Newspaper Page Text
s - - . t , . ' " ' i r - I , - THE SUN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1918. 3 'SUN' FINDS HOG ISLAND'S MEN PROUD OF TASK Resentful of the Charges Against "World's Largest Shipyard-to-Bc. BOWLES IS OPTIMISTIC Says He Believes Vessels Will Do Rushcd.Tlirough ns Originally Planned. iliieial Dttpatch to tat Scs pillWDELriitA Feb. 22. Hog Island In snowstorm was bnrcd to public view to-day- Sand lots and swamp full of cattails less than five months ago, It now !, the world's biggest shipyard. M.ide famous virtually overnight by l-s selection as tho cradle of 120 steel (s;fb that are to cross the Atlantic tome time, It has Jumped from fame to notoriety because of Senate charges of IM wastefulness of Uncle Sam's money, No layman could dream of saying who rlsht or who Is wrong In the contro' uri' or of striking a balance between the accusers and tho accused. It Is even doubtful It tho learned gentlemen of the Swate Commcrcu . Committee, who are to Inspect the yard on Monday, will be MtKh wiser after their visit. Tlie truth from a non-technical view joint lies as deep as the mud under the Ufl of the first ship, and that mud Just i.ow frozen so tight that holes for the I lira had to be blown with dynamite. mil InvestUrattoa Coarte. Bat the fact stands that the uniformed S'wds with rifles who swarm In the ird and cover its. approaches for miles, stood back to-day and reporters for New York and Philadelphia newspapers were ihown all around. They were guided wherever they wanted to go, and then utrr free to roam where they pleased, .ce what they could see and hear what they might hear. No restrictions as to utiat they should write were hinted at. Officers of the American International Shipbuilding Corporation naturally said nafcy things and gave out a prepared tatement, all sctUng the mammoth un iltrtaklns In the best possible light. For the rtJt there wavlsual evidence of lie things: The keel of the first ship Is down. It tn laid on February 12. which the i-ltnr were told was six days ahead of fh'dulc as plotte1 when tho contracts ere signed October 13. Further construction of that ship has it been started. This, it was ex plained, is due to the non-arrival of tee!, twenty-eight cars of which were si 1 to be on the way. Work on the fifty shlpways i pro Si rfeing. Twelve, including the one on tfcloh the first keel rests, were said to bo completed, but this seemed to be '1'iojiv true of not more than half a dozen. 1'lsuratlvely, the ways are the first ' tif trenches in a shipyard. Many steel ifirkTS who otherwise would be in fnslvely busy In them are either doing nvthlng else or waiting for the rall oads to deliver the stceL 'econilarjr Work Well tinder Way. The trenches back of the first line the barracks, mess halls, piers, water isteni, eewer system and a thousand "id one other essentials of the plan v been constructed faster than a iir of criticism heatd in Wnshlne m might suppose. Many things are ' I'omplete, but are workable. The mlpht be compared to a factory 'jn ng out its product simultaneously the erection of its walls. Uos Island, the whole SI6 acres of It, . .it o with workers.. One wns told that t-fif'O were busy on Wednesday, 16,300 enerday and between H.000 and 15,000 o.inv Next summer the number will ! -'f..'iOij. of whom 19,000 will bo bulld 'u linn and 111,000 occupied In the ep and yards. "Hit- number fluctuate' from day to '"e employment manager said, be- . .e m these times there Is no way of ;.nir a man from taking a day or days off when lie lias money i'JSii in his pocket to accommodate his '."un IJaelj worker Is docked for alt tune. Hi cry bod y Seems Bust. TV number at the yard to-day was at minimum, the same authority said, 'cause although this was not a holiday places where America's win the war 'u.r are being built many men will not ork nn such days as the birthday vof KVhinston, It has been charged that a great many of 'hof on the payroll are Idle. All that slble to-day seemed to be doing '"netlitng. How fruitful their labor was 'isual olistrver could tell. TIih occasion for the llrst public In- ution of the wilderness of derricks, tldniga, timbers, railroad track", piers, nps moving and stationary engines, n'or 'tucks and mule power wagons, t.api nf lumber, cranes, driven piles ill p ! drivers, steam Jets, pumps and '"'line htimanM which Is tho Hog Isl ' .'1 of to-day was tho raising of an i"r an tl.ig on a high staff in front of " Administration Uulldlng. Eiery ian In the yards not engaged p- retniitory work was privileged to 'and out in the snow nnd sen the na ""' Miow About 2,000 were there. "anptnij their feet on the hard but " ihy ground and baring their heads wn m nag was broken out and a band ' i Philadelphia played "The Star Tar.slf.l n.inner." t"e Si s- reporter talked with many of men mm wim otners about the I Considering the fact that thev " from every nation under the sun ' 'at a great number are amthtne "iiiu niecnanics or educated men, .'" rather surprising to find that most e: Knew that Hog Island was under ' rt,lfi that the Senate committee was mine Men Proud of Their Work. Fi'iJlltMul OhaseS Of 111 firnilfittna e tn,j ueep for the majority, but they ii'i etl w,th A warmth agreeable on so - .. ..oj wi.ii, invy wrro in a re 'ui mood. They professed to know 'f e important their work is In ' " " and said they were sura that '; an niie the transformation of Hog ii iriin, us ancient marshy estate " ein u-cn seen anywhere before. . 