Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 191G. BEWARE OF THESE 'CHAUFFEURS' TIRES' New "Self-Stopper" Successful Automatic Brake. AUTOMATIC BRAKE IS NOW PERFECTED De Bear in Maxwell "Whizzer." A REMARKABLE NON-SKID TEST With a Compensating Driving Axle Hijr Car Hcfues to Slide. v A"c?A vwvyfji If Yon Aro Using Them, Yon Arc Iking m Itobbcd. Prcsto-O-Lito Company Cnlls It "Self-Stopper'' and It Does the Work. 6 'wfeaSLsaBHBViL'V JBlBEks sMsrVBBfcsV'JPrc4sn ' IBSBBsiiiiiVK&JEPBBSk v JlBKuiBBKaalW fi-!V:2 i jBBHBjBBBBttfltj0 "BBsVBsBBBBBBBBBBBUsBBiBBBIi bBBBBBBB9BB9TbBiEBBjBBjBJBJBjB nr nritTOW . nnow.f. Thoro nro many dealer on Hroadway who uso standard makes of tlrea ns de eoya to open the way for the sale of Imitation tlrea. Theie men find ready access to automobile owners' pocket- books by dealing with dishonest chauf feurs. Tho offhand manner In which hun dreds of automobllo owners order their chauffeurs to huy tires for them opens tho way for collusion between the chauf feur and certain tire dealers, and this means the loss of a tremendous sum of money each year to business men who In other ways are sensible about ex penditures. There Is not one of them who would turn to a clerk In the ofllce and ask Mm t6 go out and buy for him a ftEO watch. And yet any one of them wtU ask John or Jim or Jack to buy a set of tires costing- about the same amount and never look Into the trans action themselves. There nre tires sold In this city which ar plainly known In the trado as Vhauffeurs" tires," I. e., tires which ore old to chsuffcurs only, nnd every time one of them Is sold a new crooked deal. In which the "boss" suffers, has bsen recorded. Dishonest chauffeurs and dealers havo reached a perfect under standing on the ways and means of rob bing the "boss" without his knowledge. A dealer who wants to 1 dishonest has a very easy time of It. He first lajs In a slock of standard advertised tires and In the end Interests a chauffeur In ths special make of poorer tiro on which he can give the latter a good commission. It works alone the following lines: The list price of an aveinRu 37x5 non-sklil tire I I43.S0. The price to the dealer Is $3" J5, and the net prtcfi with n ensh discount Is $35, S7. So the profit to the dealer on such a tire Is J7.93 If he sells that tire at the regular coiimiincr.V list pTlc. Now when the dishonest dealer wants to Interest tho dishonest chauffeur In his "special tire" he tlrst cuts the price of the standard make to say 137.75, thereby taking a protlt of only I1.8S. Naturally this price Is attractive to tho chauffeur and Interests him In the dealer, vrho later confides that he has another tire of the same size selling for S53.S5 on which he can give lilin 10 or 11 per cent, commission If he could get the "boss" to buy It. Of course he shows the chauffeur n fictitious list of prices. Now, the proposition of the more ex pensive tire is bad on the very face of it, becauso nobody can make any better tires than the standard compnnlex are making, and nny price far above those quoted by them Is an Inflated and tils honest price. The 10 or 15 per cent, com mis ilon Jutt suits the chauffeur, how ever, nnd he sees to It that all the stand ard tires on his car go to pieces quickly through rough usage ho ho can tell the "txm" what poor service they are giving and got permission to buy "something better." The boss Is "easy" and has lots of money, nnd why shouldn't a poor chauffeur "get something on the side"? Somebody reading this story has prob ably said to himself: "Well, my chauf feur li honest, so this doesn't concern me." Do you buy your tires personally? If you don't It would be well for you not to be too Bure about your chauffeur. Make a few quiet llttlo Investigations. Then when you catch him get a new man and have It understood that you are going to do all the