OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1916-1920, November 05, 1916, Image 8

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Repiihlicnns Hopeful for a .Ma
jority of Thirty in tin;
Little Clinnce Tlint Kit her Siilo
Will Hnve J'l'ce HiiiuI
in liO-risliiHon.
Washinhto.v, Nov. 4. With the elcc
tlon close nt hand tlic lit-sl Information
obtainable In Washington In tluit tin
Democratic majority t Hie House of
neprcsentiitivr.it will be overturni-1 but
thlt the Semite will be closely divided.
Even with a nominal Republican nut
ferlty the attitude of iseveriil Senators of
the Progressive typo makes the power
Of the nepubllcnne to concentrate upon a
CStop rehenalvo legislative plan somewhat
doubtful. Two Progressive Republicans,
Lft Follette and l'olndcxter, now regu
tar Republican nominee, voted for the
Underwood-Simmons tariff law. A third,
Kenyon of Iown, wns disposed to do the
name but wan talked ot of It.
The Republicans may lose two or morn
of their nominees for the Senate, accord
ing to surface indication". Hut for this
fact they might reasonably hope to have
ft small majority on the gains conceded
to them.
How the llonse l.noLa.
The House of Representatives, ns the
Situation now appears, will have :i H
publican majority of from fifteen to
twenty-five, or possibly thirty, Frank
P. Woods, chairman of the Xutlonnt
Republican Congressional Committee,
estimates as the mot conservative
claim a. Republican lead of fifteen. Tub
Scn, after milking n study of Chairman
Woods's (Inures, bellees that the claim
If conservative and that the Republican
load In the House will lie nearer twenty
ve. The Democratic Concessional
Qommlttee on the other hnml claims a
majority of fifty.
The present Senate is composed of the
following, considering two seats as va
cant: Democrat!. .
Democratic majority
, . , ,, . . . I "till., il if I ri v o.i I c .11111 in nil"
ady the Republic.! have elected I , , rt, OM the
their number In Maine to mi. veedl.(nMjrvatli, .,., , , omo.
one of
",ur juinu. a leoov,.... u ,.- rrilU. of .Mlirj.. The district
Wring a reduction of the Democratic ma- cUh,i, u.wllt u, CollKrr(.s !fl
,0rily' . fo,";','''n' . , , mining district, but the bull: of the
The Republican appear to .have a good pmn,,,, ,ol0 of Mllrj.,n,i is in Haiti
chance to gain seats In the following ., , ... , .:.i,., shm.. ami
States: New York, New Jersey. West
Virginia, Ohio. Indiana (two), If these
aalne arc made the Democratic lead
'would be reducc.l to two In the next Sen
ate. Rut they Imvo several close con
teete on hand mid may lose n Senator In
any of the follow-In- States: Delaware.
North Dakota, L'tah, Wyoming nnd
It Is possible that they will gain only
one Senator In Indian i, but they are
confident of gaining both.
There la a chance of Republican sains
In the following doubtful States now rep
resented by Democrats: Mar) land, Mis
souri, Nebraska, Montana and Nevada.
The following table, shoun the pit-sent
political alignment In the Senate and the
probable party stnndliw after next
March as tho lesult of the eUetlon next
lYtwnt Ni-xt
Senate Senat Doubt-
Colorado ,
Kansas ,
Kentucky ,
Missouri ,
Mew Hampshire..,
Mw Jersey
Xaw Mexico
Hew York
Jforlh Carolina....
5orth Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina.,.,
South Dakota
nt ah
Wett Vlrrinla
it. n. rt. n. fui.
; o e
i 0 : "
1 (raeancri I ..
. s
, 0
. 1
, 1
. 0
The Next llonae.
The House situation und outlook is In-
icatea Dy the following table:
1. n.
M n
lioue. Doubt
l n. ful.
Je i.
1 I'
7 f
Alabama ,
Arlaona ....
Arkansas ,
Colorado ..
Delaware ..
Florida ....
Georgia ....
Idaho ,
Illinois ....
Indiana ....
.. o
.. o
.. II
.. 0
.. 10
.. 11
.. 1
: j
: i i
ii e :
Louisiana ..,
MaMachuirtta ....
Maw Hampshire.
Haw Jeraey
Mew Mexico
Mew Tork
aorlh Carolina .
Worth Dakota
JlhoJo Island
Sooth Carolina ....
gputh Dakota
Wuhlnrton ... ,
West Vlrulnla..
! 1R
101 1S.1 iOI
Local Cniidltlona Arrectlnw neiinlr,
There aro several local situations that
may affect the Senate returns, lu Ail-,
onn, for example, where Senator Ash-
urat would ordinarily have n walkover,'
the President's Mexican policy Is so tin-
popular that tho people of Arizona ate
largely untl-Wllsou, Theie Is a possl-
bltlty that the Republicans will carry the
Htate for Presidential electors, for (lov
ernor una for senator, but that tlm Rep.
reaentatlve In Congress will be a Demo
In Wyominr the Republlconi are em-
barrnssed by the local fight, and Senator
Clark, Republican conservative, after
twenty-one )ears of service Is having a
Very hard Hunt for reelection. Ills up.
potietit, Clov. Kendrlek.Js a wealthy man
and popular In the Slate and Is turning
everything to hi account In the tight.
The Republicans have only a small ma
jority under the most favorable condi
tions. Vicinllata I'luiire In Nevada.
The outcome of the tie notorial light In
Nevada will depend on the Socialist vote,
A heavy Hoclallst vote will adversely af
fect the Democratic candidate. Senator
IVItm.iii, wno Is limning lor reccelaui,
Two years pro S.im I'latt, the Republi
can nominee for Senator, cumo within
forty votes of defeating Senator New-land.-.
Mr. I'latt has been i.cnomlnalcd
by the Republicans to oppose Senator
1'lttman. Two year." ago the Socialist
vote In Nevada for Senator was more
than f,,fi00, while the candidates of the
two old parties polled a little over 8,100
each. The Socialists have lenoiulnated tnr
candidate who made the race two years
ago and there Is n countrywide Interest
among the Socialists In his election. The
Socialists are concentrating their efforts
on the Senatorial fight In Nevada In the
hope of having nt least one representa
tive In the I'nlted States Senate.
