Newspaper Page Text
1 THE SUN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY -23, -1M8. .10 4 $18,000 Tovm of Brighton VMonr.. Csuntr) NEW YORK 5 BONDS Kfaturlnc Fob. 1, 1919 to 1922 AumhJ Vl. W.8j817 Bonded Debt 135,000 Prke 100H ! 'vn A, B. Leach & Co., Inc. Invettijient Securities ' 62 Cedar St., New York Rhlcaso Boston Buffalo Minneapolis Ph lafelohis Baltlmora Ot. Louis Remington Typewriter Stocks Circular on requtmt J. K.Rice, Jr. & Co. Phone. 400 to 4110 John. II WatllBtW 3f. T. W. C. Langley & Co. Investments 115 Broadway, Nsvw York City f"UR Foeeign Department handles foieign banking tiansactions with leading banks throughout the world. Guaranty Truet Company of New York CHARTERED 1444 Unim Trust Co. of New York 80 E ROADWAY Fifth Av. A tSthfit. Fifth At. loth St MIS AS EXECUTOR, mm, TRUSTEE, Etc. Allow. Interest on Deposit.. Will boitjst w. s. s, BY RED POSTCARDS v McAdoo Enlists Boy Scouts to Sell Orders for Thrift . . Stamps. MEDALS TO BE GIVEN Winner of Most' Palms Will Get Personal Letter From, President. THE STOCK XAKKET. . , Owing to trie holiday yesterday the Stock Exclianre was dosed. For tho convenience of leader Thursday' clos ing Aid and tta prices are reprinted: 7 HUL AikeO.I Bid. AtKM. DIVIDENDS AND INTRREST. REPUBLIC IRON' A STEEL COMPANY. PREFERRED DIVIDEND NO. 5. At n mctjni of tho Board of Director, nt the Republic Iron & Steel Company, held February 30th. 1918. the regular quarterly dividend of Hi 7. on the Preferred atock was declared, payable April let, 118. to stockholders of record March 20th. lilt. The ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock holders of the Republic Iron Steel Com pany will be held at the office of the Com pany, ID Exchange Placo, Jersey City, New .lereev. on Wednesday, April 17th. 1H. at 1 1 o'clock In the forenoon, for tho transac tion of any and nil business that may prop erla come before the meeting. Transfer books of the Company, both Common and Preferred, will be closed at 3 o'clock P. M . March 2tlth. 1918. and reopened at 10 o'clock A. M.. an April llth. nil. . COMMON DIVIDEND NO. 4. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the republic Iron & Sleel Company, held February :oth. 191S. a dividend ot mr. on the Common stock was declared, paya ble Mav 1st. IMS. to stockholders of record April 23rd. 1913. Bonks remain open. RICHARD JONES. JR.. Secretary. American Telephone and Telegraph Co. Convertible Fonr and One-Half Per Cent tiold Bona. Coupons from these bonds, payable by their terms on March 1, 1918, at the of fice or agency of the Company In New York or Boston, will be paid In New York by the Bankers Trust Company, 16 Wall Street. G. D. MILNH. Treasurer. Recognition ot work previously dona by the Boy Soouta of America and a call for further war ssrrlce In a new campaign Is found on tha flyleaf of a manual Just issued by the Treasury Department: a manual on the sale of War Savings Stamps by "tho red post card plan." t The tribute reads: , To the Boy Seoul of America: Your splendid work in the "Liberty Loan campalm proved, that the Gov ernment can count on you and your organisation. Knowing that you are always ready to serve your country, and realising how widely War Savings Stamps spay be sold through your ef forts, I take pleasure In presenting you another opportunity. The ''red postcard plan." prepared by your chief scout executive -and de scribed In these pages, presents a sim ple way to make your patriotism count. I am confident that the "red postcards" returned to me at the end of the year wtll show how splendidly the Boy Scouts of America have con tributed to the vlotory that will be ours. Very truly yours, W. O. McAdoo. tary of the Treasury to mention only one of his offices Indorses the red post card plan ot the Chief Scout Master and urges the carrying out of Its programme, which calls on each scout every, day In the year "to sell f S War Savings Stamps and 25 cent Thrift Stamps to all who will save and lend their savings to their country." The Bcout Master's Injunc tion points out: "Not every one can afford oo or iuo with which to buy a bond. But every one every man, wotnan and child In the natlon-can save something, and through the purchase of War Savings Stamps help in winning the war. Even one can save something, and every one will save something If wa make clear the need for thrift In this great hour ot trial. This we can do through the red. postcard plan. "Five million red postcards 'have been printed by the Government espe cially for the use of the Boy Scouts of America. It will be our object to get signatures on every one of them. When you get some one to sign a red postcard It means that the signer has given his order to the local postmaster to deliver to him C. O. D. a given number of War Savings Stamps or Thrift Stamps." Postmaster and scout will work to gether. Achievement buttons, ace medala and palms are to be the reward for distinguished service, with "a personal letter of thanks from the . President of the United States" waiting for the scout who makes the record for 1918. The manual compares) the scout - with tho aviator. It says: ' "Just as Guynemer, klng of aces, won palm after palm after winning the War Cross. s6 a scout after winning the ace medal Is eligible to win W. S. S. palms." The number of palms will determine the winner of the President's letter. AdamsKs. 74 H AdvanceR 13M AdvRpf.. 30 AlaskaOld 3 AlsskaJun 3X AtChMfg. 20 H AlChMpr. UK AmAChm. 80 AAgCh pf. 93 K AmBkNte. 30 H AraBkK p 4SK AmDSug.. 78 H AmTISpf.. 83 AmBkMi.. AmUkS pries AmCan... 41 AmCan pf 93 AmCraWr. 73 M AraOF pf..!0 AmCltlesp Am Coal. . 43 AmCotOll. 33 AmExp... 80 VmBAL.. 13 W AHfcLpf. MM Amice.... 13H Amice' pf. 42 Amlnter.. M AmLlnsd.. aa)i AmLlnpf. 74 Am Loco., t&ii AmLocpf. V7 t.. 10 14 30M 2k ax 2H 81 to 9$ 34 H 45M 70 01M iooh 178 41X OS v 73 J, 117M 20 32M 8S 13M 43H MM 32 H 74M '00 100 iok 0 04 01 8SJ4 jLtnerican Tekghoneind Telegraph Co. Convertible Fwr Per Cent Gold Bonds. Coupons from these bonds, payable by their terms on March 3, 1918, at the of fice or ngenry of the Company In New York or in Boston, will be paid In New York by the Bankers Trust Company, 1C Wall Street G. D. MILNE. Treasurer. GREENE CA.NANEA COPPER CO.' 42 Broadway. New Tork, N. Y. The Board of Directors of the Greene Tananea Copper Company has declared a dividend of $2 00 per share upon its Capi tal Stock ot the par value of 1100.00 per .hare, payable on February 25, 1918, to the holders of such chares of record at the tlo, of business at 3:00 o'clock P. M., Frl Oay. February 8. 