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THE SUN; SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1916. New York's Representatives in National and American Leagues Led Rwals in High Score Games Last Season CLOSER GAMES IN NATIONAL LEAGUE CHIP DOFFS HAT TO BETTER MAN MICROBE ON BENCH r Questions C& Answers By TOM MAC NULTY TRIO OF BOSTON TERRIERS AND FAIR EXHIBITOR. AT WALDORF SHOW , 4 Senior Circuit Had Far Kuwcr Hijrh Score Contests Than American. nm.i u'j v.ivrci JLIJ f V J UIHJI lil I wis, nr juioiitstop. The high score games In the two major leagues last season furnish tme InteroKt lnK fuel for llio Hot Stove League. An analysis of tlic box scores wit! show that on the whole tlio National League games wero closer tliaii tlm-t In the American. At least the high coru stat'ellc would Indlcnto that there were a good many mora loi-lI'l games In II.111 .lohniii's circuit than In the league cuiiimundod by Gov. Tener. There were forty-four wini'' In the American League In which the winning club pounded out ten rum or innro. There vera only twenty-three similar prunes In tho National League. Had the National League pisoeed uch n football to bout urnund us the hapless Athletics thero might hem av good many more high score, game. There were n full dozen game In the. American league In which the opponent of the Mnckincn I. nocked out leu runs or more. . Tho Yankees collected th4 greatest number of runs In one afternoon when they exploded a stick of dynamite under thb Cleveland Indians duilng a Sabbath name. In the Sixth City, and won over tho Fohlltm by a score of 1U to 3. Yank No IIIkIi filers. However, the Vnnkees old not figure extensively In the high scoto Raines last reason. Their pitchers usutlly held the other fellows within iesiectiiblo bounds,, while Dono nti's cohorts seldom ran their run output Into double fUurrs. There I were three gamut In which the Yankee liurlers permitted ten runs or more and three others In which tho local Americans rang up ten rnn or more. ' The worst setback suffered by the j Yankees last reason came on July -3,1 When tho While Sox beat them 13 to S. j Though the Yankees held their ov.'n with Chicago on the season's play, when the I White Sox spanked them they made a thorough Job of It. Coinlskey's team beut New Yoik on another occasion 1-1 to 4. ' The pitchers of the. world's champion i Ited Sox proved their worth. Inasmuch a they llsured In the losing end of only two of the forty-four Ameilcan League fames tn which ten or more runs were cored. The lied Sox, however, won live (amen In which they scored enough runs to get them In the high score division. The thumpers on Cleveland and De troit heaped tho mot humiliation upon J American League piicncr. i nere were, loven games In which the Indians rolled Up ten runs or more, while the Tigers won nine such contests. A I'lillMdelplila Carnival. Runs were cheaper In Philadelphia on August ST. than at any other time dur ing the season. Thirty-four runs wero acored duilng the course of tin Athletic- Cleveland doublo header. Tlio Indians! won n brace of rames by ncorc of 13 i to 9 nnd 10 to ". The weakness of tho (Hants last sea-I on, with thu exception of their May and I September txiurts. was generally be lieved to be the pitching ttan. yet It is to the credit of Mctlruw'a twlrlers that in only one game during the entire sea son did their opponents make as many as tan runs. That was during that horrible stretch In August, when IMttehurg won a game by 10 to 1. The (Hauls' run In that game was the icsult of two 1'ltt" hurg errots, and came after New York had failed to tcore for fome forty con secutive Innings. Thero was only one other big league team which evaded high score- defeats ns skilfully n tho (.Hants. That was Philadelphia. The (Hants put over more high score victories than any other National League team. SW of the twenty-three high sore game. In the Tener country were won by tho nlants Four of those were made In May. Three of the.- c.imo In the spring drive of seventeen straight, and the fourlh arrived the day tho atreak was broken. After Pcrrltt was topped In the morning on Memorial , Day tho wants tried t g" revenue hi the afternoon game when they teul tho great Aleck t cover. Kevr York Clulia Feature. It Is Interesting to note, however, that during the September run of twenty-six straight victories there was not a single game in which New York scored an many an ten runs. Aa tho Yankees piled up the biggest core In tho American League, tho two National League members of greater New York's baseball family nre, tied for the honor if having made tho biggest core during the ear In tho National League. Hoth the (iUntu and Itoblns won games In which they Hindu thirteen runs. The high score ganics of l'Jlt) fol. low: National l.enitue. 17 PlttKburs, 10: Cincinnati, 1. SI llrookliii. lot Ilnttiin, 3. -Cincinnati, 11; at I.oult. Z. a X- V...1. ,4 tiill -lutrir. f April April April May May May May Mar 10 Uoeton, 11, Chicago, 10 2i Sew York, ll: Cincinnati, 1. New York, 12; llmlon 1 30 New YorK. ie; rniuiu'iiuni., Juno June 10 M. i-oiUM. i'j; rnipnuni, ;n New York, 11: HrnolilMi, i. June July July July 27 cnicaeo, u; rumour, . a New York. 1!: Piliaburg. C. fr-llrooklyn. 10; Ciminiiatl, S. ISllotion. 10' t I.oult. 1 Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. I Phllaneipnia, i": si. i.oui. . S Pilttlimv, 10 New York, 1 JJ llrookln. 13; Cincinnati, 0. t-Phllndrlphia, ID; IlnioUljn, 3 . 1. ..l.ii-r ll m Ijllllw. ,1. tie pi. Dept. Bept. Sept. Sept. 4 Cincinnati. In; Clilcairn, . 13 llottoa. 