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vl'.vv ' sun; THE JANUARY It, 18 I M III" , ill ' 1 E REALTY MARKET SEWS AND COMMENT Buyers Found for Uptown ApnilmcntH, Fluts, I)woll Injrs unci Sites. BfVKSTOira CHIEF BUYERS gilo mi Ilelffii.s Taken by Builder Constructors Buy in Brooklyn. Though not a day of sensational trad Itit, businc-ia yesterday In the realty msrket as nctlve. concerned ror the nett part with small properties. Apart- ditcHings and b,,d,nB s.te. ,n amy sections were sold. Investors bought the Improved property. The mar- ket since the first of the year haa been ...., investment. Site buyin, was i future mora promlnon In Brooklyn than eUewhero, SEVENTH AVENUE FLAT SALE. ., . ( Thi Nason Healty Company has sold to an invcBiui mi .. ioi nnnui avenue, the seven story elevator apart ment house, on plot 50x100, adjoining tin southeast corner of 114th street. The property was taken In exchange last jer by the selling company. 1'll.nP.H BUYS HEIGHTS PLOT. t iRiwt nn nn tho nnrth .m. nf The plot, 150x100, on the norm side or .. .(. isn r.i Hi nf Tirrdtt.-nv isoth etrcet 150 feet west of Broadway tiu ben bought by a builder, so It waa rrportol yesterday, as a sits for a six ftory apartment house. The property was sold by the Surety Itealty Company, composed of Benjamin Mordecal, Samuel 11. stone and Hellner ft Wolf. The plot abuta the Southold and Northold apart -suntt on Broadway. DWELLINGS IN DEMAND. WEST 1J7TH STREET. Samuel Will iam! has bought from SophlatM. Atkln ion and othero 5 and 7 West U7th ftreet, a three story dwelling and a one. story rear building, on plot 40x 19.11, adjoining the Harriet apartment at the northwest corner of Fifth ave nue. Bryan L. Kennelly arranged the tale. WEST SEVENTY-SIXTH STREET. Slanson ft Hobbs have sold for Will lim 5. Harris the four story dwelling, on lot 20x102.2. at 55 West Seventy sixth street The buyer will occupy the house. i WESTCHESTER AVENUE. Frederick W, Wright has sold for Frank E. and Josephine Morrison to Charles It. Knapp the plot lOOxlQOx irregular at the corner of Westchester and Roberts avenues. VTSR AVENUE. The Bond and Mort rare Guarantee Company haa sold l!07 Vyse avenue, a two family brick aell!ng, on lot 20x100. KI.VN HOME FOR THE AGED. Property on Ocean Parkway 400 feet south of Church avenue Is under con' tract of purchase by a member of one of the Presbyterian churches of Brooklyn ina -kiw be held by him for the Fres trterlan Home for the Aged until the board of managers of the home Is pre pared to take title to It. It Is 1(0 feet front by 2o0 feet deep. SITES FOR BUNGALOWS. . Howard H. McKenxle has sold forOus tm Glrard six lots on the west aide of Westminster road 131 feet north of N'skirk avenue to Ida E. Dietrich, who U1 Improve them with three bungalows. Several model bungalows are being erected on adjoining property. CtTHOI.ICS BUV L. I. FARM. The Augustlnlan Soclcty'of the State ef New Vork, a Roman Catholic religious crier, has botiEht the former Kessel firm at Flushing, L. I., containing about r!ne and n half acres, at tho southwest rorner of tho Union turnpike and Flush ing avenue, with frontages of 851.4 feet and (91.7 feet respectively. The prop erty was acquired from a syndicate com posed of former City Commissioner Maurice Fetherston. William N. Shan non and Joseph I. Green. Work wilt be ftarted shortly on the development Of rrt of the tract with, church and school bulMlngs. nTS TANAIISIB LOTS SOLD. The Avenue U Realty Company sold It I'lrrrcpont Davenport 375 lots in th TanarMe section for a price reported to b W. C. Hamilton and F. Davtd.on were the brokers. TO IMPROVE WATT ESTATE. A Manhattan client of Cocks ft Wll lets has bought thirty acres of upland from the Thomas l. Watt estate at Glen Hesri. T.. T. The nronertv Is on the road from Roslvn to Glen Cove. It will b improved at once. ivi:vr in union hill home. John 1'ranciH flrmlth. has sold the 3wo story brick dwelling at 331 Brown ttreet. Union X I III. X. J. to Frederick 11111 for Imeetment. CORPORATION BUYS DOWNTOWN Tho 25 Pearl Street Corporation, In corporated recently, and said to be act Inr for William H. Chesebrough and as foclatlon, purchased yesterday at auction the live story building at 29-33 White hall street, northeast corner of Pearl 'treet. for 190,000. The property com rnses a lot 27 2xS2 feet and was Involved In a foredoburo suit by the Mutual Life Inmranco Company against the dls eolud Century Realty Company, It Is opposite tho United States Army Build Ins. ARIOV AUTHORIZED TO SELL. Justice Hendrick of the Supreme Court granted permission yesterday to the Arlon Society of the City of New York to accept the offer of George Ehret for Its clubhouse ut the southeast corner of rift -ninth street and Park avenue. It la a three story building on plot 90x125.5 ttet, On December 12 the society passed resolution to sell the building. Mr. Ehret will assume a first mortgage of jJOo.ouo on the realty held by the Bank for Wivings , a second mortgage of $160," 10 held by George Ehret aa trustee for bondholders; debts and other liens of the society amounting to 113.760, and wies amounting to about 14,080, and to wjcel Indebtedness amounting to about 415.000. Hugo II. Rltterbusch was the ttorney for the petitioner. WVKSTOU GETS PER IN HOUSE. . William E. Benjamin Is the buyer of I'erln houbn at 1054 Fifth' avenue, adjoining James Rnsver-s new Soma, sold recently by William B. May ft Co' H Jht tho Fifth avenuo property for investments, since Mr, Benjamin- does intend to leave his dwelling at Z ft Elgbty-seventh street. Just In rear property. TALLER BROADWAY BUILDING. "roadway Realty Company, owner ? the rlxteen slory Bowling Green Build' ;k at 5 to 11 Broadway, extending htouth to Grcenwlcli atreL contain Watei adding another atory to tha trueture. Plans for the proposed Ira 0Tttnnt were filed yeaterday y AW- IS-1 i1?1!. who eUmt vm Hi f ISV.VVO, TO KNLAIiaE 108TH ST. OARAGE. JtL.n??cnr.P,,ln 4o.tnd tho Karat t 402 and. 4.04 But 101th street over tho adjoining 80 feet" 4 ' and""" ' 2 . ,f01' four tor-y building, brick J,0100' haV8 bcn completed by Otto 1 Bpannhake. UKSft FRONT ST, WAKBIIOUBB. Peane & Klllman have leased for Mary L. Coster to Itosg W. Weir 4k Co. for a term of years the nve story warehouse building at 52 Front air! .i ,.. .., AVTstoVd. aa Murphy Compttny J. English has leased the thlr.1 rourth InftH at IBB! Broad guo ft Weeks for photo engraving studios. 'Moiurd Sanders haa leased a lott at 141 to 145 West Thirty-sixth street to M! rsuarltchCfurrisra. lliam A. White Sons. and-Johp N. ?.,...'. hav" Ua"ed lh four'" floor at ci William street, northeast corner of Cedar street, to n. A. Carroon ft Co., Insurance brokers, now at IS William streot. Daniel filrdaall A no t...,. mu ai iu Fifth avenue to J, Bcho- fo"rth loft at 39 and 41 Spring tWL street, to Edelhurts Greenberg Co.1 atora nd baaient at St East Eleventh street, !?. H . aJi-C0, ,loro l ,61 cn! Tj.StF8 teenth street, to Jacob Marks Charles B. Walker has leased the store at 310 and 111 Canal street to Kdward Chasan ft Br6. ; space at 8( Walker w dii lag ana z-nveuope Company; space at 47 to 51 Watta street 10 ivi. uottneD ft sons, and space at Howard street to the Empire Feather fuir company. Frederick Bouthack ft Alwyn Ball,-Jr.. nave rented suace' In the Brunswick Building. 