Fair to-day; to-morrow partly cloudy;
moderate west to northwest winds.
Highest temperature yesterday, 53; lowest, 31.
Detailed weather reports nn last pne.
VOL. LXXXV. NO. 178.
NEW YORK, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1918. Copyright, nil, by the Sun PrinUng and PublUhtng AMOCtation.
GETS 25 YEARS: round TEUTONS;; StMm,hip ,. Shc Ap ReMntlv Breaking in New York OF PETROGRAD AND QUITS WAR
foiii't-niiU'tinled Hero After War Trade Board llejiorts
American and Otlier Km- Deleoation Sent to Brest
lassies and Jations . LHovsk t Sign the
to (Jnit ripital. Idlest Demands.
llciiifr Brought Back
T'rom Fi-ani-e.
Biff J)rop in Foods Xeu
trals Export to Foe.
Hinted He Wouldn't Fijrllt Arranoinei'ts Made, to rtilize
Ajrainst His (Jerinaii
.MmiIi' A t tempt to Hot Traill
(Viti'iI to Submarine
Activities. ,
I'jvnl A Menkes of the .Six--i
. Infantry, I'nlted States Army
-tgjmra). was brought bark from
r'.ne, tried by a court-martial on
r ugrs fif iolatlou of Ills constltu-
Sl 1t" a"l ndjmlgcd guilty of '"at-,
n-aipt nip to avoid service, demonstrating
i'.:.lma,:v to tho Covet nmeiit of the
t'd'ed Stales and sympathy with llsl"' " ..."
eii-rni He was sentenced to terve
tweim ni eais nt haul l.inor In the
1 Si.ue IlolplInary llarracks at
1 i.i menwotth, Kan.
b ii Menkes' dishonorable dismissal
i "irvUe was announced last
. ''urn r.ovcrnors Island as bearlns;
, , .. i februaiy 23.
t. Menkes wrote three letter, one
i u Secretary of War and two to lh'
ti'i'.int-i ieneral. for acceptance of his
-... j. nuni -canse hl wife Irt an Aui-
,in, rti il bemtiHi of his own family's
-neotlmis In (,ernian
11.. asked thnt i
re.lgnatlon could not be accepted hy the board which are designed to
tiunrir.i in -irnnsnnrt dutv in'prceiu acuto food or economic sifter-
ie submarine lone" rather than be
n.pi'lled 'i fight face to face on Innd
a 'h Hii kinsmen.
(iecaue of thetfe letters he was sent
bill, fiom l'e-shlng's unny for ttlal. and
" lliese he was convicted, hut the seer-
of hi seuteure, according to oMieers '
"f i .e ludge Advocate tieneial's Depart
ment nas becaue theie was evidence to
ni he was In touch with Von Bern-'
'oi'l's ncent", i out rlbutcd to German
ptop it. mil. i funds and winked for pcaie
a' any price up to the time Ameiica eli
t'"'il til" wat
Tills evlilciire ;i illscoveied aftei
llenkcs ii hi ought bark fiom rrani e
'or trial, depatches fiom Wahifiglnu
"aid last night. On lauding he akel
' be allowed to see his wife. This was
ciiled, but he was permitted to tcle
ihnne. and oltlrvr "listening In" heard
luni instruct his wife to burn all his
llefore XIrt. Menkes could carry out
'p order her home was entered and the
initiating letteis and papeii were
sH7.ed According to officers f the
inltfe Advocato General's Department
' i use proved that Menkes not only had
wo in communication with Count von
'iniorT. then German Ambassador to
e I lilted States, but had contributed
f 'b'yiiati, Austrian nnd Turkish funds
ami nail ocen an active propagandist.
Letter Io Socrrtarj linker.
t Citdaln's letter to Secietary
H.im'' written in San Antonio, Tex..
V . :s 1!'1T. follows :
! the event that the reasons Mated
lr n letter of resignation are not
le-ni.. sufficient I feel It my solemn
c further state tho following:
1- lier seMlce n a commissioned
c'O r oiu( sooner or later take me to
i r t .i id there bring me in conflict
ili "io, who are my relatles and
' i i although for the time being
2 I i lemio My father eanie from
f ni.i iv y moth1!' was born here
vTt i- .ifter the arrival of her parents.
ve 1 ir many other t'elatlcs nnd
fr..-. i, .re I cannot force myself to
- Hon that 1 am 'ai.ible of
n n,i on my kindred 'ipon theli
,i mnner tli.it would become my
0'' iml station. 1 carm-itU miuest
"' I 'i.n not be ri'ciiired lu undergo
' "b il I set ninety doubt m ability
r ' iiand it. and would iiiuid in the
' of nn count iv, family and
'" what at lcaet appears the piob
i !i.crtlenee,
- ini onlv alternative if my sen Ices
' 'pi'ii-cii witn, I would suggest
another Held However, I ivewt
v believe that it is to the main-
of the Government tli.it tn
c a commissioned officer of
he terminated by the nccep
,ild resignation
rel regiet to feel tailed upon
' ic u"ul methods of commun,
T.ie subject and emergency np-
.id n t of no alternative, and I
t' e efforts mil) be patiloncd '
M rlie to Ailjiitmit-Gi'iicriil,
I ".e he wide to the Adjutant.
i. Cii I forvvatded a letter len
1 eignation as an officer of
Reasons other than lliyo
ited wen- alleged These
illv tatel to the authorities
" - i esign.itinii. viz, m.v battalion
i'. tin- departinc lit ipuntei-
I Hi iinni.iliiliiiii General.