11; Ctncafo, 0 20 Cincinnati, I.: Ilutlon. I 2:-Ilrooklyn. 11, St I.oult, J. American LeliKoe. April so Washington. 1J; New Aork, t. April Sl-M Louit. II, Cleieland, I. April ?, 11. M I.01IW, :. April 30 Cleveland, I., IMrult May -IMroit. is, l'lulnlHphu. :. May 16 Wotlilinrion, 1-, Detroit, s May so Wjtliin.loii, 13, Cleveland. 3. May 2o-Chic:n,', ). l'lulndrlliliU. 0. May 21 Philadelphia, 1"; Clcwlnml, I. May It New York, H; M lxiula. 1. May 29-lWrolt. 17; St Louis C May 11 llnatnn, P: Watliiiutnii, I May tl-Clevrluml. 10; M I.uuu. I Juno 3 Cleveland. II: tlituti. June 4-Chtcaito, IS: New York, i June 10-Clevelanil, 10; Philadelphia, I. June IS Cleveland, 11; Phtlnili'lplila, i. Juno IS New lork, 19; CletrUud, 3 June St Si 1iuit, It. i"", I July i-Uoitoii, 11; Plilhiileliililu, : July lt-lionton. 17: M Ixiul. 1. July lK-Ch-w 1,111.1, 1.: Philadelphia, 8, July U-Chlnuo, 1., Detroit, a July SS Chlciuo, 13; New York, , July -Clevilniid. 10: Va!iliu(ton, C. July SO-Iii troll, 11; iinsiou, , July 89-ChlrNim. pj; l'liilaililphla. 1. July ll-Waihlinrton, 11, CleM luml, 1 Aug, I Clciclaiiil L, Philadelphia. 3. Zug. JO U.-troli in; Philadelphia, I. AUr, lo Ilotlon, 11; Chti Ull, r Aug, U'-St Louit. II; Ct eland, 0, Aug, H-.'liiaio, 11; lloiton, C. Aug, II Detroit, 1); Plillmltliihla. 3. Aug. tS-('lrve!anit, 13; Phlladelphli. . Aug. rwrieiePinil, 10: Philadelphia. S. Aur, ss New York, to: St. I.ouit, . Hept, i- iHMrnil. II, Cleveland, , Sept. I- Detroit, l:t M L011K Sept. I?-1 hi nil I, 10; ci., s, Dept. il-liotton, P); Detroit, ; Sept. ?: Whlninn, ); Philadelphia, 3. Hept, SO-Phlladelnhla, li; Watlilngton, , 8ept, 30-Ditrott, 10; St Louit. 7, Hear Tom Will you kindly decide the following! A says tint Dave Koull was manager of the Ilrooklyn Ilateball Club In the jcar lta7-s. If not, when was he? II tayt he never was. Who wins 11. K. n. Dave Font, managed the Brooklyns from U93 to 1896. He resigned at the end of tho 1896 season on account of Ill ness and went to his home In Baltimore, where he died on March 5, 1197. Don't confuso Dave Kouta with Dave Fulti. I'ultz never managed Ilrooklyn nnd la very much alive, , Dear Tom (I) Who did Hobs Ferris play sfemiil Ii.-isd for In the American League nnd what year did ho play? (t) l'leate give his hatting overage. A SPOUT. ( 1 ) Ferris played with lloston Ameri cans fiom 1901 to 1007, and with Kt. lamls Americans In 100S and 1909. (2) It takes too much time tn go through all the lack recoids to dig up his nverages Ills performance doesn't appear In recent books. Ienr Tom Where la (teorca Wlltte, for mer i Hunt pitch r, and what position does ho play, , II. It. and N. Wlltse Is manugir of tho Heading New York Statu Leaguo team, lie pitched anil played (list baso lust season. 1.M? Tom Who umpired the game l.lay .l no Mept. 24, DID. between lln HI. 1'ntli.irlnc unit All Ktars at the Polo (Irouml A claims I'ennle Kault played In New Haven with the (Hants on the above late, while 11 claims he umpired the above kjiih. LAIIIIY MANN NO. K:ufT playctl with (Hants against Now Haven. Colonials on that date. Dear Tom Visitor at bat with two out In lira I half of the eighth Inning, man on third banei tries In ure on a scratch hit, n eloie play folloi at home plate, the um pires dleirreed and no agreement ran t reached, B.ime cannot be ruiillnued on ac count of d.irkne; dots not score revert tn Hi" preceilliiK inning so that both learns would have had an equal number ot times at tut 7 HPKCTATOIt. The play should have been called by umpire behind tho plate, and In tho event nf n dispute his word should have been final. Tho way I seo It the game should have lieen forfeited, 9 to 0, In favor of the team willing to abide by plate umpire's decision. M) A bets II that Philadelphia wins two glints; lihllndi'lphlv wins nrt game, sec ond gam ts called at the end of the fifth Inning mi account of r-iln, score being Philadelphia 0, llonton 0. A claim he win bet, II claims bet I a draw. Who ll rlsht? IS) How many baaes are there on a tLKKhill illmnnnd? (Si Who I Jailer ruiuur, Ty Cubb or Johnaton of Ilrooklyn? (DA wins. Second game was played off the following morning, resulting In a victory for Philadelphia. (S) There actually are four, ns homo plate counts as a base. (3) They never mot In a race, so I can't answer you. Dear Tom Will you p'i-ais answer throoich uur column If Hi P. Hmlth who was pa)lng III uuttletd for Montreal In ternatlonil League Is the same Peull Smith who bad a tryotit with the Van-ke.- ss a catcher when Frank Chance, was the manager; I. (J. lie Is not the same player. Dear Tom PIae Inform ma If It Is poetlhle fnr a batter to plsre a hit, and due he try to d. so each Units he comet to bvt, or doe he mere!) swing at the ball and trutl to luck for It tu fall afly? HAS CO. PAN. There nre times when famous hat ters place hits. Perhaps Lajole placed n hit as will as any ball player wu ever had. Hut In the great majority of cases take their swing nnd try to meet the ball on a line, "trusting to luck," as you any, that It will go safe. 1 will admit, however, there Is some f deuce In hitting. For Instance, on the hit nnd run ermte players arc skilful In' driving the ball through po'ltloti va cated by man covering second bate. Dear Tom How can triple pUy be ma.l unarthteil I read of it In Till: SUN or Tuetday. Fept. K, IH16. WAlTINd. Ilunners on first nnd second. On hit and run play, batter Ilnea to shortstop over tecond ba.e. He catchfcd ball, tags eecond base, retiring runner who had been on that bag and then tags runner who had been on first before ho has a chanco