Newspaper Page Text
1 yt THE' SUN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, , 1916. 11 280 TO HUGHES 154 TO WILSON; 97 IN BALANCE Countrywide Canvass With out Was Shows Jii'jVub lican Victory. THKKE MOHK STATES ' SWIXOIXTO (I.O. P. Ohio. Wost Virginia and Wisconsin. Doubtful Karly, Seem Safe Now. MINNESOTA SHOWS KE.MAKKARLE TKKX1) Gains for 'lU'piiblicnns in Both Mouses of Congress Arc Indicated. Tiik Scn herewith present n sum Blary of political conditions In nil the States on the fevc of election with the bet possible forecast which can he marie with regard to enqh it thin time. The Miihjolned reports represent the Views of Impartial arid competent cor respondent and. ate presented without bias. On the face "of these reports Mr. Hughes would appear to have the bet ter of It. The States which seem to be pretty surely In the Itcpuhllcan column have n total electoral vote .of 280. Against th.lV' Mr! Wilson would term to lie sine ol only 15 .votes. The States which are decidedly doubtful from these reports are Ohio, Washington. West Virginia. Wiscon sin. Coloiado. Kentucky. Missouri and Neluasku. These States have a total Vote of 7. Should Mr. Wilson carry them all he would! mill lack 15 votes Of the necessary 266. But the Indications are that some of thee States will so Republican. Ohio U one where the chance seem'to favor the Republicans, a turn In sentiment lielng observed there recently. This 1. true also of West Virginia and Wis eonsln. MIssomH and Kentucky look like an even break from these re ports. Following aie the summaries of con ations: ' Alabama's TweUr for Wllsoa. Alabama, with Its twelve votes, may simpiv be lagged foi Wilson awl left from fuilher eonsldri at'.oo. It will elect onlv minor Slate ofllelal and has no Iwiie which concerns the natloiiat else Hon. Of the ten Democratic candidates for Congress only one ha an opponent. John U Hurnett. Demociatlc llepirsen tstlve from the Seventh Alabama DIs trlct. Is opxsed b T)tee Davidson. IUiit ring hs the candidate of the Republican snd Ptogresslve parties. 8.0. I. Victor I iillWrl) In rUoua. Arliona Is sometime classed as a doubtful State, but the most recent re potts f i om theie say that If It still may ti .la.?d as doubtful It has Democratic l.anlnns so in onouiu-ed as to maJie a Renulillran victor) rather unlikely. There oi undoubtedly a change of manv votes for Hughes as a' result of Theodore Roosevelt's assaults on Wil son's Mexican policies', but It Is sin cerely doubted that the efToot wa .uf tlclent to throw the electoral vote over to the Republican, side. Republicans who hae hope of winning the State point oat that W son In 1?1- ban a plummy of onlv 154 over the combined, vote for Taft and Roosevelt and that this -Is not s lirce number of votes to switch. Arl mtia will elect a State ticket, a Senator n'l a Congressman. Senatpr II. Asn urt and Congressman Carl Ha) den are candidates for reelection. , Uov. !eotge W I' Hunt also Is running' again and Is betnr. opposed because of his pro-labor attitude. The fight on Hunt Is retarded M of some advantage to Hughes.- llrmnerats Xore or Arkansas. Arkamas Is conceded to Wilson with cut iiuestlon. A successor .will be elected tn tne late Senator James, I. Clarke. Hie ewi ConEiessinen from Arkansas, all nf them Democrats, are candidates for reelection, and all of themr prac tically without doubt, will be successful A btate ticket will be named. California fair far Hashes. republicans claim never to haxe been miHi concerned about California. T4iey a now that the State ts sure since the I'roirreslvea have not behind tho Huih campaign as a unit. (Jo v. Illrarn Johnxon, In his campaign for Senator, Is strongly for ths Republican candidate, The Republicans are emphasizing; ths Protective tariff aa an Issue, sentiment for higher duties being exceptionally tron In this State. The Democrats are mllng their drlx-a to net the women's lot on the slogan: "He kepfus'out of i " Prohibition Is somewhat of an lue, hut can hardly be regarded as af '"Mug national candidates. Resides Hie en Senator, California will elect eleien Congressmen. . i Cnlnrada Hrnlliuent I'nplmusjpsl, latest reports from Colorado teveal no ihanKe In sentiment there, The State hi well developed Wilson Keiltimeht. nil the Democrats place It in their col '"tm eiulillran leaders will make no Hrmiu.r statement lhan that Colorailo ' linii.ilih " will go for llUKlies. (leu uih ,i u classed by Republicans as "'1'iiilitfill ' The Democrats believe the 111' hour law has done much fur Wll '"ii hi 1'iiluiudo and me woiklng tills Is 'i in Hie llmIT The "kept us out of ' j ifimient also has Its effect, as It ii every State In the Colon uinuni! " 'I'.llll elemelll of Die XotelS, CidiilUtlil "lb "In t four CoiiKiesmen and a Stale rirt 1 1 n pienenl delegation to the Ho'iea has three Democrats and pne Re f'd'lii an In lis makeup. tuineilleul Clo.ei Hurrlr Hrpubll- t a a. r"ii' e Hi nt, which Is accustomed to '"II ! ! i). I