Newspaper Page Text
CYRIL MAUDE, STAR IN "THE BASKER" English Comedy "Written by h Woman Presented nt tho Empire. ENGLISH ACTOH AT BEST Makes Light, Tiny Tlensing hy His Cleverness Others in Cnst Do -Well. The llaelirr" -At the Kniplre Tlientre. Oeuree de t.srourfe '.'vrll Mum!" luehi of Cheviot .. . Mind M ill -i I'hltlppa Ijienrfe..,. Cynthia nrooke nifh irrt de Lncerfe Ilneaard Plinrt Miriam de Laeorfo.. Madeleine Meredith Cyprian de l.neorfe I'rnnlc Kltiitilon Mrs. Cyprian le 1-acorfe... Alice Gordon Mrs. Terlbnt I'lorence I.o Clem Diana Terlhnt.. ..Muriel Martin Harrey Mrs. Itadford Marauerlte Leslie Na'.'et IMcnr Norton Marnier Noel l.esll skrlmpot rMnsrd l.enter tieldernftld James Kramer Anothsr comedy of nnitllRh orlsln mic reeded "Caroline" last night nt the Era pi re. Theatre. it was called "The, TtasUcr." Mrs. Clifford Mills, who hitherto wan unknown to local fame, not only wrote the play hut InvonU-d tho wotil by which It la called. The hero loves to lie In tl.e nurmth of life's tmnelilnc nnd avoid nil that Mijsmsta hail weather or hardship. At least, that wns what the hero, on ' ic.isi. nml wiin iMi i n " "nnirritnrt,H th rcene. which wero con- r.nKiiMii nine. n.iu uotio umii ne mi-nra ui. wo- yvut n m.mii.- nwi n ... the Ixjtulon etiw. Cyril M Hide lni!..r- nidrd till iM-r.-on In ft nlnlit. GcnrKO Alexander dented the role In London. While he wni bat-Mni; rather thnn llv. In;, this IncorrlKlhle duke would not even read tin' history of his family's or'civt nchlcvci.-iehts In the pant, which hln tiroud irniiutinotlirr presented to him on every birthday. 11 camu of n famous line. Indeed, the dramatis persona- lat iilstit wero uncommonly aristocratic. They were I)n Lacorfes or somethlPK equally eminent In tho peefaco of the lyondon stage. There wero a few men eervaitts and others equally Indispensable, to llfo In mien a rarltlc'd social at mosphere, llut there were no Jpet or dinary, mlildlo class people. Servant Inspires Ills Master. One. of then servants was very Im portant to the action f the play. Ho did read thu history of his masters fam ily. Ho wiih Immediately Inspired to icrcutcr thlnirs than he had ever at tempted before. Ills conduct even In flamed his master, who. after ji while, became Just ns much of a duho as his grandmother thousht le. ouKlit to be. Then he discovered the treachery of Ms dishonest cousin, turned him out of doors and cot for himself the girl who had almost been won by this villain. When he was still taking dellcht out of only backing he had offered to gtvo hU post and his position to this cousin rather than worry with their burden himself, although he was compelled to keep his title. Kor two nets "The llssker" seemed below ihe usual average of Iondon BOliN. TOIVE. Mr. and Mrs. I.yman Tte.cher Stone nt rorrat I J t II a Hardens, 1- 1.. announce tha birth of a eon on October IT, 10 U. MAEIUED. FKANCHOT OOnt.n V. At dean, N. T.. on October 5?. tt. by tho 1 1 nr. Hu brt O. Carroll and the It'v. Jamr W. A.hton. Anno C. V. Trunchot, duuali tr of Mr. nnd Mrr Nicholas Van Vrankrn I'ranchot. to Frederick A. (indley, ion of Mrt. V. D. (iodley of Ne York. DIED. BtTTRIDCin. On Monday. Oetob'r 3. 151. Mary Jane. blovert tfa of Thomai Dettrldcc. 5S Writ Twenty first atrtat. t Funeral notlca hereafter. DUnVUA. Puidnly. on Monday. October J", IM. Ells V.. Uo of Albrt E. Duryea. Tuneral trvlcea at her late residence. 