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IS 8 THE SUN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1917. 44 V.i. ETHEL BARRYMORE SEEN AS "CAM1LLE" New Version of Famous Story of Diunos Is Made by Edward Sheldon. mom: of romance now Conway Tonrlc, Holbrook Blhui nnd Rose Coghlun Others in the "Cast. "The Idy of tlif Csmflllan" .. h Kniplrc. . Armand Duval Conway Tarle Ooorc.f Duval father, llotbrook nilnn rtlnrs d'Aurrc Churl. i Wallnc Rule tlf Varvlllr t'frcy M.irmont Oatton ltleux Lonrd Mudls Uuitave Kojcr Charlea F. Coehlan St. Oaud.ns Maxwell Ityilc.r Dr. Ouerln Wallace Ersklna Marcuerlte Oautlcr. . ..Kthel Barrymore Ume. Prudence noae Cofhtan Nkhetle Duprnt Mary Worth Kanlne Mary Hampton Olympe Oranler Edith Walker CUmenc Shirley Aubert Ethel Barrymors added a new rolo to her repertoire last night when sho acted Mnriruertte Qautier In Dumas's old play Uit has been known In the. vernacular tor years as "Camlllc." Edward Shel don had prepared a new version for this performance at the Kmplre Thentre, which was Intended to bring the piece mare In accordance with modern taste by sinking: It a tittle more deeply Into the mist of romance. So this classic of the nineteenth century theatre will not be made to appeal to the present gener ation through Its realism. Following the Initiative of the opera stage, which had begun to find Dumas's play, even wrth the aid of Verdi's music, a little rococo, tk characters wore the costume of "the period." As If Camlllc, all ecstasies and germs and a temperature, ever be longed to a "period." At an earlier time an actress of Miss Barrymore' reputation would have to play Camilla at a much earlier stage of har career. It was a hurdle they all had to take on the road to fame. Come diennes did not hesitate to try the role for Ita possibilities In the earlier periods. Bvsn tragediennes took their ciianceson the scene with old Dura!. But Camdle was primarily the posses sion of the "tear producer." It was she who for years revelled In Its "emotional" power and waxed great on its powerful appeal to the tear ducts of tho women. Embellished Prom Novel. Edward Sheldon, whose name did not appear on the programme. Is said to bar returned to the novel of Duma for the change which he made In the play, which remains In Ita essential points, however, the drama familiar for so many years. His embellishments, eta tho auction sale of the pos ooaaions of JbTarpuerWe, the masked ball jkS other Incidents probably helped to aaaka the pleoe more acceptable to the NEXT Shows Territory in France Occupied -p HE NEW YORK TIMES has had especially pre pared for its readers, by C. S. Hammond & Co., a large map of the war front in Belgium and France, 66 x 56 inches, which will be published in five parts in the Rotogravure-Picture Sections of Sunday editions of The New York Times December 30 and January 6, 18, 20 and 27, one part on each date. These parts, when mounted on cloth, are well worth three dollars. DY subscribing for The New York Times, daily and Sunday editions, for the month beginning December 30 this map can be obtained FREE. America's position in the war and her duty and destiny after the war will be discussed by a distinguished American jurist in articles in The New York Times during January. The writer will picture the conditions that will confront present generation of theatre goers. At tho close of the play Armand Is stfll found In the empty room nf the woman he had loved In life: so the story tint nns passrd beforo the eyes of the audi ence has been but his memories of their iovo u flair. Probably In reducing the old piece to the terms of Miss Uarrymore's artistic methods and personality, he has accom plished his work. Certainly some of the thrill of the old scenes was missing. It may have been that Its rat.ier modern garniture obscured the Intorcvt of tho thrd act for Armand'a annunciation, although Mr, Tcarlo de livered them with sincere vehemence, made little Impression on tho ntidlence. ItiJced Dip uctor In tho costume of a toreador was not himself an Impressive or romantic llgure. None of the rev ellers In this festivity was notably beau llfut or extravagant In his dress. Miss llnrrymore's Acting. Mlfs Barrymore, whoso unique love liness Is girlish aguln, acted the role of the distraught courtesan with her own-simple pathos and with a tremukms sensitiveness of sorrow that was fex qtVsltely natural. Jn the scene with the father nf her lover she was perhaps at her best, since, her manner of depict ing a gentle and loving nature broken under a great sorrow, was poignantly touching. In Its whole Interpretation her Marguerite