tire buying your self. If you haven't time to Investigate the matter yourself and yet want to know the truth Just drive up to the head quarters of any standard tire concern and an expert tire man will tell you the truth about It immediately. It will re quire only a glance at tho tires. A "chauffeur's tire" Is a crooked tire, and It Is In the tlrn rogues' gallery so that It may be readily Identified. The troublo with many car owners Is that they can't figure out how a chauf feur can trick them, nnd therefore they believe that what he does must be all right. Owners nre deceived and robbed every day as they sit in their cars out side the btores in which their chauffeurs are making purchases for them. Hiding down nroadway the chauffeur will say: "I think we ought to get six new tubes." Ths owner Is perfectly ngreeable, so the I chauffeur pulls up In front of "his store" and goes In for the tubes. He soon re turns with six boxes and places them I nesiue ine owner to show him that, the purchase had been made. In a short time the owner gets a bill for them, which the chauffeur O. K.'s and the owner pays. Now the question Is. did the owner ever get his six tubes, und the answer Is that he did not. He paid for six, mil ne only got two. The chauffeur returned four of them to the store and split "fifty-fifty" with the dealer the difference between the price of two tubes and the price of six tubes. Probably n little later there Is need for one of the hew tubes, and when the chauffeur promptly produces one the owner thinks everything Is all right nnd then promptly forgets about tho six tube transaction and never speaks of It again. Many chauffeurs from the first day of Ihelr employment plan to systematically .rob their employers by a special Inside arrangement with dishonest dealers. In some Instances the thing Is carried to amaxlng extremes. The writer knows of an Instance that hardly seems possible, but Is nevertheless a fact. A chauffeur walked Into a certain store on Hroadway not long ago and said to the proprietor "How much have I got coming to me this month?" The latter's reply wus, "Tou haven't anything coming to you because you haven't nought nnything." Then, with a surprised look, the chauf feur said, "Give me one of your billheads nnd I'll some have something coming to Ine. Then he made out a list of fictitious purchases costing In ll nenrly $97. He showed the list to the proprietor and said. "Tou know that I bought all this stuff here, don't your The latter Winked and said "Yes." A "flfty-fl'ty" pHt was promptly arranged. Now, Mr. Motorist, don't you think It behooves you to buy your own tlrea and Ireneral supplies? Dishonest dealers can not fool you If you ask for standard ad Vcrtlsed goods. And you can depend upon It that the goods of standard com panies will live up to their names and give you your moneys worth. When It tomes to tires you will flnd that the well known makes do not contain coin missions for chauffeurs, but only a-ener. bus mileage for you. Closing Out Winter Bodies limousines, 2!i. no. 150, sr.', uri lu S4V1 ckiuDes. $40. Mo. I7B. ,iiVl a uu Landsuletten, Til, 120 to tM. v' ts- Why Freeze When Any Knlr Offer Take a; 'Ifinf Heats. Hhleld. All kinds of IriSSt'c?" "", ,Min ,,u1"' IIUNIIltKKN ir Ott'i, 41)",. 