1914. The dividend J pavable only upon the flOO.OO shares Into which tho Capital Stock Is dlvldtd. All stockholder, who have not converted their holdings 4nto shares or 8100.00 par value should do so without delay In order that they may receive their dividend promptly. The transfer books will not be closed. i J. W. ALLEN. Treasurer, Nw York. January 24. 1918. FREIGHTER mCADIA WBEGKED. Six. of Crew of Nine ReseaasT OC Xewfoandland Coa.f. ' Halifax, N. S., Feb. 22. Capt. Scott and nine members of the crew of the small freight steamship Acadia, formerly the Senlac, bound, from St. Pierre for a French port, have been lost off the New foundland coast, according to reports reaching here. A coastal steamship which reached a Newfoundland port yesterday reported having rescued six of the crew. The Acadia's machinery became disabled on Tuesday. , AmMalt AtnM I pf. 40 AmShlp... 89 AmShlppf Amflmelt.. ta W Am8mltp.l(U 1MM AmSSefA. 03 , 03 AmSauff.. 88 05 Amflnuff p 80 lob AmstlFdy e.iM boh AmSugar..l07 107K AraSugpf.llO ill AmSumT. 83 H H4H ASumTb p 00 OS AmTelfcC. 5fJ 60 AmTelT.107 108 AmTob...lSSK 107 I AmTob pt 07 101 AmWool.. So H M AmVool p 03 94 AmWPpf. 30 W 20 M AmZtne... 1M 1H AmZlnc pf 48 46 K naconda. MH 04 H ADyOda.. 13 H U ADOlpf. 40 K 69 ADO 3 of. 30K AsaftsRI. . H IH AwtedOU 58 X 69 H AtTopSF. 84 84 M ATA8F pf 81K 82 AtBlr&A.. 8 , 8i AtCoaatL. 91 02 AtOoVtyi.-HUH 117 AOAWIpreo eiw BaldLoco. 77 78 BaldLpf.. 07 100 Balt&Oh.. M J2) Balt&Opf. SSH .1.1 H Barrett... 90 03 Barrett pf.lOOVj 102 Bitopllu. 1 i BethSteel. 81 f3 Bethflpfct 00 92 BrthStB.. 70H 80 UoothP .. 25 3SM BknRapT. 41 41 H BknUnOaa SO 90 BrownSh.. 03 H 08 Browns pf 90 102H Brunswick. 7M 8M BuffR&P. 02 00 BR&Pp.. S3 107 Burnallro.117 US BurnsBpf.lOS 110 ButhTerm 07 Butterick. 10; 12 ButteZlac. . 01, i( ButASup. 20 H CalPack. . 38 M 30 Call'etm.. IflH 17 4 CalPet pf. 46 47 OalArli.. A7 711 CaoSou. . M CanPac. .14S 147 CarCllnch.' 26 CarCIln p. ? so Cawpf... 83 H 85 CenUaCV. 70 CenFdy... 30 -.33K CenLcatb. 70 70 CLoathpf.l04H 106 CRKofNJ.218 220 CenSoATl 107HC 00 Cor de Pas 31i'31M ChanMot. WH 91 tntACp pf 40 fnt-BCon. 7 tnt-BOp... 43 IntNlckcl'. 37 H tntPaper.. 80M IntPap pf. 78 IntPpfrt. M IntSalt... 58 fowsOen.. iH ItlandCrk. JewclTea.. 36 ' JewelTpf. 01 KanCso.. 17 KanCSpf. 4S KCFtS pf. 4S KelSpTr.. 45 IvelSpT pf 7fl ) Krl Wheel. 24 KelWhl pf 85 KennectOs 33 KeoADsM 3H KeoDAI p KgCdClec 03 LoclOu. . 82 LsckStl... 78 ' UkeKftW 10 LEAWpf. ISM LeeTlre... 15 LehighVly 68 UgkMy..l80 I AM pf!. 104 Lorlllard..l8S Lorid pf. .100 Ixwse-WUeslRM Lse-W 1 pi 83 Lao-W 3 pf 84 40 V 8K 42M 24 H oo 30H 70 03 00 S 75 40 100 17 H SI 63 47 a 80 30 00 33 M, 6 60 04 90 78 H 10H 25 16 S9 195 107 205 120 19 X 85 04 Swift & Company Union Stock Yard. ChlcaVo, Feb. 23. 1918. Dividend No. 128 Dividend of TWO DOLLARS (12.00) per share en tt capital stock of Swift A Company, nil be paid on April 1st 1918. to stockholder, of record, March 9, 1918, as shown on the. books of the Company. F. S. HAYWARD. UFK1CB OF TUB AMERICAN COAL COMPANY ot Allfgnny county (Now Jersey). No. 1 Broadway, New York, N, Y., Feb. 14, 1818. The Board of Directors of THE AMERI CAN COAI. COMPANY of Allrgany County (New Jersey) has this day declared a divi dend of two and one-half dollars per shari upon the atoc4c of tho Company, payable at this ornco on l'rjdny, March 1, 1911, to stockholders of record at 3:00 o'clock V. M.i February 2S, 1918. The transfer books will not be closed. GEORGE- M. BOWI.BY. Treasurer. DIVIDEND NOTICE TUB AMERICAN (i.S COMPANY. 10 Market street, Camden, N. J Feb. 19. 1918. A quarterly illvlilend of i'i. or 82.00 peH snare, nas been necinreii on tno cnpitul stock of thh Company, payable March 1st. 1918, to tho stockholders of rocord at three fclork P. M . reh.;otli, 191S. Checks Mill bo mailed. I m. TOtVNSF.N'D .11. Treasurer. Jlorhlu E.tst Coat Rnilwny Company, New York. Feb. ISth, 1918. The Board of Directors has declared out rf the earning for the rlx mouths ending Drmper iisi, u'i,, inierert at tno rate of b't, pavabl April 1st next, on the 125. OOO.dOO fien-ral Mortgage Income 51 Fifty Ytar Oold Bonds, dated July 1st. 1S09. CRIPPLEDCLARA SATE IN PORT. Canard Liner Tows Americas Steamship 1,200 Miles. Halifax, N. S., Feb. 22. A Cutinrd liner arrived here to-day with the crip. pled American steamship Clara. 3,937 tons,, which It had towed 1,200 miles. The Claras rudder was lost and her machinery disabled. When the Clara's distress signals were picked up in mld-Atlantla she had been drifting for days back toward the danger xone, through which she had passed In safety. , LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool. Feb. 22. Cotton Spot dull jirlces easier; American middling fair 24. CJ ; good middling, 23.9S ; middling, Z3.43; low middling,; good ordi nary, 21.90; ordinary, 21. 38. Hales, 2,000 bales, including j.ioo American.- Ue celpts 3,000 hales, all American. Futures closed Irregular. NEW CONTRACT!. Open. 12.P.sf. 2 P.M. February 23.87 2A80 23 M Msrcti 3.44 2.1.84 23.57 April 23.77 2S.S7 23.27 23.OT 23.13 Mar June July !.9J 2.33 23. iH OLD CONTRACTS. Close. 23.95 23 83 23. M 23.13 22 97 22.73 rebnisry February and March,. Msrch and April April and Mir Msy srid June June and July Fixed Prices. 22.28 22.19 22.10 52.03 21.94 ...1 21.86 PRISON TERMS FOR PACKAGE THIEVES ELECTIONS I AND Hee RTINflN. DONALD STEAMhlHP COMPANY, INC. No. 17 Battery Place, .New T ork, February 1, 1911. TO THE KTOCKHOI.DEItt; OF DONALD N1CAS1IU' lUMfAK), INC: al Meetln of the Stockholders Dar Sirs: The Anbual of the Dorsad Steamship Company, Inc, for the election of Directors for the ensu ing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly coma be fo?e the meeting, will be held at the ornce of the Company, No. 17 Battery Place, New York City, on th" 5th day of March. 