Oantier Is Indescrlably tender un.l gentle. Of the mote moving emotional aspects of the character she endeavored to give no suggestion, which Is probably the only way In which tho famous heroltfe could be realised again to-day and appeal to the taste of the public. It may have been this method ot representing the dominating figure that gave ono always the Impression that this was "The Lady of the Camellias," ns the play might have looked through the wrong end of an ojera glass. It all seemed unusually small. Holbrook Hllnn made a dignified Duval and Rose Coghlau as a I'mdence, exaggerated In lpngth out of all relation to tho Im portance of the character, was amus ing. I'ercy Marmont kept Rene from being Insignificant, and the less Im portant characters wero all well acted in this careful production. Its charm was, however, much stronger In the lyric scenes than In any that relied indispensably on the expression of strong emotlor.3. And "Camllle" used to be thought to consist chiefly of' strong emotions. HEALY ICE RINK OPENED. rfnlilen Olailea Star Kntertatn Crowd nt .New nstntillshment. Tho Crystal Carnival Ice Rink and Sunken Galleries, .it Broadway and N'lnety-ftfth street, built by Thomas Ilealy, who has made such a success of the Golden Glades, at Broadway and Sixty-sixth street, were opened last night for Ice skaters, and more than 1.000 per sons crowded Into the new establishment The skating floor was filled, and those who could not get on It Inspected the new restaurant. The Ice Rink and Sunken Galleries, which formerly were the Astor Market, have been equipped as one of the best skating rinks In the country. The tem perature of the Ico Is gauged by electric thermostats set In It at Intervals, and giant fnns and studio lights, with special machinery for the purpose, reduce at mospheric dampness and furnish pure dry air. Exhibitions of skating were given last night by the stars of the Golden Glades, Including an Apache dance by the Paul sons. The Marhuss pair skated a waltz, and Katie Smith', Ellen Dalle rup. Steele and Wlnslow and Ixra Jean Carlisle were others among the entertainers. Free to Regular -A SUNDAY America and the World War Twelve Notable Articles us at the close of the war ; the new opportunities; the re sponsibilities; the decisions to be made; the measures prompted by national interest and security. There will be twelve articles and they will be published on alternate days in January, $fcuj Hork efrttw. "All the Netvs That's Fit to Print." . Give Your Order at Once FARCE AT REPUBLIC FULL OF LAUGHS "Parlor, Bedroom and Hath" Gets New York Hearing at Republic. LIVENS HOLIDAY' SEASON Florence Moore, In Leading Role, Is Given Wide Latitude. "Parlor, Bedroom and Bath" ot the Republic. Nit Leslie Franclne Larrlmore Mary, a maid Mary Vallen Virginia Embry Helen Menken Leila Crofton Carolyn Lllja Angelica Irving Sydney Shield! tlrgtnald Irving John Cumberland Ueoffrey Haywood Will Demlng Frederick Leitle Richard Gordon Samufl rjarkle C W. Dutler folly Hathaway Florence Moore Wilfred Rogers Tommy Meade Carroll Nick Judeli Laughter In the holidays Is a good thing, especially In war time, and wnen ono gets It for three full acts of a show It Is worth remembering. That's the In prrsslon that came last night at tho Re public Theatre, where "Parlor, Bedroom and Bath" was presented by A. It, Woods, with Florence Moore and John Cumberland In the leading roles. "A fresh, flippant, farcical frolic" was what the programmo maker called It In Tody Hamilton alliteration and It was. The story didn't matter. It concerned mere man, The hero, or goat, who was .John Cumberland, bad to be a helluva fella In order to keep his wife's Interest. He was (with the aid of his prospective, brother-in-law). That was all there v. as to the show Those who wrote the piece handled thej. sex and marital problems with much cleverness and with a skill that failed to leave any symptom of a bad taste. In- I nocence throughout was the rule, even with the almost adventuress who was so ably portrayed by Miss Moore. As an accommodating friend, she was de liclouely frank and natural, and as one wilting to go almost to ;t decent length she came fully up to expectations. It Isn't pie purpose here to tell the tory. One should go and see It and laugh. Suffice to say that Franclne Lar rlmore and Carolyn LIIj carry off de lightfully two charming roles, and that Sydney Shields as the expectant though trusting wife Is almost too good to le true. "Will Demlng, who played the scheming would be brother-in-law and made all the trouble, was wholly natural In ' unusual part. The angry husband of