Newspaper Page Text
1 f i'-M'' I. ,(. 12 THE SUN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1917. Is. WHITMAN DENIES NEED FOR A BIG TAX Ills Figures Id Legislature , Slimv'lWiYit, Will no Ittit $M,7:n,0!)1.l3. POSSllUiV MAY B LOWER Miprlil lie Cut Down lo Less Tlinu Ten .Millions, Snys Oovernor. Onv. Whitman denied List night the ic poit that the amount of the proposed Plate direct tax for 1917 would total $15,000,000. The Clovcrnor submitted figures tending to show that the deficit will be about $i:,00,0(O. - The Governor's figures showing the financial condition of the State, as set forth In the annual budget he submitted to the Legislature Wednesday, follow: r.h ii.i.n. jutr u mi-,,. ....... J6.;:s,ij.i: Fstiinatcd Treasury Income to .1 utit W. 1917 K,32S,G01.4I Lstlmetcd Trrssury liiomno th Juno yi, 1915 Itlnistcd simroprlstlon lsisos to .Jane CI, 191 I-.stltnsled spnrnprlstloii Ispsc to June 50. 191S 49.453,KJ.OO 2,000,000.00 1,230,000.00 Total .I15.74S,4Sl.M I,ess sptirnprlstlnn. In f,irce July 1, 1515. . - 39,.W4,n0l.(iS Plfferrnce available fur liquldatlnn c-f spprciirlstlcns of 1lir lyeglsls tare of 1917 M.214,4I9.W "If the appropriation acts of the leg islature." concluded the Governor, "equal the total of the tentative appropriation bill of $65,4S7.540.98. the deficit will be the difference between $5(5, 214. 449. 83 and that figure, or $9,273,091.13. If. In addi tion, the Legislature approves of my fur ther recommendation for pay of troops and servlco at the border, and for the other Items aggregating approximately $2,45,000, the deficit will be $11,731. 091.13 and not $19,000,000." LOAF OF BREAD LEADS TO TALL. Alan It Costa Ilroofcljrn Man Con siderable Monej-. Tt cost Miller 15. Foulke. 736a Union street, Brooklyn, a considerable sum of money, no end of trouble and a day in the Raymond etrcct Jail to "Insist on his rights," only to lose them In the end nd all for a 5 cent loaf of bread. His troubles began on an elevated car of the New York Consolidated Railroad at the Coney Island terminal when Foulke refused to turn the bread Into the lost and found department at the re quest of a guard. He said he would take the package home with him and ad vertise it. The guard Insisted, and Foulke accom panied him to a polico station, where he was arrested and parolled, the police having opened the package and discov ered the loaf. Next day Magistrate Vor hecs held him in ball of $J00 for Special Sessions, and It was not until the follow ing day that he obtained It. Foulke waa discharged In Special Session.-! and brought suit against the rail road company, a, subsidiary of the B. n. T., for $15,000, charging malicious prosecution. Yesterday Supreme Court Justice Manning dismissed his complaint. INSTRUCTION. I INSTRUCTION. , BROOKLYN New Toek. BROOKLYN New York. Announcement The Long Island College Hospital requires the completion of two years of study in a college of liberal arts for entrance to the medical course. Columbia University will give a two year premedical course at the Long Island College Hos pital in Brooklyn for students intending to enter the latter institution. The next premedical class will be made up February 5, 1917, and will be pre pared for entrance in the fall of 1918. Address all inquiries to Mr. G. H. Dwenger, Registrar, Long Island College Hospital Faculty, Henry and Amity Streets, Brooklyn, New York. NEW YORK'S PRIVATE SCHOOLS TOUN'Ci MEN AND BOTS. SCHOOL. From Primary to College." Oym., flwlm-g Pool. etc. 37th yew. 309-15 W. 3rd St. Tel. Hcbuyler 4SJ8. BARNARD SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Fleldston, West 342(1 Ht. Hoys may remain all day, including Hat'y. Cindy hour. Ten nis Courts. Ath. Field. Kind to College. FOR GIRLS ANI YOUNG WOMEN. TIIK BARN ARII SCHOOL FOR CIKLN. Kindergarten to College. Graduates in leading Colleges, (lymnanlum and Tennis. Catalogue. 42.1 West Math Street. BOTH HEXES. THE BROW N NCIIOOL OF TUTORING 241 West 73th Street. Col. 8894. Founded 190H. one at a time with teacher. All day study. Two yearn wsrk in one. The School Where Iterorda Are Made. Learn to Concentrate. Clark School for nmrntratlon. MO Weal 73th St., N.r.C. Tel. 741 Cel. ETHICAL CULTURE SCHOOL Central Park West and Slity-thlrd Street. From Kindergarten to College. Athletic Field. Open Air Departmentt. ItWIGHT SCHOOL. 72 Park Ave., bet 38-30. Day Dcpt of New York Prepara tory School. Thorough work', limited elaMcs. mod, fees. New term lxTJ.Jari.29tb THIS DIRECTORY Al'PKAKH II4.ILT SUNDAY. HATES ON RF.UUESI'. THE SCHOOL. COLLEGE AND CAMP BUREAU. N, Y. SUN. N. Y. CITY. rOlt BOYS ANL YOU.NO MEN, NEW JERSEY Lakewt:. ni.AKE TUTORING SCHOOL, Llkewnod, N. J. Itspldprpparstlnnfnri(,psr. Indlrlduil Initrur tlon. Horseback riding, golf, etc. Fine climate. NEW YORK CITY, New York. JlQvYofkTrepdrdtorf 1Z PARK A V.. bet. Sth Hnd 301 h sU., N. Y. Cur, Franklin A Jrrferiion Avi llltoOKI.T.V HA VR oi: Mom: VKAns-iv REG BERKF.I.KV.IRVINO SCHOOL. I-JI5 West Urd St.. N. T. "From Primary to Collage," L. D, HAY. ll.adraaitsr. LAWYER SUED FOR $67,000. 