1911, at twelve o'clock noon. Polls will remain open between twelve o'clock nooq and one P. M. Transfer books will bs closed from the 2nd z.'i or February. 1918, and will open on tho 6th day of March, ll'.f. Yours respectfully, FRANK H. II ALL. Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS Notice Is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of Acushnet Process rompany of New York. Inc., will bo held at tho office, of the company, 82 Vanderbllt Ave n us, New Tork City, on th. 12th day of Msrch, li nt 2:30 o'clock P, M.. for the purpose of electing a Bonrd ot Directors for the ensuing vear. E. M. LEWIS, Assistant Seerstarv. New Tork. February 30, 1918. London Oil Price.. IyjNDON-, Fell, 22. Calcutta linseed, 12? ISh. ; linseed oil, KSk. ; hpertn oil, '1 Petroleum American relined. Is. R,y . spirits, Is. 7Hd. Turpentine P!r t, l2i, nominal. V Three Sentenced for Stenliutj Goods From Department Store Wagons. Bid. tJSPmelt.. 47 CSSmlt pf 45 USSteel... 03 K DSSteel pfllO UtahOop.. 83 X UtahSec,. 14 H Va-CaroC. 41 Va-CO pKioa Va-ICAO. 65 Wabash... H WabpfA. 43 WabpfB. 23 ( WellsFar.. 80 Westghse, 41 M Westlpr. 64 WestMdn l&H WrstMSp 28 Ex dividend. Asked. 47K! 48 H 95 110M MM IS 41 H 108 66 H 43 M 33 83 41M 68 16 31 BI4. Asked. 18tf 16 WrstPiC WtstPpf, UH WestUn.. 89 M VThlALF... 9H WhlLEpf. 31 WhlteMot 44 H Wilson,,, 83 Wllaonpf. 6 WllOvd... 10 WUOvd pf 80M WlsCen. . . 36 Wootwth.,117K 110 wlwtbpr.114 130 84H 00H 10 33 43 83 100 19 81 39 Worthgn.. 88 WtbgnpA 86 WthgnpB 6 ll 38M 88 C2 MONET AND EXCHANGE, High' . Low .. Year's high CALL BATES. OILMt 1 Renewals ...... rreai"s low .. TIME LOAMS. All Industrials. percent. Sixty days 41 Nlaety day. II Four montns... Fit. months...,. Six months., Mixed Loani percent. Sixty aaya,.... nineimaay..... Pour mAntha.. Mitre months... six montns,. COMMERCIAL PAPER. . , . itM RENT PROFITEERING IS TO BE STOPPED Albany Has Measure Which Would Prevent Boosting Until May Next Year. Prim. Indorsed Bills Receivable. Sixty days 6Kf4l Ninety days 14 one of saks t:o.'s delivery wagons was left unguarded in front of the. store on January 10. Tho drWer had loaded part of his packages and was fetching others. When ho returned he found bundle, valued at $70, hid been stolen About the wine time other department stores began reporting thefts from their wagons to tho Police Department, among these being Oppenhelm, Collins & CO. and II. C. F. Kochv Detectives began wondering where An tonio Acerno, who posed as a newsboy, gdt so many packages which he was known to have In his room In KIng street An Investigation disclose. It I said, that the man was buying the merchan dise from two 'truck drivers, Edward Hollywood and Joseph Kttssell, Joab H. Uunton, Assistant District Attorney, rays the men were paid by Acerno to carry on wholesale thievery. When ar restee a few, days ago he had sales slips from various stores In his' pockets. Yesterday Acemo was 'sentenced to servo from two years to three years and' six months In HI tig Sing by Judge Ma lone, Hollywood and Russell were sen fenced to Elmlra Reformatory. ChesAO . 64 S4M ChlAAIt. S)( 10H ChAAIt pf 20 ChlANW. 03 04 CANWpf.130 150 COtWest. 7!. S COtW pf. 21 22 CMAStP. 41),' 42H CMASPpf72H 73 ii CStPAO. 07 SO CfiPAO pflOO 130 CRIAP. . 20S 21 CRIP Or,. 53.V, 54 CHIP 77,. W 04 ChlleCop.. Uifi W( ChlnoCop. 43 H 43 H CCCAStL. 20 30 H CCCSL pf 01 4U ClevrAPIt SSH CluettPby 54 02H ColOasAE 31 34 H ColFuolAl 40 40H ColSouth.. 21 22 ColSo 1 pf 4 53 OolSO 2 pf 4." m f.'ompTab. 30 .-la ConCalan. 0)i ( ConOas. , no 01 CunO of B 97 100 CouCan . . 90 04 ConCanpflOV ll.i Conlnsur. 44 48 CornPdR. .i4 34 )j CuPdll pr. 94 00 CrcxCrpct 40 47 CniSteel.. 04 J J 04 ff CruStl pf. K9 00 CuhaCn. . 32j 32! CubaCnp. 81 83 CubASuK 140 150 CubASpf. V4 05 DelAHud.lll 114 ULAW. .175 180 Deere pr . 03 I'O DrnAKt) . 3 0 DAIIO pf. 8 ! DctKdlsn 105 I07j DetUhltd. -- 5 DistSccil . .'!'l 3HS DnmeMin. SJ 8h DulSSAA. i"i 5 DSS1A pf 5 ID F.lecStor.. 15 50i F.lkllornF. 26 27 KlUIIFjif. 40 Erie 15 slSM Erie I pr . 3.1 K 3.1 H F.re2pr.. 10 19j KrlcAIitts - 70 FcdMAS.. 12 14 FedMASp 3IH 30 Flsherlldy 2s 3S Gaston . , .10 1 37 OenChem.178 100 finChm I'flOO 101 (icnt'luars 42 44 OenCgs pf 00 100 OejiF.lrc..l41 141H OcnMotrs.l2tf! 12H OcuMt pt. 83i 85 Goodrich,. 4S 47 Goodrhpt 03 100 Uranby.. , 7i 77 OtNorpt. 00" 01 Jj (JtNOrect28K 2SU OreenrC. 41H 41H Gulf MAN. 8 11 UlfMAN p 28 32 OulfStl... 02 Is t'4 tiirssti i pf 03 Ilartman.. 40 42 IIarvNJ.,128' 130 IlrvNJpf.100 112 HarvCcrp. Ill 70 IIarvCop102 101 HakABkr. 37!i 3S)1 Homestke. 81 H St IllCmt... 04 ' tSM Inspfop,. 4li'i 46 IntAgCop. 14 M LouANas.ll2 114 Mackay.. 77 79 Mackaypf 62 03 Manhat... 97 H 00 ManBeach 2i( :i Marine... 301, 31 Marine pf. 100 H 1001,' MayDpS.. 51 55 DpSpf. 101 111 Maxwell.. 29 30 Maxw 1 pr 01 03 Maiw2pf2)i 25 MexPrt... 93 93 H MexPet pf 93 95 Miami.... 31 W 31 H MlcbCen.. 109 MldvStl.. 45 ) 43 H MASL is SM 9 M8PSSM. 80 90 MSSMpf.lOO 113 MS8M LL 55 70 MoKAT. . AH 5 MKATpf. 7 8 MoPacrt. 22 M MoPpfct. 4Js 40 MonPow.. 09 71 lohPpr..l00 NshChASLl S 120 N'atAcme. 30 . 31 U .Vat Ills... Vs4' 100 NatBlspt.lOO 130 NtClkAS.. 72 80 .VCndtct. 15 18K NatEAS. . 48 J i 49 NatEAS p 90 100 NatUad.. 53 UK NatLdpf.. 0KI04 NevCons., 1U 10ij NOTxAM. 10 20 NYAtrBr 135 133)j NYCent.. 70H 70' NYCASL, 13 18 NYCSL lp 40 09 NYCSL2p42 40 NYLackW 123 NYNIIH . 2S 20 NYOAW.. 19;, 20 NorSou. .19 22 NorAW...t(V4 104 H NorAW pr 78 8.1 NorthAm. 4.1 4fl!-i NorPac. . M' s." VovScStl.' 08 JhioCUO. 40) i 40 H ObloFuel.. 41 H 43 OntSllvve. .1 an Own RAM. 01 fit OwensB p.10.-, PacCoast 43 IU) PacCuast p OS, oo PacMaU.27),' 37 H PacMpL 101 120 PacTAT. 24 s 20 PTAT pf 84 X 01 PanAtppt- 03 91 I'cnnllK . 44 i 4.ri PeoplcsOas 4.1 40 PereMarctl2 1.1 PereM pet 2S 37 PcM p p ct 50 57 PeorlaAE. .1 0 I'et-Mul 35 40 I'ctMul pt 0.1 100 PhllaCo... 23).' 25 H PiercpAr.. 40 1, 40 H lierceA pr,H2K 95 lit AW Va 26 H 27 litAWVa pnoH r.o)i PCCASL 50 til 1'itUfi 52). .'3 littsCrpf. 8JJ9 84 PttsFWACnt l.Vlli Pltts-itl pf 01 (is PonilCrkO IS SO PrStCar 02 H 03 )4' PrStC pf.. 00 US PubSerr .400 107 PullPalCrttt 117 RayCons.. 24 24 H RySTSpg.. 53H ZiH RyStSp pf 97 100 ItepubStl. 7si 78H RepSt pf.. 07 100 Reading.. 7tX 70H Read I pr. 33 43 Itcad2pr 35 M 37 RoyalDul. 