Newspaper Page Text
', J THE WEATHER FORECAST. Fair and .continued cold to-day ; to-morrow fair; slowly rising temperature. Highest temperature yesterday; 34; lowest, g. 'Detailed weather, malt and marine reports on pace 10. tm. IT SHINES FOFk ALL VOL. LXXXIV. NO. 165. NEW YORK, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1917 . Copyright, 1917? by the Bun Printing and PtiMliMitp Association, iXfV? rTTMT In Greater New YmrV, I f'Ue-ditrs KJViEJ VjElPil Jersey City and Newark, 1 TWO CENTS. GERMANY READY TO ACCEPT OPEN CLASH WITH U. S.; ZIMMERMANN SAYS ENGLAND DISTORTS AMERICAN NEWS; SWISS HONOR GUARD GREETS GERARD A T THE FRONTIER ALL PORK BILLS ARESMOTHERED Democratic Leaders in Sen ato Admit the Measures Are "Scrapped." "THE SUN'S" FIGHT WON More Than 8100,000,000 Bavcd by Collapso of Haiti on Treasury. Washington, Feb. 11. The "pork ami" raid In Congress Has collapsed. The three principal "pork" measures tha omnibus public buildings, the flood oantrol and tho river, and harbor bill are sidetracked and will die with the Sfeeent Congress. These are the bills denounced by Tub Son. The Democratic leaders In tho Scnito admit that they aro "scrapped." The omnibus public buildings bill rests peacefully In tho Senate Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. Flood control in on the Bennte calendar, but Senator Martin und other majority lead ers have agreed that It shall not como up. Kfforts by Senators Newlnnds, nansdcll and others to obtain considera tion for It yesterday met with utter fellurt. .liny He "Uuffer."" The flocd control bill might be sl towed lo como up from time to time ai "a buffer" to hold other legislation back ami might lw discussed for a few hours sod then sidetracked, but even this per formance N not probable. The leaders bve ugreed that the omnibus vubllc bulldlngi b'.W chilli not be reported out of the committee to which It was,com rallied after tho House passed it' and sent It to the Senate. More than JlO0.000.000 will be saved to the Treasury liy the "scrapping" of these three legislative "pork" bills. Tho omnibus building bill carried impropria tions for about ?3S,000,000, tho' river and harbor approximately- f 10,000,000 and the flood control about $45,000,000. It J barely possibly that the pro- nontntu ( tho river nnd haibnr bill may accept the Kenyon proposal to legree to the New York Knst River project, carry ing mre than f 6, 000,000; also to the Boston harbor project. Involving about Sl.500,000. and then to give $.0,000,000 ur J2;,0OO.OOO to be expended under the direction of the chief of engineers of the War Department on maintenance work or Imiu-jvements for navigation. But even allowing for this expenditure tliere IH still be a saving- of moro than lf'0,000,000 by Jhe fight In which Thr Scn has been taking part to head off ttsne three pieces of legislative extrava tincc. Nulii at yillO.OUM.OOO. The appropriations for the F.ost River Impioif ment and the Boston harbor Itn r:mrut are continuing nnd will mean only a'wm Sl.Cuu.OOO In this year's ap propriations. The balance, to cover lrom four to six yearn construction work, I" to b appropriated ns needed. Tho flood control bill had concealed In It a gigantic scheme for reclaiming swamp lands In the lower Mississippi Valley. Many northern capitalists were Interested In It so Hint It wan not essen tially a Southern "pork" project. Tho public .buildings bill wns tho most In sidious of the pjrk minsurcs, for It spread Its Influenco all over the coun try and had friends In every State In the Union, After Tnn Pun pointed out the "pork" character of this bill the majority lead- tr got together under the advice of tho President and heads of departments. It Is ' a!d, .ind clapped the extinguisher upon , It At any rate It had been shunted j "ldc several days before many people j "trj aware of ItH fate and It Is doubt- I mi if Rome of Its friends In the House ven jet know that disaster has over taken It. Snmr of the Disclosures. It nas disclosed In Tub Sun that eventy-eltrht out of the 115 sites of the proposed public buildings -were given to eleven Southern States. In these 115 s.tcs was Involved a future expenditure of more than 15,000.000. of which about JMOO.OOO would eo to the Southern States. The Su.v showed that such a town J Mount Olive, N. C, with a population of little more than 1.000, was to bav a new 130,000. post office, while Hazard. K'.. with a population of 527, was to hale a 1)0,000 po-t office. in the river and harbor bill the little nver of Kisslmmee. In Florida, which occasionally runs do- eight .rronths In the j-ear, was slated to be "improved" M.000 worth by Uncle Sam. 