Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1916. 0. S. 'PRACTICALLY BANKRUPrCHARGED Million " "J I'Vpi'itilitiircs to ' It I ti tin. Sn Co'niri't'ssiemnl ( (itiiiiiidct'. iiim .lis. w.t. Sn.-Thc NutliiMti' 1 'mimi.tU'i' Issued a sPiti-. mul 'en s't ii w tins jliat the "Tipum of t''p t'liiud s'hIp.i Is ir.ictioll)' btnl.r'ip: "SI". 'C lV.SI', :illJolltlll'll," the ! .it t m miMiuc. "r. iinllniios Imxo pa recded nTfipln I'v nunc tliLin M.oon.uiin n uVy. A tin .'I'll" of liu-lties last unit ti -lit t'.icr. u'iim nn not hil.i.ire in Hi' spiithI fund of 11 liltlp c.i ihmi irt.miii.iMio. mill this will he ijvil out licfniv tli" I'nil of tii'tnlii'i- "tin rice! mi day Hit' It y will tif empty nti'l Hi'' co'iiitry fiii'liu; a daily difldt rf oxer million iliillai.x. At th, I- Ip till" ilctlolt at tli- iIohc of ijtp prerctit II '"l Ji'iii ' I rf ir'i the ciiiu mous !unf nf nxvr $"fliiil(iii. T!U- ivd mt ! nift by the now ipxpiiiip law, tnr Irishes'" nf rcVPIiup under which i' -'i."i."0li.ntu. ami In tlip uiiii. Ion nf export the iiinomit to Im rn.ioil liy the add'thinnl tnps ImpnM-d by tlml tn w "III fall "' !niit nf thp." flcure, so lint the A'lmlniMr.itlnn. bcsldpr. i-.if. eying out It? avowed litirpo.ip In Issue ,;j.rt(i".0(iii nf I'.inaina f.uial bnintM ! upplrment ItiP taM's. will Ii.ivp to ieort either tn inoic luxe or more bond. 'Ami It Is .ul: fill If rim pne timrp Issue nf I'.itiuiu.i ImmL on be Hoalpil wltlmn: (lo)irpplatlni; llir'r v.i'.iip. 'The actual present dcplp'ril cniulltlntt ef t!ip Treasury ami the Imnilnrnl wlp In out ultntiPther of tin- npiiprul fund balance Ii tmi nmllly apparent tn the public from thp dally Tri-:iMiry state ment as published In thp m-Kiaii'i, for Instance on Saturday last this bul uncp rIxpii us 1153,70,51'), but In cluded In It, a." shun n by the idlb ml Treasury statement t uetiuVr i'l, I 'tS.5TO.3C2 tn thp rrr.llt of illshtimiiK efflcer. wlilph. neporilliiic tn pxportn. liouM be dodiictPil : 4 S. 1 7 1 ,! " 2 for the redemption nf lutlnmil bank iiotrx, uhlrh Is a ccm-ral fund liability ami -hniilil 1, ddliictPil, ami ti;,240,!iS5 In i'llli 1. 1 liry fllver -oln, ltvpr bullion, niitmr r.iln inl unsortcil vurrvney rarrlpO In Hip j:nfrl balance, uliloli I- not avnll.iblo to mPt thp olillgallon- nf the Ttpamiry "Con-Punpntly, nftpr ilciluptlm; the-p Item.- thcie Mas pft In Hip TrpaMiry last Sat unlay only J."i,77,.'.7, timl nt tlio Trpspnt dally losn this lll vanish I-i a fpw day., bankrupt Trpiii'iiry-im pIpv tlnn day, dlipi't ami bunlrnninp tap. nj bonds In time of ppapp lll not be a tliinislit tn flip xutorii on next Tupdi wppk." pp re'.nty MeAdoo said oonocrnlng thp f'Ktcmont: "It Is too fnlse to doc'lvp nnd too fool lih for roller lmply campaign mis-rcpre-Piitatlon.'' AVTl'MN IIIXIUTS. To California end Hawaii SPECIAL Toura leave Chicago evtry Saturday avtnlnf during tht Fall nd Wlntar, via Chicago, Ualon PadOc NmUi Wcatani Line. An rarianctd rrprtttntatlve acrem panlta aach Tour. All Kjptnte or lndt. rtndtnt Travel whola or part trip. Waleok after all your travel comforlt. Let ui tend you Winter Toura" book containing full Information about our rirtt kiaee Tourt, 9. A. BUTCnsOiT. Maaagw . n. ....-.... r T v 1M Bnaaway tin i. latttaaatSrMtoyltM ;lb NE1T JEBSr.V Atlantic City. JKlLxtU City UOUl!lIV)lVllPICd$li0 kn h.w.nemsiey at oon. ATLANTIC CITY. soas I 3ard J jOZfSKJ AraSulfQrd TIEllAflMCffiSOKTHOlCLOf THE WORLD UlailtwroiijhknlKini ATLANTIC CITY.N..J. OWNCRSHIP MUMOEMCNT. JOSIAM VVHtTC A ONS COMPANY AlAMAC HOTEL licit, Pront, In th hnr "f AtUntle City Abtohilrly llrrproof, fjp.'ii la. Ain"rleau ntl Kurop'tn plum; hot and cold ata wnttr t th, capHdiy . ijO . crlll. orrhriru,d.incliil.', rt,n mi.iitied, M.M'K LATZ t'u. ATLANTIC CI'M, N. J. Amtrlta't l'iuou All Ittiort. KBIT JEK(,-.V lakmao. " mi tel.. PRELHOUSEJ A delighthi place to tpend fAe fall and Winter season ALL OUTDOOR SPORTS t-l.MuatHV.MG. CVVI UtHY.AMT OR. Thp Pnlwnor American and lfle rainier Pian, 8Uit for w.tu ' mmoo. Jluonln, water, t'rlfitt hathi; alttator. r, T. OOU.JV. .Mgr. 'EN.NSVLVAMA C ana I flit It. .I'HItl; ( IIIV I.N.N, Itoo i rn u- ill v i.n lir iLiraK' All iiihiipiiumiii' ui-iit -iiijiri.! Itiir.iit Iioii kiio ,drK ii ii n I'll'ci, . anodi-ntlt Pa MI Mill. IMA. 'ht fi'ftekrlar u'1'11'' Jl l-ltti P 'prlnr., Wit Vt. jaam a iK-iias r HUDSON RIVER ay Line (At.n.wv n.w t,tNr..t All Mrrtlrn Ihill.T Kirept Hiindar. ulrn t tun rouncctlom to nil p.ilnl. Kant. 't ami .North. All throich nil wiwn Nn Vorl and Albany acifplnl. niU'. ItrMiuirtim. .""Ip.imers Inn,. ll,l,ro".f . Hi , ;.i .. , 5 . M ' w- '""Ih . '' " A, M.i, KMt ,v. Ji , Ian Una nt iti.' ''""" X'-il'iimli. i'oiirliktcplt, "'".f'l' nt'f.lni.i-fli.klil, llu.l.on ,n,.l Alh.nv. Kli'i lion thty llnllnas Id l', .Nrnhiirsl-, Hr.l I'nlnl nml I liar Miiuniuln. Inforiii.itlcin nt r)l.r..ip St. t'ltr, Ncit Tnrl, T-l. !4l-.n-lrfC. CATSKILL EVENING LINE l.H dally t-rrpi fiitnl.iy ft. of curl-. Jpplitr St.. ii f. M . for Oit. kill, Hudton, forlp. Tl. 10J7 .sprlnr. EASTERN STEAMSHIP LINES AlHla-W ii u-ht,- II. ; ,-r. To BOSTON MI-TROPOI.ITW' l.IM; IIoiiIp la lone Itlanit Sniiinl, llnraril- Ua ami tht CAPE GOD CANAL Mirli xtp.inililH MAS.M'llt KTI'n kiuI lirNKIIII llll.U Ijmp I'ipr l, Nirtli IIIit. fiil rf Murray St.. S Yorl., and "unilay at II I1. M. Kiip tlmtnn 7 :iu A. si, FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $4.00 m vMon "' Ntn I ondun Oomlrhl I.lnt -t-. Iv, l'lr 0. .V I: . (t. Iloun.n St.. ti; ini onlr, 36 P. M.i 1-i-r E. j. ft, K. :j, bi., 100 P. M tn llnrtn l,lni lr. Iv. I'It "I, n. It . ft. rthnrln ,t , T?k din onl. 2il0 P. M fl-r 71. fi. P.. ::d !t., -:l$ P. SI, Itrlricrp.irt l.lnt 'Httl: rial ontvi, ttr. Iv. rt .; k. it., t i I. St.; pitr k. ::d M 'IS I. M. Mir. in'ni if 'nt: ir i:ti:ti BOSTON $2.95 PROVIDENCE $1.90 COLONIAL LINE l.l. OPIMIlf. Sl TKIt(MM!-. TO S.1. Wick ilay anJ Min.lay l ,":.'1 P. SI. front lliv J'.i. N. II.. font Wct Houston St ph'iao Sprliu -mut Marrtaltr. i& t'rotldrarp dlrrrl. II.7J )l rIHK tl.00. Ilalt( Inrluillna umla-, At'o I', M. Front I'lar U.l-l:. I'bou 2'1t Uiikmit. Clt) Tlcktt omor. r?0 L'raadwav, N. T. Upiovn TliL.t OflUt. U'wav tii :jd St. SIRHT SFFINR ViPHT ....11,1 Nrw ork Uim llatli ry IVr 10.S0, :.3o. Trl Ilrmd SJIi TOI'll. l iait tiidt. final '!.. -itti iM- 1 I Inrjrrtwl. nr 'lUkr-t itnlr All Itouti Prfl ritf I'AWMIItOKKIC.' -XI.K. w V a- W Sh'Mttni( ,tH't . .' Hi. rrj, t M 1.1. 1 51- All (llitnimU- tti r pr.'