114 youth Itroadway, Nynck. N. V., Thumday, November at S I'. M. Train leavea Jersey City I'.Zt I'. M. via Erla Ttnllroud. EIV. Hudnenty. Saturday morning. Oc tober SS, a' his residence, Wyndhurn. Ilryn Mntr, Pa., Theodore Newel, In the serenty-rlrat year of lit" age. Funeral aud Interment TiiffJav, private. LUJ1V. On Monday, October 30, Knilly Ioulie, wlfo of J.imea l.uhy mid daugh ter of the late John J, Huber. Kuneral services at 3u CIKton place. Jer eey City, on Wcilneidny, November 1. nt It o'clock A. M, Inuraient private. JtCNN. On Sunday, October tt, 1S14, la tha (3d year of her age, Mary A, Munn, wife of the lata It'njamln Munn and mother of Adclene Munn, Fun.ral a-'rvlcet nt All Angels Church, U'ett Hnd avenua nnd i;iaiity-nrat 'reot, on W'edneeJay, November 1, tit :,-30 P. M. UCLVORD. On Sunday. October iK lt. Arinetronc Mulfnrd, In bin C3d year. Funeral tervleea nt ht late home, 133 Nethemood avenue, I'lalnneUI, N. J., Wednesday, November 1, at 3:30 o'clock, Intermont Hillside Cemetery. rnCKHAM. On Monday, October 30, at h.r residence, lli Slidlaon nvenue, Annie Aerteen Keasby, vilfa of the lata Wlmeler II. Pefkbnm. ! Notice of funeral hereafter. VHEI.ra Suddenly, nt Hooifvelt Ho-. pltal. on October 30, -Oeorira A. Phclpi, , In tha tttb year of lilt are. j Nolle of funeral hereafter. i B-.OTT. On Monday, October SO, l(l, 1'ranoes M. Macmanui, wife of Louie! II, Ffott, Hfjulem rnaai at 8t. Oabrlel'i Church, Ntiv Jtochelle, N, V.. on Wedneday, November 1, nt t0i30 A. M. Interment Jirtvuto. Pleaee omit fowera. HI EST-K. Stephen Decntur. Funeral "THE l'UNUKAI, riltJRCH." Ilroadf ny, Plxty-alxth ai.d Slx'y-aev-enth atrea'.t (Campbell Hull. line). Tlron later, laaltlmoro paper i-noy. SKinMOni';. On Hunday. October':?. Ul, nt hi. reldnce, t West I'lfty-aeeond treat. New Vork elty, William Lemuel .-sidiiiore, eon nf the Into llurllf mid I. it.i Wright HklJniurr, In tho tit year ' bin use. I i.rnl aitrrlea at hie Into reildenco 'i Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, It l kindly requeued that no lowere be 'nt Jloaton and Philadelphia pa pen pleaae copy. In Memorlam. In ti r'niembranea nf Cmper II, Kicks, "In OIM tlctob.r 31, 1913. In memory j - lit. vlfo and rlilltlren. CNIH.KTAKF.K3. Vim'; .Frank Campbell Kr, Cyril Maude and Muriel Martin Harvey in a scene from Act I. of "The Basker," which opened last evening at the Empire Theatre. jdravvlnir room comedy. There was little. lrvl. i rntl,er amateurishly whit,. IhA Ver. very dell -ite wit which was Hr.iveil over th. Inn" Mrelrhoa of din. logue was not refrcshlrtj enough to re vive the nudienec. Mr Maude was again himself, not con cealed behind the cl.ibora'.o mask of the octogenarian Onimpi, nnl lils skillful. ilit act ng of light comedy vas always delightful. Ho Is a most polished and facile player In such roles.'cven If there wrr little In tho play last night to re ward tho exercise of his powers, (.'nit of Druiun In Third Art. A gust of drnma blew suddenly through tho closing scene of the third act. and tho audience welcomed It so (initefully that Mt. Maude was com pelled to como before tho curtain several times. He said In his graceful speech that men who loved to bask were fortu nately tml '.own now In Kngland. There will pivbilily, therefore, be no more plays about them. There In equal raurn for irrat.tU'le on this hcore Tin- awakening, under the valet's sug gest in. t' tr.o prldo of race which he should always have felt was very dis criminatingly Indicated by Mr. Maude, with Mimc'cnt nmcerlty, but wluiout ar tificiality or Ins of tho humorous'. WhMexcr tho public may find In 'The Hmker," Mr. Maude'a powers as an actor we-e never more agreeably revealed. In fp'.tu of occasional evidences of un