course there had to be one was rather overdrawn by Richard Gordon, but proved acceptable, nevertheless. "Parlor, Bedroom and Bath" livens the holiday season merrily and was as merrily received by the large audience It deserved. There were many curtain calls after the second act, and the many soldiers and sailors on Christmas leave noticed In the audience plainly showed 66 x 56 to Your Newsdealer for fhe Daily and their appreciation of the light vein In which tho whole piece Is written. Tommy Meade as the bellboy In the eecond and third acts and Mary Vallen as the tnal-J In the first act are deserving of mention for making two compara tively minor parts stand out beyond the ordinary. SARAH BERNHARDT AT PALACE THEATRE Plays Most Powerful Act From "Camlllc" and Makes Hundreds Weep. Perhaps more than ever before, Sarah Bernhardt Is emotionally and consti tutionally Adapted to play her most powerful act from "Camllle " tho per formance of which sho Is present ing during the first half of this week at the -Palace Theatre. If she were a lesser nrtresi her Infirmities would help her with It, whereas as she Is they more than fill whnt she may have lust In the real, natural spirit of youth. It Is much to suy for her art to remark thnt, esterday, before her vaudeville audience, most of whom could not un derstand the French, she had hundreds weeping. In the company supporting Mme. Bernhardt, are nrttsts who well sustain her In the piece. M. Angelo gets all the feeling needed Into the lines of Ar- momt, lover of Mnraurrite Oautier, and M. Caubet as the doctor, Mme. Jeanne j Mea as Xanlne, Mite, Caubet as .VI- I chctte. M. Deneubourg as Gaston, and M. Glass ns f7ufate. each do complete parts In giving the tines and action of true patlwis. Miss Dorothy Jardon and Belle Ba ker (In her second week) were next to Bernhardt on the bill, both offer ing popular song Mis Jar don has a good voice for ballads. And It Is well that most of her programme comprised them, since It lacks the qual ity reconcilable with the few synco pated ragtime numbers she offers. Emmett Corrlgan In offering "War Ballads" provides an entertainment that some folks would -Just as soon treat themselves to nt their own Christmas firesides. He recites Robert W. Service a pnem of h! own that add to the j goncral sentimentality and gloom of the HAL Robert Emmet Keane. the American Englishman, offers a monologue that contains many laughs: Eddie Borden In "The Law Breaker." Al Lyilell and Bob Hlggtns In a rural comedy, "A Friend of Father's," in which Lydell offers a laughable caricature of an old man, and "Models de Luxe," offered by Stewart and Downing company, comprise the re mainder of the Christmas bill. The Riverside Theatre this week has a holiday bill of old favorites, with Harry Fox leading the procession. Pat Rooney and Marlon Bent wtth their new sketch To Town" still remain favorites. Joe Jackson as a vagabond Is funny In his bicycle pantomime. The trio, the Misses Llghtner and Newton Alexander, present a new act of songs and conversation. Bob Matthews and company present their sketch called "The Rounder of Old Broadway." and there are several others on the supporting bill. Rose Bydell'a London Belles are the attraction at the Columbia Theatre for the week. "Uncle Cy's Trip to New York" Is presented by the company, to gether with living pictures by twenty models. George F. Hayes, Ted Burns ard Kate Putnam are In the cast. Readers Great inches Five Miles DRAWN to a scale of five miles to one inch, many topographical details not possible on small maps are permitted. Highways, railroads, rivers, canals, cities, towns, villages, forests, and other features will be designated. Elevations of mountains and hills are given in figures. Forts and fortified towns, naval arsenals and aircraft depots, are specially indicated. The furthest advance of the German Army and the present battle line are shown. Information for "What is the difference in pr a Democrat?" "If you vote at a primary, cessftd primary candidates?" The above questions and many others will be answered in a series of articles on "The Woman Voter Her Responsibilities and the Prob lems Arising Therefrom," published by The New' York Times daily in January. This will be a remarkable series of articles, informative and enter taining, of interest to male as well as female voters, because of the in formation they will give. A woman of intelligence invites to her home men and women who an swer questions put by herself and others in her position of enfranchise- ment. Among the truest are : A society bud, A housewife, A college woman, A business woman. "GENERAL POST" A DELICIOUS COMEDY Tom Wise, William Conrtcnay and Cynthia Brooke Score in Play at Gaiety. PICTURE OF ENGLISH LIFE Illustrates Levelling Influence of War and Carries Lesson for America. 