Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN,: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1916. Rutgers and Dartmouth Triumph on Neutral Gridirons- Jersey ites' Beef and Brawn Too Much for Holy Cross I.l SANFORD'S ELEVEN ROUTS HOLY CROSS ON NEUTRAL FIELD TfaiiiH ('lush in NYwnt'k a ml Hiitireis Is Victorious 1 1 to . FUNBLKS COSTLY TO BOTH AUOHKUATIONS H CKllltliH M. t'MIC.IlWtlnll, poster rlaufnrd led hl scarlet wcat- rad HuUrrs football eleven lliln Wol- lenm)er- Park. Nettaik. vestcrdav for" the annual gridiron .lash ih nv Croat, mitt like the old Yule starl'"'"1 "ml ,lr"l' Klck n,ul Into th hall, can My, "Viil, Vhll, Vlrl" I tame. I There was naty a department of football aw. I conquered' I In which Onfall did not shine. It was Tor th tUnfnrd coached ,Iere.v men I j-nnea me wearers of the Puipl, in the uat of a H to fi defeat, llnlv Onu College la situated In Worcester. Mass. Xt w a long way to come for a llcklnt. But though Cnichi.uke Kelly's hovswere defeated they neie not .llw.i.'eil and after the melee the Itutcers iusreaninn certainly knew they had 'icii In nn ai trumtnt. The Worcester mil.' bus found tfctWMlve late In the seenn I perl M nd from then on to the end ofMn! a mot ttubborn resistance to th- vifninl Itut ftf attack. Itut what does It uv.tll in protect one's face after the black oe has been received? Jnat as In the Princeton v ll'ily Croaa game the Holy Cms- my nftcr being greatly outplayed In the tir-t half. Stiffened Into a plnnevvalt ilefrnt-' In the second half and refused to he svored Upon. No wnnder I.uke Kelly, as he , Winded his way off the field after the-, tame, remarked, "If they only would take the first half out of football Holy Croat could to throueh the season with ut a defeat." r tarilr Does II Sri.rliiK Karlj. tfoly Cross did Its scoring right at the ry atari of the game when fumbled 1 k. n.n.n ... it ... . I Ptuion of the tiall right In the shadow of Ibe Scarlet's goal posts. It was only the HVenth play of the game. An Instant later Foley skirted the rlaht ilank of . Banford's team for a tonchdmn Tho punt out failed, so Holy Truss could n.d ' Mtl iniult lo Injury by kicking mvtl. The score against them caused Itut tin to quake with fear. VfnM of their lives In face the terrible Hanford without recovetlng their Ion ground the 4 fkarlet started a sivage offcnsl.v that .wept Holy Cros before them like li:"es before the wind. It wa tot that tfey feared Holy ('roes less, lh.:t they feared the flame tor.i;ued Hn n for 1 m , The big, beefy llutgers nl'nck I al tered and hanged awa at the light llo'v Cron line and the Bay S'.tle Inlatule Waa forced steadily down '.ho rl.dd. nice Within striking distance of the Holy Crora earthworks Uracil-" wa (ata- fulted over the line for the toinlidon. axel followed hy kit Kin,; mil and Chanted the score to tcad, llutueis 7, Holy Cross . The quick rnoln-' nf tha'aeore made the Purple tooli-rs ti'd blue. Robeeon Makes Ttiai hilnnn. The umc thing that oiened the door fer Holy Cross hcore in tho tirst period a fumbled punt gave llutgers an other touchdown In the second period. Daly let the pigskin ecaie from him on bis own S yard line and Robeson, the I sturdy colored boy who plays left tackle for Rutgers, swooped down on the ball tike a hawk, scooped it up and raced acrosa the Purple goal Hue. Again Haiel kicked goal. That Ituuer hooter could gUe Johnny Kveis lessons on ktcklr.r. Till the second period was diawlng to a close, Bulger appeared to outclass Holy Cross. The Purple warriors found themselves late in the second period and rallied so vatorously that they more than held their own during the ten of tha same. Most of the offensive was ! aejTled by Holy Cross fiom late in the aeeoad period till the play was almost over In the final quailer. At that tage tho alarm clock went off and llutgers I woke up. i Just before the end of the game I E lit era cot going with a rngcance ami threatened another ecore. One at tempted multiple kick by Hazel from the II yard line went agley and then Holy Croaa stopped a line bucking attack after the Scarlet had pushed the Purple back to within ten yatda nf the goal line. Rutgers lost Its chance of anrlng when an attempted forward pass was In tercepted by a Purple plaer. The best laid plana n' mice and men gang aft Wley. Play Flerrel, tint I leant? . The game was tier, eh hut cleanly played. The Red 'ros lequenlly ns summoned from lhe side lines by both elevens, but most of the Injuries were minor ones and none nf litem lesulted from any unnecessary toughness Knot. ban U not ping-pong and It Is the nM- OfSpVBIIl iuil"iinp ... wedged In between a lineman's, 'hlnl and fourth libs and the halfback iiiiie. tlmei has tn hunt a little while before he finds his lost left ear. Holy Cross was weakened eai; In the first period tnrougn an injury m miry. Whlcn resuiteu in tne nan. naiioace, , tt,e l ushing game. In the first period harlng to be carried to the hr.M,tal lent Vdil tried a goal from pliKcment from tip to the time nf his retli eiiient holey ,n 3 iirr, 11P ( MM a1(, had shown himself Holy Cross s beat J N,r(, ,Mmo-. ,.(M OII ,, ,, :n ,arrl r7,nd.j5ain!,r,..'i,i '". i.r t.pv. 'i.ri"1"' n r" ii-- -fn fumbled had outklcked Hazel, I est It be mlsuif R,, Ml,Kwan pounced on the ball, Oil Hamood, the afnremen'loned Harel Is , . ,,, ,rou1( , , th; husky niilgers fullback, , Vn p , rf l"."1 h,1" JJ '.. a.'. """""I quarter. Vldal made hl place- rtas'too much for the light Ptiiplc de- fane Banford's big nseorlment of ee onu peumt t niaii trien a IZi.iS' !.,. vii?.i ii,o,- iwfnrnl pass on the fourth down when aonslderablv In the first period and 'a large nart of the second real Onl Xcarlel Plnja. . . ,, ,u .. , , Ut gradually th Purple plai-is !!!.n? .,?,? ... !!'.i V,"., ."y.'.yrh hHckerr ar the me- , f." I a eV ' , I .wi v CroK, M . .! . new ana ncaaworK no apaeared to excel Ttutgers brawn aometlmes count a trifle more than brain on the gridiron And any bratn will net a hit befnggb-d f bumiei on tha greensward hard rinmclt Rntrtra (10 WUot . K BalwaoB I. T. llol) Croaa im Qlllllrv Conn av Borsch k, ..b. i. Mason Centre . ICant byneh Kellv Oarrett R Ii MeCiilloi li Mfndall Wlttpann R T m imn.erman , II K ., Cumnitnsa I VntaH 0. H ,. lValai,Olltih!ltlt 1, It Kolen Plate R II ,, Halv S.oii- l..i K. H Mllil.