Newspaper Page Text
1 12 ;iHii fcUiN, bbiNUfti. iU vuiuoun 6, 1916. I' t e S 5 CUPID ENLISTED TO PUT BHD TO WARS i Social l(volii(ioniH(s Plan ln ""! ternntioiinl Wodrtlns to Stop Conflicts. first MAKIIIAUK NOV. II'PIU IHOX OOKS IV AO A IN :"Herc Coint'N the llridc! That's ,2 the Oranricftt Kattlc Sonjrof All. i 1 There will be no more war, or at leant no more wars between tuitions. The Ho "rial Revolutionist lime iironilreil to see to it. They have lltrurcd out J rut how to prevent the recurrence of audi rcaret i table Incidents an the current low In Uu---op, and they leeuetl a careful e.pluna Mlon of the proposed method jesterday. ' J.Ike every other great Idea, It li so hIiii plc Uiat they arc tvondetlns why no one le aver thought of It. Cupid gives the unmter. Cupid Is to .outwit crusty Mata so cle'cily that the bearded old rascal never can start any more mischief, lie nlll work through a serlas of International mat rlnges. of which the first will take place next week III International House, 125 West Twenty-first street, when the brldcKi-oom, of an old American family, will marry -a Ilusalan Jcwet. Miss Hannah Otsher. Clifford Davidson, tin; bridegroom to (ML explained It all yesterday. "My International marrlanu will ide,' nallte the accomplishment of my life ambition, to help estabtsli International peace," ho said. "I shall bc.marrled un "Xtr the new code of anti-war and Inter nationalism on November tl. It Is it .marriage having for It object the spread " of the grand, holy Idea of International ism, which signifies the end of barbar ism entailing the unnecessary and ex " li-emaly contemptible. Idiotic and prepos terous slaughter of millions of bclnKs .made In the Image of Uod." nouck While, who la to eiform the ''.ceremony, added that as iminy Interna ,'tlonal marriages as possible will be 5ftolemnlscd at International House, and .." the promotion of such marriages In all Sparta of the enrth will proceed actively." "Eventually." he said, "all racial dis tinctions will lie wiped out and we will have a United States of Kaitli Instead of hordes of low-lives eternally thlrstlus for each other's blood." International songs and an Interna tlonal buffet luncheon will be served at the International wedding. It waa mndo clear by the .Social l'.evo- lutionlsts that they hope only to stop In . . lei national conflicts by the marriages l,r , tween English spoitsmen uiid German hausfraus. Cossack beaux and Ilulgarlan belles. Spanish enurlta and Swetlisli fishermen. Civil war. domestli' Milfe that It another problem. Am the lioet wrote, In vers llbrr "Here comes the brhlt! "That's the grandest battle fonts of all." WOULD BAR CLAIMS ON MILLS & GI6B Keeeivers Fear Assets Won't nrinr Knoimli to I'ny Allowed. In a petlHon nie.l in the Cniled States District Court jejlerdsy Ihe rcceltcis fur Mills & iSIbb ndmit theie is some doubt whether the sale of the coinpauj's asfets will reallre a sufllcknt amount to pay In full even tho'e ci editors whose claims have been allowed thus far by the court. For this rcakou the t jceiver.i in their petition ask that tho court reject tho claims filed by the estates of John (Jlbb and I'hll). Mills ami other hoideis of the company's 8 per cent, deben tures. Tho debentures, the receivers ay, were Issued by the company with the proviso that they should be a subordinate Hen, the claMns of th other creditors having prloilty In case of dl. solution. The holders of the deiieiituies ,,tt fo-'i In tho' petition mid their claims .ue Carollla K. liverltt, J2U,1GC; estates of John Ulbb, tinu.ouu; John li. lilbb. i::,000; II. K. Ulbb,; Waller Ulbb. 523.000, mid I,. ,, (i;i,b, -Jd.(i.iri ; 'Minnie Ulbli o .Moy, t l,00n : estate of J'hl'.o I.. .Mills. ITI.Oilu; csl'tte of Alfred "N'ellson, JS.TS",: Wllllum -May. n'.uoo: Pianlc 1. Ogston. i'0,33 : estate of Kmllle Ogston .Mulligan. I', and tlie estate of Alice liurrlaon, lit, 160. At the same time Judge Julius JI, Mayer permitted the receivers to com promise n claim of MS.9;s held bv the nrm the Jtonti'lalr Art A'so'-n-tlon of JlontclHir, N. .1. The rc;jcrd In their pellllon did not set forth the nature of this claim, but stated that public spirited citizens of Montclalr who support the art association stood ready to raise among themselves 3,i03 In set tlement of the debt, This sum was sat lifactory to th court. . T. N. OHEESMAN APPEALS. Eseentnr of 90,11011,000 I.etand l- tte Oasilra Incapacity. Dr. Timothy N. Cheesman. named as .ageculor of the $5,000,000 estate left by Col. Francis I.. Leland. hank president, yesterday filed wilh tin: Court of Ap peali an appeal from the decision of the Appellate Division of the Supremo Court on Friday, which rtcclaied lilm unfit to act as executor because of two paraljtlc .strokes he had suffered. " Tho widow and children of Col, I.e. land protested against the granting of letters testamentary to the physician on the ground of physical and mental In flrmlty, but Surrogate Kowler overruled them, pointing out that Julius Cesar was mi epileptic. Tho Appellate Division re. versed his Judgment, HORN ASKS EARLY TRIAL. (iermau OMcer Want) Appeal In ItyuamltluK l.'air lleuril. Wamiiinoton. Nov. I. Application for an earlier hcarluu than uaual for the i.iise of Werner Morn, Herman arm of. fleer held for trial lu liimloii In con neetlun with the ilynumitlii:; of the International IiiIiIk.- at Vaiicebornunh, .Me, In February, nil,-,, ws tiled to day with the Supreme Cut!, Horn la appealing fiom of Ida habiaa coiiu.t sull, In which ho 1. legal that his acts were belllnerent a;ni!nt Canadu, un enein.t of (leinviuy, r.prl that h" cms .-M-nint fjcin iiioneeii. lion by the I lilted Slates, fur cjiilnr evpln'hes mi a ueiiger tuln. PII.I7l.l'.' fur .lettlsh llellri. Aiiiitun tm.'iil was ni.ule , 'jt bt I'el M. V, 1 bti i', liilini'in of I ic Joint jllsliii 111 1 I'oiiiiiiiv of the inncjs for .lew si u f... tu ."uti 1 i;n 1 1 li II 1 il'ic'ol I I'll cii'.llil.j foi (te WOI li f 11 . 