52S Fifth avenue, to the In ternatlonal Fashion Puhllahln rVmnn. tlon, and to Naml Tadrosa the first loft "l lo " wf" Eignieentn street, ana Minf,inih iri t " lo Vz1 ineisenin sireet to Roseniwelg Bros. the fourth loft at 673 and 576 Broadway to the United-States Muslin Underwear Comnany. and the fourth loft at 5 and 571 Broadway to the Tale Suspender Company. The M. Rosenthal Company haa leased with Pease ft EUlman the seventh floor at 31 and 13 East Thirty-second street ior a term or years to Harris iiosen berg ft Co, William D. Bloodgood A Co. have leased the second and third floors and the westerly half f the fourth floor at 131 and 133 West Twenty-eighth street to the Columbia Furniture Trading Com pany. WILL LEAVE SHOPPING ZONE. Lasarua Cohen V Co. of 2 West Thirty-fifth street, who have been seek Ing premises outside the restricted high class shopping lone that It might facili tate the aims or tne Have mow none Committee, secured yesterday afternoon a nlace outside the district. The con cern will occupy the fourth floor of to 10 East Thirty-second street throdgh' to Thirty-first street. The White-Goodman Company negotiated the lease. TO VACATE WENDEL CORNER Near approach pf the Improvement of the Wendel property at the southwest corner of Broadway and Fifty-first street and surrounding the northwest corner of Fiftieth street la reflected In a lease closed yesterday for the store and base ment at the southeast corner of Eighth avenue and Fifty-first street. George D. Brown, dealer in automobile supplies, who occupies a store on the Wendel property, Is the lessee. Manning ft Trunk nearotlafed tho leas. All tenants are to be out by March 1. I SMELTERS IN TUB DYCKMAN. Tha American 'Smelting1 and Refining Company; Daniel Guggenheim president, has taken a Jease of the block front on the east side or Tentn avenue, ujiwh 201st and 303d streets, Just across from Sherman Creek, which Is to be utilised for a barge canal. The smelting company ha taken the property with the idea of establishing there a plant for electrical experiments. The property Is on the next block to the United Electric Light and Power Company's new home, which will furnish the power to the smelting com pany. EAST 7STH ST. HOUSE LEASED. Douglas L. EUlman ft Co. have leased for Robert E. Belknap of the Bethlehem Steel ,Company the dwelling at 167 East Seventy-eighth atreet. to Dr. George B. Wallace. " RENT FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Douglas I EUlman ft Co. have leased for Mrs. Adrian H. Jollne her furnished apartment at 765 Park avenue, corner of fkiventy-second street, to Mrs. Cord Meyer i also for Howard A. Plummer his furnished Wpartment at 139 East Sixty ninth street to William W. Phillips, and In conjunction with Seton Henry and TVMirinH Gibbons, an apartment in the new building at 417 Park avenue to Jules C.lacnzer. , RENTING IN SUBURBS Edward C. Griffin and P. H. Collins have leased for Mrs. H. B. Towlea her cottage on Oak avenue, Larehmont, to ivivint dallan. Also rented for Mrs. Frank DonneU cottage for the summer to Albert V. Weber of New Torn ctiy. , BUYS BIG DEAL ESTATE. Property of Newman Erb on Ocean avenue Deal, N. J., Ua been purchased by Edward Plaut or Latin trmx. Eugene E. Splegelberg represented Mr. Plaut and Irving Dlttenhoefer repre tented Mr. Erb. The estate consists of a French chateau and park of many atres. BROKERS IN HARLEM SALE. Marston ft Co. negotiated the sale of 111 West 122d street. 249 West 121th street and 112 West 130th street for thci Farmers Loan and Trust Company, The three properties were bought by one buyer. , NEW BUILDING PLANNED. 75TH ST. 206 to 210 E For a five atory 6l.lxll.3-wsiiwonn rropsri Co. World Building, owner; M J Harri son, World uuiiaing, aixnuoci. .. ,iii,v PROPOSED ALTER ATIONS. The following plans for alterations were rut on record yeatsrday: I1TH ST, 211 to 211 E To three 5 story dwellings; R Wlrhtman. Jr. 1(1 Madison av, owner; C O Drun, 405 Lexington av, architect; cost 115.000 4TH ST, 104 and 104 E To a I story stable; B K Conover. (12 B llth st. owner; B M Wheelsr, 111 Park av, archj- ,.ei , 130,000 BARCLAY ST, 101 To a I story market: A Joeke. 141 W lid st. owner; B Tide strom, 111, B llth St., architect. . . .11,000 ' RECORDED LEASES. Manhattaa. IITH . BT. 441 . B. ,fl-E't.te of Leul. Mareello, 115 E 40th st, yrs from bee , till; attys, Bocomolo ft Z, 112 Bowj 7TH, AV.'Ws'w c Vlth'stWioi'W),' all Anna Boai et a , trustees will Anna Osrken and gdns of Rosalinda U Mailer Md ane to 8S Mueller, 101 W 4llh st. ? yrs- from May 1, lll! attys. King ft Smith, II Llbsrty sti excess tuM. fte. and ........ i ".tlli WEST ST. 141-111. n e cor. Barclay st tTll.l), 4l.lsl.ix1l.lxl,W. exceit e and 1st and Id Boors A JSdwlB Sehaff, f New Millard, Cena. t Cp1H II lltii st, fclmhurst, I I I rs troi ' oit II. Hill itys.'.HIrsk, R H wtniam. st., ... . . . .... v-.riiiii-jj,!!:!!' NORFOLSV w"na ei Cohen ? Max SalMtala. oj promises, 4 yrs frent Apr II, Illll address, Bern BeTmtrr Bl2lth nd Amsterdam av ....... ; 11.040 Rf enXf .4JX,.t1?',''''',,'" TKANIACTI0HS UM01DED. 1 r- TKANSrKRN, With tiama .A .rfH,... f .A.r .nrt attorney. If attorney's name li omitted address party of first part. Downtewa. (South of Fourteenth street.) COUNTIES BLIP, at. 21x1 MlxK.ix -Hirtt L inj Vm V Herrlck. exrs. Ac, Jo Michael Schonbrunn, 1121 S2d t. Bklyn. Jan atty, Albert h Leslnsky, MADISON Ht"ViV,'ViiVo Bathe'r Kop. junan 10 iiuuie Hoppelman, i r- 3in t, Uayonne, N j, mis IIJ.00O. Jan i ntty. Harris Konnilmin lil rtlvlnalon t . .... ... ...... i "OUHTON ST, 101 W, n w ror Thompson . mit nwi si, - - ... mis tStf.www, nvm pt, mis iii.oou unn a k 1,1 nm io Harah Unas, Lorlnn i'". un. jin iv,.,...,, siou 8AMK PltOPBUTV Allele M Comyns to ju w morn, no w 10th st. subject In foretolnt mtgs. all Hens, Jan 10, ub. 1 lnf In Mas tnkt ft e A A 8AMK PftOPBRTY MarguVrlte 'l 'ine K ausnran io ancnaei a Hsnntsay, t E 131at st, Jan 10, subject ..l?..,,m mortgases. . .-. MOO HTB ST. 612 K, 2SxlO.S Maria Oeyer In Au Weber. Hr, t21 Harold av, lllchmond Illll. II of Q. all flsna, Jan atty, Lewi. 8 CJoebel. u park now,.. ........ .1100 ' East Hide. (East of Fifth avenue, between Fourteenth anu iioin streets.) 11TH ST, s s. Ill e Ar B. JII Marl Oarer to Aug Weber, fir, 421 Harold av, Itlohmond Hill. B of U, all liens. Jan ; ..tV'oIf!'. H Oosbel. 4t Park Howr..100 lTH 8T, !l B. 30x11 ch as E Saulnauih ana Ha rah t Baker to Finn Holding Oprpn, CIS Mad av, all liens. Deo is. lli atty, Title Ouar A T Co, 17 Bway too SAME PROPERTY Plnn Holding Corpn to Frederick Helm. 344 E 34th at, all , 'I'fft Jan lot atty. same 1100 2D i A. n o cor 31th st. 20x10 Osne J, niumenthal to lty niumertthal. her hu-I'?n?-..10 W ,4,h t. mix 116.000, June 17. till; atty. Jcssa W Khrlch, 11 Mb erty st J100 TH 8T. Ill E, 21.xll.Wm Blruthir. ot. Dn,l nd Oral Hurgery, J03 E llth st; stty. Title Ousnft T Co. 1TI nway Hon 44TH 8T. 13 K. 25x100.6 Michael J O Con. nor ft ano. ayrs, to Chas O'Shea, 91 Clsr m?nV.8vfl.D.kl'n: J"n 10! atty. Title O Co Bway .M7.S00 V?"?T- .5 B. ,xl00.t Centre-White Co ,.'J.ihVHo?.,ln"- 14 Oramaroy Park; mix .J'lK'.J i,.Co' l,5 Dy ....iioo 'AY8, n ,0,th 6xl00 Ma th Ida White to Kurt Lehman. 310 W llth st: mtg tll.OOO: Jan to; atty. Louis .AlT.'w,-- "I Bway ....1100 ,!TM..ST..n. Lexington eve. llx ' i2?