'c were proud of their share In "hat to them a miracle, and they Mntei tlw. t.iiKTI , l.nn.. v.n. ir Jtl . ,'M..V. tw .nun ui.i Hug i.rid ha, bten mBgned. This sum- of their remarks Is passed along .' what It Is worth. A few hours on Wand alTords no excuse for conclu- r a little over a month Hear Ad rranels T. Bowles, managing rector of the Kmergeney Fleet i.,7i"ra!10"' ,,!tH been n the ''" In e ll ,,a""8 "Irregularities." by Ll;,"011 ot Chairman Hurley of the iihf.i" Coird' anl "tudylng the whole '"utlon with a view to speeding the :J"PS. He was uL-l .hi. .ft.mAAr, te i. v.. j - . - -. .. ik." reached any conclusions as to soundness of criticism that has been 1 hv ome Ideas," he said, "but in view of the fact that the President and congress have ordered an Investigation I am not In a position to 'express them," After the Admiral pulled the halliard that released the flag whose first 'ap pearance fas celebrated at 1 o'clock this nfternoon ho made a llttlo speech that was full of optimism. "I believe that the programme will be carried through exactly as It has been planned," he said, which mado the work men cheer. Admiral Bowles added that remark to his prepared speech. In which ho Implored the Hog Islanders, I'en gaged In the greatest shipbuilding enter prise the world has ever known," to draw Inspiration from the most dominant fea ture of Washington's character "stead fastness of purpose, unvarying devotion to the welfaro of his countrymen." "Washington," he added, "said that to make a soldier and to bring him to a state of discipline required time and was a work of difficulty as well. That work is being undtrtaken In a system atic, orderly way and will carry on, but the first great offensive of the Amer. lean people is the bulBIng of a merchant marine to make, that army effective In this war. "You are now In the first line of attack. Let us go on with steadfast purpose, take every shovelful, drive every nail home, make every rivet sound. Iet us each In our own way be con scious of our duty and encouraging to our mates." II r. Katon Eves More Hopefnl. Dr. Charles A. Katon, the Madison Avenue pastor who has dropped his church work to pound home to tho ship builders the need of speed and stick toltlveness. was even more hopeful about Hog Island than Admiral Dowles. He said the public had no Idea of the gi gantic difficulties encountered In raising such a yard as this. "Normally," he said, "It would repre sent 100 years development In ship building. Doubtless thero have been mistake due to haete and condition under which tho work has to be done. Hut back of this lie tho main fact that enormous progress has been made, the enterprise Is headed for a great success and the ships will be delivered according to contract. The time has come when we ought to encourage every shlpbuirderr manager and man, just as we are en couraging our soldiers and sailors." Well, whoevcr's at fault. If anybody Is, It did one's ears good (If the drums were not too thin) to hear tho whistles screaming when "The Star Spangled Banner" sprawled Itself Into vision over America's greatest tha world's greatest shipyard. Whistle experts said they could distin guish in the glorious babel the voice of steam shovels, donkey engines,' tugboats, river boats, locomotives motionless for tho moment on the fifty miles or so of track that vein the Island's surface, of power stations, of alt manner of riveting and pounding machinery, of automobiles and fire headquarters, and as if the toot ing and honking wasn't enough the tiny thrill of men whistling on their fingers. Jnat South of Navy Ynrd. It was the voice of tho yard nt that moment saluting the Stars and Strlnes. and It certainly sounded goad, with the band and Its national anUiem all mixed up with the 'harsher hdllabaloo. Itoughly the island Is two miles long nnl half a mllo wide. It is Just Bouth of League Island, where the navy yard Is. How it got its name not a person tested to-day knew. "Imnno If hogs ran here once, but they say wild horses did," was the nearest approach to the desired Information. Hear Admiral Bowles motored from Philadelphia down to the yard with Dr. Katon, Walter !oodenough, the general manager of the plant, and others of the American international Corporation and Its subsidiary, the American Interna tional Shipbuilding Corporation, which has the contracts for the ships followed. A string of automobiles with the visitors trailed them. The cars approached care fully over plank roads. All the roads In and around the yard are of plank. Ex travagance In using plank Instead of ma cadam la one of the accusations against the management. It replies that tho ground proved to bfc so swampy that stone wouldn't May on the surface and that boards had to he ued. ,ny way, plank roads they are. They lead to fo many frame buildings that each one Is numbered. ICach one Is