401 lIS T Umaualue Healing Mjaiema, S.I.SU each. WATCH Ol'lt HIMKIHH mil "JOBS." Uarualnt in Ktiry Department. Jandorf Automobile Co., AUTO TIKK DKI'AIITMKNTH, 1781, lju.1 B'way, nr. 7tn NC. "IE,"5.?....? UH DJ 1 K8 DKI'A KTM KNT8. SIM, SUi w, D(h at., dsst Broadway. Km Joins Liberty Co. H (I II Kit T W. MICK AM. Percy Owen of the Liberty Motor Car Company flas announced the appoint ment of Itobort W Micknm ;is adver tising manager of that company. "So rapid has been the development of our business that we have li.ul to hustle to expand our organization to keep puce with It," says .M iiwen, "Iartular!y heavy have been the de mands upon the sales and advertising departments. ".Mr. Micknm for the Inn two years has been advertising manager of the I'ord Motor Company of Cnnada,' Ltd. Ilcfure that he was In charge of the ad vertising department uf the Kuril Motor Company in Detroit, and prvilous to that was formerly one of the hint known newspaper writers of western Michigan and at one time was connected with the lllen lluck Advertising Agency of Chicago," t F7m He" iVRl asssE m Little, Monroe Has Big Features i Mirr SllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHBSlllV. -a 4 1 "m"mmmmm J Norrls Mason, well known on Automo-1 car man." lie made a great rcputu bile row, has taken the agency for the I "" handling the Renault car here, m In cfimtnentlnir on his new move hn andl Monore car. In addition to this city, his territory will Include Westchester. Ilrookbn, Long Ulaud and u part uf New Jersey. The roadster shown here sells for 1365 and there Is a big demand for It, .Mason sold three of them In one day nt his salesroom on Hroadway, near Klfty slxth street, last week. Mason has always been a "high priced AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE mammmmimmmmmmmmZ NL'UIITM.HOOTII mis four cylinder runubout with slip cov er. Ililn cur la In perfict cnnjiiinn. CRUELTY TO AUTOMOBILES i-honi:, W;,!- Circle itilS, New Vi4c Cltv Suppose therq,wu Society fur the Pre- veiiilou of Cruelty to Automobiles, .Mr. JKHFHKV.riii'vTirnviiri Moto.-L-.t, wimit you lca I tin inilic. ....IK,TKI,f l,!,:P... quenvwf' You oo It to y!.,lrM.lf .nil lo f'1!."' , . r ,Ia. e" ) our cr to become prutleieni. e can ", Ji'.J " ' u ul' "' nmuitli.n and ! fully iiis.h you so. Hay and livening claiwiw. .'W',' ' " ',Viy ""y,11' bumper, spot Sl'KCIAL CLABSlis hull LAUIKS. 'J1.1' "'rr'ii' 'S:kWr''" round. CTCWADT AI1TA crUfln! T n ' J"Kht. Th. condition Ii STEWART ALTO SCHOOL mw- chah. . muss co we m r.t S7th til. (si llrosdwajl. PHONRt ;jo West lit h Street glJ Circle ion, Xpw Vnt4( Cltv. 1H flv. p.ssen"Vr loullng c.r. overhauled 5' fhh J"??tP'"(rfft,rSrJ?"rct-,,iy Jtll and uuranl.d. Till, vur I. In perfect fur demon, rating T - i, . lrg"n.P " nliape and a bargain. chas ! iiirlts jl -rJ ivr- ciiam. i:. itmsH & co.. inc.. piiON-nt Vv Vt ssnf xi'.i " PHONKl ::ii West i..tll Strut. Cln e II 'in St'Vf olll Cltv ' Circle IC10. New VoMt Cltv. Jw u: Cltv. ... .......... .. wr ..., t. ',TCMK''1' HlAnSTi:it (late mo, I) lll'I'.VKIllll.i: SKIIAN hus sslf-sturter. elertrlo lights, left hand lHj uted only a short time. Overhauled ilrlviitemmintnlit ilnm (fully eiiulinil I. and fuurunteed. Including largo Ue Heir Hobs, 148 i:. SVtli. 1. 11 An. 1.. Kllstl & ILti " ' Wlr 1 111 ' ' '"' noii'e Miiiik alisnrbers; starting nnd light- liri'.vionii.K ItlS flvs pansciiKtr with Viar 'Hound top. Overhauled and guaranteed, ThU tur has all the ailvaiitntte nt a l,lniiiiinlne. CJIAS i: Itll-W.S Ai en., INC., PHONIJ! s:ii We.t bo I Ii strut, Circle litld. New Vmfc Cltv. A llANnsOMH PA I It UllAlt IKJIIKHj tin two beautiful li.ltSli IIOIIIIM, ll;,v. TI.KMKN'rl fur linn 1 .ivereiKit: nlmi (Imiif. feur'a fur coat; perfict on lltlmi; nn cn.h nrfera refimed. PltlV.VTli HTAIILU, lit Had 39lh HI., near Ixlnston Ave. WIl.t, ItUT up to dale Uinouilne, for ten or domestic; mum be In brat con dition. Apply lloom Itl, 111 llrtadwtr. IMPJPJBJBJBJBJBJBJBhk' ) 'if ' " "' f J it-M - i SI J i Iks) jfsstttrs fjjppp"'"'''4 flHHV BIG BUILDINGS FOR BIGGER BUSINESS Packard Company Forced to Erect Extension in a Hurry. . Knur acres of additional floor space for factory operations wl'l be made available nt the Packard Motor Car Company's plant with the completion of k! extension", additions and new biilhllng'i now under construction. The roni! ruction department Is using all spied consistent with substantial work o deliver the