to return to tlrst base. Dear Tom Kindly IrJorm rne If any col ored le.uii have piayed with any league. National or American, In exhibition games? K. 8. Teams consisting of major It-ague plnyeia have played colored players on barn storming trips The (Hants have met the Lincoln (Hants and the Athletics have played various colored teams. Major league teams, playing in Cuba In tho last ten years, havo played against some of the star colored players on the Cuban teams. There Is a ban against playing colored tcama this year, how ever. Dear Tom A bets H that Itarre Cave. leskle, now playing with the Detroit. It the same, Cnteleskla that beat the Clinti out of a pennant a few years ago. We are anxious to anon, J. 6t I", & .. ft II, It thu sumo Coveleskle. Dear Tom (1) I would Ilka (a knaw how mny home runs Wheat hit this sea eon (S) Did Ilrooklyn win any pennants or world series since btteball started? tn wno won in moat world aeries and pennant? JOSEPH. (1) Wheat hit nine home runs. (2) Ilrooklyn won the championship of the American Association In 1S89 and the National Leaguo championships In 18S0, l.w, J you and mo. wero dofeated by Ui'inls In world's series of 1SKS, six games to three. In 1 890 Ilrooklyn Nutlonnl League champions played Louisville A. A. team a seven gams so- rles, each team winning three games, while 0110 resulted In a tlo. (3) lied Sox won the most world series (four) ; Chicago the most pennants (ten). Denr Tom Can a Player, after making hit and reaching first, be taken out of the game ond replaced by another runntr witiiiiui me content ot tho opposing cap tain? D. J. O LE A a ON, Certainly; hut once lie has been sub stituted for, ho cannot return to tho game. Dear Tom Ileglnnlnic of elshth innlnr. rrre 1; tn 3 In home team's favor, vlaltlng leani scores run on a ciota necition. in tna argument that follows gams la called be cause of darkness without the homo team receiving lit time at bat. Does tho score rsirt to preceding Inning? A. 11. Yes. Dear Tom A bets U that the Giants did not win twenty. alx contecutlve games In view of tho fait that the thirteenth game placed after the start or the atrlng c.n Pentembtr 7 wat played to a tla In eight Innings. While they did not lots the gam they did nut win It, and the conitcullro ttrlug of Wctorlea wat broken, FItANK J. MANLCY I have answered this before. Tie games do not Interfere) with winning streaks, Chicago Americans won It straight In 1906, there being one tla In their run, but no one ever questioned their American League record. Dear Tom Two out, man on third, three lulls and one strixa on naittr, 11a ttr koa at next one and Is called out. Catcher throws ball to aecond baseman, who mlttes It and It goes out to the fielder, who plcki It up and rolls It to the pitcher's box The other team discovers error and rrnwdt around umpire. During confusion run acoret from third. The other team troti nut In tho field after an argument, Tim run wins the game, Is run legal or not? JOB. If the atrlkeout wa the third out, run, of course, doea not count. Dear Tom The Dcgnon drays of Long Island City and the Farmers nf (Hernial recently played a serin. The Karmers won the flrst and the second uas played at (HemlKle later on. With thn ecorn 10 to 1 In favor of the Degnons lb Karmers go to hat In the last half ot the eighth and put over three runs and have only two out when rain stops tho completion of the In ning. The Degnon drays fall to publlih score of their defeat, but their victory ap peared In Monday's murnlng tUN with score 10 to 1, omitting all mention nf runs cored by the Farmers In the eighth. V eontsnd that Inasmuch as the Degnons had their halt ot the eighth the Karmers are entitled to credit tor all runs scored In the latt half, and that icore should appear 10 to 4, Irrespective of the fact that Inning aas Incomplete. We ulsa contend that all hits and runs, Ac, scored in this half may be Included In our batting averages. Kl VAN EVERY, Tou are correct. Farmers were en. titled to the four runs, nnd all hits, runs, Ac, belong In the averages. Dear Tom As team play H'i team. A'a team up first. In the eighth Inning A's tam Is ahead with a score of It to 10. After the eighth and ns ll's team was get ting up A's team called the gams on ac count of clarknen with a man on third and ene out. W. TV. Team never can call a game on ac count of darkness. That Is entirely up to tho umpire. Dear Tom There were two strikes on a batter when the pitcher threw a drop ball which struck the plate. The batter, who thought tho hill wo good, struck about half way, then, ns tho ball had rolled away from tho catcher, dropped Mi bat and ran far first. The umpire called It a ball, but a the catcher dirt not hear his decision he threw the ball wild tn first In an attempt to get hla men. What Is ynur decMon? J. O. K. 1 believe umpire wna thoroughly lustl- fled in calling It a ball. I Dear Tom (t) TUB SUN claim tho illants won twenty-tit Mralglit games. From thli I should take It for granted that a tie gains does not count tn cunnecutlve win. If tn. bow It It that Zark Wheat I broke hit "hit a game" record tu the tlo game. This game wa plated over on a Mon.lnv, nnd I believe he gut twn hits, CI Did Pitcher Malls ot lirooklyn play with them latt ear? FltKI) WHSTON. (1) In a tie game no decision Is reached, and In the standing of the clubs It Is the same aa though no game wan played. However, whenever a tie game runs over the legal five Innings, lilts, run, errors, Ac. all go into thn official records, ns a legal game actually ts played. (3) Malls first Joined