majniltles from 16,000 t" tn Him Hcems alsiut to witness an ex '!' niMlly close vole, hut It Is believed 'll be surely Republican. Tho whirl inl automobile rampalan for United Kill.. Senator which Is belnit made by tl'rrer s i.'uinmlnKS, vice-chairman of t' ti'moerstlr Natlpnal Committee, tin fli'jrtediy Is helplna AVriii;, Resides t Eenator. Connecticut win'olect a .Opv- ernor and other Btate officers and flvo' Congressmen. The candidacy of Oov. I "'"reus ,,, nolc-o irtj. who In seeking re 7 election, Is an element of strength for I'Prnllar light In Delatrnra. Delaware ham namiiim. flli bands. There ate two Republican tickets and one Democratic ticket In the field or t tilted states Senator, due to the reud In the Du Pnnl famllv. Due of the Republican ticket has Col. Henry A. 1 du Pont as Its candidate for Senator and tho other, which Is supported by Alfred dU Pont, ham Dr. litem,, Itiirlfin formerly a Congressman. As a result. It is admitted the Democrats may send their candidate. Joslah O. Wotcott, to Washington. The factional fight will lint help the national Republican ticket any, but Republican loaders In Delaware claim the three electoral votes never theless. The State proliably should be rlassed as doubtful, with Hughes bav in the better chance to win. Delaware also will elect a ctovcrnnr. other State officers and one Congressman. The Re publican factions nre united nn Cnt. .1. O. Townsend as their candidate for tlov crnor. t-'lnrlrfa Certain for Wilson. Florida Is certain' for Wilson with Its I six electoral voles. It will elect a tlov- 1 ernor and other State ofllccre. a Senator to succeed Nathan P. Ilryan and four Congressmen. All will be Democrats. Uenrgln la Also llrtnnrratle. I Georgia, likewise, will go for Wilson ! and will return n' full delegation of . twelve Democrats to Congress. Hugh M. ' Dorscy, the prosecutor who conducted the famous Leo St. Frank case, will be elected Governor largely as a tcsult of bis work at the Hme Frank was con-' vlcted of the Mary I'hngan murder. 1 Idaho Likely to f.n for llnahes. The vote In Malm Is l.itgely from agri cultural classes, and Republicans are pressing the tariff question, especially as applied o wool. This I the home Slate of William K. Rorah. and he Is making a special effort to wkn for his party nn this question. I'nlcss somcthliit unfore seen occurs Idaho will go for Hughes. There Is no State Issue, although a Gov ernor and other State ntllcers will hs elected, Hurton l French and Addl-on T. Smith. Republicans, are running for reelection to the National House of Rep resentatives and probably will win. Illinois Women In First Voir. Illinois. whoe Iwenty-ulne x-otes may cut quite a fleure, Is wondering what Its women are nobis: to do. Thrre are nearly 600,(ion of these women xolers, Bolnsr to the polls for the first time In a I'resl- dentlal election. The State Is normally Republican by more than snn.nnii. It will take a bit; majority of these women voters to overcome this majority and throw the Stale to Wilson. There l no way of estimating the nrenonderniice of sentiment aninnc them The Repub licans ate flKurimc. however, that most of them will vole the way their hus bands do. which will clxe them the State. With the women left out of considera tion the Siue l uiely fur HliRhes, notwithstanding the fact that the Adam son law has valued a laiKe Mock nf la bor votes foi Wilson In the facility and railroad cltle. The Democrats haxe been doing their utmost to corral the women's vote by an appeal on the peace proposition. Roosevelt s recent visit helped the Re publicans greatly, and a careful canvass made by them Indicates that the State will go for Hughes. Kven If .'. per rent, of the l'rogiesslvt- vote goes for Wilson tit- Republicans will haxe 3fl,oiiu lit the State", and Wilson will have'to get "ft per cent, of the women's xote to offset It.' Twenty-sexen Congressmen and a Stale ticket will be elected. The State Kmc l ecotitniiv of itibnlnisf i.-itlim. the tight again! nv Dunne hflnu mule on this lle Indiana In HeMilillinn Column. ii! a doubtful Slate but nioie fieipieutly Republican In t.M.-nt nalliiuiil elections, appeals abuul in go Republican again. Roth sides .ue well iugunlr.eil In the true Indiana M.vle. The Republicans, howevei, haxe had a little the beltei of It from the point of itl clency Theie ale two Seiiatoi shlpa to be decided, and a special effort i iniide to lettiro Tom Taggail. Demui'iat. to the Senate .lohn W K'ein. I i. ni. i. i it . nlo wants to conn- but, to Washington, but biith tnen ale being xiLOi!nu!y oi posed by lliill S. New mid .lames Ii Watsnn re-pei'llvelv The latest tepotts say these Sena .iorships are mine in doubt than the Presidency, which will probably lie de cided for Hughes. New seems mine teituln of election limn Watson The I'roglesslxes are hugely back In Ihe Republican fold, and the Repulillcaii li.i 1 1 in it ii Ik a foliurr Hull Mouse, In diana and Ohio are two States in which the local