!nv tmit-. rt riiJ net. .P natclir, Jlr rvery ilfurrintlon, -Uxfrw, r In tru nititi nj.l mi. I ptnl., ,-4c . nl-"lcrl prlnr Sili. SI. I'tir.. ti No .n t a o'Jr o. t 31- Mrn' an. I wm 1otiircl from N"i StO'.O to No Silt? II anil iirc 1.0 A ' M" flntMrtc tin 1 rrm mint from N. 900 tit ;40 .!. i Niv I Mi r' nml omTi r.nihlrc r um A. . M Mant-inx X Mn, 170 3.1 yr n C- All illmioniN nnil other rrerloii" t(inf n, nil w at hr, Jn rlrv of v ty il Tli'tiAti, flrfMrti.e. npt rn .tri'l rt"M lit mp l nl n-l ntlit-r liiBtriiitient, idili hmi) ml, fiiM ftn1 t'l nt Ii r in il t.rtu w art if pK'lui'l vitn iu-nj.min ro, t u M. prior t" (if. "T 11J. to Nn. N'uV. 2 - Men .nrul vlIn'rl rl.ithlnc t..ll...H 1 t t. rilHo. ff-oa.,1 f frnp 1773 Mnllori Ave . N'utlniui t.itTul r.i. S. KIIp"illnrr. 41 .M A. Nov 3- At' illamonilf, nil u4t l"n lr of fvcry il-f rlptlon, rw ar1. cilil ttid ,iil anil .til somlii pltlcrtl prior tht 1, to No. 4i")(H. ami all kom.1i h"I.I or from prevltMn aiulf. A. Wollheln. & S-.M.. 143 M ' Snv Z- ! mill romen' rlothinff, ilry C iimIii, ".ho!". At., .nn I all ullir Kootn Pr ilpil prior Sl 1. 1?I3, to No. e.i'fr, .iii'l alt cooiU It!') ivr from pretluu 11 S l tan, 41-; sth A Nov. $ lIinoni. vtitcht. Jnelry. diiN nnd.rniN, X , pt m1 .il prior tn 31 1 1 . to No Stain. Alu No. lift) ilUnion 1 rliitf ."iKiniiml Tretinil 27-S S1 Ae I,. 1. rilll'HKi, Am-Cr. ;6 llnnrrr, flli 10 a M , unrpilf mi'il plilcf of every Of rrlptlon for iiiiprtM loan froni the follow tup paw iibrokT", lurlurtlni; nil ill. n.ono, rutiin, euppMre. ptarl. etneralI, ti her HtKi.fti utift or In rlngri, fHrrinc. pirn. 'Ifilt , flialu. tiil, brHrftftn, Ior;t or iithT inountlnR. all JrwMry, itrlifv VArwnrp, im. liiNtrumnti. fur. clothlnc, mnifMS nil other (TomH pteilKl prvlotii to lint en nml tip to numlerf unMUloneU, lot!i lni-liile. ninl rill plotlften over Oit. 31 K. Hn.lln. Sth Ave, prior Oct r3, 19IS, to No. 74$:'. Ofl, 31 t U;30 A 11 . an exreptlonaliv nttr;tif aortin-nt of Iooe ami mount ei Hainoiis, iiu liJ.Ilnn ei-pMrlally line Jacre, We?clton nnil iryntal Motif. .Nuv 1 la. Itlte A. Co., Jersey City, Jeilrv. Nov. 3 Conao!llated Ioan fo., 113 Park Ttow, Harry Ivy X- Co., propt., prior iept. 1, 1915, to No. SWA. Nov. 31. llarlTn. 601 Ith Ave , prior 0t. J, 1 I A . to No. 7313; Alio No. flCM dtamono: pin, MO 77 l"ve, 5311, 91570, camera. Nov. f'h Uauk Co.. : th wv,. from No. S3339 tn $3300 from Jun 14. 1915, to AUK. ' 1M3. Nov, Hobel Dros , III Columbu av., prior Oct 21. 191.".. Nor. 8 Win. Simpson A To., 151 HoTrery, prior Sept. 1. to No. 33549. JACOB snoNOCT, Auctioneer, tl Bow ery, atllt at 10 A. SI. Oct. 31 Jwtlrv, wntrhtt, diamond, and pltdirn of eiery dttcrlptlon pltilctd to No. 35S Slay I. 1U15, and .lutt h!d nvr floin pri'Vlou t.tlrt. n'lultnhl rtr.onnl I.nan i'o. mow tho llth Ht. IVrtunal Loan Co.), 3 II. Mill .ut. Alto for II. TIsnT, 1704 3d Ave,, all pledge plrdced to Oct. 1315. O. t. .11 Clnthlnc. A". eiHor 0t. 33. lit A :o3l mow :oi) 3d Ave. So, 1 I'lothlns. p pledgrd prior Ort "i A ltlnpr .t Son. 161 Ht Ave; I lli.rrl.. 13 'ith Ate N'oi ' L'nrP'lppmPil iitedre of every d iTlpiimi, roimUtliii; nf illiinond rlna. plnv, loci, esrrlni;.. buttoin. tlnd., rlj:irmt, t ' vlry, r.-itrhe. tllverwiite mid all i"ill.p prior o O't 13, 101", from .No. 3I0 to SM37, llH'lil.lllir Hull!, illt. rlnir, Htid older datps li'ld ov.-r .1 II. Kopllk f: Co.. 101 i'r- How No, 3 l.'irs- pnnl;niiiiit Jawelr". Nov, 6- Piim r.. pli-dxtil to Oct :o, to Vo, uiT:i liiplutlvn. I' Knkt A Snii. J! Coluniliiit Alhu .1, Wrlnbtrcf r. 1M An- A, fl nm No, H700 to lit S3 f'KNTICAI. ,rCril)N(tZ "m. Mitrliaii, Aiiilloiippr, IS',' ('mini Klrtrl, k 1 1 h Jiwelry at II A M.. ilolhliir j 10 A. ,M. OpI. 31 111 II. filiiipviii Co, ji)i fit) Inn ft., H'klMl, N'- V. All illirPilti'iued pltdcti nf pearl", dl.inninilH nnd other preclom ttmip". watcltpt, Jewelry alln-rnHre, He pledged prtvlout to No. Hioni Sppt l. pi5 and nil tto'id. held otr from former aalti. Nov I Hp J. Kliuvtnn t- Co., 1550 nrojilway mid 101 West Hth St All tin r.epiii'd pledjcn of pearls. ilUmnndt and otlii.r preclotii ttoneH, vntPhPll, Jenelr) tllvernare, Au. pledRed pret'lau. to No. mono Oil, 1, 1113, nml nil Rood held over from former tatet. Nov, n-lly .Inhn Hlmp'on, HI Hnnerv all lllireil.eilH d pl.'dBet of peiirle, illllnondii itnd other pre. Ion tonpi, ,enii h, jenplr). nlltprtt'old. A", ili Iced ir-i'ini to o IK.flil, A I 10 1 S, ami nil coodn n, froi'i t-iriiifr ...'e. 1-ltlM'ObAl.a, ciiiirosAt poii I't'ii.vrrriti: -omc. of iwpji 'Ji.iriermaa'ei, Army llullnlnt. 1 Ncp- irk v V Mit.el piopoatla nll .o tri-i'lwd 11T antil t P M Novembor 1, IMii for furniture. I'urth.r Information jpoit upllcallon. D mm - Only iu Days to Japan Hound Trip, Kino 15 Days to China It on ml Trip .Ii:..:.' U'tth opilontnl oTrl.iinl tour t hrouah .lu'i.iii n nd Unrrn tlrt .MuliiWn to IMik-, ,Vfi nlttntr nml S)iatn;hal, or 17 Days to Manila Itoiiml Trip ai:t7.".n II ( unillin I'm IMp l.lnr- Empress of Russia Empress of Asia V.Mnrluii- a ciitnni"'! I' Iifludlni; nlp with untitle hath, Oiki wiy U lli'iinlii'u If il.xlrrd, Our iiinr-s nl tai h purl ,il-t irav. " in iiNiiulni; for ulinT.irli-s mil llntilp Riibl.'s. Pull InL'rinutlun rhrfulH Rlvtn, 'hunt, i or writ". I.. T, sUl.liln. Ait P..f titpl , 1.31 UrolllMllV ,S'W Villi, I'll) CANADIAN PACIFIC CCEAN'SERVICES I HAVANA AND POINTS ! IN CUBA i Sailing, Thurtdaya and Saturday,. NASSAU I S Regular aervice from New York and S S direct connection! with Havana. S MEXICO Regular Sailing! for Progreio, Vera S Cruz and Tampico. S West Coast Ports Central America S andSalinaCruz, Mexico, via Panama S S Canal (no transhipment). Con- Z neciiona for South America and l the Orient. S Dtc-ll.nt S-tice, .pkIhui rautrc" 2 accominoda'ioni. Bookl'tt. r.tta .nil aclttdu rt promptly .upplied on applica. ZZ bon tot 1 WARD LINE 1 2 Nt Ttik fi C.V. Mail S. S. Co. Wall Stretl, New T.rk i COMMCKiC GENtMlETmSAnm-rrVt U Expreis Poslnl Service NEW YORKBORDEAUX PARIS S. S. CHICAGO About Mondiiv, November 0 ESPAGNE Modern Express. Suites with Baths Saturday, Nov. 11, 3 P.M. tU TOURAINB . Sat., Not. 18, 3 P. M. ROCHAMBEAU Sit., Nor. 25, 3 P. M. line I'Ua. raldn. tFlrtt anil terund inhlo. COMPANY'S OFFICE J.U". FLORIDA filrei t "erilee to IT 1 1 JACKSONVILLE I9 ONI: WAY HOUND TRIP W4.80 UP 'Irani ni your own contrnlrtirr on indiriilual Itckfli. Imludwn All Mcah and .jlufr room .Irconitnoiaioit CONNI'.CTIONS Poll AM. ri.niMHA i;st t'OAur imiims alao for Atlanta -Macon Augusta Birmingham Montgomery CLYDE STEAMSHIP GO. Pier .18. North Klver. New York. City Ticket ORIrea, 290 A' 01H llroadivay. CUNARD NEW YORK LIVERPOOL TI'SCAN'I .. . Tt'KS., OCT, :i. NOON CAHPATHIA IVP.O.. NOV. K, ,', P. M, SAXOMA HAT., NOV. II, f. P. M. CMIKIIONIA. . .ST NOV IK, NOON Olim'NA SAT,. NOV. 3."