prepari'dness, the performance was of a high grade. Maud Milton played tho Victorian duchess addicted to strong languago amusingly when she was not trying to remember her fpcechea, .and Marguerite I.r-slle never looked so hand some. Muriel Martin-Harvey was a graceful heroine, and tho other roles were excellently acted by Cynthia llrnoke Alice Uordou and Madeleine Meredith. IMgar Norton acted the one Important sceno that fell to the valet capitally, and Haasard Short played the part of the dishonest cousin In a way to ameliorate Kme of Its disagreeable characteristics. RECITAL SINGERS IN TWO CONCERTS Julia Clnnssen and Cnrl Schle Eol Ifcard in Well Varied 'rograinmes. . Two Pong recitals were given In Aeolian Hall yesterday. In the after noon Julia Claussen, n contralto of the Chicago Opera Company, was the singer. "Lnicta cli'lo'plnnga" from the Handel treasury served to open her programme, nfter which she moved at once to con temporaneous Klchard Strauss. Mas renet, Grieg and others nlso contributed , to a fairly well made progrntnme. , Mnie. Clnussoh Is a singer of expert-, ence and Intelffsence, hut her voice yes terday lacked rosonanco nnd color. For ' this reason she was unable to Infuse warmth Into her numbers. Furthermore J In rome. na In "Tratim durch die Daem-1 mening,"shc sliowed a tendency to dragj out the pirascs unduly. Her accompanl-1 meiit wero well jilayed -by Marcel ( Chnrller, Carl Schlegel, n baritone of the Met ropolitan Opera House, was heard In the evening. Mr. Schlegel deserves com mendation for his programme, which contained a number of songs not too often heard nnd which hnd a pleasing variety of moods. Tho baritone's voice Is snmowlint dry and heavy for the de mands of lyrics of lighter fancy, but ho established a claim to bo regarded with respect In the dllllcult field of the, recital. Ills singing showed fine appreciation' of the content of his pongs nnd his stylo , was In general chnracfcrlzed by pood In- j tcrprcmtivo qunimc.-. imm iiivm 1 ndd'd to the value of his delivery. ; i rn.tnin nr.'nmn.inlcd In IiIh fa- knlllnr manner, which always gives pleasure. , THE SHIFT OP PLAYS. rnmlllnr Drameia tVIII Be Sen on ' Xrw Sttinni Tills Wrek. "Ilnckdre," which hns been at the Thlrty-nliith Ftreet Theatre for some weeks past, was transferred last night to the Lyceum Theatre to continue Its run theie hs Ihe public Interest In i Stiuut Fox's play hns not yet been ex- haiiPtcd. ... The Standard Theatre Introduced last night "Very Good IMdle" to tho publln that lives on the upper west .sine, i.nsi week thn popular musical play was at the llronx Opera Iloure, .Tudglng by the enthusl.t'ini with which It was received Inst night It could continue to run for more than Its allotted week ot the Standard Theatre. Tho Hronx Opera House has "The Cin derella Man" for North Kldo audiences, with tho samn nctora that appeared In this populnr play nt tho Hudson Theatre last winter. A.V. Firm Get 3,442,504 Contract "Washikuton, Oct. SO. Contract for construction of a 1,000 foot drydock at Norfolk Navy Yard wns awarded to-day to tho George Leary Construction Com pany of New York at 2.si3,S!M. The limit of oist fixed by Congress was 13,50l,0fti). Bwlft A Company's sales ( Bset In New Vork city for the woele ending Haturdav, Out. 3lh. averaged a follows! Doineetli llecf, II 15 cenn per pound. A4v, NAT GOODWIN TOP AT PALACE THEATRE Drops His Sketch nnd Tells Stories Colnmhtn Offers Varied Programme. Nat C. Ooodwln, who Is at the head of the Palace Theatre bill this week, has discarded tho sketch for hl return