Htid national elections aie hav ing a leclpiorally Important effect. In diana is tn elect an entire State ticket, llaahea, 'Ismi, XIhj IiiiiiiI iiu Iovt. Iowa has been n safely since the memmy of iniu ruiinetli not to the coiil I a r that no thought of defection at this late day had enleied the minds of the Republican chieftains tintll recent repot Is told of ,i grow lug WIIon sentiment due to the President's failure lo emliioll the country In win Theie Is no serious loncern, however, even now. and Ion a may be put down with Maine. New Hampshlie, I'enns.vl vanla and other practically sure Hushes Slates. Iowa has tevlved the prohibition lsue In Its campaign for Stale oltlcers, the Democratic candidate for (Sovernor wrecking a Democratic precedent by coming out on the side of the white tlbbontns. Eleven Congressmen win elected. Kansas Seems Safe for Hughe. Kansas, like Illinois, has the problem of the women's vote this year, bill there Is such a complete amalgamation of Ihe Iteuubllcans and Piogresslves it Is thought the Htute Is safe for Hughes however the women may xote. The Dem ocrats of course have virtually given up the Hht. though. They have been helped In their explanations of the President's Mexican no cy by tlie suing oi iieuuuu can papers contiolled by Atthur Capper, caiid i ate for (Jovernor. t upper tniiiKs Ihe President's course In Mexico for the Inst three years has been all riglit. v.lg!it Cougiessmen ale to be elected In ad dition to Ihe Stale oltlcers, Seveial of them undoubtedly will be Deniocints ilugliea should have Zu.iuui plurality. Ilpinoerats Not Xure of Ix'entiick, , Kelltlllky been allotted III the Democrats b seveiul Repnbllcaiiel of stHlllllUg, but 1 1" collllllUe III US-ell lliev have a chain e of vv Inning the Stale P.ll'i of the liellllllll vole bus lllllleil llglllllSt Hughes III the eleventh 111. Ill, nllhutlith llleie sllll Is llelinaii hiisv lowiiiil Wilson, Man) of Hie leKlsleteil ilerill.lll volel. Hill lint go to the polls Many others did not legltdei Mr Hngiies failed to get the set Ions mien Hon of the laboilug men on his vi-il lo Kentucky, according to leporls fiom theie, and his arrulgumsiil of the Xdatii sou law did not have Ihe effect deslied bv the Republican leader, If the Re publicans win ll will be by a iiaiiow margin, according to all signs. The Re. publicans have slteiigllieued themselves In several Congiesslonal dish Ids by nutting men of the highest ability and popularity In nomination against Ihe Democratic candidates for Congress, Woven Congiesemen will be elected, but no Senatoia or State ollhcts. WHsoa to WLn l.oalslana Again. liOUlslana, Iho home of John M, Par. ker, Progressive candidate for the Vice- TO vote for Charles E. Hughes mark a cross In the circle under the eagle, as shown below. This insures a vote for each of the i Hup he a electnra. Da haI nut nn X elector. To vote for the Republican tr VoU fr (Ml OOVXIXOB. 1 ItaT Vot for cult tllUIEHAHT VIH0. COWARD l ...rnWMlM ' Vots for eitl 8EC1ETAXY 0? ITATI. Presidency, will maintain lis adherence 1 unfalteringly to Democratic pilnclple and will contribute in electoral voles to Mr. Wilson, besides sending a Demo cratic delegation to Congress, with Ihe poshle exception of the Third district, where W. I'. Martin, Progressive, may be returned. Xlaloe llns MpiiLen for Hashes. Maine votes only for President and l classed as sutely Republican. Nothing has served to change Ihe situation Ince September II. xxhen Carl K. Mllliken, Republican, wa. chosen (loxernor and other Republican candidates were elected by a maigin of about IS.fUVl votes. Xlnrlnml In lliiubti I'aiiir. Wllsnn. Republicans and Deinocints have been making a haul coolest for Maryland, but In the closing days of the campaign It looks as though Wilson had Ihe heller of the argument While Maryland Is normally Democratic by from S.OOfl to It, n(in, there has heen so much dis satisfaction with the State oiganiiatlnn In tecent .veais thai the small Demo- ci .1 lie inaiglu has been dwindling, ill na.loual elections the State has been close since mm. The Democrats have not had i clear majority since 1X32, This year t'leie has been a bleak In the Democratic tanks nioie ptonouueed than at any time i sinie mini, which convinced the Repllb- I IU.iiis thev Ii ul .1 hancc I Tile b" al DeiniK'tatlc oi g.itilz.uUu li.n i announced that II- memlieis will vole fur uie ueao in iiie iickct. i ii i wieie win ne nil erTutl 111 get at tile Vote or llltlllelice the volets. "X'ute the ticket mii, let n at that" Is the older has been passed. Should Wilson lerelve ti.l, supjion he will it ttl j.i 1 1 1 x cati.v It. ill -more, hut nut b.v a larxe majuiily - tile muiltle" outside ale ixpecleil t bleak even HI lelUI'll II -III. ill 111, I Jot i I. for IlllghtS, ll.lltlllllll e'l vote wll lie- t hi u i n- ihe result, so Ilia, the Indli atioiis now slU'hlls favoi the Piesldeiit I'r.ime. 1 C 1 , n t 1 1 .