Newspaper Page Text
10 THE SUN, SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 1917. MOST OF NEW YORK'S BUSINESS GIRLS JOIN THE CIRCUS THERE lire something lllco 30,000 wcYo engaged on tho Twenty-sixth to nr.,000 business girls In this alreot Wo of the Garden, telephones JL big town who nro Just now quivering with morn excitement thun has ever swung Into luilplUitliiK hope of fume any corresponding nrmy of Superlatively Skilful Stenographers, , Tnmtiltiiuusly Transcendent Telephone Opcratorn, Rlushliigly Itouutlful Rook keepers, Correspondingly Cnto Cash lrresscs, liy no menus forgetting bnt tallniiH utiil regiments "f Sparkling, Splciidlfuloiis Salesladies, Ych.i gentlo reader, tho circus Is coming to town, ami coming to Madi son Square Harden but mark well tho fact that It Is such u circus as never before was conceived, planned, pro jected or carried out so far as history records. Them will be professionals In It, of course, acres of 'em, for this clicus Is to have all tho regular feat ures of the regular, big. three ring show. Itut it is to havo a lot In ad dition -a whole lot, to contlnuo real estate vernacular; for It Is a 10 to 1 certainty that the etllclcnt young per son who takes your olllco dictation and handles your correspondence gen erally tsis very day Is In training to be one of the 600 girl clowns; that tho businesslike young person at your telephone switchboard Is one of a multitude of eharming girls under the drill of Otlakar Hartll;, ballet master of the Metropolitan, who proposes to display such a soilos of wonderful dances as New York never has seen; and that the prompt and accurate young lady who takes your dlilly lunch cheek at your favorite restaurant and hands back the change. Is working o nights over the costume sho is to wear In tho great pageant which, it is promised, will far outdo anything In tho way of pageants thus far at tempted cither by professionals or amateurs. The reason why business girls In crowded subway trains and during crowded luncheon hours havo ceased to talk about ordinary topics of super abounding interest and have switched onto discussion of those appertaining to sawdust and such like I because u group, Including some of tho best known women of New York, are bend ing every energy to carry out an en tertainment which will help I" refill the treasury of the Vacation Association, of which tho 3.'.,000 business girls arc metnlier.s. Among the leaders In this unusual enterprise are MUs Koblnson Smith, president of tho association; Mrs. Wendell Raker, its secretary; Miss Anno Morgan, treasurer, and a number of directors, including Mrs. Roger H. Racon, Miss Mabel Reards ley. Sirs. August Relniont, Mrs. New comb Carlton, 'Mrs. Daniel Guggen heim. Mrs. Alexander Kohut, Mrs. Vontgnmcry Hare, Miss Teresa O'Don ohuc. Mrs. Fonsonby Oglo and Miss Maud Wetmore. The executive seere 'tary is Miss Miriam K. Oliver, and the Women havo associated with them an advisory committee consisting of Henry W. Taft. chairman: George Barr Raker, John 15. Crimmins, Mon- lirnor Lavclle, Ilalph Pulitzer, honls Stewart and Arthur "Williams. It will bo seen, therefore, that administrative ability of tho highest order lias been evoked to insuro the success of the undertaking. So-called "Society Circuses-' have been many In town and at country estates outsldo the city. They are familiar, for the ni-ost part surcharged with tho amateur "atmosphere, and tatily Imaginable. Rut the projectors If the present affair wish to emphasize Ifcw fact that It is to be distinctly some thing else than a "Society Circus." In the first place. It is to bo an entertain ment of magnitude In every direction. Instead of being given for a limited audience at Sherry's, for example, It is to be held In tho big Garden: further more, instead of a singlo performance, there will bo eight, twico daily on March 7, S, ! and 10. The decorations of tho Garden are now being made after original designs, and these alone, It is said, will furnish not the least of many surprises to New Yorkers, who are supposed to bo familiar with every color