completed buildings to the manufacturing department. The Packnrd company has been oh'lsid to make these extensions because nf the enlarged demands upon the plant. I' prnlnbly gnes further than any other iiutoinoldlo manufacturing concern in lull ling complete motor enr? and trucks, this being mule neceary by Inability f f tho n'laiitlty of producers of parts to furnish parts of the renulrcd high stand aid The larger of the additions now under uny me tun sU story wings to the slock building. The dimensions of thes are 103 feet by lull feet each. Next In Importance Is the addition to the main power house, 6." by HO feet, which will double the fpare of the power plant. Other units under construction are a t rattle garage, fuuith story additions to two technical service buildings, lumber shidi nud a Mulshed truck storage build ing. The necessity for additions to the sr vice buildings was made by the natural Increase In demand for Packard ser vice the building of parts for the nil meious earlier model". These build ings will be eiii!pp?d with the necessary machine tools ami appliances. Knur lln menso genrraturs will be Initialled In the new power house addition upon Its completion. The total floor area of the plant will he fiS.6 acres with the completion of the improvements listed. There are now sixty-six buildings on the factory site, which covers 60.6 acres of land. New Mercer Rngtneer. Atiniiunrnif nt list Juit 9i rnnJ. hv ihm lf reer AutnniMilli Cnnipany of Trenton. S J Hint A. C. Srhulx lias tit.n ppolntl tlill eiiKlneer .Mr. Schuli fnrinrrly e nnetlil villi in l.nremonue coinpnli? or .nnrlru In the rapacity of malstanl elilrf tntinirr. "I have noted that tho small car Is becoming more popular every ear, not only among thoso persons who aro buying their first car, but among those who already own big cars. The little car Is handy for so many things. From every angle this little Monroe fills the bl'l, With mechanical efficiency it com bines grarcful lines and surprising riding comfort " Itoskam-Scott Co., use llieailway, m:. PACKAItn Hevfn pasnenger tour Inn. Ilko newt fullv eiiulpped. Itoikain iull Cii IHin; Hriiadway. It'll HTHAItNS TOWN CAIt-blmoii.lne; P.rrfr.''J.'n."'l","ni bnrg-iln. Hoikam-Hciilt I n., 1 hC llni.iilway TIMKKN IIKAIIINOR IITATT. New tieixirture Service sta. ThtdwIIIUmCo.. 2(3 W. fiSth t. (at ll'wiiy), Tel. tin Col. WINTO.V, 115 TOUItlNOnargaln. J. W C Hunnyald Drive, Tonktrt. Tin condition. . , - A Joins Premier. SEEC A. J.- BAXTA. ' A. J. Bants, for twelve years general manager of the central western territory , district for the Locomobile Company of America, has become vice-president of t.'.e Premier Motor Corporation of Imli au!iolls, makers of the aluminum six with magnetic gear shift. Mr and Mrs. llanta will mine to Indlamtpoll Imme diately, the new arrangements taking effect November 1. While the exact nature of his work with the Premier company has nut been officially nnnounced. It Is learned from go d authority that he will give at tention to production, together with other duties which have not so far been divulged. KINO 8 PKICE TO "00 UP. lint 'o Model t'hnnse for .Neil Year, f Another large automobile concern will I soon announce an Increase In the price . of Its product because of the high cost I of material. In a letter sent out to I dealers, General Manager T. H. Harthel I of the King Motor Car Company says In I part as follows : "The King Motor Car Company has been fortunate In that Its material con tracts have continued In force and will be In effect for the next sixty days, but I within iv few weeks we must very re luctantly Increase the price of the King Might. "Vo are pointing out to you an op portunity to purchase nt tho present list price nn Improved car of unusual value which will soon cost you and your cus tomers more money, Purchases at this , time aro Important because the pres ent Model 'K' chassis wilt be continued when tho price goes up. I "Numerous tests have been carried on I during the present year by the King ! .Motor Car Company, not so much for the advertising value lu them as to find, if possible, ways and means of Im I proving what has been a very unusual car. These testa were made from tho standpoint of tho owner's demand, and , now, at 11,350. he Is getting a car that should meet his most exacting rciulro I ments. The new price will be announced j later." BBBB isiiiiiiiH ssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHViiw Kt ySsiB BBBBBBassiik KjBBBfl BBBBBBBBBBBBSx -c . BSBBBBBBBBl i HB BBBBHt k BBBH BBBBBBBBM4'BBK SBBBBBBBsl BBslllllllllm BH sHHIIIIIIh BBBBBBBBBWBBBBBB When Your Car Needs a New Bearing Your car 19 worth no more to you than the pleasure or profit you derive from its use. When laid up for repairs, it is neither a source of pleasure nor profit but rather an annoy- Ip3 ancc and expense. 11 is now no longer necessary to uy up your car for a Waring replacement. Through the local branch of the Bearings Service Company you can obtain Hyatt, Timkcn or New Departure bearings to replace practically every type of anti friction bearing in your car. Get in touch with our branch in your city. A. 238 WEST FIFTY-SIXTH STREET NEW YORK CITY Pbont Orel Ml CMitniqfflcM Branch In all Detroit. Mich. principal dtlaa Self-starting devices for automobiles have practically reached a stage of per fection, but It has remained for the Prest- O-Llte Company, makers of the Prest-O-Llte storage battery and gas tank, to develop and place on the market tho first "self-stopper." This latest automobile convenience Is a vacuum brnko which enables the mo torist to bring- his car to a gradual stop with case and smoothness or to stop It Instantly with a minimum of personal effort. The effort necessary, In fact, I about the same as Is required when operating the ordinary hand or foot ac celerator or sounding the horn. The driver Is relieved of all physical strain, an advantage which will appeal to all motorists who have experienced the mus cular tension of driving a heavy car down a long, steep grade. It Is claimed that the vacuum brake will be a boon to women drivers, many of whom haven't the physical strength to uso the foot brake and firing the car to a sudden stop. With the vacuum brake "applying the brake" Is Just om easy as turning on a lighting switch. The name of the new Prest-O-Llte "self-stopper" Is the Prest-O-Vacuum Ilrake. It Is a device of few parts and can be used on any mako or model of car, large or small, having the ordinary foot brake. There Is some similarity In Its action and that of the air brake s stems on present day railway trains, because both employ the same sort of cylinder and piston, connected to the brnko rods. Hut there Is this Important dllTtrence, that the railway brake operates by the force of compresstd air, while the vacuum brake operates wholly by the normal suction of tho ehglne, employing no air cumpresser nnd no air storage tank. With even less petsonal effort than the englnter of a railway locomotive uses to bring the tremendous weight of his train to n well timed stop, the driver f a motor car may, by gentle pressure of linger or foot, bring lils machine to a standstill In an Instant by locking the whecU, If necessary. Or he may slow It up gradually, depgidlng alto gether on drlvjng conditions. The opera lion Is so simple that the slightest pres sute gives the driver alisolute control of the car nt nil time whether In irowded traffic, where stops Inve to lm made suddenly and with certainty, or out on the open road, wliere It Is only necessary to slow up temporarily for humps or crossings. The new brake operates on the same general principle as tho vacuum gaso lene feed now widely used