-LtT.v,lin,rT nuttsr to Mas O Kally. J,'4 St Nicholas ave; mtg 11,800: all Hons; . HUi atty, Hy W Kfralfy. J( B ltltli st , ....It ,fl.'A.y.E- J ,4-14 l0'h "t, 20xB b llaltland Armstrong ft ano, efrs, to Nol Armstrong, at Roaeton. Orange Co, N Y; Jan l; atty, A A Scbopp. 51 Id avo.. West Side. (West of Fifth avanue, botwetn Fourteenth and 110th streets.) IT't AVE, 144, 50.5x100 Oscar 1. Oraf to 301 West 54th 8t Corp. 11 W 24th st: mtg 1110,000; s liana; Jan 11; atty. Harry Bols, 10 E 4 3d st 1100 Uptpwn. (Manhattan Island, north of 110th street.) 115T1I ST. HlJtll E. runs n 1. x e O.S X n St. 4 x e 36 X s 15 to st x w 36. to osg nsnry tienwarta to Mlltiaues Rsalty orp, in ooniry; d x b, jan lu; alt tli. Lnula Manhelm, 303 Bway.. 1100 11ITH ST. 311 E. 25x100.11 (fnrflr Jan X Loula M Ogden. ref. to lty De Forest Weekea, at Oyster Hay. I. I; Jan 11; attys. Weekea Broa. 62 William iMll Mil 1ST AVE, w s, 20.( s 120th st, 10x01, mtg s,ouv: izutn st, ssz v, isxso.5; xostn st, n s, 310 e 3d ave. 25x100.11; Hester st. 21. 5x15, mtg HI. 000 Minnie or Minna l-.icnner et al to Uonhlr Rea Ir Coron. 313 E 120th at: Jan 2: atty, A Stephen Aaronitamm. 61 Park Row 41,000 121TH ST. n a: 411 w 1th av. Marie Kahra to Anna Mack. Ill W 126th st, mtg 11,000. all liens. Jan 9; attys, M n i n Isaacs, o: William at i:j AMBTERDAM AV, e a. ISO s 113d St. 25x 100 Harriet I Potter to Annie K Potter. 41 W 115th at, 4 part, mtg 120.000 on whole, a t. all Hens. Jan 11; atty, Title Ouar ft Trust Co. 116 Bway It 1418T ST, s s, 107 e Amsterdam av. llx Jl.ll Seamen's Bank for Hav to Ous tavus li Lawrence, 2221 Bway, all liens, Dec 2t; atys, Cadwalader, W ft T. 40 Wall su ItOO 141D ST.. 301 W, 25x91.11 (foreclosure Dec 21, 1914) Hsrbsrt 11 O ruber, ret, to Mary A uarry, ad mi. 421 w I4let st, Jan 0: atty, Ueo W Simpson, II Cham bers at it. ooo 171TB ST, 101-501 W Finn Holding Corpn to una ti nauipaugn, !i7 Riverside Drive, mtg UO.tOO, Jan 11; atty Title Guar ft Trust Co. lie Bwav 1100 193p ST. n s. 116 e St Nicholas av. 15x100; iza st. s s. ivo w Auaunon av, isxioo Falella Constn Co to Arthur Av R ft C Co, 555 E tilth st, mtg 113.500, all liens, Nov 11, 1116; atty, Title Ouarft Trust Co. 116 Bway HOu Bronv. (Borough ot The Bronx ) SEDGWICK AV, e s, 1(0 s Washington undue, (0x100 Benenson Realty Co to 1 Minnie A Kurz. 151 Grant av. mtg' , 12.000. Jan 10; attys, Kurz ft U, 30 11 141th st 1100' 14STH st, n s, 200 s nrook av. 50x100 Minnie A Kurs to Renenson Itealty Co, 401 E l(2d st, mtg 116,000. Jan 0; atty, Benenaon Realty Co. 401 E l(2d st 1100 8POrrORD AV, n r. 250 w Rrown av, 41.6 Xl20.(x4.4xl00 Arthur O Ernst, true, to I ft II Constn Corpn, Oct 11, 1916; atty. a u Krnsi. lie nway iuu FOX 8T, n w cor l7th st, 4. 1x102.2x81. 3 il.t-J C Oarfney Constn Co to Ulster Court Corpn, 30 Church rl, Jan 10; attv, L T ft T Co, 140 Bway Jl BRA3V AV, s e cor Mullner av, 25x100 BenJ Denlhan to Julia M Denlhan. 704 K424 st, Jan (; attys. Burger ft B, 213 Bway .., 1100 HOME CT. 736. 17.41(0 Chaa Mohr to Clinton Av Realty Co, Inc. Deo 27, 1914: attys. Kelly ft P, (OS Tremont av ....It MONTICEt.LO AV, e s, 175 n Nelson av, 50x100 John Heeran to Jaa Oormley, lot r. 37th st, mtg 1100, Jan 10, attv. LT1 T Co. 160 nway , 11 WESTCHESTER AV, s w s, 121,1 n w Marlon av. 24.3X101.2 Clinton McLjonal.l to Otto Vetter. 2111 Croiona av. mix 11,000. Jan I; attys, Clocks, K ft R, 391 E 149th st 1100 141TH 8T, n s. 140 w Prospect av, 40x125 Chss Mohr to Clinton Av Itealty Co, Inc. Dec 27, 1114; attys, Kelly ft 1', (05 Tre mont av It JACKSON AV. w . 100 s 15S1II St. 14. llx 79,1014. 1x10 Emll E Furhs, ref, to Chss Eno, 1046 Morris av, Jan 10, atty. i Chaa Eno. II Chambers et 14.000 SAME PROPERTY--Chaa Eno to Hugh C. Muller. (01 W 110th M. mix U2.160, Jan 10: atty, H U Muller, 120 Duay II GLOVER HT, e s, ISO n Lyon av, 25x130 Jsn C Sheldon, ref, to Alice V Conklln. 1919 Renedlct av, Jan 10; atty, T G ft T Co. 11 Bwav 1100 4BUHN.SIDE AV, 271-5. runs n Illll w (x n 49.7X w 74. (x s 125.6x e 104.11 Frank V Barns, rer. to Josephine de 11 ltooton, 2400 University pi N W, Washington, D C, Jan I; atty, C A Spear, 70 Wall st 15,000 MORTGAGES (With name and addrens or tender arid lender's attorney.) Downtown. (South ot Fourteenth street.) ' COENTIES SLIP. 2.1, 27x44.11x27.2x45.1, Jan 0 Mlehael Schonbrunn to Margt I, and Win P Herrlck, Al E 73d at, osrs, Ac, due Jan 11, 1022. 4H$; attys. Thompson. K ft W. 2BU Bway.. .112.000 7TII ST. 11 E. iflx74,10. Jan D Geo, Henry, Caih and Susan Hemler and Julia U Mey- ler and Mary S Wehmann to Title Guar ft Truit Co, 170 Bway, due and Int as per bond 114,000 East Side. (East or Fifth avenue, between Fourteenth and 110th streets.) 26TH ST. 244 B, 20x74. Jan 10 Frederick Itenls to Finn Holding Corpn, 016 Mad av, due and Int as per bond; atty, Title Ouar ft T Co, 170 Bway (5,000 SAME PROPERTY, Jan 10 Same to Hat tie Eckelman. 234 4th av, due and Int aa per bond, pr mtg (6,000: atty same 11.000 MADISON AV. e c il2d st. runs ti 40 4x e lOOx a 4,4x e 40x n 08.7 to n s .12(1 at x w 140 to beg, Jan 11140 Madison Avenue Co to Dlme'Sav Bank, Bklyn. p De Kalb av, Bklyn, due Feb 1, 1027, r; atty, V 8 T O Co, Court and Remssn ats. tsmyn . , , 1 ... tww.wu 47TH ST. 4 E, 28x100.5, Jan 10 Centre White Co toN V Title ft Mort Co. 185 2zriA& .c.on.0!,a,.,.',. .w.'iVoCo Bklyn.... snuu.uuu J9TII BT. 18 B, 25x100.0. Jan 10Centr- YY II 1 ( PI 4.CI ID DAUin IMIllli IllO I IUDV v. due June 1, 1l21, 5; atly. NY Title ft Mort Co, IM Bway (73,500 West Side. (West of Fltth avenue, between Fourteenth and 110th streets.) 16TII ST, n n, 400 w (Ith av, 100x82, bldg loan. Jan' 11110-137 West lth Street Co, to Metropolitan Lite Ins Co, 1 Mad av,' due Mar 1, 1023. 8 until comple tion and than BVit attys, Butcher, T ft F, 1 Mad av... - (125.000 DOTH ST, 127 .W, l2.4zl.ll, Dee 1. 1016 Susan H Cudnar to Robt B Ludlngton. 417 Riverside Drive, due and Int as psr bond, pr mtg !0,000j atty, H J Lvall. It Nassau St. ,..(2,000 AMSTERDAM AV, n w c 0th st, 20.0x65. Jan Thomas, Terence and Barnard Kelly to Oep Khret, 1107 Park av. 1 r, ,, pr mtg 170,000; atty, B M Burghsrd. llT Bway....;,i...... 11(1.000 107TH ST. 7 W.. 2Bx100.ll. Jan 10 Chas to Anna 15 Maalnn. 200 W 80th st. due and Int aa psr bond, nr mtg 120. 000) atty, Jno M Ruck. S11 Bway,. (2,000 Uptown. (Manhattan Island, north ef 116th street.) 1I18T ST. n a. Ill w Ith av, llxll.ll, Deo 20, 1111 Theresa Mayer to Mary L Fnusr, 101 Ostes av, Bklyh, due.Jaa i I, in, 17,: aiiys, l.ssiman m r., . im Uwuy Bronx. (Borough nf The Bronx.)! FOX ST, n w cor 147th st, 48.lxllLlxl1.3x 7S.I Ulster Court Corpn to J C tiaffnsy Constn Co, 1141 .Tiffany st, prior ratg 4 1,000, Jan 10. Installs 5 'Aft I Knox, 111 13way III. 000 JACKBON AV, w s, 100 S 161th St, 14.1U 1.7 Hugh O Miller to Chas Kno, 1044 ' Morris av, Jan 10,i3 yrs, 6: attys, Kra- kower ft P, 301 llwsy 12,110 LOTH 140 to 143, map Lacnnla Park An tonio Ilrsrco to Antonio Mangier), 1313 it 148th st, Jan 10, duo as per bond; atty, T O A t Co, 111 Bway,... II. IM TEltltACK PL, n s, 100 n Eagle av, (0x100 Chaa F VolkT to Henry Volk, 351 South Id av, Mt Vernon, N Y, Jan I, duo as per bond! attys, Frees ft MoE, 3020 ad av , 13,000 ITEIIIUR LOT, beglna lio n Lafayette av and 100 w Falls st, runs n lOOx w 145. a to Hunts Point av x s 103.IX e 123.1 Ellen Kingston to Charlotte M Bus call, 1019 Trinity av, Jan 10. I yrs, atty. T (1 A T Co, 176 Bway 16,000 HOE AV, s e cor Freeman st, 60x100 Jai C Oaftney In Mnrgt Knox, 411 Mott av, prior mtg 100,200, Jan 10, demand. ; atty, A Knox, 11 Bway 16.000 DALY AV, w a, 143.1 n 110th St. 41.4x101.4 Iansner & Kahn, Inc. to Geo Mendel, tlruntnooil, N .1, oqual Hen, mtg ISO. 000, Jan 11, due as per bond; atty, T O ft T Co, 111 llwsy,; 14,000 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGES. Manhattan. 