11 II l it' ' ALLIES GIVE LARGE 1917 STEEL ORDERS Further Contracts for Shell Material Mny Hcach a Million Tons. ,, i i ..I . i i .i e .. Crude and Finished Output for I .... . ' ."seiUPIUOCr I Ill'lTHSt'll Five l'er Cent. .Mill lesetvutlona for shdl steel t" the, extent of about 100.00U tons wele taken up last week by agents of the Allied j Ooternmenta for shipment over the second ' I half of 1917. Including about 25.000 tonsi ' of special nnalysls steel for shlpmmt to I I'l a nee In the tlrst quarter of next yeai , This l only the beginning of such husl- li.s. It m eonlldelitly eNpected that I similar lontracls to be closed for sli- niMit In the third and fouith .luatteis of !f,i)o.o"o' io'e,"c wn" MMM0 ""Ji , nonie niiuitiunai inuiiiiiuii unuin ... likely to be placed with domestic muuu factuieis too, and they will call for further heavy ordm of billets slid bars for late 1KI. unil eally mi! UMler. Uallioad e.,ulpme,,t manufacturers are;Salv;, J(. . - erdat- at ihe tr .1 making heavy drafts upon the steel mills of VlV-l ae I 011 Ihe nuiLr f for bars, plates and shapes-. Mike On ., v,r . . ,' . n aa I 'oe . .iiiin.iri. The largest structural otdeis are 3,00n tons for the Gurllngton freight terminal In 'Chicago, and 4,250 tons for the -Michigan State Telephone office building In Detroit, I Pig lion continues active, strong and , buoyant. Prices In the South are up IS. 10 to M a ton on export sales and 11 to 12 it ton on domestic contracts. In the North a further advance of fi a ton has been established. Sales aic iUIU large, totalling over 400,000 tons last week. l'arnlnis n' the I'nit.d iiii iienl ' 'Cation h, SoiiKMnber wete at the I Ccrpo-atlon in Soptember weie at the rate of nearly $2 n ton. In the fourth ; quarter an average of 131 u ton Is ex pected. The October output of ciude flu- Ik',.,1 ... -i.A,,. -. ...,.i' I than lu September, and shipments wetel"" f' 13 u",0, "t "'"0- u larger, notwithstanding ca shortage. . ' ,,lrl'1' a,'i " ''vl"!,, h n but some tlecrea-e of production and fr"'" V"ll( i,f",r, "'J meeting smaller shipments usually take place In for Uofrano. he lied to the , Dcce.nber. iHlstilct Attotuey about where he had i ' t 'been and what he had done. j "The teasoii you went to New Jersey Uittj Ui THit SOCIAL WORLD, Arrangements have been completed furier"i' the Wedding of JIIss llair.'e Alexander eldest daughter of Mi. and Jlrs. Charles II. Aleaiidei. to Wlnihioji Williams AI tlrlcli. a son of the latu Senator Nelson JI. Aldrlch of lthode Island. which will take place on the after noon of December at a :3u In the ' H.rth Avenue Presbyterian Church. The marriage cerrmoii will be performed by the bride's uncle, the ltev. Dr. Malt land Alexander of Pittsburg, and the I lev. Dr. John II. Jowett. pastor of the chuich. The bride's only attendants will be her sisters. Miss Janetln Alexander and .Miss Jlary Crocker Alexander. A teceptlon for- telatlves and Intimate friends will follow at 4 West llft -eighth slreet. For the binclll of the lirosvenor Set tlement House amatuurs will appear In a musical comedy entitled "Mere's To Ihe lllrl" In the ballroom of the Plawt on December 13 and 14. The authors of the book and brlcs are JIIss ilrace Henry and John K. Hodges, ard Ihe music hasj ncen wrmen by Vinton Knell of Phlla-, Idclphla. The Duchesse dc Itichelleu will give a recital for the benefit of French tubercu lar soldiers at Ihe country place of .Mrs, H. JlcK. Twomhly next Wrdnesda. This s is one 01 a aeries or rccu.tis wni'-u ine- Duchesse ban been shine l.i l.cnov Sutlinniiloii and the Virginia Hot Spi-lnifj Jlrs, Lit erly Ward sent out .ip t u ooh Mrs. utterly Ward sent out .11 1 " "'" tin site 011 .ote.uu;r ni ,1 i.asi l':ft) -elaliih ativet to Inlioduce her daughter, AI Is . Jane H.ickle.t Waid. Mra. WlU'ani K. Mheehan will alu a luncheon lo-dny al her place hi ; lio'lyn, U 1., to celebrate the birthday of her hunband. Cutler the dlrecllou of JI'.. Harry II. tluryeu, Mrs. lieiijamln llulnes' ninl JIih. I Julian I.'KstranKe a aale will be held on Wednewlny at t Kaxt I'Virty-utnth atrct 1 In alrl of HI. Jlar.t'e li.-e lloitpllal for Children, the VIikIiiIh Pay Nureery, Ihe' 1 Jllllloeiil Sutherland Ambulance und the, Thtec Alls Wo. lien's I'mploymetil Fund. I There tvlll be offered for iale tea kowiim and cve.ilnsr cloaka. .Mr. and Jlre. Uuilley A. D.ivls. who weie man led In 1'oultney. VI.. 011 num ber will teturu to New Yoik for the winter after their weddltiK tilp. Jlra. Charles Albeit Smith of lift West l'lfty-elghth .street will glvo a luncheon at Sheiry'a on Heceinber ti for her de. Iiutauto daughter. Jfls.s KINe I'rntosi S111III1. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. II 11 1 111 ore- iicnrce I., tVi er .1 VI r" ' Vt (Her and K. W l'sr,ii), Pltlsl.u-g 1 I'larlrlge ?. liearlsle.", H-ilgep.i' t, Mr 1 snd Mr ". .1. StroiiK, rhl'ailslpbls . Iir. and Jlrs. II I'., N"'"' lletsu. I' .1 Hinlth nd flf llj.'lon l.oul" Mfreer and slf... Hoiinn. 1 i Helinont- B U. Wand. Toronto II. 1; liunn, I let roll ; Mr. and Mr., ti. I'. Ilnisn Ion ii, in"! n , i, v.. , ' .'I w iiviii; i I'rentls and family. Seattle, II, n Vi.nrhle., t4n I rain t".o. VaiiilerblP V. I, Cltrk lie Mniiii.. l,lod I tallies. Mnntreali A. A Auiii'lu, I'leieianJ; Mrs. O. II Comer and Ml II. I'oiter, lluffalo; Hon, .Mr". Alfred Him urn ncssv. M.intreil; A U. Tier. Montreal Manhaitin -Mrs. I. Taylor I'usf.t.i l.lmn. l'n,; II. ti. .Miller. Rio r.iiuo. I'uli.i. iluttave Iteiijtrnm, London. CiisUnd . Will. Isin II 'Ihniiu, Norinainptnn Pa. .1, M llii'ta-. and wlf. .MiAlPln- M-. ,ir.1 .Irr. IV It. fj.lor, Lon. clou, KiiC'.iiuli I'", and Mis, I'liarles V. , I'airlneluti. Itiuhuiotid ; Mr. and Jlrs, Ilenry . Wallet. 'Iieiitxiii W. s. Ionre, Chicago, I' J, !. 11. :".. .MesLn City I'ljiu- .Mr. A. ilardtner. (ilaetunlmiv. IhiaUniii Mr. diaries S.rford. I.imdt.ii; .1. Kills l'i..tlethwiiltr, New Vor; Lurd lull's ker. Ottuna. N'.'tliei la 1.1I JI". and Jli, C. I. Cooinhs, Rprliiatlld; V. HJKnr I'.sliert. .Mr. nnd .Mrs. 1' A Wurreu. Kliigalon, N. V.; Mrs W, 11. Hums. Hultllmitr. Illt..rurlti.ii It A, l'rltotia-d. lloiun: Oeriiid II. Lambert, Princeton, II. L. Ura ' bin e . 