and appears just as his own amusing self and tells some of his best stories. I The audience yesterday seemed to enjoy I his quiet humor more than ever. George ' While and the sprightly and shapely Lucllo Cavanagh, who had a continuous run of eight weeko at the Palneo last .iintn.r nin.H v..i.rKii. with now sonirs and dances. I The sketch offering of the week li",r" '"p ,,h" l'I-,,- Mi'ohnrlne as I Was , nouert T. Haines In "llnter A , Kmotlonal women In the bo.xes tos'ed Stranger." written by Oliver White. hflr bouqmts at the feet of Dorothy Janlon Is the vaudeville prima ',,mn appear-d after the ascond net , clonno. "America First" It a spectacle "? a l'l;Ie speoch. but some of the men , with music and motion pictures. While the orchestra playa a metlley of patriotic , airs still pictures of military heroes nro flashed on the screen. Others on the programme nro Phlna, James Conlln nnd the Parks. Avellng and Lord and C.t mllla'a birds. The Hoseland Clrls In their two net i burlesque, "Ixive, Law and Politic"," , written for them by W. K. Wells, Is .the , attraction for the week nt the Columbia Theatre. In addition thero are vsude. vllle mpeclaltlcs. "The Hlg Four" Quur- tet and a large chorus. SALE FOB "THE CENTUEY GIRL." All loz OSIee AdTunrr Hrcorda Be. llered (o Re Broken, The box office tnle of seats for "The Century Girl," which will open nt thejnlflruit aervam-. t"pplng torl and match- Century Theatre next Monday night, ap parently has all records for ;l- vance sales for attractions of this kind, Ileforo the window opened yestiniiy niornlng at 9 the DIHIngham-Zlegfeld management had received more thru 22,Ono letters with checks, each letter re questing at least two and many of tbm a score of orchestra seats for the irrst performance. Next Monday night, election eve, the returns will be read from the stage. PIANOS have set a new standard of piano tone and durability. T X he possibilities of the old system of construction were exhausted in the lead ing pianos of the past. With the Mason & Hamlin system of construction new and ex traordinary beauties of tone arc obtained, to gether with a permanence of tone-quality never before approached. MASON & HAMLIN CO. SI S Fifth Avenue, at S'.'iid Street ESTIMATES MADE OF ALMWANIT. KOIt OTHER PIANOS OLD CROW RYE Iter. V. W. Tal. Off. America's Finest RYE WHISKEY HAND MADE SOUR MASH STRAIGHT PURE RYE MADE IN KENTUCKY, U. S. A. H.B. Klrk&Co. New York. N. Y. THE , SUN, TUESDAY, "OLD LADY 31" SEEN 0N.39TH ST. STAGE Qunint. Piny Mnde From Louiso 'orssluiir,s Amusing Rural Novel. nnron in. a rooimousE Unchel Crothers Adds a Love Kpisodo Between n Hoy . nnd Girl. Old l4dy SI" At the Tlilrty-nlnth Street Theatre. Knzlr Rnimn Dunn be,. .tl'itliiHld rtirlow s'uney Mr, llomana., nrali 3nn. ., VbliMll.. . v ... Illo. M- A'lrli Ogdi-n .Mrs. Vellx Morris . .Mnud Sinclair Amu lutea May Oalyer Mnrli Carroll lnry. tohn Stuart Mage inmutl Darby Louis riarce Mike John It. MnUar Kllzsbeth niltubath Lera Minerva Lottla Church nranny Mnry Davit Lee Kugel produced last night at the Thirty-ninth Street Theatre "Old Lady 31," which llnchel Crothers had made Into a play out of IOiilse Foraslund's ( ninuifliig rural novel of the same name, i (Undent of tha work will rrvnll the s-ul story of tho old couple Impoverish d ' through tins purchase of auppovedly . worihle-"! slock In a mlto. When thiy' have been sold nut nt auction only enough ic mains for the woman to go to the home of the townsldp. llut tho old man Is nm wmpelled to leave her at tin (loot step. 