., S p, M, Tn Liverpool and Ola.gntr. NEW YORK FALMOUTH LONDON All P.ia-eut;era I.nnd ralmouth ANI1ANIA .1111 Not III .1 P. M. PANNO.NI . SAT.. NOV. M, S P. M. NEW YORK -BRLSIOL I'OI.IA THtMISO.W. DF.C. 7 31 Mat Nt.. Nen York, 'lei, ,'I.KNI llroad. American Line ALL AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flag N. Y. Liverpool, Pier 62, N. R. Philadelphia, .Not, 4, linnniMnlund .Not. 1 White Star Line N.Y. Liverpool, Pier 60, N. R., Noon llnlllc Notr. lllAdrlallc Nov. Ill OI-FICK. DB'IVAV, X. V, 'lel.tKXXI It.ctor. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN LINE SOU WAV MVIIIIKN IILNMAMi. Onr i, II N Ill' llg Olltv. , Not'. S3 A K .')IINbO.V A CO.,IiipA:U ,1 llwaj.NY ' DKMIill'i ri I. MtOItT SUA TMI'. it. -1 fill nml ll"illlltflll SAVANNAH I.INi:. I I" Wf'l 4;'.l Si N V STIIAllsiili i'U'hr.Ts In miy port." Ilfllrliil Agent nil line. Raymond A IV Co., 'ttSfilh Ar.,N,Y. OMI DOMINION MM:, To till uolntt lotith and Wett. Kvery weekdny, I P. M.. Pier Zi, North lllver. Tel. S00 FranklU. si;,". , Ht'PltlJMIJ COPIIT OK TUP. .TATK Of NlitV VOItK, COUNTY OP lllCIIMONn. Tim IIPDOt.PH WAl.t.ACII OOMPANV. I'l.iliitlff, agnlntt ANNA A. MpKKON. r.t.l.t. I'AKKlni, OIIACK ACKP.IIMAN, M.VII. ti.Miiir m hi:tz. IIOHP." Pi:TZ. hli nlfp, If nny. the mm "Ito.r" being nctlllout, real flrM tmmt he. Ing tinknoR-n to the plaintiff: THOMAS P. SIITZ. "TIIP.UK.iA" MI:tZ, t.l-a wife, If any, the nnnip "Therera" being flctltlout, renl llr.t nnnip Wine tijiknoiin to the nlnlnttffi HAItltV T. I'INI.KY, HAMILTON l-MNI.HY, HA It A H riNI.P.Y. P.I.KANOIl PIS'I.P.V, llOPIIKi: ttmi.TY COMPANY. HTATEN ISLAND ItAPIt) TItANHIT JtAII.W.W COMPANY. linNHV llYP.It.1. If living, 'lti:Nllir.TTAM ItYP.ns. hit lfc. If any. th" nnnie "Itenrletiu" belnc flctltlou. renl flrt nnnip bring unUnonu lo the plaintiff; .IUSKP1I tlVP.ttM, If living. 'JOSIlPIIINf:" ItVKHS. lilt n-lfp, If nny, the tmnie "Jo-eph-Ine" being fli'tliloii", rr l flr.t'nttne being tinknonn to the f.l.i trill IT. nnd If the ail, I Henry llvert nnd Jo.eph Ityert be decented, their helrt nt law, ovrr'iior.-. grnnteea. de litre., pri'dltor., llenort, n.-lgnect nnd tur-r.-rt. ir In Inlrre.t, all nf whom tun! ultote name, .ire unknown to the plnlntlffi alto all p-renn. i (.'tinting nny Intere.i In, or title In. or len imoti tbn pri-nil-e. ile-crlhed In the poiniil.ilnt herein ttirouitb or under Mnr A. II. Iioiigtit, drpeaf...l. Henry lter. ilepen.,',1, or nny of the nl.ote nnmed .le. feiid.tnl-. If they he ilerpoted, titi'll per. one ll'l.l their hitnea being llntlliotin tn the plnlnllff, but who are genernllv deecrlhed In nnd nre Intended to he Inrltided In Ihe fol totting dptlgiiitilon.i. vU; The b-dra nt biw, pxp morn ndinlnl.trntor.. pr.inieea, ,e, prdlior., ponimlnee., tru.teet. Hen ni. nMlatiie. nnd tuccettora In lutereat of Hpiiiv lttPtP, deren.oil, nf Marv A, Tt. Iioug it, ilerrtfi.e.l, nnd of anv of the ibove nimtpil drfendmtt who may he defeated nnd their 1iiiIhii.K whet or widow. If nu nnd Ihe tui -'ea.or. In Inlerett nnd legal repre.entntl, e. of nny of them vtho may be deretred tiii: pi:tipi.r. op Tilt: statu op NP.W Vdllk, llefpltdnnta. AMi:s'tn:i SPMMONS. To the nbotp nitiiieil lipfendanta nnd each of them tor am: iinttntiY wmmonkii to an. -tier the eoniplnlnt In tbla actlo-t nnd to eerie it ropy of vonr wtt.mer on the plain. lift", nltonieja ltbln twenty ilnt nfier the .erilee f till. tiititiionp etclittlte of th" dn of eervlep, ntid In pa.e of ottr foil ore lo nppenr or nn.tter. Judgment ll! b i.iken jciilif. ; on hi defnult for the relief iletnnndeil In the pompl'tlnt. Haled. Nee York September th, UK. I.t SliiAP.TPN. WUVMAVN POPR. P intiirr't Atl.irneit, iifflca and P o., ..t William Street, Ne-e York, . V th 'tin-: iii:pr.NtiNT.' IIHNItV flYP.Its. If III lug. HHNmKTTA" IIVPHS hi. ife, if nny. the name "lien, rbttn" Otiliiou., real flr.t name be. p e iinki oii to ihe pinlmirr: .tosri'lt nvnus, if living ".iosupiiim:" uvi:i!5. Ii'. e Ife If mil' ill" mime ".Intephllie" be. mg tliiPinu., real llr i name being unknot n i. the pl.i utlff, mid If the .aid Itenrv Ityert ultd .in.etilt llyrr. re nepeneen, tneir neir. Tt.tnw p ,1.,-u' or-i, c-antee., deil.eea, predl. tor., lienor.. .-!gneea and t'li'i e-tora In In ternet 1.11 of tihoiit anil rhone imllie. are ttnktm-i n to the platntirfi nleo nil permn. i lalmliig nnv Interett In or title tn or lien upon tne pre'nlte. deti rlbed tn th rem plnltit herein through or under Mary A. It. t rii. iippented. Itenrv lljer.. decea.ed. ,.r urn nf the nlutie n-imed defendnnta If thev be depeaaed, tuch peraona nnd their ntntc" being tinknonn to tne pintritiir. nut vti. ure reoerallv ileacrlhed In and nre In tendrl to be Included In the following dealg- ll.ltlona. lit! tile n-ir-.Hl nw ee.onor., n.tnitoiatrntora. grantee., del .e... rredltort, po niiiliteet, truateet, lienor., mtlgneetnnil In lutereat of Henry III r. de ivt.eil, of Marv A. 1'. t'outla. deie.ed, and of nnv of the above tmn'ed def-ndanto who may be deceiued and thlr bu.bnndt. rive or fitoti. it not 11011 in" -ocr-..or In In ereet mtl legi! repreierjtatliea of any of i hem wb" tut be dere.nt-d The foregoing nmended t'lmmon. l tervtd upon Jon ly pitblb ntlon nur.uant to tn O-der of the Hon. ctin-le. II. Kelby, a Jut. t e f th Stiieine court of the state of Nen York, ilnted the 13th da of Septem b r 11' nnd filed nlth h cipy uf th nm.ndi.l eomplilti! In 'It off c of tbe Clerk or the Co'tntv nf p.lcliinond. norongh of P.lehmond. Mty of New Yorl:, on th 1 p.tli .luv of September. !M. the original nmenib d tummnnt and amended complaint Inn tig been filed In .aid Clerk' office on the 10th dnv of September. 19H. tlated. New York. September llth. I'll. I.t STli XltTPN. WP.VMANV A I'OIT. PI IntlfT.t Mtnrne), Office nnd P. o. Aildrrt-, ft William Street, New York, . 