the Dodgers; In tho West In mld-aummer, 1915. I Dear Tom (I) Was there ever a team, and which team was It, that won every game they Played, and when were they stopped? (J) Who holds the record of games straight? I. AND C. C. (1) The original Cincinnati Reds, an Independent team, won all of their games during the ear 1SC9 and were not stopped until June 14, 1S70, whan they lost to tho Atlantic's of Ilrooklyn. All told they won 79 straight games. They wero not league games, however. (!) In regularly organised loagues the Corslcana team of Texas league holds tho record with 28 straight victories In 1901. The Giants, with their recent rec ord of 16 straight, hold tho major leaguo record. Dear Tom In the second game be twren St. I u t and Waehlne-tun on Auvuel I A beta II that there wera two out In I me ninui wnpn rotier ant trie only hit of the game off Plank. a.i)a there was none nut. Who wins? J 8. TIFFANY. Our account of tho gamo does not tell how many wtre nut In the ninth In ning when Poster made the lone hit off Plank. Williams had wulked nnd stokn aecond before Foster doubled. Dear Tom (1) Two men out: one man en second; batter hits the ball for two batet. Man on eecond rtarhea home safely without any play being made for him. Put an he rounded third he made a big sweep for home, running more then three feel outtlde of the bate linn. A eay he la out. II taya he la safe. Who'e right? (SI nat ter hat two ttrlkea and three ballt on him, next ball pitched la a ba'l. Hjt before thlt fourth ball was pitched batter run toward first at pitcher wlf.,' up. Diet batter get a bite on balls, or I he out for leaving the box before ball was pitched? V. AND O. 11. II. C (1) If no play was mode on him ho Is safe. Umpire (oes not call "out" at any baso unless his attention Is called to runner's failure to touch baso by sldo In field. (!) I asked President Tener of thn National League nhout this play. He said If a man deliberately left Ills box before tho ball was pitched his umplrrs would call the batter out for trying to confuse the pitcher. However, should the batsman see pitch would be had he fore ball was up to him and started for first he would be awarded his base on balls. Dear Tom (1 Where Is Ebb-It Field situated? (3) Where do Vln Campbell. Hcheer, Gilbert and Whllehousa plav? yi. u. (1) Ebbets Field is surrounded by Bedford avenue, Hull Ivan street. Cedar street and Montgomery street. (3) Hcheer was somewhere In the American Association last season. Ono White house was with New London In Eastern League and the other at Terro Haute. Campbell has retired. Dear Tom (It la a ntaver out If attar three ttrlket he walks out of the bats line and teelnr that the catcher has dropped the ball he runt to first bate before the first baseman receives the ball? (21 It a player out on the tame play ir he elts on the benoh? CLAItENCE A. In the National League no man Is re tired until nctually thrown nut, though Secretary Heydler says some umpires would use their own Judgment In calling man out should ho sit on the bench, Dear Tom Batter gets bate on ballt. Before runner reachet nrst next batter takes position at plate, t'mplre callt flrtt batter out- Waa he right? If such It tho rate waa he right In calling batter out when nobody of tho oppotlng team had even noticed thlt "Infraction of the rules"? Let mo also add that pitcher wa holding ball all the time, CUBAN. Secretary Heydler of National League says he could see no reason why batter was, called out. What was the "Infrac tion of the rules"? Dear Tom Man after hitting ball It tifs at second bate. Next batter It up. The next ball thrown to the catcher It a strike. The catcher eventually returns the ball ti the pitcher, but In dolnr to he throws low, the ball bounding away from the pitcher. Man on second.' however, has a good lead off bast and ttartt for third, (in the wav to third baa he notices that the ball struck the umpire The pitcher recovers the ball In time to get the man at third bate; but the man that ran from second to third claims (he ball should be declared a dead ball and runner can go bark to second. MICKEY WAI.HIt. Hall was In play according to section 7, rule 64 and pitcher had the privilege of throwing runner out ut third base. Dear Tom Do the club president! of the National and the American leagues get a share of the world aeries muney? M, C, a, In both leagues the pennant winners split up 2S per cent, of their world's se ries profits with the remainder of the league. Dear Tom Should there be any differ ence tn the final total nf ivtris. ,,, by the Inability nf tome National League teams to complete the full number of games tchedultd? Dm: this aiv ai. vantage to the teams not having to play the full number of games? FEMALE PAN. Very often It happens that teams are unable to play their full 154 games. If a gams cannot be played off during the last series between two clubs it la cancelled. Frequently the Inability of team to play It full 1E4 games Is quit a handicap for a, pennant con tender to overcome. American Gains Itcspect by De claring Darcy Was Win ner in Uout. CLABBY IS CHIVALROUS Hy CMOS! COL'NTKlt. The unpleasant Impression created In Australia by certain American boxers and their managers, who showed a lack of sportsmanship, has been largely ie- moved recently by the admlrnblo attl i tude ot Jimmy dabby and Ucorgo Chip. These two thoroughgoing Americans showed the Australians that the paltri ness of Oiousn and others I the excep tion rather than the rule, and that Amer ican boxers as a clasa are equal In sportsmanship to tho uthletes