The. .Missouri contest between Senator
Herd, Democrat, und Waller Dickey,
nominee of the Republicans, has
been described as a "horse race." Dickey
Is- wealthy and n good organizer and Is
Klvlng Senator Reed a lot of trouble.
The Republicans arc very confident of
carrying MIssouM this ear for the na
tional ticket. While most of the predic
tions concede Missouri to the Demo
crats and assume that Senator Reed will
be reelected there Is an element of doubt
In the situation that makes It worth
while to keep nil eye on Missouri.
I. a Follette Likely to Win.
Senator I .a Follette seems to be rea
sonably snro of reelection In Wiscon
sin. In spite of fights In his own party
the Senator usually receives the votes
even of his conservative Republican
friends In 11 general election, In addi
tion to :i normal party following he has
been able to rely on n large Democratic
Senator I'oltidrxtcr, lTosiesslve Re
publican, would be In danger ot defeat
In Washington if the Statu should hap
pen to be close on the national ticket.
IIo Is unpopular with the conservative
Interests and has n strong opponent '-.
llcorse Turner, Democratic nominee.
IVilndrxtrr Noted for the Cndcrwood
tariff l.i v under which the Stale's
leading Industry, lumber, has been hard
In Maryland there ato indications
that the Republicans will win on both
the national ami State tickets. This
would mean a Republican Senator to
succeed Senator Ulalr I,ee, a Democrat.
Dr. .1. Krwln France Is the Republican
nominee and Is oK.ed by Representa
tive David .1. IrfWls, one of the radicals
In the lluuse. l.owis Is a labor uilvo-
ate, n former coal miner, and his can
Is a conservative Imluencu In ixdltlcH.
I.im-hI (oiiilltlona AnTeellnK the
The R-publlcans evpect to make net
gains In New Rm.-laud In their lepie
sentation In the House of Ri presenta
tlve.. Tley liave lolded one already by
tie Maine lUetion, at which MetSlih
ciidil) w.ih letiml, and tluv expect to
cam one In Ithodo Island and two in
M.is.iai husctls. They admit the ihjssI
blllly of a lo-s of one In Connecticut.
In Neiv Vork they expect a pain of at
least time and possibly four or live.
New Jersey Is expected to remain
unmet leally the mime iH between tl.e
Republicans! and Democrats, but there
Is likely to be n shifting of the districts.
In I'eunsylv.iiila the Republicans may
sufTer the loss of one or two seats. They
have a chance, they bllcvi-, to win the
.Uihn.town district and retire Warren
Worth Hallcy, pacifist and single taxer.
Hut Ilalley has shown great strength
recently, due to the fact that the voters
of the district an- largely union men.
The Democrats nnd I'mgres'lves have
cffei ted n fusion in the McKeesport ills
1 1 let by which M. cdc K-ll. one time
Hull Moose member, will li.u.j l he sup
port of ln)th Democrat- and Progres
sive, and the Democratic nomlme has
withdrawn, These two districts aiTord
the principal tests tithtr gains the
Republicans hope, for are-
Mai) land, two; West Vliulnl.i, one or
two; Indiana, live or six; Illinois, two
or three; Missouri, three, Ftah, one,
Washington, one; California, thiee;
Montana, one; Kansas, three or four;
Michigan, one; Iowa, one; Colorado, one.
Auslrlixn .enspnpers llellevr ir, S.
I'ollej Will Cnudnnr.
Vir.NNA, via London. Nov. 4. The
Austio-llungarian press, which a week
ago paid no attention to the American
1'ieslJentlal campaign, has discussed tile
subject during tins lait few days as thor
oughly .is tho fragmentary reports
reaching Vienna will liermlt. liencrallv
the papers express the opinion that the.
tcsult of the Presidential election w III I
have no Influence upon the war. )
The Vienna ,U;riM( die .ritung, after ,
expretsliiK tho belief that tlm result of'
tut- election it in iloubt, says:
"Mr Wilson, should he remain at
the wheel, will not lit go the political
plumb line he has so far held. .Mr.
Hughes, should ho taku Wil'nn'ii place,
would inn kiiIiIi- the policies of tho coun
try Into new channels, American policies
towntd the Central .States during the
coming months geneially will remain
what they h.ie been, becatn-,) the mo-1
tlves underlying the decisions of the '
American state Department remain the
same. i
"A study nf the country leads to the '
conclusion that Mr. Wilson's nttltudn ,
illffcin In no particular respect from ,
that of Inlluentlal circles of American
people ami that the course he has fob
hi wi.il was a consequence of that coun
H) 'a Interior policy."
llroker Asked in Vny nil,MI for
l.mr Km lis tn Kill Action,
Supiciuo t.'ourt Justice Pendleton yes
terday inodllled an order obtained liy
MIch M.ire mvl Snllle.in nt SI7 ll.,wlrlv
street. Hrookl.vn, for an examination 'f
O-car II. Alexander of Iho brokerage
III in of t)..car II. Alexander & Co., 41
llroad street, prior to the trial of her
suit for jaa.iiao against him for alleged
breach of promise.
Mr, Alexander also moved to have thn
case discontinued, alleging that Miss
L5..llt.,n , A.i.r.iu, t !.. pn'
dui u.i .kh.i.i - " r, (,iirMi. ,Oi
from him and signed a paper agreeing to
drop her suit. Miss .Sullivan denied this
assertion and bnni unit win-n she signed
me uKreeon'iii sun wc.iti nun nnzcii,
having Just left it hospital,
Jllhtkn Pendleton refused to (limits
the aiilon or to acato the older, but
lliulliil (tie ( xninlmitloii to an luuiilrv
Into thu lluauclal standing of the broker.
...,. ..
K" "Ml,'oek Held In llnll.