73 74 j Six months MtOt t Other Names. Three to six month. (Km , ACCEPTANCES. to dan. so data, so days. Bid. Ask. Bid. AsS. Bid! Art. Eligible member banks 4H 4 4t i 4rs 1 Eligible n o n - member bank.. i 4H i 4U Ineligible bankjs. bUU 5 4i E m I 44 CLEARING BOU8B STATEMENT. Clearing Hourn exchange. 1578,146,771 : bal ances, lse,447,l0; Sub-Trranirr debit balance, 13,846,487; Federal reserve credit balance. 138. 943 711 , DOMESTIC EXCHAKOE. Boston, par: Chicago, no market ; St. Louis, 10c. discount bid, par asked; San Francisco, pa,; Montreal, 110.9371 to 112.50 premium ; Cin cinnati, par; Minneapolis, 10c, premium. SILVER PRICES. Bar silver in New York. MJit, unchanged; London. 42'id., unchanged; Mexican dollars. 18c., unchanged. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Prer. Last. close. 4.7rV 4.763 4..TP. Hirh. Txiw. I.70U 6.70V, Cable. 4.7r.4.I Sterling- cables.. February. 4.7fc4.rV h. DMIUM... BS. Demand... 6.72' February. (.724,1 iii Low. ercTiTt ui7.. Rabies). Cables .., High. 13.00 13.3 FINAL Normal rate, of exch. 6.182s Pari. 6.1SJ6 ran. China Hongkong Shaughal 19 295 Greece 43.10 Holland 42.11 India- Calcutta .. 6MX Italy 49.S4 japan 'Yo Prer. Last close. 14.76 at.75A S.73V4 S.72A .. 6.8iHl.7 1T.V. Low- Last. close. 18.00" 11.00 11.14 13.2S 11.25 13.23 RATES. Yesterday'. Close. Demand or checks. 6.72 e.72, 71 no 104 00 20 05 t ,ts-. sr. w Cable. 6.70(4 t.:os 71.15 107.00 JO.OO -4H 3(1.00 8.76 okohama 5111 tl.50 Russia 13.00 26 79 Scandinavia Stockholm. 32.90 Copenhagen 31.45 Christianla !0.t5 19.295 Spain 21.25 South America 82 40 RIO 24-01 1 0001 Argentina (gold). 1.0015 4 41 Buenos Ayre. 4J.75 6.186 Swttserland 4.17i TIME BILLS ON LONDON. Banker. I Commercial. 60 days 4.71)4 60 daja 4.704 80 days -t-SM I day 4 tST. ci; 1324 31.51 .10 73 J4.32 26.11 1.(1045 43.SC LIVE STOCK MARKET. -lavArras. (i.1 -tasnnMt.. 10 cahAI,. . 8) 4aALpf.. 17 i-Hocbk .151 ?-Ubkpf..ll5 -tlnclalrOil 35 H SlbM-Sli . 51 )j Sloss-S pf. 8U 8LASF . 12 ' SLASF pf. 22 SIkHoW.. IS SLA8W pf .15 Shattuck.. 10H SoPaclllc. 8.1 Sol'rtoSuglon SlYtoSg p. IO.I Southlty. 23Vi Solly pf . 58? , StamlMill. 0.1 StandM pf 78 stew-War. 4!i Stiidelikr. .12 ,-itudeb pf. U2'' StuUMnt. 44), supSUwl.. 30 SupHtl pf. 03 renCopwl W( TretasCo fexl'ac , TxPacLT.125 ThlrdAo..l8ti TldcWat017S Tobl'rod.. 55." TobPd pf . 00 TStl.AW . 2 TSLW pf. !, TolStLAW 4 7 TStLWpc 8 11 TransAW. 30Ji 40H TwinCily. 00. (15 TwnCity p 123 Underwit, 103)j 107H Umlwd pf.lOH L'nBagAP, 08 73 Uiiloul'ac.llOK iio) UnPanpf. 71 73 Un Alloy, , 38 J 3li( UnClgSts, (id )' 07 H UnCStspr.101 103 I'nDrug. . 09 70) UiiDrg 1 p 47 40 UnDrg2p 78.K 79 , CSF.xpr... IStj 17) UnFruit.,127 130t( Unltlnv , ' iH 5J UnRylnp. 11 13 HSClPlpo. 11 13 USCJI' pf. 43 41 I'SInMco 121)v I22)( L'SIAIcpf. 93 1(1) , ITSRAIm' 10 j a USIlub . .17)4' t'SIt 1 pf. 100,'S 101 J on 11 8h 17H 152 120 30 siM 03 12M 21 20 40 17K 80 X 173 112 21. -j All '(7 81 .12 li ft) 4l))i 37 1U1 10M I54U 130 I3M 1M 10s 20 ISS 50 92 10 II BEK ES Receipts, 1,145 head; 16 cars on sale. Market active and firm to ahudo higher. Steers. 110.90018 100 lbs.; hulls. ISijll: cows. 85910.25, tallends, 84.75. Drtsseil beet steady. Sales Newton A Co.: 20 Virginia stser. 1,145 lbs. average. Ill 80 100 lbs.; 16, 1.037, 111.35; 15 Pennsylvania, 841, 110.90; 2 bulls, 955, 19. J. Shamberg A Son: 59 Ohio steers. 1,300, 113. Tnbtn A Shannon: 40 Ohio steers. 1.271, 612.13: 2 bulls, 1,090. 19; 1 i-ow, 1.130. 19.25: 5, 984. 17; 4, 89S. 16; 4, 767, 85. MrPherson ft Co.: 10 Ohio steers, 1,180. 112.35; . 1.006, 111.50: 1 bull, 1.T20, 111: 2. 1.465. 110.50: 1. 1,400. 19.50; 4, 1,020. 18.76: 1 heifer. 1,320. Ill: 18 rows and heifers. 936. 810.25: 1 cow, 1,260, 110.50; 8. 940. 89.23; 21, 1.009, 19.10: 3. l',UC 18.50; 22. 918, 18.40; 2. 1,100, 17.75; 15, 963, 37 50; S. S71, 86.75; 10. 990. 16.25; 12. 793. 85.25. S. Sanders: 3 cows. 1.183. 19.25: 7. 1.071, 19; 2. 950. 18.25; 7, 850, 17; 2, 970, 15 75; 2, 840, 84.75. CALVES Receipts, 430 head: 860 on sale. Market firm. Common to prlmo veals. 1 1 5 If 18-30 100 lbs.; culls. 812814; dressed calves firm. Sale S Sanders: 78 veals, 139 lbs. average. 312.50 100 lbs : 60, 119, 113; 38, 111. 317 50, C culls. 128, 314; 23. SO, 113. Newton A- Co. 96 veal. 123, 318.50; 6 cull,. 96. 114. Kerns Commission Co.: 30 veals, 126. II". 10 Tobln A Shannon: 10 veals. 118, 118.50; 8, 82, 115.50; 2 culls. 75. 112 SHEEP AND IAMBS Receipts, 1,670 head; 7 oars on sale. Prime fresh lambs firm: others weak to lower All sold. Lambs, 815.50 17.75 100 lbs., culls, 114. Sales S. Jlldd A Co.: 212 Ohio lambs. 71, 117 75; 219. 78, 117.25. J. Shamberg A Son: 218 Buffalo lambs. 82, 816.75; 213, 83, 816. S. Sanders: 14 Pennsylvania lambs, 73, 817; 104 Buffalo, 85, 115.73. Kerns Commission Co.: 119 Ohio lambs, 92, 810.73. Newton A Co.: 3 Pennsylvania lambs. 96, 315.50; 3, 56, 812; 3 sheep, 190. 310. Hogs Receipts, 4,060; 'j car on sale. Market higher. State hogs, 117.60 loO lbs.; pigs. 116.25; roughs. 816.23. Sales Newton A Co.: 9 Pennsylvania' hogs. 162 lbs. average, 117.60 100 lb. S. ' Sanders: S Stato hogs. 155, 317,60. Kerns I Commission Co: 1 State pigs, 80, 116.25; 2 roughs, 273, 116.25. Other Cities Lite. Stock Markets. CHICAGO. Feb. 22. Hogs Receipts, 40.000; strong. Bulk, II7.30W 17.50, light, 817U17.60, mlsed, 117817 60; heavy, 316.701)17.35, rough, 116.70016.85! pigs, 812 751f 16.25. Cattle Receipts. 9,000:' strong. Native steers. S. 75B 13.90; rtockers and feeders. 87 5010.5.",; to us and heifers, 6.60(f 11 SO. ralves, t.75tl 14.25. Sheep Itecelpti, 8,000: Arm. Sheep, JlOtt 13.23; lambs, 113.5010 is.eo ST. LOUS, F 11.500: higher. JlJji lii: mixed and butchers. 117 ISff 17.40; koo.I heavy, 817.25 (f 1 7.45 , bulk. 117' a 17 40. Cattle Receipts, 1.C00; strong. Native bet-f steers, 380 13.50; yearling steers and heifers, I74C13 60; cows, 36U11.50; stacker mid feeders, 6j 10.50; nallvo calves. 64j 14. Sheep Receipts, none; steady, l'.ambs, S14 till! 7.1; tn, 811I..10W12: wethers, 81 1 505 13 23; iannei and choppers 10 tin KANSAS CI I V. Feb. 22. Hogs lie. celpu. higher. Hulk. S17W 17.!"; heavy. 817 101(17.20; packers and butch ers. 817'i17 20; light, llU.HStf 17,20; plg, 13.r,0 it. Cattle Receipts. 4.00(1: steady. Prime fed steers. 812.7513,75; dressed beef steers. $10.3041 13; Suuttiern steers. 