113TH ST, s . 125 e 2d av N Y Llfo Ins Co to Lawyera Mort Co, II Liberty 141. ooo 104TH HT. 471 W Hickory Realty Corpn to Lawyers Mort Co, (9 Liberty st. 1(1,(00 (ITH ST, n s, ;00.4 w West End av Wm ft Jsn Bradley to Cltv Real Eilata Co. 114 Bway; atty, Title Ouar A T Co. 114 llwsy i 1100 14TH ST. 110 E Samuel Roller to Jesse Browne, Jr. 314 Shelton av, Jamaica, B or Q. a.ttys, Clark ft Frost. 216 Montagus st. Brooklyn (1 IITH ST. n s. II w Ith it-N Y Life Ins Co to Lawyers Mortgage Co, II Liberty I t... 114. 99V 33D ST. I and t W LoulsVJ Wall and ano, trustees, to Ely Ilernaye. lot W 104th st, 2-6 parts; atty, J 0 Moses, (2 William st 1100 IITH ST, s a, 213 e At B Maria Oeyer to Aug .veDer, nr. 421 Herald av. nicnmona Hill, II of Q, li I; atty. Lewla S Uoebcl. 41 Park Row (100 KSTH ST, 217-19; 114th st, 231 W Rental Mort Securltlea Corpn to Carolina Wall. 219 a 13th st; atty, N P Vlnlng, 317 nway (i 32D ST, 6 and I W, 2-6 parts, a t Ephralm and BenJ F Koch to Ely Bernays. 301 W 106th st; atty, J Garfield Moses, It Will iam st 1(0,400 13ITH ST, 111 W Samuel dans to Hy H Levltch, (00 W 17(th at; atty. Louis W Osterwels. 200 (th av It 137T1I ST, 331 W Emma P Howell to Hy M Howell, 46 W USth at 1100 DIVISION 8T. 211-240 M Y Orlhonedlo Dispensary and Hospital to Lawyers Mtg Co, 59 Liberty at 165,000 172D ST, n s, 226.6 e Fort Washington av Lawyers mix Co to tne HepuMlo or ran mi, at city ot Panama: address. 59 Lib erty st 114.000 AMSTERDAM AV. 144 Geo E Chlsholm et al. true, to Dry Dock Sav lastn, 141 Bowery; atty. Title Guar ft Trust Co, 171 Bwav 111.000 1ST AV. 3319 N Y Title ft Mtg Co to Ar thur P Ackerman, at Great Barrlngton, Mass, true: addrsse. 131 Bway. .. .116.000 MAIDEN LANE, 31 Wm P Draper to i,mon uime av uana. 7Ul sin av; auye, Butcher. T ft T. 1 Madison av 110.000 LUDLOW ST. 14 Title Uuar ft Trust Co 10 city ileal Estate Co, 176 Bway; ad dress. 176 Bwav II 10T1I ST, 305 E, one mtg of 11,433 Louis J de Mllhau to Maude McKee or Ralston, N J, ally, Title Uuar ft T Co. Ill nway i Bronx. KINGSBRIDGE RD, 677 Fannie M Porter to Jennie Ingntham. 2654 Marlon ave; atty, J Ingraham. 2554 Marlon ave. 13. (LOO CLAY AVE, w e. S49.6 s 147th at Lincoln Trust Co to Bowery Savings Bank. 125 Bowery: attys, Cadwalader, W ft T, 40 Wall st IK.000 zssiu st s s is e llronx ave Susan Ualn to Jeremiah J Lyons, 223 St Ann's ave: atty. Law) ers Title ft Trust Co, 140 Hay 11.600 iiur avi-. 1 21 Lawyers siori co to Clin ton H BlaJie. Enxleuood. X J: attv. Law. vers Mort Co. 5a Liberty st ti:.000 JEROME AVE. s o cor Uld st Henry V Klnghi tu Saml Wacht, 190 Riverside Drlxe; atty, I Hershfleld, 99 Nassau st (100 GILBERT PL. 1219 lawyers Mort Co to Clinton II Blake, at Englewood, N J: atty. Lawyera Mort Co, 59 Liberty. 16,000 BROOK AVE. 454 Lawyers Mort Co to Clinton II Blake. Englewood, N J: atty, lawyers Mort Co, (9 Liberty 114,000 GRAND BOULEVARD AND CONCOURSE. 201( Lawyers Mtg Co to Clinton It Blake, Englewood. N J; atty. Lawyers Mtg Co, 69 Liberty st 17.100 GRAND AV. 2146 Same to same: atty. same ." (4,000 BEL.J1U.M av, ziii iieroert J Mcsiurtle, admr. to Geo r MeMurtry: attys. Arrow- Plilllh f- D. 261 Bway (4.250 149TU ST. 121 K Herbert J McMurtln, admr, 10 Oeo (' MeMurtry, 21 drinker horf av. N J; attys, Arronemlth ft D, 261 Bway (4,600 Hl'ilHES AV. 2146 Herbert J MoMurtle. ' as admr. to Herbert J McMurtle. 11 HrlnkerhofT av, N J, attys, Arrowsmlth 1, 261 Bway (5,000 145TH ST. 922 E Herbert .1 McMurtle, admr. to Herbert J McMurtle. 21 Brlnk erhoff av. N J, attys, Arrowsmlth ft Dunn, 261 Bway 14,250 3D AV, 2450.2 Sarah I, Payne to I'ayn Estate, a corp. 95 park av; atty, T G T Co. 171 Bway (100 14JD ST a s. 231.3 e Willis av Emma Sihall lo Emigrant Ind Sav Hank. II ' 'hatnher st. airy. T (1 & T 'o. lid aiway 15.000 VALENTINE AV. :8 Otto II Leber to Ottilia Fiedler, 505 5th av; atty. T t; ft T Co, 176 Bwav 11.500 WATERLOO 1'I.ACE, 1519 Frederick A Poiithworth, trustee, to John H Blanke, 511 2d av, atty. Chaa A Furthman, 3d av and 141th st 14,000 152D .ST. s w s, at a e s Quarry road Clnrlnda Dncllore 10 BenJ Schaplro, (07 W 14!d st; atty, Wm H Chorosh, 51 Chambfr et (1 MONTEREY AV, w a, 105 II 178th st Cos. niopolttan Bank to National Radiator Co, 1154 Ray, atty, National Radiator Co. 1351 Bway 11 PLOT 141, map Arden property Anna Brandt, admr, to Anna Brandt, 515 E (6th st; atty, Theo M Hill. 2 Rector st 1505.49 LOTS 52 and 53. block 12, map Morris Park George McCauslan to bmma L Thonipvon, 127 E 233d st, utly, George McCauslan, 41 Park Row 14,000 SATISFIED MORTGAGES. (With name and address of lender's at torney.) WEST ST. 184. lessehold John C O'Brien. 6(5 10th av, to IMw W Dolphin, on the premise. April 17, 1911; atty, John A llardlinnn. 27 William st 110.000 SAME l'ROl'ERTY Same lo Jacob Hup pert. Inc. 1(19 3d av. same date: atty. Walter II Stewart. 1(81 3d av (6,000 SAME PROPERTY Same to same. Feb 16 1914 (2,000 2D AV. S65 Mlchele ft Roslna MarraHno to the N Y Sav nank. May 13. 1107: atty John Webber 7 Beekman st 816. 000 (4TII ST. 154 W: 46th at, 104 W Max ft Morris Kessler. 237 E 115th st, to Hyman Nte nberg & Morris Donaewitz. both 201 W 143d st, Sept 11, 1918 A (2.923 50TH ST, n n. 150 8 e 2d av Leo Friedman tn Louis A London. Dec 29. HOC atty. M Mayer, 52 William st (1,000 1ST AV, 857 Louis Hortlts to Morris Si mon, March 1, 1915; attys, Manhelm ft M, 301 Rway 11,900 SAME PROPERTY Harry Abrams to Joa H Schwartz, Nov 1, '05. attys. aame.(2,500 LEXINGTON AV. 359-341 -Marie N Hoguet to Marv Mciuy Jlcureery, May , 1911; attva. Belts. Sheffield. B ft B. 62 Will iam al (10,000 ItTH ST. 112-111 i; The Society o( the Helpers or the Holy Souls of the City of -V v 10 l.ouis n jtrusn, aiarcn zs. isos: atlv, Title Guar ft T Co. 176 Bway. (15,000 1STI1 ST. 110 E Lizzie wn tne d to Frnik M Dearborn, exr will of John C Oullck, July 19, 1910; attys, Bailey ft Sullivan. 135 Bway ((.000 ESSEX ST. 12( Beckelman Co, lnc, on premises, to Uussle Morgenstern, 53 Lenox av, Jan 19, 1114; atty, M Morgenstern. 320 Bway 1211 50 SAME PROPERTY; also HherlfT St. 54 .Saml to same. Sept 19. 1913: attv ssme (650 SAME PROPERTY Same to same. Aug 4. 1(11: atly, same , (550 llTII ST. w. a s. 100 w waver ey d Dan liosenoaum to ine r.migram jnausi ear Bank, March II, 1903; atty, Richard H Clarke, 51 Chambers st (10.000 11T11 ST. 230 Wi-Same to same. April 1 I 1903; atty, sanle i (10,000 USTH ST, , 160 w 5th av Jat p tllxon, 36T11 al, a a, itio w sin av jas is zuxor I. ...... f. f n dMnhl. 1t. .... -. .. Iivuiiuiun, .,, ,u,,,i mn eira. 11 W 126th st. Jan 10. 1911: atty. A M Cluet. 1(6 Bway (12,000 70TII ST, 305-311 W Reliant Holding Co to wm lioiaman, es u siu si, June . 1011; attys, Arnsteln ft Levy, 121 Bwav ((.000 54TH ST, 163 W John and Nellie D Will, lams et al to the N Y Lite Ins and Trust Co, Jan 1, 1901; attys, Emmett ft Robin son.-82 Wall st . . . .(18.000 WEST ENH AV, n e eor 74th st Walter L and Margt McCnrkl. to the Bowery Sav Bank, 12( Bowery, Jan 21, 1101; atty, Title Guar A Truat Co. 174 Bway 121,0011 IITH ST. n a, 113 w Avenue 0 Marr and Babett. Wachsman to Maria (layer, March 10. l0r atty, L B Ooebsl. 