - -i1"- " I ' 'll'" i-nturduy 'Mrv. I. .-. tr,i eiilvti in noi.ntii.- d,.,.-n ,'-ntte ir h. is a, it in tuie. nn, I , , well du-liig tsn , tno t rsinus i-atic Ann) Marls Ileal lAnrk. WK"T POINT N V . et. 30 The Armr bectn Its rretuiaii.ia i s for the 'tre Puns liailb- next s.iturdav l, in luli;lli In ItJ-ht wiiri. I'll. I iU lie ! u sti-ilp sib-'j drl 1 'tllh a I -he , iiii-ii In . -,l. a half lii-t i 'ir.ii. r.i'l. n'l woui'i up ih duy wlili a stir? run Aro-.ud tli ii.atie Al, hanue t ft Uwl nnd MeKsnn, nut nf the VIIIkiiov.i gii'i-- m I shaV llnth are r-itfering Mi bruises. The rnlll lary ilrlll eeas,i: will end to-morrim- and the "olg ilrlt-- frr Soir Hanie and the Mivy win beam e-nh plen'v of lime for I gridiron wo'l; oil Wednesday nn-i tbcre- tirter. ,. ft. 1I:lt,r,0 t,tln. ,,-,,,,, . ..... ''P1 ,M ' . V?" ' " V" tl" Tints ...llee f";lba., fam did not ret am from Its euccssfu. ttlp to In time t'd afernoon. the rtgul-ir work fur tho fii trn! i.nt start until In-Olorriiw eJt r-utiiiliy ihe .M a I. u setts Agries , oni 1,,:,. rot their ri'-u-i , n;""'. r-prlinc.l .nd ll.iwil.dn fellow, 'W'h the sniwi- en-liw; a- Irssm Park i ) ';'t 'he big Svrnct Ic. en , Pi" In ll-ma t am. wiu.-li I ufis de. Voted I "S lurd.l i . ' " I I". - I'- llr.t .letcn to I cto.1 Hie v. -m-.i tt-ar-i goa" line i hi year. Ill" fi, i 'I-it ruttc fal'ed m beat, iii nuna in- -i in t n ,i-e ;e a -r:f,uie,l t tile tucl ina IJ .iirl"-teielt Irjl line was ut, aide to p'.iv If,- will b liaclt for tho' game next Saiiitdav I'etio.t J. villi ore. 1 1 Pllll.tli:l.PIHA t SO still feeling I the ph.lal H n,l licl, lei effccl" or th l I feat bj 1'llt.lni'.: 'a.i Satiird.l nio-t t the l't-nns ivulile fii'ilball patets did not I nine pari in nn itk -hi l retikiln 11.-1.I .reiitatbin wi: I i ic - f.u. culest leifat.'ltr l- run , ...tal.'e till year and l'eiine u i-l- l . , oisei i It,, eneral-s , for the test with Hal iie.tilh her, on No 1 ti-mber tl Tha'i,-ii t'.it p.ateil l.-ird. It j, plated e'.-a fiiotlial! ut.i t .. m-t'oun In I Juries w ei e rci,.rlel. II-ni taken out I of Ihe Kit, lie. but I'!' UiJ'irt was ilie old ti I'unirct ii ilia- i-ei.n st,.t name ... ...... linlaer. lo Hi, I M,,,,,, NfV IHU'Nr'WI , N .1. n.t 30 - ht It I' tela fuethiill sin . . I.i bad shape a. a res ip nf 'h. II- . .1.111,- I'rot.l. Kelt w I 1,. out lu .e.- ii,t ,,.,. in wlili u biulii 11 arm ond Ho .-1 Ha-.-l t lie fulll.t.-k. Is opcitid In be I 1.1 i.i- m l a-i 11 O11I1 a few- of tb iiaulars 1 ne our tor pru tlco to-d iv. Uiii.n .11,. 1 I'mulail ba'li hurt. llie mi'inil s, ,,e, 1. e-,110 oi'.e llmillli. 9 ntt ,,e, 1. e',110 ni,,r niown thnugn A Is belletld to have1 ,. a,,., ,.. ,1, .....! . , .... Possmio oj vewark on fatui.lay. buft'lih the'men In , 1Pn ror ,h. wM; nR ,,r,, rd tlm. i dsvetnp. I Most of the. time WP be spep- Ink the acini, nr. iielence. Hcn-.etaer Has Sen t'.i-scli, 1 lOY N 1 lief. BO - Stttrrnetrrer. fr,r,,i.