on automo biles, n device which makes It possible to draw- gasolene from one tank to an other located at a higher level. The entire outfit consists of a small special cjllnder mounted on the frame or any convenient cross member of the chassis, and n copper tubing connection to the intake manifold of the engine. In which is located a simple valve, con trolled by a lever or button convenient to the hand or foot. Inside the special cylinder Is a plunger or piston which Is connected to the brake rods already on the oar. When hand control Is provided the lever Is located on the steering column md Is operated In much the same way that the spark lever on hand throttle Is advanced or retarded. When foot control Is prlvlded a button similar to the foot accelerator Is located on the toe board. The button, or lever, as the case may be. is connected directly to the valve When the valve Is open the vacuum which always exists In the intake mani fold when the engine Is running txerts a powerful pull or suction In the plunger -a pull equivalent to 10 pounds to the square Inch, or 1,000 pounds braking power at the rear wheels, When the lirake Is not In use. In other words when the valve Is closed, the suction censes and the plunger Is pulled back In place by a spring. Of couise when the en gine Is not running the foot brake Is not needed and the vacuum brake Is not In operation. For this reason the hand or emergency brake Is still needed to the car In position when left Idle. The Prest-O-Vacuum Ilrake operates so that a partial or complete vacuum l created Instantly, ns desired, even nn very slow engine speed, Simply turn ing the engine over by hand or spinning it siowiy uy means or the self-starter is sutllclcnt to give full braking power at the rear wheels. Ily providing a much more powerful braking force thnn is found In the leg or arm of the driver. It. I claimed, a mere positive brake application is In. surcd and that even when the brakes are somewhat out of adjustment to an extent which would give "poor brakes" when applied by the foot presouru tiie nbundnnce of power available will set the brakes effectively. It frequently happens that the brake In one wheel requires more power to apply than In tho other wheel: the vacuum brake, through ample power, will apply them both. If desired the conventional foot brake pedal can he retained. At present the device Is being offered to motor car makers only, but the Prest-O-Llte Company plans later on to olTer It ns well to the general public, with suitable braces for attachment to any car, old or new. bearings Service COMFAIW WSiWWMSMKilU Hero Is a new type of Maxwell car to meet the demands of the speed-loving puuiic. Tnis new Maxwell creation Is known ns tho Maxwell "Whlazcr," and Harry J. De ljear, manager of the' local branch of tho Maxwell . Motor Sales Cor poration, has Just included It In hlr reg ular Mnxwcll line. The car Is patterned after the Max well racing cars, which have been so successfully driven by "Kddle" Illchcn bachcr nnd Pete Henderson during the past year. "This type of car," says Mr. De Hear, WOMEN ARE BEST MOTOR CAR BUYERS Tliey Must Have Halance of flood Qualities in Their Automobile. Consider the wnmm motor'"t Hlie buys shrewdlv nnd Iiot estimates i.f value ate close. She Is not entln'v swayed by beauty. Itathrr l'i she struck by mechanical excellence of a motor car Its drv-;ng qualities mill Its slmpllc!t of ! operation, Ocorge S. Morrow, president and iren eral manager of the Saxon M itor Com pany or New Yo-.k, gives credit to the fair sex for u keener Insight Into t' e true value of nn automobile than t ine.sed by the average man suntm.,-!! In this day and age to bo motoruisc. If wle at nil. "llultc otittddo of the popular belle.' that the woman of the family Is the de ciding factor in a motor car sale because she titles the hank