4- "Oenerml Poat," by J. T. Harold Terry At the Gaiety Theatre. Sir Dennys Broughton, Bart, Thomaa A, Wlae Lady Riouchton, hla wife, Cynthia Brooke Alec, hla eon Cecil Fleteher Betty, hit daughter Ollvo Tell Wilson, h' butler Jamea Kearney Edward Smith, his tailor. William Courtenay Albert Smith, his tailor's brother, Wlgney Tercyval 'General Pout" Is a war play, but It Is neither sad nor grim. Rather, In a mood of delicious comedy. It shows ono of the compensating aspects of war- shows Mars as the great leveller, slay ing snobbery, sweeping away Indiffer ences of rank, putting "peers In tho ranks and tailors In command." Tho play, we aro told, comes to America by permission of the English Government, which permitted It to leave that coun try because of the aid it would be to the cause of the Allle." The ancient prej udices nr ecertalnly on the wane In England when they send abroad as a missionary a play showing up their national weakness In such a humorous vein. An audience that filled every seat of the Gaiety Theatre greeted the first ap pearance of "General Post." nnd n very appreciative first night audience it was. J". 'the end of the second act It was simply determined to have a speech, and clapptd and clapped till Sir Dennys Broughton, Bart., who had responded to about the seventeenth curtain call, with Edward Smith, the tailor, now Col. Smith, decided that s the author was not present he would have to make the speech himself. He regretted deeply, he raid, that Mr. Terry wax not present, but hi wished everybody a merry Christ mas, and hoped they were having as good a time as he and the rent of the people In the cast were having. Unsed on Old EnRllah Game. "General Post," as every English born man and woman who remembers their young days knows well, Is an old English game In which each player takes the part of some city but when ever the one player left standing when everybody else Is seated cries "General Post;" they must all change places, and a shakeup ensues. So now, as Betty, the (laughter In this play says, "The Raiser cried 'General Post,' and we all changed places." Smith, the tailor, becomes the Colonel and then th Brigadier: Sir of The War to an Inch In the Woman Voter inciplc between a Republican and do you have to vote for the sue Those who answer the questions include: Chauncey M. Depew, Republican. George Gordon Battle, Democrat. Lafayette B. Gleason, Republican. Luther B. Little, Republican cam paign manager. Alfred E. Smith, Democrat, President-Elect Board of Aldermen, New York. J. G. Phelps-Stokes, Socialist, who resigned from the Socialist Party because of its opposition to tho war ,and the draft Mrs. James Lees Laidlaw, Vice Pres ident New York State Woman Suffrage Party. Mifs Mary Garrett Hay, Chairman New York City Woman Suffrage Party. Mrs. Ida Husted Harper, author "History of Woman , Suffrage," well known suffrage writer and lecturer. Miss Rose Younpr, Director Bureau of Suffrage Education, Leslie Woman Suffrage Commission. Sunday Times. Dennys, whom he formerly fitted, Is it 1 Tommy. Sir Dennys'ii son Aloo Is a subalteran In Smith's regiment, and his daughter marries tho tailor. It must be said for Betty that she recognlxed from the' first that Smith had the right stuff In him. in fact, the ploy begins with her having tho tailor walk home with her from some settlement func tion, and talking Nietzsche with him, to the great pain and woe ot her proud mother, Lady Broughton. That Is In 1111, when England Is till fat and satisfied and refuses to listen to the few that foresee war. r Dennya Broughton Is one who scoffs at the notion that Germany would daro o nttack England. "Bluff, pure bluff," he fumes at Germany's first movements In Morocco. "Germany's no such fool as to tackle us sho knows she'd get wiped off the map." His wrath when Hetty tells him that the loves the man who Is Just coming to measure him for a new suit Is hardly greater than his annoyance at Smith for Joining the ter ritorial militia, a piece of "radical fool ishness" with which he has no sym pathy. Conrtenay a flood Soldier. William Courtenay Is more convincing ns a soldier than as n lover but th n he 's trying, In the first act, to hide from Hetty the fact that he loves her. As he tclH Sir Dennya, he Is perfectly awaie that his duty Is to pray. "Lord ketp us In our proper stations. And bless the Squire and his relations." So he breaks Hetty' heart and turns her Into in