-. i i.indld.ite for Sena tor, will uudnubtedlv tun ahead of Hughes In the dl) and Lewis, the Demo. italic candidate, will gel mole voles than Wis,in In the rural cnuulles. The Republicans ale still coutlileiit and ire f ir ipoie active than the Democrats. Th"ie are many Republicans who have said thet would vote for Wilson and etTiuts ate being centied lli'on getting them back. defeciinn is found In the railioiul cenlies So close Is Ihe Stale Dial If the Republicans can succeed In peisuadlng these sevetal thousand lallliiJd men to go to Hughes they may swing the State. They assert that the) have got back at least one thlid of these voters alleady Six Con glesstueii aie lo be elected, ll looks like an evenly divided delesatlon, Massachusetts Solid for i. O. I. Massachusetts Is another of whlih' Hughes s assuted. Massachusetts cnooses sixteen i r,-e,, Republicans and four Democrats being up tor reeipi'uoo ii i niieo roirs r-f-nM- it t e all tne itepuiilica ll x ongi essionai tor and a State ticket. ob0 candidacy candidate, save those In the two Mliine of .lohn I--. Fitzgerald against Senator pnls districts and the St. Paul district. Henry Cabot Loilge Is not nemg taneti veiy seriously ny me majority ot me voters. XllchlK" ("lalnied for llnahes. Recent reports from Michigan are somewhat better for the Republicans and theie Is every Indication that they will carry the State now, but with a small margin, In spite of the fact that four years ago both Taft and Roosevelt Individually got more than the Wilson vote, Henry Kord has been the cause of much trouble to the Repuhllcans, par tlculaily In Detroit. His advertising campaign baa been extensive and some what effective, and the Kord Influence will result In cutting down Republican pluralities. Detroit Is normally Repub lican by :o,(ino, but this year It will probably glxa Wilson a slight leud. This, however, will certainly he wiped out In the rest of the State, Ihe tural vote being almost solidly with the Re publicans. The Adatuson law has given the Republicans a lot of trouble In De tiolt. Kllnt and several other places. Michigan will rlecl a Slate ticket, una Senator and thirteen Congressmen, Xllnoesola l.eouloa Toward lluabrs Minnesota, usually strongly ltepubll can, us election diaws near remains In Ihe doilbtrill column. Willi tile uepiiuii c.iiis having the best of the shouting Odds are thai Hughes will carry th Slate by a small margin. That a State which never In lis nmioi) nas gone Deuiucratlc and III which four .veals ago the Republicans and Piogresslves polled over m is. iiu ll more voles than Wilson should be III doubt this time Is one or iho curiosities of the present campaign, There Is a strung Wilson drift III Mill ueapolls, St. Paul and Dulitth. which will overcome the normal Republican majorities In the three cities and give Wilson anywhere from lO.oon to 25,0(10 lead lo he overcome In Ihe country. Southern Minnesota, the Republican slionghold, seems almost normal, Her man Democratic voles for Hughes will offset anv Republican defection, Hughes Is expected lo gain from 15,000 lo 2(1,000 voles from Herman Democrats In tho Slate. Central and northern Minnesota are less utahle politically. Though usually Republican these parts nf thp Stain will not do much rnr Hughes. Tlie Democrats are claiming the Slate, hut prlxatoly concede that they aro likely to lose it ny a Kinnn margin, wnuc How to Vote the Republican Ticket at the left of the name of each candidates on the State and local I CfYito fr wm AflMMir OBMBEAU Q ISP waalfl ....PisrtMtM Mllu -bM" SCHMNECK . . 1 UTVsM for m! t ,. .., . ,MCHIKF iODOE Or THE tVVoto for M!-- oqVXT Or APFEALS. mm REPUBLICAN PARTY. For President, CHARLES E. HUGHES. For Vice-President, CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS. Presidential EleclKi. GEORGE EASTMAN. THOMAS R. PROCTOR. CLARENCE H. MACJCAY. ROBERT W. HICBIE. ERNEST CAWCR0FT. STEPHEN J. BURROWS. WILLIAM WINTERT0N OWENS. Repuhllcans assert that they expect 'Ji, iiiiii to lu.iiiiii for Hughes. It Is known, however, that the Republican Inside tig uies are atnund to, una Indications point to the election of Flunk II, Kellogg fne tlie steimte. tie will be cut , H a v)lv ,1V 10in. ance iiepuoticans i ne 5,.,hcan Slate ticket Is safe and so i which are doubtful. Mississippi's Ten fur Wilson. (if Mississippi It need only be ald that lis ten electoral votes will be foi Wll snn, that Us distinguished citizen, .loliu Sharp Williams will be leturned to lite I'nitcd States Senate, and that eight other Demon ate, all candidates for re election, will b given seats In the na tional House of Representatives. I neertalnlT Anoat Missouri. Almost on the eve of election Mis sotiil's electoial vote remains a giest uncertain!). Vlrtuall) all tlie Pro giesslves will vote the Republican ticket. The tiniipalKti there Is so shaping Itself that the vote for President will he nit nut and out party alignment, lu l:i 04 and IKOS Missouri voted a Republican Presidential ticket. Condi- tlims In Mlssouii now