-i Wl , ,tel', grMtron etui and ,0.1 b. lias bten cu -,.l In l.. ;h,- erl. et!,- . .uu, li of Hen -.rlier I1.! I-. h In iret rli eleven In iiip.' r .- I'.e -,ie iiiih I pi. ,11 Satur ill) He I- nti' .', .ete, the 'dawn pta. in,'. will, It 'I.' a, r,,il ,'.i asl men III n u c ii-, 1 it is ,111 ett..o,i him as none . I'nrs'c i,f the Mnemeit 'ibe pracil. e was iieiieu to ' . 1 , t ..' in. Illl.lergrillllali'J, the, as Its,,, ,., eames Ihe two ' FOR A PONY FARM. ...... ,, ., . . .... .Mr .!. "hp I! ?.l Lea., b is ,l. 'be Aslilntiill) f.itni Tyrp glmm, .;i-:s, of . Immii 1 iiui a.rcs, lo vi. ler lima. we ' of 11, .ml Ib-nnli, N .1 , who pla . i. il li for , ponj fan I VOGHL'S BENCH At Ordinary nm l'i Uriiili M.ule Shoe ate made of ihe finest Icatlirr ri.ftt i tisttmi lime, uuktri, on ptruiuei, yet tliey tost no inure ofiinary flioes. tlir cost ol lesthtf has advanced rontidrrably I am kct-piiiR tlir puce of my thoej down to a ulinht t unrrate ou-r S. kllfin V.llllSl N. Y. V. AGAIN TO LOSE CANN FOR FORTNIGHT Foolbnll Star Affpravateil an I Old Injury in tho Game With Union. i Highly elated over tho victory over Union last Saturday, the New York erslty football team reported yesterday for a'llght workout, Itotrnrd Cann, -on. trnry to tho flrat reports, did not MilTer a dislocated shoulder In thu Union con tcit und wns simply, suffering from tho Irritation of an old hurt. As It Is bo may not hi able to play for a couple of weeks. Wurman Is looked on as the man to fill tho vacancy at left halfback. Ho Is only n llttlo fellow, but hna weight and M'ccd which Is far above the average, Tho showing that lw mndo during the sccor.d half at Union lias given Coach Uustls assurance that the backtleld -will not noticeably lm ucnUoned by tho change. Another problem, however, will como up If Cann Is forced to bo absent, McKcnzIo Is tlin only other player In the varsity lineup who can do any kick ing. Tho Improvement shown by tho lino was especially pleasing. Although the Unlit wraU.ned at tlnicf. It ulwoy lltfli(tiH. ntid held the Union playorrt for '.!? !:. :.C-rJ":f ; distance. An Injury to Urlu near the end , - ,ha h,lf -,-nn,v . 0r- , "... V" . nle. ttiulty to go In at centre. For n noMco at in well. at the same the big basketball man did PIPING ROCK NEAR TEAM GOLF TITLE I I ., Tclnml WnntPll Assured ''""J- JsWnfl UOniCIl dlllld Laurels After Defeat of Knollwood. Plp'.ns Rock women are practically ! nuiiml of tho Metrornlltan Woit.en - Coif Asoclatlon team championship for mic. timnivh thele vlrtnrv over Knoll- wood by 5 polnta to 1 yesterday. In the ,-nplon.hh, .und Hock has I now won toree matches and lost none. To clinch tho laurels Piping Hock only eds to defeat Knglewood Wednesday when the two meet nt Lnglcwood In a r. turn match. Knollwood i-uffcred Its third aeft-at of the tltlo round yestenlay. l'lplng Hock alrendy linj one victory over Knglewood, uchlevrd at the. l'lplng Itock course. Playing' over tho Knollwood links the i iMa,li,rs lost none of their ek'll n',.,n"" e , ..1.1.,. .i?