1I - I IIKKI I.OM KK S.l.r.., NKW VOItK M'HIIKMB COUIIT, CriPNTV OT Ni:W YOItK--Ida T. I.. Sehwats. Plaintiff, agtlmt Harlem Kitatet. tin orpotated, and othrrt. Iiefendanti. In purtuance of Judgment uf for- toaure nnd tl. duly mad and enter. d In the o !,, entitled asilou, and betrlng ri.te the th day of Oeiober. ll. 1. th up.lertigned. th In tb tald Judg t.tent named, will tll at public tucllon. at lb i:chnnge Sale. unnm. No. 14-1 Ve.ey atreet in the fterotigh of Manhattan. Clt", County, and Stat of Nw York, on It nth dav of NoieTber, 1JU. nt twelve o'clock noon on t mt day. by Henry llraily. Auctioneer, tlo. premlae. directed by th .'lid lililgtpent to be told, and therein ileacrlbe.l na follow: All that .erialn lot, piece or rarcel of land ti ll the bulbllngt nnd Improvement! thereon erected tltutte, lying and being In Oie llirntigh of Maniiittaii. Cltv. Count' mil Stats of New York, bounded and ie.crllid t fnllone: Itegltinlug at a point on the r .terJy eld of Ptr.t nvenue filix) Mtree feet fli e t'l Inrhea nortbertv front the cprnr formed by lb Interaettion of th northerly aid of On Hundredth Street tlth th eatterly tide of ttld ar-'lr: Avenue thence eae'erly parallel with th tald northerly tbl of One Hundredth Street oie Itutdred i loo I feet, thenr northerly parallel Mih I'lret Aienue, ' tn I37t feet tin ii Int'hea to the cenlr line of the block between One Hundredth nnd One Hun dred nnd Plrat street, tl.ence we.terly ninng tald centre line of the block, on hundred ttotll feet to tald eaaterly lde of rir.t Aienue, thepce .outlier!)', along tald eaaterly tide nf rirti Aaenu, Thirty ...yen i37l feet lx ( Incbea to the point or place of beginning, th aou'.herly wI being part anil. Dnted. October 10. Pit. I.OH1NC, M. nt.CK. dr. neferee. P.OPNHS. HfTCH. Dl t.l.lNMI A M A 111:. HKVOISi: Attornot for Plaintiff, t.3 Cedar Street, llorotigh of Manhattan, New York City, The folio log I. a dlagran of th prop, ettv to be told. It .treet number Ii l4! Klrtt Avenue. Centre line of block 110' N A lOOtll St. The approximate amount of the lien or charge to tall v which the nboi deacrlbed property I lo bo told la i:.iIO.t;. wllh lutereat thereon from the nth dav of October, 1916, together with co.ta and nl Inwnnce. amounting to ISI,2(, with In terett thereon from th 16th day of Oeto ber, 191t, together with tht eipenaea of the unit. Th approtlmat amount of th. tutea. tt.ettm.nta, or other llena which ara to be nllowed to the out ot Hi purchnic money, or paid by th. r.ferrr. It ll.036.CJ. with Intereit. The above de.crlbtd premiere will b. toll tubjtct to nny ttate ot facta which an accural, turvey would thow. Dated, New York, October 14, 1116, l.OIHS'R -1 ni.Al'l'. Jr.. neftraa. CADILLAC IMC 7-Patienger Touring Model. Flrat. data condition. 'Com,le. equipment. Mutt be teen to be appreciated, Prlvftta owner, din b teen betticen nlut nnd Ion A. M, St. lttgla liarnge, Sllh St. nnd Park Ave, Ark for Mrt. Klrtehbnum't car, Chauffeur Strient, Hetlrri not contblerrd, Iicomobllt tSIC tntcial roadat.r, fully tqulppedi Cadillac 1116 ntuudard touring, fully eiiulprtili Mercer 1010 ttandnrd tour, lug. fulii oqulpped; Overland HITi town car. .... ....r 1' 113 lundnolel n,l ' touring bodies; Holla lloyi. tpeclal Kellner collapeinie coupe. NA.NI'HKII, SI F.a.t 42d HI, Murray Hill 3134 RENAULT AUTOS .1. S. MANIMILA, S3, $4 PER HOUR SITCIAL DAILY ft .MONTHLY IIATKS. 'hone Columbua JttOg, 1016 IIPDSON HPPIHt SIX HKDAN, only .lightly nted, A I condition. Apply Iloo'n IIP I. Ill Hrondual AVTOMHIIIMS 1NHTKUCTIOX. DON' I ..II) A Al' IOIIIIIIII.L iiiIpiu, mt Mint him in .elect 11, ilrlto II unl kivp It In prniior rppnlr. Tako an ail tnmnhilp iittiii'n. t'iMir,o In Iho largisi and In'it iiilpppi school In Iho I'. S. Satli i.u'llnn giiarantpcil. Wrllo for booklcl, MIIHI" KIM'. V. M. T. A. AtiTIIMOKILF NCIIIIOI. .US Welt A7th !. AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE Rod and HIOII WATEK FOn l.OCAI. ANOI.Kns FnOM OCT. 31 TO NOV. Handy Hook Prlnreaa Jamaica nay (Jovernon .Wlllet.a (The llorteshoe) Hay (C'antrtlei tttand Point Hate. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Oct. at 10:40 ll:i;i to:4.l 11:3s 11:3.1 13.0s ln:iR 11:31 1:37 l:.u Nov, I . , . 11:41 .... ll:4 .... I3:3i , ., II:.M 3:.1.1 .1:S'I Nnv. 3 , 13:314 12:411 13:3:1 12:31 1:1.1 1:.11 13:47 1.113 :i:.l4 .1:A0 Nov. ;i 1:3.1 l:.14 1:4(1 1:40 3:20 3:30 2 0.1 3:17 4:.s A 33 Nov. 4.. ., 3..19 3.33 3.44 3:A7 8.34 3:37 .III I .1:2(1 (127 A:.V1 Nov, ,1 3:40 3:37 3:4.1 4.0J 4:23 4:43 4'I3 4:2H 7:3(1 B.0.1 C'alaklll Deer Seaton Opena To-morrow. The Cataklll deer teuton open, to-morrow nml laat. until November lf. Tht Cataklll region Include. L'ltltr county and too tottnn or Nevereina, cnrittrton, TUtten, Highland. Lumberland, Foreatbiirg and Itethel nnd nil thut tertlon of thn Innni of Mamakatlng nml Thmnptoti lying -out It of the Neliliurab nnd Coeheptiin tttrnnlke In Sullivan pounly nnd the ton of Deer Park in iirnnge county. The limit la two deer a eaann for etrh hunter. Only wlM deer luting horn not let than three Inrhea long may b killed. Deer mutt not be taken Initio vnter. or hunted nitb dogt. .Inrkllght. or other nrtlllrlal light, trap, taltllek or other de lice 10 enttap or enllrn deep It prohibited, Non-retldentn of thn Stele titttat take nut it llienae which coett $10.30, The coat to reeideut la 11,10. I. can be had from any city, town or county clerk, .lrey'a l.att liter Hay Wedneeday. To morrow la tht fourth and laat dav for dter hunting In New Jereey, The hunting hta been excellent for New deraey during the three preiloua dayt ae.lgncd to deer niiutiiig. Yilldfonl (Iprnlng To-morrow, Umler the 1'ederat migratory bird la the eeon open to-morrow for wnterfor. (rxiept twan and icood ducktl, coott, gal Untile nnd Jacktnlpo In the follunlug Slnte: liei.nnre, Maryland. Dlatrlcf nf Colum bia. Virginia, North Carolina, South Caff Una. Oorgla, Plorldt, Tenneatee, Alabama, Mltol.rlppl, Arkantan and Loultl.iiin The teatou open, nlto for blnrkbrr,td ' nnd golden plover and greater and vellowlegt In Smith Carolina, tieorgla, Plorldt, Alabtmt, Mia Italppl, Louleltnt and Tettt. The uoodeock Ptton open In Delaware, Maryland. Dlatrlct of t'oluuiblt, Virginia,. Norih Carolina, South Carolina, t.rnrgla, 1'lorliU, Tenniatee, Alabama, Mletl-tlppl, Arkiittaa. laiulalaiia, tiklutioma, Trxat, New Mexico, Arliona nnd California I ml on Time at Long llenrli lirotinda, Th U.t Siindn In October la generally looked forward to nn tfte date for tile flrtt appearmtce of rodfleh on tho Long ltench ground, ami jealerday proted to be an other leriricatlon of ihln rule. Tho Commodore. Capt. Hen Wright, fol. low 1. 1 by the Atlantic, went to the Iberia Wreck and the Stonn Pile In ijuett of thete flrtt cotnert. nnd tucceeded In catching nine fln. coda between the two boat. "A very aatlafactory thonlng for Ihe, flrat," tavt (.'apt. Hen. "and good aport ' may be expected from now nn. t. the flrat I'omti are. a a rule, ijulckly follo-ied by goodly nuinbert." ' ni.ckflth and ling were plentiful. I New lork, October 30. C P.. I). 