1 J I'.ison, Lnntluiii Tli.itiina JI. Illmli. .11..1 .tire, iniiie, i niisa-i.; will sin t llrrry, I'hlladelpliln. .Murray Hill- IUrul.1 11. Tllfunl and wife, 'llo.toli, llet.rge tt. Willi isluli, ,1. llMiiuld- sun nil .1. Wnrrliiktnii, leimbiii, IIiikIhiiiIi I!. Illgi'liiw and Mrs. Iliad.. st. I.ltrriio.,1; il, Kavls and wife. I'blcaKn. Park Avenue Iir. It I' Henrv, r. s, nuevl It 1. TAVlnr. Ilnuli,,, it at., i. Klen. Ilutfal.i: J.ilnes 1-; lullard, Nt, Louis; .11 M, Jl,ll furl'llie. tlevwip' Htllltfulil- II. I ' It'.ird. Plllsllllli.-; Alfr.,,1 P. Kl its, Wiilrott M. lrilt, ll.iieiu Jits, will. I tin llnrdnli Sll. runic. I'rllic. IMiVjinl 11. . 111,1; Mir .1 1; inn iiburii, t 'a 111 li 1,1 K ; 1' U it'. mi, i.'lly, Alevuiider Wed. d..l. Atheiis, llr-r.p, Mi in, I Mrs, ; r IttlllimlliT. MllW-utlkee. Mitrl. Aaiidnetti Jlrs, lluury Ilie, y,m rraiicl.i'ii: Me unil Mr II. N I'slrlunks, l.niilu.i: II. II, Kktue'l .lr I'hlladelphl 1 Hvii 'U II. I' Itiiclnluli .ml wife. Itinii. .'er; I- . . Ilninie t ,11 ilnutriti ,1 n 11 'I an.' Sir aid M - I. 11, llnd'. I. .1 ..'in i ti.,, iv. iiurir.11,1, 1 linperls -.1 if. t'.eii.lenln. WlihlU !: i V, I'arM. Seal lie, Walk,, tie, ninl .tr. I , tl V, Vtblle, llniril... .1. I", Tim 1111.1,11 Mini, l'e. s 1 1 1 a w a - .1 ..Lit t" 1'.,.' ns. ill 11 u 11 .1 1 11 1 lout II, M W , I'lille lemnl. t a'.lnrf-V.lnri 1 Mis, Hi j t ru it , (ni . .leu, Nw ..rlt l. V Milan. I'hultinsil; Mi- unil tlrs, I.asi ttalke r. I ll. i"m,. ii.iur'is II, T. nr. Is and sin. ur. '. I . N. II T llodgis, lls'a.. Te., t' lec't i .tliilMI'. Wa.llllimnu, lien, t'l, ' 11 t' Let t- .tpiuliiii, , Mr ami r, 11 t 11 ::, :..c, ciiiiaio. T mis AWAY-! l hntiffrur foili! to lime Jnt On( to1 I'.xlltiKnUh I.IkIiI. So Hircsls linil liccn nintlp ti Into last night of the autonioblllstit who ran down mid killed I'atrlcU Ooiinlhun at i-aiii Hircci near Lenox uvciiua- eurle 'iitteiiliiy inornlMR anil thru ypnl tuvay. , C.mnlhan. a Iirlcl.ln.ter. vvliu lived at nil.-vl. lm( Cn nil' HUH- way and wan ui-uhhIiik th" i.tuct when Hid nutoinohlle, a Hewn ii.fa.scmrer rar (ntilHlnliiit men and women, .stuicl. lilm,! .!-. Uiiul 11. ...... t ... .. . i us leu ie? tici'timc entuiiKled In onr 1 iir, inrn a tv heel passed mcr lilm. The women In Ilia ear weiv Hcrenmlhi; and, iii'ciinllni,' to one Wllne.-M, llynian linsciililatt of In w.. i llTtli Mlrtot, the ear sloppo,!, the chnuf- 'tin jiii.ipe.1 inn, ran tu the rear and e.. niiKiriii n.e r.i light i,v n,v "-V,.,,. I'ln'e ii ml then drove away. , -v ;rii men III Mlirielll llosliitnl t;omii!iiiii died In i" hu number of Die automobile wiib Unit I of .Miit. .lane I'eleiM ii of 31. Went l.'lfiv. seventh stieel. Sirs. Petersen told tin: i.iifo sue nan returned home In her tar several hours before the accident. The police were unable to II ml her chauffeur. D If l TAMHI DH VUlllVil 1 tljiUuU IN ROFRANO TRIAL " "Witllt'ss Is Cniio-lif hi Coiili.,. "" ','", HIIUIIT III OIIIUI' '"Hitms and Admits He Lied to Prosecution. A ,,,. Beftncle was l.v . - . . . he v. lh. i S , , '. . ., e" fe Mortimer. .1. I. lllalr. Jlrs. i:. II. Ilarrl wt. . i. " ,,Ur'lc, ?",lV"t 1 ofr?" , man. 11. JI. Tllford. C. t! Mason and was hatched, contradicted himself time' x,,roe Motiell. and again under cross-exainlnallon of jIrH- ,-Mrier (laylcy has leased the Assl, ant His Hot Attorney Htothers. ami ,., SotI)ll ,.,lKl. ,or the .i.ilunm. .Mr. admitted that he lied nearly every time , Ml, u ,.IK)Iot. ,im. mmiJ lltl) he told his story to Mr. Brothers when xilv ijrul Hou-p the pioseoutloii was Intending to use him Among those here for Sunday nit : as a w-ltness against Uofrano. Mr, ,.cltf. Ai jy Mu, u, rti ide Satnic Mr. Littleton. Itofrano's nttorney. made , .rff, ijoswell Skeel, Lindsay ltui-ell. uhncsl i.o attempt to save Curlcn, merely William tl. Hlhb, Philip Kip Ithlnel.tnder. nitriiuui,iiK "i tinier tvnn a mini oojec- tlon mid asking him to speak louder " " " lu speitK louuer JiL'.'!. he ,n.U!,'.,"l, M'. V)? ". J,r' , Ilrothers got lilm In a tight hole. It was said later that It is Ihe purpose of the, ,, i. Iu, i ,. . .t. nu ' much as possible and then point lo him n tpo of witness the prosecution In was that on couldn't be prosecuted there , for perjury, wasn't ll?" asked .Mr. Ilroth- "I weni there to tell the truth,' main- tallied Curlcn. "Did you make up all Ihe lies you told the District Attorney's office beforo ou got there?" 'Some of them 1 made up on the way I theie, " , "Weren I you told that ir OU illdli t eity when Hie lax hooks weie o'neu 10 help Itofiuiio. and ieiudlate the stale- the public a month ago have been madu ments to the District Attorney you would 'at the Tax Dipailment. ' be sent to the chair for the murder of a ' Ainontr lhoe win. have ptotetid Is I sjieclal officer lu New Jersey? Isn't that ' Jlr. Sylvia II. tl. Wllks of No. 140 .Mud the le.tson you ale lying now?' asked lon avenue, dausliter of Hetty i!reen. I Mr. P.rolhers. who was assessed for $n,iiOii,iin0, She "Nb. I am telling ou all now with a n examined by Tax C..niinl.lonei clear conscience." I White and asserted she had li"t AI and lluster Calmarl. brothers of Hc legacy from her mother and I'm I Jllkc. tlainnirl. surrendered In the York- '"r li.:.abte asicls nmonnled to ..cU 1 vlllu court yesterday on the charge of as- ItS.Tuu, Her assessment wa relcccl saultlng Andy De .Mario, a witness for to nun amount. i the defence, and were held In J1.D00 ball William II Poitc of Ql -til en. n I each fvr examination. De Jlarro was In .-mill,l- ,vl,l, l,U I...... I hl.,l..e..l but was not called. ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED. ---- .Mr. and Jit. WIIII11111 IMw.inl lie. of i.reeiiwicli, i'oiiii hate annoilii. ed llic encaCHineat of 'heir .I.uikIi ! . Jlli l.uc t...i ... 