also labelled "Don't remove" A few are painted, ninut aro not. To-day's tourists were taken first to a imm hall, through spotless kitchens to a huge dining room. It Is run cafeteria stylf. Kach workman gets his meal, from soup to pudding, all at once on a tray. Hear Admiral Howies and everybods: with him sat down at a workman's table with his tray futl of food The food wan eaten. It was good, und oni- w,i told It was a fal' .ample of the midday meal ll costs the woikin.m llil cen's. The manai-'cment uld it vost-i the io-,' ra tion about 3" tents. In thlf restaurant and another about 16,000 men are fed every day. The lest bring their lunches from home. Nor mally smoking1 is not permitted la the restaurant. This being a special day Admiral Bowies lit a cigarette. Tim other visitors smoked. The workmen did not. After the fla raising the party drove through tho yards, stopping first at Way No. 1. The fifty ways, or the nartr of them completed, slope into the Delaware side by side, with railroad tracks be tween them so that the stnel can be hoisted from the oar and deposited where It belongs. ei Keel Laying Thursday. On way Noil Is the keel of the first ship, laid on Lincoln's Birthday. It w; tiald that tho second would be laid next Thursday. Not many men Were visible on way No. 1, T.u men are waiting for strel. The steel, it was .'aid, was held back bv the piiority rights of food and coal. Along tho ranks of shlpways pile drivers were thumping. "Die frozen mud has to bo thawed with steam Jeta when dynamite isn't used. That Is one of tho biggest causes of extra expense the visitors were Informed. Standing near tho first keelson one got a partial view of tho panorama. much of which was obscured by fnjltng snow, At first it seemed chaotic, livcn tually the observer Teallzed that what ever the delays and their causes have been tho gigantic shlpyaul Is carefully and systematically planned. It Is not as orderly an Camp Upton, for instance, for Upton has no forest of derricks, re minding one of an oil field, that towers over Hog island. Those plank roads have squashed 4n In some iplaces. Evidence ot Winning; Plsht. Everywhere Is the evidence of a hatd and apparently winning battle against swamp, mud and a fierce winter. The hardness of the winter Is stressed In the yard officials' explanation of mat ters complained of to the President and tho Keuate committee. For a month a n time, they said, tho mercury did not budge nbove rero, and outdoor work most of the Hog Island work Is that kind sagged n great deal. Fifty miles of railroad track have been built on the Island. The Hhlpplng Board decided that was too much and had twelve miles removed. Since then, yard officers said, twelve of the miles that were torn out have had to be rebuilt and more track Is needed. They also said that much delay was caused by changes In the ship pro gramme made by the Shipping- Board. Tho original plan was to have 120 7,500 ton vessels mado at Hog Island. Later It was ordered that seventy of these be 8,000 ton dead weight capacity. In get ting ready for them the corporation had to enlarge -the ways, and this was an other delaying factor. v Much was said to-day. also as to how much profit the corporation and the sub contractors are getting- out of the Hog Island-undertaking, but as the Senate commutes and the Attorney-General's office are going to dig Into all these mat ters thero Is no us In exploring them here. To-day's official statement said' that from the two miles of shlpways amd piers on the Island the first completed vessels will cmorgo on November IS this year. Unofficial prediction was that the date will bo earlier than that. Beginning November 1, according to the stated programme a ship will be fin ished every two days for eight and a half months, so that by July IS, 1919, there will have been turned over to the Government 120 ships ot a total of 035, 000 tons. That many ships with a ISO foot hawser between each pair would make a Una thirty miles long. Parts Made In Steel Mills. The ships are to be "manufactured" of fabricated steel. That means that the parts are made In various steel mills about the country and put together at Hog Island. One thousand shops, em ploying about 350,000 persons, aro mak ing the steel and other materials. Foundations for tmi ways and build ings on the Island require 120.000 piles. which If laid end to epd would stretch from New York to Chicago. That Is one of the ways In which the corporation Is trying to make the publlo realize what a whale of a work It Is doing. Carpenters are getting $t.40 a day, and common laborers, at the 35 cents an hour and overtime agreement, are mak tng 3. S.'. It wan admitted to-day that i great many men needed at tho yard for the work requiring great skill have to be taught after they get th"re. The corporation has a school for that pur pose. VETERAN SOLDIER EXTOLS NEW ARMY Col. John F. C. Tilson Asserts He Has Fonnd Xo Slacker. While 10,000 men, with faces set and minds solemnly determined upon some thing that Is to be accomplished 3,000 miles away, with guns on their shoul ders and heavy equipment on their backs, marched In the snow down Fifth avenue yesterday afternoon an old sol dler talked about tho new fighters. He stood before an audience at the Wash Ington Headquarters Association of the Daughters of the American Revolution which had met for the annual Washing ton's Birthday celebration In the Jumel mansion at 160th street and Edgecombe avenue. "We call them our soldier boy," he said. 