Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SUNDAy, NOVEMBER 5, 1916. 14 "ANGEL DANCER" 18 BACK, POSING AGAIN Mnasoii, Chief of "Anjrcl Dan cers,'' Now Model for Art Students. JEHSEY KNEW HIM WELL He Was Tarred and Feathered, Forcibly Shaved and Put In Jail Years Ago. , Huntsman T. M. Mnason. or Mnason T. Munlsman. or Madison T. Huntsman (rare), or Paut U. M. Alnaaon, or simply Mnason to use the lone name by which tia. liked to be called back In the days Whan he was famouB iih the founder of Aha Anel Dancera and tho Church of tlw Living Ood Is back ngaln after ysars of oblivion. Ona may call him any of the names Just listed so long as one docs not forget to insert the "n" after tho "M" In Mna aon. Years ago he stuck the "n" Into faU name himself, partly to mako It mora difficult, but chiefly, ho said, "be cause the W has spiritual significance." Come to think of It, various Jcrseyltes from Brlello to llumpus In the south and Jrem Hackensack to I'ascack and even oil to Hohokus on the north, used to call Angel Dancer Mnason a lot of other names, too, but In deference to the scar city ,of white paper and also to the postal laws the list of Impromptu names which the Jerseyltes liberated on occa- wlll not be printed here. Was "The Holy One." For almost a score of years Mnason also called himself "The Holy One," While he was head of more than a score of Angel Dancers,llvlng on "The Lord's Farm" In the Pascack section of northern New Jersey. But recently he has turned himself Into Santa Claus or King Lear or any other whiskered person that the embryo John Bargents of the Art Stu dents League In West Fifty-seventh street wish him to be as he reports at the league dally to pose for the students. The news, which came to light yester day, that Mnason the Holy One had returned recently to the world via the class rooms of the Art Students League til' the first word concerning him to roach newspaper offices since 1909, when tho Holy One and the last of his Angel Dancers were evicted from the Lord's Farm. But when the going was good than were times that Mnason must have teK the lay waa anything but a perfect ona which did not tihow nt least a col umn of print about him In every paper la Manhattan. Tarred and Feathered. i aTrom the last of the '80s until on after the birth of a new century tho Holy One gave his attention to being tarred, feathered and ducked In Ice water by Irate neighbors, being ar rested, acrvlng sentences, conducting tho Lord's Farm near Woodcllft Lake, being evicted, quoting Scripture, writing hymns and singing them, having his head and flowing beard forcibly shaved by mora Irata neighbors, exiled to Jersey City, seeing visions and explaining Creams. Also in the '90s ho waa an apotfle' of non-resistance and therefore waa Just quarter of a century ahead of hla time. Mnason first appeared In northern New Jersey in 1SS7 as a lay exhorter in the Methodist faith. He began to see visions and tell the details of the visions In his sermons. The visions ho told of bore ao marked a resemblance to the doings of the well known cutups and men about Faaoack not to mention prominent Hackensack clubmen that one tflxht hands gripped the Holy One In the dark and half hla hair and the port wing of his whiskers were shaved off. Then somo one in the mob with a particu larly cruel mind suggested that the Holy One be banished to Jersey City, which was done. But ha returned quickly to the Pas- eacK region, or as quickly as the Erie oould cart blm there the next day. A Carmar'a son named Garret Storms, who eaoa had been a student at Rutaers. welcomed tho Holy One Into tho .Storms household. Coaverts the llonaehold, . Store ho stayed until he had con vetted Garret Storms and hla brother, Richard Storms, their mother and their good logins- sister, Mary Storms. And In a very little while Mnason had gained control of tho Storms farm, which ho wad the headquarters of his cult and ailed It the Lord's Farm. In ISfS the Bergen county authorities began to investigate stories the neigh bors told of happenings on the farm. Twenty-eight followers of Mnason wero found to be living In the farmhouse, nine of them long haired men, seventeen women and two children. Among them wero men known on the farm as "John the Baptist," "Silas the