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J. THE SUN, ' FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 19i7. 9 DRIVING NOW MADE SIMPLE FOR WOMEN Elimination of Necessity for Strength and Skill Is Great Help. nr joiix k. wim.vs. ritaldtut of (he Wlllri-OTvrlana C'onitHnr Women liave played an Important part In the development of tlio automobile. Fiir people rcallie the fact that many of the rcllnemcnta and conveniences that io lo make up the modern motor car ot to-day rc ue primarily to feminine re quirements. The manufacturer who has Sot Tfofcnl'etl the demand of women In the designing of his product has over looked otic of tho biggest selling features In the business. H Is an established fact that In many cj.fa tho final selection of a car rests th a mail's wife, ulster or sweetheart. ot Ion ufter the Inception of the au tomobile industry for a woman to drive u motor car was considered absurd. The complicated mechanism made It dldleult for any but a mechanical expert to con trol a car. Laborious hand cranhlnv, Milt shift levers and other Inconveniences militated against women drivers. Motor car manufacturers have realised that women caro to know little of auto mobile mechanics. We have endeavored 14 to perfect tho operation of a car that sK need hardly know what- Is roIiib on under tho hood. Bho can drive safely 'tty after day without even a smattering of ttchnli'dl knowledge In designing the. Overland we have endeavored to tncluda every Improve ment and convenience which could In tuy way add to tho simplicity of drlv lig. Drake pedals have been given extra leverage to make them easy to operate. Gear shift levera have been placed where they arc within easy rcacl). .Klectrlc stlf-startcr has reduced what was man ual labor to the mere pressing of a but ton. Klectrlc lights have made unnec essary puttering around ga tanks with matches In order to drive after dark. Tho electrical switch box on the steer ing column, just below the wheel, Is an Owland featuro that appeals to men as well as women drivers. II placet the controls for Ignition, electric horn, front, side, tall and dash lamps within easy reach of the driver's hand. These switches can bo locked, preventing tam pering while tho car Is standing unoc cupied. The Indicating devices. Including speed ometer, ammeter and oil sight feed as well as the carbureter priming button, art conveniently arranged within slgh tf tho driver on the cowl dash Instru ment board. . With theso conveniences, driving an Oierland Is rendered essentially simple and easy for tho most untechnlcal. About all thero Is left to do Is to sit at the wheel and steer. HARMON ADVANCES PRICES. Ilcreair of $130 Per Car Made, Startlna; January 1. Ifanr.on 34 prices advanced on Janu ary 1 1150 per car. due to the great dranccs In raw material, and labor eoits. This applies t'o chassis prices u well as complete car prices and sleets closed body types as well as open body types. The price of the seven passenger Mar moa 34 touring car will be $1,100. the Its passenger touring car will be $3,050, while, the three or four passenger road ster will be $3,100. Marmon 34 closed ears will range In price, according' to the various types and makes of bodies, from (,500 to $3,800. The advance came without surprise to car purchasers or dialers, as such advances by leading car manufacturers have been general otinr to tho rising cost of raw material agd labor. The high quality of all material en tering Into tho building of the Marmon 1) makes them hard to obtain, and In coming material must bo scrutinized very closely. The big demand for Marmon II cars has mado orders upon raw mattrlal furnishers heavier than ever sad consequently harder to supply even st advanced figures. Graceful Liberty Five Passenger Model. HUGE PRODUCTION OF TRUCKS COMING Business World Just Awaken ing to Thoir Value, Says Fulton President. "The commercial world Is calling for motor truck production as It has never called before," said William V. Mel hulah, Jr., president of tlip FuUqn Motor Truck Company, y'eslcrday "Since the beginning of the terrible European war there has been, an. awak ening lo the Importance of moof trans portation so far reaching In Its effects on motor production that even we In the trade havo as yet been unable to comprehend Its greatest significances. Truck makers have for several years expressed the belief that the sun of the greater motor movement had not yet risen above the horizon. The com mercial use of the motor has been passing through tbp days of swaddling, and as we stand to'day, looking the future square In the face with our eyes wide open, I say that the greatest minds of the motor world do not grasp and can not, analyze what tho next ten years will show In the world, in the adoption of the motor haul. Nor can any one of us es timate tho billions that will bo created in the' merchandising of the world not only ri tho matter of saving, but also In speed.' larger volume handled, and concentration of greater territory cov ered. "The commercial field has been, wait ing for the popular priced truck. Just as tho pleasure car field refused to open Its arms until the masses were offered the chance to swell the throng with their number, so the average busi ness man has waited to welcome a motor truck priced wltTiln his means. "For several years my energies were devoted to the sale of what must now be termed high priced motor trucks. During fhese years, th,e cry ot tho ay; erage buslnerg man. and by him I mean the man carrying a, $10,000 to' $161000 business rating, waa constantly ringing In' my ears. He wanted! trucks, but his call was for the light or 1 to IM ton units, and he wanted the price within reach. ' ' " ' "Ills contention was soundly based on the steady reduction In pleasure) car prices, with constantly Increasing elltclency. 