Rouidon K. Ilabcock, n brnker'n clerk,
living at Cn sklll, N. J was held in 70ii
Inll by Magistrate Harris In tho Tombs
police court )'sterday charged with
having foiged the tin inn of Robert II.
Hoyd to a cerllflcatu for 100 shares of
the Chlno Copper Company, vvoith 10,200,
John .1, Dodunhoff of Sheehan & Doden-
hoff, brokers, 68 Wall street was com
Jpiwy Committee Chnirmnn
SnjH Hughes Will Have Plu
rality of 45,000.
Kenr Impossibility of Overcom
ing Tnft-Rooserclt
Vote of 1912.
"Will President Wilson carry New
Jersey, his home StateT
"Tho Republicans," said Newton A. Iv.
Hugbee, chairman of the Republican
State Committee, In reply to this ques
tion In Newark yesterday, "will carry
New Jersey by a plurality of approxi
mately 45,000."
The State chairman backed up his
predictions with estimates of Republican
majorities In seventeen counties and
Democratic majorities .In only four
Hudson, Hunterdon, Sussex and Warren.
'I look for the election of the entire
Democratic ntttontl nnd State tickets
in New Jersey by not less than 25,000,"
said Kdward VS. drosscup, chairman of
tho Democratic Stato Committee, In
Trenton. Mr. Orosscup declined to go
Into estimates of retults In the various
Republican Confident.
The men running the Republican cam
paign are brimful of confidence. They
say New Jersey has never had a dupli
cate of Republican activities In effective
ness and enthusiasm In nny national or
State campaign nnd they are convinced
that l'rcsldent Wilson hasn't the shadow
of a chance to win at home.
One thing that has caused the Demo
crats extreme alarm Is the fact that the
Republican Progressives of New Jersey,
who elected Wood row Wilson Governor
In 1910. arc back In the Republican
camp, with the possible exception of 6, or
at the most 10 per cent. As New Jersey
is normally a Republican State, It be
comes then a iiuestlon of mathematics,
the solution of which hasn't given the
Democrats much comfort. Mr. Wilson
had .",.1,000 votes under the combined
vote for Roosevelt and Mix Taft In lull.
Joseph S. Frellnghuysen, candidate
for Fnltid Stales Senator, and Walter K.
Kdge, candidate for tlovernor, have
made what they call "a combined drive"
from one end of the State to the other.
They have done their talking an a rule
from the same platform and have vis
ited the same groups of voters at the
name time.
nrlni Harmony In (J. O. V.
Mr IMko li.nl most of the organiza
tion baching In the Republican primaries
and Mr, Frellnghuysen was the candi
date of the progressive elements In the
party. The effect of their joint work
has been Tar reaching in harmonizing
erstwhile dltfeiemes In the, (1, O. I'.
Tl.e iubemiitnrl.il campaign on both
Hide- was a highly dignified one until
Democrats In IiIeIi places went out of
their way fo charge that Mr. Kdgo ap
proved of Republican frauds In Atlantic
county several cirs ago. Mr. IMge's
newspapers condemned the fraud and
called for a riratnl Jury Investigation.
F.Verybody who knows Mr, F.dgc knew
the slander was of the basest kind and
his fi lends resented It,
The Newark .Yrnfua .Veics, which l
supporting I'resident Wilson, Mr. IJdgo
nnd Mr. Frellugliuyscn. denounced the
slander in no uncertain terms, nnd
Miortly afterward Republican campaign-
rs bigan to rake up unpleasant things
that Democratic politicians In Hudson
county have said In years roiic Ti.r about
II. otto Wltlpemi, thn Democratic can
didate for liovernor, who has long
beaded one of the warring factions In
that much troubled county. Democratic
leaders now admit they nre sorry they
told untruths about Mr. lMge.
For lleatrn, Sy Kdare.
"The Democratic campaign In New
Jersey Is In a state of collapse," Mr.
Kdue said yesterday. "Tho reason Is
clear. In the ahsencu of real campaign
material my opponent has Indulged In
personalities and misrepresentations and
lias fallen Into the habit of t.-oldlnr.
which serves only to weary the. ears of
the public. I have endeavored to pre
sent a constructive programme which I
.pledge myself to carry out If elected
Oovernnr, as I Kurely expect to be."
Mr. Frellnghujsen box made the tariff
the princlpi! tlp-mc of his campaigning
because, he says', he believes It to be
the most Impoitnnt Issue that confronts
the country to-day. He has nddressed a
serlisx of questions to 5.000 Industrial
concerns and from the replies lie had
received he says he has learned that If
Hie Underwood tariff law continues in
licet after the war a vast number of
llrms will have to quit business. t
The race between Mr. rrellnghuyscn
nnd United States Senator J amen 1.
Marline, his Democratic opponent, is be
llcvcd to be moru one tddod than the
contest txtween Mr. IMge nnd Mr, Witt'
Of the twelve Representative In Con-
griss to be elected on Tuesday Rcpubll.
'-iu Mate neartquartors declares as a
mora certainty that c bzht will bn Re
publicans the same representation as
"I Hi'1 lower house as at present but
Slate Chalrmnn Hugbee says there are
excellent chances of electing two addi
tional Representatives, or ten In nil.
The only two districts conceded to the
Democrats nre the Eleventh and Twelfth
In the Democratic stronghold of Hud
son county.
Look for Increased Majority.
The Stato Senate now has 13 Repub
lleans and S Democrats, and the House
of Assembly 3K Republicans nnd 3
Democrats. Nino rnuiitlcn will elect
Statu Senator, on Tuesday, and a full
quoin of sixty Assemblymen will be
I chn-en thrnngliout tho Stale.
can Slnto headquarters figure that tho
present majority lu both houses will be
Them Is good reason for believing
that the old time Democratic majorities
will not bo polled this year In Hudson
county, the strongest Democratic county
l ret... iei....lt . ,.