'Many other Instance of pork grabbing In the Mils tr cited. BARE PLOT TO MAKE RUSSIA A REPUBLIC Eleven Labor Leaders Ar retted Charged With 'Revo lutionary Activities. I'rTr.'v-.r.An, via Indou, Feb. 13 Otoit day). Klevcn members of the wofk 'Hen's group of the Central Military hihI Industrial Committee of I'etrognid have lcen arrested, charged with belonging te revolutionary purtlcs and fomenting a lulmr movement with tho ultimate aim "i liaiikforinlm, Russia Into a t-oclal lemor-r.itlc lepubllc. ortlclnl nnnounco ment inudn ln-ilny of tho arrests. , Four other persons ha,vo been placed under aircst. It 4 alleged they constl ""e a Kioup wlinso object Is to organize 'ienimi.tatlons with the Intention of CommltliilK mrrvvH. Nen. paper Plant Ilnmasril, '".ATTsnunii, N, , Feb. U. The l'nr of the riattshurg llcpHblican was J;dly damaged by lire late to-day. Tho fire staited In the boiler room. Losses of Shipping Since February 1 Losses of shipping ot the Allies and of neutrals since February i. when the German unrestricted submarine warfare commenced, have been as tot' lows: Ships reported sunk yes terday a Total "tonnage reported sunk yesterday 5,3 iz Total known tonnage pre viously sunk 168,874 Total known tonnage sunk since February z 174,085 Ships sunk since February 1: American z Other neutrals 31 British 44 Other belligerents 7 Total ships sunk 83 ONLY TWO SHIPS SONKJSJEPORT U-Bonts' Victims Arc a British Steamer of 8,811 and a (Jrcek of 1,100 Tons. London, Feb. 11. Only two ships, so far as known, fell victims to-day to Germany's ruthless submarine campaign. To-day's announced record, therefore, is far smaller than flie average day before the new Gcrmuu policy took effect eleven days ago. The two ships reported sunk to-day j nr mc j.rmii -icniiioiiii. oibi.. announced by Lloyd's, but believed to be the Salaga, owned by Elder Dempster A Co. of Liverpool and In British Gov ernment service, nnd the llrcck steamor Waslllssa Olga of 1,400 tons. Her crow ot twenty men were landed. The Salaga was of 3.S11 tons. Her engineer was killed and two men wounded by sunllre. Though It Is quite possible that to morrow's reports may tell a different story, It is thought that the steady de cllno In the toll of tho submarines since early In the week may show that the Admiralty has even this greatest of nil cnrmialsrns ill hand. Yesterday seven nnd on Friday six ships were reported unit, as contrasted with tltteen reporteu sunk. List Tuesday, when tho ruthless campaign went Into effect. How thirty Americans, cattlemen, were placed In peril of their lives when a Herman submarine torpedoed the British sttamshln Japanese Prince, re ported sunk yesterday. Is told In an Kx- change Telegraph Compiny despatch. The. shin wan torpedoed entirely with out warning, tle despatch says. The mles'lo struck the ship amidships, cx plodlnj with terrific force. Tho ciew, seventy-five In all. Including tho Ameri cans, took to the boats. Many were In jured by the explosion, but none was killed. The despatch dqes not say whether or not any Americans were hurt. All of the crew were picked up within an hour und were landed. . I lift CllltlllUlt:. ..IIUUIUI JI.W-,t r...,., and with passengers, also was sunk un warned, according to late advices. The submarine Is ljelleved to have been closo to the ship. The torpedo struck abreast the engine room anil all of thn force there were killed. Tho ship sank InOve minutes. Several of the survivors were seml conclous from eocposure in the boats when they wore picked up awl were taken to the hospital. Three of tho passengers were members of thoi con sular service. They were saved. AQUEDUCT SENTRY , FIRES AT PROWLERS Militiaman Says Two Men Es caped in Motor Car With Mysterious Suit Case, A, member of tho First Infantry Rcct- mont. National Guard of New York, on sentry duty early, yesterday morning on tha Catsklll Aqueduct near Pleasantvillo reported that two men in an automobile made a mysterious visit to the aqueduct on Saturday night, that one ot the men got out of the automobile and carried a suit case towara one oi mo mannoies. When the sentry challenged the man, ho reported, the stranger Immedi ately turned and fled toward tne automo bile. The sentry fired three times but becauso of the darkness failed U hit his target. The sentry said he ran to the point where the automobile was but that it starttd off before lie arrived. The sentry's report was received at National liuard divisional headquarters here last night and will B"e thoroughly Investigated to-day. Major-Gen. O'Ryan said the matter was the first of Its kind that had been reported by those on aqueduct duty and that the sentry who made the report would be examined closely to-day as to what he saw. The fact that the reported visit hap pened In the darkness of early morning brought to other 'National Guard officers recollections of their recent experiences on the Rio Grande, when It waa no un common thing, they say, for sentries on n'ght duty to "see" nil sorts of things. ICE BOAT RUNAWAY HURTS 2. Huns into Crowd Wotrhlnir I'micy tkntrrs at Mlllurrk. While a large crowd of society peqpte and residents of the North Kliore of rang Island were assembled on thn Ico nf Beaver Da.n Lnko nt Mlllneck yester day WAtchlng exhibitions of fancy stint ing a runaway Iceboat cmsf.ied through the outer fringe of tho crowd and In jured Raymond Smith, a