11 t !,..!.. .....1....I I .... lu ... ,l..u , , .., . ,.. hrldes' ooin'" niothe". .Mis 11. , li.miKer tleld I.ew'H. none bill relatltey will wit- pens l'i-' martini;. .demon, which w Ml uUr ,.u(. , of S (!t0 ... Ii'hur. a on November 13. . .. , u iif foul have announced the ciiK.iKcmeiit of Ihelr daiiKhtcr, Miss Janet Tryon Stone, to Clank Speer 1 '0.111 of Lahore, India. Mil, I, li iNS In h.uituo millions wiiri. humii.. tlri;iii s.dl manure. II..W eet. In .'i timi ,,.vnrr nf i;,noa.nno cubic llUllllls will sell r.ul rl iz ht nr leHse nil rovnllv I.e. I. IIKAItHAI.I, (..niierl. I.'CS Msdbull Si , Ilmellll'li. IIIITIll AMI llrT.t'llANT" tMAiNWHiHO BALC0NADE BAND TUESDAY NIGHT Election returns received on every floor by direct Weitern Union wire. Broadway indOOtt St. SAI.KS HY At CTIO.S, ON VIEW TO-MORROW AND TUESDAY at the Galleries of the Fifth Avenue Auction Rooms. Inc. n:iH-a-1l Fouith U-imiup. tit LVIth .Street. Valuable Household Appointments ConsistiiiK of property lielonjriiio; to the Estate of the Late Martha K. King, Estate of the Late M. Louise Knapp. The Farmera' Loan and Trust Company, Executoit. Also properly inherited from the Estate of the Late Julius Robertson, To be ;iotl by (lirectiun of I.eKntees, and FurnithiiiES Received from Individual., ('ompiisi'il iii pnrt of Adam, Hepplewhite, Sheraton, Dutch Marqueterie, Elizabethan, Jacobean, Louis XVI., Renaissance and Colonial Furniture. Also Kloieiitine and Venetian Fire Dork, Electroliers. Koynl Worces. ter, Sevres, Wedgwood, Doiilton and Dresden I'orcelnins; Ivory Cnrv inufi, Miniatiire.s, C'loisomvis. Kniimelx, Hoheniinn and (Jut (JIhsn Oil rninl'uiK. Water Colors, Artists' Proof KtrhiiiKS liy Haiir, Whistlei nnd other.t, lieautiful Onyx I'edtstals and Carrara Marliles, Oriental Ruks, Shellield Plate, Solid Silver; several line Kmpire Clocks and Clock Sets and ninny other objects suitable for home adornment. To be Sold on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday After noons, November 8, 9, 10 and 11, from Two o'clock Each Day HENRY A. HAKTMAN, Auctioneer. FLORAL AWARDS AT THE TUXEDO SHOW fiif i inmPs; Will I'l'll". fill' I'lllt'i ' "'(' " 1,1 1 1 s I,M 1 11,1 1 Displays of an nus Kinds. I Ti'xkpu l'.ti'.K, Nov. I. The annual fiotver show held In the Tuxedo Club house b.illnotii emlod Ici-d.iy. .Many of i the eolonlftd liae lnri;r mecnlinUM'" and Ic'.ltllfuto all llnd of plnnlM. The cut- Mrri-i fiml I lip r ctlcsts iiiieuncii the l.,.iv mid l.iler entertnlneit at dinner. t.. .i,iin,. i,. iiu. mi!iieruu of fcrnl l.v the Tuxedo Society (-liter cubs Mi'ic gi ven bv "cedmen or New York a 'id vlelnll.v, Mrs Ammy S. Caiharl re .cited a eup Mi" Ihf licst flower, iug plant In llowrr, .Mrs. .1. JI. .Mitchell gol a eup for tile best splieas. as well ns a sllter vase for'tho besl three valletles of iinemone and single chrysanthemum". II JI, Tllfoid won the trophy for the bet sc'ectlons of twenty varieties of chrysanthemum. U. I. .Mason iivclted a liiou.e medal for the largest chnsuli theinum hlo.iin In the show. .Mr. Tliroul alo won tlrst prize for the liet giouii of inlscellaneous arratigtd for elTeet, The judges lii this class "ere .Mrs. Alfred Setoii. Jltw .1. 1. HUlr. .Mrs. Iwtvltl WngstulT, .Mrs. Ambrose Jlotiell and .Mrs. Th hue h'lellnghu.t -en. Prize wlnneis weie. .Mrs. Samuel Spencer, tlrst ; II. JI. TlU.iid. second: .1. Ilisley lllalr. thlld. Tlutc -.tele fourteen entile. .e... I....I...I...I M.. . C I,.-. I ,U lS III. 111. l 1 III! IUUIII ..II,-. ... , ... a u"n- J M Ml"-,l"'1'. tieotgc I-. H,1:,'r' '' ' "r1""1"- "k''"irtl l,l1' llrl'1' " '' ,!oRl'r' Mortimer. .ir,.,.i fc,..,,.,. ii(1,.,i f,.t.,iV Ul'.itln. I ". I .viireil ?eio;i. I'iitiu ..uKutu. the Itcv lliirwood Huntington, i:. JI. P.iddelford, James II. Townscnd, Jlrs. J r.uiueirortl, James II. Townscnd, .Mrs. j "!' Mrs, A. N Ande.-on. Jlrs. A. Hendricks nnd II. tl. Pel" MILLIONS CUT FROM TAX ASSESSMENTS IM'iiIi'sl nf Hetty (ii't'i'iiS Itaiij-lilpi' Against $10,000. 000 lNtatr Allowi il. Piolests by Individuals who found, theiuseltoH assesMil for pio-, I " ti-i- m me .11.11 tu .1. r. .Ming.iii iv WHO W ,t IISSesSe.1 ..r !. per Mm. ill, aip.'ar.'.l le'foro Coin. n. ei-loner White thioiigh an attorney ninl Mibmitud Its tallng he was not a resident of New Yi I city, hating tegiMcrcil and toted ,11 liieu I'ote In Ifll".. II: 1. ... i tiieni was ciihvII. d. Mr. Porter paid I tae on $ I .mm. nun pei.ounl!) In tin 1 last tin. I Vni.liier p.niner of .1 I'. JP.iciin r.. ! .,,, ,1,,M,,t n...... .. i..,i... , .. .Mr liatlaop paid lave- lici.' Jl.iHMi.niiii per. mi ill and this j,. , . i,e-'i fur l'ie miw amoiint Id i.-.ement . cancelled, how.t.- -. w , npnc.iied pel, before Cou.mlr. ,,,., lnte and swoie that hi .e... ilen. . Is al I.t'cust Valley. N.iM-au en uut . John I' ItoekefelU ., who is ii.,."ed for .'.,im.ii 1 per-onalt . and ,lnh I' ' Itnckefeller, Jr.. who Is Hsseereil for 1 ;. .iiii.iii.ii, have made 110 objection to th valuation placid nsalnt their n.'iincs, II Is believed they will pay tilt Ir taxi- Witlllllll ll1ile IIIITKI,- NII lllTM KT. om) SAI.KS IIV Al ( THIN, lll.TKI.S ASH IIUNTAWIANTS. ON 8CNIUY I'.VKItY ON P. (IOK8 TO MURRAY'S BEAUTIFUL ROMAN GARDEN. DINNER DE LUXE, $1.25. CPIMNK-SKIIVICK ALMOST I'KHFKCT Old Dominion Beefste.ik Dinner Ktiry Ltenhr.' from II tl In a on I he tint llmsl l'lii-ii'iUe lliy lltslers on Hie Shell Willi IlKur llark llstvn. KaliinsitiKi l'i lry (llltm. llsilMu-t. IimIIiii Kelt!!. ('.Id Crab, lliiltlliinre Hltle. Prime Ksn llerfsleak, Thl.'k, LiiNt'tntii mid Juicy Sslt MeMihin-titt I himIi riio.. i.:f the c i rill. Ssla.l de H.n.uti. IceCiiniti. I'l'i'iirh l'.tr nlerniclon srhl CnTis.. IIKYilLYIMl IIANt'K I'l.lMIII. I'A.MIM S nil NTAIN I'ANTAHY I'ATIIICK V KYNi:. Alllll. prince (Btavt iutrl l llt.'i Ate. and 2M'a Strie! line iif the moil beMiillfully appointed liotrls In rw Yurk. SOU llmnns Willi Hath. 1 Hate tJ and up. AfTUMN KKsOHTx. NEW JEKSLY Lakensod. Among the Pines THESE arc glorious days among Ihe wonderful pines of Lakewood. The exquisite Autumn weather and the fragrant breath of the woods will well repay your visit. The Laurel House is a delightful place for a week-end trip or a longer visit You are certain to enjoy your stay there. Every outdoor sport and indoor comfort. LAUREL HOUSE Lakewood, N. J. A I MUlt PHY C .MPItPIIY .Manager -' Manager The Laurel in the Pines Hill PfMMI Saturday,Nov.l8,1916 I IIVNk I', SUP I II. Alar. Tho PftiAi Aintrb an anJ Huropfan 1 lie runner p,t1 ,, ler r huol llunnlng trater ('rl-aio bathi; lataior. T T, UOI.UKV. Mgr. NEW .irilr.V Atlantic City. lilt LEADINO RESORT HO IlL Of 1MLWItLOl I lHarltwroiijtiBknlicim ATLANTIC CITY.N..T. OWNeRSMIS. fSAJSAOCMff NT. JOSUH WHITE ONS COMPANY ALANAC HOTEL I A 1 I I. ,1,1 ll nf - 1.1. Ai.'