scheme, that could bo used In the Garden. How much music there will lie is not revealed as yet, for tho man agers are not ready to make public, all details of tho show, but sufllcient Is promised to please even the most ap preciative. Just about a year ago the girls of the Vacation Association held a "Shakespeare Circus and Hall," as they termed It, for two nights at the ar mory of tho Sevcnty-iirst Regiment, and this proved so successful that when tho question came up as to an entertainment and benellt this present year some one suggested that last ,ca- "eon's experiment bo repeated on a vastly larger scale. Tho idea was ' quickly developed, tho women of the ' Vacation Association talked it over with somo of tho members, found unanimous approval nnd commenced active preliminary work. Realizing at tho outset the enormous scope of put ting on In New York a really big three ring circus, they called Into consulta tion Samuel McCrackin, for many years general manager of the Rarnum & Uuiley shows. Mr. McCrackin has retired from active life, but when ho heard of tho plan and learned that It was to provide money for the associa tion he entered Into It with enthusi asm. That afternoon ho got busy. He knew whero the freaks could bo found, freaks of nil sizes, kinds unci dimen sions; also the winter abiding places of elephants, tigers, lions, hyenas and such tlresldo pets. He know where wero hundreds of trained ring horses and thousands of costumes and circus properties, acrobats, tumblers, Jug glers, clowns, strong men, divers, liters, giants, dwarfs all tho great company of folks who go to make a real, simon pure, bang up circus, ns bang up as tho most enthusiastic small boy could desire, Would Mr. McCrackin act ns general manager of this show? Ho would! Tho idea of getting back to his old Held, wherein ho reigned supreme, was highly attractive, especially ns the get ting back was for only six weeks of preparation nnd four days and nights of show, and all In ono town, with no trekking from placo to place by train nnd performances under canvas. In fart Sam McCrackin leaped like a husky, vigorous lark to what prom ised to bo really and truly a lark. Conferences with tho directors of tho association followed, lines were cast In a hundred places bidding expert per formers nf professional reputation to bo ready to move on Now York for re hearsal; a part of tho executive staff of the Rarnum & Ralley organization was called lo the city by wire, offices and typewriters were Installed, and tilings began to hum. First of nil Mr. McCrackin heartily approved tho Idea that for novelty, widespread interest nnd the salo of tickets lo relatives and friends It would bo a mighty good thing to en list a large proportion of 'tho associ ation's membership of .15,000 girls, ns pet funncrs, rather than nsk a comparatively few well known socl ety women In take part. Ah the prin cipal Idea of giving the show Is to, make money for the Vacation Assoela- j tlon, It wns highly necessary to pro- i vide an entertainment that would give. the general public Its full money's worth and more, tho directors urged. "Let us make this tho best, most oittiioraic, most oilglntil circus that New York has ever seen!" Mr, McCruckln's last doubt disap peared. A glow of delight spread over him. That was Just the kind of .. .1,1.,,- I, l,,1 I I. ,.,... r .,.l"l ll,.ti 41.1.1 1IUMII; i"l , HUM he made up his mind to see It through to tho least and last tle'all. With a lifetime of experience as to the effect ! of novelty on a public having cash In i Its pocket and longing for something new, he seized at once upon the sug gestion that as miny business girls as possible bo invited to take part. Word was passed mound the associ ation that clowns were wanted-girl clowns, and amateur girl clowns at that, who could do stunts, Merc willing to wear clown costumes, anil who' could be really funny ami amusing. Just to inject a little spllit of com petitive effort, a free Mii'utlou in Nova Scotia, with all expenses paid both ways, was promised to the girl clown who should lc tho funniest of all : nnd