Newspaper Page Text
s 1 THE SUN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1916. ' . 13 j $239,000,000 TO RUN NEW YORK IN 1918 IteiiUv l-Aport Hiim'h Khtiniato mi l.ulcsl ltii(lc( Figures Demaiid Hclit'f. N'( Vmk city real estate owners are coufi otilcil with tho pmspeet of pnylnir taxes- " l!'l! on u budget, which will loim HSl'.uuo.OOO. With the huJKCl Just iiunpleteil no :i Imels for computation Latircme M I'. McMulrc, president of the Ileal IWiiti- llnaid of New York, hint reached tin' strangling estlmatu of close to S!IO,Oiii.iW iw tho cost of running the muiilelpil government nt the end of i.Mt jcf. In during 191. since liiKt fall our expenses huve 111 cre.iM'4 itt Jeuet JU.ouu.liuo, as Uio kuilect for 1917 Ih neatly iik large ni for 1910, when taxpayers hud to j.ay m direct State tax of SH, 000.000. The hudnet Just announced Im SiMl.llo, 01O! The Iiudcct for 181C. or thul made Inst full, to run tho eoiernmont during tho current year was $212,9u6, In dleeussliiK tho outlook for real ei tale neit full Mr. Mcllulre mild: "Jud(flii(f hy experience there uceniM to be no hope of any reduction In H'lS'a budget, so we may start with a local tinted of upproxltnatcly 1211.000,00. "The inerea o for debt service and tty a you R' iwllcy will probably he Jin.Om'.OOH. Tho Hoard of Education ivlll Ci rl.ilnly not correct U hublt of ajklng annually for n huge Increase. !, u estimate that at tl.000.000. The nther iniecellaiieoim Items tet un place at approximately I2.C00.000. This tnakci a total for the city budget of nearly j:::.,O0O,O0i), and If there Is a Stuto tax, as mojt likely thyre will be, UiU we may place ut upproxhiuitely laHt yenr'n fig ure. Sll.0OO.000. TIiIm ninkea a total bu.lft of U'Si'.OOO.OOO. to b mudo up by the udmInltrallon on November 1, 1HI7 "The ilu'il service. Increases arc In the main unavoidable. Hut some will ques tion, im thr Heal Kstntc Hoard did a year atw, tho wisdom of making tho pay as you go policy cotupulMory, be-rau-e of the rharp Increase It la making in the budget and tho tax rnte. There Is no reason why the process could not have liecn epread over ten years Instead of four. "Die fact that we nro spending nearly S1,Sim),0ou for widows' pensions seems to have had no apparent effect on tho ChurltliK Department. Tho department actually aiked an Increaso of 11,000,000. "Hut one thing seems plain. If we must proildu Mich staggorlng sums why should real estate pay nearly all of It? Taxpayers should absolutely Insist on tho city ottlolalH taking Immediate und agrc"dvo Meps to secure new revenue from other sources than real estate, so that thin tremendous burden of taxation may not fall entirely upon real property. "Real estate Is paying 90 per cent, of the city taxes and more than TO per cant, of the Htate taxes. City property tl utso over n.ssessen while It Is no torious that property up State Is as sessed too lots. "It seems Incredible that with a bud get amounting tu unheard of proportions rlty officials wn bo Indifferent on this question, und the Heal Kstatc Hisird feel? It IU duty to call attention to the ytty ecrloua situation which confronts taxpayer and to the necessity for urg ing that some detlulto Intelligent pro gramme be Immediately formulated and executed for making other forms of property do their share toward support In the soieniment" WOULD REMOVE HIGH BRIDGE. Tall Arraes Arrosa Harlem Inter- fere With Commerre. Alexander llarlnc of the trufTio and waterwuj' committee of the llronx Board of Trade wants Mich Urldire, one of the alshtH of the city, removed, as he thinks tho bridge Interferes with the de. velopment of tho Jlnrlem River water front. The bridge comprises several masonry arches. Over It are the mains of the aqueduct system. Mr. Harlntt suggests that the water mains bo carried under the river and the tull urches be taken down so that the bridge slto may be turned Into factory plots and the channel broadened. To Improve the river the stream would hae to be straightened, which Is Im rohsllle