37 Mackerel Taken In 10 Minute.. Mackertl are taking the bait In a lltely tnannrr In tho Sound utter. Angling nt Whlteetone on Hunday Thomai Maher took 37 mackertl In thirty minute. Four Specie! In Shcepthead Hay. In Hheepahead Bay floundera and Idtckflah are being taken uii the "right" tide. Th right tide It three hour.a before high wnter An unutu.l run of ling It In the bay, ono boat returning on Saturday ax Ith 300 flth. The occupanti of a roibpat In half an hour got 30 ling. Flounder, al Vreeport. From the pier of Capt -tohn Carclrh't fUvtrtld Hotel, Freeport, from nocn to 3 P. M , on I took floundert of good tit. THOMAS II. OIIIIION. Ncs York. October 30. Mackerel al Port lYathlngtnn. Charlet (ioldwater and Philip Splelmtn. tiling chum to attract the nth off tho light hou.e .t Port Wathlng'on, on Sunday cap tured 17 mni'krel and four floundert. Top-Nolrher. Let Dor.n Blarktlth. F. bet men In the Taurua .xeaterday at ih- flahtng bank. aught blaokilah. High hoek catches follow 1 rirneat Iluppr.eht and l Wllllamt. l: each. It niordan and .1, oberg. It each: Prd Hunt and .1 Hllng-Itau-er, 10 etch. V. Cattoglo tn tddlllon to blai.kfltlt bad a cod of ; 1 pouudt On Sunday three cod wer taken Col. Yllluama Toencod ( hamplon. At White. ton. leeterday afternoon Col. Pranrlt Wllllamt. 71 y.ara old. caught toineod. In 3S hour.. Wt at III regard him a. champion tomcod fleltermati or the State of New York, our old North Ilia or frlenda to the contrar noiiitth. landing. Our one fear la that he Ml" run foul of the Contervatlon Comml. tlon UOSWKI.U Jit Ilrnoklyn. October 30. A Hymn .f Hal. Oott tlrafe Pltcntor! What. h butt In h.r. for Doggon. that guy! With htt "phl-lofo-phy" Pull of hypocrlti And ten tophi. try. Istd bum hit e)tl New York, Oot II. MOONIIAW lllg Channel for Jerta-y Keconle. Hartle I Phillip, of A.sttry Park. N .1., lit not my name on hit Utt of big phannl bate taken on the New .Tertey coa.t thla eraaon On May SO on tht beach nt At t.uitlc City, N J.. I caught n pound channel bat. attar making a cttt of 360 feet I utd an II thread line and a 4 iiuiict p, raiiild tinker. Should Mr. Phllllpe dealer full rroof of th cntih, upon requeit 1 wtll tend him th neatpaper clipping, photo of inytrlf nlth the fleh and tome raf the acalet. He can write tn me through the Hod and ,lun column. I" V WP.IOHT. Hrooklyn, Oct. JJ, Are You One of Them? Somebody remarked thet a man w. knon by the compan) he kept. Thla nta In true or not. When I tee a reprodue Hon of a photograph of a man ttandlng Mlth roil In hnnil b.eldo a airing of twenty llie or thirty or more flth, wllh hit face cracked in .mite.. I wonder If tho man la really happy, kind and loving, 1 wonder If he really enjoy, lift and look! tilth tender reverence upon the ydc lure In after )eart. When I ee a reproduction of a photo honing a man with a gun retting on the ground nnd hit thnuldtr burdened with n load of grou.e, gray tqulrr.l or rabbltt I wonder If tltt man I. reallv proud of hit prune.. n a hunter and tf he tiould think "f dropping any part of the load If he had lo carry It ten mite without n .top. When I tee thf.e plcturr I aluayt fl ta though the rnl.erabl Indlildual ought tn be compilte.i to eat evert- one of hi xlctlm m expoaed at one meal and tuffer the worat fit or Inteatlnal Indlge.tlon man could potalbly aland without being driven tu aulclde to end hi. angulih It Ii no credit for any man. hunter or fl'lier II can't honor uch with th. true name of nlmrod and angler to pot. te fore a camera with th .poll, of .uch wanton tlaughttr expoaed to Men It . braien a. brara. It le telf-conxlctlon that tin man It n "pot hunter" nnd "flth hog" and It no rttprcter of p.raon. and thing. It It an txpo.ur. of th. aelflth character uf th man. If h. oould only . hlmttlf a. do oth.rt who get more out of lift and glv. mora to Uf he would n.r.r again b. guilty of tuch a crime. In tho eve. ot th. tru. outer b.'t "noth ing but a hog." 8YL. New York, Oct. 51. Surf Angling Clobt' Dinner Not. II, Th. annual meeting and dinner of the A.toclntlon of Purf Angling club will n held at th. Hot. I Imperial, Thlrtytecond atreet and Ilroadway. on Saturday eenlng, Notcmber 11, at a o'clock, Three Specie., Two at a Clip, riahermen on the Th.lmt, Capt. Out I.ehlbach angling near Ambrote Channel llghtthlp, for nn hour nnd a half on Thura Iny Ittt, cnught hake, ling und big run ner, frequently two at a clip. Vlele, Who Made Jewfl.h Known, Dead. nrlg..len. Chtrle. n. Vlel.. veteran of tin- cull nar. hu died auddenly at Ihe California Club In thlt city texer.l dnit ngo, waa an etithualattlc angler and wnn the flrat innn in land nn rod and Hue th giant hlnck ara bant of th Pacific Thlt flrat tea baan taken In thla manner Intro duced tt new game flth to nnglern. It M'lghed 300 potindt nnd fought until the fish rarrled th. bont front Seal Itockt to Avalon. K. II, Lot Angelrt, Ortohtr 17, Angler (lire. Information Freely. You nouldn't go to n .ho. .tore to buy fruit. Then why not uee the aanie gump tion In angling'.' Th aucceitful taleamnn known "hero hit protptctlva cuttomera are locnted nnd thai' where you will find him when hit It out for hutlnet. Then why It It that toni folk think that flth may be caught In freth or talt water over any old kind of bottom at long a. the water I. .la (0 ten feet deep? No two children nr alike and no two tpecle of flili are either. They mutt all be lured with different tactlra, wbpt are eaey to learn, and perhaps the moat reliable nnd nulckeet ncqulrrd la that of emplo . Ing n Ruble, mid then, catlike, vntch hit cicry iiiovp nt to how he rlgt, balla and it lure ho llalirH. Then after one day nlth Hip guldp .1011 abould kitoti enough about the game to dlamltt him and go It jouitelf, Anoilier n.ty I lo ilalt n place where ou linpe to Halt, intke the aiiiunltttance of the nniliee, pretend ott know itbaolutely nothliig about angling, drink In all they hi' n In tell you and then go to II. If jou are of a more or let backward dltpo.ltlon In making acquaintance, hlr. a boat and row out n.are.t to tho boat which you caJoulat. c.ntalna tki ".14 timer" and Gun News New Ixtndon A.M. P.M. 13.00 t:l7 i .31 :i::i.i 4:37 C:39 I3:S 3. OA .1:12 4:tn 5:t:i then obterve all hla actlona and the par ticular tpot where ho I. anchored. To become a tuccetaful angler In freth or talt water la not the work of a day, mouth r year. There In Ion much to It. II11I pertlatenco nnd patience will amply repay any amateur and he Mill find aa much pleaaiira In the proeet of learning a will be found In nny nther out of doom rport. Any Information dealred by a tro can be obtained front any angler for the ntklng. New York, Oct. :. A. HAMILTON. .Ir. Arid In Newark Hay. I htie recently called the attention of TUP. SfN to th acid condition In Statcn leland Sound and Nnark Hay. Thlt acid circulate to th entire meadow neetlon of Newark Hay nnd nantra nf bull. Unci lit the Avenu tt tectlon of Ner. ark nr of the opinion that th arldt teeplng through th. earth nre attacking Ihe foundation, of their bult.llnge. The ilty engineering atafT of Newark In making an Inepectlon of damaged factnrle nnd will report It finding, Mow can flth live In water when th add la ao great It damage, the foundation, of building? ACM 17. Jereey City, N. .1 , Oct. it. ROD AND GUN. Mr. Duck Shooter tiet ynur outfit ready. Cap In Hoot, (inn and Slirll: or ticrhaii fni dream nf I'lipuvinl. Quail or Italthlt. liven If II'. Mnoai nr lirltllr wr Iwxp the Hurt, Ammuni tion nml (iiiiilt id moke, mir ilream I'omo t nip. 1 GUN GOSSIP I t'omp In and talk tlun with 11a, rr I litem. tr thrlr lit ntid Ixilaimp, got 1 liiat thn length and drop of liM-k your I liiilld rpiilriNi lay iiipiin of our "try uu:i " nml lip In n congpiibl atmn- 1 phrrp with ptrrylhliiK ou nnil fur . a hunting trip nil about oil. DOG TALK j Wp ran aupply rxrrvthlne lint tho 1 dog. pten Iho diiR oiitflt. 