-II vrinr It llnlr Croaa. a Toueh .Notre llame Bawl or But sera, oowns roier. Hraener. linneann rinala from W1KW3WH ii.t.1, . -.utiai.tuiiuii. ror altars. Slorck fnr Kl 1 Kit t . Ken ner lor Ren all, lliuaer fnr Wallai-e. fnr Holy On.. Malsncr for Kolej, llusiti. for Walh Povsh for Conwai Conner for Oiuiler Brsdlty for Malonev Referee Mi Madden, YahJ Uaiplre Mr Ker.berf, Harvard lanei man Mr Draper Pennsylvania Field Jinliie Mr Wsi Bsarllunotr Timti of QUtrlera -U rulnutfi AERIAL ATTACK OF ARMY SUCCESSFUL t'ontfmtnf front Fivit t'apc. in Vlilnl, with the fotiner IhnmltiK the hall Hllll I m-l rilll.l.- speed I nnl .llrrcllmi fnr mini distance. In-j Vlitluhlv VMiil .lili. tliele In itcelve I he Hi!-. The .allele were .oillelit wild no . measly mse.. Only one, fiom Ollphutil straight out Id Hhrnilrl, was nf the null limy specie, anil while It was t'iunileleil It X" the Muldlels iiuIIiIiik. I'nlall n Mr nl (nr. Thuush beaten Ct'nlre Hume lind mote than a beaten train' shale of heroes. In jeofail It produced h whltlvtlnd nn at I tack, a wnnili'i nn defence, a master nf lUlinllisT a well III' plumting Bime who flaehe-l ititcrfciciicc nf tlic I'ldi'st stnjre nf development. He could r,,")- '" cc w,,v Wcalem critical are ad- i vaticltw his claims for all America din tinctlott. Heraman wax n star too. He wax a terilfle plunger and put III whole heart and tort Into eveiy play until he had to he carried off the field. .lust, before the hattle ended Hercman Injured a leg and may he out of the name for at least three vtccU. Mclnerny at right tackle ha-l It nut In a Untie royal with Jones nf the Army and the Westerner had the better of the argument. Bnchman at left guard, Itydzweskl at centre and Mil ler In the Imckflcld all hone. McKwan had only a Utile the better of his Polled rival at the pivot. f.reat Ten in llenten. The Army tried hard to equal the score which .Notre Dame filled up here nn Its first visit to the Point In 1313 38 to 13. Vet while the cadets nearly succeeded In that endeavor they can thank the forward pass that and notlt iuu mote. Had the paxsliM game been banned by the rules the Army mkfht have -gone down (o a bad defeat. In tackling Nntie Dame made the ca dets look like novices, for the local men ml'! repeatedly and when they did get 1 II A V I IllMPi llA 111 Ti their nrev ii.unlU- la,,,ta r..,,.,a n,.A' U VkllJk UilllllJ '""('k. In rushing the ball the cadets up" outclassed. I'ntll they opened up "'elr attack In the second half they had 1 made only six yard" by rushing e-lnce 1 the InlermlHMlon. In the flrat half Notre "ame got sl tlrst downs by lushing, as a-.ainst inreeTor tile Army. In line pa Notre Pame stood out 1 aboe the t'adcts like a giant among itgmle. The Notre Dame line sj. sessetl cohesion and rhythm and worked In remaiknblr concert with the backs. It looked ery much as If Notre Dame. through the use of a Martlng signal, bent the ball, but that appearance may have Annapolis. Nov. 4. The Navv foot been the pioduet of Its remarkablo team M ,rHm uffjred a stinging defeat here W"J r , , this afternoon. They were defeated by Notre name -knlfetr the guards, cut Washington and Ia?e, 10 to 0. The re oft ach e. Jaimned through .entre, espe-1 M1 wa, . evere hlow to the mldshlp - lally tv hen Mcl.wan eae way toU'eeina1 , for u KHVe tn, ,ctori (he Southern for a while, boxed the cniN anil blocked championship off the secondary defence. Vet that team Washington and I-e won because It lost by .Hi to 1 Icto.y engendered ,,H,i tn, heller team and outplayed I'ncle In the Army coaches no sweet thoughts ' Sltm fulur, ,mr-)l, every period . . . . .ii "in- i-r.-iiig aaoie. I'ertnlnly their tank Is a big one. Among thoe who saw the Army tilumph were) l.leut. Jonas Ingram, head coach at the Navy, and llabe Hrown. one time Navy star. ,.... , . ' nia nrcok aalnst llnnslera. The lucak In the game came Just be-1 fine the Army scored Its Mrst touchdown In the third period. It ciopjieil up In the fin in of a penalty that should haveibecn llfleen yard", hut owing to Ignorance nf the rules by the oltlclals and the Notre Dame plascrs was Hllowrd to go for thlrl -three yattls. The penalty tint the Army on Nolle Dante's : ard mark, whence It worked Its way across the line Chin ley Hann, former Harvard plaer, was the referee and A. t Tler of Princeton was the umpiie, hVom Its own 41 jard mark the Aitny tried a forward pits" from Ollnliant to (ierharilt, As I I A .......... . .. ..., r. r....l..A I. .A on Notre Dame's 41 yard mat k Haujan hook hint up with terrific force. It was one of the severe. t cases nf rough ing the receiver of a pass seen In this section. The rule call for a penalty of fifteen ards from the point where the ball was put Into play. Misunderstanding the penalty provision. Hann penalized Notre Dame fifteen ards from the point where (erlnirdt was roughed. None of the Notre Dame men voiced any objection. Hann after the game admitted that he had "booted one." He was b!g enough lo admit that he had been Jn error und did not try to hide the mistake. TrlrU Pln Nnrceeila. The Army followed that penalty with another forward pass. Ollphant In Vldal, to the .1 ard mark, whete It suffered a penalty of five yauls for offside. n. pliant plunged four aids. The Army lined up In a place kick formation with Vldal leady to boot the ball from the H v.. til mark, but the play was turned Into a fm ward pass and Vlda' croesed the Ilife. II wai ically obvious "strategv , ,,,,, N p .,,,,;. with their attendant touchdowns gave the soblleis new spirit, and with the ad vantage or tlte lead they began to plav better foothill. Noire Damn made many mistakes when It was In a position to get the most out or Its superiority In the tine ami In B"al' ,lrl'1 c"'1' ,ry l'P-red most mlvlsable. iTnp IOs ,vt'n nwr' ,l,p Mm' "l0K the ball to bring P down for another goal. Toward the c',o.. of th when It was too dark to ee Just whn llK ,no