of any country n the globe. It will be re-1 memhered that Clabby magnnnlmnusly I refused to accept a lame cash forfeit from Darcy berauso the Intte.r was over- wetgnt. Now cornea Oeorgo Chip, after his de-1 fcut at the hands of thu Australian i champion, nnd In n manly, straightfor ward way declares he was, vanquished by a better man. When Chip wns questioned by nn Aus tralian writer tho Newcastle miner said: Darcy (he Belter .Man. "There's nothing to It. lie !e.n mo fairly and squarely. I did my beet, but Darcy did better. That's Just the sum-1 mlng up of the whole thing In thn old nutshell. Excuses? No ! I haven't any. , There Is none to be made; but some thing might be said In extenuation. If only to take tho rough edge oft my licking, I want to tell you In n few words that 1 am strongly Impressed with ' tho lMMlef that Darcy Is the greatest i middleweight fighter In tho world, (lib- bong would have no chance w 1th him. Dillon might, but I am not strong on that tip." Manager Jimmy Dime kept punctuat ing Chip's remarks by nodding assent : and when George got through Jimmy supplied the finishing touch by saying: "Those are exactly my sentlmer.ts." ."Darcy la wonderfully strong," chipped In Jimmy Dime. "Dillon la the only one on our side of the Pacific who would hnvo a possible chance with htm at catch weights; but nt 140 pounds, i Australia's and England a middle weight limit, Darcy would sure get away with the bacon." Jimmy Dims took a hand again. "I hate to make excuses," he remarked. "and I don't think I am making one i now. I desire to put In something In extenuation, as Chip said at the outset. Oeorgo got awful fat coming over In the i poat. tin nuiKett nigger than ever. Shunting nearly a stone of excess stuff cost him a heap of energy. He surely lost a little pep. Ilarcyltls. In a note to the writer Snowy naker declares that the opponents of the Aus tralian champion nppear to be nfTllcicd 1 with "Darcyltls," and adds : "Is Lea Darcy. Australia's great mid dleweight champion, a fighting wonder) or Is It the pugnacious utmophere that the whole Australian public breathe around him that puts thu pcaro into his 1 opponents? 1 ".Some clone observers of boxing who ' navo witnessed Darcy destroy the repu tations of some of America's best mid dleweight and lower the Hying colors of all Australia's talent that opposed him have figured that a Darcy versus Somebody' contest means that Darcy geta Into tho ring 100 per cent, himself while the 'Somebody' enters tho ring nt about 50 pep cent. less. There i-cems to be a lot In this. McOoorty. Hrown. dabby, Crouse nnd cithers have landed n punch on Dnrcy'H chin, but Darcy smiles tho punch nway nnd tears In all the harder. "The public In Australia nre begin ning to ask: 'Is tho weight behind thn punch or have the Australian's oppo nents been suffering from Dnrcyltls. thus reducing their punching power to com putntlvely nlir "Every boxer that meets Darcy seems to have one Idea uppermost In his mind and that Is to grab Darry'n arms nnd hold on. It seems natural with them thoughts paramount that the fighting in stinct Is Kwaniped, nt least during the lime they nro In the ring ngaint Darcy. "Darcy is a boxing hero In Australia and deservedly so, hut If thero Is on thing that the Aimtnillan public would like to see It Is some fighter from America, Australia or elsewhere with the power to sit Darcy down for a few seconds. "Never yet has he been knocked off his foet." Les Darcy says Chip In a hard puncher and a ahrong fellow, but he telegraphs a good deal of his Intended operations. Les thinks the American Is an fair a fighter as ho has ever met. Not once did Darcy have any misgivings legard Ing the outcome. Al McCoy wants It understood that he did not call oft the bout with Dillon, as had been reported. The tltleholder said that far from calling off the bout, he, wna more than anxlouii to proceed with thn combat. Iteeolt Blows. Iloxers now have a now dunger to confront In the ahatte of a recoil blow. A ringside spectator of recent bouw In Sydney declares that he plainly saw two of these blows, and describes them sh follows : "I have never heard the possibility of a ring lighter's blow acting the reverse way that Is, upon himself even sug gested. I certainly never read of such a thing taking place. , "On two recent tjuccrsalve Saturday nights I saw blowB recoil yes. recoil Is thn only word upon their deliverers, whllo the men they were Intended tu damage remained absolutely unaffected an far nn appearnncca went. "In the fourth round of his battle wllh Babe IMcato Jimmy Hill smashed n right to the American's chest, and whllo Plcnto stood absolutely uiiruflleil, apparently, Hill flopped to the boards. "A similar Incident happened In the O'Donnell-McMnhon battle loot Saturday night week. During a high pressure moment of the sixth round McMahon hooked a right to the side of O'Donnell's neck, and Immediately flopped to his Imnu-B much surprised looking pug. How did It happen 7' he seemed to be asking himself. "Ah long aa the same portion of the anatomy of every boxer strikes the boards tlrst there might ho no danger In the recoil, excepting that It might i.liakn the victim up badly at a time when he waa unable to stand overmuch of that nort of thing. Huf what If I1I.1 head struck tho ground tlrst? "Those fantastic attacks EUcn a, shamrock punch, the scissors wallop, the corkscrew drive, Aa, have all been writ ten about a good deal but never taken seriously. Mine Is the first and may perhaps be tho last reference to the re coll blow," KatovkdowB (or Tar Hugh D. Mcintosh, who arranged the Lngiora-L4uig matcn, which took place In London and ended In favor of Lang- V"?5tftTalkiaCsatjaI:' mgtxaatP JgtxaaK R mKttm 0 0JWgaPJreJeT apay srk JjlPHHw jv Twenty-four nonce pnpnle helnnglag to gV VgttggggggggggT'gtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtT ,txtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtT j$y Helen gWgtxtxtxtxtxtxtxHgtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxH Jm lrfl h ' iSM'-'A Tim wiin. a.u .tuts. it..i.i Ain:v. I assssf '..agHVM .VsS. K 1 1 ifc.'WFEk ' I ,,r"' """ "III him I EugHL atxtxPgtxtxtxatV I next u irk nt the Waldorf Terrier lfmr. tBBtgagBaSW ,1 assssVv ... agtas7s7r?'m, , 1 ,. . I LstatTssTaV ' gtTgggtW gBJ . 