wealthy real estate owner of Oyster Bay, nnd his wife. They were dragged many yards over the Ice, Mr. Hmlth escaped with severe bruises and a broken nose. Ills wife suffered n severe blow on the head. It was several hours before she could be moved to her home, The taeboat, the Miss Alice, had as craw Ketchem Weeka an4 Leroy Matthews of Locust Valley. KROONLAND IN; SAW SHIP SUNK Passengers Watched U-lioat Shell Dutch Vessel on thirst Day Out. x "KAiDEIP sighted latkk Near Collision in the Dark Left All on 'Board With . Frayed Nerves. The American liner Kroonlaml 'finished yestcrdny a stirring trip from Liverpool In which, besides tempestuous weather, she had experiences that gave her pas sengers a series of wartime thrills. The first day out of tho Mersey, February 1, voyagers nero startled by viewing within nine inllcs Uie destruction by a big Ger man submarine or .111 unidentifiable Hol land freighter. The only reason the Kroonland did nor bring the castaways hero was because tho benevolent com mander of lie l.Moat took them In tow and left them within rowing distance of tho Irish coast. On Monday morning last the ship's company were again alarmed by the ap pearance astern ot a big stacklike ob ject, wide as a hogshead, which was taken by some of the officers to be the conning tower of a submarine, but which ome passengers said looked huge enough to be the funnel of one of the new German submersible cruisers that they had read things about In the newspapers. Capt, Barman admitted that It might have been the conning tower of a subma rine. The general opinion was against the theory that It was the stack of a submersible cruiser, tho .existence of which the ship's officers were much In cllned to doubt. The object, whatever It might have been, came within several miles of the liner before disappearing and never showing up again. Another t'-Boat Scare. On the afternoon ot the -came day, Monday, a steamship whose speed and peculiar conduct Inspired some of the KroonlaattM -offlcem-find passengers to suspect that she might be a German raider, appeared on the stnrbo.trd quar- 1 ter of the Kroonland, ran parnllel to her course and swiftly overtook her. The stranger displayed no signals and flew no national or other flag. Naturally Capt. Barman and his officers wondered why she was almost In mid-Atlantic, taking an inventory, apparently-, of a Yankee . ship. After running abreast of trie Kroon-' land for several miles tho queerly actlncl craft headed to the south, at right angles with the liner's course, and soon sailed I below the horizon. 1 Tho stranger was about 450 feet long, had two masts and one funnel and wore ' the black paint of nil ordinary merchant man. There were two lookouts on her j foremast, one In the usual crowsnest and tho other higher. Sha wns equipped with three big cranes, one forward of the fun nel and two uf t. Cargo booms were at the base of the masts. Hho appeared to bo well laden. Her speed probably wo not less than nineteen knots. The final thrill of the nerve vibrating trip came on Haturday morning before daylight, when everybody was oft tenter hookM over the break between the United States and Germany ami when the lights of tho liner had been screened. The news of the International rupture had arrived aboard by wlreles from the American shnro on Tuesday night, and many voynera admitted that their "nerve were a. bit ragged. Jinny Thrnivn From Itrrths. The sea waa veiy rough and many pasKeiKcrx wero awake. The liner Bavo a mighty lurch that threw some folks from their berths. M. C. Relchert, who lias been four years In London as the representative of the Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company ot this city, said last night at the Hotel Bossert In Brook lyn that the lurch, according to tumor on the ship, was caused by the effort ot the Kroonland to avoid collision with an other steamshlji. Officers would give no Information to Inquiring passengers, but they got from other source that the Kroonland jvas forced to swerve suddenly to starboard to escape smashing Into another vessel. Passengers of the Kroonland had not heard of Germany's submarine note and therefore viewed tho destruction of the Dutch freighter with a detached, Imper sonal Interest. Later, on Tuesday night, when they learned of the diplomatic split and the beginning of relentless 17-boat war, their spirits drooped a bit and those with children were Inclined to view Germany's action with some heat. All had previously felt that they were Immune under the irrotectlon of the Stara and Rtrlpes and the sudden reall- izatlon that they might, be endangered depressed many. An hour before the Dutch freighter was sunk Capt. Barman said he had met an Ungllsh destroyer, but there was no patrol boat In sight when the submarine I fired tho shells. There were nine big and little steamships near the Irish I shore, presumably under protection of patrol lioats or guns on the coast, The Kroonland was originally In the Red Btar service, which ufter