with tho bridge standing. It Is estimated that 7,300 vesselH pass under the bridge in a year. Most of theae are of 3u tons capacity, which Is tho largest which can bo towed through tho v.ppr Harlem. The new barge canal vessels will be of 2,000 tons. 27TH ST. BUILDING LEASED. Sli Mory rJtroctnrc at 244 West 27th . Rented lor Long Term. The Duross Company has leased the atx story building at 214 West Twenty seventh street for Lawrence. Kerr to Fredi rick Urautlgnm for a term of yeara. AUo with Thomas & Eckerson the four i Ar l mhln nt ISR West Thlrty-llrst strept for Alice McCann to Jacob Kradua, i.tid tho top loft at 48 and 410 est Tin tnth street to the Fairfax South ern foods Company for n tenn of years. The Clurles K. Noyes Company has I'.'aol a lloor nt 343 Hroadway to Simon & Solomon, a loft at 413 llroadway to Frederick Holer, u loft at 31 & l'eari trtet t. Hurry and Ham Levy and a door nt 15 Uifajetto street, corner of Worth, to llendano nros. .lohn .1 Kavanatrh has rented a store t !in Madison nvenue to John Lo Voy for a term. 1'hU'p leselson has leased for a term it ran to A. Collsh, printer, the third floor III tho twelve etory building at :il.'Ji:. Writ Thirty-seventh street. The Old English Country Home to Be Built for New Golfing Club in Westchester Hills Tiie Quaker Itsdcre Field and Country C ud, oriratiiied by prominent residents tt New York and Westehexter. has Just Co npieted plans for u fine country club ' ie it Qimker HldBC, near Now no eliclle h,.o the club has acquired 120 r'" The property will ba developed ' in 'ehteeii hole course. The links Attractive Spots at Larchmont Gardens Bordering Sound Shore Type of baaajalon mt Urekmont -Gardens). loft was recently vacated Schlrmer, the music publisher. J. Arthur Fischer has leased the store and basement at 141 (Irand street to A. J. Kaplan, general uierchuudlso agent. FURTHEST NORTH ON 5TH AVE. lOO.OOO Drrrlllntr for KlNth Ml. fur Mill l . 1'nmoii. What w-IU be tho most northerly of 1 tho pretentious homin on Fifth nve nuo facing tho l'.irk Is now being de signed for tho plot 100x125, at the ' northeast corner of lOSth street. Mln Llewellyn S. I'arsone, who acquired the site last March, has commissioned , Charles Kwlng, architect, to mnko plans . for the proposed building, which will be about three utorlos high, of brick and limestone construction. It Is estimated 1 that the Improvement will cost upward of S100.000. The blocks north of Mount Hlnal Hos-1 pltal, 100th to 101st street, arc Im proved with buildings of n nondescript character, and It was generally assumed that high grade residence Improve-1 merits would be confined to the territory south of this point. MUNICIPAL BLDG. RESTAURANT. ! S44.BOO to Ur Spent for City Koi- ployeea Flatlna I'lavr Contract to Install a 'lining room nml kitchen on the twenty-fifth and twenty. . sixth floors of tho Municipal HulUHng for tho benefit of city employees has been let to the Warner & Huberty Company , of Brooklyn. Tho estimated cost of the . work Is 144,500. NINK STOHV HOL'SK ON OOTII XT. Plans weto filed yesterday for n nine, story apartment building, to Ik erecttd 1 at 1S Kast Klxty-slMh street. The! bullUhifr Is to contain two apartments 1 on a lloor of six and eight rooms, with three baths each. The owners aro lh I llrlxtott Holding Corporation. IMwin S. Urlckner, president. The architects arc V. U Ilousu and I,. A. Ooldstonu. FJtATi:tl.ITV ON 3IADIMON AV, ' William A. White A Sons have leased tho gri.und tloor at ITU Madlsun avenue . to thfl SJ!ipna Kpsllon Delta fraternity. city;m rkntkii. The Houghton Company 1ms le-imd for Henry H. Hindrlek the four story anil lmsement dwelllmr ut rl West Wghty-sevcnth street to Elizabeth Itlpka. Klanngan & Ron have leased H9 West Nlnety-llflh tteet for Mrs. Kmma de Costa to Mrs. Annie It. Whitney. lCdward S. Foley & Co. IniMi leased 31 West .Sixteenth street, a four Mory dwelling, for the New York Title and Mortgage Company to William Seeman ; also 60 West Klghty-fourth street, a four