37 .'iOSjll.50; tons, 87& U; lielfers. iR'it 12, stoekers and feeders, 87.50 sf 12.50; bulls, J7.258 10.25; calves. IT) 12,20. Sheep Receipts. 8.000; steady. Lambs, I1.1.7C9IA.2A; yearlings $13(714: withers, tll.nofi 13 25; ewea, $11. 23iff 12.23. 1'ITTSnritO. Feb. 22. Hogs Receipts. 2.0IIO; 23 to Ortc. higher; heavies, 117 25 ti 17.85: heavv Yorkers, 317.7H57 17.85; light Yorkers. 317017..1O; pigs, now in.r.u. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 500: aciive; lop sheep. 1111.50; top Iambs, $17.23. CAlves R.ctlpts, )00; 23c, higher. Top, 117. CINCINNATI, Feb. 22. Hogs Rerelpta, 4.40O; strong. Packers and butchers, 817 26; common to choice, 8!0t?13: piss ami llg'its, 8UD7 17; stags, 3loti 12.50. Cattle Receipts, 700; strong. Heifers, 174111; win, H. Tit 10, Calves strong, $6 fl 14, Sheep Receipt,, 100, steady, Lambs, steady. EAST BUFFALO, Feb. 22. Cattle Re celpts, 250: steady, Calv es Receipts, 400: strong, 174719, Hois Receipts, 3.20O; strong. Heavy, IIMi H.15: mixed. IH.154HI.30- Yo-kers, 818 ion 18.10: light Yorker.. $17(717.25; pigs, 3 10.7.'. )17 : roughs, I16.23rjl0.40; slags, $13 50 14.50. Sheep and I.ambs Receipts, 7,800! easier, Lambs, I12ffl7.25: others iln-rh.iiige.1. Rent profiteering wilt be blocked It the Legislature accepts a bill which has Just been Introduced. It will defeat the plans of property owners who may be preparing to take advantage of the un precedented shortage of housing and business facilities of every character. The bill would make It compulsory on owners to make no attempt' to raise rentals untll'after May It 1811, and then only by giving the tenants of their build ings thirty 'days notice that they wut have to pay more for their premises, whether It bs a store, office, factory, dwelling or apartment suits. From -the standpoint of the real estate owner It would deprlvo him of the privilege or taking advantage of the principle ot sup ply and demand. This principal would be to their benefit at this time and for one or two years to come because New York haa comparatively little space of any character for rent, and since the government has taken steps to oon serve the capital of the country for war use the construction of buildings In New Tork city will be discouraged except when for the use of worklngmen en gaged in national enterprises. . The flow of humanity haa not beeT) affected by the war except that here tofore It' came mostly from Europe, while now It Is. from various corners of the United States. Nearly 200,000 per sons hav'c been establishing permanent homes In this city every year since the start of the war. Tha first of the year found less than 2 per Cent, vacancies In modern houses In the city. 1o popula tion which has been coming nero Is of the better class, and with money to pay for tho finest accommodations. The crush has put a premium on apartments. A suite is hardly vacant before It Is rented, and at a largely In creased figure. An apartment was learned the other day for 1800 a month for two months which cost the owner I2S3 a month. Under the present condi tions there are many house owners who are not try nx to hold tenants worn mov ing away, knhwlng that the vacancy can be filled and at a much better rental, the figure depending on the scarcity of premises In the section and the desire of the prospective tenant. Commercial space values have been boosted several times In the last twelve months and premises which will come on the market through the expiration of leases during tho next few months will not be sold for much less than 25 per cent above tho prevailing rents of to day. YThe same conditions will hold through the residential sections of the city. In fact rentals through the home districts of Manhattan havo Jumped faster and higher than in the trade zones. . Many owners of business and residen tial property are speculating on tho size of tho Income their property will bring them this year. On the other hand tenants arc asking how much more they will have to pay for the use of their apartments when their leases explre. The queries of both owner and tenant will ba answered if the Legislature passes tho measure before It making It manda tory on the owner not to charge more than present rentals for the preptlses during the next year OLD SBCTIOX HOL'SES SOLD. The two five story tenements and .fores at 168 and 170 Chrystle street have been sold by Robert I Harrison. m v. Aldrich and Robert A B. Elliott, executors of the estate of James t ,ir eh. The nouses octuiu . Eiecutoi; Chartered 1822 TruBtee The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Nos. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Branoh Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New York LONDON Foreign Exchange Administrator PARIS Guardian POLICE 'DECKHANDS' CLEAR UP THEFTS Arrest Ballroad Float Em- ployees foe Freight Bobber ies Loot Is Found. REDEMPTION NOTICE., CMoto mi Wtm lidiiM Mmi Co. GENERAL MORTGAGE BONDS.' Trustees' OfBce, Room It (5th Floor). Mills Bolldlng. New Tork, Feb. 7, 1 9 It. Tho Trustees have this day designated, by lot, th. following Feb. 22. Hogs Receipts. Lights, 817W17.S5; pigs. 49.9x82, ISO feet south of Rivlngton street. The executors acquired mo pi uy ertles last month as plaintiff In fore closure proceedings on a bid of $38,000. SALE OF BIG BRONX FLAT. The. llenrv Mnrgenthau Company haB sold to Louis Slutkln for cash 911 Simpson street, a triangular five storj apartmeit house nt the Junction or Simpson nnd Fox streets, fronting 135 feet on Simpson street and 157 feet on Fox street and containing thirty-five apartments. FLATBITM! SOLD. ' The Mclnerney Kllnrk Itealty Com pany has sold the throe story buness and apartment hulldlng at the southeast corner of Avenue H and East Sixteenth street, fronting 20 feet on Avenue II and 100 feet on East Sixteenth street. The property was sold for Herman and Henry Kremer to nn Investor. RECENT SALES I.N QUEEN'- E. Taylor 1ms sold the dwelling, on plot 40x100, west side ot Welcome place 100 feet north of Park avenue. Ozone Park, to M. Schvvack. J, Schrclber has Fold the dwelling at the southwest corner of Cool and Han over avenues', Elmhtirst, to It. Marshall. Tho W. & W, ltulldtiiK.Corporation has sold to