culprit. Notte Dim., lost ,w"."" fumi,1r."", iu m". ln ',,nl V. ','.T ". '' o' "".""Z- ""r """ '" '"' """ "" ; P",l,""J' ,n .kU'k . V,CJ",. ,nl""" ,rn'" V";. """1.'ip nPh"nt ' ;"id Not.a Dame recov - ... ..... . er.n tlie nan in orinx n oov ti ueep into Army territory. Then came tnn whistle, Army iW House .ImieK Knmlit McKwan iCuit 1. Nolle Dam. HOi ' 7rtm"h ' C.iii.hlanl.M l-"k Haihrnani' "1' n.vlliew.kii,)rf7,,,",l .. . MtdtSm. ' Whipple-'"'r ' ' PI.elan 1 reaton .. I, K I. T I. ti Centre it : II T It R o n I. it it ll r H i Meai ham .... Hut ler . ... I Shra.ler . . (Capi 1 CofallP(lt' . Iletiinian Alleslienr n Miller I . ; i 'i '.".I " i . Refrrre t I' llann. naivarn ruin re t I. ler. I'llnirton llea. I ni'llliail- -K Ini ll in", Ml" "In Time of nt-rlod. IJ inlnntea 1 - o'l" inal I hi i fiom plairmetit fllfpliant 2 .Noli Dame .inline lonciiiosii Iteiginat. tioal ft. nn loin . -Cofall linal from field Co. fall Siiliatltiitlnna Arinj, Weeina fnr McKwan, Htokea for Weenia, tlrKaan for Ktokra, Mtllllna fnr Shrarter. Shrader fnr Miilllna Notre Da ma, (irant for I'hrlaii, Hlarkf.-rd fnr Miller. HARLEY HELPS OHIO TO TROUNCE BADGERS His Siicclnciilur Hums Karu Two TniicliilowiiH and 1 i to i: Victory. Col I'MIII'S, Nov. I. -Ohio I'lil- ""I'.. "'i; II chamr of wliiniliK Hie esiem t ntliereuee lu.l.un.t -.t...- plonshlp by defeating Wisconsin t'nlver slty, M to 13, hele tooluy. The Muck. ees are now tint with Noithweslern. the only other undefeated eleven of the Conference, Ohio won from Wisconsin thioiigh the i spectacular playing of llnrley. right halfback, who made both toiicluiowna, the first by an end run of twenty-seven yards In the second period and'the sec ond by an eighty yard run directly through the Badgers' tine In the fourth period after catching a punt. Wisconsin In the second period drove through the Ohla tine with stinlght foot hall for a touchdown. Hlmpsnn punted ou; to Taylor, who failed to catch the punt. The team were evenly matched on line playing, with Wisconsin showing better organisation. The lineup: Wlconln list Kellej Koch Graper Carpenter Hancock Plllier .. Me?ra lCit I . Tarlnr . 01 ion , Bimpfou , Here Ohio State itn. t- K ....U T .... .. t. O ,., Onlrt ... R. n . K.T,. .. ... H. K .0. B I.. It ... ,.R. H . Boleil Karch , .. Sfildon . Holikamo . . Turner H CnurmrT . ... PfNil.r lit. llarlev r, ii .... Sorrensen Si ore hy periiMl.t Wisrnimln , a t Ohio Stale , a : tlefree UmIi Pi lirll Phl.n a t : It Pmnlre . -A (). Held. Muhl:ll Field Judie-W I) ' Knmhl. Dartmouth M-ail llneman I. Oaril per. Illlnon T.nie of ierinls 1. minutes Wi.iormn siiinnu Tnuihitoona Mejtfr. Kreue. (loal Ironi inuchdnon Simpson Ohio stale nnrnif! Touchdowna llarley, (Joala from lnuchilon-9orrenen. Harler Siit"tltu1loti-Knr Wisconsin: Kralovek for Umiim fete R,r ILm. Ia. r.U.,.t tirsiil for Keller. Stiru Tor Bert sura tor oert. uannier tor urmier. Olson ror stara, Trailer fur Brant liray for Flitter. KrerUhefer for Orar F.dler for Olson Carpenter for Kr.ilo.elt, tlcri for Elder, Kejes for M;ri For Ohio Slate- Ilneiel tor Sorrensen. Jnhtimn tor for , Turner, nhoanes lor Hurra. nrton Tamer for Johnton. I.onard for Tnpnp it i mm r An nn n i nn AND CHAMPIONSHIP W'M.xliinslon and Loo Brats .MitlshipniPii. 10 to 0. ami Wins Southern Tftlr. ...,rv dennrlinenl of the rame. Not once during the contest did the Navy seriously threaten their opponent's line. The only redeeming feature of the , midshipmen's game waa the way Ward ...ii'rl mint. Rain made the ball and field wet and ,ip,ry and was responsible for many fumbles, but even though It gave the heavier Navy team a slight advantage the light visitors outplayed them throughout. Near the end of the game Orr went In at quarter for Navy and made Hie mot billllanl run of the contest. He grabbed a punt close tn hi goal line and flashed down the field along the side line for a distance of sixty yards Johnson and Ignieo, the visiting tackles, were the stars of Washington and Navy ill Garret . W ant I. IH" Uarkin . . Jo!inun .. ttryoti Pterin I e M nore .. . Ulnco HMhel 11.18 1.. Vniitu drill tiarrella 1. K . .1. T . . I. fi Centre. ...n.o.. .. n. t H K 0. II.. I.. It R If f n Want . Perry . ' i""! ies ... . Relfle Oilman Jackson . Well hel Inaram llolierla .. Martin by fierbMU . I n n A 11 A. 10 Itrferee Sir Maxwnll. Hwarthmnre. I'mnlre Mr. Ilrtinla. Peniiajlranla, Head lliir.iiiau Mr Tlirp, CntiiiiiMa Time ef perleds IS mln .lie. IV A. I.. Muring. TMitctifoli--Jillliieti, llosl fnan touiliin Yoanp, Fleli fea, plsie kick YnutlK. Slll'Sllllllloii" Va.v. Scafe for Ward. Ila.ltl. 11a fur Martin. Ven llelmtwrff for iarret. I'larke for fillniatt, llnltmaii Pr IVrrj, nnnH.teln for Jotiea. Orr for Wei, hel, PUIier for Vot. llrltnperg. Harrt.en for .taikson. Iimi felil for Helfle. fiNTtea for Incram. Mct'lure for (iiMMi.tein Patlca, Skinner fr I'larke. l.awl.aujb for 1. , . ir . PITTS ELEVEN FINDS Alt KflUKKV K A KWWTIM niiULiUIILill 1 bnui r Ivl sirs -.. t.. 0, . r.i at' llOUClei Stars for Ulenil nr - ner's Grent Team, Scor insr 3 Toiiehdowns. - I'tTTSBfaii, machine of Nov. 4. The great Pitt fnnthnlt nt.t-.r. k j.i A.1 through mud and the Allegheny College leani tn-uay to the tune of 41 to n. Coach Warner used manv of his Mibstl- I litest, men who haven't pluyed In a game this year, and had the field been dry a much larger score would have been the result. .MlPPi.KM-KT, VI , Nov. 4.-Mlddlehury Pitt scored a touchdown in the fliM 1 oulpla)rd Norwich, S to 7, to-day Mid period on Dehart'ri smash thniunh alii- dlehtiry's back field made steady galna. tre, but tiotttiler missed oal In lite hec- 1 oml I'rlrwl thtee more touchdowns wen- .cored hy Couglcr. one of them on n 6 , y-od rip In -h-third nerlo.l one t ui-b. down was scored wbett Mlllnr ran around i l't i ail Peck kicked goal, The last period saw the Allegheny line crossed twice, one play on a double' pass, .Mcl.clland tn Prledlander, who ran 111 vnrda for i. scorn (sit Hlf. mlsseil ennl The last touchdown came lust before the whl"": wh"n D " P-"l whistle blew, when Do Hart waa pushed I Ihroush the ctntrn seven yards and Sle, kicked goal, The lineup: ! ,... im mA . a icunenr nil Plllaburr (b'o i Seanneil iCant i I. K .. vnniiii Tliorntilll Carl-on Filer 1,. T .. .1. 