.lil. I! i)pn. .iyn An-riiri . 1 l.i op... pl..n. bi smi inbl w.ifr t .lvi .tpi I'' l"o Krlll. orrbrttrii risi . lug , .-! 'ge TU.hUl .MK I. AT. I'O - - Un,, W,w..nhol K'n-a-ky ""-"M!r. h n I'lieiuilUer is rale, irktc 1.. .M.irion MAY KIKK l.nnrt l-land. The Moat Attractive Country Hotel Adjacent to New York City. Garden City Hotel GARDEN CITY, LONG ISLAND -I'lK I AL WIM Lit ItAI l. one if he 111 1 c-.eiu, ite 1 i..iintrt iin-..'s In t 11 i. 1 f '..1111.111.111.111 i.r ntitdry life ai I ins'i .pilU'iu liop I Ijury seiiinm f,iui..l I ill lll led nil III" .Vine I nil 1'iali. Then la n .n 1 ir the euienre ..f un orlr-ts A Handtome a la Carte Restaurant . m les irnm N V I'reinieiit e, irk. on 1'eiin.i 1011 J J I, VNNIN i'O , Pn,i .NEW YURK llruniTlrta. OTELGRAMATAN :t rslsaltf freai Orang Ctalrtl l, elf, Ten nit. Riding and all the oatdonr avorta. flperlal rate, far Fall and Winter, 111)1 Fl. 4-.RAM4TAN. I i-T'se prt Krents'lle, N T t.a ll iiallup i. e I'n ii ;N.V. IA VMA M ill I I. ( AIIIS INS. Itnuiii. en suite ' ale h,illi liarage, til amure ttieuts , ue S iriel Uahhli hliiioinig Cumo . Imi l.. k It It, tt ,1 . tl l IMIll L, ( .ina.leii . pn I'l'itcHAsi-: asii iaciia t,E, IHE ANTIQUE FURNITURE EXCHANGE 1 East 40th St., near 51 Ii Ave. I.trceu tn.l 1110,1 aitrarilvn An llillleslliip In lottn Notalonn lis. rftiite of Inn i-liarniln ethlhltt o,' Ilie "Oiii Matter" I'lililnetiiukers Imt alto the reniurUahly low iiilees I shirh Ihey are nlTereil lllitli. lots. Desks. Kill, tin,; Top Canl 'l'ahlei I'our Tost ninl Napoleon lle,i Tn In Hii'l ilniililn l,ii; Mhlelmtrils. Dl.ilii,. ', Lalnnelt. I.ilirary Tahles, IlimUi aos.. Dressers. Davenports, Divans, Chain etc., al utiout half ai'tual value. Ilen'l allow anylliln lo prerenl yuu mm naalng and tonvliirlng joiirtalf, iiKADUUAKTKiln roll IIAUUAINS. TYI'KWimilllti. TYPEWRITERS RENTED Soi. Isllilr, I niiinllis, S,1. Islhle, II innnlli., Si. Illlllal .u III. Ill . 1 1 .1 1 II nun liase.l, t.tll'.lllrAS' t IIITIMi .M l'IIINi:ftl .LS-c',; IH'. Ill vvii y, al L.'.iiiiinl .1 'I liail llriin.lvia), nt '.'I.I st I Tel, moil I III Vt'eet l.'f l , 'I Inn s Mjiiaie f 1'r.niUlln .',11 .Sliskiill St., Ill Mitlili'lt Line J III Hliri'laV si, T.'lepli.nie rt351 irtl:thlt r.t. ricNTs. tVA.S I'lUi til men' tt.tlin . uu tiiink nt suiiie slinpl" ihliivr In iH'-ir" I'.-ntei t vnui lileas, tlie mat hllliK ton vteiiltli, Writ., ill- ,".'iv.h'il lilt Pllll, ills" n "Hun (ii (jet V.1111 I'ai ill K.t.MlOl.l'll i l'u, Deol 401, t islilnwion. I 'ATIINTS, I'S, Traile .Msilis rnp rlKliU tun" ". .Illll I.I.OKS H II ll ll.l llivriitlinn 'iiine.l sinl frn.. fi 4iril.IV 7.191 llll'H Attll II ONUS' .,,t, ,, Lsivter ilnor Wnulv. 1,1 -h liiitr i,t ii.'j 1 m en iinij,-,, Ws.liiimtun 11 if. tei nur 11 1IBI.P WANTKD I'EMAf.tR. ANY lNTi:i.l.lOI2NT person may earn tli to 10 nee'lly corrrspondlng for news. rp-ri! tl: to lit weekly In spare time; experience Ullnt'Ces.rtrJ, i lot canvassing; steady work. Head for particulars. NA TIONAL Piinsa iiuiiiiau, HY RN'OINKIIH, willing, eonselcntlouj. educated stenrrupher. Proteslanl, well I, red: tvlll ci.nliler lieglnner. Ad.lresB KHA.STIH V. I'nl.t.lNH, 60 Church Htreet. NAt.IIHWOMKN and . nls wanted. Have Jon n-oii the Ciirilola? An atlrnctlte tiov elly and erintrnleiiei. that evry card player shnulil linnw. Kncpi. 10 cents lor stsinpsl iiinl write the CAIIUOI.A i'O.. 105 l'rc llldg., I'orltRiid, Maine. IIKt.r WANTKIt MAI.r. WANTED MOTOR MEN unci CONDUCTORS Permanent Positions Good Runs Pay while breaking in Apply at office of THIRD AVE. RY. CO. 1300- St. & Third Ave. Office open 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. SALESMEN ' IIIOII llllAni: SALESMEN wantrd to lt in linsnting large automobile, mitnu fai .urlng enterprise: company lbs blxgr't peratl e automobile concfrn yet etab. Il'lie.l, ..rikrr. an.) directors will known l.i rli..s mid b.tnkltig uieti with n malllK., iii.iu nf exrerienced autjmobllc englneeis nnd evp'rts; utock arlllnc hi large und niai: I.I ks .Hid aptieiils 10 poptc In every walk of life; company lninufscturlng hov priced cjr now on the market nnd owning largij factory In Ihe State of Nf w York: a tarn opportunity Is orrred to th ir..,-re iiesiiian and a liberal Income can be hid, lesils from newspaper ndvrlli.liitf wil' l.e furiilshed: no udvitnrs or salaries Paid, If Interested, write to.ilay, gltlnic at Ir.i.t thr... references and tell us about uur imi vprlente. Address UGOItilt: N t'AMPllllI.I., 15 Wet :ttb tftrtct, New' York I'll). NOTIONS. YOUNG MEN 18 to 'JO years of ace havinjr n knowledge of the wholesale notions business. Ad dress NOTIONS, Box 344 Sun Offlce. BOYS 14 to 17 yenrs of ace. Ad dress WHOLESALE, Box 300 Sun Ollice. I 1 at IXTIII.I.IUUNT ujr.un m., earn. io m wehu eorrevpumiliie for ii.ti. paper., II.' to Its weekly ill spire tllnr; etprirn. uiiin.-r.jr.v . n., iuiitali.(, work Sfiid for parttculari.. NA TIDNAI. PIIKSS HL'KKAU, lluft-iio. I III IV wanted In nttlce of InruraiKe l)r,. . ker- experience not iirccnr M. i,v jsj I .sun nffl,... I I'.XPKUII:Ni'i:ii .00k and butler waiitJ. , pieferablv e..upt.'. illy: iri.o.i mi:c.. nrl , lass rpferen. . required. Wilt J. IV p., No. riflh At. line i.M)ii:uiATi: i:mi'i.hv.mi:nt. TiTii 'T- 1 . .'Ilrnt rnmiM n tiloii, f.,r a 1111m ... r m keen, aiend.. w.irk r wilh Impr. ..Iti p' r".lall M. .1 ISII .-in,. I Mll.t. V.W any linneat m h 11 up in I tcpii in. fur tisrt .f hpare u ii. 1.0 i nn. t:iiiui. 11., i...ul, nrli to..iy. YuiHS I I Hi:-', H-k l.n. uiiiaha, Nebr. I Ji:wi:t,KIH en modal and Indue sni'. I. .e l.nt F ellh seine eper(e,, e. Mi!e I IH" li1 reler'll. e Art.ire,. AMCItP AN I rilltl ! ti l!4 .v.,- vort, hi, JI t-'IIIN lT Lkperlene. d ,,n ,...eri i iihk in i. hi i s, I' ..ti. In, un-j .lei.i.nd in-ill. 