'I'ho pt lino of dog good In till city I lllankctt. l.'nllar. Murtlc nml 1 l.raxhp for rtrry hrppd. Mall Orders rtTlii- prompt and Intrl- iigpni p.rr, llradnii.irters for Pporttmcn for i yrar. I J. B. CROOK & CO., Inc., iCatabll.lied 117 463 FIFTH AVF.NUF. Ilpp. The library. I el. '.'I I aiiaVrblll 1 9nm Steamboat o ?f!..W5.A Str. 'TAURUS' I Dttly at A. M. from Pier 1, N. R.. ONI.T. I Bar. n.,!.,,..., , i . -r. . Hn ..... r .1 FARK. Wekday. II .00 1 Sunday., SI.M. Flounder., t-lng. Mackerel. MOCGISINir M. ilall.i. lluilM.n Park Dierk. Neat llochelle. Pure Urlna Ilalt (Fiddler.). forStamford, IIAI'MAN lllliiS 3e:.' .'nd Ax.. Phone Itarlmi i'' FWFIYythtHj'. M. except Xfon.i Sill... Mill .lAIC XIAttTIV ""I A. XI. llally , g A, M, xp. Mon. -un., 'in 4 l 1X4 .10 A. M, Capl. II. Martin. lnOI F'T Dalli, S A M. exreyl Mon. i pt. ii, ii.x.nsi;. ELEANOR blarkflth, ling Hrlng ball O. I leaie. Ciaton Point Wdn.. Thud.. Siturd.. for Stainfonl. Plenty of atid flounder. Fare SI CAPT. ti:d. ii.w.wwiii dtr. tna prirt.y,, fiunday7:SI. NIMILIS 1 A- M- dal.y; I.undv't Dork. niwua 8tturd.r, ; ., M, ,., UnJ; M, J.R, II, Zi. M. J. R, III, Front Wre'a rioek, Sheepthend rixx CAPTS. milll 1VKK4.K ft Mil I, HAh'm. i llaanmer. Dock, sheeihead Hat WHITIT ,A- M. ." ".' "irent ."at special 3 p, XI Plenty t.tng Capt VU XNk- HAM M F. R ROSABELL Wreck Lead Wed, nnd Thtir. :l? train, Sundny fOS irin, F-c II.;; ii W. Wilton. EFFORT Au" ir- 1,on' i a .u 7.2 ...,n Uoel- -,"ht.p.h..a h?f Caf... Fr.ddl. Wrtg. and Archl. Buckn.r SFNDAV. 7:30 A. M. FIMAtt I'aie. O.born'a Dock. Sbeena. CLMMn hend, dally. J A, M, (ICS ItAU. ED1THM.IU. K! "tilery . A M. Fare Ji.n VFI OCITY Sheenthttd Hay. a A, M. dtllr TCLUUIII ,ir. Mon. ft Frl. mil Sleph,", BQCC D l-avee Ctnartle, f ,. m d... nOdCn. II. 7 A, M. Sunday. Dlk ft Ern.V BELIABLEPJ'" "nlng, l.aie. Otborn't dock. ntLlrlDLEtheepthend ny, S a M, dally. I.ONfi HKAriJ Iva punn7.Iiock. s'h.ep,". bend Hay, I A, M. dally, Ctpt, Michael,. Stnerneiieier--'-A. SbanrocR ZSyrtvf Where" Bait Can Be Had" K.(l Toaadty. Thnrtdty tnd Stt.ra.. . April i.t t, oct. tut. Trin Sdn iwm 7B.ft, ? BAIT AND FISHING TACKLE w.prSl" -ys .?"..:-!; ta-, . thtir nimtt. " Wlawlig MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX Abbey ft Ijnhrla, II Tey .t. T.osl. Tsrkl. ft gton ' th VtlTi ft Tickle Depot. HIT I.t it", 11, ,T' Il.umann, T253 3d aT..b. t5 4 ?,V .,.TV,,ia7' mumiun, John, 371 w. lath tt ddHra llecher,33J i:.3llh at Mould. '1,-1 Murr.rinn .... llecker. millp.Md Mth.M tr. H ?",'J'U,l :4,5 llrown'a Halt Depot, 3J47 Id .v.? nr ,.7'.,N.?,b!; n.Rroaowtly.lMJ Aunt. Tll4bsll Til iVv l'-' t onroy, T. .1.. 24 John st Ttci .li' Dava.I .Jr .IMV.ijj it, Helgram' Ptire.. w Ilutll. John. 4!S W, :d tt. T.I Tm Itr?.r!.",k Frti.k Spliebler Co., 110 Pirk liow v7'?''.. Co . i;o rult.m tt T.c"iroM.u h"t' Fari,t.H.,5.' I.t at. Tel.lMOrclitrd Fid tu.. k .. (llldetda-rg, :'371 Ith tv lies" IHth ' n!'b,lt' lllrtcb. I... tr Auialtrd.ra tr g'. i, J,."' - , Hia-hgrtef, P.. 307 K. Mth Tel ,7 ' Kellerman. 303O 3.1 at..lMth. T.Melriiaa naT' KIIT.. Co.. 11. II.. 633 llrotdwly; iVrli. ?.f.T' Klelnietn. A.. 710 Ith av. TiVil. nnl, ,7' la-vy, 77.1 Alnal. ... nr Willi tt, Tie, IV A n.i. la tentbtl. 7J K IO tl.,Dr.Pro.pc, t ,,' v ?! Mebnt. J.. 707 K. 34t. Tel. r:, J umMim11 Mebut. Mi 3d tt.. bet, fal and 4b "st. "' Metrepolltinll'dwtre.l bllri U Veeev tta ai t,.,. Ogllry, R.. Co. 7 Chtmbera tt. No btlf b'" Otto't. tl3d tt.ft lit tv, Tel HO Htrlem Tkiai.. Pipe, K. II . f-74 3d .v.. 61 at. ") T.SlMi rtelf. .1. ,11.. 300 3d .... nr. 7Jd. T.e',!!5 ' '.V- itctnirniii, ... tua tin .v.. cor, it, Tackle t,.i tlonUum, D.. IW B. IHlh tt. r" nf r i. Itotenwttter, 341 K. Mlh. IPdware. Tielile To !' g.llt.n. IMS Am.Cd.iii. por. lltnhalfst ' it. tIi Him't Depot, 45 Ith av ne"r -ith .. '' Schubtrh. J . Son, 3013 M sv.,opi, isiih it V.i Rcbwtrtt'tTr.liie..41,t4JU, ... Tel 7iVliri Slmntoni. r!.. MM Id tv. TarWn on", r,"t Fl.drk, 1440 3d St., IHtk St. Tel. I2JS MeJ gteenhock. n.. 1164 d sv. T.ckl. ,nd V'll Taylor, Ales ft Co , Inc M r. 43d. Tickle ml. Vom Hofe. . ft Co., 6 7 Fulton tt N h,V' Wslf.fl.. 17" Itt iv.,nr,10tb rit hwt Orch TAJ) BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. Alclirle, P., 401 Knlck. at. Tel. itS Rr'erM Conre., A.. M3 (lend st. Tel, SOU StsgV Deerlng ft Co., M3 Llla-rty nv nr Hi-licnik Kli'gtlnn. IIW Fulton tt T.W lied. Ilpiitlrlnr Kuiiimer, 1757 Fnllnn at,, Held av, 1.3., Hedfird' Hl.h.elten. Pit ll'wtT. Tc, No btlt ' Militrrt. .1. I' Al Court at, Tel 3134 lltl.. lloeiier.l'I.Mns Tti ke,7j;Wi.odward er,.tir lltit. Ruth, 4X0 Onderdonk nr., Itldgewood No ball Hrliitr. 1TO ritiiiiitn tv ici. :ji Proaptct, aioie, Wm . Ill Fliietilng sr. Tel. 4111 Ktarr Voehrlnger. 1?M Myrll. av Tel. 4I7IW R'wlck. NEWARK AND OUT OF TOWN. Dlgintrd. M lltnk st. T.l. Kll ktkt. Hslt. Umlsg, II Ftrry tL, Newark. 11.11. Ttl.mtvnt. ktol71U,r,W.,t44-44 Until IToJ.C, TIL sal THE WEATHER TO-DAY AND Steamship Arrivals and Foreign THE WEATHER. For eaalern New York, probably fair to day nnd to-morrowi mOd teaarBtnr gentle, tarlable winds. For New Jersey, probably fair to-day and tn.inorrow; mild temperaturaj gen tle, variable a lndt. For northern New Ilngland, partly over coat to-day nnd to. morrow; moderate tern pciaturr, gentle, variable wlndt, For ..uutltrti New Ilngland, probably fair to-day nnd to-morrow; mild temperature; gentle, triable wlndt. For weatern New York, fair to-day and to. morrow) not much crlang In temper ature: moderate, variable Mndi. becoming upterly, NI!W YORK, Oct, St. Th. pr.tura wat moderately Ion- yeaterday over the plain. Slate front centre of depreetlon ottr w.tlern Canada nnd northweatern Tea.., lo.i over Florida and relatively low oier ej.rn Ontario. High pre. -ure prevailed oier all other Atlantic nnd llulf State and over Ih PmcIiIi. nnil Itocky Mountain tectlont, llnln fell on the north Paclflp coatt, at n few point In the lake region and In th. Carolina, .and Georgia, but there w.t no tlortn formation other than that tit 111 In dlpattd In tho eaalern Oulf of Mexico. (It wat generally wanner In northern . rtt of th country, but tomewhat looter In th toutheattcrn and touthwrttern St a tet, Freeslng temrtralure occurred aver northern Lake Superior, In parte of Mln neot and Wlaconln and In .N'emda, L'tah, Colorado, Ne'i- Mexico and Arizona. In Ihla city the day was partly cloudy nnd warmer! wind, light to fre.h north. eatt; aterage humldlij, SI per rent.! barometer, rorrectrd to rend to ra, at s A, M 30.20: 3 P. JI.. 30.14. S A. M 8 P. M. ni) Haromeier. . .., . SQ.'