'i'lin women decldo to take r'-n In too. In order that, the pair may lint bo (op.irated, Toelr life In the Institution supplies the homely humor of tho piece. There If. luevlt tblu Je ilnusy whtin tho atten tions of the other women begin- to turn the old man's head, llut In tho end there l happiness not only for tho cou ple hut for tho rest of tho home. The mining sioel: Is not. nfter nil, worthies.. It nets a little fortune for tho old couple, who enjoy llfo In the home so much that they decide to go there and spenu the rest of their, days among their friends. This ; imple tale so concen trated In Its theme could no', havo sup plied an evening's entertainment with out some addition. So Miss Crothers hns written In a love episode between a boy and girl. It mine (a for Hmmn Dtinn, ..-,,i i.,n. jv Is another "ulad" play It is like six lumps of .sugar In on cup f ''"' I'erhap-. tnmo lino their cot- fee that way. Certainly the first night au.llenco nt the Thlrty-nlmh Slreet The- , w """ " " . " " hit0.r.,-lt to put 1 11.t1tl,d','h of ," what they were having, The "Pollyann.." of tho p!e-e, -.tnglc, QedmyrFarmHotsl QKDNT.V PAUM HOTEL U the rrciv?. nlcd rendevoua of golfers, riders, driver, nnd co'inopollles from all over the I'llltcd Hlnti-s. If (rw-nniparib!' location, within ejv.y run cf New YorU. Iietbrr Hth If t max- lev mil-lne, have ni.vlc II a social Institution Mther than a iti-re lintel Open oil uccr. rrlmto Motor Hun Scrrlii' ifillimit charpr. Cjedney Farm Hotel WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. i:nw.iti ii. ritvMMi.i, OCTOBER 31', 1916. the meek Idle wife of tho sea captain whose Investments have landed them both In "Tho Home." Him can Und time to count her many blesslngn even when Ihe hoof of the poor houso leaka on her. Miss Dunn might have mado It n little tnoro cfTectlvn If alio had varied the hon eyed tono of her voice somewhat, but with that slnglo criticism one ha to admit that shu has made a lovable character out of lunfe. lti'glnatd Harlow ns ltie, or "Old Lady 31," ns ho was called when ho was mlopted by the thlrtK Inmates of the Old Ladles Home, had ft more human part to play, which was to tho satis faction of tho audience last night. Tho young lovers wire almost too invert for word, but tbVy were played an well ns mlcht bo by Mario Carroll and .Stuart ria-Je, "Tho Home." ns might have been ex- Tecled, furnished tnuany Htnualm; char acter parts, the best of which wore played bv Vlvla Ogden and May Oalyere. An amazing umoutit nt quaint New Kngland liuniiir Ih round In tho poor limit., whlcii iiinkcs "OM Lady 31" If not crcltlng at least diverting und worth spending mi evenlm? on. NOTES OF T1IE SOCIAL WORLD. Mr and Mm Krnrctn (1. Kibbrl will give n dinner dance fur their daughter, Mlj Terc?a Kablirl, at their new home, 7 Must N'lnety.tlfth street, mi .lanuarv .1, The vveililltii: of Mini Hiirtet Alex ander, eldest ilntiL'liI i- of Mr. and Mrs. Charls H. Alexander, to V.'inthrop W. ti.i.-t., ...... .... . i . ... " I tiiti ivil ttiii litrt-7 ,i..t i- -.11 '-.-.-.ill''-.' Mr, nnd Mrs. Sherwood hivo returned from White Hulphur Springs to tas Fifth avenua for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Haldwln of Shallow Hrook Farm, Mount Klsco, who Tiffany & Co. i Silverware of Exclusive Designs not to be obtained elsewhere AML'lRMr.NTS. sr.vr vnitics i. r. a ii i n (i tiikatrks anh successes. EMPIRE I.As'2o-M,ht.M'' I 'AV.1 .Ml!. VVr.1. l-u'l. 1 511 llllM'VV rVPII MATTHI7 V i 1 V 1 Lj ilArWJ 1 JLi IN HIM I.ATKHT IMIT)Y sprc'KJ "THE BASKER" mtciai, .Mtini:i: i:t.:cTKiN itw. i n:i M, n s. KB .gf mm a-aa CilETVTIIHATItK Kim e '-'n Mat '-' UAIC 1 1 Mats. V,e. , .V IMivllcn I)a iiiincnu v t-a -mit m. K.. II. Mi' J .'0 POLLYANNA Tllf Il4. thuf PUt llttl. UalllL Prilorirn U'W V A. 41 T K U. h2i JOHN DREW In ,urjluTj . MAJCin PKNDENNIS KNICKERBOCKER J!'r?VV"- Mai VI I tAT P.I.KCT N I)V. V 1J IIAII IIKI M' pir..