'UeiiiiiE a.i Imdin: in.i .111-, I i,l,er 'llM.'hl .e.. null 11 Iir- In., iikii ' Mil K'.O.l rellT" II 1 IV I Hl'l'l en. p ,, in -mi ..- 1.) I, ti. r iLI'i:.Mn:it Ml.. ' ' " INT. J I 4 - L7. s Atemie r V. . ..r: I rMLIl.-MAN 1 1 II uccc-f(l. expeitctlie1 111 .mi illlural ill.trlct. lo build e .1.0,111. 1 in r -I'U'te-l ! nl terrlintt , n,i.i rei,;e lii nrrllnr an, I fin own tr.uti'urt.itln lll.-riil,i., .t.k fr jiu, STIIHr. I" n J, tth liner. .'15 U W1.1 st ,-'AI,l:'li:.S ami iiEents wa lite, I Mute nu the TardnW n attraune uut -'If n, I e..livei,.'ll.'e tb.n iverj -.ird p. .iter 1 linu, klinie. I'.nrlo.n 10 eelits mr liiiui,i and wrlie t,. I'Allinil.A ft) pi', I'r-n H'dir.. Portland, .Maine, SALL'SJIi:n Tro hteh crude men. nil.., 1 ,.t 1 1 1 e. rnnf ,nterlnu, ei,- m I d 'liler- fncluile., loii-utiier.. aiarv ni I'oiiiiui.ali.u, prefer married men. evpsrl eil.e mine, 1 ..irt 1 1 U A 1 1 1 'O It 1 1 1 1. A PAIN f CP . l'et.-l I, llliln SAI.IISJIAN wanted by a lamp and not. epi intuit!. ii'turer. wanie,j nniv h ilrt 1 la.s tniiri w'li.i lniN liu.t . iprrleiic. In a lin Iir line un.i . an prnte bis abllltv. ik.titi till! inir.l,uiirs as In an, eti.erl. alal l.-'urn ,1 II. , l,n j un nrTlie, sr::io;i:.i'iii:it wiiii mini' knonte.ic, uuespuig; povltiou fori I'r, mi with o.M..rliin'iy for a. I ! van, em ll' t'ldre.e Willi pa rl li ll,a i h .. It . tiov .,. Sun ..rili e. t tS'TllO nlll C'lltlf 111.111 of li.n.l health tnl iihp.tiraiic for light nlllce iliitles in , litmi . 'iiss e.taliil.hilieiit peruiaiient po-l I ..n ! ,ve ilo'lnrs .lerlll. t, hires, lien. I nl P I I. tlnS ! tt tSI'lili sfjiiiiir man -. I ... . 1 1 t, . fir ' ( s .. tiir.-iigr iii .loin invii bankiiir I I .1 oil t.blre.. glv llic referen. e- tt , 1 ' . Mm nn,-e , ' ill Sll M N I Ainse.iat ev eiiini-. hun'lrrils nur cra.lii le- ram l;i"i learly I, leal future lor 1 lurnte.l men I IM PI I! 1 I; III ;1LVI 1 1 A 1 .1' 11 I ! Ilt'ill, 13,1 I' 'sib st Call t'lepl tni'S'i! MVS' esnle.t lit 1 lr-,.pi iiril .. e ' ri -. n ni e n .1 1 pp' in j I i. ll liiilnlnrt'lllt; lo llo 1311 Nr.. fori.' I'o I (iniie IliliMs Y.NTHI). II' VOI MIR AHI.Tt tn ..rite a icno.1 l.'itlncjs letter this . nn opportunity to sl.rt .1 nrolll.ihle liuslnets wlik'h run he itianaReil en et,l line, emits lepliltj-, send for irre intrtieiiiars to-dsv. MAtl.P,., 1 Tv','r"i;rrn,,v" . , :, .i;.-,i. i. ii ,.!. vi, mi iiiriii. 111 nun u r.iril tutu nf tnur own. Introilihliii; atuik nn.l .niillr' lenieiln , ,,s, illsliifeetauts, inter. est ton'' Then inl.lress ItiiYHLIiril in- urilllATIVi: MI'l! I'll, llept. ,(l, M . .fill.. Ill, I. i'ltA7.i--Kivr.fl.iily Is onuy hI, the I'.il.i'i: IIAIIY HIIANII I'lliiNuilir.M'll. full I'tit.lti.i iiiiii tiine at in. vest vrli'.' .'t-.t klli.llll, hlu ell. line fin h.ilhiiiy pliiUte, 1: t fil'lll .MANN, riales ).i, 11,1,11,,,, 11 HIilK . I'lll.-lllllllll. I), iiutvN with 11 itiii (iasui.ini: iii,,," Ti.lll lialt llllt.llll.illle Ki, I" lllie ill .te per etalhni, sell It to tnr owners anil nnik. IiIk Iirollls, stiles Kil.llantee.l. WIIITli MINI. i'ii . 11. ,l sn, rinilnnall, 11. wi.'i.i. 'I'nn i.i'i'i. iMi'v "7"." III. ,i, lie .pei',1, puller llll.l llllllilKI III In 111'. , ! mi'.i's .vii.'er eturtlntr .-nsv ; lili. mi pi,,ntN ' i,-e ii 1 .,,111-1 ,1 , ,1,-ni'ie e,,. IJUtt II, IM N. Sales llept J.l, rinrlllliatl. (I AUI'.STS .Men hi,, I women can mil,"; iiiuney ilnlly selllnir nur limisehnM article save time ninl r.'ii, fur particular' iTttWIil.L NOVHI.TY CO. (oriivtall, I'oim . I T I ' T I O N s 1Y A T K. I I K l ,t I , I :. HH'si:tiiHKi:it.s I'uliire.l. .etcral 11.11 i. 1 -vpei ieii... ,1 itoo.l releieni- s, il mii.1i. lut ceticatoil, nnni iil.ices nlher Southern help f ur ll isheil LIM'ULV 1 llMTIIItl. ISM IIANlii: lAneiTi,! a 1 4 v ..'."III 1st I' j.i.J Coilinihii., li.tah. Ilsheil I S"!, M l t ATIONS Vt AN TLII MAI.l-;. - - S'l' i:N' S IIA I'll 17 It. Ilie jears evpcilrnte all 'i"llsli hrs nf eeferaiues III. all to stint tl Im t;: fun ufike THE WEATHER TO-DAY AND Steamship Arrivals and Departures Outgoing Foreign Mails. THE WEATHER. NI5n' VolttC. Nov. .".--Areas of depros- Inn covered the Northwest, the plateau MIMes and the upper and inlJdle lake re Blons tealerday li'.itn centres over Alberta mid Michigan. i:isivlirc the pressure wa high. I liougU In tci it.-ll ilellnrd riiriiiHtl.tii. Hliinters n.ciirril tit 11 lew piliits on l'ie imrlli Piielllc and In the Ilk" i.itluns. , . In oiliir 'ectlons t'10 Kenther renislnej llinrnilly fair. , It was eonltr In the Atlantic fitales In . ... .....P..l,. ....!. ! it, din Vnrlhwest . i; f.o. ky Mjuiilaln Slal.-s. I'reeslng leniperatiires "cturred In north- -y New Mig.aml and New iork. In he' V ti ir hi it. i. I.ntiitpil iiriiin III Ilie .MIkiiuH Vollet, llnkj Mouniiiln end l.laleail SUtes. Ill ihl illy ill- niornlnp ns fair and eoidrr, fnlloned l.v pari'.J' cloudy nnd warmer: wind, llglil uuthorl i average hunildltv, .".'J tier ceiii.; I.Tiroineter. tor recl.d li read lo eta level, st ! A M , 50 Sill 3 P. M.. SO.'.'.V ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS. WASIIINilTfiX. N'm I These army or ders ,.'re Is.u.'d t..-.iu i"iil. Waller I. Ilnelttrlxiil. Ciit Artlil.T. relieved from ll'lly III must dell lliei. ,, Clll e.lpeake ll.l) , I'lrsl I.I. ui. Nnriiiaii W Peck, Infantry, Is attach.. I to iivliillnn ei Hon of Slunal i.'nrps ns a sludeut mid will proceed In the Sin liloiio r..r duly; Ciut. Alvlti C. Vnrjs. avuilun olflter. Signal Corps, de tailed as member of l.uar.l lu report upon rtiiiiiliirdlx.itlon nf lunti.r trnii-porlatlon, Vice Jlajn" ll.-njaniill tl I'oilluls, .itlatlotl ..ill , r, Sluiiil rnrps, relieved; Cap! Hev erl Iiiiiiii. Corps Lneiiu "re. aftci arrival In Cnlte.l Sntes to New Orleans and lake latum; LI 'tit .i.'ol. John II, Itlee. urdllauce Department, tu Hock Islund ur-nal. IPick Island, III on l,iirln-s perlnlnli.g to pio lii re 111 en t nf urdcaic t'apt. Al l.rt V. f'ark, M ' will assume eharne of cnnstrtirilnii work al Army and Navy lienera! Ilnspltnl, lint springs. Ark., the Major Holier! JI ''idler, tl. f relieved; l'lrt Li -JI A ItnfTman, Infan try, lelieved Irotii .pr-sent duty with Na lluiial leyard uf Montana; name of Hrst Li ul I'rulikllll C. Sll" rl. Illghteentli lnfan iry. pl.i. .