Puro," and "Titus" (Garret Storms), while other names were "Thecla" (Mrs. JIM Howell), "Phoebe" (Mary Storms) and "Qoi. the Great One," or "The Holy One, who was Mnason himself. Tho band was Indicted on a charge of run ning a disorderly house and all but Mary torms, who has since died, were found arullty. Only Mnason and Mrs. Howell, however, were sentenced. The pair vera sent to State prison for a year, ' i Serves Teas la Frlsea. Knason came right back to the Lord's Farm after serving the year In a Tren ton ell. Ho and his followers ran the farm profitably for years. Occasionally Mnason broke Into print, but his hold on his foUowers was slipping. "Titus'' Worms turned upon him at last, "John tha Baptist" (John McCllntock) commit ted suicide, and finally In October, 1909, Mnason waa legally ejected from the farm tinder tha landlord and tenant act And dropped out of sight. When a few days ago an old man with long white hair and a luxuriant white board applied for a Job at the Art Stu dents League as a model he was wel comed with open arms. Mnason, who noo scorned earthly things, acquired during hla retirement a greater cor diality toward modern time saving con vanlences. It seems, for when he was asked to sign his name to an application ha due a rubber stamp out of his pocket, Inked the stamp on a pad and held It 'gainst the paper long enough to Imprint IMrson in vioiei inn. - ram i. iuiumn, M Waverly street. Jersey City, N'. J." . TAP BETA PI ELECTS 14. Swat Chemical Engineers Among These Honored at Colombia. "fau Beta PI. the honorary engineer- aaa society at uoiumoia university, yes torday announced Its elections to mem- barshlD rrom mis year s senior riam, Fourteen wero elected four chemical 'Mtnoers, four mechanical engineers, three electrical englnocra and three mm Ins engineers. Tho students chosen are V. 3. Star- buck. It. Colsten, K. C, Brueckmnnn, M. M. Dixon, It, Y. Orcenc. M. L. Hunu- ban. K. C. Jackson, K. Kraus, w. tnon, II. G. Loesch, T. Mannery, W, L. MlUemuB, K. O. Wadel and H. .Wilier. MESSENGER BOYS WIN AND STRIKE IS ENDED Got Hnisc in Wages and Short er Hours Through Slate Mediation. Following a conference held yesterday between IX O. Hkelton, manager of the Western Union company, and a com mittee representing the messenger boys who went on strike several dnys nio, In which Col. Michael J. Kiaii and John J. Bealln represented the State bureau of mediation and arbitration, a satisfactory settlement was reached between the com pany and the boy. The 1,000 mes sengers who were on strlko returned to work Immediately, Hy the terms the messengers were granted Increases In wages and reduction in the hours of employment. Both sides agreed that the strike was settled largely through the efforts of the state mediator, who suggested a compromise which proved acceptable to both sides. The boys who formerly received less than 3 cents a message will now receive 2 cents, while those getting that amount formerly will get 2',i cents. Errand service which formerly paid 10 cents will pay 15 cents. Kach of the messengers who works ten hours . day will be granted an hour for lunch. The boyH employed In the night service will get a any oft every second week. Mr. Hkelton said the Increases granted to the boys amount to 25 per cent, and that the service would soon bo normal. Alexander Marks of the Federation of Labor also acted as a mediator. CHRISTMAS RELIEF SHIP TO SAIL DEC. 1 U. S. Navy Collier Will Take Food and Clothing to Needy in Syria. America's Christmas ship to foreign lands, which will be the navy collier Caesar or a collier of the same type this year, will leave New York December 1 with foodstuffs and clothing for Beirut, Syria, from which port relief will be distributed to Syrians and Armenians by American Bed Cross and Red Cres cent agents, aided by United States Con suls and missionaries. As a necessary preliminary to the sending of the Christmas ship, arrange ments are being made for collections In tho churches of the entire country Thanksgiving day, the receipts of which will be used In completing tho cargo. The ship will carry 600,000 pounds of rice, 200,000 pounds or lima Beans, too, 000 pounds of crushed wheat, 2,100.000 pounds of whole wheat. 