1 .. Centra, . ii. a.. ,.K T . n. k ..on i. ti . R II ... f n, Sullirrland (Capt) Pelh c.i ... KehleJ mLV.T" Ilastlnaai lie ll.el eirwnann : 7 M II B n 0 Cadliati Sua "ini'iai. rnov, 1 aie. rcreiee , i ii.r, iiniplri-. Ilaiiiiiioiul Michigan. Iii-ail line. T .1. Do Hart till man Tnni li'tonna lintitler .1, Do Hart 2, .till ler. Frle.tlatiil.-r filial frmtl tiiiK'h'timns Hlea "-i'M. Homier, pe.k e.k eiil..iliiiti-a-Pltt linntler, Ibl"?." 7V,o,V.:'lVll,r' SM.tei: . . Raalerriar fnr llerron. Mnnnw tnr l..i n. Snlheitaml. Stal.l for 'll.oi olillt llltl t... u.l.l.t , lilm, for Hies. Kaalcritar fnr llerron klon., 1 foi M.-..iainl, Miller for lie Hart for Ka.trr liar hrmlrll for Peck, t arl'on for llr.m ll, Thornlilll for Rlahl, pr Hart foi Mllli-r. Me la-lland fnr Hlaliltnaii. Klea for lilnn. tiiilliet land for Melntrre, ammona for t'arlaon. Mci. nla for Thomhlll. Rrkert nr llerron: fnr Alls I stienr, rtunlatkim fer rre.lon. p. ('net fnr f Miner, iimt oi ierioua-i: ana to nunuita. MURPHY RUNS 80 YARDS FOR SCORE Little Brown Quiirterliark, After CrttHiiiijr IMint, Khitn for Toiiclidowii. VKHMONT BKATKN. 42 TO OldAMK H'l,l, OF TIIHIIJ-S Prumiikncb, It. 1 Nov. i. Hrown hail Hi'iiiNnnri.n, SIas., Nov. 4. Syracuse little trouble In winning from Vermont I beuf and brawn succumbed to Part here this afternoon, tilting up a score of I mouth's speed and aggressiveness hcie I ,.. 11 -ri.A nl.lini.. mi ti Heiiioov I gam, fighting gamely to th finish. Play i was In the Vermont territory most of j the lime, howler, and ltron line never was in nanger. -J'.' V"!'1 ' T' ;:n: . h,;,rullS.ff :: , , : " 1 .ii ,n,b,H I iiai gains ny means o. a forwari pass. Brown did not aeern to play with her uual .aggressive nesa at ! standard ail In nrX wV I t I standard set In previous games una sea , Bowman, th. Vermont fullback, found quite a few hole., and went through for lev. pal Mr sains Ina- runs bv the 1 Brown ha.kfteld featured I the game ' Pol-1 1 li'rl UH, d the v.,,! .nrt. fne ihiriv and vards. Ann... Ilkewlw t.lave.1 brilliantly. Mur-' - eu oriiiinii.i -""i phy. Brown's little quarterback, ran eighty yards for a touchdown after calchina Vermont punt. Th. lineup: Hrown it:i Vermont jj Merrill Barrows I "l'jer I.'.'.".'..' Walts Plumb . Mar.hall I,, r. .. I.T.... .... i..o., , ..Centre... R.n.... ... .H.T.... .... R.E.... OB. . leltiH Jeer jnratiie r,r,"um "",.m, "rI",hr jiurpny lilllinn 9.0,,',roy, t'Ollanl I.. II HlirUe R.n Hammond r B, Bomn """-""v, rum hflwn. Pnllanl. !: Annan. I! Murphy Goal from touchdowns DeTltalla. . Siibllltitloii-Bron-Annin for Conrny. Simna for Zelcer. Wade for Farnum. Zeliw lor npacna. urmany .or .fisrsnau. iinnTu l"0!' J',m'!, 'r. P$!!'',.P,0'lv.aer .,'m"- J',Z'?T.-ir'ZiL '?'r"m!.InJv "? .' I 1'niinrnM, noorri-jn itr wrnnuj, Ptmlr for Murphr Vermont IMumh fnr Hammond. TlrrTift for I Plnmh. nmnvruvl for Wmttt. Sumlrrlatvl for I Ilnwm.n. Tiutlon for Mfrrtll , Rrffrr Dr. O'Hrien of Turin, iimpirr Cannell of T(ifl lUml linimn Nohlc of I Amlirrtl Tlm. of pnod-tR and 12 mlnutf. i ILLINOIS SPRINGS BIG SURPRISE ON GOPHERS Stai't (III ltn KUSII Ullll Mllll- tor Minnesota's Hopp of Title by U to fl Victory. - MlNNraroLts, Nov. 4. Minnesota's hopes for a clear claim to the Western conference football championship were shattered to-day. when Illinois, alteadj defeated hy Ohio State, sprung one of the blgaeM surprises oi ine grtuirou wuiein by humbling the powerful llnphets. 1 4 to 3. Illinois SCOteil IWO loucitonwns III the opening period and kicked two goals, while Minnesota counted Its nine polnta with a touchdown, goal from touchdown and a sarety In the third period. At the outset Illlno'a whirled Into the (Inphera with a flash of speed that for a time demoralised the Minnesota defence. imr titmi. urn ," ''""""' " 'V"l7' in ine nrsv tew minuies oi piay iniouie ruhen tnc nan to wmiiii sinning ins tance and Macomber shot across for a touchdown. He also kicked goal. In the same period Kraft Intercepted a fnrwanl p."" nd twisted through a r.?...". ""y (ii'T: onil touchdown K0,h In the third period Minnesota advanced the ball consistently to Illlnois's 3 yard line, where Sprafk.i was sent across for tne (,oinets lone toucniiown. nuston; kicked goal. Ten minutes later Hat-Inn a punt wast rumtiled ny sternaman. tne 11.111 roiling ine Illinois goai line, wnere Steinaman fell on It for a safety, count-1 lug Minnesota I points. uinrc ititi t two nnrnv Walervllle Collegian Brat Rale hy mlt 10 7. WaTgnvit.l.K, Me., Nov. 4. Colby won the Maine championship to-day hy de. Siting Hates, 3.1 tn 7 rinvette' nnd c.i wley were the Individual slats, while' Wiggln excelled for Hates, I The Colby students are relehratlng their victory to-night with a wild dem onstration. The lineup: 1 Bates ID ... tllckey ... Stotnrr shatlifk .. A.lmii. ... Ktilihl . Mnllltnii .... Talbot .... Cutler Iiavi. Colbr CJi , '" ' 1, 1 . I, i .Centre R.i'... . R.T, . II K . H. . I.. H Ii II I H111 knant 1 Heaav- .... Heath . .. I .lai-oha ... Hrnwnrille , Kallo-k 1 Hrr.ette Caw ley I Tl.o r n lirsra.rr The n-nie-aVolby. il. Ultra, 7 Toiich.lnu 111 j lire.etie, uatrr. .invi-e t 112111 i.nal 'rom intiehdnait- Bresetle :'. .hattuck tioal l'rnin fl'M -Brreette Referee Mr llapjnnrl, ) nrown empire .wr iinnnaii, toiunin.a I Kied Judge Mr Ireland, Tnfta Head linea man .Mr. llnopr. Auburn Time of penol. ! U nitilllle tlli.tltllte. Cnolntge forJovie. Knni tor Stliiion, How for nuckman, liallier ' for Peaav HltcUmHll for ll. Hlailea for .li.iiba. Con on for llro-vtivlllo. Cin.niiii for I Kallo-k llen.1rt.-ka for Caw lev Pates: Htlffey .... II........ I'llOn.a for It oli. I, I Si.ii.ui, ton Moulton. Murray fnr Namp.oti. Kenneily lor , r u. Ir Monlloi, foe NORWICH IS OUTPLAYED. Kind ' I Vlldrtlel.nry's llarka Tnn ialroiiki "ii-iire la SO In 7. In 'he first quarter McDonald caught Pollard's punl and inn fifty yards for a touchdown III ine secoitu quarter line plutiKos gave Lynch a totn-hdown. In the fmiith pirlod llower ran a punt thlr tynve mr Htictip MldJlebury lb 5'"'".1 Y"'r touchdown. The Norwii Ii ill Mi'lver Hristnim Adams .... McDonald Winters Cameron lliiihlaiid Martin .J. MncDoiialil . . . Ilialiop . I, K. 1..T I, fi Centre . R O. . 