'There are no boys among them. They aro all men. 1 have seen the de parture of many troopships and I have noted that there has been no shouting by these men in khaki. There has been no yelling, like 'Remember the Slalne' or the Lueitanla. There have been no col lege 'rah rahs.' No. There has been on each and every face a fierce look of de termination. Col. John V. C. Tilson. commanding of ficer of Fort Jay, (lovemors Island, was the epeakcy. He has seived in the riill ipplnes and in China, and ho Is now handling, as he says, "thousands and thousands of the men of the new army." o Slacker. lie Says. "There are no such men as slackers." he said. "We have no slackers. 1 know, because the alleged slackers come to me at Fort Jay, and I have found that not one of them has been a slacker. Every one of them has been a real American and equal to any volunteer we have. They did not speak English; the draft had not been explained properly to them ; they didn't understand. "During the civil war I saw at the big concentration depots, wholo companies of troops on -their way to the trains throw away their equipment and lice. They don't do that these days. "And I don't want to boast, but many thousands of the' new army have been so large physically that it was necessary to change tho standardisation of our uniforms nnd equipment. Wo have men In France to-day who are almost super men. "As a soldier, I bring you no words of crltlcbim. Our Government lias raised one million and n half soldiers. And do you actually know that this great army was raised according to the plans of fJeorge Washington'.' lie was the first President to advocate military prepard neas. and the present day army was or ganized according to the plan with which he continually confronted the Colonial Congress. He tried, but In vain, to bring about military preparedness. Washing I ton was tho first and last President to advocate military preparedness. Tribute o Washington. In a soldier's way of talking Col. TlUon paid tribute to the memory of America's first President : "As an army officer," he said, "I was sent to the Philippines in the early days of the American occupancy, and I found that Aguinaldo and his followers, who were strUing to make the remote archi pelago a lepubllc, wero following tho principles and the plans of W ashington. Some of the Filipinos know more about fleorge Washington and his Ideals than some Amerlciftis do. "loiter on I wan detailed to China, and 1 met the !ln-t President of the Chi nese Republic When he learned that I was an American army officer hp wanted to talk about George Washington im mediately. Thrice arpund the world and In its most remote places I have heard the immortal name of Washington in nil languages. "Some of us think of Waehington ns a superman, and like to think of him In his silk stockings, sliver buttons, white lace cuffs nnd iwwdered wig, but we officers of the army love to think of him as a Virginia farmer nnd backwoodsman, stalwart, daring, worthy of nny foe. a ninn to be loved, anil a great soldier." The Right Rev. Dr. Charles 8. Hurch, Suffragan Bishop nf New York, another f-peaker. said that If the spirit of Wash ington had been In the Russian people there would be no weakening In that nu Hon. Washington hnd to deal with slack ers, ho said, and many a one was struck by the flat side of that General's sword SEEKING TO WW A. F. OP L. American snpport Wanted by Al lied I.nbor Conferees. Lonoon, Feb. 22. Kmll Vandervelde, representing tho Belgian Labor party, presided at the continuation of the con ference of the Labor and Socialist parties of tho Kntentc allied countries to-day. M. Vandervelde said there were two great questions beforo the confer ence, namely, the elaboration of n corn mon programme and the calling of a general international conference. On the first question agreement hnd virtually been reached, the speaker said. He added : "The American Federation of Labor Is the only party to tho contract that Is lacking. Its adhesion Is Indispensable, and measures must be taken to insure It." Four Draft Conspirators Convicted. figATTJ.E, Feb. 22. A verdict of guilty wus returned by a Jury In the United States district court hero last night In the cases of Unlet M, Wells, Joe Pass, Morris Pass and Sam Sadler, Socialists, charged with conspiring to block the operation of tho selective service act by distributing anti-draft literature. WARNED HURLEY OF HOG ISLAND DANGER Philip Manson Tells Senate Committee Ho Also Wroto Constructor Capps. SUBMITS HIS LETTERS As Early as Last April He Urged That Shipping Hoard Avort Profiteering. Special Dttpatck to Tns Sew. Washington, Feb. 22. Evidence that Chairman Hurley and Rear Admiral Capps, at that tlmo head of the Emer gency Fleet Corporation, did not go Into the Hog Island contracts unwarned of the doubtful wisdom of