-i tvIH WARFSELD In THE MUSIC MASTER f-eata no for all ,5 t'cik l rf rm i'ici-i fjApmr; We.t t'l ft, r,vi- it s jc UNDER SENTENCE i, llll 1. enter and J.illi'l l-.i- m-i. ptnoC ll'a.iy at Itllh Mt )'vvr. t 2i UUUOC. m, vv,., km Ai;.v. nil a Jl RAYMOND HITCHCOCK BETTY ttitliun ih Tunnl Paiini is li,"li I llu.H at w-Z sv a - .fcifMT"- n Si rrn QPAND OPCWA CO U-J LEXINGTON nVJV 5I'-5T. Plmni-- f.112'1 I'ha. Ciiuinienrliix lint MkiuI Kep. Anilrra Chenlfr. luni.-efly, Aniure, ' llnlii'11111 "llh .Mlnra, Mllanl, 'IVrte, Zenatrllo. i .Martin, lhMvinf, Marilunm, lton'.llle, !2 7.a rl, i'te. I'iiiuU. .Mor.inoiil, (iiierrlert aeollan Hall, Tn-niorrntr All., at .li'MI, Mr.HClHI i KOOUll nipr ni:v VI lit It lll'.l'I'I'AI. de PinadeBrwyn MOW TKNOU SeilH. MK- In S2 l)D. llniiM. 1 (iiliin-r I'l inn ) 1IIIIIUTIUN .Mlitt. HKHA1AN 1.1. Wis, I.v Arm. ian imi.i , a r mix. m.nh itn irAi. lUSlI I I? O' CHRISTINE lVAlLLLSV TleLpts Wets, to .', MKineut llaeiw-IA .lonin. M ml lie r.llliitt Theatre, I1OII1 Nt. nr. Il'nay. YVETTE GUILSERT I'rlday All., Nnr. .1 at II. Niinda Km., Nov. A nt NI.'UI. TlrVieti at lln OMli-n. linalm I'lvnn. Dlrei't'n I'allmrlns A. Ilumman. S.I V. !)9 M. 1 Carnegie Hall, Tluira. Aft., Not. at ,1. I I'luno It-rllal . Jj I EMIIOIr'li , 1: ( 11 n ui - mm) w mm sjar m sns 1 j I UUi'le, u'J i i in J.' Ut IuuujoI A. Juuia. J havo taken for the winter the house of Amos It, K Plnchot, will give thero on tho night of January 2 a dance for their daughter, Miss Manny Tnylor Haldwln, who will bo ono of tho debutantes of the winter. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Fahneatoclc will glvo a dinner dance at Sherry's on Jan nary 3 for their nieces, Miss Helen (3or don Campbell and Minn Murgiuct Kahnc stock. Mr. and Mtr. Theodoro ltoosevetl Pell gavo n party last evening at tho Kltlnge Theatro for Miss Dorothy Cramp nnd Itculicn J. Itoss, who will bo married to morrow Afternoon In tho Church of the Resurrection. The other guesta Included tho members of tho bridal parly, Mr. and Mrs. Henry I.uden, who were married In Tuxedo last H.iturday. left tho Vnndcrbtlt yesterday to go to Wash ington and other points sonth. Mrs. Seth H.irtnn French has cone from tho Vanderbllt to Newport, where she will visit Mrs. Lorlllard Kpencer. Mr. and Mrs. .lames Lowell Putnam of Hostnn have leased for tho winter the houso at 51 Ww.t Forty-eighth street. Mr. and' Mrs. Wlnthrop Chnnler of Newport nro nt 818 MadUon avenuo for (h- winter, Mrs. Albert Thnrndlke will ghe a din ner on November 1ft at the Somerset Hotel. Uostnii. for Miss lleatrlcc Pyn cl'.un. ntin of the New Vork debutantes. When Mr. and Mrs. Hunter S. Marston leave t!n-lr .tiimmer borne, Huusylmar, Pott CU-ter. N. Y Ihw will go to 130 lia.t S'lxty-sevcnth street for the winter. Mrn. Ogden rioelet has iioien ncr v'lla. 'Viiro Court, In Newport, and Is nt Ti t . .. r,. .... t,.-, ra it 1 1 u the Hit. .Carlton for-u few dais. Mr. and Mrs. I, Townscnd Hurden hnvo returned fiom Orecnwlch. Conn., and arc the Plaza with Mrs. Bunion's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Shedy of Denver. AMCSF.F.NTS. NEW AMSTERDAM M ' IM I- I II.M W,42d ( Kv.8 I V Mat.. Wed. A Sat" ii' i.m:i i ii.viiiukoh vr ?tix. NewYork's Supreme Success! M vvv ,t (iitt ii:tr IIP Vl.l MPMfAI. flltll.KV IlltS. MiihIc by Kalman. Hook hv- Holloa. After Ihe plvy e. (A'op Thi vtr--) i fit:0.f!riUill'TMKATl:r.. U ay,43St. V e ..... ici. .1.. uryarii. r 31,. ."'""i w Tel. ai2 iiryam. ' ' iinl.. "vn.. n il. JC l.irruon nay. .