11 T ll K .0. II "a",,, .Capt.t..' W1 "iraiont , f" ":u pVi'rr' Khan llrranahm .... I. II Pollard H H vnnh ,nr,h .r ii Ifoetae riu- ai-oie- Mlildell.iiit. 20 . Nnrwlrli. 7 Poll-tiil I. nub, llom-r, )ta. (Ion ,,,,,,, f(m ,,.,( nt' ,,s ),,.,,.r Vinpln- Voiinz nf Ailama Referee .lolinaoii of u..fci...i,, l.n., H,i..u.,..,. L..nD... ... to, . I'l'l. Time- 15 niliiilti' pi-rli.l Muhatltiitra-,. ... ,i..... .....a... .... ,i .. .... .. ,i, ,...,....,'.. .... n.... .... ' "". e.".o v- "-""..''.'. " AMersen. Het i.nld for fantr; Hnhliaiit for ji.rlil, tiallaglier for lltlhlialrt, I'arket foi li, nor, Norwlili llonanl for Hrltlinin, Snlll van for Highland TITLE FOR NEBRASKA, l.lsi-ol.N, Neb Nov game niarked by iiiilch filtlihlliig nn both sides, Nel.n-U.. .o.da, defeated Iowa .Stale College of Allien bv a scene of .1 In n. College of Allies In a SCOie nf .1 In (1. . and Iheioliy rclaltts lhe chaniplonshlii nf I . ,, aiij-n,,.! V.llo.. onlifereiii.e . Hie Missouri t alle.t i nt feretii e, A field goal h Chalilln Corey of Ne hiaa-ka from the fid yatd line in Hie third perhsl was the total of tha day's 'corlnc. DARTMOUTH SPEED BEATS SYRACUSE I. on"; ltuiiH by Can noil and Oct rish (live Hanoverians Vic tory. 15 to 10. nil the t-tltllpnn tf,.t(ii ntt.l the ivrnrerM f of the Orcen left Hanover to-night pimiil f,t'"nlfRt,l11f.n v,,'",r'- ',,(, ""'" w"' . "esatlona SS yard inn hack of a .. ,P,,toiii In- r.un.elt Biive !mo.l. tits, Uno,y in the opening " "cose came naca wnn n inuciinowii i.nd goal III the second period and took f A Hyrnrtl ,lfpt KnVf n,t. h , , mtt ,h, ""rerlat,H In front. The 0rn,R(. ,.,,, nM hl((1 ,, , the- l,:rl?'r"r,mouth ,',ro7'1 " I " ' 7lMV 7r. The, n. i llnt with n goal from the. field. Twelve thousand persons watched th- l .h end It was the general l'i''K.n that the best team haiUvon. The ''eHV' hyraouse line about lulancen r -..-i- . -t n-t n. " -,u'JV" r. . 7 . "' ' - ' " "c '- " ". ... ... h and .Miljam. s ,,ash.;, ,tte H vHt) anrt Dartmouth had to resort I" end runs and trick plaK to gain ground. Though the Pattmoiith lino- """" w,'r'' "liable to make nn holes on attack for the backs to piling.' through the Green forwanls pl.ied a atrniis came on the defence. Three I. una llmia. "anneH's fiA ard run for a touchdown In the first period was almost m.tclied by i.crrlsh's dash along the side line for 4K yards In the final quarter annelrs '"" w.ia a zlgxng. corkscrew dart through n biokeo II..I.I. ,...,1 I. vet .In, 1 1... tmmitli Irooleis in a frenzy. The wonderfully ht..iv un.l ltitfA tt-ifii..,.ntK .n n-tur .... .. . koi unner r mni pmn m, , mi i-, muin own i. yani iinv hiui iinusm, twlut ed and doubled thrmiKh lh whn1 cvrarn.n .. fr th .1 M, Hrown, who relieved K. Hi own at right halfback fnr Syracuse, clecli tiled the stands by a :t ard run for a touch-' down In the second period. Dartmouth blocked three Syracuse kick., one of the blocked boots giving Dartmouth a safet In the) third ierlod. Svractise workctl ih hnll elnwi. Into tin rt'mniit h te. . Im. v ,lu the nnal quartet, and Meehan booted a pretty neld goal from tnc .ill y.ttu line. iThe imcup: Dartmnuth 11$). S)raeue uri I Iltlt I Met ll I Cnhll I While I (lilmore true rn l) Trttr . !.. B . . I..T .. I. (j ... Centre... . It (S. .. It T. . . ..R. K.... ..0. It . ..I.. II n it ..f n.. . Nicley I, lie ""ton .;;;;"" Kmrrr J-'annell , Tn,!h;r uulivnri .Ipartleld Me. Ii III Rafter K llroun M alone SrmT p,.rllK, 1 Dartmouth -1:. to .'jr.vii. Referee Nate Tutl of llrnu t'ntplre Kre.1 Murlelcli ol Kieier Head line.titati J J Ilallahan Of llo-totl m. nf peno.1 15 minutes, vnriiu - Iiaririiuiith : Touchdov. n tatini-ll, Kduanl. .lost front touchdown (Jerri. h Srraru.e Touchdown M Hrown, Uoal from tnuchttoui. M. Itrown ttoal from field-Meehan. Safn-M Hrown Sub. tint. , llnn Dartmouth Cni.-.wcli tor h.i.-o.oii. tur, (r Trier. Merrill for N.rley S.ull for Merrill. Cunmiuham for HIJe. Hood for Halter. Mather tor Hood. Hevnn for Cotton. Austin fnr Kmery llik for Austin. !ila line for lluak. S llolbrnok for Cannill. V!..lm.n Inp V'.luir.l, fnr K.i.l man. Thfelsoher for Kdwsrds. R llolbrnok .T-e'TvrrH Wntwr. Putin fnr rtllmnre. Putin for Tnci. l.lvahln tor Dunn, Wright for Halter Halter for Wrlaht. Willtuma for Rafter. Plank for 1 Williams. M Hrown fnr K. Hrown N-hwarrcr ."" """' ."-f-n) STATE MOWS DOWN GENEVA. mi r lent 01 nan it ""i"""" 1,. th . 11. v. . , j-TATR 1 1 a.. " '-ii I ... I ...a ......... I c. .... 1 urn. iiim.i nini o..-i . . waded through Oeneva College hrre to- ,da, ' to . The visiting eleven waH,tn,e. saved the situation for Williams hopelessl), and Mate rolled up the largest score that has been made on New Heater Field III a score nf .tears. In the sciotid half Harlow sent In . 1... ..1., ...... ...... ... ...... ... ' te t i-,, who never before playe, for 1 pm, Itg d-partmeut. however. O'ltrlen 'W -re for oftsldi' plays both oif.-ml-1 .. n Pen.. State took pait In the slatu t wa not far behind, his punls averaging H'C i"'"' T" '"'l : . ! t" ' State College had inrtsiin of tlie lull nlmoat the entire game. The lineup : I'entt Stale i;i Swain I. K lienev. mi .Isni.-oti MiVraiken st.ete St.-A..r. 'Kri..ank ,1 T Parrieli I. ii (-enrivrt Centre . o'lii.iiuell 11 li Ctirnei-kie . . It T . 1'iitibate It K . joeea . . ..OH f,. II.. i,li ... It II . ie. I, . y II.. i-ore lo eriot. .null nnl Ii lllllntt 111- k. Ho I.I. T..-.l ritzs-ral-l ll.inier V , lllt. . . I 'I i ,..,, a Siil.ttltiHoii. I'.-i.ii Mali- liro. for H.-l.t.. 1-rt.iaoii for Ciitii.iie.-. Kraft for it li.-ioi.-n. I'lllil-am- foi J'arrl-li. TaTiner foi rtainiiklr. Tliorpe for .lone., fluke for Thorpe, t'nsir for ill,,.., iilH-rle for i'oiio.i-r, tl.-rlt for Kdiieitoii Kllie.ieri.iHn "r . lie. am-, uii- .i.-ii . .r ...... VV'll.oli for He., MHIer for snalll, I'on.l for WHmiii. Miiltti for for i.M.eia. wiiknn for r....-l. Wll.oi. fo. Ii.mI'I.. Mltli-t for lis nor MiK.