41 Psrk Row 110,000 LEXINGTON AV, (17 District! II and Emma C Kulze and ano to Lion Brew ery ot N Y, 9(0 Columbus av, Jan 4, 1914, att)s. Pitch ft Grant, 32 Nassau st " (5.000 140T1I ST, n s, 100 e Rway Dayton Bldg in Tiara B McMll in. wldnw. .3 Clara Besaon MrMullln, daughter or Ar thur wewuiiin, osi vr iiiai si, stay if, Illll attys, Bowers ft 8, 4( Cedai st - 111,111 124T1I ST, 117.111 B llltb at. 211 W i-aroune wan, sav a; izsin ai, i 1,-arpiine Wall, tiv s. Kent II. lll! atty, W 1' Vlnlnr. 317 Bway 12.100 77TH ST. i, lit w Av A Anton BohatV 10 Kdiin, IAuisa c ana kisi uoaen, 111 E 71th st, and Allen C Ursxaw, 1(0 Hartford road, South Orange, N Jl atty. alien 1; urasjaw, 14 uwnr AMSTERDAM AV, w s. 10 n lmh st Irving Arms 11 l worpn in lhh. ... onMl!!, 414 Riverside Drive: atty, lwvera 1 a T Co. 160 llway. .. .110.000 CLAREMONT AV, a 200 n 12ld at Emanuel and Bertha Doctor to cnaa h Rosenthal. -411 Riverside Drive; ttys. Cahn. N ft Landauer. 141 Bway,.t(,004 SAME PROPERTY Same to ssme; .attys, same (17,(00 SAME PROPERTY Codd Itealty Co to same attys, cann, N 1 n wav (6.000 NORTHERN AV, n cor 177th atHaven conatr oe, 10 Nassau si, 10 noaiuu Realty Co, 10 Nassau at; attys. Cad waladsr. W ft V. 40 Wall st 170.000 1521) ST, 6I4-34 W Morris Bloeh, Nathan iiross ana buss uooaman so anw mant atty. Lawyers Title ft T Co, 140 Bway (20,000 MTH ST. n 0. 1(1 e 10th av Hy F and Mela B Graue to Stephen mioner, 101 Christopher st; attys, Booth A Blank, 271 Hwnv 15.000 (9TI1 ST, n a, 121 w Id av Jns and .Eliza i.ivingaion 10 earns ti nnoinson, nn. ensack, N J; attys. Weeks Bros, 61 Wall at 111,000 NORTHERN AV. n eor 111th at Haven coastr co 10 me city won co, i st; atty, Frsdk A Snow, 15 Wall at 1141,000 12TH ST, 1 E Hy L and Asnss 3 Burnett 10 ma Metropolitan Trust co, is nan st; attys, Hague, Ooodrlch ft Coughlln, 49 Wall st...T ((,000 (1ST ST, n s. 110 w 10th av Dera Reden- bach to (he East River Hav instn, ssi-at, llway, Aug 27, 1(00; attys. Greene ft Stotesburv. 41 Park Row (1,000 GRAND ST, s e ear Suffolk st Rebecca 1 lioiasmiin. iu linisiae av. nisiri. n .i. to Depositors Assets .Corpn; stty, Io i.crnrr. on tu n,,,,t.i,,ivvu IIITH ST. ((0 W B Elliott Burston, 255 rort wain av, Leopold Mlteeii, sis W 114th st: attv. A Kallskv. 611 W 114th et 11.000 Aiessanora ana conceits aeui i-aoti 10 Jos Yeska, 155 Riverside Drive; atty. Max Altmaver. 110 Bwav (1.100 AMSTERDAM AV, e s. 99.11 n Uld at Kim uarnaracn 10 Margaret n iiran dreth, 141 Westfleld av, Elisabeth, N J, Frederick F Culver, at Hadlyme, Conn, and Wm B Stewart. Brlarellff. N Y, trustees will or Ralph Brandreth; atty. Granville Whittlesey. 12 Llbsrty et. 150.700 TERRACE VIEW AV, w s. 101.9 n Leyden st unna a ana urecie m ticnumscner 10 Dora Polssnskl; atty, Francla W 1'ollock, 109 Bway 11,300 4ITH ET. Ill W Arthur C Hume, exr and trua Edith E Cook, 1 w lotn si, 10 Ar--thur C Hume, Sept 21, 1114; atty. A C Hume. 1 Wall at 13.000 131TK ST. W Colony Investing Corp to Arinur c ttume, sat w eetn si, jin 11, 1111 It.OOO ORAND ST, 191 Rebecca I Goldsmith, Newark, N J, to Max Sellgman, 57 .Nor rolk st. May 31. 1914 t.. .15,000 H1T1I ST. s s. 1(0 e Ith av James and Mary K pitta et al to Walter F Kings land, 21 Avenue du Bols de floulogne, Paris, France; atty, Fred Do P Koster. 44 Wall at 111,000 IITH ST, III E Pasquk Cammsrlats, 284 E llth st, to Abr Dorb, 110 Claremont av, Jan I, 1111; atty, Herman Gottlieb. 320 Bway 13.000 4ITH 8T. 410' W Nellie F Johnston. Neponalt, N Y. to Wm C Helnkel. 234 Union et, Jersey City. Dec 10, 1113; attys. Lord, n A I.. 40 Wall at ..(2.250 I0TII ST, s s. 200 w Id av, mtg 11,500: 10th st, a s, 200 w 3d av, mtg 11.000; 40th st, s 9, 200 w 3d av, mtg 11,600 Mar garetta V Gibbons to Frederic de V Kn ter, 11 Wall st (and Tuxedo Park, N V). truatee Soelety tor the Reller or Destitute Children or Seamen, total mtge 14,000 TH AV, w a. 10.1 n 41st st Bridget A and John Flanly to the Emigrant Indust Sav Bank. June II. 1174; atty. Title Guar ft T Co, 176 Bway 14.000 IITH ST. 211 W The 24( West (9th St Co. (03 6th av, to Dezee Realty Co. 110 Bway. Nov 14, 1(14: attys, Arnstsln & Levy. 121 Bway (2.500 IITH 8T. 141-241 W Sams to Roslpa Voll. hart, 2(0 W (Id St. Jan 10, 1114: atty. Title Guar A T Co. 114 Bway. .. .123,000 134TH ST, n a, 340 e Lenpx av Stephen A Bennett to Sagsvlta ft Shapiro, hy. Sam'l Shapiro, pros Fhllton Holding Co. Jan 6. 1901; atty, Lawyera Title A T Co- 160 Bway 122.000 1I4TII ST. 45-41 W The Revenue Realty Co to Max Borck. Dec 4, 1912; ntty. Chae L Borck. II Park Row 14,000 19TH ST. 211 E Alsssandro and Concetta delll Paoll to Hy Dottenhelm. Dec 27. 1910; atty. Title Guar & T Co. 17s Bway 112,000 IITH ST, a a, 110,1 e Irving pi Kath V Butler to Martha A Oalnes. Garden City, L I, July I, 1141; atty, Kenneth Mc Ewen, JO Broad t 111.000 1I9TH IT., 115 E Mary Berardlnl to Stephen Arunto. I Pennsylvania av, Rosa hank, B or R. May I, 1914; attys, Joyca ft Hotr, 311 Bway 12.500 VERMILYEA AV, a a. 150 e 207th st John J Mallen to Helen M Kearns; atty. M J ' Sullivan. Willis av and 149th st. , (9,000 FAHK AV. see (5tn st i-arx av ana 55th St Corp to ths Farmers Ixan &. T Co. 16-22 William st. Feb I. 1915; attys. Geller, R ft H. 12 Exchange pi. . (2H5.000 (1ST ST, a s, 170.1 w Id av Louis II and Anna H Klrcher to John N Molter, 20 Ralnbrldge av. Providence, R I, fept 23, 1(97; atty, Lewis 8 Goebel, 41 Park row (4.000 145TH ST, n s, 175.S e 10th av Josephine, wife Silas Swarts. to the Melronotltan Sav liank, Nov 13, 1(90, attys, A S ft W Hutchlne. 69 Wall st 17.500 BROADWAY, n c Academy st Line ' Realty corp. 110 nway. to outa)ur L iMwrenre, 2321 Bway, Jan S, 1916; attys, 1 Arnsteln ft Levy.121 Bway.. 11,000 , 25TH ST, 111 W Ethel V Sullivan to the 1 Emigrant Indus Sav Bank, March 27. . 1016: attys. R ft E J O'Gorman, 51 Chambers at (l.oon 47TH ST, 51 W John F Erdmann. 60 W 52il st. to the Corp of the Brick Presbv terlan Church In the City or N Y, Jan II, 1911; attys. Oregg ft HcO, 141 Broad way (50,000 ORCHARD ST, sec Delancey ot Elter man Ralty Co, 104-4 Orchard St. to Al- ' fred Hahn, 1212 Madison av, Feb 24. 1915; attys. Cohen (Bros. 64 Wall st (:,:.:, AMSTERDAM AV. 2170 Herman 11 Wll- ' lenbrock to Donsia nohrion, jsn zs, 1901: attys. Quackenbush ft Adams. 25 Broad st 14, LIS PENBENS. Manhattan. 11STH ST. n s 200 It w of Ith ae Bertha Q Mlddendorr agt Sarah A Pinner et al (foreclosure or mortgage); Rabe A Kel ler (1ST ST, 211 K James Forbes agt Wm J Shields et al (foreclosure of two mort stages): atty, M A Hulett. THOMPSON ST. 216 Partners Loan ft Trust Co agt Alice J Shut-It et al (fore closure or mortgage); attys, Geller, Pul sion ft Horaa. CANNON ST, 111 A 131 Sarah 13 Furnald et al agt Anna Amsnd et al (foreclosure of mortgage): atty, R Kelly, 117TH ST. 103 W Henry Young agt Slblllu Mohr et al (foreclosure or mortgage) attys. Price Bros 21) AVE. 1141 Presbyterian Hospital In the City of N Y agt Marie 'Kahra et ul (foreclosure of mortgage); attys, De For est Bros. Bronx. MOSHOLU AVE, n s, 219.2 It w Old Post road John 11 Thorn et al. as trua. agt Marguret E Gross et al (foreclosure oi mortgage); attye, Ttmme ft Knoepke. 