the fun really did commence. For a day or so Mr. McCrackin spent most of his time nnswojing telephone qalla, then ho almost decided to take out his .ollico telephone, hut tills would not do. So ho cut the conversational knot by deciding to stay avay from tho office i altogether, leaving In charge there 1 his assistant Mr. Thompson, with urusrs iu unawcr lau leiepuuiie, wiicii j It's Their Very Own. Three Ring Show Given to Help Fill the Treasury of the Vacation Association and To-day Only Hamilton's Vocab ulary Could Describe Wonders That Are to Be MRS FOB1N: SMITH . PJfSStDBTTT OF TUB VAGAVIOt association called for, whether lie enjoyed conver-1 .section or not. Mr. McCrackin is now doing his part as general manager In another oltlce location and telephone number not mentioned -while Mr. Thompson sits at a desk surrounded by receivers and transmitters, losing In weight from endless anxiety to please, but gaining in conviction that the Vacation Circus Is going to be the "biggest ever." A few days ago Mr. McCrackin sent word to the 35,000 that he could use a few girl acrobats -say 700 or S00 - provided they could qualify as ground or lofty tumblers. Since then the girls who aro really ambitious have tempo rarily ceased dancing and going to the' movies, and arc devoting their ( wmm iLMHV mm Trtt t -v r- rr- i ur a- mmmimmmmjxyrC JccJX s f i , , . 1 1 , r y -a mti , i t rWTO wpy CU3WAU WHO OUTSIDE wfWR'". 3k??tJ7J5jMC Mt K(TWtiAR VOCATION i the jRirsa work row the westerh j&Fi's-l st. jMbw IS SCHOOL teaching 1 rv mm tm Ht ii wr u lH ozvs or the ...Jjti jifcfe .-Mk BlB . ;:::';;HH ' cLowr stars -.srwSft JHI M iHH DUN WORTH TJ? . T 4 sparo hours to studying tho art of handsprings. Jumping through hoops, and when they get the chaiu-o prac tising on horizontal bars, with Hying rings and trapezes. So hard havo they been hit by tho progrnmmo for a vaca tion clrcu.s that a wholo lot of 'em havo written back homo to their friends, nnd now applications aro I pouring in from every point of tho compass from sweet young tilings wno feel sure of being nbln to make tbe hardest kind of a hit with Now Yorkers who cun appreciate high art as displayed In the sawdust ring. Kor example, there Is Miss Rheta ho Saint, who writes from Philadelphia offering to Join tho bevy of clowns; she says she is funnier than any girl In New York, and only wants a chanco to prove it beforo competent Judges also sho would thoroughly enjoy that free trip to Nova Scotia. She is quoted as averring that she Is "full of emotion, kind, lender and gentle." Her application is tiled. Then Miss Elizabeth Kdelstclnof Somervllle.Mnss., fiends word that she "can 1111 thoitosltlon to perfection. Everybody in Somervllle knows that she Is "an nil around funny girl," nnd she is funny In every sense of tho word. When people hear her name as taking part in nny kind of an entertainment tiiey say as a matter of course, "Well, here's where wo get a good laugh!" Furthermore 1 she can "dlsllguio wonderfully." Miss Nancy Stroussell of Haclne, , Wis., freely admits that sho would enjoy being Included In tho array of girl clowns. It l.s "natural for her to look funny" the Implication being Unit she couldn't help looking funny I If she tried. Krom tho nearby mctropo l lis of Elizabeth. N. J., Miss Eva Es l mond writes commending her attrl I htitcs ns follows, according to the. siaiumeiu or mv. jMecraoitin s assist ant: "My arms are long and also my legs, which will make mo very funny to look at. I can do the comedy all right, for that Is whore I shine. I am IB- years old but not too old to bo funny." While Mr. Thompson did not dream of the discourtesy of showing to the representative of Tun Sunday Sun tho correspondence In full from the young OSEPHINE STEVENS. AS ants. AlVBAftS yS At EKtPZ'OWE OF THE WHOtXSAZiK j women from out of town, et he did furnish tho alleged quotations from 1 their alleged letters. Therefore there I Is no more reason to doubt their gen- .lnHKri .. .1 I . .. iiiiii-iit-oo iiihii hi uoiioc tile fjKt .La, Mr. Thompson has received imn. ...Z of training In lllppodronii. ami :,,rnil & Ralley methods of puili, it . .1 I-I . out ciicsu iisiuriiiK ones wno want iJ funny and can't help It aic ii.,,mw..i V. disappointment. A goodly uumw . New York members of t tir V.iriiu. A -u.,,.1.1 I..., I...,. .....! I . "1 ,,,,,,,,,,, Hiive rn c, cepceci as ciowns, anil iiipv .up i,Clt regularly Instructed by pinrcNMnr.jl circus men, tho lnslruction iipum ,,,' .., ii. i.... " in mi? vtiiniiwii i.Miciaiioi s IihJ quarters, 3 it West Thlrty-elgi.t Kr(,J wnere cue nisi eucioratp Iimii .hkhI ot certain acts was held a feu eintij, ago. Other girls who iau, being taught elaborale spi i ,,,', bers, which will lip a featim m HJ oig Know in 1 1 it: Harden. Mil i,i,r ami inaiiy ot iiiciii, are prai'M ifi.. pans in mo pageant rioii.ii.K ,t f,, score, or a lew nuiulriMl. i r!(l( horses In gorgeous costume d irmfth grand mnrcli, which 1Pn, every well regulated circus. ,uni t,Wl) tiro certain aspiring ones, espi-i-uHy t tiny mlto of pink and white with blue eyes nnd golden ii.ilr. hj thinks It would bo "perfectly lovely to sit all alone atop the biggest dc. pliant waving a shining sceptre, anl bowing and smiling right ami left ti appia lining tnoiisauils. Judging from present eondlHnn? rm overlooking supeiaiiiiinl.ii.t umliitlnt on tno Kirt or some im"im girls of New York nnd urinity. , seems to havo lljcen a wlsn piei'.iutin: to place tho wliolo affair undrr lli-a rectlon or so expetlenced a genera! manager lis Sam .Mri'ne l.l lb s tS, to details, and lies likeli I, utn quainted with more det.i K mi i courso oi me ne.i lew n i. man , ever Imagined were In isistrnco Meanwhile If your stenographer Ms. phones that she can't come t i Hie llco becauso she's y frac tured her arm or spraineil ii" aiikV Just remember that In all prole she s been training for tills cuviis Tno vacation Association, ns t.i constituted, was a gradual ilcvtl' mcnt from a special vacation cutiuu.i, tee In the women's department cf tin National Civic Federation. At llrst th plan was merely that of establishing t' savings fund for self supporting younjl women, wuej euiem p.iie iiieieicrac sums during the winter months, lay tliem aslelo for use during tlx summer vacations ftotn work Tin1 savings runu was suciteii semic m years ngo by about forty girls, nr.el a1 1 1 in t time their total ele-posits .im,.un: i lo JJC.iiT. As an Indicatiien or lim the h.iblt of thrift inaj be tie emu' It Is worth while nolUing thai ei mi,: as stations were opened i varum' localities where s;iings migbl he ch i'r oiiel conveniently deposit' ,1. the me"!!! bership grew with leaps iiieel Imune!- To-elay the vacation fund start'sl "r.k In 1011, lias incie.cseil in iiii'iiilecr0' j from the original forty-lwn ,er fm tliree girls to an ainiy of !!., imo m siipiiiirting joiing women. : i J Hie,' total di'iiosics have hit rc.T-i'il fieMii tre original $l'ii.07 to more than t,oiinn Si' far-seeing women smiie t:rrl ago provided, rent free, two lT'ir stone dwellings In West Tlitrl -ninth stieet, as headquarters of the usocii tion, nnel heie lifty of the gal mem- I bers hac tlie,r homes. Esper em tim 'shown tile Vaeatioii Asocliili' tn I one of tbe most successful e mppr.clH I efforts New York has seen BOWERY JEWELRY MARKET R ANNA OIVZ OF TJ-TS MISS ANNE "MORGAN . TREl.TUHER OF TE VSLCSiTJOW ASSOCIATION. INGS on every finger and golel watch chains and neckl.ibe; hanging from his bands. In- stands dally, a human show window on , remembered the liowi n the Rowi'iy opposite the Manhattan be in tho d.e.s wli n Rrielse Plaza. All about him aro other merchants like him, with similar dls- end p"lllr.i LEMUEL DISCOVERS VALUE OF SELF-ADVERTISING IN NEW YORK By ROY K. MOULTON. New York, March 2. Dear Runnr Anybody who Just naturally hatc-n himself and Is backward about texitlng his own trombone has got about as much of a chnnce to sell his services In this village as ho would havo if ho were trying to sell lemonade at an Elks' picnic. They aro going to think Just about No Place for Shrinking Violets, He Writes Home, but He Finds There . Must Be Something Worth While Behind the Boast you In this