1 1 K7Jtjajsa sawatxear sh tjagtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtaatasta-. I liiW gK7iJggggtzr . aafgtatatatatatatatatatatatatatataaataw IP -sssssKT- ',srVsTet?t?t?t?t?t gaaaaLfe ' ..lgtTgtTgtTgtTgtTgtTgtTgtTgtTgaatV 1 it tatKW .stBMtasKssasKssasxssaavB. 1 astltW:aatsatltltltltltltltltltltltltltltl 1 mtx mzmfzzmr, 1 IC-v . ;'. sasfep.i gtXtXgH .t.gggggB'ilV" , tasasasasasaagtaltIK".?1 gt?gt?gt?gt?gtatatata IX .stasasasasasasasasasasasgal aVi gtTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTa gg, i! I .rv'. .r' ! gtxtxtxtxtxttMgtxtxtxtxtatVA'IW,atxtxtxtx LADY Consistent n Inner nt ford In the nlxth round on a foul, gives this Interesting description of the battle. In which n number of unusual incidents 1 occurred : 1 "Lang's Instructions were to back nwny from I.angford und endeavor to tiro him In order to give himself a chance, Lang ford went right uftcr bis opponent and In tho tlrst round knocked lilll down for the full count Eugene Corrl was referee and Jumped Into the ring at thlt Huge and stayed there separating the two men. "Hill put up n game, determined bat-1 tie, but an old cut over the eve was , reopened by tho flrn fmneh, nnd it sadly disturbed him, tho blood running over ' his face nnd making him look tn a much worse condition than ho tenlly wa. Hill s was the rnurngn of the martyr, and his i-ercne, oxllke disposition seemed to thrive under ono of the most tearful drubbing that had ever been given to a white man by a black, The "AuctUnerr.' "In the fifth round Lnngford delivered whut ho wns pleased to call 'the auc tioneer' a right cross on the Jaw and Lung went down apparently dead to the world. Langford went to his comer. when, his second began to tnko his gloves otf Ho never even cast n glance nt his fallen foe. To his amaiement, however, before tho fatal out could bo pronounced the prostrate Australian struggled to his ft et nnd resumed the light, curlier) soon being tailed. "I waa sitting near Lang's corner and leaned over to him and said; 'How nte you feeling, 111117' He answered with out the slightest trace of anger or rc. sentment against hla oppunent, nnd In Ills wild, genial manner: "Hll" me, Mr. Mac, he's 'Ittlng 'ard to-night.' "I had always been nn admirer nf Hill, but from that moment ho became fixed In my mind a ono of the gamcsl and bravest men I had ever met. Floored Mm, "In the slxlh round I said : 'do and tako a chance, lllll.' He walked over, and ns Lnngford swung nt him nnd misled lllll hit him with a hhort blow on the Jnw nnd knocked lilm down. "ThN caused a tremendous sensation. Langford was on his hands und ki.ocs taking thn count. "Hill at the count of three stepped across nnd struck upward blow at Langford, He rlJe.d afterward that he was under tho Impression that Lang ford was rising. The referee, without a moment's hesitation llsiuall(led lllll, and the contest was over, "It In finite Imposslblo to any what would have happened nnd how the con test would have ended had Lang not been disqualified, lllll Lang was at the time still strong, gnmo and determined. Langfonl was obviously tiring, und the fact that his 'auctioneer' had not deliv ered the goods seemed to have hail a most ilepris"lng rITcct tisin him. "lllll wai greatly tipet by thli dls (ualillcutlon, the second In England, and lit) decided to ictiiril in Austtalla. I havo always acquitted Hill Lang of any Intentional dcrlre to foul Langford In this contest" K. O. Drennsn Poor ChnafTenr. Knockout Hrentmn of lluffalo re ceived a legal knockout recently when a Jury In thn county court reported a verdict to Judge Lalng against the pugi list and In favor of William Wlttmcyer, nn Kden farmer, for 1720. The verdict represents dnmiges dono by Hrennan's automobile when It hit tho fanner's rig, Tho Western promoters refuse to per mit Johnny Coulon to rest In peace. They are trying to drag him from his seclusion to battle with a Chicago ban tam named Frunkle Iszo. Coulon Is backward about accepting, Wlllard Is no longer a circus star, and there will be a grand scramble on the part of the contender (or tho title to get a match with the man mountain. lilt . Ml. tletnipiilllnn alum. BEAGLES POPULAR IN WESTCHESTER COUNTY ! V.,.VIV Or"-lltliel f'lllli Pur. ".' wrlllll.t.u t mi) I IIP clinsps I'nek mid Holds Two Hunts Every Week. Ileagles is ono of Vetc.-ter'" new est spoiling activities. The Win chester Club recently purchased a pack nf beagles which have bten Installed '.11 the kennels al Kami, where the club will hive lis rendezvous. A num ber of prominent Westchester peopl ar Included In It membership. The club has an Informal bunt t vt ry Wednesday (iml a hunt and hum breakfaet every Saturday Olllcera of the dull ale. I'lcMdent, Frank J. t"asldy; Mct-iuclileut, Charles I'. Fulton) recretar. 