147TH ST. n s, 141.4 It e or Stebblns ave William O Wood et al, aa trus, agt 1'helan Bros Const Co et al (foreclosure n mnrlitt.1! attV. .T A Lane. ZULETTE AVE, s s. 32S reet w or Ma pen ave Edward F Hurd, as excr. agt Col- litis Taylor Realty Co et al (foreclosure of mortgsge); atty. R W MacKewan LOTS 392 and 111. map ot Van Nest Pork. 24th Ward Theodore J Chabot agt Jns Nester et nl (foreclosure or mortgage), atty. M J Sullivan. ARTHUR AVE. a s. 323.6 a or 174th at American Savings Hank agt Kellbert Const Co, Inc. et al (foreclosure of mort gage) : atty, J V Irvln. . MADISON AV, n e s, 17(1 e a 2d at Theodore J, Chabot agt Anthony B Bit mlenskl et al (foreclosure of mortgage); atty, M J Sullivan. MECHANICS' LIENS. Manhattan. I7TK ST, 164.151 E Lee Heating Co agt Edw C Burns owner; Thomas J Murphy, contractor 1(95 24TII ST. 302 W. and lid st, 301 W Fed. cral (luber Co agt Four Hundred and Eighth Av Co, owner: Cor nelius F Sheafcan, contractor, .(5,928,51 9T11 ST. 69 W W F Wallace agt Nolion 11 Henry, owner; Mrs S R Henry, con tractor (305.73 2D AV, 91 Benjamin Nordllngar et al agt Frederick Ackerman, owner, Fred Maurlber, contractor (70 (TH AV, 10(7 John Morrow Co, lnc, agt Ten sixty-sevsn nrtn av co, inn, owner and contractor 1(73 Bronx. TINTON AV, 479-11 It I W Damp Re. elating Paint Co agt Church or St An. selm, owner; McDermott ft Hunlgan. Inc. contractors 12(0 CRESTON AV, a e cor Minerva pi Muglera Iron Works, lnc, agt Crestnn Bid Co. owners and contraetors.13.430 35 BROOK AV, s cor tilth st George Hoffmann agt Elkan Kahn. owner and contractor 11,920.35 BOHTON ii u. e s, wnoie diock rront be tween Rrlstow at and Stabblna av llogan ft DeOenno agt Hndson Realty co, Ivor iirauy corpn ana nwut Realty Co, owners; Ivor Realty Corpn, contrac tor ,,75 CANNON PLACE. 3413 to 3414 llogan ft in uennn agt cannon i-iare const. Co, lnc, owner; Victor Zimbettl, contrac tor 1145 139TH ST, 1(1 E Herman Levin agt Jsmea Siangan and Mary Mangan, ewnsra and rnnlractara 111.46 CANNON PLACE, a. 100 a tilth st O B maun rwnco,, m a, lew o sssib at u u Raymond ft C aft Cannon Place Const Co. Inc. and Victor Zambettl, owners and contractors 1105 1SITH ST, n s, (46 0 St Ann's av Mayer Daxe Co, lnc, agt St Luke's Roman Catli. oil Church, owners: McDermott ft Hant aan, lnc, contractors (395,01 SATISFIED MECHANICS' I.IKNS. Manhattan. 56TH ST, 851 K Patrick Ward agt Roman Cathollo Church of John tire Evangelist et al, Deo 11, 1Mb IH.K SAME PROPERTY Walter 8 Chattcrton agt same, Dec tl, 1016 1120 CAME PROPERTY Held ft Jaeger, Inc. agt Roman Catholic t'liunh of St John the Evangelist et al, Sept 18. 1911. , .(ISO SAME PROPERTY Samuel J! Miller agt Roman Catholic Church of St John Hie Evangelist et al, Nov 11, Ilia 1190 SAME l'ROl'ERTY Adolph dunlin alt Roman Cathollo Church of St John the Evangelist et al, Oct 6, 1916 1606.70 SAME PROPERTY Samo agt same, Oct 4, 1916 ., 1106.75 RIVINOTON ST, 337 Kroninan Cornice Works, Inc. agt Ilnthstelii, Ino et al. Sept 5, 1(10 (canceled) 110 137TI1 ST. 12 V Bind on Iron Works Co. Inc. agt Loretta Corp et al, Sept 12, 1911, 40 Bronx, CLINTON AV, e s. 182 n 111st st Giuseppe 1'anarello agt Max Building Co, Inc. et al. Dec It. 1911 (434.13 I'OIIDHAXI IIOAP, s e, 60 w Belmont av Joseph Castaldo agt K L S Really Co, Inc. et al. Dec 27, 19K (6(9.11 JACKSON AV. w s. 100 s 161th st An tonio Buonodono agt Wick Itealty Co, ' lnc, et al, Feb I, 1916 (1,(00 RESULTS AT AUCTION. AT 14 VE8EY STREET. By Herbert A. Sherman. 124TH ST. (II W, 43.9x99.11, story flat Title Guarantee ft Trust Co vs Chan K Jones Co et al: nctlod 1: due 14 1. 924. 1 a : taxes, etc., 1179.40; to the plaintiff (or (15,000 134TH ST, 622 W, 4.9x99.11 Same M same; action I: due, (47,6(2.14; taxes, etc., 1479.40; to the plaintiff for.. .(46,000 By Joseph P. Day. WHITEHALL ST, 29-37. 41.11x17.2. 5 story bldg with stores Mutual Life Ins Co vs Century Realty Co et al; due (I9,50(.8(; taxes, etc., (16,0(3; to the' 25 Pearl Street Corporation, a party In Interest. .((0,000 WALKER ST, (9, 2l.lx(5.7, 4 story bldg Mutual Life Ins Co vs J E Kaughran et al; due (19.4(6.72: taxes, eto, ((10.67; to the plaintiff (14.000 127TH ST, 145-147 W. 50x99.11, 6 story flat Excelsior Svga nank va O B Fowler et al; due 161,001.53; taxes, etc, (910. Withdrawn. By Henry Brady. 144TH ST, 465 W, 25x100 E R Andrews vs Gertrude Edwards et at: due 120.- 618.66; taxes, etc, (713. J6, to the plain tiff (11,100 By Samuel Marx. 7TH AV, 2251. 25x100, 3 sty flat Excelsior Sav Bank agt Rose Israel et al due, (41, 011.62; taxes, Ac, (985. To the plain tiff (41,500 AT 3201 THIRD AVENUE. By James J. Donovan. 15STH ST, n s, 415 w Courtlandt av, 73x100, 2 sty tr house and vacant-Memorial Hos pital ror the Treatment of Cancer and Allied Diseases agt Louis Lese et al; due, 121,151.22; taxes, Ac, tl.7SI.0t. To the plalntlft (11,(00 Bv Arthur C. Sheridan. CORLEAR AV, 3131, 25x100, 2 sly dwg Frank Bortllk and ano agt T J Byrne et al; due. (3,334.14; taxes, ftc, (400; prior plaintiff (1,300 By James L. Wells Company. EDENWALD AV. a w cor Seton av, 50x100 Smith Williamson agt S It Fisher et al; due, (1. 140.31; taxes, ftc-, 1179.4!. To the plaintiff (1,800 By George Price. CONCORD AV, 626-1, 50x94, I sty Int iienenson jieaiir co sgi Anianie lionaty et al; due, (9,021.84: sub to mtc of (31.- 000. To the plaintiff (35,000 MAIL saiYEBS NOT IMMUNE. District Attorney Srrann to Stop Careless Handling of Tracks, District Attorney Swann does not be lieve that mall truck drivers are immune from city traffic regulations, and he Is going to prosecute one of them to jirove ma contention. The District Attorney witnessed an accident Wednesday night in which a mall truck crashed into a big limousine and then sped on ita way. The driver dldn t so much as look around Mr. Hwann said yesterday. A summons has been Issued for tho chauffeur. The accident was at Fifth avenue and Fortieth street. The uutomobllo . of Martin Carey of Portchester. N. Y.. gen eral counsel of the Standard Oil Com pany, wns moving slowly up Fifth ave nue. The mall truck, according to Mr. Swann. sped across the avenue on Fortieth street at twenty-two miles an hour and crashed Into the limousine. Tho front axle of Mr. Carey's car was broken and the engine and hood dismantled. MORTGAGE LOANS. $330,000,000 in Dividends were disbursed on Jauuary 1st. A large amount or this money ts to be placed on First Mortgage on New York City Property AWc and 5 Application will rrcelre efficient 6crWcfl and prompt results. Geo. R. Read & Co. 30 Nassau St., New York 4t MORTGAGE MONEY A3SWNMCNTS ACCEPTED 4 CHAS.F.NOYES CO I I TM 000 JOHN Ot WUA1AVI IT. maaaMMtt oe wnTiaiTe-r ' gOOOJWtN r WO.V1AM ST, E.. CITY REAL ESTATE. HoraceS.Ely&Co. REAL ESTATE 21 Liberty St. 489 Fifth At NEW JERSEY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, NOBODY DOUBTS the security, ot the title of your real estate when It la Insured, We special Izo In Bergen and Rockland Counties, Our guaranteed mortgages are a safe Investment. Our now Booklet K. mailed on request. North Jersey Title Insurance Co, Hackenaark, N, J. N. Y.eRep. Glenn K. Carver, 50 Wall St. forest Rills Gardens "A Forward Movement In Suburban Development." '( Mlnutaa from Psnn. Station. Houses and Villa Plots Foe Bala. ' SAGt FOUNDATIO N HOMLS CX, 41 W. 14tb St.. ar Forest Hills, L. L Sand (or Booklet S. WESTCHESTER HEAL KSTATB tm HALE OB BENT. eatcbeste'r and 327 5 A. TTw- .1 . - - I WtsMM CeaeMtUrt rrasaerUe. lasoraace. r Rod and IIIOII WATK14-VOR LOCAL ANGLERS FOR THE WEI'.K F.NI). a.mlu llnnlr 1rtnrr Jamaica flnvnrnnrs Willetjl NaW (The llorswhoo) Bay (Canarele) Island Point London a!m. I'.