00,000 pounds of sugar, 1.000 cases of condensed milk for children, 10,000 barrels of flour, SO, 000 gallons of petroleum and 23,000 gal lons of cottonseed oil. Military regulations forbid the carry ing of any except new clothing. Hun dreds of cases of warm underwear and sweaters and 1 sht shoes for men, women and children, stockings for women and children, cotton and woollen socks for men, blankets and blanket snawia, gray cotton and woollen ciom in mo piece, unbleached muslin, and cotton thread, needles and pins will form a part of the cargo. Contributors to the cargo and churches which are raising money are sending their gifts to A. W. Staub, the Bed Cross representative In charge of the Christmas snip, at me uusn ler minal. Brooklyn. New York. The money collected on the two days recently proclaimed by President Wilson as Armenian and Syrian relief days hav ing been cabled already for Immediate rnWet. more than a Quarter of a million dollars additional must be gathered to frl(ht the Christmas snip. Even after the response of the country to the appeals of the President and the committee has been registered fully, many of the most elemental needs of the deportation victims, to relieve which In Armenia alone former Ambassador to Turkey Henry Morgenthau estimates 15,000.000 is necessary, will still be un rnrA for. ned Cross headquarters estimates mat nearly 1350,000 has been raised so far for relief of Syrian and Armenian war .ffrr the result of President Wil son's proclamation setting aside October SI and 23 as special nays mr vuim mu ttons. The test official counting on Oc tober 31 showed $225,000 on hand and about 135,000 a day coming in. in flvru. baa croDS. a iocu piuzuti, requisitioning by the Turks and the shutting oft of tho country both by rail ,i ... hvcausa of war operations has brought 100,000 people xo starvation. HOSPITAL EXERCISES TO-DAY. Corner Stone of Addition to awed. Ish Institution to Be Laid. Th. niiMin linn shown considerable In terest In tho ceremonies connected with h. i,.ir, n th cornerstone of tho new addition to the Swedish Hospital this afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock at Rogers ave nue and Sterling place, to which every one Is Invited. ThA Swedish Glee Club of Brooklyn will give several selections and among those expectou to auurcna ure naviirium . TinrniKh President Lewis H. Pounds, W. M. Calder, Judge James C. Cropsey, the Rev. 8. ParKes caoman, jirprcmimu tlvo John Fltigerald and the Rev. F Jacobson, pastor of tho Swedish Luth mn nathtahem Church. The hospital's new wing will provide a large addition to ine numoer oi ueus nv.iinhi for its work, which Is strictly non-sectarian, and there will also be innovations such as sun parlors on each floor and a roof garden for convalescents. COOPERATION FOR RESEARCH, Colombia Completea Arrangements With Mnaeams aad Laboratories Columbia University Is continuing It policy this year of maintaining close re latlonshlp with other institutions of in structlon and reaearcn in me city. system was announced yesterday by which the university Issues cards to stu dents, the presentation of which will permit the holder to enjoy special facilities for the study of art In the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The American Museum of Natural HlRtory has placed Its collection at the service or advanced artuaenis or -o lumbla. There aro ltkewlso close In formal relation between the university and the Hispanic Society of America, the Rockefeller Institute or Medical tie search, tho New York Zoological Gar den, tho New York Aquarium and tho laboratories at Wood's Hole and Cold Spring Harbor. Marvin Hart Found (iallly. Marvin Hart was found guilty venter day morning of having shot and killed Martin Reddy on June 28, during a gang fight In West Firty-seventn street, be tween Tenth and Eleventh avenues, After deliberating all Friday night Jury In General Sessions returned a ver dict of murder In the second degree, for, which tho penalty Is not less than twen- Jty years. OBJECTS TO FINANCE IN CONTROL OF YALE Prof. Farnnm Demands More Clergymen ns Life Mem bers of Board. IAISES A LEGAL POINT Corporation Directors Not Barred, but Ho Says Control by Them Is to Be Deplored. Nw Havc.v, Conn., Nov. 4. In a statement that Is baund to cause widespread controversy among Yale men