.'K -' . n.i-:, 10 Cloudy . Humidity wind direction. 1 Wind leioclty,. I Weather 1'rerlnlt.ttlen. ., Partly cloudy The temperature In thla city yeaterday, ! nn triorded by the official thermometer. It I eboMti In tb annexed tablet x, .ti , , , ,r 1 p. xi, . . ,H" 0 p. M., 7 P. M.,..ll k P. M....CIO P A. M ..10 3 P. M 11? . mi .1 P, M US III A. M. 1 I A. M . I 12 XI.. . .'11 4 1'. M ,.fl4 0 P. M 191.. I Mi. ri.l .1.1 II P. M......B Ill P. M . ...5D IMS. 116. (1 P. M 01 P P. M BP 12 Mid AM n A, M 12 M 3 ..14 P. M .,0.', Highest temneralure. (17. at 2 inn p. I...P. eet temperature, 5n at 1 A M. .icrnge temperature, ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS. WAS1IINOTON, Oct. SO. The., nrnty or der, wer Ittued Capt. Clarence c. Culler, rax airy, to lait termaii General Itoapltal end rport to omniaiidlnc onicer for rxatnln.tloti to de termine hi nine for detail In aviation ..eetioii of signal Corp. i ant i,xnretiee ,s. I'uraon. y. M, c re. ilei i front -latlnn nt Fort l. A. P.u.sell. "joiiiliit. and astlsnrd to elation at El Pa n, Tex. Flr.t Lieut. Oeorg I. McKe'T.i, M. R. C to active duty at Con Adama. Rhode t.iiid. rellexlng Flrt Lieut, tleorg P. Hani.. . M, II, C who lll proceed to hla home. t,'eut,.Col, Charle p. Rhode., camlri. tnd Major Joint IV Craig, cavalrj, will return to thlr ttttlon. Iletlgiiatlont accepted: Cant. Anat O. Wlneman, Flrt Infantry, North Dakota National iluard: Chapltlti Andrw A. Wag tier. Seeond Infnnlr), Texat National ..uaril; i -apt, iionert Snundcra. Twelfth m latt-rv. New York National (iuard. I.eaie or nbaenee: rir.t Lieut. Oeorg t). tum.ay. M. II. C. on month; capt. I.dr In C. Long. Cna.t Artlllerv. nfteeo ili eiien.lon: Cipt. Thoma M. Knox, I'lfth i.ivairj, niteen oat e.tiitlon. The., r.avy orders were l.autal Lieut ijunlor g-aei w, J. Carver, de. tarhed front Memphlt to bom. far orders. I:n'gl J. It. UoiW:i. iletch.1 (rnm Memphis to emporar duty rc.lilng tblp i:ntgn Vt. M., detached from Mem phlt to receiving ehlp tt Norfolk, v.. Lntlan II. M. Meier. detrhit Cro,,, Mfmphl. to temporary duty receiving .hip , .-IT I"! H. Pa..e. A.alttant Sur.eon P. It Stlna'ar deiatlied front Columbia to home for or der. Pa1 AtalsUnt Surgeon O. J. Mink to t.o!umpt. Mnrementt af Natal Vexaela. WASHIN(!TON, Oct 30 Th gunboat Alrt ha arrlieil . Honolulu crulaer Ruf. ftlo at San Hint: de.lroyer ltttrroa'a at Philadelphia . ,letiro)er Catln. Cunmlng. 1iraton. Jrnklua, Paulding, Wlnalow and oil thlp Full tin nt Newport te.troj. era Hopktn. and Hull at Mere aubmarlue. K ..I, I . l ", K x and cruler St leaula at Hon "'llil colMer Lebanon, btttle.hlp, tug Patuxent anil .le.trnr Wordn at Nor. folk, ruler Maryland .it (luama. colllr Veretl at Ap' ie.rnyer Nlcholton at Vea' Vork x.trl baitlethlp Oregon at Sau Fraiielaeo; baf'e.hlp Peniii Ivaiila an.l col. ler Proteut at llampln i Road; tug Poto ina - al Cap Ha) lieu, . o'ir Jason at Hoe ton. f'trovr Ruahnelt ha. alld from New. port for Hlnck I. land, (oilier Culgoa from Port in Prln-'e for tiu.iriianaino pol lr Cy clop, from CrUtobal for Hampton Ron!, collr Hancock from cbarle.ton for Mo, port. Pla : dp.irojer Jaril. ftoi.t Newport for Ronton: dettroyer McDonouglt from Norfolk for Charle'lon rrulr .MnrMehad rout Portland for Puget Sound gnnboxt .S'a.lnl le from Tuxnani for Tampico: tug Ontario from Norfolk for New York, mln hip San from Porfmnuth, N. II , fo- Nwport: Topeka and tuff Cnca from New Yo-k for Po-ia:nouth, N. II., glut dirnyer Wordcn from Newport for Charletion. THEATRICAL AGENT A SUICIDE. W. D. NerT. Andltor nf Irlab Raiiir, round Dead by Gai, W T" Nfff, a agent, com mitted nulcldo yps!eril:ty morning In a room In tho (larden Tlnlel, Madlton axe nun ntid Twrnty-tcventli street. II turtiril on tho gat. A fcnlrtl letter aililrfseil to nr. .1. II. NrfT, Siillhan, Iml, found on the dreor Niff had hern Pinployed at the Irlfh bazaar nn auditor, and all hi. .ip count wern clioekeil up last week, ac cording to Samuel McCracken, who was In I'liarpp. ' McCracken tald N'pff had a wife and children In I.o Ansele.. READ STARS. NOT FORTUNES. Woman Arrested by rVsamla Slralh irta Suspended 'rntenpt?. Mrs. Arllne rrnmer of 275 Wrat Elev enth atreet. arrested by Detective Is.v bella (loodwln charged with being a for tuno teller, pleaded not guilty when the wan nrralcned yeaterday before MaKls trate Koenlg In Jcffertnn Markpt court. Sho Mid Mie xx as a ltoloniclan, and that all she did for clients was to read tlio blurs and describe the sign, allow Inc Hip others to draw conliit Ions. The ?l ixlilcli .Mrs, Onodtvln gave Iter vra not a fpe, she tald ; It was a voluntary con tribution. Tlio idea won a. au.pemled sentence, Drarlllnn Note. All Sola. William A. Read A rn,, heading tli pool of IlitPstment luiiikerei wlib'h re cently bought tlin 7,3011.000 three year fi per cpiiL nolrs of the Hrailllati Tr.n' tlnn, l.lsht nnd I'ower Company, an lioiiln'Pd last night that the notes had liprn sold, Thin Is, It I believed, a tec ord, The Holes nero Ilrnt offeied for sale yesterday morning, TTrKWRITaaV TYPEWRITERS RENTED Naa-Vlslblea. 4 aaanlht, Vkatkl.. tl aa.atbi,7. IitllilfayMatapplltalf sxiraWaaft AMttlHCAM WBITISO MAORINB OO., IKO S Bietdway, st Ltamird at. I Ml nrM.w.y, al 211 tt. ( T.l. SMI lit W. 4X6 .t Tlnaj. 54)tr. I rraaklla. tax Kama tt.. at Mtldea Use. ) 10 Barclay !t. T.ltstxrt. Nil CaiTJavstlt, hAI.KS HY Aft TION. PI'IISl'WT lo certain morlgage the undor.lgnril tell till, d.tx nt '-' P M. on Hie ptein e, the rhallil. In Ih Patk Clide Caeliiu. al Caton Pine and Con, 1 html Plunk Road. Hrooklin Ii IH CiMII'.N, Auctioneer HY VIRTI'i: nf two execution.. Judgment on n lien, I m tell. 10.30 A, M.. two pi. 110. , .3 lla.t Mill SL .lamea ft Holm ttroni 1 1. Oottlleb A Marrhlalnl. , CUAS. JACOBS, Uirthil. FORECAST FOR TO-MORROW Departures Outgoing Mails. JCA&INE rNTELUGENCE. JilMlATUrtB ALMANAC. CaJlsd Sltles Coast and Geodetle SurT.y Standard Time. Sun riiet I:M A M Sun ttts 4:1 P M Moon sets ;o: p M HIGH lYATEH THIS DAT. 8lld Hook..l0:4d A M Oov.Ialand. 10:41 A M tail oat i::!3 A M ' LOTT TTATKI tills DAT. Sandy Hook ..4:il A M (law. I,l.nd..4:4t A M neu uate s:'.; A .M ARRI VXD-MONDAY, October z. JtLudllne. 