', iur "un't i,o I ii"-iir lire IHO
I iiutl-Wlttpennltes In the Democratic
party Imvo been fighting In Hudson for
, yearn. Bo have tho various Republican
At tho close of thn nrlmnrv enm
, n-ilcn llio Renubllcan Sliiln ininmlii..
declined to recognize nny Renubllcan
fncllon and promised to help in every
way possible If the factions got down
to business and vvoiked for tho success
of thn enllrn Republican ticket, As a
icsiilt all thu Republican factions In
Hudson linvo had their shoulder to the
wheel ami It looks as If the Democratic
majority will bo greatly reduced. Mr,
Wlttpeun thinks llio "homo folks." mimv
of whom have been sticking political
knl vim lu his ribs for years, uru going
to give him between 30.000 and 35,000
majority. Republican fitato Chairman
Hugbee can't figure Hudson (or Witt-
penn by more than 12,000,
President's flackers Holding
Ont for Longer Odds on
Election Rets.
One Firm Reported to Ho Hold
ing $ft00,000 on Repub
lican Candidate.
Hughes money continued yesterday to
control the Presidential election bets nt
odds of 10 to 7, freely offered In un
limited amounts, und with the Wilson
supporters demanding lu to G'- und
better for their money. Despite the!
half holiday and tho absencu from the
markets of several of the prominent
commissioners, approximately 150,000
was wagered at the odds quoted.
Tho largest single bet of the day,
$10,000 to t i.OOO on Hughes, was bet by n
curb commissioner who reptesents a
Stock Exchange firm. Ono llrm is cred
ited with holding $100. 00o to be placed
on Hu'ght-s and there arc a number with
sums on deposit ranging from KiO.UJO
to 1200.000. all of it uw.-utlng the nrrival
ol odds that will bring Wilson money,
if, satisfactory iuantlties. Into the stieet.
vvnsoti supporters show more con!
denco in tho Ohio result than In the
general outcome. One couimiss.oiicr
fered J10.000, at odds of ! to 5, that
Wilson will carry Ohio. He suc eede.1
III getting Jl.'jou of It c.ioed, Again:
M.IH'O. Tliu Waldorf crowd tool: J'juo
worth of tho Hughes end of this inonev
Just before tho market closed.
B to 3 on Hughes In State.
Odds of 5 to 3 were offend that
Hughes will carry New York State, while
even money was bet that he vvid not get
iuiF.uvu plurality in the .state. Atiotner
liet of 3,000 to ll.noo w-a-i madu that
uugnes win carry New Vork. liuli.-m..
and .New Jersey. A bet of r.ooo against
13,000 was made that Wilson will not
recelvo 75,000 plurality In New Vork
city, while C to 5 was offered that the
j rcsiucni win carry Klnm .-ramlr
Whitman continues a strnnif .1 In 1
favorite. Tho prohibitive imIiU nrr..rim.
on Calder In tho Senatorshlp Jlght pre
clude any betting. A bet of K..000
against li.Ouo was made on the Curb
.inn .iurray nuibcri. Democrat, will be
reelected to Congress In tho Twenty,
first district of New- Vnt-v ,,,,.i i'
of M.OOii even that he will capturo his
district by more than r.upn votes.
Deny Report of "It luicliiu."
Charges flew thick anil f.-isr ii.it,,
morning that the odds weie "rkged" b'v
the Republican National Committee. The
charge were dismissed as absurd by
members of the committee, who declare
that the present odds on Hughes lellect
accurately Ids chances of ilefT-.m..,. wo.
win. It was rumored in the Stii-t that
the heads of several Stock Uxchani-e
firms, upirters of Mr. Hughes, had re-
. i.ru woru 10 iioisj the market with
their monc).
.Many commissioners
Inn after the roublni: welemne vn v..i
gave HugheM l,(,t nkht. and In view of
the newspaper polls published this morn
Ing, that Wil-in supiHirlers will demand
io i ior muir money .Wonda) moinlng.
It Is Impossible to do more ih.in ,n.
mate the amount of money that has been
bet on tho election. It In liliow-n Imu-.
ever, that more money is in tlm
ftakeholders this year than ever b.-fou-Some
of the estimates run as hlcli as
ii.vvv,vii iitm some tii low as I.Ooo.immi.
The election betting fever has spread
rapidly In the last two weeks and hun
dreds of bets have been placed.
Iteeorit HettlnK Total.
One commissioner declaie.l
that more money hail been bet this )t;ir
"""i i' "i ne conjoined J'rislilentlal
election betting since Lincoln's time. lie
Is of the belli f. he said, that not l(s
than 13,nn.0fi0 has been b.Y.m
eral rctsult.
w,..,. II,,,., ,i.fc ... . ir r' Ill I II'-, .IK.tuo-l l.-- I .iioooi.
.More man three.ou.-irters nf n, i.,ul.. .. , .. ...
.nliee.l i,.n i .i ... ' .
f.'?.CCr ' :"?. "aM-pJ Wn Sti.-et..
" i.ie,r amount or the inou-v Is
owned by outsiders who believe they seo
,.Ti.iuiim) ior a cleanup. A large
part of the Wilson money has come fro.n
the mi-Idle Wcetmul the South,
Arrangement are being made bv a
number of brokerage heu,-s to keep t'helr
uptown places of business awu election
insiii ior me receipt of the returns,
l.lnborato preparations for handling the
ei-cnon news and providing comfoit ami
refreshment to their customer-i during
uuorr im-y waii iro ueing made.
Civil .Irrrlpr Itefnrm.r. i,i.
Amendment tn Hiistlnir l,nn.
In an effort to end a svstem nf nt,.
sntee clerks and legislative employees
who appear each month ;it All,,...
draw their salaries and render cnmp.-ira.
Service Reforn Vss .1,, ,, ' "'" ''v"
es.erdnv tl. .t It "l..! 1.?.'.,'.' V '.'"V M.0"
" ,i . ,, , "" loiei- il s llli.llliv rir-lii-ll nroii s iii-
ro,alloti or catul dates for the I,eglsl.-i -raninie for eliminating war through a
Hire on the question. Tills question was peace organization established thiongh
proposed to them 1 p..p.ig.mda of the peace Idea, but le.
do on favor an ntnendment lo the fi-ams from expressing piefeunce be.