everywhere, Henry W, Farnam, Yale '74, professor of economics, to day called attention to the fact that Yale Is substituting Joint stock company directors or attorneys in place of rep resentatives of literature or science ns fellows of the Yale Corporation. Prof. "am am also pointed out the question of the legality of this departure from Yale's charter provisions and asks how Ynle will be Judged by the youngest of Its daughters, Yale In China, If Its action Indicates that it does not want to have any mors clergymen In the list of fel lows. Prof. Farnam stated that accordlnr to tho original charters of Yale In 1701 and 1723 the collegiate school was estab lished by ten clergymen who were desig nated as trustees, partners and under takers and that they were to elect as their successors ministers of the Gospel, residents or the Connecticut Colony oi State. Later acts of the Connecticut Assembly In reference to Yolo College, Including that of 1745, made somv changes but said nothing regarding the qualifications of the trustee or fellows further than reciting the earlier acts. I .arnica Outnumber Clergy. In discussing the departure recently from the original Yale charter Prof. Far nam said: "Whereas eleven years ago ten clergymen constituted the life mem ber of the corporation, there are now four clergymen and five laymen. All tho laymen are connected In some way, either as officers, directors or attorneys, witn joint siock companies. Thero Is no representative of literature, science. medicine or art. For more than a century and a half there was no devia tion from the practice specified In the act of 1723, and all of the fellows were Connecticut clergymen down to the early part of the twentieth century. "The legal question turns upon the construction of the act of 1745. It wao a complete charter in Itself, superseding an or tne earner acts. As held by Gov, Baldwin and some other authorities, there are no restrictions upon the elec tion of successors to the original trus tees, and therefore legally they can choose people or either sex and any aae or proression. This is obviously the view taken by the corporation since 1902, though It has never been passed upon by a court of law. 'It is certainly no disqualification for a position on the Yale Corporation to be ronnectcd with a Joint stock company. iiKirea, its business affairs could not, under present conditions, be eucccasfully managed If It could not command the advice of experts In this field. But It is reasonable to ask how far the university should go In, substituting men who are In their dally life mainly concerned with corporate Interests for men who are In their dolly life concerned mainly with matters or scholarship and ethics. Changes Balance of Interests. "It Is natural that the nlumnl should elect as their representatives men who are prominent In business life, and that is what has been done. The gradual election of men of tho same type as the life members of the corporation 1ms re sulted In completely changing the bal ance of Interest In that body and while eleven years ago mere were six renre nentattves or business to ten clergymen there are now eleven to four. 'According to a recent newspaper Item (for which, however, the writer assumes no responslbllty) Mr. Rockefeller holds that If the Apostle Paul had lived In the present generation he would have been a captain of Industry. Those who take that view naturally will accept the Im Plication that It wo want to put Into the corporation a man of the St. Paul typo it is in tne uirectory or Directors that we must look for him, and slnco we cannot have too much of a good thing It might be well to continue In what has been the tendency of late years and elect to the corporation only those who are concerned In the management of Joint stocK companies. There are others, doubtless, who think that an Institution whose declared purpose Is the education of the youth in the art and sciences, which maintains religious worship nnd which Is not In frequently concerned with important Questions of ethics, should retain a con slderable proportion of men who stand more distinctly for scholarship, science and the humanities than for successful finance." Prof. Farnam is a brother of William W. Farnam, trustee of the Sheffield