the Ger man occupation of Antwerp was sus pended. Capt, Barman ran many years on the Antwerp-New York route and built a home In Belgium. Among thn Kroouland's passengers wern Miss MniKl Kahn, daughter f Otto II, Kahn, who hoarded tho liner down the bay from n coast guard cutter! Mrs, M. rt. Boyd, daughter of V, S. Ht. Groite, general passenger ngent of tho Missouri! Kansas and Texas Railroad, wh'thti hunliand U In Franc with tho Royal' Flying Corps: Mrs. C. Herblne, In charge of Dr. Coulter's hotpitnl In London; Lndy Fltx Clarence, who Is on her way to relatives in Canada. Mls Kahn has been nursing and doing other relief work In France. I, vans Sample Fair Postponed. Paris, Feb. II. Opening of the Lyons sample fair has been postponed from Mar-h 1 to March 18 because of the transportation derangements created by th severely cold weather. The fair I -rill lM held from Uarch II to April 1. KAISER MISLED AS TO U.S. ACTS Amassed That SIiii Haven't Ik'pn Confiscated or Ger mans Interned. B1MT1SH DECEIT CHAItUEI) Dr.Ziminerinann Suva Wireless MesNnsc. of Feb. 5 Brought Truth on 10th. !, by wlneless, Feb. 11. With reference to. tho prcrcnt condition of German-American relations, the German Foreign Secretary, Dr. Alfred Zimmer man, made the following statement r- i torday to the Oversew News Agency, the otllcial publicity bureau of the Govern ment: "We now have practically no (-pecdy or reliable Information about the United State. The best proof ot this Is tui nlfhcd by two wireless messages which were sent February 5 by tho correpond cnt in the United States of the German News Agency and which arrived yes terday. The contents of these two short mesfrage were astounding, even sensa tional, for they told that the United States Government had not confiscated German ships in American ports, nor Interned Germans residing In the United States. "Until yeterday morning all we knew about these matters had passed through English channels, and the gist of these reports was that the United States Gov eifiunent actually had violated the prop erty and liberty of German citizens. "F.ngllsh agents by thus adulterating the ttutlt did not Intend, of course, to slander tho United States. Their Inten tion was to create public alarm In Ger many and thus cause outbursts of popu lar Indignation and perhaps even prompt the German Government to rash actions bused on error. All (his then would have been reported In exactly the same that Is, Incorrect fashion to the Untied States by tha same British agencies. If they had succeeded these British agents would have saddled Ger many with the respoiiHlblllty and fault In th'o eyes of every candid but misled oberver. "However, during two years and a I? i ,n .. half we have been practically cut o from reliable and mteedv communlcatlo with the United Statts. During that ,1 . . T.-l. 1 time we have learned to appreciate Brit lh report at their true value. Wn therefore suspended Judgment nnd awaited the real reports, which now ufter all have arrived." ACCUSE BRITISH CENSOR. fiprninni Think I'. .1. tint No Notice of .North Sen Mines. tUtnl.TV. vhi wlrMeflfl. TVh. 1 1. Ammur the Items given out to-day for publlca-1 tlon by tho Overseas following : New A-tency Is the I vspnpers point out "The German newspapers the English declaration ot a barred zones In the North .Sea. which preceded by several days the parallel German an nouncement, apparently has not become, known In the United States, ns It has not been discussed by tho American news papers. The German newspapers con sider It possible thaf the news concern ing this English measure has been sup pressed by the English censor for rea sons which are easily understood." Announcement was made by the State Department on January 27 and printed In the newspapers that It had been noti fied of tha existence of the new mine field. , The mines had been planted, It wjh said, so ns to close the Bight of Heligoland and to extend practically from Danish territorial waters to Dutch territorial waters. The effect would be to hinder efforts of German raiders to get Into the North Bea. GERMAN PROPAGANDA ENDS, Costly Xrrrs Ptbllelty Service Sus pends With Break. With the severance of German rela tions the newspaper propaganda con ducted ln this country at n cost of sov cral million dollars for tho formation of pro-Teuton opinion has come to an end, It became known yesterday. The work was regarded by the Kaiser's Govern ment as sufficiently Important to engage the activities of Dr. Hclnrlch, an expert, 'for Its direction, Dr. Al bert left tills country shortly after the scope ot tho propaganda was ex posed. Since then tho work" has been In charge of Dr. Karl Fuehr, who last night refused all information. cost l.-.nnnn eolit monthly hn hAnn " j supcnaea. ----.