early cynle by informing her that It would ruin his business to marry her the ta'lor who so for forgot himself would lose his clientele. The second act Is In 1816. War has dono Its levelling work Alc, the sub altern, comlnr home on a brief fur lough. Is extremely proud of the honor of bringing his commanding officer, tho former tailor, with him In his auto mobile for a visit at Grange Court, the Ilrmtghton place. filr Dennys, com pletely forgetting his former views on preparedness and war,- hns enlisted in the local guards and Is doing Swedish exercises In a uniform that won't lit. There Is a capital scene when he greets Smith, standing at attention before his superior officer, such a funny figure that he taxes the CotoneJ's dignity marly to the breaking point. .Sir Dennys rc.illy Is the best thing In the ,play. His English accent may not be perfect, hut his picture of the Irascible, vain, self-satisfied, good hearted old English squlro Is irresistible. All Ends Well. Cynthia Brooke makes a very good Lady Broughton. She Is much harder to win over than Is her husband. Her agony at hearing her husband say "Sir" to the former tailor Is extreme, and the whock to her sensibilities at finding that her son has brought Smith home with him, that Smith Is actually her son's Colonel, Is so obvious that the Colonel promptly takes his leave not, however, before Betty has found a chance to re call that early episode when they talked Neltxsche and he refused to marry her. Whereupon the Colonel, goaded, un looses his tongue and tells her that he loved her "from the first moment he saw her." Alec Is refreshing. A young prig In the first act, one finds him in the third asserting at the top of his voice that "family trees are played out the top dog Is tho man who can do things." Act I. Is In 1911, Act II. In 1915 and Act III. In 19 ? That question mark Is one that Is in every one's mind now. for the time of tho third act Is "after the war is done." It Is a clever comedy, with a lesson for America, too. The curtain was late In rising last night, but once started the performance ran quite smoothly for a first night. New York Times Ma pnext sunday Five Parts by American Troops npHE NEW YORK TIMES map is simple and com prehensive; easily understood. Each of the five parts will occupy a double page of the Rotogravure Section of The Times and will be so printed that they may be lapped together accurately, mounted on muslin or heavy paper and make a durable map for reference. A LIMIT of 500,000 copies has been placed on the edition of The New York Times map and this leaves only a small margin over the regular editions of the Sunday New York Times. Announcement is first made to readers of The New York Times to en able them to secure copies for their friends by giving an advance order. The cable correspondence of The New York Times far sur passes the news service ever at tempted by an individual news paper. More than 10,000 words by cable in a single day is a frequent occurrence. The ablest and most impartial newspaper correspondents in Europe are those who repre sent The New York Times. They include: CHARLES H. GRASTY, with Sty Jfeto Stick Sinter "All the News That's Fit to Print." Your Order Cover All Editions in January Make .(UTADT.Q xun Miioin." nviuru mil muuiu TRAVESTY FOR SURE Hitchcock-Goctz Offering at Fulton Has Little of Everything." "WELL KNOWNS" IN CAST Also, There's Dancing, Songs, Bright Lines, and, Oh, Such a Chorus. "Words and Moale" At the Fulton. A Yogi Wellington Cross A Stenographer.... Anna May Seymour A Theatrical Manager., lllchard Carle Claby Delys Marlon Dnvtea Mri. Billings F. Coolngit, n ery new wife Cllsabeth Brlce Oazzoteen, fin unhappy bride Itay Dooley Al rtadteh, her second husband William Dooley Inbad, a sailor Uordon Dooley When Ttaymond Hitchcock and E. Ray Goetx looked around for a name for the musical concoction they presentod at the Fulton Thentre last night they were Just stumped. It was called a snappy revue and the attics of old and time tried hu mor and slapstick vaudeville comedy had been ransacked for Its effects, so after a brief struggle they called It "Words and Music" and let It go At that. At least, Mr. Hitchcock and Mr. floetz aro tho ones who have taken the respon sibility upon themselves for the produc tion, for In tho programme an old duffer named William Shakespeare Is accused of writing the words, nnd the music is said to be by an ancient music master named Ivudwlg Beethoven, whom nobody ever heard of In musical comedy before. In fact, Leon Errol, who staged the pro ductlon, Is the only really well known person outside of tho