Scientific- School and for years treasurer of Yale College, Courtly Hose The Hosiery of Quiet Elegance 78c, 89c, $1.10, $1.25, $1.50, $1.69 per pair Made especially for u of 'pure thread (ilk with double heels, toes and soles and Barter tops. Those at 79c, 89c and $1.10 have heel, soles, toes and garter tops of mercerised fabric; the other are pure ilk throughout. Come in black, white and a comprehensive range of colorings. Can be had clocked in con tracting color, or with embroid ered floral designs. We produce any ihade espe cially ordered within 48 hour. Guaranteed to give satisfactory wear. Saftlu First, nn euellent rule to follow, aluaii points irflA untrrino Inter at the logic of depending upon branded merchandise particularly during thetf times uhen goods of all kinds are scarce, and the temptation to substitute something "just as good" is made greater, because in tnanv cases goods called for are not in stock and not procurable. Pin your faith on Courtly Hose, and rely un our business lorcstght to see to it that you will find etery pair xcorthy ana vejl qualified. LU.UMAT, Mill te eMk Hi. RICH INSANE WOMAN A SUICIDE VNDER TRAIN Mrs. Tiecr, Who Escaped From Bloom ingtlale, Lies Down on Track. White Plains, N Y., Nov. 4 Mrs. Caroline Tlccr, formerly a wealthy resi dent of Brooklyn, who escaped from lltoomliigdalo Acylum on Tuesday last committed suicide early this morning by lying down on the tro.ckB of the New York, Westchester and Boston Railway j near tho Oedney Way station, White 'lalns, nnd allowing an exprcsn train to' run over her. The tnotorman, who sighted the woman on the tracks when It was too, lato to shut oft the power In time to savo her life, says she had drawn the cape of! her coat over her head to hide tho sight . of tho train. According to Dr. Russell, superintend-1 cnt of Hloomlngdale Asylum, Mrs. TIceri had been an Inmata of tho asylum for, four years. She suffered from mclan- holla, with sulddal tendencies. 3li. 'floor was 60 years old. She had a daughter, Caroline, and also a sister liv ing in California, FATHER MOTCH0LAS HONORED. Summoned to Home to Represent Dominican Order. The Very Rev. John T. McNIcholas, O, P., national director of tho Holy Namo Society, nnd pastor of tho Chun'h of St. Catherine of Sienna, has received the honor of being called to Rome ns tha American representative of tho Domini can Order. Father McNIcholas has filled nevernl Important positions nnd has for some time been an Authority on ecclesias tical law. He received his education in Rome. As a testimonial, his parishioners and friends of St. Catherine's Church will give a euchre party nnd reception nt the Sixty-ninth Regiment Armory on Thurs day evening, November 23. As Father McNIcholas will not accept any of the proceeds from this entertainment, the receipts will bo nrpllcd to the reduction of tho church debt, which Is nt pre.ent 1149.000. Tickets ate $1. SUES HIS WIFE'S PARENTS. llaaser Wants BliS.OOO fer Aliena tion of llrr Affections. Charles Hauser filed suit In the Su preme Court yesterday for 325,000 dam ages against tho parents of his wife, Louis and Anna Lewy, on allegation!! that they sought to alienate her affec tions. At their home In Arverns I.. I., yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. I.cwy had noth ing to say. Their son-in-law says that after he married Miss Harriet Lewy on Junu IV last, slio went home to her parents with the understanding that she wnt to stay there until he hnd furnished a home for her. Ho declares that becauso the par ents disliked him, they "enticed her by offers of money and otherwise, and threatened to disinherit and dl;oun her If sho returned to him." WEILS NEEDS $167,000. Collrae Mast liaise 400,00(1 by Jane to Get f 100,000 More. At a meeting of the New York Wells Club yesterday President Kerr Duncan MacMIUan of Wells College told tho alumnn that tho J50O.00O endowment fund for which the college Is working had been swelled by several substantial gifts. The General Education Hoard which has subscribed 1100,000, Presi dent MacMUlau said, has glvt-n an ex tension until Juno 1.1 next In which to raise the additional (400,000. In two year, the speaker said, the alumna-, students nnd friends of tho college had raised 1233,000, of which over 1100,000 was In