K I iep.ii i inenl Itellt v lug It piy
.o 'H ilnt 'iij imniediate sni
d Hie War IVp.iilinenI of
ii, and of tlio Mtiritlou m
. placed. I lit l'ulluvviiu' Is eub-
i'iv,n tntlsf soonei ni laler
.nlliet with those who ate
.mil fi lends, although for
g legal enemies. .My fathei
'erni.iny. .Mv mother was
I tilled Slates shortly after
f'om Geimany o( her jiar-
elatlves and friends. ie
My wlfo came from Alls-
I. itaes of her live there,
foiee Hie conviction that I
"' miking' war mi my km-
u soil yi a manner as be
f,' .Hid station, J tetpiest
"i be icipnrtMl to undergo
1 I seriously doubt my abil
ity i w ini) )i, m,,i Would avoid In
t - of rnv coiintr.v, family nnd
ii.sci(iiencc.i us at li-asl
, .1,.
' c.h w ill not be dispensed
dutj in another field, or
w .1 not itipiiie me actively
' .ig.ui.st my own blood o
lti others In lining so. I
einiest may not ho con-
k 'tialiy to my envn country
'ten t,i 77nn Viujt.
2.000,000 Ton imp) for
Americn's Allies.
pful tittpatth to Tim Si
Washington, Feb. 24. The auce-ess of
Hie War Trade Hoard In tightening the
economic ring about Germany ntiil her
alllcH is shown by Its first annual repoit
to the President, tnade public to-eloy
lti addition It reviews the accomplish
ment In obtaining for the Fnlted Plate.
and the Allien the service of a large
tonnage of neutral shipping lone tied up
In American harbors by the embargoes
put down Immediately following the dec
larallou of wnr.
Speaking of the northern F.uropcau
neutrals the report states .
"It Is shown that exports of foodstuffs
to the Central rowers by the northern
l'lirnii.nn tioitt rf 1 n Iiuva jlnfl I n,l ftnm
al,t year's flgurea In an amount estl-
mated at from r. to S5 per cent, and
that there lias been a decrease, in the
particularly those esentlnl to,
munitions making." I
The report reveals mobilization of the
economic arm of tho l.'nlted States und )
the effectlvo use of trade lestralntH on '
the I'entral 1'owcts. It Is Indicated,
!iowoer, that every effort Is being tnade
to auild even the appearance of io- ,
eu-Ion or retaliation In our relations
with the neutral countries!.
iKrrrmrnti .Made With .Nroirali.
With all of the neutrala contiguous
to the t'entrnl l'dwer agreements have
been concluded or aio being negotiated
niK HI iiicm: louiurie uuti at me Hllle
time to preent their falling under the
economic power of the enemy. In addi
tion they secure to this country and our
illies th bun-fit of additional ship ton
nage and cominodltic essential to prose
cution of tho war.
The board's accomplishment in getting
r-li S l tonnage and in conti oiling encm
tradlnt,' N shown in !.V following sec
tions :
"In Novembei, 1:M7. e became a
p.uty to I5ie.it Urltdlii .s tentative agree
ment with Noiw. as a result of which
action on our part l.tim.iiini tons dead
weight of Norwegian shipping were char
tered into the service of the ruited
States nnd tjteat llrltn'n for the period
of the wnr.
"Shortly following tempouiy agiee-
nents were concluded Willi Molland and
with Sweden. That with Holland glvca , setUeiment by agreement or the rcponsi
us.th.; use for periods up to ninety day 1 bllitv of connecting Its uniinlshed task
nf 450,00" ton dead weight of her ship
ping which had heretofoie for a long'
lnod lain Idle The agreement with
Sweden gives us the use for three i
months of tonnage estimated at ISu.nOO
tons tlead weight, which had licit been
employed in sciviie useful to us
I'.nemy iltnutiiKe Sttimird,
"Specille aci niiipllhinentt of tin-,
chaiarter are, liowevti, far f-om consti
tuting a full measure of all the tesulls
i.clueved bv the War Tiade ".o-i.'. The
tnni'iiallim of enemv adai.':i fiom
out trade and to a considerable extent
foir 1 nt ot tho world, the seenih a.1 I
coii'.iiving i oininodlties csm i,,:il o
oitrse,fs nnd those assoMated w - -is
in tno win, lb" Inliiging of hhlppinz i -u.ill.i
into th service" most u-eii:l i
us, lliosc results cannot be aciur.tnh
slated or nppratsed at the pi event tune
nor have thev btcn nci onipb .bed b i-n-single"
in i oi agreement ''
Abollt.ou of calls at Halifax for Oups
sailing lK'lween I'nlted Slali" and I, inn
penu iiettnal ports, which i fi rcdiint
oveed in a paragraph tlea'cig with ei.
deavnis ot tile bo.nil lo ledni" ill" nei
csary tontiol machinery over i-alb.itt.
lias been ii'COinpli"heil
"l.ettets of assurance" 'ivietou-ie
sued bv Ibc Itrltish l-'nihisf; nra i
b iger icnuiied
Kttillli Itriiorletl n ".iijlng It Iv
lnr llnhle.
l.t..sio?:, I'eb. 21 n olTicial lepnrt
of an addict." ,ellered nt a meeting of
ihe Liberal whii and agents on 1'ild.iv
shows that former Tremler Asiultli de
t lined that a gelieial election was now
Inevitable and that irc par.itions should
be in nle to meet it
Mis speech dealt malnlv with the
clvinget brought about bv the last fran
chise bill, especially the women's Mile,
.nid indicated Ihe possibility that an
t lection might come even within a few
Terms of Central Powers In
clude Land for Bulgaria.