1" lu'.i" Talntor. treasurer, WHIard H, Day; master of hound. Mrs. 1". Danes Talntor, whip, C. Davltn T.iiulor and It'll! 1 t , .,. Among the members tire C. Davles iTalnto -, James Duller. Jr, Frank .1.1 ' Cassidy, K. II. Cr.iiulall. C. D. I'olom, Hubert K. Farlev, W II., llany Hemming. Harry M. Lee, J. McK. How- man, Oliver liariimnu, .1. i-.tuipuoii Thomp-oti and Clifford Itauman. All of the club's hunts luxe been succesful. On Oct. 7 It met with the Fairfield Heagle Cluli for a hunt and brcakfuet at the nilrfldd eFt.ito uf John D. Crlmmins. The following Saturday the hunt was on the estate of i:ugen lteynal at Whit Plains, with 11 hunt and break fast ut the C.edney Farm Country Club, with Mrs. Frank J. Ca-ldy acting as hostess, Op Oct. 2) the hunt wa at Nigger Hill, near Purchase, and oil (let. 2H on tho llrlllln Farm, near White Plains. JUDGES FOR NEW HAVEN SHOW. 1,1st Selected Mrelt With Approval of All I'niielers, A well selected llt of Judgcti will be presented to tho dog fancier at the second annual dog hnw of tlio New Haven Kennel Club, which will bo held nt Music Hall, Court street. New Haven, on December 1? and Ll. Although not complete and xubject to many changts, Hie following Ut l.s sure to mi et with the approval of the faucleis; (1. Muss Arnold, Tuckahoe, N Y -llloixlhonnd. otterhounds, mastlflV, St. llcrnards, ("real Dane, Newfoundland, Kusslaii wolfhounds, pointer, wire hailed pointing griffons, Chesapeake Hay dogs, ilaiiudiunde, collies, Helglan sheep dogs, Herman hheepdogs, raiim) ciIch, boxers, Dobermatm plnschcrs, chow chow, Japanese spaniels, pugs, York shire terrier, Maltese tertlers, toy black and tan terrleis, miscellaneous and chil dren' elatse. Cieorge S. Thomas. Hamilton. .Mil..- Irish wolfhounds, ricottlsh deerlinuiuls, greyhounds, foxhound, Ilngllsh ullci, Irish setter, (Jordon better, retries et, beagles, whippet, old Kngtlsh sheep dog, Dalmatians, bulldogs, bull terrier, Hlietland nheepdoR.s, French bulldogs, Healyham terrier, Irish terrier, Scot tish terrier. West Highland white tei rlers, Wcleh terrlciM. Skyo terriers, Dandle Dlnmont terriers, Ilcdllnglon ter 1 lei h, black and tan Manchester tenier. Prhlpperkes, PomeranlnnH and llrussels griffons. C. H. Mower, Hurllngton, Vt. Hoston terrier. Henry O, Trevor, Southampton, N, y, All poodles. Miss C. C. Whitney, Slaspeth, 1 I. English toy spaniels and Italian greyhounds. ONLY FEW FOREIGN BRED PUPPIES HERE liiiMii'tiitiiii Litrlit lit'Hiusc of Win- mill Hitrh cost of Insurancf'. fM'idiuu has the linportiit'.on of high rlas tings been so light us It Is now. In p!o(ou year. practically every steamer arriving hero In the autumn hail on b ard from li ilf a dozen to a score of high class canines. This year It Is a novelty to t-ee one of them romp down the c:im,'plank of an ocean liner. As a ipsult there Is a ecntdty of foreign brtd puppies In America, nnd this scarcity Is directly due to the war In former seasons professional li.mtU'.ri and iiKfhts as well as exhibitors i-coitrcd 1'ur.ip.' se.-kli ou:ic champions und t liamploiishlii muterliil itinl brought hack Ihigll'h'terrlet.. 1 r te li letrier., Herman sheepdog, lttislan wnlfhounds, (Ireat Dane, St. Hcni.trd. und to., Ilecntiw of the war few fanciers made the trip this fall, and tho-e who did met with little sue -ess. in y.,me countries the evportation of high cl.ies tl gs is for lild.h 11 itinl 111 the other tl.ty oet to.i tt.Uvll. It-sllleS the price til get tllOIII here has more than tripled. Their trans portation has Increased amazingly Mini the Insuiancu rate has more than tripled. ('al uf Shipping Too lllith. To br ns .1 dog a, ross t ie 01 ear. now costs mote than !,1u, and If it Is heavily Insured It et.s. nearly 0', , .1 result mitriv m'rl-an who procured lilies iii.ri..i,l nnd miitid.d flnppln tetn bete left tlw.11 mi the other nle. tine of the few bat.-niv ,if 'iliiK.Hts. 1 11. .w ! thl count rv came early l.i-i m "1 when F.ilwnrd Ward of Ahkern. Do'.'-aeier, Ihuland, .1 pioml- tilt '. leeiler at. I 1 xhitjltiT. in 'cd with thu teen terrkrs und I'oiiier.iulaiis, Sev eral if luein aie w.nuer .Mr Word l the mm who unit Wnt land'h Winning Ways and Champion Ittbtl Chieftain to th. eoiinlry. Ills kennel has been n potent factor at the i:ii:ih shows, Mr Ward is now In this country. Ilnullah IlulltliiK Here. Another man who recently brought In a lniili class puppy is J.itm Hurax. I It Iniported a beautiful bulldog whlili he will exhibit for the llrs-t time .11 the Associated Hulld-ig Show, which will be held at Hall next Tuci day afternoon. Although fanners my there will ho n I rein nrinoorntie pup- " ' 1 '" ""iom snow next month. ""'' D hopeful that between r.nw and '"l, warn in,, euultiHter Jtcnnel Club holds its f,irt -tlrst show , .imiiu 'isnini, mere win oc noiigh of them hero to cite tho exhibi tion 11 pronounced International ilnvor. Y. M. C. A. BOWLING LEAGUE The tirenter New York XI c IlemllnB laxue will tttrt Its nnnu'al tourn.iiiieiit on Vedne,tji-, November S. whin ih team from renntvanlu Itallroad ritie h pn h Hie nrxt guno with the llrons I nlim men on their nlli The follow Imr Manhattan M, r. A's have entereil lejuisi IViiiih) Ivanla ttnllro.1,1, jfw York 1 i.nlr.i' litcrnad, l.le and llrnnx tin 11 i.ran ii Hr nk'vn will l.e repre. eeni.ii i, from I'rnsperi l',trk, Itirh leriutnul, i;..tern UMrlct. Twemy-tlxth Wiirl and Central lirnnrhes rvnirnl hr.ui '1 I- Hi, nn.v v xi .,.' twn Itnois I The I'tmipstltlnn wIM last until Tuesday pi ,1. when golil nie.ltU w. lie awarded 'he team tlnlshln tlrt The llrui.swlck Ittlke trepliy, whnh 11111x1 Pe won thice time In su 'ce-ilon In or ler to hnl.l It pi'rmaneni t, ni-i . l