cash. President MacMIUan hIo announced that Wells College had been admitted to the Association of Collegiate Alummc, u national organization. BROOKLYN ADVERTISEMENT". Open Election Day. Yon will find many fine Bar gains on Sale. Our Big Special Player Pianos (iuarantred NEW $10 Monthly Until Paid CD 17 IT llmiu, roter and 12 rotU rrvEiC Mm, CJ(i I'layir I'janu. All of the IVe-t PUyer Relit. New $140 Uprights! $5 Monthly t'nlll l'ald New $ 190 $5 Mnnthlr t'nlll l'ald CD 17 17 Stool, Music Cover, riVEil-J Cartage This Week USED UPRIGHT BARGAINS Monthlv t'nlll rld A Mnlhl H t'nlll lald A Monthly t'nlll I'Mld 4 Monthly I ntll I-aIi 4 Monthly t'ntll Paid c Monthly t'nlll Paid K .Monthly t'ntll Paid C Monthly 9 Until Paid 5Monihlt i ' ,i , i I ., $80 Dunham US Crown 125 Winterroth 130 Schumann 135 E. Gabler 140 Sterling 145 Anderson 150 Lohmann 150 Weier Bros. 160 Ivers&Pond 165 Chickering 175 Weber 180 Ritzheimer 195 Goetz & Co. C Monthly 0 t'nlll Paid e Monthlv 3 I'ntll Paid C .Monthly 3 t'ntll Paid e .Monthly t'ntll Paid e Monthly t'ntll Paid Victrolas,$15to$400 All or tne I.Mnt Vli Inr Records $o MONTHLY Up J Rents a Beautiful Upright Piano GOETZ & CO. 81-87 COURT ST. (l'i;N Rrnnklvn I'HUNK New S17C Uprights I tC Monthly Iupighn225 MtC Monthly l iiiii i-hIi Sale of Original Oil Paintings Masterpieces from the Studios of Europe and America to be sold for Yl to J i Lett Than Original Price. Fourth Floor, SllhHtreet. Store Open All Day Good News About LACES The popularity of metal laces for evening and dance frocks urges this offer: l,t8fl yartk af metal lace flounclngs on silk net; nine effective designs In gold or silver lame. 17 TO inches wide, yd. l&C Silver lame on white silk net. (lold lame on white tilt net. Gold lame on corn silk net. A recent importation of ex quisite real laces at typical Macy prices includes: ItaUeiue FUet etfflafs and insertions, yt to Ai inches wide. 33c to $3.74 yd. Filet MeaaUUns, square, oval, triangular, oblong or rec tangular. 12c for 1-inch squares to f 2.97 for large ovals 9Hxl3 inches. Real Valenciennes laces, edgings and insertions, H to 1?4 inches wide. 33c yd. to 12.19 yd. iisilafM Mala Floor, llth St.iJ Dress Trimmings Specially Priced It's the little touch ef trimming on a frock that stamps it with a mark of individuality. Women's evening attire must glit ter metallic trimmings answer the decree. Imitation Metal Cloth, gold or silver, 36 in. wide. Verified rrt'ce 70-, j ehaihcre.Mcyd. IVCy Tricotine, gold or silver, 22 in. wide. Verified price AOt, ,.A Colored Silk Flower Trimmings. S5W9 usual 0rvfl ;-rife, 9c yd. SOCya Printed Imitation Metal Cloth, gold or silver; in col oredfloral designs. tfurl.Wyd. $1.29 yd. Special: Several lots of trimmings taken from our regular stock, including spangled and beaded bands, fringes and flounces. Blue, green, purple, white, black nnd Persian effects. 10 . fifsW9u,ual pricei?? l? 2yc $9.89 yd. $7.39 yd. 21 Imported Semi Made Spangled Overdresses of silk net; bodices elaborately spangled and finished with large pearl orna ments. Skirts spangled in front to match bodices. Evening shades; blue, green, rose, orchid. Ex ceptional value at $19.89. Main Floor, 31th 81..! "Oor Marigold" The Glove of Quality No scarcity of fine, imported Gloves here. This shipment -ij a. A m nlnnmrr of nrjints: rrsiilt wwmrmi inf Anmist. tnmrvii pt?nc: rim! lnnrrtViQ V III t?liVO tuiv iv Marigold, Real Kid Glace Gloves, overseam Mousquetaire, sewn, two clasps, several styles of embroidery; in colors, black, white and all street shades. $I.M Mousquetaire, Mousquctaire, 8-button, black or white, and colors, colors, Towels Of Serviceable Quality These ten items are only hints of the large varieties of household and decorative linens which you will find at fEpgrf. There are others priced much lower and still others at higher prices but all of them are much less than elsewhere, quality for quality considered. Pattern Damask Cloths and Napkins Our own direct importation of extra fine, all pure linen pattern damask cloths and napkins of superior quality. Cloths: 2x2 yds. 2x2 yds. 2x3 yds. Napkins: 21x24 in. $4.19 $5.19 $6.19 $5.89 doz. Odd Damaak Dinner Napkins (ldd half dozens of all nure linen satin damask dinner napkins, largo assortment of designs. Marked so low because of