Loloy, IVb. 24. - Informal ie.,, e
negotiations with I'.umanla weie begun
otcrilav at Castle llufftea, near Much-I
litest, according Io advices reaching
diplomatic chiles at Tho Hague, ni
transmitted in an Kxehnnge Telegraph
despatch f nun that point
The iirms of the Ceminl Towers are
said Io include tenltorl.il acquisitions for
Ilnlgarla and economic preferences fr
Germany and Austria. Premier Aveiesco
of Itinn.mla will consult King Ferdinand
nt .lassv, for whl'll pill pose n few days,
of grace weie given b.v tho roprescnta
thes nf tho Central Towers.
Germany Is represented In the negotla
lion" b Foreign .Secretary von Kuhl
mann, Austria b.v Foreign .Minister
i.V.eriun and Ilulgaria by I'remlfr
Cretv of Kf-nlrn I llrsriied on
( lillrnn CohuI,
SixriOA Chile, Feb, 21 The Ameri
can steamship Kentra, plying between
New York and Chilean potts, has
stranded near Compel and It is believed
she will bit a total loss. The crew was
rescued and part of the cargo saved.
Tlie Kcntra belongs to loo I'nlteef
States Iiodutt.s Compam, New York,
She lneusutes IS3 tons gros, The
jttcamslilp was built in 1'jn".
Copyright by t'r.ijrrw ioJ Und(rnoJ
Even if Irish Constitution Is
Offered i Acceptance
Carries Dangers.
Ultimate Settlement Under
Martial i.aw Is Popu
lar Fear.
... . .
il i hit lwtc1 w r.it. i.
ivmrtjhl 1M: nil .-il.i. ,,.tn,tl ,
I.snoN, I'eb. 24 The litbuis uf the
Irish comentlon are i. earing the'.r end, (
and the next meeting, on Tuesdaj. may
be tbu last, lu work may leault in U
may be thrown on the Gov eminent . In
either case the situation is an anxious
one not only foi lieland but for the
F.ven If n constitution Is offeietl whb h
the gieat majority of the people of Ire
land can accept It will lie necessary for
them to apply all their energies to make
that constitution a success. John Dil
lon's warning that the enemies of the
constitutional movement have shown
their Intention to stop at no means to
prevent home rule is attracting much at
tention. Dining the last few month the popu
lation of County Claie and of large tils
trlcts In adjacent counties have put
themselves in the position of teasing to
lecngnlze the law . all Government iegu
Utloni are openly Ignored and there ti
no longer even a pretence of rcnpct for
The correspondent of the lxiridnu lofi
.V, ici, who lias spent several weeks in
t nin dlslrn t, sa s .
"Western Ireland l drifting Into th
rapids of nnnrrhy while the Chief Sec
letnry stands apparently spellbound and
he. ippe.ils for guidance or a pollcv me
jiuieanl or ignored. In the background
of all lush minds that are, ahle lo v.'v
events clearly is the shadow of the
I'ci'ie of an ultimate settlement uiidre
inaitlal law In the attitude of the neo
pl' in Hie west there is little of bitter
ness or hilrcd, but much of contempt for
i.hat then choose lo leg. ml as the dull
bpii.dering of a set of stupid outsidet ".'
Helgln n tee"
I, lines llnlllc Willi
, liilor.
I. but Tnlei-i). who
Haws. I'eb 2 4
holds Un best fighting leiord in the
ItelRian aviation c.scadiillc. was brought
down on .iiuidav in n light with font
adversarie-. and fell inside the encni.v s
lines behind Woiiuien. iiileny had tie
destruction of ten etirm.i airplanes to
his reilit
The fouun srrvlto i citnniitlco nf the
Aeio liub of Xincrici iccently voled to
tonfer the spe"lal war medal of t lit-
club on Lieut Thiertv
Imprisoned I'lirini-r I'rruilrr Ic-
llni or Inilluesllon.
I'.vnis, I'd 21 Former Premier Call-J
laux. who It In ibc .Saute ptlsoti thaigctl I
with tieason. b.is linen ill ffir the last I
tluce tlavs He ," said lo lie siifTeiing
frmn indlgestloi S iibyslcian. In .
SoctUrt, has been olfi lalh chin ged w Ith i
Un examination of the ptisoni'i to de-1
ternilne whether it will lie iiccess.ir.v
to tiansfer him from loo Sante pilson,
to an Inllitnai.x at Fiesnes.