story brownstone dwelling, for J. J. Qulgley to Kllzii Hill, nnd 330 West Nineteenth street, a three story and basement dwelling, for Anna Woodruff to J. Campbell. APARTMENT HOTF.I, KOIl WOW.N Parish & Schrocdcr, architects, will design tho apartment hotel for working women to be built by tho Webster An.irtment Company (Jesse 1. Straus of II. H. Macy & Co. president). Tho proj-j ect will be financed through a bene faction made by the lute Charles It. Webster, who died last .Mareii nrxi ne. queathed one-third of his estate to pro vide a fund for tho erection of an apartment house where unmarried working women shall have apartments at cost, with all homo conveniences. K. n. !TKTTINU' IH!Y. Edward It. Stfttlnlus of J. Plerpont Morgan & Co., Ih reported to be the buyer of the Anms 11. I'., l'lnrhot houie at the northeast comer of l'ark avenue and Hlghty-tlftli Flreet, reported sold vesterday. Mr. Stcttlnlus at present oc cupies under lease the dwelling at 10 FJoat Seventy-third street. Tho I'lnchot house Is four stories and stands on a plot 42.2x82. It Is valued at 1275,000. RHOKKK IN HAIILRM DKAL. Frederick Oppenhelme wim the broker In the snlu of tho flvo story flat at 125 West 116th street, for Thomas W. Mur ray to Helen II. Steele, recorded re cently. will Im ready for play by next June. The club membership has been llmltud to 30n, nnd applications for membership already nppro.ich half that number. A moiiK the memliers aro John C, Auar of New Itochelle, FrunclH A. Htrattun of Mount Vernon, C. K. tl. Hillings of New York. Kdmuml O., formeily prenldent of the National Hank of , r w" -ZU2Z,x C'',Jslsssss1 Lake mad ronrti seen from elabhoase. ( Abore) Feraola and ara Trails, Shore Acre Clab. OTTO KAHN BOYS ! 68TH ST. DWELLING! Acquires Tonncle House nt 0 East Adjoins His Residence. Otto If. Kahn has bouKht the dwelling at Ka-l Sixty-eighth street, which Is next to hln residence, from Mrs. Julia I P. Tonnele. Mr. Kahn lives at . The purehaso nf the Iioumi Increases the frontaKu of hi" property to .' leet. Mr. K.ihn Is now completing a new demv nt the corner of fifth aenue and Nlni'ty-llrt street. Thomas K. Uyan controls the property to tho wet. which he U"c us a Kiirden In connection with his residence on Klfth avenue. The Harry I'ann Whitney house occupies the opposite corner on Klfth avenue. Will lam A. Whlto .t Hon negotiated the sale. ItltOAnWAY Al'AHTWF.NT Li:. llltOAnWAY. The t'h.imas ltealty nnd f-..,i.t riKt Ia,i r' rt.utttil It) thu John i:. Cieihich ltealty Company i Uio Crstnl Couit, at the northeast! e. riu'r of Hroadway and lrtoth tleet, a story apartment house, on plot lOtixlOO, aciitllled j-rcctitly fiom J. S. , Van Wezel. The St. James Court ap.irtmint. at the northwest comer of Seventh avenue and 143d street, re ported mid on Friday, was given In 1 exchange, ( BAST P3I STKKKT. John J. Kava-li.-ich and Sutton & Henjiimin have I sold fur Sara N. Fosn 17 Ninety third street, n four stjry dwelling on lot 20xl00.'. to a buyer who will oc cupy after exteii'lve alterations. IIKATH AVKNI'K. John It. P.ivldson has sold for Knnls A; Slnnutt the thrie Hory dwelllnir on lot 20xino at 2S70 1 loath avenue, to W. S. Livingston for occupancy. iiiiooKi.YN nwni.i.i.x; nalks. U. A. Schleslng has Hold for Henry Kchne tho two family brick house at 2tOS Hughes street. Hldgewood, to Fred crick O. Olmberg for a residence. S.imutl Zlrm has sold 397 South Fifth street, a four story brick apartment held at JI3.00U, for Mrs. Fanny Levy to an Investor; also sold the two family brick dwelling at 123 I'ulaskl street for a client to Mrs. Sadie I.evlne fur about JG.00'1. Frank A. Seaver & Co. have, sold the one family detached cottage on plot 40x 100 at 7712 Thirteenth avenue for II. tlyer to a buyer for occupancy. IIOMK IIITYI1IIM IN NKWAHK. I'cli-t & VeM. Inc.. have Rolil lfl flrofti street to Frank II. Kllers. tl dwdl Imk on plot 30x100, on the northern bide of thi Htroet. about 1K0 feet from Mc Whorter street ; also sold for John How nrd tho rr.Hlilcnce on plot