town. It's no good, hot housu for a sensitive plant, believe me. WJieu you reach the point where your hide Is so thick that they can land on your neck with splkcel shoes and not jiggle the ashes off your cigar you have got 'em whipped and they will like joic ever after. When they t k1:iii i in III llm f;irr Cnuf llnn-ln, flint nait as mucu or you a you tiunit or tllpy .. liUtlll, yoll on Ul0 lmck aml yourself, Buddy: so when you got here, Rudely, carry your own bass drum and hit it so hard that they will give you what you want Just to stop tho noise. If you can get on their nerves that way you will havo solved the metro politan problem, provided, of course, you can deliver tho goods you have advertised so deafenlngly. When you walk Into the office and tho man asks you tf you consider yourself tho best paperhanger In tho United States, don't blush and fidget around nnd draw patterns on the carpet with the too of your shoe, but brlstlo up and get Insulted. Comeback at him like this: "Huh! I havo never made any such claim. I do not hold that 1 am the beet paperhanger In the United States. I am the best paperhnnger In world. l.'nlted States? Huh! Tho very Idea!" As soein as you have rejehed the point whero you can do this without smile like a June morning. Credo quod babes, et babes. Meaning, my dear Ruddy, that If you think you have succeeded nobody on earth can put a dent in your aspira tions, provided you keep on think ing so. Tho man who has the real Idea can generally put it over. Ho doesn't havo to put it over In New York neces sarily. The wholo American public Is eager to back up something new. Occasionally tho Idea may llrst ap pear as a humbug, that great Amer ican hug which lias helped make this country famous. Old P. T. Rarnum onco whitewashed an elephant and said, "The American people love to bo humbugged," It Is just as truo now as it was then, because the people havo seen a gooel many so-called "humbugs" pan out well. Millions of them have turned into wonderful inventions. You may eomo hero with something that looks like a humbug at llrst glance, hut if you luve got tho punch you will put your iilea over. l.lko tho voiaclous carp, the Amer ican public, or a healthy section of It, possible performance, there were enough credulous boobs iu tills coun try to back the inventors up. The result Is the present telephono system, which allows a husband in San Fran cisco to call up his wife in New York and tell her he Is having a perfectly miserable time away from her, which ho Isn't. American credulity mado possible tho aeroplane, tho wireless telegraph anil the submarine. They were all liu poxi'lhip when tlrst mentioned, hut the American citizens who love to lie hum bugged got behind all of them, betting on a short horse, ns It were, in every Instance. The average American loves to try to do the tiling that can't be done. If the chances are SO to 20 that U cards nro stfickcd against him. tbe averago American will take u hand In tho game, whether it bo draw poker, a salted silver mine or awlldc.ct scheme to make genuine emeralds out of old pop bottles. Ho always feels Jbat some day he may win and tho joy of one winning is certain to tnako up for a hundred cases of misplaced con fidence. For Instance, to use an unimportant but eloquent example, tho American people, have for forty years ben buy iig patent glass cutters, In nearly every household tliero are enough of them to cut nil the glass that has been manufactured In this country iu ten years If they would only cut glass, but they won't. They may be used for al most ever household purpose except hnvltirr vollr ceinspleiiCR lion nosiele L-iifiii lfrlnn if k t , l.f. h,u. down and dtearratw a number of d()ps not (R,t a'H ft elfrrPnti other Important ortrnrn you have but merelv adds snlco to the excitement struck tho metropolitan strlelo. It may ! which our very adventurous public de- bo a sad commentary, but, when you manus in every pint.o or us me eomo tu think it over. mow. commen taries are sad thc3e tlm will bite on almost anything nnd will i the one for which they weie alleged