producers on the top of the programme. "Words and Music" Anally foiled a New Jersey railroad, after being held up on the side tracks for two or three days, and galloped Into town all ready to make a first night audience, which Included Frltzl Scheff nnd Capt. Jim Churchill and lots and lots of other folks, sit up and notice It. And It suc ceeded. There was nothing which Mr. Shakespeare and Mr. Beethoven ap peared to have overlooked, from the time tried breaking of dishes when the gas fitters put In the new electric lights to the drug store where extraordinary customers ask for extraordinary things. And apparently from the roars of laugh ter which greeted these old faor!tcs they arc Just as popular as ever. Of course Mr. Shakespeare and Mr. Beethoven didn't really write all the clever things In the show. In fact It was rumored that Ben Daly nnd Mr. Ooetz and many, many other people had contributed to "Words and Music." and It was said that the only reason no one dared call "author" was that every one else In the audience would get up. (That's an old one too, but never mind.) The aforementioned playwright and musician were sort of dragged Into the The European War The New York Times Special Cables a roving commission to the capitals of Europe. ERNEST MARSHALL in London. WYTHE WILLIAMS in Paris nnd on the western front. HAROLD WILLIAMS in Pe- trograd. PHILIP GIBBS on the English front. PERCEVAL GIBBON on the Italian front G. H. PERRIS on the French front. ,'uc. They were summoned bv n In tho first scene and then left n,,i JJJ that tho only way Ihey could rii, J living In this cruel world by writing lines and music for a Broadway proi ductlon, and under the goad of Richard Carle, who played anything from a man? nger to nn elevator starter, they w&ri driven through It. They protested xehsi mentiy at tne end tnnt All their koo things hnd been cut out, but wero curv soled with the reflection forced upot thorn that that was the only way U make words and music get over these i days. Whatever mny be said about the esa with which the production mnfold Itself, there was no doubt nt all aboul tho pleasing visions in attractive cos tumes who formed the chorus. The were all good to look upon, and Mnrlor Da vies not the least of them. sh( made the centre of some pretty scemi; Including one In a toy shop, which wa3 nearly the best thing In tho show, aVZ tfeough savoring somewhat nf a gretig success of years ago. Then of courso, there was Elizabeth Hrlce, who rung with her usunl vaudeville abandon In fact Mr. Carle and Miss Duvles an Mlrs Brlce had about nil the songs between them. A bit nf odd and loose Jointed tlano. Inc was furnished by the Dnolejs. Itay and William and Gordon, Im',1, ;m amusing travesty on a ltusl.m linnet. In u enfe scene at tho end of Hi p,.-. formanco they threw each other oout the stage In a way that ruffled inlr clothing ninl the audience's rllbllltei in a wonderful way. Edna Aug, as an artistic commuter In the drug stove, had a remirkablo and gurgling sigh nt appreciation which never camo out of Greenwich Village. MME. HOMER WINS IN ROLE OF DALILA Caruso Sings Brilliantly in Saint'Saens's Opera. Silnt-SnenVs opera "Samon et Da llla" wns given at tho Metropolitan Opera House last night, Tlio. v. hi, tended a previous performance of the work had their Interest stlmul iU 1 by the appearance of a much admired mi ser of the Chicago Opera, Mine. Ju,!a f'laussnn, as Dalila. Tncre as .'ume difference of opinion about her Imper sonation, but those who were priient last evening found no disturbing ce ment. The representative or the I'lil ls tlne siren was Mme. Louise II nor. whose Interpretation of the part Is well known and liked. Mme. Homer has the appeaianca needed to bring Illusion to the ila It does not strain the Imagination to con ceive Samion as an easy victim to the wiles of such a sorcerem. Mme Homr was much applauded after her prlnc pal arias and called before the curtain many times. Her chief associates were Mr. Caruso as Samaon and Mr, Amato as the Itloh meat. I The famous tenor was In good olee I and sang brilliantly Ills Impersonation of Snnison Is now regarded as one of it la ' best. Mr, Amato was alo In tils l"-3t i form and drew a Ugornus plctute The performance, as a whole, was smooth and pleasing. Mr. Mu teux conductc 1 Leaking; Ra Kills Man. Harry Lantry, 33. of S37 Ninth ave nue, went home yesterday morning early with his friend, Robert Moore of 17J1 Eighth avenue. The men forgot to turn off the gas securely and yesterday they wero found In Moore's room. Lantry was dead and Moore almost asphyxiated. Moore was taken to the Flower Hospital, T 4