-I.e. for t llktin.. Il'-iuplitll for .lone.. s,ltl, for Klllotl. Jo,,.-, for .1 on, Ilo.a for III... Il, II r in.,1 , , i f 1 1 I, vl, I'n.n re Hli lri. li. I'.iiii...miI Iliad linesman I TlM-rle. Swa rtlilliore I li-l'l lll'tsi t lte., t'oltir I f 'teed, C.enevs Tlnu- of periods I! minute e.l. You generally give all your 9 guests the same drink when you mix your own cocktails. How much better to have ready on the ice the favorite varieties of Club CocktaJls to meet the individual mit LaSie i In all ten varieties, Club I Cocktails are marked by a smoothness and balance of flavor practically impossible in the home mixed variety, o e G. F. HEUBLEIN & BRO. Hartford New York London Importtn of th Famout BRAND'S A-t SAUCS Open Attack of Penn Beats Lafayette 19-0 Held to Scoreless Tie in First Half, Quakers Start For ward Pass Offensive and Win Decisively. PlIll.tliKI.I'IIM, Nov. 4. --Held to u woielvsH tie In the first half the I'nl eislty of Pennslvanla football eleven opened up In the second half against La fa. ette here to-day. exhibited an Hinat ln lot of fako kick rfnd forwatil pnss fonnatlona and so completely befuddled the lsltnr Penn Hon easily by the score of in to (I. HnHrwi, the victor) may be haid earned, as Fielding II. Yost, coa Ii nf Michigan, watched the gamo , ,he stands a,i lea ned most of he ;!""' "V .oh Kolwell to purple, the Wolverines later on In the season. Iifayettc put lip a stiff defence and had a line which was Impregnable, but !,. ,.0nn put the pla. up to the sec ,.:,r- guardians the visitors did no l'nr " w"-. n' of .lhe un.ktr t"vn.towna was ne net result or a trip e pass executed with such rapidity a to mask the ball and leave the vlaltora won- derlng which man to tackle. Not In some time has a Penn eleven been so pr(.lclent at the open game as the men who uote the red und blue to-day. I.lalhl la Mar l.luht who left the game in the laft period In favor nf Howard Berr, pl.tjetl niagnlflcently, scoring to of the three touihdowns. He did most of the passing nn the fnrvvawl tosses it. wl wits In the play continually. John Wcldon, l.afajetteH star full - back, was Injured In tho flr.t period and , . i. (.i.H i 1. litrccii iruin .nit K'.iite. 1'irtiinMMi iiuir.1- Ills collarbone III the third period anil was carried from the field. He probably will be out of the game for the rest of the seasou. Penn kicked off to Lafayette opening the game and the visitors plougneq thrniiuh the line lint I the ball was in mliltleld. A punt then gave Penn a stait .,.... it. m n itnl linn Tnn trlM iiftirit t ' . . ... i nni an inc n Him hi. ' . oiin?u. i t-iin mni i "f-" " mw i nutnldp tackle nnd planted the ball n i..r.vMiA'u 1 n Hue. but wor? ,.M for downs mithnr afiinnrr CATTiPti im ball to tnldfleld, w hen tho period ended. ' ' . A series of distressing fuiniitea n Penn backs robbed the lied nnd Hliie of all chance to core In the the ccond period. Once tile VJtlah. rs wete forced liack to their own yaid i line, but managed to punt out of danger. M'LEAN'S LONG RUN DEFEATS WESLEYAN Hitherto Tiibeateii Kleven Loses to WUHhuis as Hef.iilt of Seventy Vard Hun. WnxtAMSTowN, Mas"., Nov 4. Will lams won a sensational victory from the previously unbeaten Wcsleyau eleven this afternoon by a scn'o of T tn ". The , ,.,. ,.Hm, ln ,. !,,t period. ' . . . I when Jlct.cati ran seem )i .. .,.,... - t.roken field after receiving 1 IliroUgll OFOKetl Iiein i.iki 11. ' one of Deetjrn'e long spirals. Williams 4 " hi ' gregatlon, especially as far as the Hue was concented, hut the ISed and Black pla) era managed 10 no in uieir i-...n. ine at critical moments, aim wins mree nines iccoverrd the ball within their own yard line on downs. Due to Its heavier hick field ill - 1 lams a mo-i consistent gains were in...... on nays inrotiKii me . em,,- J At these Lewis excelled Hotli '-f ' , afnl Mr I'D. tne I'urpiea ii.-iiio...-o-, . . .. . - .... ...ol-.. - inane some K""ll el'.lil'' " " ( t... The former's alertness -everal 1 ,,n fumbles, fspeclally after Deetjena , punt, Kor the visitor Capt D.-etJen 1 pl.i.ved the lust all around game hy far. He starred at open field 1 tinning, tcccit 1 t ,.M..iu ot.,1 mint I.11-. tn thl State's squ.dlng forwali. passes and punting. In the about fori) .turds i-l. .r,.'A ontlvenetl bv setelill .1 ,lo.. In .vlilol, seitlltir' .V,.H -custiionai .ia s 111 wiinii e. ...oik ...... barelv avert 'nip MCk ny.inri.ii anil Webb t. . jti-t barely missed the po.t,. (Iifford, l.evvi. Mi l.e.111 anil Dect- , . . .... 1 . .1 .... e- J" repe.11e.11 ........ ...... .ko .. . gains in I in- Itltai period ti linen ,u- ntol lepcated .McLeans loiu winuiiig tin. but waa stopped by the la-t We. .i-viin man. Webb, .lust before the Una! uhl.Ue Weslevan iiiw tho Will la 111- piajers a scare by working two pretty i .....,. ..1,1.1. urn.... im . . ........ j..,.-., .............. vards In the first Harmon had ll cleat Held, hut was caught frmn behind by the William centre. Capt. Welch, by one of ti,. pntttcet tackle. of llti- game, .-tilitic their line decidedly weaker, ...,,..,1 .1 , ..l,n.. ,n open fm tnatlon. In which Webb and l t.,,i I.... t.l.v.-il the in onilli.-lit tialt. Iieet- . ..... i.i4 team well atid did some .V . o,,- I . f The It -.1 I I PI OI t ) llltllHHk IIIIIISi'.I I 110 lil'il .1IIH - ' lllacl. atloinpleil sixteen forward paeses of wlii-li only tlte wete Ml.'cefiil, all of Hi. in. however, for enbstantial gains The lineup : William t7i tit own . . . I. F. .. . Chffnid I. T ... Wrulil I. ti... Welch iCapt I ... Centre.... Hleurr . R Ilal.trd R T ... Ha. on II F. ... t.ifford 0 " Mela-ait 11 II... ll'lli'irn I., H . , It t. . F II . ., kii.ii- lo perton V ill la in. n n 7 n 1 Wcb-.n " " n n Hi'f.ic.' 'Ilioipo of ('oliiniHa I'lnplii-- l,. - tin? of I'lln.t tun. Head liiioi.itiait t'ooni-v Wililion. 'I inn- of p.-ri'.s 1.. inlliliti-a . ai VV'llliniiiii si-ortns. loti.'tulowii .tr,eait i.oai fiom Iimi. t.iti.wi. Cl'llrlt'll. Siiti.littllliina Will- tiniiN, ipiHlnlanie foi I a-w Is. 1.I-..I f.-r ijuallit. .Mine, lll.atgett for Paeon, Hacon for; It ; W.'