KOxlOO at 1D6 15S Hliermun a venue, to John Nagel of Kniflnwood, N. J. ; also resold 93 Mercer street and C7 llroome treet for John Iluclmnnn to John C, urcftory of Knr Hills. N. J. : auto four two family houses nt 27 and 271 Morris avenue for Henry llniHti of Hllzalicth, N. J., to Charles A. Morrell ; also for the L-lnwoort Company tho two new two family house, on plot SilxIOO, at 47S-SO North Mapla avenue, Kast Orange. Cuba at II.inna, now retired mid llv Iiik at tjuaker ItldKOi O. 11. Hoffmat-tcr of New Itoehelio anil J. Clarence Jones of Now Vork. I'l.ins for tho clubhouse wero drawn by Henry O. Morse of 101 Hark avenue, Manhattan, and they call for a lout;, rnmhlimr bouse tu be built of stone and timber In un ICngllsh stjle vt architec NEW TERMINAL FOR WEST SHORE Bip l'nsspnper Station to Be Built on River Edge South iof Wechawken. The West fihore Railroad Convany, a subsidiary of tho ?s'ew York Central, Is to have a new terminal on the New Jer sey side of the Hudson. It will be tmrne distance smith of the present terminal of the road, under cliffs at Weehawken. The new terminal will be exclusively for passenger traffic and will be connected up with New Jerse's trolley system. The Weehawken terminal is to be used for freight. It will be greatly Increased In nlze and many charwes nro planned to facilitate the greatly Intending freight business which the road Is dolus,-. It ha been known for some time that sonic thing would hove to be done to lmndle the fretaht trndlc of the road ns the present terminal Is Inadequate. The repoit that woik would be started soon on the new termlnil could not lie officially verified yesterday Kallroad men who aro acquainted with the plans of tho West Miure Haihoad said that everything had been arranged fur the construction of the new trmlnus nnd that actual building operations would be started soon. The locution of the new teimlnal has been kept a secret. The site has been selected with the Idea In inand of reduc ing the time, of travel mi the ferrlc to Forty-second und to Cortlatidt street. The ferry facilities will he much better than thoe In the present terminal. Hick of the ferry sllis will be a large passen ger station In which will be the executive olllces of tho road. HKNTINfi AT FIKLDSTON. The DelafieM Kstatn lias leafed to I,oomIs H, Taylor of WuliiM-ott, I,. I., n residence at Fleldston, IUvTilali-im. Hudnon; nlno 1,'iihOil on West "16th ftreet, nolrlnton, The Iorvoiilii, a Btone nnd hollow tile residence, to Will lam J, Dunn. CHEMICAL MAN III VS PLOT, Tlio Uedney Kami Conipany has sold a plot on I.lttlojeihn place In the tleducy Kami section of White l'liilns to Alfred 13, Hcndcy of the Warner Chemical Company. Tills Is tho second plot which Mr. Hendey has purchased In this local ity within the year. .MONTACJin: FI.AOO I'll RENTS. Tense & Klllmnn have leased for Ktowe Phelps his residence to Montacue KliiKfr. 2d. Tho houi-e la at 161 liist seventy-fourth utreet, between Ix-xIiib ton and Third uvenuux, and Is a four story American basement dwelllnc. It is one of a row of unique and urtlstlc residences which house ninny prominent people, ono of whom Is Theodore Roose velt, Jr. SOUTHAMPTON ACRES HOLD. V. Leroy Havens has sold three nnd a half acres on the east dido of Old Town road, Southampton, I,. I., fur Mrs. Harry Kurnett to Klmer W. I Van Urunt und Fred W. Pempf. ture. The building will command a flno view of Iinir Island Sound and the Wertchehter hills. The blilldliiK will be 136 feet long and the main clubronm 22x40 feet, The entrance to the club will be through n wide hall and on the right will be the clubronm with a largo open llrcpl.iee. On the left will be a large dining room, KKAI, KHTATK AT AUCTION. REAL ESTATE. AT PUBLIC AUCTION LIQUIDATION SALE Thursday, November 16 AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, AT KXCIIANOB SALESROOM, 14 VESEY ST.. N. Y. C. 348 West 28th St. (Bet. Eighth & Ninth Ats.1. A 3 story and basemont brick building used as a rooming house. Site of lot, 21.8 1.719S.9. 