0 A. M.. Dartmouth, Oct. 13. .. Om Maersk, 10:10 A. -M Almeria,,, S. Monterey, 11:45 r. M. aUndty. N.n.aii. Oct, 37. Ar Sa Coimp. J:40 A, M San Jun. Oct. :i, s. Cornalla, 4:it A. M.. Juan, Oct Sa Rnk II., ia;ao A. M.. Cotta niia. 0.1. II." S. Hugo. l:!0 A. M.. Mauranlllo. Oct. 33. ARRIVED FROM NEW YORK. Jt Lafayette, at Rordeaux. S. drli.. at Llrerpool, M Ilelllg Olar. at Cnpenhirtn h. St, Paul, at Liverpool. St Re d'ltaJJa, at Gibraltar SAILED FOR NEW TOItK ft Mltsourlin. from Gibraltar, st Htmmcr.hua, from Santoa, OCTOOINO BTCAMSRirS. Sill Todiy. Mill, Ve.iell Stil 12 O'T M 3 no p XI .1 04 P II 13 OJ M ' 13 PO XI 12 0J M 3 I'l) P at, licit. Tniciali. Clt, row , Sto Pi oie. titbit onto, tUMa Draraottnafjord, Herges, I 30 A M 17 00 M 13 00 M aacniD, ni.iDi,,,, , , ,,, Mohawk, Jirliontllle Mtdlion, Norfolk Sail To morrow. Caracas. La Otuyri t so A M Almlrtlte, Crlttobil 06 A u Meilcn It.. Htrtiti , Creole. New Orleans (lllndt, Nuerltti Tim.., Ilatana... Arapahoe, Jacksonville City of Colorobut, St. .assBh Hamilton, Norfolk I 06 p at 13 W M 13 O'J M . 1.' 01 M 13 00 tl 13 00 M 13 03 I 3 00 P XI" 3 W P U Sail Celtic. Liverpool. ,, Oliitepp! Verdi...., loannina, Plra-ua.. Mexico. Havana..,, Adran.-e. Crlilobil Thuraday, I 10 A M 10 00 A M i: oo m 00 A M li CO M : w I' M '' 3 (' P x 1. OJ M 1 I im P M I: o) M SMI' M ... it 30 A M Lenarie. JaektonTllI. lTiniTtt Anne, Norfolk " tall Friday. Noordam, Rolterdam.... 30 A M Impentor. Haytt ! 34 A M lletperldet. Argentina. 10 04 A M Jsflcrton, Norlolk Salt Saturday. Philadelphia. Liverpool. I no A M Chlcaco, Rordeaux 13 00 M Coamo, San Juan,,, . a rat A M Hjron, Haltln () A M Santa. JamaJp a 3.1 a M Faiertand. Ctyenne... . : 30 A M Ptitntca. Cri.tiibat l: 00 M Mtllliiocket, Sin Juan... h Comanche. J"konvll!e. .an Msrcoa. Oalie'ton Comue, New Oilcan, Alamo. Tampa Santlnn. Hrun.alck Maditon, Norfolk I.' m) M 13 0') M 1 J 0 ) P M 3 00 I' M 13 en M S 0U P M 1.' i M 1 10 M A M ,. 13 01 M 13 00 M 3 00 P M 13 00 M 13 (0 M 1 0 P M 13 (O M I on P M :tl 3 O'J P M INCOMING STTlAMsniPS. Duo To-day. Rouen O'l. 1 Amaierdam . ..Oct 4 Barcelona ivt 4 (.Ibraltar ..... .O-t 6 Mutpat o-t 6 Harcelona Oct. Rotterdam o.-i, 7 amatrrdani ., .0-1, 6 Matantaa Oct 34 taindon 0t, Ii, London o-t 14 Kty Wett O-t ;i Pttrolein! Minerva .. Rll , .naniiao , S-andlnatla Jo.elt Ralcrj , Veerliaven Obron (-.tatfuey Ro.-ketter , Asoanla Perfexilon Momolla Frtmlluilon Court.. Uonniton Court Colorado Noordam , Chicaio . i.unnon o.-i j; . .( a nil ft o.-t. U !!! o.t It Hull Oct. 14 Falmouth Oct. :i Hordeaux . .Oct, 31 Rordeaur o. t, li Iluenut Ayret.,,Ott, 1-a Itance.. bacramento Pattoret ... Aldeniev .. .Havana Oct . Crittobal .. .Oct. VJ .0.-1, 34 .O.-t. 33 MUhnoikel N I.uckenbach Comua El Occident. , Oe.'tr II Pklrla Arthur Balfour A. A, Ilaren Helclan Prince I'tntma Saratoga Clt.r of Columbus,. . Crlttobil 'in Saba To'aiwa Mini . Porto Illco... . Trinidad . .. . New Orleajtt . C.ltetlon ., . Cntienhaeen . o.-t, r Oct, 34 .Oct. IS ,.-".apiet .... ..Naptet tw, ..Roilerilam ..sinloa ... ..Crlttobil , ..llitana .. . "aT.unan ..Crl.tobtl , . Oalreainn ..Crlttobil Oi'l. W .....Wt. II Oct, 14 .... Oct, 1 ... .Oet, 3 ... O.-t, 31 . ...Oct, 'A ....O't. 34 ....Oct a ..-.Oct. ? Due To morrow Maxchlonett of But.,, Harrv .... Palermo (iibraltar Sanukl Maru laindon .. Oct. II Oct. IX Oct. II . Oct. !' Oct. 37 i louinton Jama London Jamaica Du. Tlturtday. Finland Rattle Strathsorry Halirrnl .... Time Moinu. ...Liverpool . . Liverpool . . .. llairc . . .. . Newport . auta Marta. ...New Orleans, . Oct. .'4 ..Oct, . .Oft, II ..O.-t. 11 .o-t ; ..Oil. SI' Due Friday. City of St tauls bavannah Oct. 11 F.l C'Kl (ialrealnn Oct. :i San Mireos (ialtptiou Oct. 71 Maracalbo Porto Itlco Oct,:! Alicante .....Cndir. O.-t. V!, Chtcjjo City Hrlatol Oct, II Due Duca riegh Abrturl Taxsndner Madonni I.owther Calle . ., Italia Oaejo Klin llleddyn Caiour Irmiuoii Ssturday. . Oibraltir . . Ilrett Hordeaux Cardiff Gibraltar ... (eiioa . . . Hair . . santn. ..Turk. Uland ..Ort 26 .Oct II, ..Oct ;t Oct 14 O.-t. ..0. 1. 1; . O.I 14 Oct II . Oct SI EUROPEAN MAILS. lh Anchor llntr Tutctnla. .tiling t.. day for Ltv.rpool. will ttk mill, doting at 1:30 A.M., for Europe Otrmtny, Auatrla, Hungary. Luxemburg, nulgarla, strblt, Turk.y, Netherlandt, Norwav, Swt d.n and Denmark 1, Africa, Atla and the Ki.t Indtet, Th. Whtl. Star llntr C.lttc. tailing Thunday for Liverpool, will tak mail, clotlng at 1:10 A. M for Drltaiu, Jr.'and (letter mill only) and J-'oulh Africa, alio eipeclalty addre.-td corrt. tpondence for other eountrle except (ler many, Auttrla. Hungary, Luxemburg. Bul garia, .Serbia, Turkey, the Neiherltndt, Nor wtv, Sweden nnd Denmark, The Italian liner (Jlu.epp Verdi, tailing Thursday for (lenoj, win tak only to, ililly addre.ted mall, clo.lng at 10 A. M . for Italy. Nwltrerland and Oreece, Th Hreek 'Iner loannina, tailing Thurt day for I'lreaiit, wi" take mall, clutlng tt 1.' M for C.lbraliar and C.reece, The Holland- 111erlca liner Noordam, tailing Prlday for Rotterdam, will ttk mall, clotlng at S.30 A M fjr the erlandt Th American Mnr ritllxiIphlt, ttl'.lni Saturday for t.lvrrepunl, lli tak nitl ilotlng st :30 A. M-. fir liurop lexiept Ocrm.ny, Au.trla, Hunrar. Luxamhurg nulgarla, perbU, Turkei. Netherland. Norwav,, S-xeden and Henmxrk), Africa Wat Aula and th I'.aM Indie,, al.o Spain and porlugtl when tpeclill) aildre.aed, Th l'rnrh llnr Cliliago, t.lllng Samr da for Bordeaux II take mill cloalnx at noon, for France, Stt7erland, Itan Hgypt. Oreece, Rrltleh India, llrltljh Ha'.i Afrlcx, Slam, Malta, tllhraltar. Ce Ion, btralta Settlement, Dutch Ilatt Indlt, ' Witt AiiHtralln. and I' Th cunnrder Cirpaihl. .ailing Satur day for Liverpool, will tak mall, clotlng tt 1:30 p, M for Ureal llrltaln, Ireland, Hlelglum. i and South Afrlea. .n .p.cltlly addretted enrrepnndenp for othet countries except t'.prmany, Auttrla, Hun gtry, Luieinbiirg, Ilulgarli, Serbls, Tur key, N.therlsnda, Norwiy, Pweden and Denmark, ASIATIC MALLS. Jipsn. Cnr.a and China, via Setttlt. p.r attamthlp Tamba Maru. clo, at 6:10 P. l. to. morrow ('.nam and Philippine la'.auUt, li San I'lanclteo, per t'nlted State, tran.port, c'n.e at 11 30 p. m to morrow, Hawaii Philippine latand, Samoan 1 tndt .XtiatralU iexcci mixii nnil apeclalli nddre.ied mall for New 'Zealand, li ,",n Pranclacn per tleum.hlp Venturx. clo. .xt 11.3ft P. M Thuradai Hawaii tla .Sin I' pr .team hlp Oreat Northern, clo a' 11.10 p. XI Thurtda) Tahiti, Marouraia. Cook iaxid, New 7ealand and Auttralla lexeept -xe.ti , (. ."in Franeleco, pr ttetni.hlp Motnt, cot. tt 11:10 r, M. frlliy I i. 5, 5 IsPalaPaPaPaPaPaPaPaPaPJ