'Why.' he asked, 'Is It not possible In truck production?' "It was possible. It Is possible, and It will continue to be possible, not only to reduce the price again and again but to build better and give more for the money hi we go along. We have proven this Ip Pulton trucks. "Tru'-ks are going to come down In price, literally millions will be In use within flvo more years, and tho popular slie the ""tbnner" Ihat sells above a thousand dollars will be hard to find." BUYERS MUST BE SHOWS. Visitors at fa Palaca Teat Car Merits Themselves. An amazing Incident occurred at the Liberty booth yesterday. A serious automoble wise man pushed his way through the crdwd surrounding one of the cars and delicately but with great deliberation pushed the clutch pedal with (fe Index finger of his right hand. Ho "stopped." then did It again, with a far away look In his eyes. After a min ute's deliberation th. ame procedure was followed wlh the emergency brake. About fen feet away Percy Owen, the firesldn( of the Liberty Motor Car Cqm any. Was an Interested spectator of the ncldenC and " as one of the salesmen engaged the Intending buyer In earnest conversation on the general merits, of the car he turned to a friend and said, "Isn't It remarkable the astuteness with Which the automobile buying public are now judging the value and merits of an automobile? They are not accepting broad statements as facts. They've got to visualise every merit claimed for a car. And this leads me to believe that our advertising psychology, aimed at tho conditions to be met with to-day, exactly hits the bull's eye. "As you know, we have foatured the ease with which our gears are shifted, and the ease wth which pur emergency bralio Is engaged and we have been at particular pains to state these facts In our advertising simply and directly. And when, map came to the Liberty booth ne went qirecuy at our siaiemen,ia ana proved them for himself. lie may buy a Liberty car. or he may buy some other car, but ho will never forget tho facts he proved for himself. And I think It It a great relief to the entire Industry that our potential . customers have a, sympathy wlla and a spirit of coopera lion In our efforts to gle them what we, say we have." Tremler Motor Light. Kiti Q. Oopn, the Amir can plenetr builder a aluminum motors, tali rastttdkr that th l'remler inotsr la 255 pounds lighter than tha unit motor would ir Its cylinder block vera built ot eat Iron. PEERLESS TRUCK DEMAND GROWING New Space Now Availablo at Factory to Manufacture More Commercial Autos. Although overshadowed during the past two years by a spectacular war truck business, the production of com mercial motor trucks at the Teerless Motor Cor factories has been steadily Increasing since the first commercial ve hicles were turned out at the Cleveland plant nearv six years ago. The Tearless Motor Car Company Is rapidly completing plans to care for a greatly enlarged domestlo business In sale of motor trucks and has recently added to Its national sa,les organisation J. II. Ludlow and T. J. Fay, who are widely known as expert In arranging motor truck service. ' The company Is adhering to the policy It established when It began to manu facture motor trucks of ascertaining the adaptability of Its product to the work to be accomplished before completing the tale. It has been found through a period of more than five years that the policy Is sound, a fact that Is shown In the history ot Peerless motor trucks In service.' Practically all of those first manufactured are still at work for their original bwners. One of the first five trucks built was delivered, to the Cleveland Builders Sim ply Company of Cleveland early In the year 1911 and has been working In al most dally service for Its owners ever since. Although more than fve years old and on the customary basis of SO per cent depreciation per annum has more than paid, for Itself In depreciation charges alone, the truck la still in com mission and is doing Its work side by slda with recently purchased vehicles. The ' erection of three new factory buildings, which will be used exclusively for the manufacture ' of Its Model G6 passenger' car," will make available more space In the Peerless factory for the manufacture of rnotor trucks. This addi tion to llie plant' has been made ncc cessary not only by the growing demand for Peerless passenger cars, but by the steadily Increasing needs of the domes tic truck business. " " Does your clutch push hard? Try the easy clutch of the LIBERTY at the Show, 3rd Floor, and think how it saves fatigue in a day's motoring. Standard oftheWorlc "VOU may have ex perienced what you believed to be the acme of travel comfort. But when you come to the Cadillac, you know that ypu fraye found what travel comfort really is. At the Automobile Show See These High Grade Cars Which Carry . Sparton Motorhorns r m i art as Standard Equipment Packard Chalmers Winton Stiitz Kissel Mercer Peerless Hudson Studebaker White Marmon Cple Jordan Briscoe Haynes Pathfinder Owen Magnetic Jackson Marion-Handley National And 22 others Spartan Vacuum Gatollnt Sytttm Sparton Quality Products Sparton radiator fans, Sparton honeycomb radiators used by a majority of high-grade motor car manufacturers. The Sparton Vacuum Gasoline System Introduced at the show the most efljeient device of its kind produced-uncjer evry condition supplies the carburetor with plenty of gasoline. The Sparks-Withington Co., Jackson, Mich., U, S, A. Sparton llontt' Comb Jiailator 1 1 -aaalBaaH All Sparton quality products exhibited in Spaces C 81.82-r99.100. Spartan Badiittr r a i I BAUD HAY Attn. FEEft Smith Formaihicli The Motor Car Accessory That Brought Hauling Costs to their Lowest Point $350 F. O. B. CHICAGO AUTOMOBILE SHOW FOURTH FLOOR 61 & 63 TAKE your hauling costs out of the profit wasting class put your delivery work on a money earning basis. That is what 10,000 owners of Smith Form-a-Truck have already done what you can do when you buy tnis attachment that converts any Ford, Overland, Buick, Dodge, Maxwell or Chevrolet car into a fully guaranteed one-ton truck. Your used chassis can be turned into a delivery vehicle of remarkable service that will do the work of from three to four horses faster better than any other form of hauling you can employ. And the conversion can be made in a few hours by two men. The completed truck is sturdy permanent as well built as the highest priced truck you can buy. See Smith Form-a-Truck at the Automobile Show see how it has been used by the biggest corporations in the United States. The actual service figures are staggering in the new con ception of economy they bring to motor hauling. Dealers call at our New York Branch for big dealer proposition. Smith Motor Truck Corporation Manufacturers of Smith Form-a-Trucks Executlra Office and Salesroom, Suite 925 Smith Form-a-Truck Building 1470 South Michigan Boulevard, Chicago oirmj Branch 1S75 Broadwyr Nw York Pacific Caatt Branch Pico land Hill StrcU, Los Angel Southtrn Branch 1 SO Marietta Street, Atlanta (I 71 t. r