535 to 541 and 547 to 551 West 38th Street (Bet. loth 11th Ats.). To be sold aa twa iarcela. Mb to Ml Is a vacant plot lOOlM.O. 47 to S1 la a acant plot 7SI98.V. 515 & 517 West 39th St. (Bat. 10th 11th Ara.). Ta be sold aa one parrel. A 4 story brick tenement with store, to gether with lot adjoining. Slse of plot GOiflS.D. N. W. Cor. 173d Street & Weeks Avenue. A vacant atrip. Site 0x93. OZONE PARK, L. I. BOROUGH OF QUEENS. S. E. Cor. Grafton 4c Ocsan Avs. A vacant plot, 40.SxlOO. SILVER LAKE, WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. S. E. Cor. Lake Street & Pearl Avenue. Vacant plot 7S.s7xl29.Mxt24.09. 75 may remain for three WITH EXCEPTION OF 34K WEST 28TI1 ST. AND 141 AN1J 143 WEST 27TII ST., BROWN & FALKINBURG, Attys., 10 Wall St., N. Y. City. Write for Booklet. 31 Nassau St., N. Y. City. NEW JERSEY REAL ESTATE FOR SALB , $3,500 EASY TERMS and First Mortgage of Bua ThU BEAUTIFUL ALL-YEAR HOME NEAR WATER Hi: HIT lo I.IYE IN NOW. ('omenlent Commutation Et. Serilte to city. 7"Jl! J , K ttVitaafaBBfaTal B ' jmm,L-ti i-dJLaaaal naaWt 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaSPWaaaaK'lS BbbbbbbtJbT bbbbbbbbbbtA' bbV TaBBTjT aaarBBBBBW' aaBBBBTJB Baw!l JaBBBBBBTja'.'"' T"aaBaBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBkbjajijajajajajaB . aBBBBVjBBBBBBBBaBjBBBJaBaaaaB Adellahtfulhome or til nnn. 3 lath.; ground lrsi by tufert. In seteet nrluhWirhooil' beautifully Hiiatnl on hill enn, roinniatiitlnir water le : elev.. WW ft., eontalru ililn room, with opeu nrenlace. Dining risim. kltrhen. library, butler's pantry on Unit floor, lourliedmom.. 1 tlleit twth on senind floor. Three tiedroonii. liath on third lliwr NW ivuntry rluli. . gplf. tennis. Ideal water sport, skating, lee bnatlnir. tiilsHraanlng: cannilnV bathing and ntiln In summer, see lhl property, rnmpare It with any priced at ll" Vmmi near N. Y. Illnhmt. healthiest altliude wltlifn cominuilng dl"t"ice "T New ..rk send rnrtiliiitiwTaph. 4RKM;E TO HEE TIIIH IIOl'HE ELECTION II O . r. R. Mil l s. I ;ii B'way. N. Y. trtp. ,V ,, SIX BLOCKS OF LOFT SPACE RENTED! Firms Rpturninjr to Old .Mer cantile Zone Filleii Up Vneaneies. Tiie Save Now York movement and the zonlns; restrictions have brought vec Hons below Thirty-third street once ngnln Into prominence, as a manufactur ing ami lort district A to what the restrli'tioui and tho campaign nf the various merchants In tho shopping rce tlon to save Fifth avenue have done for other sections. It may bo interesting to know that fully six Mm kit of loft space In tho central mercantile district have been letiteil In the Inst few weeks. Among the llrmx who htive taken large space in this district recently are the Hlyou Waist Company, which leased 160.000 square feet In the Nineteenth street wing of the former .Simpson Craw ford store : Marshall Field & Co. are to use 100,0011 square feet In the Albe marle Building. Hroadway and Twenty fourth strett; Duparquet, Huot Mon etise foiniuiny. range manufacturers, are to liK-ate at 10S to 111 West Twenty- second street nnd 113 and 115 Went Twenty-first street, the westerly portion of tho former O'Neill-Adams store, 100,- 000 saunro feet: IJmery-Heera & Co, manufacturers of Onyx hosiery, are to niovo Into new quurters, covering 100, 000 square feet In tho Albemarle Hulldliig. Welnsteln Kiipstein. man ufacturers of cloaks nnd eiilts, and Will iam It. Warner & Co., manufacturing chemists, will respectively occupy B0, 000 rquura feet each In the Kesner Hulldlng, Sixth avenue and Twenty third street, and In tho old Altman Hulldlng, 113 to 143 West Eighteenth street und 110 to 124 West Nineteenth street. These six leases represent K60, 000 squnrn feet, or nearly six square blocks of space, Tho lenses of Marshall Field ft Co. nnd the Kniery-lleern Company Involve $1,000,000 and tho Altman transaction ll.10fi.00il ; and three new loft opera tions, thirteen stories at 24 I'nlon Square, Ilast, eighteen stories nt 925 Hroailwuy and a twelve story loft at Fourth street nml Sixth avenue Involve respectively $S0O,0U0, J600.000 and 1200. 