are similar In those ptecedlng tlie Id US election, Then surface indications favoied Rryau, The talk was all Ul. vim, but Ui)uu lost In the State. Tile Republicans have a (bailee of gaining two mill possible Ihiee nieiubeis nf Congress. Senator .lames A Reed ulso has a ho tight on hie hands to retain his sent Aguftist him Is Walter S manufacturer Dickey, a Kansas I'll) Reed's lampulgii has been dlsKisjiolntlng to his fileiuls. Ihe Mtaie aiiiiiimsiiaiiuu miner uov.. ciuoi IX .xiajor line, nul been taiisiacior , eel lulu tlr attitude of Ihe people with li lid Dine Is a nei Ii and neck lace on m iicmal vote Chancel also look lor that ofllcc between the Republicans SOU I'e Iin. u in l.ri...,, luiiloiial uriiiioin .iii umei, Xloutana's Choice Is lloublful. Molilalia is doublful. with chances fa. 1 i', ''""" ', ltt"0F ,a"d, ,J' xoilng Wilson. The .esult .lepemla , "" Hit- ornitpstltiar. Je.sey largely upon the vote of tho copper '-lve Congressmen to elect, nilneis. Theie has been a consider- v ... . . nble Increase In the nnrinliitlnn of the!" XlPSlfo for U. O. ft IMUlBPP. State from Iowa and other Republican mates, anil toe iiriiiiiucaiiB iiopc tin success. Montana will elect one Seuatot, two Congressmen and a Stale ticket. The Stats Issue Is prohibition, Miss Jean elta Rankin is una of the Congressional candidates, She is a Republican, l.lqanr Issne (Mlrs Nrhraska. .Win asks is stirred up over the liquor question- Tho Republican candidate for for President and State Officers. ticket nun-k an X at the left of the For Justices of the Supreme Court three names. A straight State ticket mark. VMS for XW Vot for ITATK ENOINEirt AND EUXVEYOK. R.MMfcM lui. L..IM riANX St. WILUAMS ...DMMcrMk ...PMSIMtM tW Vot for 8 FSAMC M. NIKOCK.. ISMmMcm I er.r,W.. 8l lS. LnH .tMMUSw OEMOCRAT tlov ernor Is "ihy" Senator (.Illicit M. Hltchcncl. k, fne Demotratlc candidate in, Is openlv oppofid bv Will- van, Roth -Ides claim the for reelection lam .1, Hrv elei lion bri sslil Wilson will carry the State but Hitchcock will hp iirfrated. Six Cougiessmen eei.le, from Nebraska. will Nexaita Clnlmpil by Both Hilps. Nevada remains ,i doubtful Slate on the latest reports obtainable, but looks Demociallc, The Democrats tlgiiie Ihe mining Interests will cling tn Wilson, while the Republicans are hoping that F the teturii of the Hull Mooe will slvo;, o, p few weeks ngo, Now the .best them enough votes to pull the national ticket through there, Nevada will rlecl one Senator, ono Congressman and minor officials of a Slate ticket, Women suffragists are wotkiug for the dafeat of. United States Senator Key Plttman, who Is opposed by Samuel Piatt, Republi can. Plttman will probably win. Nerr Hampshire far Hashes. New Hampsiilre is counted as surely ,tie Republicans. The (!. O. P. orgaulza for Hughes, Henry W. Keyes. Repub-1 ,0 ltld not get Into action enrlv and llcun, Is expected to be elected Hovenuif t did not stint etllclcntly. Then there were without dmictilt). C. A. Sulloway and i factional differences to be overcome, h. H. Watuiu, Republican Congressmen I T. ueu aun tb it,..,iihli,,i, r nii fiom New lluinpshlie,.probublv will he f i tnr no1 Tltnr. Im m Uutiii l.iiliil h u,i. I etui tied. There Is no Senaloilul tlnil tlila yeat . pn .Iprsp) to Hriiudlalr Wilson. ReHildlc.itis assert Wilson's, own Slate of New Jersey Is oing to give Hughes a popular majority of I5,t)i)i) to .'lu.iiou voles, The election forecasters, ore begin- lllllir III JibiC, tile Slide III lIlM i-siiia" coluiuu for the Republican A suite) , if tbe stale al the close of the campaign Indicated a prepundetance of Hughes henlliueiit so far as It is possible lo ns- hilstlil for Ihe election of .Instill S, l'te- 1 1 UK IIU V sell, I (etillll ll 11 II. W III S I V UK for jaitihs k. Mai Hue's neat lii the Untied States Senate. The same situation ex ists In the race for (lovernor where Oito Disgust Willi Wilson's Mexican policies Is expected tn give New Mexico's three electoral votes to Hughes, although the Stale Is not icgarded as clinched for the Republican candidate, Senator A, R. Fall, who placed Col. Roosevelt's name before the Chicago Republican conven tion as the man who could bring older nut of the Mexican muddle, has heen do lug exceptionally eoTertlvo work for Hughes., New Mexico will elect. one geu- first name printed for each office, put an X at the left of the first cannot be voted by a single X om! cmitbd ratm iratok. 10 WMXUM M. CALSC ID.nuilIt I AMfkH IU4. Lmsm .rnsiMOM ,.IUM .SmWUSw raMIDENT OF THE BOABO OF ALDEBMEH rati 11 V MCNtV H. Cl HAN,. . Zrk" saM LWtff th f I DtNMcmk " t liwt. Udf I JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COUET rOETOE-riKST 12 ..I, thru! ' JTOI0IAL SISTKIOT OtOKOC V. All'LlAN XftlUMSl M. BAVIS. mcMKZ l.