C. ,r Uw nMch ul" l"'r"'" Hie -lw(eiucanilld.1tcs.
Slate ( Ivll Service Commission to hold-
or,X,i!iXBlXu'rel",.,l,on, fr 0,"""yc,SEE VICTORY IN COUNTY FIGHT.
The amendment would place upon the
civil Service Commission the responsl-! "epnlille.
hlllty for deciding which of the legisja-
inn posmons snouid no lllleil by examl
nation and which by direct nppolnrment
.in euicic-ni srair or employees would I,
developed under Iho merit system unit'1" "'e Thlrt.enth Congiess and the
the change, the association nsserls, would ')'eirth Senate districts. Il Id Rig Tim
result In a material saving to tlia s!,.
A finnma,., nf ,i,A .n,.. , ... .,
out of sixty-three legislative candid, e'L
thirty-eight favor the change, tl'vo lire ,m -
h'"i i" "nno iwcniy are nou-com-
Wilson Supporters Take .-!, nun nl
HnKhea Mnnr,
At tho prevailing odds of in in s .,,n.
man auii.uuii 01 uugnes money was env-
ered )esterday by Wllsonlles In liro. l;.
. ..s. -" , innm couun-s-
rioncr, nan inu money in ills safe, when, .
tliero is nbout 120.000 moro Remibtiem I
coin to bo wagered nt the some o.ldu
The Democrats, however, urn ruk'ng fir
onus ui iu 10 1 on me u, o. p. Candi
da tc
other Is'ts recorded were t&.ODii ever
that Hughes r-ets a plurality of 73,000
In tho State, $4,000 against $l,(i0o that
Whitman will bn elected, ?.",.,IOii 1 veil
that Wilson carries New Yuri, ctv by
80,000, $500 even that Wilson carries
thirty counties in New Yrdt Smc, 5oo
ngalnst $100 that Wilson wins In (juei-n
county, $400 to $100 that Wilson gets
Richmond county, $M00 against $1,4110
that Kings county goes for Wilson, $711,1
even that Wilson carries Kings coumiv
by fi.OOii, $600 even th vt New Yori'
county glvoB Wilson n plurality of (0.
000, $1,000 even that Hughes gels .-1
plurality of 2,000 In Suffolk county nnd
$500 even that the noxt House of Hep
reiantatlvi will be Republican.
Tells How Democrats' Charges
Hnvc Proved Real
Onv. Whitman last night talked opti
mistically on the reelection next Tues
day of tho Republican State ticket by a
decisive majority.
"Kltlicr fiom an Ignorance of tho Con
stitution and laws," said the Governor,
"which Is nlmost Incredible, n profound
lack of knowledge on tho subject of con
temporary State history or n delusion
that the voters of thin State know noth
ing of Its ufTalrs. n series of so-called
'charges was made, nil of which proved
boonieinngs for those who mado them."
There wcte "charges" about coriuptlon
nnd extravagance, tlov. Whitman re
called, which did not survive n deinniul
for specifications. So, too, ho isilnled
out, attacks by opporcnts upon tho Civil
Service Commission, the Prison Depart
ment, the Department of Highways, tile
Health Department and other bureaus all
wire answered nnd fotgotten, the an-1
sweis in several cases, ns Gov. Whltnrsi
pointed out, being made by Dcmocratn
themselves. .
"Tho end of the campaign," concluded
(lov. Whitmnn, "sees us going to tho
polls without ono definite, tangible criti
cism against us. The voters of the State
will not prefer a return of Tammany to
power to an administration with such a
IiVpn lil icn ii Leaders Claim
(!,()(!( .Majority for Nomi
nee in County.
Mot-NT VrtiNos, N. T.. Nov. 4, With
tho visit of Charles U Hughes to Ton
hers on Friday and (lov. Whitman's
whirlwind trip through New Roehelle.
Mourn Vernon and Vonkers to-night the
campaign In Westchester county has
come to a cloe and it is freely pre
dieted bv the Republican leaders that
Mr. Hugiies will carry the county by at
:-t il.ooo majority.
There Is no iloubt (lov. Whitman will
... . l,l...nl.n. l.,.tiln,1 the heml nf the
. ..!. w.ins.i ,'.r h.s action In ordering
Dstil.-t -Attorney Weeks to Investigate "What I want to know." she de.
Smg Sing prison, which brought about manded, shaking both arms at the
the Indictim-m of Warden Thomas Mott speaker, 'is vv nether tills country Isn't
Oborne. The Indictments were ills-, at war with Mexico, and If so how
missed and the (lovene.r reinstated the yu c.in say Wilson has kept us out of
warden ng-illist the protest of West- j nar.;'.' . . ...
Chester leaders. c nr0 having n little trouble with
The iiborne cue, which cost the i Mexico." sabl Mrs. Pass. "It doesn't
countv clo-e to SIl'.iJ'iO. has been - Jinx, strike mo that this country Is what one
to thi- pio...cutor's olllce. as Mr. Weeks, would call nt war."
who was tin- logical candidate for re-
nomination, failed to get a renninlnu- At Odda nn Tariff l.sne.
tedi. The KcpuMlrnii leaders told hint 1 jibs Howcll made a . rlsp and rn
the Osborne pro-cutlon would cost the I( rtainlng speech, dwelling large!) on
Republic m party if he was renominated , the hluli cost of living mid the iicm
1 -,nn votes in the county. In 1!'H v. ' of a pn.Uctlvc tariff when the i:uro-an
W'ttit an carried Westchester ov r lllyiin at er,-. Mis. Has- ileilared that the
by nbout 13.000 majority, but this )ear ,,-, ls , , ,0llt. -.il question, since
It is believed his majority will be cut ' the Pn sldent has apisdnted a tariff i om
down to 4,000 or less. , Hussion.
William !.. Ward, national commlttee-l r'.ic iiemocratic womrn pr ded the
man and chairman of the Westchester meeting with a breakfast at the Hllttn -re,
IU publican is unty committee, expects a. u,ch MI j.ili( p, u'nld of the
William A Calder. candlduto for United Henry Street .SettlementprcsliledandMrs.
Stntes Senator, will nin close to Hughes rharles pana (il'ison spoke. Then they
nnd foresee- a big majority for all tho , paraded to Carnegie Hall In decorated
county candidates. i automobile, Mrs. Hass said she fears
It is pred'W by the Democrats that the Woman's Party, which Is working
Cjngressm-in Woodon R. Oglcsby. a fol- tn defeat Wilson, Is having some Inilti-
1 wcr ir w 'lon, win no reelected in me
Twenty-fotiitli Congress district, whlcli
tnl.es in a part of The Hrnnx, and that
Congressman James V. Husted of Peeks
kill, a Republican, will bo reelected in
the Twenty-llfth district.
The Democrat are pinning great faith
on the believers of prison reform who
were very outMsiken at punnc meetings
held throughout Westchester county
when t'-e Westchestir 5rand Jury wa-
pro'- ag eto Warden Osborne's riinu.-ic-
mi nt of S'ng S.ng prison In the belief
11 ':a 1 .V " "'T 1 ' m.1s Si ' "r'
jian. mo I'em r.vc- eaninnate ior ins-
'avis, uii- i.i'puoiican nominee, jviui
,-andidates reside In Ynnkers.
Newspapers Illacnaa I'. S. t'andl-
dnlr lint Do .ot Take Mic,
Ht-lil.lN, Nov. :t (via Ionilon, Nov 4).
The ilertnan prc shows conslderalile
Interest in the approaching Amrrlcan
'. ,' 1 ""'" "-s .-
riving by way of Holland or reprinting
s'lmmirics of the situation from old
Ihiglish newspapers. The Roman Cath
olic organ, the Knrlninrhi' Volkn rtfiinir,
to-day devoted a leiiKthy editorial to
the subject but studiously avoidul tali
ins siibs. If tho Herman people at one
time, it says, slilisl with one of the
landldales because they assumed that
lie w is nioic friendly to (!erm.iny they
now see their mistake.
I lie rMiiiMiirirr -.riiiiii;; aiso pi iuis
a leaning eiiiioruu expiessing ins opiii.
,0" ,lla' "'"':" "ft"' '" -
! w 1 v ",,"'h '" ".""'!'. ' 'r.Ml
cans Kxprct tn V I n Hlsr
Tlm s,n, no's StrniiKbotds.
The Republican leaders In this county
nre promising n surprise, q hey expect
Sullivan strongholds, Into Repuhllcaii ills-
Itilcts. Slncn nig I tm s dentn ids follow.
ers have lieeu tigniing among tllemselves
1 M' ,,lat ,1,r 01,1 organization, accoidlng
1 "' lh' Ibiml'llcans. Is "shot In pieces."
l-raiiK 1'osiai im running ngiuusi o iiiii.-o-hl nno 10,11. o,- ,t,m kuiu.v,
r-hryslln Sullivan In the Congress ills-1 bin he was unable to convince Magls
11 let, and the county leaders have him Hate Mryuade.
down for a winner. William Wels, the ''''" '" was visibly crestfallen wlieii
latidldatn for Senator, they say Is Hh ' the Magistrate discharged him nnd held
good as elected. The Republicans expect Mrs. I- r cling.
to reelect Chandler, Selgel and Heuurt to
Congress tills )e,ir, and believe they Heller I oniinlttep Vliirr.,
have an -ven chance in the Fourteenth, The Vacation War Relief Cnnmiltlee.
Si ventecnth, lllghteenth and Twenty-
1 ilrst Congress districts, They are tlgur-
p,g on gaining three Senate districts, the
Twelflh, .Mnetecuin anei iweniicin,
Democrats Are Accused of Hir
ing "Claque" for Carnegie
Hall Talks.
Says Wilson's Suffrage Foes
Are "Entirely Unscrupu
lous" in Methods.
Republican women and Democratic
women met for a final bout In Carnegie
Hall yesterday morning. The League
for Political IMucatlon staged llio debate.
Mrs, tleorge Haas of Chicago, head of the
women's bureau of the National Demo-
0ratlc Committee, spoke for Hint party
Htl, jjlss Helen Varlck Hoswell. who
run, n,e woman's department for the Re-
tiiil.llc.in National Committee, chain
ploned the O. O. P. Afterward the floor
was opened to the hecklers, and then the
fut began.
The Democrats seemed to make the
mnt noise and charges were freely made
when the meeting ended that they had
bought up the seat" and planted a
"claque" to bombard Miss Hoswell. The
Demociallc women retorted that buying!
their seats In time merely proved that,
like their party, they believed In true
TntchliiK the SpenUer's K.jr."
Miss Frances A. Kellor. who ran tho
women's Hughes train around the coun
try, had her party planted In the box nt I
the right of the stage opposite Mrs. !
l-'rederlck Nathan, who with n dozen
strong voiced Democratic women sat In
the box at the left nf the stage. When
Mr. Illy decided Hint Miss Kellor had had
her share of questions Miss Aline Rhodes
took up tho tight, while Mrs. Nelson
O'Shnughnessy. one of the Petticoat
Train orators, grew fairly frantic when
the chairman failed to sec her nnd waved
her handkerchief nt him till she neatly I
fell over the railing. Her excitement'
moved the audience to laughter, thereby!
greatly surprising Mrs, Hass, who, deep
III a detailed account of hard times that
have hit this country during Republl
can Administrations, didn't see Mr..
"What are they laughing nt?" asked
Mr. Kly.
Mrs. O Shauchnessy took advantage of
the paue to shoot her question,
nice "with the women who don't under
stand." "Alice Paul and her followers are en
tliely unscrupulous," she said "They
an- ih. worst enemies suffrage has. and
If the Republican party nurses them it
a viper, for siioubl Hughes t
they will demand th it he put
thr -iua n - amendment, and If
doesnt thev will turn and fight hlrn
tpiirllnte Division Holds Cnrpnrn-
lion lllreetors Are Not I. In hie.
A decision was handed down by the
Appillato Division of the Supmne Court
yesteiday undfr which the rub- was set
up hnt directors of n rorporati.-n must
be proved giillty of fraud and bid t.ilth
lefore they can be belli Individually re
sponsible for losses Mislair.i.l by the cor
poratlon through the acts of other mem
bers. The court s,-t aside a judgment
,,,, i , it-nu,, , .,, ,.
,I)n sclimldt as tiust.e in bankrupt
igalli't the late Isaac N Nellbcrger and
Hi lie Nc-ibi rger The dantagrs were
awaidcd In Justice Cohalan's patt nf the
Supreme Court on lepresentnttons from
Sihtnldt that the Neuberger" were to
blame for the disappearance of over
(Siui.iinn woiih of assets belonging lo the
Neubergi-r-Phllllps Silk Coinpmy.
i'he comjunv went Into b.mkiuptcy in
11 in, with assets of more than f loo.iion
in.l liabilities of nearly S.'iiin.oiin. Tile
fl,lllr mMowixl the sudden death of
i.i.iii, ,.nd the dU.-overv that Hie com
pai.v was Insolvenl because of th y -
f-'i -Usappearanco of stock ... the
Paterson, N. J.
Hon ( onfesses IXI.SIKI Theft, but
I onrl W on't llelleie Htm,
Despite tho protestations yesteiday nf
IMward Frlellng, 'ii .vears ol,l. that ho
was guilty of the tin ft of Jl.silu worth
of Jewelry fiom Mrs. Illvlra c.clger,
Maglstraie Mctjuadu In Morrlsanla court
refused to believe him He discharged
Die youth and held Instead his mother.
ji,H. u, K,-r
Mrs (ielger
lellng. in JL'.aim for trial.
l.i. allied Willi I lie l-'l'lel.
nes lit s:(lii Manilla street. The llronx.
After the jewelry had been stolen from
In r room anil recovered III tin. cellar.
, Mrs. Frlellng was arrested The son
put himself forward, saj ltig his aiolher
of whlcli Miss Anne Morgan Is chairman,
has reiuoved fiom 7 blast Thlt t) .eighth
street to thn old Colony Club Rulldlng,
1;.' .M.niison aventK-.
Snr lie In Gnlnir to lisp Cll Aulas
for lllarknell'a Visitors.
A charge that John A. Kingsbury,
Cmomlsslonnr of Charities, Is creating a
privileged class on HkickwcU's Island
was made )cstcrdy by l.lndell T. Hales,
Republican candidate for Crongress In
the .Seventeenth district. He asked Jus
tice Coh.ihin to restialn the Cnminls
sinner from making arrangements to nso
tho city's automobiles In transporting
employees, of the Charities Department
from one end of the Island to another In
order to cast their voles.
.Mr. Hates pointed out that the Island
Is only half a mllo wide and two miles
long nnd that nny voter ought to bu
willing to stretch his legs over tw mlleii
of road at the most in return for tho
privilege of voting. Justice Cnh ilan In
refusing nn Injunction suggested tn.v
Mr. Hates tako tho matter up with
Mayor Mltchel.
llceord Shows No Politics Has
Entered in His Admin
istration. Close students of Oov. Whitman's nil
ministration arc finding It easy to ills,
prove the charge made by Thomas Mott
Osborne that the State prisons are being
used for political purposes. When Mr.
Whitman became tlovernor he found a
Demoerntlc State Superintendent of
Prisons and four Democratic wardens.
Three of tho Democratic wardens re
main nnd the fourth, Mr. Osborne, rc.
Warden Osborne was appointed by
Oov. Olynn nnd the npisjititment was
Indorsed later by (lov. Whitman, who
gave assurances that he winild not In
tcrferc In prison reform experiments,
ill spltu of himself, the tlovernor was
I'rawn Into tlm controversy between
Supt. Riley and Warden Oslnjrno over
ibu transfer of prisoners from crowded
Sing Sing lo vacant cells nt lireat
.Meadow, the new fat m colony. Thu Gov
cinor finally removed Mr. Riley.
This was tho only case lu which he
has removed a prison oillclal. and even
Ins critics have been unable to point to
any political motive In the selection of
Supt. Carter.
t-riends of the Oovcrnor are calling
attention to his attitude towntd two im
portant penal questions, These were the
substitution of a prison faim for Slug
Sing nnd the extension of the parole
system. For ten years prison workers
have advocated the abandonment of the
unsanitary Sing Sing cell block for a
farm colony, c.ov. Whitman signed the
Sage bill, which tippropi lated I'.n'IO.OUO.
of which ITeO.onn was to he ur-rd In
renovating Sing Slug and $1,'.,50,immi lu
development of the prison farm.
The commissioners were to receive tin
salary, and that politics might be kept
out the measure provided that tluee of
the present State olllclals the Sii-rln-tetidcnts
of Prisons and of Public Works
and the State Architect should reive,
with two private citizens. The adoption
of this plan means the end of the Sing
Sing cell block and ultimate.)' onlv about
iluii men will ever be at that prison at
one time.
The (lovernors friends point also to
his warm support of W.uden llo-ner at
(lre.it Meadow, vvhvic a squad if twenty
n-.eii Is to be put to work In the opt n,
attended only by an unarmed guanl.
Men In this prison voted some time ag
against the Intioductlon of the Mutual
W'llfare league. Warden Homer also
has paroled hundreds of tlrst olfenders.
obtaining Job- for them oil farms dlstnn
from clly temptations.
C.ov. Whitman's friends In.lst that be
has n thorough Knowledge not oi lj of
the Slate prisons hut .f the . rlmiiial
londillons tl lough w he h mm lea, li
these prisons, lllld lliat he Is keie) III-t-rested
In real pit'oii reform n a m
in.,n sense basis,
Ifntnrmsn Who llnrt H Is Held.
Stefaniw Dendr'no.. a green motor-
man, whoso car humped Into another car
at Columbus avenue and ll'ghty-four'h '
strut l-'rldiy night, crushing the be-,
of Alexander Hani-. l' )iars old, was'
held In f l.oaO ball .vesterda) b Magis
trate ilroehl. William Mieeliy of 2'i
Amsterdam avenue sa'd that when he
berated Deiidrlnos for caieb ssness- the
inotorman thiew an lion bar at him.
Rend With Una i'nl'e In Xtoiilb.
fleorge Toblns. 5". x-ars, a bookkiepi-r.
of li".:i K.ist Tvventv. seventh stieet, was
found dead In h's room ),silrila)
morning, with a gas tube In lib mouth
Sfilc Pnrnphht on Request,
J 7uiTlera
384 Fifth Avenue
Telephone, Greeley 20-11. Between 35th and .5ith St
.Managing Editor of Catholic
Encyclopaedia Accuses
Calls Pamphlet Dastardly Med
ley of Fanaticism and
Conde H. Pallen. managing editor n'
tho Cnthollc Kncyclnppdla, and a runs
nlzed uiithorlly on sectarian sublnts, n
a statement Issued yesteiday l.i.vs ban
the obvious purpose behind a recently
published e.-inipalgti pamphlet "circulated
from Iho National lli.nlqu.irlers of th.
.Publicity Hiircnu for the llxposuroof Po
' llllcal Romaiilsin.'" The authors nf the
I pamphlet attempt to show- tho existence
I of a movement on the part of Roman
J Catholic churchmen to muster tho
strength of that organization ngatnv
President Wllsoi.
"It Is nbvloui; on Us face," says I)r
Pallen, "that this pamphlet lsbelng elr.
ciliated by the procurement (vT or with
thu knowledge ill d approval ofl tho Dem
ocratic headquarters or natla-nal cam
paign mnnagers, or for them." I
Klscwlicrc In litis statement Vr. Pallen
says :
"A moro dastardly medley of fanatl
clsm and politics was never printed
According lo these fu nailer, it
was the Roman Catholic Church that In
duced our (lovernim-nt to go Into the
Philippine!! In order to savn the church
there. And now- thu saino church Is
financing a revolution In Mexico and In
i stlgatlng this country to go In thero in
order to save the ehuich there.
I "What will be startling mws to Un.
'man Catholics is that Henry l.aim Wll
! ton, our former Ambassador lo Mexico,
, Is directing a Roman Catholic opposition
to W ll-oii.
('nrrniiin Unlit t Onvern,
"Just because Caidlual (llbbons, with
bis usual fintikiifss In all public ques
tions, w lis courageous enough tn decl.ip
In public what every honcw tnerlcati
admits to be so, that Carrai,z.i Is u ,!i
to restore ord-r In Mexico, and therefore
unworthy of recognition of thl. (Joven
ment. In- Is Hi- arch mnsplrntor In tlm
Roman hierarchy against the Wilson VI
"How stupid, a., well i otilra.-i nut-,
this appeal is m.i be .-atlieied fiom the
fact that It asks for vole for Wilson in
spite of his shortcomings. It ndnit
that ho has not prut. Ml Ameiiran Hf
and property In Mexl-u 'ml assures t
voter that reparation will be made wh
ever st tide government spall have (
established there. II i l.nll.s Hun Mr
Wilson has appoint,,! s.,:i, Roman i'it
idles to olllce, but otih t-i minor otliee
when he was for- ,-d lo d- s. y Sen it
i and Conciessnien.
Itepuhlli-niis tlniii. I.lliernl.
"With the vi 's,.. iii that has alwa's
eh.u.ii t-lize.l the Ripunlt. in panv, p
leaders have lover a'lau thmis U
with the f,,res ..f ..- .try No Kit '
.S'othiiif moiem, nl I. is evir had Ihi
j s.vmp.i'lii .N.. small ilea -an- of tin' r
. ii.iiliiiii.il suci'ss nl tl" polls n due I
th- fa- t !'. il Hi- y have n .ill to nil I
mailers of ielu-lou as inej generully a.c
i in pui.ly political luatterH also.
I "Tlm part) that nial.es an Issue
i race ,,r lellglon In this country Is donn
to defeat. Rntil.'lti Cltl.oll.s, I.Ue ota- -Chinch
peopl-, ote by loluselelire
Mr Wilson Is defeated II will not
beCJllse of eonspira. y I.) Roman t i'
lie. I'ioi, slant or Jew, liy Clerman. r
or Scandinavian, hut simply I ius..
voters of ,wy oiuin ami ailillatlon .
gard him ns s.-eilon.l in his governme-vaclllatln-:
In his policies, an I r ,n,
unsay to-nioriow whit lie so to-iiij
Mnrlr Dressier nnd Wllllnm Collier
Appenr nt (iiiiird llnsnnr.
M.irle Dresslir, William Collier .1-.
Robert Warwick were among those w
took pari .vestcnla) In an obi fal- i
circus given at the SMy-nlnth Rcgl-n.
bazaar. The tent was .rn ed on
drill Hoot- of the arrnoiy at C I,exin,f
avenue c. Auhiey Smith. King p.iggi
and Major Doyle also assist, d n. nt.Vs tig
a success of tho show.
Il.ili) day eltew many youngsters n h
Mrs. Winifred Sinner ai cl icf i-i'c -talner.
FURS have never been
taken up with quite
tho enthusiasm of
present season.
A wide choice is
forded in Ermine,
Husky, Hudson May Sable.
Skunk and Hudson Sen'
in Capes. Collars, Collar
ettes and Muffs, in styles
to conform with present
The Foxes are unusiiali
fashionable and promi
nent. Scarfs and Muffs
of Silver, Cross, Natural
Mlue and various color
aro shown in large var'u-U.

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