000, These Items represent a total of J3,70O,ono Invested In tho central mer cantile district recently. t; io, ono i'KI.iiam imiifiH soi.n. Oeorgo Howe has sold the home of Ur, U. i:. Hecmaii, In I'elliam, The prop erty bus been held at i 10,000. I.ONli ACHR IIOTHI, I.KiMH SOLD. Matt .1. W.tril ,t Co. has sold for John O. Hoggs tho lease and good will of tho Hotel LongaiM", nt 157 to 163 West Forty-seventh street, Manhattan, to rieoigo I,. Snnborn, who In now In possession, Mr. Sanborn wnH former proprietor of tho Hotel Navarre uml owner of tho New Western Hotel. TAKF.S KIIAIlllIJItMT IIOI1NR. John F. Hrott and I'ensn & Klllmnn lmvo rented for Samuel r. Hinckley his country place, known an Ituneinede, on Ocean avenue, Oedarhurst, U 1 to Ira A. Kip, Jr. NI'ltl.NIi I.AKF, IIIIAI.TV IIIIVKH. Jnhli IX Miner has sold a dwelling on Mercer nvenuo, Spring Iake, N. J for Klmer Kwau and u plot adjoining for Miss Irene Thompson. William James Is the buyer of both parcela. KEAL ESTATE AT AtJCTION. 513 to 517 West 40th St. (Bet, 10th and 11th Ava.1. A 3 atory brick stable, together with 3 story brick dwelling. Sice of plot 75x93.9. West Side of Inwood Av., Running Through to Macombs Road (5 ft. south of tiobel Place). A vacant plot 100x130.28x100.28x122.83. 233 West 60th St. (Between West End and Amsterdam Ats.). A 4 story brick tenement with two stores. Slto of plot 251100.0. N. E. Cor. So. Boulevard and Brown Place. A vacant plot SOxlOO. 141-143 West 27th St. (Bat. Sixth and Seventh Avs.). To be sold as ana parcel. A S story and a 3 story brick tenement with store. Site of plot A0.2x98.V.lf. East Side Garfield Av. Running thro' ta t'nderhlll Baulaiard 350 ((. north of Jefferson Av. A vacant lot 23x123.03x5x130.81. on mortgaro CO years at O Thona 744 Cort. NEW JERSEY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Of m:w oitK ITrr hi about SOT f .?rn.'"' I'"''1'" eholiH liom."lt t MOIISK. Wr 'i ANT WOOD. I.KONtA, itlDUl.. u numbr of to r.nn.y nurklncmrn'ii nnmx t MudMin llolchtr. .Sw Jrrry. ilii.f j.rlcn ur? rfcocnliea n uiiiiamllcl'd luriclin t,y iho.c who hav u.p,-ird ih. rrop-rtl-r. All Ithln n tlv,. cent fare zone Tltlrn Kuammeeil. l.lherm terin. Tor .'.r. '"formation Jilrf nilNJ. D. IIAIU1IT. Slifflal D'puly riupt of Hunlo. ar of Hankliii; Dept.. fl Hrokily. New York City. SAFETY FIRST INVESTORS re Kulde.l by tli.i experience of Iment u'i' i',.,,?r,''.r,.,"'r "I'ei-lill'tH In ..n7'ih"W'' TM." '"""nce In lierKn an.l Ho, klan.l Ci.utulf.. un.l our Hilar lltltee.l mortgiigea are u "afety.llrrt In. ve.iiii.-nt.'- Writ- for booklet K. North Jersey Title Insurance Co.. IIAI'KK.NxACk. N, ,. " lork Itrp.-iiirnn k I'trter.On wH St CRAFTSMAN BUNGALOW, rltuatid In tho country near New York- ,i nnuro of til" most artl'.li; rnnevptlnn. every known improvement enino..-,i. in uiy t ' tnbl1tii.,l ,iti,l ' .. !h"l,l"i f"r dl,crlriilriHtliiK pV.ipe at terms larr. pi, v""""t" "u,ne- "5i THi: NL'TLKV COM PAW Went .Nlltley. N. J, Vonwurt, H,lK,. y, y Hever Chambers II 13 East 65th St. at 5th Avenue M New UltiR. Now Heady 2-3 Rooms-Bath Hents ji.otw to $2,000. Maul Service Inclu ded. MpmIc tttt lrt at uiwur s 7 (x-rps. mill, jj,2 DouglasLElliman&Co. 414 MaJlton A(t., of 4Sth St. Til Murray Hill 5600. ROOMS AND BATH AND KITCHENETTE, $60 to $77.50 2 Furnished, $20 extra WOOLSEY 141 Kail 4 ttli M. Patlfsctory reference atnute,y m!. pi-u.iblc. Hunting Aitent on l'renilneii, Apurtmenti can be infii cvenlnKa. MIMi HINT., Ill) Heat 4(llli Nt. HUNTING IN THK COlfNTRT. Uurlio Htono haH lenseii for K, A. JIo rangu his reslileneo In HaKamoro for u term of yeain to J. Fletcher Farrell, treasurer of the Hlnelalr Oil anil Ilotln lnic t'ompnny. Junllne, Hill & Munloek Hro planning u new reslileneo in Saga more for Mr. Moralise. It will bo roni pleteil ami teaily for oecupam-y next summer. Mr. Stone has also leased for A. V. Uawreneo tho relilnnro on lliuh street, Tiu-kahoe, to Joueph l'ustorella of Cameron place. nltOKKH IN