'porn' V. nnnrhlr'n farmer Wife Hn lie Stopped Allowance. Mitt. Florence I'Tyles Bauchle, second wife of George Young naurhlc, lawyer nnd .sports-man, filed suit In the Supreme Court yesterday against her former liu band for 567,000 damage, because, no cording to her complaint, he hn failed to pfty her the allowance stipulated In an tillcRcd agreement, Hcforo aim obtained a dIVorce from him at Reno, Nov., on December 20, 191.1. accoftllng to her affidavit, he made a settlement by which. In return for not asking for' alimony In her action, the was to receive a maximum of $400 a month and a minimum of $150. The amounts he paid, she says, gradually de creased from the maximum until on De cember 1, lft 15, they ceased altogether. Hauchlc has an Income of $15,000 a jcar, the pays. 1,228,000 POLICIES ISSUED BY N. Y. LIFE Company Now Has Total In surance in Force of $2,511,000,000 I'ollcks Issued by the New York Life Insurance Company to the number of 1,228,000. covering 1,000,000 lives, were In force December 31 last, the total Insurance In force amounting to $2,311,000,000. according to the seventy second annual report, which has Just been issued. Other large figures are given In the statement. The Income In 1916 was $13S.000,000, the admitted assets on December 31 were $806,000,000, the legal liabilities $723,000,000, and the reserves for divi dends and contingencies $138,000,000. I'aj ments made to policy holders dur ing the year reached a total of $81. 000.000, Including $19,000,000 In divi dends, and new Insurance amounting to $263,000,000 was written. A summary of the company's opera tions during the seventy-two years shows that It lias received from policy holders $1,870,000,000, and has paid to and now holds for their benefit $2,031, 000,000. Interest earnings have more than paid the total expenses of the busi ness a remarkable record. The Armstrong laws of 1906 fixed a limit of $150,000,000 on the amount of business which any life company might do In one year. As all business was done under the limit as to expenses fixed by law, this arbitrary limit upon the amount of business was regarded as unjust, and the law was so amended that an excess above $150,000,000 was allowed, the amount of this excess to be determined by the economy with which the business was operated. Under this rule the New York Life company has steadily increased Its limit until in the year Just closed It was 1260. 000,000. It exceeded this by $2,500,000, but with the consent of the Insurance Department this Is allowable, the ex cess being deducted from the .Unit of the following year. The report shows a reduction In the mortality and expense rates and an In crease in Interest rate and In new busi ness. New'features of the company's poli cies cover the risk of total disability from accident or disease and payment of double the face of the policy In case of accidental death, while the Insured Is a passenger on a common carrier. LANGUAGES. NEW YORK CITY. New York. SPANISH TRBNOII GERMAN ITALIAN Betin to speak at oner Wan1': no time on appoint menu. Learn In the prlraer of your home or office durlni apart momenta, free from tni embsrrassmenta of the clan a room or teacner. Language Phone Method And Itoeenthal'e Practical I.tngulstrr A system of dine recorda and text books that If I Imnle. Inexnenttve and ccinvenlenfc. Vm. h- , lite ll Ins voice of a natlre profmior pronounca Ine foreign Isnitutce until you muter it. You ' ran ute your own machine: our records fit all. Call for free demonstration or write for booklet. 'J HE LANGUAGE PUONb' METHOD lOvl'utnamllldc., a Wot 46th St.. naarJtu tt. BOTH SEXES. lYEW YORK CITY, Mew Tat. STEWART Booklet explains tVIIT AUTO our course Is BEST. Inspect SCHOOL, our plant and be convinced. !!5 W.SJthM. Ladles-clsases. PRIVATE SCHOOLS TV ere are ta many eicrJlent intti. tttiom that it is difficult for parent) (o decide which to select. To help tolve your problem unbiassed infor. nation bearing on your particular initance and booklets of any school cr collcie will be sent you free upon itquut. Write, stating near what (ity or town you would ltk your children to be, what kind of schojl and how much you desire to spend (cr tuition and support, Immedi. attly upon reading this advertisa. cent write to The New York Sun fcheal, Callsi and Camp Bureau, MO Nasaau St., Nasr Tark. PLANS FOR RELIGIOUS CENSUS. ("hnrchrs Appoint rB,4H)0 Onn vnsscrs for Krbrtmry 4. Two hundred pastors of all denomina tions, Protestant, Catholic and Jewish, gathered jesterday afternoon In the as hcmbly room of tl'o Metropolitan Life Htilldlng to discuss plans for the relig ious census that Is to he taken In, New York February 4. J. Shrcve Durham, International cuperlnlendcnt of Home Visitation, prnldcd and made the chief address. llr. Durham quoted the Government census, which state that only 38 per cnt. of the population goes to any church or Sunday school, and declared that It didn't give a true view of the sit uation. "The Government can't take n relig ious census," he said. "Suppose the cen sus taker comes to your door and your mam or your wile nnswers. It Just de- pendj on liow polite tlic man Is and how ' of 'he Mutual Truxt Company of Orange, our maid or your wife feels whether or o was sentenced by Chief .Justice Hum not they answer questions like that fully mere last Saturday, was taken yesterday and ronertly. It requires tact to tret a to Trenton to beRlii lain term In State religious census, and 1 prefer to believe 1 prison of from seven to fourteen years, the results of tho census our Home Vlsl-1 Hatrh looted tho bank by the aid of false tatlon people have taken In the various Icertlficatefi of deposit amounting to J840, cities and which shows that out of the 000. ISLAND OF ENCHANTMENT A climate soft as June; cities and harbors vivid with the glamour and romance of Old-World life such is tropical Porto Rico, quaintest of our island possessions. 