-..u; r-'iu vnifjiMi inti uhuvl n-nnr. in ComeOutfrlKifchcn v"KragrHnt,DIrrtlUK.Apiu1iiiii.' - Wnrl I j DCI ASP.n tVKW 4 8T. KVK. 8:30. HCLAOUU .M-.i Vhiir..!t.AF.Iect.I)..2.M SEVEN CHANCES ITIII TftlvSrtlbHi. A irway. Kvga. HUiu rUU I Ulw.Mttv,,! ,Sat.AF.Iect,nl)..3)0. ARMS mm GIRL LIBERTY w"t Incl. sun. 2 l A s in p l . D. W. GRIFFITH'S COLOSSALSPECTACl-li ouciir.sritA or .-, i. W.42St Mat, ffel, ft it REPUBLIC A lion pl.ty In t I .III. It FIRST BILTMOKE iitinvv ,m int.N i m; mi mi a i. i (.rami liHllruiini.llatellllllmiire.Nov.aat tl AKIII.IN.V JIIM.I- White Hofmann ;iovv.nni : Martineili j De Luca ltr"", Jl; Uokvj, $.10. NnwoiiMlrtal Hlltliinn1. Friilaj .Mnnittiflr MulrAtn llox iiHlct. Maunfft'Tnnt ft. K. JohiMitn, KmuIki Itano. ' COKT TIIK4THE, 4HTU Htrrt, nr IV Hay 1 hi AflrrniHni nt n Little Symphony cr.OllHi: llaltlinii:, t onduclnr. Llora Hoffman Seats nn Hale at )1oi omen. Dlr.ii linn nf C-A IIIAltIM-. .V) rte. In 1J. A. IU.MMVX, Wed. Aft., Nov. H, ,f,i I GRAINGER 1 .Met A'r-rllelliway Piano. ONI.V PI AMI l(i:t I I'AI. I'M II. M'lll.Ml mm 1: o man hi i. i, Kneisel quartet 6 CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS T I' f. ft II A V 1. V K MMi v Nor. 14, I )-. 6, Jan, P. Knli. it. Mar. D, Apr, a ( SulPrlptlon Male Now Open. Hubi-rlpUuii.. $10. $H, Helen Lore. I VV.IHBk, I Punch & Judy ir-vy at II lllit'ITAI, ' laATIIAIII.VK DAYTON It I S 1: II S 1; KiikIMi, rrenrh, Mmlirn and FnlU Honna, II1-I.1 1. nt lloi OMIin aim .ManaKi'r-s Hill 10 .MbI. ANTONIA HA WVIHl, Inc., Ai-ulian Hall i ii.MriiT thi:-i in: iTonrw(vi,i 'i IV e.t ll-l M miiik Iterliiil. GERTRUDE AULD "evtK ,vii' 10 '.' Him'- sr. MaMiuA llniiillnl'litiiii llirictliiii.Miitlt'lniiH Coiii'rrl .Maii'ini'iiiiiiK.liir Aeolian Hall, hat Kt Not, 4, at Bill Mann llecllal IIKIIVI RUBINSTEIN MKt.l.i'u lon Charltiili, A- ll.'trli rintio I'linrh . Judy Theatre, .lull, ti. nf Il'y 1 Tlir.aSl'III". ISI.iN'H I i;i n no:MtH.r.i.,fai.r,i.i.'J.:w.'.' iuiu. loin Tlmn Catt liic.CharI.vllniililna.Mri.Uou- Tn-nlulit ikhu.llearyK.UUey. Tlai Murphy nnd ;i'l ottieni. VdlTt, TO-NIGHT , J i.aiijqsassi trti jirn 1 Tri rf'7'i r' "r"i--"i vf r i"i r - ti'l"-" M. r- " ' . M AMtnilMKNTS. LAUGHS! More than in in town put together. eAttfoaiV-,- o seed" mmsm tHtli a anlatnatfff wmmt "Full of laughs." Journal of Commerce. "Keeps audience Inughinp; through out. 'Object Laiirjhter' would bet ter describe the entire three acts." Herald. Cohan fk HarrisTheatre FORMERLY CANDLER. W. 42D ST. EVES AT 20 MATINEES WED., SAT. AND ELECTION DAY, 2.20. nMtT.i:nn 1 ll'tray ,t 3'ith at llvenln.'., ! ."l'H Vo:Hlfr t a Mitt U 1. .inw tf Hi i:... 1 113. Mat., I ',.iii m.n.k A i;it(Smii ll.iv. 7::in : iiL.s vt in i i:m mi hi u ii vi iiii t M t I l ill I ly, v It. IV I .lllil I Tell V llrt w'iInV' Little Theatre 1 vwT it I't'i; h . n . ijii mini IV HUSH ro'Miiiir .r K. i a. Ml I ii nrw in. $1 t A- t' nKlat-,Vkv 44th st. ;r-; IIK II Villi ' IV i I Turn VI VI I ON u I- V S 1 j A I- IK 1 1.1) I I I.I VS 48t!i St.Thea.YVT"; ' ut.. I Imp'. it a riix- lliiiorm' if!., I, ( lj,,,,. If-,, Ilrjai'Mir 'a ' . .lift rftwi.f .iiji ,ri (I f c I LONG ACRE W IH st Tn.ntfh! . 3il. I'l'imlir Mat. Tu-MV -J HP. WLil m H UJI I .at . 1 1 C?SI U i-t t W I nlr-. S M Season t i'j'i ml i' i liHT .Mnri'i r i i i tu liliu mi Ontui: to he .Neii.nlt.iuwl Sucie. noil i Mormon, it ni.iiiii HI I V III,!"