tho movo and tho possibility of profiteering. was pre sented to-day to tho Senate Commerce Committee by Philip Manson of New York, managing director of the Pacific and Eastern Steamship Company, ono of the men who drew the law creating the Shipping Board. He submitted to the committee copies of correspondence with Mr. Hurley and Rear Admiral Capps chief of naval construction, some of the letters dating back to April. The corrc- ronilcr.ce continued until November last. A letter urging the "better wisdom" of constructing merchant ships at a num ber of small Govcrnnicnt yards which could be quickly put up Instead of putting up half a hundred building ways at Hog Island, was submitted to the committee. In this letter, Mr. Manson demonstrated, Mr. Hurley and Rear Ad miral Capps wero warned of the possi bilities of profiteering In awarding the 8200,000,000 "cost plus" contract to the American International Corporation. "Merely a Holding Company.' Mr. Manson asserted that he had warnsd Rear Admiral Capps against contracting to build ships with a con cern which had no shipbuilding facilities and suggested that the Government it self undertake to build the ships, thin escaping hundreds of millions of dollars In protit to some private concern. His letter to Mr. Hurley dated Sep tember 15 said: "I consider it unnecessary nnd un wle for the Government to contract with the American International Cor poration, which Is merely a holding com pany and not a shipbuilding cuncern. The work should be done by the Gov ernment Itself for the benefit of the whole people and free from tho machln.i tlons ot private interests. So done the cost should not be more than half of what you will have to pay under tho present plan." This letter, it was testified, was re ferred by Mr. Hurley to Hear Admiral Capps, who replied, touching a para graph In tho letter referring to the plan for building ships at several smaller Government yards: "Your outline of a plan for the construction of merchant Bteamers li n,"t to be found." Cited British F.conomr. To substantiate his assertion thai am ple warning was given those In charge of the possibilities of granting enormous contracts to a concern having no experi ence in shipbuilding, Mr. Manson cited this from a letter he wrote Rear Ad miral Capps early In October: "The fact Is that you have contracted for most of your tonnage with concerns that have little or no existing facilities for this woik, and In many instances have never built a ship before, and the Gov ernment is financing these concerns." In this letter Mr. Manson made a forcible cost comparison, f-howlng that while tho British Government had built the same sou of esels for only 175 a deadweight ton, the American Govern ment had contracted to pay 1143 a ton. and urged this as a reason for construc tion of the vessels by the Government. Only once, the correspondence showed. did Hear Admiral Capps make any ref erence to these reported agreements for Government building of the vessels con tained In Mr. Manson's letter.!, the lai- t-r said to-day This lone letter from year Admiral Capi. under date of No- i ember 5 last, said that "consideration was given to th suggestion," but "it was deemed more advisable and more expeditious to employ organizations as agents of the Emergency Fleet Corpora tion." Three days later-Mr. Manson said he replied in part: "I am amazed that with all the opportunities the Shipping Board anil the Emergency Fleet Corpor ation had at their disposal to ascertain the facts regarding this shipbuilding work they have consummated contracts compared with which all other war prof lteerlng pales Into insignificance and the most serious result of tho corporation's inexplicable failure to nave this work done by tho Government itself Is that the success of our arms may bo gravely Impaired by the delay in turning out the hli." Senator Fletcher (Fla.), chairman of the committee, asked Mr, Mausou If be thought the $25,000 salary paid Walter Goodonough as general manager at Hog Island, was excelvi. Mr. Manson said it was, as his salary had been I1S.O0O, Then ho criticised other salaries paid at Dog Isfand, particularly thoso paid "press agents." He said the publicity end of the shipbuilding business wns "ono of Its worst evils" and that the newspapers were "only too glad to print every possible Item of legitimate news without the assldanCM of publicity agonts receiving fancy salaries." The Commerco Committee will visit Hoa) Island Monday, leaving hern at 8 o'clock that morning. PJJVNS TO REOPEN BLACK SEA. Herman)- to t'ae Ships to fjrt (iraln From the Ukraine, Amsteiidam, Feb. 22. Advices re. eclved here from Berlin yesterday say that It was announced in the Joint sit ting ot tho Reichstag that it was planned to rem mo shipping in the Black Sea after the mines have been clenred away. The plan Is to expedite shipments to Crcrmany from the Ukraine, Germany to supply agricultural machinery and Im plements In return for grnln. WISCONSIN ELECTION APRIL 2. (iov. l'hlllpp Sets Hale for Fllllnsi i;. 