16-Day Cruise All Expenses HAVANA ffcTO A delightful tropical climate: ro mantic old-world surroundings. Comfortable modern hotels. Outdoor sports; horse racing at Oriental Park. KxcrUrnt passenser accommoda tions on large, twln-scrow steam ships sailinp; under tho American Flan. SalllnKs from New Yorlc. Thursdays and Saturdas. NassauintheBahamas lliilllant social life at splendid ho tels, tiolf, ikjIo. tcnrtls, ruotoriiiK. surf bathing. Wonderful cllmatf. Sallinfi from New York Thursdays. AVtr. Iicice-n-treek serrice Ixglnning Jan. 8. 1017, btlirrenJacksontille.Fla., and Xassau. Mexican cruise. IM days. Inclutllnis Havana, Cuba. Progreso and era Cruz, Mexico. Salllnirs fortnlt?litly on Thursda) s WARD LINE New Tork aaj CAt MaQ S. S. Co. Gaswal Offic., Foot of Wall St , H.T. FLORIDA Travel at ynur own conven- lenco on Imllvldiial tirkMs In eluding mcaU and stutrroom acrnmmodntions. Fast, com fortahlp strainiTs direct to JACKSONVILLE Calling at Charleston, S. C. 1Q One Round $0 A .80 and li7 Way Trip 01 up Connections for CarollnH and Florida rerts. dioludliiK Talru lleacli, St, JVlersljiirc, -Miami, Havana, CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO. Tier IM North Hlvrr. New York Cljy Ticket omec. U'.)0 Hroadway If COMMCNIE CutRAIETlAirSaTlsiritUf Express Postal Service HEW YORK -BORDEAUX PARIS S. S. CHICAGO Saturday, January 13, 3 P. M. tU TOURAINE . . Sal., Jan. 27, 3 P. M. ROCHAMBEAU Sat., Feb. 3,3 P.M. tESPAGNE .Sat., Feb. 10, 3 P. M. HL'lili'fM'1"- 'r'tsl X Nerond Calilii. COMPANY S OFFICE jnmatf h.,n. t. uumrnni t urribC l-iionellroadooo. American Line ALL AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flag N.Y. Liverpool, Pier 62, N.R., Noon HI. I'nul Istn. l3New York,... Jan. 10 White Star Line New York Liverpool ..,r"lu,r 'or "alllnas. Kir. ornci;.ulfwAv, n. y. f.i. oooo it.ctor. tTKA.MHIIIP IIOKKIN to any part. Official Acenl all lines, asymoad as Mhltcomb Co.. lit tth AT..N.1. yliii li ii in 43,000,060 persons visited 94 per cent go to church." , January 21 all New York ministers are to appeal from their pulpits or In tho case of those who hold services Fri day or Saturday It will Im done January 19 or 20 for volunteer censua takers. New York will be parcelled off Into thirty districts nnd It will requite nt least 65,000 canvassers to reach all of tho 5,500,000 persons In those thirty districts. nitn .Newspaper Mnn Held. Charged with getting theatre tickets by representing himself as n newspaper man. SIdnev Cohen. IS, a Knlesmnu, was hnhl In l.",nn I, nil i. Mnnicrn. m......i... In West Side Court yesterday. It Is al- icged mat ne represented himself as John It, Hastings, managing editor of the Evening Journal, and got two tickets from Henjamln Carter, treasurer of Hm J George M. Cohan Theatre. nntik Wrecker Oft lo I'rlauit, Kdwln IT. Hatch of Mnnlcwood. wrerlier $94. 50 And Up You make the voyage from New York to and around the island and return to New York stopping at prin cipal ports using the steamer as your hotel for the entire voyage. 10,000 ton vessels. Sailing under the American Flag. Write for booklet. CRUISING DEPARTMENT Porto Rico Line 11 Broadway, New York BERMUDA A delightful Ocean Sail of 1.140 miles by Quebec S. S. Co.'a S. S. "BERMUOIArf with several dayi on these charming coral iilandi. Tickets, including Travel. Hoteli, Carriage Drives, I Boating Trip, etc.. Toura 5 Days and Lonfer $33:22 w Next Sailing. Jan. 17. 24, 31. etc. Descrlpthe circulars, bertha and full In formation from THOS. COOK & SON afll fifth Ave.. -JOM llroadway. N. T. BERMUDA "40 Hours Irifm r'rust to f-'lntrrrt," ; from N. Y. - Npleiulld Hotel.. I'nenualled Sailing. ItathliiK A Fishing, (iolf. Tennis, t'jtling. Iirlilng, etc. ITS. S. "BERMUDIAN" Sailiue from N frJSr S. S. "TRAS OS MONTES" 17,000 Tims llisplarement. IteitlnnlnK Early l!H7 Winter Scaon. Fir Illustrated ttonklcts apply tn Oliehee ts. to.. .Ti'tlriiudnaf . N. V.: Thos fk A. Son. 24.1 and aosi ll'way. 204 and ,M1I OlhAv . Ra mnnd A Whltcotnli. 22.oth . (1. K, .Marstcrs. I2IC. ll'way. Frank Tiuirlst Co., :i!iO H'way, and .',th Av (iillixpie. Muimrts tc Ilcinl. ;:oo-ll sth A , MrCann'a Tours, la2S llriw.ln.iy CUNARD K.gular rassrnirr and Carlo Srjli NEW YORK LIVERPOOL NEW YORK-FAI MOI1TH-I ONnniM ' NEW YORK BRISTOL CUNARD nRAPTS p...i,i. in r...., n.:,.:- I and Ireland. Lonirnitnl Kcliable. Low Kates. For further Information apply I 21 Stale St., New York. If I. U.IOU Broad. DKI.ICIITriTI. SIIOHT SKA TRIP. llsstful ll.'sllhtiil SAVANNAH LINI1. Ill West :d St., N. V OI.II DOMINION I.INK. To all points South and West, llvtry nsskrlay, 3 v. M., Plsr Jo, Norlh nivsr. Tsl. 3J0O rninklln. CANADIAN TACiriO HAIIAVAY CO. J!3t IlrouclwaT. N. V. city. FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $3.00 eitra. Iv. Pier 14, N It., ft, Fulton nt. aany ai o r si. muiic w Indon (Nornlrli) Llna sir. Iv. Plsr i 41. N. It., ft. Houston Ht.. e Sun., SiJO p. M.j Pier 70, E. R., fl E. HA Rt., t 00 P M New listen I.lns str. Iv. Pier 31, E. It . ft. Catharine St., ei Sun. 2 00 P M I Plsr 27 K n.. 3 p ai., pisr 70. k. ::u st 3 n p. m, "the piihmc nr. pi.EAsrn." BOSTON $2.65 PROVIDENCE D$z $1.60 jl smw,vww-. , .Willi IteiUHIilllI I'nx, . nui .-ve., prior to PROVIDENCE "x&at' Sl.fifl'J"n- " l!"c' loN"' COLONIAL LINE ALI, OUTSIDE NTATKHO.IMS, fl TO tS. Weak days and Sundays at 5 P. M. from Pier 39, M. R.. foot West Houston at. 