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. . Pate January 13, January 13, , January 14. . . 0:o1) 10;;ll luais iu;n m:4 .,10:33 ll:IO 10:88 11116 111IS ..11:10 li:D4 IIHO I1M, .iu A Ced's Sunday Dinner. Whlln fishing from the Long Beach to day with Capt. Michaels, among 'my catch was a 14 pound cod which 1 took at the lightship. On opening the cod at home I round pne, turkey leg 5H Inches long, one chicken bono 3'4 Inches long; part ot a lobsters claw, a ainoked herring, a rind of lemon cut an though Intended for a cocktail and, queerest or all, a piece or heavy un bleached muslin 4 Inopes wide and 20 Inches In length, which was crumpled up In a lump ami looked like part or a fish. Now this Is not a Jake or a Ash story but a real ract. This was. I think, a very unusual collection, and It puzzles me to know whether a fish has a sense nt taste or smell. It. I). COSTELLO. 2 lllvtngton street, Jan. 8. Br. W. and the llarklehead Discussion. There seems to be a question et delicate veracity between two or my esteemed frlende. "the Proreesor" and Frank P. Hil ton, regarding a euppoaed fishing record for hackleheads, spider crabs, ssa robins. I Periwinkles, fte. ai li ! a personal matter ftinv.n t...., I decline for the present to be drawn Into a premature discussion concerning the ac tual racta Involved. DR. W. New York. Jan. 7. Says Cutthroat Beat for Asholtan. Louis Rhesd's suggestion that rainbow trout be introduced Into Ashokan Is worthy of careful consideration, but I think It would be much better tn plant Salmo elarkll, sometimes called Salmo Myklss, and better known as tha cutthroat trout. This splendid fish Is tho foundation, the fiarent stock, or nearly all the trout ot the locky Mountains and the Pacific coast. It Is a surface feeder, will rise to the fly with avidity and put up a big right, and will live and prosper In nearly all grades or water, which cannot be said tor the rainbow or salvellnus. Besides. It reaches large proportions, having been taken up to twenty.flva pounds In weight, and Is -the equal of any trout upon tns table. I do not know tr the cutthroat has been Introduced Into Eastern waters, but rain bowa and brown trout are round In several, the latter being a perslstsnt destroyer ot rontlnalls, and should be annihilated If pos sible. My personal prererence wouia be tne in troduction or Salmo rontlnalls, for after al lis wrlttnn and spoken our litis prooa trout, the oeerless Queen ot our rills, out- glitters In exquisite beauty and courage anything that wears scales, no matter what you may call It or where you may dig it up. kit et-Alius. New York, Jan. 8. Natural Cover Needed for Game. t have been reading the Rod and Gun column so many yeara that to miss a day now would throw me Into a nt. It Is even a pleasure to me to sit down on a Sunday morning and go over again all the Rod and Gun nasi for the week naat. In doing this I find that some of my nest friends wno write ror mis column slightly contradict themselves at different times. Reme nf them tread on my toes toe. Especially when writing of the flit) and game hogs. I hate a hog et this class as much aa anyone can, but soma of the arguments are rather tar retched. Take the buffalo. Where would be put the millions which were killed for the hides It we had them hark? Also the pigeons. Where Is the timber for them to nest In, and the beechnuts for BUSINESS RECORD. uviliv ll ELftTER. ohyslelan. 175 For syth street. loluntary; liabilities, 13,240; . ...t 132?. . WILLIAM VAN WAARDT, doing bualnsss an the William van waarai company, 4(1 Eighth avenue, involuntary; iiaoni' ii.. ti nee si sen OEOlioE OKEN, 1024 Seoond avenue, vol untary; liabilities. 17,210: aasste, 150; principal claim, Felix Metzger. 17,210. BENJAMIN ORAH AM IRVING, a clerk In TiMita.1 stiiM iAstul Fervlce. Fordham Station, voluntary: liabilities. (5.546: no assets; principal claim, Theodore D. Mc Carthy, committee ot eatata of Caroline Jteem, an incompetent, ,. Manhattan Judgments Filed. (First name is that ot debtor.) AM,sl Domlnlrk M. K. G. Csrroll. (547.(1 Brsus. Arthur L. Public Rank or New York city 1,(52.(1 Penton. James O.-L. L. Zimmerman, Jr. et si . IU-" Brrgln. Tlmothy-F. ft M. Schseter Drew lng Comrsny 5M-J- Connlns Tiro Co.-I. G. Warahaw.... l.U-4 Clark. Harry T.-F. J. Geer 2,141.21 Cobb, Frederick W ft Ksthrlno L. Verp!nck-L. llerzog 3,849.37 Casualty Co. ot America L. Stein rt n.1 21.SOO0O, J. lenr)-J. Rlclgllsno et si.. 917.04 Frank, Abrshsm-S. Krsus 1,2M 78 Gillette, Geo. 1 vt Grant G, J. II berrnour . 604 On Oerfleld Development Co. People, Ac. 6"0.00 GreeW ft Syrian Grocery snd Liquor C'. Peepie, ac Oreen, Geo. W. P.-W ft S. Job ft Co . Ine 4.684 10 Hoffmen, Berths, Samuel Hoffman and Lmsnuei itonmsn 1. wwistr, jr. et si 8,37.02 Heytrels Construction Co , John Iteiruon, lioyt at lsiaor iicis ienos Snnd ft Grsrel Co 124.73 Kenyan ft Childs. Inc. S. Joseph. ... 457.41 Lifshits, Israel ft Morns B Glayser. 1.1(6.22 Msnrlell. Clsra (.. F. K. Llndsmsnn. 2,220.24 Mohlmen. Gen A . Peck Mohlman Co. ft Peck Hrlrk Co. Peoples Hank of llaTcrrtraw 1,111.19 Myere, Samuel H. A. Oerls 494.90 Miller, Julius ft Jacob, ex'rs. Hyde Park Tllnt Bottle Co 3.1J0.91 Mouhi-lt, Ssrsh-S. Ilrlnn. et at 411.72 Ohio Farmers Ins. Co W. Stiirges ... 441.12 Northern Assursnca Co., Ltd. W, Stiirges 1,917.41 Roney, Wm. R.-B. J. Letts (08.97 rtrtose Cii.. Inc. Home Title Ins. Co. of New York .. 117.(0 Reich, Chsrles Security Bsnk of Nsw York 5,151.65 viola. Frank-S Versa 1.488.44 Young. W. Irving A W. Irving Young ft Co. H. C Meyer..., 865.83 Bronx Judgments Filed. Rnscnblaura. Abraham M. Reikcs ... (1.044.77 l'nion Ry. Co.-R. II. Hall 737.81 Manhattan Satisfied Judgments. (First, debtor; second, creditor; date Bled.) Chsmberlslne, Samuel L. J. A. Blair, et al. ; Feb. 2", 1903 (l.OCO (2 Same Ssme: April 23. 1004. 3,403.01 Cufchmen's Sons, Inc. L. Douglass ; Jsn. t, 1917 Ollrer, Isldor J. Wiener; April S, 1916 Ssmr-A. Wiener; April 3, 1914 Brsdley, WIHlam-J. B. Kelsey; April 9, 1915 Llnrh, Geo. W rec'r.F. Christ; April 21, 1913 Stephens, Aleisndi'r Mendel Lilhepp Co., Sept. 2. 1914 Shaw, James P. J. Uonnan; May 22, 191S . Hart, Patrick -Marlon steam Shorel Co ! Nov, I, 191S Jarohs Davira, Inc. J. Harden; Deo. 7, 1916 600.00 4,243.42 1,104.03 1,034.74 1,144.68 1,0.15 (2 2,472.45 REAL ESTATE. Ctissialbiiimes CUne iFtiaimcft i oims olT mtoraageiro TreBsaas1 agent aU xm a lh&sis of? effiScDo ray, HISS B'way, cor. 20th St. Orasisrev 4042. O""" ls Gun News ii;itt iu:su llio 1 i ; 13.00 10.3S 11:18 t:M 3.04 13:3.1 13:23 3:47 1:05 l4 lil 1 I OV .dU them to feed on It thoy were here In 4UI great numbers a they once were, Whero would we put tho trout which once niled thousands ot strenma In Mih Kean. Potter, Elk, Cameron, Forest, Tioga, anil other counties In Pennsylvania It wa had them, when all ot these streams are black as Ink from the refunu of the chemi cal (actorles. 1 have In my young and thoughtleis days taken twentv to 100 dozen wild pigeons In a day with nets. I have caught trout alt the year round, twenty to fltty pounds a day, I havo killed over twenty part ridges In a day, anil over thirty woodcock, Tho section.