- L ...V,,, .., flexhlblurt throughout ' tho S'-umui and whlcli biought them thu premier laurels tn the I-ong Island division. Only .Mr. Mjra IV l'nterson of Knollwood was able to score for the loters, she winning by ono iHilut from Mrs, Jl. Hoome. .Mrs. '. C. Ain-hlneloss. who wl'l be lomvli-l'ieil as ope of the Hiding plaers In tho n- , cent natlonil tournament, na'ned two points for Fining Itock by wliitilng the second pine holes and the match fm.ii Mis. c. Itoborson. Mrs. 11. Alexandre! and Mi. G. M. llecksclur nlu score l1 for the victors. Mrs. Hcckscher was cxceptlorally cartful tn her game, playing fine golf and winning on tho slxtienth green, with only 7.1 strokt needed for that distance. Tho reruU : I'IPINO UOCK. KXOI.I.WOOH Mrs. r C Auel.inl'ss : Mis. f llolierson . . w Mis It -.lenmlro J.Mis, IV r Poweis y M. l M If'kscfier : Mrs Turn fotrest . .'Irs 11 lloome ... . Mrs 1. n Paisrson 1 Tot it - Totil 1 Women of Tountakah Country Club engaged In an eighteen bole medal plav tournament yesterday. Ml"s Cruco Spalding was the winner of the Class A prise with it M'orc of 111-21, "io, .Mrs V A. Klpp nchli-vtd the Class 1J laurels wltli 123 .;. !. WITH SCHOLASTIC ATHLETES. .apt 1.k it'llrleti of the 'nmnier.-lat 1 t. ie. ,1,,. I'tat i.lKbt r.p)rlo.l out ,.t dan-' t r IP- -.till Is in the King" ''ountv 1 In , - 1.. 1 1..-. ... ...... list ' Thursday U llrich's accident was I pal ib ul. irly iiiiferliin.ilo to the nam ns 1 r- I the w.ari-ts of nie Siurb't and i.rav i.-nndrttt of luaMii the bc-t slii.wlng of lite III.XIKllll Ull'll , IHH.IS On f the strungest foniball team. I.r- ' 1'le.k, uu,,. i, liVih.irge ,.; rbe tpiitti! lis , - I ma- "umd .nt ,1 ..U...L. nt-.i ll. .i-....,... Not b.-lni. 11 ut. ml,, r uf ibe l'ritai,- ,-i honls ' Atblet'c As.o.-i.itl.iti or tirenier New Vork . .ei. 11 n- iiiskv e cnarge are not per mlitfil to meet puhllo high teams or Heietis that ate moiubeia of the associa tion. .Tco Wllllame, last jear vlth Told hum l'l. p. Is th. tualnatai of 11..., ill, un llelipintit Hlggflll fiom Adclnbl Aitdem s'.t'i a new man ,11. ,t 1. .l.oo li 1: up w.i! Hirglna's brntlier nt tackle ','.,'? ' ,, fiiinliUWu pl,r. Olson nlll holds .lotin left end and tho Stack -pol bruther-i alto are much In Uie time- Coich .foinea C-irran of th- Merceraburi Acndemy trade t.nm rapidly Is whipping hl" '', Inl" shat.e Th. 1 ,tri Irani lb!, veae I.u- 1 1.. . L . , I ' 1 la , '. Shelld.. Ite.d and Whllermili. t.te liiT.o ra e l llelani.