'Phone Sprlnc 4ll. BOSTON Wercester, $1,410: Prnsldenre direct. I 54) lurMiiisc STiTsnnnua a Dally, Including Sunday, Si'oo 'p.' f. From Pier II. E. R, Phona TOO Deakman L'lty TleHet Office, 2io Hroadway, N, Y. Kastern Steamship l.lncs Metropolitan Line Pavensr Service tmprarlly dis continued. Lines from l!oslu tn Portland. Uangor, Et. John, N. U., and Yarmouth, N.a WINTER RESORTS. NEW JERSEY Atlantlo City. ATLANTIC CITY. pieie is adiroct and immediate benefit in the air of the scaanda charminit'.? environment. HotclDennisprovidw atJiorouhricjoicairifbTt and entertainment that enriches thathencfit and charm to the utmost. Unexcelled in itv? ocoanfrontlocation. Conducted ontbc AmaiicanPlan. Capacity 600 , watcrJ.Biizby HOTEL ST. CHARLES with its handsome new 12.tory nrepruot audition. Capaclts' 500, On the ncenn trnnt. Orchestra. Noted for aarviv anil cuinlnt. Hot ami Oolil Cci liter In alt bath". rpr. clous porches nU sun parlor. Auto buses meet all trains. SPECIAL Wl.NTint IIATES. 1HE LEADING RESOKT HOItXOf THt WORLD snatIborougfi''SfcnMm ATLANTIC CITY.-M.J. OWNERSHIP MMMUMINT. JOalAH WHITE a 5QN3 COMPANY NEW JERSEY LakewoX. LAUREL INTHE PINES I.AKFWOtin. N. i. A Modern Ilclet in a Koted Winter Rtsor!. SHELTERED DRIDAL PATHS, WELL KEPT WALKS. ATTRACTIVE DRIVES TENNIS COl'RTfl & rUTTINO OREKN3 UNEXCELLED GOLF COURSE DAILY CONCERTS AND DANCES Ilranch Office) Chandler Rroa. Co., Brokers FIUNK F. SUITE. .Mgr. Laurel House Likewood, New Jersey A delightful place to ipend the Winter and Spring Season A. J. MURPHY. MANAOER C. V. MUUJ'HY.' ASST MANAGER ' GEORGIA Augusta. Hotel Bon Air AUGUSTA, GA. j N'ow open. A convenient n3 delljfhtful Place to ipend'your holidays. Good driving 1 and motortnr, excellent saddle horse and til outdoor iportt. fAddreMC.G. TRUSSELL, Manager FLORIDA. TIIK WEST t'OAST OF FI.IIRlna L'...'".'. 'd'?hMn,.J '"r'. " ?nderfiil i-iinimr riiun-!i ine lourisi in enjoy out - door sports throughout season. Address R. R's, Hd. of Trilde. Hotels. 3i aim:. Winter Sports Vnder Ideal Conditions BETHEL INM hf.tiu:i.. mi: Perfect!) Appnltited Resort lintel. L H. CI LLC Y, Mgr. WEST V1ROIMA. IhtEfetnbncfn'ir,yuV'y; Va pean Plan. I HALES BY AUCTION. Fifth Avenue Auction Rooms, Inc. :i.U-1tl Fourtli e.. S, K. Cor. 2Sth St llenr.t 4. Ilarlman. Auctioneer. ('in-.olldated Salo So Lid by Auction of The Provident Loan Society ot New York "f the collalcrnl for unpaid leans nude preWnus to and incjudinic scptemlier ao. lUl.'i. at the fnlluwiru: otrii-e :iltl l ounh ieiiue. Loans tn No. n.-,.2Hi. lorliivhc. im l.ldrldiie Mreet '.cans to No. I.'.tui'rj, Incluslie 7.MI Seieutb rniie. Loans to No. 22.914. inejuslve. t'lltli M. and l-etlncton Sir. Loans to No. 21.3sh. iircltislve. UK) (irand Street. lxans to No. t2.1.2'.io. Includve Ihii East 75d Steret. Loans In Nn. lM.2.'f Inclusive. East Houston Street. Loan to No 172.07. Inclusive. Mstli St. altd t'mirttuiull Ar Urons. Joatl to Nn l:i,S72. illrhlitn, Simltli and Lltlitgston SI... Ilrnokln. Loans to No. 7,3."ti, lucludte. 'it Craham Atenue, llrooklyn. i-ihiih in .u is.n.,'j. inciuste, IMtkln and ItorkaHay ei,. Ilrooklrn. i .nans io ,o, ii.Ntri, inciunc, Jo be held Mcdnemdav and Hiuradar, Jaiuiar 17 and IK, IU17. rrom 'i;.tO A. M. KihitiHiiMi MondAj and TuevJay. Januarv 1.1 and Iti I'AWN H KOK Kit S SAI.K. I.. I. riRrmw, Aurt'r, C, Itower.r. aatla 10 A. M. unredeemed pledges of eeiy d- enpuon ror unpaia oan rrom tne follow. Inr pawnhrolisrs, Ineluillnc; a'l diamonds, rublss, sapphlrrs, pf-arN, emeralds, all othsr stonrs nn.t or sst In rings, arrlnes, pins. Unas, Cliams, siun., iirat-Piri,, lOCKt oth,'r niotmilntj. nil J.wslry. tcliss. si! 1 cameras, all other Roods pledced previous LV,. "S.,"n",UD"" snt.onsd. .luu 1", Clin. Ismr & Cn . fis; 6th Avm from S"pt l. 1"I5, to Nov. s, ISIS, from Nos. C7T tn 1161. all Ineluslvr. .Ian 1" -Will. Slmpon Co., 1S1 Hon', ery. prior Nov 10. 1I5, to No. tOISO. .Ian. IT A. Ilriiclsr. Ine. S5! Cnlumbus '. prior Use. 1(1. 1515, to No J6000 Geo. Weuter. H,0 9 til Al. .Ian. " 191 tf .Isn. Is nnulinbl f'ersnnsl jin Co . now lltli PI. IVrsonnl l.o.m Co., 3 i:. 4n, -t . prior Jihim 3, 1915. to No. 32fi. u .sewcorn a: .-.on. .1,53 avp, prior jsn. 1 9 1 . Nos 77.,. s to SHU A S Welti, lurcer ;ni Ao. A, prior Jim. s. 1916. .IOnKPII SIIONfiOOIPS SONS, Julius Kllnllltood, tlK t., 94 Hon ery, sell 10 A M .Ian 12 Dl.iniondt. winches. Je elrv' allverwaie. Ac. Isaac & Davis, H0S Mvrt'e Ae llrnnltlyn ' Inn. li fnredcemed ple.lces, diamonds waL ht". Unelrv. sllerare. odds n,i ends ji:ici iiros . i,; iiii ,. lo 10- I'nrclfemed rleilces. diamonds . watches. Jewelry, silverware, odds and ' ends, Kv iiledxed prior Dec. 24, 1915, to! No 159?!, I.omhoric Ilros , S39 cth Ve t Also similar pnods, from No. 19196 to No. 7H tn .Lin 1, l'.'H. H. Sllverslone, 21 llroome M j .Ian 17 t'nrfdeemed nledces dlamnn,i. , wali'lip. Jcwolry, slUerivure. ndits and ends, .c . fiom No. 7S0D to 77C49, n:.' nloilxea In Nov. 13. 1913. nnd nil older ' dales (lolilschnildt Urns., 2S2 West I2.,lli i St forinrn 22 1 r, Slh Ave. I ; Inn. Is rnreileemnl pledges, dlnmonds i w.ttclies, Jewelry, silverware, odds and fends nf very description, furs, Ac, pledjced JAfdll SHONCl'T, Auctioneer, 9S Bow. ery. sells at 10 K. M t Jim. 12I.aiBo cnnsltrnment of fine dls. innnils, wnlihes anil jewelry. Jan I' I .irso consignment of fna din innnils, wati Iw s. Jewelry and very fine as sni'inehl of ndds nil, I ends. .Inn. Hi t'lnthiiig. Ac, prior Jan. , 1918, fl. IMolsicin A: Co.. 2629 II Ave: T Michael, ton 2d Ave: Itlilgewoofl Loan Of. lien, HronkUn. ,1 Weinberger (Security l.non Of lit c. successors), 193 Ave, A. from No. K000 in 1900. Jan. 1 Jewclrv. watches, diamonds and nil pledges prior Jan. 11. 19HI. M. Fried nionn, 9'i 2d Ave ; A. Krlodmann'a Sons 344 H Housion Si. J'KNTIIAI, AITCTION CO., SI. Sheehan, Auclloneer. 13'! (nn Street, sells Jewelrr al II A M,. cluthltiB nt 10 A. M .Inn. IS Hv .1. Mniion A Co., ,;j p,ul ltnw. All unredeemed pledges ot pearls, diamonds and other precious stones watilirs, JOAi'liy. ellverware, it., pledged previous to No. 1,5000. Dec. 1, 1916, and all articles held from former aales. 