8. Senate Vacancy. Madison, Wis., Feb. 22. (iov. Phlllpp of Wisconsin to-night called a special election for April 2 to choose a United States Senator. The election will bo held to fill the vacancy caused by tha accidental death last Octnher of Paul O, Hustlng. BELL-AIMS Absolutely 'Removes Indigestion. Druggist refund money if it fails. 25c ft CITY IN NO DANGER OF FOOD SHORTAGE Administrator Williams Con fident of Adequate Sup ply for All.' URGES NEED OF ECONOMY Potatoes,. Poultry, Meat, Fish and Cheese Plentiful Hoarders Warned. Herbert C. Hoover's declaration that "the next sixty days will be the most Critical period In our food history" sug gasted yesterday many questions as to what those engaged In food administra tion work think Is going to happen In the food markets of tho city. "Of what kinds of foodstuffs will there be a shortage?" "Will consumers start to hoard food, believing there will be a shortage?" "What's to bo done about It anyway 7" These and many, other questions were asked of Arthur Williams, Federal Food Administrator of this city, and he frankly expressed tho opinion that If the people of New York ' patriotically obey Mr. Hoover's food regulations, save foodstuffs needed by the Allies and our j soldiers and eat of tho foods that- aro abundant, everybody Is going to get all the food he needs. "New Yolk city will not suffer In any way for food," ho said. "Tho people of this city have been assured by Mr. Hoover that New York will be fed and there Isn't any doubt but that all the food tbat the city requires will be sent here. "At the suggestion of Mr. Hoover we are starting to organlzo a committee which will make an Index, a permanent Index, while the war lasts, of all food stuffs In storage plants, warehouses, wholesale stores, retail shops In tho city and also foods In transit to tho city. Wo have Invited an unusually able man to act at tha head of this organization. By this plan we will know. exactly what stocks of foods there are on hand and what Is headed this way. We can check up every week and thus keen In touch with the situation all the time. With' the information that we will get It will bo very easy to supply sutllclent food for the city s need " Hoarding: to He PanlalirO. "It has been suggested tint people might hoard foodstuffs Jf they thought , there was going to be a scarcity. Any- . body who hoards food will be hauled up. nnd we would like tho name of any- -body who Is hoarding. One of (he big, department stores recently notified us 1 that some of their customers were buy- Ing apparently more groceries than they need and have asked us what they can , do about It. "I t-hould say that If there l nny i change In the buying of family supplies and a family starts to carry more of a particular food than Is necessary for Its purposes, that might constitute hoard ing. "Of course, we may be short on some foods. For Instance, Just now there I" a shortage of rice, oatmeal and certain substitutes for flour that the Food Ad ministration has asked shall be used in bread making. There Is no shortage of these things In the country, but merely In populous centres of consumption. Tho , demand for them has been great, you! know, because the people are trying to do what the Government w.nlts save the wheat "Kverybody knows that there are mor potatoes In the country than wo can consume. There In no shortage of poul try, fish or There ii no snortage In all things, but some foods nre short. We have a great supply of potatoes be cause the people responded to the call for production. Tha fact 'that thero Is a big stock of meat In storago shows thit the people responded to the call to sale meat. New York city Is a dependent cltv so far as Its food supply i" concerned, more eo than any other city In the country. I'rges All to Kronomlrr. "I don't want to see a single person bu) food In excess of hl-i needs. If wc nre going to be short let us all, rlrh and poor, go short alike. If we have got to cut down to a point or neing pinched let us all, excepting the chil dren, cut down together. "I do' not wish to minimize In any way the warning" given by Mr. Hoover, The Semi-Annual Sale of Saks-Made Suits for Men Formerly $28, $25 and $23 Now $18.50 2 "Brass-Band" advertising is not necessary to sell Saks suits at their regular prices, there fore we see no necessity of spreading ink all over, this page to emphasize the importance of these reductions. Woolen prices are playing "leap frog' labor conditions are abnormal, and clothing prices must increase accordingly all of which should tend to bring any clear-thinking man to Saks this morning in double-quick time. Big Savings on Saks Overcoats are now in order in the sale of Saks overcoats at $18.50. A good selection of models for men of all preferences. Fifth Floor. Small charge Broadway at 3-tth But if there was a shortage of food here Mr, Hoover would see that a sufficient supply was sent at once to this city." The Federal Food Board received yes terday from Mr. Hoover a telegram reading: "We are wiring Federal Food Admin istrators west of tho Mississippi River, also Illinois and Wisconsin, Tho season of surplus production if mutton and lamb raised for meat purposes In tho Western States Is now on. Tho Food Administration authorizes you to re move until Agirll 15 