.lrvnn. Ilaloti for Jet for l'nicl, .Ii vein, 111. tin r.i for lll-r C. C. N. Y. ATHLETES LOSE. j tin Don ii In Itrfeut llefore l.a- foji'ttc llnrrlrra, Ull In itn. . l.nfnrtte ilcfealod C. C N. V. .vcslct I da) In n dual criiss-coutitt y over lhe i Van Corllalidt Path course, nn lo .I."., 1,1 Mt'Kiill of led the iacli I home. Willi Itilssell of l..ifa)elte second Hotne. w in iiusseit .. lotiateite seco in ,, .andls of lhe City ciillcvte The tin..- led f.. lhe sltut Mcl-'all ...,vri.. lhe IliM hi). In 17. .k The Mulsh vt.ii very .'loe. the thice nieii helm: not mote than a few apart. The finish ' I I Mil-all. I.lfavelti- II I.. Ililell. . . a:. a.i .1 . I r. nS t.anilla, r. C N V 1 i, W l.rovrs, t.favette .. S V K Hlakr, t.afavelte S Cohen, C. l" N V ; .11 is t rletn i' i', ,s v l ,t Saiitp.on, Lafajette )tl ftn.cnawelg, f f N, V. 10 P. Uuldberf. c, C, N, Y,... J.t IJ :i k . " s :ili3i .17 II i:;15 A savage nltnrlt near tin- end of the quarter HWept the ball to l.arayetl.-'s 1.. yaiil line, but again a fumble flopped up it rial the Kastnn team was saed. tart H'ahl In Work. The (junkers waited not upon cpip monv hcKlnnliiK lhe second half. Hvl delit'ly the lecttile of Kolwcll hail made an Imiucsslon, iih the play "f It"" (JiiakeiM was mow Mulshed. An ex change of kicks and it line attack slowly hut suwly forced l.nfaelte back to the shadow of Its uoal Hosts and from the Id yaid line Light plunged through to tho first touchdown. Forward jmasea tamo Into view for the Mist time following tnia touchdown, tiut without success, and tho period ended without further scoring. Jlaln began falling as the final crlod was started, but thin did not seem to bother any of the contestant. Penn opened wide Itn trlrk offensive and ltitcr posod Willi line plunges, carried the ball acrosa tho field for another touchdown, t.lght again making the final plunge. Berry waa substituted for Light t full back and the atar athlete used as a bat tering ram to good aucccss. Penn car- lied the hall close lo the Kaston boys goal, only to fumble It. An exchange of t.milu mpuIii vul'. teon a'n. n.tll this 'time a triple pima found the way for the filial touchdown. Only one of the three goals after touchdown was comcrled by Penn. Tho t ; ' IVnnaylrania IIH i Uriiuhart ff" Heniuiif Uifajrtle in tiann Mummert (Itiluk Oil ally Krnsl Ihman ,, Woodruff Taylor Diamond Kills Weldon I. K . I.. T I. ti .. Centte . It.ti... R T... R. K... V. M... I. II .. II It... F. II... j Wray vyirkman'".' I Utile . JJIIIer ' ';:; ) Williams .. Liht N ore by fierlnile Peiinylvanl i3-i;i n n o 1iUrw Mr T.ierrt. Hot-hrMrr. Pminre Mr Thofii..ii. SiMMon Kiel.l ju-txe Mr , okfwiti, xk MrmniirfPnwn-.Mr wniiliis. comHI Tim nf ierrtort-! minufr rh Tnut-lnlow nt--Unlit Miller, tioal Ironi Penn . ' m t I It I ' ;,' ,tx (nr Wacnrr, KMrevaai lor iwirknun, Vouitf for Miller. Hell for llrjatit. yntale for William.. n"7,.,'"r, TmVy" . t.u,hfnall (or Wnndrnft Louden for Dta inti.l lyimlnsir lor loinlen, Martin fnr Wet.tnn. II nt Tiion fnr Martin. AMHERST SCORES ITS FIRST VICTORY I Defeats Trinity in Kit anil riennly Plnyeil Contest. 1 1 to 0. AMttr.RsT. Mass., Nov. 4. Amherst scored Its first victory of the reason this afternoon when It defeated Trinity by n svore of 14 to ll. .Much lnleret was, icntrcd on to-day's game, as neither team had scored a victory tln season 1 llnth team" fought hard to bte.ik their loslne streak, but good generalship and brilliant tactics pi.-valleil and Amherst won Amhei't made It" first touchdown in the tlrst period on .. long forward pass, llo.lcnhoin to VY .unburn. Washhmn ........ I,.. l. ...11 rnrli- i.inl. fr,, o . lout-lxltm u Hie srennti totuii ivas s,-oie. after a spectacular rim of sixty - . dx,. yauls Catd Cnodrlch tan the ball I .irnund the left end and, after clever , ,i,i-i ,rriea .he hilt ....nw it... ,te. fpnii,.,H- K,, ef ... . e.. ......... and trek nl.i a nfu. employed, both trains lesorthig to .,i.... ....rtu, ..t... ed the eiioitni ....... ...i. , r. ..o... more aggressive game, holding the ball within their opponent' terrlmty during the entile period of pla J The Trojans lost the ball on - Mnco, and then only In the last thiee 1,1ml Cnlon then took tin- plKk ti "' minutes of play, did Trinity threaten j length of the te, for a totni l-i-v-the 'Amhert line Clean football ltoccrans and U'hlttner starte.l foe . .M cw icna e were , p, sen a , 1 Amhrrot IIH Tiimtr oi) forties I. K I. T i-chuthet-.. Norton tt oi.llev ,har( 1. 0 S .la. k.on Centre Hr. sten , It C, ... Nnt.lMtntn II T . M ,l.i.l,.oti II K .. .. Hlrtletl Q 11 .... .lar.t. , I. II Mttrrav ll II I'lilllti.. y H llyland Vi,imjer Uiiauth Wi..arl tta.llhttrn . M,lllorn (MO,rieh imil 1 1 Mel.-lier Referee Mr MHiralh I n f . Cornell '..'.... " .' " "L" .iiiiinnii. rnr wniiier.i kiiiiiii ioi- inaitn, Knati.h for snnlh Davt. for .K.-hmid 1 Tinmtitrt. itrrsTr. tvt irtiTerr U1.U1.1.1.U .. All .) 1UO ...... . w Vtiri-i ll Points In linnir With tliihlenbnra Count la tt to O, I SofTII ItK.TII I Kll KM, Pa, Not I I.e. I'lgli lo-dav defeated Mtlhltqiberg Col. ' tee. tl In II All llie i.olt.l i-.'.mk. Ii. 1 rourtli period nnd were iinide by Itinii. I ner. LehlchV peerlens halfback lie siored a touchdown and a pteitv field Wesleyan . K"?1 . . IV. k 1 Muhlenberg pi esenled no easv task for Wnoli-v l.elilgli, the visitors glv Ing' a wonderful " rnr ni;",,'1" ' exhibition nf defence. Lehigh's playing . .. Talbo'i "as marred bv eight fumbles and eighty. the yauls of penalties. (Ine of these Po.well fumbles, by Wysocka, neat Iv prot eil dls 11 r ' ""HollS' . . Harmon Hruntier and Herrlngtnii had brilliant . Willr i 'ins during the game. Hruntier tiled four oilier drop kick but each fell short. 7. jnn,,nta 5) d Ha.ton iCapt i li 'Tnwnley of kiiii-1 .Ir Ii .1 llan..-n Illinois mi Krnfl lllllKtill-l . I.. K I. T . . I. li . .Cent re . .H.T.. ,. ll F... .. OR . .I.. II . R II . .. F. H.. v, l-r I Schlainlerm in hlevM,r " ... U 1 1 l,v .. Clirl Mayer Hueklry I.niu St.rafka .Mai-onils-r iCapt i Slernainan tnilcr.'.ti hropp 0 n 1 ik . n II n n n l II Hansen Wyniun vnre by period Mitiiii'.nta Illinois . Relrree Mr Meilia Penil-.llvslli.l Pinplre, tinherat Mr .luneaii, Fnlil juilje Mr Trinity lirnl.v Noiihue-ii-iii lli.iil line. man Mr ! Time of periods liraham I .t I nut-It Time of petiod i tnni i Siit..Htnti,.ii. hi.