II. M. Hletz .",0x100 feet, west turner of Jamaica and Twelfth avenues, and S.'ixlOO on west siae or " in.ins street 100 feet e.outh, of Jamaica avenue, Long island City. I ALE orTTllGKMERB PLOT. The MciFter Builders have sold to Dr. Isaac Hrown a plot 44x122 on Beach Twenty-fifth street, Kdgcmere, U I being part of the property the company purchased nt the auction sale of tho Eilgemrre Crest Corporation. LEASING FOIl ni'SI.KSel. The Mushach Hardware Company has rented 10.000 feet of space In the hulld lng at Si, Warren street. This makes 30,000 feet of spaco that they have tented In the Inst tno years. Douglas Elllman Co. have leased to tho Viilleil States Yarn Company a loft in 330 'ct Thirty-eighth street. Thomas .1. O'Hellly lias leased l.Ufte space nt 132 to 142 West Twenty-neveiith street to M Toff & Co., Alfred V. l'rnser, tho Central Binding Company, N.ithan I.epovv & Sons, California Wine Cellars, the O, & W. Novelty Company, the l'ahlow Itccd and Willow Manufacturing Com pany and thu National Joint Limb Doll Company. BIG FLAT FOR XEfiROKS, St. James Courl, a seven story apart ment, on plot 100x125, at the northweit corner of .Seventh aienue and 143d street, was leased jesterday by the Chamas Healty ami Construction Com pany, Max N. XnUnson president, to the Itenraw Healty Company, represent In Warner & Taylor, for the use of negro tenants. After pretending to be deckhands on tugboats hauling railroad floats from the Jersey, Shore to the freight yards of tho Eastern District Terminal Company at the foot of North Fourth street, Williams burg,' Detectives Dowllng and Miller ot the Seventh branch yesterday arrested on a charge of burglary James Guessing', 21, of 77 South Fifth street, and Joseph Cameron, 33, of 315 West 118th street, Manhattan, floatmen on tha railroad floats. They recovered from the men's homes several thousand dollars worth of merchandise alleged to have been stolen from cars. Tha Dollce belleva that bv thesa ar rests they have cleared up the mystery or a long series of robberies for which various railroad companies In the last year have been obliged to repay con signees thousands of dollars for losses. The terminal 'company began to re ceive complaints from shippers four weeks ago that they were the victims of thieves In the transit of merchandise. Detectives were put on the case, but not withstanding the vigilance of the police and watchmen employed by tho com pariy the robberies went on. It was finally decided that detectives take turns In posing an deckhands on towboats hauling the floats from the Jersey shore. It wasn't until yesterday, as alleged, that the two detectives discovered that while the floats were en route to Will-' lamsburg the shoes of the freight car doors were lifted, property taken from the cars and the doors replaced. Thede-. tectlvea maintained their vigil and latet nabbed Guessing and Cameron. Going to their homes the detectives, as alleged, came across an Immense amount of goods In cases, Including liquor, canned goods, dry goods, silks and all kinds of apparel. ' The property, which the police' say Is .valued at several thousand dollars, was taken to the detective bureau. Guessing, the polfee say, promptly admitted his guilt and told the detectives it was a common occurrence for employees to rob freight cars en route to destinations. In the Williamsburg court Guessing pleaded guilty and was committed with out ball for the Grand Jury by Magis trate Dooley. Cameron also was de xtrous ot pleading guilty, but at the quest of the polloa was committed w out ball for a he;Biig Wednesday, 111! 4440 7241 132! 3478 4712 7261 8327 861$ 4790 7332 8638 III! 4107 7429 8992 1468 4645 7508 9073 3703 5038 7635 9114 I7S9 6079 7616 9111 1765 (101 7743 9175 1935 6820 781.1 9876 4037 r327 7991 9465 4147 5395 8037 9459 4157 6921 8135 9537 420O 5992 3166 9661 4327 11479 8111 9162 4118 6610 8327 9705 4311 6713 8130 9789 1409 6724 1433 9860 4138 6881 8437 9866 447! 6921 8511 . 989$ 4479 6967 8183 9991 4613 6993 8613 10006 4156 7034 8712 10471 4881 7125 8710 10077 4110 7181 8755 10101 4633 7229 87C7 10197 10224 1011? 10341 10436 10434 1050J. 10683 10699 10753 10862 10171 11036 11170 11181 11310 11493 11427 11710 11362 11812 11899 11840 11961 12024 12016 11286 11644 12876 11912 12944 1110$ 11279 41311 11426 11441 13469 1154$ 13761 13817 116 14091 14116 14140 14197 14254 14291 14321 GEORGIA AND FLORIDA RESORTS THEVintcr paradise for thoughtful persons in search of physical well-being and mental exhilaration amid congenial associates. Round trip, flnltlau fata, XewYotl , Savannah $38.00 Jacksonville 46.80 Ctrmponilntly hit J "am to all otkr pninh Including Every Expense on Ship Comfortable, steel steam, ships, with spacious immacu late statrootns, also rooms with bed and private lath,. Git Sttcial'lVinttr Reiotl Visldit Ocean Steamship Co 140 V'. 42d St., al Broadway, rvnc Brum 1 fiet 35, North River. Phone Sp'ino 3 i e re-wlrh- L0ND0N MARKET. Iondon, sVeb. 22. Money In sood sup ply, discount rates quiet. The tone on the Stock Exchange was dull, the 4 per cent, war loan being the most active of thtt gilt edged issues. Cuban shares ad vanced S points. Silver mines, banks and shipping Issues continue to be In demand, but there was very little in terest displayed elsewhere. Bar sliver, 42'-id. 'Money, 3 per cent. Discount rates Short and three months bills Si per cent. Gold premiums at Lisbon 118. Consols for money closed 54 yt ; Brit ish 5 per tent. loan, 493a, ; British 4'.j per cent loan, 100 'J, Other quotations : Atchison 8 .New Voik Cent 74 Halt. Ohio... 514 Norfolk A West. .10 Canadian Pidnc.l6m Ontario West.. :t Che,. Ohio., 57 Vennsylvania .... 474 Clu. A (It. West . Keailing 79', t. liui , vi souinern iisnwaj. IMnver & Rio G 5 southern Pad tic. 90 Erie '.'0 ,1'ntnn Pacific ,,..125 Erie 1st nt 51 'U. 8. Steel H Grand Trunk..., s. Anaconda (10 sh.) nil Illinois central. ue neers js,, Louisville ... US iRarvl Mines., . . 3 Mo , Kan. a Tex 7 IJVERPO0L QUOTATIONS. Liverpool Cotton Matl.tli-a. LivEiii'oo!., Feb. , 22. Weekly cotton HtattMlcs Imports 44,000 pales, Amerl i an 30,000. stock 457,000, American uoi.noo -, forwarded '82,000, American U',000; no expoits, Total salss 7,000, American, 4,000, LlVEJiroor,, Feb. 22. Beef Extra In din. mess, 360s. Tork Prime mess, West em, 330s. plains Short cufc 14 to 16 lbs.. 137s. Bacon Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs. 132s.; clear bellies. 