lo swallow the hook, lino and sinker. The ! have been designed, The man who has fio punch nnd doesn't know how to put It over might better not have tho punch, for ho would he spared a lot of mental anguish. If you think a job In New York Is worth two In tho bush, do quite a bit ot Judicious advertising. Did you ever hco a good press ugeni in the bread Hue? Think It over. I havo seen a good nuuy modest violets come hero to shed their fra grance upon the desert air. Some of them luve gtmo back homo on the buuipors and some havo lundeil in tho hospital with nervous prostration, A nervoun sybtem Is something that you will not need very much. If you can Eet rid of It entirely they can't stop I It Is probable that P T. didn't bam boozle ns many people ns he supposed. Very likely tho majoiity of those who bought tickets didn't really ex pect to see n genuine white elephant. They know that the chances wero a thousand to ono that they would not seo one, but If by n miracle tho one shot should win and It should be dis covered later that It really was a white elephant, they wanted to bo able to say that they bad seen It, That is tho American spirit. Tho AuiTlran people, will wado through forty acres of husks to llnd one small kernel of truth, ami that is the spirit which has been lespemslblo for our national progress. When somo supposedly balmy In ventors announced that they would talk from Philadelphia to Raltlmnre by means of a string, an absurdly Im- iip the back and tear off the tail, hilt the fabric remained iineleaiiscd. Every man Knew ho could tear up bis shirt ns well by climbing through a b.irlx'il wite fence as he could by purchasing a washing machine, but ho had faith ill the theory that some in cntoi would eventually come through with a good washing machine, and some iuvenlor did. Now every house hold that needs a ghoel washing ma chine has one. The money spent by the American public in Iwiug hum bugge'el made the I'lllcie'iit washing ma chine possible. Somebody has got to buy th experiments if tho etllclcnt product is eer to lie realized. It would lie Interesting to know just how ninny biiniheils of thousands of dollars the nodulous automobile own ers of tills ceiiiniry havo spent upon gasolene savers. For a time the gaso lene savers multiplied as rapidly as Ellis Parker Rutlcr's guinea pigs nnd neai ly every automobile owner bought several of them. Eery owner at that time knew right down In his In-art that tho only way to save gasolene was to leave tho old tin wagon in the garage, but he kept on liuylng the patent gasolene savers. When tbe right ono came along, nf course lie bought that, too. If he hadn't bnve fallen for all of them lie J might hate missed the good one. Every honky-tonk show at every county and Stato fair In the United State's eliirlng tho past thirty years has hud a mermaid. Now tins people mi' very familiar with this sort of tllm ll.'iin, but the incrnialel Is one of the forms of luiinliiiggery that thpy icallv love, i'hey don't lwlicvo In mermaids any moio than tiny believe in fairies. In Sanio (Mans or in any promise of n reduction In tho cost of living. Rut when the average' American strikes a For forty years ploui frauds who havo lookeel like mrporntmunted minis ters have been going from door to door selling the. things. They bnve snipped on tne corners or panes anil ii:ivf;,r,,,,, ,,,, i, i,.rhi,i,. an,,,.,t. drawn wavy lines and broken tho glass . hllM,f r, om Ills 10 cents In record neatly along said lines. They can cut ....... ..,, ,,;lKU,n4 iMtn ,ent. Ho sees tho same llttlo old elrled up glass with tho -glass cutters, but no other human being can do so. And al though tho average American has fifty glass cutters In the house ho is always ready to buy another. Ho Is backing his American luck against n stiro thing game, If lie ever llnds a glass cutter with which he can really cut glass all th varied disap pointments of n misspent life will fade uway Ui one bc.ison of delirious tri umph. For many the people allows! themselves to bo humbugged Into buy ing experimental washing machines which would