Several Air Raids by Allies
A xiHTElin M. Feb, 21 German tmpeiH
lerelved here announce! several ullled air
i.-ilds on German towns last week, llomlw
were dropped at Wehlan Monday, there
being thico victims of tho explosion
Then1 waH a slight elnjuage done. The
town of Plrmasens, Ilavarla, was bombed
Wednesday noon.
Several peisons were wounded and
tome damage was done to houses. P.ald.
I, mm vlsllril M.iiinheim Yedtiesdav niclit
and some daniagn was done to houses. A
child wuh Killed nnd u woman and a
' child weie injuied theie, Ihe ncwspapeis
Florizel Strikes Reef During Blinding Snowstorm
Line Cast on Steamship Brings No Response All
'Aboard Regarded as Having Perished
Her Wireless Breaks Down.
lttiil ietiiifc
I'eb. 2 1 While
r!T. Jill IN ..
m her wn
N. I'..
from this port to Now
i'to"- liner riorizel struck a teef twenty miles noitli of Cape Mace befoie
dawn this morning, anil '.t is believetl that nil on board. 14C petsons, includlnc;
llfty saliKiti passenger, were lost.
message f:om the st fi'e of the VMeck
late to-night make-" It almri-t teitaiu
that theie will be n , sutvivo1. i'.i.i:. ,
Cook, wl o sent a despatch from the
sie.ne t the line's officials, .iid liat ro-k-ts
and a line bad been jru! aboard the
unsubiiierged forwaid part of the l'loii-
7ei t,utyihat if bands bad grasped It
One or four steamships sent fiom .t
fe KillIB tgnlpment re-
llorleil t!l,u ,t,e had luunc'ned a boat but
(,at the sea was j violent the' lifeboat
men could not net within a epiaiter of a
mile of tr.e ship, i apt t ook sain me
condition of the Fliulrel was nopeles-s
and that be could hold out little hope
for the shlp's-conipativ.
Where IMsimtcr eieeiirred.
The disaster nccurted . il a desolate
jiarl of the coast, two miles from Hie
nearest settlement. Ilroad Cove, and re
mote from an) life saving station, n
that it was moie than half a da be
fore asslsiance could be sent
Then only the forward pail of the
sturdy shli, heavily equipped as un Ice
breaker, wai visible, and through veils
of spray and spindrift from a wild suif
watchers on shore could dimly see at
Intervals several men waving Irom the
forecastle head for help.
When darkness came lights were no
ticed nickering on the bridge, to which
lifeless men appeared to Vie lathed Mow
Capt W. .1 .Martin, a veteran who knew
the course between Halifax and St.
John's a well as any .-kipper in the i told that it would be necessaiv for the-n
seniie. missed bis wav and ..line up on to bo vac mated. It Is believed that at
Hie leef niav never he revenlcjl ' least Iwentv weie deterred by th'" re-
II is piobahle that Capt Maitin. like iiuirement from taking passage and pro
inniiv olber master manners who have i ceedt tl to I lallfnx or New Yin k bv rail.
Ir-st their ships In slmibii cii' iitiistances, j
was literally bewiliieieil in the bllzziud
like storm. Kveit, navigator ditnds a
lilindlng snow more than fog Hut there
Is a possibility of the Florlze! having had
l'cr m.ithlnerv dernnged ami of having
been toned shniewnrd, and still another
possibilllv nf Geiman agents baMiig had
a hand m her desn in '.Ion.
Left III iiiiiwuliiriii.
The lioiiel sailed hence latl evening
,iii a suowsioim llmt gtew almost to
' Mixrard dimensions Inward u ol'iigh' l l t
i moderated towanl nioimriR. She tarried
."el saloon passfngcts. 27 steerage pns
, seugers and a i rew of ST, iniiiidiiig a
slewatdess. Most of Ihe inssiugers
weie bound for Hiilifiiv. The Ills news
of the liner's plight came lo Ihe tadio
station at Cape" liat e shorth after .'.
otloek this morning. H was an ,S i S
and was supplemented bv Ihe aniiouin e
1 inenl thai she was "Handed and in
i danger of swift ilcstt uetlou
' That the ship was nv t i w helmed tap
i nllv bv combers was Indicated bv the
. failure of her wueless nppaintu-. in lets
' Minn two minutes iifier she called for
help. Her wlieles- operaloi stood to bis
ilnlv Milnioiislv, but Ins mei liani"ni wn
siii:isiiil by the tutbiibnt wateis The
I imcskiko sonneted find hulled and llnalh
.tin- linrir.cl lost toinii vvilh the living
w in Id
It wa surmised that tin- lifeboats of
ihe FlorU'i had been can led away or
stove soon after she hit the icef, and
' even If Mie had eueeceded In launching
one llieie was no hope of it teaching
' Hie sliotc with an of Its occupants
t alhe.
I itnlile It
Winn rc-'ilcnts of luo.ni i ove
' rea eiied the wreck It was late In the i
I afternoon They Ihci i-nw il.slinelly
men signalling from thn litiilao and
1 otlier men lashed in Hie tigging. As
' they had nothing: Inn small boats and no
I life saving apparatus they could do niih
1 lug except gaze dumbly at the vvicck,
' and wall for bodies to drift ashore.