Its-recommendation against eating of-mutton and lamb In the voluntary meatless Tuesdays." It Is the understanding of Mr. Will iam that lamb and mutton still are pro scribed In tho East. Commissioner Eugene H. Porter ot the Division of Foods and Markets of the Stato Fond Commission reports 17,559, 273 pounds of American cheese (49 firms) wero In cold storago on February 1, or an Increase ot 11,189,890 pounds over February 1, 1917; 14,427,121 pounds of broilers, roasters, fowls, turkeys and miscellaneous poultry (13 firms), an In crease of 0,219,732 pounds over Feb ruary 1 a year ago; 27,121,444 pounds of frozen beef (44 firms), as against 44, 556,961 pounds on February 1, 1917; 4,583,485 pounds ot creamery butter (44 firms), as compared with 0.547,679 pounds a year ago. BAN ON SHEEP MEAT LIFTED IN THE YfEST Beef and Pork, However, Aro Still to Bo Conserved, Says Hoover. Wabhinoton, Feb, 22. Permission was given to Food Administrators in States west of tho Mississippi to-day to lift tho restrictions on the use of mut ton and lamb during the spring market ing season. This was done because this class of meat Is not exported to tho Allies, and railroad congestion has pre vented Its freo movement East. The free uso of mutton and lamb Is permitted now In several of the Western States. Tho meatless days in fo far ns they apply to beef nnd pork will bo continued in force as at present. The rebtrictlons may be lifted, tho admin istrators were notified, until April 15, when the marketing season virtually Is over. "It is de.ilr.ible to bear In mind," said Food Administrator Hoover to-day, "that tho meatless days are simply and solely for the purjiose of enabling us to feed the Allies by saving on our meat con sumption. They were Instituted as a dcvlco to this end because It plsces the burden of -avlnv on those classes most able to do so, "Our national consumption has In creased nt a fiiKter rate than our produc tion, nnd therefore without tho meatles3 days we would not be In position to ex port even tho pro-war average amounts. Therefore the actual having is more than Is apparent by the comparison of di rect figures. "That llio exports arc absolutely vital needs no proof further than the state ment of tho ration at present in foice In Europe aineug the Allies, which has been reduced approximately to one pound of meats of all kinds a week, or less than 30 per cent, of tho present American consumption, and it Is to-day nt so low a figure as to tend to diminish the mo rale and tho resistance of tho Alllc.". We are doing our best to tncreaso the amount of exports and can do so only by rigid conservation on tho part of tha American people." Meatless days in tho United States have F.-tved 110,000.000 pounds of beef in four months, the Food Administration announced. During this period HJ.I.GOn, 00ft pounds of beef weie exported to the Allies with 4 00,000,000 pounds nf poll: product'. Tlie atinounecnien says: "If the many people who have assisted us in the iiriiimulatlon of exportable stocks of meat products during the lait three months tould receive the expres sions of gratitude with which these ship ments are now being received in Hurope among the Allies they would feel am ply lewarded for the sacrifices." State food ndmitiWtrators were or dered to enforce stiictly the Food Ad nilniitratlon's rule requiring baker to ue J0 rer cent, of wheat Hour sub-tt-tute! In all bakeiy products by Fcb lum v 24. "Thi- rule," lead a telegram sent to the administrators, "li nn important link in the Food Administration's wheat conservation programme, upon the suc cess of which depends our ability to sup ply tlm Allies with the wheat flour that Is essential to their victory and ours. The list of the substitutes Is wide." for alterations. Street fADOO KEPT HANDS OFF TUBE TRANSFER Says 'Ho Asked Railroad Ad visory Board to Decide Con trol Question. tptriat DtipatcH to TBI SUM. Washington, Feb. 22. Director-General McAdoo In a statement to-day ex plained how the Hudson tubes come to bo taken over by the Government and his own connection with tho matter. Mr. McAdoo points out that tha tubes were taken over December 28 along with all tho other railroads, the Hudson and Manhattan Company being an In terstate carrier and part of the terminal facilities of tho Pennsylvania. It seemed clear, he said, that It was embraced In the President's proclamation as a "ter minal company," "On January 3,"' said Mr. McAdoo, "a special notice as well as a general order was Issued and bulletined In tho usual way by W. C. Flsko, president of the Hudson and Manhattan terminal, calling attention to the President's proclamation and stating that the 'business and opera tlon of the road will continue In accord ance therewith.' "At the same tlmo Mr. Flsko (In like manner as other rallroai presidents have done with respect to other rail roads) formally requested advice as to the exact status of the Hudson and Man hattan Company under the President's proclamation In order that there might be no question about It. "On account of my previous connection with the company, which was terminated when I entered public life five years ngo, I submitted the question to a meeting