----. ONE U-BOAT SINKS FIVE BRITISH SHIPS Record Said to Have Been Es tablished With 35 Sinkings February 9. Itr.n.IN, via Wireless, Veb. II. line German submarine In thn North Sea has sunk five unknown British steamers nd un uKKruguia oi ivvo iouh, says tuo Overseas News Agency. The .Vend Ziirtchn Xeltunp, the news agency adds, erejxirtH from The Hague that February 9 was a record In tho submarine waif are, as thirty-five ves sels, were sunk. A dfHputeh from C'litUllaiilu has that on February 9 IIM00 tons of shipping was destroyed by German submarines. Simultaneously with the cessation of I "'" , " " "TP ,7" " "-'ry ; Cyrns Y. Field. Grandson Turns It """ ""-"i") "iu prniessiujr to , u. the nropiganda here a cablo messam al'd customs authorities was arranged. .., . I speak Tor Germany that the -called A week later It was stated (hat a full '! , ,rrom Shanghai last nliht which f1' ,."!rU" laU"'r ,han nt ,,,a Hv,lm b"" 1 l ' fSnr'rnnl'n- blockade would be abandoned. j decision on tho situation had not been read 'The East Asiatic Lloyd'" an- Y '',,eclM.HC?u,r,eJ It'aB, 8,,p" I Willisto.s. X. D Feb. 11. A self. Institution of the Parted rono, reached and that the would nounces offlelallj that the Oerrnan New. 'ntem,lrt b' otMf als of the. Foreign Of- Kul(ng torpedo based on magnetic con- , wt '""'less ar.d Indiscriminate sinking not be launched until after further con Agency rvlce from S hW ?.e' The "anllnul0" ahm?h care-1 trol has been invent.! by Charles j lot shlp, wns the very reason President sulfations with Geimany's sllles and the BERLIN SPEEDS TRIP OF ENVOY- Ambassador and 120 Others Jloaeh Zurich Without Incident. GOES. AT ONCE TO IIKIIX Veleoiiietl by .Minister Stovall anil by Representatives of ' Federation. Xl'iuci!, Switzerland, via Paris, Feb. 11. The American Ambassador to Ber lin, James W. Gerard, arrived ot the Swiss boundary at Schaffhausen at 4 o'clock -this nfternoon. He was met by the American Minister to Switzerland, Pleasant A. Ktovall, and representatives of the Swiss rmy. Including CoL Breuger and Capt Rudolph Iselln. A Swiss military guard ot honor was al po in watting and a big delegation of citizens greeted .Mr. Gerard and party. The trip from Berlin wAs made with out noteworthy Incident, although some curiosity was displayed by those who gathered along the route through Ger many. Mr. Gerard disembarked at Zurich with nlMut ISO other Americans, intend ing nt first to remain there, hut when ho wan fissured of accommodations at Bern he left Immediately tor that city. He will remain In Bern for two or three days, arranging for his trip to Paris. ORDIAL LEAVE TAKING. Iteprrsentatlvra of Forein Office Hid Envoy Farewell., Saturday, Feb. 10 (by wire less Feb. 11). James W. Gerard, the American Ambassador, and his rtaff, who left Berlin to-night for Iwltzerland, were given a very cordial leave taking. Attaches ot tha Foreign Office nnd mem bers of the Diplomatic Corps said good by nt the station. The party Included 110 Americans In -addition to Mr. Gerard nnd family and members of the embassy staff. The train on which the Ambassador left Berlin consisted of ten coaches. Fully 200 Americans who are remaining in Berlin were on hand regretfully to take leave of their countrymen, who . after a week of tension, due to stren- imii. r. i.i, "ous preparations for leaving, Were Uimnnl.n I ........ 1. . ' rmtilirnr!" somewhat distraught. "Ant U lederseheu on Broadway t" i. f- lidnW nfhi "Good-by, Judge !" coma as the train started, and iu,i ., . Vi. . leaning far out of the window of his"."1, "AUf wledcrschen on to the War Department; also that the- Luton that the American Lino would be , act of hostility a casus belli must come n. im'hiti.m.'. f iw a .mil I '''c'' department Is better prepared tOinbla to purchase them from private j sooner or Inter sooner on ac The Ambassadors face bore a smile Inako ,uch R 1Igt thttn probau.y any, plants. Now that It has bc.m found that count of tho number of Americans on as ho waited for the tra n to depart and 0,,lrr .,sency. M the ,vftl ,aW8 ara t,c(, u wlth entm tM , ,,; oUreTlonar? na- cxpressed himself optimistically with re-, The conference at Headnunrters began contraeti tho whulu matter has been lure of tl, I,,-i,m ..i . .? .. . ,.7! gam to further developments In the German-American situation. tll nation Count Montselas. head now ATf"" WCtnn.f . h l,oteiKn, . Ofllcc. and Herr von Prlttwlu. personal ; , Z.,r. v. r. '. -.7 V.r : uiu i.umveii. till; J'lpiouimic t,orj.fl was,""." . . . m represented by Scnor Bcrnahe, tho Span-1 tsii Ambassador, who is to take over tho Interests of the United Btates; Dr. Theo. toky, the Greek Minister I ihe ."iplomats i toe uuicn .Minister, nnu tne aipiomais i or mo soutn American republics. Tho military authorities and tho Foreign Of fice assigned special officers to accom pany tho train to the Swiss frontier. On the way to the frontier tho train will pick up a score or more Americans at mched ,0 consular ofTlce. In southern , T, ,0 addling ! . Prefectural Governors to-day and Jutl rnrrivell Culls Paid. 