I A tellef train from this city ,n lived
a i Ilroad Cove late in the afternoon,
with physicians, nurses, a parts of
! naval gunners with toe wet tiling ap-'
par.ttus who hoped lo get a line over
thn ship and eventuallv were successful,
hut received no re.ionse from her. Capt I
Tasker Cook; marine agent of the line
at this pent, had charge of the relief,
party, which with I lie help of the nn-,
tives found Ibc bodies of sl.x men and
a woman. Five were identified. They
were Capt. Jocph Keau. master i
mariner, on hl wa. In Halifax to lake
command of n steamship; Coipoial Fred
Snow, one of six cadels of the Newfound-,
land leglinenl who weie to have joined
Hie Itovnl Fblug ("nips ill Toionto, i
Jnmes Long, n sulloi . ,Mi, Fietl l.uller
and IMwriid Fioude. botli of tho latter
liuvlug been llrst rbi-s iasseiifieis bound
lor New York
AniiniB the saloon imssungers wcru
to Tine
sroplng thiougli a
'iiovs pel nieated i
Votk by wny of Halifax tho l!ed
.Major .Mi-h.ie! Sullivan, commander of
the Newfoundland Forestry Hatt all, Hi .
Thomas .M. Ne.l, print ipal of the Me
Murtlo Ding Compan.v of ih.s city.
Fred Smvthe, manager of t lit- New
foundland Woolen .Mill-; William liu'
ler, an anhltect, and his. vv!fe. who were
on ilielr wa to Florida. William K.irlc.
a tlsh merchant, bound for Canada on
a business trip; IJdwaid lleiteau, Fled
Snow. N'oiiuau Sellait, John Parson.-,
li.ilpii Ilurnham and Alexandf.
l.eduujh.i'n. The last s.x named welt;
cadets of the Newfo.iudlaud regiment,
who weie lo hne Joined the Ito.val Fly
ing CeTips at Tornnlo. All except thiee
of the pusseugeis wen- natives of New
foundland. These tluce weie comuierclal
Haveners, .Mr. Steven of New Voil:.
W. W. Dnupliinee of Montie.il mid O. 1'.
Hellevean of Toronto.
rrn ilKrmrnt fur llesenr,
All.-lllijeinents were mine hele ti st'll.l
the Terra Nova, a 'n'lnij veosel. to the
aid of the Flotiztl, and a special train
carrying phvs.Mans, nurses and supplies
was made up ami ilespn bed to Hit point
neaiest tho scene of the w i et k
The crew of the I'lorlrel Included one
weman. Miss ); Mcllaid. stewardess.
The ship's puiser. F. M Jones, was chief
pur?r ot inn ised i ros i.uie anil was The plfsent attitude ot eerta'u Aus
servlnii on the StiTano when the latter triim newspapers is decidedlv nut cal
was sunk bv the German submarine off eulatcl to make the feeling in Gernianv
, the Massachusetts coast. townid Austria any moie friendli
; Sickness tlevelopetl on th steaipee
i while she r here a few days .ti,o ami
. a'l those seeking passage upon her were
The coastal vcs'ci Pnispeto, equipped
with llfcsnving apparatus, from li.icen
lia Hn , and four sieamshljis fiom this
illy were sent lo itroad Cove. Two had
reached theie at nightfall Should the
weather moderate then- was thought lo
be ,i ehanie thai the steam-hlp. nilgV be
of assisla n While Ihe stern of the
Fio-',?.el was suhini 1 ged hri bow. icstn-g
on the ledge, was partlv out or watto ,
Marnicirt lioped ihat n ad'lition to Hie
live seen near the fnieistle other sur
vivors weie huddled in the forward part
of liio ship and might etlll be saved.
It I re
lleslunnled lis
. rw x. nrk.
II n ii nil for
St Ioh '
srnger llsl
low s
N P. I eh 21 The pa--'
Hie Florltel was as foi-
I'lrst (inn. fur rn 1 nrl,,
llAUltHTT. M
lirTLP.n, ntun
IIALTON. Mist ANNli',.
FlIiil Di:. MDWAIlli.
Mi.'Ni:iL. TIlii.M.VS
WltlGMT, l!OHi:i!T
.second ( III fur .Neil t nrL.
i iiSii'.I.Li'. Ji ill N
1 'A NI MF. Miss MINN II.
Conf(,ni tin 7'ini( 'ite
Omar Khayyam Girls
to Sing for the Fund
MKXT Monday, a week from to
night,, is to he SUN Tobac
co Fund Night in the Omar Khay
yam room nt the Martinique, (ius
Kdwards is preparing special mu
sic, including a now smoke song,
nnd the beauties who make up his
girlie show can hardly wait for
the singing, the dancing nnd the
fun making to begin. Don't for
get the date and the cause! '
llACCO FUND has no connection
with any other fund, organization
or publication, it employs no
agents or solicitors.
Rend about it on page r.
llreacli Itctvtccn Oi'i'inaiix anil
Aiisiro-llnnrarv Is (irow
iny Wider.