nrcotint. Is the fact i that she drives an Inflnltelv better l"ii- ( gain than the nverage man." siy Mr .Met row. "The same Intuition that gives her the aMMty to ferrrt out bargains In ni'P.ini and In Uselmld nitl.les. shows her the way to illtltign'sh eeiui.t.c tncr.t from iIio.'m in an automobile "There ore hundreds of New York viomni driving motor cor, and the. op't.lon, to my mind, is a better estimate of the value of the car than the men drivets, who ate legion. Some men ate MtlMloil with a car that tuns well, re g.udless of appearance. Others, ulm ate frr thowlticss alone, are sritlsllnl with the beaui of the car, regardless of i to.til performance. "Hut the wenien1 They mut have the equally balanced car. They rlsl on nn equal distribution of beams, power and dependability. T'.ie Mrlk'tig Some speed and Ni:W sv ic of Mervitf irs kno'vu us 22-73 models, li.m Ju.-t been iinnoun ed by t.e Jlo.'i-t A.lio- mobile Company of Trenton, N Till latest series foiloA.s ve.y closely to tiie lines of the preceding modi is, toe glean ing streamline lifvt vv.'.ich I a ch. s'i terized Muvei i-.iih for the past t . 1 eirs In lng cloely adhered to Chanu'us and improvements ute observed, but they are only n the untitle of rell Consistent with it well known policy this company i"ill holds i i he u ve maiiufactiiro of four cylinder mauus 1 pfcaZ'fci- BBBBBBBs-BWaBWag m7i ii ti d,'Taiw.Cfw ''WUw.. . 4 r . mwa. . ,Wsv .... a , i.. JaK.X"- ' I A 1 r 1 I mw&Wi I VFFER Five Models designed to please I f1 I j A Courteous representatives to interview you and M m m "Is ono that will paitlculnrly appeal to those who desire not only a speedy cur, but one that Is built along modern lines, furnishing comfort ns well as class." The body Is mounted on the regular Mnxwcll chassis and Is no designed that tho passenger's scat is set further back than the driver's sent to prevent Inter ferencc with the driver's manipulation of the cur. It has the new style "bullet" tall, of firing the minimum of wind resistance. The car Is attracting considerable attention. lines of a car may attract them, but they are among the first to lift the hood and delve Into the moving parts of the car. And do not think for a minute that they arc not motorwlsc. The technique of motor nnd driving gear Is known to them nnd they can talk In motor teims. "After the woman has viewed Interior and exterior, she Is not swept away with etithuslnsm. Shu weighs each feature with tho features of other makes. If. perhaps, her fancy Is not taken with i omit one point but she Is delighted with others, she balances ono against the other and after this weighing and coun ter weighing, she leaches a decision. decision. If fai o: able. Is the great isl Indoisvinvnt a car ran have. "Women are ceitalnly finding the Saxon an Ideal car and many of them ii-ivo purchased Suxons. The recent trlv of .Mr.-. Alice Snltzer Htlike fiom here to the co is! ami bad:, driving n Saxon ill the way, has Imiiesscd women mo torists with tho reliability of, the Saxon, and the fuel that she hud no trouble In Vr kuig Journev has given them a con :nlene tiiat riiutint be shaken. The womifi hud alieidy selected Saxon as an ideal car and tills trip was Just nil itlier evidence to them of the real de per Iablllt of the automobile." DODGE LANDAULET HERE. first .Model r It T).e for This Clinssls. A beautiful new town car Dodge Hms' Lanilaulet ,s being displayed tl, s week for the first tlinu In tho show rooms .if the Colt-Strntton Company, on Hroadway at Fifty-seventh street. A great ileal of attention has been given to the details entering Into the coach work of this tar. which In appearance closely conform to tho latest foreign practice. The of the car I In oversea blue With fcNders and running gear In black. The I'olt-Stmttnn Company states that this Is the tlrst time this form of body lias been