removo everything- from clothing except the dirt. The early washing machines of both tho cradle and rotary types would strip a shirt of Its buttons, neckband and cuffs, rip It combination of wax head mid codlish tail, the same being enclosed In a glass case, which rests In a dim, religious light. Ho Is kept about fifteen feet away from tho by means of n rope harrier. After taking ono glaneo nt the mermaid ho chuckles to himself: "Fooled again, but while there's life there's hope'. I'll see a real cine yet." Poor edit Fit I'onsunier has Invested a iion-puncturable; tire, a substltuto for gasolene or an odoiless oil stove, but It Is only the- Jiuno old bug iu a new dress. A generation ago the average Amer ican had enough fake silver mine sttnek certilii'ates to paper a nii'dlnm sized bedroom. The man who didn't iron anv worthless silver mine stock was considered mi old fogy. It was peis-! sllile tei sell stock iu visionary mines i locatid Iu Alaska, Iceland, Zanzibar.' t'liiam, Venezuela or I leizi'gnvina. The pi'oUo bought all kinds, one r alter nnotlier. The imestor would j look at Ills silver timepiece ami rcallz- j lug that it w.i.s made of silver, be. would say: " I hero must lie some silver somewhere iu tile worlel or I wouldn't have' this watch." Then he would go and buy stock In a mine that -was presumably sunk iu some new location. Then camo tho Joyous season of green gooiK Rohemlan oats and gold bricks. Tho merchant In a small town would get a letter ndviaiug him tlue,t be could tako $1,000 In real money to New .York nnel receive In oxchango $:'.".,000 of money that would look Just as good, (icucially the merchant would niortgago his delivi'iy horse, harness and wagon and every other chattel In sight except Ins wife and hlo for the green golden East Ho would get hack hoiive with a bun dle of money wiili ii was about as vulu itblo as Villa ciirienev of the pii'sent day. Tho onlv way ho coulil ge't ml ot It was to put it In tho collection plate and thereby pass It on lo the un suspecting pastor of his church. Pas tors In small towns seldom havo an opportunity to herome expert In cur leney. If the merchant tried to pass one of his green goods bills on a blind man --I'lllng lead pencils the latter would lu nlno cases nut of ten refuse It. No person ovit bought green goods more than once, but It was not so with gold bricks, The gold Inii'k for a time performed an Impoitant function in tho process of strengthening tho moral llbro of our American body politic. There was a wise old bird named Plumper In our low u w ho had nccimiiu lated iv enusiilorablo fortunn by being quicker cm the tliianelal trigger than any of Ins neighbors. fTivId Hicrutn plays, engngeil in buung al! sorts of Jowi'lr The sight amazed an 1 list , ' pruiler visitor ke'pl his coat itioticd list and his weather en- upe", for pie'l pockets. Rut like tin "lei , , .t'i.n tv on Raxter street th it pli.ese ..r Rowery's existence hi p.f-eel int. history. Jewelry l.s bought and 1 ,i fpf'.' on the Rowery - .' et: was on Maiden lane, and a sitfii). loo The Rowery jewelry market " I' existence to tho aiie tion .i s ' havo long been a fe.itiin of t .-me business. A large amount of ! w ' consisting of unreel"' an l 1 sold dally at these auction.- I'.eu' brokers. Dealers I i v jewe ly ,i! II sales With the piirio.-., of re-el ir their bargains to ri't ei! lewe-'ets private purclia.-i i s. The growth In tl.e the establishment e, Jewellers Exchange and when he found out it was worth a little less than a brick of ice cream ho waxeel philosophical. "Servos mo light," s-aid he. "I need something llko that onco in awhile to keep mo from getting chesty and tailing in iovo with myself. When I found out that the golel brick was no good I had a real good look at myself for tbe tit -t timo in twenty years. I called myself all tho names I coulil think of. It docs a man good to call lunuself on the carpet onco In awhile. H infuses Into him a thorough un derstaniling of tho fieet that ho is not o,..t, ,.,,. ,.,,. lyecom,., r iiiuiit'i' ,,,! their bil-l'irss as felt that his spirit was growing too; ,.,,.,,.. As m,,v ,o,c "WIIJ ,i iii i , ""v- , human show windows niiov; ill no- oni uiltlt Itlltf JUNL l",in ciiiisiiso tup oueniung spn it. it is tnns that the uses of adversity are Illus trateel. IT can't buy gold bricks any more, Ii.u o can always buv thing Just as gooel. When be begin.