Veiled Threats Made for Crit
icism of the Ukrainian
M STI.I1I, c M . J'tb 21 - T.ie Genuan
li.n.c's coniincn' mi tiic lelations between
Germany and Xuslri.i. which appaieut
are beioin'ng quite strained
The Tii(etrif utir; lontrasts the abuse
of Germnnv in Aust-la lu connection
with the 1'kr.ilnlaii Heaty with the
ptale bestowed on Count Czernin, the
Anstro-lluiig.irhui '"orelgn Minister. The
paiiei trie to discover the motive of
the Vienna ollkiiil news, agency in pub
lishing tue Pollen manifesto reflecting 1
ilium Gcnn.ii . which has given gieat
iiffense, ami toni'H to the conclusion that
the VustilH'i censorship by its attitude
all along has tailed to show appreciation
of Gerinan.v's inteiests. adding.
"It is time tliar we point out most em
phatically how s-ui n ini idents are t n
ilangerlng the friendlj rclatlonti between
the tw o i ountrles. '
Tie lltiuibmycr .V,o nncMrtt savs
House May Accept Senate's
Limit of Control.
s)e,'.,i ftsT,7, to Tin, i .
sn ixi.tiis. I'eb 21 Ilefure Hie t ml
f t.ie week the Administration lailtoad
bill desicued to confer further powers on
the lint ctoi -Genet al for more effecMt e
operation w'll be in mnfetence. The
House is expecteil to pass ihe measure
on T!Hirfd.i, iuiordlim to piese"! out
look. A hltlet tight i. expected on an effort
'o keep rate tixing in Hie hard c.f the
Interstate I'.nninen e CommKdmi instead
of vesting this power in Hie Dliertoi
General. The Ailmtuixti.ittnn will make
a strong effort to fore" adoption of the
plan for placing: this power in the bands
of the Dlici'toi -Geneial
Tl'e stroiie, GoveinmtMt owucrsh'p
senHment whl.ii exist, d when tlie rail
roatl bill was being drawn and vv'.ien it
first was sent lo e Viiigre-ss is rapldlv
fading out. Tne Interst.iic Coumietce
Commission 'n charge of the b.ll. vofetl
decisively to terminale Gint'ininent con
troJ at a defliilie ilate aftet the close of
the war and then voled l." to c to return
tlie roads two cars after peine is e".
lablislied The only fight on this section
of any consiqiience is expe, ted to t ttnie
I III the House on the length ol ti ne after
I Ihe war the loads shall uin.iin undrr
IVdei'.il tonirnl
Theie is a stinni. Iikelilioml ilia' the
eigliteen months period iniiudetl in the
bill as it pnstt'd the Senale will be
adopttd in the Mouse t" avoid piolougcd
dlvrussiou of this point when th" lull
'goes to conference. In view of the plc.t
of the Adininisti atlon for speed in pass,
l ME Ihe hill Vdmliiisti-atlou foiccs ate e.
pet ted to gel behind ibis move.
't. in n it llni. - ilolf I'rleilrlcli IU-
! litres iidtlilil nt eu-si t rell I .
I ViisTrnnoi, I'eb 21 despatch i c
j.riveil 'mm i' fto'ii Ni'U-Stielllz saj tbe
, Grand I Hike of .MC'klcnliurR.Stielitz is
! deiiel Mis dea'h was stuldcii.
i i
Grand Duke Adolf l'i icdrh Ii was born
lu Ix2 and succeeded his fathei in
1PI 4.
Vessels llesllneil for lulled Mntea
llrtnliird nl lliirerleinn.
M vnitlli, Fell. 24 A llarceloiui eles
patch to the Impnrruil sa s olllei.il
orders have been glen postponing the
ilepnituie of Spanish steamships which
weie about to sail for Hie I'nlted States.
Tills lue.isuie is said to he due to de
lays, extending In some cases to sixly
days, to which Spanish vessels have
ieeti subjected in American pons.
Ilerrfnttt farm Seiii.ne
M Is nf lender ruriil uf little pigs Slid
, link e Mm ' Ytill lists nver lusted iierfpi
K.t Jiaf: till )"u luvo limit ihrui. JLttv,
Ctiltital in Stnte of Siee
Staff lioiiiiiiintr I'p All
I.u.noon, Feb, 24. A Telegiapli Ux
thaiigo dc"iatili from Petrograd, dated'
S4 itutd.iy, says :
"The Amerlciin and Japanese enib.i.
Hies and the Chinese, Siamese and llla
7lllati lecalioiis aie leaving 1'etiogr.nl
to-tln for Vyatka or Vologda. If nece.
s.trc ihev will go to Vudlvostuk. '
pies riml Mnrnudrr to Hp "lint
i'aiier nppreiiei.
P,"ir.our. en. Fell. 2.1 (Delajtdi Pet
iisjrad was plactsl under martial law to
day. The following pro tarnation was i
itsued b.v the Geneial ritaf o' the Pttio
vrad military dlslin t : (
"1. The ty of Petroejrad Is declared
, to h under niniti.il law.
"2 All' persons caught in the act of
stealing, pillaging, attempting expmprta- '
tlon , r otherwise conmiltlng rein eheni- i
ble deeds will be shot without pity by
detachments of th revolutionary aim
3 livery Individual. otcaiilzatlon or
institution no' baving s)eclal permission
must band over to the Couinll of Sol
dlcrh' ami Workmen's Delegates of tho
libit t let all bombs, gretiadcs. iirojectlles
I and otlier explosives, wiilch the Soldiers'
and Workmen's Delenafes w.ll send t
arni.v deiots. Fvery iit-rson who tioes
not conform within foit -eiyht bouts
with this p.u.igraph will be decbred an
"1 V. J 'Uirials and otlier organs of
tlui pies are oldlned stiicilv to veiify
all news s?t on rcgatdlng the lu tHitiesof
the (.iovernment as well as inforiudlloli
coming fiom the theatic of war. The
Rxlraordlnaiy Geneial St.ift gives notce
that refusal to siibmil in all it-.-ne.i.s lo
tills ordt"' will iuvol'.e suiipi e-sion ttf
the offending J 'tliual ami the iirit-t of
the editor and his collaborators.