-r, I IX LtlM 1 ... US.U.IM Pf lKl.w i .PnMWIlM a tor, one ticket. CrttKreMOiian and Xptt Yn'rti "Xltnallon Intere.llna. The situation In New York State Is In teresting, If It itor not, as expected, turn In a majority for Hughes the case from n Republican viewpoint Is practi cally hopeless unices there should be mull a surprising happening as all of the doubtful Stalls siolng Republican. Re potts fiom all over the Slate show Hughes to bp In the ascendency In a majority of tho up-State counties. Po litical expcrlH coming In from a lour of the Slate arc conlldent the Republican candidate will enter New ok city with 1 majoili) that the city cannot over- i cmne exci pt by n Democratic landslide. 1 (inv. Whitman. It l known, expects to 1 come to the llronx with a 2(iii,n(iu ma-1 Jorlty over Saniuel Seobury. Hughes. It is exiiecuii. win iuii somcwnui "i-iniiu i the tiovetnoi. but still with a sufficient i lead-to make his majotlt) for the whole Stale of substantial slxe. New York city will xote In Mi(ierlor nuuibeis for Wil son and sea bury, but Republican leaders are unable to twure that there Is any ,h I, i I..,lnl,i.,... i i i... ..,. ... HtiBhes and Whitman, As to the effect 1 of the State campaign upon Hie national campaign. It probably Is title that Whit man's candidacy Is n sootce of cmislder .ilile siiength lo llughes, while the re vit?e ptobablv Is true of Seabur.v's cau dld.icv In respect to the Democtatlc ria- Initial ticket. Whitman s the nominee I of tin- Republ can. Itiilependeni League, 1 Anieiican and l'rogeslve paitles He libs the Slate tllkel New Yolk will vote next Tuieilav foi eight .lust.ies of the Supioue Conn, a Senator lo suci eed .lames A. t I'i tot in. i u and fin D -tin. e Con--tessinen William I'. Mi-Combs. Demo-' " it and William M C.ihh-r. Ili,'iiilliiaii. He seeklo: ll'llnl 111.1 ll'w seal. Willi tile 'i a 1 ill favor of Ciblei lleoioernlle. N orl Ii I arollini .lessmaii in ashlngtoii, ami in i y n.. i -led him The remainder of the ib le- nation of ten iiriib.ihly will lemalti Dem oci.itlc. In the national election Ninth Carolina will toll up anutber large ma jority for the Democratrc party. A State ticket and four amendments 10 Ihe Constitution also will he vole.l North Dakota "nfrl.v llenilillenn, Tlie Rrliuhllcati Stale lick.t of Noitb Dakota whs nominal,',! I, nn .oeanlx... Hon of faiiueis and s u,icllcally wlth otit opposition. I.a:e iei-oits front there a Ibis will Insuie she electoral vole for llughes, but Hide Is a close light on for f lilted Slates Senator. .Mii'ouiber. Republican, being opposed by .1, lluike. Democtat wh several times v elected Uov ei nor after the State was ilontl k,is te- uliliean Three Congressmen arc to be I elected All In the pirent delcgaliiin are Republicans and nre up foi te. election. llnuhes t.iilna llliln Mrcnufh. (if all the doubtful Stales in tins campaign the most Interesting ban been Ohio, .Norniall) a Republican Slate with plllialltles of from 1011,000 to '.'IIO.IUKI, It appealed lo he absolutely lost to the iufoimatloii is that with the Ian visits of Hughes and Hooxex'tlt the Wilson tide has been overcome and It lookr I Republican again. Many Republicans who have been conceding to the Demo crats would not be surprised now If Hughes carried the State by tt comfort able plurality. The Democrats In the early pan of lb cnnin:ili?n nl.ilnlv stnlo n ine,l, HtrH nm M,iM determined lo dtop all1 . , . . ' ' - .1 1 n.iruhi tid 'I fill Mflt'sl 11 il Nf ft lis Uauti nr Dick and oilier old time leadets who had ' not w oiked In years peeled off thel- ' mats, Tlie bad spots In Ihe nul Iheaslero purl , of the Slate, In which then- has 1,-ct glellt prospeilty due to war onleis, mid the iailiii.ul cenlies wliich at lltsi I sliowed a iitejionderance of Wilson senil- , 1 11 e-n t . have been showing up lunch beltei and theie aie signs that a good deal of llle defection lias been oveicoillc T;a noils .if the Republicans to Iniu III-! I de culmiualed In the ileiuousn ulo i I ir .Mr. lliigbes at t'oiuiniuis, vvhiih ev'V- I ,iv agiees was Ihe glen lest Die Stale 111 ,1 .-Vet- seen since Mclvlldnfs II The beet political expetls ugiecd thai I be enthusiasm was geniune and sUiiillcu i ' To sum up now, the Slate seems in ' have been taken front those compiled to Wilson and place lit the doubtful column with the Republicans bavins nu excellent chance. If they micceed In Ihls It will be chlellv due to the tailff aigunieutx which have been spread lu the gteatest advertising campaign In history, I M)ion T. Henlclt, Republican, is op. posed to Atlee Pomeiene, Democrat, for the SeiiHtorship, and Is making a strong light, Kranlt Willis, Republican caudl date for Oovcrnor, Is hopeful of repeat ing the dcrcal he administered tn Jumes M, Cox two years uao. Rolh men have a 1 strong personal following and mboau of. lbs. national ticket. will run re , . ( two Congrcssnicn will bo elected, with the chances favoring Rcttubllcan gains. OUahnmn to Mar Democratic. Oklahoma will go for' Wilson. The State will elect elgbt Congressmen and minor State officials, Only one of Its Congressmen, Dick T. Morgan of the F.lghth district, Is a Republican. I Orrsjnn la Keen rnr unKnes, Hughes Is decidedly shone In Oicgon 'on the eve of election. No Republl 1 can leader falls to Include the State In ' the list he believes Is suiely for the Republican candldalo, .bill, there Is a slrong Wilson t eritlmenr?