'tying thn recent dissolution by the Km- , . ,, , , peror of the House ot nepresentatives. II,- ' ' ' "" "' the nfternoon to ho Imperial Chan- cellor, Dr. von Bcthmann-Hollweg. and I the Kecretary of Foreign Affairs, Alfred I with each In friendly seml-polltlcal con versntlon, which ho later characterized as particularly amiable. He then re- turned to the embassy and received tho American correspondents, some of whom are staying hero temporarily, and had a confidential chat with them. He an nounced only for publication that he had left with a committee of distinguished Germans named by him 400,000 marks, this money being the "Gerard fund" col lected during Ills recent visit to the United States. Many Makeshift Trsn.port.. , would be Wise to eradlcat'e drnmn In-' h VoTnftoftMto S'S' All Americans going on the embassy "")' ' China ; others fear that It ' plnn were undprmucn seriously was in train gathered at the Anhalt station he-' wo"1.'1 "nfavorabiy affect Japans posl- dlcated by a State Department omclal tween 8 and 11 o'clock In the morning i "" '" '"c tja"' who called attention to the fact that with their personal effects. mor or l-u while It nmi i.eeti uncirAaip,! hastily encompassed In the form of from one suit case to ten trunks. The exam- ' 7'. V "":- -""-1 iwy iiiiu eoiiciuoea speruuy. The movliut of personal belonir nes tn . .ll...n eo,..Uo ., nut iviinoui ns, humorous side. Taxleabs nio rHtltli .w..e..,.,r. ."ikiii.i u mm e,.,i In Berlin for years had to transport their household property and personal belongings oftentimes by makeshift method decrepit horse cabs and even street cars. Kven then In many cases irnnryiorinuon was nDtnincn only after a searching of tho streets for vehicles, so early wns tne nr-ur or inspection BRITAIN APPRECIATIVE. i:tpreor (irnlltuile for Gerard's Intrrral lu llrrlln, WAsitisnTON, Fell, 11, arent Britain bus formally Indicated its gratitude fur tho effective manner in which Ambassa dor Gerard protected British Interests in Germany after he took over the affairs of the British Kmhassy nt the outbreak of the war. Ambassador Pago In ten don notified thn ttate Department to- Continued on Second Pag. Kaiser Calls Submarine Conference LONDON, Feb. 11. An important conference at head quarters has Jeon called by Emperor William, presuma bly to discuss the submarine question, says the Exchange Telegraph Company's Amsterdam correspondent to-day. Dr. von Bethmann-IIollweg, the Imperial Chancellor, and high army and navy officials will attend, and it is re ported, adds the correspondent, that the possibility of nego tiations with neutrals for modifying the terms of the recent German1 memorandum will be discussed. tThe ohoe despatch Is given significance by the stntemeut made bv a Ber lin correspondent of the Assoclnted Press, who has Just reached Copenhagen, that tho decision to lnuugurutR the ruthlew submarine warfare was taken nt a similar conference at the German nrniy headquarters, held on th Kaiser's birthday. POLICE TAKING I A WAR CENSUS! Getting List, of Citizens Will ing to Volunteer for Service at Once. A secret conference by Police Com missioner Woods, his deputies and all Inspectors held last Saturday was fol- lowed yesterday by a police census of,la"on b,f tn? M"ltea Bta,tes-t citizens willing to volunteer Immediately I ,.A .pollc,y iooM?i: ' the liberation of for service In the United States army or Amo''I:an shipping bottled In Amer. navy. ' lca11 ports has practically been settled Policemen in uniform , enriniiv upon. Within a' few days, it is expected. active In Brooklyn esterday seeking tho names 'of persons who would be willing to take up arms at short notice. The principal question asked by the enumer ators wherever they called was: "Is there any man In this family who Is willing to give his name as being ready to volunteer for military or naval service?" Information as to "previous experience" was also sought, Police Commissioner Woods could not be reached lost night, but Deputy Com-1 missloners Scull and Dunham said they were unaware an order to take a mill, tary census had been Issued. Brooklyn captains nnd lieutenants said the census In that borough was taken yesterday between 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. It was known that the preliminaries. for a general census of the character suggested aro under way. and that the complete list, when It Is made up after "this desire to nvold'ail offence to Ger- several weeks work, will be furnished to. mnny and to put upon that country the iJZZZ v 'mClnTi,P!,onr ' 'ah lnV ?' '"l'".e"lf iin,. n!n', vS.nt A In arious ways the Police Department, effectively I nif military auinoriues nere. pronaniy ys the I'ollce Department, has norked very closely and harmonl- ously with the military authorities In, matters relating to preparedness, and It. has worked very closely and harmonl- ously with the military authorities in, matters relating to preparedness, and It. ll'n'n', Pointed out lat night that a care-! daj Administration officials have been lully Pr,P're1 ,lBt of m,,n ln thls cltH extending aid to the American Line In ' wl, cou1'' ,,eP'nJe( l"1 at oulcK'lts search for guns with which to arm "ti"-""' uiuii i ,,, tn ...m.. woui(i m , valuable asset Saturday afternoon and lasted well Into the night. Kvery Inspector ln tha Is expected that arrangements for boroutfis 'was present and heard a talk! by tho Commissioner. i JAHAN WKh H A ft I nit. AFTER WAR MOVES Premier Tells Governors NeW Policy ts Forming to Meet International Changes. declared that tho present grave world cr,H,B ,,emanded m,,onrll unity Instead e i,i, ,. The j,,pnef,B Ministry ts seeking to m. provo affairs of state, establishing a new policy, removing defects relating to Im portant questions now pending between Khe emplr0 ani, for,Kn countries, nnd especially endeavoring to tabllsh (IJV-III.I,, llfVICIUlllll l.llll 111111. . Tho Japanese Foreign Office. It Is said, ..nt inidArA i rt,i - - ha dllnl nf th? iMittXL fmm iv'V ni nn m, retnL fj rV ,N'Tt '"!i"..W. ,,i1PeCi "C""nn?i ,Th.! ' MAKES SELF-GUIDING TORPEDO. r leiu oi iqis city, a granuson ot Cyrus, ' W. Field, who laid the first transatlantic i ni.i v. sir. Kield in announcing his Invention said that it hud been turned over to the i nneu Htntcs Government. Becent nrtl- Hal Government tests, Mr, Field said, . credited the device with seven hits out of eight attempts, whereas the ordinary ' tomedo has a much smaller ;iv...-.ip.. f lilts. . TONDON "TTMW ROORTR PPTPT .Voir A t'rnls and Will Go to 14 If Necessary, The U.nikjN, Feb. 12 (Monday) l.ndon rimes announces this morning that as a consequenco of the Increasing restrictions on news print paper it has raised Its price to four 'ents a conv. It says the recent Inrrenso to three, cents did not afreet ct Its circulation, nnd with n! t end will -train raise Its price , r, even' to 14 Cents, which the nt prior to 1830. view tn this If necessary paper sold at prior It is the. Intention of the Times to en. courago a bonus o house loan clrcula tlon. U.S. WILL ACT TO END BLOCKADE Wilson Formulating Plan to Guard Ships Now Held in Tort. Wa8IU.noto.. Feb. 11. A definite re ply, In action, to the German submarine war zone ilecreo 1 in process of formu- ns s00n as details can be arranged, the iP'a" wl" 1)0 Ket In motion and Unless there Is a marked change In the sit' uatlon tho first steps will be taken to break tho apparent deadlock that has prevailed since the severance of diplo matic relations. Government officials, desp'.to the ap parent Inaction and lack of decision I since the new decree went Into effect. have regarded the blockade of American Ports as Intolerable. The explanation oneren or tne isck or any counter movo on the part ot this Government has ucen mat uie Aaminisirauon wisnea to take no acUon which by any con-1 structlon could bo Interpreted by Ger many as an act of war. To Assert Araerlpau Itlshtu It was said to-day, however, that even responsibility for beginning tho war If lit come would no longer pre Adminlstratlon from nnsertlnr effeetlvelv th rlrhts of American shlDS to travel on the high seas, Coincident with this declaration of to travel on Coincides policy it bei policy It became known that for M-tcra! searcu tor Runs wuu wnicn in arm i h. .1.1... 1. h.j i,.n in Wau. 1 turneil over to the Navv Dimartment and obtaining and completed wltl ,.omm(.ntJ11R tin mounting me kuiis win oe Ithln a short time. tt.n 1...A...I...1 r, r-n ' !? .... An'"lca. '- i otllcial said It wis not the purpose of I oniciat sata it was not tne purpose. 01 'thin Government to submit to the Ger - ' milu decree and thus allow Germany to uoeompllsh.indlreotly that which It had announced as Its Intention to accomplish directly through the sinking of ships hi the Inrred lone. ! There Is n general disposition on the , part of officials to characterize ns mere propaganda the report that Gorm.iny contemplates proposing tho United1 States an agreement by which American vessels may be fuither safeguarded. They say they have revelved no repre - they have rcelved no repre - sentations, formal or on the M,.t ,v, .h- -..i.i-n,i.. emanated from pro-German sources, be - Ing put out ns a "feeler" to determine how tho United mates w ould accept such a proposal. . Wish to Hold Off IlrrnU. Mote Importance was given to the ! V.0 iYI' m'".",!!"" 'V" 1 !,t,rdam which said that tho Kaiser had I under consideration a conference of his 1 .l,.,.. . . ..1. . .1 I X''l'n SfoffiTr 'ZiTS' . P-11- in ro opinion of many in Wan- ln0' a widespread propaganda ".as ' instituted to hold oft to the latest Possible moment an stale of war I ures might be agreed on to nroteet American ships, tliete had been no an- .""". " ram, ' "n,1u ""erciore was the limit of ub- ! surd tv to imagine ihnt nnv n-e-nttniinn. , - - .:.,'V ..." " l'"'vrcii nuu ny tins Govern- ; uMi xhf nw decree had been n - "' .mi-iin siuim rouiu sail in i 1 tafcty ,,r ,he'r lawful errands. I Administration f.fllclals do not doubt. ' tni" -''' will try to make a dlplo-, 'Pintle coup of this kind. Thev lwllovn 1 .that the stories of a move to avert war nave neen mspirt'd liy persons hlsh In eounclls of the German Got eminent. They assume there will be further nt