of the Railroad Advisory Board, nt which were present Messrs. John Hkelton Will lams, Henry Walters, Edward Chambers, Walker D. Hlnes and John Barton Payne. A. H. Smith, regional director. Eastern territory, was also present. "I asked thorn to consider the matter upon its merits and to advise me what should be done. After full discussion they were unanimous In tho conclusion that the Hudson and Manhattan Rail road was an Important and necessary part of tho terminal facilities of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company In New York and that It was included In the Presidents proclamation. "Theso facta wero of common knowl edge. No unusual consideration has been given to tho Hudson and Manhat tan Railroad Company ; It has been dealt with solely on the merits of tho caso nnd exactly as In tho caso of other railroad companies which In Ilka manner have applied for specific decisions. "Comment has been mado In n news paper article on the rise In tha market value of Hud'on and Manhattan Hall road bonds. There is nothing significant about this, Btncn thero was a prompt rise In the value of all railroad securi ties after tho publication of the Presi dent's proclamation." II 1 1Am.- Broadway at 34th Will Offer Extraordinary Values Today in Men's Silk Neckwear Special at 55c To simply say that these cravats are ex cellent value at fifty -five cents would not begin to express the unusual importance of this offer ing. Cravats of this quality cannot be seen any where in town at anything near this price. The rare beauty of the silks from which they are made, the skilful manner in which each scarf has been tailored, and their soft, exclusive color ings are entirely foreign to neckwear usually offered at this figure. . College. Regimental and Club Stripes in twin-and tri-colorings; neat fig ured patterns; Smart Plaid effects and a thousand other designs to choose from. We shall also present a special lot of Men's Shirts at $1.65 Shirts that have been made from short lengths of cloth intended for shirts at higher prices. The patterns are in those soft, rich colorings that appeal especially to men who lean toward higher-priced made-to-order shirts. The weaves: Henley Madras, Mentonc Madras, Bcl nord Cords. Belton Silk-striped Fabrics. Pickwick Cloth, and Kennmorc - the richest product of American mills. Beginning This Morning on the Sixth Floor Sale of Men's English Ulsters at $35 Reduced from $50, $60 and $65 j Large, roomy, double-breasted Ulsters, tailored in soft, fleecy British woolens of the finest quality. Mostly full-belted models with Raglan shoulder or set-in sleeves, some with de tachable fleece linings. Heather Mixtures, Browns, Greys and other good colors. REBUKES SENATOR FOR ATTACKING T.R. Lanjfley Censures James of Kentucky During Speech in-Hoitse. Special Detpatcti to Tns Sex. Wabhinoton, Feb. 22. A thinly veiled attack on Senator James (Kentucky) for his Incidental attack on TheoVloM Roosevelt whllo defending the Secretary of War recently and a plain statement of tho course in constructive criticism that tho Republicans In Congress Intend to follow marked a speech In the House to-day by Representative Langley (Ken tucky), Republican. Mr. Langley reiterated that It Is the Intention of tho Republican party to da everything necessary to aid the Presi dent In the conduct ot tho war, but added that ho had no patlenco with the , argument that "ho who criticises errors Is guilty of aiding our enemies or being In sympathy wltli them." Plainly Indicating Senator James tlien but not naming him the speaker said I "The samo distinguished Kentucklan deprecated tho Injection of politics Into a discussion of war matters, and yet he himself is guilty of doing that very thing. Speaking In a facetious vein, he Is said to havo madei somo sneering ref erences to that beloved and patriotlo American Theodore Roosevelt., referring to him as the 'King of the Jungle,' the 'hero of San Juan Hill and tho 'discov erer of tho River of Doubt,' Ac, and that, too, when Roosevelt was lying 111 and when not only Americans, but our allies ns well, were hoping and praying that he might be spared to us, "When 1 read this part of the speedh." Mr. Langley continued, "I remembered that tho man to whom he was referring was the same one who delivered the ulti matum to tho CJerman Imperial Govern ment prohlbttlng.lts ships from touching tho shores of the land where the lUvei of Doubt Itself flows and who gave Ad miral Dewey tho order to have his fleet ready to sail in twenty-four hours if the order was not obeyed, I wondered howr much joy It would liavo brought to tho palace of tho Kaiser If this samo 'hem of San Juan Hill,' this same 'King oC the Jungle' hsd hail It In his power to give -a like ultimatum before the tanla was sent to the bottom of tlie sea." I Soft Coal Production Decrease. Washington, Feb. 22. Bituminous I coal production In January was at tha lowest rate since September, 1916. In I making public the figures to-day the , (leologlcal Survey blames the slump en- ' n. .. 1 1 .1 Miiinoattnn TV- 1.1111. ary output was 4 2,727,000 tons, some 5,000,000 tonH behind the mark set In January, 1117. c. . "" Street