--m) -Oregon Is bv no means a sine thing. The Demp- rials also claim the State, mid tho Mite of the women may proM- a stlong factor for them. Theie has been innsldetalile peace talk In Oregon, anil the women iiaxe had a large p.nt In It. Oregon will elect three Congressmen and minor Slate ollli lals. Thete Is no local Issue. P,,. 1 1 null. I.oral tn (',. O. P i Pennsylvania I- counted on to cast I her .11 ..lectoral votes for Hughes this , 1 ear. The Democrats concede they h.tvo 1 lilttle chance to win the Stale except by in political inliaclc. I'rngrexslM'S mid Republicans haxc combined hannonloul and their united stiengtli can nanny inn 'to elxe the Renubllcaii candidate a sub jsianllal majority. I,pimlanla will 'elect a fulled Sillies Senator, Stale officers and Hi! Congressmen. The ,Sfte campaign has moused scatcely any , interest. Rhode IsIiiiiiI lteiulillenn. Rhode Nlaiid appears safe foe lliigbes, The State liken the principles of tin: lie- publican paity and the candidacy or ltuk oiorcs, or sent, collect on ueliv Hughes makes an especial, since i cry. he xxas a student at llrotu and Is tiotv Uumphrr t II.ihim .M .Mii C'n , 1 54 one of Its tinstees. Itliode Island will WMIIhiii Mnn. Ne. Xml, choose n I'nlteil States Senator, thiee Cougrcssmeii and a State ticket. I - tnth t.'nrollnn Won't I'liioiKr, South Carolina hardly knows there Is ,.,,Ht T, . , ..,( i,,,,. lllK a Republican party In existence. In fa t accouipllMit'il urn h .mil Ihe Republican there was no Republican candidate for 1 victory Itj Washington will be bv a ma Cox ernor at Ihe last election j,,rlt smaller thin iiotinal. Wilson Is 1st tan second for iubernatorlal honors , .ttlirr frrelv disliked Pit his eland on with M xntes, Ihe Deinociath candidate ,. r,uMin,i tolls. Washliulon will elect getting the remainder of the K.iixil bal- iie Senator, piob.ibl.v Poliidcxle , Re lots cast. South Carolina will send publican ; live Cougiessmen and a State seven Democratic Cotigressuien back to ticket. U'oul. I.itrto flirrn Imliiv tin nul xtsl I Inn . 1 and will elect a Democratic Stale ticket, Sooth Dakota II, (I. P.'s by '', nnn. South Dakota l a State of farms hiiiI inlne. The farmer xote Is ililte gen- , orally Republican and the H. o. P. lead ers claim tho State by Jn.iiun, Dates! Itidlc.itlotis are that the xote will be closer than this. Hughes, however, main taining a comfortable advantage. At ' Deailvvood there appears to be a strong Democratic sentiment. South Dakota will elect one Senator, three Congress- . men and a Slate ticket. The Demo- 1 cm tic managers ate onceiitratlng their j efforts on tlie national ticket anil on I no election of O. D. Anderson, Democratic I efforts on the national ticket and on the nominee tor i. (ingress in uie ritsi ins trlct. Tennessep Mn,x Hp llepnbllcnn. Ti,rtP lilVe been some assertions that Tennessee stands a good ,htioo of going Republican. I'nblased investlgatloiiK do not bear out thee statements. The Republicans neverllic- e ar(, Mmking a vigorous and well or ganlied campaign for the State and tin doubtedly will make It a close fight. Ho publican candidates for State offices are . running well and may win. but the chance for the national ticket Is slim. i ne I'cioocraiic iaie aiiiuiiusiraiioii Statewide nrohlbltlon law. .he ouster law and the nuisance law and has alienated many Democrats. I'otmer i Covenmr Item rong race for i,i ,',! i XXr llftn,,e U tttr.Llttv :i uli-nni' the Culled States Sonate and niav win over his Demociallc oononent. Ten Conglessniell ate to be elected. ! Trii nemoerntle til Oxer, Texas will be Democratic In her na tional, and Slate eleetlolis. Senatoi Chat ley A Clilbetson expects e. election, and there probably will be a deleuali ili of eighteen Democrat le Con giesstneii. Democratic State oftleers have Utile opposltlou. t'tnh to Itepeiil It .-i ii 1, 1 1 .'ii n Vote. Ctah. one of 'he two States to give i-,, , vote at ill. l ist ..le, . ; Senator tieorge Sutherland, Republican. Is running well ahead of his Democratic opponent and ptobabl) will be n elected Two Congressmen and a State ticket also, ale to be chosen. Vprninnt Dei-ltli-dl) for llnKhes. ' Vermont, the other of the mi; Taft States, likewise will follow suit this year. Vermont I" prolnhly the must intcnclv I Republican Slate In the I'moii, and theto ' I"'" ""r " "'-in iie,,uoii.-..o ma i Jottt) .oveinbi- , A (invernor. two Cougiessmen and a I'nitci! Stites Sen ' ator also are to be elected. Irglola's 'I'tii-lvp for Wilson. xhgliua will turn its twelve electoial Miles to .t nsiin ;ii iroo iitiliiy Cl.iuile A ,-wanstin. Detnocral Is lump. posed foi leelection to III.. I lllled Mate? Senate, but nine of Hie leu Detum i ais . w"" n 111 'm1 H"llsc or Repie. 