-ls II lihui.l ,llt Season Shlel, nn.i ttiiiietuiin boMi hate eiuered Pennsi iaiii.1, nnere tney are running un th ...-. 1 ouuii-i e.iu.l.l. It. ,.,.-. i in. inn,. 1, ,11 iniets.'itulustb tc. i..r.l for tin. mil.. nncr.., v.,,., wbero he 1 re.-cnlli- mm the mihim Uo . ....... tll'ila '1 lie M. 1 cersburi, t..,... ........... .. n, . , ....... ei oea 01 . "7 , " "", "iroug as 1 let year, hut '..".'. V- l''"' " ".ie Will laaaii 11 tc hoiuel it ll!', h i iiiisUi'i 'ut lb. r lit i ' dbi?ti,.r,,Aien,,,;!:i '"" .'ft,?." 'I Kemper. II ll III, lard. M l i i;, It M llrlKhlhlll. t" ,, 'la'-ar lr I K Had. .Ii.. I) H K-I,,.i ... ',,.... Woo.l. . ....-..'""'' -tiien - ,, i.eiri.lKC 111.. iTiai coumri scedule Is fulb.ii.j ('ir Me. "nllau Nuicmber 1, .', I,,, ,1 .llli.ll.Hlr ,. V. ember It. A .' I l.-li, In ters. hola-tl,. i hamplouship; V,'. .V"1, tu- lit of l'ennv,,a on .Nov,.,,,' 3V MADE SHOES Shoe Prices lormer praes. S i up. l or KI-.AL rill it a lis ' ' E. VOGEL Maker of Fine Shvti 64 Nnssau St. 1 ..... ' .... 1 , . . .. , .. .. . . c I,... BILL MISKE GIVES LEVINSKY LACING St. Paul Thunderbolt natters Mini Who T?ent Dillon All Over ltliiff. jjKsnr buj sntPRisK ll fil.OIUiF. II. C.VDMIt WOOD. When l-'Ightlng llllly Mlslic was -rail-nated from tho St. I-nu! grammar school In the same class with Tom mid Mike Olbbons he wont right to work Itr nn Iron foundry. If he cm handle a ham mor ns well s he dors his fists thnt St. JMul Iron foundry lost a mighty good workman,' lb-fore a house so Jammed that tho representatives of tho PI re Department had to stop the sal. of tickets Mlxke handed Battling lvlnsky a terrible lac ing In tho Clermont Kliil:, Brooklyn, last night, and gave the sporting world oho of the worst Jolts It has had In ' many rroons. T.o .nk "r Jack Dillon, never was in ,be "V . . . -iiko natt ered tho Battler from pillar . to pot, and despite tho fact that I.e. . vln.kv hi ...,- .. P"umin nettcr of tho Wflghts hl.ii 111. a l,ahy. Mlsko handled l,etlns Rnilly I'nnl.bed. , H took the St. Paul Thunderbolt one' roiin.i to warm up. In the sceoiid he Marled nunc liliir- i i i !.... I iiiW,.ii,, .7..., . " ,.,,,,, . , ,, 't"iK me onuier witn - ' "on ugnts. j-Toni then i on to the cud Mlekt- neer let up In the fourth round he raised u' lump oer l.c liiKkvV Inf. - o . i- .1 .-.ii .... .1.? , r)V"' ln tl"' nnh ut an iirfly gush over III." starboard optic. Willi both cjeil d.iinagcd, fm-,. t and llpu puaed and swollen, cruel welts' acrosii stomach and ribs attesting to 1 Mleke's body battering Loln(y pre- ! rented n sorry spe-Hacle when he ,.ft . tho ling. in ins many jears In the l - vln skv necr nni received ,i wir.c beallmr. ine sprciacio ol oe.llg t!,.. Sll.ltfoid i lep-ftso that be may ll-Shi-lff. one of tin. .li-verest dt fenMve " v ll'TC. lighters the ring cvci producd. getting! -i tcirillc Ihuinping an .ilnio. un- irtttf.'lir " T,10 wc,-,t ....ou,;;',1 vlnsky 1M pounds. M'ki- 170'. jmumW pound, Morg.itr man thus . . .: i, .inn it ,. ... a .. nun pniii'ii-i i, ,. brttrr of tie Wcgh'". Mitch tf tin- llr.