- to feel as though ho needs clmstl-emeni i ho buys a few noiseless motorcvclcs en ; a block of stoc k In somo plant that i golng to manufacture a self-starting furnace. It may seem old fashioned to talk of gold bricks, green goods and glass cut ters, for the American people are blase and know what's what and who's who. Wo tako conslilerablo pride, in the lie llef that we aro several degrees ad vanceel over our Immedlato ancestors in tho matter or separating truth ftoni bunk. Rut the hokum artist still wields tho sheep shears. Just the other day ono eif our advanced citizens complained that a man bad sold him a worthless process for the manufacture gold out of old cupper wash boilers. l,iis,n- s1 tin V it ... I, lie nil" hi-i I. ' j,h t cm b or in neai by Iiwieli, the excliane-e i busy. When an flm ti n j progress tin- meuilirs m I lug w iii their cio.iomi'i - some- ,i,,., .. ii,,,,,,i ,,., enough room for a small ' phone and small comb i i'iiM and counter. Tu i at ono of the.-o . 1 1 - Iiehmer, tho lnqii,sitie eliesseel himself ami it in Rowery jewelry exeii i With the) exception f ,m lot from a bankrupti v - e ler disposing of h - -through tho auction nni ele-alt hi at the i', Ii m." deemed pawilbinkpr'- ,l' i teile! Ill hi nig lit tlie -i- .i dealers have mi .uU.mi1 u outside' buj er. E ei . el' il, ", per cent oil' cm eel', makes by I ho am I iiun i w fe-el eif S per c 111 1 1 e-tie of pure I This lieriiuts a eh il, r t.. agent at the .m, t on- t' M ti i it. wV 'e PI i.' !"! Hi ei-J Mnrti , t ac i it' 1 I i in.ihi en-l . I'l lei I - millions in mermaids and said maids j never h.iei a thing on lilmmer, No uro Just as appealing to the old yam j body coulil get the start of him, and wound poii.etbeiok as they were thlityjho held morUages on tc third ot the years ago. , larnis In our tow nshlp Tho great American bug has ex-1 Ono day Pllnimer came to New York hlbited itself In various forms since I and iNiuglit a gulil brick. Yes, the gold the foundation of the republic, Nowa days It comes to us In the shape of brick was no myth, Several persons lnmght them. Pllmmer took his honte, '"'ii at tnai. iiiiotiy, u m!ly n q,,,,,, j tlm,,., nll( some time. When I noto somo of the I i-hnrglng hi tilings that are getting by 1 am morn keriii'p.-. Ile :iln ofti'ti 111 inly convinced than ever that noth-i self. Then when I i ing is impossible. i0 makes in inlelii.on .. I p.ilel $ to hear n voiceless tenor 1 cent. another 10 per ceir I the other night. He gets n lot of Just bee IlllSe it is I'll money tor ii. i o near lilm on would i must not be imagii i-i say that ho ought to bo back workliM I "welry alone is dealt in at his trade ns a subway hustler, but from It. Single articles muybo Rill Nye was right when ho and J.I.OOO aro otca-lanalK said that nil musjc Is not as bad as It j sold. Diamonds rang i sounds. half carat to the cm it C'omo across with something that has always to bo had. got tho charm of originality nnd the j The yearly total or ti e public will buy It. Ro suro In your ness done on the How, i . own mind that you hao got some thing, even thuiigh it sounds and looks llko a humbug, and then ndve-rtiso it llkn a circ us. Nothing succeeds like success. Ruddv. unless of courso a man can clean up, business j.r about per cent by having a failuie. the ex If anybody back homo asks how I extent of t I am getting along llo like a ginto maii. Tell 'em I am making so much money that I can afford an egg for breakfast. Yours sincerely, Rem in'" I, .mo ir 1 1 Tho torty-live change do em I " business of $Mi lino e business of '.' 'eiii.niiii business toei I . i. I v , soiie I ll inge i v e i ei cabinet be ,i- ei t in i et for the New Yen k Je w -1 jc i are sulllclent to show the of the Rowery as a Jew-i ti ni rfti ,ir,' n'mo' bus i "at . a' I Jl