-il un detained ll.l! first Lieut. Metrair Heed, Inliintry. as'lgned tu i;iv.-nlli Inlmitr) , Afur arrival hi Culled Slates following offleera. I'orps t:iiKlnera. will take station at p!,ues -pe.liied; Major .Murk Brooke, Wllinlnuiuii, lei 1 Cant llngtr It. Hlack. Washing on. 11. i: Cnpt. lillbert Van H. Wllke. SI I'liill. Minn ; Capt. Albert K. B. I.) man, I'm. Intiail. Ohio 1'ir-t Ll.u: Cugetie JI. Owen, fourth I'atnlry Is .ittnihed in .itlnlluii seclloa of the Slitn.'il Cor pa as .tinlint and tvlll pro teed In San liiegii for duly I'apt. Will iam I.. Uetd. Thirtieth Infantry, lo de tached list. Capl. Augustine A. Hofmann Is assigned to Thirtieth Infantry. Capt Lowe A. McClure, Sixteenth Infantry, de tailed ns professor of uillllury science at t'nlverslty of Nevada. Ileuu. Nev I'lrat Lieut I'.lnier It. Illinrd, .tl. II. C to ac ii e duv for two dajs and will proceed In t'anton. Ill . tn make an examination ..' .Mr. lliirnett M. t'lilp. ril-M. Capt lames I). Tlifurd. Twelfth i'atnlry, df iiiiiril as prnfes-nr nf uilll'nr. aclence and 11 tbs at Ohio State L'nltersuy, Columbus. Obi... first Lieut, i'lnren'e it. Iianlelion, Twenty-seventh Infantry t-anserred lo Twentieth Infantry. I.eates of llll.en grant"'' Cap Jinrpll P Jluiibiirgne, stgimi i'nr.s. twn innntlis; tlsjor II, vwnnl .. Ilaii.'l. Jl .'. evtensuin tlftreti ,lay.; i pt Wl I. .11 W. Ilarrle. .Ir . Kntirth lulantry, one umntli; Capt II. I. Ilale, VI. I'., tv.n tuutiths and tlfteel, dsys; I'lret Lieut. Henry II. Lupus. Denial Cnrpe, Maryland National tluard, extension nti.' niontli. These navy orders wer- l-.u-d lo-diyt Lletiteiiaiil-Cuniiuandir It 11. While tn tt'ii)iuKtoii ns ex.uilco olli.'er Lieut I. II. Can. i?a. detached New Orleans, to tharge Pariric mnit torpedo sta'lnn. Key port. Wish Lieut, w. v .;..,. .11., de. tit' lied I'lttiloirg to trilnlng stntlon, San I raneisrn. I.lein. ijunior crii.lei .1 II. nldendorf tn chnrg.' re.-riiitlug stutlnn, I'itishurs, I'.i Lieut. Uunlnr gradai K. A. ,i,taih., natnl training sia ti'pi. Sin rr..ii,ls,n to Iieinwarc I.leul ' Ulllor grHilel , , Strip In iis.snl ii P" lor .f ni,i. hl'ierj work. tVllllam i 'ramp ,. Sons i'i..iip.niv. I'hll i.i.!phia tlon lllrllls of Natnl Vessels. WASIIIMiTnv. Nnc 4 Cruiser ll.lil. nnr- eol.lfr ,Ia gllillini' I III lnli le, ),., v r alrlve.l ot 1 1 ri ti 1 1. 1 n i Jtoul-. . oilier HmiIu" III .-'no III, no eolll,.,- I';, -I,,,,. ,, ,, ,,.ir,,ier ' uslilng .1 Norfolk l.itil.lilp tl,,,,.,, , o,s'ro,..i .,i,. (i , .1 u( i- ol tl . " i nt N. " t ork h , ,1, .i,, . tl . oIIHI i,, .-.I !. ., t IJrt.. pant, slim I Iklillli.lllll ,.l 1 . ,1 ,k i llli !'rnt,'iis . . ' . ,,i , ,. ,ll0, . ruis, e s,, tn ,,,) i ' allien n a I.., . .., itP .. tin. nl er r IM I CUliho... , '. vr';i'.1 '" "' "om New .n.tforttlil i,e ,, - . r Trlppe f...i,i :i",vv rr V ? '' t Ilea, from V it 1 nrk '.ir, fo- Norfo k TEXTILES CONTINUE UP. ""'fl 1 ,,f finorl ns l.nrsr na llnllronila I'm, llamlle. With prlm.irt nnirket trmlint: in tot ton ii'ioils lex. ;ieilfi. .lining- last tveek litlc-s .imtiniieil to K ,,p .! .lc moVl.. nient nf uoml v ,1s I.ii Ee us. restrleleil or rotiK.'steil tr;insiortatlon ninl iroiltie llitr f.'ii'illtles ttlll j.t-i ititt .lolililne unil lltllll lllstrllilltlllli .nlltllules ,,n a,, ao. lite n'nle. Narrotv Mint elotlm in od, ronstrur tlons hate reaclieil n price level of 4,-, 'tits ,1 poiin.l. Heavy slieetlnai. nre iiineil nt top pricey for epnt 11 li.l future ilellverj. ll j cents l)..nK a-Leil fur stun ilanl four Mini slieetlnirs, (ilnsli.ims ami other coloteil Booils are :iilian, ii!r or Mm; helil at tnltie. nnjs. llns lire ailvaticltiK. rotton ilu.'K, eepeiially the siarles tii-eil in the autonioliilc trarle, is much tvnnteil for entl.t ilellter; Vnh f.ih tlcs hate noli I 111 litrcer t..linne for sirltijr ilellt.'f) li, in Lefure. White Hi ml nre f runs. ll line, of iiiippul ,,.,ils- ,,ie p .her. mill liie epnt ileiniiifl ii live Knit S"o,l .lie in net It .li'tnnf .1. Cut ton .tain- liI.I ll 111 at lop price-.. Qiintiitioiih me more or lem nominal Mt Hie lop letel ninl run us fo!oiv,s : runt .'loth. 2t, inch. fitNtilK, .Tilts. r, cents. ,1sij Inch, t, 4 n 4 . !"i ii'tits. hui'tii sheituiss. Hmitliern Mnn 11'.. ninl 1 1 i rents 1 ilenltnr, '.' '.'(is 111, lien. ;n . eiits. ti knii" S ounce, I s 1 j cents, n.iiile print. cents, staple uliull mis, S' ceiii- at value : ill ess i;iiKh;ini, IP., to 1L' teiiis llaj's llaporta I'rnm rtT nrU, j r.sports from Ncvt York vestrrdat In. eluded: Corn, 143 hu. . oats, i'.iliis Im, ; bailey. in,75S hu. : l.e.ius, l,M: hu. : Hour, 1 1. li," I bills : cornnieal, 1,11:13 Mils, : fccil, S.Pn lb... 1, ran. lil.i'.'n lbs, ; whiskey. S.fiHA sals.: rottonseeil meal. ST.". lb. : oil cake, 170.775 lln. : porli, l.iilli bills.: beef. I,i3tl IiIiIh.; Imcniis, 1,:.!i7,P4r. lbs.; bains, lbs.; lanl, :i,i".n0.7"i lbs.: inllovv. 11,173 His, j but ler, rl.30n lbs.: cheese, ir.,iif,0 lbs,.; cot tonseeil oil, :',7":'.2'.':i lbs. , liibrlcatltn.' oil, 37,00ft trail". I'Ih Iron ( oiilliiues l imiiril, I'lTTHiirmi, Nov. 4.- -Hit linn pii.'.s i oiitlniii. In ailvniice itl tin- I'lllsburi; tllfli Ifl. $1 u tn h.itltuc been aihl.-.l In the'liiKt lu.t oi Ittn, tvltii premiums ;i IH'.ifliiK yeslenlny und tn-il.iy for small loin for ,nniit shlimient One eale was ie.iitleil ul J2.r, a ton for fiitiinlry Inui Trade mil hnrilles my thai since tin- llrsl uf ihioliei i, linn ha- iiilvniicul nn iiti'inuc nf $:!..'. ft a Inn, or more than i iii'-hiilf as much us ll ailtauci'd iliiiiiu' nil nf 111 IS. OLD COIN'S., WANTIill -111,1) I'lll.NS an, I siilii,s f nl' kinds. In, in II to tl, aah pa, f,ir some In lal.', k-'ep nil u n lliuue. ,i,l slniiips, riul I,' , t'l Inree, I ,,ln 'llnl slaillll i-ll-ll 1 1 loll hll.e tlntllllii: 1,1 ln, semi im" M tl t.sti t I'll' litsiv Drill I'm I tt in-Ill. IV llfslM-,s,s, ofl'OII I IM I IKs, HNl'lllTliiN l nipiiiiiiis foi man ttttli sales al, II) nr experience ns iv inan lo repiesini in in u(u, nn In siihurimii llstrlcl wiih iMit.nteil stan.lar.l aiMi e im i.iiiipeiiiion; niin.isonii. pr.nn no siivmii es nvestlU-ale lll.llllis Silt Lit IMiSTON till Hour .11 H l,th !t, FORECAST FOR TO-MORROW MARINE INTELLIGENCE. AimiVKD-PKIllAY. November MINIATUnE ALMANAC L'nllcd iale Toaet and ileollctlv; burtti I Slamlanl Tlnie. 