Documents dealing with produ e
niiviiig or whiih luA urrivrd or is ic
t.iltied In Petrograd or Its environs n.nst
be pitsented to the JC.xIr.iordliiarv Gen
eral Staff All piotluce will be pah! for
at rate" tlxed b.v the Food Controller.
Ail) person who letuses to submit to
this cutler or Is convicted of concealing
provisions will be shot as a speculator.
"6. Counter i evolutionary agitators,
German spies and nther persons who
rise against ihe Government of levoiu
tlonary Hussla will be "hoi.
"7. All orders l-sued by Hie !ti .(or
dinary eieneral Staff enter into force on
the da of puhll. atlon lit the ptcs
organs of t lie Gov ernmt nt.
"v All newspapers are compelled to
publish the orders of the I'xlraordlnary
General Staff :n heavy type on the first
In consequence of ihe declaration of a
stnto of siege six of the most Important
.Potrograd newspaper" which opposed
the authority of the Soldiers' ami Work
men's Delegates, hae been supprt s-ed.
If attempts .ire made to reissue thoni the
entire staffs will be at rented. The pin.
lulelors are ordeieil to pay full wages
to the workmen diir.ng the period of sup.
lierilllllis Itt'inilst. AltllfL'. -Ht,
llerllii MhIciiiciiI,
llovii:, Feb 2' Following of'ifUl
announcement was g.ven out here to
d.i inir arlillerv I pier eiien.v's con-
cetitraiei) their tlie a' ).)lnis ca-t ,,f
I '! Mrenta. and theie was more fre
iiuei t and b.iia.-sing firing in the
Giuiilarle legion, on the' suiko
Plateau and ii the x i.-tiill or the
Val Dobbtadetie ami of Montello.
Abuig Hie ill ild'e toiii.e of the
Piave and below there wa.s liris-k fir
ing iininng stoutlng ixirtlts. t Gnpo
Slle one of our patrols- hrotich' back
a few prisoners front a it'coii'ioMnng
c.xpi d't ion.
IllIlM-.. !' 2! 1'olinw, llg s t lie
off b 'a 1 npoit fr mil tin; lt.tl.au f i tint
Fast of the Utenta Itner f!,e
Italians adenine! to the attack at
Col I'.iyr le in Hie evcn'ng The
were repulacd by our flic
Iilenllncil In
Se llerliiml ii
mil ll
Gtsnvv. Feb. Jt Ka.Miinu.l Sivi.boil.i
who I iiiiii'd AiueiM'.in t ttlzcu-lup wiien
aiiesteil recentlv fm espionage, being
It'lea-etl subseinit'lit Iv oil ball, was le
atrestetl at Heme esteidav and Inoiighl
io pilson heie. Me is said to pave been
tlentifleil as n Ginmitii ofllcei. The num
ber of AiishIhus and Gcim.ins arrested
III Sw itzt i laud for , espionage much tile
war Ingtin i now moie t.tau Pn'.
,-wobo.l.i was allotted in IVn-is
Mat ili. I !il a, i hargt-,1 w.'n 1-i.ing s,.,
lire to the Fi t ntii liuei Li Touiaiiic
He hoi in Amtilcin inssiott The
tn'te wis taken up b.v the Aiiiei-n an
r.inbassi In P. ii Is, bin tbe Fieinh au
thorities lain abandoned the piosciu
tlon, as nn iuquliy faded io suhst,uiu;nc
tho 'lunge. Me was i xpelliil frnui
France and weul to Sw i'zci land
S llerliind Interns Him, bill Will
scud III Mnclllile lllli'L.
(IVM'i'i, Feb. 24 official aniioiiiice
tuent was made to-day that a Geiman
a.iatni' who landed near Ilasel is n ,1,,.
Tho Unveriiment decided to lutein
the aviator n net return Hie airplane to
Genua n;-.
This Is a
Wheatless Day
Lenine Had Threatened to
Renounce the Rolsheviki
if They Refused.
Tells Council at All Night Ses
sion Thai Defenders Refuse
to Resist Invaders.
Strikes and Revolution
Predicted in Germany
A MSTERDAM, Kcu. 24. Ther
arc numerous indications in
Germany of u systematic cam
paign to promote a new general
strike, says a JBerlin despatch to
the "Weser Zeitunfr" of Bremen.
A revolution in Germany was
predicted by Dr. Cohn, Indepen
dent Socialist deputy, in an ad
dress to the Reichstag on Friday,
the "Volkszeitung" of Cologne
jays. "It is not correct to say
Unit, the people of Russia's Baltic
provinces are lunging for Ger
man rule," he is quoted. "Th
treaty with Ukraine is not tha
first step toward general peace.