1 m9WWMi SUMMONSES. NEW TOHK SUPItlSMB COURT, NEW VOIIK COUNTY. JOHN M. noWEns and WIM.IAM C. DOWEItfi, as Trustees under a deed it trust, dated the first day of Starch, im (between FTIEDKKICK UEHHAttD. party of the first part, I.OUIRR M. (inririAttD. party of the second part, and JOHN 11. DOAVEItS and WILLIAM C BOWBKS, par ties of the. third part), Plaintiffs, aialnst LOUISE M. CLEW8 Cormerly Oebhard) and MAnr I. NKIUSO.V, Defendants. Sum mons. Trial desired In the County of New York. County Clerk's Index No. o:3J Tear IMS. TO THE ADOVE-NAMED. DEFENDANTS: VOU ARE HEREBY TOMMONED to answer the complaint In this action, and to serve a copy or your answer on the plslntlffa' attorney within twenty (50) days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service: and In case of your failure to appear or answer, Judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded In the complaint. Dated, New York", September 21th. Ills. B. AY.MAIt 8ANDH, Attorney for rtalntlrrs. No. 46 Cedar Street, Tlorouih of Man hattan, New York, N. Y TO THE DEPENDANT. LOflSE M. CLEWH (formerly UEHHAltD): . The foregoing summons is sened upon you. by publication, pursusut to an order of Hon. Hamuel Oreenbaum, a Justice of I the Hupreme Court of the Slate of New York, dated the Ulh day of December, i lslii. and tiled with the comDlalnt. In the office, of the Clerk of the County of New York, at the County Court House, In the Ilorough of Manhattan, City of New York, Said order of publication was filed Decem ber 22nd, 19H, and said complaint was filed December 22nd. ISIS. Dated. New York, December 22nd, till. 11 AY.MAtl fl ANDrt. Attorney for Plain- tiffs. Office and. I'o.t Office Address, No. 4S Cedar Street, tforough of Manhattan, New York City, N. T. NEW YORK 8 U PR EM 13 COURT, NEW YORK COUNTY. Harrison Hewitt, as ad ministrator of the estate of Edward P. Judit, deceased, plaintiff, against Sarah Judd Keene, defendant, Summons. To the above named Defendant: You ere hereby summoned to answer th complaint In thla action, and to servo a copy of your answer on tin PlalntlfTa At. torney within twenty days after the.ser vice 'jf this summons, exclusive of the day of service; nnd In caso of your failure to appear, or anawcr. Judgment will be taJcen against you by default for the relief da mniuled In the complaint. Dated October 6. 1316. ARTHUR H. BI88ELL, plaintiff's Attorney. Office and Post Office Address: No. 65 Liberty street. Borough of Manhsttan. City of New York. To the Detendsnt Sarah Judd Keene: The foregolnc summons la served upon you. by publication, pursuant to an order of Hon orable Eugene A. Fhllbln, a Justice of ths Supreme Court of the State of New York, dated the 2ith day of November, lilt, and died lth the complaint. In the office of the clerk of the County of i'e w York t the Borough of Manhattan. City of New York. N. T. Dated December 1st, lilt. ARTHUR II. BISSELU Attorney for the Plaintiff, S: Liberty street. JJorotagh of Manhsttan, City of New York. FORECLOSURE SALBs. flCPRKMB fOfllT, COUNTV OF NEW YORK. a. s.: Abraham II. Levy. Plaintiff, against "has. 1 Weinsteln Realty torn pany et at , Defendanta. In pursuance nf a Juilgment of forecloa ttre Hnd sale m.ule anJ entered in the aboe entltleil action, and bearing date the 27th day of October, 1SH, I, the under stand, the Referee In said ludrment t named, will sell a I'ubllc Auction, at the r;xcnange alesootns. os. is-is eay Street. In Hi- Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on the 20th day of November. 1916. at 12 o'clock noon on that day, ny Joseph I1. Day. Auctioneer, the premises directed by ssld Judgment to be aold and therein described as follows: ALL those two certain lots, placet or parcel, nf land, with the bulldlnga and Im- provementa thereon erected, situate, lying . and belnff In the Uorouah of Manhattan. Olty of New York, County of New York ami Mate or lork. n the southerly! side of Nineteenth Street, and which taken together are bounded nnd described as fol lows: j HKOINNINO at a point on the south westerly side nf Nineteenth Street, distant one hundred and ninety-seven M37) feet southeasterly from the southeasterly cor ner of Seventh Avenue jnd Nineteenth Street, running thence sotithts esterly, par allel nlth Seventh Axenue, ninety-three Sf 3 feet and six Inches, thence southeast erly and nearly parnllet with Nineteenth Mreei. roriv-si m$i reet and tnree inches ' 7 lr.- ""LV,'."".'.'! . -F"m''Z! t,,! ,nu three .31 Inches, to the aouth- 1 esterly side nf Nineteenth Street and UhV,I':.L........i.. .1.1-'tlj .a1. I Nineteenth Street forty-four f 4 4 feet to " . the point or place of beginning, be the i ssin uimensions more or less ' The premises hereby fntendei d described the entire lots and knonn by th' .street numbers 14 4-116 West Nineteenth Street. Dated. New Yark. October :sth. 19U. i FRANCIS W. POLLOCK Referee. JEROME? A. KOIIN. Attorney for Plaintiff. MOO Fifth Avenue. New York City. W ?th St 1ST' tV ' I n , u' i cH Thr MDnruxltnalf amount of the llfn or 1 i iKifRt, to satlufy i lilrh the abo d vcrib'ii propfrty l. to bf salil, Ik ulth fnicrfst therron from the 24th day of i October. 