1 Sun ns . .1, vi A JI Sun e-l JIihih " . , M I 111(111 WAT lilt THIS DAT. Sandy llnok . a : 1-1 A JI lint M.n.d I 1 ll' ll (l.iln ,., , . I LOW WATKK THIS OAT MSandr Honk, . !::. A JI liov l.lmil I'.M A M M Sandy lluok..i..M A JI Uut l.loul ., a Hell llnle.... HyuM AIUIVI:) SATI'ltliAY .titrinr I u. it-,..,.. - . ... . ., univ ,,v ,1 , ll ,.... i . ..I,,,. ... ,., ,, ..... .iioi, u,, Ss Iliica dejti Ahrutzi, 7 A M tnl ,;i Oi I IJ. ' ' Ss K'nil.tml. 7.15 A. Ijtnpool n, i I Ss Oherou, 10 A JI , Amsiiniain (), I Ss (loraju, T A. JL, Lisbon, im , si, Chicojo City, 1 P JI , IM.iol, o-i li s sirallnarry, II A M . Mane im a Ss Parlma. II A. JL. Lksiiirara, Oct u . ht Stnllago. riuaiitanainn. Ss Friisla, S.ibiiie, Hit ',;. ss .llling, C'ltnliie.-ns. O. t I "-s Jlnrncalbo. Porto Itlco. Oct S I'lli. Cristobal. O. I. jr.. !s Palonu, II A JL. Antllta, Oct ;s s Kusama. Philailclpliin, Nov . Ss t'ohiinbia. Noilnlk. Nov, 1. Ss Ll .Monte, (ialreston. Oct M, Ss Tuhjtis, Newport News, Nor I AimiVED KftOM NKW TOI1K ! s. Pannnnla. si 1.n,,.ln Ss Wielilieihl. at Llslmu ..i,n,i,i-uiii ,11 i.aneiuna Helena, .it Idaho, at Itoticrdani. Atre. at Uahla Hetiii. nl llottrrilain, ',lr.1t Columlnis, al savannili Hrlnlibiirn. ul Hankow tl..ll... nn a....,., . un. ,,i yi.ii'Kiana, Carishuirn. at Kirkwall Mignianu iTinee. al Illo Janeiro. Kroidrg. at Itio Janeiro. Ll Pa.o. at Port Kadi. .-- iscucee. at aairtitrin. SAILED FOIt NEW YOI1K f' "'Jh-t.rom Ilotlerdam S" A" K' tcneauelos. from Of not SsCuraea from Yalnaralao. ss Itepiibllea, from Valparaiso Ss Jiiulnlin from Callao. S. Ik-rmudian. from IVrniuda n .Vn , "casoiiviiie J! '"W " J"or. from Oalt . St El None, from Caltetlon. OUTGOINn STEAMSHIPS Sail To morrow Mails 1 Cloae. Iiattani. Jlonrorla . . j t Iniperaliir. Ilajll : M p ( Princeii Anne. Norfolk Sail Tuetday. iriTrNate'0.0.1.':- "AM Pinar del Kin. Ilnvan..'.'. . " ' City of .Montgomery, Sa- " ' rannah I Apache. Jaekhont Ilie.... Hamilton. Norfolk.. . I Sail Wednenlar Montevideo. Cadiz t Si T)titet. Klnsston ;., 2 t Jlaracalbo. La linayra ! a M I ileriiiudiaii. Hermud.i i .si m ' iina. Turks uiand. zi M . toneho, lialvestnn . Huron. Jacksonville " " Madlton. Norlolk.... . ' Sail Thursday I Hahie Liverpool.. y, Yell. SlU i II p M I 'o p m IttPK : oi) p m L-1") M 12 ftj M 3 M P M I (') M l P M I. ) M L'.. t 1 "l P M II e-l v i: i tt 1 It 00 X J 1' .1 ,, . ,r "" i-openliaseii pi no A I I P.ilria. (Iran I Jlorro Castle, Havana. s .ii I IMiiama. rrietnb.l n "l IriNiuius. Sn, liniiiin.-o ll i . t Jclfersou. Norfolk . "1 I' it 3 itl I" tl 1 JI 1 P M ,1 l P CI I' V I') V M IS '. M l tl 1.' I'M I.I p t. 3") I' ' i;i.i t ..ii P ti 3'-i P ' Jclfersoii. Norfolk ! Sail Friday ' f,,,',1',.,,, " M LU' hi " (si A J I'lllhlsri. Par.t :, ,.i A t P tier Ne.lerlHli.lell II ,, ,t A r,i..rsimi Civ. iiue i m tj M iv. uu. i, N ,, u,., m ssr.iiii.n..i .lainaii , 12.. I tl Mohawk .1.1. ksoiiv Hie I ll. ol I'nliinibiis.sav'li.ili , I'rnes'ss Anne, Noilolk INCOMING Due Veerhaten Sa. ranienio Ailpur Palfniir trinohsl Marchioness of lime. .i"i(i San Marcos t arr.stl.H TaXainirier Owrffo Cat our. . ('illinium Si Loim t.n.1 una ' ClmtUjilnii Monicvidro STBAM9H1I-S 'Jo aaj. ,. Ilnltriil.1111 ,. tliieniis Mir. ,. Naplrs ,. 1 is-oLsl . . Hair? .... hlh;siriti ., iialvestoii . ivrriioul ..llresl . lienor nuns l(l.lsIIM O. I I is 1 O. I O ,1 t II l'i 1 O, I II I (I I I O I . I.ivripool f.oiiilnn Marseilles 1) 1 11, i), Nn Vt O.S O Ill.Vt.lll. , .Morro t-asiir.... , Saramaeia I rci wsio .. Havana Jamaica (ialvrlon To morrow. ....Ilorileaux ....M Naaire Ilorilr.iui Dm Ksjiajne . . Virjini.iii .. . l'as.e Terre.. Keiituckiiiu.. Sarnl.t Rinras Cahtiuares,,., s-iTonia Mullllllllall... siiiiiitieIs.lU, Norl hem I'.ml I'.iU.... llsesauo Ktna "ertlpe Havana Kl S11.I Taorniin.i.... Alliel.iiiil T.unlire .. .. ll-we;o Ilisel tlani Kofene . . ttllll linal Kl (llirule o. I).s (I, o (I N .N'nv ,.lluenos ,vrps Havre v.,, .1, .lu a 11 UtiV'tna Due Tllesiliy Liverpool .lain.lnn I'lrkuall . llavte I'llais Hull Mmerla I'ara II it'.ina (iaiieston Due Killiuall tint, tla Mi.l.llesliinii Li-linn .lam. 11, a 1), O," 11 O (I (1 I'orl t ,,im 1 trthlll' 1, .iii "l oi. II, 1.' Ihiii-oir , Well. IM. 1 llultnii'soo t I'.nrielln I 11-1 man f'r.T-fh . I Al.lllaiiOe 1 liny ol t'ohinil.iis. I A'ahsiua . '.1 il.r ill, 11 .ll'llle ., l.sunt i,ih sat annali I'i'il Arthui EUROPEAN MAILS. e' eauuhlp Muilte. hie Wclnemiav for Cull . 1 1, Ins at M51 A M . for Mniln liinrsitsr. Htealii.hlp Haiti-, .sunt; in for Llvrrpoo,. sll lake mai S:S0 A. M , lor iir. at II. , uin I ter mail on,. . iii.l i.,uiM, ' speciallv a,,re-se,l , ,irii t, nlher count) ic e ex- opt ii, , ,i , , LtiM'innurK. Hu Turkey, Netli. i an. Is. N.o.u Deiiiuark i Steamship H.issuii, sn, .,c fur Monro, .a mi 1 take iii.i tl . for I. helm ir Hpefliilly a. I, Allierh an liner ri'niilui, i fur l.lvei.ool. .till take in, II Sn A M. fur let ept Austria, HuiiKiiry, LUMtniiuiv tetisftil.t. Turkey. Ilie .Netliei I m S.te-ien anil I leiiniurk i. Aflh . ilea ami the lla.' I li.H ee.. a I'.ir'llK.ll tvli.n special's" i ,1-1 r 'f ,-'. ,m-l,,p II., ar , el in,. ,, no I'lirlsll.iiisiiiiil, .til, tnl,,, in, al 1" A. M for Noria.t. Svte.Iei .Neiherlan.l", ilennanj, au.h,., Llltelllhlirs, Hull:., I,.,, S.rii.a I ASIATIC MAILS. Japan, rore,i in.l I'liln ,. . . s'c.ltllshlp llntvali M ,r,, . se i I,, Out . ILivtMll, Japan, i ' i i-i ,n , phi''., t In Sun i'r in i- , ,, j Ti'iin Muni, i -,osii i,, a, o , ,u , I I'listiniiNier Morn, in Nnn.uii.,'i. or lh following ,i,ih tie n I I, Sfilnxy, Dctiiher r, u, k ii 111. tt'eltlnvl.,,, d., , nt San rrnneisi'ii p. r s eaoie M i despatched east i,n Nov, ' till in New York o. T irs INSTKl't'TIIIN, CHUOI, OF OltAKIItV. YOU CAN BECOME A SUCCESSFUL PUBLIC SPEAKER . In "n l , I Wrlie tV M,T li 111,1111 S.-i iV fir (h t (, ,