dlsplaed on a Dodge Hro. iha...s In .the t'nlted States, and that It v.. is built to satisfy the growing de mand for tin economical motor ear with i body not merely comfortable but luxu- l UlUS graceful lines in the i ff i't being coiiccntniteil on ono j.c nc.feM.sU Four models .constitute " ii'n'i' uoiis feature of Mercer con- t iivitou is the lnwness, which has al- uiv been c irilnl out This, together vv tli a i ro. ily balanced car, litis always men oirVn l us one of the reason i why Meuvr c.u can lie driven at such a comparatively high rate of speed with ,e fi'. t i-arct.. In spite of the fact that 'I of the Mercer models aro low, the eating it rangi ment I notablv comfort- ili'.e, and there Is ample height to all of the se it . It looks as If John P. Allen, afiir flT, years work, has solved tho si, MiPt problem. Ho has Invented a rompn sating driving axle that does wnrrbrfu! things for a Wlnton car In which it ha, been Installed for demonstration pur. poses. ' This car was taken over to Flr.( aw. nue tho other day nnd put throuun a ... rles of evolutions on n stretch n jVp. pery asphalt. It was driven nroinl sharp and slippery corner at cigh'en miles nn hour nnd did not skid ti,, observers were very much Impressed In discussing his Invention, Mr A r. said : "The Allen compensating driving nx)t Is constructed upon new nnd rnd i, freo of all Internal gearr. Tl-r enn structlon of this mechanism In Iu,1h ratchet clutches, through which both ri wheels are positively driven on f rw,.r drive. The said clutches are w i clutches which form the huh for fl ,v nj axles, tho driving clutch being keved tho main drive shaft. When the (loatlnr nxles nre fixed to the wheel eluti.n' an,, tho vehicle wheel on the forward 'r'v the entire shaft from wheel to wi l comes a fixed and solid drive shaf "On rounding a comer the rig . o left whel clutch ovurruii the o v ns shaft clutch on the long M of i with the axlo driving the ln , in ihi thort side of tho curve, thereby ne'it-il Izlng tho power between the "v power nnd the momentum of the in "Iloth wheel being propelled furvnr,? nnd lioth wheels being under uri' skidding becomes Impossible cm r verse the drive wheel and pinion matlcally reverse tho drive from outer to the Inner shaft, rcl' as raw-heel from the drive clutch, wh n k nn absolute fr.eo wheel for nn.v illri i the driver chooses to back up b i "Tho Allen tiicchanlHii w n . r i vehicle from skidding on wet s'rei - . will not nnd cannot sf t up a pfvnt'ii pi nnd swing the car body when i,r sharp corner. It will not sway i n from side to side when running m streets or In n straight line, bc-,v., wheels are undei traction and inoti trol. The differential that dlstrll - I vehicle load equally on each win i I on forward drlv.i inut necessar moro dependable value than tin e. entlal that does not distribute lis , I J "The Allen mechatilsir. ! nn ono wheel backward and one f t '1 the same time. It will not a' wheel to spin and one to h'.ii'-l , It will drive both wheels tji n.. ' rectlon nil the time. Hence !. v .of the vehicle are alwas under I It Is a safety first propose iot ' word this drive Is so simple, so so scientifically correct and eff it effectively meets i verv ren i r. absolute saff ty, ilepetidab , tiding and economy It flu move the cause of ilauucroiis The ratchet drive clutch for Mr 1 sating axle was derived fr n I mowing machine of mau.v cars ,m' new Mercers. Tnc 22-73 etie- chassis is tl i !t rlcan inu i, ,.., Mni,th f.,,f ., , "Inotpnl features of which are clprocatlng parts, high power n - ity and economy. Hotli slib s t,t tor aro left perfectly dean, the ( ! magneto being driven from ' shaft In front, leaving both Mdi - motor free of all eiu umbra ici s g! two Inch chain drives the ..n , a, small Idler gear v!ti a strong . attachment being provided to any slackness ir iy di v 1 chain.