1 9 1 . trtKtthT with Ihn coiti and ' ullnn aitcp, amouutliiK to SC31.49, with in 1 teat fiom October 27 th, IM6, tosether with the xp9nr, of tli Bal". Th ap i pruxtiiMtA ninmint of thf taf, anT-i-I nnntt and water t.ite or othr lien vJilch are to be allows) to th purcliaaer out of th purrh.ia monet or patd by the Kef- eree. In Jl, 750.00 and Interent. Dated. New Vork, Ortober 2Slh. I9tC, j FItANCIS W lOM,oriC. Iteftree. The rate fn the above entitled action It i herebv adjonrnftt to Mondav. December iih, 131 6. nt the anif hour and place. Dated. Nn Vork, November 20th. UtC. i kam;in w t'Oi,iori, uererea. The ale In the above entitled action li hereby further adjourned to Monday, De cember ISth, 1916, at the fame hour and plare. Dated. New Vork, December 4th, 1M, FHANCIS W. I'OLLOCIC. I!efere. The sflle In the abOe entitled action hereby further adjourned tn Friday, De cember .'9th, at the aam hour and jtlace. Dated. New Y rk. December Sth. 19U. FRANCIS W roi.I.OMC, lleferee Th sale In th above entitled action li herebv further wd.ourned to Fridnv. Jnmi. f prv 5t'1' niT' at hour and Dated, New York, December ISth, ISIS. I i. u. rubuoni, Meferee, Thi ae in the above entitled action l herebv further adlourned to Frldav, Janu-t nry l?lh, 1917. at the "same hour and ntace. i Hated. New Tork. .lanuarv Sth. 1517. iv..v-i.- ruijuui i, ttereret. in FortEfi.osi'iu: supreme cotmT. COUNTT OF NEW TOUK -THE HOW fittv SAVi.Mi.i ua.-sk, I'laintin, aaatnat KRnn SOHl'l.TZ and oth, r. Defendants' Clerk's File No. 4.S, Yssr 1.1. PAD. WAI.ADKli. WICKUHPIIA.M TAFT. I'lolnllrts Attornes, 10 Wall Street, Nsir Vork Jurlirment entered Dwceniher 13th, 1M6. Pursuant to saM Judxnient the undersigns, will sell at public auction nt ths Uxchanjre Salesroom. Nos. 14-16 Vesey Street, In Hor ourli of Manhattan. City of New Tork, at i: o rincK ouon, on January i,lll, 1S1T, bv i .Tosenli P. Da. Auclloneer. (he mntir....l premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, sltustert nn th south side of 31st street In said HorouKh. berlnnlnr 123 feet of ,h snulliwest corner of said street ' Sixth avenue, evtendlnc west 50 feet In ' wlt,lh ln H,", 61 and one Inch In , the rear bv 131 feet and ! Inihea In depth ' on ,ld'- a."u ."S..''?1 .:'. ..lnch" 011 1 "t " sccuon j. uiock suo, airesi .nos 121 and 130. TVest 31st Street. Si) ii 17(.0 Ths properly will be sold free and clear nt all encumbrances and liens except any question of title to asir premises by reason of the encroachment uy the westerly walls of the liu II dine on the premises adjoining on the east to the extent of two Inches and by the fact that the chimney ot the aald buildings Is built Into the nail of the build. Ine on said mortgaged nremlaea aa shown by a siirvsy of said mortgaged nremlaea aa In possession made by Ueorge C, Hollerith oated April ITtli, 1902, Approximate amount of mortgage debt, coats nnd allowances, SS9, 471.19; taxes and water ratea. 13. 3.9.00.' Dated, New Vork, December 2lh, 1111, CHARLES I.. HOFFMAN. Referee. I.OSTT OR STOLEN Hank book No. 177.. 196 ot the Emigrant Industrial Savings Hank: payment stopped: please return book to bank, No, 61 Chambers Si. TOM BALK. THE Itncr.lVlinS of the Mason Seaman Transportation Company. 53 Weal 7th Street, offer th entire plant for sal and will also sell Individual rabs, parts, and surpllsa. THE WEATHER TO-DAY AND Steamship Arrivals and Departures Outgoing Foreign Mails. THE WEATHER. I'or eastern New York, fair and con tinued cold to-day j Is-merrow, overcast, probably with snow, and not quite, so told strong northwest winds, dlmlnlahlng. tor New Jersey, fair and continued cold to-day; to-morrow, overcast, probably nun snow, ana silently nigner tempera- turei For north. rr vi iSn.iiVi. rale 'mil con. irciu norinwesc winas, uimininiuna. and not quit ao colds strong northwest ""' uiminisning. Par sllthrn V Pnatind falp mtA ran tlnued cold to-day: to-morrow, overcast, probably followed by snow, and slightly warmer temperature; strong northnest winds, dlmlnlihlng. I-or western New York, probably fair and not nulte so cold to-day, probably rniiowed by snow at night: to-morrow, probably ants'; modsrata variable winds, ' om'nsT t"h easterly. - NEW YORK. Jan 12. The storm which occupied the Eastern States on Wednesday moved rapidly eastward off the middle At lantic coast and lta cehtre was beyond ob servation yesterday. The pressure continued low over the At lantic States and was low In. the Northwest from, a centre, of depression north of Mon tana, but high pressure prevailed over most of the country, and that area, of hl;h which exerted the greatest Influence wsa central over Minnesota and Iowa. Following closely upon the northwest quadrant of the storm tt caused much lower temperature throughout the country east of the Rocky Mounalns and a cold wave In all seotlona eaat of the Mississippi River except the South Atlantlo and Gulf States. Temperatures In the northeastern quarter of the country fell twenty to thirty degreea and were below xero In western New Etifr- lana. nortnern jjew Yorlc, all but most i southern parts of the great laes and westward Into the Dakota. There s also a little xero weather In northern Nevada, but It was urnwlnc gen- i erally warmer In the Rocky Mountain States and westward and wan above the . f reetlng point In most of Montana. Rabidly falllnr tenineratnre raused snow. n. uuinoer ni poinis in ine isks regions and southward Into the Tennessee Valley. cisewnere uie weatner was generally fair. In this city the dsy was fair and colder, wlrrd, -brisk northerly; average humidity. SS per cent. Larometer. corrected to read to sen level, at A. M., 5S.S1; 3 P. M-. :,62. II A. M. 2D Rl 70 N. 'J4 Cloudy P.M. 29.84 4A N.W. 117 Clear Barometer Hum dltv Wind direction-. . ivina velocity. . . Weather..' Precipitation The temperature In this city yestsrday. as recorded by the official thermometer, Is shown In the annexed table: A.M.... Ill IP. M.... 211 OA. M....1A 2 P. M....'J2 10A. M....1A a P.M.... 21 fM....H 7 P. A! ... .1." ..21 9 P. M....1S .10 9 P. M. ... Ill 17 10 I. M 12 1917. 