-- ,'..iiii.-iii,. .c.iiiiu .Kaii'ij lo i.liiinn MnalUa i.nal from loi.-h.o it llaaton, lliinm. ...nitiii: Touchdown tu combei. Kraft linal inin-hiloun M t - i - . - ,, " ' "- , ----,".. ',r""" '"' " ,nr "l-ralKa ' " I'.l.ieit,,. "''""in - r-ir -iiinic...,. P.tTi.nsov, N I .Nov I sin-eel ' in-it. It III the l-'i-lld Club l.ciKlle series I was inittesietl tti.ila) al Ol.nnph' Paik, ivliete llu- Passaic iVntball Club defeated tlie Maten Island Ciu-ket .nnl T'enuls t'ltll. by the note of I coil tn n The I visitors, wltli onl.v tiultt men. put up a' R.inte siriiEcie, and it m.ih mil) in the last minute of pliy that liolilsmlth of Passaic was able lo net a shot past the Slateti Uland goalkeeper. CORNELL HARD PUT TO BEAT CARNEGIE rittsburff Boys Kijrht Hard, But Itliticnns Triumph ' by 15 lo 7. KKSNKIt IM'NS 5 VAKliS Ithaca, Nov, 4, Carnegie Tech n vaded Ithaca' to-day and the big !! I tentn was forced to go al top s t brand the visitors with a Hi to ; , . feat. A sensational skirl of the I'mnell i anil n thirty-five yatd run foi a I . m j . I , -down by Kesner gave Tot It Its score the third period. Cntiicgle missed ( glittering elm tire for n tally at the v r start of the game when Cornell i ie cepted n Tech forward pass tight on i , iteci nnl vvniten .1 yarn line it a that play which vhluitlly decldctl the sue. Cornell showed 11 fulily strong ' fence, but Ita defeiite was little Impr ived over the lllmsy one It showed acini the Crimson In the Harvaid stadium a week ago. The Tech backs teMutv circled the ends for big gains. Mo. 1 the game waa pla)eil In 11 ilrlr.zllng 1,1 , and made the handling of the hall .lull cult. (Hrneule marie With Ituah. Carnegie started with a rush at th stint of the game, nnd .airlcd tho hH stralgTTT down Into Cornell territory p. n time the Ithacans could not stent t ie visitors' advanco and ll looked as if Carncglo would aweep up the field Win the ball on Cornell's .'I yard line, h w. ever, an Ithaca 11 back Intercepted a Te. 1 forward paas and Cornell gained poe.. slon of the pigskin. Unco In possession of the ball. Come hihhcd itself Into action und qulckt g lined Its lost gionnil. The Cane drive was Irresistible nnd Trih ,i puehed ba.'lt down the field, Cornell not letting up Its ravage olTcnrlvc till Spei 1 was shot over for the touchdown. Sp.e.l kicked the goal. Kceiicr'a brilliant end run gave r.i lic'lo 11 touchdown In the third pei tod I a Cornell offensive forced Wright make 11 safety und pick tip 2 point- ' Cornell. In the last quartet the Ilh.Ki again took the offensive mid .ig.Mn .Mur ler diovc Tech before them Mueilo, was catapulted over for the touchdown Tin. Im. up ; ('(nu ll MM Zenilrr t. I! Carnejte Te, h I, h., Mi P. ,1. fllllirs 1, T . Miller I, Ii.. Carry Centre. Auiirr.on R.;.. Kixon R T . K'ktey R K -tnl y II llrlieilicl I. II . Hoffman It It Mueller K II.. ei"lc lo aro relliell t'stmule nn ii. lieu-. K lltH Wti.h- Ke.' Mar.!, 1 V Ml'lrsirt, 7 a : A 11 7 11 It. letee C J. Mil althj. flattmoiith t'li . 1" W Vlnrpln. Iiiown lli '1 Hn. ,i,..i O I 'I lu'llilixiii, Aihi Ik 'I Hue ef t -I ti tninules ea.ti. I'erti. II -.fn, o,, h(.w .N"'"!, Mt. IIP r IionI flout loin U'loiiti -. afelj WtlSllI l'arnete Te.ll Morltlli. loll. own- Klnla lioal from ton. h town - WnsM Nlll.tlllllMiie t'oimll, Hvereoll for I.. kl. lkle. for II 1 ri. ii. l:.u"ti for 7.pH. t. .Sut ton for i.lllli., Tajlor fr lilioii, lttd for Ml.-ller Pill for .Vli'tereoii. .shlrerl. k fo Mid, Se1 for llonman, Han. ke fm lleio lot I a 1 11. 'to. Ii, I. v.. 11. foi II, t, tii 1, vv iniiot oi 1, 111-011, (tui-oii lor ..ininilia. RENSSELAER POLY IS SWAMPED BY UNION l4l nuineers l-'nll Hp fore Superior Attack of Foe, i: to tt. Tnov. N. V . Nov. 4 lten.-.selarr PoH 1 lost to Cnlon on Its own Held here . j day by a score of !, to n The C.artte' excelled tn evetv dcp.11 tm.-tit 01 th 1 Cnlon scored Us di et tntt.-hdovv. the rieat-ou In the Hist quarter and classed the locals until the beunm i 1. the third period, vvlten the etiglnee - the ball In a series of line pltin.'.- end runs to I'lilon's 1.1 yaid Hue .c cn c . e eve n te forme; k 'a ill, 1 11 and Itoi-eitson plated siMetit gatpi- for the Tiojan lluetip; lteii.elaer (D Prank .... I. K Hn ktt I. T H-l-ei, j. II Hli'liat.l. Centre Kler.tHci R ii M.lieille II T RnhcilMiii It K ttavherrj (,' H O'lUri I, II Poller It II l.ooUiiuti .. F P. Ri ll inneiai I' I n l oiii-liriown. I'....m , piViV lb". !.: ' li.Ja'ie ' o.iTm . l.e.-ratia, s Goal from fleM-it..,,-. . - stlttillena Ileii..eaer. Laws for O'Jtara III. L, NLIIllinr ... I'r.i.L ,. ... . I Laws. I'lrlh for M. Kenrle, I'ni. l. I i-.trr, llantey for Sat, Pelentan! ' 1'rlie for lion iimi Refer..' M, I nrowt. I'tnpire -tlraper ef Mlll.i. Ilne.iiiin.-ltee.l .if Kprlncft. I'l I'm. ' t' 15 tilllllllea TUFTS AN EASY VICTOR Trnntplea liter tlnnrlioef l alea Score Is !: In . Mrf.rofip, Mase . Nov I The football coniblnation Mtamped tte jichUM-ttH Aur -H'.l ural folleae t,- day, In 0 Tufte'w fniwa'd r vvorhed with mn-litiie like pre -team m, .Kmc i;io .vards out of r tempts At no tii-e .11.1 the Aurtctil je . Ice.- eleven t'tri-.iicii the Tups c visitors titiido only two Hist Omw of which i.'Ktilteil ft tun a ii-uni' ' b'.' The tiitetip: uti i.l'. M r It i . ..,..).. It K. r ' v moult Mnrriann Prior .. . i... ...... ... I. T li Centre . It r. It T ..It F. i H . I. II It II F It . ie,ioliam j,,n it,.,,! Kw.iii.oit WeiKiitl llnalie M, , ,, . iininin -puiit t, i . l'o..ei. fnr s i vci.,... .... n ...... ,i powers, llacacrti f..,- t,.c, v , tertr. t ..,, for Manlum letfiet ' "i ' tt.'j-kl.i-. r.-i .l. ftr.-i. K fe' for k It, IIMCSIc.tllio for 'I lit.., i, , oi-ksi.iiiii- ior i.,iuin. ti t,.. . "t. HI,.,,, h.t.l for ,.,,l,ins M l,. ..U., '' .. 4 ,,.f. t.- I hm.-..-. Mimic M h tne lli-n.l stakemrn l.t ll 'I'iiII. and VV l- i linn- lout nilniinle M'.lihU f. vi in i c Billiards Htf? Bowling Prico .trill Ternn 'o i REPAIRS BY tXPF.RT MtClUMC lbs Brunawlrk.Rslke-CnlJender I JVUtii Wesl32d 81., New llroadwar i i