-? where I did this are now bar pasture lands, or burnt over wastes where It would take torty acres to pasturo a eju"?. I I havo hunted deer ten months a year, and there are no more deer there. And no brush or timber, either. When 1 recall tint ast wealth of game existing then, and read the severe arraign mcnts or me game nog, 1 isei line preuy Small potatoes. Maybe It 1 and thousands like me had lived up tn the game laws, of of which we were totally Ignorant, all this game and fish might still be living In greet r umbers under conditions totally torslgn 0 their nature and habits. My grandtather was a n,h hog, He usrn to smoke two or thrse tons ot sturgeon a year, caught out et the Hudson River. If ne naa not none tnis eigniy years ago there might still he tons ot sturgeon left In the river yet. He probably wan respon sible tor tho dlsappearanco or shad from inn iiuason. I do not write lh is an excuse tor tne game hog, A mess Is enough tor any one. ir you wont to give 11 rrietni a mess, give him your's. Don't try and get two messes every time ou go out. The point nt this article Is: Save the game and flsh by making It possible (or game and fish to hae natural surround ings in which to propagate. No other means will sumce ir this one is negtecien. Many sect oris or rennsyit ania, aucni- gan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, In which gamo birds were practically cMlnct twenty years ago, have now more than ever. This tor the reason that It has taken twenty years for the second growth of Drusn 10 grow in ine size neressary w furnish cover and feed for gams birds. Game birds will increase as long as tnis timber stands, but this condition could never apply tn tho buffalo and pigeon. They were distinctly primitive animals, and could not exist under new conditions. My grandfather once hunted regularly In Bronx Park and Prospect Park, Brook lyn. And I am stiro he never knew what enough meant then. All hnVould get was the limit. What fine sport wa eould have now ir he had observed suon lawn an wo now have. Think nt this, brother sports men. when next you reel like ascribing lack nt game and flsh to the hog. Think ot this also when you wash your dishes In the trout brook on which your camp la pitched. Think ot this when you build a fire that may burn thirty or forty acres of good partridge or rabbit ground before morning. Down witn tne game nog. out aeaT blame him for all the poor sport. BACKWOODSMAN. Newark. N. J., Jan. 9. Winter Tourney Feb. 25 at Bay Rldge. The members of the Lnnr Island Caatlntf Club met at Dexter Park on Sunday for tneir usual weekly practice, also ror tne regular monthly business meeting. Much time was given to arrangements ror tho coming caatlng tournament, which la to ba held on the athletic Held ot the Crescent Club, on Eighty-fifth street. Bay Rldge, en Bunday, February 25, and not at the casting grounds nt Grant City. Staten Island, as erroneously stated In an article prlntrd some time ago. The club also voted to waive the Initia tion fee until the membership reaches the one hundred mark Dues are II per year. Six new member were admitted. Ltna for new members furms on the right aide, while the Initiation lid Is off. CHARLES H. WELLS. (19 Yarmouth street, Woodhaven, Jan. . A Wire's Lament. (With sympathy to Natalie S., In THB SUN or Decembsr 11.) I had a handsome husband; He was a lovely man: He never staed out late at night; His dress was spick and span. One day we wandered by the ssa; ' A lunatic we saw. Who from the bounding billows A wriggling flsh did draw. I had a handsome huabsnd Alas, he la no more! He "blew" my Easter bonnet For n rod at Soger's store. He sold his white duck trousers And bought a pair of bonis. And every time the tide Is right us promptly nracnward scoots. I used to think h" loved ma; He'd hold my Illy hand And tell me all about my cheeks ine lairest in tne una. But now he says: "Old lady, I'm going down the cosst. Breakfast sharp at 4 o'clock, And try not burn tho toast," And when he reaches home at night All spattered o'er with ersb, The odor that he wafts about To hesven gives a stsb. H.!" a m" ' n,h hooka Where his prsyer book once did rest. And since he's get this fishing bug For church he's never dressed. His rod ts In the parlor, And In the lee cheat cool A box of horrid, smelly squid Lies In a slimy pool. He talks or ntty pounders The other bos pull In. But when It comes right down te taeke He never gets a fin. I had a handsome husband! Alack. I have no morel . w,!ie. V"" a'orious evenings At old John Seger'o store. And that'a where all hla money goes I never see h cent! 11 1 ,nd "r" n'1 lads and belt. And I must pay the rent. SADIE SHEDDERCRAB ,. . of Ashury Park. N. J. (The homel!) of the striped bass i Ashury Psrk. N J Jsn. 9 Another Chance for George England. In the Rod and Gun news Tuesday morn if',nJ,:,m ov,r ,h signature of Oeoryo England In which he excuses him self for falling to appear at the entertain ment or the United Anglers League at Amsterdam Opera House bv the plea tin nls offer to so appear and deliver a mono logue was not replied to In time for him to arrange his Ideas, or words to that effect. Many who were grieved and disappointed at Ms non-appearance as expected may no doubt regard this plea as specious, but i "charity covereth a multitude of" prevari cations we are disposed to accept his ex cuse and give him an opportunity to make amends to hla numerous friends and well wishers. Therefore ns he also In the Item referred to made known his Intention to he present at the hall on January 19 at Grand View Auditorium. Ogden avenue and Franklin atreet, to he given by the 1J. A. L. of Hudson county. N. J on behalf of the said league I herby extend In him 1 most sincere and hearty Inil-atlon tn deliver his monologue for the henellt of the I L of Hudson county, and I honestly believe that should he aunoum-c thrmiRh tho me dium of Rod and Gun news Ills acceptance of this Invitation Grand View u.ltorlum will hardly be able to hold ail whu will attend, This surely should ho an Inrentt.a for Brother England to accept, for we believe him to be a real sport and an angler whom any brother will he proud to know when he chooses to unmask And as t further Incentive I will state that Broth" Chrlstman has consinted tu deliver u brief address. A more propitious time than this for Brother England to unmask ran hardh seem posslhle Hoping that "George'' wl'l reply and give an i-ar'v acceptance of the Invitation herein extended, I shall -can the una ana uun columns uativ JOHN P. ROSS, President U A. L of Hudson count'. Jersey Ctly, Jan, 9. SOU SMI flCN. GIRALDA Sails Thim.. Sat. ft Sun.. S A. M. Cant. II. Martin. Dallv, S A M except Mini , Sun lUnni CUT (A M. Cnpt H HANSEN IrHJULtlll Ttls7( VM l)Hll,t. 8 A, SI. eic. Mon, VtUTPI sun. 7 ISO, ('apt. .1. Martin, COMMODORE Lis. Wretk Lead and Qurenswater btatlnns Thursday and Saturday on arrival ot 4t47 train. Sunday 6:05 train, 1.50, Ilm Wright. WlPC D II leaves Canarsls 1 A. M. dally KUdt It II. ""P. Monday and Friday; " - - ' 1 A. tl. Snndar. Dick ft Ernst. Oj 0 (lail-i Wed., Thurs. I A. M ; rie Vi S.WIW s Sunday. 1 A. M. John Lundys Dock. Sheepshead Ray, tMlMRnnKivs. Duuuo'a Dock. Sheepshesd onsrnruJiiRjy )UIy" fItf Moll, i'a, m. sir u I TP V Leaves Hammer's Dock W PI I I D I Sheepshead Bay. I A. M EFFORT Suns. I A. M Oibarn's Dock. Sheepshead Bay, ELMAR leaves Osborn's Dock, nhesBs kead, dally I A. M. OUfi RAIL ii lis 4m& .r.