'sentatlvrs have liepublban oiponiuts ! No Stale officials whl In voted on. XX Hsblouloii MhIp Doiibllnl, Washington, on the Imm nf l.ttrst if Th l.u iff i.ot is, is tor H UK In-.-, nut ' lutol.x tccuir in this pom in hnlilliic HrpuhHtMiiH hi lino. , ud th fact tlUt UlO Mdti i- Tl'TIIMtb Itro puWlkMii 1 thnuMHittls tl.tH 111.41 Jf1 it ) '' HltlHIKIA V AltVDIt l sr,V;s IS. Gstallhlicd 'III'. Prestige of from S;,2. Our I CD 1 1 (Ti the KnuiKlation of this I nstilutiim in '.xperienee of rrniplecl with a lliuhly I'erfectcvl Oruaniza tion of Fur Specialist?, opera tint; the Largest ami Finest l-'ur Iactory in the I nited Stales. Fulton & SmitTi. Streets. Brooklyn. If. MINt'TKS I'llOM tlltAND I'l.N'l liM. Til IIOIIOLIIII HAI.L, SbHWAV STATION 77 " Humphreys' Seventy-seven For Grip, Influenza COLDS The Diagnosis of a Cold If a person subject to Catarrh or Influenza finds himself sneriing and sniffing, he hat taken Cold, though he cannot tell how. If a person liable to Bronchitis has roughness, scraping or dryness in the throat, he has taken Cold. If a person subject to Quinsy finds his tonsils swollen and painful swallowing, he has taken Lold. .. ... A Cold, howetci 'slighj j. ihould nexe, be left 8jt well of Itself, but should alwsyi b ne'pea sway. Tins at first is not !one ytry easy, but a xcry simple matter, because thue early symptom arc nil caused by congestion and inflammation. Tn . ... . . , . . i r away take "Sexenty.iextn" at the first sign of a Cold. Price, 25c. at all Drug Stores TONIC TABLETS (HUMPHREYS') For the convalescent, for the weak and the tvmry, Price, $1.00, at all llcult for the Democrat up to the l,t ,t few d.i.vs to make sufficient Iuio.hIs to ttl.tfu th SO.tln I,, III.. Mnrl,.i,l. ,1. r,l West Irululii I licerliilo, Too. Ilasliig their activity on Hie belief that West Vligitila i Hill) in the il'iuhirul column, Repulillcaii and Dcinocralln leaders ale wot king in Ihls Slate right up lo Iho I, ml iiioincnt. West VliglnU had been legulaily Republican up to the IH1L' election llMept fur Iho fait that Ihe I ti iiuliIli-.tit.- vveie lather haillv split by a bluer contest for the nomi nation for liovi'iiior. the chances would Mint about even for a Republican vic tory this .venf. All the wounds have not healed, mid tins iim divide West Virginia's votes for Wilson. ' .' V.', .' ., ,Y n-i i.. .. i..i.. ..... .. ... t i-f1 1 1 W .ln'MM.n , ul and one nf the 1'ii-slilciil right lland men, Is opiios.d by Howard Ii j Sutherland, a popular Republlvjii, at pieseni Congiessin.iii at Large. M. f. Neely. Dcinocratle Coiigiessmaii from 'the l-'lrst district, Is Ilk. I.v lo lose his Mat, Indications show, unless there Is. a Democratic victory of landslide pro i portions. Theto ale six Congtcssmen I to be eleutcd. Until Mile, tin I in Wlseon.ln. Wisconsin is one of tlie states which lot, ,,P taliii. but the advaii'l.ige at lC ,.,sc .,., M(KV ,Uth ,ho ,tc,,ul,. Ilcans. The Slate would not be In doubt ' ... .,, , "ii ii ""I ioi uie jiruuiiar auillllie "l.fXm)"r '"l who suppor.cil '',,lfl"ly nippifil to be sisiportln: "" ''""''lent prlvatelx. Thtouglmui the c.impalgn lie lias nul bad iin.vtblug to eampalcn lie l,a n.u bail iin.vtblug lo 1 lusuppoit of -Mt. Hughes, which has greatly lunula . i ! Ihe Ri-iiuhlli-aiis. 'I'lie attai I; in.nb by "l'lghting Hob" on Wilson two weeks ,igo in line of his sptechc i a me as ,( vuri'il-e and may have a favorable eff.., t for the Repuhll ai.s. as many of La l-'ollctu , inlnilieis will take til. if cue fiom Ills 1 llttelall' e-. i W is, oiism's Intel nal politics are tn a clnotK state, with some of La Kollette's old lieutenants vvoiking haul for llughes On .loouut of tins condition it is hard lo m.iv Jii"! with whom the advantage. lies. ,a I'olbtte l iiiunln: for reelec tion and has li.imes In State politics .pi'te dilfetei.t fiom those he has entered ' In national polltus Theie Is a large (lei man vole in Wisconsin and llughes should haxe most of It. Wisconsin will elect eleven Congressmen and whole Slate ticket. W.niolog l onceded tn llnuhes. Tb'te s not much of a contest for the voti of U.vomtiig, this Stale being pr.n lit ally cotaeded to llug.ii-s. Theie Is an t. itllis contest nn foi Senator Claicncc D Chirk. Ihn Incumbent, being pressed clnselx by his Di inociallc opponent. John It, Kemlilck Wyoming will vote for in. State officials, but will elect one fungi essman. .lohn D. flunk. I ii-innciat. or Kiank D. Clark, Ri publli nn COLUMBIA HAS 30.203 MICE. I nucer Itespiirch XX'orl. llciinlrrs liven lirealer Niimher rarl. There 'in' now :H' 2'i: w .nt. um e al Ihe f o, ker ' 'a ' R " Labot a totx al Coluinbi i Inuel-lU l.l'h of the- Iwrnlv-llve ilaugliKI" or Pnlici While Moil e. ilcd Rig Ren oa lu t slven huh to lui plump bab. tnlce Dining a veal 52 nun tni e and l.onn Kits ale used for expel iinental ptnposes al the hiboratoK 'ii , nicer icsear. h r- " " IIKIMIKI.XS MIX l.ltri-KXILM. l?iiy 7F(Prntury riee Bach Price Furs dates Xcarh Century is J '. - ia.v-.iirjiujjiVjr?!p; wa'i'r