-t round nici t in 'Pirring ami f,-.-llng out t.-tli-. and In' tho Utile boxing ilo-i,- I A.t.iis.Kv had a tliade Iho be tor .M.ekc cot thu ranre of I..-vlii.(y'M iMld-e- t'nit In tin s.-eoml Mm in- i.-111-.iicuiy ,,.,K idt and r!i;h' lll.llllei- wrist lie..,, j-t above tile I t.l r tlor'n btit Hi.,-. lUUr I'orccs Pllnlnar. Mll:c ro:ve,l tin- ll-'hti'g ett-adlly and gained tl. , , !0.,, t,v ;i ,.ie. In I'm fourth bt cainc lipllli--, teaiirg In with -atace left .nnl r,r,t. ;i l,!utJr, U-vlnl,y abimt ill,, rliic. Hoth at lottf Ln g.' and : the Inilghtlng .Mlsko -h.iwe 1 hl-os-el' clcatl.t tin; su rlor. Due ' MIsKr'h right oiosncs ulniost clotd's lert ij. .Mlkc git Ir.sldi with Miff lefts ,.n,l rl 'f- to ih - body anil reach, d the fate wlili l"Mli band' In the fifth. He backed l.eltiak ui.Miini the i 1 rig and t,,j ti, lliittlr" I'liielilng ninl holding. A left hook opcii-d a deep gash In the Hattl-t'a right ..pill Itotl of I.ovlnsky's etes Wire 'In iinmiiiliih- wli.-n nc went to bhi oi inr. -Mis-m-'m opening puncli in tho sixth wa a ruff left to the faic that s-ut la'lasl. back idi l'ils htcls. Hilly fol. Inw.-il with ii siiiasliliitr ctt.-ick tli!-.r rorccil l,ctliie;j- t the i-opcs. Th HattI, -- had ,.Iik, Ml, t,j sate 1iiti.c:f. I' wa- Hi. mimic thln hi the setctitr, and r'ghlb. I.cvlb-d.v by a ,-sKrate y ni Mien., .lieiiit i-ttu in tho ninth, j uniiiKO ar ii.- -lari I f ,11 1 s opening left alnio-t tlooti it the Hauler Just like It did In tl.c s'Mu. The Hi, i. louinl saw Mlskc try des. fieratclj t., flti-sh bis opponent. Hilly biiiibd hanl with both hands lo face i. id inid., but Li-vim ky's ring general- 1 lt.nn -... . . . JriS WIPI ftl' ill-LIARDS, The annual tounialii.til of fa- Tin... . ......i,.,, i.,..,.,.. , ., ... , , . 1 be lion Lllllld league Was tibcncd I. let . "'g'" Willi a ...litest at Thum's In which 1 'hail. t. nils, .. iv York -etir-s o, t .1 1 K I nun defeated b rianl. Jonet. nf I'lii'a-! li-'ltilllll ,r.ll to II .lone- pla.ied careful blP, mis. milng Her the -.l.. h-tt utnii.-d that ml.- wa- not it, n'..- t Piulll t that ll,.. Kr,,n ,.;, otei- ipih-un. nnl- slty-,-.s Iniiiiici lie- il.'-' pcedcil .loniM tia.i ,,, lf -In males C, C,' Home. Jamaica's lieiCoiintry Club bad It. opining last Satin day. County Judge Hurt .Lit lluinpbicy. the pro-ddent. the ..tin 1 ..fib era and f the members wen- Picetut. Theto ,., ,, fm,M;,i CVCI1-Is.-H Ii. murk Ihn ........ u of those present look- tint opportunltv to 1 try out llie tiluo hole golf course There' was play uml, nightfall , Ihc couin. 1-otiMlHlH of a ninety acie Plot ." the Jamaica lllllcnr't propcttv Tin. .lubhoiico Is a rcnnilelled and ri- bull, o'.l tarii.hourt-. It la not c . plcicb 'inlshed y.t, but will bo a,.o . II 11 lllil-.le ..I... I...I ... aim other Union" gallics wll . PI'OMIICII 'Cl'" .lamalca f'ountr.t Club has a membership ..f over "on. iiieluding socio 1. udlng rosl.lcn's nf ijncuiH1 ' OJ- T" ' Still Offering Suits 6f Overcoats When men sec an Arnheim $20 suit for the hrst ttr e they immediately compare it with suits that have n-f Jrom $30 to $35 elsewhere. And it stands the compan- The Arnheim $o suit is without exception the prof est clothes valin ever known. Overcoats of equnllv c 1 materials cost the same here. If S20 is the price you want to pay, see the Atni ri.n $10 materials before you buy. Write, call or plione for sampler, atid btyle isupcexii nv Krnh&im two s-rtortrs set "nAilWAY NINTH STrtEBT AND M E' T BET. riFTH - MApiOON AVCa PLAYERS' REQUESTS SENT TO MINORS iJiisebnll Eraloniily As TliM Disabled Performers lie Better Treated. MEET AT NEW Oil LEAN When the minor league d' eg,.'. s eeinblo for annual dibi'e at ;e-.v i ir leans on Noveinbi-r 14 the wll be ' . , to deliberate over M-wrttl iniiiisi" fr niulatril by the Player" l-'r.itei-n;-here first announced ieceii'!. in i pir lie statement yesterday I -avid I., l-'-ii- I president of the frate-niy, uan c it ! ., lot or ihc rnivets nnd with . shoit explanatory stntciuent of . t r teiinin.t. When the detil!ilids wtro told nV, heio Kultz asked thnt the l-tt lliotler be wllhhild until slidi r-, ., lie could a inline them ntnl 'ibn to tin- piopir bolc. Nn ' Miicsts nn- In Ho- hands of l!.r Commission nnd the Natiutu' 1- . Arbitration l-'llltz brllrves i-i-l help the cailfo of the i . ,, entice Kslotia ai'keil ale: Vlrst Thnt rlati.r hi lip.'ii enipowerlna" clubs lo mi;-- u -after i-ertsln ivrlivls of iii)ii i w-ho nie Injured la -and thitt such pl.ivcr ! ifr , -a tony ns tlity nr.- lie..: i. i .i Second Tliul Mile 31 ,f .hi r.i'.-. '"" of the Natioiial n.- ,1 t- ru i ii iin ii ihuf t-t ttH of the frsternliv amif-rm- , Tlilid Tiinl miiuir n uur i-'i-er. . tlielr trellnj riin-. p. -, n, - ,, , , the iralnlim canwn uhe yri i.-e. FourCi That the proirdure em by the .iiIon.-iI Hn.rl m h-, -,f ,i rlslnts i-re.enl-d b:. IIm- ir-- i memte.1 nut ,. 'rl.r-ilt.i th. . copies or the ropier ni lilt- celt ni-e- Hell, i-iubs uinl n opii-nii.i y i ,nr- f. iwennc ueii ncirti -r- .-, immr t ujxn decisions t-ln u-iri i ihi fir fi"!1 J'.' "H. " ;" ; pl ivcrs' exhibits, ii .uu. . , e- I- 'isfrnlty ntiirMd t.. it If r- ..i o- the (lull mltm n the rluh. 1" tho flr.'t rc-(tiei't Kullz. !.: . -mi the rule now !n foiee s ui.juht l: th.,1 It forces a player injured !,-i ih fort,.r ancc of 1:!