tompts along tho same line, but they huvo said repeatedly that this Gnvem. ' ment bin determined to enter into no I discussion until the cause of the break tn relations has been completely re-' moved by Germany I'nclfUts Welcome Ilrport, The report that Gennnny Is seeking to coiiolHnto tho United' Hlntes has been i,ic" "p V-v ,1,e Pncln as a token that n'CT i'l8, nl,in1n10 Jn war with 11,0 nlu''' Kta,e. an'1 that If hostilities result It will be tho fault of this Gov Continued on Second Pag. Benlin Officials Show No Sign of Willingness to Back Down. FREE HAXD GIVEN, TO U-BOAT C03IMANDERS Treatment of Neutral Ves sels Left Entirely to Their Judgment. CAMPAIGN PLANNED 'WITH STRICT SECRECY American Ambassador Had No" Official Knowledge Until Jan. 31. IThe fallowing drtpatch in from a cor. respondent of thn Associated Press who left Ilcrlin a few hours before Sir. Oeranl and had n long talk with the Ambassador just prior to his departure. Copenhagen. viavIomlon, Fob. 11.--Little hope or expectation prevails In Berlin that war with the United States is avoidable or that a modus vlvendl reconciling the policies of the two Governments can be found. There Is now a desire on tho part of the authoritle.M and a groat mass of the people to avoid actual hostilities in any way conslitent with the general lines of the present submarine policy. Accordingly instructions were given to submarine commandorn before thev 1 Uf,rt,i , r. i I - i-mu..r niihsion to lu"u aie sine wncncvci possible wncn neutral vessels, particularly American, were In question. Mer chantmen of the Kntento naUons, when recognized ns such, wero ordered to bo sunk at sight, but neutral mer- cnantmen wrro to be w.nnrd when such notion in tho judgment of tho f commanders was consistent with the object of tho rampaigii nnd tho fslfety . tnclr own ships. Climb In l'p-i-ti'd It was realized, however, after the prompt and resolute stand taken by President Wilson that theso orders could only I,o palliative and only defer, not avoid, an ultimate break and ihnt it President Wlsou stood by his announce. ; ment that the destruction ot Amer can , meni mac tne destruction of American ih- .i,i. ., , " "".J.QrKAn commanders, win. w..i- inf.,..i 'ti,n. , while the abovo course toward noutrals 1 w.ts recommendo! and dtslrcd, they , would no longer be subject to punlsh- till., f.i. .1 . ... I.. r t. - I ". .nlng. ,r they ,oW U,w uuvmiuif. , It la considered that the hillty of avoiding hostilities would re- ""It from u muditlr.itlm. of I'oln' by one or the. mher sn its stand- le, and so . Jar W Ju.Ue fri.rn the rrnVi. tlve declarations nf Jicrr Zlmmcrmann, the German Mlnliiri of I'nrvgn Affairs, nnd other olllrlals before the correspond- icnts departure Horn Berlin, ther- mi "? Pmhablllty Germany would "a ''"'"I ' -''nericnti kivc way nils time o:- al.andon the ruth- mpatgti now German- ' ;"mn,! i"i.ii'on .igaiu and again i "i oni;:i . uses npp.nently 'i"" iii.'cieh, nui t,,,j nme t no Mu.i. 1 iA?.1....), ,I'I?,U! ,,llllt"u- ''ven th optimist can sec no peaceful way out of tue impasse. Itltrlil liiKirlil Applied. Fiom a neutral cable nllleo it Is now possible to tell the story of thn develop ment of the present crisis. The most rigid censorship has been app.led lu Germany. To the observer In Berlin tho nppronch of the crisis had been plainly und defi nitely evident slum the icjection of Ger many's peine overtures. Information regarding Geim.iny's decision to start a sharpened suhm.ii Ine war, und even the t form It would take, namely a blockade of specified regions tho Idea ot a "pro hibltcd zone" was later substituted for that of n "block.iilo" nt tho request of tho naval authorities, who nntl Ipated possible formal obji.'tlons under thn blockade lobulation'. was received by the correpoudf nt almost on thn mnrrnw of Ambassador Getard's speech on German-American good ielatl(is delivered at the bannuet of tho AmertiMn AKsnMn tlon of Commerce and Trade eirly tit icv-ipi oi ep-min iniormation from Count von BenistonT iinTl Count Tar .-n t-, ....... ...,,ee. Il-j.r..l.,eij ,l'- man and Austin. Hungm-luii Ambasi.i- j dots to tho United ritnies. of tholr con- cept of armed merchantmen. HecUlnii on Kslier'a Illrtliduv, . , , ,, "-'nn ' ' out and out Mibmailne ciinpnlgn or tho ruthless type apparently was taken nt tho Austro German confetonce ut German head quarters on tho Kmperor's birth day. Nevertheless submarines departing several days cnrllcr for stations on the submarine, hunting grounds were pro vlded with contingent unlets for this eventuality. Tho censorship, however, shut down tightly on any definite statements or ptcdlctlons of the approaching rrlsls, tha correspondent being Informed from usually reliable sources thnt It wat de sired for marine and technical reasons to have tho decision como as a surprise. This Intimation wns conveyed confiden tially to the German newspapers, AH despatches .';olng into the subject In de tail, however, wero either suppressed en tlrely or references to coming events