ki:ck.t DUAL, K. K. Van Winkle was associated with IVaeu & lllllmnn In tliei rental of i0 West KlRhty-tinvfntli street for tho Illl. lings Kstutn Corporation to ltlclutnl l. to mvi: in nkw iinoiii:i,i,n. The I.yncroft ltealty Cmiipany has solil IhrotiKll ! J. D'Coiinnr " reeililenee on plot tnuxl69 at l.Mioroft. New ftn. chulle, to Kmlly II. lMlly for occupancy: also huIJ through thu vamn broker u UwellliiaT on plot 100x1(19 nt Lyncroft to Allc I. Hudson for occupancy. Aurtlnn'r ' BEAT, ESTATE FOR. SALE-QUEENS. UnMr CEBIT rpC!f INVESTIGATE THIS nUmLoLCALKO I WONDliRFUL OFFER 25 MINUTES FROM MANHATTAN OR BROOKLYN $250 Cash BALANCE $18 PER MONTH BUYS. THIS HOUSE with i.Aitr.i: 1'i.or or conn i tn FOR FLOWER C14HOF..N. I'OtH.TItl MI M lll'.l WILI S. Ilmte Is well built, 7 risiia ami bath, nil lixlit nml airy iritr.i l.irirn llilnir room), water, electricity, laruo heatli'H ilant, etc.! full rtmcreta, i.vlous Hn-hes, few minutes from station and trolley at BEAUTIFUL JAMAICA PARK 4TI1 WARD NEW YORK 'l I V llOltttl'dll OF Ul'EENH Within r, rent furn rone. An Ideal suburban community with rlty luiiiriiement. ulirni jnu ran enjoy the real comforts and own your honie fur !( Money than yon nv rent In riinm-iteil tortlon. of the city. Hehnol.. stores, chiireh of all flrnnniln.itlnnH THINK OF IT! Zi .MINUII.S FROM VIM l( WOltK. $250 DOWN PERFECT TITLE ;iW4NTI.M A few choice lots In this lrlnlty for sale nt inmlrr.ite prices, lery ray terras; city water, electricity and sidewalks. Perfect tit lo. Mnnny to Imllil ir nrrilcii. Call or write for freo tickets to I in -i". HOUSE DEPT., Tel. tireeUy 1700. NASSAU HAVEN The Garden Suburb 9 At Hyde Park, L. I. FIRST OFFERING TO THE PUBLIC We have been requested by a prominent New Yirk Stnte Trust Co. to develop and sell its large holding near the Knilroad St ition at Hyde Park. L. I. We have been glad to. undertake this because tiie property Is Ideal for the man of moderate income, who iiuit kivp hi total investment for house and plot under We intend to make this the most attractive, artist!,- and desirable offering for this man that am be found in Long Mind. Our purpose is summed up in this motto: "Fit (or tiie millionaire but within the mean-, nf million1-." Our opening prices are about one-halt the amount kl In some other sections that are no more valuable, and we offer id ,' discount to the first thirty buyers, with additional discount for cash and building. If desired, we will accept Sio down and V r a month for any plot. The property is within a few yards of the Hde l'.irk Station on the main line, within thirty-two minutes of the IVnu. Station. N. Y. City. A tine collection of fruit trevs. berry bushes, plants, vines and shrubs given without charge to every buer. A small payment down will purchase any one of six beautiful two story houses to be built for Spring occupancy at prices ranging from $3,500 to 5,000. Call or write. ROBERT E. FARLEY ORGANIZATION (Nassau Haven Booth) Country Life Exposition, Grand Central Terminal Telephone, 7720 Murray Hill LONO INLAND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. enmo J Beautiful Floral Park, L. I. rfUy to raoie In now. ! I rU, uw Matlon. t'lr-trii'lfe, lrolly $500 CASH & $20 MONTHLY, t W H.nilOWN. nil Klt()iih Am-.. H'klyn. forest Rills Gardens "A Fortvr'l Movement In .uburbiiii Detelopiiient " 15 Mlnutei from 1',-nn sratlen lloimeit and Mllu I'IiiIm I'fir s.le. &AUE I'UUNUATIUN HOMLS CO., 41 W. :11th M., or lore.! Hills, I.. I. Send for lluoklti .-j. OVERLOOKING OCEAN I New semi Inrntruliitv, tlx rtiom unii ta(h j flfctrlcltj, hut i-r heat, larjro fhruiilx-n, r-lilew.ilK. IjIJ, ftu tntiuit it' tMihlitt: v,ir V) minim from It- nwi r inut Iiavf f 4 ' v rch itt oruf "in. i in iith y l-HjiiuiiK. 11, UWNIIII, .IJ W 3th M., N V iMiy. BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOME lit room, 2 Willi. lurt; ui'ui Mrvln m i-oinli eiu-lo,'l tor' h. cftf, i lect. r.,i n'tter Ki laltt't shuili-tl plot .itiiili1.tli i of Hhriinr-ery, tvomterful view of l.onir ttnn Sound 3' mlniiiie tt.i 4i In retrlcteil atue L.ithliiK Pei li, cluMifiiiK-. pier tuul sum n only 11 nilnuteH mit, xrtuteNt burii.iln ! the 1'iit teimi' run ! arrHniTi'ii II STKl'lir.NSHN. J3 W. 34th .