slight, hardly noticeable, weave imperfections. Average size 24x21 in., $1.69, $1.97, $2.24 per half doz. Hemstitched Huck Towels Union linen, soft absorbent quality, with neat, damask ured borders, 34c Bath Two attractive wreath designs ono bath mat, two large bath cloths. Pink, blue, gold or boned. Designs obtainable Madeira Glovo Cases Reduced. A lurge assortment of real Ma deira hand embroidered and hand scalloped Glove Cases, in a variety of blind and eye let designs. Reduced owing to slightly soiled or rumpled condition, 98c Luncheon Sets, 59c. 13-pieco Luncheon Sets, with crochet edges. Consist of one 22-in, centrepiece, six 10-in. doilies, six 6-in. doilies, White or blue edges. IBftty Sit Ii il IrT R. H. Mary St Paris-Designed Blouses Blouses of Cream Colored Net are Favored by Paris the one illustrated is made over flesh mousseline, square neck, tiny tucks and lace trimmed. Buttons at the side in Russian style; note the dainty lace motifs on the under-camisole and the deep cuffs lace trimmed and finely tucked. $16.74 Another squar neck nibdel of cream net over flesh is trimmed with lace and clus ters of tucks; panel front, crochet ball buttons. $13.74 Hanoi-drawn Georgatta Crape Blouie over flesh chiffon cloth, collar, cuffs nnd front in Grccinn design bound with taffeta silk. White, flesh, navy, black. $14.74 Tallleur Blouse of heavy char meuse satin; novel hand .Uitching; throughout. White, l'esh, taupe or salmon. $16.74 rXe5flp Third Assortment: of Petticoats At Various Prices for various occasions. The only thing that does not vary is the value, which does not deviate from Aran standards. Black wool jeriejr petticoat, with flounce of changeable taffeta. $2.79 Petticoat of pompadour eilk, with sectional flounce cord ed nnd ruffled. Green, pur ple or brown. $3.74 All-tillc jertey petticoat, with jersey flounce shirred and heavily corded. Fashionable plain colors; also black. $3.74 Extra Size Petticoats of black wool jersey with deep, tucked flounce of taffeta, edged with pleated ruffle. Elastic at waist. $4.74 i zfSH&9 -Third Moor, 34th .Street. Bear.; Negligees of Crepe de Chine and Kobes Crepe de Chine Negligee $11.74 Slip-on negligee of heavy crepe de chine; front, back and sleeves elaborately hand embroidered with heavy silk in ringlet design. Front nnd sleeves bound with satin ribbon. Satin ornaments in front; silk tas sels on sleeves. Corduroy Robes, Special $5.59 Made of fine qunlity, wide wale corduroy in half belted Empire effect; two large patch pockets; deep rolling shawl collar; three-quarter length sleeves; silk lined throughout. Pink Light llluc h'o.-e Cnpenhaijrn Launder Wistaria - JiWP?i-3d Floor, 31th Slreel An ow v i) acme of orders results flocirwl. I Aiousquetaire, Main t'lnnr, Broadway.: and Linens i Hemstitched Damask Luncheon Sett Pure linen, snow white, hem stitched damask sets, consist ing of one cloth 58x58 in., one dozen napkins 16x16 in, Neatly boxed, $5.89 set. Odd Hemstitched Cloths Our own importation of pure linen, hemstitched damask cloths, soft, mellow finish, shrunk and laundered, ready for use, 70x70 inches. $3.79 fig - I ea. Sets, $2.97 in 7-piece bath sets. Consisting of towels, two guest towels, two face lavenuer. iseatiy ooxeci ami nn- in New York City only at SS&tt. Lace Trimmed Scarfs, 24c, Sideboard, dresser or buffet scarfs, trimmed with Notting ham laco edges, in several attractive designs. Some with squares to match. About 17x52 in., 29x29 in. Imported Lace Centrepieces, $1.19 Each. Pure linen centrepieces, trimmed with neat linen lace edges and three rows of drawnwork. Lace Insertions in centres. 30x30 inches. mill Flour, 3d h Hti Co.'t Attraction Are Tbeir Low Pimm. 34tk to 351a SL Tuesday Election Day Surplice Blouie of white net over flesh; effectively em broidered in floral design, with boxed tucks back and front, forming lattice ef fect. $16.74 Georgette Crepe Blouie in shell pink or white, hand drawn and scalloped. Tucked collar and cuffs of mousseline edged with blue. $19.74 Floor, 34th Street: Taffeta Petticoat, with Van Dyke point shirrinfc and scalloped pleated rufflo on flounce. Black, plain and chnngcablo colors. $3.74 Taffeta petticoat, deep flounce, corded, shirred and edged with four plented ruffles. Black, plain and changeable colors, $4.74 