14 to 16 Ins.. 160. ; long clear middles, light, 2S to 31 lbs., 160m.; long clear middles. heavy, 3', to 40 lbs., 159s.; short clear back, 16 to 20 lbs., 157. Shoulders Square, 11 to 1.1 lbs.,gl28s. Lard Prime Western In tierces, 149s, fid. ; American refined In palls, lo2s. ; 5 61b, boxes, 150?. Tallow Australian In London, 72s. Tur pentine Spirits, 128s." Linseed Oil 61s. fid. Petroleum Keflned. Is. 6,(1. War kerosene. No. I, la "d. nosln Com mon. .64s, 6rl. Cottonseed olt Hull re fined, "spot, fiSs. 6d. a. tha numbers of the 147 bonds. Issued under the trust deed of the Chicago A Western Indiana Railroad Company datod D.eemb.r l.t, 1112. te be redeemed, by the operation of the Sinking Fund on March 1st next, at th. office of Messrs. J. P. Morgan A Co., N.w York, at 104 and ac crued Interest to that date. Registered bonds should be accompanied by a power of attorn.y transferring them to bearer. Th. following ar. the number, of bond, previously drawn for redemption .but not yet sresented for payment: 3816 1113 U609 14341 CHARLES H. RUfiSELL. I T,.t... HERBERT L. SATTBRLEE. I ' ru.rawa, LOST Southern Pacific Rallyoad Com part First Refunding Mortgage Bona o. M67756. James Kerr, 163 Mission St.. San Francisco. California DISSOLUTION NOTICES. CERTIFICATE QF DISSOLUTION of THE ALCOHOL L 1IL1TIE3 COMPANY, and Notice to Creditor.. STATE Or NEW YORK. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE, SS.t Thin cbuiiriuATU issuea in aupu- cate. hereby certifies that The Alcohol Utilities Company, a ilomestlc stook cor poration, ha. flleJ In this office on this list day of .December, 1917, paper, for the voluntary masoiuiion or ucn corporation under section 221 ot the General Corpora tion Law, nnd that It appears therefrom that such corporation has 'compiled with .aid section In order to b. dissolved. WITNESS my hand and th. seal or of fice of tha Secretary of State, at th. City of Albany, this thirty-first day of Decem ber, on. thousand nine hundred and seven teen. (Seal) (Signed) A. B. PARKER. Deputy Secre tary of state. All persona having claim, against the ahov. named corporation are directed to present the same forthwith at the offlc. of Jollne, Iark!n A Rathbone, ittorneya, No. 54 Wnll Street. Borough oAVManhat tan. City of New York. SPANISHLINECoT,;-r:e,;MU' FREQUENT SAILING, Hired .''l?' Corona, Gtion & fnntundrr Cadiz ft Barcelona) ilmnna )era irei J.Zaragoia,Agt. Tel llanovir. ATLANTIC. GULF AN1 WEsf Imiim MTEAMSHir LINES Clyde - MHiorJ" Ward Porto Itlco Lines. 4S9 tth Ave.N y OLD DOMINION LINE JvUr D.y. IPM.. Pier 24, N. lO Tel "THE PUBLIC BE n.ElSEn." BOSTON $2.95 PROVIDENCE DBr' $1.90 COLONIAL LINE ALL OUTSIDE STATEROOMS, fl TO $3. WMk days and eundaya at 6:00 p. at. froa Pier 31, N. R.. foot We.t Houston St. Phone iprlng 9411. Providence dlrect.ll.Ti. uiiisuis si. on. Daily, taelodlng Sunday, 8:00 r. M. From Pier 19.E.R. Phone 2700 Beskmaa. Cltr Tlck.t Offlc. 390 Broadway. N. T. FALL RIVER LINE to BOSTON. Lv. Pier 14. N. R.. 6 P. M. dalli. SPRING AND SUMMER HKSOltTS. VIRGINIA. Train service as fur onlh n. Old Point Comfort was never belter HOTEL CHAM BERLIN XOLO POINT COMPOST M M Swimming Pool. Coif. S3S- J J. foodCuisins. lerjLurot,n Bath and Treatment. W rits . IO. r. aOAMt, Msnsgsr lAA) gsrtisss Mwirx. Vs.. VLafVjf or Cook'. Tours, 245 Uroadway, 661 5tU At, Raymond A whltcorab, 225 5th Ave., I'ei.n. R B 5th Are. ft 29th St. Ak Mr ro,t.r at ::o w' 42d St. or at Lord ft Tailor's ami liertha Ra ner's Information Bureau, McAlpIn Hou: Frank's, 398 Broadway and 419 l'lftli Wcmt. NEW JERSEY Atlantic (II; CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION of CURTIS BAY CHEMICAL CO. INCORPO RATED and Notice to Creditors. STATE OF NEW YOrtK, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. HP.: THIS CERTIFICATE. Issued In dupli cate, hereby certifies that the Curtis nay Chemical Co., Incorporated, a domestic stock corporstlon. ha. filed In this office on this 31st day of December, 1917. papers for the voluntary dissolution of such corpo ration under section -J.'l of tho General Corporation Law, and that It appears therefrom that such co-porallon has com plied with said section In order to be dis solved. WITNESS my hand and the seal of of. flee of the Secretary of State, at th City of Albany, this thinv. first day of Decem ber, one thousand nine hundred and seven teen, (Seal) (Signed) A. D. r.VRKER. tVputy Se-r- tary of State. All persons having claims against the above named corporation are directed to "I"."?? ,n" ame forthwith at the offlc of Jollne. I.hrkln &, Attorn.y., 54.".',1, Street. Borough of Manhattan. rltv nf Vew York LBUAL NOTICES." r?.KT. " VNE AMI NORTHERN INDIANA TRACTION COMPANV. to lioi.DKim or mx pr.;K rfcvT VEAIl COLLATERAL OOLD ilSiTS-H. Tl!". underslmioJ. UKORCIE o. .1.1' fecial faster appointed in and by the dscree entered December " iir m Open. at all sea sorvs of tHio TTWri r. Come toAltanticCilv nrvd ire iWDCfliuwaiH IfHLTOt J. BUBI JOoir ATLANTIC CITY LCHALFONTE HOSPITABLE - HOMELIKE ALWAYS OSIN i.riiiMn i rum uompsny of New lork, compUtlmmt. against Fort Wayne and Northern Indiana Traction Lompanj, defendant." pending in tho Ills- tnct louri or Hie lTn.i,, s:,.. . . V. - Southern District of Now York, pursuant 10 the orov on. nf ..1,1 J..... I. J.'.'