-it,, N V AltTISTIi' S room t unir.ilitn nhli i-. n nei-tlllK tiHlll to h l.'iri;e liettrootio. tltllilKtl In Al tle. hardwood tlnlh, m-eii tup, ir.t brick fireplace, ileaiii heat una ttiy iii-hI ern eonvenllice, UrKe pori-li, Ikttn lie, v.f I In unil nottert; nlfi locuttitn. not fur fi,un Wdter, HChooU Hint trollty; 1300 ennh utul erik iiuoitlilv iitineiitn or trriim to utt purehseer, ulll deenrt locult t IlltY.V.N' boit I3i Sun utile. nilRAIiWIN.NKHS .DnfKAPi:r Sprrlal nuhurtian barRnlne, ahore hihI In'inil. tie crlbe onr Nttuitr: fill location und price tilthln rlty limit bml furtlur. ncru?o lots linprovcit, tinlmprot-eit, for .i!e utn lot rent. IlKltllKUT WILLIAMS, S S Mm- ' tin tt mi Ae., llnickl) n. $17.50 PER MONTH Huyn my srtUttc htiiiK'ito'v: Z roniiit, hnth nil inoilru Improveinenta! full cellnr. lirut. ninuliijr wuter. kii, eleetileltr, Imite plot nur atatlon tktMr ltu olitKloti, nuiM bi boIiI at once; iinnll nrt i-iyntent (SItLA'l IIAHCAIN, bo 133 Sun oltlce. IM A MONTH lolls fine. weP tc-Mtr l fhicki n farm. J tie tin pi i.-e for p-irt in iimke a nli-e 1 1 v 1 1 1 te . nlililn i-.i.j iimhuci --f city, irooil limieii unii enmiirh uiihl for puui tr- .inn wKttitnioM i uriiier inioruitni'iii write I'Alt.M. ho IU Sun ntlli e. rou low cost iiitiii-mtAiir. wnisa. LOWS AM) IIOMi: lll'M.III.N'll PLOTS VISIT llllAl'Tirfl. HltltillTW vti:ii Hooiii.UT i on Hi:gt:i:sr t. it Afur.u SON fO . 1 WHST JITII ST ,NT.W VOIIK REAL KSTATK FOIt SAI.R lL'RI'.NH. BKB THE NKW MOITSKH AT Krm (5arrn5 11 mlnutaa from Herald 8a. mil st.s i nit iiKSr. OWlNl'i TO A lU'ATll HI On- f.lllll i (i ver) lmuiloiiil fiiinPln-il foui m rs re ilenc.t on tho noilltl.lnl i-nllii'l nf et LnO Avenue mill s s h street ' oinp etc in nil jnntl,rn iiinteiileiii-et le in ri'iit tor the it Inter or Innjrcr If reiiulreil III.ANIIV, MOONT.V H SIIII'MXN. 37 Wall Mriet, N- York vt itNisiiKi) itoiiMs to i.i:t. no tiitmiNn avi: iiiiooklyn to reoina Hint kitchenette; h II -itnvenlm f TO HI 11.11 YON'KllltS I " 1 1 1 , 1 . 1 .M . . rieiiiKO llnwe Iiiih mlil tin' pi 1 lhe.i coiner of H.tyley uMiuie mul 11 llt-Milein avenue. Lnwiencn I'roperty, Yonki'in, tu J. A. lllonlun. The huyer will lnillil al home on tho property for his occupancy. 3 I BEAT. ESTATE FOR SAl.K dtlKENSl BALANCE 518 PER MONTH IIKfsi; A IK1MR CO., 113 West nitti Kirret, Ncn lnrk rlty. VI.- III l 1 It l(i:l. ESTATE line s.ll.l To prevorvp ' Ivaiit'fu! pn'k -i . uon, tho Ci' of Now York h.o re strictct! Fieldston n liigh tl: s rr - il C ' f I ,1 I lit ' upnciu oi '.. Atlrdrllle I'loH. ' eml for lett s," ' DEHFIELD ESTATE ' Til Sli Jollll Fieldston n c i;nit snti:i r This Bunoalow on Mahopac Point, Lake Mahopnc I'nr jilo al ( hi un leriiM. Pi rinanrnt ,ii,-r Itiirlitin -i Ibtiit Mitrliu Hllltl.N I IIMMI MM. IIISUM , riuiti'lfr lpll i-f 111 . I iiri mi.' j,-iv ,jf I'mprrij M.ill. Mahopac Point Corporation 11,-pt 111 !l 52,1 . I'Iiuiiii 'I'll iii M&'t mj.i -.pure. III.M l.sI'MI I 1KIS. LARCHMONT, N. Y. Thursday Nov. 9tli at 3 P. M. vr PUBLIC AUCTION Mil In, ul ri-.i-rie lii lili-lii'l l.l.liler. 1 1 iiiiiim Minn its ii- hi II V I I I.I Nil I M IN s IIOMI,, Willi i .1 r i -v . I iirln-r i- un Ill ii V ni.e liloi-k nir II i I i le i calc i n pre nises, rain or shine I i l i hi. Am lloni i r, II! S.i. -.mi M N, . TO I.KT llllt III 'INI s 'UII'llil:s. - All Light Lofts 38-44 WEST 2 1 ST ST. p; vttim in n niNt. n;!it lllll HpltlNltl I It MSII.I, I lilt lllllllll.tllll In lllokl'l . , IIIKIN III l I -I I I. I lilt -Al l".. l AcrouN situs. IIiivp M-vctnl tliiufi' pints witi anil without Milmi:- Unit wc cut soil nt luii'i.'nin piit-i's, .1. Cl.AliKN't K DAVIKS. 1 tilth SlM'i-t in 'I Thinl Asciiup. Ill l l-MII V . I "KTL Jkl I 1- 'ill ,il.i ji il" BRYAN L. KENNELLY Kvt.itc IJruKsr ApiiraUor A-Aiiclini,t ICC Hrwdny T!?p)ioir Ul7 CuiiLuw