Washable aatin petticoat, shadow lace flounce with satin ribbon and rosebuds. Flesh or white. $4.74 ot Corduroy Crepe de Chine Negligee $15.74 Long and graceful coatee of Georgette crepe trimmed with silk radium lace; accordion pleated skirt of heavy crepe do chine. Dainty novelty orna ments trim points of sleeves and back; large splash bow of satin. Pink, light blue, lavender of Marigold real Kid Gloves in n full necnrlmnnl f M in a full 12-button, black or lG-button, black or white, and $2.24 white, and $2.74 20-button, black or white, $.1,69 Velveteens and Coirderoys 1 he rashionable Fabrics for Winter There's a certain "something" about velvety fabrics the soft pile, the rich texture, the fine, dressy appearance that gives an air of royalty to the wearer. These de sirable fabrics have been invitingly priced. Trimming Velveteen 69c yd. In a wide rango of desirable colors. Exceptional value. 21 inches wide. Costume Corduroy 98c yd. Imported material. Navy or brown only. 22 inches wide, English Velveteen $1.89 yd. High grade fabric for smart Btreet costumes in all wanted shades. 27 inches wide. In the Children's Dress Goods Section Fancy wool plaids, checks and stripes in a variety of attractive combinations of colors. Made especially for misses' and children's wear. $1.39 yd. . Stcund Fluor, Weather Strips To Keep Out the Winter Winds. You may be sure of a warm, comfortable home if your windows and doors are protected by impenetrable weather strips. Fine tjuality, walnut stained moulding with either rubber or felt. Sold only in 12 ft. lengths. For sides of doors or windows, 2c ft. For parting strips of windows, 3C ft. For bottoms of doors, 4c ft. fOffiyj Basement. Heralding the Social Season Witn lull assortments oi ex quisite Gowns and Wraps, Cos tumes Tailleurs, rich rura and charming Blouses; originals and reproduced models reflecting tho impressions of Paris and Amcr- Ir-ii'a fnrnmnst. flpslcneni. -ESfStM Third rlnnr PERSIAN RUGS New Purchase The fact that room-size Rugs are becoming scarce in the Orient lends ad ditional interest to a ship ment just added to our wonderful collection of floor coverings from Persia. It is difficult to write about these rugs without indulging in superlatives. Really, some of them excel in beauty anything shown heretofore in our Oriental Rug Department. Hundreds of small Persian Itugs together with several ex tra large KugH (which should be termed Carpets), will satisfy the taste of the most exacting. A word of caution U those who feel the need of Kugs of quality for living rooms, li braries or dining rooms: Mar ket conditions arc such that immediate selection will save price increases whicli seem in evitable. Persian Rugs. Small icatter sizes, $11.48, $14.48 Mouaioul Ruga. Scatter sizes, $19.89. $22.89. $27.50 Mouisoul Rugs. Large scatter sizes. $34.50. $39,50. $44.50 Extra Heavy Quality Persian Malaya Sarouka. From 7 x 10 ft. to 14x23 ft. From $198 to $1,448 each I SHiiam fourth rioor.tVnlrr 'I Silk-and-Cotton Crepe 37c yd. A material that adapts it self delightfully to the making of women's and children's dresses, dainty negligees and lingerie. 35 Inches Wide Irory flesh .Sku nine itvbilln lliirgundy Vnru Mat:e J 'each Corn Apricot Olire Cadet Terra Cotla Mahogany (lid Host Vari Myrtle .ile del A'i.iil lUoirn lllack .vrrral shades of Gray SifSSn Wash Goodi Dept., :3cl lloor. Paisley Lining Satin The Paisley fad has had a hearty reception. Grand mother's shawl has reap peared in bags, dresses, suits, coats, hats, scarfs, muffs but who would guess that it would be the lining of a suit or coat? A Paisley lining is indeed a marl; of individuality. Cotton back lining satin, durable quality. Comes in four different color com binations. $1.19 yd. 36 inches wide. BMSni -Mnlnc Drpartnirnt, mtoiici t nicir.; Trimming Velveteen 89c yd. Representing a special pur chase. Black only. 21 inches wide. Costume Velveteen $1.49 yd. Fine quality. Our own im portation. Correct street shades. 21 inches wide. Corduroy 84c yd. In street and evening shade?, !12 inches wide; white for chil dren's coats, 36 inches wide. .ISIh Strrrt, nrnadwsr. All Rubber Weather Strips. 25 ft. lengths, in. wide, 59c. Same dimensions in felt, 46c Nu-felt Weather Strips, 1) ft., in package. 9c 3Mh St., Hroartwar.: