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r THE SUN, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 12, 1916 WOMEN PRESIDENT MAKERS ACTED JUST LIKE MERE MEN D : i 1 I - fMtfTd (Tl-5 l " THE HUGHES WOMEN S SPECIAL. Results of the Election Would Seem to Show That the 2,000,000 En franchised Women Voted as Dem ocrats and Republicans and Were as Partisan as Their Brothers Br ELEANOR BOOTH SIMMONS. T women What? Turned this election from n hort story to lio read nt one comfort able sitting Into a three volume book with a Jolt nt tho beginning of ench chipter nnd question marks fairly bo pattering the text. At least that Is th view of many of tho suffragist. The petticoat Is In politics as a live factor, though not precisely In the way certain organizations of -women thought nt tho start of thl campaign. "Woman's debut In polities'." was the policy, In one particular she predi cated little on Mr. Hughes's slate mcnt, made the day after his speech cry M the lf.Pihcs women's cnmpulgn ! accepting: the nomination, that he fectlve method. Tho meetings don't train swung out from the New York would use his influence to get the -Cfntral Terminal on October 2 on the i wmen of the country enfranchised by j chieago. un, 0M tno ,nlc tnp Woman's lensatlonal tour which was to convert J'Jeral enactment. Her reason Is dlf-, party speakers, especially Mrs. Inez the doubtful votes la tho West, and I ferent. though. particularly wavering women's votes, I Dr- Amia Howard Shaw nnd Mrs. Into joM strength for the Republican I Carrie Chapmnn Cntt and thelrfoI candld.i'c. i 'DWCrs don't seo how a mere President Of course. It was absurd to call It , t,f th VnlteA s,ales C01IJ control woman'f d. but. for Mrs. J. i:ilen l-'os-1 ,lla stipulated mnjorlty of Congress ter nnd Ml, Helen Vnrlol: Hoswill ' necessary to pass were spellbinding for tin- O. O. 1'. a score of yearn ago. When Miss Hns n oil. head of tho women's' campaign lommlttco of tho Uepubllcan National Committee, Hpoko a fortnight ago nt the meeting of the Commercial Men's Sound Money Iaguo on Hroadwny she was merely repenting her per formance in the McKlnlcy rampalgn in 1M0. I Alt through the full of 1912 tip to election day New York and a lot of other places brlstld withTtepubllcun. Progressive nnd Democratic orntors and workers of tho well known gentler sex. Miss Alice Carpenter of Hoston, Miss M.iry Donnelly, MLs Frances A. Kellor. Anne Iliiodcs and literally hundreds high in tho councils of Roosevelt nnd his followers were doing n large share of tho stunts of the Progressive campaign. You couldn't turn n corner that you didn't bump Into Miss Itaswcll. Miss Mary Francis, Mrs. Nelson II. Henry or tome other O. O. P. woman distribut ing literature, talking from a cart tall or opening n Taft shop. Mrs. J Borden Harrtman marshalled the Democrntto women Into a fairly active phalanx, but some persons who wanted to be mean did point out that It was the candidate for whom women did the least work that' was successful nt the po'.ls. And though the assertion will be hotly disputed by a good many women. It teems pretty certain that organized attempts on tho part of women to In fluence vote, nt least the attempts most widely talked nbout nnd adve'r tlsed, have had about the same nega tive effect In the present campaign. The Western Ktates to which tho Hushes women devoted the most of their attention turned Hughca down. True, Illinois, where they spent some days campaigning, voted Republican, but only 51 per cent, of the women of that State cast their ballots for Hughes and 43 per cent, went Wllsonwnrd. In Kansas, Idaho. Washington, Colorado, Arkansas, Montana, Cnllfornla, all the vat West where Miss Kellor anil her mworltcrs labored so long nnd ho hard In a long month's cnmpulgn.-at n cost nf r''.000 or more, their arguments op-p.iif-Mly had ntout ns much effect ns many zephyrs from tho alfalfa lie is. it ecms extremely unlikely tied the Uepubllcan National Commit ter which feared tho effect of this tram In tho llrwt place, will over give t a similar project even the lukewarm support accorded to this. As n President mnker tho Hughes omen's cnmpalgn train may be cast Into tho discard. And what of that other would-be President maker, Miss Alice Paul of the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage? , President unmaker would be the bet ter term, for months ago In announc ing her plan for using the votes of Western women to force tho Hunan B, Anthony amendment through Congress Mlts Paul stnted that sho cared not who was made Chief Kxecutlve, that her plan was to punish Wil son because he hadn't forced his party to pas the amendment, and by that punUhtnent to make politicians fear the power olj woman's vote. a constitutional amendment or tho thlrty-slx State legislatures required for Its ratifica tion. Miss Paul Juat doesn't take much stock in political promises nnd amiability. She holds that all parties hate the notion of giving woman the ballot, and that It's up to woman to make herself a political quantity to lie feared, to bo conciliated. Hence the Influx nbout six weeks ago Into the Western Mlf.1 tlclans mfSmjUSS I YS.t.'.il .. .'SViH I I m. . S '.JSHlllllllllim. Vr-tOtryi V L3UN vlll ll wiw--.- II jjj j l' ijEyy jjjjljll ! "I rather hope Tresjdent Wilson will be reelected," she told mo one day In October, when her campaign wns start- , Ing In tho West. "Yes, I do, even while the effect of our work Is totlraw votes away from him. Tor we have edu cated the President, nnd If Hughes gets In wo will have to start all over educating him." Miss Paul ngTeed with the National Woman Suffrage Association, that body which so bitterly opposed her partisan ' party alllllatlons nnd cast her vote this I year in the great cause or woman sur- frago? As nearly ns I can get the truth this . canvassing was Miss Paul's most cf- Mtlholhrid Hoirt-evaln, now lying 111 In Iais Angeles from her exertions, made n pleasant Impression, a much pleas auter Impression than did the Hughes women's campaign train. Not that that id saving much. Hut Miss Hoswell, who ought to like the Woman's party, It aimed to help her candidate, told me Hint Ue publlcan Women leaders all over the West reported thai the Woman's party wasn't drawing audiences, nnd showed me their letters to this effect. Again and again I met Western women Unit ing hfro who hadn't heard of the Woman's party. The Associated Press hardly noticed Its existence, nnd one story described how Its meeting In Spokane was raptured by n host of In furiated Di'iiiocratlo women. The first ..... , accomplishing anything win from Mrs. ,, ,.', n States where women vote of , nf sll(cnmo that made w Paul's gumshoe female poll- j h(.r , tHl. ,'arno(;i Hall Novem. f " furintcd D-mncratl.! women, nie nrsi cxpcct b(foro jonff t0 voU au over the . some ot the slogans the Western, flash I ever got on the Unmans party rnlte(1 statl.a. tt SIyt spellbinding 1 women voters opposed to the Hughes women some punklnn' this women'H campnlgn train. And liy their pat-pat of 2,000.000 pieces votes they showed that tliey Pclleveu that our fellow citizens who what they said. .1.. IS.iI. liil. BH rn. uL-lrta ,1 r . 1 . 1. . n I I. n . 1 On the out-ldo of It you wouldn't; -Mrs-. H ass head of tho women s 1 u-1 ltr(, , 10 ,a),ot November other thing, to wit, that Western . i.... 1 reau of th" lxmocratlc National Com-,. .,. ... .., ,,,. ,, fnr ' ' . ,,, , Mrs. O. II. I. Helmont vns raising ; V ! ,V riu- was nlTclear through at ! th wimo Yi,r!nlw roi,'.?n' tl,at. Inl'"; m'-t their husba.uN and brothers nnd monnv for tlx.!n ncnlnst Wilful . . I i rnl P "'lr ""lut ""n" " "" I lUiers ICCI W I1CI1 persons irom imui . . j -- - ,nui 1 ,101, nun in'ii t ,,'- in tho most Otiell. allOVeboard a V. MIKl ,, Imrl r,illlito lit 11 linrsnn I Mru llnrrlnt Kliintmi Tilnli li ., I..... ..... greSHmetl, ..... .......w. IlIIII'SS llltll I-iriio llll.S Mlk IIVL'tH I,H Helen ToUrt. .Miss LHiris htevens, JUss (Pllr j (i,m't remember nil Mrs IClsle Hill, Mrs. Florence IJayard Miles 1 n;l(iSvdehcrlptlvo touches in discussing and tho rest of tho t V. women who , jss p.iul'.s method-", but "idiotic, went out there organized tho woman's' futile, militant" were Just' a few. party with n great blaring of bands " l1ul Is disingenuous In the, and clashing of cymbals, established most dangerous way," Mrs. Mass de headquarters In countb'ss towns, head- flared. "Sin- tells half truths. Ily quarters that fairly shrieked "Down 1 rleverly. craftily misrepresenting Pres. with Wilson!" from windows and bill- Ident Wilson's attitude on suffrage the boards, and held meetings that were Woman's party has no doubt captured widely advertised. Hut tho real work . a uuiiiN-r of thoso women who do not I closely follow politics.' I The largo vote for Hughes In Illinois, the faet that half of the women them went ,'Kalnst Wilson, 1 gives ground for thinking that the I President uniuaker got In somo work. 1 Hut again, theie might be any nuiii- was done In it very different way. A. little woman In some voting-State, a quiet little woman who cared noth ing about politics and had never usi-d her ballot, would answer her doorbell to find on the pot i ll u young woman of pleasing ix-rsonallty, who asked the favor of a few minutes conersatlon. Ur of ether leasons for tho lllliit alU-ti to the list, making n total uf una tno inuy inougni now mie was ho- ; women preiemng auKiirs. no w neiner nnoty-one electoral votes If this earn ing to vote? tor not tho hard working Woman's BI1 .proVP(( anything It proves that No, sho hadn't. Her husband was party made a dent In Illinois Is 11 mat-, womcn aro uWT and hyrhenatrti real interested In politics, but she nl- ter of the point of view of those dl-1 aml ot,r (1,iities mentioned In pre wnys seemed to have a lot to do ot-) uimiiik it. nnd that the party didn't ciccton estimates: their vote Is not to Ing day, nnd so make any Impression In California, l)P ,IcVOIO(i solidly. Well, had she thought or Her nniy toairauo, juano, vvyoming, e., seems to help her Kastcru sisterH tn win tho I pretty clear from tho electoral re- right which she possessed, but which turn. women are in politics ns n live rac tor, they nro In polities to stny, not because large parties of .them are go would make the U'st I'resldent, Con-, ronio out nnd try to tell them train afraid they'd get mixed up In n more than J50.000 In her own right,' Se or- .whisper It some how to run their alTalt'. Which brines votes for women demonstration; nnd sh declared. personal consideration. us to a serious consideration of the tho suffrage women wouldn't go be- Tho oily, sooty workmen in their Some women, It Is said, voted to Hiiuhes women s campaign train. rause thev chanced to bo for Wilson.' pleaso tbolr husb-inds, but then I ve Why did that train, which stnrted nut at Toledo the thing that really and wondered, known hur-banils who voted to pleaso out from New York nm'.d tho blaring wilisl th train appealed In tho shape 'Tlfty thousand dollnrs would be n their wives. Didn't Henrietta Hodman of hands and tho shouts nr.l good f nn il'torlnl In the Toledo .Yrv-.t- tidy fortune for any of us," they com- (Miast before election .hat she was get' wishes of huge multitudes, prove such christening the train ' Tho (lolilen tnented. ' tlug her liepubllcu, husband, Herman u Mvxcr before It got round the circle? special," giving In detail the fortunes If there had been a corps of good, Defrem, to vole for Wilson liechtisc Of c-otm-v the sectional resentment re- f jjrR. n.inlel (itiggenhelm, Mr.s. Mary straight from the shoulder, direct ami she considered Wilson the man for the ferred to wns one n-asou, but It doesn't Harrlman Humsey, Mrs. Coinellus yet tactful, skilled political speakers White House? ' account for ever thing. Vanderhllt. Mrs. Payne Whitney, Mrs on that train they could bnvo over- If this campaign proved anything 1 WPt wth the train ns far ns Chi- -Harry Dayne Whitney, Mrs. Phoebe come all this opposition. Tho right about women- In politics and It was ri1Rn, nnd sectional resentment couldn't Hearst mid tho other women who speaker could hav" downed the hrck- the llrst real toucliftone we've hid, i.,...., i.,. vprv iron this sldu nf t'hl. tinnniw,! tlm tm'n. Smith iiend's most that drove Miss Kellor. dlscom- for in tne election or ivi- oiny si. Hon of tho alien on our shores. Mlsg Hoswell handled tho crowds udmlrnbly, hut alio returned to New York nt the end of tho second day. leaving the Petticoat Special manned by -a corpa of spellbinders Interested In special so cial things, not In real politics, 1'urther West they had crowds, anfl somo persons they did Miy Hughes somo good. On tho other hand, n Republican committeeman tol4 Mrs. Georgo Hass that he didn't thlnH they Inst Mr. Hughes moro than 20,000 votes In a State. The Hepubllcnn com mlttco3 seemed frankly nfrnld of them along tho route, and Mrs. Kheta Child Dorr,.ono of the women who made th wholo trip, says It wns nothing but Jual plain Jtnlousy on tJio part of the men. What of tho work of tho Democratic! women? It looms far less to tho ey thnn that of the Hughes women. For tho train that went to tho coast an4 back the Democrats lind only the decO rated van In which they stumped th city of New York. Individual Dmoerntlo women mad campaigns In the localities where they live, illstilbutlng literature from auto mobiles. In Chicago Mrs. lleorge Baag conducted a large bureau, from which she directed work In tho States wher , womcn vote. MftM Oertrudo B.irnura hnd chatge of the lnlor women, and 1 proved hersf If a live wire by the celer ity with which she got a long proces sion of women bearing "Ha -k to Wall Street" banner.-) to web-omo the Hughes women s train liut tho women w v, supported Wll son made lit'l n-i.-e ( .unpnrcd to those who supported II u' -s. Miss Jane Add uti.- -f Hull House, ' Chicago; . tM!l j), -Wald of Henry Street S tr- m nt, New YorltJ Mrs. Ulln I-'lasg imug, former Com mlstloner of Si-ln of Clilcago; MIsB Mary MeDowdl 1 f the t'nlverslty Set tlement, out there; Miss Ma Tnrbell, writer: Mts. M.n-v Ware Dennett Mrs. Clendovver l;v.m. bmg Identified wltli work in He t-.ti, who al though sin- is an .irdeiit believor In tin SU",-iu P: Autliou ameiulmeut nnd hot headed d-leg.-tioi-n of tho Congres sional I'nlon to as'.- President Wilson to hasten Us tu-.-jr. promptly left the 1' l Winn 1 lurched Ita fight against the It, ... t,t aiul camo to New Y"il t" i.i.-t t'.e n.-istern Women's Ihire.iu , f Hie Deniocratlo National I'timmltn-o, tliese are n few of the tvjiical women who announced themselves for Wi'son on tho ground of his poclal legislation nnd his ser vices for ponce. One fart of this remark ablo caiupa gn 1 t ho part.sanshlp ol women. It has flamed out in n sur prising degree, even In the suffrage i-iiiiii. Well, In Albany theie was Just radical Democratic orirati went th- llted and defeated, from thn Overland States, CaHfortlla, Colorado, Idaho, , oiilotei-esl seemed to -.-.... una letter liv mentioo'nir f.-li-torv. r tah, wa.siimgion ana yomuiK, nan given women thn ballot, and In the present, election Arizona, Illinois, Kan sas, Montana, Nevada nnd Oregon nre r.ji.i, nu. nri...,,,i,.1lln 1,...-.. .,..n,...,i, ,.(r,,rtJ torn overalls looked nt one another ,. Mrs. Can nnd Dr. S' aw have so far mnnaged to male- the national nsso elation tread nbmg tt.. -ifo non-pnrtU san path marked out bv Sos-an H. An thonv, nnd probably thn mass of tho members do believe that tt would be fatal to a'lenato either of th" two great parties, or any of the parties for that matter. Hut the prm eedlngs nt the last convention n Atlnntln City In September, for example, showed clearly, that get only a little way beneath 0. s ' f "X lb ' women nren't skilled political ! at'or Tu T flr"0' ,t the dollars and speakets Miss Kellor was ,00 nggre.- ; - , V ' tlvl d by tho South slve, and men won't r-'nnd for that, 1 " R man. 1 lv en Shnw well, she never wns denied to them? Did who know that President Wilson wns ngalnst suffrage nnd Mr. Hughes had said that he would glvo tho women the ballot? Ought she not to sncritlce. If neces sary, her personal convictions, her It proves also- that the suffragists are right when they say that, btvadly speaking. moro their navies and things that strike the cue to tako tho trouble to come out not only thn fortune and heor the female spellbinders or tiiiaucid the train, but else the hastily orgnnlz" d street m.-et. automobiles possess? Iiil-s didn't oveicomo tho impression Uoml women on the reception com-. 1 'r. Katharine Hement Davis. I'ommis proum-cu oy 1110 niri nun. nn- one .111- mmee. . xe.iei ... ,!.! , .-..i. ..... , f niivthlng but it Is 11. rlectlv oh vertlsed function wns a lunchton by lVom thLs on nn Democratic paper 1 went nil thn way with the train, made ,.; ' ,.' ... ... Mrs. Whitman nt thn Hxecutlvo Man- negb-i tt-d to see to it that the Com. a good Impression on n idhtue-; they sion, nicm People of the town about to be I.ked her right away. Hut sho was so All along the way to Chicago noth- v.sited by the Petticoat Spcl.a was in busy npologUlng to tho jmffrago cause 1. 1. a. n...nnt rt. I ,, rtj ..t ......1..,, ..f li. '.l.,nn..l . if tll.l fill tile f.ll't lliat sllO. .'I Olrtober Of tllO iiiuiii 11. i !iM-iiv,. i-i-v . "in !,,. . mo mi.i i.i ..." ..n.-,i. estnl ii ne. ii ol wen oresseo, prosperous it-oiiini; n.uiK aci-ouius, mo mi,-i.u i-hmlhh.,, .,..n ...... women coming to the train 111 .-111101110- represented by the tr.iln. And wh-ti and a former oilicer. was breaking the lie - w iilie i will 'use their voto tH"s nnd taking the speUWmleis to Miss Krances A. Kellor. manager of rulo of that!on nnd going out for the . welfare f the home and clubs and hotels for meetlng.s tit which the crusade, got up to answer the on a partisan campaign that she sort el,!l, . -en less for ..miles' and the audience seemed to bo Kepiibllcaus hlllionalre charges at an open air of lost the political threads. imillltll, II SH IIT llimiltl nun ... ,,...,. ... . .i. i t . M,vu l ,r.- nt( u. ntmn-f n-hnlti. who didn't need converting. In HutTaln nn ctlug for tho employees vlous from tlio light in hrr eyi when i-ertam topics ronio up t iat she had times of wishing t lint s'io could voto for Wilson She is very much lnter- nnd as to suffrage, sho told me at Atlantic City that sho bo heved that Mr. W.Ison was Just a9 desiroiiH of jnittiMg through the Fed eral nnii iitlineiit o.s Mr. Hughes, and that she thought bis power to do SO was greater, beeiuse bo cou'.d "rule Ida paity, whllo Mr, Hughes would bo of the i Miss Mary Antln was nlmost wholly Inc out Kiiectaeiilarlv or irnmshoelv to i ... .. i ... m the committee had to be men. becnii'o Overland automobile factory til To- interested in tne immigrant, nnd campaign but because, they voto in .-wilson- kept us out of war." 'Wilson tho sufriage issue bobbed up, and nntl. ledo she didn't make things any better, , crow. Ls on the evo of nn election don't ; ,,,",' ,,v ivnrosn and "ut her nntl-suf- twelve states nt tho present tlmo nnd pl,t through .the child labor bill," we in sulTrago women wero nirniu ot me ".xot n woman on tms irain owns i- ' "u "-ie fmslsts THE NEWS OF THE WEEK IN RHYME By Dana Burnet LECTION DAY has come nnd gone, The count has been completed ; The Winning Candidate has won, The Loser's been defeated. 1 Css-s. e If that's a noncommittal bit We cannot make it plainer; 'Twas penned, you know, A week ago And doesn't life seem saner? But then, excessive sanity Affects one's moral tissues. And how we miss the Colonel's voipe Deciding of the issues! And how we miss the dark intrigues, The pledges, and the doubting The street parades, The gasconades The Silence and the Shouting. Ah well, 'tis still a mad, mad worjd, With Europe all so harried, ' And half the home folks getting robbed, Or Bhot, or sunk or married. I'm maa a J" anything. A member of the Deutschland's crew, While resting 'neath our banner, Cut divers didoes' in the most Approved Teutonic manner. Old Sol, 'tis said, will cease to shine In several million ages. The Kniscr's son Is on the run, And how the peace talk rages! King Victor's troops assailed Trieste, To Austria's confusion. Lloyd George insists that victory Is still a fond illusion. Croquet is coming in again, As well as long haired spaniels; Rut hips and gout Are going out, And so is Mr. Daniels. The price of coal is such that we Have not the heart to quote it ; We' merely shed a bitter tear And casually note it. rtt rtitiQ Mjfr ihiyJiJp The subway strikers still persist In blowing up the stations, Which gives a rest To those depressed By commonplace sensations. If such be our prosperity May heaven make us poorer; This Hood of wealth Aflfects our health And Greece requires a scorer. Tho next four years will b wall worth living. If only to watch tho do velopment of women In the political life of the nation That the Susan B. t Anthony nmendment wl'l bo pasted i and tndorfed by the ueces.s.ny number jot States eveiy s'llfr.iglst. whatever j her party, belli v. h nnd savs. Cer tainty the women who hnvn tho voto jhave given President Wtlsi.u R"od rea . son to believe In t h.-tii And win n the aim ndinent does rome 'up In Congiess it will prohiMy Pud a (.'nngresswoman time to rjn-il, for It, I I-'or at this writing it Is i.i that Miss Jennettn l; ,nl..n M.iutaii.i. the idol I of thn women of In r State, the girl i who gave them siiffriig. by her elforts, itlin girl who, pretlv and .voiing, hns ; given herself night and ! iy to votes for women Miss .1, ,-in,- llmkin is I apparently elect. .1 l'nit.d St it-s Hep- rcsentative ny tne p- op e or per state, "Wo in going to art the Federal nmendment very somi not In tha I Sixty-fourth f'ongn . but mi.ui." Mrs Hn.s snld to 111" Just bef ire election. "Hut wo must win u f- u n ne S'ates before It can be done. I believe ow-;v voters will enfiatuhlse th. ir women, nnd I have great hop. s of . 1M0. jowa and Ohio will prob.iblv be i -t. "And when we have those States, when wo hnvn become strong t nnugh In Congress to form a suffrage; party, n-s can bargain for thn nmendment. That is thn way we women of 1'llnols got tho Legislature to lofiiu-hiso us by bargaining, agie. n to let tho men nlono If tlicj'd g.vo us the thlnsf we asked. "And wo must havo n suffrage party tn Congress strong enough to sayt 'Vote for thn Susan R. Anthony omondU ment, you ntitl-suffrago members, an4 we will help you with such nnd sucU mewure you art backing.' " . i Ml I; p v. I