cunteste 1 for Silver me.lils will I,, iivtardnl tu the ismo tlnlthlng sernnil and third, filter medals will l,e awuuleil to t),n iKh uveiuen jiiuti on eath teiini. A ...ill,! ,-nl.l s..t. ninn makliiK the hlghes' Imllvlilual eenre and highest Indlviduul aveixiK". Including ulVl!er,;f;?:,vt!l:,,,'.r''r1!fe,; rres,. lent, II 11 Krelss, Twenty. blith Wnnl nranen, vi e president, I T. Allen, New Xnrk Central Ktllrnail hraniii; jecretarv. I". C Newton, lU.teru Ulstriel branch, nml treueur 1 A. Ilausler. Hut SI. la Prnnch. KENNEL DIRECTORY llll-TUN rl.lllltt.llS. li.ith sexes, J months and f, weeks old, aim 10 pound toy eir el l fmnile prlle winner ,1 IV MOIIIll W.ivirlt Sij , Tuckulioe. .N y, lilt HT It Tuikallnii, ANtKlltA KtTTKN.S cli imiuun noclt. I.lue t.Uck hinnkes, mute 1 10 1, ntlll'DKN UIAI., Nn. Ill llKht St Jersey iMt COCKER NVAMEI.K. MEPAL KENNELS New Marlboro, Hrrkthlre County, Masai Cocker Spaniels Famous champions at stud. rnpplet ud grown stock usually for tale JAI'ANKXK MI'ANIEU. Bupplet for sale: ImrTorud atick ' siui Ko Ts ! MontliK Oh!. W fiuh. : Ounces mill II - :i Split Xosp. AND HE TS A TON I'l , Microbe Is going to bo bene'," 1 ,t. week. Mlciobc Is a IluMmi t .. , four inontlm old. He weighs in 1 four ounces und linn u split in 1 heloligH to Ml h, Helen, 250 Dean street, llrookln, who ems Is the smallest nnd llillest toy for tho bench In the eotmliy ,e , especially proud of him nml cmiiilen h, will carry off honors nt sex eta I , tyv shows this winter. Ills first nppcnratiui In pul.l , I , nt the Wnldorr-Aslorla, when 1 u I. . Terrier Cluli t this city whl b 1 d i, annual A. K. C. specialty show At tho samo show lliete w II be ably ono of tho tin goal Ibis 01 1 In thn country. She Is I.nd.i (h.i heavyweight, owned by .Mr. I' .1 sn van, whoso husband I Chutim 1 llcnch Show Coinmllt"e. Lady ,r, has been a conl.tcnt winner nt t daily shows In till disti l. f m years, and is one. of the fariiti stellar I101101 this e,u. Another line terrier wh eh wi I P hlblted nt this show I The Wh ,t. 1 are hy Itntph J, Cnhen nf Hayoune 1 Mr. Cahen Is trca.stiter of t ie du! T Whip will be shown by Jlr.i Cii the class open to (hose wclghit i, f teen to twenty-two pnundi 1.. scores of local teirlers nlie:nl ti c. entries from ninny out-of-ton fi 1 . have bten lecelvetl, Wilbur II I'lue,, manager nf the ehow, sio ever 1 , IsjIntH tn Us lielng the must sue -s' event In the history of the duo Flying lllteh Still Viinng, Flying Hitch, the totem '!tn belonging to Mrs. II. T Vt.n il. II, of Newark, li;ie not lluislied In? n career yet, Althiiugh h.. I m. t nliet bench dogs in the roiin'tx Is In flun condition ;uul yu 11. n,. many of his younger opponent Predict Tlllt Nowata Chang, 11 lor I'ekr. bt .lilt fi. owned by W I". and I S Sit Hreezeholtn Kennels nf Vi.ltx looking his best these , I ; 1 Js prttllet many medal for him t . nnd ileclam he will lie a h i fore th end of the Indole n.t- 'I'o llencli I'lippli's. Clu lkin l'rlnce nf Ahlei :,oui .1. iKirted I'eke. tiwneii by Mr II , of 1 Ireat Neck, lmg ll.iinl, 1 , of puppies, nil of wl,,dl will In ' text spring. Mi. Ha.xtei ei? 1 develop into 11 line .1 mother, which he -as m! , Illinois tills wlnler. lb ( ( nlllf., (.iilln-r. Collies w 1 g;, L , ., 1 7 whi-i the i.l- t New Vmk li'iliie it in 1 1, , 1 rers nf the cMib pic li t ,,1 1 . show will lit lug t'lSt't ' II, , ' her of fi,. Ix.uitlf-il I......I .,,,1 tleinonstrute that ttio Ct.ll,, i ug 1 p the high road to become the fashlnt dog It was a few Jears nut.. Toy iinnls-l ri W nlilnrf Another show that pnuiii.-e- 1.. a big entty Is th, ft,.t),ti ethlliltlon of the Tnv .vpuniel 1 ' America. This will be lit d nt t, dorf-Astorla on Janu.irv 3 CLUMBER GOOD GUN DOG Ileal of This Ilreetl tmrri,.,, u. In ew 1 urk Mnlr. The clumber t-pnniel lnv nimrs this mouth It is ipe . . Ing sensiui in mot parts nf 1 try and he Is as htsv as the . ' about the bird dog kij , , Clatne finding capacity is 1 a proper method of working of cover nnd has I origin . There are many high 1I.1- . .1. this country, hut ptnbililv 1 -the-e nro In this State Victoria Ormonde, a w 1 Mlneobi Show but u i,g, n Luke Jone In sulUx , . months. She 1 a e..-e, .. with rare good noe und o 1 seii!,e Dmpplng tn luuii' w shot this .xnung dumber hi ward of thirty wondciicv n since Octuhtr 1, and l.s ,1 ample of why the dunibei t-y 1 most popular all ainutnl g u Kugland. She und Tllbtiiy Tntiy mi. 1 .' Wclheck linger, the FuglWh I . winner, have been ehijipni 1 Valley for the shooting i-ca used by their owner, 1 Jorge 1 the well known Hi Id thot a. of clumber spaniels, FLYING DUTCHMAN SC0RF- la rnntloii nt .tlet-lliig ot I ens' lalninl Kennel I 1 1 Is. Filing I Mitiiiman. 1 puppy owned by William v sensation nf the nn . 1 c Ihland Kennel Club he d it Hiilldlng, ItrtNvklvn !!. Kxpert present e.iid that the one of thu best e.xh. lilted i 1 In several year nml t would win inunv hi ,.1 n fore the 1 nd of the Iml i hi With Peer liynt. iin,i.... 1 dog. Mr. Artz won t 1 wu In line flm runl w.i .1 "''""""' nM." ." aw.irueii the rc I he ineetltig was i. I.uig Island club will h ,.1 and the nfllceiH of tho . . pic teii wltli tint result. -ICLt I.XNI tH it. IKItllv lit DOG Disusrs! And How to I i. l Vltllstl frte tn sr Ll - U tat AulliT H. CLAY GLOVER tn' IIS Wait 31 tt Street. ? e YOUR DOG IS YOUR FRIEND When he hi,- ,r s Danl:ls' WORM EXPELLEK Cut, Is ti(l ttnts Due i ie i, dialer's or hy mat' lie. ceipt nf 4c peitinc hit ,v 172 Milk t lloKtiin, Mioh DOGS AM lllll'l II- I "wIaBia7 eA;iod .11 , 1IIP I iHIItt - . nth ! I ftasHf Dl tmu rHONE M9 HTrVrH.M