19 lb'. 11 A. M. . .17 4 P.M.. .10 6 1'. M . 17 12 M . .. . 20 117. 1JH. 9 A. II 12 Nt. ... a l. M. , 1A .10 a p. M 14 P. M 12 . ..SO ...21 r.i so 12 Mid 12 311 Highest temperature. 4, at 2:30 P. M lowest temperature, 12, at 10 I Average temperature, 18. M. ARMY OBDERS.. WASHINGTON. Jan. 11. These array 1 ordera were Issued to-dsy: First Lieut. Roy W. .Cshbrook. retired, assistant professor nt military science State College of Washington, Pullman, Wash, is appointed an acting quartermaater while on present duties. Lieut -Col. J. H. Hotter. Ordnance De partment, will visit Waterllet arsenal. New York, and Watertown arsenal, Masss chusetts on business. Capt. A. J. Stuart. Coast Artillery, from coast defences of Manila and report to Commanding General Western Department. Major Edward T. Winston, retired. In ad dition to other duties will relieve First Lieut. H M. Roach. Jr., retired, of present duties at Kort McPheraon. Lieut. Roach will proceed home. Major Walter C Short, cavalry, la as signed to Sixteenth Cavalry. Capt. II. M. Arnold. Signal Corps, from 10 organise seventh Aero squaaron Capt. .John F. furry, Slinal Corps, from present duty to Fort Kamehameha, Ha waii, to organize Sixth Aero Squadron. Capt. .T. B. Urooka. Slcnal Corp, from prejent dutlea to Fort Kamehameha. Ha waii, and report for duty as supply officer Sixth Aero Squadron Capt. Thomas S. Moorman, Thirty-seventh Infantry, 1 relteed from station at Fort McDowell, California Flr. I.leut. Arnold N. Krocttad. Twenty econd Infantry, to partlclDate tn aerial fllrht. First I.leut William tf. Peebles, cavalry. to participate tn aerial filch t. Capt. Ned B. Keekhof, Field Artillery. Impector-lnstructor.'wlll return to hla sta - tlon at Boston for purpose of Instructing the Nation! Guard. Capt. Dawson Olmstead. Field Artlllerv. Inspector-Instructor, will return to proper station at New York for purpose of In spectlnr National Ouard. Capt. W. F. Morrison, Field Art'Uerv Inspector-Iniructor. 111 return to proper .station at Wajhlngtoi. for purpose of In - structlne thoa lonal Ouard. Capt. V. C rotter. Field Artillery, in - uDeetor-Instruetor, n lit return to proper htatlon at Kansas City, Mo., for purpose of Inntructinc the National (.uard. capt. Ktnery I . Hmim, Field Artlllerv, inapector-Inatructor, w ill return to 5an 1 I'ranclsro for purpose of Instructing the National Ouard. 1 Capt F. Q C Gardner. Coast Artlllerv. : detached dlibuiMntr officer torpedo depot Fort Totten, New York, or a-nlstant. will i visit duilnr the quarter ending Match "t I Stamford, Conn.- New York city, Bayonne f and Trenton, N. J., to Inspect submarine mine material, I Special ordera December IS amended to t direct commanding officer Frankford Ar- Menat. Pennsj Ivanla. or assistant to proceed to Plttsburr and Dayton, Ohio, on Ord nance Department business. The real cunt Ion of Malor Jepenh O rjarK. i irst tnraniry, Guard, 1 accepted. Leaves of abxence Obarlen C Ilirrold. M Indiana National xrti.'edr Major C Ueorxla Na- tionl Guard, two months; ("apt. V. It. C. lafteii, m c , I'ennO 'vania atona: Ouard. etenslbn fifteen days: FIm! 1 .1 rit William r Hit mn, Ooat Artlllerv, dets'hed. ten , NaTT Ordrra. orders were Issued -A. Shoemaker, to 1 he nn v . -Capt genera. I iioira I.leut (Junior crads) A Bennett, to command D-1 I.leut. C S Wrlfht. detached rnlton. D-l, to Enslrn f! r Richardson detached Geor arla. to Dubuque Assistant Surr-eon K ,T. Stelb, M. R. c. to Medical SchooV Washlncton, Assltant Surf eon A. Robinson, M. R, C, to Mesllcal School. Washlncton. Assistant Surneon K. t" Oarr. detached recrulllnr slitlon. Nashville, Tenn . to Med lea. I School, Washlncton. Assistant Surgeon K. K. Krebbe. M. R. (". detached recrultlnar ststion A'hsny, N. Y , to School Washlncton. Assistant Surceon K. IJ, I.owmsn, M R C, detached recruiting1 station Scranion. Pa , to Medical School, Washington. Assistant Sureeon S. P. Taylor, .M. R. ( detached recruiting- stallon New Haven. Conn, to School. Washington Assistant, Surgeon K. A. Hronn. M n i-, detached medics' hospital Norfolk, to Medical School, Washington Assistant Surgson .1 II Durre;'. M It c. detached' recruiting sta'lon New O' leans, I,a to Medlra' Schoo1. Washington Mosemrnts at Naval vessel.. WASHINGTON. Jan. It The b.utliip' rkansas has arrived at Norfolk vard,' battleships Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wjo- ' mine, cruiser Seattle snd destroers! vvaasworin. rucur. jams, nav-i an, tonyiigliam a' southern drl'! grounds; ' cruiser lltooklvn a' ManllJt irulser lo. lumbla. submarine K-l and de.troyer, vv aiuw-rigiu at iiamp'nu itoads: torpedo uai unti a ' .iiimu.r viisunei; collier Jason at Virginia Capes, destrover Lam eon at Haton Rouge: destrojer Monachal! at Haton Rouge, tug Padurah a' Tunas de Z.asa; tug Potomac at Port an Prince; de stroyer Sterett at Haton Rouge The destrover Aninien has sailed from New Tork for Philadelphia; destroyer Krlceon from New Vork for sea, destroy ers N'lcliut.nil Mild WlllollIM fl,,,,, Veu- V...V for sa; tugs and Patinent from' Norfolk yard tor i iilebra, P, It , torpedo boat Porter from Norfolk yard for southern drill grounds; gunboat Raleigh from .Mare Island for San Dleco, destroyer Ree from Pensacola for Charleston, destroyer Rowan from Norfolk vard for Hampton Roads destroysr Wilkes from New York for Hampton Roads. HELP WANTED MALE. r,.sivn siwi, i r,r,si,i managing rleaja. lecltlmato mall order huilness; we furnlsn everythlnc; rlcht part;- need not worry about capital; splendid oance for Intelll. cent, emploved person to control Indspend ent business on pront-aharlnc basla, begln lnc In ipare time, evening., at home. Par tlculara free, Dept. K. OPPORTUNITIES EXCHANGE, Buffals, K, T. ..Me . , . - FORECAST FOR TO-MORROW MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MINIATURE ALMANAC, united States Coast and Oeodetlc Surff? Standard Time. Sun rlaos......7:19 A M Sun set. :6irM Moon rises. ..9:11 I'M HIGH WATER THIS DAT Rand lTrkAts - . ..... . "Wi?."'"