I see the day coming when revo
lution will reach Germany, and
the people will take the fate of
their rulers into their own
The Independent Socialists
cheertel the speaker. From
other parts of the house came
shouts of "Traitor!"
UtvnoN. Fib. 24.-Nikolai Lenlne, the
Holsl.t-M!, Piemier ot Itussla, and leon
Tiutzl.y, h s Foreign Minister, have ac
cepted pea e conditions imposed by
tie-mam. including :uip.irently tho r
lliir)Uisinit lit of nl! ll.ilm to ISO.flO"
squaie milts of lius-.-inii territory, the
luiyiniiii of $l,'iOU.ilUH.U0l) 1n lndeninltjr,
the sulimih.-4nii to most humiliating con
dition", including the occupation by th
t!rrtrnn of IVtrograd. and f-ven agree
no' t- ntieiunt to spread their eloe
tilnes. Hie one thing, ncceudnig to thMr
own account, that justified tltu e.xb-tene
of the Hol-bev il.'.
A delegation is to be sent .tpmetlutely
o Urest-Litovsk lo sign tlie nw
trcatv In a statement issued befor
tills aiit.oiiiKetiieiil Leniue declared that
the iliiiioialized and rctrealins Ilusslan
aimv lefiised io fight. IJe strongly
urged the nivcptaiice of the German
feims and threatened that he woulel not
letn.iln in Hie Government or on th
centiil eec utive cotnmltiee of the Sol
diers' and Workmen's Delegates (th
S iv icil nn Instant longer If the
'policy of phrases'" obtained the upper
ll ii pointed nut that the abject n
nission of Hie Leninites to thn ilerinu
lei ms n.c.ins tlie loss of one-quarter of
the aiea of Luropoan Ilu.ssin and nbout
one-thlid of its total population, with n
offset wliatever lu the way of even a r- t
mote advantage
A llussi.tii Goveiiitnen w relcss mes
sage addiesseii lo ilie eierniati Govern
nieni at lletl.n ituiinuntfs thai a parlla-
mental, icptcsciitalive left IVtroxrad
eimfii an
the fcir
nan llV'li
tlclal r-
suni.i nt noon fin iiviiisk for the )iir
pose of iiansmlfting In thn Germ
loiumaii'l nl Dvuisk Uuetia's oftl
pl.v to Gennan.v'n peace condition
Aiioihei coniiiiiiiiicatloii uddressed
"To all'" aiinoiin.es Hi.it the fol'owlnj
message has btt-n sent :n ihe tJoveru
'.nent .11 llcrlln.
Acording to the deelsio.i of the
Central Kxerulivo of thn Soviet",
taken a; t .If Sunday morning, th
Soviets and People's Commissaries
have decided In n.nqit Germain-"
peace '"millions nnd will send a eiel
' gttlnn to ISrtsst-LlloVsk.
Tiot.kv Is qiioieil as having said In
an liiteiview with ihe Peirogr.id coi re
spondent of tlie i:ihange TeleRropn
Cotnpiiii,v .
"If we don i i;i t a sen,,.-,,!,. p,-ace vr
ii ill tight to Hie tlnisli. We i)o not
lost, liojie We an- mforturi! fro-n Stock
'inlm teal ul.itloie bt'tweeu HerJIu and
Vuuiia ale slr.uneil If vve possessed
.1". iiniiv able to tight we would s'art
w.n w ill) Gel u.inv
if theie is ,iii one nb e In icsist tha
German inv.isi n its mn i llolslievik )
lirtv We nave declined ih.it we weie.
for. ed to sign a pea. e declaration and
our humiliation is not greiier 1hn
when stiikers un- forced to ague to (he
terms of ice .'apltallius ') 1, n r smt
svmplnnis of pie pain, wi,' soon pass
and we j. i,ill npp'v iesoite jnethod!1 in
ol del' to llinsil 1 in- l .11."
i lie A'tn ii if hlrn of Du -.leldorf savs
Count i'odewiis Inienilz. foi nier.v
Civat i.iii Picuile , whti was the itnvnr
inii icpresent UP e ,u tne negotiations
with tin- Uuss.ans at lltexi-Litovsk. h.i
been appointed to act again in t'us e
),.ii;t' at the new peace coufci cin e.
lilies Orriumiv I'ne of ltnntn' Re
siinrci-M nml Her Vim j ,
Zl'tri'lt let'iit-A o Till. Si n
W'asiiini.ton. Feb 2 1 Gcrm.iri.v i
new peace lenns which Nicliolai Le
nine, Hie llolslievik lender, has acn-pled,
will not hull Herman nnlitniy activities
until Teuton nimies me lu a poiitmu
lo ilomiiin'e llussia and use liusslan
rt-srnir. es. lu, lulling tlie llusstan nn
agai.'i't the Lnletile anj Ule I 'tilled
Cable .nlil'i's fiom A'iinan,.idoi Frin
i Is tear ied the State Dcpnitment In.
il.i; , bin dcici iln-d on conditions pre
ilnunao lo Gernianx s latcrt utranr
dln.tr demauils anil the Ilolshevlkl'a
Isi-eedv aiveptiiuce of 1'iem It is pn
Hissiolt to foiecast what ti.e I'nlteil
nlnls aid JhUeti'e G" el iiments wtl uf