.J" ,,"f'-'11' made, g'es notice that ha will through Central Trust Company of New V.,t4c and at Its cffUc, 54 Wall Stre.i Aevy lork city, pn March 4tli. 1918. during Hualness hour,, bo prepared 'o pay out nf iinl mi luiwt snottr Houu or thi won j ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. "1HE NATION'S HEALTH SHOf" M.AUTH IS KFFICICNCY A Oarmiclde Gulf-atrtam-iempered Climate. No Slush. No Du,t. No Dirt Innumble Outdoor Recreation, and Indoor Frre-r.t-rrrro JOIIaH WHIIliiusiui. Atlantic f it, .1 The Nearest Winter lt,ir( GALEN II ALL, Atlautlc Lit), .. ders the proceeds of Fait, (-.old .Notes, coupons or , l.ilms for Interest, 7 " ..,.,,, i.irv hip re-pet tiv nv entitled upon the thervof ft,': PARIS MARKET. WOMEN'S CITY C'Ll'B HOME. Pease & Klliman have closed n lease, announced recently, to the Women's City Club for the Prescott Hall Butler estate on the five story American base ment dwelling at 22 Park avenue. The lease Is for a long fcrni ot years and carries an option of purchase. William A, White &-Soiis repreeiented the Under estate In tho negotiation TAKK HOMES IN THE CITV. The .Houghton Company lias leased for Hubert is. Smith the three story ami basement dwelling at 72 West Ninety, (.econd street to Sarah and ICdvvarcl J Haywood. - Moore, Schuttc & Co, have Iea.el the three story and basement dwelling at 412 West J43th street for Mary S. Don nelly to Peter McDowell. Paws, Fen. 22 Trading on the nourso to-day was calm. Three per cent, rentes were quoted at &7 franca ."0 centimes, exchange on London at 27 francs 17 V centimes and the 3 per cent, loan at 87 francs SO centimes NEW YORK'S PRIVATE . SCHOOLS lOLNO A1K.N AMI BO. EHHtXt.i-lltVI.NO aVUUOL. from Primary to Collage." ' Ovra.. Swimming Pool, etc.; JZih yu. 300 W. Hd Be. Tel. nchuvlee 4S3B. RAILS AltO SCHOOL FOR HorS. FlelUatou. West JtlA St. Hoys mar r. main all day. Including Sat'y. Study hour cnniai-our a tn. Fieis. Kind g to (junes, 1 lilts IslHr<iRlT APPEARS IIAILt A HVNDAT. . RATES ON RBQUKBT. THE SCHOOL, COIAJCUK AND CAMP ttCREAt;, N, x, SUN, N. V. CITT PUBLIC NOTICES. 11Y VIRTUE of a Chattel Mortgage made by Louise Oershon, dated October 19th. 11. and filed the 26th day of Oc tober, 1914, I will cause to he sold at Publln Auction nt 232 West 31st Street, City of New York, on the 27th day of Feb iiisry, 1918, at 10 A, M all goods and chattels described In tho above mentioned mortgage WILLIAM STIt ASIHTUOKit CONNECTICUT REAL ESTATIt) SACRiriCINO extraordinary cotn.try place; pinuresquc atreige;; linenrnmlierr d 41fls WneiirtS l Mt,y A,,.,".J.'.'1 decree prondcit nny holder of l'y L0,1! or '""Pon fur the payment of which this notice Ii given, who shall all to present th. same for pavmont at the time and placo herem specified, shall not be entitled to payment of any" Interest thereon after jliat day out of the proceeds For the terms of the decree and of tho order of confirmation of sale reference is mnde to said derreo and anld order of record In said suit. IJjted. New VorJc. rehruarv 21, ijm H:mmLU,i'T. Speelal Master NEW YORK WI'IIKMR Co"L.'RT:Nliw YORK COUNTY. In the Matt'r of the Application of CI'ARANTY SECrillTIES CORPOIl. TION for anllinrlly to change its name 'to t"onINKNTA!' OUARANTv corpora" NOTKil IS HEREBY OIVEN that Ouaranty Securities Corporation, a domes, tic corporation duly Incorporated pursuant to the provisions of the Ranking Law of the state of New York, having Its prlri. clpal business office at Nn 2(4 Madison Avenue. In the City of ,ew York. Horough of Manhattan, County and state of Nv Tork. will apply to the Supreme Court nf the State of .New York at a rpeeal Term Part I. thereof, to be held at the County Court House In the Borough of Manhattan City and County, of New York, mi the 6th day of March, 1911. nt 10:15 o'clock In the f.irenoon of thnt dav, upon a duly verified petition approved by the Superin tendent of Hanks of the state of New York, for an order autlioilzlng said cor. poratlon to change Its corporate nam to Continental Guaranty Corporation Dated. New York. Kehrilarv 5, 191t OrARANTYKEi'UIUTIHSroRponATION. By EDWARD S MADDOCK, President. INSTRUCTION, "llOTii SEXES?' THF U. S. SECPFTARIAL SCHOOL 642-144 Fifth Ave. (45th St.). The oldest anl pre-eminently th. moat .ucceaaful. Prepare, for and obtains excellent secretarial poal tlons. Pay and Evening Cnur.ea Writs for Catalog 3. Prof, Meagher, M. A.. Dlr.ctor. AUTOMOBILE AND MOTOR TRUCK INSTRUCTION. AUTOMOBILE r.duced by know Ing your car; day and evening Instruction for owners, prospective owners, chauffeur, and ladies; special course In Self starters. Lighting and Ignition AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. West Side Y. H. C. .., 316 West $7lh Strest TO Lb'iyyuM HLS1NE PUHI'O.if.9. CORNER, magnificent suite, 6 offices, 11 outsld. wlndowr, $160, 110 W, 40th, BUSINESS CHANCES. A MH'i;ssrn. Mi-n production Engl iter with a record of Two Million forgd and machined British High Explosive Shells requires additional niunclal backing to handle American Shell Contrurts; has expert Mechanical Staff and option on mod ern fully equipped plant In Central New York, capacity 2,000 6 inch shells per da Apply SHELL, lox 111 Sua office. WERNEBSVILLE. Pa, GALEN H ALL-IN-THE-MOUNTAINS W E K N K II H VI E, I'A. Dryair. Fine scenery Ftmj Mmfort fcr ot gor short winter rtt flatM. MaiMfc, Ri4nt Phyrictan P A R P. R Through Pullmans New York nnd I'hW Howard M. Wing, MsnKii-er THE r.l.LN PHIN. The American Nauheim Write fu" kouk i.uMiin .si.r?. suriu:.fK roi'j.T. 'ijtsT YOHK-MATILUA l.AH.M a AN.V1R JIUTM. et Ji' . I vf 1'jIT, Action No, t In pufuon n of b ; ir-r elojro niul sal, dil. n - h ' th hot" Mntitlftl itt'tion Hnri ! th ISth .lay nf underslgiiM, thn rf't-r- i t, amerl, 111 :it put'1 l.xc ha litre Sa Ir pro Jin v Mrt11'. n tlio noronpli f' nf Now York, on Jir 3 ' 151 lit 1 J O floe lC HO'M .lOSKI'II I' DAY, Au- ti f dire- XfA by (..ilil JuJpiii' ' therein accrlbed as fuU t a In lt piec or i)trr' ' bins nnd l-olnc In th H ' hflttrtn. tMtv of New deiifrlbetl a (nllnwn, lo UgMINMNi. at -i side of Seventh htret -U ' (10(V feet westerly lr 'Hi ' i comer of .Seventh fltret nr 1 , f running thnc r n Street. twentyflv 'a fet erly and parallel 1- rs ' eight (AS) fet find f"ur 4 -easterly and paraP 1 " ' ' twenty-flo I2ht feet then parallel with First u-nut feet and four 1 4 .u i- place of trclnrlnp h nnd dlnuniion more tr le Dated. New York. T t FRKTIKUKK O Af 11 T.'" ' Plalptlff, 21.1 Mnnt.iKii 1 lyn. Ntnv York The fotlowliiR 1.1 it'i 1 erty tn t"i sold, it "if ' Seventh Street: ' ?th S'ne The appnixlintt dtno i thnrge, to RHMf hi i scribed pr"porty tn tn hn "l . with lnttret tht're'-'', fr.'i, Febiuarv, 101 i. inn''l"' ' allowanrt nnioutnim: i S tireBt from lVbrur- '! u lt)i tli rsprtnpi s i'f mate 'unnuut of th- nv - water ratre. or other lie? tokd to the put tha it chae nimii v or pn d 11,669 00 .onl lntrt'i Ddtetl, .Now orh. 1 -Vir-. i CUAItLUS F .MUltl H