- work t. Inyo all n . remuneration. Pull:-, thinks f i - . - club cannot ! h'i : J-ire 1 t, . . i . P'-'cr should Player hhoii-l b vwtn I,.- on ti- I ' A- '" "'-coiid ici'i'- TilPz s . "When a niajo.- e-,c.i.- pi ' 1 Z ie tnunHi.-ii-l M uuor l.-agii? '. nt ,- e i w ," an .. I rf -ii it.' ,ir it irom un- II. lie- I, agll, ecu 'ir the val'ii- f th Tht Hii-ic will b, chanca for nrgiii.-oit ! igni- rotifab .-. it' cii ' . i." , i. us '.ct--r . a liiit'ce " eiteral n'.ie' a' In; iimiv I'cw of t'. .-'.r.iKgit i ii nan'ii.iii luoKc even '. . ti n In fact the greater number ' 'j. minor- fir.d one of the nu,r .-i-.i'otn ,n bletiuj. The Intern. League ufr.ieil limnv s.c :l.atk. i - , prc-ldi lit, ld ward Harrow, i- ut r I- on his way to the meet n printed ' lorniii. it l no urta'nty t' i', Itajeis will In. graulid ih.r ru,us iik the (inner, are gicatly cor.t'in,- ; the pli)cal welfare of jhc'r Int. iuon ai.i' piav no', ilnd t . i r.- to cur i tho iiu:-'C nf tho prfoitpcr,). Many nf th major Itagtir, oiv:i'i . ie ut tno meeting this year. Capt HiiMon if the Yankets nnd C II. 1 oi tho I'odsers will bo there. 1 already 'tart'd, liavlnc g"i Inner HaM tvlth Hib Douo-.nn u , Harrow. .Inlln J. McUrntr tnaj triji a.- a ripits tntftiltc ( . I .-.lilts. I Queries and Answers I Fly TOM MAC Nt'I.TY Dear Tjinlf at lh .ni .. tl, t ... two teams ar ttj foi ici :,i..r ,. tt,. pity I' ..fir j . ' Only in case of f) n, f, ir, i. Hear Tom ill Please ds' a- suit of Marvin Han un 1 .1., k -, match h.-l.i some 1 bout wn -take, I i,t 1.,,., , , e 1, Was l.'incfin ner I n., K .' 1. 1. 11 ; .m ' 1. Uj Johnson lost dici.-u-i j end nf nwciitv roui d b ni. 1, Cisco. March 2S. lie).', . 1 N . trig to his tecoid. Hear turn Man on :',' -c 1 , hits bill t i shorn,:, t, ' . , who wn on iliira bi-e ... t-atu-r re.11 hlng Urn li . . Is b-itt.r .ndlie.l w- . with a I'm.- at ic.:. ..r w ', ., I" credit. d with- J. ll , . Hatter louche) nii . 1, ! cholc. II" is chat ir. I w ;h . ,1 but. I 1 0111-Kin l's l.t 11,. I,i V .'"Hi" vi-r '.- 1 ' bit,'.''.. i-e.?,i".r", '.!' , u '. ' rank lleCa Ibe team I'll 'a. etpcltsl - - tl 1 5 oil I 1 to ieakt Kuod " You hate my pel n-'- c thing to do is to t.rlte .1. Hllllmi I'otiov.tti, Ir a r Tom- Klhdl irtr.t si, n I Nlttlonal I eaL-'ue civh' iY,','" ' ,. ',' . ' - , ' " Ji'' y i,'" it"a" I.NOtCtllPOr l'l, 13. He w nav e,,rH "1' 0,1 ''''' n"t irtli-l j ., i-,n i7T" , tr.'ei'VriuTroitAn0.. Vh,". ?' League Detiult team. It outV- to t,.,. ' du o throurh the . 1 ."i1. Jo1'"' !lle nf u 1 " ' ' ' )Zl' AT r, 1 'V " ," V,",V. " 1 1 J - . 'nilnlt yon, rioNn i: vpoiu im. to w. 4nh l"k n i ' 1 Itenny Mrl'ni t.. Ml, Le. I.e. ' Powers ts. 1 iiin.i: ( III. I Mill,,,.. $20