..- Will I I II .' IIIUIIIIS VI I'l HI HI'MUI I.S of MZARTfS "IJAbTIEN unci BASTirNNF." w(!i Mn In-1 i.irrloMi. i,u UnUil ltlt!i.uu. llttt i!cIm id ' in litrn Viiii, t -n1nftr N'.i GMIRICK THEATRE Hr Tliin ., I ri. ,.,,. N. ',t. 8,20, 11110 inL .ft.. Nov. i. .1 .Si 4. H at t' ! i. .'. .11.11 Hut offleii i.r l"l IM US I'l III" ' IV. I' iirnesle H.ill.'-iil fl oi I ,nt '..'HI, (IM.l 111. I II VI IIIIS M 4 SI IN AL!V3A QUJCK I'rlr.x SI $1 0. S? 0 It I'lann Simin Wolfwilin llii -ii 1, 1 iih. nr llnll O I ? ti &1S"THE BIQSHOW ,f"i null Nt i i PI WolUt l.l.-iii-.l S'mi- lit lilt- I I VI I'l, enllaiv Hvil. 'II1111.. lie.. Nm M,1 LONG KF.CITAL WILLIAM WHEELER I TlcU-ti. I COLUMBIA THE ROSELAiND GIRLS 1 J"T. NICMOLA- PINK CO WTT rfJTTl B3SmtSS2S nlALTfl'rr ri'oiiipson'a War rieturi... I VV tlfri"! l.iu-iH A Inn- II T.HIIU 'e, MOLiM-l. 1 liu III illi, lirilh -ir.i. BROADWAY Ihi'ltr ,.l He' Nuvl Wii'i. nioMti mi:k;iiv a VMI.V ItlM. Ill "HID lllllll in llii- IHKHt Ml" M VIC I'll Itl lillll HK'l IIHINOMMI. htvnUtilllil.'lUjlUH. t tl Mil '.;;' .'',":1;;;: NOONwtUOt, Cnl Mt NitiVY'WMAUl I'lCUl llllUsniMvaltiiuaiva i j soli is n m Hi ii mam ig-ifTvcamrv 7 AMt'UKMF.NT.I. all other plays "Scarcely a breathing spell between laughing spasms." i American. It's by Montague Ola, who wrote Tot ah nnd I'erlmutter," and Jules Kekert (iomlman, who wrote "The Man Who Came llnrk." kW esWijto suc cess Orv EMIWA DUNN Stln.M!Vnmedy "OLD LADY 31 " "r;1 J'CASIN'O '.: .i'!h Kvea. lr... y ""'"J MtT'iiii-it,ialAKIeeIay. LINAACARBANLLL Flora Billav MIOW IN VI..Mt. Mil Tn-nrtv.SatJlKloe.Iiay TAYLOR HOLMES BUNKER BEAN fnniedt. VV K, M ta.Tlin. A -al.a .an. I U IffW.l, IHJ.T'J LLlitllJLyiLliS M 1! Wki of I'resaut lull. MillilP FllintMt'1.'- l'ay. Kv.. H:2n. maillC CIIIUII !t.,Tiim-w.nit.AKIee.Dar. aiaWM.SBKBjsBSjji In hi. Kreatr.t'tifxttvt rSiODCE FIXING SISTER it hi a ukmI I lira M.iii Fiiitn fNiiif," (ilitlic. Pulsating! THE MAN WHO CAME BACK Playhouse $ jam njlllRCOTTPei ""w"-"'t IS.M,-.'aTnni'vT -lit AKIoe.IlaJ EIGGEST HIT IN YEARS t In at 5 0 LONG LETT Y Willi I llll I III Ii (.1(1 ..SVUlill). icrrol ii frodirjnlll l.tST KT WV.V.K THE BOOTH TflRATRR JSih. VV of Ifwar. MAI' AT LITTI F TIIK4THF. a-,B,-a- I n rl M n 1 1 I v MIIMIaT Tlir. -liI.l. rt,tnlley. ; n, 'iiinir nil Mi-mtf ' ,0 JfTM Un Urn, C Seit""flale Thr,. rm:iitr, 111U11..11U1.U m.,h ,lr,lm v. WILLS AM FAVERSHAMl rrtfi-ilU Getting Married Ml Mar ( a- li.iln.llrc I III UN !! Ml H'S V I'll HENRIETTA CROSMAN STANDARD ,WvV'-,r.'; ' via;' VERY GOOD EDDIE MANHATTAN Ol)ra l(nua, Mih U vf li'-. I-pt us .i. WVr! A S.t nt " XIVi'I'vh M0N NOV. 6 i-,V,r' Mint I ' ... .1 ... ......... ll I'l ll'l I .11 I, II INI ft ii'iui-i tivu vr mix iKi(i-s-. , 'Me, .vor, J.V, SI ii i-ii(. 7 KHKI.S or TIIItll.l.lMl m i;i:is:s rHE MASQUE OF' LIFE 1 it... ii . . . . park . Pa i Arr! JTALACL S Sat. , l.nodttln, tieo, vv lillr.v I. in llrl manual,, ('Vmeili.i I li.t.i'iiiihi.i If'.av t 7thSt lllavne.A l ,i..ollirl., .mil lia IV Mat it I'lirmht Jarilmi. BnU(IHI,VM AMl'MEMENTl. iiiiiiiii.i v -anr.Mv or Mi sii iisr mi 11 r 1 iv 1 v lilt it-.. mv. 111 vi mi rn -s it 1 i.i 1 in ,ni:, ft-, l.ihl l 'I III I nlrM,, 1..,. I illfh MJIn.l, . Iii In-11,1 11' I Vine. .Midi d un I'n, in CTAR J.IV I I'l. A I'lillnti Ma, I Mji Main lH. Mliillt Of AMERICANS with Lutnir llll. 1 II .1 l itis j IIIITKI.) AM' lltrt'KANT!l. . .-, . , 'ZTS"1'1 Fifth Ave. and 28th Street On nt tl imt. lirnnllriiltr Miit)lntcU IhiIcU in N" S irl, Hii'i Kotiiiii uilh Itiitli, i uthStreetnear Fourth Ataniia V-i"-li-y 'ItiHiL'JjI