." V-nr. "'.ana WW! AM LOW WATER THIS HAY o.muj iiooa...a:5 A M Gov. Island 4:21 A M I 1 . ARRIVED THURSDAY January It SsAllanlon. 8 A. M, Gibraltar I), a Ss Aster. 3:30 A. M.. Ileraen, Hci pi 2,r,M""ln' 6 M Kirkwall lice ?; Ss Calabria. 9:33 J M . Genoa l)., Ss Strathflllan. S P. M.. Dublin. Dec . SsOartoyle, i::30 A. M. Gibraltar. Iw 1 Ss Ruby. 3 A. ,M Genoa. Dec. 1 Ic D,"n,U' 10 Iv M WcUnrscUy, Fajsl, SsDaVanger. 7:40 A. M . La Pal lire I).- a pi Dec0"""' 10:M P' M 1 Wc,nc"1 Ti"n SsCrtstobai. 4 A. M., Cristobal. Jan 4 Ss Momus, New Orleans. Jan. 6 S EI Sud. Galveston. .Inn. Ss Arapahoe. Jack so nr Hie. Jan Ssllrabant. Wllmlnalnn. Del .Ian Ss Jamestown. Norfolk. J.-in I.i Ss Tallao. Jacksonville, ssAraron, Georgetown, h C ,lan -SsCity of Manchester. Philadelphia Jsn II Ss Chesapeake. It.iltlmore. Jan n Ss Antloeo Aivame. Norfolk. 1 llark Skarv, Rouen, Nuv 10 ARRIVED FROM NEW YORK S J L. Luekenbacli. at .Manilla. Ss Admiral Scbn-e. at (liMt.m . Ss Santa Clara, at Ss Cosmo al S.iii .In.m, Ss Havana, at Ss Antilles, at New Orlean Ss Apache, at Charletiin Ss Idaho, from llo.trm St Santa Clara, al Cmiuini'-.. SAILED FOR NEW YORK. StMorro Castle, from llainna Ss Clare, from Iluenos re Ss Caracas, from Curacao Ss Aleonquln, from Puerto I'i it Sa Lenape, from Charleston Ss Manna Hats, from Baltimore Ss Coastwise, at Host mi SClly of Montcomery from Savannah OUTGOING STEAMSHIPS Mall Today Mall Si tf on " I'M i: m m 3 0) I' ,t Close Alfonso XII . Vigo... Purus. Pemsmbuco.. afohswk, .IscksonTllle.. S A I 1.' m M MaaisoD, Norfolk Sail To morrow : St. Psul, Liverpool t ji .hi 47 Andsnls, London 42 I 8sn (florgln, Nsplrs s -o t i Drsmmensfjnrd, Ilergcn 1ft It" A M Braros. San Juan SHAM Manchlonesl, Jamaica . s tn A M Saratoga. Havana ) tj A l Tcnadores. Havana .. 9 so a M Anron. I'rlstnlisl li n i Taldlils, Vslpsrslso f. 00 A M rathtlnder, Aietlho. . Arspshoe. Jscksonvllle. .. . Sshlne, Tstnpa City of Columbus. Ss. sannah - Neches. flslseston ! M ? m ii It ') A M - li I' ' i l ii l it l HI M r. m i 1 It I M .1 M I M 1 ft' I' i t; im m li u 3 00 I' l Comus, New Orlesns El llundo, Galveston Princess Anne, Norfolk Sail Monday Sao Paulo. Rio 1. 00 M Hamilton, Norfolk Sail Tuesday City of Montgomery. Sa vannah Inape, Jackeonville .. Jefferon. Norfolk.. . (VI p ( Wl P M IMPS I J M INCOMING STEAMSHin Due To day. ftothenburr McMin.i . Ada iberier . Balgler .... La Drome.. Clematis .. Lancinr ... le It? I-f( if llr l- , llaie . . llortle.iux . .Itordeaux jG1hs2Qw Monadnock Jiorde-iui Hannlnrton Court. ....JIavre flanta Mart a JXtngunn Bat f rid ..llortlea Chicago Zulla Kl Snd Henry R. Mallory.... ...Horde.ii x ...Porto Iti.o ..OaUrston . ilalveston . ...Savannah Jan tity oi coiumnua. Due To-morrow. I Celtic 'Mockholm .Montserrat Lenape 'pjacit pnnce T.ivrrpnnl .(lothcubu z . . , ..Cadiz lacUonil'' .into- . Due 5und.iv. . New York j Danle Alirhieri ; Lowther Hanxe , Sliermau Slxaola ! Btlita K'it.r of Hontffomery. ! Uoyal Arrow .ri Valle ,ri tZT 'a! hit, " . .saouie crpnnl .fieiu.i .F.i.t! .I'll st lib,, .Kinfti'ii .Carden- ;n .ii'iMh Baton l,r .(Jl .'" New 1 1 i Kev V - Due Mnn. i. w I.a Ranee Ilnr-iet Carolina av .i Morro Castle.. II n i KanajawaMaru Cr n ' Hermudlan ..... I'm mr Hdilh i Florlzel Nrw 1 Proteus Nrw i Comanrhe l i . i Due Tuwdav Hjrndam Uottei I m Finland I.m t f" ' linen Ventura . . Klverdale I.i P. Havana ,in i City of Savanuah S, ,' Nuece . . . Galrt'i' Kl Alba .'i'i EUROPEAN MAILS The Spard.1l liner A'f" to-rtav foe Vleo. will ni..' t:30 A M , for cipniu I' r tar Tho American "ner morrow for I.tverp-.n v Intr at :S0 A .M . f." I many, Austrl.i, lln." carla, Serbia, Turl' wav, Sw-eden .ind li'i.-i'1 Asia and Im! e- The liner Sun : -tio for Oenoa. will ,n A. M., for llrf.i. swii.e.. (Spclollv addressed ,'i ' .The llnr DiainiiK row- for. KlrUv. ,i l .ml It mall. .-Ii. I1L .it ' V Sweden. KenuuirVt. Nctherlai mauls i.einioni. nf t.i enil' iti: H I'KarU, rb.a ASIATIC MAILS I' i, ll.tnds. New eiilanri 'eviepl West i. ilo Vun.ifn-' ft i', pe. sleainrhip'i ,S M to-.U. J,iisn. I'orea nnd i ll '. tier steninelilp Sil-er , 1 1 10 P. M tn-d.iv Postmaster Monroe a of ihe follow Im: u.ite vi 1 1 Hone4ionE. Dc "i"1" ' Me, ember 15. nl-0 ' J ' ' whl li urrlved at San I i n xihetlii Maui, wore ilehp.i' ' nary S nnd aie d n- . ' mornlnp. Postmsster .iiorcon n '.... ...n.. inn. , I! hfr 1 1 ShonBliul, le, " Dnriii'lier 21. nnd II i,lih arrived at Ssn I' i Venezuela, were ilop.n sry 9 and ore due m morning. PRESS POSTAL RATE TOO IOW I'hailriiinn Mnnii ils immi In I"' on Sfooml flnss Hull "ii'i Washington, .Taii 1 1 section nf tho :mn nil ' 1 which tvnnUl Im'io.i clasa matter h r.i - t teni iva ilotciulcd m ' by Chairman Mnn" "i Comillltlcc, vvao tin it"1 I on newspaper" and tr i roawinab:,v lu' mnl I'''' ' th imlilUatlons of I'f "plundermc t'to Trei-n , "I dn lint nortcic t ConRrpss is si T- n 1 nf famine " 'ho s.uil. "i. it a nowrpapcr oior t n lie also RisiU' l f 1 ' for looal penny .m.iism of tile -pneumatio tubo s s'c .. ft I